#do you know what that meanssssss?
brazilian semifinal in the sula 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
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winds-of-zephyr416 · 2 months
So it seems like there’s a lot of variety in the way people like to characterize the dark lords, especially together as a ship. Sooooooo…
The options are just from different takes I’ve seen floating around/played with myself, so pls excuse if they aren’t very diverse or comprehensible.
Reiterating from the poll, please please ramble!! I wanna hear it!!! this is your opportunity to unleash your infodumps and headcanons on the world! No pressure, but insanity about these very very sane ainur is not only welcome, but encouraged :)
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superfanficnatural · 5 months
The Son: Chapter 10
Pairing: Poe Dameron x Male!Reader (The Son)
Summary: You’ve finally broken free of the forces controlling you at a great cost, though the cost of doing so was even greater than you thought. Now, you fight for the antithesis of what you had been representing, and have to grapple with finding your own place in the galaxy while grappling with the person trying to find their way into your heart. Will The Son choose the light? Or the dark? Whatever the answer may be, may the force be with us.
A/N: N/N stands for nickname everyone!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHH THE MOVIE HAS BEGUNNNNNNNN. I want to say this now before we move forward, this story is from the Son’s (readers) perspective, WHICH MEANSSSSSS that the events of the movie will be relatively the same but not every scene will be included as the son will not be in all of them. Basically just don’t expect this series to be exactly like the movies. I will keep it as similar as possible as I go through the scenes though. Just wanted to let everyone know! And if you don’t like it then go watch the movie again cause this a FANFIC BABY IMMA ADD MY OWN SPICE. As always, I hope you enjoy!
Warnings: None
Word Count: 2,432
Italics are your thoughts
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It had been about two months since you and Poe had slept in the same bed and the two of you had gotten significantly closer. You spent every second of free time together and you had actually managed to drop your guard around him. Your training with Leia had been completed, with nothing left to teach you. Instead, you focused on solo training, building your connection with your sabers and the masters who came before you. Through this, you came to understand many unique styles of saber wielding, especially from dark side users. It made sense as the dark side prided on the power of the individual. There were a few particular ones that you enjoyed and incorporated into your own technique and you felt like you could take on the world. 
“Hey, N/N,” Poe greeted you as you left your room.
You joined his stride down the hallway, “Hey, Poe. What are your plans for the day?”
He smiled at you as you walked, “Leia’s got me busy pretty much all day, needed here and there apparently. What about you?”
You nodded, “I’m gonna be doing a bit of mediation and solo training.” You eventually reached the conjunction that split the two of you, “Good luck with your chores.”
Poe chuckled and nodded his head as he walked down his own direction.
You left the main area of the base and went over to your training ground and begun your practice. Now that you had learned all of the saber forms, your individual practice mostly comprised of you practicing different kinds of combinations. You had been going out on missions with Poe and getting more battle experience with your sabers and in general so you were feeling very confident in your abilities. You spent a few hours as usual practicing until you eventually decided to spend the rest of the day meditating, trying to gain more knowledge and a deeper connection with the force. 
As you sat and meditated, you let the outside world bleed away, letting your body feel the force inside of the air, all throughout you. As you did so, you felt the force users who came before you, each of them connected with the cosmic force in their own unique ways. As you did, you felt a very familiar presence and focused on it. As you did, you began to hear whispers.
“I’m not a killer, I’m not like you.”
“I won’t leave you. Not this time.”
You felt something in front of you and opened your eyes.
“Been a while,” Ahsoka quirked an eyebrow as she looked at you amusingly. 
You smiled warmly, “Look at how old you’ve grown.”
She laughed slightly, “The last time I saw you, you nearly killed me. Now we meet again years later and the first thing you say to me is that I’m old?”
You laughed a bit as well, “It really is good to see you, someone that I know from... before.”
She sighed and looked at you knowingly, “If you’re looking for Jedi advice, I’m probably one of the worst people to come to.”
You furrowed your eyebrows, “What do you mean? Were you not Anakin’s padawan?”
She smiled lightly, “I was, until I left the order.”
You recoiled, “What? Why did you leave?”
She sighed, “I’m not here to give you a history lesson, Y/N. I came because I sensed a certain conflict within you.”
You raised your brows this time, “Conflict? How do you mean?”
She gave you a knowing look, “You think I don’t know about your feelings for Poe?”
You gulped as you blushed slightly, “I-I don’t-”
“Oh, spare me the denial, Y/N. Why are you keeping your feelings inside? Because of an old idea, held by a religion that ultimately ended up crumbling?” she reminded you.
You sighed and looked at her for a moment before responding, “Ahsoka, I can’t just ignore something the Jedi held so strictly. Even if I didn’t, Poe doesn’t think of me that way. Who even said I thought of him that way?”
She pressed, “I left the order, not for that reason, but I ultimately realized that there were so many things wrong with it. Including that. And how do you know what Poe’s feelings are if you’ve never tried asking him? I remember when Lux and I first met, we danced around our feelings for so long that we barely even got to indulge in them. It’s one of my biggest regrets.”
You listened to her intently as you knew she was here to give you wisdom you were lacking, “But what if my case is different? My affinity with the dark side is already concerningly deep... adding in romance to my life? I could become a monster.”
She shook her head slowly with a smile, “That’s not who you are. Every decision we make is a choice, and I trust that you will always be able to make the right one.”
You smiled in return, “Thank you, Ahsoka. I’ll keep your words in mind.”
She bowed her head slightly and closed her eyes, her physical manifestation bleeding away into nothingness. You decided that was enough for the day and returned to your room to shower after grabbing some food at the mess. As you got dressed comfortably, you plopped yourself down on your bed and let your thoughts run in your mind.
Do I have romantic feelings for Poe? He makes me feel incredible and... it’s like I get nervous whenever he’s near but in a good way, one that makes my skin come alive. I also can’t ignore the... reaction I get down there whenever he looks at me a certain way or touches me even innocently. Oh maker, I definitely have feelings for him. But there’s no way that he would like me, I remember he said that I was the first guy he had ever cuddled with... that means that he has definitely never been with a man before. He’s 32 so he definitely knows his sexuality by now, so why bother admitting my feelings to him? He’d just reject me and things would never be the same afterwards.
You lost yourself in your thoughts as sleep eventually overtook you.
You awoke to the sound of your alarm the next morning and groaned as you flipped over in bed. The overhead lights came on and you sighed once more before throwing yourself out of bed and walking towards the bathroom. After doing your morning routine, cleaning up and grooming, you got dressed and left your room, leaving to knock on Poe’s to get no response. Guess he left a bit early today. Your comms pinged.
“Y/N, we need you in command.”
“On my way,” you responded.
Upon entering command, you saw Poe along with Leia and several others huddled around the holo table.
“Lor San Tekka has sent us a communication from Jakku. He says he has the map to Luke Skywalker,” Leia announced.
There were gasps heard around the room as the information sinked in.
“That’s why I’m going in and getting the info,” Poe chimed in.
You made yourself known, “Alone?”
Poe’s eyes met yours and you swore you say a faint smile form, “That’s right. It’s likely we’re not the only ones who know about this so we need to get in and out fast.”
“Commander Poe will be making contact with Tekka in a small village on the planet.”
After a bit more mission information, the session was adjourned and the room somewhat cleared out. As it did, you walked up to Poe and Leia at the holotable.
“There’s no way you’re doing this alone. A map to Luke? The First Order will be all over it,” you argued.
Poe sighed, “I know the risks, Y/N. But this needs to happen, and this is the only way to do it.”
You looked to Leia pleadingly, “General, you can’t possibly allow this.”
“Y/N, we all agree that this mission needs to happen.”
You heaved a breath frustratedly and looked off to the side.
Leia and Poe exchanged a glance and Leia walked away, Poe coming closer to you, “Hey, it’ll be ok.”
You looked at him with your arms crossed, “This kind of mission is way too sensitive. What if the First Order gets there first? You can’t take them all on by yourself.”
“Oh, you don’t believe in me?” he responded.
You gave him a dirty look and punched him in the shoulder, “I believe in you, but I just don’t want anything... bad happening to you.” You tried to find a way to cover up how openly caring you were being, “Who else is gonna buy me drinks?”
He laughed and you joined him, “Ah yeah, of course.”
Your laughter died down and the two of you simply held each other’s gaze as the smiles slowly dissipated from your faces.
“I promise, I’ll come back to y-” he coughed and cleared his throat, “I’ll come back soon just you wait.”
You looked at him for a few more moments before eventually nodding, “Alright, just promise to be careful, alright?” 
He nodded in response, “I will.”
You saw Poe off and talked to BB-8 and told him to watch his back. Right when he left, you rushed back to command to oversee the entire mission. For a while, it was just waiting as Poe traveled through lightspeed, one of the workers being kind enough to bring you some food as you waited for a few hours. 
“Master Y/N?” A-3 had come up to you in the corner of the room.
You turned to him and responded, “A-3, how has work in command been?”
His eyes lit up brightly as he responded, “They have treated me incredibly! Though I have to say the 3P model here seems to have taken a personal offense to my being here.”
You chuckled a bit, “I’m glad you’re making friends.”
“Sir, if I may, there was another thing I wished to speak about,” his tone suddenly became soft.
You squinted your eyes, “Are you currently employing your therapeutic programs?
His metallic body moved back just slightly as he looked at you, puzzled for a moment, “I-Indeed, sir I have.”
You looked at him inquisitively, “And what is it that you wanted to talk to me about?”
“Ruie and I have computed and we, well mostly I, have calculated you to be in distress over Commander Poe, is that right?”
You sighed, “Yeah, that’s no secret, we all are.”
He waited a moment before he responded, “My information processors are telling me that you are concerned for Commander Poe in a much... more serious note?”
You nodded your head exasperated, “Of course I am, he’s my best friend.”
“Forgive me sir,” he began, “it seems as though you do not understand what I mean. I am talking about you being concerned with Commander Poe because you lo-”
“Zip it A-3!” you shouted suddenly.
A few heads in the room turned towards the commotion for a moment before returning to their work.
“My sincerest apologies, sir, I simply wanted to know if you needed someone to talk to about it,” he spoke softly.
You sighed heavily, “I’m sorry for my outburst, A-3. I know you’re just trying to help and I appreciate that, but I’m fine. Please, get back to where you’re needed.”
He gave you a short bow, “As you wish, Master Y/N.”
After A-3 had walked off, you spent a few minutes trying to calm yourself down and wait for Poe to give notice. 
Finally, “Coming out of hyperspace now.”
You stood from your chair and came up to the holotable, “Command reads you.”
“Proceed with the mission Commander Poe,” Leia commanded.
“Copy that, making entry to Jakku now.”
You were nervous to say the least. It wasn’t like Poe had never risked his life before, you’ve risked both of your lives over and over again but this was different. This mission is one of the most dangerous one’s the resistance has had since you’ve been here. You hated it, you couldn’t be there to protect Poe.
“Got a visual on the town, BB-8 let me see those landing gears,” Poe said.
You were tracking his ship through the holotable and were connected through the comms, “Any First Order activity?”
“Negative, looks like we’ve got here first.”
“Doesn’t mean they aren’t right on your tail, get in, get the info, and get out,” you instructed, feeling your nerves bubble in your gut.
“It’s alright, Y/N. I’ll see you guys soon.”
“BB-8, keep the scanners on and feed it to us, I want to make sure we’re prepared for anything,” you said as you understood they were about to leave the ship.
“Good idea,” Leia commented.
You nodded towards her in response before seeing the data from the ship scanners. From the planet, it would be unable to scan for ships coming into orbit but at the least he could get a heads up for company. 
“Going in now, see you guys soon,” was the last thing you heard before communications ended.
“He’ll be fine,” Leia spoke softly towards you, sensing your trepidation.
You stared at her for a moment, “Leia, you can’t guarantee that.”
She nodded, “I can’t, but we have to believe in Poe. And if it comes to it, help him.”
You nodded determinedly, “Damn right.”
After some time had passed with you pacing back and forth, an alert began to sound.
“What’s going on?” you yelled as you rushed to the holotable.
“Incoming troop carriers, it’s the First Order,” one of the logistics officers informed.
“Shit! BB-8 do you copy?” 
You heard a few beeps and boops in response.
“Go warn Poe now! Get out of there BB-8!” you yelled.
He made a few alarm noises and rushed out of the x-wing to go notify Poe. 
You walked over to the logistics officer as he had a screen in front of him, “How many?”
Still looking at the screen, “Two of them, a shuttle as well.”
“Do we know who’s on-”
“Ren...” you whispered breathlessly.
You knew about Leia’s son from her memories but you had never felt him before through the force. To be honest, you never tried as you didn’t want them to know of your presence but Poe being in danger loosened your guard and you felt him. 
“What did you say?” Leia asked, shock written across her features.
You gave her a solemn look, “It’s Kylo Ren.”
Next Chapter
Forevers Tag List: @magssteenkamp @shadowsinger11 @donnaintx @flamencodiva @impalawrites-blog @talesmaniac89 @malfoysqueen54 @writercole @hintsofhoney @lassie-bird @never--doubt
Male Reader Tag List: @myybebe @denim-devil @spnfanboy777 @brymalibu
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hollywoodsargeant · 1 year
Hi! How are you? How is writing going? :)
hello anon... i am good i think... supposed to be packing to move into my dorm in like a week but we are so not doing that. i hate packing so bad and i will never change. you cannot make me do anything
and writing is good i am probably spending more time thinking about boyish than actually working on it but fyi that is all i have been writing as of late. In Case If You Couldn't Tell. scenes are happening a lot of dialogue (as per i think) and it's spring of their junior year so you know what that meanssssss
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thequeenofthewinter · 2 years
Fic Friday
Heeeeeeeeelllloooooooooo Hellsite! How're you all doing? Good, I hope. It's Friday, and you know what that meanssssss...a new chapter of "In the Midst of Winter." This is chapter 45 of 46. YES! This means that there is only one more chapter left! :O
Genre: Romance/Action/Adventure
Pairing: Dahlia Wintersnow (OC Dragonborn)/Ulfric Stormcloak
Rating: E (Smut, cannon-typical violence)
Warnings: Check them on AO3.
Link to fic: Click here
When Elisif turns her honey eyes on her, Dahlia looks her up and down with a critical eye. She cannot deny it. The Jarl appears just as beautiful as her namesake suggests she should. That is perhaps the one façade the ruler does not claim as her own. Her pale skin is creamy and unblemished and her red hair smooth, plaited back elegantly under a heavy-looking jeweled circlet. However, there is not one ounce of jealousy in Dahlia’s entire body for the Lady Elisif, rather she only feels disdain.
While she might have beauty, she knows that underneath it all is just an empty shell of self-preservation and concern only for her best interests. If Solitude is a flourishing city, it is only because she makes it so to keep herself comfortable. Dahlia had seen enough from the one visit she paid when she was in the city to drop off some supplies with Delphine’s “friend” Malborn. She took a turn around the place to see how “the other half” lives for herself and to offer her services. The display she witnessed at court was at best an interesting educational experience for her and at worst a worrying show of complete disinterest from Haafingar’s Jarl.
The very same face sits plainly in front of her here and now. Smooth features sit under delicate, unmoving brows as the Jarl looks up at her. The only indication of feeling shown is the slightest crinkling of her nose in disgust. If there is one thing that Dahlia can admire about her, it is that the Lady Elisif is certainly very good at maintaining a blank face of disinterest. Perhaps that is her armor or her weapon of choice, as there is no guessing what she might be thinking. It must be exhausting to be her, as well as lonely having to live like that. Dahlia cannot imagine it for herself. She’d rather be stabbed in the back and bleed than be a marble statue, cold and immobile.
Elisif beckons her forward as she sits primly on an exotic, dark-wood throne which Dahlia is certain must have cost a literal fortune. Where did all the money for this come from? Certainly, the Empire would not agree to buy her such a thing. They might have larger coffers than the Stormcloaks do, but they wouldn’t waste their money on something so superfluous. 
And the more Dahlia looks, the more she dislikes what she sees. 
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left-for-carrion · 3 months
Pleaseeee stop saying "typical dni" idk what that meanssssss
Also!!! Stop it with the "usual limits" I NEED TO KNOW WHAT YOU DON'T WANT
I make no assumptions and I refuse to participate if you make me assume. I'll just assume I can't give you what you want and move on if you're really gonna do me like that.
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campbluelake · 1 year
mine never shall be parted || vote open
As the questions die down and the town square is left quiet save for the gentle humming of the thrall in the tree, Abbie smiles.
“All done? Yippee!! Well, I guess we can wrap that up, then, huh? Yaaaaayyy!! I hope you all had fun in the last trial! So, so sad that it’s all over now! Maybe you guys’ll have some sort of murder mystery game later on down the line to relive the fun times, ehehe! Buuuut that’s all for now. I’ll be honest, I didn’t reaaaaaally think too hard about what happens now…”
She trails off with a pout on her lips, puffing out her cheeks as she contemplates a fitting end to the final round of this game that she, Malyce, and Vual have put together for you all. There’s no point in voting for a culprit or anything like that…
“I know!”
Clapping her hands together, she lets out an excited squeal as the ground in the center of the square begins to melt into a puddle of goo that slowly rises into a dish-ish shape. A small roof is formed over it, and you’re left with…a wishing well.
“It would be sad to not end everything off the way it’s always wrapped up, right? So, so, so!!! Even though I’m soooo sure of your answers, we can do this! Just write down on a piece of paper ‘stay’ or ‘leave’! Voting stay means you all get to be with me and Mal in Eden for forever! Yippee!! Yay!! Yahoo!! I’ll even let Max and Niko stay, too! ‘Cuz it wouldn’t be fun without everyone, right? 
Voting to leave meanssssss, uhhh, you leave. You go out into the big, yucky, nasty, mean world that hasn’t even done anything except crush you and your spirits for however many years you’ve been alive. You’ll suffer for the rest of your lives out there. You all know that. So, I know you’ll all make the right decisions.”
Malyce had to double take at Abbie’s offer. ‘Get to be with me and Mal’ sounded so foreign to him. Was he even going to be allowed in her Eden? Did he even want to be? He furrowed his brows, looking disappointed up at her. 
“Abbie… You can’t just ask people that. We know what they’re going to say. They get to ask us anything. I think that’s only fair.”
He looks around the town square, deflating. With a hand, droplets of black inky goo pour upwards through the town squares bricks, shifting into a set of stairs for Abbie to descend when she’s ready to leave her perch. His other hand stays extended for her to grasp.
“… I don’t think you’re going to enjoy the answer you get, Abbie." 
But even though she laughed and played like nothing bothered her, Malyce knew she was hurting, deep down. He should humor her, as their worlds were about to be set aflame once again.
Heading down the stairs he made for her, she takes his hand in her own once she reaches the bottom, swinging it back and forth as the steps melt and reform into a swing. It attaches itself to the lowest bough of the tree, and she tugs him along to sit next to her. Once seated, she curls next to him and rests her head on his shoulder, tugging him close with her wing.
The final vote has been opened to you all. You’re free to carve a path for yourselves now.
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1111jenx · 3 years
Pick A Card Reading Suggestions & A big hug to my followers 🤍🪐🕊
Sooooo I can't stop reading your reviews after doing my Monica Belluci — PAC 🥺 I was going to release one more this weekend but I'm tempted to do another one tonight!!
Please comment down any question that you'd like me to do a Pick A Card on:D I wanted to do a Future Spouse Reading but lowkey, I feel that there are a lot of great readers who had done great PAC on it so I really wanna try so mething different, something that you guys can actually think about and be like oh this makes sense haha 🤣
I'm open to any suggestions!! You guys have always been so creative in my Ask so I just know that yall can help me think of something new for sure
Here are some of the stuff I have in mind right now 🥳✨
1. How do you come off to people upon first glance?
2. The you I see a year from now, 5 years from now and 10 years from now.
3. What is your soul purpose?
4. Who were you in your past live(s)?
5. The power you hold, an explanation.
6. Your next romantic partner. Who are they? And why they're entering your life.
7. You at your highest, and also your lowest.
8. The changes you need to make right now.
9. Describing your future children. A detailed reading.
10. Your next spicy 18+ encounters. ( My blog has a Scorpio MC and I have like 3+ Scorpio degrees in my personal chart, if you're a minor please don't read sksksksk💀💀💀💀)
So that's that HAHA but once again, I do want to hear you guys out don't feel chained to those ideas by any meanssssss💕
saint jenx🪐
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violetnotez · 4 years
Hi! Ummm. I’ve had a bit of a difficult day. I was hanging out with my family friend’s daughter (7 y/o). Everything was going great, until she asked about my skin (I was in a bathing suit, so I showed more skin than usual). I have a really severe case of dermatillomania that’s affected me for around 5 years now, and it’s a huge source of embarrassment for me. I have trouble looking people in the eyes at times because of my face, and I don’t wear tank tops, because it shows off my shoulders (1/2)
As I said, I’m having a tough time coping, so I was wondering if maybe you could write something where Shinsou/Deku/Tama/Shouto’s s/o (pick your favs) has dermatillomania? And maybe Shiggy as well, but like, as an older brother?? I know he has it too, and it’s the first depiction I’ve seen of it in popular media, so he’s kinda special to me. 😌 Don’t feel like you have to, just looking for some support, and you’re such a wholesome person, so. 🙈 I love you so much!!! Many thanks - 📸 anon
Hey babe! Im so sorry your feeling under the weather, you are so so strong, really. Im really honored you came to me, and I tried to get this out as fast as I could! I tried to gear it to your situation, but also to anyone that has skin conditions that feel insecure about them <3 I hope these make you feel better!!!!!
(also i didnt proofread as well as I usually do, so sorry for typos!!!)
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If your ever feeling down, Shinsou’s the type of boyfriend to make cuddle you and make you giggle
And by giggle, make you so flustered you wont remember what you were even feeling down about
Lots of pet name- mostly “babe” and “kitten”, CAUSE CMON ITS CUTEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
“Cmon kitten, can you give me a smile? Just one-you know how much I love them”
Once you tell him your feeling down about your skin, he is just gonna give you the most nonchalant smile as he cuddles your body into his chest
“I dont see anything wrong with your skin...honestly, I see everything right about it”
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚
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Okay-this baby, as smart as he is, didnt realize what your condition was at first
Honestly just thought it was your quirk
But once he realizes its an actual condition, that your insecure about, THIS BOY IS GONNA BE SOOOO SUPPORTIVE
Also is just going to be so empathetic towards you
“Gosh I didnt realize you were going through all that-your so amazingly strong, dont ever forget it!”
Will of course research it and take notes about it- anything revolving you he will immediately research it, hope you know that
He will pick up all your little mannerisms- if your hand are fidgeting, he will immediately hand you a little stress reliever ball to get ylur mind off of it or even do thing like play video games or do some training
In public if he notices you getting shy around others, he’ll give you an encouraging smile
“Here”- he will give you his hand, and then pull you closer to him so you know he is right there beside you
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚
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As socially awkward as he is, he would HATE to see you uncomfortable in public
He understands the struggle you are going through, always feeling stressed out around others and if they are judging or staring, but he’ll try to help you overcome it as best he can
Honestly tho Tamaki cuddles are really just him hugging you really realllyyyyyy soft
This boy may be blushy but he will just shower you in affection and affirmations
“You know your beautiful, right?”
Just so so sooooooo incredibly sweet about all your insecurities
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚
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Shoto is NOT shallow-like at all
And by shallow I mean he isnt geared tawrds appearances-but character and perosnality
So when you tell him about your insecurities, hes immediately just so confused
“What do you mean you feel self-conscious? To me, you look absolutely fine,”
But he will understand how you feel once you explain it him- after all, he has his own skin issues too
In public he is just the sweetest little bean verrrrr
Like very protective and makes sure you feel safe
If he ver spots soemone staring at you/you feeling uncomfrotable, he’s immediately gonna kick into Protective Boyfriend Mode
Will grab your hand gently and pull you close to him, his walk going a little faster to get you out of the uncomfy situation
“Just follow me dear- youre going to be fine”
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚
Bonus: Shiggy!
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If anybody so much as gives you a wierd stare uhhhhhh
they dead
But honestly Shigaraki would probably be protective of you, like a little sister!
He gives good advice, that is just worded very very wrong
“The hell you worried about others opinions? Theyre all just little pieces of trash anyway”
SHiggy we get your angsty but you cant call society ALL trash some of us are decentttttttt
If you tell him about feeling insecure, he will instantly get defensive for you and creepy
“Huh. so somebody’s been bothering you? Oh dont worry, Ill take care of it-”
He is like a ticking time bomb with tooooo much power and time PLS CONTROL HIM
After he’s done making death threats, he will listen to your insecurities and honestly probably feel empathy for the first time in a while
He gets what your going through, and it pains him to see someone he actually cares for go through something that he is bothered with too
After your down spilling your emotions, he will give you a thoughtful look and the smallest grin
“Word of advice- people will judge you at some point, you cant control that. So control what you do and give them shit for ever thinking less of you.”
Very um-honest adivce!
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚
Again, I really hope this helped you some and Im sorry for this post being so late! I hope your feeling better babe! <3
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harryfeatgaga · 4 years
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