#do ppl even fw wesker...???
angelcakegirl · 3 days
ʚ dynamite ! ɞ
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re4r!albert wesker x fem!reader
wc; 2k
cw; smut (mdni!!), oral (f receiving), ooc wesker... obviously, age gap (20s 40s), he finishes untouched(cz i push that agenda!!!), him n reader are kinda sassy hehe
note; ofc i had to give him the song from my bio since he's literally my husband :333 (ps i may or may not have pushed my issues onto reader and claimed it as hers or vented like mid fic) also i got to lazy to reread to lmk if theres any major mistakes HAHHH anyways enjoy
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never in a million years did the albert wesker imagine himself with such a energetic and youthful girl.
old man can't even remember where he met you, but he sure as hell remember's exactly how he felt when he did. it felt so disgusting to even think about it! he's a man of power and ambition, future ruler of his new race. any and all free time of his should be spent in preparation of his grand schemes, not dilly-dallying with a 20-something year old.
still, you were persistent. clung to him, like a leech. not just that yet you managed to cling to his heart too, constantly pulling on the strings which made it. those heart strings he failed to hide away from you.
and now, because of that persistent clinging, you get to fully leech off him! eating away at his free time, his wallet, and his dignity. worst of all, he found himself loving it. how disgusting!
so he accepted it. he accepted how gross all the love in his heart felt. well, yes, he loves world domination much more but... there was some room in there for you in there. he didn't have all the time in the world to put towards you but he was sure it was still enough for you. anything he did was enough anyways, so you didn't care!
as he was sat in the office of your home, just doing more scheming– the usual, you snuck in and decided to sit up on his desk. letting your legs kick and swing beneath you. he always valued his relationship with you. you liked how you were his only person, and liked how you were almost always patient. almost.
today was kind of shitty. work was tiring, and your friends have been kind of off lately. really off. you'd love to wait for albert to just be done. done and ready to give you all his attention! so you could yap your head off about it all night long. even if he might regret wasting his time like this later, at least it was for you.
"albert, guess what." you cautiously started up, ready to just complain to him now! even if he wouldn't listen. "what?" his voice was always so monotonous, and husky, and deep, and dreamy!!... way too many ands.
you groaned to yourself, taking your manicured hands and running them over your face. "that girl again! i literally got no clue what i've done to her–" and he immediately cut you off with a glance above the frames falling down his nose. doing that sexy move he does where he pushes them up with his middle and ring finger, before looking back down at his work. "i'm busy, darling." his tone was always calm and patient with you. he had no reason to be condescending with you. "we'll talk about it later."
you were quick to give a bit of a dramatic sigh, rolling your eyes and grumbling, "you're always busy." you tilted your head towards the window in his office. which he always kept black out curtains over, at all times. which, quite frankly, you found stupid. did his shades not make the room dark enough already?? "just do this later. i need you now!" you side eyed him. just to get a peak to see if he was even looking at you– and of course he wasn't.
clearly entranced in his work, you whined once again. "albert!" this time, getting his attention with a click of his tongue. he wheeled his stupid office chair towards you on the desk, sitting between your legs. "fucking finally." you mumbled under your breath, sprinkling your words with a pinch of salt.
still, he wasn't upset with this. he knew you were just in a mood from whatever happened during your day. so he'd hear you out, at least for a bit. "seven minutes, then i'm back to finishing this up."
a long sigh left your lips, your silent way of saying where do i even begin? he leaned in closer, placing his hands warmly on either side of your thighs. giving the flesh a small squeeze, indicating all his attention was on you. though, it was obvious enough by how his eyes stared right at you above the frames. those stupid things always slid down his nose.
"i'm so tired of her bullshit." you had officially begun your rant, while albert calmly nodded and hummed along to whatever you said. taking in all that you said. "i literally been there for this girl at her lowest, and she can't even bother to give me a hello when i fucking walk past her? not just her, but the group too!" you sighed tiredly. "maybe i should just stop being so nice to all these people. since they don't ever bother asking me if i'm okay."
well, you practically just did albert's job right there. coming to a conclusion for you. suddenly, he gave a low, sarcastic chuckle. "why surround yourself with useless people?" and you couldn't help but scoff. "...because i actually want friends?" "friends are stupid." of course he was indifferent.
"but fine then. keep suffering." he offered with a small shrug. albert always was the type to need every little issue fixed, asap. and he tried to push this agenda onto you. well, fuck that! sure, your social life is crumbling– but what's living without a few issues? maybe some of us actually like a little depression here and there? thanks.
"al, i don't need your help. i just need you to listen." you scowled at him as his eyes travelled down your figure sitting on his desk. he was slow to respond this time, his voice gruff. "i'm listening."
of course, you immediately started up your yap again. complaining about your shitty friends, shitty family, shitty life. till you were cut off mid sentence, voice immediately vanishing from the room. the feeling of albert's cold hands travelling up from the plush of your thighs to pushing up the old t-shirt of his you adorned. just so he'd get a view of your panties beneath the fabric. so what if you liked to dress like a bum around the house? at least they were pink, favourite colour!
"did i say stop talking?" his voice pierced through your thoughts. man, that sexy deep voice you could listen to for hours. he glanced back up at you, still silent. "i'm listening." he encouraged you again.
you really couldn't help but gulp, before finding your train of thought again. "well, yeah. i'm just so tired of them. all they do is walk over me and–" eyes going wide from the sight of him spreading your thighs to accommodate for his head. beginning to kiss up your thighs. "albert?" your voice squeaked. "gee, i'm listening, baby."
doesn't look that way. asshole.
you let out a shaky sigh as you recollected all your thoughts. "um, yeah, well– i guess i'll just accept i'm losing my friends." your voice noticeably a lot less confident, and a lot less angry sounding before. maybe albert's odd ways of taking away your stress genuinely worked? "but i- i don't know anymore, i guess that's what i think."
"wanna know what i think?" he asked through open mouthed kisses on your inner thigh, only travelling higher and higher. you hummed for him to go on, "i think you don't need them." he stated his opinion as he finally lifted his head from your thighs, but only to hook his fingers into the band of your panties. "may i?" you were quick– maybe too quick, to nod yes. lifting your hips as he slid the garment down your thighs.
he lowly chuckled, seeing that cute wet patch within the middle. painted there just for him.
he was quick to tuck them into his pocket, for his own more selfish use later, before latching his lips back onto your inner thighs in wet kisses. still giving you his opinion on the whole situation. "you never needed them." his small sentences broken up by his love for just... kissing you. "you have me."
you gave a small grin at his silly words, hands behind you on the desk to hold yourself up right. "you're my boyfriend. i still want friends." he gave you his final piece of advice, the last thing you'll get from him before he'll turn your brain into mush. "make new ones." yeah... hyped that one up a little too much. what made up for it was the kiss he pressed to the peak of your clit, causing you to practically jump in excitement.
before deciding to fully go in for the kill, he looked up at you with a small smirk. this was probably your favourite part. "do me the honours?" and you immediately began to giggle, knowing the routine all too well. you carefully removed his glasses, leaving a kiss on the bridge of his nose as you folded and tucked them away, off to the side they went.
he pressed more soft kisses to your clit, even kitty licking at it a few times, just to tease you a bit. making you wait with anticipation. finally, he latched his lips around the little bud, beginning to suck in a way which caused your back to arch, hips only pushing further out towards his mouth. hands went flying straight for his gelled back hair, immediately ruining the exquisiteness of it all. not like he cared right now anyways. his beautiful girl, writhing all from the works of his tongue was enough alone to make him not care anymore. what a simp.
the cute moans and whines made it all worth it though. you took grip of his hair, bringing your hips up more towards his face, practically trying to fuck yourself on his mouth. he was quick to forcibly hold your hips down, breaking away to humorously mumbled a small, "relax, i'm not going anywhere." though his voice lacked the energy like always.
his tongue moved down, beginning to messily thrust at your opening while the tip of his nose continued to rub at your puffy clit. he was quite literally making out with your second lips now.
his name was all that was on your mind, and on your tongue. just all of it for him! little whines and moans, babbles on how good he was. he loved it. stroked his ego. definitely more than it needed to be– cause his ego was pretty fuckin' big already.
"shit– albert!" your main phrase at this point being. "close. fuck– i'm close." and your warning awoken literal demons in him.
he quickly moved his lips back up to your clit, followed by the lewd wet noise of him doing so. noises becoming even louder when he brought one of his big hands holding your thighs apart down, taking two fingers to invade you suddenly. feeling your tight walls clamp all around him as he curled them up to stimulate that spongey spot inside you, while simultaneously sucking on your clit. a man who did it all, nice!
as you started to cry out for him, this only encouraged the sick man to quicken his pace. working to push you to your finish, straight off the 40ft cliff which was your edge.
when you broke through, vocalizing your dramatic finish all too well. "haah– fuck! cumming, albert–!" a random string of curses and babbles for him left your mouth, all sounds he knew all too well. he begun to groan lowly against you the second your release hit his face, dripping down his chin. his growls only further vibrating your now sensitive bud. only causing the finish to grow stronger.
once your relief washed over you and albert pulled away, you slumped back against the wall the wall. expecting your usual kiss from him, then his assistance to help clean you up as he mumbled sweet words to you. he got up, and– what the fuck?
face beat red, hand over his covered crotch as he booked it and ran to the bathroom. but once you spotted a wet patch staining the old man's pants you immediately began to giggle to yourself.
hah, so much for this interaction only lasting seven minutes.
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