#do jace and buddy (who i think are the only people we know got crystals at the time im watching) so are they just constantly under
birdb1tch · 4 months
is jace prime even alive still? DOES IT MATTER?? are they four separate jaces that are split from one or did one jace create three other jaces?
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celestiaroyce-blog · 6 years
Time To Talk | Jason & Celestia
(After seeing Sage and Jason kiss, knowing they ended up getting intimate, Stella confronted Jason in the lounge and finally told him about her feelings. However, once she did, the two didn’t talk for a couple of days. This is their meeting to finally talk things through.)
Stella  Jason
Celestia hadn't really done much since her night at the lounge. She remained in her cell with her books and crystals, trying to keep herself distracted and keep away from the world. She took a couple of trips to the cafeteria to get snacks and drinks, but never anything major. She just didn't feel up to anything. The blonde sat in her bed, rereading a C.S Lewis book as most of the cells were empty as the nice summer day had everyone outside. Stella was one of the few staying behind. She heard a slight noise at the door to the cell, figuring it was her roommate. "Hey, Lex." She said, not looking back to see if it was her or not. 
Things hadn't been the easiest..and after what had happened a couple days ago, Jason wasn't doing so good himself. Needless to say, he had not kept too busy, going to the gym a couple of times and making sure he got his client's car serviced in time for his thing. Only one thing had been left to do..and that was by far the most important thing. Stella. He had meant to call her or something..but he had always gotten no signal, no matter how many times he'd tried. So naturally, after a couple of days, he'd decided to go against everything else and come down to see her, dressed up in mostly casual clothing..as his eyes surveyed the space of her shared cell. "Not Lex." he whispered at the witch, "Can I come in?"
Stella took a deep breath as she heard the whisper from the man. She knew the voice by now, making her heart stop for a moment before beating fast. "Y-Yeah." She answered him softly, putting her bookmark back in her book before putting it down. The blonde moved her knees to her chest and hugged them to her, waiting to hear what Jason would say to her since their last meeting.
The male seemed to sigh relievedly, somehow having expected this to be a little bit more difficult at first. But he moved in slowly, taking advantage of her pulling her legs back to sit on the bed, hand pressing down flat onto the mattress. "I just came here to see how you were doin'..and talk, if you still want to." he said, "I'd kind of like to go back the way we were."
As Jason sat down on her bed, Stella simply looked down to Jason's hand that was on her mattress. His words made her swallowed hard, feeling a tightness in her throat as her emotions tried to get the better of her. "The way we were before? Where you didn't know I have a crush on you?" The blonde asked, almost a bitterness in what she said. "Look, Jason... I get it. I don't understand how most of the relationships in this place work. You don't have to sugar coat this with me though. If you only want me to be your friend, then tell me. Just know, I still do have feelings for you and those won't stop that quickly. So, if you want to avoid me, that's fine." Stella explained, making herself feel worse about how she already felt. 
His eyes went slightly narrow, lips curling at one edge. "Well no...just to us, hangin' out as much as we did.." She did look tired, exhausted, almost..and that wasn't something Jason liked to see, ever. Much less when he felt like he had played some part in it. As the blonde spoke, he felt his lips press together tightly, not missing the look in her eye. "Fine..you want me to be honest? Me and Sage are just..old fuck buddies, but I still don't feel like I'm ready to be in a relationship with her or anyone else..I don't know, I feel like it would be time, but I'm still scared that it might mean loosin' someone again." he spoke up, emotion clear in his eyes too. "I don't expect ya to stop feelin' whatever you're feelin'..I, hell --I might have even started to like ya too a little bit, but I'd never avoid ya.."
The Institute was a new monster to her. She had no idea what to expect, nor what would help her. There was more she hated herself for now, angry at herself for being naive and never learning her lesson. As he explained, her eyes still watched the mattress and how it seemed to move to accommodate their movements. Tears formed in her eyes, mainly because she was tired of trying to keep them in. "I'm just..." Her voice was strained as she spoke, clearing her throat to try and aid it. "I'm just a stupid girl who falls for a lot. I fell for the scam this place had set up. I fell for you even though I had no right or reason to. You could be with any other person here and they would probably be a better option than me. After all, you deserve a girl who doesn't actually fall for things and people so easily." 
Jace couldn't stand to look at the tears, much less than her being exhausted, and was quick to let his body react, scooting closer to the blonde the second she started blabbering about not being good enough. "Hey, come on...nobody gets to tell me who I want to spend my time with --and if that's you, then I'm sorry, but I'm not gonna step away." he said, his hand cradling her face gently to brush the tears away, "You forget I fell for this whole thing as well...once." Jace's life was a lot less simple than he usually let on, and there was always a part of him that would be scared. "Come here.." he whispered, opening his arms. 
The blonde let out a soft breath, almost similar to a sob before Jason spoke to her once again. As his hands went to her face, she swallowed hard, but didn't push him away. Stella pursed her lips as she tried to keep from crying, but she knew it wouldn't be possible. When Jace opened his arms up to her, she easily moved forward and hid her face against his shoulder, letting out a quiet sob. "Sorry, Jace." She said through her tears, hands moving to wrap around his waist.
When she dived into his arms, Jace wasted no time in pulling her close, squeezing her little frame in them like he'd been meaning to do for the past couple of days, his chin pressing on top of her golden head. "Don't...see, I'm probably the one who's not good for anyone.." he chuckled dryly, "I'm involved in some heavy crap as it is.." And then there was Layla, his smile flickering at the thought of her and Stella, getting involved somehow. "Can you forgive me for..all of this..?"
As Jason held onto her in return, Stella tried her best to stop her sobs, knowing there was no reason to keep them up. As he mentioned not being good, she shook her head before speaking. "Pardon me, but Jason Shaw, that's bullshit. You're too good for this place." She told him bluntly. As he asked if she could forgive him, she almost laughed. "I don't know why you think you need to be forgiven. You have nothing to be sorry for. This is all me." She explained, shaking her head a bit more.
He shifted a hand through her strands of hair and chuckled softly when she called out bullshit, "Alright, so you don't believe me yet..but you will, I guarantee ya." he huffed, "No. People like you are too good for this place and I'm sorry they tricked you into this..you're doin' a great job of puttin' up with it, sweetheart." Jace kissed at the top of her head gently and breathed her in, shaking his head, "Then, can you forgive yourself for me?"
Stella rolled her eyes at his comment about not believing him. However, when he mentioned her doing a good job of handling this place, a wave of sadness hit her again. She wasn't sure of that. She was trying to make the best out of it, but she felt it wasn't working. As he kissed the top of her head, she sighed softly. "Fine." Celestia agreed, slowly pulling back, only so she could look at him. "Myself... I forgive you." She said before chuckling, trying to make light of the situation now.
Jace squished her that much tighter when she seemed to go still, knowing she was probably worrying herself over something. That is, until she pulled back, green eyes trailing up to her face..and those cheeks, red from all the sobbing, "That's a good girl," he smirked as she laughed at her own words, brushing all the blonde tresses aside, "I know it's gonna take time too but you'll get there, I'm sure.." He simply looked at her from there, squinting his eyes as they both fell silent. "I missed you."
Admittedly, hearing those words from Jace, paired with a smirk, made her blush. However, her cheeks were already decently red from crying, so it wasn't obvious. At least she hoped not.  Stella nodded gently at his words before he told her he missed her. A smile came to her lips before she let out a small chuckle. "I... I missed you too, Jace."
The professor thought he saw that smirk but could not figure it out, giving her another long look before glancing over his shoulder, just remembering they weren't exactly alone in here either, "I bet we've given them quite the spectacle, haven't we?" he chuckled, "Do you..wanna go out for some food? Coffee? Do you wanna come home?" he started, cutting himself off short there suddenly and rolling his eyes. "..sorry that was probably inappropriate."
Stella looked him over with a careful expression as he mentioned not being alone. She chuckled softly, even though the mention of coming 'home' was painful but nice. She knew he meant his house, but admittedly, that felt more like home than where they sat. "No, no... you're fine." She reassured him. "How about we go to your place, cuddle Indy and order Chinese or thai food?" Stella suggested, smiling softly.
"Sounds perfect," He was quick to note, giving her back one last rub down before he even dared to part from her, moving back to his original spot on her bed. "..do ya need to change or somethin'? Grab anything?" He intended her to be ready, just in case, and he'd gladly step out of the cell if she needed to do the former, his hand reaching out to take hers.
Stella grinned at his comment and slowly moved to stand as he asked if she needed anything, "Well... if I fall asleep, I should bring some stuff." She told him, moving to grab a backpack and quickly grabbed a couple of clothing items and some hygiene products. She quickly put them in the bag before slinging it over her shoulder. "So... I think I'm good." Stella reassured him.
"Right." He happily let her do, moving out of the way when necessary, to facilitate the whole packing process, and raised to his feet, "Awesome --it's a good thing I drove here, 'cause I feel like I'm too tired to walk." he mused, patting his clothes down before waving a hand towards the door, "Ladies first."
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