#do tourists actually come to Cleveland???
jen-in-cleveland · 3 years
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Took us living here for almost five months to make it to one of these signs
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Jour 32: Early morn in Gare de Lyon, Paris... with my favorite friend, L’ourson.
Both Joy and I woke up early on Tuesday morning; I’d chosen the earliest train possible back to Dijon. She was so kind and willing to actually come with me to the metro and make sure I get on and knew where I was going. She was seriously the sweetest. I’m certain we’re going to remain friends. In fact, I’ve been texting her over the last few days!
The metro came pretty much as soon as we arrived, so after a quick hug, I got on and set off towards Gare de Lyon. I... think this is the first hug I’ve had since my parents hugged me in the airport in Cleveland, and I definitely needed it. What can I say, I’m kind of a hugger. I’m the friend that puts her head on everyone’s shoulders when we’re hanging out. But since I’ve only known all of my friends here for less than a month, I haven’t really... done any of that. There’s still a boundary there. So thank you, Joy, for making me very happy with a hug even if you didn’t realize it, lol.
Okay, so navigating the Paris metro alone kind of scared me. I’ve heard such horror stories about people getting things stolen, so I kept my eyes and hands tight on my bags. Luckily, “5:45 am on a Tuesday” is not a real prime time for the metro, so nothing was stolen, and I remembered all of the stop names I needed to and got exactly where I needed to be.
I sat around in Gare de Lyon for a while and ate my “breakfast,” which was the L’ourson I bought from the 24 hour store the night before. I’ve actually got a French friend that I’ve known for a couple of years now over the internet, and a while back she recommended these bear-shaped snack cakes to me, and I see why. They are very good, even if they’re technically... for children.
Eventually I boarded my train, only to immediately realize that a businessman with earbuds in was taking up both seats of the row I was supposed to be in. I sat in the row opposite to him and prayed the train would be empty enough that I wouldn’t have to ask him to move. I was lucky and didn’t.
And with that, I was leaving Paris, just about 10 hours after arriving. I saw some of the city’s premiere tourist attractions, including:
-Gare d’Est
-The Paris Metro (Free with woman wandering around the train screaming for us to give her money)
-A Lower-Middle Class Residential Quarter
-A Convenience Store
-Joy’s Bed
-The Backs of My Eyelids
-Gare de Lyon
...........A pretty successful first visit to Paris, if I do say so myself.
(Needless to say, I’ll be returning to Paris at some point for an actual visit.)
I watched the sun rise over the Bourgogne countryside and did my classwork for the week, but the businessman and I were constantly fighting for the small amount of table space we had. Luckily, we were both pretty courteous, and it ended up working out.
The sun shined in my eyes as a beacon when I stepped onto the Dijon Gare platform, but I didn’t really feel the relief until I went home and collapsed into my bed. I took a shower (I felt horrid) and treated myself to another episode of Young Royals.... I thought I owed myself that.
I dragged myself to class eventually and learned that my professor had actually already told everyone of my plight, which was sort of funny. He gave me the work I missed and we continued with class; he even used me as an example sentence: “Tara est à deux doigts de mourir.” (”Tara is two toes from death;” I’m sure you can figure out the sense of the expression.) 
And it was true. I kept accidentally falling asleep during class. I felt awful about it, because I wasn’t really trying to, either. I was just that exhausted. Golsa and I went for lunch after class, and I got to actually eat for the first time that day.
And then I went back to my room for what I thought would be a “quick nap” before my next class... but by the time I woke up, it was starting in 3 minutes. Ugh. I supposed today was just a recovery day, anyway. I fell back asleep.
I had ramen for dinner, that I cooked in a bath of hot water from my sink. I didn’t feel like going out into the kitchen to use the hot plates. Sometimes, my mental state starts to deteriorate if I stay in “recovery mode” for too long. I feel like I’m wasting my time, but I can’t get the motivation to do anything differently. That’s what was starting to happen here.
But I went to bed before it got too awful.
Bon voyage, bon courage !
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bloodfromthethorn · 3 years
The past is never dead. It’s not even past
Bozer and Riley knew, logically, that Mac and Jack would share some bad memories. They weren't expecting to stumble across one while they were busy planning some R&R over the Pacific Ocean.
Also on AO3 ->
Bozer was still getting used to the idea of going on actual, honest-to-god missions for a US government covert agency, but even he had to admit, this one sounded pretty simple. Mac and Jack apparently had some sort of aversion to the word - the instant Riley had said it earlier, the pair of them had looked a heartbeat away from running for the hills - but all of them had had to agree that being tasked to fly to the other side of the world and sit around surveilling a suspected dead drop was about as plain sailing as it was ever going to get. They didn’t even have to confront anyone who approached said dead drop, just record and report it. 
The result was, unsurprisingly, Riley and Bozer planning what they were going to do with the ample free time they were sure to have. Jack had initially made some attempt at reining them in, reminding them that as easy as it may seem, they were going there to do some actual work, but he’d given up some time ago and now seemed content to listen to them plotting in peace. Amused, Mac had just watched the whole conversation play out without a word. 
It wasn’t until Bozer and Riley had spent a solid ten minutes arguing about the possible pros and cons of a natural mud spa that the blonde figured it was time to intervene. “You two know that at most Matty’s going to give us a few hours of R&R before she calls us home. All of this planning is going to go to waste.”
“If that,” Jack put in with only a touch of sullenness. “Remember that time in Trinidad? We didn’t even get a full ten minutes before we had to be back on the plane.”
Mac wrinkled his nose at the memory. His recollection was foggy given that they had more or less crawled back to the landing strip and then passed out the instant they were off the ground, but then, that was really the point Jack was making. “Right? Just saying you shouldn’t get your hopes too high.”
Bozer scowled at them both. “You two have absolutely no faith. I have no idea why Matty thinks all four of us should be on this mission but I for one fully intend to make the most of it. If you want to sit back and be negative, that’s on you.” He let that indictment hang in the air for a minute, then bumped his shoulder against Mac’s. “'Sides, you’re supposed to be helping! You must know all the best sights, right?”
Unexpectedly, that earned him a confused frown. “Should I? Why? I’ve never even been to Fiji.”
Across from them, sprawled out carelessly against his seat, Jack suddenly went rigid. The change was sharp enough that all three of them picked up on it even though the man hadn’t actually moved, staying exactly where he was like a bug under a microscope. Bozer cast a quick glance at Riley but she looked every bit as lost as he did.
Fortunately, Mac was apparently more clued in. “When was I in Fiji, Jack?” He asked quietly, his voice very gentle. 
For a very long moment there was no response. Bozer considered answering the question - he’d asked Mac about tourist attractions in the first place because he remembered Mac had holidayed in the South Pacific with Nikki three summers ago - but he’d gotten the sense that maybe this wasn’t a conversation he should involve himself with. Jack still hadn’t so much as twitched and he could feel Mac tensing up beside him. 
Eventually, Jack answered with a heavy sigh. “July 2015.”
A short pause. “Ah,” Mac said quietly, his eyes darting to an unremarkable spot on the floor for a second before jumping back to Jack. 
The pair of them fell silent, Jack glaring sharply at the ceiling of the plane cabin while Mac watched him steadily. Evidently something significant had just happened, and Bozer had a sneaking suspicion he was at fault for whatever it was, but he didn’t think he could just leave it there. Apparently, neither could Riley. “What happened in July 2015?”
Predictably there was no response, so Bozer offered her the little that he knew. “Mac went on a ‘work trip’,” he said with quotation marks. “I thought he was in Cleveland. Then just when he was due to come home, Nikki called me. Said they were taking a last minute vacation to Fiji and I shouldn’t expect them back for another two weeks. Ended up being gone most of a month.”
At the time, it hadn’t been that weird. Logically he understood that it might sound strange to most people, but Mac had always been a somewhat inconsistent presence in Bozer’s life, even when they were kids. It was just the way he worked: Mac would go where his brain took him and he wouldn’t stop until he’d achieved whatever it was he was hoping to do. In hindsight, that long standing pattern of behaviour must have been a godsend when Mac had joined DXS and Bozer had become part of his cover.
But that was then. Now, he knew the truth of those strangely frequent, unpredictable work trips - except in all the ways that he didn’t. “I take it you weren’t in Fiji,” he asked slowly. 
Mac didn’t look away from where Jack was still frozen. “No.”
“Where were you?”
He hummed. “Not entirely sure, to be honest. I think I wound up somewhere in the Ural mountains.”
Bozer tried to work out the most delicate way of asking further and found none. The deadened tone of Mac’s voice would have made it very clear it wasn’t a happy memory even if the fact that he apparently hadn’t known where he was hadn’t given it away, and his eyes hadn’t drifted from where Jack was looking more and more strained. 
As Bozer floundered, Riley pressed on. “A mission gone bad?”
“In the worst way,” Mac agreed, then seemed to come awake from some reverie. He blinked, and finally looked away from his partner to take the two of them in. Whatever it was he saw on their faces, he visibly made an effort to make himself smile and relax, shaking off the grim set of his shoulders like an unwanted coat. “We were in Minsk, tasked with surveillance on a human trafficker. Turned out that he was more well-connected than we thought, and some of his friends ended up grabbing me out of our hotel room.” His voice faltered ever so slightly and he bit off whatever he was about to say next. 
Bozer did some quick maths and came up feeling ill. “You were gone for a month.”
“I wasn’t with them the whole time,” Mac hurried to reassure, immediately seeing what Boze was getting at. “Jack caught up with me after about ten days.”
“It was too fucking long,” Jack murmured, the first thing he’d said in over a minute. He still hadn’t moved, but he was wearing one of the darkest expressions Bozer had ever seen on his face. “Should have got there sooner. Should never have let them take you in the first place.”
“It wasn’t your fault Jack,” Mac said with the air of someone who had already said it a thousand times, but was willing to repeat it for as long as necessary. “You were on the other side of the city when they found us. We didn’t even know that they knew we were there.” He glanced back at Bozer to explain, “Someone at the CIA leaked information. The target wasn’t supposed to have any idea there were agents in the city, but somehow his guys knew exactly what hotel room to hit. We didn’t get any warning.”
“I knew something was bogus,” Jack said, more to himself than anything. “I said it felt off, and then I fucked off and left you in that hotel on your own.”
“Instinct isn’t everything. We had no reason to suspect the hotel wasn’t safe.”
Jack shook his head sharply and said nothing more. Mac sighed, but didn’t press. 
Thoroughly thrown for a loop and feeling more than a little bit guilty for inadvertently touching on what was so obviously a sore point, Bozer cast a wild-eyed look at Riley. She looked little better than he felt, pale in the harsh white of the plane’s overhead lighting. They’d both known that, in theory, Mac and Jack both had years of service behind them and that those years were likely to be host to any number of bad memories, but to have the knowledge of that so suddenly and specifically confirmed was a lot to take in.
“If you were- there for ten days,” Boze started slowly, half-knowing the answer and needing to hear it anyway, “Why were you gone for so long?”
Mac glanced back down at the floor, looking distinctly uncomfortable before he settled himself. “I was in medical for a bit. Once I could shake the oxygen mask, I moved into Jack’s apartment for a few weeks. I would have been good to come home but there was- bruising.” He fumbled over the last word, waving a distracted hand at his face as though that explained anything. 
For the first time since they’d broached the topic, Jack moved. He jerked to his feet with a strange lurching step, as though he hadn’t expected to do it himself, then marched towards the back of the plane, shaking his head as he went. Bozer caught the tail end of some dark mutters, but he couldn’t make anything out past the stormcloud of Jack’s expression. Startled, Riley shifted forwards to go after him, but Mac just waved her down, watching Jack’s retreating back with a careful eye before turning back to the two of them. 
“He’s okay,” he said, as though that was in any way believable. “It’s not a great memory, for either of us. Despite what it sounds like, he got the worse end of the deal.”
Riley’s eyebrows rose. “You were in captivity for ten days and he had the hard time?”
“I knew he would come after me. He didn’t know what he would find when he got there,” Mac said with a shrug. He’d said it flippantly, like it was some great truth of the universe that was just the Way Things Were. Maybe to him, it was. “Sure, physically I was a mess, but that stuff heals. If I had the choice again, I wouldn’t have switched places with him for anything.”
Bozer was shaking his head slowly, trying to remember details he had brushed off as unimportant years ago. “I remember you coming home. There were bandages on your arm.” A pause, then, accusingly, “You said you got got by a jellyfish.”
Looking down, Mac tugged self-consciously at the cuff of his rolled-up left sleeve, only managing to draw attention to what he was trying to keep hidden. They were faint - so faint as to be almost invisible against his already pale skin - but for the first time Bozer was able to make out a fine tracery of scars marring the skin of his forearm like a spider’s web, twisting all the way from his wrist to beneath the fabric of his shirt. “Jesus, Mac,” Riley breathed. 
“Electrical burns,” he offered as the explanation they wouldn’t have asked for. Catching their thunderstruck looks, he shifted his expression to what he probably imagined was reassuring. “It looks worse than it was, mostly; being shocked hurts like hell but there’s no real permanent damage to worry about. Honestly, most of it was superficial stuff, scarcely a mark left on me. The only reason I was in medical for as long as I was was because they had to drain my lungs and get me on antibiotics in case of infection. Could have been home within a day otherwise.”
Bozer wasn’t entirely sure what it was about Mac that made him think that explanation would do anything at all to allay their concerns, but he didn’t care for it at all. Worse than any of that though was the dawning realisation in the back of his mind that had been growing steadily ever since Mac mentioned moving into Jack’s place. “Except you couldn’t have come home,” he said quietly, needing to hear it for himself. “Because I was there.”
Mac shuffled in his seat, but held his gaze. “A couple of bruises could probably have been explained away, but I was… kind of a mess. Even if you could have believed I got hit by a car or something, all it would have taken was a few screaming nightmares to give me away. No way it wouldn’t have blown my cover.”
He sounded apologetic even as he said it, bracing himself as though he was expecting Bozer to lash out at him for something that had already been long forgiven. Sure, lying to him for years had been a shitty thing to do, but Boze understood why he had done it now, and he knew that Mac had only ever been trying to keep him safe. It might have been the wrong choice, but it was done for all the right reasons. 
“Mac,” he started, uncertain and wounded and so, so guilty, “Mac, you should have been at home. After whatever it was you went though, you should have been able to recover in your own house.”
Mac blinked at him in clear surprise. Did he really not understand? Boze tried again. “I’m guessing that Jack wasn’t the only one dealing with some shit when you got back to LA and I’m not even going to pretend I can imagine what that was like. You should have been able to come home, come back to the place where you felt safe and cared for and-” He sucked in a hard breath. “And you couldn’t, because of me. I chased you out of your own house when you’d been tortured.”
The blonde was already shaking his head, looking stricken. “That wasn’t on you. Boze, that was never on you.” He finally stopped worrying at his sleeve to grip Bozer’s shoulder, tight and grounding. “I was the one who kept the truth from you. I lied to you, for years, and that’s all on me. I know that if you’d known what had happened you would have been there for me and you only weren’t because I didn’t let you.”
He wasn’t wrong and Bozer knew it, but he wasn’t exactly right either. “I get that. But you do know that you shouldn’t have had to make that choice, right? You should have been able to come home Mac.”
Riley was glancing between the two of them looking utterly lost, and Mac was starting to look not much better, so Boze took a slow breath and tried his best to let it go. He had spent years of his life trying to convince Mac that he should rank his own well-being at least somewhere on his list of priorities, and this was really just another piece of that endless puzzle. There would be time to fight that battle later. “I’m just glad you’re okay man. No lasting damage?”
Thankful for the lifeline being offered, Mac dropped his hand away from Bozer’s shoulder and shrugged lightly. “A few scars, but nothing else. Like I said, I had a surprisingly easy time of it in comparison to Jack.” His eyes darted over to where his partner had hunkered down as far from them as he could get. “And speaking of, give me a minute.”
He was on his feet and gone before either of them could even think about trying to stop him, not that they would have done. Bozer had the sense that this was a conversation they had had before, and he knew that Mac would have it handled. If there was anyone who could convince Jack that he hadn’t somehow apocalyptically failed the man he had dedicated his own life to protecting, it would be the man himself. 
“How many stories do you think they have?” Riley asked quietly, soft enough that the others wouldn’t hear her. “All the years they’ve been doing this… How much is there that we don’t know about?”
Bozer thought about the scars on Mac’s arm that he’d never really seen before, about the number of unannounced work trips he had gone on after he came back from Afghanistan. Thought about the number of times he had heard him moving around the house late at night after a nightmare, or worse, the times he’d woken up crying out in panic. He’d known for years that Jack had a protective streak a mile wide and he’d centered it firmly on Mac; before he’d known about the Phoenix, Bozer had always wondered if the man was going overboard. Now, he knew with certainty that he wasn’t. 
When he met her gaze, there were tears in Riley’s eyes. “Too much.”
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rollsoffthetongue · 3 years
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Idiomatic Meaning: Take care of one’s duties and responsibilities, to organize one’s affairs; make all the preparations needed to do something.
Literal Meaning: Assuming you are the owner of some ducks, this is an admonition to get them arranged in order, for some unknown reason.
Usage: Informal or formal, spoken or written American and British English.
Origin: 19th Century, American English. The origin of this expression is murky. One possible origin is a lawn bowling game that was popular in the 1700s, which involved setting up duck pins, obviously, in a row. Another possible inspiration for the term is the way in which tin ducks are lined up in a shooting gallery. A third possibility comes from actual ducks and the way in which ducklings line up when following their mothers. At this time, the earliest found reference to ducks in a row, meaning to organize one’s affairs, comes from The Cleveland Plaindealer in 1889. A common alternative wording is to “have” one’s ducks in a row. [thanks to the grammarist.com]
Why is this funny? In the photo we see the inside of the famous Peabody Hotel, in Memphis Tennessee. There is a red carpet on which a paddling, or a raft (group) of ducks is walking in an unorderly fashion. Two hotel employees are watching them, perhaps disapprovingly. They are not surprised at their appearance, nor should they be, because one of the things the Peabody is famous for is its ducks who march through the hotel lobby everyday at specific hours. It’s a big tourist attraction. The older employee thinks the ducks require more discipline. The implication is that the other employee should organize them into a straight line or row. He should “get his ducks in a row” and get his ducks in a row.!
Sample sentence: If you’re going to marry my daughter, you’d better “get all your ducks in a row” well in advance.”
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queencamden · 4 years
The Dead Queens Club Ghost Headcannons!
I’m pretty sure only, like, two of you actually want this but here goes!
-Katie’s ghost is constantly soaking wet, as a result of her having died in the river. She’s also always cold, which works because Anna is on fire.
- Literally. Anna’s skirt has permanent flames on it (George is only mildly scorched- I’m going with he fell from the roof and she caught fire a bit before she did too. Because historically Anne Boleyn was almost burned at the stake before her sentence was commuted.) It works to warm Katie up, but sometimes Katie’s water temporarily puts it out.
-George first found out he was dead when he tried to comfort Parker after the explosion but she couldn’t see him.
-Anna found out when she tried to slap Henry and her hand went through him.
-Anna’s very bitter about the concept of death, and the fact that she peaked at sixteen.
-Katie was initially very scared of the whole thing, because no one could hear her. She’s gotten used to it now, but when she first died she spent the better part of an hour calling to Parker and Cleveland.
-Anna desperately wants to be a poltergeist. She’s just got all this anger and nowhere to go with it. She also really wants to be noticed again. Poltergeisting is very hard, but Anna is an ambitious go-getter so she just THROWS herself into it.
-Katie is the materializing Queen. She’s such an emotional person that she manifests quite easily.
-Anna’s really jealous. The only person she can materialize in front of is Amelie, who just straight up does not give a shit.
- Anna once launched a printer at Norfolk.
-Anna and George had a falling out early on as ghosts, because it was Anna who knocked that wall (I think it was a wall) onto Parker’s back and gave her the scar. Not intentionally of course. She was just trying to get her OUT OF THE BURNING BUILDING by blocking her path but things got messy.
-They made up when their parents were run out of town because they were both devastated. (That was when Anna threw the printer)
-Anna’s just been casually haunting Cleves for like, a year, partly because that’s her house, and also partly because “her dad’s in Germany and poltergeist’s a German word idk”
-That scene in the lakehouse when Henry and Cleves make out while they’re wearing Anna and George’s clothes? Anna was there.
-Sometimes they head down to the lakehouse together, because their rooms are still in order and it feels like they’re alive again.
-All three of them panicked when their rooms got cleared out. With Anna and George it was a long process. Their parents wanted to hold onto them, and the ghosts almost convinced themselves their rooms would just stay up.
-George tried to chase their parents car when they left.
-By contrast, Norfolk got rid of Katie’s room almost immediately, which left her in a weird lurch, as she hadn’t yet figured out ghosts don’t sleep.
-She usually climbs through Cleves’ window and invisibly snuggles her (Cleves doesn’t notice, but does wonder why she’s suddenly sweating so much there’s water stains on the sheets)
-She once tried that for Tom, (with less snuggling) but she accidentally materialized and it freaked him out so much he left the school.
-One time when Anna was practicing materializing in the country club a security guard saw her and straight up fainted (a reference to the Victorian story about Anne Boleyn’s ghost making guards at the Tower of London faint on duty)
-Historically, Anne Boleyn also haunts Hever, her childhood home, and Blickling, her birthplace, which is why she primarily haunts Cleves’ house and the lakehouse (which I guess makes that her birthplace now? Maybe the Boleyns went for a water birth)
-Apparently at Blickling she comes with a hoarde of demons who chase her father around for betraying her, but since Thomas Boleyn in DQC (and probably historical Thomas Boleyn too) is actually pretty okay, and also not dead she just. Doesn’t do that. Some tourists see the fire off her dress and think it’s demons.
-Which also led to people thinking the lakehouse was possessed by a Satanic cult for a while (by people, I mean Eustace and maybe Cleveland looking for newspaper stories)
-George has managed to gain possession of things long enough to ride his Vespa once again.
-It is.... a strange sight, especially since he is still completely invisible.
-Anna can conjure fireballs (another part of the whole demon thing) and for the entire summer after her death, she planned on torching Henry at end of the road (not to kill him- God knows there’s enough rumors about that- just freak him out a little)
-But then when she goes to do it she sees him lunge at Katie to push her off the drainpipe and loses her focus. It’s also raining, so her fire keeps going out. She can only watch helplessly as Katie disappears over the edge.
-It’s a thing in a lot of old mythologies that drowned souls stay trapped in the ocean forever, so Anna and George jump into the river and save her, very dramatically. Extra as possible, Mission Impossible style.
-George spent an entire day mildly inconveniencing Eustace and Henry for fun.
-Anna somehow got Guitar Guy’s adress and absolutely FUCKED. SHIT. UP. No one is clear exactly what she did, least of all Katie (or me) All that is truly known is it involved fireballs.
-Anna keeps trying to leave Cleves, the only other person who knows about Guitar Guy, a message telling her to do the same, but sending messages as a ghost is HARD.
-Anna locked Cleves’ car door when she was in the forest with Henry, in an attempt to keep it away from her. The sound of him unlocking it freaked Cleves out more, leading to her punching him. Anna was very much okay with that.
-Katie doesn’t really like being a ghost, but she’s also scared to move on. She knows if she does she won’t see her friends again, and more than anything she just wishes she could go back to school and live her life.
-Anna’s scared for another reason. After the Lina fiasco many people (football guy Cromwell, Eustace, Hans, Maggie, possibly Lina herself) told her to go to Hell. She knows it was a figure of speech, but it still makes her worry a little bit.
-At other times she is VERY confident in her innocence. After all, she got murdered. That wasn’t her fault.
-George wishes he could communicate with their parents and Parker, and finds the fact that he is bound to the city frustrating. He wants to see the world, and now he can’t.
-Mary went to the lakehouse once, to find closure. Anna decided materializing with all the fire was probably a bad idea, but she and George tried to move some things around to show her they were there.
-They think it worked. They hope she noticed. They hope she told their parents. They hope their families know.
-Katie feels bad for cheating on Henry and Anna and George are all “Okay, well normally I’d agree but considering murder is a thing that’s happening at this school cheating’s not really as big of a priority right now”.
-George claims he’s been to the afterlife waiting room and met Beetlejuice. The girls assume he’s joking but sometimes he just pops off and nobody knows where he went. Plus, he’s got strangely specific details of the whole thing.
-Basically George knows all kinds of advanced ghost shit, but can’t do really simple things. For instance:
-George is really bad at materializing. Like very bad. Which is unfortunate because he really wants to help out Parker.
-Katie tried to help him once and is now Parker’s sleep paralysis demon, so that’s nice.
-The girls keep materializing to Parker at night and talking to her, even if she thinks she’s dreaming. Katie tells her about how George is doing, and Anna tries to convince her to do something about Henry. (I.e, she snarks. A lot)
-Katie gets really bad flashbacks where she goes back to just before her death.
- During a few of these she materializes in Hampton Court (the cafeteria). Luckily no one is there, but Parker saw her once and th: rumors spread (that line where Cleveland talks about Katie haunting the cafeteria is literal- she just doesn’t know it.)
-Katie is very happy that Cleves is standing up for her, but also feels kind of betrayed and scared by the fact that she still listens to Henry.
-That time when Cleves and Henry almost have sex and she hears Katie’s voice? That was because Katie panicked seeing them together thinking Henry was going to kill her too.
-That night, fueled by the possibility of someone else dying, Anna gains control of her poltergeist powers and finally writes a message on Parker’s wall. Tell her the truth.
- Parker sees it and knows she has to tell Cleves about Henry.
-And thus Operation Desdemona is achieved.
-You know that bit at the end where Parker days she promised George she would kill Henry or something like that? She did. Literally.
-Well not really. George can’t materialize still, so really she was speaking to Anna, who was speaking for George.
-It was something like “I’ll kill him George. I’ll avenge you.” “George says that sounds great.” “Holy shit Anna, no I didn’t. My girlfriend’s not KILLING anyone!”
-After they are avenged and Anna’s name cleared, they’re ready to move on to the afterlife.
-They chill with the Queens a bit as they paint the wall. Katie gets into the radio waves to play her phone’s theme song.
-Before he goes George figures out how to materialize, and finally manages to say goodbye to Parker.
-The two of them talk in Cleves’ attic for ages, in their old blanket fort, long after Anna and Katie are gone.
-Except not really. Anna waits for George because she doesn’t want to go alone (and maybe Katie waits too, and they all go together)
-Their afterlife’s pretty great.
-In ten years they look down on the world and watch the Queens meeting up at Homecoming, like Katie had wanted them to.
-They’ve gotten a lot better at materializing.
-The three of them show up, and talk to the Queens for a while.
-The Queens are initially very freaked out by all this, except for Parker, who’s mainly just glad she’s not crazy.
-Cleveland does not understand how, she, a reporter, could not have noticed her house was haunted.And why didn’t Parker tell her? That would have made an amazing story
- She complains about this, often and loudly.
-When she gets home she makes some quip to Amelie about the house of their teenage years being haunted and Amelie’s just like “Yeah, you didn’t know?”
-The goth phase had to come from somewhere.
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Places You Can't-Miss On A See To Columbus, Ohio
Columbus, Ohio is one of the most stunning cities in the nation, and it's been under the radar for far too long. This location offers a great mix of things to do, like the Arena District, The Ohio State University location which is filled with bars ideal for a night on the town in addition to killing time at least a couple hours in German Village consuming bratwurst and lazing in its parks.
Here are locations you can't miss out on when you're checking out Columbus, Ohio!
The Topiary Park
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This gorgeous area is on the original website of the historical Ohio School for the Deaf, which is house to a jaw-dropping living sculptural analysis of Georges Seurat's traditional painting, A Sunday Afternoon on the Isle of La Grande Jatte. It was also become the Stephen Sondheim Broadway musical called Sunday in the Park With George.
Columbus Museum of Art
This world-class museum is loaded with masterpieces, however what makes it much more unique is the ingenious way of starting important discussions. A number of its exhibits highlight thought-provoking questions, and it's worth putting in the time to read the responses from guests-- and include your own.
After that, make certain to hang out in the Wonder Space-- a family-friendly space covered in remarkable artworks by textile artists that include Jeila Gueramian's supreme blanket fort. You'll feel forced to touch or feel whatever, and will want to try all the hands-on activities such as weaving on the life-sized loom.
Franklin Park Conservatory and Botanical Gardens
The Franklin Park Conservatory has actually been drawing visitors to its acclaimed gardens, Chihuly glass work, and creative art display screens for more than a century. There are more than 400 plant types which are displayed in a kind of greenhouses and is interesting to check out as they represent environments from the rainforest to desert.
The two-acre Children's Garden showcases lots of interactive adventures for connecting with nature, like taking in the view from the treetop hammock or building your own fairy house.
North Market
This public market has been home to bakers, butchers, and candy makers-- not to mention fishmongers, restaurateurs, greengrocers, and ice cream artisans-- serving up the freshest regional meals because 1876.
There are dozens of "best in class" independent merchants that make this distinct space an essential part of the city. If you come hungry, you'll get a real taste of Columbus, from Brezel's Bavarian pretzels to Pistacia Vera's handmade pastries to the steaming dumplings at Momo Ghar Market.
German Town
Learn the history of one of the earliest locations in Columbus as you value the architectural features of the original brick homes built by German immigrants in the 19th century. If you're lucky, a property owner might even welcome you inside so that you can take a look.
Short North Arts District
Among Columbus' invigorating communities, the Brief North Arts District is home to plenty of galleries, indie shops, and dining establishments. You can attempt to check out on the very first Saturday of the month when High Street hosts the favorite Gallery Hop, and you get to soak yourself in all things art.
Huntington Park
You can take pleasure in a baseball video game at Huntington Park. It is among the travelers' favorite things to do. The local Columbus Clippers are the Triple-A affiliate of the Cleveland Indians, and tourists admire the atmosphere, the views, and the cost of games at this ballpark. The park can hold 10,000 people, but many say it's rarely crowded which permits visitors to explore and walk around different parts of the stadium.
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Easton Town Center
Easton Town Center is an open-air shopping district, and it hosts stores like Coach, Nordstrom, and Cage and Barrel, the community likewise invites a farmers market on Thursdays from June to August.
The complex is home to lots of dining establishments also, which range from casual and fast like Panera Bread and Cosi to more posh establishments such as Smith & Wollensky and Mitchell's Ocean Club. When it's summertime, Easton Town Center entertains several events which include yoga classes, art shows, movie screenings, and concerts.
This place is outstanding for shopping, grabbing a meal, and people- seeing. Some state that it's finest to hit this shopping complex during the day as recently the evening crowd has actually become a little rough.
Whether you're thinking of a weekend trip or looking for methods to captivate your friends and family, we've got you covered. It’s also the best time to hire an expert home cleaning service to take care of your house. We have actually put together the top things you need to see in Columbus, and this is simply a start!
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Music Landmark Tours: Recording Studios, Estates, and Museums
Graceland is the well-known home of Elvis Presley located in Memphis, Tennessee. I always knew some very basic facts about his home, but never really went into any detail. Many documentaries refer to it, but very few give off a true sense of what the home is like. Today, Graceland is owned by Lisa Marie Presley. She received everything related to her father’s estate upon his death. The home was not open to the public until 1982, as it took that long to get everything in order following his death. Graceland is the second most visited home in the United States besides the White House, but that might change very soon based on the president’s performance this year. The name Graceland originates from the original owners that built the house, Stanley Toff. The entire estate was named after his daughter, Grace. The mansion was actually built in 1939 by a niece of Toff. Elvis entered the picture in 1957 when he gave his parents a budget of $100,000 to find him a suitable home. One of the conditions was that it had to be somewhat secluded and private due to the fact that fans were beginning to become a problem. The home was 10,000 ft.² making it unbelievably massive. Rooms besides standard ones in every house included a TV room, a music room, and a strange jungle room highlighted by very bizarre furniture. There was even a racquetball court that Elvis had built because he became obsessed with the sport in the 1970’s. Other interesting things about the house include his father Vernon‘s office because he served as his business manager for almost his entire career. Most of the Presley family are buried there including his mother, father, himself, and even a stillborn twin brother. Upon his mothers death, his stepmother lived at Graceland for a time causing a very awkward and tense relationship. Yet, you probably could not blame Elvis too much because his father did remarry two years after his mother’s death. The other notable part of his estate was the wall he had built along the street. Like other famous states, people have signed the wall creating a living history monument.
Sun Studio
This was the recording studio started by Sam Phillips in January 1950 in Memphis, Tennessee. It’s major claim to fame was the first record company to release music from Elvis Presley and Johnny Cash among others. The original name of it was the Memphis Recording Service, but Phillips changed the name to Sun in 1951 when he decided to run his own label. A major portion of Sun’s early artists were well-known blues artists like Howlin’ Wolf, BB King, Junior Parker, and others. Later, other artists like Carl Perkins, Jerry Lee Lewis, and Roy Orbison would record there. Phillips moved to a larger facility in 1959, then eventually sold the entire label in 1969. In 2005, the original Sun Studio was re-opened as a tourist attraction and working recording studio. This has attracted prominent musicians like U2 to do a little recording there. The first major recording of any note from Sun was “Rocket 88” by Jackie Brenston in March 1951. The backing band on this record was none other than Ike Turner’s band, who would later become more infamous for his marriage to Tina Turner. Many people consider this to be the first rock ‘n’ roll song ever. In the beginning, Sun had tremendous financial pressure because they could not release a hit. Finally, “Bearcat” was released in 1953, which emerged as the first successful single. Yet, the success was short-lived, because a copyright lawsuit threatened the company due to the song sounding just like “Hound Dog.” Phillips would record anyone that wanted to make a record there throughout its existence. Any person could come off the street and actually make a record for three or four dollars. In 1953, he was able to talk a local jail into releasing members of a group to record a song, which led to a story in the newspaper. Some say this is one of the reasons that brought Elvis Presley to Sun. Presley was only 18 years old when he first entered the studio. He would go on to record several songs for Phillips. These were all fairly insignificant until late one night they discovered the sound everyone had been looking for. With the release of “That’s All Right,”rock ‘n’ roll would never ever be the same. Phillips would later sell Presley‘s recording contract for $35,000, which eventually led him to sign with RCA. The producer always defended the move saying he had too many outstanding debts at the time, while promoting Presley would have been impossible due to the small size of his company. He was still able to promote other notable acts like Cash, Perkins, and Orbison. Yet, by the mid-1960s, Phillips had lost all interest in the recording business. He had branched out into radio, which was where his interest really lied. If you visit the actual studio in Memphis, there really is not that much there. This reminds me of when I visited the Johnny Cash Museum in Nashville or the Fairmount Historical Society in Indiana for James Dean. The studio has a small café, small museum, and the recording studio. The recording studio is essentially a couple of rooms to show what it was like back in the 1950s. You could see some of the original recording equipment that was used for the records. This includes the Record a Phone, which allowed for mobile recording. One will find that essentially Sun Studio was a tiny store front operation that got really lucky because nobody else really wanted to record the music they were releasing.
Rock and Roll Hall of Fame
The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame is located in Cleveland, Ohio right on the lakefront. This museum’s foundation was established in 1983 by Ahmet Ertegun, owner of Atlantic Records. The actual building was dedicated in 1995. The museum includes all members inducted into the Hall of Fame, as well as seeking to document the entire history of rock ‘n’ roll. The layout of the museum contains seven levels as different wings of the museum concentrate on different genres including blues, gospel, soul, hip-hop, folk, bluegrass, country. Other exhibits feature cities that have figured prominently in the history of rock ‘n’ roll including Los Angeles, New York, Detroit, Chicago, and more. Finally, they have long-standing permanent exhibits for major artists that are at the top of the list of influence in rock ‘n’ roll history including the Beatles, the Rolling Stones, Madonna, Michael Jackson, and so on. The museum has not been without its fair share of criticism over the years. The major one going on at the moment is the fact that too many members that vote artists into the hall of fame are not musicians. This includes people like Jann Wenner, former editor of Rolling Stone. These members set up rules that make it too easy for some artists to receive induction into the hall of fame, while not ensuring that female or black artists are represented fairly. Many musicians that have been inducted to the hall of fame skip the ceremony primarily because they think it is a joke. Another criticism over the years has been the location of the museum. Many leaders in rock and roll did not feel that Cleveland was In anyway whatsoever to be lauded as the birthplace of rock ‘n’ roll. This also includes what some feel is the fairy tale that Alan freed was the first DJ of rock ‘n’ roll. Many people believe that it should not be located in Cleveland because of his connection to the payola scandal of the late 1950’s. I have been here twice through the course of my life. The sense that I received each time was that the entire museum is overwhelming. You almost need more than one day to take it all in because of the amount of artifacts that are within the museum. Some of the highlights that I remember when telling people about my visits there are John Lennon‘s Rolls Royce hanging from the ceiling, Roger Waters signing a replica of the wall hanging from the ceiling, personal lyrics by Jackson Browne, and a documentary by Jonathan Demme. This has always been shown since the beginning of the Hall of Fame in its theater. One of the reasons because of the fact that it was probably Jonathan Demme‘s last film. This is a short 25 minute documentary interviewing various artists about the museum. The one thing I remember is Pete Townsend gets rather agitated during one of the segments. He yells back at the camera about referring to these people as icons because he points out they were not only icons, but his friends of his. I guess that is something that that may get lost in translation that some of these rock ‘n’ roll stars are friends with each other.
Electric Lady Studios
This recording studio based in New York City has a long history to it. I did not realize that he actually started a studio named after the song Electric Ladyland. The Greenwich Village location had been a night club since the 1930’s in it’s basement called the Village Barn. Until 1967, abstract expressionist painter Hans Hoffman also called this home, where he would conduct lectures on art. In 1968, Hendrix purchased the night club upstairs called The Generation. This had been a popular venue at the time for late night jam sessions including himself and a treasure trove of other artists in New York. Such artists as Big Brother and the Holding Company, Sly and the Family Stone, BB King, Chuck Berry, and more.One of the reasons he became convinced to convert the space from a live venue to recording studio was the fact that the Electric Ladyland sessions had been so expensive. This was also a chance for him to create a recording space that he was happy with. Hendrix had been notoriously picky about recording studios throughout the course of his career. This became the only artist owned recording studio in the world at the time. The construction of it cost twice as much as budgeted and took twice as long as initially scheduled. He needed to get a loan from Warner Bros. Records in order to complete the project. The studio was set up in such a way that the feel was very relaxing filled with lots of ambient light. From Hendrix’s perspective, this would help with creativity. The entire studio was painted in psychedelic colors, which still exists to this day. I do not know what else to tell you except that it was the 1960’s. He would only record there for about 10 weeks as construction was being completed. His final recording was done there, “Slow Blues.” The next day he boarded a flight to England to perform at the Isle of Wight Festival. Sadly, Hendrix would die before ever returning to the studio. Many notable artists have recorded there over the years including Julian Casablancas, Kanye West, Daft Punk, Arctic Monkeys, AC/DC, Eric Clapton, Beastie Boys, BB King,The Cars, David Bowie, and many more. If you do a search on Spotify, artists will occasionally do short unplugged sessions at the studio. The Strokes would record the album Angles at Electric Lady in 2011. If you would like a sense of seeing what the inside of that studio actually looks like; check out their behind the scenes footage from those sessions on YouTube.
Paisley Park
Paisley Park is home to Prince’s estate just outside of Minneapolis. He built it in 1987 as the headquarters of his now defunct record label, Paisley Park Records. The place is absolutely enormous coming in at about 65,000 ft.². The estate includes his living quarters, recording studio, and two live venue spaces that were used for rehearsals. He had planned to turn the entire complex into something just like Graceland upon his death. Coincidentally, the same company that manages Graceland takes care of Paisley Park now. In 2016, tours began of the estate that also included a private museum filled with personal artifacts from his career. For example, there are 6000 wardrobe outfits located there. Other artifacts include musical instruments, awards, artwork, memorabilia, and cars. The funny thing about the entire estate is that unlike Graceland, most people see Paisley Park as very lonely. This is because throughout his entire career Prince kept everyone at a distance including his estate. Nobody really knows for certain when he began living there full-time because it was never intended to be a home. This was always meant to be a commercial recording environment. This is why from the outside one gets a sense of how strange it is to make this the symbol of Prince. From the outside, Paisley Park looks very much like a large office complex you would find in any large city. Other highlights include a basketball court, which was made famous by Dave Chapelle. There is a ping-pong table that he would challenge celebrity guests like Michael Jackson to a game. You can see his kitchen and his office, which for the most part has remained unchanged since he was found dead in that elevator in 2016. As for the experience if you do go there, things will probably seem a bit strange. You will find that the rules for tours are very strict, filled with formality, and almost unforgivable. You cannot show up for a tour too early or too late. This seems very symbolic of the public’s interaction with Prince throughout the course of his career. The cost of the tour is a bit pricey as well, and some have questioned whether it is really worth the price of admission. The contrast between Prince and Elvis is quite stark. People weep at Graceland for the simple reason that they feel as if they knew the man personally. With Prince, they are not sure how much they knew the man personally, but they feel deeply emotional about his music. Without the recording studio, purple everywhere, or the rehearsal spaces, I am not sure how many people would actually care how the man lived since he never let people see that side of him. For example, you can look at his microwave in his kitchen, but I have a difficult time seeing Prince dressed in a purple robe cooking a Hot Pocket.
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painterlegendx · 5 years
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AVON, Ohio -- Miller Nature Bottle is a abode for an alfresco aperture during three seasons. But alike in the winter, its appropriate atmosphere offers a breach from algid acclimate and a amplitude to analyze your creativity.
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junker-town · 5 years
‘The Bachelor’ Recap: Let’s go to ... Cleveland?!
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Football, amusement parks, and ... dating country singers?
We at SB Nation realize The Bachelor is very much sports. Therefore, each week we’ll recap all the heartbreak, drama, and excitement. If you missed anything, catch up on last week’s action here.
Get excited! Pilot Peter is taking this show on the road as he and the ladies are going to ...
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“Did he say...Cleveland?”
The excitement was palpable. I fully respect the self-awareness of this Cleveland.com article discussing The Bachelor’s trip to their fair city, saying, “We’re betting, though, like most tourists that come here, they’ll be pleasantly surprised at what they find.”
Look, Cleveland is actually pretty delightful, but Cleveland seems like a letdown when you consider that Colton’s ladies went to SINGAPORE for their first trip away from the Bachelor Mansion. Previous seasons went to Park City, Lake Tahoe, and Hilton Head for their first foray into the real world, so I can see how maybe the home of the Cleveland Browns was a bit of a let down.
One-on-one date — Victoria F.
I love amusement parks (shoutout Busch Gardens Williamsburg ... you’re my jam). They’re fun, rollercoasters are great, and there’s relatively good food and beer depending on where you go. Peter takes Victoria F. to Cedar Point, which THEY HAVE ENTIRELY TO THEMSELVES*.
*I am assuming there is staff there to, you know, run the rides.
This is arguably a perfect date, and the pair has a ton of fun riding rides without having to wait in line with hundreds of their closest friends. After a couple beers, they wrap up the day portion with a surely relaxing private concert featuring country singer Chase Rice.
Wait, Victoria F., why do you look so concerned?
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“Wait, who is that singing.”
Turns out, SHE USED TO DATE SAID COUNTRY SINGER. Ah, Bachelor producers, you got us again.
At dinner, Victoria F. breaks the news (more on that later) that she and Rice used to date, and the most hilarious conversation in Bachelor franchise history ensued:
Victoria F: So, Chase and I used to date.
Peter: Like, the singer Chase?
Peter: Like, the guy that was doing the concert?
Victoria F: Yeah.
Peter: Wait, what?
Victoria F: [solemnly nods]
Peter: [bewildered] No.
Victoria: I’m like shaking right now.
Peter: The guy that was singing? I talked to him. What?
After Peter got over the initial shock that, like, the singer Chase was the one Victoria F. was referring to, he was pretty chill. She got the rose and was serenaded by a man — not Chase Rice, unfortunately — playing the cello.
Group date
What do you when you’re in Cleveland? [checks notes] Football! Peter takes the ladies to FirstEnergy Stadium for the Bachelor Bowl, during which they LEGIT hit each other.
They are hitting harder in #TheBachelor football game tonight than in several Big 12 games I watched this year. This is Utah-BYU level hitting. Sheesh
— Alex Kirshner (@alex_kirshner) January 28, 2020
On the first play from scrimmage, Shiann rattles off one of her four touchdown runs, completely exposing the defense of the yellow team.
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It actually turns into a great game, with the yellow squad — who are inexplicably called The Killer Bs — tying the game at 28 as the clock expires. Congratulations, ladies. Your prize is that all 13 of you go to the evening portion of the date. What could go wrong?
Wait, what’s that? IS THAT ALAYAH’S MUSIC?
[Extremely Eminem voice] Guess who’s back? Back again. Alayah’s back. Tell a friend.
All the ladies get VERY upset, and in true naive-Peter fashion, he gives Alayah the group rose. You know, the rose for the group date she wasn’t on and didn’t sacrifice her body for.
One-on-one date — Kelsey
In case you forgot over the last week, Kelsey is best-known in the house for her role in the Champagne Crisis that dominated house discussion for the first two weeks. Peter and Kelsey just wandered around downtown Cleveland for their date, stumbling upon a polka party that honestly looked like a blast.
At the dinner (AKA “tell your saddest story”) portion of the evening, Kelsey told Peter that she found out about her parents’ impending divorce before her mom found out ... BECAUSE SHE CAME HOME TO A NOTE FROM HER DAD ON THE COUNTER WITH HIS WEDDING RING.
That’s ... brutal.
He disappeared to Mexico to start a new life, and she didn’t see him for 12 years. Yikes. She got a well-deserved hug and the rose, ensuring her mansion safety for another week.
Cocktail party
If you love the Alayah vs. the world drama, you loved the cocktail party portion of the episode. Poor, sweet Peter was so excited coming into the cocktail party, and then he saw the ladies.
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Look how excited they are! Deandra and Natasha call Peter on his bullshit of bringing back Alayah, he has a really weird conversation with Victoria P., and the episode runs out of time before anyone is eliminated.
Onto the highlights!
Most low-key insults of Cleveland
It’s fair to say the ladies weren’t stoked to go to Ohio. I appreciate the work Chris Harrison put in to build it up, but here’s the video of the announcement:
Just incredible pic.twitter.com/so3cczI0zR
— lindsey ok (@lindseyyok) January 28, 2020
Once the ladies got over the shock of being told they were going to Cleveland, they dropped some fire backhanded compliments at the home of the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame.
“When I think of Ohio, I don’t really think of romance, but I hope Cleveland surprises us.”
“None of us have really gone there, so you know what, Cleveland? Bring it on.”
“I wasn’t expecting it to be this nice.”
Most thought-out reason for having an even number of kids — AMUSEMENT PARKS
After riding a bunch of rides at Cedar Point, Peter asked Victoria F. how many kids she wanted. Her reply? Four. Peter was overly enthusiastic about this response, sharing that he wanted to have either two OR four kids. Not one. Not three. His reasoning?
He didn’t want to go to an amusement park as a family with an odd number of kids because then someone would have to ride alone.
Most unnecessary meltdown — Victoria F.
Congratulations, Victoria. You have taken what should have been an automatic award to Mykenna, who seemingly cries every 14 seconds.
Look. Is it weird to have an awkward special concert at a nearly empty amusement park? Yes! Is it insanely unfortunate to have an ex surprise you as the one serenading you and your new beau in aforementioned amusement park? Absolutely! Is this your fault in any way or should you be ashamed? LOL, hell no.
Who gives a shit, Victoria? You ran into your incredibly hot ex. Most of us wish that this could happen when you’re a) looking pretty as hell, and b) are on a super-fun date with a new guy.
Of course Victoria acts super weird, gets all dramatic when she tells Peter, and runs away to cry in a corner during the dinner portion of the date. If Peter had made a big deal out of it, maybe I could understand the reaction — but he was super cool and expected the women to have pasts that involve exes.
To be fair, this moment was so epically awkward they should hang this in the Louvre:
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Best football advice — Hanford Dixon
After the pink team easily broke free for a touchdown, former Cleveland Brown Hanford Dixon told Deandra, “You can’t let them run and make a touchdown, because if they make a touchdown, then they score, and we’re at a disadvantage. Does everybody understand?”
I mean, he’s not wrong.
Football MVP — Shiann
DAMN GIRL. Shiann, or “Shiannimal” as Pete called her, seemingly rushed for all four touchdowns for the Eliminators. She dominated the opposing team’s defense, and Natasha offered to “block for her ass” so she could grab Peter first in the date’s now-overcrowded evening portion.
Well done, Shiann. Well done. You’re now a Cleveland Brown!
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dekustory · 7 years
1037 days on T
I’ve finally arrived back in NYC this afternoon, now able to type out my whole top surgery experience and the week after from the comfort of my computer. This is going to be a long detailed post so grab a cold one, grab a seat and get comfy. August 1st, 2017 (1028 days on T)
With the well wishes of my coworkers, bosses and friends, I set out with my backpack filled with all I needed and head out to Port Authority Bus Terminal to meet up with my boyfriend, who was going to be taking care of me. We met up, had some Subway sandwiches and waited to board our Greyhound bus to Cleveland, Ohio. It was a 12 hour bus ride so we loaded up on movies to watch and tried to sleep when we got tired of that. We had to make transfers at Buffalo so we ended up not getting much sleep. I remember looking in the bathroom mirror seeing bags under my eyes, lol.
August 2nd, 2017 (1029 days on T)
By the time we boarded our bus in Buffalo, it was early morning and it only took a few more hours until e arrived in Cleveland. When we finally arrived, it was pretty much time for brunch and, boy, were we STARVING. As soon as we got off the bus, we ran off to the nearest diner to get some food to eat. Our airbnb didn’t allow check in before 3:00 PM so we tried to take our time exploring a little bit of the area before heading there. We were surprised at how hot it was over in Ohio; with all the baggage we were carrying, we worked up quite a sweat and our airbnb was quite out of the way as it was located in the suburbs of Ohio. As such, it was a long walk from where the mall was where our Lyft dropped us off. My parents were flying to Ohio and wanted us to get to the airbnb first. We hanged around Target for an hour or two until it was about time to do check-in and, to our surprise, my folks were already at the airbnb talking with the host. The host was nice but really curious (nosey, actually) about us, asking so many questions about why are we visiting Ohio, why did we choose her airbnb listing out of all the listings and what exactly we are here for. I guess to many people who live there, Ohio wasn’t exactly a hotspot worth exploring and so finding tourists is rare? In any case, we kept our interactions as brief as possible and giving the least amount of detail as possible while still remaining polite. She left us mostly to ourselves, which I am happy about. We choose our beds, unpacked our things and went straight to bed, eagerly awaiting whatever may come tomorrow.
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cloudydamage3 · 5 years
It’s time for music and music technology to be a voice for migrants
From countries across Europe to the USA, migration is at the center of Western politics at the moment. But that raises a question: why aren’t more people who make music, music instruments, and music tech louder about these issues?
Migration – temporary and permanent – is simply a fact of life for a huge group of people, across backgrounds and aspirations. That can involve migration to follow opportunities, and refugees and asylum seekers who move for their own safety and freedom. So if you don’t picture immigrants, migrants, and refugees when you think of your society, you just aren’t thinking.
Musicians ought to be uniquely qualified to speak to these issues, though. Extreme anti-immigration arguments all assume that migrants take away more from a society than they give back. And people in the music world ought to know better. Music has always been based on cultural exchange. Musicians across cultures have always considered touring to make a living. And to put it bluntly, music isn’t a zero sum game. The more you add, the more you create.
Music gets schooled in borders
As music has grown more international, as more artists tour and cross borders, at least the awareness is changing. That’s been especially true in electronic music, in a DJ industry that relies on travel. Resident Advisor has consistently picked up this story over the last couple of years, as artists spoke up about being denied entry to countries while touring.
In a full-length podcast documentary last year, they dug into the ways in which the visa system hurts artists outside the US and EU, with a focus on non-EU artists trying to gain entry to the UK:
Andrew Ryce also wrote about a visa rate hike in the USA back in 2016 – and this in the Obama Administration, not under Trump:
US raises touring artist visa fees by 42%
Now, being a DJ crossing a border isn’t the same as being a refugee running for your life. But then on some other level, it can allow artists to experience immigration infrastructure – both when it works for them, and when it works against them. A whole generation of artists, including even those from relatively privileged Western nations, is now learning the hard way about the immigration system. And that’s something they might have missed as tourists, particularly if they come from places like the USA, western Europe, Australia, and other places well positioned in the system.
The immigration system they see will often come off as absurdist. National policies worldwide categorize music as migrant labor and require a visa. In many countries, these requirements are unenforced in all but big-money gigs. But in some countries – the USA, Canada, and UK being prime examples – they’re rigorously enforced, and not coincidentally, the required visas have high fees.
Showing up at a border carrying music equipment or a bag of vinyl records is an instant red flag – whether a paid gig is your intention or not. (I’m surprised, actually, that no one talks about this in regards to the rise of the USB stick DJ. If you aren’t carrying a controller or any records, sailing through as a tourist is a lot easier.) Border officials will often ask visitors to unlock phones, hand over social media passwords. They’ll search Facebook events by name to find gigs. Or they’ll even just view the presence of a musical instrument as a violation.
Being seen as “illegal” because you’re traveling with a guitar or some records is a pretty good illustration of how immigration can criminalize simple, innocent acts. Whatever the intention behind that law, it’s clear there’s something off here – especially given the kinds of illegality that can cross borders.
When protection isn’t
This is not to argue for open borders. There are times when you want border protections. I worked briefly in environmental advocacy as we worked on invasive species that were hitching a ride on container ships – think bugs killing trees and no more maple syrup on your pancakes, among other things. I was also in New York on 9/11 and watched from my roof – that was a very visible demonstration of visa security oversight that had failed. Part of the aim of customs and immigration is to stop the movement of dangerous people and things, and I don’t think any rational person would argue with that.
But even as a tiny microcosm of the larger immigration system, music is a good example of how laws can be uneven, counter-intuitive, and counterproductive. The US and Canada, for instance, do have an open border for tourists. So if an experimental ambient musician from Toronto comes to play a gig in Cleveland, that’s not a security threat – they could do the same as a tourist. It’s also a stretch of the imagination that this individual would have a negative impact on the US economy. Maybe the artist makes a hundred bucks cash and … spends it all inside the USA, not to mention brings in more money for the venue and the people employed by it. Or maybe they make $1000 – a sum that would be wiped out by the US visa fee, to say nothing of slow US visa processing. Again, that concert creates more economic activity inside the US economy, and it’s very likely the American artist sharing the bill goes up to Montreal and plays with them next month on top of it. I could go on, but it’s … well, boring and obvious.
Artists and presenters worldwide often simply ignore this visa system because it’s slow, expensive, and unreliable. And so it costs economies (and likely many immigration authorities) revenue. It costs societies value and artistic and cultural exchange.
Of course, scale that up and the same is true, across other fields. Immigrants tend to give more into government services than they take out, they tend to own businesses that employ more local people (so they create jobs), they tend to invent new technologies (so they create jobs again), and so on.
Ellis Island, NYC. 12 million people passed through here – not all of my family who came to the USA, but some. I’ve now come the other way through Tegel Airport and the Ausländerbehörde , Berlin. Photo (CC-BY-ND “>A. Strakey.
Advocacy and music
Immigration advocacy could be seen as something in the charter of anyone in the music industry or musical instruments industry.
Music technology suffers as borders are shut down, too. Making musical instruments and tools requires highly specialized labor working in highly specialized environments. From production to engineering to marketing, it’s an international business. I actually can’t think of any major manufacturer that doesn’t rely on immigrants in key roles. (Even many tiny makers involve immigrants.)
And the traditional music industry lean heavily on immigrant talent, too. Those at the top of the industry have powerful lobbying efforts – efforts that could support greater cultural exchange and rights for travelers. Certainly, its members are often on the road. But let’s take the Recording Academy (the folks behind the Grammy Awards).
Instead, their efforts seem to fixate on domestic intellectual property law. So the Recording Academy and others were big on the Music Modernization Act – okay, fine, a law to support compensation for creators.
But while the same organization advocated on behalf of instruments traveling – domestic rules around carry-on and checked instruments – but not necessarily humans. So it could be that there’s more interest in your guitar getting across borders than people.
I don’t want to be unfair to the Recording Association – and not just because I think it might hurt my Grammy winning chances. (Hey, stop laughing.) No, I think it’s more that we as a community have generally failed to take up this issue in any widespread way. (I sincerely hope someone out there works for the record industry and writes to say that you’re actually working on this and I’m wrong.)
More than anything else, music can cross borders. It can speak to people when you don’t speak their language, literally. When music travels, emotion and expression travels – artists and technology alike.
It’s personal – isn’t it for you?
I personally feel the impact of all of this, now having been seven years in Berlin, and able to enjoy opportunities, connections, and perspective that come from living in Germany and working with people both from Germany and abroad. I feel hugely grateful to the German state for allowing my business to immigrate (my initial visa was a business visa, which involved some interesting bureaucracy explaining to the Berlin Senate what this site is about). I’ve even benefited from the support of programs like the Goethe Institut and host governments to work in cultural diplomacy.
I’ve also had the chance to be involved writing in support of visas and financial backing for artists coming from Iran, Mexico, Kazakhstan, and many other places, for programs I’ve worked on.
And all of this is really a luxury – even when we’re talking about artists traveling to support their careers and feed themselves. For so many people, migration is a matter of survival. Now that we’ve lived the system, we have an added obligation to make it work for them. Sometimes the threats to their lives come from geopolitical and economic policies engineered by the governments we come from – meaning as citizens, we share some responsibility for the impact others have felt. But whether or not that’s the case, I would hope we feel that obligation as human beings. That’s the basis of international rule of law on accepting refugees and granting asylum. It’s the reason those principles are uncompromising and sometimes even challenging. Our world is held together – or not – based on that basic fairness we afford to fellow humans. If people come to where we live and claim their survival and freedom depends on taking them in, we accept the obligation to at least listen to their case.
Those of us in the music world could use our privilege, and the fact that our medium is so essential to human expression, to be among the loudest voices for these human rights. When we live in countries who listen to us, we should talk to other citizens and talk to our governments. We should tell the stories that make these issues more relatable. We should do what some people I know are doing in the music world, too – work on education and involvement for refugees, help them to feel at home in our communities and to develop whatever they need to make a home here, and make people feel welcome at the events we produce.
That’s just the principles, not policies. But I know a lot of people in my own circle have worked on the policy and advocacy sides here. I certainly would invite you to share what we might do. If you’ve been impacted by immigration obstacles and have ideas of how we help, I hope we hear that, too.
Some likely policy areas: Supporting the rights of refugees and asylum seekers Supporting refugee and asylum seeker integration Advocating for more open visa policies for artists – keeping fees low, and supporting exchange Advocating the use of music and culture, and music technology, as a form of cultural diplomacy Supporting organizations that connect artists and creative technologists across borders
And so on…
But I do hope that as musicians, we work with people who share basic beliefs in caring for other people. I know there’s no single “community” or “industry” that can offer that. But we certainly can try to build our own circle in a way that does.
Some examples from here in Berlin working on refugee issues here. I would argue immigration policy can find connections across refugees and migrants, asylum seekers and touring musicians, as everyone encounters the same larger apparatus and set of laws:
Photo at top: CC-BY Nicola Romagna.
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Source: http://cdm.link/2018/11/opinion-immigration-music-advocacy/
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ursularintel89-blog · 6 years
Alan Reed Write-up Writer
You do not need to seek to much to find out the beginnings of western apparel, whether you listen to tales of the wild west, hyperlink seeing those aged cattle herder movies or even paying attention to the celebrities of c and w. It's hobby for all respectable and also great White colored folks to begin as well as sprout a pair down the path to conserving themselves. Today, many people are actually persuaded that nationalism is a poor factor, and some assume it is one more phrase for institutionalized racial discrimination. Almost 40 percent of country American guys as well as virtually half of non-urban ladies are now statistically overweight, USA Centers for Health Condition Control and also Protection researchers disclosed Tuesday. I have actually typically intended to cross nation on learn, my bro took his loved ones in 2014, his boys loved it, they started in Indiana and ended in CA.
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I find that the majority of instances of sensations of abandonment are prevalent along with women as a whole, African-American women in particular. According to all dominating sociological reviews at the time, these kids must have performed poorly in institution.
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Still today uncertain is actually the inquiry of exactly how Columbus might have found" United States when there were actually millions of people currently staying there certainly. The catalyst for this loathsome black eye on the face of United States race relations was a shoeshine young boy" who required to use the bathroom in a rush. African-Americans are actually more probable to possess emotions of despair, hopelessness and unimportance than are grown-up whites, and also while African-Americans are much less likely than white folks to pass away coming from suicide as teenagers, African-Americans young adults are actually more probable to attempt self-destruction than are white colored adolescents (8.3 per-cent v. 6.2 per-cent). . British Columbia, house of the "B.C. Buddy" long valued by United States cannabis fanatics, has actually had a common cannabis culture due to the fact that the 1970s, after USA draft-dodgers coming from the Vietnam Battle decided on Vancouver Isle and also in the district's southeastern mountain ranges.
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Sulivan's Observations favorably shows only how core lodge seeing was actually to a lot late 18th century tourist; webpages forty five to 90 of guide are composed of a virtually smooth profile of visits to Wardour Palace, Fonthill, Stourhead, Longleat, Wilton, Longford Fortress, Broadlands, Hackwood, as well as Corsham, after which they "following proceeded to Bathtub, where our company relaxed ourselves a handful of days"- as well they might. The Telecom Regulatory Authorization of India (TRAI) suggested the policies back in Nov, as well as the country's formal Telecom Commission (TC) authorized them today, solving an action to upgrade internet defenses that started in 2015. African Americans staying in Cleveland are as aged as the urban area on its own.
A company follower in the impartiality of all people, whether dark, women, United States Indian, or even recent immigrant, Douglass devoted his life to advocating the brotherhood of all humanity. In the course of this very same amount of time beyond of the country, The big apple Area saw the erection of its highest high-rise: the Empire State Building.' Yamlet' - combining the Dark Nation term 'yam' indicating 'you are' - will certainly observe the main sign, represented through Birmingham College of Performing postgraduate student Stuart Ash, execute translated sections in locations around the city of Cradley Health.In 2015, a dark person residing in Wisconsin was 26 opportunities more probable to become fatally fired than a white person in that condition. Jolene rated 217 in Rolling Stone's five hundred best songs of perpetuity. Each of these numerous bodies converged to execute and also maintain United States society.
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yesbiffwritesthings · 8 years
Album Reviews: January 2017
Allison Crutchfield - Tourist in This Town Allison Crutchfield is the singer formerly of punk band Swearin’, and twin sister to Waxahatchee’s Katie Crutchfield.  At a glance, this album could be misinterpreted as a bargain-brand version of Waxahatchee’s last record, but a closer listen will reveal qualities that distinguish Allison from her sister.  She is more somber, where Katie is wistful; more biting where Katie would be melancholy.  Swearin’ gave Allison more of a platform to separate herself from her sister, whereas this record brings their sounds closer together and invites comparisons, but also allows for more growth of character and breadth of emotion. Standout track: “Broad Daylight”
Cloud Nothings - Life Without Sound Cloud Nothings has switched up their sound a few times now, but they have never made an album that I didn’t like.  Life Without Sound lacks the blistering spite of their other recent work, and the precocious noise-pop trappings of their earlier work is long gone.  Instead this record takes a more reflective approach.  This makes a lot of sense, as Cloud Nothings mastermind Dylan Baldi was a teenager recording songs in his bedroom in suburban Cleveland when he first appeared on the scene, and now he’s in his mid-to-late 20′s and I’m sure there’s been a lot of living in between. Standout track:  “Modern Act”
Japandroids - Near to the Wild Heart of Life It’s just disappointing.  Their last album, Celebration Rock, was such an instant classic that I didn’t exactly expect lightning to strike the same place twice, but I was hoping for better, especially after such a long wait (Celebration Rock came out in 2011).  The major problem I have with this record is that, while it is energetic and exuberant, it has none of the frantic, punk rock energy of their previous work.  They have taken their writing to a more introspective, Springsteenian, Americana sort of place, which really doesn’t fit with their sound at all.  What’s more is that for all its energy, it lacks heart and the sound is ultimately hollow, where it is obvious that they had hoped this would be the record where their sound came of age. Standout track: “True Love & a Free Life of Free Will”
Priests - Nothing Feels Natural An early favorite of mine.  This is Priests debut album but it sounds so actualized and well-put-together that you’d probably guess they’ve been kicking around for much longer than they have.  Lots of frantic punk and post-punk energy; they acutally remind me a lot of Ought, so it’s cool to see that they’ll be doing some shows together later this year.  I’m really pleased with how this album turned and I’m looking forward to hearing more from them. Standout track:  “JJ” or “Pink White House”
The Regrettes - Feel Your Feelings Fool! There is a now-defunct Columbus band that released an album and was fairly popular around here a few years ago called The Regrettes, so that was initially the source of some confusion for me.  These are the Los Angeles Regrettes.  So, the thing about punk bands is that it’s hard to critique them by calling them immature and unpolished, as those are two characteristics that are fairly ingrained in the punk genre.  I guess the problem I really have with them is that they are not committed to their own immaturity and messiness--it seems, a bit, that they want to be a little more serious than they actually are.  In short, they lack personal identity and defining characteristics.  But some of the songs are pretty clever--the album is too long though, and there’s a lot of filler. Standout track: “Juicebox Baby”
The XX - I See You Definitely one of the most fully-formed albums to come out this year so far.  It’s kind of the popification of The XX, and is much more forward and less insular than their previous albums.  For the most part, the change is welcomed enough--they really had nowhere else to go; their last album, Coexist, saw them pushing their sounds to the extremes of introversion--the only problem is that this new, bigger sound sometimes sheds light onto the inherent cheesiness of their lyrics, where before they would just sound darkly romantic.  Sounds a lot like Jamie xx’s 2015 solo album, if ever there was a doubt that he was running the ship, I See You should confirm that. Standout track: “Say Something Loving”
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Hydro Electrical Power Frenzy 'Threatens Carpathian Mountain Ranges'
Cleveland Mountain, a 5,676-foot (1,730-metre) top on the unoccupied Chuginadak Isle, regarding 940 kilometers (1,504 kilometres) southwest from Anchorage, was elevated to orange off yellow by Alaska Mountain Observatory. The Mountain range Cur is a type of operating pet dog that is multiplied specifically for treeing and tracking tiny video game, like squirrel and Http://Healthy-Markportal.Info/Evaluations-Dermagen-Iq-De-Veritable/ also raccoons They are likewise made use of for hunting as well as baying big video game like bear and also wild boar and also being an all-round farm canine. Mountain cyclists use on off-road routes like singletrack, back-country roads, fire roadways, as well as typically project to snowboard retreats that remain open in the summertime for such tasks. Unlike your frequent apartment or condos of suburbs, your mountain log cabins can be private - tucked away at the center of the woods, close to lakes as well as nature generally. In Huaraz, Korbinian Munster, a German traveler, said he took his overview publication's recommendations and also missed the day trip to Pastoruri, rather picking stone climbing on an iceless mountain nearby. Eze lies between Wonderful as well as Monaco, and also a hassle-free trip coming from either city. I recognized at this moment that I must do to always keep a best 5 was to make that up the top of the mountain with the Fourth location motorcyclist and create this down the descent safely. As soon as you stand up to Fantasize Pond, you will be actually addressed along with among the absolute most attractive views in the playground. Truth heights rise up and down coming from the hill as well as are the only thing obstructing the otherwise unblocked scenery from Factor Lenana over the Aberdares Variation, the rich agricultural belt from Kenya and also the desert terrain of Samburu as well as Meru National Parks.
Located on the Glucose Hill Golf Course, the 700 feet lengthy tubes lanes are serviced through a Magic Rug lift. Greece possesses some stunning and also amazing islands as well as beach fronts if you are appearing for some locations to rest. They are actually commonly discovered at lower altitudes yet still could simply be gotten to by jumping - or, in many cases, through a mountain range railway or even car. Essentially, mountaineerings as well as general tourists don't must sift through any sort of bureaucracy if you want to experience the hill. Have the views with it your mtb or adhere to one of the various strolling paths in the area. One incredibly little delicate bloom expanding throughout on Sand Mountain Range in July is actually the Calyptridium umbellatum, or often referred to as the Pussy-Paw.
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The variation in between the rise in working income and also the decline in income attributable to Rocky Hill Chocolate Factory shareholders scheduled predominantly to a derivative decent value fee of 1.1 million as well as the nine months that end November 30, 2015 versus an acquired decent valued fee of 333,000 in the prior year time period.
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Going down this high incline, you will certainly pass a route on the right which goings down the Mountain over the Batongguan (Patungkuan) Qing Empire Trail as well as fields ... nice place for outdoor camping. The greener phases from the option could be travelled over on foot while the steep rocks scattering the mountain are actually to become addressed through step ladders and iron steps.
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