#do you believe I'm almost 30 and never played it before?
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kyacchan-comics · 5 months ago
Le me: no I won't domesticate a wolf this time, they're always in my way when crafting and I'm constantly anxious about them
Le me five seconds into a new game:
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st4rwritez · 16 days ago
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Media class
Nika muhl x reader
Synopsis: when you and your girlfriend nika break up during the summer it is a sticky situation, but after what seemed like a long summer break the sophomore found a way to win you back over, even if it was not in the most happy way.
Warnings: none!! (Meybe bad spelling 🫡)
~*•. St4rwritez .•*~
2 months. 2 months on the dot since nika got up and left. The grief of it sat heavy in your chest like a lingering sickness ready to take over any minute.
2 months since you fought roughly through words, where by the end of it you had only thought the bluntness of it would last only the last bit of summer.
But here you were standing in the same room as her, breathing the same air as her, in the very class you met in at the beginning of freshman year.
A part of you believed that she just would not show up to the class but the other half fully knew that she would, so you sat there, 20 minutes before class even started and waited nervously, tapping your foot against the soft gray carpets in your media class.
You tried to lose yourself in your work like usual, but to no avail the only thought that would cross your mind was when or if nika would walk through those doors.
and before you could think of another thought she did, her hair pushed back into a tight ponytail, she was in her usual sports wear, as I'm sure she has practice right after this, and was as always, glowing.
it almost surprised you how normal she looked to you, it's like none of your fighting had ever happened. Like she was just another one of your classmates.
As you stared at her, almost forgetting about the tension and argument between the two of you she caught you staring at the monotone look on her face turning into a smirk and a slight head shake from her.
you turned your face back down to your work, your face turning a cool shade of red out of embarrassment. not giving the girl anymore attention was now your top concern.
The class was half empty, considering the class did not start for another 10 minutes, yet out of the corner of your eye, there was nika walking up the stairs, her hair swaying with her.
In those 30 seconds of her walking up those stairs you could never pray more that she would not sit next to you.
And there she sat, placing her bag down in front of her feet as she settled herself in her chair.
you set your pencil down, your jaw clenching and your teeth grinding, you sighed a sigh of anger, hoping she would get the memo.
surprise! She didn’t.
”Someone is nervous huh?” She said staring you dead in the eyes.
you hated when she did that. You felt your teeth grind more, as your professor walked in unnoticed to you. It felt like a stab to the heart talking to her. Why was she doing this?
“Nika, I'm not gonna play your games right now.” You said as you opened up your laptop.
Before you could fully open your laptop she slapped it down onto your hand causing you to stand up straight in your chair.
“What the fuck is your problem?? Seriously?” You said clenching your fists staring down at her.
This was the first time you felt bigger than her, ever. It felt good but the look on her face made that wash away quickly. Her face had a sad, surprised look that made you want to be little over her again.
your mouth stood agape as your professor yelled at you for your out loud out break.
”Y/N if you are going to act like that in my lecture you can go into the hall or leave” he said.
and with that one comment you picked up your things and darted for the hallway, Nikas sad face being what replayed in your mind as you cooled down staring at the wall in front of you.
before you could notice it, tears flooded down you face like a waterfall. You knew it was bound to happen, and yet you did not fight it. The situation you were in with her was shitty and some things should have not been said. So yes you cried, and cried, and cried the tears that you had been saving in that flooded heart of yours.
suddenly a set of arm slid around your waist from behind. It was slow, as if they were asking for permission to touch you. And you knew who it was immediately. Tho you did not fight it this time, instead you let out a soft sob before she turned you to face her.
her eyes scanned your face, guilt washing over it. You buried your face into her neck as your tears slowed, she ran her fingers through your hair delicately like she would after a long night or another pointless fight. You stayed like this for a while, comfortable.
“Im.. im sorry i wasn’t sure how to talk to you.. and i guess i tried to play it off as if nothing ever happened” she took a deep breath her hand reaching your face to wipe away your tears.
You saw the glimmer of tears in her eyes. The first time you had seen any remorse over your constant fighting and nagging from her, it made you feel like she cared again, like she wanted this again.
”uhm” she cleared her throat “i guess what i'm trying to say is.. that i want us back. I want to start new, and I know it's hard because it's been so long, but I cannot do this anymore.”
you felt like time had stopped, you did not know what to say, you let another tear fall as you looked at her searching for an answer or something to say back.
“I understand if it’s too much right now” she said, her voice cracking softly as she said it.
”nika, it's been hard for me too. And if we do try this again, I wanna do it right this time. So if we could talk about it over a date and start slow a million times, yes.” You said finally.
her face lit up instantly before the innocent sophomore started her ramble “I promise you i will try so hard for this. I won’t let it go down the path it did before. Does frankies sound like a good dinner spot??”
to answer her questions you grabbed her face and placed a kiss on her lips before walking back to the classroom door.
She stood there looking back at you, her face red, and her lipgloss slightly messed up.
”it’s a yes muhl” you said winking before walking into the classroom once again.
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nikamuhlsrealwife777 · 13 days ago
After that absolutely masterclass by the one and only Azzi Fudd, I think this means we should get an Azzi fic 👀
Keeping it simple and just her and her gf celebrating her domination in that game and her gf being so freaking proud of her
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yet again guys....if it's not good let me know
For our princess, Azzi, cause she cooked today
"UCONN UPSETS SOUTH CAROLINA IN A BLOWOUT GAME," I couldn't believe my ears. UConn really just played like their lives depended on it, and it gain them a win. The shouting, the upsetting groans, it was a thrilling experience I didn't think I was gonna experience...ever.
"Oh my God! We did it!" Azzi pulled me into a hug over the bench she had been sitting. Laughing aloud, I hugged the girl back. The energy radiating off the girl and the team.
"Baby, you need to go celebrate with the team...not me."
She shakes her head, nuzzling it further into my neck, "but I wanna celebrate with you."
I sigh, "Azzi...."
"Yes, my love?" Her eyes meeting mine, playing innocent.
"You know what."
"Fineee...but I wish we could go back to the hotel....cuddle...maybe throw in a movie while I read my book," I laugh as her eyes light up.
"And we'll do that...after you spend some time with Paige," I noticed the blonde making her way towards us, "speaking of the devil."
Paige scrunches her face up in disgust, wrapping an arm around Azzi. Pulling the girl away from me a bit. "First of all, I am an angel...not a devil. Second, why are you holdin' the people's princess back from her team, y/n/n? Like, girl, come on!"
Rolling my eyes, I snap back, "sorry your best friend would rather hang with me....guess I'm just better."
Paige's turn to roll her eyes, Azzi's never leaving mine, "whatever, bruh...can I steal your girlfriend for like two minutes?"
Azzi's eyes plead for me to say no, but that didn't matter to Paige. She would've taken the girl anyway.
"Sure...just don't keep her too long...I wanna have my fun with her too."
The blonde's eyes widened, "aye yo....chill out there."
Blushing, Azzi laughed, "P....get your mind out the gutter. We're just gonna have a movie night."
"Sure....almost 30 point game and watching movies is all you're gonna do....right," The curly haired girl shoved Paige playfully. Sending the blonde back, her raising her hands in surrender before walking back with the team.
"Yeah....I wouldn't wanna wear you out of course," she slapped my shoulder, "ow!"
"I need you to stop being a flirt," she took a quick look before leaning in to place a soft peck to my lips, "You might make Paige jealous."
"Good," a smirk played on my lips, "cause she's missing out."
She rolled her eyes, "wait for me by the exit, okay? Oh, we should totally grab something to eat on the way to the hotel too."
I snicker, "you got it, princess."
She leaned in for another quick kiss, running off into the locker room with the rest of the Huskies.
After about 20 minutes, I get a message, Azzi was on her way out. Waiting by the doors, I watched as the girl made her way through the hallway. Her smile was bright, her laughter was warm, she made me forget about everything else in the world. Everything bad or good. The only thing I knew was Azzi.
"Hey babe," kissing my cheek, I intertwined our hands.
"Hey baby," Paige let out a loud gag before sprinting off, "I don't even have to flirt to make her jealous."
"Whatever...I was thinking...."
"What were you thinking?"
"What if we stopped and got a pizza," I nod, "then, we run to Barnes and Noble."
"And why do we need to go there, Az?" I tilted my head, knowing what the answer was going to be.
"Since I had such an amazing game....maybe you could buy me a book?"
I laughed, "you got it, but that's totally a princess move."
"And I'm proud of it," she held her head up high, soft chuckles falling from both of us.
The car ride was nice. We listened to whatever she wanted to play, we stopped by Barnes and Noble to buy the book she was wanting,.we grabbed drinks from Dunkin, and finally stopped to get pizza before heading back to the hotel. I sat down the box before throwing myself on the bed. A small laugh fell from Azzi's lips.
"I'm so tired," I whined.
"You're tired? Baby, I'm the one who literally played a game," a teasing tone dripped from her voice.
"I get your tiredness... we're just connected or something," a laugh escaped her again.
"What happened to movie and cuddles though," I could hear the pout in her voice, my head snapped to look at her. Her lips out in a pout, her eyes wide.
I jump up, pulling Azzi into me, before falling back in the bed, "then come lay with me!"
Without fighting, she just let me hold her. Her arms tighten around me, her head resting on my chest. I knew I loved her, I always had, but something about this moment felt different. It was so easy yet so charged with emotions. I didn't know what to feel.
"I love you, princess," mumbling the words against her hair, placing a soft kiss afterwards.
"I love you too, y/n/n."
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lukolabrainrot · 4 months ago
Calm theory anon here 🩷
Like my fav Lukolabrainrot I'm tooo not worried in the least by anything we have seen. When you're in love with someone you wanna show them off you wanna shout to the rooftops that you're with that person. You would talk about them nonstop. They would be in conversations that you have with other people. It's hard to keep it in when you truly love someone. That's a natural reaction to being in love with someone. The narratives that we see online Isn't always based on facts. It's based on peoples opinions. The facts are when you go on Luke or Nicola page who do you see besides themselves? On Nicola page you see Luke on Luke's page you see Nicola. You don't hide someone you love. You would talk about them in interviews randomly. You would post cute things they do. And you would definitely acknowledge they exist. Liking photo is a bare minimum that you do for people who are good friends. Hate is always going to come no one can stop it. If anything the more silent a star remains the more intense the hate gets. Again what are the facts? Nic post Luke and Luke post Nicola. Luke talked about Nic at jimmy Fallon and Nic talked Luke in time magazine. That my dears is the biggest signs of all. Those signs are what matter. One last thing I want to share my first lesson I learned in college. The Internet is a phenomenal tool for information. But you have to understand that anybody can put anything online. And people can manipulate photos. Photos can be taken out of context. My professors used to say if you're quoting something that you've seen online, you have to make sure that the source is a legitimate source. The source is credible. You can't site something as fact when the source isn't credible. Gossip sites. Aren't incredible source. In this situation the source would be Luke or Nic. The rest of the information isn't credible. So listen to what they're saying.
I know we are all having a lot of feelings about everything with JD and A this week. I've sat on everything this week and this is what I will say (and know that my feelings have not changed this week regarding Lukola). And these are just my thoughts and SPECULATION (but I feel pretty confident with them):
We don't know these people. They don't owe us anything. It is alright to feel frustrated (I know I have recently), but it is also important to use our critical thinking skills when consuming information that isn't coming DIRECTLY from L OR N.
We got an AMAZING WT from L/N, where a lot of us just fell in love with them and their connection. However, these are both grown adults in their 30s. IF they are with other people and there is NOTHING personal going on with L/N that they were/are trying to keep private, we wouldn't be seeing all these games. L and or N would have officially shut down rumors and come out with their respective partners at some point before now. They haven't. And therefore there is a reason everything has looked so weird since papgate...
And I believe one of the largest reasons is because of NDAs that are at play with A. Which leads us to her Spain carousel from today. Y'all, she has been sitting on these for a while. There is ZERO way for us to confirm when she was here, or if she was even there with L. Yes, that is probably the same balcony from the one he shared from his stories. Not denying that. But if she was REALLY with him as his "girlfriend" on this trip, you damn well know she would have shown that somehow. He's NOWHERE to be seen. Just like A was NOWHERE to be seen in his post or stories about the trip. She plays games and likes to stir the pot. THIS IS NOT NEW. We will most likely never be able to know who exactly was with L on this Spain trip and when he was there... But girlie pop has been sitting on these pics for a while, 100%. Why? Because I am almost certain this is her last direct tie to L, she saw that there was a lot of attention on N rn because of the JD stuff, and this was her bomb. I think L's NDA SM obligations are coming to an end this month, and she was trying to go out with a bang for the engagement (I don't think that is exactly what it did, but I am sure that was her goal). But if you still think L/A are super happy and serious from everything you've observed since papgate, then I don't know what to tell you. But NONE of this is a good indicator of a happy and healthy relationship when it comes to L/A.
Lastly, remember the rings everyone before you spiral. The Claddagh ring (which has now moved to N's left hand) is something she ordered in early MAYYYY. And she has been publicly wearing since early JUNE. So... for MONTHS. And we can argue all we want about that ring, but that ring is about her relationship with L. Period. And y'all, she grew up in the town where these rings ORIGINATED FROM. I highly doubt she skirts all tradition when it comes to these rings, and likely takes the orientation of them pretty seriously. Therefore, it appears that her and L are in a very serious and committed relationship. So, let's all take a deep breath, remember the rings, and let's carry on.
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javierpena-inatacvest · 1 year ago
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Summary: When you get a phone call from your elementary school that your girls got into a fight, Javi leaves work to figure out what happened.
Word Count: 3.6K
Pairing: Dad!Javi x Wife!reader (No use of y/n)
Warnings: Violence (the Peña girls get in a fight at school), bullying, the Peña girls being little badasses, Javi being a proud dad, idk everything I post for this series is gonna be sickeningly sweet, I'm not sure what to tell you 😩
A/N: I literally had this idea on the drive into work this morning, got a terrible migraine, went home, woke up and wrote this in like an hour 🤪 This was inspired by @bbiophiliaa asking me about the girl's personalities, and I think this sums it up pretty darn well! GOD I LOVE THIS FAMILY YALL GOTTA SEDATE ME
Can be read as a standalone or as a part of the NTL universe!
Series Masterlist Never Too Late Masterlist
The phone number for Alma Pierce Elementary was one you recognize like the back of your hand. If it weren’t for all the years you’d worked there as a teacher, the fact that two of your three daughters now attended there as 1st and 3rd graders meant that you had the school’s phone number memorized almost as well as your own. That’s why when you got a phone call from Alma Pierce in the middle of the day, while waiting in the lobby of your pediatrician’s office for an appointment with your youngest (and her never ending cold that she couldn’t seem to shake), you were surprised to see the number that you knew all too well pop up on your caller ID. 
Being a former teacher, your girls knew better than to try and play sick and call home to get out of school, and noting their usual chipper and enthusiastic demeanor this morning when you dropped them off, you found it hard to believe that a mystery illness had plagued them enough in the past few hours to warrant a call home. You ran through your mental checklist in your head of your morning routine, almost positive that Lucy and Elliot had both their lunches, gym shoes, and no after school activities that they would have forgotten anything for. Your phone continued to ring, a now slightly unsettling feeling building in your stomach as you began to wonder the reason for the midday call. 
“Hello?” you answered, bouncing a sleepy, snotty Harper in your lap as you sat waiting in the uncomfortable fake leather of the doctor’s office chair. 
“Hi Mrs. Peña, it’s Principal Coleman.” 
Oh god. 
While Lucy and Elliot were your daughters in every sense that they were just as feisty and stubborn as you, they were sweet girls, and knew better than to do anything to break the rules or be disrespectful at school.
Or, so you thought.
Your heart began to sink to the pit of your stomach, knowing that a call from the Principal at 1:30 in the afternoon most likely didn’t mean good news, letting out a quiet deep breath before responding. 
“Hi Principal Coleman, how are you?” 
“Well Mrs. Peña, I’m going to start off by saying I’m just as shocked as you probably are about the reason behind this phone call.” 
Oh sweet Jesus, what did these two do? 
You paused for a moment before Principal Coleman spoke again, without even giving you a chance to ask what had happened. “Today at recess, Lucy and Elliot beat up a boy in Elliot’s class pretty badly.” 
Was this a joke? There’s no way that she could be serious, right? You girls fought at home, but to gang up on another boy? At school? Heat began to flood through your cheeks in embarrassment and anger at your daughters as you tried to compose yourself enough to speak. “Principal Coleman, I- I’m so sorry. I’m- I don’t even know what to say. Do you know what happened?” 
“No, not yet, the girls are in my office right now, but I was hoping that you’d be able to come join us to have a conversation about it, considering what a serious thing this has become. Especially since your girls aren’t ones I see in my office often.” 
You stared down at Harper, wiping the back of her little arm against her boogery nose as she groaned and leaned against her chest. It had taken you a week to make an appointment for her, and for her sanity, or yours, you didn’t want to have to wait another week longer, but there was no way you weren’t finding out what the was reason why your girls had attacked someone out on the playground. You looked around frantically, trying to brainstorm a solution until you remembered the other half responsible for creating your fist fighting monsters. 
“Yes, absolutely Principal Coleman. I’m at the doctor with my other daughter right now, but I’ll see if my husband can come down to the school to talk with the girls.” 
“Perfect, thank you so much, Mrs. Peña.” 
You had barely hung up before you were punching the keys of your cell phone, dialing up Javi and anxiously chewing on your bottom lip as you waited for him to pick up. 
“Hey, Hermosa!” You could almost hear Javi’s smile through the phone, his voice sweet and unassuming, considering it wasn’t uncommon for you to call him during the day, and especially not about things like this. “What’s going on, baby?” 
“Um, I just got a call from the Principal saying that Lucy and Elliot beat up a kid during recess.” 
“Woah, woah, woah. Wait, Osita, you can’t be serious?” Javi responded, almost more in shock than you were at the news. 
“I’m being serious, Jav. She wants one of us down there to go talk with him, but I’ve got Harper at the doctor’s right now and I don’t want to have to reschedule if I don’t have to. Is there any way you can go?” You sighed, rubbing your fingers on the sides of your temples from the impending headache your girls were causing you. 
“Holy shit. Yeah, yeah- of course, I’ll head over right now. What the hell happened?” 
“I don’t know, she didn’t say. Jesus Jav, I’m so embarrassed, I know the girls fight at home, but to beat up someone at school? What did we do wrong that would make them think that’s okay?” You could feel the nervous, frustrated tears beginning to well in your eyes, guilt and shame creeping through every inch of your body, currently feeling like the worst parent to have ever existed in that moment. 
“Shhhh, hey, Osita, it’s alright. I’m sure there has to be a reason. I’m gonna head out right now and figure it out, okay? I love you. Give Harps a big kiss for me, yeah?” 
“Okay. I love you too. Thanks, Jav.” 
With a gentle click of the receiver, the other side of the line went silent, leaving you and Harper in the bright, sterile lights of the waiting room. The ceiling lights may as well been spotlights beaming down in your direction, now sensing several pairs of eyes on you after your phone call. You’d never been so thankful for your 4 year old’s sleepy, sick state, because if she was any more awake, she would be happily babbling about your phone call to everyone in the lobby, letting them know her big sisters got in a fight at school. 
“Harper Peña?” A voice called from across the lobby. 
Well, at least one of your 3 daughters you could help take care of. 
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Javi was pretty sure the last time drove this fast anywhere was after your water broke with Elliot, making it to the hospital in record breaking time. Whipping into the first empty parking spot he found, Javi practically sprinted through the parking lot to the front of the building, his heart pounding as he stepped into the main office, greeted by the familiar faces of your old co-workers, with unfamiliar grimaces on their faces. 
“Principal Coleman’s back this way.” Señora Gonzalez mumbled, almost avoiding eye contact with Javi as she pointed to the open door behind her desk. As if the phone call from his wife earlier didn’t have him worried enough, the dismayed look on everyone’s faces sure didn’t help. 
“Hi Mr. Peña. Please, take a seat.” Principal Coleman smiled politely after outstretching her hand for Javi to shake before gesturing towards the empty seat between Lucy and Elliot. If there was one thing Javi was not shocked about, it was the way both of his daughters seemed to be handling the current situation. Lucy, being the empathetic older sister she was, was in tears, trying her best to keep from bawling as she looked up at her dad, her face riddled with guilt. Elliot on the other hand, was leaned back in her chair, arms crossed against her chest, seeming almost completely unbothered by her current situation, giving Javi a little shrug, as if to say I’m not sure why we’re here either. 
“Principal Coleman, I just want to start off by saying I’m so sorry. I was shocked when my wife called me and said the girls had been in a fight.” 
“He was asking for it…” Elliot mumbled under her breath, arms still crossed, slouching even lower. 
“Elliot Marie.” Javi snapped, giving his daughter a dangerous glare, knowing her stubborn attitude he was all too familiar with. 
“Well why don’t you go ahead then Elliot. Can you explain to us what happened?” Principal Coleman asked, nodding at Elliot. Elliot let out a deep sigh, sitting up a little straighter in her chair, uncrossing her arms and bracing them on the armrests of her seat. 
“Principal Coleman, do you know Hunter in my class?” Elliot asked, prepping the room as if she was getting ready to argue her case in court. Principal Coleman slightly cocked her head, intrigued by Elliot’s question. 
“Yes, I do.” 
“Okay. Well at the beginning of the year, Mrs. Walker told us that Hunter’s brain is kind of different than ours. He says the same things over and over and makes silly noises and moves his body around even when he’s supposed to be sitting still. She said it’s because he has Autumn-tism. I don’t know why it’s called that because he doesn’t really like the fall, but he does really like outer space.” 
“He has Autism, Elliot, not Autumn-tism.” Lucy groaned, rolling her eyes at her sister. 
“Whatever.” Elliot sighed, rolling her eyes right back. “Anyways, no one ever wanted to play with Hunter because he was different from other kids, and everyone called him weird, and I felt really sad because everyone should have friends to play with at school. So one day I decided to ask him if he wanted to play and now we’re best friends and play rocket ships every day at recess.” Elliot adjusted again, scooching up taller in her chair, looking back and forth between her dad and Principal Coleman. “And even though Mrs. Walker always says be kind to everyone, Max in my class is not very kind, especially to Hunter. He always makes fun of him and calls him mean names, and I always tell him to stop because it hurts Hunter’s feelings.” 
“Well I’m very glad that you are standing up for your friend Elliot, but how did this end up with you and Lucy both beating up Max?” 
“I’m getting there Principal Coleman, I promise.” Elliot nodded, already halfway out the door to law school at this point. “Today at recess, Hunter and I were on the swings playing rockets, minding our own business, when all of a sudden Max came up out of nowhere and pushed Hunter so hard off the swings he landed in the wood chips and started crying. And if that wasn’t bad enough, he said that Hunter deserved it because he was a freak and freaks shouldn’t get to have friends.” 
“It’s true, that’s what he said…” Lucy quietly chimed in, barely lifting her eyes off their fixed spot on the floor. “I was out at recess too and I saw Max push Hunter so I went over to help.” 
“So I helped Hunter up and then I told Max that he can’t talk to him like that, and if he keeps making fun of him, I’m gonna kick him in the nuts.” 
“She did also say that…” Lucy grimaced, looking over at her sister. 
“Well. He called him a stupid loser who should go fly to outer space so no one ever has to see him again. So I kicked him in the nuts. I warned him.” Elliot responded, holding up her hands in defense. 
“I may have kicked him too…” 
“I’m really sorry, Daddy. And I'm sorry Principal Coleman.  I know we’re not supposed to fight and use our words but I couldn’t let him make fun of Hunter anymore. It’s not fair.” 
“I’m really sorry, too. I should have told her to stop. She is right, Max is always so mean to him for no reason besides the fact he’s different and he can’t help it.” 
The girls both looked up at their dad with remorse, their sweet little faces filled with a mix of guilt and pride, knowing they were in the wrong for what they had done, but also knowing they had done what was right for Elliot’s friend, even if it meant finding themselves in the Principal’s Office. 
After hearing his daughter’s story, his face mirrored theirs. While he also didn’t think he’d find himself in the Principal’s Office this afternoon, he also couldn’t help but feel proud knowing that his daughters cared so deeply about this boy, and had gone out of their way to stand up for him with no hesitation. There had been so many times since the girls had been born that Javi wondered if he had ever done right by his daughters. But seeing them here today, knowing all they wanted to do was stand up for the person who needed it most had him feeling like maybe, just maybe, he was doing something right. 
Even Principal Coleman’s face began to soften, realizing the circumstances of the situation, recognizing the Peña girls wanted nothing more than to protect their friend, even if they perhaps hadn’t gone about it the right way. 
“Well girls. I think that we can all agree that moving forward, violence is never the right way to solve our problems, correct?” Lucy and Elliot softly bobbed their heads, looking down at the ground. “That being said, I do think that it is very brave of you that you stood up for Hunter. He is very lucky to have such thoughtful friends.” Principal Coleman smiled, Lucy and Elliot’s heads now perking back up in shock. “I do think that you still do need to apologize to Max for what you did, so tomorrow, the three of us are going to meet, sound fair?” 
The girls shook their heads in agreement, still bracing themselves for the rest of their punishment. “Mr. Peña, while I do not condone fighting in the slightest, I do think there is something to be said for the fact your girls have such big hearts.” 
“Thank you.” Javi beamed, peering down at his two girls, resting a hand on each of their knees and giving them a little shake. “Again, I am really sorry, I promise we’ll talk about using our words instead of fighting if something like this ever happens again.” 
“Of course. Alright girls, you two can both head back to class and-” 
“Actually, if it’s okay, I’m gonna sign them out and take them home.” Javi interjected, the girls now staring at their dad in confusion. Principal Coleman nodded, her and Javi shaking hands once again before the 3 Peñas made their way out of the office.  
“Daddy, why are we going home?” Elliot asked, puzzled by her dad’s proposition. 
“Just go get your stuff, okay?” Javi smiled, nudging the two girls towards the door as they speeded off to their classrooms, quickly returning with their backpacks. 
The 3 loaded into Javi’s truck, Lucy and Elliot exchanging silent, confused looks in the backseat before Elliot worked up the courage to speak. “Daddy… Are you mad at us?” 
Javi turned back around to face the girls, tilting his sunglasses down the bridge of his nose. “You guys know you shouldn’t be fighting at school, right?” 
“Right.” The little voices said in unison. 
“Good. I’m not mad, girls. I’m really proud of you. You did the right thing standing up for that kid. There may be times in life where there isn’t always an easy answer to things, but you girls did what you knew was right, and that’s what mattered most. Sounds like Max is a really big jerk anyways.”  
“You can say that again…” Elliot snorted, the 3 of them laughing along at her comment. With that, Javi turned over the ignition in his car, the engine roaring to life as he began to pull out of the parking lot in the opposite direction of home.  
“Dad, we don’t go home this way?” Lucy pointed out, in her lovingly know-it-all voice. 
“I know. That’s because we’re going to get ice cream.” Javi grinned, the girls now cheering in excitement, dancing in their seats. 
“Just don’t tell mom.” 
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Your mind hadn’t stopped racing since the minute you had gotten the phone call from school a few hours ago, now only beating faster as you saw Javi’s truck parked in the driveway at 3:30, before he or the girls would have been finished with work or school. You scooped Harper out of her carseat, rushing inside to see what in the world was going on, only to be greeted by the sounds of giggles and laughter from Javi, Lucy and Elliot along with Mario Kart Double Dash dinging and clanging in the background. 
“No Dad, you have to throw the banana!” 
“What do you mean, throw it? I still have shells I have to get rid of, right? This game makes no sense and I’m in last place.” 
“Maybe if you threw the banana, you wouldn’t be in last place!” 
“Uhhhh… What’s going on?” You asked, wondering how in the world you had gone from a very serious phone call with your husband a few hours ago to him and the girls playing GameCube on the couch like it was any other day. 
“Hi Mom!” The girls shouted in unison, throwing down their controllers and running over towards you, wrapping their arms around your waist in a tight hug. 
“Hi?” You asked wearily, starting to wonder if this phone call had been a fever dream given everyone’s happy demeanor. “Are we not gonna talk about the phone call I got from Principal Coleman earlier today?” You raised an eyebrow at Javi, now making his way towards you, standing on the other side of the girls to sandwich them in between you and him in a hug, leaning over them to press a kiss onto your lips. “Taking them out of school early to play Mario Kart doesn’t look a lot like a punishment, Jav.” You grumbled into his ear, his face still pressed against yours. 
“Girls, why don’t you go play so Mom and I can talk about what happened, okay?” The girls happily agreed, taking Harper back over to the couch and resuming their game while you leaned back against the kitchen counter, arms folded over your chest in disappointment at Javi, waiting for an explanation. 
“You’ve heard Elliot talk about Hunter in her class before?” You could already feel your guard starting to come down, knowing you had a feeling exactly where this conversation was headed after hearing who was involved. “Apparently, a kid in Elliot’s class was picking on him for being Autistic and pushed him off the swings, so her and Lucy kicked him in the crotch.” You couldn’t help but let out a sigh of relief, relief slowly turning into laughter as you buried your face in your hands, letting out a deep exhale before looking back at Javi. “I talked to them and they feel bad about it and know it’s wrong and they’re gonna apologize to the kid, but I couldn’t be that mad at them, right? They stood up for the kid even if they knew it was gonna get them in trouble. I’m honestly proud of them.”
You took a step towards Javi, pulling him in for a hug, resting your head against his shoulder as you spoke into his chest. “God, what are we gonna do with these girls?” The two of you chuckled, Javi snaking his hand down to cradle your cheek, tracing his thumb along your jaw. 
“Ask for a raise so we can send Elliot off to law school, apparently. Made a hell of a case in Coleman’s office. Just as head strong as her Momma.” Javi leaned down, letting his nose brush against yours as he tenderly placed his lips on yours, letting them linger for a moment while your smiles crept between them. 
“And their Daddy’s sense of right and wrong. Guess we must be doing something right if they care that much.” You smiled, looking up at Javi, his sweet brown eyes beaming down back at you, wondering how in the world you had ended up with 3 of the sassiest, sweetest combinations of the two of you in your daughters. “Okay, well, this was not how I was planning the rest of the day to go, but I guess it’s a happy surprise to have all of us home, so I’ll take it. I love you, Jav.” 
“I love you too, Osita.” 
You wrapped your arms around Javi’s waist, squeezing him in a long, tight hug as pressed his arms against your back, pulling you in closer as he planted a soft kiss on the top of your head. 
“Hey Munchkins, you want a snack and then we can pick something to play outside together?” 
“Okay!” The girls shouted from the family room over the background noise of their game until Elliot piped up again. 
“Honestly, I’m okay on snacks, I’m still really full from the ice cream.” 
You spun back around to look up at Javi, running his hand over the back of his neck, darting his eyes away from yours as you rested your hands on your hips, shaking your head. “Ice cream? Really?” 
“Hey, kickin’ ass is hard work.”
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@cool-iguana @rhoorl @whyjuliaaa @bbiophiliaa @pertinentpostmortem @angelofsmalldeath-codeine @pedrobaby @fatima-marisa @beboldbebravethings @poodlebae @kittenlittle24 @3sriracha @jungchloee @perennialdoll247 @prettyinpunk85 @partyofone3413 @harriedandharassed @pedrohoe04 @theorganasolo @endlessthxxghts @beware-my-thorns @missladym1981 @messinadress @milly-louise @dappydelta @blackfemalenerd @jay-zzle @the-one-with-the-grey-color @persephone-girl @bitchesuntitled @millennial-teenybopper
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greeniegirl23 · 4 months ago
Isn't It.. Lovely? (Chapter 3#)
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One month.
You had one month to make the biggest decision you'd ever make in your life. Part of you wondered why you didn't tell Alastor to have a field day with your Father's corpse, until you remembered that the other part of you still loved and cared for him.
He was still your Dad and once upon a time he was a very good Dad. Your parents were practically a power couple when your Mom was alive, after her death, depression fell on him like a bag of bricks. Leading him to find feeling again in glasses of wine and bottles of hard liquor.
Everyday you pondered on this, wondering if something would finally push you over the edge. If you'd snap and take revenge for yourself.
You didn't like having those thoughts. Yes, the idea of liberty made you feel elated but at the cost of the last family member you had? It was conflicting to say the least.
All that worrying came to a halt once Alastor began to solidify his place in your life.
Every night at 9pm sharp, when you were dressed for bed and your despicable abuser was asleep. Alastor used his powers to turn your radio into your own personal hotline. He was ever so happy to hear from you, happiest when he saw nor heard any traces of harm inflicted on you that day.
He soon found out that you were a curious one and a terrible over-sharer. It was obvious you never really had friends before and if you did, they left you behind long ago. You were as innocent and pure as the driven snow. Always asking questions about him, about Hell, and what it was like back when he was on Earth.
You loved when he told you more about his life. It was like he was reading you your own personal bedtime stories. Tales of speakeasies and the depression, parties that lasted from dusk to dawn, and of course, all of the completely justified crimes he committed before his demise.
As payment for his stories, you told him about your own and caught him up on modern day issues. He seemed especially interested in World War I, disappointed that he died a few years shy of when it started. You told him about your health science classes, your school, and he even became a good study buddy to help you out with your tests.
“Alright darling, last question.” He stated, a drum roll playing in the background. “If your patient performs a forward lunge, which plane of the body are they moving in?”
You chewed on the end of your pencil. “..Coronal?”
A bell dinging made you smile. “Correct! Well done darling, but I'd like for you to work on your confidence when you answer. No one wants a doctor that's unsure of what they're doing.”
“Yeah..I just get so unsure sometimes. I think I'm more scared of being wrong than being right.”
He chuckled. “Do not fret my dear! I've been doing these little pop quizzes with you long enough to know you have a sharp mind. Confidence is a tool that will solidify your place in the career you plan to pursue, so don't be afraid to utilize it more.” His voice was so kind and mentoirish. It felt like he was giving you life lessons almost every time he talked.
On one hand that made you embarrassed. Like these were things you should have already known but you didn't, but you decided to give yourself some grace. Life was different for you than everyone else, so obviously there would be some things you didn't experience to gain knowledge from.
You placed your pencil down and sat cross legged in your chair. Not being the type of person who could sit still, nor do things normally. “Is that how you become a radio host? Because you were super confident?”
There was a pause. “Well, it was something that helped. Being a professional at what I do required more than just believing in myself. Most people think it's easy, but it has its challenges. For example, I used to rehearse my script in the mirror to stop myself from unconsciously going ‘umm’ every 10-30 seconds. It also aided in preventing myself from fumbling my words.”
“That sounds like solid advice.” You smiled. “I should start keeping a journal when you're around and call it ‘Life Lessons As Taught By The Radio Demon.’”
A loud cackling broke out over the radio. “Ah, so the girl does have a sense of humor. A good one at that!” He said proudly. “And here I thought you were all doom and gloom.”
“Hey! I'll have you know staying positive at all times can be very exhausting.” You huffed, placing your hands on your hips in a pouty attitude. “It's really hard to smile when it feels like the world is against you...”
There was a stagnant silence in the air as you turned your head to gaze out the window, watching the rain drizzle from the grey sky. It was your favorite weather, even more so because of the friend it allowed you to find.
Alastor pondered over your words before he took a deep breath. “That leads to a question that I've been meaning to ask you for some time now. It's a rather sensitive one so if you'd prefer not to answer, I would understand.”
Giving the plushie your attention, Alastor's tone turned concerned as he asked. “I can’t help but wonder, Darling, where is your mother..?”
Without missing a beat, you replied. “Oh, my Dad murdered her.”
A sharp microphone screech omitted from the radio. It was safe to say he most definitely was not expecting that..
Not because he can't see your degenerate of a guardian doing something of the sort, he was actually more curious as to how someone as sloppy as your Dad could get away with something like that. No. What got him was even though you were saying words that no child should ever say until they're well into adulthood, you smiled. A soft one, filled with unspeakable pain and a lust for something you could not yet gain.
You could feel him hesitating to ask you some more questions on the topic, so you decided that you could quickly give him your life story. “Whenever anyone asks about it, I always tell them that she passed from cancer but, that's not true..”
Alastor’s signal chirped in curiosity, but he made sure to sound sympathetic. “What happened?..”
You chuckled a bitter melody.
“She was born a diabetic and I was around twelve.. Everyday my Mom took her medicine, the diabetes is actually what led her to becoming a doctor in the first place. Every morning my Dad would make her coffee, as a way of telling her he loved her. I snuck a few sips before only to find out she made it black, when she caught me she told me “Mommy can't have sugar…”
When I turned fourteen, they started arguing. A lot. I can remember hearing them sometimes. Mom threatened to leave him because he was starting to grow a gambling issue and she was tired of taking the brunt of most of the bills. He promised to change and that's when everything started to go downhill.. Weeks went by, she just started getting sicker and sicker seemingly out of nowhere. Still had her morning coffee though. I'd make it for her sometimes and she reminded me “Mommy can't have sugar.” Hardly able to do anything for herself, much less take her medicine. Of course he said he'd do it, he promised me he did when he took me to school..He still made her coffee, before he went to work and after she had been made bed bound..I thought it was a lie, that it wasn't true until I realized that she died that morning with a cup of coffee in her hand..”
A sour laugh left your lips, as you recalled that day you came home from school and found her lying there with blood on the pillow, blood that she had been coughing up for almost a month.
“That bastard was poisoning her with fucking sugar… Everyday he was putting a little bit in her morning coffee and not giving her the insulin she needed. She was a Type 1 diabetic and he did all of it for some fuckin insurance money..” You sighed, running a hand through your hair. Before yanking it in frustration and punching your fist through the nearest wall, your face was blank and unmoving for a second not even flinching as you removed your bruised fist from the drywall. “Mama couldn't have sugar..”
Alastor listened as you explained your mother's demise. His distaste for your father grew more and more as he recalled memories of his own childhood. He'd never tell you to your face, but he could see parts of himself in you from his younger years, if lead in the proper manner, you could become quite the promising killer.
He shook his head. Not the best thoughts to be having right now, not while you're on the edge of a mental breakdown.
“I..Would be lying to you if I said I knew what to tell you about such an awful situation..” He stated hesitantly. “But I can say that I am sorry, that you had to deal with something like this so early in life.”
“Don't be sorry, there's nothing to be done about it…She's gone now and I have to get away from him.” You declared, looking at your now bruised hand. “Now you understand why I made that wish. On any day, at any time, for any reason, that man could decide to kill me. To kill his own daughter in cold blood..”
Alastor hummed. “If you know this, then let me help you." He demanded. "I cannot sit idly by forever my dear, these links to your world are only good for short times to prevent other demons from causing other problems. No one understands the severity of this situation more than you. I would love to help you exact revenge on that putrid sack of skin but you must choose before it is too late and I am no longer around..
You sat in silence as Alastor did his best to help you come to a decision. As much as you hated being rushed, you couldn't deny that he was correct. But the decision was hard, harder than you thought it would be considering the fact that you still loved your father and the man he used to be…
All these thoughts ran through your head on a daily basis, everytime they made you wanna curl up and cry. Snatching up the plush doll, you gave it a good squeeze and hid your face in your knees, wishing that your Mom was still around.
The Radio Demon pursed his lips in thought, he wasn't good with others emotions unless he could feed off of the entertainment from it, much less comforting them. There was nothing entertaining about this, about you being sad. He didn't like it for a reason he couldn't explain, perhaps because you were so bubbly in the beginning?
You weren't trying to do anything miraculous, you just wanted to live your life in peace and possibly get justice for your mother. That was something he could understand. He wouldn't mind completely decimating your Dad, truly he wouldn't! It'd be on the house for you, truly you're the most pitiful soul he's come across in a long while.
He supposed he could pull a few quick strings to make you feel better in the moment. To bring back that smile of yours, full of wonder and a desire for life.
As you continued to seek shelter in your knees, you felt a gentle touch caress the top of your head, sharp claws softly scraping your scalp in an attempt to comfort you.
Quickly yet carefully, you snapped your head up to see none other than The Radio Demon crouched down right in front of you. His hand still rested on the crown of the head as you both stared at each other for a moment.
“I'm sorry.. am I dreaming?” You blurted out.
Alastor smiled, laughing in a low tone at your completely gobsmacked expression. “Fortunately for you, the answer is no my dear. As a gentleman, it'd be rude of me not to at least attempt to help a lady in emotional distress.”
You were still dazed and confused about him being here, much less t o u c h i n g you!! “Ida..I-- I didn't know you could-”
“Travel through the radio? It is quite possible but I only do so on rare occasions since it requires a fair bit of my power that cannot be overexerted in one day.”
Standing up to his full height, you realized how tall he was and thanked God that the ceiling was high enough for his antlers not to scrape. Crawling out of your chair, you immediately felt like an ant compared to him, the top of your head barely came to his collarbone.
“Holy crap you're tall." You blurted again. "I mean, I knew that you were tall but, you're really, really tall..”
Smirking with pride, he twirled his cane expertly like the show off you knew and loved. “7”0 exactly my dear, a foot taller than I was when I was a mortal! Though I suppose that was the universes funny way of punishing me for my crimes, I've bumped my forehead on door frames a good 50 times in both life and death!”
As you examined his real life appearance, you couldn't help but laugh. “Yeah well, the heels don't help.” You pointed to his shoes.
He huffed in feigned offense. “They are not heels, darling they are tap dancing shoes and it was quite common for them to have a bit of height back in my day.”
“Okay, Fred Astare.” You snorted as he settled himself on the side of your bed as you marveled at the fact that he was still taller than you even while sitting down. “And here I was preparing to offer you a dance in hopes of lifting your spirits, only for you to insult my tastes in fashion.” He hmphed, crossing his arms and legs while sticking up his pointy nose towards you.
In a daring moment, you sat right next to him crissed crossed, careful not to to touch him while he continued to play offended. “C’mon Al, don't be so huffy. I didn't mean anything by it.”
“ ‘Al’ huh?” He hummed. “Sounds like someone is getting rather familiar.”
“Hey, you call me 'Darling' and 'Dear' so often I think that it's only fair that I call you 'Al' on occasions.”
“I suppose you have a point. Nevertheless, I came here to try and boost your spirits, you seem to be doing better so if you wish to be bratty I can just go back home..” He teased with an evil grin.
“Wait!” You said just a bit too loudly. “Would you like to play a game with me? Ya know, before you go..”
Alastor raised an eyebrow in curiosity as he parted his lips to deny your offer, until you pulled out the big guns and gave him your best puppy girl eyes. A chill went down his spine from your usage of such cheap tactics, remembering his years as a lad and doing the exact same thing when he wanted something desperately from his dear mother.
“Okay! Okay!” He said, placing his hands up in surrender. “I shall subject myself to whatever game this is for one round, as long as you stop making that revolting expression..”
He watched as you smiled with pure enthusiasm. Such a beautiful smile you had, it made him irritated that you didn't do it more, yet proud that he typically was the source of it sprouting in the first place. Crimson eyes followed your movements as you shuffled off the bed to grab a small deck of cards off of your shelf. A part of him hoped you heard the chuckle that left his lips while you struggled to stand on your toes to retrieve this game.
“It's called ‘Uno’ “ You explained, walking back to him with a red box in hand. “It's a pretty simple game and the rules are easy.” Dumping the cards out of the box, the two of you sat parallel with one another.
”However, this simple game has been known to end more friendships than Monopoly and Mario Kart put together. It shall truly test our bond as companions, only the strongest survive it's trials..” You spoke in a dramatic tone while shuffling the cards and placing the proper numbers out for the both of you. Once you were finished, you placed the extra cards in the middle and looked the Radio Demon square in the eye. “Are you ready?”
“Yes yes,” He replied aloofly. “There isn't any possible way this silly game could cause such a staggering amount of broken relationships. I refuse to believe it's that bad.’
You chuckled bitterly. “You beautiful unsuspecting fool.”
---------------------- ( 2 Hours Later) ---------------------
“That's against the rules!” Alastor hissed underneath his breath as you threw out a fat stack of +2 cards.
“No it's not Alastor, you said you wanted to play stacks and this is how it's played.” You muttered.
The first round between you two consisted of showing Alastor the ropes. The confident man he was, he assured you that the game was easy enough for an infant to play and win effortlessly, especially since he won the first round. You then decide to spice things up by teaching him how to play stacks. He claimed that was easy as well and you allowed him to believe this as the next round consisted of him losing, and so did the next round, and the round after that, and the round after that…
Before you knew it, two hours had gone by and Alastor was determined to beat you at least once. It had gotten so intense that he resorted to taking his tail coat off and even putting his hair up, leaving him in his tight red office shirt and hair that framed his face like the scrumdiddlyumptious being that he was. The sight of his bare arms totally didn't have you blushing up a storm behind your cards.
While he was stewing over his next move, you got to confirm a few fan theories and ogled at his appearance.
Respectfully, of course.
But, the game wasn't over yet. Alastor sat across from you, irritated and with at least eleven cards in his hand, while you had three. The air was tense as he scratched his head and finally decided to throw out a small handful of 8’s, bringing his card count down to five.
Your poker face remained unmoving as you calmly threw out a wild card. “Blue.”
A warble of interference omitted from Alastor's person as his eyes scanned his cards carefully. You were actually surprised at how the tables had turned personality wise. In the beginning, it was Alastor who was calm and collected, but every loss slowly chipped away at the pride that fueled his unwavering persona. His usual smile was now looking more forced, making his disdain obvious.
Throwing out a blue card, you threw out two on top, leaving you with one card as you stated that dreadful word. “Uno.”
With a growl, Alastor tossed out a draw +4. “Red.” He stated blandly. A quick glance at the clock let him know he was late for a meeting with Charlie, but formalities be damned because he was going to win this game.
You took your cards quickly and deemed your hand an amazing one. He replied by tossing out a 2 and leaving three cards left. Victory was close and he swore that once he won he would ‘kindly’ rub it in your face.
But, just as you had been doing for these past five rounds, you had an ace up your sleeve. You tossed out the red ‘Skip’ card, costing Alastor a vital turn that could have turned the tables, only to metaphorically slap him in the face by cheering “Uno!” and dropping your final cards in the middle of the messy deck.
He suppressed a scream of irritation as you did your little victory dance, glaring at you both with gaiety and pure spite. He stood up and snapped his coat back on and his hair back down, he pinched your cheek just a little too hard. “That's enough cutting a rug darling, especially for someone that has two left feet such as yourself.”
“Stop trying to cease my dancing, I must wiggle out my joy.”
With a roll of his eyes, he tuned the radio on to his station to prepare to go back home. “Well you can dance until your heart's content, unfortunately I have to return back home to handle some business.”
Immediately your uncoordinated movements stopped, as you frowned. “Oh, right..”
Part of him felt bad. Not that he would tell you outright, but he didn't exactly want to leave you behind either. The thoughts of what your father could do unannounced made him concerned for your safety, but there wasn't anything he could do. Instead, he smiled genuinely and lifted your gaze up with his finger.
“Chin up, dearest. I shall check on you tomorrow as always and don't forget, you still need to make up your mind about what you want from the options presented to you.”
You didn't reply verbally, but you did nod your head sadly which would have to be enough for now. As he prepared to walk off, he was suddenly stopped by a tight embrace from behind. Anyone else who would have ever dared to think of such a thing would have been a splatter on the wall and he was just about to give you a kind yet serious talk about personal space until he felt something wet soaking through his clothes.
“..Thank you.” You mumbled through the fabric. Inhaling his scent as you sniffled and tried to calm down, honestly you were surprised he didn't push you off.
As mentioned before, emotions were not Alastor's think nor was physical affection. However in this moment, with you crying lightly and hugging him as if he were your only hope of survival, he decided that maybe, just this once, he would let it slide.
For his comfort, you didn't allow the hug to last longer than a minute. Once you pulled away you were embarrassed to say the least and prepared for him to possibly scold or never talk to you again. But, to your surprise, he simply pat your head and whispered, “Sleep tight, cher.”and was gone with a blink of your eyes.
To say you were sad was an understatement, but you knew that he'd be back tomorrow like he was everyday. The idea of talking to him tomorrow. To hear his voice in real time, talking to you and to offer comfort because he actually cared made your heart pound in your chest. As much as you didn't want to think this way, you couldn't help it. He seemed so concerned about you, in a way that no one else has until now.
You did your best to still your beating heart as you began to clean up your fun from earlier, only to find your cards were missing. You looked everywhere and still couldn't find them, ultimately you claimed into bed and decided that maybe Alastor snapped them somewhere you'd never find so that he wouldn't have to loose, I mean, play anymore.
“Alastor you're late!” Vaggie snapped as he came waltzing down the stairs, following her to where the rest of the group sat waiting.
“I am aware Vagatha, I was busy doing something else.” He replied calmly, only to make the fallen angel more irritated. “Whatever, I hope you brought something because it's your turn for a group activity today..”
“But of course! How could I forget?” He smiled impishly, before pulling out a red box with a familiar word on it. Once with the rest of the residents, Alastor clapped his hands together and pulled out a chalkboard seemingly out of nowhere.
“For today's activity being hosted by yours truly, we shall all be playing a game suited for bonding and the strengthening of relationships,” He beamed, writing out the title of the game in big letters for everyone to see.
“The name of the game is...UNO!"
(Thank you for coming back for Chapter 3# of this story! I hope you stick around for the next one because I plan to make it the last. I've been so busy with life and stuff, it's kinda hard to find time or motivation to write, but I do want this to come to a close while still making room for a bit of fun between Al and the Reader.
For those who asked me to make a tag list, I'm not entirely sure how to 😅. Though I will try to figure it out for the next time I write a short story. Don't forget to leave your opinions behind in the comments and thank you for all the love you guys give me, it means a lot 💜
Stay Tuned! :D
Taglist: @twistedvanillacoffee @diffidentphantom @boldlyenchantingfox22
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uniquexusposts · 7 months ago
Below Deck | C. Leclerc (2)
Summary: Y/n and Charles had broken up a few weeks ago. Y/n thought it was a good idea to enter the yachting world to get over the break up, but suddenly he shows up at the last charter of the season. How will they cope with it? Words: 2008 Read the story that was based off the one shot here Part 1
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"Do you watch F1?" It was Max who asked it.
Luca, Otis and Y/n were standing in the lounge. They were having a conversation with the guests, well, Max, Charles, Carlos and Pierre did. They just got back from the beach picnic. Y/n hated that these people were polite, curious and just... Why can't they leave me alone? Luca stirred Y/n into the conversation, and she couldn't just leave.
"Yes, I do! Well, not so much now I work all the time, but where I can, I follow it," Luca said.
Luca was such a sweetheart. He always looked angry, but that was just his facial structure. And he looked so intimidating because of his muscles, but he was a real sweetheart.
"I'm more of a NASCAR guy, I'm sorry," Otis mentioned awkwardly.
Otis was the guy who was probably the most responsible. He never had drama, never. But when there was drama, he was always there. He sometimes had funny comebacks. Together with Y/n, they were drama free.
"And Y/n says she doesn't watch F1," Luca said and wrapped his arm around her shoulders. "But I think she secretly does."
Y/n played along with him. "Secretly, I'm a big fan," she smirked. "But don't tell anyone."
"See, I knew it," Luca laughed.
The guests laughed along, trying to not make it awkward. Y/n had to bite her lip to try not to burst into laughter because it was so fake and uncomfortable. She knew almost everything about F1.
"The next race is..?" Luca asked.
"France and right after that, Budapest. The last races before the break," Pierre responded.
"Very cool. I can catch up with it right after we finish this job," Luca happily said. "The last race I saw was with the accident, Imola, I believe." He let go of Y/n. "Dear Lord, that looked horrible."
Y/n pressed her jaws on each other, and her face straightened. She quickly remembered she had guests - who were still her friends - in front of her, so she relaxed all the muscles in her face. Get out of here.
"It looked more horrible than it actually was," Charles replied. "Which was explained later on."
This was a sneer, and Y/n knew it. She looked impressed and nodded. "Of course it did," she mumbled.
Pierre and Carlos looked at Y/n and then at Charles; if looks could kill... They looked at each other and sent each other a look. A look that told: it's bad.
"May I ask how it was for you? I really can't imagine how it must be to be in that car. It really looked so bad. What a small touch can cause..."
Italy, Imola, Sunday. Everything started fine that afternoon until a gearbox of a driver stopped working. Red flag. All the cars went to the pits. Very unfortunate for the driver who had his race finished way too early.
On the other hand, Charles could make an advantage with the restart since the official start went like shit. The car was removed from the track, and everyone was ready for a standing restart. So it began again.
Until Charles Leclerc got a small touch of someone.
Charles shoved over the track at many kilometres per hour. His car flipped upside down. His car hit the barrier with 40G. His car crashed and shattered completely. It took the people over 30 minutes to get him out of the car. It took Ferrari another 90 minutes before a statement was released.
"When you get into a F1 car, you're packed. The impact was gigantic, and I saw my life playing in front of my eyes, but it really looked worse from the outside than from what I saw in the cockpit. Thank god for every regulation and the modern cars," Charles summarised.
"My goodness, it still sounds horrible. I'm glad you got out safely," Luca mentioned, relieved. "I feel like, when it goes wrong, it goes good wrong. Just like with Zhou at Silverstone last year."
"That one was pretty ugly as well," Max agreed.
"I still think the crash of Grojean is the worst in years," Y/n stirred. "I saw it happening, and I thought: nope, we're not doing this again. When he got out of the car, I've never felt so relieved," she said.
Pierre nodded. "He got so lucky. I've seen the reconstruction video, and I heard his story; it was so... I don't have words for it."
"F1 is an ugly sport," Y/n blurted.
"It depends," Charles shot back.
"It is an ugly sport," Y/n sneered.
"Felix for Y/n," the radio went off.
Thank you so much. Y/n grabbed the transceiver from her skirt and held it to her mouth. "Go ahead," she said.
"Can you make two mojitos for Kelly and Rebecca, and bring them to the front deck?"
"I'm on it," she said. "If you will excuse me," Y/n smiled and walked away without waiting for a response.
The smile on her face dropped straight away, and her eyebrows lowered. She was so done with everything, and she wanted to go home so badly. Then she remembered that she didn't have a home, so she had to return to her dad. Y/n was close to having a breakdown but had to keep it together. She arrived at the bar and made two mojito's as requested. Y/n brought them to the two girls and walked to the laundry room to fold and steam some clothes.
She walked with the folded clothes to the bedrooms of the guests. She knocked on every door, making sure no one was in there. In two of the bedrooms, it was that case. Y/n knocked on the last door and opened it without hesitation as she expected it to be empty.
"Oh, excusez-moi," Y/n said when she saw someone in the room of Pierre and Charles. She stepped outside and closed the door behind her. It could be Pierre, she hoped not for Charles.
"No, it's fine."
It was Charles.
"I have your clothes," Y/n mentioned. "Or Pierre's," she mumbled, trying to not give him attention.
The door opened from the inside. "Thank you," he said. "You can put it in the closet."
A sigh left her mouth. For some reason, she didn't accept it. Now it really felt like he was using her. Well, he paid for this service, but it just felt so weird to Y/n.
"Sure, perfect," she said and entered his room again. It was deadly silence, awkward silence, in the room. Y/n placed the clothes in the closet.
"Why did you say that?" Charles suddenly asked.
"Said what?" Y/n was glad that no one from the crew on this boat spoke French. She could hold a conversation without them knowing what they were talking about. Now she had to control the tone of her voice.
"That F1 is an ugly sport."
"Because it is."
"That is not fair to say."
"Why? It's my opinion." Y/n stepped to the door, ready to leave the room.
"It is not fair, Y/n," he repeated.
She closed the door behind her and stepped toward him. "You know what is not fair? The time that you have let me wait after your accident in Imola. Do you remember how long it took me to discover that you were alive? Two fucking hours," Y/n whisper-yelled.
"I still do not understand why this is why you broke up with me," Charles replied in the same tone.
"For me, it is."
"Why? Tell me why, Y/n. Or is that even too much to ask?"
Her face straightened. "I'm not doing this here. Find someone else to mock on, Charles." She stepped towards the door again.
"Explain it to me! I had asked my team multiple times to contact my family when I was at the medical centre; how many times do I have to tell you that?"
"It is so fucking ridiculous that I had to wait for two hours. I had no idea if you were alive, if you were dead. Nothing. Those two hours were almost the two longest hours of my fucking life. Perhaps you were dead, I don't know," she replied and shrugged. "It's the fact that I had to read it in a statement on social media, I didn't get that message from you personally. Even if it was two hours later, it would have been much better than a social media statement on Twitter."
"Why are you still blaming me for it? I have asked-"
"You don't get the point, do you?"
"Then explain it to me, Y/n. I have been guessing for weeks, and I still don't know what went wrong." Charles scanned Y/n's face, and he noticed the change in her eyes. A glossy layer washed over her eyes, and they became bloodshot. Her shoulders hung low, and she looked down. Charles straightened his face and looked down as well. "I am sorry, Y/n," he whispered.
She was shaking her head, and she took a short breath. Soft sniffs filled the room. "I am sorry."
"Mon amour..." Charles stepped towards her and wrapped his arms around her. He pressed a kiss on her forehead and stroked her back. He closed his eyes when she snuggled her face against his shoulder. His heart broke again.
"My mum," Y/n began and pulled back. "She...erm..."
Charles knew her mother passed away nine years ago. He had no idea what she had to do with this.
"...passed away in a car accident," she softly said. "One night, she didn't come home from work and..." She took a deep breath. "She caused an accident because she was drunk, five other people passed away, and four people got injured."
"Jesus Christ," he whispered. "I'm so sorry, I didn't know that." Everything started to make sense now.
"We only found out a day later because the police failed to contact us."
All the strings got connected together. Accident and no communication.
"So when you crashed and when I didn't get any updates, I panicked. And when I read the statement, I got so angry because... I'm sorry. I probably overreacted," Y/n mumbled and dried her eyes. "But I didn't want this to happen again, and I...the same rollercoaster began. I should have talked to you."
Charles retook her in his arms. It was her trauma, and she panicked. Of course, she would get angry. "You never told me this..."
"It's not really a positive thing to talk about, is it?" She closed her eyes and wrapped her arms around his waist. "My dad asked us not to talk about it with anyone because, you know, we're the family with the alcoholic mother who killed five people."
"Is that why you moved to France?"
"Yup..." She took a deep breath and looked at him. "I'm sorry, I should have reacted differently. It was not your fault. I was just really scared that something bad happened with you, and I compared this situation with my situation."
"But why did you run away, baby?" He whispered and stroked a piece of hair behind her ear.
"I was scared." When Y/n blinked, tears rolled down her cheek. "It's a stupid reason, but I was scared. And then I got an offer to work on this yacht... I am so sorry, Charles. Working in this environment makes you forget everything around you, but I collapsed when I saw you again. Mentally and physically." One thing she loved about Charles was that he gave her time to speak; he never pushed her to talk. "And I fucked it up, I know. I am sorry."
Charles showed a small smile. "You should have told me..." He kissed her forehead again.
"I know, I'm sorry." Y/n looked at him; of course, she wanted to redo the moment, but she couldn't turn back the time. "I know it was not your fault, I know I hurt you, I..."
It was silence between the two again.
Y/n was deciding whether this was a moment where they would fix it or not. Of course, she hoped he could forgive her, but she hurt them by hiding her own problems.
"How many more days until you are done?" Charles suddenly asked.
Y/n nodded. "You're the last charter."
He gently pushed her head in his direction, making him look her in the eyes again. "Do you want to come home then?"
Her face softened, and new tears came into her eyes. "Really?"
"Yes, really," he smiled. "Only if you want."
"Yes, please, I'd love to."
They looked at each other, and they pressed their lips to each other.
Taglist: @itsjustkhaos@crashingwavesofeuphoria@maryvibess @softi92
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tothosewholisten · 9 months ago
Forever Healed | TUA insert
Chapter: 01
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The next morning I woke up in disbelief of what I saw the previous night. I always thought Reginald’s grip on me was too tight for him to let go. I believed that he would live forever, that he would lecture me in his overpriced mansion when I failed at becoming my own person.
I didn’t know if I should feel sad or not, after all, it’s not like he would feel the same if it was me who died that man had the emotional intelligence of a zoo animal. At least that's what I tried to tell myself. But I did want to go back to my old home, just to see if this was a huge prank played on me and he would be there to finally give me what I wanted for years now.
No, this was reality and I knew that because at my front door was a letter, it was addressed from Pogo. The “man” who practically raised me instead of the parent I was supposed to have. How he knows where I live, I had no idea, but it felt good to hear from him after all this time. He told me to come back to the house for the service and I couldn’t just ignore him.
Since this was a funeral I should wear black or maybe some bright neon-colored outfit for the last F you to the big man. But after looking in my closet I realize I only own sad mundane clothes.
“Black it is..” I whisper to myself.
The taxi ride was silent, after telling the driver where I wanted to go I think she knew exactly who I was. I fixed my hair several times and thought about the other adopted children who also experienced hell living there. From time to time I do like to check up on how they're doing, never face to face though.
Like Allison and her latest celeb drama, or Diego still acting like a superhero only now he’s almost 30 and lives in someone else’s storage closet. I'm not sure that adult life has been kind to any of my siblings but I wish the ones who weren't here could’ve still experienced it.
We had come to a stop and I could see the house in all its glory, it gave me shivers that crawled down my spine. I stepped out of the taxi and just stared up at the tall building, If I was about to go in I needed to majorly hype myself up.
After standing there shaking, my shaky hand had finally started to open the intricate umbrella engraved glass doors. This reminded me of the first time I showed up to this place just as terrified of the unknown, but this time instead of crying on the doorstep the unknown opened the door for me. If the unknown was a small monkey man with glasses and a wooden walking stick named Pogo.
“Miss Y/n, please do come in.” Pogo expressed with a warm smile on his monkey face. “I believe you are one of the first to arrive, just right after Master Luther and Klaus. Luther is in your father's room and Klaus is in his study if you’d like to visit them.”
I wasn't paying attention to Pogo’s words, instead I was taking a look around. It took me a while to come up with the right words, it’s like I forgot how to speak. The inside of this place looked like it hadn't changed since I moved out, not one piece out of place.
“Maybe later.” I croaked out, “I'd like to take a look around for a bit.” We walked into the main lounge of the home. I forgot how much there was to see, the space was decorated very well in my opinion.
“As you wish Miss Y/n, let me know if you need anything else.” He called out as he started to walk in the opposite direction. I called back out to him in a small panic.
“Pogo wait,” I said and he turned back around to look at me.
“Yes-“ It only took me a few steps to reach him as I opened up my arms for a hug and he caught on. I embraced the smaller “man”, it felt so familiar, so comforting it almost made me feel good to be back. We stood like that for what could’ve been all my life and I wouldn't care before I pulled back thinking it was too much. “It’s so good to see you, my girl. Welcome home.” I immediately felt back at ease when he spoke those words.
Pogo was a prominent figure in my adolescence to the point where I didn't even question how a monkey could talk. I'd like to think of him as one of my saving graces for getting past the years that I could never forget.
“It feels strange to be back,” I said walking back over to the lounge area. On the wall, I could see a bunch of familiar items like our Umbrella Academy comics, some of our news articles and-
“How long has it been since Five disappeared?” A voice cut in, my eyes searched the room looking for that voice. I set my sights on a small scrawny woman with brown hair pulled into a bun.
It was Vanya, she’s changed since I last saw her but that comes with age I guess, she still shares the same mannerisms as her younger self.
“Miss Vanya! I'm glad to see you as well.” Pogo exclaimed, turning to her but then went back to the portrait of Five on the wall. Made just before he ran away but hung up after as a sign to remember him by our father. I don't think it was out of love for his son but more of a warning for us to not end up like him. “But to answer your question, it's been sixteen years, four months, and fourteen days. Your father insisted I keep track.”
I gave Vanya a little smile and she spoke again. “You wanna know something stupid? I always used to leave the lights on for him.” Pogo and I looked at her sympathetically. “I was scared that he would come back, it would be late, and the house would be dark and he wouldn't be able to find us, so he’d leave again.”
I don’t know if it was childish or hopeful for her to think he would just one day return to us and all would be forgiven but it was true that she never lost hope.
“So, every night I'd make a little snack and make sure all the lights were on.” She finished.
Pogo sighed at her words. “Oh, I remember your snacks. I'm pretty sure I stepped in half those peanut butter and marshmallow sandwiches.” Yes, it was a sad memory but I think all three of us took comfort in the fact that they had these little things they did. To cope with the fact that a part of us was lost the day he left.”Your father always believed that Number Fiver was still out there somewhere. He never lost hope.” He continued.
Vanya frowned, “And look where that got him.”
Alison and Luther made their way to us in the lounge room along with Diego and Klaus following soon behind them, but I had already sat on a couch next to Vanya.
This was an odd event since everyone was so quiet and sticking to themselves or their drinks. And Pogo had left a few minutes ago so any conversations that he sparked no longer existed and it was back to complete silence.
I twiddled with a loose string on my cardigan, trying to shake at least some of the anxiety that brewed from the room. You’d think because we were together almost for half of our lives we would know how to ask each other how life’s been but I guess not. I'd have to talk to Alison sometime soon and also Klaus, out of everyone I've been the most excited to talk to him.
Luther stood up from one of the large couches and cleared his throat. “Uhm, I guess we should get this started. So, I figured we could have some sort of memorial service. In the courtyard at sundown.” He paused. “Say a few words, just at Dad’s favorite spot.”
“Dad had a favorite spot?” Alison questioned.
Luther replied, “You know, under the oak tree.” And I honestly doubt anyone knew or cared but him. He was always more attached to Dad anyway.
“We used to sit out there all the time. None of you ever did that?” Of course not...
Klaus chimed in walking over to the group, a drink in one hand and a cigarette in the other. “Will there be refreshments? Tea? Scones? Cucumber sandwiches are always a winner.”
“What? No. And put that out. You know Dad didn't allow smoking in here.” Luther argued.
“Well he is dead so does it matter” I said while rubbing my forehead. I'm already getting a headache from Luther and it's been five seconds. He throws me a look and I just shut up. Arguing with him also reminds me of a zoo animal and it's not just his new physique..
Alison points to Klaus’s interesting new outfit and says. “Is that my skirt?” And I'm reminded of our teenage years all over again.
“What? Oh! Yeah, this. I found it in your room.” Klaus says. “It’s a little dated, I know, but it's very breathy on the bits-“
Luther cuts in with a stern voice. “Listen up. Still, some important things that we need to discuss, all right?”
“Like what?” Diego asks and finally looks up at us.
“Like the way he died.”
“And here we go..” Diego remarks.
Vanya stares at Luther confused. “I don’t understand. I thought they said it was a heart attack?”
“Yeah, according to the coroner..”
“Well, wouldn't they know” I say?
“Theoretically?” Alison raises a brow at Luther's strange words.
“I'm just saying, at the very least, something happened. The last time I talked to Dad, he sounded strange.” He adds on.
Klaus starts gurgling his alcohol and with a strange noise, he says. “Oh, quelle surprise!” Whatever that means..
“Strange how?” I try to continue.
“He sounded on edge. Told me I should be careful who to trust.”
“I don’t think that’s anything out of the ordinary, like at all.” I shrug.
Diego stands from his chair. “Luther, he was a paranoid, bitter old man who was starting to lose what was left of his marbles.”
“No. He must have known something was gonna happen.” I roll my eyes at Luther's statement. “Look, I know you don’t like to do it, but I need you to talk to Dad.” He finishes by looking at Klaus. The only one of us with those capabilities, Klaus looked panicked by his words.
“I can’t just call Dad in the afterlife and be like, Dad could you just.. stop playing tennis with Hitler for a moment and take this quick call” Klaus states exaggerating the words with hand movements.
“Since when? That’s your thing.”
“I'm not in the right.. frame of mind.”
“You’re high?” Alison turns to look at Klaus.
“Yeah!” he chuckles, still holding his drink and cigarette while sitting “Yeah! I mean how are you not listening to this nonsense?”
“Well sober up, this is important,” says Luther and Klaus groans.”Then there’s the issue of the missing monocle.”
“Who gives a shit about a stupid monocle?” Diego cuts in, which I would have to agree with.
“Exactly, it's worthless. So whoever took it, I think it was personal.” Everyone stares at Luther like he is delusional and at this point, me included. “Someone close to him. Someone with a grudge.”
“Where are you going with this? You lost me at Dad's favorite spot” I ask Luther directly.
Diego stares up at Luther and gets out of his chair to get closer to him. “Oh, isn’t it obvious, Y/n? He thinks one of us killed Dad.” I know everyone knew that was what he was saying but hearing it come from Diego’s mouth hit everyone.
“You do?” Says Klaus. “How could you think that?” Vanya added.
“Great job, Luther. Way to lead.” Diego walks out of the lounge room.
“That’s not what I'm saying,” Luther grunts.
Klaus gets up too not before saying this on his way out. “You’re crazy, man. You’re crazy. Crazy”
“I've not finished” Luther tries to tell us to sit back down.
“Sorry, I'm just gonna go murder, Mom. Be right back” I say with a smile.
“That’s not what I was saying. I didn't-“ Luther sighs as Vanya walks out too. Leaving Allison the last one in the room with a pleading Luther. “Alison. Jeez..” He says trying to call out to her. But unfortunately for him, she also walks away leaving him to mutter to himself alone. “That went well.”
“Hey,” I whispered to Vanya as she was sitting on the stairs deep in thought. “That was.. intense right?” Out of everyone she was the easiest to talk to, she always was there for me.
But I do have to admit I could’ve been there for her more and I'm not sure what she thinks about me after all these years. By her silence she confirmed what I thought, she hates me. After sitting for a second in the silence I wanted to run away and retreat to my room. But she raised her head and looked me in the eyes.
“Yeah it was, Luther was way off.” She says.
I could hug her right now, I'm so happy hearing her voice. I hummed in response but I couldn’t think of anything to say, we just ended up looking at each other waiting for the other to bring up our next topic. “Uhm you're still playing the violin, right? How’s that going.” I ask.
Vanya gives me an awkward smile “It's going pretty okay, I play for an orchestra near my apartment. I also give lessons to kids when I have the time.”
“That’s amazing Vanya.” I smile back. “What chair are you?” That is the extent of my orchestra knowledge, I always liked hearing her play but didn't have any knacks for instruments myself. And it's not like Dad would’ve given me any time to learn, always on to the next mission or session with him.
“Third” she frowns, “for the last couple of years now I guess.”
I wasn’t sure what to say to that. I didn't want her to think that was bad because I'm sure she is trying her best so we were back to silence again. As I stare off into the distance.
But then I look up to hear a loud muffled noise, like a song? It was coming from upstairs. I wasn't going crazy because Vanya heard it too. I remember listening to this song as a teenager and my only conclusion is that this was playing from Luther's record player. The song still played as I told her who I thought was playing this, and we both started laughing before Vanya stood up and held her hand out to me and pulled me up too.
I kept laughing as she started to sway back and forth to the music, she looked so carefree so I joined her. I'm no star dancer myself but being with her made me feel like I could do anything and that's what I did. We bounced around as the chorus started, grabbing each other's hands and mouthing the lyrics.
“I think we’re alone now,” I started.
“Doesn’t seem to be anyone around” Vanya continues.
“I think we're alone now”
“The beating of our hearts is the only sound” This was an out-of-character moment for both of us but we didn't care, we were simply enjoying ourselves and I wondered if anyone else was dancing too.
The music skips as thunder cuts the song off and we stop. The whole house starts to rumble and Vanya grabs on to me as we look around at all the flying items that are coming off shelves and tables.
I was confused, nowhere did the forecast mention thunder and lighting at all and looking outside I didn't see anything, only a blue glowing ball forming in the sky near the back of the house.
Luther and Alison run from upstairs towards us and they tell us we need to go outside, where we run into Diego. He must have seen the glowing too.
“Oh shit“ I plug my ears, the lighting whips and thunder got louder as we reached the door. Diego was the first of us out there, and then we all followed. We were horrified at the sight ahead of us. No longer was this a blue ball but more like a large translucent blue ripple in the sky.
“What is it?” Vanya yells out.
Alison pushes Luther slightly back with her hand “Don’t get too close” she says.
“Yeah, no shit” Diego interjects.
Luther points it out. “Looks like some sort of temporal anomaly. Either that or a miniature black hole. One of the two.” For a moment I forgot that he spent all that time and space, he was more knowledgeable than us.
“Pretty big difference there, Paul Bunyan!” Diego exclaims. Hearing all of their voices I slowly realized who was missing..
“Out of the way!” Klaus yells from inside.
He starts to run up to us with something in his hand “What are you doing?!” I called out. He then runs up to the “black hole” and throws a fire extinguisher into it? I'm worried for Klaus if his response to strange situations is to throw something at it.
Alison gave him a puzzled look “What is that going to do?” She said,
“I don’t know, do you have a better idea?” He replies with exasperation. His frustration seemed to somewhat affect the glowing thing because it suddenly got bigger, and flashed strong blue light at him. Klaus lets out a shriek and runs behind me.
“Woah woah get behind me,” Luther says addressing us. Diego decides to chime in, of course, to upstage him and says that we should get behind him instead.
“I vote for running c’mon!” Klaus tries to grab my arm but I stay still, if I was scared of anything anymore I would've run but I was dying to see how this played out.
All of us just kind of stood there, some probably accepted their fate that this blob of color was gonna swallow them whole. I look down to see Alison and Luther hand and hand.
But that's not the only thing I see, because something was coming out of the light. A man? A boy? I was so confused. He lets out a terrible screech, like coming through that “portal” was ripping him apart.
All of us take a closer look at the now clearer image because whatever was in the portal dropped down onto the mud-covered floor. And the blue light disappears above him.
“Oh my god,” I said, I finally recognized what was standing right in front of me. All of us took a couple of steps closer to him.
“Does anyone else see little Number Five, or is that just me?” Klaus asked.
Five looks down at himself and for the first time in close to 17 years I hear him speak.
Aug 14 update:
If you'd like to be added to the tag list for rest of the series (starts at chapter 10) say taglist in the comments!
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enchantedchocolatebars · 2 months ago
Witte Solstice - Chapter 30
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Cover art by @leespinoodle.
Fic written by me (enchantedchocolatebars) and @leespinoodle.
Summary: It's winter in the Boiling Isles, and Caleb prepares to celebrate the solstice with his wife, his friends… and hopefully, with Beardo Philip! Philip swears he'll never partake in the satanic holidays of those demonic witches. But when Caleb invites him over for the solstice… maybe he'll find himself making an exception.
Ao3 version
Three bottles in, and Caleb was REALLY starting to feel it. Sure, he was no stranger to drinking, but three bottles in a few minutes?
That was a lot of alcohol.
He felt like he needed to sit down, but he couldn't, lest he lose by the second rule of 'staying upright.'
Beardo Philip tried his best to stand upright, but the alcohol in his system was far too much.
As he sat down, he immediately collapsed face first onto the table as his fourth bottle, half-drank, slipped from his grasp and spilled all over the table.
He was completely out of it. "Ugh, my head...," he moaned out, feeling the biggest headache start to kick in.
Philip's forehead colliding with the table didn't help either. 
Caleb placed a hand on Philip's shoulder and gently shook him, concern etched across his face. "Are you alright?"
"Me?" Philip slurred as he slowly lifted his head up to look at Caleb, his nose and cheeks flushed.
He sounded somewhat confused by the question.
"I'm-hic-fine!" he reassured unconvincingly in a somewhat aggressive tone as he hiccuped. "I've-hic-never felt-hic-better. I just..."
Philip suddenly felt his stomach lurch. It felt very uneasy, almost as if he was about to...
His cheeks swiftly puffed out as he quickly covered his mouth in shock.
Standing up, he sped, as well as staggered, towards the door.
After swinging it open and rushing out onto the porch, Philip abruptly shuts the door.
Caleb shared a look with Evelyn.
"I suppose that means you win," she joked.
Caleb rolled his eyes and scoffed, but he couldn't hide his smile. "I ought to go make sure he's okay. You all keep the party going, alright? I'll be right back."
With that, Caleb followed his brother outside.
"Beating me is child's play, huh?" Caleb said, quoting Philip's earlier statement.
After breathing out his nose for a second time to keep from spewing, the brunette shot his brother a cross look.
"D-Don't mock me!" A pouty Philip stuttered, directing a finger at the eldest while trying to keep his balance. "I-I let you win! Hic! I-hic! I demand a rematch!"
Philip felt his head begin to pound yet again as he hissed, placing a hand on his forehead.
"We're not doing a rematch, now sit down before you fall and hurt yourself," Caleb said, taking a seat on the steps with plenty of room beside him for Philip to sit as well.
Philip gave a roll of his glossy eyes.
"Fiiiine!" he whined, taking a seat beside his brother.
After huffing, the brunette remained silent for a bit before sighing.
"... I-I've been a horrible guest, haven't I?" he asked, hanging his head low. "I-I've ruined your party. You probably loathe me, don't you?"
Caleb sighed. "I don't loathe you, I am merely... disappointed. Philip, will you answer something honestly for me?" he asked.
Despite his fuddled state, Philip could feel his heart sink at the mention of his brother's disappointment in him.
He gave an exaggerated nod. "O-Of course I can, dear brother. You-hic know I'm always honest with you."
Caleb frowned and placed a hand on Philip's shoulder. "Why are you really here?"
"Why... am I really h-here?" Philip repeated, stumbling over a word as he tilted his head slightly.
"Hmm...," he hummed in thought, setting a hand under his chin.
When a reason struck his mind, his lips stretched out into a silly smile. 
"Oh, I know why! Because you had invited me, dear brother! Also, I was convinced to come by the Yule holiday spirit."
Caleb sighed and looked away. "I know that's not why you're here. I did love being able to believe that, but I know it isn't true. You've never answered my invitations before. You didn't even attend my wedding."
Caleb paused as his voice shook a little and blinked a few times to keep himself from tearing up.
Philip couldn't help but notice that his brother was holding back tears, even with his intoxication, as evidenced by his face and wet voice.
As Philip took a moment to really think about the wedding he hadn't attended, along with his true reason for coming to the party and the multitude of invitations he had either trashed or ignored in the past, he felt a river of genuine guilt flood through his body.
"I...," Philip spoke as he began to stare at the ground, his voice tight with embarrassment as he grew more and more downhearted.
"I..." He started rubbing the back of his neck as a self-soothing gesture and as a way to prevent himself from crying.
"I... I just... I was trying to... I wanted to... Caleb, you have to understand, I..."
As Philip attempted to give a reason for his presence, his body stiffened, and the dam of tears that he had been trying to hold back finally broke.
He not only felt bad about being a terrible party guest but also felt bad about being a terrible brother overall.
"I-I can't!" he softly cried out, covering his face with both hands as he leaned against Caleb. "I-I can't tell you why I truly came, you would detest me forever."
Currently, he detests himself.
Caleb sighed again and tiredly draped an arm around Philip's shoulders and pulled him closer. "There, there, love. You needn't cry, I could never detest you," he said.
"St-hic-Still," Philip hiccuped between his sobs. "I'm so sorry, Caleb. For everything. For not attending your wedding, for our previous argument at my cave, for ruining your party," Philip sniffed, his next sentence really shattering his heart into a million guilt-ridden pieces. 
"F-For wanting to burn your house down with everyone but us inside!" he sobbed loudly, revealing his true reason for coming.
"Could you ever find it in yourself to f-forgive me?" he asked, his face sticky with tears.
"Hey, it's alri-wait, you wanted to do what?" Caleb leaned back, alarm on his face. "You were going to burn my house down? What in God's name... Why?"
Philip's cries ceased as he wiped his face with his sleeve, halting to contemplate his words. "Wait...," the brunette thought aloud. "Did I want to burn your house down? Maybe I... did? Maybe I... didn't? Perhaps... we were going to do it together?"
Whimpering, tears start to regain in his eyes, and Philip starts to sob once more. "Oh, I can't remember anymore!" he ugly-cried.
Caleb pressed his fingers to his temples.
"Alright, alright. Look, we have a spare room inside. Why don't you go lie down for a bit? It seems like you might need it." Caleb stood up and held out his hand.
Philip's cries came to a slow stop as he gazed at Caleb's offered hand. He slowly reached to take hold of it, but abruptly pulled back.
He was hesitant.
Did he even deserve his kindness after everything that transpired tonight? Looking up at his brother, he saw him give him a smile warm enough to thaw ice.
It brought back so many memories of the many times Caleb had forgiven him when they were younger because he had done something wrong or made a mistake.
This made Philip soon realize something.
His brother wasn't going to give up on him, no matter how many times he botched up.
Taking hold of the older's hand, Philip stood up.
His brother truly was a saint of a man.
"Y-You're not going to tell her--" Philip quickly corrected himself with a sniffle as he wiped his eye. "Evelyn, about this, are you? I'm not sure if you're aware of this, but..." He leaned in to whisper into Caleb's ear. "She doesn't think very highly of me."
"She doesn't think highly of you? I wonder why…" Caleb said, rolling his eyes. "I'm not going to tell Evelyn. Now get inside; it's cold out here."
Caleb led Philip back inside and towards the spare room. The majority of the guests were distracted with other activities, having moved on from the drinking contest, although Evelyn looked over when the brothers reentered. Caleb gave her a nod, and she went back to the party.
The spare room was rather bare, featuring only a small bed and a chest of drawers.
It was a simple room, functioning mainly as a place for friends or travelers to rest on short notice.
"Here. Why don't you go lie down now, hm? You can stay the night if you'd like, and I'll make you a cure-all in the morning."
"Alright then," Philip agreed, removing his coat as he tossed it on the chest of drawers.
Soon after, he slipped into the small bed and got himself comfortable.
"Will you be... reading me a story tonight?" Philip asked, pausing to yawn.
"Unfortunately, I don't have my Bible on me to lend you, but any story shall..." he yawned again. "Suffice."
"... Fine." Caleb sat down at the foot of the bed and recounted a few of Aesop's Fables from memory.
Once he figured Philip was asleep, he got up and left the room, closing the door behind him so that the light and noise of the celebration wouldn't disturb Philip.
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bloodlineee1 · 3 months ago
"⋆𝓣𝓸 𝓜𝔂 𝓑𝓮𝓼𝓽𝓯𝓻𝓲𝓮𝓷𝓭⋆"
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𝖕𝖆𝖎𝖗𝖎𝖓𝖌𝖘.⋆ 𝓙𝓸𝓷 𝓜𝓸𝔁𝓵𝓮𝔂 𝔁 𝓑𝓵𝓪𝓬𝓴 𝓡𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓮𝓻 𝖕𝖑𝖔𝖙.⋆𝓙𝓸𝓷 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓨/𝓷 𝓱𝓪𝓿𝓮 𝓫𝓮𝓮𝓷 𝓯𝓻𝓲𝓮𝓷𝓭𝓼 𝓯𝓸𝓻 𝓪 𝓵𝓸𝓷𝓰 𝓽𝓲𝓶𝓮 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓪𝓻𝓮 𝓫𝓸𝓽𝓱 𝓼𝓮𝓬𝓻𝓮𝓽𝓵𝔂 𝓲𝓷 𝓵𝓸𝓿𝓮, 𝔀𝓱𝓪𝓽 𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓹𝓮𝓷𝓼 𝔀𝓱𝓮𝓷 𝓙𝓸𝓷 𝓬𝓪𝓷'𝓽 𝓽𝓪𝓴𝓮 𝓲𝓽 𝓪𝓷𝔂𝓶𝓸𝓻𝓮 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓭𝓸𝓮𝓼 𝓼𝓸𝓶𝓮𝓽𝓱𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓬𝓻𝓪𝔃𝔂 𝓸𝓷 𝓪𝓲𝓻 𝓪𝓯𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓱𝓲𝓼 𝓶𝓪𝓽𝓬𝓱? 𝖂𝖆𝖗𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌𝖘.⋆ [̲̅S][̲̅M][̲̅U][̲̅T] 𝟙𝟠+
Just a quick request—it's a bit rushed, but I hope you like it!!!
Hey everyone! 😊 I’d love to hear your thoughts on this new layout I’ve been trying out! Let me know if you like it! Thanks! 💖
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Y/N is a bit confused because they rarely go out. He usually comes over to her place, she cooks for him, and they watch movies together until they fall asleep on the couch. This has been a tradition for them since their teenage years. They are truly best friends, so she has suppressed her feelings for him, not wanting to jeopardize their friendship.
She is very excited to see Jon. Y/N hasn't seen him in months. They text and FaceTime every day, but it's not the same.
she wasn't sure what to wear so she decided to call him.
"greetings baby girl" she hears him smile.
so she does too.
"you're adorable, Hi baby boy" she rolls her eyes.
"Stop rolling your eyes, What you up to?" he scolds her even though he can't see her.
"how'd you- Just trying to find an outfit, What should I wear?" she looks around her room for a camera.
"Because I know you but a sweater and jeans, that's what I'm wearing," he says so surely.
"where are we going?" she questions.
"you'll see when we get there"
"Okay whatever" she rolls her eyes.
"your eyes are gonna get stuck like that, damn it I have to go but I'll see you later baby girl" he laughs.
"okay baby boy be safe love ya" she makes a kissing noise.
"love ya" he does the same.
Y/N decided to take a nap before the show to avoid falling asleep during it, which was a habit of hers.
5:40 pm
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Y/N was banned after getting into a fight with a fan who was heckling Jon.
She got ready and was then notified that the Uber he had ordered was outside.
Additionally, they share an Uber account as well as all of their streaming services.
6:30 at the arena.
Jon meets her out side the arena.
"hey baby girl" he picks y/n up and puts her over his shoulder.
"Jon put me down" she smacks his butt.
"don't smack my butt" he yells.
"then put me down" she yells.
“We’re gonna sit in my locker room until it’s time for my match” he puts her down.
“Okay” she fixes her shirt that lifted.
“Hungry?” he puts his arm around her
“Not really” she shrugs.
"alright then" he puts her over his shoulder again.
She secretly loves it.
"Jon put me down seriously," she says and he ignores her.
During Jon's match
Y/N hasn't Argued with a fan and his match is almost over, which is a new record because one thing she never played about was her best friend.
his match was the last of the night and he was bleeding again....
"Jon be careful" y/n yelled at him as he climbed the ropes.
he hits his finisher and the bell rings.
He celebrates, grabs the title, and takes the mic to make a promo.
“This is the result of hard work and believing in myself. And I can't express how much it means to have you, my beautiful y/n, sitting right there in the front row, cheering me on since we were just 15. Your support has always lifted me up. I love you deeply, and I cherish every moment we spend together. It’s been hard keeping my feelings hidden—lets go steady and do this foreeal what do you say baby girl?.” He smiles gently, standing closely to y/n, who is wiping away her tears.
The crowd cheers.
“Boy I just got my lashes done” she laughs while crying.
“I’m sorry baby girl, will you be my girlfriend?” he smiles wiping her eyes.
Say yes chants start
“Duhhhh” she laughs at their inside joke.
“Duhhhh” he mocks, before kissing her.
The crowd erupts.
“Alright everyone, I must go. We have places to be.” He picks y/n up and walks her to the back while his theme song plays; he’s so cheesy.
“Your so cheesy” she giggles.
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They spent their night At their favorite burger spot.
And now well...
“Fuck. Wanted this for so long.” He mumbles.
His head was currently between y/n thighs devouring her showing no mercy, if the head was this amazing she was excited yet so scared of what his dick was gonna do to her.
“I can’t believe we didn’t do this sooner fuckkk” she moaned loudly when he latched on to her swollen clit.
“Oh that’s the spot huh? Did that feel good doll?” He smiled.
Y/n nods her head trying to scoot away from him.
“Oh your a wuss if your running now your gonna be sprinting later babe” he chuckled.
“Shut the f-oh” he puts a finger in.
“You have such a potty mouth” he puts a second finger in.
“And you don’t?” She laughs.
“Touché” he smacks her thigh.
“I’m gonna cum” she moans.
"not yet" He gets up and pulls her closer to the edge of the bed.
he smacks his dick on her swollen clit making her whimper and then slowly lines himself up with her entrance.
“You sure?” He asks.
Looking at her face for any display of second guessing.
“Yes please” she begs y/n wanted him so bad rn more than ever.
He slowly enters her letting y/n adjust to his size.
When she did he treated her like the slut she always wanted to be.
“Fuck Jon your so big” y/n moans.
He had her in missionary giving him the perfect opportunity to hit all her spots, he knew her body so well and she was in pure ecstasy.
"l ain't never been small babygirl" he smirks while pounding into her.
His strokes were persistent and he gave her just enough dick to drive her crazy.
"No stop I can't take it” She pushed at his stomach.
"you want me to stop” he slows down his strokes.
"No don't stop,don't stop.”she begs.
“No?” he goes faster and grabs her hair.
“Oh my-” she gasps.
Jon loved this fucked out look on her face he never thought he could be more in love with y/n face she's covered in sweat and her hair is sticking to her face but she couldn't be more beautifull in his eyes.
"tell me you love me " he whispered in her ear his hand still in her curls.
" I love - fuck " she gasps.
" I love -fuck you more " he chuckles.
“Your so deep” she starts to tear up.
“But you’re taking me so well baby girl” he moans.
he gives her a little more and right when he felt her about to cum he pulled out and put her In doggy position, he's been edging y/n all night and it was driving her crazy it was nothing she wanted more in this moment than too cum for Jon.
" You wanna cum babydoll?" he smacks her ass and grips it.
" Yes so bad please let me cum." y/n whines.
" Can you wait for me, baby? Just a little more for me okay? You're taking me so well" he rubs her back for comfort while he goes deeper.
" Okay, okay" she moans.
“That's my good girl, such.a.good.fucking.girl.baby,” he says with each stroke going harder with every word.
Her eyes rolled back, y/n is so overstimulated she just wants to Cum.
“ I told you they were gonna get stuck like that.” he laughs.
She wants to say something back but all she can think of is cuminng.
“ Plea-, please let me cum.” she begs.
“go ahead babygirl you deserve it” he finally lets her.
She squirted all over his dick while her body shook in pleasure, she's never felt anything like that before she was in total shock she didn't even realize Jon nutted in her.
“Fuck jon” y/n says while they lay together out of breath.
"A squirter huh?” he kisses her forehead before getting up and getting into the bathroom to make her bath.
"You learn something new everyday” she says still out of breath.
She gets up to use the bathroom, and while on the toilet it finally dawns on her that Jon nutted in her.
“Are you okay, sweet girl?”
“Your cum is dripping out of me”
“Were pregnant” he yells.
"That's not funny, Jon," she said, rolling her eyes.
"I'm just kidding, relax! We'll go to Walgreens after our bath," he said, laughing.
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writingquestionsanswered · 7 months ago
I've got a wip where stories and myths are thematically relevant, but I always hear writer advice like never start with a dream or things that aren't happening. How do I present this in the first chapter without it feeling intrusive or feeling like a false start? I've dabbled with ways to convey this story: a character is reading the legend when they're interrupted, a character might be told the story as a child, or a character might be watching performers do a play about the legend. I'm using limited third person with shifting POV every chapter, if that matters.
Avoiding the "False Start" of Beginning with Dreams and Stories
When you start the story with a dream, story, myth, or other story within the story, the risk is that you invest the reader in that story... they believe the setting is the story's setting, the characters are the story's characters, and the plot or conflict is the story's conflict. The risk is that when you reveal it was in fact a story within the story, you potentially confuse them, disappoint them, or give them literary whiplash. Obviously, you wouldn't want to do that unless you DO want to do that... in other words, that may be just the effect you're going for, or it may be a necessary facet of how the story is told. So, unless you're doing it intentionally, because that's the effect you're going for, you want to provide context for this being a dream, story, or myth as soon as you possibly can.
Instead of beginning with an epic battle between a young woman and a powerful witch, you could preface the dream with something like:
Cara almost always dreamed, but this dream was more vivid than most--and darker...
That way, the reader understands that what's about to happen is part of a dream sequence.
Or, if the myth is being read to the character as a child, you could do something like:
Sometimes, in the stillness of the night, Cara remembered the childhood nights she'd spent perched on Grandmama's lap, listening to her spin epic tales about the mighty gods. Cara loved all of the ancient myths her grandmother told, but she loved none more dearly than the tale of Ariadne and Theseus, which began like this...
Here again, you're providing context for the reader that the story about to unfold here at the beginning is in fact a myth, and with this framework, the reader understands that this myth will have importance to the story somehow. They're not going to feel like their time is being wasted.
Happy writing!
I’ve been writing seriously for over 30 years and love to share what I’ve learned. Have a writing question? My inbox is always open!
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barkbre · 3 months ago
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⋆. 𐙚 cyber-princess ⋆. 𐙚
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You find yourself in a panic as you realize you sent Mike, one of your closest friends: a set of holiday themed spicy dropbox content meant for Jess to look over and get tips from her on positions- turns out you fat fingered and sent it to him.
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info// cam work, marking/bruising, overstim, pet play, pet names (puppy, good girl, baby,), impact play, tying of hands, Dom!Mike-Sub!Reader, brat x brat tamer dynamic, implied chubby reader but can be read as any body type, sex toys (vibrator wand, dildo, cr-crop whip.), I'm probably forgetting something like usual lol!
and this is set where Jess and Emily have not dated Mike prior and there is not beef or weirdness between anyone
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You see, Mike Munroe finding out you did online sex work was definitely not something you had anticipated first of all- second of all... you didn't expect it to end up in the situation you found yourself in
Mike: Be there in 30. If you're still on for that?
Me: Course i am, gotta prove my skills to the self proclaimed man slut of the century right? ;)
Mike: Ouch. So deep. Which is what i'll be in you. Catch you in 30, Sweetcheeks.
Cringey ass petname to use...how has he had so many women before? ...well.. you were also adding to the notches in his belt so were you in the place to question that? No.
Mike: Pulling in...which.. is... what...
Me: I fucking hate you- finish that sentence and i'm sending you home riled up you freak
Mike: ...Aw :[ C'mon it's hilarious, you love it!
Me: Mhm, i think i'll like it if you prove yourself- i'll let you finish that joke if you make me finish :).
Mike: ...i'm running to your door as we speak.
And he was.
You hear a loud frantic knock- you laugh loudly so he hears you making fun of his desperation before you open the door.
You're very quickly caught into a rough kiss and his hands grabbing your face as you stumble back- Mike kicks the fromt door shut, you almost shiver at that...it was a weirdly hot act.
Now you find yourself on your back on your bed- having yet to put any of your sex toys away.. props.. camera... that was still fucking rolling from the quick content shesh you had 20 mins before he got to your place
You hope Mike is too caught up to notice anything- also realizing you were in a t-shirt.. that's all.
His hand slides up your shirt and as he does that he sits back and realizes you're already almost fully nude while he is- fully dressed.. he's never tried a dynamic like this but is now growing obsessively hard at the sight.
He grins and glances to the side for a second before doing a double take and staring wide eyed at the vibrating wand and the girthy toy that seemed to be.. recently used? Oh? he glances up at tge flashing red light and the recording camcorder with you two in frame as he looks back at you with a whistle
"Oho?... what's this? still filming something? we're you touching yourself before i got here, expecting me to leave you unsatisfied by chance?"
"N-no no!... just.. was filming something last minute stuff..."
He doesn't believe it.
And now you're 3 orgasms deep into the session from just his fingers and the vibratior- you check the time on your phone next to you and.. t-ten minutes?... TEN MINUTES!? WHAT!?
Oh no, What have you gotten yourself into.
Which is where he eyes the thick, fatty dildo you had used on yourself.. of course it would feel better with someone else using it.. you can only get it so far by yourself..
Now your filled to the brim with 7.5 inches of girthy silicone as you tremble and shake- your knuckles white from digging into his wrist as he roughly fucks the toy into you- forcing the vibrator onto your clit harshly as he talks you through another damn orgasm.
"Oh..oh i cant wait to put my dick inside you.. shit.. if this is how you react to a simple 7 and a half inches who knows how you'll handle me.."
Oh. Shit.
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princessmaybank · 8 months ago
could you possibly do some angsty fluff with prompt #1 for jj i’m begging
(Of course! I tried my best! Sorry it took so long, I'm not a fast writer! I hope you like it!)
Please Let Me Kiss You
Pairings: Bestie!JJ x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Angst, Cheating, Kiss
Summary: Rafe cheated on you and you ran to your best friend.
Author's Note: My first with no smut?? Crazy.
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"Just get the fuck out!" Rafe yelled at me from the bed. I couldn't move. I couldn't breathe. I can't believe what I just walked in on. "Get the fuck out Y/N!" Tears brimmed in my eyes. Rafe got out of the bed, he stood in front of me completely naked and the girl who was occupying my side of the bed, covered herself with our comforter.
A gust of wind flies past after I feel a sharp sting on my cheek. I see Rafe shaking his hand as my own reaches for my cheek gently. "Are you fucking deaf?! I said get the fuck out you stupid cunt!" He yelled in my face this time.
I picked up my purse and fled to my car. I didn't even give myself time to process, I had to leave. There was only one place I could go.
My tires crunched the gravel outside of the chateau, announcing my arrival to anyone here. I noticed JJ's bike and I saw the Twinkie, it meant at least the two dipshits were here. You could say I wasn't in the talking mood, I stormed past them in the backyard and ran to the guest bedroom, slamming everything in my way. Yes, I am mad now, but the heartache has been lingering since I saw her car parked in my fucking driveway.
It was too late when I realized I didn't lock the door, because a certain blonde barged in. "hey, hey what's wrong mama?" JJ asked as he took a seat next to me.
I couldn't even compose myself to respond, I simply threw myself in his arms and sobbed on his shoulder. His hand tangled in my hair while shushing me and rocking me back and forth in his lap.
We have been sitting here for nearly 30 minutes and not once has he tried to stop soothing me. His lips met my forehead many times as he ran his hand up and down my back.
"Are you okay Y/N?" Those were the first words spoken in that 30 minutes. I shook my head 'no' against his chest. "Please tell me what's wrong..I hate seeing you like this.." His words tore into my chest and shattered my heart. I sniffled and wiped my tears away when I pulled back from him. "I'm not good enough Jay... I've never been good enough and I never, will be good enough.." Tears started spilling down my cheeks again as I spoke nothing but the truth. "what...?" He questioned almost like his heart broke. His words sounded more venomous as his sentence continued. "what did he do?" "Nothing don't worry about it Jay.. I'm just upset..." I quickly shot him down. I know how protective my best friend can get. "Y/N. Don't bullshit me. What did he fuckin' do to you? Did he hit you?!" He asked. Without thinking, my body reacted and began to get ready for my mouth to say 'no', but it never happened. Rafe had never laid a hand on me until today. I nearly forgot. "uhm.." Is all I could mutter. His eyes went dark as he set me aside on the bed. "I'm gonna fucking kill him." He stomped towards the bedroom door. Before he could reach the handle, I grabbed his hand, making him whip his head towards me. "Please don't leave me.." I whimpered, tears brimming my eyes. "I-I won't.." He rushed back over to me and wrapped his around around me, allowing my head to sit on his stomach. JJ knew exactly how to calm me down. He always played with my hair and shushed me in a sweet way.
"Y/N.." he started, sitting next to me on the bed. "..please tell me what happened." JJ grabbed my hand in his and rubbed his thumb across my knuckles. "R-Rafe..." Was all I could say before tears spilled. He squeezed my hand urging me to continue. After the next breath I took, I spilled everything onto JJ. He was a mess of emotions as well, mostly anger and resentment for Rafe, but I wasn't expecting to see sadness from him. He looked at me with tear stained cheeks. "I'm so sorry that happened to you Y/N." He said and pulled me into his arms. We sat there in silence again, yet more comfortable. A few minutes pass before JJ pulls me to look at him. He wraps his first finger and thumb around my chin, forcing my eyes to stare into his. He looked so hurt. "Y/N.." he paused to grab my hand with his free one. "please let me kiss you..." He paused again, my heart thumped against my chest. "so for even just a few seconds you know how beautiful you are. so you know you are worthy of the love you bring to others.." His voice cracked in the middle. He was as broken as I am. Before I could think about it I nodded my head and JJ leaped at the opportunity. His hand was now caressing my cheek as his lips slowly met mine. The kiss was supposed to be small, meaningless even..but it felt so passionate, it felt right. JJ pulled away and looked at me again. "He never deserved you, you are way too good for him, Y/N/N." I smiled at JJ as he wrapped his arms around me. We sat there and cuddled until we couldn't anymore.
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yunazxxx · 3 months ago
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lara raj x megan skiendiel
cw ; toxic relationship , established relationship (girlfriends), on and off, loser!megan , megan’s clueless majority of the time , angsty?? , abusive!lara , abusive relationship (verbally, mentally, sometimes physically),, etc maybe?
wc ; 1k
the ginger and the redhead sat across from each other on their livingroom couch, they just got out of an argument over something megan had done. it wasn't the younger's fault, actually it was something she didn't even notice.
lara had gone through her phone, after the previous night of some activites. lara had heard megan's phone ringing while the younger slept, checking the number and realizing she didn't know it. she let the call ring out before checking through the texts with megan and this girl, lara knew this about megan, she was oblivious as fuck. - but she didn't make it known she was in a relationship.
lara bit her tongue for the night, knowing something in her was yelling at her to wake megan up and ask her who it was. she couldn't beside the girl anymore, and slept in the guest bedroom. when lara woke up that morning, she saw the ginger on the foot of her bed, laying down but she wasn't sleep.
lara ignored her for hours, anytime she'd try to talk to her, lara would just look in teother direction. megan frowned and finally asked, "what's wrong? why are you acting weird?" lara held her composure, and recalled the number she saw on megan's phone the previous night.
megan's eyebrows furrowed, "what do you mean?" and lara looked at her girlfriend, "are you fucking dumb, or trying to play dumb?" lara asked, her voice raising heavily. "i don't know what you're talking about" megan denied any accusations made by the redhead.
"you know what, since you want to be fucking dumn" lara said, standing up, "give me your phone" and megan did. in megan's eyes she didn't know who she was talking about, because everyone who megan spoke to knew she was in a relationship, it maybe wasn't the best one but she was taken.
"i'm always here for you, and i love you so much megan" lara quoted from the end of a paragraph that the girl wrote her, "are you fucking serious?" lara threw the ginger's phone down, almost hitting her foot. megan flinched, and lara walked up to her, anger burning in her eyes, "fuck this, huh? fuck everything we ever made, everything we fucking did.”
her words struck like venom through megan, she loved her so much, and seeing her take a conversation out of context was hurting her even worse. megan tried explaining her side, saying things like "that's not what she meant, she didn't mean it like that" but lara walked off, yelling across the house "you're defending another bitch in front of me, how the fuck is that supposed to make me feel better?"
you could hear the door slam from outside of their house due to how hard lara closed it, megan sighed, picking up her phone and sitting on the couch. and she texted lara's phone, her actual number wasn't sending but she was active on socials.
@mmeimeei : hey, can we just talk this out? sent at 3:57 pm - the ginger knew how long it'd take lara to reply, and so she just put her phone down and waited for the notification. she opened their chats again, seeing that the red haired woman had read her texts.
it was turning 4:30 pm at this point and megan still had no reply from her, so she went upstairs, opening the door and seeing the redhead standing there. megan apologized, feeling like she was actually wrong in this situation, knowing that everything she said she shouldn't have, and went on a small rant, until lara shut her up with a kiss.
"shush" lara said softly, kissing the ginger's cheek and pulling her hair out of her face, "we won't talk about this, okay?" megan nodded, putting her head on lara's chest. her heart was filled with guilt, wholeheartedly believing that she had hurt the older.
megan blocked her friend, the same one who she defended, and it was like it had never happened, the next hour the pair was playing around and laughing like usual. lara remembered what happened before and the words slipped out of her mouth, "there's no one else, right?" she asked the ginger, "no, no one else" she hurriedly said.
"i want you all to myself, i'm never letting you leave" lara said, and kissed megan, the ginger responded to the kiss, knowing the dangers of this as well. the obvious past of theirs where situations like this would end in a breakup for a week or two before megan is beggng lara to take her back.
lara knew how dependent the younger girl was, how much she loved her and how obsessed with her she was, and as fucked up as it sounds, lara would use it to her advantage. it wasn't like she could always control what she'd blow up at or about.
one second she could be screaming down megan's throat, but the next she's all over her and loving her. "you're my everything" lara mumbled against megan's skin while she kissed her, every word and kiss and touch made her fall more and more intoxicated.
"i love you so much" lara whispers, megan sayng it back, but in a whining tone. lara was always like this, fixing almost all of their problms with some type of romantic interaction or sex. megan knew how bad this was, but she couldn't leave, she didn't want to, she loved lara too bad to ever just leave.
as said before, all the older would do is manipulate her girlfriend into believing she was the problem or that she was wrong. but it would all disappear after one night, she would wake up to lara cuddling her but somedays she wouldn't wake up to anything from her.
everytime megan would shower, she'd see all the markings on her body, indicating what happend the previous night. megan would always let lara take her anger out of her, whenever and however she wanted. there was really no wrong answer.
tonight lara had megan laying on her lap while she played in the younger's hair, despite how toxic their relationship had gotten, they knew how to handle each other so they never left.
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slugtranslation-hypmic · 8 months ago
All the MTC song trailer snippets are out? What are your opinions? :D I think Rio's is surprisingly chill and I'm still torn on Samatoki's, the lyrics might decide that one!
Heyy did you listen to the mtc album snippets ?
Nope. Let's check them out!
Title note: Presumably from 気骨, which has a slightly stronger-- almost noble-- connotation than English "backbone." Someone with 気骨 never lets anything stop them from doing what they believe is right, and not necessarily in the personal sense like in the English phrases "Grow a backbone." or "They have a strong backbone." As some people in this comments section are noting, it's also possible to interpret the title literally. The back is a recurring image in Japanese fiction; in this case, it represents Samatoki single-handedly shouldering various burdens for those he cares about. People are also drawing connections to the Aohitsugi's death motifs and Samatoki's skeleton speaker.
20 seconds in: Okay he literally just says the shouldering burdens bit haha. I guess that part is canon authorial intent
24 seconds in: "Nobody can break my 'backbone.'" If we assume this should be interpreted figuratively, that's like "Nobody can make me do anything I don't believe in." / "Nobody can break my spirit."
35 seconds in: "My 'backbone' is my true strength." This + the traditional Japanese-reminiscent instrumentals remind me of the Katen-gumi. Iirc they have a scroll hanging in their main office proclaiming their dauntlessness, an attribute Samatoki embodies well imo.
53 seconds in: This is a mean-spirited thought, but I always find it funny when Samatoki's like "This god damn city is broken and filthy... *takes a drag from a cigarette*" when the god damn city in question is one of the most affluent in the world.
64 seconds in: With that said, it's nice to see him acknowledging the positive presence he has in Yokohama and vowing to rid it of... whatever ills are plaguing it... taxation and ne'er-do-wells with illegal mics, no doubt. An Ichirou-esque sentiment.
71 seconds in: Props to Asanuma for rhyming jinsei and shinsen so well. "My life is always fresh; this is still just the prologue." Samatoki being receptive to growth? You love to see it. With that said, it's interesting to see the discrepancy between the two ideas of "It's time to change." and "My core values will never change." as we see in this song. I'm not sure how that'll actually play out in canon, so we'll have to wait and see.
Overall: That was fun! It had a nice beat. I look forward to hearing the full song when it drops.
Title note: ??? 目覚めた? Like, "I'm woke af now"? Haha let me see what this song is actually about and then come back to this...
Side note: I was staying with a friend-- a buddy from the old scanlation team-- when this song preview dropped, and she was keeping me up to date with this song's delayed release drama. When it finally dropped, she was like "YOOO SLUG, LISTEN TO THIS" and turned her phone waaaay up, blasting the sonorous tones of Mr. Komada into our not at all soundproof hotel room, immediately alerting me to two things: 1. I was not awake enough for this. 2. The illumatic Iruma Jyuto was IN the building and, at that volume, probably in every floor of the building. Anyway, I'm still not awake enough for this, but let's go.
5 seconds in: Love the horns. Very MTC and very Gen III Pokemon. Yokohama 8/10 too much water
20 seconds in: hey hey heeey
30 seconds in: I appreciate the technical skill involved, but I am not comprehending one word of this. I'm going to have to look up the lyrics when I'm done fr.
Overall: Seems fun to rap! Once again, looking forward to the full song.
Top YT comment at the time of writing: Juuto: Y'all never seen me like this before! Me: Yeah, no shit.
Scrolling through the comments: Spare lyrics, ma'am? Spare lyrics for the poor? Jesus, there are some thirsty-ass mofos in this comment section...
Well, I didn't find any lyrics, so here goes watch 2 with a lot of pausing, I guess. Hmm the gist of the chorus seems to be "I'm not fucking around anymore" which-- like someone else has pointed out in the comments-- is kind of how Juuto's been since day one...? I'm not sure what's changed. I suppose the biggest difference would be it's no longer "I'll solve this problem" but "we'll solve this problem." I do like the opening of this first verse: When someone makes bad choices, who's left smiling? Who's left grieving? What is right, and what is wrong? Can that be something for every person to figure out for themselves? Here's another interesting bit: I used to think I didn't have any interest in colluding with other people-- it was more like mutual exploitation. But then I joined hands with a couple of like-minded people, and now we share the goal of victory. Yeah, it seems like the biggest changes here are Juuto embracing teamwork, which hell yeah. Opening up and trusting other people with his mission, in turn taking on their missions and incorporating it into one singular goal? That's baller.
Title note revisited: yeah I guess deadass this is "awake" in terms of "I'm woke now" haha. Or like, "I've come around to [the power of friendship]"
5 seconds in: Oh, now I get why someone on the Samatoki video called this "Riou's baby-ass song"
22 seconds in: I was NOT prepared for the autotune. I think I'm a little too tired because I found this really, really funny.
30 seconds in: "Conflict isn't entertainment; it's not a show." YOU TELL 'EM, RIOU.
44 seconds in: I always really, really appreciate Riou's unwavering distaste for warfare and conflict even as he considers it something worth devoting his life to. I would sincerely love it if the authors were to ever dive into why Riou has such dedication towards serving in the [whatever] army and whatever cause they were fighting for, but I don't think that's the story the authors want to tell. We probably just have to assume it's for whatever Riou considers to be a morally good cause.
49 seconds in: Ignoring the rhyme-induced silliness of "my buddies are my turret," I like the thematic consistency of each MTC member stressing that they're not alone anymore--that is, that they've given up on their self-imposed solitude--and they have each other to rely on and trust with their backs.
53 seconds in: "Practically brainwashed puppet soldiers" Oh?? Mind expanding on this a little, Hypmic? Again, I doubt the writers are keen to delve into the causes of WWIII or why Riou joined up at all, but the suggestion of propaganda or coercion being involved is tantalizing.
65 seconds in: I like the bit that goes (paraphrased): "What can you see when you look out of your binoculars at base camp? Rifles, revolvers--is that it? Instead of obsessing over who's strong and who's weak, why not be soldier who prays for peace?"
Overall: The lyrics are vaguer and more platitudinous than is my preference, but I fully recognize that my interests in this topic are outside of the scope of the story the writers want to tell. Which is fine! The music is pretty chill; I think I'll like this song when it comes out in full.
My favorite YT comment by a landslide: Thank god he's not making us work out again.
Thank you very much for the asks! :D It's fun to check this stuff out, and I probably wouldn't have done so otherwise.
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seungmin4president · 1 year ago
It's currently 2:07 am and I just had to write this bc I can't get it out of my head 😭
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You thought you had him. You really did. You had him cuffed to the bed and had the key on the dresser, but only Seungmin knows what he would do after you've teased him for too long; edging him, degrading him, humiliating him. At first it was fun, he wanted to see how far you'd go with this little "dom mommy" act but then, when you started calling him names that he calls you when you're begging for his cock he lost his fucking shit.
"come on baby, where's that tough act now?" Seungmin looks down at your trembling body, then at the broken handcuffs he somehow broke out of, now on the ground in two pieces. Now he's got you pinned down under him looking up at him with doe eyes as if you weren't just edging the hell out of him for 30 minutes. Yes I said 30 minutes.
"what was that you called me? A dumb mutt?" Seungmin inquiries, looking at you for a minute before getting up and walking to your dresser. You open your mouth to whine about how he just left you there but that was quickly stopped when Seungmin walls back over on the bed and blocks whatever you were about to say with a ball gag, receiving a weak whimper out of you in response.
Seungmin rolls his eyes at that and releases a deep chuckle, different from his voice you're used to hearing everyday. There's no way you're already fucked out, he barely even touched you. He can't believe this is the same person who was just calling him a bunch of humiliating names. How fucking pathetic.
"How about we play a game hm?" You look at him with a confused face, this isn't a good type of confusion either, you know that whenever Seungmin offers to play a game during sex means that the only one who will have fun playing the game is him, you on the other hand have to deal with whatever happens because why would you want to piss him off even more than you already did. You're looking forward to cum tonight but even begging on your knees for a while year wouldn't grant that wish.
Seungmin once again leaves the bed and goes into your closet, your mind starts to wander around thinking about the things he is about to do to you, you're both scared and excited by these not so innocent thoughts and squeeze your legs together to gain friction but it just isn't enough. But once again, your thoughts are all gone once you see Seungmin walk out of the closet with a big box that looks like it has never been open, it's also not familiar so you're wondering when he got it.
Once you get a glance at the picture on the box you see that its nothing other than a sex machine... Where did he even get this? You let out a loud whine when you realize that you're absolutely fucked, receiving a hard slap on your thighs from Seungmin in return.
"stop whining, you wanted this right? For me to use my dumb cock on you? But of course instead of my cock it's gonna be a dildo because whores like you don't deserve cocks like mine." Seungmin smirks before taking the machine out of the box and plugging it up by the bed and gasping dramatically and letting out a sarcastic laugh.
"silly me I almost forgot about the game. So basically the game is simple, I turn this thing on the highest setting and if you cum I won't touch you for the whole next month got it?"
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A/n: I had so much fun with this omfg 🫣🫣 okay I'm going to sleep now lol
❗ please don't copy my work ❗
❗©️ seungmin4president ❗
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