#do u know that meme with the 3x dragons and the first two look very serious but the last one is very silly?
godsofhumanity · 2 years
Do you have any headcanons for the kings & queens of the underworld like Hades, Osiris, Hel? Like how they act around each other?
this ask came to my inbox on Dec 26, 2022. i'm sorry it took me so long.
so, i like the idea that the Underworld is kinda connected. like.. no matter which pantheon's realm of the dead it is, there are pathways at some place that connect the world of the dead with other worlds of the dead..
i think that's part of the reason why there are so many underworld guardians,, and why it's so popular to have some sort of savage, wild animal guarding the gates.
with Hades, i've already mentioned this before, but i like the idea of him having a very paternal side... i think Zeus, as god of the skies and "father" of mankind (forget Prometheus for a second hahaha), and given his billion trillion children, he definitely has a fatherly side. and i think it's the same deal with Hades- having to look after so many countless subordinate deities and ghosts etc must surely give you a paternal side too.
so i like the idea that Hades has a natural fatherly gravitation towards Hel. Hel is one of the younger deities i think.
also, Macaria, who is Hades' daughter, i think is besties with Hel, and with Anubis' daughter Kebechet also, so these girl goddesses of death are always hanging around Hades..
i've never really imagined Loki as having a very "hands-on" approach to fatherhood. i don't think he ever interacted that much with Hel, or with her other monster siblings except when he needed them for his antics. maybe that's because the long distance made it difficult, maybe because he wanted to keep them out of Odin's mind.. idk. i just don't think he was very much in Hel's life.
so that's why i think there's a lot of room for Hades to enter into Hel's life and become that missing father figure.
individually, and as an adult, i think Hel tends to be isolated... she doesn't engage all that much with her own pantheon, and she definitely doesn't engage with other pantheons. i think maybe she's partial to fellow death gods, but anyone else, she'd just not engage with.
Osiris. my favourite guy. i think he's very different to the other gods because while Hades and Hel i might describe as a little "edgy", a little emo.. Osiris is, in my mind, a total sweetheart. a bit of a jock even maybe.
he's full of bright smiles, and funny (read: cringey) jokes. when i think about Hel and Hades (the locations), black, and moss green colour schemes come to my mind.. but when I think about the Egyptian underworld, it's very bright- gold, blue, red, green.. all the colours. it's a happy place.
i think Osiris' personality reflects this. he's like the Baldr of Egypt. so he gets along very very well with Hades and Hel... it's difficult to dislike him.
i like to imagine that they have very deep, philosophical discussions about the meaning of life, the importance of mortals, the value of soul.
also, i'd like to point out that all 3x (greek, norse, egyptian) pantheons have a special dog-like creature with a special role in the process of passing from life to death... i think that Cerberus, Garmr, and Ammit are very friendly with each other :-))) they probably go on walks together
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