#do the same for einri in a hot sec
nvrcmplt · 7 months
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「 … weapon … 」 ─
Beorn's spear is around 11 foot long, simple in design made from cold white iron forged in pure blacksmith greatness. It has a hint of purple in its colouring that is from the element electro being absorbed by magical crystal chunks before being mined and blended with the iron ore.
The beauty of the pole arm is within its design, not just a singular bladed tip, but dual blade - top and bottom. The blades are curved in opposite directions making the swiftness of using the weapon in any angle perfect for Beorn's manner of spinning, twisting and slashing in wild angles.
The details in the blades ends are the subtle carvings of an Electro Hypostasis cube. A giveaway that the blades and pole arm are too forged with the materials of such beasts in the world. The Hypostatis markings stand out the best when the electricity in his power is summoned to power his movements - these markings glow and sparkle in that rich royal purple.
「 … vision … 」 ─
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Electro - hangs on his belt, on the left side.
His power can manifest as a lighting golem ( thunder golem w/ dark golem's colouring ) - aiding heavily in an electro aoe damage for his being.
「 … build … 」 ─
Fatui Skirmisher - Electrohammer Vanguard
Beorn is 9ft 6ins tall, heavily muscled.
「 … extra … 」 ─
A Guardian of Hendrikson’s Merchant Troupe. Travellers with no set home but with wealth in their skills that are picked up and traded around the world. They tend to work in groups of at least four or five for safety in numbers.
It's rumoured often that they tend to always have mora in abundance on their persons, although it makes them a target for bandits and the wrong types of folks, it is without a doubt that they are often the least harmed in confrontation.
「 … traveling partner … 」 ─
「 … nation … 」 ─
Not fixed placement due to nomadic life - he travels by foot, horse or boat with his partner.
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