#do straight men get excited over seeing other men in yukatas
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priarity · 2 years ago
makoto oda is sending me strong fruity vibes
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graceverse · 4 years ago
Here Be That EniKao Fic I Told You All About
Please note that this is post "The Final" movie. This happened around 2 months after Kenshin and Enishi's fight. AND OH MY GOD, this is my first RK fic since what? 2017?! It has happened and I would like to thank Mackenyu for making this possible. LOL.
An Unexpected Invitation
Winter and spring had passed quietly without much excitement. Which was exactly what the occupants of the Kamiya Dojo, and indeed the residents of Tokyo, needed. After much turmoil from the previous year, the quiet restful months have allowed everyone to heal from their wounds.
Physical injuries were all but gone now. No one was wearing any bandages, no one was limping around, clutching a broken shoulder or needing a change of bloody bindings.
Megumi has finally been able to get a decent enough stock of bandages and ointment for the actual patients of the Ouguni Clinic. A feat she didn't think was possible especially since everyone seemed to have been incapacitated in the aftermath of Yukishiro's Jinchuu.
"You're all a troublesome bunch." She told them when she'd given everyone a clean bill of health. She haughtily tossed her hair, looking imperiously down at them. "Next time, you're replacing everything that you'll use up in the clinic."
"Just let Sano take you out for dinner as payment." Yahiko suggested. Boldy too, since he had never really tried teasing Megumi before.
Megumi didn't seem to mind as she actually winked at him before turning to give Sano a look. "Dinner, eh? Sagara Sanosuke can afford dinner?" If she had any eyebrows, it would have disappeared up into her bangs. But the curl of her lips was enough to let Sano know that she was merely teasing him.
"Jou-chan would lend me money, right Jou-chan?" He sidled up to her, elbowing her and making faces that Kaoru supposed was meant to make him look like an adorable puppy, but failing miserably with the still darkened bruises on his face. His spiked-up hair did nothing to help his cause.
"I will most certainly not!" Kaoru indignantly crossed her arms, sending both Sano and Megumi a glare.
"I'd rather that Kenshin take me to dinner, ne Ken-san?" Cool hands snaked around his arms and Kenshin was quick to jump away from Megumi's clutches.
"Why you-"
"Maa, maa -" Kenshin said, raising his hands, trying to prevent unnecessary bloodshed.
As usual, they all ignored him; insults and intimidations of violence were quickly tossed around which ended when Kaoru actually promised Sanosuke that she will give him the money he needed just to shut Megumi up and make her stop acting so inappropriately towards Kenshin.
To which Megumi had answered with a laugh, sultry enough to make both Kaoru and Sano blush. Chaos ensued and Kenshin reveled in the happiness that stirred inside of him as he watched his friends chase each other, threatening murder and all sorts of physical pain.
It was good to be back.
All traces of the violence and destruction from last winter was gone. It was as if it that night of chaos and fire, explosions and screams piercing through the night, the ghostly air balloons silently stalking the sky had become more like a nightmare that had faded away.
It was now the height of summer, the humidity so unbearable that even when Kaoru had changed the schedule of her classes to the hour of the hare, ("too damn early, busu!" Yahiko had complained), by the mid-morning everyone was drenched with sweat, limp and tired.
Classes were dismissed by noon which gave her ample time to take a long, cooling bath and sit at the engawa eating watermelons while watching Kenshin do the laundry or the gardening or whatever household chore he fancied for the day.
Today however had been hotter than usual and Kaoru briefly wished that she was alone at the dojo so she could changed into something more lightweight, like a yukata.
A slightly opened yukata.
She missed those days when she could just lie down, arms and legs thrown around and not have a care in the world about propriety. It was a constant learning process and test of patience living with two grown men and a young boy on the verge of manhood.
She could not understand how her father had dealt with so many hotheaded, pigheaded, sweaty, untidy – well, except for Kenshin – scoundrels.
Sighing heavily, she closed her eyes, leaning her head against one of the columns of the engawa, her socked feet listlessly swinging at the edge. If only there was tiny little breeze to alleviate this heat. She wanted very much to loosen the summer kimono that she was wearing.
She'd been planning on going to The Akabeko later. It was the only reason why she had dressed up today. Tae-san had promised her that she'd prepare anmitsu and Kaoru could already taste the sweet red bean paste inside her mouth, but as the day progressed it had become too hot that she could barely move from her spot.
Even Kenshin had decided not to do any outdoor activity, quietly sitting beside her instead. Apparently feeling the same kind of stupor that had descended upon them.
It was the kind of heat that robbed you of thought and speech and Kaoru had been imagining dipping into a tub filled with ice cold water when the sound of bells and sirens blasted through the tepid air.
Another fire.
There have been small conflagrations around the city, what with the heat and people being addled by it, someone was always bound to fall asleep with a lit cigarette or mothers too distracted by the heatwave would leave matches lying around for bored children to play with. Easily put out without much fuss but when she'd look up, startled by the sound, she could see dark plumes in the sky, getting bigger by the second.
"It looks like that's from the docks." Kaoru murmured, sitting up straight.
"That it does, Kaoru-dono." There's an almost sleepy quality in Kenshin's voice, low and raw from not having spoken for a quite a while, but she sensed his alertness as he stood up, grimly looking at the cloud of smoke that had impossibly become larger at such a short amount of time. Before Kaoru could say anything, Kenshin had stepped off the engawa, already sliding his zori on.
"Kenshin-" she had started to stand up as well, but Kenshin had placed a gentle hand on her shoulder, stilling her.
"Please stay here, Kaoru-dono. It is too hot, that it is. Yahiko and I will go check if we could be of any help." His eyes are narrowed, an unpleasant thought obviously occurring to him but Kaoru didn't think that a fire, a safe distance from their home, should be of any concern.
"Don't over exert yourself Kenshin." She told him, the warning tone in her voice softened his eyes, the corners crinkling as he very visibly tried not to smile.
"I mean it, Kenshin." She added a little more firmly, fighting the urge to grab on to the ends of Kenshin's hair and pull on it just to show him how serious she was. "Absolutely no running inside burning buildings. None of that foolishness. I forbid it, Kenshin."
Kenshin's eyes gleamed at her. "Aa, Kaoru-dono, this one promise to stay behind the police line, that I do."
A blatant lie. The insufferable jerk. But Kaoru was too tired to argue and she only gave him her mightiest glare, one that was enough to make Sano squirm.
It apparently does not work on Kenshin as he merely reached out to briefly pat the top of her hand, his fingers lingering for just a few second more and Kaoru suddenly felt all hot inside. Like she had swallowed a whole taiyaki fresh from the oven and now it was idly swimming inside her stomach. She felt her whole face heating up and was rewarded with a genuinely amused smile from Kenshin who had leaned forward, just a fraction of an inch, head bowed down that she couldn't even see his eyes.
She felt herself freeze, her heart stuttering inside her chest. Kenshin seemed to have sensed this as he slowly, almost languidly, pulled back, the same amused smile still on his face before murmuring a quick goodbye.
She reluctantly let him go, trying not to worry so much as she watched as Kenshin waiting for Yahiko by the gate, ready to provide some much-needed assistance to the Tokyo Police.
Once they have closed the gate behind them, Kaoru sent a quick prayer to Kami-sama that no one was hurt from the fire and that her boys would come back unharmed.
She let her lids drop, trying to recapture that emotion she had felt when Kenshin had nearly invaded her private space. He'd never done that before…she wondered if it was brought upon the heatwave or something that he had seen in her face – when she had been imagining tugging at his hair…
Kaoru took a deep breath her eyes suddenly snapping open as she realized that she was finally alone. She let out a lazy smile as she pulled on the collar of her kimono, loosening it a bit. She let herself lay down, sprawled on the engawa, enjoying the little comfort it gave her.
A shadow loomed over her.
It took her a second to realize that she had fallen asleep and the presence of someone looking down made her sit up, grabbing the nearest object she could reach to use as weapon: it was an emptied tea cup, utterly useless but she threw it with all of her might, hoping that in her still half-asleep state, her aim would be good enough.
It wasn't.
A hand caught it with ease and then a glint of light caught her eyes as she stared up into the face of Yukishiro Enishi, casually staring down at her as he pushed the bridge of his eyeglasses up to his nose, his other hand crushing the tea cup in his fist.
Kaoru let out a small gasp, realizing that that was her favorite and most expensive cup. Kenshin always took great care when handling it and now it has been turned into dust.
The indignant scream of rage that had wanted to escape her throat was swallowed down as Enishi wordlessly tossed something at her feet, it made a soft sound as it hit the wooden floor. Scrambling to sit up she glared at the object only to find out that it was Tomoe-san's diary.
She frowned and then slowly turned to look up at Kenshin's possibly deranged brother-in-law, now apparently escaped from prison, fugitive brother-in-law.
This could not be happening to her.
"I'm dreaming." She muttered darkly, more to herself, ignoring the man standing before her. She reached out to touch the diary, but pulled her hand at the last minute, her fingers curling in mid air before digging into the plump flesh of her palms. "I just need to wake up and everything will be fine." She closed her eyes, wondering rather inanely, if closing one's eyes would work when trying to wake up, wasn't she supposed to be doing the opposite? But -
Enishi was not cooperating. "I've read it." He told her, breaking the silence and forcing her to once again open her eyes, back to the dream. He was looking at her as though they were having some conversation that she had missed entirely because, what?!
"What?" She asked, equal parts perplexed and irritated at her inability to wake herself up.
"Nee-san's diary. I read it like you told me to." Enishi's voice held the same quality as Kenshin's earlier. A low rumble that sounded too unused and raw. Like those were the first words he had uttered since the last time she had seen him at his ruined garden, clutching at his stomach, sobbing Tomoe's name. He looked strangely normal all things considered. He was wearing an unusually bright orange Chinese robe that made Kaoru squint.
Kami-sama. She brought her hand to the side of her head, pressing hard, feeling suddenly lightheaded.
And then completely out of nowhere, in an almost toneless, disinterested voice, Yukishiro Enishi asked her: "Are you married now?"
Again, "What?!"
Enishi frowned at her. "Am I not making myself clear, Kamiya-san?" Now he was impatient, the tone of his voice changing into something that sounded suspiciously patronizing.
Kaoru absolutely hated being treated like she was a child. "Shut-up." She hissed at him. "What are you doing here?"
Enishi made a displeased sound at the back of his throat, "Why is your kimono open, Kamiya-san?"
Why is my -?
Kaoru felt her left eye violently twitching before letting out a shrieked loud enough to disturb their neighbors, it was a wonder no one came rushing in to check if she was alright. Kaoru had the presence of mind to clutch at her kimono, closing the tiniest of gaps that Enishi deemed improper. The stupid jerk. He couldn't have seen anything.
She took a deep breath, both hands clenching into tight fists as she gathered all of the swearwords Sanosuke had taught her and was about to let Enishi have them when something inside her head clicked.
She blinked up at her former captor who looked almost friendly, if it weren't for the stoic expression on his face that might actually surpass the permanently emotionless face of Shinamori-san. "The fire, that was you?!"
Enishi merely shrugged, untroubled by her accusation. "It was an old, hideous building. Abandoned." He added when Kaoru opened her mouth to protest, "I did Tokyo a favor."
A favor?! Kaoru wondered how exactly Enishi's head worked. How was deliberately burning a building –
"It was the green one with the stupid yellow door." He explained further, seeing the balled-up fists that Kaoru was shaking at him.
Kaoru saw the building inside her head and winced. It was incredibly ugly and she had complained about it to Tae-san about how much of an eye sore it was and she wished someone would just burn it to the ground but hadn't meant it literally!
She suddenly jumped up when she noticed Enishi stepping into the engawa.
Going into her Chūdan-no-kamae stance, her left foot just a few inches behind her right foot, her left heel elevated, hip thrust forward. Her shoulder was too tense though and she had to concentrate, trying to relax her shoulders.
She took deep breaths, readying herself for any attack. She didn't have her bokken with her, dammit, but she wasn't going to be taken without a fight. Not again. Never again. If she had to claw out Enishi's eyes or shove his glasses to his eyeballs, she'd do it.
"Stay back." Kaoru hissed at Enishi as he took another step towards her. "I will not let you take me again."
Enishi frowned at her. "Take you? Why would you think I'd want to take you?" He asked in a tone that suggested something entirely different to Kaoru, she just didn't know what, which further annoyed her. This was too weird to be a dream.
Yukishiro Enishi was really here. Again. In her dojo. And he made damn certain that no one was with her but he didn't want to take her.
Why couldn't Kenshin's brother-in-law be Yahiko's age?! She'd have a better way of dealing with that instead of this brown eyed, six feet, bulging muscles of insanity - Kaoru shook her head, clearing her thoughts. "What do you want then, you creep?"
Enishi merely raised his eyebrows, a dark severe line, in complete contrast to his disheveled white hair. "Is this how you normally react when asked if you're already married?"
Kaoru's jaw dropped. A hummingbird can probably fly inside and make a nest inside her mouth. She quickly clamped it shut before, letting out a battle cry: "You jerk! That's not of your business!" She lunged at Enishi, who smoothly slid out of her way and she tried another attack, swiping her feet from underneath him, which he also dodged by jumping away from her. He backed into the dojo and Kaoru followed, grabbing a bokken. Finally, a weapon she could use. She grinned in triumph and prepared to attack once again.
The bastard didn't even break a sweat as he effortless avoided her blows – and if he hadn't, she would've cracked his head. The whistling sound her bokken made every time she swung it towards Enishi filled the air.
Still, he sidestepped, graceful and damn it, oh so elegantly. It was almost as if he was dancing, his feet light and silent.
"Kuso, stay still!" Kaoru ordered, completely losing her patience, panting like a wild boar.
And the stupid fucking Yukishiro smirked at her.
Smirked! She was going to wipe that off of his beautiful face.
"I take it you aren't married yet." Enishi finally said, stepping into the line of her attack.
But of course, like before, his hands clamped around her bokken, snatching it from her with restrained viciousness and throwing it somewhere against the wall where it noisily clattered.
Completely unperturbed by the events, Enishi then very casually asked her, "Do you want to go to Shanghai with me, Kamiya-san?"
And Kaoru thought, not for the first time in her life, that she was cursed to deal with incorrigible men that she would very much like to whack with her bokken.
Author's Note:
And that is what I have so far. I don't know what to do with it. Anyway, tell me what you think. This fic is borne out of the sheer frustration of The Final and how Jinchuu Arc, which I am now calling the Cursed Arc for obvious reasons– had been - watered down seems too kind, ne?
But I'll rant some more if I can manage to have a second chapter up. Maybe.
Lastly, I typed this all up really fast while pretending to work so, if there are any typos, annoying grammatical errors, I promise I'll come back and try to fix them. I hope.
Translations and notes:
The hour of the hare: 6:00 a.m.
Anmitsu is a traditional Japanese dessert, traced back to the Meiji era (1868 to 1912). It consists of cubes of agar jelly, which are made using water and/or different fruit juices. Typically served in a bowl, with toppings like slices of fruit and sweet red bean paste. The dessert is also served with a sweet black syrup, kuromitsu,(the -mitsu in anmitsu) that's poured over the treat just before you enjoy it.
Taiyaki - Fish shaped cakes filled with anko (red bean paste)
Chūdan-no-kamae is the middle posture used in kenjutsu. The most basic stance, it allows for a balance between attacking and defense. When performed correctly, the practitioner's trunk and right wrist are protected
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yukizakii · 4 years ago
like cherry blossoms
The brown eyes that stare back at her in the mirror are familiar, but the skin underneath is creased and purple with dark circles. Her lips are pale and chapped, her skin dry and tan from the sun. Chizuru recognizes this girl, but at the same time she does not.
Chizuru comes to face with her femininity after years of hiding as a man in the Shinsengumi.
posted on ao3
A hard day's work.
She looks at herself in the little mirror on the desk after she lights the oil lamp, the flames illuminating the small room with a warm glow. The mirror is a new addition to the sparse furnishings of her room, courtesy of a gift she had received this morning from the ever-so-kind Kondou, coming back from a trip to Osaka—How could I let a young lady live like this? Surely you must want a mirror and a comb. I insist you take this gift, for all that you have done for us. She has grown used to seeing herself only in the reflection in the well in the courtyard to tie up her hair in the mornings (the mirror she had packed from Edo had broken during her travels to Kyoto) but tonight she kneels and holds up the beautiful wooden mirror up to scrutinize her appearance in detail for years.
Chizuru is shocked to see someone that she barely recognizes staring back at her.
The brown eyes that stare back at her are familiar, but the skin underneath is creased and purple with dark circles. Her lips are pale and chapped, her skin dry and tan from the sun. There is a flush of ruddy pink on her nose and cheeks, courtesy of a bad sunburn she received a few days ago on an extended patrol. Chizuru knows that she has lost some weight after years of running around Kyoto and the compound with the Shinsengumi, and she is startled to see that it reflects in her face as well; her youthful rounded cheeks have sharpened around the edges. She looks…older, but not in a way that she expected.
She peeks at her reflection one way, tilts her head another to examine her appearance from a different angle. She parts her bangs to the left, right, and then raises her arms to work apart the thick knot in the heavyweight cord to let down her hair. Chizuru shakes her head to loosen the hair, running her fingers through the stiff locks. The humidity of the summer heat has made it frizz, and it curls in wayward directions at the tips. Normally silky straight in the drier heat of Edo, her hair seems to have grown a mind of its own in the Kyoto summer. Her hair reeks of sweat after spending the day patrolling the town in the blazing heat to ask about her father, but there is no time to go to the public bathhouse until tomorrow afternoon, when she can slip away after morning chores and return in time for dinner preparations.
Chizuru looks at her reflection again with her hair down, and frowns. She looks a bit more like a woman with her hair down, but the frizz and the length of her bangs seem to completely swamp her feminine features. Kondou’s gift had been thoughtful, but every glance she takes in the mirror alights further disappointment in her heart. Chizuru recognizes this girl, but at the same time she does not.
Everything she does on a tight schedule. She is busy, she tells herself. She has a purpose and things to do here, and the daily rush and routine should be enough to keep her content. And it does, truly; Chizuru has always been at her happiest when she has things to do. Although her heart hurts for the years it has been since she has seen her father, her days are filled with warmth and fulfillment helping out around the headquarters and laughing with the men of the Shinsengumi. She has adventured out and around Japan more than any other girl her age likely would have, and she cherishes the memories and knowledge she has gained with her time at the Shinsengumi.
But for a moment, Chizuru self-consciously brings her fingers up to her dry lips, her fingers catching on the peeling skin. She pretends that her finger is a brush sweeping red pigment, as if she were a beautiful geisha like the women in Shimabara. She thinks of that beautiful young woman she met on the streets of Kyoto. Nagumo Kaoru, who had had a face eerily similar to hers, but with a beautiful mature elegance that even in retrospect sparks a twinge of jealousy deep within Chizuru’s heart.
She closes her eyes and imagines her life back in Edo—yes, when she was simply Yukimura Chizuru, beloved daughter of the revered Western doctor Yukimura Kodo. Yukimura Chizuru, who wore her hair twisted up with fashionable hairpins and dressed in beautiful kimonos that her loving father had bought for her. She remembers the Yukimura Chizuru who had perfect porcelain pale skin that attracted the fishmonger’s son, Souichirou, into begging her to take her out to a local teahouse for a meal (she had cowered in the back while her father reduced him into a puppy with its tail between its legs). When she allows her mind to wander and melt the real world away, the vision of the carefree, just-a-daughter-of-a-doctor Chizuru is almost real.
But who is she now? She is now Yukimura Chizuru, daughter of Yukimura Kodo, a Western doctor who experimented on the Shinsengumi with a horrible serum that has turned men into monsters. She is Yukimura Chizuru, a girl with no swordskill masquerading as a boy in the Shinsengumi. She is Yukimura Chizuru, a demon with a target on her back, but with no real value to her other than her supposed pure bloodline.
She sighs and drops her hand from her face, absentmindedly rubbing her fingers together. The frictional force sets pain alight again in a burn she received while cooking dinner (a particularly nasty one from an open flame, although it is already well on its way to healing), and Chizuru lets out a gasp before she drops her hands to her sides. She silently chides herself; she has no time for something like personal vanity. She is masquerading as a boy, after all. It is only natural that she should lose some of her feminine characteristics, and maybe for the better, she tells herself. She has already drawn a fair number of questions and suspicions, and she is certain it has caused more of an inconvenience to the Shinsengumi than anything. Her hair goes back up and she stands up and moves towards the door, slipping her feet into her sandals. The Shinsengumi is protecting me and has risked their lives to help me. I need to do what I can to be of use to them.
Business as usual. She leaves her room to fetch burn ointment for her hand, and stops in the kitchen to brew two cups of tea, one each for Hijikata and Kondou; she had seen the two men head into the common room earlier to discuss business, and she knows that they will appreciate the warm refreshment. She pads around the compound to the common room to deliver the drinks to them, the steam from the cups warming her cheeks. Upon her arrival, Kondou is grateful and lauds her kind nature; Hijikata simply chides her for staying up so late and tells her to Go to bed, Yukimura, his piercing violet eyes giving no room for excuses. Chizuru has no choice but to agree, and exits the room as their low voices resume talks about the Shinsengumi’s recent activities.
The moon has moved across the sky by the time Chizuru finishes, and she returns to her room just as the heat from the day shifts into a cooler chill. She hurriedly strips off her clothes in exchange for a sleeping yukata; she must get up early tomorrow to help Saitou with breakfast, and it will be an embarrassment if she oversleeps. Saitou is stricter than anyone on punctuality, and she knows that being even a few moments late will earn her a cold stare. The sooner she is able to fall asleep, the better. Exhaustion from the day’s nonstop activities soon sets into her bones as she lays down in the futon, and the world turns to black.
It is the sunlight drifting through the thin paper walls that pulls her consciousness to the surface. Chizuru jolts up, adrenaline shooting through her veins as she remembers that she is on breakfast duty. She rushes through getting dressed and hurriedly combs her hair with her fingers, ignoring the mirror and wooden comb on her desk. Her fingers quickly twist the cord around her hair as she rushes to the door, her thoughts racing about all of the side dishes she would need to prepare. Chizuru tightens her hair and then slides open the screen door, ready to start into a jog to the kitchen—and stops.
A small bouquet of wildflowers lay tucked just in front of the sliding door to her room, the stems tied together with a neatly knotted loop of grass. Despite her earlier rush, Chizuru cannot help but stop to kneel down and look closer at the bouquet; the blooms are a perfect capture of a Kyoto summer, and she cannot help but smile at the simple beauty of the flowers. Although stunning, confusion quickly takes over her initial excitement and joy. This was after all, the headquarters of the Shinsengumi—what soldier would be sending or receiving flowers? Chizuru picks up the bouquet, and notices a scrap of paper tucked under the loop of grass; when she pulls the paper free, she widens her eyes when she realizes her name is written in brushstroke on the outside. Fingers shaking, Chizuru unfolds the sheet of paper, and her breath catches as she reads the short note.
A lady always deserves flowers.
Throughout breakfast, Chizuru catches Heisuke and Nagakura constantly looking in her direction as if to try and read her expression, and Harada is far chattier to her than normal. She asks about their morning to make conversation, and Heisuke is quick to complain about the morning heat by the riverbank during his patrols. When Inoue curiously interjects to ask why Heisuke walked to as far as the riverbank for his patrol, Heisuke stumbles and prevaricates him, allowing Nagakura to hurriedly jump in on the conversation to ramble about taking early morning walks to clear the head for the day. Chizuru giggles at this rambunctious display and conversation; she has a strong feeling of who the culprits are, she thinks.
When she returns to her room, Chizuru sits by the desk again and pulls the bouquet of flowers out from behind a stack of books. A pity that she cannot display them in a vase of water; they are already starting to droop in the heat, and the petals of the beautiful wildflowers look as if they will crisp up in any minute. But to Chizuru, they are just as beautiful as they were a few hours ago, and her heart feels even warmer than the Kyoto summer as she gazes at the flowers.
Chizuru stretches her hand to the other side of the desk to where the wooden mirror lays, and she holds it up to herself once more. She pulls down her hair, combs it through, and ties it back up again. She surveys her reflection: dark eyes, sunburned cheeks, hair that is already curling up from the humidity. The sunburn well on its way to healing on her nose, but there is still the slightest flush of redness, and sweat from the heat of the day is already sticking her bangs to her forehead. But despite all of these little nuances and flaws, she does not hate what she sees.
Like the bouquet she received from the men of the Shinsengumi today, she thinks, beauty is fleeting. But like the cherry blossoms in Kyoto that she has come to adore every spring, it changes but does not go away; even in winter, the trees have their own unique elegance without their blossoms. The woman she sees is no dignified geisha, but she is a woman who has earned her place in the Shinsengumi. Chizuru is not the same kind of girl that she was in Edo, but she feels no disturbance in her heart today as she gazes at her reflection.
She is Yukimura Chizuru, daughter of Yukimura Kodo, and she knows that she will need to bear the weight of her father’s sins. But she is also Yukimura Chizuru of the Shinsengumi, an attendant and page to the commanders, and an assistant medic. Although she cannot fight like a swordsman, nor is she as elegantly dressed as a normal woman her age, Chizuru still holds her head up high as she smiles at the girl staring back at her.
Today, she feels beautiful.
Chizuru is honestly a great character, imo, and you really get to learn more about her thoughts and how she feels when you play the game. At the start of it all, she's a 16 year old girl, and suddenly over time she really grows up to be this young woman that has done so much and affected the lives of so many. 
for everyone who complains that she doesn’t know how to use her sword, just stands around uselessly--ya, she’s literally a girl at the beginning. She’s also processing an immense amount of trauma and loss. Her father basically left her on her own for months (abandonment in teenage years not great), and now he’s missing (the only family she has, gone) all while adapting to a new lifestyle in a new city (leaving everything she knows behind). Yes, anime/manga is unrealistic and this story is fiction, but Otomate gave all of us the feels by creating complex personalities for all of the boys--let’s give Chizuru one too. 
With that said, she is a girl at heart, and that comes out whenever she sees Kimigiku/Kaoru and talks with Sen, so I've always wanted to write a bit about what she might feel living her life disguised as a man for years while the rest of the girls her age live "normally" so to speak. Sorry if it’s a little rough around the edges hehe.
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fieryanmitsu · 5 years ago
A Steamy Morning | A3! (Tsumugi/Izumi) | 18+, NSFW
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BECAUSE I’M STILL SCREAMING ABOUT ACT 3 TSUMUGI AND HE DESERVES MORE LOVE AND ATTENTION. And I am thirsty for more content for this precious angel…. Except he’s a devil now, so I guess I’ll just go straight down to hell with some long overdue Tsumugi smut. This one has been floating around in my drafts for a while and I finally had the motivation now to finish it up, haha!
This takes place during the “High Spirits at the Hot Spring!” event and is just… PWP... but it's fluffy! I’m not sorry, haha. You have been warned~
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CHARACTERS: Tsumugi Tsukioka, Izumi Tachibana
PAIRINGS: Tsumugi/Izumi
My fanfic masterpost: Here
AO3: Link in my Blog Menu
WARNING: 18+ (NSFW, contains smut/explicit sexual descriptions and situations)
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Tsumugi grunted as his eyes fluttered open. The room was still relatively dark and he couldn’t see much light from behind the curtain that covered the window. All around him were the sounds of deep breathing and snoring.
Wriggling his arms from under his blanket, he reached for his phone and squinted at the backlit screen. 5:02 a.m. It was rare for him to wake up so early naturally – he was notoriously not a morning person. However, he felt wide awake and didn’t think he could fall back asleep.
Rather than toss and turn in his futon and risk waking the others, Tsumugi decided that he may as well take advantage of the early hour and take a quiet solitary soak in the hot spring. While it had been fun to be with everyone last night, he was excited by the thought of enjoying some tranquil alone time in the open air. After all, it wasn’t every day that he got to stay at a hot spring inn.
Desperate to not wake up any of his roommates, he decided to only grab his towel – which was conveniently laying on top of his bag to dry from last night – and quietly stepped out of the room, closing the door softly behind him. It wasn’t until he was in the hallway that he realized he had forgotten to grab a pair of contacts or his glasses.
Though his vision wasn’t terrible, the slight fuzziness that his lack of eyewear caused made him pause and consider if he should return inside. But, if he started fumbling in his bag, he would surely wake someone up. Deciding to take his chances, he set off down the hall towards the stairs and began making his way to the hot spring based on his memories from last night. A few minutes later, he saw the familiar doors leading to the changerooms. He was proud of himself that he had made it there without needing to squint at any of the signs.
Stepping inside, he noted that there was only one other pair of sandals at the entrance and hummed happily at his good luck that he wouldn’t have to share the hot spring with many others. Quickly stripping off his yukata, Tsumugi stepped into the shower room and washed himself off before he took a brief soak in the indoor bath – sighing as the hot water warmed up his core. After feeling sufficiently warmed up, he draped his hand towel over his neck and stepped outside to the gorgeous outdoor bath.
The morning air was crisp and cool, and the steam from the hot volcanic water gathered in heavy clouds above the surface. Squinting slightly, he could just make out the back of another person soaking at the edge of the pool.
As he walked closer, the other person sensed his presence and turned around. It was then that he realized that what he had thought was a slender man… was in fact a woman. A woman who happened to be the director of his theatre troupe.
“T-Tsumugi?! What are you doing in the women’s bath?!” Izumi squealed in surprise, quickly trying to cover her bare breasts with arms – but a moment too late, because, even without his contacts or glasses, Tsumugi still managed to get an eyeful of her pert, well-shaped breasts.
He immediately felt the blood rush to his face – and to his groin, much to his dismay – and he quickly turned around and tried to use his hand towel to cover himself.
“I-I’m so sorry! I didn’t realize – I though this was the mens’ bath! We used this door last night!” Tsumugi stammered, shocked.
“U-Um, they switched the baths this morning. I guess you must have missed the sign.”
Tsumugi inwardly kicked himself for not just sucking it up and digging out his contact lenses earlier.
“I’m so embarrassed… Pl-Please forget this happened. I swear that I didn’t see, um… much…” he responded, his voice getting quieter by the second. “A-Anyway, I’ll leave now before anyone else walks in!”
Practically yelping out his last words, Tsumugi quickly began to leave. Unfortunately for the blue-haired man, in his haste to escape, he lost his footing on the slippery rock under his feet and fell down hard on his back, knocking the wind out of his lungs.
He heard a splash of water from behind him as Izumi scrambled out of the water and to his side.
“Are you okay?! You didn’t hit your head, did you?!” she cried, gently clutching his shoulder with one hand. The other was already carding through his hair, reaching behind his head to see if he had injured it.
“I-I’m fine,” he managed to gasp out as he regained his breath. “I think my pride is hurt more than anything – though I might be a bit sore tomorrow…”
“Phew… Thank goodness,” Izumi sighed, sitting back on her heels and closing her eyes in relief. “My heart was about to jump out of my chest when I saw you slip.”
“It was a close call, that’s for su—” Tsumugi’s voice trailed off as he propped himself up on his elbow and came face to face with a close-up shot of Izumi’s bare breasts. Seated as she was, it only took one downward flick of his eyes for him to take in the area between her opened thighs, and suddenly his mouth was dry.
Confused by the sudden silence, Izumi opened her eyes and saw that Tsumugi was red and slack-jawed…. and that his eyes were definitely not looking at her face. Flushing violently, Izumi was about to turn around to shield her body from his gaze when her eyes fell on a very prominent and very erect object. She froze, morbidly unable to move her eyes away. She should say something, but all she could manage was a strangled squeak.
This was enough to bring Tsumugi back to senses as he finally took in the situation between them – and more specifically his situation. He didn’t think his face could feel any hotter even if he were to plunge himself headfirst into the hot spring.
“O-Oh no!! I-I, ah…. I’m s-so sorry,” he stammered, scrambling to grab his fallen towel to regain what little decency he had left, his brain churning at double speed to come up with something to cover up his indiscretion. “This… uh, this just happens for guys sometimes. Um, it’s a physiological reaction. It-It happens a lot in the morning – It’sdefinitelynotbecauseIsawyounaked.”
The second his half-baked excuse came out of his mouth, he immediately blanched at the implication of his words.
“W-Wait, that came out wrong. I mean, it’s not that you’re not attractive enough to cause this reaction. In fact, you’re very attractive – too attractive. You’re so cute and your body is amazing. You look even better than I imagined – Ahhh!! W-What am I even saying?!”
“Tsumugi!” Izumi interrupted him loudly, and his head whipped around to look at her so quickly that he thought he heard his neck crack. Her face was bright red, but that there was a fire in her eyes.
“Did… Did you mean that…. that you think I’m attractive?”
“U-Um… Y-Yes…” he stammered, entranced by her feverish gaze.
“And that… that you imagined…”
No sooner were the words out of his mouth than Izumi’s face suddenly filled his vision and her lips locked onto his. The force of her kiss knocked him back onto the floor and his arms came up to brace her against him, one arm circling around her shoulder, the other sliding along her back. He could feel her soft breasts pressing against his chest and he felt himself twitch at the sensation.
His head was spinning. He didn’t quite understand how this had happened, but his brain finally registered that he was kissing the woman he’d been crushing on for months and all other logic flew from his mind. Acting on pure adrenaline and instinct, he pressed his tongue forward to part her lips. With a slight whimper, Izumi allowed him access into her mouth as she bore down on him further to deepen their kiss. He could feel his lungs burning, but he didn’t want to part – didn’t want to let his lips leave hers for even a moment.
Suddenly, he was breathing again as he felt Izumi push herself off his body. Before he could say anything – or even think anything – she unexpectedly shifted and straddled his legs. His breath hitched in his throat as she slowly trailed her hands up his thighs, creeping closer to his erection.
And then her hand was wrapped around his length and he let out a choked gasp at the sudden contact. Her fingers were smooth and soft, and his cock twitched reflexively at her touch. He couldn’t contain his moan as she began to stroke him up and down.
“Um… It-It’s been a while since I’ve done this, s-so please tell me if it’s okay,” she murmured, ducking her head in embarrassment. He could see red staining the tips of her ears as she began pumping more earnestly.
“A-Ah! Y-you’re doing fine. Loosen your grip a bit… You can take it slow,” he responded with a small chuckle. She was seriously so cute.
Slowly gaining more confidence, and urged on by his gasps and groans, Izumi applied a bit more pressure as she stroked up and down, making sure to give careful consideration to every inch of his length. She could feel Tsumugi’s muscles tense underneath her as she kept a steady rhythm and tension in her grip. Before long, she could see beads of pre-cum leaking from the tip of his cock. Swiping the sticky liquid with her thumb, she slowly dragged it down his shaft, using it as lubricant to speed up her motions.
“A-Ah, Izumi. W-Wait, st-stop,” Tsumugi gasped.
“S-Sorry, was I too rough?” she asked anxiously, moving her hand away quickly.
“No – you were great! I… I just… I want to touch you too,” he stammered, pushing himself up into a seated position.
He reached over and buried his hands into her hair – tied back behind her head in a bun – and pulled her forward for another slow and languid kiss. Izumi thought she would melt into him then and there and it wasn’t because of the heat of the steam around them. She had always been attracted to the handsome and gentle Winter Troupe leader, but she had never entertained the thought that he might like her back. She couldn’t help but wonder if this was all some fever dream.
“Izumi, will you… Will you let me try something?” Tsumugi asked softly as he parted from her.
Still stunned, the young woman could only nod. Disentangling their limbs, he gently grabbed her hand and guided her into the hot spring waters.
“It’s a bit warmer here, don’t you think?” he noted with a chuckle. He then turned her around so that her back faced him. “Can you lean over and brace yourself on the edge?”
“Uh, I can, but…  what are you going to do?” Izumi asked, though her mind was already jumping to the most obvious conclusion.
“Don’t worry. I’m not going to go inside. I don’t have a condom on me, after all, so… this will be the next best thing. Just stand with your legs like this.”
Soon Izumi was bent over, with her backside towards Tsumugi. Her hands were splayed on the edge of the hot spring pool to prop herself up, and her legs were spread very slightly apart. She knew that her body was still wet from the hot spring water, but there was a distinctly different kind of wetness gathered between her legs.
Suddenly, Tsumugi’s hands were on her hips, and then she felt something warm glide between her thighs and along her folds. Izumi gasped at the foreign sensation and nearly lost her balance. However, Tsumugi’s hands steadied her and he continued sliding his cock back and forth against the outside of her wet lips.
“You’re… so wet, Izumi. You feel amazing…” he groaned in between his thrusts.
She could feel hot juices flow out of her as his pace quickened. The rubbing sensation against her most intimate parts made her moan and she could feel her heartrate quicken. It felt ridiculously good – way better than anything her own hands could do – and wanting to feel more friction, she unconsciously squeezed her legs closer together.
Tsumugi moaned behind her as she tightened her thighs around his cock. The heat from the steam and from the blood rushing into his nether regions was beginning to cloud his mind. He couldn’t help but pick up the speed of his thrusts, revelling in the feeling of the soft warmth.
As he hastened his thrusts, Izumi could feel the pressure building in the pit of her stomach. The feeling of his hard member rubbing against her was too pleasurable and she cried out involuntarily with each stroke. Desperate to ride the wave of heightening sensation, she began to thrust her hips back against him, feeling her ass slap against his hips.
An electrifying sensation started spreading through her body as her pants and moans became louder. And then, she was tipped over the edge as her orgasm crashed into her. She could only gasp out Tsumugi’s name weakly as she clenched her legs tightly together and shuddered, feeling the shocks of her pleasure rush through her entire body.
She could just vaguely register Tsumugi groan deep in his throat as he continued to thrust between her clenched thighs and she gasped at the feeling of his cock sliding against her sensitive pussy. But, before she thought she couldn’t handle anymore, he pulled back suddenly with a loud moan. His hands brought her hips down, and then she felt a splatter of warm liquid land on her back.
The young director’s legs were shaking and she thought she would collapse into the water, but Tsumugi slid one of his legs between hers and steadied her with his hands.
“S-Sorry, did I go overboard?” he asked softly, his breath still ragged. “Let me clean you up.”
He quickly grabbed the hand towel he had brought with him and gently wiped off his fluids from her back.
“N-No, I’m fine, just, um…. maybe a bit lightheaded,” she responded as she let herself sink down into the hot water. Her body still felt like it was on fire, she could barely even register the temperature difference despite the water being much hotter than the cool air on her skin.
“I-I’m so sorry, what was I thinking! You were already soaking in here already too. Let’s get you out of here and I’ll get you some water.”
Before he could panic any further, she grabbed his wrist and tugged on it lightly to get his attention. Suddenly feeling shy, as the realization of what they had done sunk in, she looked up at him from beneath her lashes.
“Um, Tsumugi, it’s okay! Please don’t apologize. I… I really enjoyed it…”
Tsumugi could feel his heartbeat speed up once more as he took in the sweet, coy look on her face.
“M-Me too….” he responded with a shy smile of his own.
He couldn’t be happier that he had suddenly woken up early that morning.
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Annnnnnnnnd, that’s a wrap. I have nothing to say for myself, but I had a blast writing every second of this. Hopefully someone out there other than myself appreciates the trash fire that constantly burns in my head. As always, likes and reblogs are always appreciated! I look at every one to give myself motivation to keep writing! Or, if you’re shy since this is smut, feel free to just drop an anonymous comment in my ask box as well! Thanks for reading everyone~
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fizzingwizard · 4 years ago
So I played Snowy Escape this week! It’s my cup of tea! I watched LGR’s review (and Plumbella’s too) and yeah, as usual, I agree with both of them. The pack doesn’t give us a lot that’s really new, especially in terms of gameplay, and I really wish there had been even small interactive moments aboard trains and ski lifts. However, I also agree that it’s a really aesthetically beautiful pack. The way tourists who haven’t gone to Japan yet think of Japan might be like Tokyo Shibuya area, or Osaka shopping streets... but uh, Tokyo and Osaka are only two cities in all of Japan, and pretty much the entire rest of the country isn’t like that. The majority of Japan’s tourist attractions are nature- and history-based, after all.
The big question for me was just how touristy “Mt Komorebi” was going to come across. Sims is pretty noticeably America-centric, and Western culture is the norm. They put out Jungle Adventure and it’s like stepping into a 90s action movie. The most progressive thing you can say about the locals in that pack is that, due to being governed by the same rules that apply to all Sims, they don’t come across “different” enough to be straight up othered. The area they live in, of course, is underdeveloped in spite of the “culture” skill, and very much is meant to be an exotic adventure for Indiana Jones.
Komorebi’s not that bad though. I was impressed at first by the amount of detail there seemed to be. I never expected we’d get space heaters and kotatsu and nabe in-game without downloading CC. Taking off your shoes to go inside, using chopsticks, sliding doors (which I’ve wanted more of for SO LONG), are all true to life as well as modern and also just nice to have. There’s some weird bits, like how when sims sit at the kotatsu they don’t sit on their knees, their legs just disappear into the floor... I guess we can assume there’s a hole underneath (which is the case with some kotatsu just not usually the at-home kind). I also would have liked more every day interactions, like doing homework at the kotatsu or watching TV or even taking a nap.
The patterns for yukata/kimono are pretty awful though. The more understated ones I can live with, but anything with a splash of color is a fashion disaster.
The look of the houses in the towns are really nice. The interiors, not so much, but that’s easier to fix than the facade and landscaping for most of us. The non-interactive backgrounds areas really do look like Japan. It’s a pity we can’t explore it at all. (I would have LOVED just one interactive conbini. That’s one Japan staple that it’s simply weird to leave out. They probably figured conbini wouldn’t have anything the vending machines don’t have, but personally I’d rather have conbini than vending machines. Unless they made it rabbit hole, in which case fuck it)
Also liked the snow festival and the lights festival. It’s true there’s not a lot to do at them, other than take pictures, and it was really hard to get good pictures with my sims in them... When I went to snow festivals, you could do things like light candles in little snow cubbies, or have a meal in a kamakura, etc. That would have been nice. Otherwise it’s just look at the pretty sights and make normal snowmen. Same with the lights festival - it’s gorgeous, but... They do have food stalls but the variety is limited. You can get four different kinds of yakisoba and ramen but no okonomiyaki, no ikayaki. There’s no festival games. I’m currently festival-starved due to covid-19 so my hopes were a bit higher. Still... like I said, I enjoyed them. I guess I just like pretty things. And I do spend an inordinate amount of time just taking pictures of my Sims doing things anyway xP
The Youth festival is pretty dull. It seems more like a not!Pokemon festival than anything else. The crepes, however, are great. Also it’s really WEIRD that the koinobori (the carp flags) are out all the time, like a normal decoration, in the city. That’s one culture thing that I think got confused.
So as far as it goes... it’s not as touristy as I expected it to be. I give it props for that. It’s definitely still got a vibe of “non-Japanese foreigner goes for a visit,” as in, I think if a Japanese company made a Sims game with Japanese players in mind, they’d have done a ton things differently. But we got a more robust cultural depiction than we ever have before, so, nice.
The winter sports are fun! I weirdly didn’t get bored even though like LGR says, it is just watching the Sims do the same thing over and over again without any player interaction. That does suck but is also par for the course with Sims 4. Since I play multiple Sims at a time, it’s easy for me to stick one on the bunny slope and just let them ski until they level up while I do something else with another Sim :P (Sims is more fun when you cheat!)
The onsen is a let down. It’s nice, sure. It’s just a spa though. And it’s WEIRD that you can have sex in the onsen while other people are in it, even children, and they are not freaked out, but you can’t skinny dip in front of children. All they get is an uncomfortable moodlet afterwards because now the onsen water is dirty x’D I wonder if that’s an oversight that will get tweaked in the future...
However, onsen is very pretty too. I would have liked a smaller building and better landscaping with two or three hot springs to pick from. Also, there are gendered entrance curtains, but they don’t actually divide Sims by gender and all lead to the same place... I guess it’s good to have for pictures at least. If you want to put in the ladies room and mens room doors you could easily make his and hers as well as a mixed hot spring baths. I think this is one we just have to let the Sim builder greats take on.
So HIKING is awesome! I loved it! It’s relaxing for me. Some might find it dull, but it’s really just so pretty, and for me brings back a lot of memories. Hiking in Japan is pretty much like that (although a lot more mountainous of course). It’s somewhat dependent on your graphics settings - mine aren’t that high so like the bamboo forest vanishes as I cam through it.. can’t get that sense of really being inside it. Also when I came across the cemetery I had my spellcaster try to Necrocall the one grave that has interactions, but it didn’t work, even though the option came up. ?? I was expecting some sort of cool ghost. Oh well.
I’m interested in climbing. I don’t have Fitness Stuff so I never did it before. It’s way more boring than leveling the winter sports though. But I think the mountain climb will be worth it.
There are little kodama and sprites you can come across and interact vaguely with. I’ll accept that as a Ghibli nod. It’s more cute than cultural but it’s also a bit of fun surprise, though I haven’t noticed any real effect beyond a moodlet. (Was told one gave me a present but I couldn’t find it in my inventory so I think it was just the moodlet.)
Also the bugs!! That’s very Japan! And you can buy insect repellent hahaha that’s a level of realism I didn’t ask for but will take
I’ll talk about lifestyles and sentiments too. I don’t need them personally. The sentiments are kind of nice to see, but they’re predictable. You get the same ones if you do certain things. They give you a moodlet when the Sim shows up, which I guess I do like, but... tbh it’s damn inconvenient sometimes. For ex, I played by Tsubasa family to explore Mt Komorebi, and I noticed many conversations were inexplicably becoming “awkward.” The reason was - even though no one was saying or doing anything flirty - Kurogane and Fai were getting in the mood by just looking at each other thanks to sentiments, and Sakura and Syaoran were like -___-; I mean, it’s hilarious, but also annoying!
Lifestyles... eh. So far all my Sims just get the same ones. They all seem to get Adrenaline Seeker just for playing winter sports. Also I find the pop-ups warning me when a Sim’s going to lose their lifestyle annoying, and if a Sim gets a lifestyle I don’t want for them, it’s annoying to watch their mood change for dumb reasons like “didn’t spend enough time outdoors today.” It’s the same concept as traits. It’s kind of nice that you can change them around by doing different things, and since we’re limited to three traits I won’t say no to more (for example, instead of giving a Sim the “Loves the Outdoors” trait, you can try to get the Outdoorsy lifestyle and use the trait slot for something that influences their personality more). But all in all I find my Sims still just act the same as usual and the gameplay is all in pop-ups, so it’s just not exciting for me.
Also had a glitch where Sakura would take off her shoes to go inside but when she went out, she put on a pair of snowboots that I never even equipped her with, and she wore them with every outfit. Editing in CAS didn’t help. A reboot did though.
So pretty much, I definitely think they could have done more with this pack, BUT that’s been the case with literally every pack since the base game. There are no expectations for me anymore, that’s why I really just genuinely like this one. I’m happy they picked North Japan rather than Tokyo or Osaka, I think we got a lot more detail because of that.
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thekitchensnk · 6 years ago
and the spider lilies bloomed in the fall (chapter 9)
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Rating: T Warnings: Violent imagery, trauma, allusions to potential past sexual violence Pairing: Gin/Ran Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9 “They say that lovers doomed never to see each other again still see the higanbana growing along their path, even to this day.”
A girl collapses on a dusty road one day. A boy takes her home.
The girl lives.
(The boy doesn’t.)
They carried out her plan to sell their fruit in town. They had so much that summer that it was close to spoiling on the tree, filling the garden with a sweet, pungent smell.
They filled a bag each to the brim, and set out, once again, for town. It was a sign of how many times they had done this that her legs no longer shook on the walk and she could make the journey both ways now without the need for an impromptu piggyback.
Nevertheless, the bags were heavy, and she complained vociferously the whole way.
"-and it's bad for our backs!" she rambled fiercely, getting into her stride. He shook his head fondly.
"This wasn't my idea," he said reproachfully. "What should we do with the extra money?" he asked in a bid to stop her rant early, before it could really get going.
That caught her out.
"I... Don't actually know." she paused. "We could do anything." A gleam entered her eye. "We could buy a servant."
He sniggered. "We won't have enough for a servant," he said. "And anyways, what do ya' want with a servant? Ya've got me."
"You're not my servant," she laughed.
"I dunno," he said. "I look after the garden, I sweep, and I sew up ya' clothin'." He swept into a low bow, and the fruit in his bag almost spilled over the top in his silliness.
"Hey!" she objected heatedly. "I cook! And I clean! And you stabbed me when you patched up my yukata, so you'd be a useless servant anyway." She pouted.
"I catch us fish," he insisted with a grin.
"Be serious," she giggled.
"I could carry ya' everywhere in one of those fancy boxes," he said, caught up in making mischief, "wash ya' feet and say 'Yes ma'am' and 'No ma'am' and 'three bags full ma'am."
She gave up. "And you'd do up my beautiful kimono every day and cook me dinners- at least thirty eight courses, otherwise I'd have your head chopped off. And you’d bring me sweets from town. And I'd make you sing songs without any dirty bits."
He feigned horror. "Choppin' a man's head off is one thing, Ran-chan, but makin' him take the dirty bits out of songs? Ya' cruel."
She gave him a smug smile and poked him in the arm. "See? You can’t call your mistress cruel. You'd be a useless servant. Too much backchat. You can't keep your mouth shut."
It could not be disputed, but he tried anyway.
"Me?" he said innocently. "I'm the picture of a quiet, obedient servant. Look me up in one of those books, and there I’ll be. Barely even hear a peep from me." It was a bare-faced lie, and even he was impressed that he managed to keep a straight face saying it.
She just snorted at him and bashed his leg with her bag. 
"And ya' a perfect, polite lady," he finished, grinning widely.
"Watch your mouth, you!" she protested, but there was a smile on her face too.
“What would ya’ do if ya’ were rich?” he asked, swinging his bag.
“Hire servants who don’t make all their songs rude and who can sew up a sleeve without stabbing me.”
He gave her a wounded look. “Very funny.”
She pondered a moment.
“I’d spend all my money. I’d buy fancy kimono, and sweets, and sake, and I’d have parties, and a giant mansion, with a garden and one of those wooden things the rich people have- y’know, the ones that go ‘bonk’.” She waved her hands around as she talked, and then paused. “I’d give money to poor children here too.” She sighed. “That would be the life, wouldn’t it? Comfort. Riches. Servants.”
As they walked, their feet picked up the dust of the road. She paused to try and rub some of the dirt from her feet. “What would you do?”
The question threw him.
There was nothing much in life that he really wanted- or at least, not much in the way of material things that money could buy. There were people he would like to see dead, and certain injustices put to rights, and money could potentially buy assassins to do it for him. But it would take the satisfaction of achieving them by his own hand out of the equation. How could he tell her that he revelled in the fear in men’s faces and felt a sick excitement at their pain- that his wants were simple- to have her, their garden, and to watch the theatre of misery and play out his part in it?
“I dunno either. Probably I’d buy ya’ that mansion and that feather bed and those kimono,” he said vaguely, scratching at his head. He’d like that at the very least, he thought, to be able to look after her and buy her what she wanted- to make her happy.
“And the sweets?”
“And the sweets.”
“You could buy a whole forest of persimmon trees,” she suggested.
The thought was a nice one.
“A bigger garden, maybe,” he said.
“Is that all?” She sounded disappointed.
He looked at her in confusion. “Got everythin’ I want right here. What else do I need?”
They both fell silent.
He paused and looked around. The streets were curiously busy, and he found it deeply suspicious. “Is it just me, or does town seem noisier today?”
He didn’t wait for a reply. He grabbed her hand suddenly, and started running in the direction of the bar. She had no choice but to follow. It caught her off-balance, and she almost fell.
"Hey! Hey!" she shouted in protest, but he only grinned in response. He ran like the silvery wind, dragging her along in his wake, and he leapt and bounded over all the rubbish in the street, and she staggered after. He was so quick and moved so effortlessly that it was almost unfair. He was not even out of breath when they arrived at their destination, and he grinned as she panted.
The square that the bar fronted was filled with people and the air was thick with chatter and laughter. People looked on curiously and occasionally craned their necks, as if they were waiting for something to happen.
Alcohol flowed freely, and for once, people only seldomly remembered to check their possessions out of fear of pickpockets. A few in the crowd were better dressed than usual. The whores who had makeup had used some, despite its rarity, and they mingled freely in the crowd, giggling and hanging on; the gangsters strutted about with puffed out chests and polished knives.
"What's going on?" Rangiku asked in fascination.
Gin could only shake his head suspiciously. "No idea. World's gone mad. Have ya’ seen this lot?"
She spotted a familiar youthful face at the bar with its greying hair. “One moment,” she told him. It was her turn to drag him around, persimmons still heavy in her bag.
"Hey!" she called out loudly, marching towards the bar in determination. "Hey!"
It was the whore who had accosted her the first time she had walked with him into town.
Kanae's head whipped around, and she froze initially when she saw who it was. Her lip curled into her ever-present expression of irritated disgust, and her eyes rolled in annoyance, but she beckoned them forward anyway.
"So polite," Gin remarked cheerfully, though who it was aimed at- Rangiku, who thought “Hey!” was an acceptable greeting, or the ever scowling Kanae- no one could tell.
Kanae eyed him warily. "Watch it, brat," she spat. She turned to Rangiku and spoke abruptly. "What?"
Gin could not contain himself. "I've always admired ya' way with people."
Kanae glared daggers at him, and turned towards the bar again in an exaggerated, slow fashion, conspicuously ignoring the two children. Rangiku shot him a disgruntled look.
"Wait! He's sorry- he didn't mean it. He's just messing around. 
Gin rarely meant half of what he said, but he never let that stop him. He enjoyed prodding at people, seeing whether he could get a rise out of them. It was a game to him, to play with other people's feelings. He rarely dwelt on the impact of his actions.
"What do you want?" she said icily.
"We wanted to know-" Rangiku said eagerly, "what's happening? What's going on? Why are people here?"
Kanae laughed nastily. "On the last one, I couldn't possibly tell ya'. They’re idiots, milling around. Who knows why they’re here? I, on the other hand, am here because it'll be a good business day. People are boozin' and laughin' and partyin'. For once, I might have enough money to pay my rent and my bar tab."
"Why are they partying? What's happening?"
"Why is ya' hair going grey if ya' don't have wrinkles?" Gin interjected. Rangiku glared at him and gave him a wallop.
“Shush you!” she hissed.
Kanae sneered at him. "It's the stress of havin' ta' live in a world with brats like ya’. Given how sick ya’ all make me, it's a miracle I have any hair left."
Rangiku felt the conversation rapidly sliding out of her grasp, and so she made one last bid to find out what was going on.
"Why are people here?" she asked again loudly and slowly, ignoring the animosity between the other two.
Kanae gave her a sideways look. "Are you always so obnoxious?" Gin's expression darkened, and his hands curled into fists, but Rangiku stepped between them. Kanae sighed in resignation, giving in. "There's a weddin'."
Rangiku gave Gin a look of confusion, and he paused and gave her a half-shrug in reply. "We don’t know what that is,” she informed the whore. “What's a wedding?"
"Obnoxious and ignorant. Wonderful." Kanae slammed her bottle on the counter. She drew in a deep breath. "A weddin', brats, is an empty sham where people put on clothes they can't afford and make promises they can't keep before gods that don't exist, givin' everyone an excuse to get drunk off their faces before fallin' into bed with perfect strangers and- hopefully- whores. Are we done yet? Anythin’ more? Will ya' leave me alone now?"
Rangiku paused, digesting the new information. "What kind of promises?"
Kanae's knuckles went white. "To share joy and sorrow together. To live peacefully together. To make a home together. To provide for each other. To honor the gods. Bullshit,” she sneered.
Beside her, Gin had fallen silent in thought.
"Okay," Rangiku said. "One last question, then I promise we'll leave you alone, Kanae-san. Whose wedding is this?"
"Nakamura and his whore," Kanae said with an ugly smile. Gin's face suddenly perked up in interest, and a slow, gleeful smile crossed his face too, which Rangiku did not miss. She elbowed him and gave him a look.
"Thanks for explaining everything to us, Kanae-san," Rangiku said. "We're very grateful." An idea suddenly occurred to her, and she began to rummage through her bag. "Here- you should have some of these. We have plenty."
Kanae gave her a searching look, and then her hand shot out to grab the persimmons Rangiku had offered. Rangiku looked at her pensively before turning to leave. Kanae paid them no more attention, tearing into the first persimmon, and did not look at them at all as they left.
"Why did ya' do that?" Gin asked curiously. “We could have sold that.”
"Did you see her?" Rangiku said pityingly. "Food is so expensive here. I think that might have been the first time she's had food in years."
He looked at her blankly. "So what?"
She turned to him sharply. "You gave me food. I remember what it was like to go without."
"That was different though," he said. "Ya'd have starved to death without it."
"They still crave it, even if they won't starve. It hurts to be denied what you want over and over again. She’ll get more pleasure out of it than I ever would have. And anyways," she looked at him curiously, "there are plenty of people about who have a small amount of power. They starve. Did you ever give any of them food?"
He hadn't, and he had a sneaking suspicion that she knew that, given how she was looking at him.
(How could he even begin to explain how she differed from everyone else? How his initial curiosity had transformed and evolved into something deeper, something so alien and so strange but so tender? He couldn’t. He couldn’t even explain it to himself.)
"We should set up shop on the corner," he decided, avoiding the question. "Too close to the bar, and people will ignore us in favour of buying booze. Too far and no one will bother."
She gave him a knowing look, but if she had something to say, she wasn't saying it.
The sun was beginning to set, filling the square with a hazy golden light, and paper lanterns were beginning to be lit when he hum of voices in the square suddenly escalated into a dull roar, and all of a sudden, people were whooping and cheering and stamping their feet.
Rangiku looked up in alarm, and he snorted at her reaction. "It's just the weddin'," he told her. "Nakamura-san and Mr Shop Keep's old girl are at the other end of the square. Guess she's just Nakamura-san's girl now, though." He paused. "How do you think he's keepin'? Should we pay him a visit?"
He sounded hopeful.
"Don't be mean," she chided. She arched her neck in a bid to get a look at the newlywed. "I can't see them." She sounded disappointed.
He sighed theatrically. "Guess it can't be helped," he said. He crouched and patted his shoulders. "Up ya' get."
She looked at him with wide eyes.
"I'll squash you!" she objected. "I'm too heavy for that now."
He grinned. "Then I'll be the most brilliant pancake that ever lived. Hop on.”
"You weren't supposed to agree, you!" She pouted at him, but a hidden smile played about her lips.
"Mou, how was I supposed to read ya' mind?" he complained. "Okay, alright- 'You'll never be too heavy for me to carry, Ran-chan!'” he said in a saccharine voice. “There, ya' happy now? Climb on."
She stuck her tongue out at him.
She got on to his back, and sat clumsily on his shoulders. His knees wobbled and they swayed ominously, and she clung to his head in panic, pulling at his hair. He grasped at her legs.
"Hang on, hang on," he gritted his teeth, and soon enough they were steady again.
She looked out, and her eyes were bright.
The district was too poverty stricken for even the bride and groom to wear new clothes, but they had done their best. The bride's hood had been sewn neatly together from whatever white fabric she could find, but from a distance, no one would ever be able to tell; her lips were a dusty red, and her hair had been pinned up. The groom laughed and smiled and bantered with his friends, but every so often he would look back at his wife, and his gaze was soft.
"They're beautiful," she breathed quietly.
He could not see her face, but he knew exactly the sort of expression she'd be wearing, and because he could not see it, he imagined it- lips parted in gentle wonder, eyes bright and sparkling, avid fascination written on her face.
He had no impulse towards empathy, but he could not help but feel the reflection of it. Nakamura and Mr Shop Keep's former girl meant nothing to him. He could quite easily run them through with a knife today, bury the bodies tomorrow, and eat his rice with no qualms the day after that with a clear and untroubled conscience.
But this, this warmth, this reflected wonder which she gave to him so freely, which played in his ribcage and which somehow sparked a warmth of his own, this meant the world. He would do anything to keep it safe.
But his legs were beginning to ache.
"Time to come down, Ran-chan," he said regretfully, and he crouched down to let her off. She slid down his back, and her yukata hitched up inelegantly as she did so, baring her legs. She quickly rearranged her clothes.
They hawked and shouted and bartered and their supply of persimmons began to dwindle quickly. Kanae had been right- weddings were good for business, and food was a rarity in this district. People were keen to celebrate, and when word of cheap, fresh fruit spread, demand quickly outstripped supply, and they had to beat back thieves.
The men, deep in their cups, cat-called and made lewd suggestions and undressed her with their eyes, and he glared and showed his knife. But she was in high spirits regardless, and paid little attention. In truth, the wedding had done a great deal of good for everyone; for once, the mood across town was light and festive, and its inhabitants, usually driven to rob and cheat each other from desperation, embraced each other and laughter rang in the air like bells.
To share joy and sorrow together, he thought absent-mindedly. To live peacefully together. To make a home together. To provide for each other. That was what Kanae had told them.
He did all of that for her already. It wasn’t much- if that was all it was, then they were practically wedded already, he decided.
When she smiled, he smiled; when she woke with nightmares, he got rid of them. They sat together in the evening in front of the fire, and did not even need to share a word, because they knew what the other was thinking. He tended the garden where they grew their food, and she cooked their lunch and their dinner. What was home without her? There was no such thing; in the simplest sense, wherever she was would be home, always and forever.
"Ne, Rangiku?" he asked curiously. "Would you like a weddin’?” 
She laughed at him, as if what he had suggested was absurd. “What a weird question!”
“It isn’t,” he insisted.
“Yes it is!”
“It isn’t.”
“Yes it is!”
They squabbled back and forth for a few moments childishly.
“I don’t know!” she said in exasperation, throwing her hands up in the air. “Maybe! One day! I’d need to find someone who would want to marry me though.” She crossed her arms and leant against the wall in a huff.
His eyes narrowed. He had not considered even for an instant that someone else might marry her, and now that the thought had occurred to him, he did not like it one bit. He seethed quietly for a moment, and kicked a stone down the road.
“I don’t think it’s any different from how things are already,” he announced arrogantly.
She did a strange thing then, and gave him a scathing look. “What?” she growled.
He gave her an odd sideways glance. “It’s just what we do already, but they’ve put on fancy clothes and thrown a party.”
“It is different,” she insisted loudly.
“It just is!”
There was a strange tension brewing in the air between them.
“It just is!”
“How?” he pressed insistently, unaware that he was poking at a tender spot.
“Because he’s never going to leave!” she shouted, rounding on him. Her voice had cracked half way through the sentence, to her shame, and her eyes were bright with unshed tears.
It was like he had been punched in the stomach.
If he loved basking in the reflected glow of her happiness, then this was its terrible shadow, the painful ache that he felt in his chest whenever tears came to her eyes, and the dreadful, clumsy knowledge that he would do anything to make it stop. It was the price he paid for happiness. No matter how he had looked at it and analysed it, he could not extricate the one from the other. If he was to feel her happiness, then he would also feel her pain and he would have to let himself suffer it.
It made him writhe inside with a horrible discomfort and a muted horror. She and her feelings and the feelings she provoked- they were a weakness and he could not afford weaknesses, not here, not in this cruel and brutal place, and maybe nowhere else besides. He had spent long enough here to have that lesson carved into his bones. Her existence made him so-
No signs of softness, no signs of weakness; never let them know where your heart lies, he had been told as a child.
He had never thought it a problem, because he had always been sure that he didn’t have a heart.
Her eyes were furious.
The pain was tinged with the shame of knowing that he was the cause of those tears, that he had been their instigator.
(And he would be again. And again, and again.)
He had to leave. No matter how much it would hurt her.
(No matter how much it would hurt him).
“Yeah,” he said blankly. “Guess ya’ right, Rangiku. Sorry.”
She fell silent.
They did not speak the entire way home.
The sun set, and the golden haze of the day retreated leaving behind a black and starless sky. They had no moon by which to light the way, and he walked on ahead, leaving her to stumble after him.
In the darkness, she could barely make out his shoulders.
He was gone when she woke up.
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yattsugare · 7 years ago
Kill ‘em With Kindness - Chapter Two
By Yattsu 
Read Chapter One here.
! SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS for plot points in the manga (after chapter 38) ! Akutagawa x female!reader ! Trigger warning for PTSD/Night Terrors ! Cultural notes after the chapter  
Chapter Two 
              Darkness, again, and the terror of voices laughing into your ear from the middle of a dead silence. You clawed at your hair, attempting anything in your panic to keep whatever they were away, or at least to create noise that would drown them out. 
              Then there was grey light, and a shadow leaning over you as it held both your hands by the wrists.
              “Are you awake? Finally.”
              Akutagawa let go of your wrists and sat back down next to your bed. You lay as you had woken up, arms splayed around your head, covers rumpled and dignity shaken. “I—”
              “You cry a lot.” Akutagawa pulled your bedding back up to cover you and sat back, arms folded. “Who were you running away from?”
              Your gut dropped at his question. Had you been talking in your sleep again? It had been a while since anyone was around to tell you whether or not you’d kicked that habit. What had Akutagawa been privy to? You wiped your eyes with your forearm. You did cry easily, but it was just how you were wired; why did he or anyone else need to judge you based on that? How nice for him to be in a position to not understand why anyone might be prone to tears, especially in a situation that was out of your control.
              As if reading your mind, he closed his eyes, replying “It’s fine. I won’t repeat anything.” He picked up one of your coverings that had slipped, a thin length of freezer gel pack. “Put this back on your hip.”
              You shifted to your side and put the freezer pack back in place. You realized how much you ached; it was certain that you were black and blue under the white sleeping yukata you now wore.
              You sat up, very quickly.
              “How did my clothes get changed?” There was a little bit too much desperation in your voice, but that seemed to suit the shock of realizing someone here had seen you without most of your clothes.
              Akutagawa only sighed. “There is a female doctor here who treated you.” He opened his eyes to glare at you. “You think I would just—”
              “No. Sorry…” To be honest, you weren’t sure of anything to do with this man, least of all the likelihood of him enjoying playing Barbie doll with an unconscious victim. Given the circumstances, though, it was probably best to just acquiesce to his assertions and avoid pissing him off. You instead chose to gaze around at your surroundings; you didn’t remember much beyond being carried out of the park.
              The bed was a hospital cot with the rails up on the side opposite Akutagawa, and a small tray table with water, a cup, some towels, and a small basin. Most of the room lay beyond the curtain enclosing you; Akutagawa sat in the only chair nearby. He was standing now, pulling the curtain open a few feet to reveal a small room lined with a stainless-steel counter, some shelves, and tiled floors. There were collections of cotton swabs, soap and a sink, medical paraphernalia lined up neatly on the shelves, and a rolling stool near the counter. A small table by the far wall held an electric kettle, several small mugs, a small tea pot, a tea canister, and some random packets of instant coffee. You noticed, blinking under the fluorescent lighting, that there were no windows.
              You looked at Akutagawa, who had started to fill the kettle with water. “Where is this?”
              He was about to answer when you heard a door open, beyond the edge of the curtain. A voice you recognized as Dazai’s was chattering away, cheerfully, as his and Atsushi’s shoes stepped into the room. Dazai paused mid-sentence. “…is she awake?”
              Akutagawa nodded, saying nothing. He went to start the kettle and set out two mugs. Dazai’s voice rejoined his body as he peeked around the curtain at you. “Good morning, beautiful! How are you feeling?”
              “Sore…but it would have been worse if you hadn’t helped me.” You ran one hand through your hair, trying to smooth it.
              “We didn’t really save you; it was Akutagawa-kun who stopped the men who came after you.” Dazai sat on the stool and scooted up to your bedside. “Did you have to ask him to make you tea?”
              “No. Hm?” Was it for you he was doing that? You had thought he was preparing it for Dazai and Atsushi. You watched Akutagawa’s back as he measured tea leaves into the tea pot’s mesh inner basket.
              “Good boy.” Dazai beamed.               “I wanted some anyway,” muttered Akutagawa.
              Atsushi had also appeared, holding a plastic bag. You noticed that he waited until Akutagawa had moved away from the sink to approach the counter and set it down. Nothing of his hesitation was betrayed on his face, though, as he turned to approach you.
              “I’m glad you’re awake… we decided to go get some food when it looked like you’d still be out for a little while this morning.” You saw him cast a sidelong glance at Akutagawa and wondered how much Dazai had had to cajole Atsushi to get him to come along and leave you with his rival.
              Akutagawa had poured out green tea into the two mugs, alternating pours between them to balance the tea’s strength in each. He carried them over to his chair, and held one out to you, saying nothing and staring somewhere between your nose and chin.
              “Thank you…” You took the steaming mug and cupped it in both hands. It smelled like heaven.
              Akutagawa made a low sound somewhat akin to clearing his throat.
              “’You’re welcome, my dearest heart’ is what that was supposed to be,” Dazai giggled, leaning his cheek on his palm. You didn’t dare look at Akutagawa to see his reaction, but you felt your own cheeks warm a little at Dazai’s teasing. How was it that he endured Dazai’s crap like this?    
              “Now,” Dazai began as Atsushi handed around an assortment of onigiri and coffee in chilled cans. “I bet you’re wondering what the hell you’re doing here with three strange guys who hang out in the park at night. …Atsushi-kun?”
               Atsushi leaned against the counter, opening a plastic bottle of cold barley tea. “Well… it’s kind of my fault that you’re here, but mostly not... I’ll explain.” He took a quick drink, setting the bottle down and crossing his arms. “About four months ago, I made an agreement of sorts with Akutagawa… that is, …we don’t get along that well, you see…”
              You found this so incredibly obvious that you were surprised that Atsushi seemed to wait for you to react to this revelation. You didn’t, and he hesitatingly continued.
              “Well… you see, we had a confrontation—he’s not part of the detective agency—and he has this tendency to …kill people…as part of his job,” Atsushi paused, glaring at Akutagawa. Akutagawa didn’t flinch, eyes lowered to his mug as he sipped from it.
              To say you were shocked at this piece of information was an understatement; although a tiny voice in the back corner of your brain was quick to remind you that Akutagawa had seemed suspicious from the beginning, the entire situation was quite sketchy, and you had forgotten all of your prior reservations while being hauled on his back. You stared at him now. “Is that true?”
              He lifted his eyes to look back at you. “Yes. Although, not lately…”
              “Which is where that agreement comes in,” Atsushi continued. “Akutagawa used to be mentored by Dazai-san, but since Dazai-san has moved on from him, Akutagawa wants nothing more than to fight and defeat me in battle, to prove to his mentor that he’s stronger than me.”
              Dazai nodded. “Akutagawa-kun is quite persistent on that point, you see… but Atsushi-kun had an idea that has forced our Ryuunosuke to grow a bit stronger in ways he hasn’t thought of.”
              “If he can go six months without killing anyone, I will face him in battle,” Atsushi spat. “So far he’s managed; I can’t know for sure without following him everywhere, but he isn’t the type to lie.”
              “I don’t need to lie, since I’m not trying to get out of any challenge you throw at me, Weretiger.”
              Dazai helped himself to another onigiri. “Imagine how excited I was for Ryuu-kun when I found out about this! Atsushi-kun inspired me to sweeten the pot, so to speak. You see, Akutagawa-kun had a rough upbringing; he kind of dwells in the lower levels of Maslow’s Pyramid, if you know what I mean…”
              Akutagawa coughed. “She doesn’t need to hear all of that.”
              “And so,” Dazai continued, “I decided to offer Akutagawa-kun a challenge of my own and simultaneously give him something in return for when he has cooperated with Atsushi-kun.” He leaned towards you and whispered, conspiratorially. “We’re going to help him become………..human.”
              “Dazai-san, for you of all people to put it that way,” Atsushi chuckled.
              You didn’t find out what he meant, as Dazai was going on with his explanation. “While Atsushi-kun is still holding him to his promise not to kill, I decided to give Akutagawa-kun a challenge that could be much, much harder for him. You see, he’s not used to looking at his life in color; he sees everything as just situations in which he can either survive, or can’t.” Dazai paused to sigh, seeing something in his mind that the rest of the room wasn’t privy to. “Our connections to others are what make us alive.”
              You looked at Dazai’s face, stunned by his turn towards seriousness. Your eyes traveled to Akutagawa, who was now facing straight ahead, but with his eyes trained on Dazai. “Then you’re suggesting that he—?”
              Dazai shook his head. “He has a younger sister, but that’s it. There were others, but..” He trailed off. He sat up and started again. “Akutagawa-kun doesn’t trust anyone who wasn’t there at the beginning.”
              Akutagawa broke his silence. “Dazai-san, you’ve always had my trust.”
              Dazai looked across your bed at him, a sad smile on his lips. “Kid, that’s not trust, that’s desperation.”
               You felt some impatience, spurred on by the anxiety of not knowing your role in this tale. You leaned forward. “What does this have to do with me?”
              Dazai laced his fingers together and rested his elbows on your bed. “You, gorgeous, are going to play the most important part.” He rested his chin on his fingers, glowing at you. “He’s going to get sooo frustrated; I can see it now!”
              Akutagawa stood and stalked to the sink to rinse his mug. Atsushi flailed, leaping out of his way.
              “Dazai-san?” You pondered throwing your mug at his head and then looking inside his cracked skull yourself to finally find the whole explanation.
              Dazai smiled at Akutagawa’s back. “My challenge for him is to build trust with someone he doesn’t know from the ground up, like normal people, and for that relationship to be based not on violence or fear, but in kindness…if he can do this, he would, in my eyes, have surpassed even himself, and I have assured him that both Atsushi-kun and I would acknowledge his success.” Dazai looked back at you, the smile taking on an edge of mischief. “After two months of work, you will report back to me on how he did. You’ll be sharing a living space, of course, and keeping me posted on his progress.”
              Your eyes widened as his words began to sink in. You’d be sharing WHAT?
              Dazai didn’t acknowledge your panicked expression, opting to clap his hands together with pleasure. “This is going to be amazing, ne, Akutagawa-kun?”
              Akutagawa was still facing the sink. “Yes, Dazai-san. I won’t let you down.”
              Wait, what was happening?
              “Ara, you are already, ignoring what this girl is agreeing to help you with!”
              Agreeing? Who agreed?
              Akutagawa exhaled and turned from the sink, ducking his chin slightly as his eyes locked onto yours. “Yoroshiku onegai itashimasu. I can make more tea if you’d like some.”
              …Was everybody here crazy??  
END Chapter Two Stay tuned…
Cultural notes:
Yukata: A thin cotton kimono, traditionally used for sleeping (uncommonly nowadays), summer kimono wear, and at hot springs resorts.
Onigiri: Rice balls; popular types include salmon- or tuna-filled, or with seaweed flakes. Ubiquitous as a form of Japanese “fast food,” and available in every convenience store and supermarket (or you make your own).
Barley tea: Mugi-cha, another common kind of tea; it’s especially popular in summer.
Yoroshiku onegai itashimasu: A very formal phrase that communicates the desire to accomplish a given task without conflict or issue with someone else; the literal translation is “I humbly request your kindness.” It doesn’t have a true equivalent in English.
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manju-girl · 8 years ago
Letters to You pt. 6 (Shigezane X MC X ?????)
@honeybeelily​ @kitty-kat-ty​ here you go dears! a part 6 for you. thank you for reading it this far :(
one | two | three | four | five | six: Lady Maeda
“Oh do forgive me for not introducing myself sooner, I am Ayame. I am Shigezane’s bride.”
Shigezane’s bride.
Oh. That made sense. Right, Ayame. She heard that name before. She was the daughter of that Lord on their neighboring province.
Of course he was supposed to marry a woman of his class too, what was she thinking?
Even though she bears the name of Katakura, she was still a humble cook’s daughter and a page to Lord Masamune. She can’t possibly think of marrying a Date such as Shigezane.
“Ah, yes of course. I am Katakura Akira. It’s a pleasure meeting you, Lady Ayame.” She bowed her head as a gesture of respect to the future Lady Date.
“Please, Aki no need to do that. You must be Lord Katakura’s adopted younger brother. Thank you for taking care of Shigezane.” Ayame giggled. Her voice sounds so gentle, and… cute.
But her?! A brother? Tch. How rude. She thought, but she can’t blame her. She really does look like a man… with her chest binded, a not so feminine voice and hakama. 
Akira raised her head then she saw Shigezane stiffling his laughter. She cleared her throat, and smiled brightly and cheerfully as much as she can to them. Shigezane in return gave her his bright smile. Now her sun has started to rise.
“Ahaha… uh… Lady Ayame and Lord Shigezane, pardon me but I have to go look for something. I’ll see you later then.” They exchanged farewells as the couple proceeded to continue their morning walk and Akira continued to search for Bontenmaru.
She went back to the Katakura Residence after a short while, her clothes and hair in a complete disarray, she searched everywhere near the place,only to come back empty handed.
A good morning indeed.
Once again, she slid Kojuro’s door open, to find him feeding the turtle on his damn bowl. She felt the exhaustion and was about to talk when Kojuro spoke first, a relieved smile on his face.
“Ki, Bontenmaru was just hiding himself under his bowl.” Once she saw how happy her older brother is, her exhaustion faded away and was replaced by the comfort and presence of this home she has.
“If Bontenmaru’s fine and eating now, we should also eat, Aniue. Please wait for me while I prepare our breakfast!” She ran down to the kitchen and started to prepare all of Kojuro’s favorite breakfast.
Kojuro and Akira spent another peaceful breakfast together. Akira telling him that he should find a lover soon, and him scolding her for being careless and drunk from last night. In the end their bickering turned to laughter. While eating their breakfast, Kojuro noticed how long Aki’s hair got and the hakama she’s wearing now looks worn off.
“We’ll visit the Hachiman shrine soon, Aki. We should get you new clothes. We wouldn’t want Kita-aneue to scold us both now, do we?” Kojuro said, clearly using their visit as an excuse for him to get her a new set of clothes. Upon hearing those words, she smiled, getting another bowl of miso soup.
“KOJUROOOO ANIUEEEE!THANK YOU SO MUCH!I WANT TO SEE KITA ANEUE SOON,TOO! Yes yes… dear brother. I’ll pick a new haka–”
“No Hakama this time, Akira. Kimono and Yukatas are the only articles of clothing allowed,” He said when he finished his meal. He saw her looking disappointed, with a pout she nodded to his orders, and he tousled her hair. “Kita wouldn’t want to see you in a men’s hakama. She wanted to see how grown up our beautiful younger sister had become.” Kojuro can see the happiness in her eyes with what he had said.
“Hey, Kojuro-Aniue. What do you think of me getting married?”
He nearly choked on the green tea he’s drinking, coughing at her question Nope. No. No. No. The idea of Aki getting married was not really a good idea for him, rather, he can’t accept it just yet. He never had a younger sibling to begin with, so he had taken care of her as if she was of their own blood. Yes, she is at that age where she should get married,and a possible candidate has already asked her.
But will she consider Maeda Toshiie? Kojuro knows that Aki had feelings for Shigezane.
“Are you thinking of marrying Maeda Toshiie?” He finally asked when he felt better. His serious gaze on her, she looked at him straight on.
“Ahaha! A joke, Aniue.” She answered, continuing to get the food from the plates. “I have the same resolve as you, Lord Masamune always comes first before anything else.” -
It wasn’t until last night that he knew that his place as her childhood friend, the one who knows her the most has been replaced by none other than the three Date Lords. Not that he had any complaints, it was his fault. That she turned out to be this way, that he’s not the one who’s beside her anymore, her confidant, her childhood friend, her Inuchiyo.
She was supposed to be working at the restaurant her family left behind, not as the Dokuganryuu of Oshu’s page. But because of him, all her dreams have turned into dust.
He was supposed to protect her and her family.
She was just 11 back then. He’s 18.
He still remembers that day, vivid as the crimson skies of sunset, turning to that gloomy and unfortunate night. How her family was murdered right in front of her eyes, when he arrived far too late. How he can’t do anything for the second family he had in Kyoto.
I’m sorry… I’m really sorry…
Ah, who knows how many times have he been saying that to her in his mind? How many sleepless nights and, sorrowful days he’s spent blaming himself. Looking for her, her whereabouts. Is she still alive? Or dead? He does not know. He knows that she loathes him. But he did promise one thing to her deceased family.
If I found her, I’d protect her. I’ll do anything. Just to make sure that she won’t ever get hurt again.
For the safest place for her would be by his side.
Now that she’s within his reach, she still seemed so far away. The years brought them apart. But he won’t let anything or anyone take her away from him.
Inuchiyo looked at the sleeping Keiji on the other side of the room, still passed out from last night’s drinking session. He chuckled at the memories last night, before remembering how Shigezane looked at Akira, and how she looked at him exactly same way as Shigezane. The thought itself was unpleasant, that he went out of their room in the Yonezawa castle for a short walk.
The sky on that morning was clear, the early morning sun sharing its warm, glorious glow on the lands and the people who woke up early to work. Inuchiyo’s eyes wandered all around the well-kept castle, that served as Aki’s home ever since they parted ways.
Then, he remembered it again. He can’t forget the empty look on her eyes, her shivering lips and trembling tiny body. It always brings pain to his own heart. How he wished he could bring back time.
He shouldn’t have left her, he should’ve been with her.
Just as he was near the castle gates, he saw a familiar figure outside the corridor of one of the houses in the castle, he walked closer to see what he thinks is Akira, a bucket of water in hand and on her way to the garden. He followed her, he’s not really sure whether its her or not. Her long hair that was loose last night was tied up in a high ponytail with a red ribbon, and she’s also wearing a hakama…
What is she wearing? He thought. He tried to keep his footsteps light, careful so that she wouldn’t notice him.
“Inuchiyo, if you want to come with me in watering the plants you could’ve just say so.”
“What?!” He was surprised when she turned around to give him a smile, a smile that’s no longer empty, he blushed lightly when he looked in to her gentle yet honest eyes. It’s a good thing, in his guess. That somehow she’s still that girl he knew her to be.
“Good Morning to you too, Inuchiyo. Did you sleep well?“she asked, walking over to him. He glanced around the place, to find it blooming with beautiful summer flowers, he smiled at her, putting his hand on her bangs that almost covers her eyes. “Keiji kept on snoring loudly, but I slept well.” He kept his answer brief. “Ranmaru” his tongue slipped, realizing what he had said, he clapped a hand over his mouth. Did I just accidentally call her Ranmaru?! Blame the hakama and the hair! When did she had a plank chest anyway?!
Her look on him was a deadpanned one, sighing deeply, she spoke. “You… you just mistook me for a man,” it was not a question. It was a statement.
“I… I did not!” He denied, but she giggled, oh gods,how he missed that giggle. “It’s fine,I get that a lot. You want to water the flowers with me, Inuchiyo?” She smiled, handing over the bucket full of water, and a wooden water dipper. Which he gladly took from her hands.
From the corner of his eyes, he saw her touching the flowers gently, carressing its beautiful petals that still has a few droplets of dew from the morning air. He can’t help but smile. Her lips turned up to a sad smile of her own, looking nostalgic at the blooming flowers
But why?
There are so many questions he wanted to ask about her, how she knew how to use a sword, what happened to her in the past 10 years. Is she well? Are they treating her well?
Am I forgiven?
“Inuchiyo.” She called, looking at his direction a silly smile on her face. “Want to spar with me later?” Surprised, he did not know what to answer.
“Oh. You must be busy. Right, let’s just go to the town later. I must prepare Lord Masamune’s breakfast now, I’ll go ahead then!” she hurriedly stood up, and held his hand, which made him surprised. “Huh…?”
“Come with me, Inuchiyo!”
- Shigezane wondered on his actions that morning, when he saw Aki with a morning face he knew he can barely keep his excitement from seeing her. But instead of usually greeting her and spending the rest of the morning with her, he chose not to.
He wondered why, he even invited his future bride on a morning walk. His early morning walks are always spent on Aki.
“Lord Shigezane?” His thoughts stopped when a gentle voice called his name. He smiled at the woman beside him. Sure she’s beautiful, both inside and out. A picture of sophisticated grace.
“Lady Ayame. Do forgive me for spacing out. Is there somewhere you want to go?” He asked, the lady beside him smiled too. Answering his question as she points out the garden ahead of them. Which happened to be the one Akira is taking care of.
“I want to check out that garden, Lord Shigezane. From here you can see all the beautiful summer flowers bloom. It must be lovely up close.” she hooked her arms on his own.
“Oh… aha. Let’s check it out then!” He said with enthusiasm, they walked close to the garden when Shigezane stopped dead on his tracks when he saw Aki running out of the garden , dragging Inuchiyo by hand. The two looked happy.
“Oh, if it isn’t Lord Maeda.” Ayame said, looking at the two ahead of them. “You knew him?” Shigezane asked, “We should greet them. His family was an ally of my father’s.” She answered
Before Shigezane knew it they were walking towards the two, even though he didn’t want to.
“Lord Maeda!” Aki and Inuchiyo stopped running when they heard a voice call out to him.
“Oh. Ayame” Inuchiyo called her casually. Aki turned to the couple, a smile already plastered on her face. Shigezane looked away from them. Not caring to look at Akira
“Oh! Good Morning again, Lord Shigezane, Lady Ayame.” Aki greeted,
“Good Morning to you again, Aki. Lord Maeda it’s been a while, you and Lord Katakura’s younger brother looked like good friends.” Ayame smiled kindly, looking at Akira’s direction. Shigezane was mentally kicking himself for not telling Ayame sooner about Aki’s sexuality.
“Hm? Oh yes. It’s been a while. So you are Lord Date Shigezane’s bride? I heard about this from your father but I did not expect to see you here.” Inuchiyo answered, “Aki? Yes we are close.”Inuchiyo pointed at Akira
That statement made it look like Aki was really a man.
“What brings you here at Yonezawa, Lord Maeda?” Ayame asked once more. Shigezane only knew that Maeda Toshiie was here to visit Aki.
“ I’m here for my bride.” Inuchiyo answered her question briefly. However, answer left Aki looking down at her feet. Ayame and Shigezane were both surprised hearing those.
“Hey… Inuchiyo.” Shigezane saw Aki tug Maeda Toshiie’s sleeve, a look of discomfort in her eyes. Is she blushing?!
Maeda Toshiie stepped closer to Aki, putting his arms around her shoulder. Aki was startled and stiffened.
“You see this woman beside me, the one you called a brother of Lord Katakura will be My bride. The next Lady Maeda.”
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kaitlinmcandrews · 8 years ago
I know I say this every time, but I really want to get this blog up to date. I am sooooo behind. Ugh. It sucks because I can’t remember the day that I’m writing about so well. So unfortunately, I think my humour and the small interesting details get lost. ~Sigh~
Alright, let’s get to the blog….
The Gion festival is an annual festival that happens in Kyoto in July. Unlike many festivals, it spans over the entire month rather than a single weekend. That being said, the ‘main event’ takes place on two separate weekends.
Since I’m very uninformed about the festival. I had to google it. So, here is the event’s annual calendar for the month of July. This is straight from Wikipedia. I bolded the days that I’ll be talking about in this blog.
July 1 through 5: Kippuiri, opening ceremony of festival, in each participating neighbourhood
July 2: Kujitorishiki, lottery for the parade order, in the municipal assembly hall
July 7: Shrine visit by chigo children of Ayagasaboko
July 10: Lantern parade to welcome mikoshi portable shrines
July 10: Mikoshi arai, cleansing of mikoshi by sacred water from the Kamo River
July 10 through 13: Building-up of floats(Former parade)
July 13 a.m.: Shrine visit by chigo children of Naginataboko
July 13 p.m.: Shrine visit by chigo children of Kuse Shrine
July 14: Yoiyoiyoiyama(Former parade)
July 15: Yoiyoiyama(Former parade)
July 16: Yoiyama(Former parade)
July 16: Yoimiya shinshin hono shinji, dedicative art performances
July 17: Parade of yamaboko floats(Former parade)
July 17: Parade of mikoshi from Yasaka Shrine to the city
July 18 through 20: Building-up of floats(Latter parade)
July 21: Yoiyoiyoiyama(Latter parade)
July 22: Yoiyoiyama(Latter parade)
July 23: Yoiyama(Latter parade)
July 24: Parade of yamaboko floats(Latter parade)
July 24: Parade of hanagasa or “flower parasols”
July 24: Parade of mikoshi from the city to Yasaka Shrine
July 28: Mikoshi arai, cleansing of mikoshi by sacred water from the Kamo river
July 31: Closing service at Eki Shrine
Okay, so Yoiyama basically means the festival before the parade. Yoiyoiyama is the 2 days before the parade and yoiyoiyoiyama is 3 days before the parade. Quite a mouthful hey? We went to the day before and the 2 days before event. For 2016, these dates fell on the weekend. It wouldn’t have mattered I suppose…. Our job was so random and inconsistent. We purposely asked for the Sunday (the day of the parade) off.
We went to the 2-day-before and the day-before events right after work. Since we had stupid hours (10am-7pm) and worked pretty far out of town, we couldn’t arrive until quite late. Luckily, everything was still open. I convinced Pat to come with me twice somehow haha. If you’ve been here awhile, you know, that I LOVE street food. I love the idea of eating and drinking outside. I love going to different tents and trying different types of food.
I was a bit envious and a little disappointing that I couldn’t wear my yukata (a summer kimono, basically). The majority of people out were wearing theirs and they looked so beautiful! I had a yukata that I bought a week or so prior, but because of how late we needed to arrive, I wouldn’t have had time to go home, put it on, and go back downtown. Wow, that is a big wall of text. Let’s get some pictures in! It was soooooo busy.
Mmmm… Okonomiyaki and karaage (fried chicken)!
My new camera lens creates the most flattering shadows…..
Kyoto is regularly quite busy, but this was something else. Can you see all the yukatas? There were also a lot of foreigners! This is a pretty famous event in all of Japan so at this time, there are many tourists (both Japanese and non-Japanese). It is a bit frustrating, but also kind of cool. The entire road was blocked off and there were many security people there. Unlike usual, in Japan, there were actually garbage cans! They were all overflowing, but the fact that they were there, was special haha.
The event wasn’t just the food tents. If you walked around and went through the back alleys, you could see the parade floats. Some of them were lit up, some had people playing music, and some of them were moved to different locations over the three days.
On Sunday, was the main event; the parade. I was pretty excited. Even as a kid, I really didn’t go to any parades. Also, this was my chance to wear my yukata. The parade started early in the morning, and wanted to make sure that we had a good spot to see the parade, so we woke up at an ungodly hour (for me haha). I put the yukata on myself so it didn’t look as good as it could have. Luckily I got an ‘easy style’ obi (the belt) I didn’t have to worry about tieing it. Something I didn’t know until much later, is that many people put a towel under their obi to make it look smoother. Having ;larger hips or boobs can make the obi kind of bunch up in the middle, unfortunately.
So, we were a bit unlucky and it was raining that day. My hair, that I took forever to do, turned into a puffy mess pretty much immediately. Cool. Thanks weather. Despite the rain, puffy hair and bunched up yukata, I still got a bit vain and had my own photo shoot. Luckily my umbrella was cute so no worries
We were able to get a decent spot. We should have went across the street so we could see a bit more, but we didn’t know. We waited for a looooong time before we saw anything. We arrived about 45 min to an hour before the parade started. Since we weren’t at the beginning of the parade, it took quite a while before it reached where we were. I got bored and took a lot of photos of people haha.
This is how we knew we picked the wrong side. Our sided was NOT that busy haha. Oh well.
Unlike parades in Canada, it was a sloooow parade. Obviously there is a lot of man power in this festival so that makes a difference. They stopped often to rest and do some rituals. The first float was the most interesting. There were others later on that looked the exact same, but this one had a real child inside, but the others had a doll in that place. No idea what the significance was, but it was really cool.
I was thrilled to see the guys playing their wooden flutes and piccolos atop the float. I was impressed that they could continue the rhythm by heart for such a long period of time. Also, there were many of these giant floats that were pulled manually. What we couldn’t see, unfortunately, was the turning of these huge floats. I am pretty sure this is why the other side of the street was so packed. They could see the turning.
We could hear it happening, but couldn’t really see it. Essentialy, they put a brake on the right side of the float, and all the men pulled the rope on the left side. This basically dragged the entire thing. They are huge so I imagine they are super heavy. It took them quite a few pulls to get it to turn the 90 degrees needed. This caused the entire parade to stop in its tracks. They used these brakes to do small performances and take food and water breaks. Since there were so many floats, there were a lot of pauses in the parade.
After this float, there were marches by different historical clans from Japan. Since we can’t read Kanji, we really didn’t know what clans were being displayed.
The doll version of the boy
randomly, in the middle of the parade, a red carpet and chair was laid out while another group of people made tea. They just made tea…. in the middle of the street…. then when it was finished, they served the tea to the person of importance. It was strange, but pretty interesting. It really made me wonder how many times this happened. We were like 2/3 down the parade path… so, were we the only ones to see this? Did it happen earlier? Who knows. This happened during one of the breaks that I mentioned earlier. As a float up ahead was being pulled and turned, this tea event took place.
Alright, more photos of the parade!
There was one part where some kids came out. They were dressed up really interestingly. It was pretty funny, at one point, they were all given little chairs to sit on and relax. They were given onigiri and something to drink. The older kids knew that they  had to eat secretively so they turned away from the audience while eating and drinking. The smaller guys had no idea so it was funny to see the older kids trying to coach them and cover them while they ate. It was pretty cute.
Back to the parade! I’m sure that everything has significance, so it is pretty disappointing that we couldn’t find an English guide about this event.
Also, we saw some Meiko (this is essentially a Geisha in training. It is apparently super super rare to a Geisha…. k well actually, these could be Geisha. I don’t know the difference honestly…. ) and they were so cool! Thank goodness for my huge zoom lens!
Sorry for the unflattering photos, ladies!
That was all for the festival itself. It was quite long. As you can see, it stopped raining before the parade started so we were pretty lucky. Also, I forgot to mention, but I was given a good luck charm by one of the people in the parade. I suspect it was because I was wearing a yukata. Not so many people were wearing a yukata on this day, but I think that was due to the insane amount of tourists. Many many people come for this parade.
Also, as a reference. What I was wearing was called a yukata. What the Meiko are wearing are called kimono. The kimono is much much more expensive, has a lot of layers and different parts, and is much thicker. The yukata has two parts, the fabric and the obi. They are usually thin and perfect for the heat.
Okay, that’s all! I hope I didn’t miss anything ^^~
  PS. 안녕 수원 씨!!
Gion Festival 2016 – Kyoto Hello! I know I say this every time, but I really want to get this blog up to date.
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