#do i write azura too snarky?
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fire-emblem-supports · 7 years ago
Dancer Inigo & Performer Azura: C - S Supports
C Support
Inigo: Milady! Fate has brought us together once again!
Azura: Oh. Yes, err... hello.
Inigo: Such an honor to once again be graced with your presence.
Inigo: We should get to know one another better! Perhaps... over tea?
Azura: My. It’s... uncanny.
Inigo: What’s that?
Azura: Nothing. You remind me of someone I’ve met before.
Inigo: Ah, was he charming and handsome?
Azura: Immature and relentless. 
Inigo: Oh. W-Well, could I at least get your name?
Azura: ...Azura.
Inigo: A beautiful name for a beautiful woman. I am Inigo.
Azura: Well, it’s very nice to meet you, Inigo. But I must be off.
Inigo: Of course. When we meet again, perhaps we could have that tea?
Azura: I think we both know you’re hoping for more than a cup of tea. Please, excuse me.
Inigo: Oh... Fine.
B Support
Azura: ♪ Embrace the dark... you call a home... ♪
Inigo: Such an entrancing melody...
Azura: ♪ Gaze upon an empty white throne... ♪
Inigo: Why, Miss Azura! Are you the one blessing my ears with such lovely sounds?
Azura: Oh. Inigo. Yes, that was me.
Inigo: A beautiful woman with a beautiful voice... Be still, my beating heart!
Azura: Are you quite alright?
Inigo: No, I am not! But perhaps some dinner would help! Would you join me?
Azura: ...
Inigo: O-Or could I at least hear more of your singing?
Azura: Oh... Well, I don’t see why not.
Azura: ♪ Sing with me a song of conquest and-- ♪ Eek!
Inigo: Ack! *thud*
Azura: I’m sorry. I’ve been working on that step... I suppose I need a little more work.
Inigo: N-No, you’re fine. Here, maybe I can help. My mother taught me a lot about dancing.
Azura: Well... alright.
Inigo: Show it to me again. I’ll just, uh, stand back here.
Azura: Don’t worry, I’ll go slow.
Azura: 1, 2, 3, 4... 5, 6, 7, 8...
Inigo: There’s your problem. You’re crossing your left foot in front of your right.
Inigo: If you step back with your left foot like this... it’ll lead into the twirl better.
Azura: Oh, you mean like... that?
Inigo: Flawless, milady! Bravo!
Azura: Thank you. I couldn’t have done it without you.
Inigo: We should go celebrate! What if we--
Azura: Don’t push your luck.
Inigo: Oooof course not.
A Support
Inigo: Hello, Lady Azura! A wonderful evening, isn’t it? Perhaps we could sit together and watch the sunset?
Azura: Hello, Inigo. Yes, that sounds lovely.
Inigo: Oh, milady, how you wound me! Very well, I will-- ...wait. Did you say yes?
Azura: Yes. I owe you for helping me with my dance moves. One sunset couldn’t hurt.
Inigo: ...
Azura: Inigo?
Inigo: I’m sorry, I’m not sure what to do next. This has never happened before.
Azura: ...I would suggest you come watch the sunset with me.
Inigo: Right! Right. Okay. Can I hold your hand?
Azura: No.
Inigo: Right. Okay.
Azura: You know, Inigo, I must admit. I have been a bit curious about you.
Inigo: Uh...
Azura: Not like that. I mean as a person. Like I said before, you remind me of someone.
Azura: Where are you from?
Inigo: My mother comes from Regna Ferox.
Azura: Regna Ferox... I don’t believe I’ve ever heard of it.
Azura: Tell me. Have you ever met anyone named Laslow?
Inigo: Laslow? ...No, I don’t believe I have. That is a nice name, though.
Azura: Hm. I don’t usually believe in coincidences, but this... It seems highly unlikely...
Inigo: Not to be rude, milady, but...
Inigo: Must we spend so much time discussing such trivial matters when we could be enjoying each other’s company and this lovely sunset?
Azura: I suppose you’re right. And, to be honest, I do quite enjoy your company.
Inigo: Really? Wow! Thank you, Lady Azura.
Azura: Haha. The pleasure is all mine.
S Support
Inigo: Lady Azura! I-I need to speak with you.
Azura: Inigo, you’re as red as a tomato. Is something the matter?
Inigo: I’m fine. But... I have to ask you a very important question.
Azura: Are you hiding something behind your back?
Inigo: Lady Azura... I’m sure you know by now that I consider you a very attractive woman.
Azura: I’ve heard rumor of such, yes.
Inigo: And... i-in our recent interactions, I’ve found... your personality matches your appearance.
Inigo: Milady, I’ve been smitten since I first laid eyes on you. But now that I’ve gotten to know you better... I do believe it is true love.
Azura: My. You’re laying it on thick, aren’t you?
Inigo: I mean every word of it.
Inigo: These flowers grow only in Askr. They symbolize eternal love. I know it’s a long shot, but... will you accept them?
Azura: Oh, Inigo. I must admit... I’ve grown quite fond of you, too.
Inigo: Y-You have?
Azura: Yes. Your persistence and truly kind heart have won me over. I hope I didn’t tease you too much...
Inigo: Nonsense, milady. I’ve experienced much worse.
Azura: I will accept your flowers.
Inigo: ...
Azura: Inigo? Oh, dear, you look like you might pass out!
Inigo: I-I-I can’t believe this is really happening! I don’t know what to do next!
Azura: Haha. Well, how about you start by coming here and giving me a kiss?
Inigo: Well, if you insist!
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tornbetween2loves · 6 years ago
My Heart Torn Apart, 5 years later
Open Minds and Open Hearts
This is the next part in my series My Heart Torn Apart, 5 years later. You can catch up on previous parts on my masterlist here.
Warnings: Riley, Liam and Drake are in a polyamorous relationship in this series. Most parts are at least a little NSFW. If this sort of relationship offends you, please don’t read it. There is also mention of my TCTF series, A Story Worth Telling. You can also find that series on my masterlist linked above.
Disclaimer: All characters belong to Pixelberry. I am simply borrowing them.
Taglist: @kennaxval @boneandfur @bobasheebaby @drakewalkerwhipped @femmeshep @hhiggs @lizeboredom @pb-boeboe @klaudiana-beaumontkkreal @tmarie82 @writtenbycandy @xxrainbowprincessxx-deactivated @speedyoperarascalparty @darley1101 @katurrade @lodberg @bella-ca @indiacater @hopefulmoonobject @missevabean @walkerismychoice @eileendannie @museofbooks @jared2612 @h3llostrang3r @ooo-barff-ooo @alesana45 @debramcg1106 @stopforamoment @carabeth
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Liam stood in the center of the stage behind the makeshift pulpit. There were several microphones and bright flashing lights as the press snapped pictures. He stood proud, with Riley to his left and Drake to his right. He squeezed their hands, making eye contact with each of them before turning to face the crowd.
“Good Evening. Thank you all for coming to celebrate our anniversary.” Liam paused to look at Riley and Drake again before he continued. He cleared his throat. “Before we continue with the celebration, I have an announcement to make. Earlier today, in a ceremony officiated by Leo Rhys, Queen Riley and I were married to Drake Walker. We all exchanged vows and are legally bound to each other.” An excited murmur filled the room and reporters began shouting out questions.
Liam held up a hand to quiet everyone. “No questions. I have more to say.” He took a deep breath, turning to look at the portrait of the warrior queens behind them. He turned back around. “I would ask all of you to look at the portrait behind me. I know you are all familiar with Queens Kenna and Val. I know that everyone in the country has been required to read A Story Worth Telling as part of their high school lessons. Everyone knows the tale of their love that grew out of the worst possible circumstance: war. They fought powerful enemies, and won. They fought to unite the Five Kingdoms, then to defeat Empress Azura; ultimately bringing peace to the Five Kingdoms and the Iron Empire. Their love grew from the battlefields of this war and created a fierce loyalty, not just between the two of them, but also between their circle of comrades.”
“After all the fighting, they got to reap the rewards of their labor. Sure, their union was unconventional for their time, but they ruled strong together, ushering in an era of peace which still exists today. It is only because of their leadership that we are able to enjoy the prosperity of our kingdom.” Liam turned to gaze at the portrait once more, pausing for a moment before he continued.
“I have always strived to rule like the warrior queens. I want history to write my reign as peaceful, as a strong king who ruled justly. I’ve never been afraid of change, especially when it’s for the better. I keep an open mind and heart for all of the Cordonian people. But I believe that we all deserve happiness, including us.” He gestured at Riley and Drake. “We have an unconventional union, not unlike Queens Kenna and Val. And our love comes from a similar place. Granted, we did not battle across the country together, but the three of us have faced a lot together. Conspiracies, bombings, attacks, shootings, kidnappings. Those were our battles. We faced them together, along with our own group of comrades. And out of those experiences grew the same fierce loyalty experienced by the warrior queens. That is where our love comes from. Queen Riley and Drake Walker are the loves of my life. I have no doubt of our ability to serve the people of this great country. We can continue the era of peace started so many centuries ago right here at Stormholt.”
Liam paused and took Drake and Riley’s hand in his so the three stood linked to each other. “I am asking the Cordonian people to have an open mind and heart. I am asking for your support. We pledge our loyalty to Cordonia and all it’s citizens. Let’s continue in peace.” He raised his arms above his head, bringing Riley and Drake’s arm with him.
At first, silence filled the room. Then, as cameras flashed, the room broke out in thunderous applause. Reporters began shouting out questions again, but Madeline was on stage taking over the pulpit. She gestured for Liam, Riley and Drake to take their seats. “I’m sorry, we are not taking questions at this time. I do have a written statement prepared. We will hold a more informal press conference at a later date to address your concerns. Please enjoy dinner.”
After dinner the press left and Liam, Drake and Riley mingled with the guests. Everyone was upbeat and positive, showing their support of the monarchy. Slowly the nobles said good night and took their leave until it was just the three of them and their close friends. They all sat around one of the big round tables. Liam, Drake, Riley, Hana, Maxwell and Olivia. Madeline approached the table with a bottle of champagne and several flutes. She set them in the center of the table and patted Liam on the shoulder. “You did well, your majesty. Although I haven’t seen the reaction to the live coverage, I feel like anything too extreme would have been reported to me. I think we can call tonight a success.” She popped the cork on the champagne and filled the flutes, passing them around the table. Liam smiled and looked around at his friends as he raised his glass. “I just want you all to know that what I said in that speech came straight from the heart. I can not express how much I am thankful to have you all as friends. Your support means everything to us.” Everyone raised a glass and toasted, except for Riley. She felt the familiar churning in the pit of her stomach and raised the can of ginger ale she had popped open a few minutes earlier.
“We love you guys too,” Hana said as she sipped the champagne. “Yeah, I’m so happy that you all can be together now, in public, without worrying about judgment,” Maxwell added. “That was a fine speech you gave Liam,” Olivia said. “I just don’t see how anyone could question you after that. The parallels you drew between the warrior queens and yourselves was amazing.”
“That reminds me, do any of you recall coming across any proof that the queens had a third in their relationship?” Liam asked. Everyone shook their heads and shrugged. Olivia let out a snarky laugh. “Come on people. They did manage to somehow produce heirs. Of course they had a man! How else do you think they had babies?” Drake rolled his eyes. “Sure they obviously got pregnant somehow. But that doesn’t necessarily mean they were in a relationship with the father. They could have just kept him as a concubine.” “Who’s to say they even had sex,” Maxwell added. “It’s not like they had artificial insemination back then Maxwell,” Hana said. “Of course not,” Maxwell said. “But who knows? There could have been some medieval version of it.” Riley tried to suppress a giggle as she locked eyes with Hana. They both burst into laughter. “What? Did I miss something?” Maxwell asked, confused. “Did they baste turkeys back in medieval times?” Riley managed to squeak out between guffaws. Soon everyone at the table was cracking up at the thought of Liam’s ancestors coming from inside a turkey baster.
“Ok, so obviously the queens had to have some kind of relationship with a man,” Liam said. “What if they had a lover? Someone they both cared for, who fathered their children and was a part of their daily lives?” Olivia’s expression suddenly turned serious. “Wait a second. Are you suggesting that the Queens of Stormholt were in a relationship with a man and managed to keep it a secret? For centuries?” Liam nodded as he broke into a slow grin. “In fact, I think we may have found proof.”
Silence fell over the table as everyone looked at Liam in shock. “Proof? What kind of proof could you possibly have found?” Olivia said doubtfully. Riley reached into her bag and pulled out the journal they had found earlier. “We found this in a hidden alcove in what used to be the queens’ chambers,” Riley said. “It was covered with 500 years worth of dust,” Drake added. She also pulled the aged copy of A Story Worth Telling from her bag. “This is a first edition and has a handwritten inscription for the queens.” They passed the books around the table, mouths open in amazement. Riley read the first entry of the journal aloud for all of them to hear. “Wow, this is huge,” Maxwell exclaimed. “Like altering history huge.” “Let’s read some more entries. Perhaps we can figure out whose journal this is and how big a role he actually played in the queens’ lives,” Hana said. Everyone nodded in agreement, murmuring excitedly.
Riley turned the page gingerly, blowing a plume of dust off the next page. She began to read the next entry:
24 June 1520
This week has been long and tortuous. Poor Kenna is just beside herself with guilt and indecision. I know she has feelings for me as I do for her. She is so beautiful, inside and out. I understand why Val loves her so. I never thought anyone would be able to penetrate Val’s rough exterior. Well, anyone but me of course. I am sitting here in my chambers, across the hall from their’s, trying not to hear them in the throes of passion with each other. Each night I am more amazed by their stamina. But I’m not sure how much longer I can abstain. I think tomorrow I will have a discussion with Val. It’s time to speed this process up. I know I said some things can’t be rushed, but this is driving me mad!
“Wow, it does seem like whoever wrote this had a relationship with the queens,” Olivia said. “How many entries are there?” Riley slowly flipped to the back of the book. It was completely filled. She read the date on the last entry. “It looks like it was written over a 5-year period.” “Why don’t you skip to the end and read the last entry? Maybe it will answer some questions,” Hana said. Riley nodded and began to read.
17 July 1525
I am in awe of my beautiful queens. Today I held my daughter in my arms for the first time. I don’t think I’ve ever seen something so beautiful as my tiny girl, only just born, gazing up at me. She is the perfect combination of Val and myself. I can see the best of us blended together in her tiny face. Just like her big brother. His resemblance to Kenna is striking. But as he grows, I can tell he’s a Drammir, through and through. I feel a twinge of regret that my children will never bear my name. Or know their roots. But at least they will know me. I happily accept this as my lot in life because it allows me to be with my true loves. And when they are older I will take them to Fydoria and teach them what I can about my culture and history. They are royalty, after all, and should have that sort of knowledge of the Five Kingdoms. I will only write this down once, then I will forever hide this journal from the world. My name is Michael Drammir, of Fydoria, cousin of King Tevan. My children are Gabriel Leon Rys, crown prince of Stormholt, and princess Annelyse Lia Greaves of Stormholt.
Madeline, who had been strangely quiet the entire time, began coughing as her gulp of champagne went down the wrong pipe. Liam looked at her with concern. “Are you ok? Although I think we all would have had a similar reaction if our mouths were full when Riley read that last part.” Everyone nodded. Olivia shook her head. “I just can’t believe it. After all this time. Proof of the lineage of your ancestors, Liam.” He nodded. “Yes. And apparently the father was the author of A Story Worth Telling.” Maxwell suddenly sat up straight. “Wait a second. Liam, you’re not just a descendent of Kenna Rys. You’re also a descendent of Michael Drammir. Of Fydoria.” He looked back and forth from Madeline to Liam as the color drained from her face.
“Oh my god,” Olivia said as she sat up straight. Liam met Madeline’s gaze as he cleared his throat. Riley, Hana and Drake looked confused. “I don’t get it. Did I miss something?” Riley asked. Liam nodded. “Fydoria is now the area we refer to as Fydelia. As in Madeline’s Duchy.” Madeline took a deep breath and looked around the table, meeting each person’s gaze before resting on Liam’s. “Although I don’t use it often, my surname is Drammir. I am a direct descendent of King Tevan Drammir of Fydoria.”
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endless-vall · 7 years ago
It was never a competition - A Kenna x Raydan fanfic
Summery: As he watches Kenna and Dom spar for old time’s sake, Raydan can’t help but feel a slight pinch at his heart. Dom has given Kenna something Raydan could never give her - the possibility to say goodbye to her loved ones, to the ones she lost. Kenna has gotten her closure, but Dom never did. *Jumps from Kenna’s and Raydan’s POV* Author’s note: @michue reminded of the scene at the end of TCATF trilogy, where Kenna and Dom were sparring outside the castle, just like they did at the beginning of the series, and requested a jealous Raydan over it. I decided to write this piece as a part two to this fanfic - ”It’s all healthy competition” Dom/Raydan. I hope you’re fine with it! I recommend reading that fanfic if you haven’t, and then continuing on to this one, all though you don’t have to read it for it to make sense. I also a decided to slightly link this fanfic with “A breath of relief” mentioning a certain (not very liked) character, and introducing another oc. hang in there, this might be leading somewhere... ;) I hope you like it! 😘
It’s been a year since they got married, and a few months since Kenna gave birth to their beautiful boy, Adrien. Raydan was now holding the baby, while Kenna and Dom sparred for old time’s sake. His son was giggling in his arms, clearly happy to be held. Raydan couldn’t hide his happiness, either, as he was watching his son in awe. Kenna won, of course, and reminded Dom how she always had won in those kind of battles they had. He made a snarky comment about turning into a dragon, at which Adrien took interest. Well, maybe not interest, since the boy didn’t really know what dragon meant, at that time, but he was clearly looking towards Dominic’s direction right now. Dom took notice of that, too, and came by, ruffling his hair. “Are you being a good boy? Not giving too much trouble for your parents, eh? I sure hope so!” Dom talked to Adrien, who just played with the hem of his sleeve. “Yeah, he sure is.” Raydan said, proudly. Dom couldn’t hide a sorrowful look in his eyes, and Raydan has thought back to their talk at the eve of the battle. Both of them cared for Kenna deeply. Cared. They were in love. Ultimately, Kenna chose Raydan. He was the happiest man alive, and she assured him she was as well. She beamed walking down the aisle, she beamed when they said their vows, and she beamed when Adrien came into the world. They had a happy marriage, but Dom and her were growing further apart, for obvious reasons, too. He couldn’t get away fast enough after the wedding, and while he was visiting Stormholt as ambassador many times, he didn’t stay longer than he needed. The only times he was still being her best friend, was when he was giving her lessons on how to enter the spirit world. Kenna told Raydan all about it, how excited yet nervous she was, and he was happy for her, but couldn’t deny the pinch in his heart of Dom being able to give Kenna something that he never could.
Kenna stepped beside them too, and Dom shook out of his expression before she could notice. Instead, he smiled at her warmly. “So, I’ll see you around?” Dom jokingly winks at her. “You’re leaving so soon?” Kenna asks, pouting. “Ah. The duties of an ambassador.” He throws his hands to the air, as if he’s saying ‘I have no other choice’. “Stand no competition to the orders of a queen.” Kenna teases, back. Dom smirks, but all of them know that he has to go. Each has his reasons, and they say their goodbyes before turning to their ways. Kenna takes Adrien back in her arms, playing with him as they walk towards the castle. Raydan doesn’t plan on mentioning to her his thoughts and worries. Usually, they’re very open with each other. They talk about pretty much everything, especially if it’s something that’s bothering them. But how can he saw ‘Your best friend is in love with you and I just can’t stand it’? in a good way? He comes to the conclusion he can’t, and remains silent. Kenna notices him being quiet. Too quiet. As they walk back to the castle. She knows Raydan enjoys the silence sometimes, and decides that if something was bothering him, he’d tell her. So she plays with her son until she tucks him to sleep. When she comes back to her room, Raydan is fast asleep. She frowns at that, but shrugs, climbing into bed beside him. In the following morning, Kenna concentrated on her duties and worked on a formal letter that was supposed to be sent out, but couldn’t find the right words. “Ugh. What’s wrong with me? I do this all the time.” She swallows, angrily crumpling the piece of paper and throwing it to the ground. “Um. Your majesty. If I may… I could write that for you if you’d like.” Evelyn, a newly hired advisor stood at her door. She was a young girl, and tried to prove herself amongst the other advisors. Especially with Cornelius. “That won’t be necessary.” Kenna said in a rough tone, and the girl backed away. Kenna was mad at herself for scolding the girl, and took note of apologizing, later. “I need a break.” Kenna decided to herself, and stood up from her chair. She decided to take a walk in the castle’s garden, where she and Dom sparred just yesterday, and thought she saw Raydan in the distance. With a smile, she approached him, seeing him talking to Jackson and sending him off on a mission. As she got closer, Raydan noticed her, and smiled simply. “Busy day?” She asked. “Seems like it.” He told her. They walked together to a nearby tree, and sat under it. Kenna rested her head on Raydan’s shoulder, and he wrapped a hand over her back. It should’ve been just what she needed, it should’ve been perfect… - but it wasn’t. While he held her, he didn’t look her in the eye. He looked… felt… distant. He could’ve been just tired, Kenna figured. It’s not like they had an easy job, and both had those days where exhaustness just washed over them. “I saw my mother yesterday.” She wanted to share with him. She wanted to tell him all about it, even yesterday – If he hadn’t acted that way. It seemed as if it touched Raydan, since he shifted towards her, but even as his eyes met hers – something felt wrong. With him not talking to her yesterday, falling asleep early without her, avoiding conversation and acting distant, something just didn’t add up. “Is everything okay?” Kenna forrowed her eyebrows in a worried expression. She had just seen him sending Jackson off on a mission. Was something wrong? And how didn’t he tell her about it? “It’s…” He sighed. “Everything’s fine. How was your talk?” He tried to change subject. He really did seem interested with her talk with her mother, Gabriel, and Leon, but Kenna was never one to give up that easily. “Raydan.” She simply says. She doesn’t even know if she used her queenly voice, or her ‘motherly’ voice, or the combination of both. But either way – it worked. Something in Raydan’s eyes changed, and he finally looked at her with honesty. “It’s nothing you should worry about.” He assures her. He has to. “But I’m just… I can’t compete with him, Kenna.” His voice sounded vulnerable, and he was very well aware of that. “With… Him? Who are you… referring to?” She looked confused. “Dominic.” Raydan didn’t want to make it into a fight, and it wasn’t. But how didn’t she notice he was talking about Dom? It was obvious. “Dom? What does he have to do with this?” She questions again. Raydan holds her hand. “Kenna. He’s in love with you. Has been, for years.” Raydan sighs again after saying this. “And he’s your best friend. I’ll never tell you not to be friends with him, never. But I don’t know how much more I can take off those sorrowful looks he gives whenever we’re around. Whenever he watched Adrien.” Raydan confesses. Watching Dom like that makes Raydan feel as if he wronged him. He knows this isn’t easy on Dominic, as well. But it seems that Kenna’s unaware of any of it. Kenna blinks at him. She probably realizes he’s telling the truth, but Dom had done a pretty good job at hiding his feeling from her. “He’s not in love with me, Raydan…” Kenna says, caressing his cheeks. “He’s just a dear friend.” She tells him. “He’s a dear friend for me, too.” Raydan replies. Maybe this is part of why it’s bothering him, too. It’s not like he could ever hate Dom. He doesn’t even wish he could. “But he is.” He notes to Kenna. He is in love with her. “He told me so, before battling Azura.” Raydan swallows. He knows he’s probably taking this too seriously, but he couldn’t help how he felt. Kenna considers for a moment, but her hands remain on each side of Raydan’s face. “I don’t know about that. But even if it’s true, I’ve never felt the same way. I like Dom, a lot. I love him as a friend. But I was never in love with him. It was never a competition, I was never in love with anyone but you, Raydan.” Her words have an immediate effect on Raydan. He can’t help but to kiss her, holding her closely and tightly. They’ve never discussed Kenna’s relationship before Raydan. They talked about many things, but this never came up. Maybe because Kenna insisted it was never serious. But not knowing was even worse than hearing about her kissing other people. Raydan wanted her all to himself. And somehow, he got so lucky that he had just that. It was as if her reminding him that she only ever loved him put everything back into place. She kissed back, finally feeling her lighter. She lost herself in the kiss. Until they needed to break for air, they were already lying on the grass. Kenna was thankful no one of her subject hadn’t seen them, but even if they did, she wouldn’t mind – since that kiss was worth it. “So, he’s in love with me?” She asks. Raydan shrugs. “I’ll bet my money on that.” He tells her, and she lets out a chuckle. “What do you think I should do?” She asks him. “Should I confront him? Or just let it slide and hope it’ll go away?” She’s married now. Happily married. And she knows Dom won’t act on his feelings, but he’s still her best friend, and she cares for him. “Hoping it’ll go away won’t work. Believe me, I’ve tried.” Raydan shrugs. “I believe he needs closure. I know I’d want it, if I was in his situation.” Honestly, he can’t imagine his life without Kenna. “Then I’ll have to talk to him.” Raydan always had the best advice. Even with all her advisors, Kenna was still most interested in Raydan’s opinion. Raydan looks at her. “You don’t have to.” He states, wrapping a hand over her, this time sincerely. “Not just because I told you it bothered me-“ But she cuts him off before he’s able to finish. “I’m doing it for him. And for us.” She explains, and Raydan nods, accepting her reasoning. After they’ve settled this, Kenna tells Raydan all about her trip to the spirit world. His favorite part is Queen Adriana almost fainting upon hearing Kenna’s married and a mother. He would’ve loved her, he’s sure of that. Kenna spent almost her entire day with Raydan at the garden, but slipped back into her throne room to finish that letter from earlier today. When she found the letter, it was already done. Someone wrote the paper the perfect message, and prepared the envelope for it, too. The only thing that was missing is the royal signature, and it was ready to be sent out. A bold move. Kenna thought, as she signed it. I love it. She summoned Evelyn back, holding the ready envelope in her hands. A look of terror passed over Evelyn’s face. “I’m so sorry if I disrespected you. I truly thought you didn’t give me a chance and-“ She started apologizing and excusing herself, when Kenna just waved her hand at her, motioning for her to stop. “None of that.” She tells her, this time with a warm tone and a smile. “I just wanted to say it was brilliant. Can you send this out?” She hands her the letter. “Of course, your majesty. Right away.” Evelyn takes the letter, bows and runs off. But Kenna manages to catch the excited, proud, huge grin on her face.
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the-apocryphal-one · 8 years ago
I feel that Azura's character isn't fully appreciated/understood by most people, so can you explain why she's so great?
Copy + Pasting this from something I once wrote a long, long time ago:
I’ve said it before, but she reminds me of C.C. from Code Geass–quiet and reserved, but snarky, bluntly honest, and loyal to the main protagonist. She’s a little awkward with people, but she does her best to help or advise them, even if she sometimes messes up. Some people write her off as “boring” because of her stoicism, but there’s quite a bit of history behind it, sprouting from her history of constant bullying making her fear growing close only to be rejected, and it makes the moments she opens up much more sweet. Needless to say, she’s been through a lot, but never once complains or cries about it, choosing instead to grow stronger from her experiences.
I think my favorite thing about her, though, is her relationship with not just Corrin, but her “sisters” too. Her supports with Sakura and Hinoka are among her best because you get to see this stoic woman relax and even goof off a bit with them, and it’s interesting to see how she interacts with them; with Sakura she’s the teasing, trolling but still loving older sister, but with Hinoka she displays this…vulnerability and insecurity, as a little sister, that doesn’t really pop up anywhere else.I could write an essay on her relationship with Corrin and why I love it, but I’ll try to sum it up as: Chrom and Robin, but better done. Like them, they pretty much bond instantly, and you get to see their relationship flourish and grow through the story. But unlike Chrom and Robin, there aren’t really any instances when the bond makes them say or do dumb things (such as Chrom saying he’d rather let Grima rise again than Robin die), so it doesn’t come across as heavy-handed. I won’t deny that Azura sometimes makes bad decisions–especially in Conquest–but they aren’t because of her relationship with Corrin. Speaking of which, her support chains with Corrin are miles better than Chrom’s with fem!Robin’s; instead of relying on cliché anime tropes, all three of them build on the bond they already have and explore it in three different ways. There’s natural chemistry between Mamui and Azura not just in the game, but in the supports–including the S-support, which is so easy to mess up it’s not funny–and so their relationship upgrade comes across as very believable and touching.
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