#do not pass go if you are fem presenting this lifestyle is not for you
joshus-lobster · 3 months
Bad news, Miles Kane now getting tagged in Lana Del Rey Arctic Monkeys aesthetic posts, the worst thing that could ever happen to your beloved musician is becoming an aesthetic
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freesia-writes · 5 months
Pets4Vets: Jesse (2/4)
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Chapter 2 of 4 - Word Count: 3.2k - Jesse x Fem Reader Master List - previous chapter here
Jesse’s leg jiggled incessantly in his flimsy plastic chair in the reception area. He fidgeted with his fingers for a bit, then sat back, crossing them across his chest and lifting his chin. You swung open the door, datapad in hand, and scanned the empty room, stifling a grin at the fact that he nearly took up the entire corner. He was indeed “a big boy”, and his thin t-shirt made no attempt to conceal that fact. The giant Republic cog tattooed across his face and head was quite the statement, too. Resuming your businesslike manner, you invited him to follow you.
His eyes roved around your office as the door closed behind the two of you, the large window that made up the upper half allowing you to see people passing by outside. You felt a flicker of self-consciousness that surprised you as the faintest of smiles ghosted across his face at the sight of the many knick-knacks, memorabilia, and images that filled your walls. Past and present animals, with and without their owners, were peppered between what seemed like everything you had ever loved. But why should you care what some random trooper thought? You cleared your throat. 
“So… You’re looking for a large dog ‘or something equally badass’?” you asked, reading off your datapad. 
“Yeah,” he said, simultaneously proud yet a little unsure at his answer now that he heard it read back to him. “I just thought it’d be… nice. I’ve heard good stuff. Brothers seem to like their pets.”
“Many of them do, yes,” you agreed. 
“At least the ones that can’t land a girl,” he scoffed, laughing and nodding at you as though you’d wholeheartedly agree. You didn’t, and stared at him for a moment before deciding to let that one go. 
“The process might sound extensive, but the animals actually have a lot of nuance and personality, so we like to get to know our clients as well as possible so that we can find the best fit.”
“Ugh. You and the matchmaking people,” he blurted, pressing his lips together immediately. You realized he hadn’t meant to let that slip. Now you were torn about calling him out on it or not. Maybe feel him out a bit more first. 
“Yes, it is essentially matchmaking,” you grinned. “Many of these animals will be with you for a good portion of your life, so they do become a beloved partner in a way. Just don’t have sex with them.”
He guffawed so loudly he clapped his hand over his mouth, eyes large at the unrefined sound he’d just made. You couldn’t resist a chuckle at that one yourself. You did have a bawdy sense of humor at times, but it wasn’t always received well, so his laughter was a bit gratifying. 
“Just need to be clear on everything from the start,” you continued. He was trying and failing to arrange his features into the confident mask he’d worn through the door. You were surprised to find it endearing. But no time for that. “So… tell me about yourself. Your lifestyle. Your personality. Your priorities.”
“Kriff, that’s a lot. I mean… I was a soldier, obviously. Did a lot of wild and awesome things,” he grinned. Ah, back in his element. “Basically saved the galaxy. You know. You can show your gratitude in a variety of ways if you feel so inclined.” He ran a head over his bald head, leaning back to manspread a bit more on the other side of your desk. 
You didn’t know what to say, but apparently your face said it all.
“Anyway…” He coughed, then continued. “Now I’m apparently just a regular old person with a job and an apartment and a whole exciting life ahead of me…” A flicker of something crossed his face; you weren’t sure what it was, but you were suddenly quite intrigued. He moved on quickly, however. “So nowadays I work as a personal trainer at Dwight Schrute’s Gym for Muscles. Mostly afternoon and evening shifts. Cause I like to sleep in… After long nights, you know? Ahah.”
“I bet,” you murmured, swiping on the datapad screen. 
“I can tell you’re impressed,” he chuckled. You stared at him for a moment, unable to tell if he were being serious or not. “It’s okay, it happens to everyone.” Gods above, he was being serious. 
“I am… quite stunned,” you said, meaning every word. 
“Well don’t worry, I’ll pick you up if you faint.” 
“Mm. Thanks.”
“Nothing any hero wouldn’t do.”
“What about you? What’s your story?”
You looked up, taken off guard. Why would anyone be asking about your side of things? You were suspicious. “Nothing too exciting. I work here. Annnnd that’s about it. So you’d say you’re pretty active… Are you able to get outdoors a lot? If a pet needed a decent amount of exercise? Considering your sleep schedule, a crepuscular animal might be a good fit.”
“No crabs, lady,” he said, shaking his head and putting both hands in the air. “I’ve avoided those all my life and I’m not about to start now.” 
“Crabs?” you echoed, confused for a moment before it dawned on you. “Oh… Not crustaceous,” you clarified, biting back a giggle. “Crepuscular means animals that are most active in the twilight hours, so dawn or dusk. I suppose you’re not up early, but you mentioned a roommate? If they were able to give it a little attention in the early hours, you’d be on evening duty.”
“Alright,” he nodded, toning it down a bit. “I thought Massiffs were daytime animals though.” 
“They are. I don’t think that would be the best fit for you, though.”
He looked affronted, “You think you know me already?” A flash of a grin, both cocky and insecure.
“No,” you smiled. “But I know our animals, and I’ve gotten pretty good at reading vibes.” 
“Vibes?” he echoed, making no attempt to hide the condescension in his voice. 
“Energy, personality, whatever you want to call it. I’m good at pairing.”
“Ah, so you must have an amazing boyfriend then, eh?” he jabbed, unaware of the territory he was wandering into. The sharp look on your face gave him some clue, though, so he tried to correct. “Er, girlfriend? A theydey or gentlethem?” Then he gasped, forcing a conspiratorial look onto his face. “Is it even human?”
You couldn’t help but laugh at the absolute ridiculousness. Where did he get the audacity? He was probably expecting you to be overwhelmed or impressed or have some kind of diminutive response. But that wasn’t quite what you were feeling at the moment. 
“Actually,” you said, imitating his tone, “it’s a rancor.”
Now it was his turn to laugh, only this time it was authentic delight and surprise instead of the cocky little “ahah”s you’d been getting so far. You were grinning without meaning to, momentarily pleased by the awe on his face. “Alright, alright,” he chuckled, wagging a finger at you. “So you like it freaky.”
“I actually haven’t been on a decent date in over a year now,” you deadpanned, relishing the shock that replaced his swagger. He legitimately didn’t know what to do with that, and that felt wildly satisfying. “Anyway, that’s all I really need for today. The receptionist will book your next appointment on your way out.”
He was too speechless to craft any sort of cocky response as he shuffled out of the room. 
* * * 
“This place is LOUD!” you yelled to your friend over the music. You’d finally caved at her incessant requests to go to 79s, and after hours of fretting over what to wear and how to do your hair, since you were mostly used to work attire and a ponytail, you were there. You’d opted for a simple black dress but had left your hair down since you wouldn’t be surrounded by animals for a change, although your friend had laughed and said that’s exactly what you’d be surrounded by. 
“You’ll get used to it!” she yelled back, waving enthusiastically at a table of troopers that she apparently seemed to be familiar with. A few of them howled back, beckoning her over, but she pointed at the bar first, and a few of them pushed past one another to meet her there. It was odd to see them all gathered in one place without their armor. Since the Clone Rights and Personhood Act had passed, they had no need for anything other than civilian clothing anymore, but it was still unique to see so many people with the same face. Granted, they all had their own unique style and approach to individuality, but you just weren’t used to all of it quite yet. 
Your friend dragged you to the bar counter along with the troopers, each one wearing a different t-shirt over some plain jeans, and the flirting began immediately. You stood behind the group, squinting to try to make out what was on the menu. The choices were fairly slim… a couple of cocktails or some very watered-down beer, or so you’d heard. Maybe you’d just stick with water tonight. 
Or so you thought.
Two hours later, you were completely drunk, having given in to multiple offers of drinks and dances, and your face was flushed red from the thrill of it all. It was quite unlike you, but you didn’t care. The troopers were adorable and endearing, and you were having an absolute blast learning so many names, dancing like a crazy person, and enjoying the shenanigans of the rowdy bunch. A naval officer currently had his hands on your hips, a gleeful grin on his face as the two of you rocked to the music. You’d been self conscious at first about dancing for all of two minutes, but the clones didn’t seem to care at all. They were just there to have fun, and you’d quickly found yourself caught up in the joy of it all. 
You were tiring quickly though, having danced for almost an hour straight, and you thanked your partner before heading off to the side, leaning against the wall and fanning yourself for a minute. Touching your hands to your cheeks, you giggled at how hot they were. You felt so pleasantly bubbly, just a little dizzy, warm and fuzzy inside, and absolutely delighted with anything and everything. 
“Well well well. Didn’t expect to see you here.” A clone had appeared at your side, immediately recognizable by the giant Republic cog tattoo across his face. 
“Jesse!” you yelled, flinging your arms open and throwing yourself at him for a hug. He stepped back, surprised, and lightly touched your back before you pulled back to regard him fondly. “This place is great!!” 
He chuckled, eyebrows furrowed at the shocking departure from what he’d seen of your personality at the animal shelter. “Yeah, I mean… You alright?” he tilted his head as you giggled, smacking his chest playfully. 
“SO GOOD!” you squawked, hand sliding up to his shoulder, then down his arm. You gave it a squeeze, then dropped your hand. “Damn, lookin good, trooper. What are you doing?”
“Just… hanging out,” he grinned. “You lookin for some fun?” 
“I seem to have found it!” You waggled your eyebrows, stepping closer and toying with his waist. “This place is great!”
“Yeah, you said that,” he laughed. “Want to dance?”
“Hellz to the yeah!” And you started dancing right there, swinging your hair around like your life depended on it.
“Wow… Okay… Let’s get you some water first,” he suggested, now torn between concern and delight.
“Water is for boglings!” you squawked, grabbing his hand and doing your best to drag him to the dance floor. But he was significantly larger than you, and he tugged you right back. You collided with his broad chest and looked up at him indignantly. 
“Water first,” he insisted, tapping the tip of your nose playfully.
“Get out of here,” you laughed, swatting at his hand. “But fine... if it means I get to grind on those juicy thighs!”
“Deal,” he grinned. 
You gulped down the pathetic cup of water he’d been able to wrangle from the bartender, then the two of you hit the dance floor. Whether it was all the pent-up energy you’d choked down from your disappointing dates or just the sheer intoxication of… well… being intoxicated, you were happy to let loose. Jesse was smooth and strong all at once, hands growing heavier on your body as you writhed against him, and you reached an arm up to cup the back of his neck. He lowered his head, brushing his lips against your neck, and hot fireworks exploded throughout your core as you continued to sway together. 
“Want to get out of here?” you yelled, turning around to face him and gliding your hands down his front. Your hair was scattered across your shoulders, cheeks bright red on either side of a dumb grin, and he swallowed. His gaze darkened for a moment, and he pulled you a little closer, cupping your face and meeting your eyes with undeniable desire. But he looked at you for a moment longer, and his shoulders slumped a tiny bit. 
“I’ll walk you home,” he offered.
“No, I meant to bang!” you pressed, laughing in complete disregard.
“I know...” he chuckled, taking your arm and steering you toward the door. "I know."
* * * 
You woke the next morning with a raging headache and a sick stomach. You sank your face into your hands, groaning at your desk as you tried to read the datapad with bleary eyes. Only a few appointments today, thank the Maker. Cleaning the animal kennels had nearly made you throw up, so a quiet day of desk work was about all you could handle before crawling back home to your bed. Your friend who'd taken you to 79s had commed you far too early in the morning, gleefully informing you that you’d been “off the hook”, and while you’d dreaded the answer to your the question you had for her, she’d assured you that you’d messaged her upon arriving at home and that you went to bed alone. 
Whatever else had happened, you couldn’t remember. At least you didn’t have to get tested for "crepusculars", you chuckled to yourself. 
A light knock on your door rang loudly in your ears, and you squinted through your window at the receptionist, who was waving with far too bright a smile for the ungodly hour of 10am. She jerked her head behind her, giving you a not-too-subtle thumbs up as she opened your door and ushered in the cocky clone from a couple days ago. Something about him looked different though… Your wracked your brain but came up with nothing other than an unsettled feeling. Maybe you’d had a dirty dream about him… it wouldn’t be the first time some random client had popped up while you slept. Either way, you felt your cheeks redden slightly as he stepped into your office, the door closing behind him. Only when he sat in the chair on the other side of your desk did you notice that he had two smoothies in his hands, one of which he slid across to you. 
“Good morning,” he grinned, and your stomach dropped as you realized he seemed to know something you didn’t. 
“Morning…” you said suspiciously, taking the smoothie and inspecting it before looking back at him. “What’s this?”
“It’s a lil somethin from the gym I work at… All kinds of healthy crap in it… But it’s supposedly great for hangovers.”
You stared, heart sinking in your chest. What had you done…
“So,” he continued briskly, all business and innocence. “What’s the next step? Meeting some animals today?” 
“Yes…” you said slowly, entirely unsure of how to move on. You were kicking yourself for having been so careless… You were never the type to drink so much that you couldn’t remember. But you’d felt safe and had been so buoyed by the infectious atmosphere… Regardless, there was work to be done, and you turned to your datapad to avoid his eyes. “There are a few different options that I had in mind after reviewing your file…”
“Is that what you call it…” he murmured, causing you to jerk your head up so fast that it throbbed. You winced, rubbing your temples and taking a sip of the smoothie. It was surprisingly refreshing, and you took a few more gulps, staring at him skeptically. 
“Alright,” you snapped, equally indignant and resigned. “Out with it.”
“With what?” His angelic smile made your heart skip a beat, which further added to your confusion. 
“Whatever you’re gloating about.” 
“You just seem so… professional in here…” he said, taking a leisurely sip of his own smoothie before putting it down with a flourish. 
“And a little more laid back when you were grinding on me like your life depended on it last night.”
You were stunned into silence, mouth falling open a little bit as you stared at him, speechless. You couldn’t believe it. He wasn’t even your type. Plus, you doubt he would have let you go home alone if you’d done what he was accusing you of. 
“You’re lying.”
“Mmkay,” he shrugged. Somehow that made you even more incensed. 
“So what else happened?” you challenged, lifting your chin a little bit. 
“Drinks and dancing. You really like to fling your hair around,” he chuckled. “Then I walked you home.”
“And?” you squinted. 
“And that’s it. You said you could make it up to your apartment. Did you?”
“Yes,” you sighed, relieved that your report to your friend had been accurate. But it struck you as odd. Wouldn’t he be the type to take advantage of your momentary lapse in judgment? 
“But if you still want to ‘bang’, as you put it, I’d be happy to oblige.” He folded his arms behind his head, showing off his muscles and arching an eyebrow at you, unfazed by your grimace and audible groan. 
“Did I really say that?” You didn’t even really want to know the answer. 
“Mhm. Didn’t know you wanted me that bad.”
“Kriff,” you muttered under your breath. Why did it have to be him? Of all the troopers in that Maker-forsaken bar… This was beyond repair. “I’m gonna have my colleague Tosak take your case,” you said suddenly, rising to your feet and grabbing your datapad. “He’ll be able to pick up where we left off and you should be able to take your animal home by the end of the week.”
“Wait, why?” Jesse stood up quickly, dropping the cocky facade immediately. 
“You expect me to be professional after that?” 
“No,” he answered bluntly, and you couldn’t help but laugh. 
“Exactly,” you sighed, the flicker of a smile touching your cheeks. “It’ll be better this way.” You slipped out the door, once again leaving him in your office, mouth slightly open with a million different things to say.
Next Chapter
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lovergirlanna · 8 months
𝘓𝘰𝘰𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘢𝘧𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳𝘴𝘦𝘭𝘧 | C.D
Cedric Diggory x Fem! Reader
Warnings: Self-harm, Body dysmorphia, Reader isolating herself from others, hurt to comfort.
Words: 2.0k quite rushed but had to write this for my sweetheart Cedric.
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Waking up felt like a chore now nothing was new anymore. It was currently early in the morning, and you were lying in your bed once again, there didn’t seem to be any motivation to do anything nowadays. Turning over onto your side eyes heavy, laced with tears once more from the previous night, tears soon turning into a pathetic sob. Looking over at your arms littered with scars old and new hiding them under the white sheets of the sanctuary known as your bed. You felt selfish maybe it was just winter depression? Or was this more than that? Surely you shouldn’t be so selfish when others may be going through more than you surely it’s just a coincidence you must be feeling like this. It shall pass within due cores, right? Oh, but how you were wrong you’d been feeling like this since the start of the new school year and had not mentioned anything to anyone about how you were feeling or what you were going through not even Cedric.
Pushing everything aside for a while you forced yourself out of bed. You had to get ready for school it just felt like a cycle, what was the point? For a brief moment you thought about your friends would they care if you just stopped? Stopped caring, stopped showing up to lessons, stopped interacting with them? You knew it wasn’t their fault for your miserable lifestyle nor should they have any reason to suspect anything because in their eyes you are happy, joyful, and eager to learn right? You began crying once more. You didn’t deserve your friends, did you? You were being selfish once again. You also didn’t deserve a perfect boyfriend. Cedric Diggory Seeker for the Hufflepuff quidditch team. He was a ray of sunshine he was everything you could ask for in a boyfriend. He was popular, funny, kind, and caring what did he see in you?
You just needed to get through this last day of school. It was Friday and then you could relax. By ‘relax’ was meant shutting yourself away once again away from everyone away from your friends, away from Cedric. You soon made yourself over to your dresser looking at yourself in the mirror. You couldn’t bear looking at your body it was one of your biggest insecurities you knew that. It got you thinking again what did Cedric see in you? Wrapping your arms around your stomach you chocked out another sob resting your forehead against the cool reflective glass.
You managed to get your uniform on finally. Brushing out your hair with your hair brush at least trying to look presentable for what was ahead of you today. “Just have to get through today, that’s all.” You whispered to yourself. You started doing your makeup next you couldn’t go out without putting it on you felt insecure without it almost like you were hiding a part of yourself or were you just trying to cover something up? Cover up the sadness and guilt you felt. Frowning at yourself once again in the mirror almost like it was the saddest thing you’ve ever seen.
Quickly you gathered your books and other necessities into your bag leaving your dorm and heading out of your house dormitories. Walking through the halls of Hogwarts wasn’t that bad most people were nice to you showing you a smile or even waving at you. Lost in your thoughts as you joined the crowd of other students who were heading to the hall for breakfast. Suddenly you felt two arms wrap around your frame making you jolt back slightly, stopping you from walking. "Morning sweetheart." A groggy masculine voice spoke to you as the figure rested himself against your figure. It was none other than your boyfriend, Cedric Diggory. He was your ray of hope, a ray of light guiding you through your darkest times without him being aware of what dark times you may be going through he's always there to help you, you knew that. "Morning sleepyhead." You chuckled softly raising your hand to ruffle his hair, gazing up at him. "I've missed you." He chirped a soft pout on his lips. "I got busy with quidditch practice, feels like I haven't seen you in forever." As Cedric began to continue talking about his improvements on quidditch you couldn't help but recall the moments of pain without him. You did truly love him but you felt like he could do so much better than dating someone like yourself. His arms remained wrapped around you as he leaned forward to place a kiss on your cheek. "Hey," he said raising his eyebrow at you "is there something on your mind?" Cedric's eyes softened as he looked at you. Merlin how you wish you could tell him, tell him everything, tell him all your struggles but you just shook your head a thin smile on your lips. "No, no I'm fine Cedric" You didn't want to burden your ray of light, no. Not like this. "You can talk to me about anything, you know?" He said, however, he did not push further and just gave you a look of confusion.
As you both continued to walk to the great hall you chatted amongst yourselves Cedric going on about quidditch practice and how he’s excited about their next official match and so on but you couldn’t help but drift off thinking about the words he said before this conversation. ‘You can talk to me about anything’ kept ringing through your mind. You didn’t want to burden him with your worries. You didn’t want to burden him with responsibilities that he doesn’t need to know about you’ll push past them eventually right? You didn’t even know where to start would he be disappointed? Would he view you differently if you told him the truth? If you told him about your troubles with self-harm if you told him how you viewed yourself would it change your whole relationship? You've seen the other girls at Hogwarts they were prettier than you. They were confident, outgoing, and loving you really couldn’t compare yourself to them.
As you both sat down you were still lost in your thoughts you did not touch any of the food presented in front of you. “Darling?” A voice spoke out. It was Cedric looking at you worryingly reaching out his hand to intertwine with yours. “You seem lost. You haven’t touched any of your food, should I be worried?” He said you blinked shaking your head just like before. “I was just thinking about our exams coming up.” You said. Another excuse, you hated this - lying to him but it was for the best wasn’t it? Cedric nodded still giving you a worrisome look before turning away from you to talk to one of his friends. He looked so happy with his friends honestly you just felt like a waste of space in this situation, you were worrying him - you hated it so much. You eventually began to eat lost in your thoughts whilst doing so.
As the end of the day finally rolled around you were relieved. Finally, you’ve made it but you truly couldn’t stop thinking about what Cedric had said. You truly love him it was messing with your head you could feel tears well up in your eyes again. Tears falling like an overflowing stream this burden you had been carrying had finally made you realise you couldn’t handle this alone. His words were futile devices against the burden you were carrying solemnly. You also realised isolating yourself was for the worse or was it a positive factor? You couldn’t tell what was right or wrong anymore. You needed to be by yourself you had to be by yourself you had to bottle it up you couldn’t allow anyone to see you like this as you hurried to your dorm as quickly as you could. However, from afar someone was watching you, watching you in your saddened mess none other than Cedric. He knew something was wrong he was planning to meet you at the end of your last class to try and talk to you about how you were feeling he couldn’t help but notice at breakfast how you seemed off. He needed to speak to you. He knew where you’d be, you’d be in your dorm so he decided to follow you to help you in any way he could he was your boyfriend after all. He felt like it was his duty to make sure you were happy, safe, and secure.
Slamming your door shut you collapsed onto the wooden floor of your dorm sobbing dramatically. What a burden you were you hated it. You hated all of this why did you have to be so pathetic? “I can’t take it anymore..” you choked out in between your sobs taking off your robes and revealing your scars once more looking over to your mirror, your mascara smudged from your pathetic sobbing. You couldn’t signify if this was all a nightmare or not. Why? Why did you have to go through this alone? Shakily you stood up standing in front of your mirror as you tried to wipe the smudged mascara away to no avail it didn't work, only creating more of a mess. You seemed so unimpressed looking at yourself in the mirror your reflection staring back at you. The girl in the mirror couldn’t even look back at herself without being disgusting.
Suddenly a knock at your door makes you jump slightly snapping you clean out of your thoughts. “sweetheart? Are you in there? It’s only me” the voice rang in and out of your ears. You knew exactly who it was it was, it was Cedric. "You seem to be having a rough day" he spoke up again. "Do you wish to talk about it?" Quickly you tried wiping your eyes clean removing any of the remaining mascara staining your cheeks and areas under your eyes as you slowly turned the knob of your door to open it. You had forgotten, hadn’t you? You weren’t covering your arms, how could you forget? As soon as you opened the door you were greeted with a warm smile, his signature inviting smile however there was concern in his expression his eyes widening as he saw your arms and the way your face was delicately stained with mascara and dried tears. Why hadn’t he noticed the signs sooner? He gulped guilt over washing him as he stepped into your room closing the door behind him. “You said you were fine, what’s going on darling?” His voice broke, he was hurt, hurt that he wasn’t there for you when you needed him. You followed his gaze down to your arms, how could you be so stupid? Tears began welling up in your eyes once more as you suddenly gripped onto his school jumper sobbing into his chest. You two stood there embracing each other. Cedric's arms were securely wrapped around your shoulders not letting go. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry I wasn't there for you when you needed me." Your boyfriend whispered raising his hand to try and wipe away the tears streaming down your cheeks your grip only tightening on his jumper.
 You and Cedric had now settled on your bed his hand gently holding your shoulder. You had finally told Cedric everything, you had told him how you felt about your body - you had also told him about how you’ve been feeling. "You're not alone, I promise I'll never be so blind as to not notice when you start struggling again." "I'm sorry." you mustered to say, you're gaze shifting to the side, soon enough Cedric lifted his hand from your shoulder placing it on your cheek. "look at me" He spoke softly, comforting you with his soft tone, as you did finally look at him he opened his mouth to speak. "none of this is your fault. I promise whenever you need me I'll always be here for you, forever."
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onf-headcanons · 1 month
ONF Fake Marriage AU headcanons
(idea dump version, might expand and elaborate to single post when i got more time to spare. Also, happy belated ONF month~)
-Maybe a long lost friend/classmate/university club mate, and coincidentally your parents nagging you two to get married asap.
Both you and Hyojin already passed a few candidates and you two knew that your family members are getting annoyed.
So when both of you end up matchmaking with each other and the moment you two recognised each other, you two hurriedly clicked on the plan of fake marriage for the short time being.
The one that agrees to play along but will list down a bunch of rules and consequences to make sure both of you are on the same page.
No one is taking anyone's advantage. (not even if he is actually in love with you deep down).
Cues in comedic moments that migh happen: because your lifestyle are still like of a non married single, for example, you went out clubbing and Hyojin is at home. Parents decided to visit without notice, and then Hyojin had to hurriedly call you to prevent things go south lol. And then it made both of you understand the importance of the power of teamwork.
Also I think the tendecy is high to happen, so I will specifically write it here, Hyojin defending on your behalf when parents are pressuring you to get pregnant.
if 10/10 is super slow burn, I think for this, the speed maybe a 6 to 8 on character relationship development.
- More like marriage as politic kind of arranged marriage at first, but he fell harder later.
Might be your aristrocratic family corrupted and nearly died out, and then Changyun's family took you in. (Or even worse for you, your family sent/presented you to his family hoping you can influence his family to provide your family benefits)
You don't want to use and manipulate him so you come clean on the first day you both met.
Nevertheless, Changyun agreed and said he can help you to be independent. Maybe you are actually very good at doing business (is just that your family thinks you are better off married away, or maybe they value male heir/eldest rather you being the female/second or younger child).
It could be Changyun helping you by paving way for you to build your business foundation, but in return, you need to pay him back some income shares later on.
Respects you and even though he can put up an act of PDA but in private he is very timid on getting close to you.
*btw, younger prince who is not qualified for the throne X the younger child whose talent being dismissed by family is actually not a bad setting imo. Slow burn meter wise, I think could be 7 to 8.5 for this one, as it will take even longer time for both of you getting to know each other.
- IDK but I think it will be crazily hot to imagine this under Spy undercover family AU (yeah like SPY family and Mr and Mrs Smith). Enemies to lovers and then kick*ss together.
(could be rival in business like he is top 1 and you are no.2 and both of you are assigned to complete this mission. or spyX assasin like Spy Fam)
Cue in awkward PDAs from you but when it was initiated by him, it was smooth af and you flustered really hard.
Also, to your suprise, he actually admires you and see highly of you very much (if its Seungjun X fem Spy colleague), I can see him mentioning and praising your hardwork and he sometimes felt he should not be the top 1 only just because of gender advantage.
Another trope that I think it will be cute is that in secret, you are crushing on him so hard and you start to confuse yourself later on.
Slow burn meter, 3 to 4. (I wont elaborate, but in terms of spice this has the highest tendency to be the spiciest lol.)
- Happy to help you, but, i do feel this will be fluffiest Friend to lover ever. Helping you out with the act not because he is aloof, more on he is kind and gentle.
He doesnt want people to hurt you so if that is the most efficient way to protect you for the time being, so be it. However that does not mean he will let things slide just like that.
Just my selfish thoughts, Mafia! Jaeyoung vs reader might do the trick. I mean we can emphasize more on why Jaeyoung does not want to make a move on you because he does not want to put you in trouble (might be safer when people only see you as plaything rather than soulmate.), and also he thinks that he is not qualified to "walk under the sun" with you.
BTW, if you think this is the defrosting the ice king trope, you might be half right. Jaeyoung might be just holding himself back alot because he does not want to burden you, he doesn't want to cross the line.
Alot of activity you two did are more on hanging out with each other and getting to know each other better.
High chance this might just end up with you two getting divorce but remaining as best friends.
Or, another high chance is both of you are not divorcing, but end up continuing the play until both of you are so used to each other, and maybe 4 to 6 years later both of you agreed to stop thinking too much and officially become a true couple instead.
slow burn meter might be 6 to 8.
- maybe come to you with a contract and even set up rules like, divorce in 3 years later.
another Office AU maybe? The rich CEO X reader trope.
But actually he wanted to try his best to make you fall in love with him within 3 years.
(He has been eyeing on you ever since, but you are the independent type and unlike those who will constantly circling around him. Might be thinking having you as his fiancee/bride is a conveninent case but fell in love with you damn hard when he got to know about the values you believe in).
BTW if wanna include angst for this, may insert you thought Minkyun trying to use you as a bluff so that he can see other person, cues in love rival that creates unwanted drama, and you are scared af that people might know you are the one that got married to him.
And you did thought the love rival is more of a match to Minkyun than you are.
I think this one might be fun and comedic when it is more on you trying to hide the secret that you are married with him, but on the contrary he has no problem telling everyone he is already married (but he did not disclose your identity).
Under the comedic moments, insert some serious moments/conspiracy that actually Minkyun purposely chose someone else(you) for the marriage was due to him trying to protect family business.
Should he really engaged/married with the love rival, things might end up real bad.
Cues in Minkyun saying things like, I am not manipulative and prudent enough like my family members but I am still capable enough toprotect the things and people that I treasure deeply.
Slow burn meter I think will be 6 or 7.
- I felt that Yuto X Single parent AU might work(?), also very very loose citizenship marriage trope can be applied here. Oh, I will very much prefer the idea of dead spouse single parent rather than divorced single parent for this idea.
You see him as younger brother/junior before. But knowing that you need a father figure/another parent to keep your child. And knowing that he a local to help him prolong his visa/PR. After a long talk, you two agreed to get married (only just on papers).
Of course I am don't feel it is wise to cage the idea that Yuto being a house husband and you are the one providing for the family. (not that this idea is a bad one, but its too cliche for me)
I would like for this to epxand on how both of you adjusting life to take care a toddler, and the bond slowly grows. Maybe you are not that used to taking care of your toddler and Yuto will help out and guide you.
Also because of the change of your mindset, your character also started to change in a good way.
In the begining, both you and Yuto will still act up some PDA to trick other people. But as times goes by, both of your chemistry and bond getting stronger, the interaction between single parent and Yuto gets more natural.
Because of good chemistry, alot of people around you really thinks both of you are truly a pair. And both of you will deny every speculation that you two are a couple.
I think this one might either end up you both being really good friends/team mate in the family, OR once both of you found someone (and the child is now older lets say 12 or 13) a friendly divorce to end the "relationship". Two of you be like BFF until old age.
Cues in the child calls you "Mama"(for those who identify themselves) and Yuto "Papa", but with your new partner, the child calls them "Dad".
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pricelessemotion · 1 year
Prologue: Big City, Wrong Choices | E.M.
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Summary: [0.8k] A tedious tabloid brings you and eddie together.
Pairing: rockstar!eddie munson x fem!music journalist!reader
Warnings: talks of drug and alcohol use (nothing graphic)
Notes: took some major creative license with this one but I think it pays off, hope you enjoy!
series masterlist | main masterlist
Stars behaving badly!
Truthfully, Eddie wanted to laugh when his manager threw the gossip rag on his coffee table. This was the reason that Mitch was knocking down his door so early in the day? Sure, the pictures of him in the article were less than flattering. One of them in particular showed him bent over, spewing his guts outside of The Viper Room. Definitely not a moment that he wanted to share with the world, but it was being shared nonetheless. 
So he got a little drunk and disorderly sometimes. It's what rock stars do. It’s part of the lifestyle. It’s a part Eddie plays and he knows he plays it well. A tabloid or two detailing his sordid exploits were par for the course. Still, he covers up his chuckle with a clearing of his throat, but it’s obvious that Mitch doesn’t buy it. 
“This is not a good look, Eddie” Mitch begins, running his hands through his thinning head of hair. “This is the kinda shit you do when you’re running the game. Not when you’re some kid from buttfuck Indiana trying to make a name for himself.”
Eddie recoils at the word kid. He already hates the fact that Mitch is not only his manager, but also his de-facto babysitter. 
“I’m twenty four years old.” The whine present in his voice isn’t doing him any favors in making him sound more mature and grown up.
“Then act like it.”
Eddie sighs and slumps into his seat. He tries to bring the whiskey glass he’s holding in his right hand up to his lips, but Mitch maneuvers around the couch and snatches it away. Usually, Eddie would put up a fight. Or, if he wasn’t in the fighting mood, he would go over to the bar cart and drink straight from the bottle out of spite. Sensing the tension in the room, Eddie concedes. He doesn’t want to be yet another reason why Mitch’s hairline is receding. 
Bracing himself, he walks to the kitchen where Mitch is brewing a fresh pot of coffee. The two of them exist in the symbiotic silence. Eddie pulls out two mugs from the cabinet and Mitch dutifully pours them both to the brim before sliding one over. They take turns passing each other milk and sugar. After taking a sip of his shitty coffee, Eddie clears his throat and asks the question of the hour.
“So, how do we fix this?”
For the first time since arriving at Eddie’s apartment, Mitch smiles. 
Stars behaving badly!
The magazine lands on your desk with a thump, jostling the pen holder and making the Snoopy bobblehead wobble. Eyes glazing over the headline, you scoff. Of course Eddie Munson is up to his usual antics. Whoever his publicist is should be fired, you think, because this isn’t even the first headline you’ve seen about him this week. It is, however, the first time he has graced the pages of Sub Rosa. There’s no doubt that the photos of Eddie being drunk and disorderly are currently lining every grocery checkout aisle in Los Angeles county. You wonder if he lives by the words bad publicity is good publicity. 
You look up to see the cause of the disturbance, only to see the face of your editor staring down at you. Melinda is bright and cheery, somehow glowing in the fluorescent lights that manage to wash anyone else out. 
“We’re doing damage control.” Her perfectly polished fingertip taps on Eddie’s face. 
You laugh, “I’d love to see the poor soul that has to do damage control for that trainwreck.” 
The older woman looks at you expectantly, a coy smile gracing her lips. Uh oh. You’ve worked at InStereo Magazine long enough to know that look. It’s the look she gives when she wants something and Melinda always gets what she wants. 
You take a moment to respond. You could refuse and waste the opportunity to leap from lowly column writer to actual music journalist. Melinda is still looking at you. Her cherry red glasses slide to the tip of her nose, emphasizing that she has to look down on you to have this conversation. Except it’s not a conversation. It’s more like a sentencing and she is judge, jury, and executioner. 
You look back at your desk. Snoopy is still nodding his head emphatically.
“I’ll do it.” 
“It’s so cute that you think you could’ve turned this down.” Melinda says, only the slightest bit of condescension in her tone. “We’ll go over details later, okay?”
With that, she flits away. Once she is safely out of sight, you bury your face in your hands and let out a small scream. Snoopy's rhythmic bobble breaks you out of your reverie. You grab the offending object and stuff it in the last drawer of your desk.
You were going to regret this.
taglist: @twisted-wonderland-of-wren
likes are appreciated, comments and reblogs are cherished ♥️
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softhued · 2 years
Change of Heart 
synopsis: you and enji agreed to have a strictly professional relationship, but after an evening together, enji has other plans in mind. 
warnings: dark content, dubcon, coercion, rough sex, oral sex , tipsy reader, power imbalance, implied age gap, escort au, reader is called a slut once 
word count: 5k
disclaimer: this was written w a black fem reader in mind, also it contains nsfw content so MDNI (18+)
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You looked out the window at the twinkling city lights that meshed together and decorated the skyscraper buildings that passed by in a blur. It was rare for you to be in the midst of the city due to its expense, so on the rare occasion you had to bask in its radiance, you were going to. The sole reason why you were granted this sight was thanks to the man beside you.
You were hired to accompany the infamous, Enji Todoroki, to a charity gala. His proposal came as a shock, not expecting such a revered businessman to employ you, much less to be his date for the night. However, the contract he presented offered a generous amount of money which was enough to wipe away any doubts, but being invited to such a high-end event knotted your stomach with worries and moistened your palms.
You were plagued with everything that could go wrong. How it would be such a huge scandal if the truth of your relationship was exposed, but as the night drew on, you realized that the worry and anxiety that occupied your body earlier was all for nothing. The chemistry you shared was amazing, allowing the both of you to work exceedingly well together, and made your interactions so effortless and languid. Not requiring any second-guessing. If you were an outsider, you would have been tricked into believing that you and Enji were a real, happy, and loving couple, but you knew the truth.
You turned your head to take in the man seated beside you, who was already watching you with an unknown look in his eyes.
The corner of your mouth pulled at the sight of him as your head tilted curiously, "what?” you playfully questioned, wondering why he was staring at you so intently.
He paused for a moment, taking you in fully in the dim lighting, “you look breathtaking.”
Butterflies fluttered in your stomach at the sincerity in his voice. Maybe in another life, granted that the circumstances were different, you could've had something special.
“Thank you,” you smiled, not allowing yourself to take his flattery to heart and collecting yourself before you returned his compliment.
“I can say the same for you,” you jokingly added as the corner of your mouth pulled while you examined his formal attire.
The both of you together were a majestic sight.
You hung off Enji’s arm like an accessory that complemented his already impressive presence. Forcing everyone’s attention on both of you and making it nearly impossible for anyone to peel their eyes off as you socialized and danced without a care in the world, and ultimately stole the show without much effort.
You could feel the heat of jealousy from the looks shot at you and hear the unspoken questions in the envy-filled stares.
How did you cross paths? How did you guys meet? How old were you?
And the loudest one of all: Why you?
Nevertheless, you turned a blind eye to the overeager eyes, focusing all your attention on Enji. And to your benefit, he made the night more bearable, never leaving your side and introducing you to many of the important people present.
He engaged you in the ongoing conversations so you weren’t standing by idly, bored out of your mind. Despite his kindness, you were ready to call it a night.
It took time to grow accustomed to this lifestyle. Attending high-caliber events with snobs came with the territory, but at the end of the day, this wasn’t your scene, no matter how familiar you became. It was easy to grow weary of the mindless droning from people who had more than enough money than they knew what to do with while you struggled. But this was your big break which made you determined to hold out for Enji’s sake.
It was the least you could do after all he had done for you, like buying your entire ensemble. From the silky backless dress you wore, to the outrageously exorbitant shoes, and the sparkling jewelry you only ever dreamed of.
To make the night run more smoothly, you basked in a few glasses of champagne, maybe more than you should have, but Enji didn’t complain since your professionalism was still intact, albeit you were a bit more giggly as your temperature increased a few degrees. With each sip, you relished in the feel of the sparkling bubbles sliding down your throat and the airy feeling it bestowed, which made your night more pleasant.
Throughout the night, suggestive glances were shared between Enji and you, which hinted at something more. However, you thought nothing more of his fierce stares. Or lingering touches, like the ones that fell upon the small of your back, grazing the exposed skin. Or the arm that wrapped around your waist, pulling you in even closer, causing you to tilt your head back and making it nearly impossible to breathe without feeling his breath on your lips. While your arms rested behind his neck as you swayed to the music.
You complied, mindlessly following his lead without a second thought, leaning into his touch further and smiling at him with dreamy eyes which made him pull you in even closer.
The touches and glances were to up the ante to make you look like a real couple. One that couldn’t get enough of each other, that was the only plausible explanation considering that Enji proposed for your relationship to be strictly professional, to which you agreed. That was the boundary you both acknowledged to abide by and respect.
So you didn’t think twice about his actions or your own that worked together to create the tension needed to convince everyone of the passion you shared.
But the fire that was stoked between you meant something completely different to Enji. In his eyes, you were tempting him, making it nearly impossible to stop himself from fondling you for all eyes to see. Safely, he simply let his hands drop a bit further, settling them low on your waist, but not low enough to spark curious stares.
Your mind was still a bit foggy as you smiled to yourself and reminisced on the wonderful night you had.
Then, a hand rested on your thigh, putting a screeching halt to your thoughts. Your eyes focused on Enji as the blurriness around your vision faded a bit at the sudden change, slowly sobering you up. The first thing that caught your eye was the look he was giving you, the same look from before, but it was much bolder this time.
You chose to ignore it, opting to look down at the hand that was too close for comfort.
Was this a joke? A test? To see if you’d be the one to go back on your previous stipulations, and breach your previously signed contract. That had to be it, but you took your work too seriously to do so.
You released a light chuckle, rolling your eyes at his antics, “real funny.”
Your hand went to move his only for his grip to tighten, and his fingertips to press further into your skin. The size of his hand, paired with his wide reach, nearly encompassed your entire thigh. 
That wasn’t a friendly touch. 
“Enji?” you questioned, as the hair on your arms stood at attention.
Warily, your eyes moved to the driver, desperately trying to catch their eye as a silent plea for help in case things escalated beyond comfort.
Their eyes were glued onto the road, not paying any attention to what was unraveling in the backseat. Despite, his eyes being focused you knew that he could hear what was transpiring behind him since you were only a few feet away from each other, but he chose to ignore you. The suspicions you held were proven right, when he reached out to turn the radio up, plugging his ears to his boss' vile affairs.
How much did Enji pay for him to willingly turn a blind eye, despite feeling your burning gaze in the back of his head?
You turned back to Enji once you felt his hand move higher.
The sight of him did nothing to ease the fear rapidly spreading like wildfire in a heated, dry atmosphere. His eyes were dark, hungrily taking you in as they drifted over your much smaller frame, making your heart jump.
His hand continued to snake up your skin, shocking you back into action, so you squeezed your legs shut, closing your center off to him.
“What are you doing?” you questioned, the joking tone from earlier completely gone.
“Something that we both want,” he supplied, moving closer to you, despite your loud body language.
You backed away, pressing yourself further into the locked door, but he was still close as ever, ignoring your displeasure.
“It’s alright. I won’t do anything that you don’t want.”
His voice was oddly smooth and held a comforting tone that didn’t match his actions as he went to unbuckle your seatbelt and pull you by the arm to bring you closer to him.
You stiffened as he reached out to you and worked to reposition your body, making you face him so he could have better access. He adjusted you so your back faced the door while his hands trailed across your legs, confidently separating them like you begged him to do so.
“Enji. This is going too far,” you chimed in, hoping to be the voice of reason. “We agreed not to turn things sexual.”
But your words went in one ear and out the other. He knew how badly you wanted this. Your behavior at the event was proof that he made a grave mistake and needed to pursue you further.
A finger prodded at your thin underwear, tracing over your lips, and pressing against your clit with a feather-light touch, testing the waters to avoid scaring you off. The light touches sent a shock down your spine as his hands rubbed your pussy through the fabric.
His movements threw you into a whirlwind of panic and desire as you tried to piece together the events that transpired. You were attracted to him, but you both agreed not to do this, however, he was walking all over the boundary that was set in place to protect you.
“The contract,” you reminded weakly as your tipsy mind reacted to his touch.
He moved your thin panties to the side, exposing your plush lips to his wandering hands. Even in the dark, he could make out the shape of your bare cunt. He was like an animal, laser-focused on its prey which was ready for the taking. Only realizing a little too late that it was in danger, once it was in the predator's iron jaw.
His finger breached your hole, quickly taking advantage of your hesitation, and the objection you were going to make withered away on your lips like dead leaves.
Desperately he searched for that bundle of nerves, hoping to use it as a bargaining chip against you. His thick finger moved inside, providing you with more pressure than you ever felt from your fingers alone as he pressed against your tight walls and curled his finger inquisitively.
“I know what we agreed upon, but we shouldn’t let this moment go to waste,” he moved to kiss you, his mouth desperately needing a taste of you and the gloss that made your lips look even more enticing. With the strength of someone barely holding on, you managed to turn your head, resulting in his lips connecting to the corner of your mouth. He wasn’t deterred by your actions, only focusing on your tight cavern as he worked to convince you. “I felt the way you pressed your body into mine, the looks you returned, the tension between us. I know you feel it too."
As soon as those words left his mouth, his fingers brushed against your weakness, making your breath catch.
Found it.
He smirked, arrogance fueling him as he caught onto your reaction. Enji pulled you even closer to his body as he targeted that spot, deliberately abusing it despite the way your hips wriggled to get away.
You were flabbergasted. Your mind barely worked as you tried to defend yourself and your actions from his lecherous plans. Everything you did was because you were hired to do so.
“That was all a part of the job description, a-and we-“ you steadied yourself after receiving a pleasurable stroke against your walls, forcing yourself to spit those last few words out to get your point across. “We already signed off on a non-sexual relationship,” you continued with his fingers planted inside you.
“So, if we didn’t agree to that, you would be willing to have sex with me?” he asked, continuing his torment as your walls secreted and fluid dampened his fingers.
Your hand went to his wrist in an attempt to pry the fingers buried inside you away. He ignored your touch, continuing to work his fingers in further and quicker, making you gasp in response as your grip faltered. “What does that have to do with anything,” you supplied, but he was like a dog with a bone. Way too determined, and set on not letting go.
His fingers thrusted harsher, and you were overcome with dizziness as the world spun around you. In a feeble attempt, your knees knocked together to block him out, to which he was easily able to open your shaky legs back up to him. Inviting himself between your legs, even after you closed yourself off to him.
“Just answer the question.”
Your chest was tight with worry. You knew that this was wrong, so wrong, but your body was a second away from giving in.
“Yes.” you breathed out shakily. “But that’s beside the point,” you countered with as much strength as you could muster.
He opened his mouth to object, only for him to be cut off by the driver pulling in front of the hotel you were staying at, which was paid for by the man trying to get into your pants himself.
“We’re here.”
You couldn’t have been any more grateful than you were, “thank you for tonight,” you rushed out, moving his hand from between your legs which he allowed, and went to open the door. You wanted nothing more than to get away from him and his prying hands that short-circuited your brain.
A deal was a deal, and you couldn’t go back on your word no matter how much Enji tried to convince you.
A hand rested on your shoulder before you could exit, stopping you, “let me walk you up.”
You were already shaking your head no at his proposition, “you’ve already done so much for me, you don’t have to.”
He shot you a knowing look, seeing right through your faux polite attempt at declining any more help from him. You knew that if he made it to your room, he wouldn’t be leaving despite your complaints.
“Don’t be silly. It’s my pleasure.”
His lighthearted tone juxtaposed his motives and unnerved you even more as you saw through his facade.
He exited the car and gestured to the driver, relieving him of his duties for the night. He already had in his mind how the night would end, with you bare and spread open beneath his large frame while his dick opened you way past what you were accustomed to, and he was already growing hard at what was to come.
You tried to think fast. If you set foot in that room with him in tow, you would be waving the white flag.
How could you lose him? Could you beat him to the room?
But, he knew the room number, and he could easily let himself in with the spare key in his pocket.
You thought about getting another room, but you foolishly left your money and cards at home since you weren’t expecting to pay for anything today.
You mentally facepalmed, slowly advancing towards the elevator, and resigned yourself to your faith as Enji lead the way in his excitement.
The elevator ride was too quick for your liking, and due to the late time you arrived, the hotel was empty. Everyone was snuggled in their beds, sleeping peacefully, which was the complete opposite of what was in store for you.
If you had it your way you would’ve stalled, but Enji knew what schemes you had under your sleeves as he pressed his overly large hand upon your lower back and guided you to the room. You looked around, hoping that anyone was roaming the halls this late. If the door closed with you on the other side, it was a wrap.
While you walked down the empty halls, you kept an eye out for guests, desperately hoping that you would run into anyone, but as the silence of the halls drew on, your optimism diminished with each step you took until you were standing right outside your room.
It felt like someone was sitting on your chest as you struggled to breathe while Enji opened the door and gestured for you to enter. You took slow steps inside, unable to enjoy the luxurious room, as the feeling of your impending doom loomed over you.
You turned around once you heard the door shut and saw him advancing towards you. You desperately looked towards your bags in the room as if the solution to your predicament would magically appear.
Before he could reach you, you rushed out that you were going to shower as you hurriedly went to the bathroom, hoping that you could block him out only for him to invite himself.
You tried to slam the door on him to seal yourself inside, but he barged in, closing and locking the door behind him. Ultimately, trapping you inside.
Once again, there was no escape.
Enji eyed you as he started to remove his clothing while you made no move to undress, staring at him in shock as he proceeded to bare himself in front of you.
“Do you need any help?” he asked.
You shook your head no, frozen in place at how this situation continued to unfold.
He pulled his underwear down, stepping out of them to reveal his semi-hard dick. Your eyes lowered in shock, it was large and heavy, tilting downwards which shouldn't have come as a surprise to you, but fear still struck your heart.
“Come here,” he beckoned, turning the nozzle to start the shower.
Your body felt feverish, despite the cold air around you. You were more unsettled now than you were in the car. If he was able to do that much with another person around, being alone with him was not in your best interests, and both of you knew.
Your feet remained planted into the floor, making him come to you instead. He walked over to you, turning you to face the spotless mirror that decorated the wall, and settled behind you. The luminescent lights showed everything so clearly and emphasized the difference in size as he nuzzled in closer. His naked frame pressed into your clothed backside, and you could feel his dick stirring against your ass. His fingertips gently brushed against your neck as he watched you adoringly through the mirror, making you look away bashfully from his heated eye contact.
His fingers steered down your heated skin, making their way to the flimsy straps of your dress. Easily, he slowly pulled down the material, baring your shoulder.
His lips pressed against your flesh where the strap once was, gently kissing your skin as he looked at you through the mirror, lips still imprinted on your flesh.
“Do you know how beautiful you are” he whispered, making your stomach flutter despite itself. “Let me treat you the way you deserve.” Another kiss was pressed against your skin as he inched upwards to your neck. “Showered in praise.” Another kiss. “Savored.” Another kiss.
His silky smooth voice, the sweet nothings, and the heat from the shower worked together to halt your brain from thinking clearly.
Once he reached your neck, he tilted your head to the side. And you blindly followed suit, dangling yourself in front of him like a piece of meat. His hand went to the other strap, nudging the fabric down further and further before the front of the dress started to give way.
Shaky hands went to hold onto the front to preserve your sanity.
Were you going to let this happen?
He continued to plant kisses onto your searing skin, slowly unraveling you and lowering your defenses with each press of his lips as you unconsciously leaned into his touch and bared more of yourself to him.
“You have nothing to be afraid of,” he coaxed, moving to pry the fabric down, and you slowly removed the shield that your hands provided, letting your arms fall to your sides.
He pulled the fabric down further, revealing your breasts to his awaiting eyes. You couldn’t stomach looking at the image of yourself staring back at you, afraid to see the truth. So, your eyes stared at the floor as your dress lowered further and further before revealing the immodest underwear you had underneath.
He helped you step out of the dress, his fingers moving to the trim of your underwear.
“Enji,” you hesitated, still a bit unsure.
“Don’t worry,” he coaxed. “I’ll take care of you. I felt how wet and needy you were in the car, I know you want this, even if you are too headstrong to go back and admit we made a mistake.”
His words sent a rush to your core, causing you to press your thighs together. You were so close to slipping and allowing him to do whatever he pleased.
He pulled the offending material down your legs, baring you for him to see as he helped you out of them.
Suddenly, your eyes widened in surprise at the new angle that greeted you after he bent you over the counter. Curiosity and skepticism swam inside you, but you made no move to readjust. Without your sense of sight, you waited blindly, jumping once you felt his fingers spreading your lips as he gained an eyeful of your slick pussy. He slid his finger through your arousal, playing you like an instrument.
“What about the shower?” you reminded, the sound of water bringing you back to your senses.
“This is much more important,” he responded, dipping his finger inside for the second time that night. He lowered himself to his knees, keeping you spread as his hungry mouth connected to your slick lips.
He slowly mouthed at your pussy, savoring the way you quivered beneath him. Was it from fear? Arousal? Both? His finger returned to your hole, and his tongue flicked at your clit before sucking it into his mouth. The way he swallowed you up worked to increase the blood flow to your pearl, making you throb against his eager muscle.
You moaned out, clinging onto the counter as he feasted between your thighs, making it hard for you to hold yourself up on trembling legs. The counter beneath you supported your weight as your legs nearly went numb while he worked you up. You laid your cheek down, allowing the cool surface to calm you as the messy sounds of his tongue moving between your lips sounded.
“You taste so good,” he commented, brushing his lips against your core before returning to you. Lapping you up slowly, before changing the pace once he deemed it necessary.
Your eyes fluttered shut, letting him devour you as he saw fit and for however long he pleased. In the heat of the moment, your hands went to your ass, spreading your cheeks to give him more access while your hips pressed against his mouth in search of more.
After a shaking orgasm, he released his hold on you, standing from his crouched position with his mouth still wet with your slick. You remained bent over the counter, leaving you open and susceptible, which he was grateful for.
He settled behind you, once again, pressing his leaky tip against your quivering hole.
“You want me to split you open?" his sultry voice rang in your ears, making you vulnerable to his advances and snapping away any objections from your mind. His hand pressed between the blades of your shoulders, and you relaxed into his touch as you were molded to his liking and nodded.
His hips pressed forward, spearing your hole with his thick and heavy length. The intrusion was more than you expected, making your mouth gape in shock as your thighs trembled.
“You’re so wet,” he groaned, basking in your dripping heat and the way you clenched down on him.
You whined in response, allowing yourself to take more of him as he pressed his hips closer, spreading you open slowly. His weight pressed closely behind you, and he fed more of himself to you until he was fully sheathed. You were unbearably full as you struggled to fathom the feelings that bounced inside you while each press of his hips strung you along, leaving you thoughtless and pliable. You pressed up on your tippy toes, changing his reach while his hips connected to yours.
His pace was deep and unhurried, making your eyes flutter. He was the prime example of composed while you struggled to breathe and begged to take more of him into your cunt.
“More,” you whined, lifting your upper body and pushing your hips back against his. You turned to stare up at him, begging him with your eyes. You needed it more than anything. "I need more."
The sight of you so desperate and needy made him nearly lose his composure and seeing the power he had over you and how he made you react was almost more than he could handle. He steadied himself, reaching a hand around you to wrap around your throat as he pushed in deeper, grinding his hips into yours. A squeak escaped at the intensity as your fingers scrambled to readjust your hold on the sleek counter.
“Watch yourself."
Your eyes snapped to the mirror, taking in the wrecked look that greeted you. You were worse for wear, but the sight made you clench around him, making him groan as the hand on your hip tightened. All you could focus on was your heaving chest, how he slotted himself between your legs, and how badly you wanted him. One of your hands went to grip your breast, squeezing the fat between your fingers, while the other went to play with your swollen clit.
You felt so much better than he expected, way better than his imagination. Nothing would beat the reality of you whining and pushing your hips back against his while your wet cunt greedily swallowed him.
He pulled his hips back, leaving the tip inside before he sharply pressed back in. Your mouth gaped as you stared at yourself. The sounds of clapping filled the air due to his pace increasing, allowing him to fill you deeper than ever. You were scrambling. It was too much and not enough all at once.
His head nudged your cervix, sending a jab down your spine as you arched into his touch. His hold went to your hips, gripping you tightly and denting the flesh as he pulled you back with each thrust pressing himself in deeper.
Your hands returned to grip the counter as you took the pounding you craved. “Enji- you’re so deep,” you whined. You didn’t know whether it was a complaint or praise as you clenched around him desperately.
“You love it,” Enji responded, answering for you.
You numbly shook your head in agreement, letting your eyes close. Your legs trembled beneath you, as your pleasure intensified. His thrusts maintained their harsh pace and targeted where you needed him most, frying your brain. You could hardly stand straight as your cunt gushed around him.
"Fuck... Fuck... Fuck," you groaned while his hips continued fucking into you.
You were restless, moving closer to his incessant thrusts and then moving away when they became too much. Your hand pressed against his tout abdomen as he worked your abused cunt open. Exhausted, your weak body rested against the counter while he used his hold to pull you against him, pressing in deeper and making your eyes cross.
You felt his length twitching before he pulled out, staunching his release.
"Want to suck me off?" he asked rhetorically.
You turned around and settled onto your knees, looking up at him from your lowered position. You took him into your hand and brought him to your awaiting mouth, hollowing your cheeks and sucking your essence off his length, and reveled in the taste of your flavors combined.
You were far gone, bobbing your head along his shaft as you desperately worked to get him off. The sound of his groans motivated you to please him more as a hand went to his heavy balls, fondling them while you licked and sucked at his dick.
Your mouth was stuffed full as you took him in deeper, casting your eyes at him.
That look alone made him twitch.
"Who knew you were such a slut?" He asked, staring down at you with infatuation. His hand went to your head, pressing you down a bit further so you could take him in deeper, making his tip touch the back of your throat as your eyes watered before he released into your agape mouth.
His warm seed trickled down your throat as you sucked every last drop from him before you pulled off, lapping at his tip.
You stood up, pressing your naked chest against his, and reached for the back of his neck to pull him to you. He moved lower, connecting his lips with yours as your tongues tangled messily and your flavors were shared. Effortlessly, he lifted you, setting you on the counter as he slotted between your legs and moved in impossibly closer to devour and take everything you gave him.
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cheeriecherry · 2 years
The Lonely [Chapter Seven]
Pairing: Viktor x fem!Reader Warnings: blood, accidental murder, you briefly get impaled, mentions of depression/not wanting to live, dramatics on both your and Viktor’s parts,  Fandom: Arcane Proofread: no lol
Chapter Summary: You have a bad day and the Viktor tries to make it better.
Three weeks have passed since Viktor woke up after you turned him. As you expected, he’s been a little cranky and terse in your few interactions, so you’ve been leaving him well enough alone. You know better than anyone what it’s like to suddenly have the world come alive around you, new sights and smells and sounds that never end; it’s beautiful, but wholeheartedly overwhelming for the first little while.
What surprises you is how well he’s handling it all: yes, he’s a little unpleasant to converse with at the moment, but he’s been quiet and comfortable so far - holed up in the library to read and study, equipped with those silly teething rings you’d gotten him and a mini-fridge full of blood bags. It’s a little unsettling how easily he’s able to fall back into his old lifestyle, but you’re trying to keep an open mind - you’d been forced into vampirism: Viktor had chosen this.
But you still have guilt weighing heavily on your shoulders, negative thoughts crowding and swirling around in your mind. Typically you’d just push them down, or distract yourself with other tasks, but nothing…feels right. You don’t need to sleep, and yet you find yourself lacking the energy to do more than just sit on a chair in the scullery and watch the snow fall through the window. Or maybe you lack the motivation? The most daunting task you have on hand is draining the basement, but you’ve got a hundred other things piled up on your list.
Why can’t you just pick one?
You sigh deeply, deep in the tangled mess of your thoughts. Apparently you’re loud enough that your friend hears you, though, even from all the way up in the library: he appears in the doorway most suddenly, startling you so badly that you pitch sideways out of your chair.
You glare up at him from the floor with halfhearted malice, and he offers you a hand as well as an apologetic smile.
“I didn’t mean to catch you at unawares,” he says, helping you to your feet. “Though you must be…incredibly distracted, not to have heard me approach. Are you alright?”
The genuine concern in his tone is what really ties your stomach in knots: you’ve been giving him space while he adjusts to his new life, but without his presence to aid your generally sour mood, you’ve been…spiraling. In the few months you’ve known him, you’ve gotten used to him as a presence in your life, and to not have him around - even temporarily, and for his own good - you’re lonely.
You want to see him every day; talk to him, learn with him, laugh with him, witness him thrive! You want to be there for all his new discoveries and triumphs, you want to listen to him excitedly dump facts about alchemy and science, you want…him. You want him, and it makes you feel guilty, and nauseous, and horrible. He’s going through so much, and for you to throw all your feelings at him in a time of vulnerability-
The sound of his voice brings you out of your head, and you snap back to the present with a small smile. “I’m fine,” you assure him, though it’s obvious he doesn’t believe you. You persist anyways, telling him, “I think I just need to hunt, is all. You know how scratchy the feeling gets.”
Viktor finds a seat in the chair beside you, and his cool hand finds a place on your thigh - meant to be a comforting gesture, you know, but if you had a heartbeat, it would certainly be fluttering in your chest.
“We have blood in the fridge,” he says softly.
You shake your head, pat his hand with your own, and try to offer him the same unconvincing smile. “That’s your blood, sweetheart,” you say gently, “It’s harder to get in bags, so we can’t go around wasting it while I’m able to catch my own.”
His fingers dig into your thigh. “We’ve got plenty. I just had some this morning-”
“I need to hunt, Viktor.”
The sharpness of your tone surprises both of you into silence, and you sigh again. “I’m sorry. I know I’ve been…a little grouchy, lately.”
“So there is something bothering you, then?”
You crinkle your nose up. You don’t really want to tell him about everything you’ve been feeling; you know you should, and that he would definitely want to try and help you, but…would he blame himself at all? For being unavailable to you, even though he’d just had his life drastically altered? 
It’s not his job to look after me, you decide.
“I’m restless,” you tell him, and it’s only half a lie. “Bagged blood is good when you’ve first turned - it’s easier to control yourself - but eventually the desire to… chase prey… arises. I need to let some energy out.”
He seems a little more convinced with this explanation, though the narrowing of his eyes makes you think that he knows there’s something you’re not telling him.
He doesn’t mention it, in any case, and you’re not going to jump at the chance to spill your secrets.
You rise from the chair, and Viktor lets his hand fall back into his own lap. You give him a quick kiss on the forehead, promise that you’ll be back before dinner, and disappear out the door into the snow.
Hikers are always your favourite type of meal. They’re easy to come by, since the land all around you is full of winding and meandering trails, and they’re easy to locate: they make so much noise tromping around in the underbrush, especially in the winter when everything is frozen and crisp. They’re the best tasting kind of human, deliciously warm, and with their hearts pumping hard in their chests.
Thinking about it as you wander along a secluded forest trail makes your teeth ache and the edges of your vision fade to black. Admittedly, you haven’t been the best at taking care of yourself in centuries past; going too long between meals, and making your hunts too primal and uncontrollable. You’d still managed to save the few people you had taken too much from, but it was questionable how their lives had fared afterwards - had they had a fruitful existence? Or had your momentary lapse in self awareness caused them to always be left behind?
You had never really enjoyed hunting. It satisfied the instinctual need to sink your teeth into a living creature, but it wasn’t pleasing by any means. You could never get into it like your father had: he had loved seeing the fear in the eyes of humans, and hearing them plead and beg as he bit into them and bled them dry. He’d tried time and time again to get you to take the same pleasure in the hunt, but you were steadfast and stubborn.
How different would you have been, if you’d been what he wanted you to be? Would you have turned Viktor with ease? Would you have even taken him in? Hell, would you have even stayed cooped up in an old castle all these years, or would you still be out in the world?
Your head throbs, and the corners of your vision darken again. Maybe Viktor had been right, earlier, when he’d suggested having some blood from a bag: you were in no state of mind to be hunting right now - not if you didn’t want to lose control and hurt someone.
You turn on your heel to head back home, only to freeze when you finally realize there’s someone standing behind you. A man maybe a little taller than you, donning typical winter walking gear as well as a surprised expression.
He looks somewhat wary as he watches you, not making any moves to come closer, but still too curious to turn the other way and run. You must be quite the sight, you think: hair a mess, and wearing nothing more than thin brown leggings and a billowing cotton shirt.
“Are you okay?” the man asks, swallowing thickly. You can see the pulse in his neck, hear how steady his heart is in his chest, and your head pounds again, darkness creeping further into your line of sight.
“Are you lost?” he wonders again, taking a couple steps towards you, “Jesus, you’ve gotta be freezing. I can take you back to town, though it’s a ways…shit, do you have anywhere to go-”
All at once, he stops pacing forward, stops talking, and stares at you. Something in your posture must have changed, the way you can feel your control slipping: he knows you’re a threat. His heart rate has nearly doubled, as if he’s realized his impending demise.
You try to fight against your instincts, try to stay where you are.
You take a step towards him.
He takes a step back.
You take another step.
He barely has time to turn around before you’re on him, tackling him into the snow in a flurry of hissing and shouting. The man struggles, wiggling and kicking and trying to throw you off, but you’re too strong: you pin his arms and sink your teeth into his neck, and then it’s only a matter of time before he goes limp. You’ve not given him enough venom to turn him, only to temporarily tranquilize him; he won’t even realize what’s happening while you feast on him.
His blood is bitter on your tongue, though. It’s as fresh as it can possibly be, and yet it does little to sate your constant thirst - it’s thin and watery, and doesn’t call to you the same way Viktor’s blood had. Though in your experience, no one has ever drawn you in like he has; not a human, nor a vampire.
You pause as you hear a soft click a little ways away, the darkness in your vision just beginning to fade, and not a second later, pain blooms hot in your shoulder.
You drop the man in your grasp, and stare down at the spot on your chest that now pinches and burns. You’ve been shot in the back, you realize, when you see some of your skin rising to a point just below your clavicle. The barest hint of silver - the head of a crossbow bolt - pokes through your skin.
Someone shot you.
All at once, the darkness that had been clouding your mind throughout the morning boils to red, and you feel your last shred of control snap in half.
It takes only a couple seconds to find the other person, hidden up in a tree some thirty feet away, cursing and complaining about ‘missing the shot’. You want to wonder what he means, but you’re fading.
The last thing you see before you’re consumed by red, is the face of a frightened man as you knock him out of a tree.
You come back to awareness slowly, as if waking from a deep slumber. You feel the tickle of your hair against your neck, and the scratch of tree bark on your arm. It’s quiet, you note, with not a sound of bird or mouse. The air is fresh - cold, even - and the soft ping of snowflakes on your skin rouses you further.
When you finally open your eyes, it’s dark. Not completely dark - not with your enhanced vision - but there is no light of moon or stars; the sky is cloudy, a dim orange reflecting down from the distant city lights.
You stir a little, tensing with a soft groan when pain radiates across your chest and down your arm.
What happened?
You look around blearily, trying to figure out where you are and what you’d been doing, and your gaze settles on a dark lump not far from you. Partially covered in snow, completely still and silent, but something about the shape is not quite organic to the forest.
You crawl towards the mass, ignoring the sharp sting across your torso, and settle beside it. You don’t need to touch it to realize what it is: you can smell the stale blood lingering in the air, as well as the beginnings of decay. Part of your mind vaguely remembers toppling the now-deceased man from up in a tree…but you’re not sure what killed him. Was it the fall? Or was it blood loss, after you drained him?
You push yourself away from the corpse, and shakily rise to your feet. You’re deep in the forest, and it’s snowing hard. No one would find the evidence of your crimes until at least the spring, when the ice would melt and the body would begin rotting faster. Even if you left tracks tonight, they would be covered by morning.
You nod to yourself, still dazed, and start off in the direction you know is home. You feel like you’re forgetting something, but with everything that’s happened, you just want to be back safe within the walls of your castle.
You walk quietly in through the front door, closing and barring the grand wooden slab behind you. You vaguely register Viktor calling to you, but you don’t reply; you’re in a haze, and you only have one thing on your mind.
Walking into the kitchen, you drag one of the knit rugs up off the floor, revealing a metal hatch laid into the stone. Viktor calls to you again, closer this time, and you continue to ignore him, instead pulling the little latch up and descending down the flight of stairs beneath it.
It’s not a particularly large cellar, nor is there much stored in it anymore. You kicked your habit of daydrinking nearly a century ago, but so many years on your own had left the poor wine racks nearly empty, and covered in dirt and dust. Shit, you weren’t even sure if the stuff was still good.
But regardless of what may be inside it, you select a large bottle and carry it back up into the kitchen, kicking the hatch closed behind you and haphazardly tossing the rug back over it.
A catch of breath sounds from behind you, and you flick your gaze towards Viktor, who is standing shocked in the doorway.
“Hello,” you rasp, pulling at the cork in the bottle. When it doesn’t come free, you hiss in frustration and wrap your hand around the neck, snapping the head clean off. The tiniest bit of wine spills, splashing down your hand, but you’ve no mind to care. You bring the jagged edge to your lips.
“What happened?” Viktor croaks, coming closer to you, his eyes wide. “You’re covered in blood- and is that an arrow in your shoulder?”
You take a long swig of wine, which had definitely soured sometime in the past two hundred years, and shrug.
“I got shot,” you say nonchalantly.
“I can see that. What the hell happened?”
You stare at him for a couple seconds, and then sigh.
“I fucked up, Viktor. I fucked up. I was cranky, and thirsty, and I was going to come home, and-” the memories come flooding back, “Fuck, I lost control, and I- I got shot, and- and-”
Your voice quivers harder with every word you speak, so you elect to take another couple mouthfuls of wine.
Viktor slowly makes his way to your side, and finally gets a decent look at the bolt protruding out of your right shoulder. He doesn’t ask about the person who shot you, knowing full well what ‘losing control’ means: instead he gently takes the bottle from your hands, and focuses on the thin rod stuck in your body.
You complain a little bit, reaching out for your drink, but he holds it well out of your grasp. “Consuming an entire bottle of questionable sixteenth century wine will not help your condition,” he says, shushing you when you try to argue, “But removing the, ah… debris from your shoulder will.”
You frown at him, but help him remove your bloodied shirt nonetheless, dropping it to the floor in a heap.
Viktor’s touch is gentle, as he studies the wound and assailing object. Even when he tugs on the bolt to test how stuck it is, he barely causes you any pain; you’re not sure if it’s because you’re still so out of it, or if it’s because he’s genuinely so careful with you.
He moves around to poke at the front of your body, where the tip of the arrow just barely pokes through your skin, and you watch him carefully. It miffs you, how little you can sense about him now. His cheeks don’t flush that pretty pink, and his heart can’t quicken in his chest anymore. You can’t tell if he’s totally focused on helping you, or if he’s just uninterested in the fact that you’re shirtless in front of him.
“It’s barbed,” he mumbles, dropping his hands away from you so he can pace around the kitchen. “Getting the bolt back out is going to be…unpleasant. If it were further through your body, we could pull it out easier, but-”
“Just push it through,” you say, and Viktor pauses mid-step.
“Just- excuse me?”
“Just push it the rest of the way through, and yoink it out,” you say again.
Viktor looks at you as if you’ve grown a second head. “I’m not going to impale you!”
“You!” He pinches the bridge of his nose in annoyance, “Are in a decidedly foul mood.”
You throw your arms up, ignoring the sting in your shoulder. “I wonder why!” you nearly yell, “Maybe because I murdered someone? Actually, no, I think I murdered two someones, but I don’t fucking remember!”
“It’s not just tonight, Y/N! You’ve been unpleasant ever since-” he takes a breath, and his next words are calmer, “-ever since you turned me.”
You roll your eyes, and march over to the nearest stone wall. Viktor watches you in question for a couple seconds, and by the time he realizes what you’re doing, you’ve already slammed your back - and the crossbow bolt - against it. It pierces easily through your skin, and you rip it the rest of the way out before he can do anything.
“I’m fine,” you say, gesturing to the hole that is swiftly knitting itself shut. “I’m already healing-”
In a flurry of movement, Viktor shoves you back against the wall. He’s strong enough now that his grip on your arms makes your bones ache, and you can’t escape no matter how much you wiggle.
“Whether or not you’re healing is beside the point,” he hisses, anger lighting up in his eyes, “By the gods, why are you always so ready and willing to hurt yourself?”
You pause, your own malice fizzling away at his words, and all at once a deep sadness replaces it. Tears well up in your eyes, no matter how hard you fight them, and tumble down your cheeks. “Because I’m old and I want to die, Viktor. And I can’t. And now I’ve condemned you to the same fate, and I- I’ve killed people, and- and- I don’t deserve good things!”
As your words sink in, his grip on your arms loosens to naught but a gentle touch, and the rage fades from his eyes as he lets his head fall forward to rest in the crook of your neck. “You still think you’ve damned me,” he mumbles, breath cool on your skin.
You say nothing, trembling harshly as you fight against the sobs bubbling in your chest.
Viktor releases his grip on your arms, pulling back a few inches to instead take your face in his hands. All the anger is gone from his expression, an unnamed intensity rising up in its stead. “I will say this as many times as I have to. Every day, if that is what it takes: my pain is gone because of you. I can breathe because of you. I am alive because of you. You have given me life beyond what I ever thought possible, and I intend to savor its many pleasures.”
He draws you closer, resting his forehead against yours, thumbing away the tears that leave tracks down your cheeks.
“However long it takes for you to believe me, I will wait,” he continues, “I will stay here in this old castle, gathering what knowledge it provides, and one day when you deem me ready, I will bring all of it to the world.”
Panic shoots through you at his suggestion of leaving, but he’s quick to calm you, “And wherever I go, I will take you along with me. We can see what lays beyond this castle, the moor, the sleepy little town down the hill. We can go anywhere you want, experience anything. We can get out of your father’s shadow, and away from the horrors he’s left behind.”
“Just…please,” He swipes the final tear from under your eye, “Zlatíčko, say you’ll stay with me, and try to let the world back in? However long it takes, just…try?”
Overcome with emotion, enticed by his pretty words and soft touch, you close the distance he’s kept between you. You kiss him, in a way so unlike the first; no longer are you reassuring him in a moment of panic, but seeking such a thing from him instead. He pulls you closer, his fingers knitting together behind your neck, and leans into you, pressing you against the wall.
He parts from you a couple moments later, leaving a trail of tiny kisses across your jaw and down your neck, to where he noses at your collarbone. His shallow breaths tickle at your skin, and you shiver at the sensation.
“I would have you right here,” he mumbles, pressing a mischievous kiss to your skin, “but I think we need to talk first. Perhaps after a bath, if you’re amenable?”
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illegiblewords · 5 months
Collecting some of the aesthetic videos I've been watching lately! There were others I checked out to understand wtf is going on without touching tik tok, but a lot of the umbrella videos have iffy quality imo. One better example kind of branched out of fashion into broad visual/lifestyle trends, but missed some big fashion looks. Another youtuber started recapping everything listed on the aesthetic wiki alphabetically but took a breather after reaching 'B' lol. List is under the cut for anyone curious. :P
Whimsigoth More Whimsigoth
Coconut Girl
Dark Academia/Kawaii/Cottagecore
More Goth
Cottagecore/Light Academia/Fairycore
Coastal Grandmother
Stealth Wealth
Geek Chic
Tumblr Grunge/Twee/Pastel Goth/Miscellaneous
I've seen a few things on kawaii, fairy kei, witchcore, aliencore, spacecore, vaporwave, glitchcore, etc. but I haven't found videos that felt like they fully hit the nail on the head for me.
What I have found really exciting is how people treat fashion as an art form and explore what can be communicated through it. Similar to how I do designs for video games, I like seeing people experiment with what's possible and integrate new and exciting expressions into fashion. I also think with IRL clothing (besides managing budget lbr T_T) there's a balance of figuring out what is practical and fits into the world/your own life versus self-expression and composition.
Plus, I genuinely have a longstanding love for how varied cuts of clothing, materials, and color palettes can dramatically transform presentation. To me that's part of celebrating multiple forms of beauty and a fun puzzle to work with. So while I've seen critique over certain aesthetics being too narrow or exclusive, I also think it's an opportunity for people to go 'Fuck exclusivity, what's MY spin on this concept?' with amazing results! Thin, pale, and fem isn't the only demographic that gets to participate. If something hasn't been done already that's an opportunity to see what you can do! Anyway. I figure it's pretty normal not to fit into any aesthetic exactly lol, and ofc no one is obligated to respond to this. But I am def curious if anyone passing by might have stuff they gravitate toward. ^^
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cheeriecherrymain · 2 years
The Lonely [Chapter Seven]
Pairing: Viktor x fem!Reader Warnings: blood, accidental murder, you briefly get impaled, mentions of depression/not wanting to live, dramatics on both your and Viktor’s parts, Fandom: Arcane Proofread: no lol
Chapter Summary: You have a bad day and the Viktor tries to make it better.
Three weeks have passed since Viktor woke up after you turned him. As you expected, he’s been a little cranky and terse in your few interactions, so you’ve been leaving him well enough alone. You know better than anyone what it’s like to suddenly have the world come alive around you, new sights and smells and sounds that never end; it’s beautiful, but wholeheartedly overwhelming for the first little while.
What surprises you is how well he’s handling it all: yes, he’s a little unpleasant to converse with at the moment, but he’s been quiet and comfortable so far - holed up in the library to read and study, equipped with those silly teething rings you’d gotten him and a mini-fridge full of blood bags. It’s a little unsettling how easily he’s able to fall back into his old lifestyle, but you’re trying to keep an open mind - you’d been forced into vampirism: Viktor had chosen this.
But you still have guilt weighing heavily on your shoulders, negative thoughts crowding and swirling around in your mind. Typically you’d just push them down, or distract yourself with other tasks, but nothing…feels right. You don’t need to sleep, and yet you find yourself lacking the energy to do more than just sit on a chair in the scullery and watch the snow fall through the window. Or maybe you lack the motivation? The most daunting task you have on hand is draining the basement, but you’ve got a hundred other things piled up on your list.
Why can’t you just pick one?
You sigh deeply, deep in the tangled mess of your thoughts. Apparently you’re loud enough that your friend hears you, though, even from all the way up in the library: he appears in the doorway most suddenly, startling you so badly that you pitch sideways out of your chair.
You glare up at him from the floor with halfhearted malice, and he offers you a hand as well as an apologetic smile.
“I didn’t mean to catch you at unawares,” he says, helping you to your feet. “Though you must be…incredibly distracted, not to have heard me approach. Are you alright?”
The genuine concern in his tone is what really ties your stomach in knots: you’ve been giving him space while he adjusts to his new life, but without his presence to aid your generally sour mood, you’ve been…spiraling. In the few months you’ve known him, you’ve gotten used to him as a presence in your life, and to not have him around - even temporarily, and for his own good - you’re lonely.
You want to see him every day; talk to him, learn with him, laugh with him, witness him thrive! You want to be there for all his new discoveries and triumphs, you want to listen to him excitedly dump facts about alchemy and science, you want…him. You want him, and it makes you feel guilty, and nauseous, and horrible. He’s going through so much, and for you to throw all your feelings at him in a time of vulnerability-
The sound of his voice brings you out of your head, and you snap back to the present with a small smile. “I’m fine,” you assure him, though it’s obvious he doesn’t believe you. You persist anyways, telling him, “I think I just need to hunt, is all. You know how scratchy the feeling gets.”
Viktor finds a seat in the chair beside you, and his cool hand finds a place on your thigh - meant to be a comforting gesture, you know, but if you had a heartbeat, it would certainly be fluttering in your chest.
“We have blood in the fridge,” he says softly.
You shake your head, pat his hand with your own, and try to offer him the same unconvincing smile. “That’s your blood, sweetheart,” you say gently, “It’s harder to get in bags, so we can’t go around wasting it while I’m able to catch my own.”
His fingers dig into your thigh. “We’ve got plenty. I just had some this morning-”
“I need to hunt, Viktor.”
The sharpness of your tone surprises both of you into silence, and you sigh again. “I’m sorry. I know I’ve been…a little grouchy, lately.”
“So there is something bothering you, then?”
You crinkle your nose up. You don’t really want to tell him about everything you’ve been feeling; you know you should, and that he would definitely want to try and help you, but…would he blame himself at all? For being unavailable to you, even though he’d just had his life drastically altered?
It’s not his job to look after me, you decide.
“I’m restless,” you tell him, and it’s only half a lie. “Bagged blood is good when you’ve first turned - it’s easier to control yourself - but eventually the desire to… chase prey… arises. I need to let some energy out.”
He seems a little more convinced with this explanation, though the narrowing of his eyes makes you think that he knows there’s something you’re not telling him.
He doesn’t mention it, in any case, and you’re not going to jump at the chance to spill your secrets.
You rise from the chair, and Viktor lets his hand fall back into his own lap. You give him a quick kiss on the forehead, promise that you’ll be back before dinner, and disappear out the door into the snow.
Hikers are always your favourite type of meal. They’re easy to come by, since the land all around you is full of winding and meandering trails, and they’re easy to locate: they make so much noise tromping around in the underbrush, especially in the winter when everything is frozen and crisp. They’re the best tasting kind of human, deliciously warm, and with their hearts pumping hard in their chests.
Thinking about it as you wander along a secluded forest trail makes your teeth ache and the edges of your vision fade to black. Admittedly, you haven’t been the best at taking care of yourself in centuries past; going too long between meals, and making your hunts too primal and uncontrollable. You’d still managed to save the few people you had taken too much from, but it was questionable how their lives had fared afterwards - had they had a fruitful existence? Or had your momentary lapse in self awareness caused them to always be left behind?
You had never really enjoyed hunting. It satisfied the instinctual need to sink your teeth into a living creature, but it wasn’t pleasing by any means. You could never get into it like your father had: he had loved seeing the fear in the eyes of humans, and hearing them plead and beg as he bit into them and bled them dry. He’d tried time and time again to get you to take the same pleasure in the hunt, but you were steadfast and stubborn.
How different would you have been, if you’d been what he wanted you to be? Would you have turned Viktor with ease? Would you have even taken him in? Hell, would you have even stayed cooped up in an old castle all these years, or would you still be out in the world?
Your head throbs, and the corners of your vision darken again. Maybe Viktor had been right, earlier, when he’d suggested having some blood from a bag: you were in no state of mind to be hunting right now - not if you didn’t want to lose control and hurt someone.
You turn on your heel to head back home, only to freeze when you finally realize there’s someone standing behind you. A man maybe a little taller than you, donning typical winter walking gear as well as a surprised expression.
He looks somewhat wary as he watches you, not making any moves to come closer, but still too curious to turn the other way and run. You must be quite the sight, you think: hair a mess, and wearing nothing more than thin brown leggings and a billowing cotton shirt.
“Are you okay?” the man asks, swallowing thickly. You can see the pulse in his neck, hear how steady his heart is in his chest, and your head pounds again, darkness creeping further into your line of sight.
“Are you lost?” he wonders again, taking a couple steps towards you, “Jesus, you’ve gotta be freezing. I can take you back to town, though it’s a ways…shit, do you have anywhere to go-”
All at once, he stops pacing forward, stops talking, and stares at you. Something in your posture must have changed, the way you can feel your control slipping: he knows you’re a threat. His heart rate has nearly doubled, as if he’s realized his impending demise.
You try to fight against your instincts, try to stay where you are.
You take a step towards him.
He takes a step back.
You take another step.
He barely has time to turn around before you’re on him, tackling him into the snow in a flurry of hissing and shouting. The man struggles, wiggling and kicking and trying to throw you off, but you’re too strong: you pin his arms and sink your teeth into his neck, and then it’s only a matter of time before he goes limp. You’ve not given him enough venom to turn him, only to temporarily tranquilize him; he won’t even realize what’s happening while you feast on him.
His blood is bitter on your tongue, though. It’s as fresh as it can possibly be, and yet it does little to sate your constant thirst - it’s thin and watery, and doesn’t call to you the same way Viktor’s blood had. Though in your experience, no one has ever drawn you in like he has; not a human, nor a vampire.
You pause as you hear a soft click a little ways away, the darkness in your vision just beginning to fade, and not a second later, pain blooms hot in your shoulder.
You drop the man in your grasp, and stare down at the spot on your chest that now pinches and burns. You’ve been shot in the back, you realize, when you see some of your skin rising to a point just below your clavicle. The barest hint of silver - the head of a crossbow bolt - pokes through your skin.
Someone shot you.
All at once, the darkness that had been clouding your mind throughout the morning boils to red, and you feel your last shred of control snap in half.
It takes only a couple seconds to find the other person, hidden up in a tree some thirty feet away, cursing and complaining about ‘missing the shot’. You want to wonder what he means, but you’re fading.
The last thing you see before you’re consumed by red, is the face of a frightened man as you knock him out of a tree.
You come back to awareness slowly, as if waking from a deep slumber. You feel the tickle of your hair against your neck, and the scratch of tree bark on your arm. It’s quiet, you note, with not a sound of bird or mouse. The air is fresh - cold, even - and the soft ping of snowflakes on your skin rouses you further.
When you finally open your eyes, it’s dark. Not completely dark - not with your enhanced vision - but there is no light of moon or stars; the sky is cloudy, a dim orange reflecting down from the distant city lights.
You stir a little, tensing with a soft groan when pain radiates across your chest and down your arm.
What happened?
You look around blearily, trying to figure out where you are and what you’d been doing, and your gaze settles on a dark lump not far from you. Partially covered in snow, completely still and silent, but something about the shape is not quite organic to the forest.
You crawl towards the mass, ignoring the sharp sting across your torso, and settle beside it. You don’t need to touch it to realize what it is: you can smell the stale blood lingering in the air, as well as the beginnings of decay. Part of your mind vaguely remembers toppling the now-deceased man from up in a tree…but you’re not sure what killed him. Was it the fall? Or was it blood loss, after you drained him?
You push yourself away from the corpse, and shakily rise to your feet. You’re deep in the forest, and it’s snowing hard. No one would find the evidence of your crimes until at least the spring, when the ice would melt and the body would begin rotting faster. Even if you left tracks tonight, they would be covered by morning.
You nod to yourself, still dazed, and start off in the direction you know is home. You feel like you’re forgetting something, but with everything that’s happened, you just want to be back safe within the walls of your castle.
You walk quietly in through the front door, closing and barring the grand wooden slab behind you. You vaguely register Viktor calling to you, but you don’t reply; you’re in a haze, and you only have one thing on your mind.
Walking into the kitchen, you drag one of the knit rugs up off the floor, revealing a metal hatch laid into the stone. Viktor calls to you again, closer this time, and you continue to ignore him, instead pulling the little latch up and descending down the flight of stairs beneath it.
It’s not a particularly large cellar, nor is there much stored in it anymore. You kicked your habit of daydrinking nearly a century ago, but so many years on your own had left the poor wine racks nearly empty, and covered in dirt and dust. Shit, you weren’t even sure if the stuff was still good.
But regardless of what may be inside it, you select a large bottle and carry it back up into the kitchen, kicking the hatch closed behind you and haphazardly tossing the rug back over it.
A catch of breath sounds from behind you, and you flick your gaze towards Viktor, who is standing shocked in the doorway.
“Hello,” you rasp, pulling at the cork in the bottle. When it doesn’t come free, you hiss in frustration and wrap your hand around the neck, snapping the head clean off. The tiniest bit of wine spills, splashing down your hand, but you’ve no mind to care. You bring the jagged edge to your lips.
“What happened?” Viktor croaks, coming closer to you, his eyes wide. “You’re covered in blood- and is that an arrow in your shoulder?”
You take a long swig of wine, which had definitely soured sometime in the past two hundred years, and shrug.
“I got shot,” you say nonchalantly.
“I can see that. What the hell happened?”
You stare at him for a couple seconds, and then sigh.
“I fucked up, Viktor. I fucked up. I was cranky, and thirsty, and I was going to come home, and-” the memories come flooding back, “Fuck, I lost control, and I- I got shot, and- and-”
Your voice quivers harder with every word you speak, so you elect to take another couple mouthfuls of wine.
Viktor slowly makes his way to your side, and finally gets a decent look at the bolt protruding out of your right shoulder. He doesn’t ask about the person who shot you, knowing full well what ‘losing control’ means: instead he gently takes the bottle from your hands, and focuses on the thin rod stuck in your body.
You complain a little bit, reaching out for your drink, but he holds it well out of your grasp. “Consuming an entire bottle of questionable sixteenth century wine will not help your condition,” he says, shushing you when you try to argue, “But removing the, ah… debris from your shoulder will.”
You frown at him, but help him remove your bloodied shirt nonetheless, dropping it to the floor in a heap.
Viktor’s touch is gentle, as he studies the wound and assailing object. Even when he tugs on the bolt to test how stuck it is, he barely causes you any pain; you’re not sure if it’s because you’re still so out of it, or if it’s because he’s genuinely so careful with you.
He moves around to poke at the front of your body, where the tip of the arrow just barely pokes through your skin, and you watch him carefully. It miffs you, how little you can sense about him now. His cheeks don’t flush that pretty pink, and his heart can’t quicken in his chest anymore. You can’t tell if he’s totally focused on helping you, or if he’s just uninterested in the fact that you’re shirtless in front of him.
“It’s barbed,” he mumbles, dropping his hands away from you so he can pace around the kitchen. “Getting the bolt back out is going to be…unpleasant. If it were further through your body, we could pull it out easier, but-”
“Just push it through,” you say, and Viktor pauses mid-step.
“Just- excuse me?”
“Just push it the rest of the way through, and yoink it out,” you say again.
Viktor looks at you as if you’ve grown a second head. “I’m not going to impale you!”
“You!” He pinches the bridge of his nose in annoyance, “Are in a decidedly foul mood.”
You throw your arms up, ignoring the sting in your shoulder. “I wonder why!” you nearly yell, “Maybe because I murdered someone? Actually, no, I think I murdered two someones, but I don’t fucking remember!”
“It’s not just tonight, Y/N! You’ve been unpleasant ever since-” he takes a breath, and his next words are calmer, “-ever since you turned me.”
You roll your eyes, and march over to the nearest stone wall. Viktor watches you in question for a couple seconds, and by the time he realizes what you’re doing, you’ve already slammed your back - and the crossbow bolt - against it. It pierces easily through your skin, and you rip it the rest of the way out before he can do anything.
“I’m fine,” you say, gesturing to the hole that is swiftly knitting itself shut. “I’m already healing-”
In a flurry of movement, Viktor shoves you back against the wall. He’s strong enough now that his grip on your arms makes your bones ache, and you can’t escape no matter how much you wiggle.
“Whether or not you’re healing is beside the point,” he hisses, anger lighting up in his eyes, “By the gods, why are you always so ready and willing to hurt yourself?”
You pause, your own malice fizzling away at his words, and all at once a deep sadness replaces it. Tears well up in your eyes, no matter how hard you fight them, and tumble down your cheeks. “Because I’m old and I want to die, Viktor. And I can’t. And now I’ve condemned you to the same fate, and I- I’ve killed people, and- and- I don’t deserve good things!”
As your words sink in, his grip on your arms loosens to naught but a gentle touch, and the rage fades from his eyes as he lets his head fall forward to rest in the crook of your neck. “You still think you’ve damned me,” he mumbles, breath cool on your skin.
You say nothing, trembling harshly as you fight against the sobs bubbling in your chest.
Viktor releases his grip on your arms, pulling back a few inches to instead take your face in his hands. All the anger is gone from his expression, an unnamed intensity rising up in its stead. “I will say this as many times as I have to. Every day, if that is what it takes: my pain is gone because of you. I can breathe because of you. I am alive because of you. You have given me life beyond what I ever thought possible, and I intend to savor its many pleasures.”
He draws you closer, resting his forehead against yours, thumbing away the tears that leave tracks down your cheeks.
“However long it takes for you to believe me, I will wait,” he continues, “I will stay here in this old castle, gathering what knowledge it provides, and one day when you deem me ready, I will bring all of it to the world.”
Panic shoots through you at his suggestion of leaving, but he’s quick to calm you, “And wherever I go, I will take you along with me. We can see what lays beyond this castle, the moor, the sleepy little town down the hill. We can go anywhere you want, experience anything. We can get out of your father’s shadow, and away from the horrors he’s left behind.”
“Just…please,” He swipes the final tear from under your eye, “Zlatíčko, say you’ll stay with me, and try to let the world back in? However long it takes, just…try?”
Overcome with emotion, enticed by his pretty words and soft touch, you close the distance he’s kept between you. You kiss him, in a way so unlike the first; no longer are you reassuring him in a moment of panic, but seeking such a thing from him instead. He pulls you closer, his fingers knitting together behind your neck, and leans into you, pressing you against the wall.
He parts from you a couple moments later, leaving a trail of tiny kisses across your jaw and down your neck, to where he noses at your collarbone. His shallow breaths tickle at your skin, and you shiver at the sensation.
“I would have you right here,” he mumbles, pressing a mischievous kiss to your skin, “but I think we need to talk first. Perhaps after a bath, if you’re amenable?”
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yhwhsdaughter · 3 years
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pairing: trevor belmont x fem reader
content: forced vampirism, monster slaying, main character death, pining, angst, mention of animal death, usage of the word ‘assault’ to refer vampires feeding on reader
- this was meant as platonic soulmates but it can be seen as romantic too
“It hurts…”
Feet dragging across the rocky ground, you heard screeches of pain from behind, though they soon diminished. You could only focus on the pulsing sensation at the side of your neck; it was like fire rushing through your veins.
Preoccupied with your agony, Belmont was able to sneak up. He raised his whip, ready to kill off the last of the creatures when you suddenly turned, and with glossy eyes you said, “Help me…”
The whip managed to leave a thin horizontal line across your cheek as he pulled back, causing blood to drip out slowly. Now illuminated by the moon, Belmont saw the damage on you. Skin exposed by the ripped clothes showed multiple bite marks. Blood stained the corner of your lips.
She’s been infected..
Belmont didn’t see a monster but a scared woman who’d just been assaulted by vampires. He knew what she’d turn into, but he couldn’t kill her… not when she looked at him like this. Sunrise was approaching so he had to act fast.
Draping his cloak onto your form, Belmont proceeded to carry you into the nearest building, which so happened to be where the carnage had occurred. Upon recognizing the place, you began to panic, shaking and looking at him with distrust. “You’re safe. I killed every last of those bloodsuckers.”
The two of you stayed like that for a while, in that shitty stinking room. Eventually tiredness overcame your senses; Belmont felt weight settle on his shoulder. He wonder how a vampire could look so innocent whilst sleeping.
You felt parched; it felt like your throat had dried up, barely able to utter a word.
“I know.”
A rabbit was placed in front of you. Blinking at it, you directed a confused glance at the man. “I’m—this is.. for me?” He nodded. Taking the animal with traces of disgust, you raised it to your mouth. Blood gushed into your mouth; feeding made a horrible slurping that would certainly haunt you but there was relief amongst those troubling feelings.
You gulped every last drop, draining the poor creature of its life. Still, your hunger and thirst weren’t satiated. Biting your lip, you pondered on the next move. Because this man had saved you, daring to kill him or even feed off him seemed… rude. Not to mention, he seemed way stronger than you in terms of experience. Prior to this, you were a regular citizen. Maybe you could run away?
Trevor could see your turmoil. Most vampires needed to drain at least one human every time they fed—if they were being generous. They could survive weeks without blood but it made them weaker. Besides, it was older vampires who had this kind of self control. Newborns tended to be more unstable.
“Just take it before I change my mind.”
You did as told, though you were still unsure. Hesitating, you licked your lips before nearing towards the vein on his wrist.
Trevor let out a grunt when your fangs pierced him. Although you tried to be gentle, it was an uncomfortable feeling nonetheless. As he became lightheaded and you full, the mouth that was attached to his wrist removed itself with a ‘pop’.
After making sure he was alright, you asked for his name. “Trevor. Trevor Belmont.”
“Oh! I’m (Name) (Surname).”
─── ☾☼☽ ───
“It’s dangerous.”
“I still-still want to go!”
The last remnants of sun were gone. Ever since your first encounter with the rugged monster hunter, you refused to part from him, following the latter like a lost puppy.
“I’m not much of a fighter.. b-but watch this!”
On cue, you punched the nearest tree, cracking it and making a sizable hole. You looked back proudly towards Trevor; except when you tried to pull your hand out, you were having difficulty.
“Ah. It’s stuck.”
Trevor couldn’t help but chuckle, walking away, clearly amused with your display of power. You pulled harder, “Hold on! Don’t leave me alone! It’s scary..” you muttered the last part while chasing after him. Despite being a creature of the night, the world and its evils still frightened you.
At the sound of a branch snapping, you yelped, grabbing a piece of Trevor’s cloak for security.
It shouldn’t have come as a surprise to Belmont when you punched a head clean off, practically decapitating one of the attackers. He might have been seriously injured if you had not intervened.
Gazing at you under the moonlight, he saw the hunger in your eyes as you held a man whom was still alive but struggling. His neck was exposed. Even so, you waited.
The Belmont turned away, giving you privacy to feed.
He knew that by allowing you to live, you would continue to take blood from others. Normally he wouldn’t feel soft towards a monster but whenever he thought of you, it was different.
His guilt was lessened when you drank from scum. Before putting the lives of innocents in danger, he would offer his own.
“Are you done?”
The corpse of the man was dropped unceremoniously as you joined Trevor, a light skip to your step.
─── ☾☼☽ ───
Despite adopting a nighttime lifestyle, Trevor was still human and had to conduct business during daylight hours.
He’d left your lodgings, which was an abandoned cottage, for a while. Nobody really passed through there anyway, so he thought you were safe. Worst came to worse, you could handle yourself. But as your self proclaimed protector, Trevor felt uneasy leaving you alone.
Maybe he should’ve listened to his gut because when he arrived, the door was wide open with dirty footprints leading in all the way to your coffin.
Two men had opened it—staring at the peaceful expression on your face, unaware that they were here to end you. To them it was obvious what you were. Even with that frilly white dress that made you look somewhat angelic, they couldn’t be fooled. As they raised their weapons to strike, Trevor used his whip. His sudden entrance startled them but it gave you the chance to wake up.
Eyes snapping open, you jumped onto the other man, taking both of you to the ground. His screams echoed shortly as you tore into his throat. The remaining one had no chance; Trevor left the room, closing the door on his way out, killing the light that entered and cutting off the way to escape.
Left alone with your prey, a smile crept up your face.
When you opened the door again, the dress which decorated your body was now stained red. There was hardly a clean piece on the material. Even so, you greeted Trevor with a hug.
“I love you.”
“M-me too..”
─── ☾☼☽ ───
Forty years passed in the blink of an eye.
“You should retire.”
“Belmonts don’t retire. The only rest they get is when they’re dead.”
“Well I don’t want you to die.”
“I have to, someday.”
“No you don’t.”
It’s been like this for the past few years; Trevor was sixty now. His body didn’t look that of an aging man, but the expression on his face did. He’d seen too much and as time passed, it was harder to fight monsters by himself.
Of course you’d noticed that and suggested turning him. It was an ongoing discussion; Trevor didn’t fancy the idea of living an eternal life but the thought of leaving this earth without you was disheartening. He didn’t say it but the situation tore him apart.
There was also the fact that he was too old for you; forty years to be exact. You’d maintained your youth, looking lovely as ever. His doubts were shot down when you immediately said that you didn’t care about that.
“I just want you.”
He always kept pushing the conversation away and you were patient. Trevor supposed that you could’ve taken him by force if you wanted and when he inquired, you told him it would be like violating him, robbing him of the choice you were never given.
As understanding as you were; the time would come for him to decide and confront you about it.
That time was now.
He should have been more careful, but there was nothing to be done about it now. Trevor watched as the sun slowly descended. Would you make it here before he passed? Would he die without seeing you one last time?
When you woke night had already fallen. Trevor wasn’t home; he’d been late plenty of times before but this occasion felt different.
Upon stepping outside, the smell of blood hit you. It reeked, staining the very air. You immediately recognized the source—how could you not? You’d fed from Trevor countless times.
Rushing in that direction, you prayed to whatever entity was listening to keep Trevor safe. The world and its gods could condemn you, but not him.
Not him.
You found him sprawled on a big rock, a creature hovering over his crumpled figure. Without thinking, you tore it to pieces. Blood rained as his mangled body flew to various parts of the forest.
He let out a groan, which would’ve made you sigh in relief but his visible injuries proved otherwise. You were no doctor and even if you could carry him into town, it would be too late. There was no other option. If you didn’t do anything, you might lose him.
“Trevor. Let me do it.”
Still conscious enough to reply, “I don’t want to become—”
“A monster?”
“I cannot become what I sought to destroy..”
Tears escaped your eyes, blurring the image of the person whom you treasure most. “Please.. please please please..! Don’t leave me alone!”
You begged, knowing it was unfair to pressure him in such way but you couldn’t bare the thought of existing if he wasn’t present. He was your salvation, your companion…your world. And yet, he was being robbed from you.
So soon… It’s too soon!
You always imagined Trevor living well into old age, spending the remainder of his life with you, being happy. He was destined to die peacefully, not like this. Not in this shitty place, by the hands of a shitty monster!
“I can’t. I’m sorry..”
Grabbing his hands, you lowered your forehead on them, crying your heart out. It was unfair. Life was unfair.
“Kiss me.”
Despite the pain that he was in, Trevor found it in himself to smile. For you. “Kiss me one last time.” Tears dropped slowly as you heard him. Shaking your head; you couldn’t kill him.
“I want it to be you..”
His words struck a chord.
Lifting him by the neck in a gentle manner, you pushed the collar of his shirt aside, exposing his carotid. As you bit into his familiar skin once more, your other hand caressed him, trying to make this goodbye as painless as possible.
With every sip you took, tears fell down.
I love you! I love you! I love you!
His warm hand turned cold.
You held him in your arms like he once did to you, with the outmost care, with the love he deserved.
Since Trevor didn’t say where he wanted his body to be buried, you chose the nicest spot. It was a secluded place where it wouldn’t be dug up by animals or people—but not so hidden either.
Whilst cleaning the blood that covered his body and face, you found a piece of cloth with writing on it. Staring at it, you recognized the Belmont insignia. Turning the material, you managed to read the words…
Take this. Go to Alucard.
Trevor must’ve written that in his final moments; probably in case he didn’t make it before you arrived. The letters were sloppy because of the blood but you could read it well.
Clutching it to your chest, you sobbed until the light of day began to burn. For a moment you wished to stay there and disappear. Perhaps you could join Trevor.
Together even in death..
─── ☾☼☽ ───
The journey was rather long.
Looming in all its glory, Castle Dracula. You looked at the last piece of your beloved, holding it tighter in your hand.
“Okay. Let’s meet this Alucard.”
174 notes · View notes
bokuroskitten · 3 years
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〈 you and kuroo have been together for years. Bokuto is his closest ally, so what happens when theres a breach.
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† genre/pairing: 18+ NSFW MINORS DNI Yakuza AU, Bokuto Koutarou x Fem!Reader.
† word count: 4.2k
† warnings: dubcon (corersion / power imbalance), pining, fingering (f!receiving), creampie, unproctected sex, aftercare if you squint, possessive behaviour.
❦ this lovely piece is for @sugawara-sweetheart decadence collab! I’m slipping in right before the due date hehe! Please check out all the other amazing pieces in collab. Also shoutout to @semisgroupie for beta reading this for me! Ily dee ❦ please let me know what you all think!
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You can still remember it, the day Kuroo finally asked to be your boyfriend. Standing outside of the gym, still sweaty from practice. He had come all the way to Fukurodani Academy from his college in Tokyo just to make sure he caught you leaving the gym.
He had been so nervous, taking your hand into his and giving you that classic smirk you loved so dearly.
“I know you have a volleyball team to run, but do you think you have time for a boyfriend too?”
You had been together ever since, even when you graduated, even when Kuroo had to drop out to take over for his father, even when you discovered his father ran a large chunk of the Japanese Yakuza’s underground division.
Kuroo had always been careful, he never brought that life home to you. You were his angel, his precious kitten. Whatever hardships, shady dealings, and dangerous activity he had to do was kept away from home. Away from you at any and all costs.
His job and his life with you was kept separate, for your safety mostly. He has enemies on the other side that would do anything to get their hands on the great Kuroo Tetsuro’s little fiancé and that alone was enough for Kuroo to keep you safe, hidden, and protected with the help of his closest allies.
Which consisted of Bokuto Koutarou. You were already well acquainted with the silver owl, considering the two of you had gone to the same high school. Bokuto had gone into the Yakuza around the same time Kuroo did, easily making a name for himself so his father could enjoy the rest of his life without crime attached to his name. Kuroo and Bokuto stayed close, and got even closer when they had to step into this lifestyle.
Allies were important to have, Kuroo and Bokuto knew this and used their long term friendship to their advantage. Bokuto was one of the only people who knew exactly who you were, your true identity and your relationship to Kuroo. He was to look after you if Kuroo had any “business trips” or had to suddenly leave for “meetings.” Kuroo trusted him to keep you safe, and Bokuto promised to do just that.
What Bokuto hadn’t expected was to fall for you.
He had always seen you like a cute underclassman, always trying your hardest to make everyone happy. Never once did he think he’d start to notice the way your hips swayed when you walked, or how plump your lips were when you applied lip gloss.
It had to be your fault. Maybe you were doing this all on purpose. Bokuto knew himself, and he knew he wasn’t the type of person to fall for his best friend's fiance. So that means it had to be you, maybe you were trying to get his attention when you wore those pretty skirts, maybe you were trying to pull him in when you batted your lashes at him.
Bokuto couldn’t take it anymore, not when he started staring at you a little longer than he should, not when he started to get hard in your presence. Especially not when he started to fuck his fist late at night, hips humping wildly into his palm as your name vibrated off his lips.
So he decided to do something about it. The opportunity presented itself when Kuroo called him up, told him he had some last-minute business to attend to and if he could stay the night with you just in case. Of course, Bokuto agreed, reassuring him that you would be completely safe with him.
So that’s how the two of you ended up here, on the couch late into the evening. You were already dozing off, nuzzling your face into a pillow while your legs laid across Bokuto’s lap. Although a movie had been playing, his amber eyes were locked on your legs. He ate up the surface of your skin, eyes lingering until they landed on your crotch which was currently covered in a pair of satin red pajama bottoms.
The ones Kuroo had bought you for your last anniversary.
Bokuto could feel his heart picking up in speed as he smoothed his palm over your leg. Which had been resting on your knee, but he moved it up, rubbing soft circles into your thigh. You stirred a bit, a yawn slipping past your lips.
“Bo, m’sleepy, gunna go to bed.”
He felt his chest tighten, along with the grip he had on your thigh. It made you squirm.
“Don’t go just yet Birdy. Stay up a little longer, yea? We can watch whatever you want.”
“I won’t stay awake.” You rebuttal, attempting to pull your legs away from Bokuto’s lap.
He worked quickly, deciding on tickling your leg. You jolted from the suddenness of the attack, giggles and whines leaving your lips in streams as Bokuto persisted. He worked his way over you, fingers travelling up your sides and continuing the tickling until his hands found your hips.
Your eyes were sparkling with tears when he finally finished the onslaught, chest rising and falling as you tried to catch your breath. That task only seemed more complicated when Bokuto’s large palms pressed your hips further into the couch, his much larger figure looming over you.
In the dimness of the living room, his eyes looked different. Lit up by only the subtle glow of the tv. His pupils were blown out, darting between you and your chest. You suddenly became very aware of his piercing gaze, clearing your throat which made his eyes shoot back up to meet yours.
“Koutarou… is something wrong?”
Bokuto had to hold back a moan at the sweet sound of your pretty little voice. Koutarou. His first name so easily slips off your tongue as if you already belong to him. The scar on the corner of his lip twitched when he grinned down at you.
Before you could ask him again his lips were on yours, smothering any words that threatened to question him again. Your eyes widened, shock and confusion and an odd sense of warmth filling your stomach.
You did the first thing that came to mind, you squirmed, whimpered beneath him.
Wrong. This is all wrong. Bokuto was your senpai, a friend, an ally.
What if Kuroo came home?
“B-Bo--” you managed to squeak out when his lips finally left your own, only to begin pressing wet kisses along your jaw, down your chin. Everything was suddenly a little hazy, and you couldn’t tell whether this sensation was fear or something else.
Something that you had only felt for Kuroo for as long as you could remember.
You snapped back into reality when his lips got dangerously close to your chest, lips threatening to pass the hem of the satin neckline. You yelped, fingers going into Bokuto’s hair and giving a harsh tug.
“B-Bokuto! What are--”
“Birdy--” There was a growl in his tone, one that made your fingertips go numb and your breath caught in your throat.
When he looked back at you he didn’t quite look like himself. This is what you pictured Bokuto looked like on the job. Eyes cold, lips held in a stern line. Not a single speckle of that sparkling gold that his orbs usually held. No traces of a grin that his lips usually graced.
This was Bokuto Koutaruo, a businessman, a potential threat, a possible killer.
“Birdy.” He repeated again, softer this time. He must have felt the way you tensed, the way you sunk further into the couch beneath him. He brought his face close to yours once again and to his displeasure you let out a soft whimper.
“Don’t be scared of me baby, I’d never hurt you…”
“But what, pretty, what's the matter, hm? Don’t you want me to show you how much I care about you… don’t you wanna feel special…”
His words were slightly slurred, or so they seemed in your head. His tongue was against your ear, tracing along your earlobe as his warm breath fanned against your skin.
It was a familiar scent, bubblegum. Bokuto’s favourite. It seemed too sweet so close to your nose.
His hands smoothed up your sides, thumbs just inches away from slipping up your tank top and it had goosebumps forming all along your skin.
“We can’t.” You muttered, voice sounding much weaker than you wanted it to when Bokuto pressed another kiss behind your ear.
“Why not?” He was relentless, one knee slowly wedging itself between your thighs despite the way you were squirming.
“Kuroo wants me to take care of you Birdy, and I’m doing just that, aren’t I?” You yelped softly when his teeth suddenly sunk into the flesh of your collarbone. When had he moved down so much? Why hadn’t you noticed his sliver spikes tickling your chin or the way his palms had begun to slide the silky material up your skin.
“I’m taking care of you by makin’ you feel good…”
“Kuroo’s gonna be happy…” Bokuto continues, his words suddenly sound distant, your body unbelievably hot as his lips find the tops of your breasts. “His pretty kitty is gonna feel safe and pleased when he gets home…”
Your fingers were no longer lost in Bokuto’s hair, rather they were held loosely above your head, one of his big palms keeping them anchored there as he lifted himself.
You whined, the sudden loss of contact making goosebumps rise along your flesh.
Bokuto had a hard time keeping his grin to himself. Your lips were in a small pout, body squirming, eyes holding a little bit of confusion but most of all.
He would get you there. He would hear it.
“I want you Koutaruo .”
“Your heart’s beating really fast.” Bokuto’s voice was low, nothing more than a whisper behind the static of the tv. It made a lump form in your chest.
Your chest tightened the further he pulled away from you. You weren’t exactly sure what you wanted, but you knew you didn’t want him to leave.
There it was.
He leaned back in, his large palm sliding away from your wrists and down your arm instead. All the way down until he cupped your cheek in a large palm. His thumb swiped along your bottom lip.
He had to hold back a groan when your lips opened up just a sliver when your tongue threatened to touch his thumb.
“Let me take care of you, Birdy.”
“Will Kuroo really be okay with it?”
Your voice shook, soft and sweet and oh so innocent. Naive. Adorable.
Bokuto couldn’t wait to have you all to himself. Clearly, Kuroo hadn’t taught you well enough. But Bokuto would, he would teach you to stay away from guys like him.
“Course he will, baby, he always wants what's best for you, isn't that right?”
All you had to do was nod. A gentle, subtle nod. And Bokuto’s lips were back on yours. It was a deep kiss, pressed tightly to your lips and suppressing any chance of denial. Your fingers were back in his hair, but you didn’t tug this time.
Rather you just ran your fingers through silver locks. A bit stiff from the gel, and yet so very soft.
Soft like Kuroo’s.
“Spread your legs, angel.” That dizzy feeling was back when Bokuto’s words vibrated against your lips. Your legs spread open despite your confusion. They were commanded, working on their own.
Working because of the strings Bokuto has somehow placed on them.
“Good girl.” You shivered. That’s what Kuroo always called you.
Was it him speaking to you?
Bokuto was holding back a groan. He should have felt sick to his stomach, looking down at you between his legs with teary eyes and a slightly confused expression. He should have been thinking of Kuroo, his best friend, ally.
But instead, he just felt himself harden, licking along his lower lip and bringing his large palm to cup your sex. You were so warm, even through the fabric of your shorts.
He rubbed it, slow and soft, his eyes widening as he watched you, twitching and whimpering. You were already becoming so pliant, hips rubbing back into his palm. The longer it went on, the warmer you got.
He was so excited to split you open.
“Tell me what you want.” Bokuto looked into your eyes, waited. He knew the words were there on the tip of your tongue.
“C-Can you…” It was so cute, hearing you stutter over yourself despite the way you shamelessly pressed into his hand.
“Can you touch me, Kou...”
Finally he released his groan, loud and guttural. He moved his hands only a moment, just long enough to grip the hem of your shorts. In one swoop they were off your trembling thighs, discarded on the floor.
You were even more beautiful than Bokuto had imagined, one palm covering your flustered face while your thighs glistened in the dim glow of the tv. And there was your cunt, folds slightly swollen and shiny with your desire.
He would have taken a picture if he could have but that could be saved for another time.
“You’re so pretty baby, you’ve got the perfect little cunt.” Bokuto said with one of his signature grins, the ones that used to make your heart flutter back in high school when he would score a point.
His fingers were gentle, rubbing one large strip along your slit. Slowly he split open your lips, holding back the urge to drool. There was your perfect hole, fluttering around nothing.
Basically beckoning him.
“S-Stop staring Kou…” your voice was so whiny, so soft as you looked at him through tear clumped lashes. He hushed you softly, one palm on your cheek so he could have a better view of your face.
He just had to see what you looked like when he finally pressed inside.
“Can’t help it Birdy, you’re just so beautiful…” His thumb pushed past your bottom lip at the same time he pressed two thick fingers into your pussy. Your gasp was adorable, lips quickly latching onto his thumb to hide the whines.
His fingers alone were enough to cause a slight burn, the stretch feeling so much different than the one Kuroo could provide for you. It made you press your hips into his touch, your trembling fingers gripping his wrist with desperation.
Bokuto bit his lip, slowly pumping his fingers in and out. He would push all the way in until he reached his knuckles, allowing the cold surface of his rings to make you yelp every time before pulling out to just his fingertips.
He kept this pace until your hips began to match it, your adorable little body humping along his fingers as you tried your very best to keep yourself quiet.
Bokuto didn’t want that though. He wanted to hear you, needed to hear his name spilling off your lips. So he pulled his thumb from your mouth, gave your bottom lip a little tug as an act of encouragement.
“Feels good baby? Tell me how it feels?”
“F-Feels.” You were still stumbling over yourself. So cute. “Feels good…”
“Yea? I can tell, your pussy is swallowing me up.”
He chuckled when embarrassment flashed over your face, but before you could hide your face from him yet again he pressed the pad of his thumb to your clit. The action had you gasping, back lifting slightly off the mattress.
“That’s it…” Bokuto murmured, gaze locked on your face, how it scrunched up and twisted so pretty as the pleasure took over you. Your cunt squeezed around his fingers, an indication for him to add just one more.
“S’too much~” you tried whimpering at him, but Bokuto brushed it off with a couple of quick kisses to your lips. He had to prep you anyway, his cock was already threatening to rip through his pants.
When your voice heightened in pitch Bokuto picked up his pace. He brought his face close to your pussy, allowing his hot breath to fan over it. That had you grasping the cushions for dear life, a string of pleas leaving your lips.
“Want you to come on my fingers now Birdy. You can do it. It’ll feel so good. Be a good girl and cum.”
Your body reacted for you, lips hung open in a silent scream as his fingertips focused on that spongy spot within you. With a couple more tight circles into your clit you fell apart, walls clenching before gushing around his fingers.
Bokuto’s pupils blew out at the sight, nothing but primal desire flooding his system as he watched your arousal drown out his fingers. It wet his knuckles, coated his rings as he ever so slowly pulled his fingers free. The slick pop had both of you groaning softly, and he couldn’t help but watch as he spread his fingers apart to find strings of your arousal keeping them together.
He had to have a taste and refused to continue the evening without it. So he sucked his fingers into his mouth. His moan was nothing short of obscene, making sure he licked off every ounce of your essence.
You were panting as you watched him, eyes still tear glazed and body tingling as it came down from the high. When he finally noticed you staring he grinned.
But this time it was different. Not the scoring high school Bokuto, or the Bokuto who would flash this grin when he had a little too much to drink
This was different. Darker, carnal. It made a shiver travel all the way up your spine.
And yet you still didn’t say no when he told you to take your tank top off, didn’t say no when he pulled off his own black button up, back muscles rippling in the dim lighting as he pulled you into his lap.
And you definitely couldn’t say no to him when he pulled his cock free, the sheer length and girth making you whine.
He was so much bigger than Kuroo. Thicker, wider, maybe even longer.
“Shh Birdy, hold on tight. It’s only gonna hurt for a few seconds. Then I’m gonna make you feel so very good.” His reassurance puts you at ease. Kuroo had done the same for you, way back when the two of you first slept together.
Would Kuroo really be okay with this--
The gasp that was ripped from your throat made Bokuto that much more excited. Just his tip had pushed past the first ring of muscles and already there were tears in your eyes, nails digging into his shoulders at the stretch he provided.
“K-Kou, can’t, I can’t”
“Shh birdy. Remember I’m gonna make you feel good, promise.” And he really did want to make you feel good but fuck, with the way your pussy already clenched around his tip, threatened to suffocate him as he pressed in inch by inch, he wasn’t sure he’d be able to keep his cool.
You were already creaming when he finally bottomed out, your legs wobbly when they tightened around him. Bokuto couldn’t tear his gaze from his lap, where he stretched out your sweet cunt. It was already drooling, swollen from just being split open by him.
Absent-mindedly he trailed his fingers over your tummy, fingers cursorily tracing the bulge he was able to form there.
There’s no way Kuroo filled you up this good, Bokuto knew that for certain.
“P-Please.” Your voice snapped Bokuto back to reality, the whine in your tone enough to make his dick twitch inside you. “M-Move Kou, need you.”
He sighed. Of course you needed him.
With his palms firmly grasping your hips he pulled you up his cock, just enough that the tip was still edged inside before he began to fuck you on himself. His arm muscles rippled with each push and pull, his hips thrust upwards every time he pushed you back down in order to help with the momentum.
You were gripping onto him so tightly, leaving red streaks along his shoulder blades. Your moans were sweet, sweet music, filling up the empty space with nothing but babbles and cries of his name.
There was still a part of him that looked at you with disappointment, a part of him that screamed how wrong this was, a part of him that knew if Kuroo walked through the doors right now you’d probably both be dead.
But when you looked at him with a tear streaked face, lips hung in a silent cry, skin rippling due to his relentless thrusts, how could he stop himself?
He was even more thrilled when your nails dug into his skin, along his back and shoulders, even along his forearms and pecks. “That’s it Birdy, you’re doin’ so well, takin’ my cock like this.”
The wet slapping sounds soon filled up the room, along with the moans and whimpers the both of you released. With a grunt, Bokuto had your back against the cushions once more, just so he could thrust within your tight cunt harder, faster.
Anything to feel you coming around him, to feel your walls squeeze him. It was everything he knew it would be, better even.
And he knew, Kuroo couldn’t make you feel this way, no way in hell could he even compare.
You had planned to ask him to pull out. No one had ever come inside you before, except Kuroo of course. It was his way of marking you, the subtle possessiveness always coming through when he would fill you to the brim and then plug you up.
But now, as Bokuto drilled into you, showered you with praises and sweet groans you lost all thought. All you thought of was the sweet sting, the stretch his cock could provide. The way he was able to smack into your sweet spot with every thrust.
So when he grunted out a “gonna cum.” you couldn’t find the words to stop him, rather you just let your eye roll back, let out a sweet cry when one of his calloused thumbs pressed into your clit.
Bokuto’s hips smacked into you once, twice more, before his balls twitched and his load filled you up. Rope after rope of warm cum spilled into you, one last strand being milked from him as you clenched up around him, finishing only seconds after he did.
His arms were around you, holding your trembling form so tightly to his chest. He had to look though, had to see exactly what it looked like when you were filled to the brim. So he pulled up just a little bit, moaned out loud at the sight of his cock, how when he slowly pulled it out it was covered in a layer of milky slick.
“Fuck, you’re so beautiful…” He murmured, fingers scooping up the beads of arousal dripping from your used hole, only to push them back in.
He didn’t want a single drop wasted.
You were finally starting to come down from the high when Bokuto lifted his weight from you, the loss of contact making you shudder. In your right mind you could have covered up, but instead, you stayed sprawled out, lips tilted into a dumb little smile.
“K-Kou…” You murmured to him, making him look down at you as he stretched out, wincing from the marks you left that managed to break skin.
“Kuroo is gonna be so happy, you took great care of me…” Bokuto hummed, his smirk growing. He was so lucky, so lucky you were so sweet and naive.
He scooped you up then, carrying you bridal style up the stairs. As much as he would have loved to leave you there on the couch, a nice mess for Kuroo to come home to, he had to play it safe. He made sure to clean you up properly, tuck you into bed with fresh and clean clothes.
Bokuto couldn’t lose his closest ally just yet. So until then--
“I’ll make sure Tetsu knows. But you baby, I want you to keep it our secret okay? Can you do that for me?”
That sat funny with you, made your stomach tighten, just how it had at the beginning of the evening. You wanted to question him, ask why you couldn’t be a part of the discussion.
But when Bokuto loomed over you once more, one of his much larger palms easing itself over your neck, you were reminded yet again. Reminded of Bokuto and his power, his power over you.
And now over Kuroo.
“It's our secret. Remember that Birdy. Kuroo has always kept you in a cage, away from the world so others couldn’t hurt you, isn’t that right? Well now I’m going to do the same, keep you in a cage of my own, just the two of us…”
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❦ @hqintheclub {check out the network}
❦ all rights reserved to bokuroskitten©
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burnedbyshoto · 4 years
hole in the wall
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In a party for the ages, Shouto comes across a room with hole in the wall that has him coming back for more.
pairing: todoroki shouto x fem!reader
warnings: 18+, smut, PWP, cult activity, drug mention, alcohol consumption, glory hole, cursing, degradation, praise, possessive jealous!shouto, stuck in the wall, spanking, overstim, bruising, bleeding, breeding
word count: 7,831
a/n: read the fucking warnings bro, im tired, I hate formatting, here’s to finally writing what I wanna write! also, this is for a lovely bnharem collab that kept getting pushed back... make sure to read the intro to understand my story! anyways, gloryholes is peak anonymous sex and I just,,, if thats the only way imma get to suck shoutos cock, I will. I had something else to say... I forgot. oH THIS IS WRITTEN IN A NEW STLYE-ISH??? porn from shoutos pov!!!
Traditionally, when people think of the connection between heroes and cults, they expect that the heroes eradicate the cults, not that the heroes are a part of a cult.
It was somewhat ironic that a group of people who advocated for public safety, for the wellbeing of every citizen of the country - the world - would demand compensation in areas that didn't involve financial compensation. Heroes saved the day countless amounts of times, but when they needed... help at night because they've been so busy saving the world, there needed to be compensation.
It had shocked nearly everyone within the hero community when none other than Yaoyorozu Momo brought them a solution. For nothing more than loyalty to saving the day, all heroes granted the benefit of joining the Savior of Eight Million, an… organization brought forth by the prodigious hero. It had shocked the hero community at first that the once thought of a modern-day princess, putting together a wicked group that served the beastly needs of heroes, was almost laughable. But as time passed, as trials tested the organization (cult), the more heroes realized how lucky they were that it was Yaoyorozu who created this.
The Yaoyorozus, in all their riches and connections, made this group untouchable.
Police were bought off, apprehended, silenced.
Heroes with the savior complex were put down.
Villains were never believed.
The Savior of Eight Million held ties with the greatest, the most esteemed people in the world. The parties were unworldly, dripping with diamonds and gold, the sweet smell of champagne barely drowning out the bitter acidic and burning plastic smell of the drugs used vicariously at their gatherings. All heroes joined, politicians and celebrities fought to get in, and commoners wished they could be the servants of the night, whether that meant they would be serving food, drinks, or drugs, or allowing the heroes to do what this was all started for: to fuck them.
Of course, it didn't help that each commoner was paid for their service, discretion, and loyalty. Those who attempted to give away the secrets of the nights were always taken care of, and every gathering after someone tried to snitch, there was always a complaint that a sex slave just wasn't good enough.
Yaoyorozu Momo was a sweet girl, a helpful woman. She was a hero.
Heroes far and wide grovel at her feet in thanks, and even more surprisingly, even her old class supported this. Oh, how great life was when you were the most significant, greatest, and most untouchable cult in history.
To Todoroki Shouto, well, he didn't really have an opinion on this all, not really at least.
The cult - the organization, was created to help out heroes such as himself live comfortably while having such a busy lifestyle. His sex drive had never been that high, with his twenty-fifth birthday approaching, he could count on his two hands the number of times he'd been attended to with the help of the organization within the past five years.
Yes, two years after debuting as heroes, Momo had approached the graduate class with her plan. Todoroki Shouto could never deny a friend, especially not someone as smart and intentional as Yaoyorozu Momo. He had been one of the first - if not the first - voice to approve of her project.
However, the fifth-anniversary gathering (it was not a party) was finally here. Two months ago, the first round of reminders came around in the form of a beautifully handwritten card by their fearless yet kind leader. Shouto wondered if she really had handwritten each and every card, or if she had created it with her quirk - while he wasn't that heavily involved, he was not ignorant to the numbers of the cult, group, organization.
The letter had been kind, inviting, and so fleeting it made Shouto feel like he needed more from one of his most missed and trusted friend. Still, there would be time to catch up with everyone, no use in pushing now.
Grabbing his phone, Shouto typed in Momo's contact name into the search bar, tongue swiping his lower lip while he typed in his message and sent it. He had never been one for these parties. Too often, there were just too over-the-top. The festivities and friends were fun, but having to fight the impossible crowds for a moment of peace kept him from attending.
A truly mundane member.
But this was different after all, it wasn't every day that they celebrated five great years of service.
I'll be going, Yayorozu.
Two months went by before Shouto had even realized it.
In those two months, he had received a formal invitation with a day and time. 
2X28, OCTOBER 23
Of course, the lack of an address is a precaution for keeping their organization out of the limelight should they be betrayed. Events of all shapes and sizes were always planned by the upper board of the organization. Only a specific few knew the place where the night would befall, and the rest of the members would be brought to the festivities by a chauffeur provided by the Yaoyorozu's. Getting to and from the party was always stressfree, no matter what befell that night, their safety of getting home was still safe.
The invitation was tucked away into the inside pocket of his jacket, it was his ticket to getting into the party, and it was best to not leave it behind. 
With the invitation now securely placed into his jacket, the smooth inflexible material stiff against his chest, Shouto stared into the mirror he stood before.
An elegant full-length mirror reflected his image to him, and truth be told, he was impressed with his presentation.
A charcoal grey Italian suit trimmed glinting silver nearly gleamed against the white light; the jacket was undone, exposing the white-collared long-sleeved shirt underneath. Typically, Shouto was a tie man, but the sleek black tie he was to wear lay hanging on the hanger, the first few buttons of the shirt undone. It highlighted his toned chest, the few pale scars on his chest just visible enough on his exposed skin to look like it was intensional. He looked good.
His fingers touched his hair, the once long style had been cut in a recent fight with a villain. It hadn't mattered much to Shouto, and in fact, the sudden haircut had spiked his overall ratings. It was short now, just long enough for his fingers to graze through the locks. It was slicked back, the swirl of red and white mixing and strands of red falling into his sight.
“Todoroki-sama, the car is here.”
Shouto didn't bother turning to the attendee, his gaze taking him in one last time.
"I'll be there."
His footsteps were quiet in the hallway, his waxed shiny black shoes gleaming in his hands as he walked to the front room. He slipped on the tight shoes and looked up to his servant, who stood at the front door with a patterned, black mask.
Nodding, he grabbed the mask and slipped it inside of his jacket as well.
A kitsune.
"Safe journey."
"I'll be back tonight."
And into the car, he went, the warm smell of leather and spices filling the backseat of the self-driving car. Shouto relaxed against the black leather, his eyes staring at the road while he slipped the mask out from his jacket. There was no reason to don the mask while stepping out of the house, being caught with it at his home always smelled trouble. 
In the car's silence, his fingers rested onto his lap, his lips set into a firm line while his thoughts lingered to what was to come at this party. 
The last time Bakugou and Midoriya hosted anything, it had ended with an overall disaster. Thankfully then it had been for their agency's founding party and not something dealing with the organization. But before he could muster the will to seek out further information on the private event, he realized that the car was already pulling into the large mansion where the event was being held.
People emerged from the cars before his own, the sleek masks donning on their faces, keeping their identities from unwanted eyes. The covers were specially made by none other than Yaoyorozu with the assistance of Hatsume Mei to ensure that those who wore it would be unrecognizable unless they were within a certain radius.
A small puff of air escaped Shouto's lips as his car pulled up to the unloading zone, and his strong fingers slipped on the mask before the car door opened. With the confidence and power, only those who worked as a top-ranked hero had Shouto emerged from the car immediately greeted by the entrance staff. 
With his hands moving to button his jacket, he nodded his head when receiving information on what to expect upon entering. Shouto felt like he nodded forever while making his way up the entrance of the event, his hand reluctantly offering his phone and wallet over and receiving a ticket for retrieving it. Of course, the ticket came the bundle of condoms.
An eyebrow arched under the mask, and Shouto couldn't help the amused smirk that befell his lips as he pocketed the condoms.
The fuckers made this a sex party.
Why they even bothered to deny that they were a cult was beyond him at this point.
But as the grand doors opened, Shouto couldn't help but tense at the room's mixing aroma.
The sweet smell of champagne bubbled in his nose, wafting in powerfully with the perfumes secreting from every person in the room. If it had been his first time at an event like this, Shouto would have missed the undertone of burning plastic in the air. His eyes followed a civilian dressed up in a zebra zentai bodysuit holding a silver powder with most definitely not cocaine to who looked like the Prime Minister since he had his mask on.
Rolling his eyes, Shouto walked further into the room, ignoring the offers of drugs and alcohol as he carried on. 
"Todoroki, my man! You made it!" came the loud and energetic voice of Kaminari Denki.
It shouldn't have shocked Shouto to immediately be swarmed with who looked like Kirishima (who wore a mask resembling a bear) and Kaminari (who had his mouse resembling mask resting on around his neck), who by the smell at least, were not sober.
"You're the last one to show up, dude! We almost thought you were gonna flake!" Kirishima added, his hand coming to land on Shouto's shoulder, his lips perked into a broad smile. "Everyone else decided to join the orgy room a few minutes ago, but this guy here—" he made a pointed jab at Kaminari's chest. "Was causing a large enough disturbance that we were kicked out."
"Bro, it's not my fault that those dummy civilians can't handle a few jolts of pain!"
"You literally electrocuted everyone in that orgy and left everyone unable to speak for a solid minute, bro!"
"Everyone else is here?" Shouto interrupted rather impressed to here that even Mineta was invited to this party - or maybe he had snuck in - choosing to ignore the mention of an orgy room.
Typical cult things, he reminded himself.
"Yeah, Denki and I don't have to go in tomorrow, so we pre-gamed at his place before coming. Sero did too, but after a few minutes of talking with some trapeze girl, they went into a room and well…" Kirishima trailed off, letting Shouto put two and two together. "Mina is flirting with the crown prince, Yaomomo and Jirou are in the orgy room, Bakugou and Midoriya seem to be micromanaging everything—"
"Those two need sex the most out of the entire class! Have you ever seen a bigger work pole up anyone's asses than in those two?!" Kaminari groaned, his fingers roughly rubbing the skin of his face, and Shouto laughed softly in agreement. It was somewhat ironic that their virgin classmates were the ones who organized and put together a sex party.
"I can't begin to imagine Midoriya having sex. Although that man is basically becoming sex on legs," Kaminari continued to gripe, Shouto grunting softly in thanks when Kirishima handed him a cup filled to the near brim with a copper liquid that burned smoothly down his throat. Shouto grimaced as he managed to down the entire thing. "I can see Bakugou just blowing a hole into the wall and fucking it and considering that sex. Ain't nobody normal who can — OH MY GOD!"
Shouto looked at his friend with nearing annoyance; however, the alcohol already taking a humming effect over his body made the annoyance slip easily.
"Bro, you're gonna get us kicked out of this party, and that's gonna be the shittiest thing!" Kirishima groaned while Kaminari spazzed with what seemed to be the biggest lightbulb of an idea.
"The hoes — the holes! For the glory!" Kaminari slurred with how fast he was speaking, his hands fisting into both Shouto's and Kirishima's jackets, his yellow eyes burning bright in his excitement.
Shouto tried to keep his annoyance down, and the itch to rip Kaminari's iron grip from his shoulder.
"I don't know what you're talking about—" Kirishima tried again, his hand resting on Kaminari's ribcage to steady him. 
"Ei, the gloryholes!"
Shouto numbing mind searched the banks of his memory to figure out where that word came from and why it sounded vaguely familiar.
"Oh, fuck," came Kirishima's strained approval, and Shouto looked at his two friends who were grinning pervertedly at each other.
"What's that?" Shouto asked, his lips buzzing slightly as the alcohol was fully absorbed into his bloodstream, and somehow the smell of sex filled his nose, and the noises of unadulterated carnal lust filled his ears.
"Oh man, Todoroki, if you don't know," Kaminari trailed off, his lips pinched into an elfish smirk, and electricity coming off his hair in his evident excitement. "Just trust me, you gotta experience this shit!"
Shouto wasn't sure if it was the alcohol that thrummed merrily in his veins or the knowing glint in his friend's eyes that whispered to him to find out just what it was, but he felt his head nod without his full awareness. The feeling of their hands on his upper shoulder felt fuzzy as they took him away, intent heavy in every step they took.
He could barely take in the passing rooms as they went, the aerial artists, the sex rooms, the orgy rooms. There were so many rooms designated for just about every kink imaginable that even the stoic Shouto felt his cheeks flaring in embarrassment. With each passing step and opened room, the smell of sex, pheromones, and lust grew in Shouto's nose; the more the sticky sweet moans and screams of the cult members clung to his skin.
For a hero that was never too hot or too cold without his own ministrations, his skin was feeling feverishly hot with cold feet when they finally stopped in front of the only closed door in the hallway.
"Welcome!" came a cheery voice, Shouto blinked, and a woman appeared from nowhere.
She wore a powder blue ava tea dress; it was elegant, sleek, yet too old-school for an event such as this one. Shouto immediately assumed that she was not partaking in the sexual activities, but was instead acting as a hostess of sorts.
"Just you three patrons tonight?" she asked, her head tilting to the side and Kirishima speaking up in agreement for the group of three. "Good, good. We do have enough openings for the three of you, most people haven't found our little… hole in the wall, if you would," she took a moment to giggle joyfully, her gloved fingers pressing to her ruby red lips and Shouto fought the urge to walk away. "So please, feel free to look around and stay as long as you want!"
Her words were light and breezy, but still, there was rising suspicion and tension in Shouto's spine at her small quip.
With an innocuous smile and a glint in her eyes, she opened the door with a gentle, "have fun," and Shouto's friends ushered him in.
His initial reaction? What. The. Fuck?!
The room they entered was large and spacious, or well, at the very least, Shouto assumed it would have been if it wasn't for the obviously installed maze of walls. But with every wall, there was a collage of pictures. Faces of women, men, humans, mutants, everything you could think of plastered above a hole. Curiously enough, the images above one hole were of the same person.
His eyes swept the room, and he saw a few spots already taken, men with their pants and underwear dropped to their knees pressing up against the wall so that their noses were smushed to the makeshift walls.
Shouto blinked.
Gloryholes? Pictures of random people?
Were they fucking ghosts?
"This is paradise!" Kaminari groaned in pleasure, his arms spacing out as if he had come with fantastic news. "These normies always look at you so weirdly when you fuck at orgies, here… you get the nut and don't have to have them staring at you!"
Shouto stared as his electricity wielding friend approached a hole that adorned photos of a girl with hooded eyes and a tongue piercing. He dropped his bottoms before sticking his hardening cock into the waiting hole with two raps of his fist. At this point, Shouto wasn't sure if what he had drunk was actually alcohol now. 
"These aren't dead people, are they?" Shouto couldn't keep himself from asking, his palms sweating while Kirishima laughed deeply in his chest.
"Not at all, man, it's real people, I promise! Pick your hole and have fun!" Kirishima encouraged, placing a solid pat on Shouto's shoulder before approaching a hole with a picture of a girl with bright eyes and a bright smile.
Nodding numbly to himself at this point, Shouto meandered the different walls, his eyes absorbing the various pictures on the walls.
But he fell on the spot with a picture so vivating that drew him in. The chasms of your eyes defiant yet shy, a smile that called him in, and lips that looked supple and strong.
He stood no chance in defying the itching, burning need to follow suit of every other person in this room. Shouto approached the hole, his fingers pulling at his belt, quickly lowering his charcoal grey slacks and black boxer briefs. He stared into your pictured eyes, mesmerized by them, and grasped onto his hardening cock.
A soft shudder invaded his skin as he pressed his cock through the awaiting hole, the skin of his heated cock scraping against the hole, making him strangle a grunt in his throat. But when the wet heat of your mouth enveloped his cock past the hole in the wall, Shouto's face nearly crashed against the wall.
Shouto wasn't sure what to have expected, but he had summed up that this was some over-glorified handjob, a vigorous clumsy jackoff he could have done himself. But he did not expect, in any sense of what this was, to be met with warm, wet lips and a tongue that pressed underneath the head of his cock.
A guttural noise slipped past his lips, and Shouto's palms pressed against the wall, his head spinning dizzyingly from the sensation.
Shouto's breathing was erratic, his cock hardening more, twitching within your mouth as he felt your head begin to bob against his length at a slow, leisurely pace. 
His hips thrust toward the wall, his vision spinning from what this heightened sensation of what he always thought to be a mundane act. Shouto's slacks were too far up his thighs; however, the fabric spread to his max despite his attempt to lower down. He wanted to get closer to the wall, get whoever you were past this wall to take in his entire cock without an issue, so mindlessly, instinctively, he shoved the slacks further down, grunting with relieved pleasure at being able to spread out further, at getting closer to you.
"Holy shit," Shouto grunted, his forehead pressing against the cold wall, undoubtedly crinkling the paper of your photos. His hips came forward, hitting the wall dividing him and you with low, vibrating thuds, and you let him, allowed him to keep his rutting hips at the pace they were. You took him in as if it was nothing, the smooth skin of your lips gliding against his throbbing length, your tongue running alongside the bottom of his cock, tracing the veins of his skin, twisting against the sensitive skin, providing new sensations and shivers.
Shouto knew immediately that you were letting him fuck your mouth however he saw fit.
He felt you moan around him, a long, deep, undeniable noise that somehow drifted through the hole, vibrated against his cock, and could be felt against his curling toes. The sound and sensations were proving to be effective, a pooling heat building in his balls, simmering up and down his spine and neck. How he wished to grab you by the back of your head and drive his cock down your throat without mercy.
Snarling in the back of his throat, suddenly fueled by the image of fucking you, the thought of you on your knees, tears built in your bright eyes and tears rolling down your cheeks feeding him. And as if you knew what he wanted, Shouto's knees near bucked out when your mouth took him in even further, the soft choking noise, the feeling of his cock pressing against the back of your throat sending his fingers digging into the wall.
He drilled in faster, grateful for your ability to keep up, the feeling of his cock pressing down the back of your throat sending his jaw flying open, curses and praises spilling past his lips with every inch you took him further down your throat. The area of his cock unable to be taken in your mouth was surrounded by your fingers — by god, what fucking fingers you had — warm and robust, they held his skin, sliding effortlessly against the spit lubricated skin.
"You can hear me right, whore?" Shouto growled against the wall, the hot air of his breath almost fogging the area he was standing in. Somehow, he heard the choked noise of agreement, the bobbing head vigorously nodding, sending you into a sputtering choke from the awkward angle. But Shouto liked hearing you choke, liked hearing the needy tone in your whining agreement, and he swore he was feeling his heartbeat in his balls. "You're not here entirely on your own will, are you? Came here for money, to suck some rich mans' cock?" His hips stammered when you sucked your cheeks in around his length, his eyes rolling in the break of his concentration, his blood pumping in his hormone pumped euphoria. "I want you to fucking choke on my cock, you hear that? Take me all the way in, don't be scared, I know you probably don't see much cock, but I promise if you can handle me, you'll never want other cock, slut. Take me all, and I promise you, you won't regret it."
A hiccuped breath came from your side of the wall, and Shouto almost wanted to simply burn the wall down to claim you for all his need and glory, someone with a mouth as gifted as yours definitely needed to be fucked correctly. Still, his hips reigned down, slamming against the wall so that the thuds of his impeding hips were heard softly in the other areas. 
And you? Behind the wall?
He could feel the weight of your head pressing forward, the feeling of his length sliding further and further down your throat. The pulsing of his cock ridiculously stilled with the restrained muscles of your throat, and the almost excessive drool and spit that dripped from his length with your choking movements.
More, he wanted more, he needed more.
"Fuck, slut, you're taking me so fucking well. You almost have me entirely in your mouth," Shouto growled, an inch or so of his cock still not entirely in your mouth, but not letting your tight fist work his cock. "Don't give up, take me all, I know a whore like you who shows up to be a sex slave can take my cock."
A whine (was that a horny or a frustrated whine?) emitted from the wall, and with a strained noise, Shouto felt your wet, hot lips make contact with the base of his cock as he continued to drill into you. Spluttering groans poured from his throat, the feeling of your hot cavern and resisting throat, sending him over the edge.
"Yes," Shouto gasped, the smell of sex, electricity, and barely burning walls simmering in his nose. "Fuck, yes, just like that."
Shouto could feel his nerves being shot out, the feeling of the compliant mouth keeping him pumping into the hole, his fingers digging further and further into the wall into it cracked and crumbled, his grip trying to keep his shaking legs from giving out, to break through the wall to get to you. He was almost there, so close, but needed to get over the hill. And then Shouto was swallowed completely when his slamming his stopped, he could feel your lip press to his skin hidden by the hole. He had no doubt that it must have been sorely uncomfortable for you, yet you were doing it to the point where he was fumbling for words, fumbling to keep his head on straight as your tongue wrapped around his cock, massaging the skin. Fuck, fuck, "Fuck!"
His head dropped back with the shooting electricity in his blood, sweat dripping from his temple and you, the stranger behind the wall, gave one vicious, strong suck, your mouth only surrounding the head of his cock, your wet tongue flicking the slit on his head, and he was spilling over.
Hot, thick, heavy ropes of white cum spurted from his cock and Shouto shuddered, his shaking breath echoing in his ears, and he could still feel your tongue moving, coaxing out the finality of his orgasm, teeth scraping against his sensitive cock just enough to have him seeing stars.
But the giggle that erupted in your throat was well noticed by Shouto, and he grunted in slight annoyance. Pulling away, a soft, almost unwanted pop echoed on the other side of the wall.
Shouto watched as his spit and cum covered cock pulled back to his side of the wall, and he grunted unwillingly. His forehead still rested against the wall, and he looked up to his left side with a disgruntled noise to see that he did, in fact, scorch his fingertips into the wall.
As he tucked himself back into his underwear and slacks, Shouto's blissed-out eyes fell onto the hole where your hand was perched out of it, your pinky the only finger visible.
"Pinky promise you'll come back later?" your raspy voice asked, and Shouto wondered if that was how you usually sounded or if it was from what happened.
"As long as you promise to do something like that again," Shouto smirked, his pink taking yours anyways.
He could promise that to the hole in the wall.
Shouto slips out the door and is immediately greeted with a bummed out Kaminari and a profusely apologizing Kirishima. He later finds out that Kaminari let out yet another round of voltage of electricity (he's banned from fucking anyone that can't absorb his quirk without damaging themselves), and that Kirishima in his blissed-out state accidentally went into his unbreakable mode and tore a hole into the wall. Shouto didn't bother telling them of the scorched walls and left with his friends.
It only felt like a few minutes before Shouto found himself outside the same closed door of the room with gloryholes. The alcohol had long since been burned from his system, he is practically positive that you managed to suck it out from his bloodstream.
For the past two hours, he had been around the mansion, aiding Kirishima in his objective to keep Kaminari from accidentally killing a sexual partner. It had been for the best, Shouto believed. He was no prude and definitely didn't hate indulging in the occasional orgies - especially at parties like this. But for some reason, as strangers attempted to shed him from his clothes, lips, and fingers roaming his scarred, heated skin, he thought of you and only you.
Your tantalizing mouth and fingers.
He had exited the orgy room faster than All Might at his peak. 
He was strangely obsessed with a stranger, a person who was no more than someone past a hole in the wall. Who knew if your picture was what you looked like, but he sure hoped it was.
But when Mina had appeared out of nowhere, her perfectly manicured fingers pressing against Kirishima's chest as she emerged from behind him. She was, obviously, one of the few easily discernable members of the cult. 
"So, the crown prince does not know how to use his dick, and I am disappointed in men all over again!" Mina pouted, but her usual sly grin was back on her face before Shouto could ask if she needed help scouting potential 'dick appointments' as she so fondly calls them.
This was where things got strange in that Kirishima pointed out that Mina should just fuck a woman to teach men how to fuck women properly. Kaminari filled Shouto in with a horribly done stage whisper that the two of them had fucked before and that despite the experience of any man, Mina was never truly satisfied. 
"Alright, student Kirishima," Mina had thrust her finger into Kirishima's chest. "Follow me to the hole-y wall and watch the master do her job!"
Once more, Shouto was outside the door, the woman seemingly materialized from thin air in her same powder blue ava tea party dress and ruby red smile. 
"Welcome back! For four patrons this time?" the woman gleefully smiled, her gloved fingers clasping below her chin.
"For one, actually," Mina spoke up first, "I'm teaching these boys—"
"I've actually never had a problem," Shouto spoke up, his calm and collected gaze unwaveringly met the hostess despite the chilling horror and embarrassment of his words that crawled up his spine. At the same time, Mina looked up him and down with a small, small smirk. "I'll be taking a spot."
"Ho ho, well, excuse me," Mina giggled, turning back to the hostess with a brightness to her stance. "Two spots then. I have boys to teach!"
"Of course!" the hostess spoke unaffectedly by the group's dynamics. "Please enjoy yourselves! This part is a special treat for you lovely patrons, don't forget to be mindful of our poor angels stuck in the wall!"
The door opened, and in the group of four walked in.
If Shouto had been taken by surprise the first time, he was beyond belief the second time he entered this same room. His first time coming, there had only been those beautiful glory holes, but this time? There were no material holes.
Where the holes used to be, there were only large holes where the person assigned to the area was now presented to the public.
Asses curved to the sky, asses pointed to the ground. Cocks leaking, limp, and red with overstimulation, cunts soaked, throbbing, and swollen with overuse. It was indeed as if these individuals had been stuck in a wall, and Shouto already felt his cock twitch in his carnal lust and need to see just how you were positioned. How he prayed that you were at your spot, laying on your stomach, ass hanging out to the world waiting for his cock to claim you, waiting for him to ruin you. He wanted to feel your liquid lust drip from your cunt, splashing and trailing down your inner thigh.
Shouto didn't bother saying goodbye to his friends, the smell of sex, and his own lust switching his brain onto a one-track mindset with the growing need to get to you immediately. 
And almost to his raging hormonal anger, he came to the aisle where you were parked, and while his heart hammered with the growing pleasure to see your ass hanging in the air, your thighs pressed to the wall, his vision turned red at the sight of some no-named man rutting his ugly cock between your dry folds.
In no time flat, Shouto was behind the man, his hand fisting into the collar of the man's shirt and tearing him away from him.
"Mine." he all but growled, his aura darkening while he glared at the red-faced idiot who attempted to cover himself up in the act of running away.
It didn't matter that what Shouto did was probably entirely rude and could result in him getting thrown out, you were his, and no way was someone going to fuck you when he was there. The weirded out gazes that fell upon him temporarily did nothing to Shouto, his focus back onto your squirming bottom, no doubt weirded out by the sudden lack of contact.
But with a sigh, his fingers combing the few falling free strands of hair out of his face, Shouto stood centimeters from your shifting thighs, watching you continue squirming until he finally moved. His hands pressed against your supple, smooth ass, enjoying the way you fit against his hands perfectly. 
He stepped forward, allowing the bulge of his strained cock to press against the top of your ass — the perfect height for him. Shouto leaned forward, his forehead once more pressing against the cold wall, his eyes taking in the still visible scorch marks he had left behind and chuckled deep in his throat.
"I'm back, my precious whore, I bet you missed me," Shouto spoke through the wall, hoping that you would respond back to him. He thought he could hear an agreeing sound on the other side of the wall, another layer of muffled, and he wondered if maybe you had been gagged. The thought made him exhale slowly, his hips strained from rutting against you, but against his belief, your ass ground against his hardening cock, sending waves of pleasure through him. "You did miss me, huh?"
His calloused fingers moved from your supple ass to the outsides of your thighs, feather-soft touches skimming your skin, leaving behind trails of goosebumps and twitching nerves. Shouto's gaze remained hard on your body, watching how you completely stilled when he found his fingers against the inner part of your thigh and just shy of the excessive heat that was radiating from your cunt.
And he leaned down, his lips pressing against the curve of your ass, his eyes partially hooded when he felt you relax against his hold. But the relaxed position you held quickly erased the moment his teeth sunk into your skin, and his finger pressed against your swollen clit. 
Immediately, your body arched, a weak attempt to buck out of his hold while he heard a muffled cry from the other end of the wall. But Shouto was a hero, he was some with extreme control over his body, and as his tongue moved to soothe your throbbing ass, one finger continued to delicately dance against your clit, while the other shifted over to your softly beating cunt. 
Shouto groaned against your skin, his pants feeling too tight, the material of his underwear too hot and stiff for how strained his cock was right now, yet it was nothing to the feeling of your tight, wet, hot cunt. In and out, he pumped his finger, curling the long digit against your puffy spongey walls, the thumb on your clit circulating in slow, intentional figure-eights until you were pathetically rising and falling against his finger, a garbled whine for more barely audible through the wall. He chuckled at the feeling of your inner walls forcible clenching against his intruding finger, and he rewarded you with a second finger.
"Doesn't this feel good?" Shouto groaned, his body straightening back up so that he was flushed against your ass, his forehead resting on the wall, and his now free hand slowly grinding your ass against his crotch.
He watched you with the intensity of a predator stalking their prey, his mouth twitching into a smirk when your toes curled with a sudden drag of his fingers over a ribbed area of your core. Growling in need, Shouto's hips slammed into you, mindlessly fucking you even with his clothes on. His fingers doubled in speed and intensity until the rapid clenching of your walls was unignorable around his fingers.
His forearms ached slightly with his continued fingering, his thumb almost stiff as he continued to assault your clit, but with the arching of your back, the stuttering of your hips as an impeding orgasm was growing bigger and stronger. Shouto barely registered the sight of his own hand rising and falling heavily onto your ass, the sound of the spank echoing loudly, but that had pushed you over the edge.
A loud mewl sounded from the wall, your legs trembling entirely uncontrollably against Shouto, who still drove his hard crotch into your soaked cunt. He didn't care if you were to wet the expensive suit, his mind now solely on the fact that he needs to claim you, needs to sink his cock all the way in, and make sure you were bruised for days to come. 
Wasting no time, Shouto sheds off his pants and his underwear, letting them fall to the floor with a soft thud before aligning his already hard and swollen cock head to your clenching, sopping cunt. Shouto nearly shivers as he grips his fingers into your ass, his eyes mesmerized with how your flesh molds to his grasp, moving and shifting accordingly. With only a moan as a warning, Shouto wasted no time in pressing his cock to your cunt, and thrusting in with a single, sharp thrust.
If he had thought your cunt was tight with just your fingers, if he had thought the instance where you had vacuumed your mouth while sucking him off was tight, he was in a world of surprises when he came through from entering you. Your cunt was hot and oh so fucking tight around him, milking him dry of all and any precum that he had gathered at his swollen slit. Your inner walls flutter around him, intensely and quickly trying to adjust to the monstrous thickness that he was, and he could hear the pained panting pleasure of you through the wall, and he almost lost it at the keen whine on your tongue.
He shifted, moving his hips just so slight as to regain what little sanity he had left to ensure that you were thoroughly and roughly fucked. 
"Fuck," Shouto moaned, his fingers digging bruises into your skin, his skin feeling sticky and sweaty as he felt you continue trembling beneath him. "For a fucking whore, you have a really tight cunt. I bet you wished I had used fucking lube, huh?"
Shouto took a tentative thrust into you, his legs quivering at the feeling of the way your cunt gripped his cock, making it almost impossible for him to move as he did. "Should've made your pussy wetter then," he spoke in a near whisper to the wall, unsure if you had heard him as he began his conquest in fucking you.
With his fingers gripping your hips, he enjoys the way you bruise against his hold, almost as much as he enjoys the way the wall rocks with every slam of his brutal hips.
The sounds of his cock slamming into your sopping cunt send loud, wet noises ringing in his ears, sending a few other nearby patrons to turn their heads to look at him - to look at him in his conquest of claiming you as his. It only fueled him on, and he picked up his pace until there was a medley of sounds: his thighs crashing against your ass, the squelching of your wet cunt against his thick cock, and your thighs slapping the wall. 
Shouto growled at the feeling of your cunt stretching for him, the tremble of your legs, the way your feet twisted and curled against his knees, almost as if in a silent beg to get him impossibly closer, to make him fuck you impossibly faster, harder. 
His gorging fingers break your skin, and Shouto delights in the painful, garbled scream from your side of the wall. Your body is weak against him, yet he can still feel your hips jutting against his rutting hips, your body desperately trying to keep up with his insane speed and lust.
And when his hand presses to your lower back and the other right above your crotch so that he can raise you higher, the new angle of penetration sends Shouto fumbling for strength. It's then he can feel the head of his cock pressing against your cervix, your toes digging into his skin as he continues to pound away at your cervix, and he takes the rolling shrieks and moans from your mouth like a good thing. 
"Such a good fucking whore, I never found many of you who enjoyed when I literally rearranged their guts," Shouto huffed, his fingers tweaking and yanking at your clit until you were shaking in his arms. "You're enjoying this so much, I bet you wanted this the entire time after I left, didn't you? You wanted my cock in your pussy, I wanted to have my seed pumped into you until everyone knows that you're mine. You'd look so pretty pregnant with my babies, your stomach swollen, and your tits just fucking leaking milk for our children, huh?"
It's then that your cunt around his cock becomes a vice grip, and Shouto shudders at the feeling of your orgasm rocking through you, your pathetic keens barely audible in his blood rushing ears. And he continues, Shouto could feel the familiar sensation of his nerves being shot out, the feeling of your cunt desperately trying to milk him of his seed and worth as you grew limper in his arms, his fingers raking raised lines against your ass, forever marking himself against you, his grip trying to keep his shaking legs from giving out, his mind solidifying over the need to somehow appear where you were now so he could fuck you with no restraint. He thought of your crossed eye gaze, the possible spit pouring from your mouth as you took his every drop of seed greedily into your cunt. He imagined seeing your eyes spilling with tears, seeing your fingers rip into the fabric as he fucked you with no restraint, and with his imagination, he lost himself.
Shouto continued to blindly ram his cock into your cunt, a savage, insane last attempt to spill himself into you, fumbling to keep his head on straight as your cunt pathetically clenched against his hammering cock, finally sending his left hand to the wall, fire bursting from his palm as finally his orgasm tears through him. Shit, shit, "Shit!"
Shouto's temples are damp with sweat, and his vision swims with his overwhelming desire for you and the need to get to your room without destroying the wall to completion.
He picks up his pants and underwear, quickly fixing himself up so that he's almost remorse in the way that he can't appreciate watching his cum spill from your cunt, but the lack of you on his cock is enough to have him zipping up his pants and racing to where the hostess appears.
She doesn't stand a chance when both fire and ice bite against her neck.
"How do I get into the rooms?"
After being caught flirting with whoever you had pinky promised, you had been gagged. It wasn't a bad thing per se, that man had been the last person to visit you when the room was still functioning as glory holes. With the new stuck in the wall theme, it only invited men and women to be aggressive, and a part of you guiltily and ashamedly enjoyed how rough they would get in there attempt to hear you against the gag.
But you couldn't help the flutter in your cunt and in your heart when the familiar voice of the pinky promise man sounded through the wall. Right now, however, your body felt wholly and thoroughly used. Every inch of your asscheeks and cunt was abused, but the orgasm that came with his fucking was otherwordly. 
There was still nothing to prevent the shameful clog in your throat when he abandoned you after a single orgasm, but then again, you didn't expect the door to your cubicle to be thrown open, and a man stood there with a black kitsune mask. You wondered who it was, but there was the distinctive, infamous red and split white hair behind the cover, and you whimpered at the sudden shame at being caught like this by a Pro Hero you absolutely adored. 
The mask was torn from his face, the door closing behind him, and you were ripped back into the tight cubicle, pressed flush against his chest as he sealed off the hole with his ice. You were speechless as his obviously hard cock pressed against your diaphragm, and you trembled upon hearing the zipper of his pants coming down.
And the voice of one Todoroki Shouto sent shivers down your spine, reigniting the flame in your cunt.
"I got to fuck your mouth and your cunt through other people's rules, I think it's about time I get to fuck you however I see fit."
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sleepysnk · 3 years
i finally got around to making some skater!eren fics. i hope you all enjoy ♡!
Skater Guy
Pairings: Skater!Eren Jaeger x Fem!Reader
Warnings: marijuana usage, vaping, mentions of alcohol
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"Where are we going now?!"
"You'll see! It'll be fun!"
(Y/N) groaned as her roommate Sasha dragged her throughout the party house they were at. 
Sasha was always the party girl, whenever she needed someone to go with she always dragged her roommate into going with her. (Y/N) didn't have an issue with it, but some of the things Sasha liked to do weren't exactly her cup of tea. Of course, being the supportive person and friend she was, she always came with; plus who knows? Maybe she'd have some fun.
Sasha stopped in front of a door, (Y/N) had confusion written all over her face. "Uh.. what are we doing?" she asked, nodding. 
Sasha knocked on the door. "Going in of course? Connie invited us up here," she replied, looking at her with a grin. 
The door opened and it revealed Connie along with Jean beside him. "Hey! Finally you two made it, come on in!" he said, moving out of the way so the two could enter. 
(Y/N) stepped in with Sasha, there was a strong odor of alcohol and marijuana that lingered in the air. 
"Good to see you (Y/N)!" Jean said, smiling at her. 
She looked at him, "It's good to see you too Jean, how is Mikasa?" she asked. 
He rubbed the back of his neck. "Well, she's busy with school and all that other stuff. She's doing fine though," he shrugged, taking a sip from his beer. 
She nodded, taking a seat next to Sasha. "So what are we doing?" 
Sasha turned towards her, "Oh! So we're doing a smoke circle, you wanna join?"
Her face suddenly changed to a look of confusion, (Y/N) wasn't aware that this was what they were going to do tonight. She thought they'd just go out drinking, but smoking? She hadn't exactly tried it before. It'd be her first time.
"Uh.. Sasha I dunno, are you sure?" she asked, furrowing her brows. 
"Come on (Y/N)! At least try it, I know you'll like it," she said, placing her hand onto her shoulder. 
She leaned back in the chair, rubbing her temples. What was she going to get herself into? She wasn't exactly thrilled with the idea of smoking with her friends, but there were unfamiliar people too, what if she did something embarrassing? 
"Is she good?"
Her attention averted to someone standing in front of her, it was a guy. 
"Yeah! She's fine Eren, it's just her first time," Sasha replied, a nervous smile on her face.
His green eyes trailed over to where (Y/N) was sitting, she felt intimidated by him, he was tall, had brown hair, these bright green eyes, and he wore really nice clothes. It almost reminded her of those guys she'd see on TikTok or Instagram. 
"Alright, well, Connie is getting the blunt rolled," he said, turning away from the two. 
She let out a sigh of relief as she watched the guy make his way towards Jean and the others. Who was this guy?
"Sorry about that (Y/N).. that's Eren, he's one of Connie's friends," Sasha said, looking at her apologetically.
She nodded, "It's fine, but Sasha seriously? I've never smoked and I don't know if I should do it.." she replied.
Sasha turned towards her, "You're gonna be fine, if you feel sick at all just leave the room, okay?" 
Before she could even reply, Connie and Jean came jogging over to the pair. "The blunt is officially rolled! Let's get started," Jean said, a smile on his face. 
(Y/N) swallowed thickly, her mind started to race and she could feel her stomach churning. 
"We'll go around in a circle, who wants the first hit?" Connie asked, holding the blunt into the air. 
"I'll go."
Everyone turned to see Eren holding out his hand for the blunt, in return Connie handed it to him along with a lighter. 
"Don't take two hits I know you like to do that shit," Connie said, plopping down next to Sasha.
(Y/N) watched as he held the blunt up to his lips, he flicked the lighter a few times before the end burned a bright red. She could see him inhaling the contents from the blunt, smoke poured from his mouth as he exhaled. 
"Whoever's next," he said, handing it to the person next to him; smoke still coming from his mouth as he spoke. 
She looked towards Sasha who was bouncing in her seat with excitement. "I cannot wait!" she smiled. 
(Y/N) secretly wished she could be excited right now, but being honest, she wanted to throw up and leave as soon as she could. At some point everyone would be watching her, it made her feel sick, almost like when she was in school and she'd get queasy doing a presentation for class. Only this time, she was smoking.
For some reason, she could feel someone's gaze on her; it was uncomfortable.
She turned her head to meet Eren's green eyes staring right at her. He sat directly across from her and his eyes didn't leave hers, even when she looked at him. She secretly wanted to ask what the fuck his staring issue was but she didn't want to make a scene, especially right now. 
She shook her leg and chewed her lip as the blunt got closer and closer to where she was sitting, and within a few minutes it was next to her, Sasha was taking a hit.
She made it look so easy, the way she just inhaled and blew it out of her mouth without a second thought made (Y/N) want to just get up and leave.
"Here ya go (Y/N)!" Sasha cooed, a lazy smile forming on her features.
She took the blunt from Sasha's hand, her wrist became shaky staring down at it. She could smell the marijuana coming from it, it was strong and the odor almost made her sneeze.
She held it up to her mouth and slowly inhaled, she could taste the drug on her tongue and feel it go down her throat to her lungs. Suddenly, things felt very slow, almost like time was slowed down. 
She felt fine for a good five or six seconds and that's when she felt the tickle in her throat, she coughed, letting any smoke that was in her mouth escape and flow into the air. 
"What a newbie!" Sasha said, giggling a bit. 
A few people in the circle laughed themselves, her cheeks burned from the embarrassment. "Whatever.." she mumbled, passing the blunt to Jean. 
She could feel the effects it had on her, her vision looked funny and she felt like she could take a nap right there. 
"You look so funny right now (Y/N), can you not handle it?" Sasha asked, looking at her. 
She snapped her head towards her. "Are you for real right now? Why do you have to embarrass me everytime this happens?" she asked, her tone sounding angry.
Sasha sat up a bit. "What? I didn't-" 
"Just save it, I'm going home, I shouldn't have come with you." 
(Y/N) stood up and grabbed her things, exiting the room she was previously in. She could feel holes being burned into her head as she left, even in her high state she was pissed at Sasha. It always happened and (Y/N) just wasn't having it at the moment. 
She exited the front doors of the house, the fresh air filling her lungs; it felt refreshing. Being in that stuffy room made her feel so trapped and not to mention that weirdo Eren guy was making her uncomfortable.
She found herself sitting on the curb, a few people passed by and laughed with their friends or cars picked them up. 
Her mind was clouded, she felt exhausted, and she just wanted to go home. Her night was totally ruined and she clearly embarrassed herself in front of everyone, it wasn't her fault she coughed. It was her first time and Sasha just made it worse, all she wanted to do was disappear from that room.
She squeezed her eyes shut a few times, her vision just wasn't focusing and she was surprised that she made it out of the house without falling on her ass or bumping into others. 
She felt her phone vibrate, she clicked it on and blinked a few times to see the messages on the screen; it was Sasha.
Sasha: y/n, i'm sorry :/
Sasha: please come back, i feel really bad..
She rolled her eyes, clicking off her phone, she didn't want to hear it right now. She couldn't even focus properly and she wasn't sure how the hell was she going to get home. 
"God.. why do I do this to myself.." she mumbled, rubbing her eyes. 
"Are you okay?"
She turned around instantly, that's when she was faced with the guy from earlier. Eren. He seemed to be concerned, almost frantic, it was almost like he was searching for her. 
"Are you following me?" she asked, narrowing her eyes. 
He rolled his eyes, "No? Well.. sort of, you stormed off and your friend didn't even go back for you. I decided to see what was up," he shrugged.
She watched him make his way towards the curb, she scooched away from him as he sat.
"Damn, I'm not going to do anything to you. I know we just met but I'm not that guy," Eren said, looking towards her. 
She laughed a bit, "Yeah.. I've heard that one before.." she muttered. 
He let out a sigh. "Look.. I'm trying to be nice and help you out, clearly your friend didn't have the common sense to come check on you, so I decided to," he said. "Plus, you're high and I'd hate for anything back to happen to you."
She finally lifted her gaze off the floor, she could see he had a skateboard beside him. It made her nod; he skates?
"Well.. I think I'll be fine, I just wanted to get out of here," she said, playing with her nails.
Eren chuckled a bit, "You're not fine at all, I could tell when you yelled at Sasha you weren't fine. At least tell me what's up," he replied. 
Well he's stubborn she thought, she kind of figured that there wasn't any way she was going to be able to get away from this guy. He seemed like the type who wouldn't let shit go until someone finally tells him what's going on, plus she wasn't exactly in the mood to argue. 
She sniffed a bit, "Sasha has always been the party girl, when we first met she dragged me to so many parties and it was starting to get crazy. She was the first person I got drunk with, skinny dipped with, hell, even got high with.." 
"And you're getting tired of that kind of lifestyle because you feel like Sasha always dips on you in the end," Eren said, raising his brows. 
She looked at him with surprise. "That's what it feels like to be honest.." she mumbled, placing her hand onto her calves. "She always embarrasses me with her jokes.." 
Eren shook his head, "Seems like Sasha has issues making you seem like you can't do certain things," he said. 
She laughed a bit, "I guess you could say that.. I love her dearly but it just made me so angry when she said that about me. It was my first time and I guess she just forgot that," she replied.
"I'd say you should talk to her about it, if she is really your best friend, she'd listen to what is bothering you. Trust me, I'm sure Sasha will be open ears," he said, placing his hand onto her shoulder. 
Her cheeks suddenly heated up from the contact, seeing Eren up close was definitely different than him just standing over her. She saw the rings he wore glimmering in the moonlight, she could also faintly smell the weed coming from his clothes. He also wore a chain with a small key at the bottom, it fit him so well. 
"I'm sure she will.." she replied, looking at the street.
Eren looked at his phone. "You got an Uber coming or something?" he asked, looking at her then back at his phone. 
She laughed, "No I actually don't.. I was going to call one before you came over."
He nodded, "Do you want to maybe.. get out of here? Not in a sexual way or anything! But you've had a shitty night and I'd like to make it a bit better," he asked. 
She stared at her shoes, she didn't exactly know how to respond to him. Would going with Eren be a good idea? She didn't exactly know him, but she didn't want to wait on the curb for an Uber and sulk all night about how mad she was. Plus, she was high and she didn't want to do something stupid. 
"What would we do?" she asked, looking at him. 
Eren looked at her with a nod. "Anything you want! But I do have one idea.." he said, shoving his phone into his pocket. 
She furrowed her brows, "And that is?" 
He turned and grabbed his skateboard. "Do you wanna learn? It's really fun and it'll be funnier since we're both a little high," he said, smiling at her. 
(Y/N) sat there for a second in silence, she could go home or she could go hangout with Eren and have a good time. Fuck it, why not?
"Yeah! Sure, let's go," she replied, standing up and dusting off any small stones that were on her bottom. 
Eren stood up himself, "Sounds good! Let's go down to the park, it's like right around the corner," he said. 
He took his skateboard and stuck it under his arm, (Y/N) trailed behind him as he made his way towards the sidewalk. 
"So um.. how long have you been skateboarding?" she asked, trying to ease the awkwardness between them. 
Eren looked at her with a smile. "I actually started when I was in high school, sports weren't exactly my thing, so I started to skate and I've been here ever since," he replied.
She looked at the ground, the leaves beneath her shoes crunching as she stepped on them. "That's cool.. you didn't seem like the skater type," 
"Anyone can be a skater, I just don't flaunt it like some people," he laughed. 
Her eyes averted his face, she could see the silver earrings he wore; a cross hanging at the bottom of the ring. It was silver and it shone in the moonlight. 
Eren reached into his pocket, pulling out a bright pink object. "Want some?" he asked, holding it out to her. 
She looked down to what seemed to be a vape, Sasha had always brought those home or she'd find them under her pillow. 
"No thanks, vaping isn't really my thing." she replied, looking forward. 
Eren nodded his head, holding the vape up to his lips; she watched him inhale the contents. A bright red light lit up at the end.
"So what is your thing?" Eren asked, blowing the vapor out of his mouth. 
She could faintly smell the odor of the juice. "What do you mean?" 
He looked towards her, "Well.. smoking isn't your thing, nor is vaping, so.. what is your thing?" 
She chewed her cheek, what was her thing? She hadn't ever thought about it before. Drinking? That sounded lame. Maybe her major? Again, lame. 
"I dunno.. I never really thought about it," she replied, shrugging. 
Eren began to make his way towards the grass. "Come, it's over here," he said, waving her over to him. 
She followed behind him as he led through the trees towards the park, she could faintly see a playground and behind it was a skating area with different drops and turns. She had always seen them in movies, but she never knew there was one this close to where she lived. 
Eren walked past the playground and stood before a drop that led into the whole thing. 
"So this is it huh?" she asked, coming beside him to look. 
Eren smiled, "Yeah, it is. I'm not gonna make you do this though, I gotta teach you slowly," he replied. He placed his skateboard onto the ground, his right foot pressing onto the board. "Let me show you how I do it,"
She backed up a bit to give him room, he used his left foot to push himself forward, within seconds he was moving slowly along the pavement. 
"It's all about balance, I remember my balance was shit, but after awhile you'll get used to it," he said, turning the board to move towards her. 
She nodded, "So kind of like a balance beam?" 
He chuckled, "Something like that, the only difference is you're moving and there's no padding at the bottom," he grinned. Eren slowed down to a stop in front of her, hopping off the board he looked at her. "Want to give it a try? I'll make sure you don't fall," 
She shook her head, placing her items on the ground and heading towards him. "So.. what do I do first?" she asked, looking down at the board. 
He brushed a few strands of his hair out of his face. "Start slow, don't try anything fancy or cool, just go at a normal pace." he replied. "Here.."
She looked down to see his hand outstretched for her to take. She could faintly see the tattoo on his knuckles, along with his silver rings. 
"Put your right foot on the board," he said, laughing a bit. 
She did what she was told, her legs feeling slightly wobbly from the moving board. "Okay.." she said, taking his hand. 
Eren's cheeks grew pink from the contact, her hand was so warm compared to his cold ones. "Good.. now we're gonna move slowly, it's important you don't freak out, or you'll fall over and hurt yourself. Got it?" he asked, nodding. 
She shook her head, placing her other foot onto the board. She could feel it swaying beneath her feet, her hands went to Eren's arms, she could feel his muscles flexing beneath his jacket. 
"Shit! Shit! I think I'm gonna fall!" she cried, gripping his sweater tighter. 
Eren's hands went to her waist. "Relax! (Y/N), I need you to relax. If you freak out, you'll fall on your ass, just breathe," he said, looking into her eyes. 
She swallowed thickly, her heart was racing and her legs felt like they were jelly. The idea of falling wasn't exactly the most thrilling thing ever, she didn't want to embarrass herself in front of him, especially since he totally saw her do it earlier in the smoke circle. 
"Just relax.. I'll slowly start moving you," he said. "You won't fall, not if I'm here," 
Her cheeks grew warm, he sounded so sweet and it started to put her body at ease. "Okay, okay, I think I got it," she said, taking a few deep breaths. 
The board began to move slowly down the cement ground, she squeezed the fabric of his jacket; almost like her life depended on it. 
"Like that.. you got this," Eren said, a smile forming on his face. 
He slowly walked down with her, making sure she wasn't going to fall off. "How many people have you taught?" she asked, looking at him. 
"Uh.. only you," he replied, chuckling a bit.
She looked at him, "Oh! Comforting!" 
He rolled his eyes playfully, "I'm joking.. I have taught tons of people. It's a long process you just have to trust, like right now," he replied. 
Slowly, Eren's grip on her waist loosened. She could feel her legs becoming slightly wobbly again, her hands were clinging to his arms still. 
"Where are you going?!" she asked, frantically looking at him. 
He smiled, "You gotta let go, I promise you won't fall," 
She scoffed as Eren took her hands off of his arms, the board going down the sidewalk a bit quicker this time. Suddenly, she felt like she had the confidence, almost like Eren letting go made her want to go faster. 
"Wait! This isn't that bad!" she yelled, smiling as the board went further down the sidewalk. 
Eren smiled watching her go down the sidewalk, he knew she could do it. "You got this!" he called back. 
He began to follow her down the sidewalk, he wanted to make sure nothing would go wrong; he'd get mad at himself if she got hurt. 
"You're doing really good!" he said, jogging up to her. 
She smiled to herself about it, maybe skating wasn't so bad? It was really fun and she got the hang of it pretty easily.. well not that easily. 
"Wait Eren.. how do I slow down?" she asked, looking towards him. 
He looked at the board and back at her. "Just put your right foot on the end of it," he replied.
She tried to lift her foot, but unfortunately, she got a little wobbly; the front of the board flew up and her left leg got caught. 
"Woah!" Eren said, putting his arms around her before she could hit the ground. 
Her back was pressed against his chest. "Shit.. I'm sorry," she said, looking at the ground. 
He chuckled, "You're good, don't worry about it," 
Eren helped her stand up straight. "Well that was embarrassing.. but it's really fun!" she said, smiling.
Eren liked seeing the excitement on her face, it made him grin, she seemed to be a really cool girl. "It is fun, I'm glad you liked it," he replied. "But we should get back, it's pretty late, not to mention that cops come around here later."
"Sounds good!" she nodded, making her way back to where her stuff was. 
Eren grabbed his skateboard off the floor and followed after her. "Do you have an Uber coming?" he asked.
She looked over at him. "Oh! No I don't, I might just walk back to the party and find Sasha."
He nodded, "I can walk you back," he replied. 
She smiled, "I'd love that."
Eren smiled before making his way down the path towards the house, he wasn't sure what time it was, but for some reason he didn't want it to end. He liked spending time with (Y/N), even though they just met, he felt like they had a genuine connection. 
"So.. do you go to Sina University?" she asked, looking at him. 
Eren nodded, "I do actually! Do you?"
"I do, I can't believe I've never seen you before though," she replied.
She rubbed her arms together which caught Eren's attention, she was wearing a tight black shirt with a skirt. 
"Here.." Eren said, handing her his skateboard. "Hold this for a second,"
She took the board from his hands and watched him remove his jacket, he held it out for her to grab. "Take it, you're freezing and I don't want you getting sick," he said, smiling. 
Her face heated up, "Thank you.." she took the jacket from his hands and draped it over her shoulders.
"It looks good on you," Eren said, eyeing her form. 
She giggled, "Sort of? It's really big though," 
Eren stopped in front of the house, many people still stood around outside talking and music still blasted from the inside. He assumed it probably wasn't too late if people were still around, unless they'd rather stay and get drunk.
"Well, this was.. something!" she said, looking up at him.
Eren laughed through his nose. "It was.. but I definitely enjoyed it. Even if we just met," he replied. 
"I'll see you around?" she said, nodding. 
"Yeah, see you around." he replied, clutching his skateboard in his hands. 
He watched as she began to make her way up the driveway, but something in him didn't want to just let her go. She was sweet, pretty, definitely one of a kind, and Eren didn't want it to be a one time thing. 
(Y/N) turned around, confusion written all on her features. "Huh? What happened?" she asked, walking towards him again.
He looked away for a second, his cheeks growing pink. "Can I get your number? Snapchat? Anything? I really don't want this to be the last time I see you," he asked, rubbing the back of his neck.
Her surprised face turned into a happy one. "Of course, here, I'll put my number in," she replied.
Eren fumbled around for his phone, handing it to her as quickly as he could. He watched her press the different keys around to enter her number, his heart racing in his chest. 
"Here you go! I'll see you around Eren," she said, waving at him. 
Eren smiled as she walked into the house, maybe he'd have a skating partner sometime soon.
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babykatsu · 4 years
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PAIRING: katsuki bakugou x fem!reader
RATING: nsfw ⛈
GENRE: smut!
WARNINGS: slow burn, swearing, kissing, no intercourse, foreplay, car sex, little bit of degradation, a littleeee rough!
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as though fate had its worst intentions, bakugous car had broken down on the way to your high school reunion with you in the car as well. GREAT! Not only was it getting dark and chilly, you were also in the middle of nowhere... That really didn’t ease the atmosphere, especially when Bakugou was already hesitant on lending you a drive to the reunion. But with the discomfort, there always comes a way to ease it ;)
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a special thanks to @laylahoran for not only helping me proof read and pick out the title for this scenario BUT also for just being there to support me through out this whole thing! Literally the purest friend🥺🥺💕💕 ilysmmm!!!
Also, this is my first detailed smut imagine so sorry if it’s a bit sloppy :(
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Life after high school proved to be a lot more different than expected. For starters, after having moved to find better work opportunities in the city, you found yourself deprived of nearly all social interaction with your previous friends. Yes, you still caught up over text and call, but it was safe to say it was not quite the same. Not only did the hectic schedule of working for a hero agency clash with your friends’, when you were on your days off all your friends seemed to be busy with their own goals of becoming high ranking heroes. You sort of started living a more solitary lifestyle, a drastic change from your previous one.
So when you flopped down on your couch, your body sluggish and desperate for sleep after a bustling day of work, you felt suddenly energised. Eyes wide as you could just barely believe what you were reading. An email had illuminated on your phone screen, reading the following:
“Greetings class A! It has been nearly a year since we have all graduated and I’m in complete aw as to how far you have all come :) On a more dejected note, however, we have all seemed to grow more distant due to our work. I have missed you all dearly and believe the connections we all formed are amazing experiences we should not forget about! Though we may have kept in contact here and there, it’s evident that we all have been lacking. This is why I have taken it upon myself to set up a reunion party! More information is soon to be delivered in the next email, and I’m super excited to hear from you all. Arrangements with your agencies will take place as soon as confirmations come through. You’re previous classmate, Tenya Iida”
As though your prayers had been answered, you were greeted with that email. Now, this was an offer you couldn’t pass up! Without hesitation, your fingers started typing away at your phone, the pads of your fingers darting across the glass as though they had a mind of their own. You were determined to go, excitement flooding your sense at just the thought of the whole event! As your eager fingers hit send on the email a sudden thought crossed your mind.
You hadn’t thought about it previously, mind racing and occupied with the general idea of a reunion, how were you going to get to the location of the party?
As said previously, life was not as expected after graduating, and though heroes lived a life with above-average pay, bathing in luxuries at times, it all took years of experience. No way could you have reached such a high status having worked for less than a year in this field. With the lack of money to your name, there were no chances of you owning a car at this very moment in time. Maybe public transport was a good option? But the delays, need for time arrangements and the entire coordination of your journey was already giving you a headache. The travel aspect was less than fruitful.
But you were going to get there one way or another.
Taking in a deep breath, you gently pressed the off button on your device, sinking your body further into the couch as you allowed your body to finally relax. Your mind pondered of all the different options, from uber’s and cabs to all the different forms of public transport available. But as your unresting thoughts echoed around in your head, you finally concluded. A conclusion that churned your stomach, a fluttery feeling pricking the goosebumps along your chilled skin.
You could ask Bakugou for a lift.
Though this plan seemed faulty, a high chance he would decline the offer to attend the reunion filled with “extras”, you still had your hopes up high.
Out of all the people who could have moved to the same part of town as you, Bakugou was the one. It was pure coincidence that you both had ended up not too far from each other, a block away in fact. Though throughout all three years that you attended u.a you had barely spoken to him. You had your exchange in words here and there, the occasional insult would be thrown your way, but oddly enough out of all people in the class, you received his harsh treatment the least. You just figured, he barley knew you so acknowledging your existence was a waste of his time. Yet his subtle acts of warmth towards you didn’t go unnoticed by your subconscious, a strange feeling invading your body. You developed feelings for the boy.
Shockingly, you found yourself attracted to him, even with the lack of a solid foundation for a proper friendship. You didn’t know what exactly enticed you so much, maybe it was his toned chiselled frame or perhaps his confident exterior. Whatever it was, it had your heart thumping faster at every glance you two shared, and the thoughts that lingered with these unexplainable emotions were even more hectic. It was as though every second you spent alone, confined by the four white walls of your room, you lay wondering of all you wanted him to do to you. A peak of curiosity soon turned into a full-fledged lust for him. The moment you batted your eyelids shut, you’d picture his muscular body towering yours, his hands pinning you down as he’d shamelessly make you a mess under his touch. A thought of him could make your entire body explode. It was all far too complicated for you to process.
That’s why when you moved to a new part of the city, in hopes to start work as well rid yourself of your weird infatuation, you went pale at the sight of him only a couple streets away from where you newly lived. You tried to convince yourself this was indeed a one-time occurrence, yet you’d see him again and again... and again. He most certainly lived near you, it was undeniably true.
Every time you’d return from work, shoes hitting the concrete sidewalk with an echoing tap, you’d always pass him. At first, you shared no words, not a single exchange between you two until one day he randomly spoke up. You remember that moment like the back of your hand, as though it happened just a few minutes ago. Admittedly, the conversation was nothing spectacular, but it still caused a rapid shock to strike through you as the memory of you exchanging numbers with him lurked your brain. The whole event was so bizarre and it still seems unreal now.
Snapping from your daydream, you came to a solid answer. This was probably the best time to put his number to good use. Unlike you, he had a car and could most likely drive you to where ever this reunion will take place... That’s if he decides he is going to attend as well. That’s where your plan seems to not be so successful.
Yet, you had no other choice. He was your best shot at finally getting a break from this borderline isolation.
Nervously, you picked your phone up once more, gently scrolling through your contacts until a familiar name was visible: ‘Katsuki Bakugou’. A nervous feeling burnt at the pit of your stomach as you anxiously went to type out a message. Your shaky fingers tapped the keyboard, with every additional letter that was added to your sentence, your heartbeat sped up even faster until you felt it pound against your ears. Who knew you could feel so nervous about a generic message... It was Bakugou you were texting after all. Not only was he known for being an uncontrollable hothead, but he was also the guy you often fantasied about. You were more than flustered by this point.
Finally, after rereading your message frantically over and over again, you hit send. You felt your heart quickly sink before a chill ran through your entire body. Now you play the waiting game...
On the other end of the line sat a pouting Bakugou. Just like you, he had received the same email, his face crinkled into a frown as he read the disgusting email present on his screen. Like he’d show up to watch a bunch of extras overly excited for no reason. The entire thought of a reunion made his blood boil. At the same time, however, he wouldn’t mind seeing a few faces.
Sure he hated the class, but there was no denying he missed the ‘old days’. He rolled his eyes and let out a huff, in complete annoyance at how soft he’d become. Was he really contemplating going to that shitty reunion? Apparently so, as he decided to type up a quick response to Iida's invite.
A thought he had tried awfully hard to suppress soon made its way to the surface. It was you. Out of all the people he’d want to meet at the reunion, it had to be you. Though he didn’t necessarily have to be at the reunion to view you.
Similarly, he found himself drawn to you for some obscure reason. All throughout high school up until now. During school, he would always gawk at the way your skirt swayed side to side as you walked or even the way you leaned against the desk arching your back most perfectly. It had Bakugous eyes adhered to you. He just wanted to run his hands across your entire body, his lips bequeathing marks on every soft sweet spot on your skin. You’d be his, the deep hickeys that scattered your delicious skin marking his territory. Never had he felt so sexually frustrated, desiring a person so bad it was making him lose his mind. He had better things to worry about, like brining the number 1 hero for starters, but no matter how much he tried denying his deepest desires they just wouldn’t leave.
He tried so hard, he even moved just to get away from you. Of course, that didn’t work, when he saw you strutting down the sidewalk, your clothes hugging all your curves in a way that made his mouth water. He wanted you, and he wanted you bad!
And Bakugou gets, what Bakugou wants.
Just as that memory swirled his mind, a ping came from his phone, the gentle vibration of the device in his palm breaking him from his fantasy. His vermillion eyes went wide as he glanced down at the notification that had just gone off. The name he wanted to see most displayed.
‘Hey! It’s [name], hope I’m not being a bother :) I’m sure you also received the email about the reunion party, I hope to see you there. That’s if I can get there... Maybe you could give me a lift? Don’t worry if you don’t want to, I understand!’
Bakugou bit his bottom lip as he squinted down at the information in front of him. As much as he wanted to agree, his pride didn’t permit him an agreement to your proposal so easily. Rather than cooperating the way he wanted to, he typed out a message juxtaposing his real desire.
And there started your exchange in messages, the back and forth and your “convincing” to give you ride. Though we all know Bakugou was going to give in to it either way.
Weeks had passed since then, the texts that followed after between you two was kept to an evident minimum. The only exchange included a catch up on your plans for the reunion and that was about it. You were more anxious by the day, knowing the reunion date was coming closer to existence.
Next thing you knew, the day had arrived.
You were seated in the passenger seat of Bakugous car. Nervously, you shifted in the leather seat, hand resting on the inner door handle as your eyes followed the passing trees that came in and out of view.
The sky was faintly clouded, a ray of golden sun piercing through parted clouds, dripping a soft sunset hue over the ivy leaves of the trees. You sat inside the car, yet you remembered the faint chilly winds that caressed your skin. Overall, the weather was decent, far from perfect but not awful either.
The tranquillity that filled the car was apparent, the most noise that was present was the hushed sound of the radio playing, the music placid. It only intensified the awkward silence that was held between you both.
Playing with the hem of your dress, you spoke up in an attempt to spark up a conversation. “well, aren’t you the conversationalist” you spoke sarcastically, a hint of playfulness in your voice. Though you spoke suddenly, Bakugou didn’t seem to divert his focus from the road. His face stayed in its usual state, not even a smirk dared to spread across his lips. Clearly, your playfulness was not reciprocated. The silence engulfed you both for a while longer before he finally responded. His reply was less than adequate, a simple hum.
You shifted your attention back onto the view outside, watching as the car drives deeper and deeper into some sort of forest. The trees grew larger, the suns light being swallowed by the towering greenery above. Cars began passing more infrequently until you had not seen one in ages on the road that had become more narrow.
It felt like you had been in this car for an unbearably long amount of time. You couldn’t tell if time was just moving slower than usual at how bored you were at this very moment in time or if your destination was farther than you expected.
Pulling your phone from your bag that rested atop your lap, you checked the time.
‘6:23 pm’
It was confirmed that time was just moving awfully slower than usual. You had only been in the car for a little under 15 minutes. There was still a fair amount of time left until the party started, so there were no worries on being late though you still had quite a few kilometres to cover. Relieved, you placed your phone back into your bag. You slowly let your eyes rest shut, hoping a quick nap would pass time more sufficiently.
And as you had just calmed your nerves enough to sleep, your body suddenly jolted forward. Your seatbelt immediately binding around your chest, pressing your body flush against the seat as you braced the impact of the sudden stop of the car.
“For fuck sake” Bakugou finally spoke up as he kissed his teeth, gripping the steering wheel remarkably tight that his knuckles were becoming white.
“what just happened?”. Out of curiosity, you questioned the man, his face now looking more annoyed than ever. His hand fiddled with the car keys, the engine roaring repeatedly as he tried turning the car on. “What does it fucking look like, dumbass?” he barked at you, still frantically trying to turn the car on. It didn’t help that he had now started slamming the steering wheel between each attempt.
“Are you out of gas?” You spoke up innocently. There was no denying you were now, in fact, feeling less hopeful that you had enough time to make it to the reunion.
For the first time, he finally made eye contact with you. His rose eyes staring at you in frustration, in complete disbelief at how oblivious you were.
“Of course not! You fucking moron, the shitty car just broke down” He barked at you before flinging the car door wide open, slamming it with a harsh bang as he made his dramatic exit.
You watched him pace up and down with distinct stomps, muttering something under his breath while typing away at his phone. Taking the hint, you exit the vehicle as well. “So, what now?” you irritate him further with your persistent queries.
“How the fuck is there no service? HOW AM I MEANT TO GET THIS SHIT FIXED?” his yells echoed through the vast scenery that surrounded you.
With him stressing, you couldn’t help but taste your mouth go dry as panic began settling in as well. It was no use having the two of you in a frenzy. Rationally, you walked over to Bakugou, your phone gripped in your hand as you formed the only logical suggestion. “Try my phone”
He didn’t even question or ridicule your suggestion like he probably desired to, instead yanking the phone out of your hand and attempting to dial-up a number. It didn’t take long until his eyes rolled back in failure and his jaw flexed with gritted teeth. No luck there either clearly.
“Guess we aren’t going to the shitty reunion. You're fucking welcome!” He yells once more, slapping the phone back into your palm. The worst somehow ended up playing out, complete defeat washing over your body.
Resting against the car, you dropped your bottom lip into a slight pout, the chilly air growing cooler.
You were in the middle of nowhere, the only form of transport for miles was now down and to top it off you were getting cold. Your body rapidly began to shiver, goosebumps pricking along your exposed skin.
“Aren’t you fucking smart” Bakugou scoffed as he stared at you, arms crossed over his broad chest. “didn’t even bring a jacket while wearing some stupid dress”
Rather than yelling like he had been doing for the last couple minutes, he was calming his nerves by teasing you. It may have been the adrenaline that made him feel so open to being more playful, or maybe he attempted to distract himself from how much of a loser he currently felt with a broken car. Whatever it was, he was now smirking at the girl in front of him, tantalising her about the cold.
“I didn’t know I’d be stuck outside, did I?” You teased back, rolling your eyes at him. The fact he was being so calm on the outside was making you feel less worried, yet more nervous at his sudden change in mood than anything.
His eyes stared you up and down, analysing your shivering state as the wind began picking up. Another sigh left his parted lips before resuming to speak. "Go sit inside the car. No use shivering like a dumbass if you can't handle a bit of wind" he chuckled slightly as he spoke, as though to assure you his comment was in fact not as rude as he intended it to come out.
Though you obeyed, taking careful steps around the car to sit back in it, you decided to throw your own snarky remark his way. "Not one to talk when you're wearing a jacket". You give him a 'look', before fully submerging yourself in the cars shielded warmth. It may have broken down not too long ago, but it was still well heated. An instant chill rolled down your spine as your body quickly adjusted to the sudden change in temperature.
"Sorry, princess. Didn't realise I had royalty as company". That devious smirk sprawled itself across his tanned face as he followed your move, getting in the car himself. Something about the way he addressed you made you quiver, the innocent word was also oh so seductive. That sudden feeling of arousal pent up inside you, fogging your thinking.
"I- don't get too cocky now". Your reply came out as a jittery stutter, senses overwhelmed by his playful tone that had you heated. Senses scattered, too flustered by his seemingly unintentional words. It's not like he knew about your fantasies of him or how your sinful thoughts begged for him to call you such names. And now as you were in the midst of it all, you couldn't help but lose yourself.
He let out another husky laugh. The way you broke apart at the simplest words only stroked his ego. No denying he purposely chose those specific words to see how you'd react, and to his surprise, it went far better than expected. "Here, have my jacket then if you wanna keep yapping about it"
Speechless, your vision was once again fixated on him. Gawking at the leather jacket that slipped of his physique, revealing his toned, muscular arms. You swallowed the nervous lump in your thought down, butterflies invading your system as you watched.
You expected him to carelessly throw the jacket your way, alternatively he leaned over. His significantly larger body mounted over yours as he placed his jacket over your exposed legs, instant warmth tickling your chilled skin.  His hands felt so smooth as they lightly brushed against your thigh, the accidental touch shooting straight to your core. It was humiliating at how quickly you discomposed around him, cheeks red and breath hitched. You just couldn't help it, a presence like his was way too intense. Especially, at this moment.
"U-um, so what are we going to do now?" you try to change topics as you felt your current heated state become far too overwhelming, whole-body hot as your thoughts began drifting to all the wrong places.
He peeped his eyes, as though deep in thought."Wait until someone hopefully passes, I guess?". The uncertainty in his tone had you feeling concerned again. The worry bombarding you, diverting your inner emotions elsewhere. You've wanted to meet your classmates so vigorously for ages, all fired up for weeks as you obsessively counting down the days, only for this to happen. Not a single car had been in view for ages, god knows until the next one would come. That's also assuming that the car would even stop for you two. This was so disappointing, a hollow feeling in your chest as you sulked.
"I guess? For god sake, we aren't even going get to the reunion in time!"
Bakugou had noticed your sudden change in mood. In all honesty, he didn't quite understand why you wanted to see those annoying dickheads anyway, but he felt strangely sympathetic towards you. "Oi, I'm fucking sorry. I'll drive you to see your friends another time".
"What if there isn't another time?" you mope at him, facing your body towards him. He doesn't reply right away, mirroring your actions instead to examine your current behaviour. There was no way he could make this situation better unless the car magically fixed itself. Which to be fair, would never happen. As his eyes scanned you, he noticed the way you were still shivering, the once heated car losing its warmth. It was his best shot at diverting the conversation.
"You're still shivering, dumbass". His red orbs were fixed on you as he reached out his arms towards you. They felt considerably warmer than you as they rested on your shoulders. You followed his gaze that watched his own hands as they rubbed you up and down carefully. The slight friction between his hands and your skin bringing you some heat. It only sunk in then that his large hands were tracing your arms, his warmth transferring to you. Flusters took over your sense again. As much as you wanted to speak up right now, you knew you'd only choke up on your words, far worse than your stutters. As your stomach swirled, you felt ardour rush to your face. A rose haze coated your skin, eyeing the way Bakugou rubbed his hands against you.
"Looks like you've warmed up, that's for sure" he grinned at you, noticing the way your chest began rising and falling, heartbeat thumping rapidly. The way your face flushed scarlet as your eyes danced around your atmosphere, all at his touch. He noticed it all. And boy was it rubbing his ego.
"I-uh, yeah. I mean- no?". Your words came out jumbled, unable to form proper sentences when his ruby eyes finally gazed up at you. The mysterious glint in them made you feel overwhelmed, unaware of what move he would make next.
"So you need to be warmed up a bit more, huh?". His hands swiftly grazed your arms, just about hovering over your soft skin. Careful touches traced it, your words departing from your brain. The entirety of your focus was on the way Bakugou's fingertips tickled you delicately, the electric feeling flowing throw you. "Speak up for me. Do you still need to be warmed?". He snapped you back into reality without warning, only to put you in a trance again. The way he spoke with such dominance, demanding for you to speak, only stirred your imagination further. You had pictured moments like these so many times, him ordering you to do as he says. And as these thoughts rushed to the surface, you started to feel heat build between your thighs.
"Yeah, sorry!". Frantically, you attempt to respond, a nervous giggle followed your sentence as it came out of your mouth. "If that's what you want, princess". He emphasised the nickname, his lips curling into a sneer as his hands began to wander. The soothing touch travelled upwards, his hands gliding over your skin, one resting on your warmed rosy cheek. His sudden action had your breath hitching. You'd portray such touches numerous times yet nothing could have appointed you for this moment as your nerves fell apart.
As you tried to ration the situation out in your mind, his eyes finally locked with yours. The intimate stare had you holding your breath. Gently, he massaged his thumb against your cheek as he slowly moved his hand to the back of your neck, chills dripping down your spine. His eyes flickered between your eyes and mouth, hinting at a kiss. Was he going to kiss you? You must have been dreaming or something. But it was all happening, right now. There was no time to contemplate the event at hand. His face was edging closer to yours only inches apart, his proximity to you titillating. As you waited for his lips to finally come in contact with yours, you began losing patience. It's like he purposely was a millimetre away from your lip just to taunt you. You took in one more breath, easing your nerves before crashing your lips against his.
Your initial cold shivers were a way for Bakugou to change the subject from his broken car, and it all had worked out in his favour. Admittedly, this was not the outcome he was intending for, but he was not complaining either. He was finally able to seel a kiss with a girl that had invaded his thoughts for years. A dream come true if you will.
His tender lips felt so soft against yours, the sweet caramel taste engulfing your senses as they oozed from his lips. The once overwhelming anxiousness that had you falling apart beneath his touch was now easing as you melted into the passionate exchange between the two of you. Bakugou's lips moved in sync with yours, sucking and tugging at your bottom lip hungrily, undoubtedly smudging your lipstick. His pearly whites sunk into your bottom lip, giving them a smooth tug before sliding his warm tongue in. As he did so, his hand explored your body, slowly descending down the side of your torso, gripping you tightly. His other hand, that had itself placed at the back of your neck, suddenly wrapped around your throat. A rough squeeze was given, encouraging a gasp to erupt from your voicebox. His unforeseen move made you feel sensitive, clenching your thighs together to relieve the desperate ache between your legs. The warm wet muscle that had slipped inside your mouth earlier adventured in your mouth, swirling around your tongue and trailing every inch. It all felt so unreal.
Suddenly, Bakugou pulled away with a string of saliva connecting you both. His hands were still firm on wherever they were on your body. Through parted lips, he panted as his gaze darted. "Fuck, looks like you got me warm as well now". His signature smirk was back, his hand that held you by the neck pulling your face closer to his. Vermillion eyes analysed you, watching the way your face was flushed, lips were wet and lipstick was smudged. Realising he probably had some red on his lips as well from your makeup, he brought one hand to his face, wiping his plump lips with the back of his hand. The image before you only made you wetter, thighs already tightly clutched. And as though he could read your mind, he brought that same hand down to your thigh with a slap. The impact of his hands against you instantly shot to your soaking core, though the actions didn't hurt you much. You felt a tingling sensation to dance across your skin. Rubbing the impacted area, Bakugou continued to look at you, his eyes occasionally diverting to were he was soothing your thigh. His hands began needing your thigh higher and higher until his fingers dipped into the gap where your two thighs made contact. Teasingly, he drove one thigh from another to part them. "And you're definitely warmed up now, baby". His words insinuating how flustered you were.
He brought his lips back to yours as he worked his fingertips up your leg. His touch was so close and you felt so sensitive, you couldn't help but let out a shaky moan into the kiss. You wanted him so bad, craving to feel every inch of him against you. Your hands eager, you brought them up to his shirt. Clenching your hands around the piece of fabric, you tugged him closer to you, the distance between you two unbearable as you sat in separate seats. Your actions brought him to a sudden pause, causing him to pull away. "Are you that desperate for me?". His seductive tone made your face heat up and even more aroused. By now, you sure as hell knew your cunt was drenched. "You want me so fucking bad, don't you?". His hand was back in motion, fingertips almost touching you through your underwear. All you could do was moan in response as you craved his touch. "I can't fucking hear you". He taunted you once again, before his fingertips finally stroked your wet panties, massaging your folds through the cotton. You felt your breath tremble as he applied gentle pressure.
"Y-yes, I've wanted you so bad for a long time". Voice unsteady, you could just barely articulate. You felt the way his fingers caressed you through your underwear, index finger circling your clit so that the fabric would trigger your sensitive bud. Another moan emerged out your lips as you took in a profound breath. "I can tell. Your fucking soaking and it's all for me, babygirl". His cool breath trickled down your ear as he murmured against it.
You couldn't bear it anymore, the distance practically eating away at your patience as sexual frustration overflowed your senses. His fingers continued to shower you in affection but it was no longer enough. You needed more. "Please, Bakugou. I-I want you so bad right now". Hitched breaths and shallow moans rolled off of your tongue as you spoke, Bakugou's eyes sinful as he observed you.
"You'll have to be more specific than that". The same mockeries filled your ears, craving to see you flush as you spoke of all your desires, embarrassed by their explicit nature. As he awaited your response, he slowed his movements down, only teasing you further as it stript you off the pleasure you so desperately yearned for. "Shit, I want to feel you. I want to be closer- please".
The words dripped from your mouth as though it was second nature, the thirst for him more than unambiguous by your needy state. With that, his hands left your core, the cool air surrounding you as his warmth departed. You watched him carefully with longing eyes. The way his cherry centres locked on you as his grip came to your waist. His firm hands grabbed hold of you as he granted your wishes, placing you on his lap.
You sat on top of him, his toned legs holding you up and his hands pursued your body. The way your thighs rested atop his, your sensitive core throbbing against his hardening cock and the way his palms massaged your curves felt all so surreal. Subconsciously grinding against him, you felt his cock brush up against your folds, and with every stroke of your hips, the friction was shooting an electric buzz through you. "Didn't know you were such a needy slut for me". He purred at you with that deriding look in his eyes, smirking smugly. All you did was hum in return to his taunts.
Wrapping your hands around his neck, you lingered your fingertips along his neckline, gradually pulling his face in for another kiss. Devouring each other's lips once again, Bakugous hands slipped beneath your dress, lifting it to loosely drape around your waist. Your legs fully displayed, the frigid air hurried to leave goosebumps along your skin. Resuming his excursion, his fingers wandered back to where they seized you previously. As he leaned into the makeout, he rested your back against the steering wheel before tearing away from your mouth. Keen set of eyes watching you."Tell me exactly where you want my hands to go, baby. Your lucky I'm willing to take directions". For a moment you realised the exception he was making.
Bakugou was known for listening to no one but himself. So the fact he considered something like this, even if it was during an odd time, spoke volumes. It only stabilised, if not boosted, the feeling that you harboured for Bakugou. Yet there was no time to ponder over his actions. You hesitated to respond at first, slightly embarrassed to provide him with an answer.
"I want you to touch me". You deeply flushed at your reply but Bakugou only squinted at you. "Babygirl, your such a needy bitch but won't even get into specifics. Come on, you can be open with me". His words only strengthened the blush that overlaid your skin to deepen, if that was even possible. Even in your profoundly flustered disposition, you needed him and retaining your mouth shut was not an option.
"Bakugou, you know what I mean. Here". You childishly whine before grabbing hold of his hand, guiding it to your heat. His firm hand was resting on your bound cunt, not making a single move but rather looking at you intently. "Good enough" was his only response.
Swiftly, his slender fingers submerged under the fabric of your underwear, coming in contact with your wetness. The suddenness of his actions provoked a gasp to emit from your mouth, his fingers already exploring you. The feeling of his warmth travelling tenderly up and down your folds, with the occasional attentiveness to your clit made you squirm as you sucked deep breaths in. Your chest came up and down as air raced to pervade you, your moans getting gradually louder as you rubbed and arched against his touch. His attentive touch began centring more on your delicate bud, picking up his pace as he soaked in the sight of you falling apart atop him. Your heavy breaths and moans that filled the air and the way you desperately moved against every circular motion of his finger. Fuck was the sight something he had dreamt of for so long, and it was far better than he imagined. "You fucking like that huh?" he uttered through gritted teeth as his face crept closer to yours, observing the way you tightly squeezed your eyes shut, mouth dropped open.
"Shit, yes. Just like that" your breathy response came out as just above a whisper, too caught up in the pleasure of his touch. And just when you thought it couldn't feel any better, you felt his two fingers slip inside you. Your warm pink walls instantly sucking his fingers in, frantically tightening against them. A lusty moan shot out of your mouth, the overwhelming feeling of him fully submerged within you, pumping in and out. His fingers curled to hit just the right spot before you could fully adjust. The sensation was all too much and you felt the desire consume you. Panting and moaning, you could barely make sense of your surroundings as he didn't hesitate to advance his movements by pumping harder and faster, your wetness trickling down his bronzed palm.
His pace only intensified, his fingers gliding in and out of you, rubbing against your contracting walls that made your stomach burn. Burn in a way that made you almost lose control as it tied knots in your abdomen. Every spot that made your body arch against its will, legs jutting and twitching, he hit it all. And just as you edged nearer to your orgasm, moans building up at the back of your throat, ready for release as your nails dug into Bakugou's forearms. He came to a sudden pause, retreating his fingers, now soaked in your juices. You felt the dissatisfaction of his lack of attention, yearning to be touched again. Thick pants filled the car as Bakugou smirked at you and at the way you couldn't help but grind against him to supply for his loss of attention towards you.
"Princess, you didn't really think you'd get it that easy" he spoke tauntingly, rubbing your thighs as he trailed kisses on your collar bone. He'd wanted to mark up your delicate skin so many times, his presence forever embedded on you. Sinking his teeth on your flesh, he sucked and licked it, earning a soft moan from you against his ear. The tickling sensation of your breath against him accompanied by your lewd noises only hardened his growing erection. The restricting tightness of his trousers becoming infuriating for the boy.
He left mark after mark, immersing in the way you rubbed and groaned into him. "Bakugou... I need you. All of you.". Your words were like music to his ears, a combination of sounds he'd wanted to hear for so long. You begging for him to please you, make you his. It didn't even take him a second thought to know what he wanted to do to you, almost agreeing instantly. "Show me how bad you need me then". The challenging statement made you feel more heated, already in complete aw at the way his lips marked your skin.
You gently pushed him off you, pressing his back into the black leather seat, planting a delicate kiss on his lips before ducking between his legs. The position was cramped, the compact space of being under the steering wheel, legs crossed as you shifted your body further back until you could feel the disengaged pedal of the vehicle.
Bakugou sat with eager eyes on you, waiting for what you'd do next. To be honest, he felt uncomfortable at his lack of control at this very moment, already plotting how he'd regain it once more once he caught onto what your plan was. "Is this your way of proving yourself" he snickered at you, your hands on his belt, the clinking of the metal drowning out his voice. Through the material of his trousers, you could see the outline of his bulge, tight around the fabric restraints.
And just as you went to undo the restraints, unravelling the package that was contained, your head had hit the soft padding of the steering wheel. The sudden beep of the car horn went off, alarming the two of you. "What the fuck," Bakugou spoke up first in confusion. The car had obviously broken down only a few minutes ago yet it had finally decided to cooperate and disturb your guys' self-indulgence.
"Perfect timing" You giggled as you let your hands fall from his belt, slightly disappointed by the interruption. You wanted to continue this fantasy, see where it would take you both but you had other priorities on your mind as well. Like getting to the reunion for starters."Don't look so distressed, baby" Bakugou spoke softly as he lifted your chin, admiring you and the marks he left all over. "We will finish what we started, after all, I've been wanting this for so fucking long" He admitted and you couldn't help but redden at his remark.
You delicately slipped from under the wheel, dragging your dress down to cover your flashed skin. "I'll be looking forward to that then" You fire your own flirt his way, tipping over to leave a gentle peck against his lips before cleaning your lipstick from his face. He responded with a scoff and a rolling of his eyes, diverting his attention to the road to start driving again.
"I would say cover up the hickeys, but I want all those damn extra's to know who you belong to now" He smirked giving you the side-eye. Only then did you notice your wrecked state, desperately trying to fix your appearance in the small overhead mirror.
Bakugou steadily drove to your destination as his large hand rested on your thigh, you both wondering where you'd finish this excursion...
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starshipsofstarlord · 4 years
Right Hand Woman | Part Two
Summary; your father is dead, just as you and Loki had planned. All that stands in the way of your reign over both the Cold Shores and Asgard, is your partner’s one eyed adopted parent.
Warnings; mentions of death, deception, brief smut (oral sex, fem receiving), attempts of murder
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Frigga frowned, suspecting something the moment that she caught Loki sneaking into her and Odin’s chambers. It was not wise to trust the boy so easily, whilst she felt tremendous love towards her found son, he was the god of mischief.
And so she watched him from the corner, cloaked by her own witted spell, and studied how he rummaged through the room. “Damn you father!” He whisper shouted to himself, and that was whence his witch of a mother made her presence known.
A soft yet malleable frown cast over Loki’s sly features, as he gulped inherently. “What is it that burdens you my boy?” If only she knew the full extension of the answer to that, but he would not curse her with the details.
“Odin.” That was how he labelled him as; the king. Not his father. “The man that you are wedded to has hidden the book of counsel once again from me. If I wish to be a husband, then I must read and study its contents, for it is not everyday that anyone from the nine realms marries a god.”
With relief indulging her airway, Frigga sighed. At least he was searching for something worthwhile, rather than an item or clue that could get him in attentive trouble.
“Loki.” His name surpassed the barrier of her bewitched lips, earning her child’s attention. “I shall find it for you, but be aware that there is no rush to become one with y/n so soon. It is certain that she is still experiencing the shock and mourning of her father.”
An inclination to smirk at the mention of the dead man arose in Loki’s chest, however he kept his face mute of amusement, and instead, looked up at his favourite parent. She knew, as he noticed his inclination to spill all, that he was holding a secret close to his chest. But he had never been one to be entirely truthful, and so instead of berating him about it, she left him alone.
“I suppose.” He didn’t. It was a white lie in his eyes, but a vast one in the eyes of his family, with the sorrow pent up in y/n. She was far from sad, rather, he was the only one that could see how truly joyous she was concerning the fall of her father.
The small spilt tears were a lie, all to deceive the Odinson tree. Thor was certainly the most gullible of all when witnessing it, he would order the guards to abandon their duties to go and fetch her something to dry her eyes on, and if they were not fast enough, he would do the job himself.
It was truly a sight to behold though as Odin would nurture her with caring phrases, and lay a comforting hand upon her slunk shoulder, praising her for having some sense.
Loki’s family knew that it had been difficult, protecting herself whilst in the meanwhile wearing her father’s blood upon her hands. It showed her loyalty to the youngest of Odin’s sons, and that was what they wanted in a dame.
“That poor girl.” Frigga reminisced all that she had heard regarding the death of the opposing king, that had once been an ally. “Killing her own father, it must have come with some difficulty.”
The man was assured that there had been none, y/n had wanted to do such amends in a great long time. However, she had to wait for the perfect moment, so that Odin could be blessed of the sight of her above her father’s carcass.
“Perhaps, but it has shown me how perfect she is for marriage material. We aren’t even combined into one yet, and she has already proven her loyalty, presenting that she has the same image for Asgard and the Cold Shores in her peripheral.”
His mother, whom was married into the line of the throne, sighed. She felt great pity for y/n, for she felt torn; but ultimately, chose herself over her father’s selfish wishes. And through his actions, y/f/n had broken the contract and his own blessing of allowing Loki to take her hand.
The same image. If there was one thing that Frigga had nervous thoughts about, it was Loki, and his problematic situation in wanting the throne. But to the dismay of the trickster god, it was promised to his brother Thor; the real heir of Odinson royalty. And though Frigga adored Loki as though he were her own son, because essentially he was, her trust in him regarding his hunger to rule Asgard was thin, like a silver platter.
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Y/n sat, pondering her decisions. She liked Odin, despite him being like all kings, even if he had turned over a new leaf in the latest centuries. He had adorned the rivers of Valhalla with bloodshed, passing through the nine realms with his weapon unsheathed, pooling blood so that in return he could take the gold that the men and women harboured so slyly.
Her father had done the same thing, but he had been much more humble regarding his lifestyle. A grand and glorious display of buildings had not been considered necessary in y/f/n’s rich eyes. Instead, he opted to remain vigilant, living in hoisted tents, so that he had the freedom to move him and his people about as he pleased.
But he had wanted to depart from his only child, in order to gain another ally, but in doing so, he had lost that trust with Asgard. And now she was the heir of his ruins, but she had left with the man that had reckoned pain upon his people for his treachery.
The only thing that was left in their plan, was to kill Odin. It was rather simple thinking of it, however proceeding to do so would be a far different story. And first, so that their power was in conjunction, her and Loki needed to marry. She found no problem in doing so, especially since it was one of her greatest desires to do so already.
She was laid beneath the sheets of the guest room that was supplied to her, adorned in nothing but her underwear. One feature of her icy homelands that she was used to was the cold. Here, it felt so warm, she felt enclosed by the heat; trapped even.
As a child, she often wore a red nose, hardly feeling the end of it, as snow would balance upon it, and fall around every inch outside of her tent. But in Asgard, a place that she had visited many a time, she was sweltering. A part of her feared that it was a flaw granted by karma, for killing her father.
There was some truth to her lies; he had wanted her to wed another that was not Loki, but she didn’t tell him of whom, knowing that he would grown furious and insecure, and surely take everything that he was feeling out on her competing suitor.
However, she had deceived his father as well, made Odin believe that he was trying to pass y/n onto another kingdom. Instead, y/f/n had been talking of with his lower level colleagues, that he was considering Thor as a replacement for the sorcerer prince.
That was an idea that she was not fond of. Whilst she got along well enough with Thor, she loved Loki, it was simple as that. And she was against anyone, even if it be family, trying to rip apart the contract of her childhood dream; to wed the sneaky, yet charming prince.
Y/n was ripped from her thoughts as knuckles rapped on the display of double doors, that lead into the room that she was currently occupying. “You may enter.” She informed whomever was wishing to see her on the other side, the door groaning open as a sleek and fetching man entered.
Loki made sure to close the barricade behind him, walking closer to his future wife with purpose in each step that he instructed. “Beloved y/n...”
“Did you find it?” She asked, referring to the last piece to fill in their mystical puzzle. Her brow quirked, watching as her to be husband exasperatedly sighed, combing a talented hand through his long black locks.
“No, but my mother has taken upon herself to aid us in doing so.” His green and keen eyes looked down upon her, gently hoisting her to be on her feet by a carefully tugging on her arm.
“This needs to be sped up my love, otherwise they will catch onto our intentions before we can complete them.” Y/n tried to pace, however, Loki kept a grip on her, refraining her from doing so. And so she was kept right before him, in a face to face manner, frozen like the ropes of water by her original home and his birth place.
“Relax for a moment, there needn’t be a rush.” Loki cooed at her, brushing through her hair with an underlying content. “To distract you, I am here, and I will do anything to remove your mind from all that troubles you.”
He lightly pushed down one of her shoulders, making her fall elegantly back on the bed, her bare breasts bouncing as she fell. Loki licked his lips at the sight, raking his cold fingertips up her thighs, parting them to his will. “Did you know that it was me that had intention to pester you at this time, or were you prepared to allow any nimble soldier see you so- so open for their unworthy pupils to devour?”
“I knew it was you Loki.” She rolled her y/e/c eyes, resting on her forearms on the fresh fabric, that rubs tenderly against her skin. “Otherwise, I’d have not answered, making them search the grounds for me until they persisted you with having an inability to find me.”
“Little minx.” Loki smirked, rubbing softly on the insides of your thighs. He crept closer, collapsing between y/n’s spread legs, rutting his covered cock over the promise that came with marriage. “I cannot wait for us to bind together in an established union, that will be recognised by all, and we will never be mistake for a pair of lovesick fools ever again.”
“And when we reign, all will know that we are not to be reckoned with.” Y/n reached up, guiding his hands lower. “But until then, I want you to ruin me, until I am screaming loud enough for all the habitants in nearby rooms to hear.” Her eyes were glazed, Loki licked his lips as he swept down, casting his mouth passionately upon hers.
His raven tendrils swayed around them like a curtain, enclosing their faces in an intimate proximity. Whilst his mouth explored her own, content sighs renegading from his lover’s busy mouth, his hands slipped down, finding penance at her waist.
They traced the outline of her underwear, teasingly moving underneath the sides, making y/n flutter with anticipation. Her cheeks grew warm as she looked down at her partner in treachery, letting out a startled gasp whence he ripped the seams, discarding of the useless material.
He ran his slippery, cursing lips up her leg, tracing them sensually around the budding lips of her pussy. Y/n nestled her head into the comfort below, watching with Loki with dazed eyes, that were heavily plagued by the dreariness of her lids.
“By the gods!” In an instant, he had suctioned his mouth around her entirety, suckling with his cat like pupils boring up at his lover in ecstasy. He always got what he wanted, and he would marry this princess, and then, their journey throughout royalty would continue.
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The occasion had finally arrived. Odin stood at the centre of the platform, between the two lovers. With gratitude to his mother Frigga, Loki sent her a pleased nod, before once more tuning his attention back onto his lovely fiancé.
All of Asgard watched dearly from below, holding onto their kings every word as he spoke the age old coronation into a pairing’s vows. His speech was slow, and it made y/n slightly antsy.
She wanted to marry Loki, and despite going through the prior orchestration of doing so, she wanted nothing more than for the process to speed itself up. But she remained silent, and apparently patient to all that stared with fawning smiles.
It wasn’t everyday that the royals were wed, and the citizens of the plain were in for a treat. It was something that was viewed sparingly, for their children that would be procreated in the distant future would hear tales of such a collision of two people, not actually baring witness to the ongoing.
Odin cleared his ancient throat, folding the scroll back into its exterior, and declared the emission and final act. “Y/n, of the cold shores, do you take my son, Loki, to be your partner for as long as you live?”
“I do, King Odin.” Her childhood dreams were being brought to light, after all this time. They had waited a thousand years for this exact moment, and every second that she had thought and not acted on it had been essentially worth it.
Loki stood across from her, their hands intertwined in the space between their bodies. There was a glimmer sparkling in his devious eyes, and y/n gulped at the sight of it. As happy as she felt, there was a brewing in the pit of her stomach, for she knew the god far too well.
“Loki, of Asgard, do you take the woman before you, y/n, to be your wife for your eternity?” The green eyed prince smiled across at her, giving her shaking fingers a comforting squeeze.
“I do, father.”
“Then, you may kiss your partner to seal the vow.” Y/n had an exhausting smile pinching her cheeks, and as Loki swiftly removed his hands from her own, she moved closer.
But that look had returned, and before she could stop him, he had slipped a blade out from his sleeve, and directed its spear tip towards Odin. This was not the time or the place for the violence, but the deed was done; they were exposed.
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pandoras-princess · 4 years
Next Best Thing (Tommy Shelby x fem!reader, John Shelby x fem!reader)
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*gif not mine//credit to owner
A/N: Hello my lovelies! 🌸 Welcome to my first ever Peaky Blinders fic, I wrote it ages ago and have just edited it slightly so my apologies if the quality isn’t greaaat but the other parts will be better I promise! 😅 This is an AU fanfic where John never married Martha or had kids before he married Esme and there is no Grace for Tommy andddd the timeline is absolutely wack, I know it’s a lot so if you’re in the market for a traditional by the book Peaky Blinders fic this one is not for you I’m afraid 🤗 also if you’re finding it a bit slow I advise you to hang in there until after the time skip because that’s the better half of this part in my opinion, nevertheless I seriously enjoyed writing this so Happy Reading Peoples! 🥳🥳 as ever I appreciate every like, reblog and follow, feedback is forever welcome 😌
Summary:  Being the bestfriend of Jonathan Shelby meant that you’d grown up attached at the hip. And considering you were hopelessly in love with him, life was eventful to say the least. With John marrying Esme you decide it’s high time you got over him. And as they say the best way to get over someone is to get under someone else...
Pairing: (OOC) Thomas Shelby x fem!reader, John Shelby x fem!reader
Warnings: Swearing, violence, smoking and drinking, mentions of addiction, mentions of sex but no smut I’m afraid
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Being John Shelby's best friend was definitely not an easy job.
You and John were the exact same age, born on the same day of the same month of the same year, precisely one hour and eleven minutes apart, and since your family only lived one house away from the Shelby's it was a given that you and John would grow up to be best friends.
You were as good as family to them, so when your father was killed in the war and your mother unable to cope turned to the drink and drugs, you were left officially orphaned at age 10 and Polly arranged for you to live with them, raising you as her own.
Growing up with the Shelby's came with it's challenges. They were all fiercely protective of you but no one more so than John. When you were kids he'd beat up anyone that dare made you cry, or sad or angry or anything other than happy really, and as you grew older and began to date he'd scare away anyone deemed not up to scratch, which seemed to be pretty much all of them, threatening violence known around Small Heath as common behaviour for the Peaky Blinders. This meant that you never really had a boyfriend, or many boys interested in you at all for that matter, and any who were rarely had the balls to act on it for fear of the Peaky Blinders wrath. However this didn't bother you much as there was only ever one boy you truly wanted interested in you, the one boy who never would be interested in you.
Of course being a teenage girl you'd had your silly crushes, Tommy being one of them. But they all paled in comparison to what you felt for John.
Being best friends meant that the two of you spent practically all of your time together, did everything together, went through and dealt with everything together. He had always been your shoulder to cry on, your ear to bend, your hugs and smiles and laughs, your safe place. It was inevitable that you'd fall for him. And fall for him you did, painfully obvious to everyone except John himself.
Shortly after your 16th birthday, you were reading a book by the fire, a woven blanket strewn across your legs and a steaming mug of hot chocolate warming your hands when John bursts into the house loud, drunk and jolly. He often snuck out to join his brothers in their shenanigans - whether it be business or pleasure - and you were all too happy to listen to his stories when he came home.
You watched John intently as he regaled to you his latest night out. You watched the corners of his mouth twitch ever so slightly as he spoke, a smug smile tracing his lips every so often. His eyes glistened from the whiskey and his lips were wet. A cigarette clasped lazily between his fingers, his eyes closed for a split second whenever he took a drag. Deep in admiration of the boy sitting in front of you, you didn't quite notice the change of events in the story.
"-and then she walked right up to me and kissed me!"
It was at that point that your attention snapped back, ears pricking up and heart racing as you go over what he'd just said. But too excited to wait, John didn't give you the chance to work out if you had misheard him.
"Well before I know it she's got me in the back alley dress hiked up going at me like a feral she was. Can ya believe it after all this time I'm finally a man aha!" John exclaims, a goofy, ear-splitting grin plastered on his face.
He spares any explicit details, knowing it was no way to talk with a lady no matter how close they are to you or how drunk you may happen to be. Nevertheless, upon hearing those final words coupled with the look of pure elation on his face, your heart shatters into millions of ice cold shards right before your eyes. The pain that was rapidly building in your chest and the image of John with some tart, skirt bunched around her waist fucking like dogs in the alley was too much for you to bear. A wave of nausea washes over you and you stand abruptly, dashing to the loo before the contents of your stomach emptied onto the carpet.
A few minutes later you hear faint knocks on the door.
“Ye alright in there love?” John asks, concern lacing his words.
“All good” you reply quickly, willing your voice to steady itself.
Wiping the sheen of sweat from your forehead you collapse into a heap against the wall, and a sigh escapes your lips as you wrack your brain for the exact moment you had lost him. While John had never shown any signs of liking you, you were always able to draw hope from the relationship you two had, no matter how blind it may have been. Now though, he had dashed that hope, blind or otherwise, as he had given himself to someone else. He had openly chosen not to be with you.
Not to be yours.
Fobbing John off with some excuse about a dodgy dinner you quickly retreat to bed, going without giving him a hug, unable to bring yourself to touch him. And from that day onwards you lived with the knowledge that your love was unrequited. You lived with loving him, and him not loving you.
For the most part it was rather easy. John wasn't the kind for serious relationships - preferring causal sex to the committed kind - so you never really had to deal with any girlfriends or the lark, just the occasional tart interested in him on the rare nights out you tagged along. Even then, you soon learned not to go on any nights out without Ava or Polly present and so the issue of John and his women quickly became dormant. That was, however, until John agreed to marry Esme Lee.
Tommy came to you before asking John, asking for your help in convincing him. He knew John would come to you with it asking for advice before deciding. Tommy explained his plan, marry John off to the Lee girl forcing them to squash the war and join forces to overthrow Billy Kimber. It was simple enough and since you'd already accepted there was never to be a you and John, you agreed.
The time came and sure enough John came to you, confused and somewhat annoyed at Tommy's rough handed approach, and sure enough you stayed true to your word, telling him it was nothing new, people had arranged marriages all the time.
So on he went to marry her, your true feelings unknown to the man.
[2 years later]
"You shouldn't be working here you know. John certainly wouldn't like it" Tommy said, a smile tugging at his lips as he watched you carefully wipe down the bar surface. He was referring to your new job as barmaid in the Garrison and having just finished your first shift you were cleaning up. Last orders had been and gone and every punter had now left the pub, drunk and merry on their ways.
After John married Esme you spent the next two years much to yourself. You embraced the spinster lifestyle and faded away into the passing days. However it was the turn of a new year and to everyone's joy you'd come to your senses, deciding it was high time you stopped wasting your life moping after John. He didn't love you - that much was clear - but somebody out there must and so it was time for you to move on, you thought. Reinvent yourself. This 'new you' started with marching into Tommy's office and demanding the new barmaid job. Surprisingly he offered no resistance, merely a quizzical look at your sudden determination before giving you the job. So here you were, your first shift done and nobody left in the place but you and your new boss.
"Well it might surprise you to know, Mr Shelby, but I don't abide my decisions by what John would or would not like me doing" you reply. Finishing up you leave the cloth on the bar and make your way over to the table, taking the chair adjacent to his.
"Is that so?" He asks, his piercing blue eyes meeting yours as he offers you a cigarette. You accept, bending down slightly to the offered flame and without breaking eye contact, you light the cigarette and take a drag, exhaling as you sit back up.
"Yes, Thomas, that is so" you reply, the use of his name making clear your exasperation with the questioning.
"Very well then, a toast-" he picks up the bottle of whiskey and pours some into each glass, placing one in front of you and taking one himself "-to your new job, and to your new found freedom" he says, locking eyes with you on his last words and clinking your glass before you both down it. If growing up with the Shelby's had taught you one thing it was how to hold your liquor.
Soon you and Tommy were halfway through the bottle and quite drunk, too caught up in the fun to notice. It was now something past 3 in the morning; you and Tommy had been talking, drinking and laughing for nigh on 3 hours now, going through old stories of your childhoods, stories from before you were born and from afterwards, stories of your parents and stories of his.
"So tell me, what is the meaning behind this sudden change in you then?" Tommy inquired, only too happy to see your old self back again.
Before you knew it the whiskey had gotten the better of you and you found yourself telling him the reason. You told him about John, about your love for him, about that night and about how you'd come to terms with it and decided to move on.
"Besides, it's not like he was the first boy I ever liked, so I'm quite sure he won't be the last" you state matter of factly, unaware of the storm you had just brewed.
See, unbeknown to you, Tommy was fully aware of everything you had just poured out to him. He knew about your love for John. He knew the deepest parts of your heart, your mind, your soul. Every crush and fling you'd ever experienced Tommy knew all about it, thanks to a little book you liked to keep hidden under your mattress. You had been detailing all matters of yourself in that little black journal for as long as you could write. Polly happily replacing it when you found your current one full, it was much easier than finding a shoulder to cry on every time you needed one. When Tommy came across it he had no idea what it was, merely out of curiosity did he open it and start reading.
"Oh, who was?" Tommy asked, lighting another cigarette. Following suit you decide to take a minute to weigh up your options, drinking in the smoke as you did.
"You” your voice remains deceptively steady, not wanting the man watching you so closely, so attentively, to become aware of the raging swarm of butterflies occupying your stomach.
"Is that so?" Tommy pulls on his own cigarette, the smoke rising from his lips as his eyes lock onto yours. "So what changed then?" His eyebrow arches perfectly, a smirk gracing his lips.
"You're 4 years older than me! There was no way you'd ever look at me as anything other than an annoying little sister!” You say in a chuckle, the fiery whiskey encompassing all of your thoughts in a humorous glow.
"And if I told you I do look at you as something other than an annoying little sister?" His eyes flick to your lips for a millisecond before returning to your own (E/C) orbs. If you’d have blinked you would’ve missed it, but your full attention being fixed on the man before you meant that you hadn’t.
"Well... that would certainly change things." The possibility of one of your fantasy's coming true ignited you to your very core.
Silently, Tom rises from his seat and offers his hand to you. You take it, and he leads you to his office with the worst of intentions in mind.
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