#do i think price killed his dad on purpose? no. do i think he wanted to? yea. did his dad have it coming? in a sense.
shrekyaoi · 1 month
Both intimidated and intrigued by how Price is worse than Ghost and Makarov
i’m gonna be dead fucking honest i think price killed his dad
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starsofang · 4 months
141 and how they help you
tf141 helping you out due to you having a late/absent parent who wasn’t around to teach you
Ghost, who helps you with anything maintenance related around your house. Broken faucet? Shower not working? He comes by the moment you call, bringing along a set of tools. He shows you each and every one, explaining their purpose. He teaches you how to fix things on your own for whenever he’s not around, but if he is around? He doesn’t want you lifting a finger and expresses his displeasure when he hears about you attempting to fix a broken doorknob on your own.
He’ll grunt in disapproval if he sees you accidentally cut your finger or made whatever’s broken worse, shaking his head and gently pushing you aside to work on it himself.
“Don’t mind teachin’ you how to fix things, love, but I’m goin’ to be the only one doin’ it for you when I’m here, understood?”
Price, who helps you when you’re having car troubles. Doesn’t matter if it’s something small like an oil change, or something big like a broken part. He loves it when you call him, and he never fails to show up right away when you need it.
He doesn’t teach you like Ghost does, and that’s strictly because he wants to be the only one to do it. If he teaches you how to fix it on your own, you won’t need him around anymore to help, and he can’t have that. He certainly won’t let you go to the mechanic, either. Besides, he prefers it this way whenever you come out in the middle of him working on your car with a cold bottle of water and that lovely smile of yours as you thank him for helping you out.
“S’never a problem, love. Better to call me than a mechanic, aye? Got you a nice view, too.”
Gaz, who loves to help you with anything you’re unsure about. Pumping air in your tires at the gas station? Don’t worry, he’ll show you. Oh no, there’s a bug in your house and you’re too scared to kill it? He’s already on his way, leave the door unlocked! Doesn’t matter if he’s halfway across town, he’ll drop whatever it is he’s doing to drive all the way to your place because he can’t have you dealing with it by yourself.
They may be minuscule things you need help with, but he doesn’t care about that. He’s happy to answer your call and be there as soon as possible no matter the request or how silly you think it is.
“You’re not being a burden to me, sweetheart, I’d love to help. I’ll swing around and be there in five, yeah?”
Soap, who loves to teach you about tech savvy things. He knows you’re not the most knowledgeable when it comes to important things like your taxes, but don’t fret, he’ll file them for you as long as you sit with him and watch! He’ll even help you apply for credit cards because he knows you don’t have one, and he doesn’t want you to worry about finances, not when he’s around.
Or if your computer is acting up? Maybe it’s laggy, or pop-ups keep showing up on your screen. No need, he’ll sit for hours if he has to just to ensure that your laptop is safe and secure. Bonus points if he can’t fix it and he buys you a new laptop instead.
“Dinnae worry ‘bout payin’ me back, lass/lad. Ye needed a new one anyway.”
had to learn how to pump the air in my tires by myself today bc i don’t have my dad to do it, my boyfriend lives out of state, and had the thought of “man i wish a dude were here to do this for me” which is how this popped up in my head bc 141 would never let me pump my tires alone </3
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hadesoftheladies · 4 months
“that’s just war” is what i keep getting told. women get raped and butchered? that’s just war. children get bombed and buried? that’s just war. when i read stories of the hamas hostages and the frustration and pain of jewish families caught up in the war, what do online politics offer? “that’s just war.” that’s just the price of resistance. when i tell my dad while watching the news on palestine “thousands more children were bombed by israeli forces this week” all he can say is “that’s just war.” if a man pointed a gun at you wouldn’t you want to have a gun, too?
were the allied soldiers better than the nazis? depends on who you ask. they bombed, raped, sabotaged the planes of women in their own army. nazis were terrible. did that make allied soldiers saints? we weep for the mass graves in 20th century concentration camps across the world. then when we grow up we learn that those black and white photos were actually grey all along. the victims had also victimized others. male prisoners could rape as the soldiers did.
“ignore war men will be men” some women say. “they’ll find a way to keep killing each other. let them have at it.” is it feminist action to bask in our own self righteousness as women? do people sleeping while sirens go off in their city have any choice other than to wake up and run? can they ignore such a thing?
where should i stand? will the white women online help me if their president ordered a siege of my country? my country’s history is riddled with blood. the resistance gave me freedom. I can walk on my own land. go to school and own a car. I can dress myself without dressing a white mistress first. I can farm for myself and not for some smelly englishman. that’s good, isn’t it? but they also killed scores of setttlers, the resistance. they raped white women and girls. slaughtered white children and dumped their bodies in pits for their husbands and fathers to find. wasn’t that bad? but wasn’t it the black kikuyu children and women that bent their backs over white fields? wasn’t it the white people who put them in camps and exacted harsh curfews. didn’t white men shove broken glass up black detainee’s private parts? which white women came to free them? didn’t they laugh at the same racist jokes as their husbands did? didn’t she smile and pour tea for him as he told her about work? didn’t she love having such a wide sprawling estate? wasn’t that bad?
“so you stand with the evil black men that raped white women just because they could? you think their rape served a purpose?” no, but— “so you stand with white women who were okay ordering your people to be shipped, slaughtered and starved?” no! these questions are like asking me which bullet i’d prefer to be shot with. the answer is i don’t want to die. i am not comforted by the rape of women or by the enslavement of my people. why would either be something i want?
what this all is, ultimately, is a question the entitled never like to hear. in regard to the oppression of women by men, blacks by whites, the indigenous by the colonial, the one question at the heart of it all is this:
who has the right to self defense?
why is the woman that killed her rapist jailed? why is the slave that killed his master himself killed? by what means and to what extent do we rule an act of violence as self-defense or something monstrous?
the answer is even more uncomfortable: to the extent that we view the aggressor as human.
it’s not an answer that really solves anything. it doesn’t change what happens in war. it won’t stop any war.
but in these scenarios, my way has been to accept that there is rarely such a thing as moral purity in a human, and for this reason, our default attitude may need to be humility, the acceptance that we can be hypocrites. that we aren’t exempt from tragedy or more special than another life. that we’re as alike as we are different, even if we may not be equally guilty of certain acts. because if we are open to the humanity and dignity of the life of others (and I do extend this to animals as well, because they have the capacity to suffer and the will to live), we are bound to be less prone to repeat the cruelties we decry.
and maybe that’s more of a solution than a neat, easy answer or a casual dismissal like “that’s just war” might be.
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lily-lilou · 2 months
Aaravos and his grand plan
Hi everyone, it's my yearly apparition on Tumblr after s6 finally being released. Hope you're all doing okay since last time I was here :D
Hehe! (... sorry I only ever come here every 7th tuesday of the month T.T)
So! Guess you'll have noticed our dear Startouch never actually said anything about his "new purpose" after that trial and its ghastly conclusion, and I'll also guess you (like Terry) can already say it's not something pleasant.
I mean, we all knew, to some extent, that he had to do what he was doing for a "good" reason. I think I remember saying (ages ago >_>’’’) that if he really wanted power, he could have taken it or something. Or more likely that it was uselesss because he already had that power : he was respected, powerful, practically a god amongst mortal.
Now we know why:
First, we have a motive, the cutest little bean ever :
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(the art guys! The ART!!! Leola bring adorableness to new hight and Aaravos is such a dad and it hurts my poor heart u_u)
(also, I'll totally admit I had many ideas but I really didn't see that one coming. I should have, this IS a story about relationships, especially between parents and children)
Second : he acted the way he did, only moving from the shadows, always pushing others to do what he wanted, very probably to avoid triggering the eyes of the cosmic order. They're all about seeing the grand scheme of things, the general picture (Callum's book and also their arguments during Leola's trial are proof of it). Aaravos more than anyone would know their flaws, especially them missing tiny little details.
Anyway! We can guess that whatever happened with Luna Tenebris, Queen Aditi, Sol Regem and a lot of other people was either for vengeance, or, at the very least, a way to remove potential obstacle in said vengeance. And I'm impressed with his way of killing two birds with one stone, like we saw with Sol Regem : Aaravos made him kill his own mate, allowing him to avoid being noticed/reprimanded by the cosmic order by interfering, AND ensuring a hard vengeance on the archdragon (because losing someone you love is hard, learning you killed them yourself is worse).
(We'll have a minute of silence for Mr Witness and the hell of a price he paid for what he did... and we'll remove at least 50 seconds because I had HOPE for him, when he refused the Sun Seed to heal his eyes… and then he went about healing his wings and I thought “Just go die already!” And guess what? He did!)
But now, what about his "new purpose"? His Grand Plan?
Ooooh, nothing, really...
Well, guys... everything is the title.
I mean, the title's panel!
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We learned with the last episode that, apparently, stars can fall, nah?
And in our dear picture above, we have a LOT of stars falling, don't you think so?
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captain-mj · 1 year
I definitely need the shadows making fun of Graves' crush on Price 💀
Oh I can definitely do that! The return of my oc Jason!! Also, Mila and Oz are here!!
Price was currently just standing there, but he was wearing one of his tight shirts that showed off his back muscles and how big his arms. He looked gorgeous.
Graves was staring quietly, admiring how he twisted and told his recruits what to do. Such confidence.
"Commander. Permission to stare with you, sir?" Mila asked, leaning in.
Graves groaned. "Please, fuck off."
"Oh come on. You're the one staring at the old man."
"We're only three years apart."
"Yeah, you're old too." Mila smiled at him. "A whole 35. Practically ancient."
"You won't be in your twenties forever. You know that right? One day you'll be just as old. Your back will hurt. Knees will ache when it's going to rain."
Mila hummed. "You think Price's knees ache? Maybe you can ask him and you two can bond over it."
Graves huffed and crossed his arms. "Let me please just stare at the man in peace."
"I mean. He is a fine man. Maybe he's into women."
Graves slowly turned to him and watched Mila bit her lip to bite back her laughter. "Get lost, soldier. That's an order."
Mila left, still laughing to herself. She must've informed Jason and Oz because they were watching Graves like a hawk. The moment he started to talk to Price, they were behind him, making kisses at each other in a way that made Graves blush.
Price tilted his head, getting Graves's attention. "You okay, darling? You're flushed."
Graves flushed more. "I... Um..."
Price's hand darted out, touching his face. "You don't feel feverish. Is everything okay?"
Before Graves could blame the heat or that it had been a long day or really anything, Jason butted in. "Nah, he just does that sometimes." Oz dragged Graves away the moment Price pulled his hand away.
"He called you darling."
"Shut the fuck up."
"Of course you'd like a Brit."
Graves groaned. "I know. I am betraying my country but I feel like the founding fathers would understand." He rubbed his face, trying to get rid of his stupid blushing. "But he's a good guy."
"He killed a bunch of Shadows."
"And I killed a bunch of the Vaqueros. We agreed to leave everything in the past." Graves hit his shoulder lightly.
Oz hummed. "I think you're too good for him, but if the weird British Dad makes you happy."
Graves hated it here.
The news spread fast and soon every time he was around Price, one of his Shadows would find some way to joke about what was going on or, debatably worse, try to help. Graves had been pushed into Price's arms at least four times.
Each time Price took it gracefully, arms circling around him until he got his footing. Occasionally, his hand would linger on his back for a moment afterward, just gently touching and it drove Graves mad. Their height difference was more noticeable when Graves's wasn't in uniform. He only came to about 5'9 and a half while Price was an easy 6'2 and he had the hands to match based on the way they pressed against the small of his back.
Gaz started to glare at him every time. It clearly wasn't on purpose, especially since Graves had no qualms about scolding the Shadows in front of everyone for once again doing this. He kept glaring all the same.
Then, Soap dropped a comment. "If Graves is the Shadow's dad, does that make us step siblings with them?"
Graves blinked slowly, his brain cells clinking together before he glanced at Price who had turned bright red. His hand quickly went from behind Graves's back to behind his own in a parade stance.
"MacTavish." He hissed.
Graves saw his opportunity. This was mostly revenge for the darling thing but a little because he also wanted to see Price's reaction. "Oh, Casanova, you turned all red." His hand reached up, feeling Price's flushed face.
"It means a man who is a romantic." Graves hummed. "Well, you don't feel feverish, is it the heat?"
Price stumbled over his words before just shrugging. "I guess."
Ghost and Mila exchanged long suffering glances.
Wow they were fucking annoying.
So they planned and then locked Graves and Price in a closet.
They luckily had plenty of wiggle room, but Price's arms still ended up going around Graves to make it a bit more comfortable.
"I'm skinning them alive when I get out of here."
"I don't understand what their issue has been lately."
Graves moved a little and found himself pressed back to chest with Price. He flushed again and tried to just breath.
"Claustrophobic?" Price asked gently, tugging him in a little closer.
"No. I'm fine, don't worry. Can you get to the door?"
Price tried it but grimaced. "Locked. Think they put something in front of it too. I'd have to break it down and that would be a bit hard considering."
Graves sighed and turned around again so they were now chest to chest. "Have anything you want to talk about?"
It was quiet for a minute, just a bit too dim for him to see all of Price's features. The kiss came out of nowhere.
The second one didn't.
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besiegedhunter · 1 month
Kal'tsit's relationship with Red and role in Siracusa's story
Red story post but with a Kal'tsit focus because you shouldn't separate them (the writers did and that's the subject of this post.
There's a few other topics I want to talk briefly about as well but I have more thoughts on how Kal'tsit's possible role in the Siracusa story, how she contrasts with Grandma as well as her thoughts on Red leaving.
Continuing below:
Grandma and the Signore dei Lupi
So firstly, I want to set the stage for this post by discussing the themes of Siracusa, being that of family and authority figures however just for this post I specifically want to talk about the Signore dei Lupi and then specifically narrowing it down to Grandma, Red and Kal'tsit.
See the main reason is that the Signori to make the most efficient killer for their game raise their Fang from a really young age, even as young as zero in Zaaro and Bernado's case. The interesting thing about this is that while for the purpose of creating a killer, it makes the Signori a guardian figure for their Fang, one that's inherently abusive.
Il Siracusano gives us Lappland rebelling against her Dad, him abusing her and her resolving herself to fully stop caring about him.
Texas coming to accept that she's a Siracusan, with all the things she despises about it and then it being affirmed that she has a healthy and happy home with Penguin Logistics at the end.
The main conflict is by Bernado, a Fang, who had his whole life decided by Zaaro. Who didn't know there was a life outside of the mafia and when he found out there was, knew he couldn't escape even though it existed. Who grew to hate his guardian in Zaaro and the mafia he forced him into and tried destroying both in the same breath.
How Agnese, another Signori, did deprive her Fang Lunacub of a normal life and is inspired by Emperor to do right and be a good guardian figure
And then Red.
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Grandma, like all Signori but possibly even more than any other, is an abusive guardian figure. Red has countless issues and even Kal'tsit finds it near impossible to help her and it's all because of what Grandma put Red through and Red doesn't even know the harm that Grandma put her through. She's happy to be Grandma's weapon.
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And further to this, another sad thing is that she Red likely doesn't intend on returning to Rhodes Island either:
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Red is a Fang. Rhodes was a temporary stop before she went back to Siracusa. She couldn't accept the help that Kal'tsit offered her or likely acknowledge what Rhodes has done. It's awful.
But as I mentioned, Siracusa is all about authority figures, family and well guardians. Grandma was awful to Red and didn't prepare her for the rest of the world, so she broke down when she left Grandma.
However Kal'tsit took her in then and like Emperor, she gave this lone Lupo a home and a place to belong. Red's files demonstrate to me that Kal genuinely cares about Red's wellbeing even beyond that of a doctor to a genuine guardian. I also think we might see a glimmer of them being casual with each other:
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And the moment before this:
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To me it reads as Kal'tsit acting on how she felt in Red's Archive 4 in trying to get to acknowledge that she has a choice, that there are other paths for her as well as the price of a life, whether her own or someone else's. It's a speech on Crownslayer but large parts apply to Red as well.
But now that the Signori and Grandma have been explained, as well as a bit of Red and Kal'tsit's relationship let's get onto Kal'tsit's thoughts on Red leaving Rhodes Island and I think that the above screenshots are a good seque.
Red's Departure
So when reading IS-ST-4 the line where Red says that she promised Kal'tsit only to kill wolves struck me as that being a requirement for Red to go to Siracusa however it's actually not. In the second screenshot above Red says the exact same thing: That she will only kill wolves.
Then later I was reading Lunacub's files and read this segment:
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It should be obvious that this is Kal'tsit by them referring to Red so personally but in the next archive file it's confirmed by Agnese that she talked to 'your doctor' as well.
"I know that Red went to Siracusa, I know what she did," reads like Kal'tsit wasn't aware where Red went or why. Like Red left and she previously had no clue as to why only to talk to Agnese and find out.
Now I want to circle back to earlier: the Signori are guardian figures to their Fangs. Of them all only Agnese is striving to be a good one and here she is talking to Kal'tsit who herself is a guardian to a Fang in Red.
It's not just two guardian figures talking about their wards but it's also Kal'tsit learning the truth about Red. Later in Lunacub's files Agnese, who has been a part of the Signori's game for centuries and has likely witnessed the deaths of many of the Fangs she's raised outright states she talked to Kal'tsit about Red leaving:
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Red's Archive 4 shows that Kal'tsit did not know what Red was going through and specifically who Grandma is. She then talks to Agnese, another Signori and surely learns not just that Red's in Siracusa or a Fang and what that means but probably how a Fang is raised. Again, Agnese raised kids to be killers and had them die futilely. Agnese could even possibly tell Kal'tsit about Grandma specifically and what does Kal'tsit say next?
"this pointless conflict has gone on long enough."
To me that and 'your doctor tells me she will return, hopefully' tell me that Kal'tsit really does care about Red. Like think about it from her position:
She took in this hurting Lupo, had to convince her to let her stay and after realizing the severity and that she couldn't do anything still resolved to help her in any little way possible. Red was a founding member of S.W.E.E.P and that in turn likely was made at the beginning of Rhodes. So let's say Red did join late 1094/earlier 1095.
Up till Il Siracusano in Autumn 1099, Kal'tsit would've been protecting Red for four years just for her to randomly disappear one day only to learn sometime later that she's been groomed since a baby to participate in a killing game and the wolf doing it cared not one bit for her. That that's where she is and doing.
While buried in an operator's files and not the focus at any point it's poignant that Kal'tsit and Agnese met and talked and that Kal'tsit heard the truth about Red from a Signori striving to do the best for her ward.
It's just as important that Kal'tsit is set up to directly contrast Grandma as a guardian figure for Red. It was set up all the way back in Red's archive 4 and without Grandma being mentioned once in Il Siracusano, it's being reinforced by the themes of Il Siracusano and Agnese and her relationship with Lunacub.
"This pointless conflict has gone on long enough."
If that doesn't mean that Kal'tsit is entering Siracusa and we see Mon3tr wrestle with a giant bipedal wolf I don't know what does.
Now! :
Additional things
While we can't say when the next Siracusa event will take place (apart from the event. 5.5. This November. I beg.) we can take an educated guess. For example the latest events to come out, not including Sui events, are Rides to Lake Silbernherze in Spring of 1100 and Zwillingsturme im Herbst in September 1100.
Assuming that the next Siracusa event happens around when other new events are coming out then it's quite possible that it'll come out either Winter of 1100? Maybe early 1101? Maybe it'll even be a year after Zwillingsturme at Autumn 1101.
Uh Il Siracusano happened in 1099 Autumn so Red's probably going to be in Siracusa, not a part of Rhodes, for at least a year. Kal'tsit is going to have spent a year worrying about Red and her awful situation for a year also.
Have fun with that.
As for the last one. I've always been curious because of Ascalon's dedication to protect Theresa and Red being assigned to protect Amiya in 4-1 and the familiarity that Amiya has:
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Whether Red could be intended to play a role like Ascalon to Theresa or whether they're close or how long they've known each other for.
Well it only just came to me that Red's files appear to be from around when she joined, which again late 1094 or early 1095 as one of the first things would be the medical exams and tests. And well:
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Amiya approved of the classifying of Red's information back then alongside Kal'tsit and assumedly Ascalon. There's no Doctor because this is before Chernobog happened.
So after the fall of Babel, Theresa's death, Doctor being put in the sarcophagus and everything, Amiya probably did meet Red shortly after all that and knew each other for two years at least before the events of the Reunion arc or four years as of Volsinii just like Kal'tsit.
So that's interesting to me.
Thank you for reading this far and never forget the Signori's conflict is pointless and one day we'll see this happen:
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yallaya-blog · 3 months
I was thinking about Terra’s character throughout the series. It’s understandable why she would be against war and killing since she is a child of war. She has seen the pain and trauma it can cause to people. As traumatic as the event was for her it pushed her to find alternative ways to solve an issue without immediately resorting to killing. She seen her dad kill before but she hasn’t fault him for it since she knows it was in self defense and to protect his family. The Coalition War was different since the people Mark was fighting against are their friends/allies. I don’t think that she necessarily agrees with what the Coalition was doing but she is against using war to resolve an issue since she knows firsthand how damaging war can be especially to bystanders. While her dad didn’t start the war he could have not went through with it or fought for a more peaceful solution sooner. This might be why she distant herself from her family since she feared what her dad was doing made him no better than Thragg.
I think the main reason why she separated herself from her father was, of course, because of the war, but also because of the fact that the Conservation Order (the regime Terra works in) wanted to break away from the Viltrum Empire BECAUSE of Marks decision to initiate war. However again this war is not a fault of the VE, it was initiated by VE’s emperor because the Coalition Of Planets was draining resources from poorer worlds and then displacing the people of those worlds in densely populated planets (like modern day Talescria) in order for COP to stay relevant, so therefore COP was at fault. The Conservation Order formerly affiliated itself with the Viltrum Empire because of its key interests: maintaining peace, solving conflict and improving peoples lives. I think CO’s disconnect from VE was not because of the soul PURPOSE of the war but because of war IN GENERAL and it’s damaging consequences (division, death, innocent civilians often paying the price, etc) which goes against what CO and Terra personally stand for. Terra is very passionate about helping people (example of this was when Mark was about to give up on an entire race of people because of their crime rate, but Terra saw that the only reason why these crimes were committed was because those people were hungry, were scared, and were dying because they lacked the resources they needed in order to thrive, and was able to convince Mark to spare them from any irrational punishment) and, like her father, can be very naive at times and because she can often be blindsighted by emotion she doesnt always properly defend her arguments for doing certain things. So generally speaking, Terra supports CO breaking away from VE because of the damage war does but she DOESNT condone any of what COP has done because her job is literally to prevent everything COP was doing. Even Mark himself admits that “this could have been so much easier if you had just TALKED to me” which again supports the idea that war isn’t a necessary solution to all problems. ALSO I DONT THINK SHE THINKS HER FATHER IS AS BAD AS THRAGG BC OF THIS WAR ‼️ Thraggs means of war was driven by viltrumite conquest and superiority over other beings (evil), Marks means of war was driven by abolishing an organization that was exploiting weak planets and damaging populations of people in order to stay afloat (good). Again yes Terra does fight to solve conflicts (when her ‘master’ [either her mentor Kregg or emperor and father Mark] had her battle that unnamed dude in order to bring peace between their people) but she by all means NEVER wants to resort to war because of the damage it did to her family and how it tears apart other families too. So basically is she defending the Coalition Of Plantes? Absolutely not. Its her duty to prevent what COP did from happening. Does she think this conflict could have been settled more peacefully without war? Yes. Goodness i love the extensiveness of her character sm I LOVE YOU TERRA shes just an alien girl in a drama-n-violence riddled universe
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boygiwrites · 1 year
Harley D. Dixon 21
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An amazing edit inspired by this story! (Cred to Cora_Line99) Harley D. Dixon's Pinterest Board! Harley D. Dixon's Playlist!
📖Chapter List.
Author's Note.
Another quick under 3,000 word update for you guys :) Enjoy!
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When it's quiet, Carl and I go visit Sophia's grave together.
Under the low-hanging oak tree is a whole long line of graves, many more than the last time I stood here, all marked with their own wonky, homemade cross. Rings, necklaces, hand-written notes and little trinkets hang from each one, swaying gently in the afternoon breeze. I wonder which belongs to the one I killed the other night, which mound of dirt and death I'm responsible for. I wonder if they know I'm sorry.
I don't have to wonder which is Sophia's. I know already. It's the one with the Cherokee roses laying on it.
I step forward and carefully place Matilda against the white petals, making sure her yarn-hair is neat and her dress is as it should be, while Carl lays the Pokémon folder down next to it. When I promised Carol I'd return the doll to her someday, I never imagined it would be like this.
As we step back, I grab Carl's hand and tell the small grave, "Wherever you are, I hope you get to play again."
Thoughts and prayers, I think they say. I don't think they ever done any good to nobody. If God was listening to silly things like thoughts and prayers, this tree would be someplace we could play together, and not the graveyard it's turned into. Those roses would've worked. But it's like Shane said. Sophia was weak. Just 'cause it don't sound nice, don't mean it ain't true. She was weak, and she paid the price for it. I wish I could do more than just stand here and miss her, but maybe I can also learn from what she couldn't, be stronger, live what she didn't get to.
I ain't never seen much purpose in death, but maybe that's it. Maybe like scars, all they do is make us stronger.
"We'll miss you, Sophia." Carl utters, squeezing my fingers. "I'm sorry we couldn't find you."
When he starts sniffling, I feel even emptier than I already do. I should cry with him, but I can't. I don't know why. I've always been a bit of a crier. It was one of the things Merle hated most about me. If you're gonna be angry, be angry, but don't start cryin' too while yer at it. He used to need to shout at me and shake me by the shoulders to get me to dry up, but now I've dried up all on my own.
"She'd dead, Carl." I mumble, turning away. "Ain't no tears ever saved nobody."
When we make it back up to the gate where Dad's waiting for us, he doesn't mention my scowl. He kisses my hair and leads us up the path. When we get there, Carl drags me to the spot behind his family's tent, 'cause apparently he wants to show me something.
"You gotta promise not to tell." He warns as he pulls a gun from underneath a rock. "I stole it this morning from Dad."
My eyes go wide. I was not expecting a gun. Carl's more the type of person to steal a cookie before dessert, not guns.
I quickly duck down, glancing around to make sure none of the adults saw. "What the Hell, Carl?"
"You remember Shane was gonna take us for shooting lessons, right? Well, that's not happening anymore. We gotta do it ourselves."
"Are you serious? Your parents are gonna kill ya if they find out, you moron."
"Duh. That's why I'm not gonna tell 'em."
"Adults like to know where kids are." I scold him harshly. "You wanna end up like Sophia?"
"No," He says firmly. "I wanna end up like you. You know all about surviving. You know plants, and birds, and animals. I know nothing."
He's right, I suppose. He doesn't really know anything. He didn't grow up around hunters, didn't live by the woods, didn't get compasses and boots and BB guns for his birthdays. I bet he's never even killed before, neither. Not even a rat in the rafters. Just like Sophia, he knows nothing.
I would like to teach Carl what I know, but I've never done somethin' like this. Unsure, I grumble, "I don't like gettin' in trouble."
"It's fine. We'll be quick." He assures me. "And if we get caught, I'll just say the whole thing was my idea."
I pin him with a look. "It was your idea."
"Exactly. Besides, you got lost in the woods for two whole days and you were fine. I'll be in good hands. So you coming, or what?"
I sigh. "You're gonna go no matter what I say, ain't ya?"
I roll my eyes. Finally, someone as stubborn as I am. That settles it, then.
"Fine." I say. "I'll come."
He pumps his fist excitedly. "Yes!"
"But lemme grab somethin' first before we leave."
He tucks the gun into his pants line and follows after me as I make my way to mine and Dad's camp. When I stop in front of the motorcycle parked in the shade, he asks what I'm doing, but I wordlessly flip the saddlebag open and pull out a shiny, mean-lookin' Bowie knife.
He blanches at the sight of it as I strap the sheath to my belt loop. "That's the biggest knife I've ever seen."
"Used to be my Uncle Merle's." I say absentmindedly, before nodding him toward the treeline. "Let's go."
"For the record," Carl hums as we walk along the marshy creek, "I think the missing ear makes you look super badass."
I give him a light shove, making him stumble and giggle. "Keep talkin', and you'll be missin' yours in a minute."
"What? You don't think you look badass?"
"Not really."
"Well, I say you do. And I'm always right."
"No, you ain't. Hey, look. Mushrooms."
We skip across a toppled log laying in the water and leap onto the other side, approaching a cluster of brown mushrooms sprouting from the base of a fat tree. Morels, made obvious by their wrinkly, honey-comb caps. I pull him down with me and start plucking some.
"These are Morels." I explain, handing him a stubby, dark-colored stalk. "Here. You can eat 'em."
He takes it from me like it's a bomb. "Are you sure? How can you tell?"
I snap another off. "'Cause they're ugly and they smell like bread."
He grins in amazement as I pop it in my mouth without hesitation. Encouraged to do the same, he takes a little nibble of his.
I watch his eyes go wide. As expected, he seems to like it. "Tastes like nuts."
"The darker the cap, the more flavor ya get. Not that you'd be worryin' too much about that when you're dyin' in the woods, I guess."
"Still a cool fact, though." He takes my hand and stands up. "Let's go find some more stuff."
Happy to keep exploring, we wonder from tree to tree, bush to bush, rock to rock. I teach him which berries will make you froth at the mouth and die and which ones will taste like sour candies, how to tell poison oak from regular leaves, which mark on the ground means what.
I even teach him to make a whistle from a mottled wax-leaf, which he seems to find very fun.
He blows through it for a hundredth time, making the ringing in my ears turn piercingly loud.
"Quit that noise, dumbass." I complain, reaching to snatch it from him.
He comes to a sudden halt, leaf falling from his lips.
"What is it?" Frowning, I turn to what he's looking at.
There's a walker stood on the bank opposite us, its foot caught under the thick, gummy mud. It keeps trying to break free, but it's skinny as a twig and useless as a newborn deer, so it ain't gettin' outta there any time soon, which is good for us but bad for him, I guess.
Watching it flail around, Carl wonders, "Should we shoot it?"
It'd make an easy target, but I got no interest in killin' that thing. Might be the one that bit Sophia. It deserves to suffer.
"Nah." I sourly disagree, turning away. "Let's just leave it there. We can go shoot somethin' else."
He gives it one last glance before falling into step with me. "Okay. Like what?"
"Somethin' that's useful. Rabbit, maybe."
"Ooh, you can teach me to skin it. You ever done that before?"
Have I ever killed and skinned a rabbit?
Pssh. "That's funny, Carl."
He giggles at that.
We return to the farm about an hour later with a dead hare. I offered to carry it, but Carl says he likes having it slung over his shoulder 'cause it makes him feel like a strong caveman, whatever that means. I tracked it and taught him to shoot the thing, but I guess it was him that shot it dead so technically, it's his kill. His first ever kill. He didn't get squeamish or nothin', not even when I flayed its skin off with the knife.
"That was awesome," He exclaims, not caring that there's blood all over his shirt. "Where'd you even learn to shoot?"
Tall grass and laughter come to mind, but as we approach the gate, I settle on shrugging, "Doesn't matter."
"Well, I can't believe an eight-year-old got to learn to shoot before I did."
I unlatch it and open it for him, joking, "Maybe it's 'cause I'm better behaved."
"You know what," He lilts as he steps past, "You're probably right."
I lock it closed and follow him along the path back to camp, feeling more and more grateful that I'm behind him and can hide a little when I realize we weren't as sneaky as we thought we were, as Rick, Lori, Dad, and Dale jump out their seats at the sight of us approaching.
My stomach does a weird little flip at the angry look on Dad's face. I have to remind myself things are different now.
"Where were you?" Lori screeches, running to crouch in front of us. "You silly boy, where were you?"
"We just went out for a bit, Mom. We're fine." He seems to think showing her the hare won't make things ten times worse. "Look!"
Before she can lose her mind again, Dad snatches it off him. "What the Hell were y'all thinkin'?"
"I'm sorry, Dad." I tell him. "I just—"
"You disobeyed me, is what you did." He scolds. "'Stay where I can see ya.' Ain't that what I always say?"
"It's what we say, too." Rick frowns. "You know it's dangerous out there. There's a reason we have rules."
"And there's a reason we keep the gun bag away from children." Dale raises a brow. "We know there's a pistol missing, son."
Lori holds out her hand. He makes a big deal out of pulling the gun out and handing it over. 
"You too, Harley. Where'd you get that knife?"
"It's Merle's." Dad gruffly answers for me. He doesn't take it, but I can tell he's disappointed. Feels so wrong not gettin' belted for this.
"Guys, she didn't even wanna come at first." Carl says. "It was my idea. I asked her to. I thought it would be safer with the both of us."
"So, what you're saying is you not only stole from us and snuck out without permission," Chides Rick, "But you put Harley in danger, too."
"I— I didn't think I was."
"As the older child, you should've known better. You need to look out for her, Carl. This isn't a joke."
Dad scoffs, "Nah, she's more'un capable of followin' orders on her own. She knows not to sneak out."
"Tell you what, we can go shootin' sometime soon if that's somethin' you feel you wanna do, but you cannot do this again."
Lori adds, "Ever."
"Is that clear?"
I nod straight away, but Carl takes a little longer before he gives in. "Do we at least get to eat the rabbit?"
"If you promise you won't try gettin' another one for tomorrow's dinner."
He sighs moodily. "Fine. Okay."
"Glad we're finally on the same page."
As Lori leads Carl away to get him changed into a shirt that's not so blood-soaked, he throws me an apologetic look over his shoulder. He didn't mean for us to get in trouble. Rick leaves to replace the gun, Dale resumes watch duty, and Dad drags me back to our camp without another word. I don't bother saying sorry again. I know he don't appreciate being told the same thing twice, so I keep my mouth shut.
I half expect him to lay me over his knee the second we make it back, but all he does is sit me down on the stump.
"You sit here for however long I feel's right, and you think about how you done wrong."
As he walks off to start preparing the rabbit, I take great effort in keeping my jaw from dropping.
Time-out. I ain't ever been in time-out before. Usually, I just get whipped and that's it, but things really are different now.
I accept my punishment without complaint, watching him gut the hare and slice it into small strips, laying them out on the rocks around the crackling fire. I wonder if he's letting me keep the knife because I did a good job skinning. I hope so. He taught me how, after all.
Once the meat's cooked, which takes about ten short minutes, he beckons me off the stump with a nod of his head.
"Come get some food, chicken."
I hop off and approach him unconfidently, taking the mug of browned meat that he offers me.
"Carl was smart takin' you with him." He says. "Would'a fucked that poor animal up, otherwise."
I find myself trying not to smile. I think I like time-out.
"Are you still angry with me?"
"I don't like what you did, Harley. You went and did somethin' behind my back." I understand that. It wasn't right. "But you wanna start doin' some things on yer own, I'm more'un happy to let you, baby, you know that. Simple things, like havin' yer own knife. I'll allow that."
I perk up a little. "I can keep Merle's knife?"
"Yeah. A gun, though, we'll have to work up to. You got plenty people around here ready to protect you with guns, already. But it's important to know how to shoot one, anyway, so when Rick takes Carl, he can take you, too. Certified instructor, and all that."
That's more than fair. "Alright. Thank you, Dad."
"I'll show you how to use that thing properly later, but for now," He hands me another hot mug, "Go shut Carl up with some'a this."
I carry both mugs back to main camp and find Rick and Carl sitting together at the picnic table, having what looks like the serious conversation me and Dad just got done having. When they notice me, Rick finishes off what he was saying and scoots over so I can sit next to him.
"Dad cooked the hare." I tell him, passing it across the table. He takes it with an owlish look. "Might still be hot."
"I don't think you've ever eaten hare before, have you, buddy?"
"No. Had skunk, though." He pops a piece in his mouth. "Mm. That's pretty good."
"Now you got a taste of what you wanted, I expect you to reel it in a bit. Protection's important, but not if it ends up killing you."
"Rick, My Dad said I can come shooting with you and Carl, if that's okay."
"'Course, honey. I think I'm gonna ask some of the others if they wanna come, too. Start today, if you want."
Me and Carl share an excited glance. "Yes, please."
"Alright, then. Finish up that food and we'll see about leavin' soon."
Author's Note.
Hope you enjoyed the chapter, everyone 💙
Some more intense things coming up in the next one.
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matchalilly · 11 months
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This gaming series has always had a special place in my heart for more reasons than one.
In middle school and high-school it was my shit played more co op than campaign in college cause I had a solid group of friends I'd hop on with.
But as a military brat I got the biggest crush on Mactavish when I was a tween, irritated the hell out of my bf at the time to the point he'd start snarky arguments about how I gush over a scottsman when his Irish ass is right there granted we'd laugh about it cause I'd point out how stupid it was that he's getting bent over a video game character, his ma would even join in saying just wait maybe an actual Scottish boy will swipe me from him.
As much as he gave me shit over Soap certain parts of the game hit him hard too.
We mutually broke up before high school, still hung out and gamed together but he decided he was going to join the army after graduating and didn't want me stuck worrying constantly, even though I expressed my interest in joining the marines like my dad.
That started up a whole new 'dig at each other' playfully of course both of us came from military families him strictly army me a mix of marine, army, and navy.
Dad was against his only baby girl joining the military and I just said alright ill just do some form of art than, ended up taking international culinary courses and cosplay ended up unironacally making military friends regardless.
You'd be surprised how many service men and women I've met in the cosplay community not to mention lawyers and doctors, even dentists it's wild honestly but it's neat, and some of them would play with me on CoD just to keep in touch. We'd joke and shit on each other and shit on the occasional teams that would be toxic in the lobby after losing the match to a team mixed with chicks and guys and would scream hacks.
Long and short of it this game is a staple in many special memories for me. It isn't just a game I play for the fun of it, I've made friends, connections and sometimes we all hop on just to chat in the lobby not even going into game. We would just sit cracking jokes and go back and forth if we wanted to hop in a match and go naaaaaaaaaah not tonight, got work or nah I have morning classes or mmm gotta be at base early or I would, ect you get the idea life stuff.
Now I'm back in it watching my friend that's never played a shooter in her life enjoying co op and the campaign and its the best thing to see.
She's a Konig girl and gets shitty that he's not in it much and me and my other pal just laugh and tell her he wasn't in the old games much either, nothing new better get used to relying on the simping fandom for her Konig material.
She even went and started a fanfiction and asks me all kinds of questions, although she had the audacity to call Ghost mean and I'm just like girl how dare 😤
Seriously don't know why people think he's mean, clearly they haven't heard his glorious dad jokes dudes just a hardened soldier.
But she adores Soap too so we chat often about him or she'll gush about Konig or send me mass GhostSoap pictures and I'm just like wow you found that side of the Fandom took you long enough 😆
Even my military hubby joins us cause he grew up playing the games too. Imagine his suprise one year when he came home from a deployment catching his wife playing CoD not knowing I even had an interest in the game.
That was a fun conversation our first year married.
Sat and watched him start the new campaign last night and I was so frustrated that he purposely would get Price killed just to rile me up (even detonated himself at one point) before restarting the mission and say 'imma do it again' only for me to tell him to leave the old man alone and actually do the damn mission.
Sorry not sorry felt like reminiscing, tis the season of recalling fond memories.
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czigonas · 2 years
Coming back to the Removable Hearts... this time it's Soap-centric! (Ghost-centric version here)
I think, aside from the version where the SAS takes everyone's hearts for monitoring purposes (number 4 previously), Soap would only remove his heart in a few very specific circumstances. He's just not the kind of person who would willingly dull his emotions or hide from them. So consider:
Soap's parents take his heart when he's young. It's not done with malicious intent (not like Ghost's dad would) but out of a combination of tradition and overbearing protection. After all, kids can be cruel, and their little John is a sensitive soul.
I didn't elaborate on it in the first post, but one of the aspects of the hearts I used in Dust My Broom was that, if you held someone else's heart in your own chest, you could feel echoes of their emotions as they felt them. So, perhaps in MacTavish clan, it's a tradition to remove their hearts before marriage and trade them with their intended so they could feel certainty in the depth of their emotions. Soap's parents just take it a little further and don't tell anyone about it.
Soap adapts, though. He overcompensates his natural reactions so he doesn't appear closed off or cold to his peers. He learns the small, subconscious tells other people make to let him know what he should be feeling so he can project it better. He feels so much anyway that it isn't that hard to do. Plus, the ability to more easily lock down his emotions when he needs to focus serves him well both in competitive sports and when he decides to join the military.
His parents aren't thrilled at his decision to sign up and talk him into leaving his heart with them where it's safer than a base where it could be attacked or left behind accidentally. (Secretly, they want it left with them not only so they can reassure themselves he's alive, but also because they're afraid he'd be tempted to put it back in his chest and that the backlash of his restored emotional responses would overwhelm him and get him hurt in the field.) Soap isn't happy about this, but he understands their fears and resolves to revisit the issue once he's out of training and has his first leave.
It gets harder, the further he is from his heart, to use his real emotional reactions for cues, so he falls back on his observations to tell him what people want him to be feeling. He gets very good at reading people, and very good at faking appropriate responses. When he reaches the SAS and their torture resistance training, his instructors are almost concerned at his ability to shut himself down. He still feels pain, but the emotional responses they expect to have to train out of their recruits are just... not there.
(The medics know, of course, that he doesn't have his heart. But they're only obligated to tell his commanding officers and, even then, only those at the highest level. Otherwise, it's need-to-know information and fully redacted from from his files. When Soap is assigned to JTF141, Captain Price is deemed the only officer who needs to know despite General Shepherd outranking him. After all, Shepherd is American and Price is the highest ranked British officer in the task force.)
Then, Las Almas. Graves isn't quite so bold as to think he'd be able to subdue Alejandro, Ghost, and Soap with just words, so when he shoots, he doesn't miss. He hits Soap.
He hits a heart shot on Soap, and at close enough range that his vest couldn't possibly hold up.
Soap falls.
Ghost is devastated, but he can't stay or he'll die too.
He can't stay and he can't afford to try and take Soap's body with him. He has to leave it behind.
The Shadows toss it over the concrete barrier into the ditch. One more body on the massive killing field their takeover has become.
Ghost goes a little feral, carving his way through the city. He can't think about the betrayal, or Soap, or revenge. He wants to lose himself in the mindlessness of cutting down his enemies, but he can't even do that because he needs to survive. Someone has to live to tell the tale.
Even so, he's vicious and completely merciless. The path he carves through the city is only better than the Shadows' by virtue of him not killing civilians. He's reckless, even though he knows he has to survive. He still takes more risks than he should, because in a lot of ways it feels like he died on that road right next to Soap.
And then his radio clicks on.
“This is Bravo 7-1, in the blind…”
What the actual fuck, Johnny.
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candikin · 1 year
How my main OC would interact with canon characters!
Henry Stickmin
You are probably expecting to say enemies, but that's not really that accurate. Henry has a "crush" on Lexi, well he convinces himself he does but he doesn't. They used to be friends when Henry became leader in the first timeline, but had a slow painful falling out due to the other routes. Lexi now is driven mad by him and Henry still thinks they're friends
Charles Calvin
Childhood best friends, been friends since kindergarten. But Lexi has "mysteriously" disappeared, so Charles hasn't seen Lexi in quite a while... expect at the end of 2019 and then the start of LetterTale. Their relationship is very strange, Charles and Lexi both don't want to hurt eachother but also still want to do their jobs, which involves killing eachother. This just ends up with them constantly finding eachother then doing nothing until they lose the other
Ellie Rose
Ooohh, this is a big spoiler so I won't say much, but Lexi absolutely despises Ellie and Ellie has no idea Lexi has this much hatred towards her. Lexi keeps all this hate to herself and would never dare talk about it expect if you were a close friend of hers
Reginald Copperbottom
Well they are currently dating, and have a very sweet relationship with eachother. They never keep secrets from eachother and are almost always seen by eachother. Some even claim to have spot Lexi wearing a ring, but she will deny this.
Before they were dating, they were very secretive with their feelings but kept trying to make the first move... too bad they both overthink. They were still pretty close back when they were friends though, the only difference is that Reg always kept himself busy as he was trying to move on with his feelings for Lexi.
Right Hand Man
Lexi and Right have a weird friendship. They don't really talk to eachother in public, but behind the scenes they talk all the time. Many people make theories that Lexi and Right are jealous of eachother, but they are completely inaccurate. The only concerning part is Lexi knows Right Hand Man's real name and past, but it only was because Terrence told her. RHM would never want that to be known, and Lexi never told him that she knew. If Right knew... he wouldn't take it very well
Sven Svensson
They are almost exactly like siblings. Lexi was Sven's first friend in the clan, and was the reason Sven even lived. Lexi and Sven can constantly fight, either with words or physical, but they do genuinely care for eachother. They do keep their secrets from eachother, but they both think the other is completely honest and isn't hiding anything
Burt Curtis
They have a very chill friendship. They just became friends "recently". They don't talk very much in person but seems like when they are online, they have very long conversions. Burt doesn't know about Lexi's personal life and neither does Lexi, but they want to keep it that way
Dmitri Johannes Petrov
The reason why I'm including him is because Lexi used to work at the wall. Lexi worked there when she was a teenager under her father's guidance as her dad thought she would be working there when she became an adult. Dmitri never really liked teenagers, and Lexi was no exception. Lexi constantly broke the rules purposely and even tried to make the innocent prisoners escape (though she always failed). Dmitri hated talking to Lexi, but never fired her... nobody knows why
Rupert Price
Not enemies, but not friends. Rupert and Lexi used to date before she "mysteriously" disappeared. Rupert doesn't count it as a break up, but has moved on slightly... seeing Lexi again ruined that. But they work on different sides, and Lexi is dating Reginald. They both don't know how to interact, it's just awkward everytime they spot eachother
Dave Panpa
The strangest friendship to ever form. Lexi actually did try to steal the Tunisian Diamond with some other Toppats, but she was the only one who didn't want Dave to be taken with them. But majority rules, so Lexi just ended up feeling bad for the guy. She is the only reason why Dave isn't starving to death, and Lexi constantly has Dave's back. They talk privately, as Lexi would get in big trouble if she was caught talking to Dave. She never helped Dave escape though, as she's afraid he might betray her
Well, that's all the major characters so I'm done for now. Might make a part 2 but idk
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In Bite-Sized Morsels (Ch 7), why did William try to kill Gregory because he looked like Evan?
Excellent question, friend! So in the AU for Price to Pay, the big difference is that the animatronics are normal and no one ever dies to them. William Afton, instead of becoming a serial killer, instead took out his frustrations on his kids. Elizabeth was his favorite and was spared from most of it. Michael got a lot of verbal abuse, and Afton was sometimes rough with him but never enough to leave evidence.
Evan was his favorite target. Starting around when Evan was six (and Michael was in college), he did stuff with the sole purpose of scaring Evan. I have it in my notes that fnaf 4 would basically translate as Afton purposefully tormenting Evan into thinking monsters were after him.
When Michael finds out two years later after their mom dies, he keeps Evan (then eight years old) away from their dad.
And Afton, who's pissed off and definitely has something wrong with him, sees the perfect lookalike of his son one day. He decides, hey, his actual plaything was taken away from him. But this one's close enough that he can have some fun.
(I don't remember if there's a name for it, but in the many crime shows I've watched over the years, there have been some cases where people want to hurt a specific person but can't, for whatever reason. So instead, they find someone else who functions as a substitute for their desired target. That's what Afton was doing.)
The part I never fully decided on, if things hadn't worked out in Gregory's favor, was whether Afton would have actually killed him or if he would have realized he could keep Gregory as a replacement for Evan.
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dumbangrypuppet · 11 months
Tried to sleep early yk but here I am at 1 am because I went to bed too early.
I promised my little brain I was gonna stop thinking about Comet for a while, (my dumb little dude.)
And when watching YouTube, I got reminded of the Adventure Time Episode, "Thanks for the Crabapples, Giuseppe!"
Specifically, just the poem. And boy. Did I start crying.
What if when Comet dies, he wrote a poem like that for Eris and Hazel?
(btw if you don't know what poem I'm talking about here it is.)
"These are not my tear drops, daughter dear, but just a sheen of dew that lingers here, past other fields where other fathers lie, who kept their daughters better far than I."
IM GONNA CRY. (I say, as if I haven't cried over this silly fictional man and his situation for weeks)
Anyway, if you feel like crying over this man too, here's some angst I wrote for him from an RP.
And here I go, ranting about the parallels between Simon and Comet.
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Thank you Adventure Time for giving me ideas that tear my heart out again and again
(also, I need to draw Comet and Simon meeting, they'd get along fast.)
Like okay. I will literally spell it out for you
Both Simon and Comet literally tried to give up their lives (well Comet is actually doing so, he doesn't have a cosmic god of chaos for girlfriend to stop him and make him see reason) for people they barely knew.
Simon with "wanting" to become Ice King again to save an entire universe,
Comet with giving up his soul, his entire life to a demon so that the town he resides in can be protected from a giant threat.
(Comet resides in a fictional town called Uverney. Every resident there is a monster or creature of some kind, and Uverney is meant to be a sanctuary for monsters. But now, there's a group of monster hunters going into the town, and it's not gonna end well.)
Simon doesn't tell Fionna what's gonna actually happen to him when he puts on the crown. Though I don't think this is from selfishness or anything of the sort, perhaps he just doesn't wanna think about it. But STILL!!
Comet doesn't tell his daughters about the deal, or what the price was, he keeps the fact that once it's all over, he's going to die to HIMSELF. He sold his soul to protect an entire town, full of people he barely knows. (I should also mention, he's literally in the dumps right now for a multitude of reasons, the big one being that his coffee shop had been burned down the night before.)
Simon feels his life has no worth or purpose. People literally liked him better when he was consumed by the madness of the crown.
Comet also feels his life has no worth, and now no purpose. If you read the images above, it mentions things he's lost.
Comet lost his dad at 13, after a demon possessed his body and used it to kill his father. He lost friends because not only were they scared of him, but once his dad was gone, he had to move in with his mother. There his only friends were his brother and sister, who cut off contact after Comet turned 18 and left to pursue music.
If you saw my other post about this stupid silly man, you'll know that didn't go well either.
He fell in love with one of the roadie's, a man named Avery. They knew each other for three months, and Comet thought he was in love.
He was, but Avery wasn't.
No, Avery wasn't even a real person, a real name, instead it was a fake name created by the demon Amon, and all he wanted from comet was to use his body as a vessel. (I probably haven't explained or made it clear, Comet is a trans man.)
So this tragic little guy!! He's just. Torn apart! He's got nobody, nothing!! He never lets anyone in again, he tells himself not to fall in love anymore because all that does is hurt him.
(which totally sucks because Comet is absolutely husband material btw)
So yeah. Dumb little witch man. Hates himself a lot.
Hold on edit time because now I have more.
Simon should have realized that his existence was important after Vampire World, because without Simon there to protect Marceline, the world gets run over by vampires.
Comet doesn't think about all the good he's done for others!! I'll just bring up some events from the rp and some from the canon story.
He finds a girl in the forest with the help of his 4 year old daughter at the time, takes her in and takes care of her. 9 years later, this girl is Eris and her and Hazel are like peas in a pod bro.
Comet finds two hobos living behind his café, and what does he do? He gives them a job. (this action has consequences later because they're the indirect reason his café burns down later)
Eris finds a kid in her flower pot and another in the forest who needs help?? She uses her teachings from Comet to take them in and help them just as what was done for her.
Comet teaches both Eris and Hazel how to properly use magic to protect themselves.
A bloodied girl shows up on the front porch to his house? Comet brings her in, patches her up, makes her HOT CHOCOLATE AND SOME SANDWICHES, and EVEN OFFERS HER A PLACE TO STAY IN HIS HOME until she can get back on her feet.
He is a good person, even if he thinks he isn't.
Just like Simon, he is important, and if he didn't exist or wasn't around, there would be terrible consequences.
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the-firebird69 · 11 months
Freya Ridings - Castles (Orchestral Version) [Amazon Original]
I suspect we correct one of the wells is bigger than the other and they're kind of in together even though they're evil and hate each other and gross. This lady went and checked and got the truth the two castles are different one of them is a lot larger and it's Disneyland and therefore Disney world is the women's Castle and I checked and it's the other way around this one's big and the other one is not and it was in Bavaria and that's where they made the program it's because that's where they had a lot of success no they're fighting each other over the chocolate bar and decide to do it there because they are going to decide what happens from there. And also more so it's because my husband is known for stopping the war and for saving his dad and mom to save himself and that's more of motivators than anything and world war II was stopped by you people you more luck and he blames you and the max to a degree but not that much he needs them to lose but wants them for later and he's a fool but that's how I took it and my husband thought it was pretty much not much and Dave knew why didn't think it was right but knew what he was up to kind of that's why he wrote the Bible now there's a lot of people that don't like Dave the Giant and they should understand that it's a real rivalry and my husband and I are bigger and more powerful and I have children and you're out of line all the time and we're raising an army and soon that army will crush you and we will destroy Dave and he says he's going to destroy us but that's what he always says but still the two castles are different the bigger of the two is Dave's
Hera Zeus I said most of it Hera
I can't believe this I went and looked in there beautiful and they're big and they're real castles and they were built up on limestone piles it went miles into the air and they were monitoring everyone and killing everyone as Giants and it's terrifyingly bad and horrifically scary and I do see it people some people know but mostly they miss the point they're going to get the space somehow and possibly send their kids to Saturn and they're saying that our friend here beat them and so on this might be a hell that is beyond comprehension we might need him more than anybody else on earth except for Hera and I mean it these Giants can probably kick their ass there's some women walking around who are eligible and they're being protected more and I see that the empire is pissed off they're going to go after people and they should be cuz they probably have more information that this is scary and exciting and interesting in our lives sucked they had nothing now we're going to have vehicles and tons of them he helped make and lots of cars and bikes and horrific people it's his brother his brother is a nightmare he said he's Stalin and he's using the other boy because he's using the limestone that he put there and on purpose there's a lot of proof that points towards it and we're looking at skeletons and those are our friends and they put them in there like that and it's because we're killing their kids to take stuff and we understand it and it is a big price to pay
We proved this message to go out and we need to man up and we are recruiting and we are sending our d proclamation out and within days we're leading up to it with information to
0 notes
tierneysodegaard · 2 years
Happy Little Accident - Martin  Ødegaard x female!reader
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Martin Ødegaard x female!reader 
Requested: Yes/No
Anon: can we have another martin Odegaard imagine about him being a dad, or the whole pregnancy process and how he is because he would be SOO SOFT
Warnings: Swearing, pregnancy??? Brief descriptions of childbirth, fluff
You and Martin had been together for a few years now, the pair of you now living in London as he played for Arsenal, finally falling in love with football again with his new team. You’d met his entire family and he’d met yours, although the pair of you were young you were both serious about what you had with one another. And even though you knew he would never leave you and he wanted to be with you for the rest, so why were you sitting in the bathroom panicking at the sight of a positive pregnancy test?
Martin and you had briefly spoken about children, he mentioned it over dinner one time which caught you off guard. He wanted kids but always told you if you didn’t want children that was fine and you wouldn’t have them. Martin’s view on it was that you would be the one carrying the child for nine months and then be the one who had to stay home all the time because of his job, not to mention if Arsenal get top four they would have more games and be travelling throughout Europe which meant Martin would have less time with you. 
The baby wasn’t planned, you would have liked to wait for a few more years but what is meant to be will be and this was evidently one of these times. You had woken up for the past few days feeling under the weather, thankfully Martin always left for work before the sickness came up meaning he wouldn’t have the slightest thought that you were pregnant as by the time he came back you were feeling fine. 
The results were there, clear as anything. Two red lines indicating that you were in fact pregnant. You took your phone out and checked the time, Martin wasn’t due home for another few hours. You knew you had to tell him sooner rather than later, the anxiety alone was killing you. You had an idea on how to tell him, you just needed to get the things before he got home. Hiding the test in the bathroom cupboard you grabbed your keys and headed out to your car and into town. 
You managed to find an Arsenal football but in a smaller size. You knew the Arsenal store sold them but if you went in there and someone saw you, word would more than likely spread rather fast that Martin Odegaard’s girlfriend was buying a child’s size football despite not having a child and you’d rather Martin found out from you than a random fan. Thankfully some of the smaller shops in town were doing them and probably for a cheaper price. You managed to find a small rectangular box that would fit the pregnancy test in and a small present bag to place everything in. 
At home you wrote a note on the box saying “Soon you’ll have someone to play against.” before putting it at the bottom of the bag and placing the football on top. He was due home any minute now. Every second felt like an hour, most days he got home rather fast but today it felt like he was purposely taking his time, almost like he knew you wanted him home. 
Placing the bag on the kitchen counter you began to make dinner, trying to take your mind off everything that was happening around you. You still didn’t know why you were worried, Martin was the sweetest man you’d ever met and you knew he wouldn’t be annoyed or leave you, if anything he’d be over the moon.
“y/n I’m home!” Marin called out, clearly not expecting you to be in the kitchen. His eyes met yours as you turned around and gave him a smile. He came up behind you, wrapping his arms around you, placing his head on your shoulder as he mumbled into your neck. “How are you feeling beautiful?” 
“Better thank you.” You tilted your head onto his, smiling. “How was training?” 
“Good thank you, I think we can get top 4, I really do.” He moved his head back, planting a kiss on the side of your head, his arms still draped around you. He turned his head back slightly, looking at the bag on the kitchen table as he furrowed his brows. 
“Is it someone’s birthday?” He turned to look at you. “One of your friends?” His eyes went wide. “Oh fuck who was it? Who did I forget?” 
His state made you laugh a little, settling the anxiety slightly. “No, it’s for you.”
“For me?” He took a step towards it. “But it’s not my birthday?”
“I gathered that.” Turning off the stove you turned to look at him. “Open it.” 
Taking the bag in his hands he looked inside and pulled out the football. “Why did you get me this? We have tons… this is like a child's ball…” Clearly not connecting the dots you gave him a small smile. 
“Keep going.” 
He looked down and pulled out the box, reading the note aloud. “Soon you’ll have someone to play against.” His head snapped up, looking at you with disbelief. “Are you?”
“Open the box.” 
Martin put the note down and took the box in his hand. Taking off the lif gently his eyes widened at the sight of the positive pregnancy test that was now in his hand. “Are you being serious?”
“If I’ve calculated it right I should be coming up to about eight weeks now, that’s why I’ve felt so ill recently.”
Martin put the test down, a massive grin started to glow on his face. He walked over to you, his arms wide as he pulled you into his chest. “We’re having a baby!” He pulled back and cupped your face, looking deep into your eyes before planting a kiss on your lips. When he pulled back he frowned at the way your eyes started to well up with tears. “Sweetheart, what’s wrong?”
“I was so scared to tell you -”
“Why baby?”
“We’re still young Martin what if you didn’t want that and -”
“Darling,” He stepped closer, wiping your tears away with his thumb. “I am never going anywhere. I want a baby with you and yes I know we never planned it but I guess there’s some joy in that.” He gave you a loving glance. “Everything will be fine, I promise you. I will take time off work -”
“Martin the baby isn’t even here yet you don’t need to take time off work.” You smiled at his words. 
“I love you and,” He bent down so he was level with your stomach. “I love you too.”
“We both love you too.”
“Do you know what it is yet?” 
You smiled down at him as he lay his head against your stomach. “Martin, they're barely eight weeks yet, I haven’t even had a scan.” You laughed at his eagerness. “I’ll call the doctor tomorrow and I should get a scan at around ten to fourteen weeks and we’ll know if it’s a boy or girl at eighteen to twenty-one weeks.”
“Oh but that’s ages away!” He complained. 
“It’ll come around quicker than you think.”
“Does anyone else know?” He rose to his feet, placing his hand on your stomach as he kissed you once again. 
“Nope, just you. I was thinking we wait until we get the scan and then tell our family and friends.” 
“That’s fine by me although I don’t know how I’m going to keep it hidden from the boys.” 
“As long as you at least try and keep it quiet I don’t care but I’d rather my Mum find out from us rather than Aaron Ramsdale.” 
Four weeks later the pair of you were able to get your scan and you finally had a photo of your baby in your hands, everything was becoming a little more real. Martin managed to sneak away from work, he told Mikel you had a doctor's appointment that he needed to attend, technically he wasn't lying. He could go, trying his best to cover it up so none of the boys got too worried. 
Since getting the scan something in Martin changed, he was always a gentleman to you. He always brought you flowers every week, always opened your door when you got in the car, he would take you on as many dates as he possibly could, the man worshipped the very ground you walked on. Now Martin would sprint from one side of the house to the other if he heard that you were walking down the stairs or walking up to them, always holding your hand or arm whenever you took a step. 
One day he received rather a large Amazon package and when he got home he showed you what he’d ordered. The night before he had sat there and gone through every single parenting book he could find and ordered them so he could read and learn about what was taking place. 
Martin had invited his and your parents over for dinner and well, a little getaway as they both didn’t live in London. Martin could have waited until the international break but you would be seven months along at that point he was sure his mother would have killed him on the spot if he had hidden it from her for that long. 
You made copies of your scan and placed them all in separate envelopes, sitting them down on the table and allowing them all to open them together. Needless to say, your family was ecstatic with the news and so was Martin’s. He watched as his Mum and yours walked up tp you, pulling you into a hug with smiles of congratulations coming your way. The sight made him smile brightly, he didn’t know how he got so lucky. 
The months dragged on and the pair of you had now told the rest of your friends and family as well as the entire world. Martin and you had made an Instagram post announcing it to the world which meant every single time Martin turned up at training, Ben and Aaron would always bug him about who would be the fun uncle.
You were six months into your pregnancy and Martin and you were laying on the sofa, Martin laying on your legs so he could be close to your stomach as he read one of the parent books he’d ordered a while ago. “Did you know you can’t have a bath whilst you’re pregnant well you can but it can be dangerous if the water is too hot?”
You smiled at him, running a hand through his hair. “Why do you think I’ve been only having showers for the last six months?” 
“That’s insane, I’d die without one.”
“Good thing it’s not you carrying this baby then.” You rested your head back on the sofa, your eyes catching sight of the masses amounts of flowers he had bought you since you fell pregnant. Not to mention he’d bought you a ton of new dresses as he read somewhere that a lot of women prefer to wear dresses as the baby gets bigger. He also bought you new comfy tracksuits and prepared your hospital bag despite the baby being due just as the season finished. 
You’d gone out for dinner with your friends one night and came home to him painting one of the spare rooms that were set to be the baby's room. He had already set up the crib and had made a bookshelf for you to decorate whilst he was at work. He’d put together the wardrobe and other storage units for you and him to fill to the brim with baby's clothes. He was truly perfect. 
You continued to read your own book with Martin by your side but suddenly stopped when a blunt pain hit your stomach, you looked down to see limbs pressing against your skin. “Martin -” Your tone was a worried one but you were on the verge of tears with a bright smile. 
“What?” He sat up rather fast, looking at you worriedly, his fear only growing as he saw your tears. You grabbed his hand and put it on your stomach so he could feel the baby kick. His eyes lit up at the feeling, a smile brimming on his face.
“It’s definitely a boy.” You smiled. 
“You think so?”
“Kicks me as hard as his Dad kicks a ball.” Martin laughed, his hand soothing over your stomach as the baby settled down again. “You know we need to think of names soon.”
“We don’t even know if the baby is going to be a girl or boy yet.”
That was true. You were set to find out in the next coming days before Martin left to play for Norway. Your best friend knew you’d asked the nurse to write it on some paper and fold it up, on the way back from the hospital Martin put it through her letterbox and allowed her to plan the gender reveal for you both. 
“Well, we’ve only got a few more days until the gender reveal.”
“All the lads have put a bet on.”
“I’m sorry?”
“There’s a group bet with the lads if they think it’ll be a boy or a girl.” He laughed. “Ben thinks it’ll be a girl, Aaron is adamant it’ll be a boy and so does Kieran. Mikel thinks it’ll be a girl, so does Saka.” 
“Did they all bet?” You smiled back at him. 
“Every single last one of them, even some of the staff.”
“And what was the final verdict?”
“Most of them think it’ll be a boy.” 
“I think they may be right.” You soothed your stomach, smiling down at the way Martin did the same. 
“I disagree.” Martin looked at you. “I think it’s a girl.”
In the coming days, Martin found out that he was in fact wrong and you were right, the two of you were having a boy. 
“Are you sure you don’t want me to stay?” Martin was due to drive to the airport for international break. “They’ll have someone to step in -”
“Martin I will be fine.” You were at the start of your seventh month, sure things had gotten harder but you had family and friends around for support whilst he was away for two weeks. “I promise you.”
“I’ve written down my Mum’s number, Mikels number, he said he’d come over if you needed anything, the number for the doctor -”
“Martin,” You cupped his face. “I will be fine and so will the baby, if anything happens I will call you straight away, I promise.” 
“I’m just worried.” He leant into your touch. “It’s our first baby and you’re seven months pregnant, you’ll be on your own.”
“If it makes you feel any better I will call y/f/n when you leave and see if they’ll stay for the two weeks.” 
“Please let me know if they will.” He kissed you before resting his forehead on yours. “Please be safe y/n.”
“I will be Martin.” You pecked his lips. “We both will be.” 
Martin dropped to his knees and held your bump in his hands. “You better be good for your Mum.” He kissed the bump. “Don’t keep her up at night either.” He looked up at you. “I love you.”
“We love you too.” 
Needless to say, Martin was certainly not calm when he left. He would normally call or facetime you of an evening to say goodnight and to talk about your day but this time he was calling you about five times a day minimum. He would always ask how you were doing and if there was anything he could do despite being miles away. When he came back he wouldn’t let you out of his sight, he wouldn’t even let you go to the bathroom without him escorting you there. 
Two months later and you were due in the next coming days. Martin still had a match, he was set to be playing Man United and thankfully they were playing at home. He hated the away games now, worried something might happen to you whilst he was gone and he wouldn’t be able to get back in time. 
When you started to show the pair of you decided you wouldn’t attend any games until the baby came. Although you would be in his box and be safe there were still heavy crowds around in the foyer and he was always worried someone would accidentally knock you over or you would get overwhelmed. 
The game was set to start. Martin had sent you one last text asking if you were okay before leading the team out of the tunnel. Switching the tv on you grabbed yourself a glass of water and went to sit down when a sudden sharp pain shot through your stomach. Stumbling forward to the sofa you put your drink down before feeling another shot of pain. You looked down on the floor and saw a puddle of water, anyone who didn’t know any better would have thought you’d just spilt your drink whilst walking but the pains told another story. 
You were going into labour. 
“Shit…” You grabbed your phone and called y/b/f. There was no way Martin would answer, he was on a bloody pitch. You could try contacting someone at the Arsenal reception or at halftime but you couldn’t wait forty-five minutes for him, you needed him now. 
“Hello?” Y/b/f answered the phone, clearly much calmer than you. 
“How fast can you be here?” You tried to bite your tongue as the pain shot through you. 
“In ten minutes why?” They put the pieces together without you uttering a word. “OH MY GOD, IT’S HAPPENING!” You could hear them run around and get their keys. 
“Yes, it’s bloody happening!” You screamed back. “And of course, he decides to come when his Dad is on a bloody football pitch!”
“Don’t panic!” They screamed back. 
“A little easier said than done!”
“I’m leaving now!” 
“Please hurry up!” You hung up and went straight to Martin's contact. You quickly typed a text reading ‘When you see this please call me asap, I think I’m in labour x’ hoping he would answer it at halftime but unfortunately, Martin was too occupied with the thought of beating united to check his phone. 
“Have you tried calling the stadium itself?” You were currently in a gown, your arms on the window sill as you tried to calm yourself as the contractions kept coming. y/f/n was sitting in one of the chairs, desperately trying to get ahold of Martin. One of the midwives had come in and put the game on for you. Arsenal were winning which meant Martin wouldn’t get into the changing room fast as he’d be busy with fans, giving his shirt away as he walked around clapping and signing a few things occasionally. 
“You can do that?” y/f/n asked.
“Yes!” You grunted.”Call and tell them that you need an urgent message passed onto Martin Ødegaard, tell them his girlfriend is in labour and he needs to get here now!”
“Don’t worry I think I know what I’d say to them.” They muttered but you heard. You gave them a glare but they only smiled in return, dialling the number and hoping for an answer. They were silent for a while before they started to speak, indicating that they had gotten through. “Ah hello hey yes, hi, I am a friend of Martin Ødegaard, I need a message passed onto him right away please, his girlfriend has gone into labour and he needs to get here immediately.” 
“How are you doing sweetie?” A midwife came up behind you and placed her hand on your back. 
“It hurts.” You whined, tears pricking in your eyes. 
“I know angel I know, are you okay with laying down? I just need to check if you can push now.”
You nodded, looking over at y/f/n to see if they had any news on Martin. You walked over to the bed, with the help of the midwife they helped you lay back before checking you. Your eyes glanced at the game Xhaka had just scored to make it 3-1, you let out a small light smile, seeing Martin run over to the boys and celebrating with them. 
“You can start pushing now -”
“What?!” You snapped your head towards the midwife. “Already?”
“Yes honey, you can start pushing now -”
“No not without Martin.” Tears started to fall from your eyes. “Please I need Martin here.”
“They told me they’re going to pass the message onto Mikel, he should substitute Martin off and tell him the news and he’ll be here.” y/f/n walked over to your side. “Your parents are on their way and I called Martin’s they’re going to catch a flight as soon as they can.” They smoothed your hair down. “Martin will be here soon, you need to push.”
“She’s right.” The midwife offered a kind smile. “Just push and watch the game, you’ll see him leave and then you know he’ll be here soon.” 
You nodded and followed her instructions, trying not to break down as much as you already were. You just wanted him here, you refused to let him miss the birth of his child even if he was busy working. You had been pushing for a couple of minutes when the commentator announced a substitution. Martin looked confused at Artetas decision and also how quickly he was asking him to come off when normally at moments like this he was always told to take his time. 
Martin walked off, removing the armband and giving it to Laca but walking straight up to Mikel to ask why he was substituted. Mikel evidently told him what was happening because it a matter of seconds he had sprinted down into the tunnel and he was calling you.
“y/n?” He called down the phone. You could hear him starting up the car. 
“Martin please hurry.” You cried back, a groan falling from your lips. “Please!”
“It’s okay baby I’m on my way now I’ll be there in like ten minutes I promise.”
“You need to push again.” The midwife spoke. 
“No not without Martin please -”
“y/n please listen to me,” Martin spoke as he drove, hearing every single word from the other side of the phone. “You need to listen to them, okay? I will be there soon, I won’t miss it I promise you. Please, darling push, please.” 
His words made you cry even harder as you continued to push, You were praying he’d get here in time. You just hoped he didn’t get stuck in any traffic. “How are you feeling?” He kept talking, trying to make you calm. 
“It hurts Martin.”
“I know baby, but it will all be over soon.”
“I know, I know…” You huffed. “How far away are you?”
“You know those traffic lights on the corner by the flats? I’m there. I will be five minutes.”
“Hurry -”
“I am baby I am, when did it start?” 
“Just before the game started.”
“I’m sorry I didn’t check my phone, I’m so sorry -”
“You can apologise in person, please just get here.”
“I’m turning onto the road now, I just need to park.” He took a breath as he found a free spot. “Are you in the midwifery ward?”
“No Martin im in the X-ray ward where else would I bloody be?” You screamed. 
“You’re right that was a stupid question, I’m walking there now baby. I’ll speak to you soon.” He paused. “I love you y/n.”
“I love you too but I’ll love you even more if you get here.” 
“Noted I’m running there now.” He ended the phone and sprinted down the hallway, he didn’t even think he’d run this fast to get the ball. He nearly slipped as he stopped by your door, he threw the door open and met your watery gaze. 
Your eyes were bloodshot due to the number of tears you’d cried, and your cheeks were tear-stained and glowing with colour due to the pressure. He even smiled seeing the way your hair stuck to your forehead. Even though you were crying your eyes out and screaming at the top of your lungs he still thought you were the prettiest woman in the world. 
Martin didn’t waste a second as he ran over to you, still dressed in his football kit as the game was just finishing, he took your hand into his, the other going to play with your hair. “I’m here baby, I’m here.” He kissed your forehead. 
“Thank fuck for that.” You huffed, pushing yet again. 
“I’m so sorry -”
“Martin please stop apologising!”  You hissed. 
“You’re nearly there sweetie!” The midwife caught your attention. “One last push and your son will be here.”
“You’re doing so well,” Martin whispered words of praise to you as he kissed you again. “But please don’t squeeze my hand that hard you will break it.”
“Martin!” You spat through gritted teeth. “You can still play with a broken hand! I’m pushing a whole human out!”
“Yeah, you have a point.” He replied. 
Before you knew it your son was finally welcomed into the world and he was in your arms. The boy fell against your chest quickly quieting down at the soft voice of his mother. You smiled up at Martin who was now crying at the sight of you two. “You look so beautiful.” He wiped his tears away. 
“Do you want to hold him?”
“Of course, I want to hold him.” Martin smiled, holding his arms out as he took your newborn son in his arms. “Hey, little man.” He cooed. 
You let your head fall back, the feeling of sleep washing over you suddenly as you watched the two most important men in your life. “Are you happy?” You asked. 
“Darling the only time I’ll be happier is when I put a ring on your finger.” 
A/N: Thinking about doing a part 2 of this with Martin play football with his son and few years later ;)
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xoxo-teddybear · 3 years
4 weeks - Bakugou Katsuki
Bakugou x f!reader
Warnings: SMUT, cursing, needy Bakugou, 18+, sub!bakugou, dom!f!reader, oral, use of viagra, NOT SPELL CHECKED (sorry >w<)
Summary: Bakugou done fucked up and now he has to pay the price..sorta
A/N: just for the sake of the story, your quirk is “Command.” As long as you come into physical contact with your opponent, even for a second, you can command them to do your bidding until you say “rebel.”
You could’ve sworn the whole house, scratch that, the whole world shook as Bakugou screamed at you.
Bakugou had fucked up. During a little heated session, things got a little too rough. As Bakugou was railing you from the back, he tugged at your hair. However, along with your soft locks, he pulled on your thin necklace chain that was gifted to you by your precious 5 year old son. The chain broke and Bakugou didn’t even tell you. He opted to have you both finish before he even mentioned the broken gift.
And now it was the next day and Katsuo, your son, had noticed the missing necklace. It did hurt him a bit especially considering he did so much to earn money and go with grandma to buy the necklace but he assured you it was okay. You sent him off to his room to play as you walked to the kitchen to scold and punish your husband. As you complained to him, he conversed with you as his back was facing you and only turned when he heard your punishment for him.
“You heard me. 4 weeks. No sex, no touching, no hugs or kisses, no nothing. No. Physical. Contact.” You said with a stern and nonchalant face. Your arms were crossed as you faced your husband who looked at you with an open mouth and open palms.
“Wha- but- WHY???” He whined.
“Katsuki come on! You broke my very expensive necklace!” You said, gesturing to your now bare neck.
“Who cares if it was expensive, I could buy you another one! We’re pros Y/N, we could buy a unicorn if we wanted!” Bakugou argued as he was still trying to get out of his punishment. You only crossed your arms and pressed your fingers into your forehead.
“That’s not the point! It’s the fact that even though it was so expensive, our 5 year old son still bought it! And so because you broke it, this is your punishment.” You explained. Bakugou groaned as he threw his head back and huffed towards the ceiling when an idea came to his mind.
“You know..” he began as he walked towards you, “I broke that necklace, on accident, because I was so focused on pleasuring my queen. Anndddd I could make it up to you in the exact same way~” He attempted to wrap his arms around your waist but you spun around and stepped behind him resulting in him stumbling forward. He turned towards you and growled.
“Really Katsuki? You’re gonna snarl at me? Look, you know the rules, so follow them. Now I’m going with Katsuo to get him a new toy to cheer him up, you just...heh, sit in your room and think about what you’ve done.” You teased. You grabbed your purse and had Katsuo get ready. Once he was done you told him to get into the car and you walked to Katsuki to say bye. You smirked as you looked at him and pressed your hands against his chest. You slowly went in for a kiss and Bakugou looked at you in shock before he smirked and leaned in too. But just as your lips were about to touch, you pulled away and walked to the door. As you opened it you turned to him and spoke.
“No kisses. Remember?” You grinned at him. He snarled and picked up a pillow off the couch and threw it towards you but you shut the door before it could reach you. This was gonna be a long 4 weeks for Katsuki.
Katsuki awoken to his gorgeous wife....sleeping on the other side of the bed far..far away from him. No touching meant no sleepy time cuddles either. It had already been like this for a week. He looked a little closer at her sleeping figure and smiled at her peaceful state. He scooted closer and he tucked his head into your neck and wrapped his arm around your waist. Or more like he tried to. The second his arm made contact with your body for cuddles, you woke up and smacked his hand away.
“Ah! Y/N!! This isn’t fair!” He whined. He looked at his arm and saw a little red shade forming as he pouted at you. You turned towards your doting husband and just gave him a stern look.
“Who broke my necklace?” Bakugou sighed and flopped onto the bed on his back as he faced the ceiling.
“And now who has to pay the price?”
“Me.” He pouted again. You chuckled as you got up and stretched.
“Stop pouting Suki. You’re not Katsuo.” You giggled but he only looked at you with the same pout.
“He’s my carbon copy, we’re basically the same person.” You smiled at your humorous husband and he smiled seeing the grin that bestowed your face. You kneeled on the bed and leaned into him. You placed your hands on his chest as you got close to his face.
“You’ll survive, Love.” You said and then gave him a loving kiss. His eyes went wide at the surprise contact but he quickly smiled into the kiss and returned it as he shut his eyes to enjoy it. You intensified the kiss but when Katsuki went to pull you in closer by your neck, you quickly backed away. He looked at you in shock before whining again.
“Okay, first of all, I thought you said no touching.” He growled as he clenched his fist.
“I said you couldn’t touch. Never said anything about me,” you said with a cocky grin. Bakugou’s face went red at your devious actions.
“Okay well what the fuck? You can’t just kiss me like that and stop after I already went a whole week without touching you. Come back here,” he said as he tried to grab onto your wrist but you backed up and walked to your bedroom door.
“Get ready for the day love, this is just the beginning.”
Mitsuki and Masaru had just arrived. Katsuki was sitting on the couch trying to distract himself with the TV while you were in the kitchen making a smoothie when door bell rang. You opened the door greeting your in-laws with love and expectance.
“Hi Mom! Dad! Come in! Katsuo is almost done packing his bags,” you happily said as you stepped to the side to allow your mother and father in law to enter.
“Umm, what? Why is my son packing his bags?” Katsuki asked as he stood from the couch.
“Y/N didn’t tell you? We called a few nights ago asking to bring Katsuo on a trip. She said yes and told us she’d tell you about it later,” Masaru explained. Katsuki jerked his head towards Y/N in disbelief as she placed her hand on the side of cheek and spoke.
“Oops! I guess I forgot,” you said with sarcasm dripping in your voice. Mitsuki and Masaru believed you but when they turned to face their son again your mischievous grin returned as you also faced Katsuki. He was silently fuming as he watched you go from angel to devil in a second.
“Ah well, who cares. Point is, we’re here to pick up my grandson!” Mitsuki said as she took a seat on the couch. You all made small talk but Katsuki continued to stand as he processed just how conniving his wife was.
“Mama! I’m all set!” Katsuo said as he came down the stairs with his little suitcase and teddy bear in hand.
“Hi baby! Grandma and Grandpa are already here,” you said and Katsuo excitedly ran to his grandparents.
“Grandma! Grandpa!” Katsuo said as he jumped into their arms.
“Ohh, hello my little firecracker!” Mitsuki said, greeting her grandson. “Ready for a vacation in Rio?”
“Mhm!” Katsuo quickly replied but Katsuki just stuttered in shock before he spoke again.
“Woah- wait? Rio? You’re taking him to Brazil? That’s across the globe, how long are you guys gonna be gone?” Katsuki asked with concern. Not for his son, he completely trusted his parents with his child and he knew they would have fun. He was worried for himself. Taking care of Katsuo was a distraction for Katsuki. Watching his son kept his mind off of wrecking Y/N. If his son was away for too long, he didn’t know how long he would survive his punishment.
“We’ll be gone for about 3 weeks. Don’t worry, we’ll be back before you know it.” Masaru said.
“Wha- huh? 3 WEEKS?! .....Y/N you little satan,” he whispered the last part. He turned to face you and saw a Cheshire grin on your face. His face turned red and you swore you could see steam leave Katsuki’s ears but you continued as if everything was normal.
“Alright well, we’ll be going now!” Mitsuki said as she stood alongside her husband. Katsuo said his partings with his parents and they said their “I love you’s” before their son walked out the door with his grandparents. Katsuo was about to have the time of his life while Katsuki was left to suffer.
Y/N was seated on the couch as Katsuki was still seething. She held a grin on her face as Katsuki slowly turned to look at her.
“You got some explaining to do, princess,” he said adding poison to the loving nickname. You only smiled some more as you stood and walked to your husband. He towered over you but right now, you were above him because you held all the power now. You got in his face as you spoke words that would set him off.
“Whatchu’ gonna do now without your little distraction running around, daddy?” You softly but sinisterly and seductively said as you chuckled and purposely bumped into his shoulder as you walked away.
Bakugou has slowly been losing his mind. He was on the last day of the second week and it’s been killing him. When he sat down he would spazz a little and his fingers would be having a little seizure. His eye would twitch at night as he kept his back to you to restrain himself. The soft quiet moans you would release in your sleep every now and then would send Bakugou into the bathroom in the middle of the night to relieve himself. Just the sight of you was daring Bakugou to pounce.
You weren’t making it any easier for him either. First you send his son AKA his distraction from his hot wife away, then you tease him constantly, you also allow yourself to touch him but refuse to let him cop a feel on you, and now, you walk around after work in his t-shirt and a pair of cute panties. Your plump ass on display and the sight of your plush thighs drove him wild.
You were sipping tea in the kitchen when your frantic husband came in. You took notice of him and greeted him with a smile before it quickly dropped at the sight of him. He looked awful. Bags under his eyes, a twitching eye, a crooked line for a smile, disheveled hair, and his posture was horrendous. He took a seat next to you saying nothing as he just tapped his foot against the floor.
“Umm...baby? Are you okay-“
“NO! I’m not! I’m not okay, not at all!” He snapped as he looked at you with wide eyes. You stared back at him with the same eyes as you slowly took another sip before continuing.
“What’s the problem, love?” You asked as if you didn’t know.
“What’s the problem?” He began with a whisper. “What’s the problem?! Oh, like you don’t know you TEASE!” Bakugou stood from his seat as he clapped his hands to dramatically to explain.
“HOR-NY!” He said as he brought his hands together for each sound. “I am insanely horny, you shitty woman! I can’t get myself off, I don’t have my son around to keep me busy, work is just annoying now, and my fine ass wife won’t let me touch her!”
You laughed a little as he explained and Katsuki had his jaw dropped at your rude behavior.
“You’re laughing? Oh you think this is funny? Oh okay,” he said and walked away.
“WHEN THIS BULLSHIT IS OVER, YOU’RE SUCKING MY DICK Y/N!” He slammed the door to your shared bedroom but he screamed loud enough for you to hear all the way from the kitchen. “ON SOFT!”
The end of the third week. It was almost too much for Katsuki. Katsuo would be back in another week but it would be pointless because the punishment would be over by then. I mean yeah, he’d get to have his son back again (yayy familyyy) but when Katsuo would be back, Katsuki would be completely indulging himself in Y/N. How the fuck were they supposed to keep quiet?
Whatever though. Katsuki had no time to think of the future. He was living in the now, and so he had to come up with a plan to get Y/N to break. In the beginning of the 4th week, Katsuki spent time and time again tweaking his plans and coming up with new tactics until he realized....his damn wife was just as stubborn and hard headed as he was. Nothing was gonna break her. And so we’ve been led to this.
Bakugou resorted to being a puppy that basically had separation anxiety. He would yell and shout and whine at every chance he had. He would do whatever if it meant getting you to break. He missed you. The last time you made physical contact with him was during that kiss and man did it send Katsuki into a frenzy.
Considering Katsuki’s quirk contained nitroglycerin, a chemical commonly found in viagra, it was safe to say it was very easy for you to rile him up. And as he thought about that, it hit him like a train. If he can’t go to you, then he’ll make you come to him. He’ll set you up and he knows exactly how to do it.
Bakugou left the bedroom and ran down the stairs to find you in the living room. You were cozied up with yourself under a blanket that covered your booty shorts that you wore. You were entranced by the story of a book as you allowed the TV to play at a low volume for background noise and Bakugou’s heart swelled at such a domesticated moment. “Hi baby.”
You looked up to your husband and rolled your eyes with a smile as you looked at him. You wondered what trick he had up his sleeve this time around. “Hey. You need something?” You asked.
“Mm mm,” he shook his head with a soft smile, how cute. “Just was wondering if you wanted to watch a movie with me. Get some snacks, sit in bed, and just enjoy some time together.”
You smile grew wider at the thought of a little date night in your shared bedroom and you were quick to agree to his offer. “I’ll get the snacks,”
“No don’t worry about. I’ll get it. I already have everything set up. Picked a movie and everything. All you have to do is just be there with me.” You awed at your husband’s kind gestures as you went up to peck his cheek.
“Thanks Suki!” You happily said as you walked away. Bakugou watched your form disappear into the master bedroom before he quickly ran through all the cabinets and fridge. He frantically looked for viagra but when he couldn’t find any he whipped out his phone. He called a number that he knew was going to be able to help him.
“Listen Dunce Face. Don’t ask any questions, just do as I say if you want to fucking live. I know you have female viagra on you and if you don’t, get your ass to the store right now and pick some up for me. Bring it to me ASAP!” He quickly said and hung up before giving Kaminari any time to reply. Bakugou slowly prepared snacks to eat and in 5 minutes a knock was heard on the door. He ran to it and opened the wooden piece to find a huffing electric blonde.
“I....I....I got it!” Kaminari tiredly breathed out as he held a bag over his head to show the items he brought. Bakugou snatched it out of his hand before giving a quick ‘thanks!’ To show his appreciation and slammed the door.
Katsuki took the pills out of its containers and crushed 2 into a powder. He mixed it in with your bottle of water and finally brought the snacks and drinks up to you. He walked in to find you waiting on the bed for him and you smiled at the sight of him. He placed the bags of junk on the bed as he quickly joined you until he realized something was off.
“Umm...Y/N?” You smiled as you knew what he was going to ask and considering you guys were gonna have a little movie date, you gave in.
“Fine.” You happily said as you gave in and Bakugou was quick to pull you into his arms and become the big spoon. He finally got to hold you after so many weeks but this was not his main goal. No he wanted much more. This was only a stepping stone to his victory.
The movie began and Bakugou had you cuddled in his arms. You were enjoying the warmth of your husband as your eyes were drawn to the screen and you couldn’t help but smile at these sweet intimate moments like this. Yeah. You’ve missed him over the past few weeks but a punishment is a punishment. So you decided to savor this time with him before going back to cutting off physical contact once more.
Time had passed and Bakugou watched as you picked at the snacks and swallow down sips of the contaminated water. He smirked every time you downed a gulp and now the best part was coming up. See, Bakugou chose everything so that he knew exactly how everything would turn out. With that being said, he chose a movie that he knew would help the viagra in your system to get you going.
The erotic scene played and Bakugou watched as you rubbed your thighs together for friction. You bit your lip from time to time to hold back a needy groan and you began feeling heat all over you. And it wasn’t coming from Katsuki. Seeing you in this state, Bakugou slowly went to place a hand on your bare thigh. You didn’t push him away and Bakugou grinned at the fact that you were breaking. He soothed and rubbed at your thigh as he would squeeze it every now and then as well. The whole time you were asking yourself why the explicit scene was so detailed and so long.
Out of nowhere, you felt Bakugou’s hand travel up your leg and to your core but just for a second. The teasing touch had you silently gasp and you craved for more. You turned to Bakugou to see he was leaning against the headboard and he would release a grunt every so often which didn’t help relieve your growing heat. He didn’t seem bothered by anything or affected at all as he watched the movie continue.
Enough was enough, you picked up the remote and turned off the TV. Bakugou turned to look at you with a raised brow but openly smirked once he saw you straddle his lap. You shamelessly began to grind yourself against his core as you both released sighs and moans at the friction. His hands went straight to your hips as he spoke.
“What’s wrong princess? What happened to my punishment?” He teasingly asked.
“Shut up,” was all that you said before you quickly dove in for a hungry kiss that Bakugou happily returned. It was all teeth and tongue as you both pressed against each other, grinding against one another’s clothed centers. Moans were released into the kiss as you began to undress yourself. You both pulled away for a second to remove your tops but quickly went back in for the kiss. You removed your shorts as Bakugou remained in his sweats. You were left in nothing but panties before Katsuki decided to rip those off.
“Katsuki...nobody said anything about you being able to touch me again,” you clarified with sharp eyes. Bakugou’s eyes went wide. He thought this was the end of the punishment. He thought you gave in.
“What do you-“
Before he could finish, you placed your hand on his shoulder and activated your quirk.
And just like that, Bakugou was out like a light. While he was unconscious, you took the opportunity to tie his wrists to the headboard using one of his dress ties. You removed his sweats and briefs as you allowed his member to stand tall. You stared at the red, angry tip that was drenched in pre-cum. You smirked as you sat yourself on his waist as your hand went to stroke his member the slightest bit. He moaned in his sleep and you giggled as you spoke again.
Bakugou slowly woke up, but once he fully came to, he was completely submerged in pleasure. His eyes were blessed with the view of your naked body, with a beautiful face that adorned a smirk. And he understood why you held the malicious smile. He groaned as he felt your pace at his dick speed up. You leaned down to his ear as Katsuki held heavy breaths with a flushed and red face.
“No touching, remember Suki?” You whispered as you then licked the shell of his ear, sending shivers down his spine.
“F-fuck! Fuck, Y/N please. Please just do something...Ahh~” You trailed your thumb up to his tip as you focused on it. The feeling sent Bakugou into heaven.
“Awww, you thought you could tell me what to do? If you didn’t notice, tonight, I’m in charge.” You said with a grin and devious eyes. Bakugou groaned even more as he waited for you to do..anything! “I’ll tell you what though, Suki. You have been pretty decent for the past few weeks so I’ll give you a little something. And maybe if you’re a good boy for me, I’ll let you have the main course.”
Bakugou watched as you stopped your hand movements and scooted back. You were face to face with his dick as you jerked him off some more. You held his member in your hand as you made eye contact with him. You licked the base of his cock all the way to the tip causing Bakugou to sigh and moan. You kissed the tip before taking it into your mouth and swirling your tongue around.
“Oh s-shit! Baby! Fuck-“
You went down on him one time and moaned around his cock, allowing the vibrations to have full affect on your trembling husband. You pulled off him with a pop as you smiled up at him.
“Oh I’m sorry. You wanted me to suck your dick on soft, right?...Mm, well it’s not my fault you can’t control your hard on.” You teased to which Bakugou growled at you. “Again with the snarling? That’s not what good boys do Suki. Good boys do what they’re told so they get to cum inside a pretty pussy~”
Bakugou perked up at the temptation. Cumming inside you. Breeding you. Pumping you full until you give him another brat. The thought of you walking around beautifully swollen with his kid drove him mad and desperate.
“Let me cum inside you Princess.” He asked with a soft but stern tone.
“Ah ah, you don’t get to tell me what to do. You’re not the one giving orders tonight, Katsuki. So listen up. I’ll go down on you for about 5 minutes. If you don’t come in those 5 minutes, I’ll let you cum inside. However, if you do, I’ll be leaving you here with a cock ring for the next few hours while I go and pleasure myself somewhere else. Understand?” You watched as he attempted to fight against his restraints.
“No.” He refused to give in. He turned his head down, avoiding your gaze and you sighed in return.
“Fine, I guess I’ll just have to take care of myself,” you said and slid off him. You were about to walk away before Bakugou called out for you.
“No wait!” You turned to him and gave a little curl with your lip. “Tch....please.” He said while blushing and staring off.
“Please what suki?” You said, acting dumb. Bakugou really didn’t wanna beg but he’s so close to getting what he’s been craving all month. Screw his damn pride. He was gonna get laid and he was gonna get it tonight!
“Please! ....Fuck me, touch me, suck my dick, let me cum inside you, do something to me! Please Y/N,” he begged. His member still stood erect and you smiled as you walked towards him.
“That’s my good boy,” you said as you caressed his jaw and gave him a quick and passionate kiss before moving down to suck him off. You kissed his tip multiple times before taking him in. He gasped and sighed at the contact and feeling of your warm cavern but he’ll be damned if he came undone in less than 5 minutes. He needed to cum inside your sweet little cunt and he was gonna do whatever it took to do so.
You bobbed your head at a steady pace causing Bakugou to plead for more. You swallowed his pre-cum, which left him gasping. Your hand went to fondle his balls as he fought against his restraints. He wanted to use his hands to take control but he couldn’t, not with them being tied up.
“P-please baby. Faster! Please!” He begged. And who were you to deny your good boy. You sped up your movements and moaned with his cock seated in your throat. “Ohh god! Yess!”
His legs shook as he was close to cumming. He looked at the time and saw he only had 1 minute left. Just 1 minute. Hold it in and he gets to cum inside you. However, he didn’t know you had a little trick up your sleeve.
When you walked away before, you grabbed a mini vibrator. Seeing he only had 1 minute left, you turned it on and placed it at the base of his cock while you sucked him off and moaned some more.
“F-fuck baby! S’too much! Stop- stop! ...ohh fuck I’m-I’m gonna cum!” Bakugou screamed with his head thrown back. He jerked his hips up as he attempted to fuck your mouth but you squeezed and scratched at his bare thighs to get him to stop. And finally, with your permission..
“You can cum now, good boy,”
He filled your mouth as he screamed in pleasure. His legs shook in pure ecstasy as he filled your mouth with his sweet-salty release. You pulled off him with a stuffed mouth and watched as his chest puffed up and fell down. He sighed before he looked at you with rosy cheeks. You smirked at him, opening your mouth to show him his work before swallowing it all. The erotic scene caused him to bite his lips and throw his head back as he puffed some more.
He can’t believe he was at his limit and all because of a blowjob. His dick grew soft but rose once more as vibrations came in contact with his shaft again. He flinched at the sudden feeling and looked at the cause of it and saw you holding the vibrator against him. “Baby? W-what? W-hy?”
“Aww Suki. Don’t you remember? It’s time to give you what you’ve wanted all month,” you smirked at him. His eyes went wide. How could he forget? He wanted to cum inside you so badly, but he didn’t know if he had any left. He didn’t know if he would be able to take it after his extreme climax.
“W-wait! Wait Y/N. I-..I need a break for a second. I can’t-“
“Excuse me?” You cut him off. “So you’re the only one that gets pleasure out of all this? I don’t think so.”
“No baby, that’s not what I meant. I just- it’s just...s’too much!” He cried out as he watched you hover over his erection. You lined his dick up with your entrance and smirked some more.
“You can handle it. I know you can. You’ll be my good boy and pleasure me too, right?” You sweetly said. Bakugou didn’t know what it was. He was never the submissive one but you calling him a ‘good boy’ did something to him. It made him want to completely submit to you and do whatever you pleased. You slammed down completely on his cock as you both cried out in pleasure.
“Fuck!” Bakugou screamed. You began a fast pace bouncing up and down on him. Your hands found placement on his bare chest as he threw his head back and made an abundant amount of noise. “Oh baby! Baby- slow down! F-fuck too much!”
“Mm..c’mon Suki..I thought you wanted this. Fuck- I thought you wanted..to be my good boy,” you teased while moaning. You held a devious grin as you rode him and he couldn’t stop the tears from flowing. Poor baby was so overstimulated.
Bakugou released sobs of pleasure but he enjoyed it all nonetheless. “S-shit! Oh my godd Katsuki! S-So big!”
“Ahh! Fuck! Y-Y/N..baby please! Let me touch you! Please!” Bakugou seethed out. He had his feet planted on the bed as he attempted to thrust up into you. You, growing a soft spot for the man below you, gave in.
“Heh...be a good boy and please me Suki.” You released his wrists from their ties as you never stopped your motions and his hands were quick to find home around your waist.
Bakugou was quick to take control and bounce you up and down on his shaft, controlling the pace. Now it was your turn to scream and cry in pleasure as Bakugou slammed you down on his cock while ramming up into you at the same time. He was going to be a good boy and please you.
“F-fucking shit! You like that? Huh?” He gave your ass a quick and hard smack before continuing. “You like the way my dick feels inside your sweet pussy?”
The pleasure was too much for you. You could barely form words as he catered to your body. His thrusts were beginning to bring you to your end as you felt the familiar tight feeling grow stronger in your stomach. You pussy clenched around his shaft as he released a gruff moan at the squeeze.
“Shit..you gonna cum baby? Gonna cum on my dick? ...fuck yess~ let me fill you up princess,” he said as his thrust grew sloppy. He was close to his end as well and you nodded in approval to his desire.
“Ka-Katsuki! I’m gonna cum..fuck baby I’m cumming!” Bakugou sped up the slightest bit to help you reach your climax until you finally came. You both released cried of euphoria as you both met your orgasms and met each other for a hungry kiss. At the same time, Bakugou stopped his thrusts as he shot his load in you, and a mix of your releases seeped out of your cunt. Your kiss was sloppy as your tongues fought for dominance. Bakugou let his hands travel to your ass where they helped you grind on his dick a little more and smacked it once again.
You both had moaned into the kiss until oxygen became necessary. You separated from each other with small pecks before finally stopping. Bakugou remained inside you as you settled into his chest. He had his arms wrap around you as you both spent time catching your breaths. Once you both finally settled, you bathed in the comforting feeling of the after sex glow and cuddled in a comforting silence. Bakugou had kissed the crown of your head before he spoke up and broke the quiet.
“So much for a punishment,” he teased. You looked at him with slanted eyes as a way of telling your husband to shut up but he only chuckled at you. He lifted your chin and brought your lips to meet his once more for a loving kiss before separating to tell you sweet words.
“I love you, princess.” He said with his husky voice.
“I love you too, Suki.” You sent your hand to intertwine with his and he gladly accepted. He was right though. So much for a punishment. Oh well, you’ll get him next time he fucks up.
A/N: EW THE ENDING WAS SO BAD!!!! WTFFFFF! Whatever. I hope you enjoyed it bear Cubs! I’m sorry I’ve been in my lil slump but I feel myself getting better and I’ll be back soon!💗🧸 And now...to start on the ninth chapter of my series. Yayyyyy😓
A/N: I think my favorite part is when Katsuki yells “Suck my dick!...on soft!” Cuz I be walking around and saying that to mfs who test me. If you disrespect me, SUCK MY DICK..ON SOFT! 🤣 am I a female? YES! But you will suck my soft non-existent dick if you decide to act like a prick for no apparent reason. Thank you!😂
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