#do i ever stop caring about muse no i probably won't
eternalfrowning · 2 days
Hi!! So I've been following your blog since middle school and it's TG days, and now I'm in university for art and you've always been one my biggest art inspirations and muse! So I know this sounds crazy and maybe jealousy-filled and envious, but sometimes I feel like I can never ever reach your level? Like aside from the technical aspects, the way you have mastery over your style, approach to color, "soul" that embodies your art... There's something in it that makes you feel emotion.
Meanwhile I feel like a robot who can only draw and paint technically well, but my art doesn't inspire feelings. It's always the same things with no variation and I'm always scared of getting out of the box and being truly free. Like I'm simply not creative. It's just that no matter how much I improve in art, I feel like it means nothing at the end at all because there's these hard limits regarding creativity set upon me. Even in university, my classmates have so many creative designs but nothing ever comes up in my mind. Do you ever feel like that? How do you get over it?
Hello Anon ! I'll begin by saying thank you so much for your message, and for trusting me with your words and raw feelings about your art journey ; i hope i can be a good listener here, and help you a little..!! im honored my blog has been a part of your path for so long, and still be a place you like today.
(It's a pretty long reply so i cut here!)
Now, to reply directly to your last questions: yes ! I do/did feel like this ! And the 'how to get over it' has no clear answer, it's a personal one, but all these feelings are natural i think, but not absolute, it goes away, it comes back, it becomes minuscule.
It's interesting because what you describe liking about my drawings, are things that is/used to be such difficulty for me, and such fears !! Colors are still a real struggle, and, i'm opening my heart here, because you were kind enough to open yours, i'm always deeply scared my drawing doesn't say anything, i fear it holds no soul, i worry it makes the viewer feel nothing. It's always something in the back of my mind. And i feel no expertise in my techniques! So your enjoyment about my drawings is a very pleasant surprise to me, and a tiny slap in the back of my skull that says : 'chill sometimes!!!! it's okay, you're doing great!!' , and, i hope i won't sound impolite, i'm saying this with tenderness, but maybe that's what you need to hear too !! So i'm saying it to you Anon ! You speak of yourself very harshly, with like a severe sentence over your head that tells you what you're capable of or not, a sword of Damocles awaiting to strike and stop your body from drawing. It's too mean and wrong. Take good care of yourself, it is you who matters most! I had a terribly shitty time in art school, i don't know how is your university, but i hope it's not making you feel bad, i hope it doesn't crush day by day your relationship with your art and with your self. The way you kindly describe your enjoyment about my drawings over the years, and the way you're serious about what you do and what you'd like to do, tells that it is deep to you, that it is something you hold dear ; if i can keep on giving advices here, i think maybe connect again to that, your enjoyment; you like drawing ! Also, i probably just heard one single interesting thing in art school, but it helped : '…it's just line on paper.' At that time, i was having a nervous breakdown in the classroom, the teacher was flabbergasted, and blurted out that to me. I was working on a large format and my mental health was IN THE GUTTER, i felt my life was on the line with every little buildings i was drawing, my whole body was trembling ! But, between very unrespectful and crazy statements, here she was right. We can be serious about what we do, and still remember that it's just lines on paper, pixels on screen. We can go back to it tomorrow, we can erase all of it, it's okay. It doesn't matter as much as us waking up, drinking a good glass of water, drawing a smiley on our skin to cheer us up!
More precisely about what you said about creativity, i had the same feelings in art school, i thought my classmates were so much smarter and creative ! And they ARE brilliant, i met wonderful brains there !! We talked together about how i felt behind, and for example my friend was surprised because they were really admirative about my drawing ! The confusion was mutual haha ! I still feel inadequate sometimes, but we all have our own aspirations and interests, and it's actually so much fun to share, have mutual inspirations, together. Did you talk with classmates you trust about your struggles ? You would be surprised!! It's interesting to hear what other people have to say ! Do you think they feel nothing when looking at your drawings ? Did they say it to you ? Or is it something you believe in the back of your mind only ? And even if they did say something like this to you, did they provide fertile feedbacks ? Also, the fact that art inspires feelings or not, or the fear i talked about earlier that haunts me sometimes..i think we can agree it's so subjective!! Something you love, something you want to cherish all day and keep below your pillow because it makes you feel so much and strongly, can be a complete 'whatever' to someone else aha, and it's just like this, and it's the very same 'something', it's okay, it's good like this actually!
Creativity, from what i understand, is a difficult thing to define and characterize, honestly. But i'd say, while there is this tiny spark of indefiniteness inside a process, the little squeeze in the chest where you feel you're getting something coming up, the bubbly things you want to process and tell in your drawing, it's not all there is to creativity in my opinion! These 'ideas' can be fuel or the sparks in your drawing motor yes, but creativity is most importantly the choices you make ! You said you have technical skills, and improving, and it's this technicality that can guide! A lot of artists think of themselves more as crafter, or even 'robot' sometimes ! It's automatisms over automatisms, choice over choice over choice, to get something as close as possible as the goals we had in mind, as close as what we like or imagine or need. Be rigid! there's nothing wrong with it.
That being said, you mentioned that you're drawing the same things. In what sense ? If you portray the same subjects and you're not happy with it, it could be good to change subjects, draw whatever !! Your interest will spark in space you wouldn't imagine ! And, if it doesn't, coming back to what you know with other things done will revive old flames.
What seems to hold you back is fear (and deep fatigue if i can add this, i'm serious take care of you). We know how much seriousness and love we pour into drawing, it's personal, but it's not a reflection of our self in absolute, it doesnt say anything about you, your value, what you can or can't do. For real, the limits most of the time are on the technical side, and it seems you have this covered, i trust you to ease your brain into trying new things for you, trying things again with an unserious mind also, look at how fun your brush hitting the canvas is, mix mediums, or don't haha! And, if it's difficult to do it 'mindlessly,' once again it's about choices ; 'i deciced the light should hit there because it's the main subject', 'i decided this color meant /thing/ that's why it's there', 'i decided the lines should be thicker because it's a reference to /this/ and it made sense to', You can be very free inside your own box, truly ! You will expand your world without realizing it! I hope i make sense, and didn't say too many stupid things. I talked a lot once again, and a lot about me ouargh but since you asked about my experience, i hope it's okay, and that you can find some points useful to you. For now that's what i can give !
I'll finish all this by saying thank you again, and wishing you all the best in your path, in whatever form it takes. Don't hesitate to contact me again if you feel like it, or to talk about it with classmates and people you trust, and take a step back when needed. You got this!!!
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spockblanket · 1 year
muse really b playing an underwhelming gig AND YET they make me feel my feels in the year of our lord 2023
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dixons-sunshine · 6 months
Mouth To Mouth | Young!Daryl Dixon x Young!Fem!Reader
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Summary: The moment seemed all too perfect. You and Daryl had just confessed to each other and were sharing your first kiss with each other. It was too bad that your mom had terrible timing, and walked in at the wrong moment.
Genre: Fluff
Era: Pre outbreak.
Part of the Shopping Spree, Hangout Dreams universe.
Warnings: Swearing, mentions of sexual innuendos.
A/n: Here's the long awaited (wanted by, like, two people) fic about what happened when the mom walked in. I hope y'all enjoy! I really hoped to have my ex!celebrity fic with Daryl ready, but my draft never saved and I lost 2000 words, and that really discouraged me, so I worked on this little fic instead. Also, if anyone would want it, I have so many personal headcannons for this universe, so if anyone wants to see them, let me know.
As always, my requests are open for any TWD requests, as well as Scud Frohmeyer requests.
“Mom, please don't freak out. I can explain.”
Your mom raised her eyebrows at you, crossing her arms over her chest. She looked at the position you were in and nodded sarcastically, an amused smirk creeping onto her face.
“I'm sure you can,” she mused, her eyes flickering between you and Daryl. “This totally doesn't look like the two of you were just making out. You were just giving him mouth to mouth, right? Teaching him how to do CPR? Or you just slipped and happened to slam your lips against his.”
From the corner of your eye, you could see Daryl duck his head in embarrassment, his face flushed with a blush. You could feel heat creeping onto your cheeks as well, your mom's knowing stare penetrating into your soul. You knew that your mom probably didn't care that you and Daryl were kissing, but that didn't mean that she wasn't going to pretend to go into "protective mom" mode. She loved doing it to embarrass you a little bit.
“Mom,” you drawled in embarrassment, sending her a pleading look. “Please don't.”
“What, I walk in to find my daughter and her friend chewing on each other's faces, which will probably scar me for life, but I can't lay down some guesses for what your explanation would've been? How's that fair?”
“Fine, yes, we were kissing, but you don't have to make such a big deal out of it. It's not like I haven't walked in on you getting busy with Mr Prescott,” you retorted defensively, sneaking glances at Daryl who remained silent, his eyes nervously flickering between you and the floor.
Your mom let out a small laugh and shook her head. “Touche, sweetheart,” she nodded, shifting her attention to Daryl. “Daryl, I'm not gonna bite your head off if you look at me.”
Daryl reluctantly rose his head, a nervous glint in his eyes. He was fidgeting with his hands, picking at the loose skin on his thumb and you had to resist the urge to take his hand in yours to stop the nervous gesture. You didn't want to give your mom more ammo to tease you with.
“There, that's better,” your mom mused, taking a step closer. “Now I can see those blue eyes of yours that my daughter wouldn't stop raving about. I'm honestly surprised that it took her this long to make a move. She's liked you for quite a while now. She would never shut up about you when you left.”
“Mom!” you complained, sending her an exasperated look. “Can we not?!”
Your mom simply let out another laugh. “What? It's adorable!”
“Mom, please,” you pleaded, sneaking another look at Daryl. His gaze had returned to the floor, but you didn't miss the small smirk that was on his face.
“Alright, alright. I'll lighten up,” she reluctantly agreed, turning around to grab something from the table. “Sorry to have interrupted your "totally not making out" session. I need to get back to work anyway. I forgot a folder my boss needed. But after today, I'm suspecting that this will become a regular thing, so I won't ever be forgetting folders or anything ever again. My eyes won't ever recover.”
“Goodbye, Mom!” you exclaimed in embarrassment, hiding your face in your hands.
“Remember to use protection, kids! I'm not ready to be a grandma just yet,” your mom chuckled and left, leaving you and Daryl alone.
The air was charged with an awkward silence. You dared a look at him and saw him nervously fiddling with his hands, but the small smile from earlier still remained. He turned his head and locked eyes with you, his gaze holding a certain amount of mischief to it.
“So, ya have been ravin' 'bout me to yer mom?” he said with a hint of playfulness, finally breaking the silence between you. “Wha' have ya been sayin'? Ya been talkin' 'bout my rugged good looks? Dun' worry, by the way. I won't tell nobody tha' ya have a secret crush on me.”
You took one of the pillows from the couch and threw it at him. Daryl effortlessly caught it and laughed—not chuckled, but actually laughed—and dropped it down next to him. Before you could retort with a sarcastic remark, Daryl leaned forward and captured your lips with his, silencing any and all thoughts you had.
You returned the kiss easily. However, you pulled away after a few moments, lightly shoving him back with a playful smile on your face. You stood up and extended a hand to him, which he took without any hesitation. You pulled him up and lead him to your room, closing the door behind you. You gently urged him backwards and pushed him onto your bed, watching him comply easily.
A nervous look flitted across Daryl's eyes. You instantly caught it and gave him a reassuring smile, bringing your hand up to cup his cheek.
“Relax, pretty boy. We're not doing anything like that tonight,” you reassured him, stepping closer in between his legs. “My mom just caught us kissing. Do you really think I want to risk her walking in on something like that in the same night?”
Daryl exhaled a sigh of relief, looking up at you. “Then wha' are ya doin'?”
You smiled at him and gently urged him down, letting his body fully lay down and his head rest on the pillow. You got in on the other side and rested your head on his chest, getting comfortable against him. You felt him stiffen slightly, feeling his hand hover over your waist uncertainly.
“Relax, Daryl. We've cuddled before.”
“Yeah, but s'different now,” he whispered, his hand still hovering over your waist. “This ain't friend cuddlin' no more. S'couple cuddlin' now. I dun' wanna do anythin' to make ya uncomfortable.”
You smiled and pressed a kiss against his clothed chest, nuzzling your face deeper into it. “I'll tell you if you do, but you can touch me. I won't bite,” you assured him, feeling his hand finally rest on your waist before adding in a teasing manner. “Not unless you want me to.”
Daryl inhaled sharply, his grip on your waist momentarily tightening before relaxing again. “This gon' be a regular thing now? Ya teasin' the shit outta me?”
“Maybe,” you giggled, eliciting a chuckle from him.
“Yer gon' be the death of me, girl,” he chuckled, shaking his head. “But I guess I'll allow it.”
“Good, because I'm not stopping. I love seeing you blush like that, handsome.”
“Stop,” he groaned, burying his face into your hair.
“Stop making you get all flustered like this?” you asked, shaking your head. “Not when it's this adorable.”
Before Daryl could say anything else, you rolled away from him, flicking off the lamp before settling into your side of the bed. You got comfortable, closing your eyes. “Goodnight, handsome.”
A few moments of silence passed, before you felt him shuffle behind you. He wrapped his arms around you from behind, spooning you from the back. He pulled you closer to him, breathing in your clean scent before finally whispering something back.
“Night, beautiful.”
©dixons-sunshine 2024. I do not give permission for my works to be copied, modified, adapted or translated to any other site or platform without evidence of my given consent.
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the-starry-seas · 4 months
Wolffe bothering Fox
"Hey!" a clone voice bellows loudly. Presumably at some idiot shiny, so Fox ignores it. Until it's followed by, "I said hey! Pup!"
Fox's hand twitches around Bail's, and from the raised eyebrow on Breha's face, his eye is twitching, too. He lets go of their hands and turns, knowing he's not going to get out of this any time soon.
"Good afternoon, Wolffe," he says stiffly.
"Don't give me that, di'kut'ika." There's a hand ruffling his hair, pulling all the curls out of place, and Fox scowls and shoves both of Wolffe's shoulders.
Wolffe is completely unfazed, and comes back to put an arm around Fox's shoulders, leaning entirely too much weight on him.
"Ah, don't treat your favourite big brother like that."
"You're not my favourite anything," he insists, but he doesn't shove Wolffe off this time. Just because he's not shoving off Wolffe's arm doesn't mean anything. It's no use when Wolffe will come right back. Or at least that's what he's telling himself.
"Care to introduce us, darling?" Bail asks, biting his lip to keep from laughing.
"This is my older brother, Commander Wolffe," Fox says. "He's not my favourite, he's just annoying."
"You're still letting him hug you," Breha points out.
Fox pauses for a moment.
"That's none of my business."
Wolffe snorts a laugh and knocks their heads together sideways, hard enough that Fox's teeth rattle for a moment.
"He likes me, he just doesn't know how to use his words. You ever try to get this guy to talk about his feelings? That's how I got this scar."
His finger traces down his cheek, and Fox rolls his eyes. He was deployed half a galaxy away at the time, thank you very much. But Wolffe never passes up a chance to try to frame a brother with some ludicrous story. Contradicting him won't do anything. And, mostly, Fox wants to avoid Wolffe knuckling his hair. It always sticks out in a bunch of weird ways, after.
"Are you here for a reason, Wolffe?"
"Came to make sure your natborns were treating you all right. You've gotta be the only clone I know that's got the hots for two of them at the same time."
"Maybe you should get out more, then. And stop trying to pickpocket my commlink, I've had enough of you texting Thire. He's blocked me four times, I don't know how you keep undoing that."
"Do we want to know what you've been texting him?" Breha asks, raising an eyebrow.
"Keep in mind that I have a taser," Fox says immediately, glaring at Wolffe, who mercifully shuts his mouth for the first time in his life. Probably just because it's not the first time that Fox would've done it.
"Wolffe, would you like to come with us for dinner?" Bail asks.
"Bail," Fox protests immediately, staring at him in utter shock. Right now, he would honestly rather have a rancor over for dinner. At least the rancor would have table manners.
"It would be my honour, Queen and Prince Consort Organa. I've heard only the highest praise of the courtesy of your house."
Fox glares at him, knowing full well that those manners are only coming out to bother him.
"Your brothers are always so polite, Fox," Breha adds. "Why don't you ever have them over for dinner without us asking?"
No matter how much he loves her sparkling eyes and crooked smirk, he isn't going to dignify that with a response. Instead he stares up at the sky and begs for some patience. Or maybe a bird to shit right on Wolffe's face. Fox had cried laughing the last time that happened, and had been hoping for a repeat performance, ever since.
"Maybe he's worried about competition," Bail muses, hand framing his chin. "Although I can't imagine why. Fox is clearly the hot one."
"That's not true," Wolffe complains. But when he looks over at Fox, something around his eyes softens a little. "But I can let it go, just this once."
"You shut up," Fox grumbles, folding his arms over his chest, his blush deepening when Bail grins at him.
"We'll leave you two to catch up," Breha says. She steps forward just enough to squeeze Fox's hand in both of hers, smiling at him, and then reaches out to take Bail's hand. She leans on his shoulder as they walk, and his laugh carries back to them.
"You really are besotted with those two," Wolffe says.
"That's not a word I expected you to use."
"Looked up some new vocab on the holonet, on the flight. Wanted to make sure I had enough to tease my infatuated baby brother."
"You're so kind," Fox grunts, elbowing him hard in the side and stepping away, "but I am not your baby brother."
"That's true. The shinies are younger than both of us."
Fox can only sigh as he turns away, but he stops when Wolffe's hand wraps around his wrist. He expects some sort of retaliation, but the worried look on his brother's face makes him pause.
"Everything okay with them?" Wolffe asks, his voice quiet, like he thinks they'll overhear from all the way down the sidewalk.
"Breha and Bail?" For a moment, Fox can only blink at him, utterly confused. "Yeah, of course. Why wouldn't it be?"
"Just checking. It's not like we didn't know that the Senators were hurting all you Corries."
"Not all of us," Fox says, glancing over at where Kit is sitting on the edge of a fountain, learning how to braid a flower crown from his girlfriend. Fox had done a lot to protect his shiny, to enforce silence from the other Guardsmen, and it's all worth it, whenever he looks at his son's smile.
"Yeah, sure, not all of you. But you, Fox. Have the Organas ever tried to hurt you?"
"No, never. I can't- I can't even imagine them trying. I can't. You know what that means. Wolffe, they love me, and I'm safe here, I swear. I would never stay here with Kit if there was any chance of them hurting us."
"Ah, all right," Wolffe says, and socks him in the shoulder. "Guess you're one lucky shabuir to find the best two natborns in the system."
"Real lucky. So you better behave over dinner!"
"I looked up which forks are used when. Lots of useful stuff on the holonet."
"You exist to torment me," Fox says flatly.
"And to be a good uncle to my favourite shinies. How's the tubies, anyway?"
"Leia bit me last week."
"Ah, that's my girl. She's gonna grow up to be a spitfire, mark my words."
"If you actually behave, I'll let you hold her before you go."
"Fine, fine, you've convinced me, Pup."
"That's not my name!"
Wolffe just shrugs.
"Big brother privileges. I can call you whatever I want and get away with it."
Fox is well aware that he's going to get a lecture for dumping a screaming, swearing vod right into the biggest fountain in Aldera. It's not nearly enough to stop him.
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livelovesimallways · 1 month
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"Such A Thing"....Pt. 2
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*after talking for a while* "As you can see, even though every experience is different, the willingness to meet and share aspects of their lives is what truly helps both parties. And again, you are the parents so you ultimately decide the route you want to take. We just strongly encourage openness as it helps adoptees cope. So if you have anymore questions, please don't hesitate to ask."
"I do have one...How was your experience reconnecting with your son?"
"Umm..." *lets out a deep sigh* "It was tough for both of us. If I could go back, I would have never chosen for it to be closed. I believe that's what hurt him the most. It fueled that feeling of abandonment and caused the question of why?"
"Wow, that hits close to home.” *shakes his head* “I get it now.”
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*attempts to look sympathetic* “So your family never told you why she had to leave?"
"Nope. I don't know anything about her. Not even her name. It's interesting that you said she had to, I always assumed she just left. I guess this line of work changes the way you think."
"It does. Plus, these decisions don't come lightly. It didn't for me." *gets interrupted by a knock on the door*
"Hey guys, sorry to interrupt. I'm just checking in. Moses your wife had a list of questions. I'm sure I was being interviewed." *laughing* "So did Moriah help or?..."
"She definitely did."
"Oh good. I hope she told you all about her son as well. Their story is just so touching. She even has pictures from when he was a newborn until about three months old. Why don't you show him?"
“I’d rather not. Today was pretty heavy.”
“I happen to think it would help.” *stares at her* “You show everyone that comes through these doors. It’s always appreciated.”
“Okay.” *looks nervous as shit*
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*Moses' silence speaks volumes*
"I can explain. Please let me explain. Janice can you give us a second?” *pleading*
*puts the picture down* "You should vet your employees more thoroughly. That baby she's holding…. is me. I have a similar one with just my father...Same outfit, same blanket, same balloons, same room."
"What???" *in shock* "Is he saying you're his birth mother?"
"Yes...but I can explain."
"Explain???" *turns to Moses* "I am so sorry for this, Mr. Muse. If I had any inclination, I would've..."
"Oh that's bullshit!" *cuts her off* "I told you there was a conflict of interest and you still pushed!"
"You're his damn birth mother! Nobody would ever assume that's what you meant! Then after that, you lied! You've been lying...for years!"
"I only lied to help other families. People tend to be more open when they can relate. I didn't hurt or hinder, it only made things better. No one would've ever expected him to come through these doors." *looks at Moses* "I am so sorry. I know you probably have questions. I really thought your family would have at least let you know something. I didn't want to leave, but my life at the time was very unstable. It was no place for a fifteen year old let alone a baby. I knew you would be safe with your dad, so when I was forced to move hours away, I left you with him. The next few years I thought of trying to reach out, but before I knew it, I was pregnant again. Miles died and I didn't want to complicate your life anymore so, I stopped. And look how you turned out? You have the life of your dreams."
"What about your family, Do they...?"
"My husband does but my children?...Absolutely not. Just like with you, it would've complicated things. Even with them being adults now."
"I guess you carved out a nice life for yourself as well." *smirking to hold back rage* "Well, look, I'm sure my wife is wondering what's taking so long." *gets up* "I'm gonna head out. We won't be coming back so you two take care."
To Be Continued........
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sharky857 · 2 months
I have momentarily run out of ideas for stories, so here's a list of headcanons/musing about the Hex.
The fact that the majority may be about/involve Amir might or might not be just a coincidence. Honest. :)
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Quite hot-tempered and in a "bickering sibling" relationship with Amir, where Quincy himself would be "the older one". I also have a low-key feeling that he may actually care and be concerned for Amir and the others, and that all the "scorn" is actually him trying to hide his levels of concern.
Quincy also strikes me as the kind to call other by either their first, last or full name depending on the situation.
Examples: "AMIR!" = actually no biggie, Quincy's just being his usual, impulsive, grumpy self; "BECKETT!" = did a whoopsie-daisy, but probably still manageable. Hopefully. "AMIR BECKETT!" = u did dun f-up son
On multiple occasions and while being absolutely sick and tired of that constant ruckus, he probably tried to destroy the speakers on the stage right next to his personal shooting range, only to see them back (a few hours to a day later), perfectly functional once again and still blasting THAT BLOODY SONG. At first he may have blamed Amir, probably also snap-demanding to "cut it out". Until realising that what would promptly fix the speakers every single time it's something that does start with "tech-", but also ends with "-rot" instead of "-nician". :)
After that, Quincy may have settled for some ear plugs, courtesy of Lettie's medical kit.
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Ye olde "getting real tired of toda esta mierda" kind of jaded medic.
May still have some bedside manners left somewhere.
Would maybe let you pet one of her rats, but also warn to not take it on her, if any of her bebes might bite your hand~
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Her psychic abilities would not only allow her to communicate with the rest of her team, and also possibly take a peek inside of their memories, but she may also be capable of playing someone's memory into someone else's head.
She may also have protective "mama bear" tendencies when it comes to Amir.
Eleanor do be the Freaky One™ as Lettie would say, with a "tongue" (probably whole inside-of-the-mouth too) to match Venom's, your honour. Can't explain otherwise the need to specify that she has more technocytes than the rest of the team + the fact that she never speaks aloud. There might also some more "freakiness" ongoing under all that exosuit.
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Aoi would totally adopt Kalymos in a heartbeat if given the chance. Alas, she would have to settle for whatever surviving street kitty instead. And she would've long and totally adopted all the street critters, probably turning the entire mall in some kind of petting zoo because "there's so much space!" reasons, if it weren't for Arthur refraining her from doing so. The reason: no one inside the base would be exactly too thrilled to deal with a moody medic + lots of LOUD ANGRY SPANISH, if anything ever happened to make a snack out of even just ONE "furred baby" of Lettie's widdle family of rats.
Also: if one wanted to see Aoi instantly cry a waterfall, all they would have to do is let her watch either Hachiko or Bambi.
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He's definitely caught a case of "shonen protagonist syndrome".
I also headcanon him as being one of the Hexes who struggles to manage his own energy efficiently, since every time he does anything more than using an exalted blade he also passes out for a moment. No wonder Aoi can't stop and won't stop to keep her eyes peeled on her guy.
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He strikes me as the one with the least technocytes in the bloodstream, at least judging from what glimpse I could grasp of everyone's face. Everyone has some unnatural-looking veins and marks on their face, but Amir's skin still looks as smooth as silk, only with tons of freckles. Not to mention, the fact that Quincy openly says that he is "a weak, weak boy", while Arthur comments that "Amir's still alive. That's a win" in such a way that it seems to leave for implied that he maybe did not expect some techie to survive whatever he's talking about.
There's a 100% chance of neurodivergence ongoing with him. Was also probably bullied in school for that. On the flip side: he might've found "Heaven on Earth" upon entering an IT school.
Before getting technocyte'd, Amir was also probably not very fond of running around in a literal way: a few NYOOM!s, and one may have caught him almost keeled over against the nearest wall, wheezing as if he had been on top of mount Everest without an oxygen tank. Poor guy just didn't have the stamina for zoomies. :( Yet. >:)
Imho, whenever Amir uses "Speed", there's an air current to match, ozone-flavoured too given the nature of his "superpowers". If you ever had the UNpleasure of having a lighting strike too close for comfort, you might also know what the air smells like, in those situations. :°)
Since Amir is all about electricity, methinks that the same smell can be sensed whenever he uses whatever other ability he would use as well.
Being the techie/electronics specialist of the team, I too have embraced the headcanon that Amir's responsible for fixing and patching up every single electronic device inside Höllvania central mall, from the bare essential in lights to the arcade game machines, going through the speakers now blasting the exact, same song over and over again. No force on Earth could distract an hyperfocused techie from his task, after all.
Amir doesn't sleep. Ever. He just takes power naps whenever he feels like taking them.
There would be one arcade machine that might be like Kryptonite to the technician: this spawn of the devil here.
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The reason: before technocytes, he would gasp for air after a single session (fuckywucky stamina, remember?)
After technocytes he may be finally able to master even this one. If it weren't for The Clumsy Factor™ that would probably cause poor Jitter to eventually stumble down the platform. Or he might just go so fast that he would literally wreck said platform an embarrassingly lot of times. Whoops.
Mixed & Random musing
A. Since he may also be one of the Hexes to spend tons of energy between lightning shows and zoomies, Amir could have quite an appetite. Arthur might follow in a close second place.
One might wonder where they get their own "foodie fuel" to keep all that up. The answer is all around and also inside Höllvania mall: savoury, spicy, delicious techrot, if one doesn't mind the smell. And the texture. And probably the way that stuff might slightly squirm and twitch a little as well.
... What? Do you have any idea how hard could be to find fresh veggies & stuff in Höllvania, at the moment? 😤
B. I too have embraced the theory that some civilians fled and some others may be trapped inside Höllvania, in both cases living (surviving) inside shelters, possibly into sturdy underground bunkers.
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the-possum-writes · 25 days
is it okay if I request Scarab x reader. Where like reader grabs hold of Scarab crystal, and accidentally shoot at him making him mini scarab bugs. And maybe a bonus ending of Scarab being reformed, and embarrassed about the event.
[Bug Sitting]
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❥Character: The Scarab
❥Wordcount: 2639
❥Tags: SFW Gender neutral Reader, Watching over Scarab as a favor, fluff, taking care of Scarab, he starts out as a meanie but eventually mellows out
❥Synopsis: After Scarab almost destroys the city and your friends in it, he's turned into a singular little bug who Fionna trusts you to watch over him while she figures out what to do with him
❥A/n: I know it's probably not as focused on the reformed aspect but the thought of taking care of Scarab as a bug came to mind and I couldn't stop writing ;w;)
❥Taglist: @foxpearlwilder
"Yeah I won't be able to come in today. I woke up with a terrible stomach flu." You try to make yourself sound as convincing as possible but it's hard with the constant tapping of glass in the background, ushering you to cover the receiving end of the home phone as you whisper over your shoulder. "Shh, keep it down!" Before pressing the phone back on your ear.
"How bad? Like, really bad. I'm talking Niagara falls kind of bad-" you insist, successfully gaining a disgusted grunt from the other side of the line. "Sure, I'll take it easy and be back by Monday." You bid a few more farewells and hung up the call, sighing in relief for a brief second only to turn around and deal with your current predicament. A red bug the size of a small dog residing in a glass tank usually made for heavy live fish in restaurants, he's been slamming himself against the glass ever since Fionna brought him him an hour ago in the hopes of breaking free and running rampant.
"Nice try little guy but that's a reenforced tank," you knock on the glass to prove it's resilience. "Now, be a good bug and get cozy while Fi and the others figure out what to do with you. You cost me a week's worth of pay since I need to babysit you 24/7 so I hope you like the taste of cereal cause that's all I can afford right now." You remark at the little critter who can only return the glare you're giving him, pressing a halt to his endeavor against the tank and turned his back to you.
Atleast you two are on the same page now.
Just a few hours ago the only thing you had to worry about was buying groceries but before you knew it you got a text from your buddy Fionna who said she needed help taking care of some bugs, of course your first impression was that she was dealing with cockroaches but when you got to her apartment you were received by the sight of five or maybe six beetle like bugs the size of a five month infant. If that wasnt weird enough then you weren't prepared when those bugs unified and formed into a tall humanoid insect man hell-bent on destroying your friends, naturally you didn't want that to happen so when Marshall and Gary tackled the insect man and he dropped his crystal thingy you threw yourself to grab it before Scarab did, resulting in the four legged bug in the fish tank in the middle of your apartment. Who would've thought.
Fionna begged for you to watch over the bug guy while they try to contact some other guy to take him away, being that she trusts you more than Lsp considering what happened last time. You were already willing to shoot at a man to save your friend so what's some babysitting in comparison? 
And here you are, sitting back in your couch as you turn on the TV watching the news about city repairments after said bug man almost destroyed everything.
"For such a small fella you cause quite a scene." You muse out loud, hoping to get a reaction from the bug. "Well you sure don't look as menacing as you did a few hours ago." 
This annoyed Scarab, turning around to scratch at the glass with his front legs in your direction as his maw repeatedly open and closed as if to bite you. "Stuck a nerve huh?" You giggle at the little dude.
After teasing him a bit more you were left feeling peckish so you complied with your word and served yourself a plate of cereal. After the first few bites you felt a pair of eyes on you, or more specifically your plate. You poured a few cereal flakes for him  in a different bowl, opened the lip enough for your hand to slip inside but Scarab bit your hand when you were halfway into placing the bowl and ended up dropping it instead. "OUCH! You little-" you immediately retrieved your hand, shutting the lid closed as you rub your injured hand. 
 You glare at the little bugger as he cackles at you.
His mischievous smile didn't last long since he took a whiff of the cereal and was rather dubious, taking a bite of it before coughing it out like a cat spitting a hairball. He stared at you once again but this time his eyes had a more accusatory expression within them.
"Sorry your majesty, were you expecting a roasted chicken instead? Well even if I had the ingredients, city destroyers don't deserve roasted chicken!" You scoff, also feeling kinda frustrated at the lack of groceries but you've seen the damage this dude is capable of, so there's no way you're risking him out of your sight. Scarab wasn't in the mood to argue with you (not that he could), so he just scuttled back to the corner of the tank and gave his back to you. As funny as it may seem you imitated his movements and went back to the couch, laying on your side and giving your back to him.
That's were you chose to sleep for the rest of the night, there's no way you're letting him inside your bedroom so you brought a pillow and a blanket into the living room. It was a usual night, he tried to keep you from sleeping by repeatedly tapping the glass again but he got tired at some point and went to sleep, sooner or later you were disturbed by a clicking sound, you snapped your eyes open at the thought of him escaping again but upon closer inspection you found Scarab curled up on himself as he shivered from the cold with the clinking sound coming from his teeth. It's the middle of the winter season so it does get kind of chilly inside your department without a proper heater to keep you warm but while you get by with blankets and a comfy pair of socks, Scarab has none of that, although he is a big meanie that doesn't mean he deserves to suffer cold. 
You went to the cupboard and retrieved a heating pad for cats, something you bought on a 2 for 1 deal while Fionna kept the other one. You adjusted the heat on the pad and quietly opened the lid of the tank, carefully raising Scarab and sliding the pad under him like something out of an Indiana Jones movie, you also tossed in an old fluffy sweater for good measure and draped it over him eventually stopping the chatter of his teeth altogether. With that out of the way you slipped back into the couch and drifted off into sleep once more, completely missing the yellow eye peeking from within the sweater.
The next morning went just as uneventful, pouring more cereal onto Scarab's bowl but with a pair of kitchen pincers causing a sly smile on Scarab's face. But his smile fell back when he caught sight of the cereal again.
"What? I told you I don't have anything else around here." You insist but he doesn't tear his eyes away from you. "Alright, alright! I'll see what I can find." You throw your hands into the air, half expecting to find something gross like a can of spam. But you literally only end up finding a cockroach, immediately crushing it with a flip flop. "Ugh, gross." You stand up from your crouched position, holding the flip flop with the roach. "This is literally the only thing I found." You joke at the bug but he gleefully scampers in your direction as far as the tank allowed him, nodding his head as if saying. "Yeah, yeah!"
"Really? I mean, okay then." You drop the roach into the tank and Scarab immediately munched on it like you would snack on trail mix. That gave you an idea, an idea that required you to slip into your coat, grab a jar and rush down the stairs of your department building and into the back alley where the residents dumpsters are. Scarab was left perplexed by your sudden disappearance but that didn't stop him from taking the opportunity of your absence and try to break out. But he soon found it difficult since he’s been without a decent meal while he was trapped in here, immediately giving up due to the exhaustion. You came back not too long holding a closed jar in your hands, when you came up to him he realized the jar had roaches inside, with some alive and some squished. Scarab was practically drooling at the sight.
"So I thought you were being a picky eater but it never came to me that you literally can't eat cereal so I figured I'd catch a few of these for you." You explain, opening the tank to grab the bowl of cereal, toss the flakes away and pour the bugs into the bowl instead. He didn't respond in any meaningful way (besides not biting you this time) since he started devouring the tiny critters and chased after the ones that were alive, he was grateful whenever you knew it or not.
A little bit more into the afternoon you started playing some movies, you figured Scarab wouldn’t be interested in them but with bored taking over him he found himself trying to get a good look at the tv the best he could. “Here let me help.” You offer, removing a few items that blocked his sight and turning the tank in a good position.
“This is one of my favorites, it’s a bit sappy but if you overlook the dialogue you can appreciate the depth and care that went into the character’s relationships.” Is what you explain, even if you talked over the movie and annoyed him a bit. Nevertheless it felt good to have someone hear you talk without telling you to keep it quiet, or in this case have someone be able to complain to you about your talking- if Scarab could complain, he definitely would. That’s how the two of you spent the rest of the week, you’d catch bugs for him to eat and watch movies and shows while you mention some details here and there. By the end of the week you finally got an update from Fionna when she came by and brought you a pizza
“Surprise!” Fionna and Cake exclaim at the same time when you opened the door.
“Oh glob, guys you shouldn’t have.”
“It’s the least we can do for you since you did me a solid watching over Scarab, speaking of which, how’s the little guy been treating you?” Fionna makes room at the coffee table for the pizza, with you being the first to take a slice.
“Well for starters you didn’t warn me that he’s a biter. But besides that he’s been well behaved, we had a rough start but we’ve been watching movies together by now.” You shrug with a mouthful.
“Oh really?” Fionna looked surprised. “Huh. Anyways we finally figured out what to do with him, so you’ll finally have him out of your hair.”
“Whats… what’s gonna happen to him?”
“Prismo, the guy who helped us out, said he and Scarab’s boss demoted him to be his assistant.”
Its almost comical when you heard choking coming from the fish tank, apparently the news was quite a surprise to Scarab.
“Well then.” You stood up from the fish tank now looking down at the bug you’ve been taking care of and you slowly started seeing as a roommate, you mindlessly open the lid and slowly lower your hand to pet the back of his mask shaped shell. “Guess this is goodbye Scarab, wish I could say it was fun but our conversations were pretty one sided.” Your tone was low, almost sadden but the bug quickly fixed that by taking a bit of your hand once more. Rather than the rough chomp he gave you at the start of the week, this one was more of a nibble. A welcomed one by that.
Your life went back to how it usually was before the whole Scarab thing happened, you go to work, you hang out with Fionna, you buy your groceries and watch your movies albeit alone and in silence. It isn’t until one day you came back from a particularly rough shift that you directly went to plop down on the couch, but immediately soon after you heard someone knocking the door, begrudgingly getting up to respond in a cranky mood. “If this is about the water bill I already paid it.” You start complaining but rather than seeing the landlord you were expecting you were met with a towering man with a pale complexion and gray hair, he’s holding a box of cereal and carries an expression that spoke of someone who’s… embarrassed? Annoyed?
“Yes?” you remain quizzical of the stranger.
“I came by to drop this off for you, considering it a thank you gift for not letting me starve or whatever.” He shoved the box in your hands but it still leaves you confused.
“Thanks? But, who are you?”
Realization finally graced his features, the hint of a smile raising on the side of his lips upon noticing he had the upper hand.
“Oh right, you probably don���t recognize me now that I’m not the size of a house cat.” He shifts into a red complexion that was way more familiar to you now, jumping in shock as you tighten your grip on the cereal box.
“SCARAB!” you shout. “The hell are you doing here?! I thought you were in a time out box or something like that.”
Scarab nonchalantly rubs a hand on the front of his carapace. “I was allowed to come here due to my good behavior, and also because Prismo insisted I’d stop by and show my… gratitude.” He mumbles that last part.
“I’m listening.” You place the box under your arm with newfound expectancy.
“Well, I’m thankful you didn’t leave me to die from the cold or hunger even if it was rather tempting given my track record.” He adjusts the tie with a single hand, a rather mundane gesture just for the sake of giving his hands something to do as he wills the words to come out of his mouth. “Although the circumstances that lead to it were insufferable, you made things a bit less insufferable.”
“Oh, no problem it was nice having you around actually.” You bring up with a smile gaining a slight head tilt from Scarab at the mention of him being pleasant company. “It was like watching over a cat.” You add soon after, having him slump his shoulders.
“Hmph,” he looked away. “But yes that was all. I’ll leave you to your business then.” He turned to leave but you immediately stopped him, to the shock of both of you.
“Wait, since you’re already here why don’t you watch a movie with me? If you’re not in a hurry I mean.”
Scarab receives a notification from his crystal device, his posture relaxing when he read the message from his new boss Prismo who is no doubt keeping an eye on him but still gives him the green light.
“I suppose I could stay for one movie, but on one condition.” He raises an accusatory finger. “No talking during the movie!”
You snicker under your breath. “Alright, I accept your terms. But on the condition that you don’t bite me!” You step aside to let him into your apartment as he mutters.
“No promises.”
To which you playfully bump shoulders with him as you close the door.
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More Than Friends
Pairing: Matt Murdock x Reader
Word Count: 3.8k
Warnings: oral (f,m receiving, marking kinda, praise kink Matty, unprotected sex (wrap them joysticks okay), creampie, implied cockwarming
Genre: smut, some fluff
Summary: Somehow the fact that your roommate is daredevil isn't as big a secret as the way he feels about you
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You whistle to yourself as you munch on your last slice of bacon and set your dish in the sink.
"Good morning." Your roommate Matt strolls into the kitchen.
"Morning." You hum back.
"What's for breakfast?" He asks.
"Well, I made myself waffles." You say.
"Wait what about me?"
"Oh was I supposed to make you breakfast too?" You joke with him.
"If you don't, I'll spend all day at work losing cases because all I can think about it is how empty my stomach is."
"First of all, settle down drama queen. I was joking. Secondly, what do you do when I'm not here Matthew?" You scoff picking up his plate off of the counter to place it in front of him.
"Starve until you get back." He says and you fix him with an incredulous look as he smiles cutely at you.
"You are so annoying." You roll your eyes.
"You've told me before."
"Clearly not often enough." You muse. "I'm supposed to believe you can fight crime but can't make your own food." You shake your head.
"That's an entirely different skillset sweetheart."
"Maybe you should make it applicable lest you starve." You shrug.
"You are evil, woman." Matt shakes his head with a chuckle.
"Aw? Did I hurt the devil's feelings? How ever will I go on?" You gasp dramatically. Matt laughs casually while you tug open the fridge to put something back.
"Hey can I have some orange juice please?" Matt asks. You grab the bottle and pour him a glass. "Thanks." He mutters when the cup hits the island.
"Just a heads up Matty I'm going out tonight so I'll see you when you get back from patrols later okay?" You tell him.
"Wait you'll be out until I get back from patrols?"
"If I'm out that late I'm probably not coming home tonight at all." You muse but the way Matt's brows knit together makes you kill your laughter. "No- I expect to be back before you finish patrolling but I won't be here when you get off work and I didn't want you to panic when you came home to an empty apartment." You say.
"I would not panic."
"You always panic."
"Well where are you going?"
"Just- out. Meeting someone for drinks."
"Someone? Who's someone?" There's something in Matt's tone that you can't pick out.
"No one you'd know Matty. I don't have to tell you everything I do." You laugh.
"I'm just curious. We're friends, it's not uncommon to take interest in your friends lives is it?"
"Why're you asking me that like you've never had a friend before." You chuckle.
"You're derailing the conversation."
"And you're going to be late." You say. Truthfully you just don't want to tell Matt the details of your date. You haven't thought of navigating dating while living with him and you're hesitant to go there with him for reasons you don't want to admit.
"Wait what time is it?" He asks you.
"Quarter to nine."
"Shit- why didn't you say something?" Matt hops out of his seat.
"You're usually very good at keeping time, I didn't realize my personal life would be so distracting." You joke. Matt huffs as he grabs his cane and briefcase.
"Look- if you won't tell me who you're going with at least make sure someone knows where you are and who you're with. For safety reasons."
"Yeah my girlfriends already know." You chuckle.
"Who knows?"
"I'm not telling you Matty. Stop being nosy and go to work before Foggy starts ringing." You tell him.
"Just- be careful." He grumbles, leaving your apartment.
"A more dramatic man has never existed." You chuckle. Less than a minute later your phone rings. You let out a huffed laugh when you check the caller ID. "Hello?"
"I heard that." You roommate sasses.
"Good!" You nod before hanging up the phone. "You hear everything all the time anyway." You muse to yourself though you're sure Matt heard that too, as if he has nothing better to do. You put Matt's empty dishes is the sink and finish getting ready for your own job. You leave out maybe fifteen minutes after Matt, hoping to have a good day and an even better night.
When you return from work, the apartment is empty. Which is totally normal, Matt has a tendency to work well into the night, usually until somebody drags him from the office or he hears a crime six blocks away. You change from your work clothes into the dress you've picked for tonight. It's a satin cami dress that cinches at your thigh on one side and drapes to your knee on the other. You pair it with a clutch and matching heels before heading back out of your apartment. You quickly flag down a cab and give the driver the restaurant address. 
The drive isn't long and when you walk into the restaurant you instantly see your date sitting at the bar. You're meeting with a guy you met at a cafe a couple of weeks ago.
"James! Hi! I hope I'm not late." You smile at him as you walk over.
"Hi. No no no, you're fine. I got here early actually." He stands to give you a quick hug. The two of you quickly fall into conversation, laughing over drinks and snacks for a couple of hours. Eventually, you decide to continue chatting while walking, not ready for the night to end exactly but ready for a change in scenery. You gasp and let out a short yell when you trip over a cracked sidewalk.
"Oh jeez, are you okay?" James chuckles helping you up.
"Yeah I'm-"
"Is this guy bothering you miss?" A deep voice behind you startles you. James puts himself between you and the red suited man you know as your roommate.
"Woah dude where did you come from?" James looks him up and down.
"Excuse me I asked the lady a question." Matt says.
"Do you know this guy?" James frowns at you.
"No!" You say at the same time Matt says,
"Yes." You glance at him quickly.
"I met him once. It's not like we actually know each other but, we've met." You explain.
"I was nearby and heard the scream. I wanted to make sure there wasn't any trouble."
"Well thank you for your concern but I just tripped. I'm not in any danger." You say. "But you will be if you don't get out of here." You add quietly enough that James doesn't catch it but you know Matt hears.
"As long as everything's okay, you guys be safe." Matt nods.
"Yeah man, have a good night." James says. Matt brushes passed him, practically bumping James's shoulder as he walks between you and you have to stop yourself from scoffing at his petty behaviour while he walks away without a word.
"Geez." You whisper.
"Who was that guy again?"
"The devil of Hell's Kitchen. They call him Daredevil. He's Hell's Kitchen's personal vigilante."
"What's his problem?" James muses with a confused frown.
"Your guess is as good as mine. Maybe the vigilante thing is getting to him." You shrug.
"You said you've met him before?"
"Yeah, just once."
"But you don't know him?"
"No one does I think. He wears the mask and by all accounts works alone. Ya know, lurking in the shadows. I don't think he's ever even seen during the day."
"Nobody told me when I moved here that there'd be vigilantes doing wellness checks." James jokes.
"To be fair I don't think that's standard practice." You laugh. There's a momentary lull in the conversation before James checks his watch.
"Oo, it's uh getting kinda late. Maybe be we should call it a night here?" He suggests almost awkwardly.
"Oh- uh sure. Yeah let's call it. I had a nice time." You tell him.
"Yeah- ditto. Did you- are you good getting home?" He asks.
"Yeah I live, just around the block. I'm alright. Thanks."
"Cool cool- I'll see you, then. Goodnight y/n." James says quickly. He squeezes your arm for just a moment before walking off. You're not sure from his pace but it almost feels like he's rushing off and you're not sure where the change came from. When you turn to cross the street you swear you catch a flash of red in one of the alleys that makes you suspect the reason for James's sudden anxiety.
"Oh you are so dead when you get home." You grit out, making your way back to your apartment. You don't even bother turning on the lights as you walk into your apartment. You toe off your shoes with a frustrated sigh and make your way to the bathroom, quickly taking off your makeup and getting in the shower. You're tempted to spend hours under the steaming hot water but you'd rather be done getting ready before Matt tries to sneak back in so eventually you get out, put on lotion, and throw on a large hoodie and shorts. You shuffle out of your room and into the kitchen intending to do the dishes. You don't even have to look to know Matt's back, the breeze from the window giving him away before you've seen him.
"You know, I never would have thought that after over a year we would need to have this kind of conversation about boundaries." You say.
"What are you talking about?" Matt asks.
"You and I both know that you didn't just stumble across me and James tonight. 'I was nearby and heard the scream' my ass. I tripped, you know I did. You were just looking for an excuse to be nosy after I told you it wasn't your business who I was going out with tonight."
"I wasn't being nosy."
"So what do you call crashing my date and scaring him off like a total weirdo?"
"I scared him off? If that halfwit can't protect you I definitely did you a favor."
"Matt it was a date not an interview for a bodyguard! I don't need him to protect me!" You huff out.
"I never said you needed him for anything. I know you don't, but Hell's Kitchen is dangerous. You never know what's lurking in the shadows."
"You mean besides my nosy ass roommate?"
"I'm being serious y/n."
"So am I! What made you think it was okay to crash my date tonight Matthew? That was totally out of line." You sigh. Matt is quiet for a long moment before he speaks again.
"I wasn't planning to. I was doing patrols and I heard your voice and- I just couldn't help myself. I was curious, you wouldn't tell me anything this morning."
"Honestly Matt the next time you decide to spy on me don't make your presence known." You roll your eyes. "I can't stop you from spying, your weird superhuman senses make it impossible, but at the very least, don't show up trying to play intimidation games. If the devil doesn't have more important things to do, let him rest." You say walking out of the kitchen, intent on going to your room. You can't change anything about the situation now, it's not worth fighting over it. When you pass by Matt he grabs your arm.
"I'm sorry I ruined your night. I didn't mean to I just- think you deserve better." He says quietly and in this moment he's glad only he can hear both your hearts, or you'd know how hard his is beating right now.
"I liked him Matt. He was nice." You say in defense of your date.
"Nice is the bare minimum. You can do better than the bare minimum." He grits out.
"You're very judgy for someone who doesn't date anyone ever." You scoff walking back around to the other side of the island.
"I don't go out with just anyone who winks at me."
"No you just sleep with them. That's so much better."
"Oh now who's judgy?"
"This is stupid Matt. Why are we fighting over this? I went on a date. You'd think I was working with one of the sickos you hunt down every night." You cross your arms.
"I just think you can do better." Matt shrugs.
"Dude you blindsided us in the middle of our first date. I haven't even decided if I'm going to see him again and now you are all in my ear giving your two cents like this is a wishing fountain."
"Don't." Matt says.
"Don't see him again." Matt says caging you where you are with his arms on either side of you against the island.
"Why?" Your voice is suddenly so quiet you're sure anyone else wouldn't be able to hear you, but to Matt your voice is clear as ever.
"God what are you doing to me?" He breathes out dropping his head for a moment.
"Tell me, Matt. Why?"
"Because I love you, okay? I've been ignoring it for months. Willing it to go away but I can't get you out of my head. I can hear you and smell you all the time, at work, during my patrols- you're all I think about. And tonight, the idea of someone else getting to be with you the way I've been longing for- it's maddening. You are maddening. I love you and that's why you can't see him again."
"You love me?"
"Has it not been painfully obvious?"
"Look Matthew not everyone can hear someone's heart race when they walk into a room." You scoff and he laughs a bit.
"If you could you'd know my heart is beating so fast a medical professional would think it were about to burst."
"Right now?"
"Whenver I'm with you actually, but yes, right now." Matt nods. You place your hand on his cheek.
"You are incredibly confusing Matthew Murdock." You say quietly.
"I think I've been quite clear."
"I mean yeah now. After crashing my date and causing a fight. You could've led with this." You laugh.
"I didn't know how you'd react. I thought it wasn't worth the risk. I didn't want to ruin things. I'm only telling you now because I've managed to piss you off anyway. You're very important to me and I didn't want to lose you because of my feelings."
"Do you think you're losing me now?"
"I can't tell, you still haven't responded directly to my feelings." Matt says. You let what he said hang in the air for a moment before you react. Matt is very attractive, you've always known that and admittedly you've harbored a small crush on him for ages now you just never thought it'd amount to anything. You were comfortable enough with your dynamic that until now you hadn't considered changing that. You pull Matt's face close enough to yours to gently kiss him. His arms wrap around your waist tightly as he kisses you back. What started as something sweet quickly becomes fiery as Matt holds you against him. His hands travel down to your thighs and a gentle tap has you hopping up into his arms, your legs locking around his waist.
"If it wasn't obvious Matty I do reciprocate your feelings." You pull away long enough to tell him.
"Yeah. Got that." Matt adjusts enough to pull you into another kiss with a hand at the back of your neck. Matt walks down the hall with you in his arms, your tongue pushing and pulling against his. When you make it to his room, you hardly realize it, until Matt sets you down. "Every fiber of my being wants to fuck you into my mattress but I want you to know this is more than a quick lay for me so if it's too soon-" before Matt finishes is sentence you pull him towards you and kiss him again.
"If I thought you were just trying to fuck me and ruin our living dynamic we wouldn't be here right now Matt." You tell him.
"I just want you to know you mean more to me than that."
"I believe you Matty, stop thinking so hard." You say shoving him back onto his bed. He quickly sits up, his hands at your hips as he looks up at you.
"It's important to me that you know I-" you cut Matt off by pressing your lips to his.
"You're reckless and sometimes stupid but you're not a total fool. We live together and we like living together. It works for us. I don't think you'd ruin that just to get your dick wet." You tell him and your wording makes him chuckle.
"That sounds so crude." He huffs, placing kisses along your stomach.
"Play your cards right and it won't be the last crude thing you hear from me." You say. Matt finds the edge of your shorts and tugs them down with your underwear and you move back to step all the way out of them, his hands immedately pulling you back towards him once they're off.
"You've always had such a colorful vocabulary. Let's see how long before you're too blissed out to form a sentence." He hums, nipping lightly against your inner thigh.
"That's a big promise Matty." You let out a breathy laugh. He smirks up at you and shifts your legs to make room for his head between them.
"Feel free to scream sweetheart." He says and before you can offer a smart retort his tongue is diving between your folds. You let out a gasp, threading your fingers through his hair. His hands are firm at the back of your thighs as he eats you out. The way his tongue moves against your clit is languid but strong, slow strokes that tug deep at your core. He contrasts his heavy licks with thrusts of the wet muscle inside of you.
"Fuck that feels good." You pant out, tugging at his dark hair hard enough to make him groan. When Matt feels your legs tense under his grip, one hand joins his mouth between your legs. He slowly works you open with two fingers while his mouth focuses on your clit. With each thrust, his digits curl inside you in a way that tightens that coil of pleasure. His fingers move leisurely but in combination with the way his mouth sucks at your bundle of nerves when your orgasm hits all you can do is whine as pleasure crashes into you.
"God you taste amazing." Matt whispers as you tug at his hair to pull him away from you. You kiss him long enough that your lungs burn, savoring the taste of him and the way it mixes with you on his tongue. He tugs you onto the bed beside him and then stands, quickly stripping himself of the suit he hadn't yet taken off. You let your eyes travel freely down his frame, taking in every inch of exposed skin. With all your patching up post daredeviling you're quite familiar with shirtless Matt but this is the first time you're allowing yourself to shamelessly drink him in. "You're staring, aren't you?" Matt asks with a smile on his face that clearly shows his dimple.
"Of course I am. You're very hot." You tell him confidently.
"Am I?" He chuckles.
"Absolutely baby." You stand and with a hand at the back of his neck pull him into another kiss, your other hand roaming across his chest and abdomen. You enjoy the way you can feel his muscles react to your touch as you travel lower, eventually wrapping your fingers around his length. He immediately lets out a groan, breaking your kiss as you experiment stroking his dick. He's heavy and hot in your hand, precum leaking from the tip. Too soon Matt's hand closes around your wrist, pulling enough to make you release him.
"If you keep going I will cum in your hand, very quickly." He tells you.
"Maybe I want you to."
"I have other plans for tonight sweetheart." He tells you guiding you back towards his bed. When your legs hit the edge you allow yourself to fall back, watching as Matt crawls up after you. His lips are on yours again as he situates himself between your legs. You grab hold of him again, lining the head up with your entrance and Matt takes the hint, entering you with one sharp thrust that makes you both moan. Your breathing stutters at the way he stretches you and his hands squeeze your hips tightly as he relishes in the feel of your walls pulsing around him. Matt starts up a rhythm of sharp thrusts, hips slapping hard against yours. You pull him close to you with your arms around his neck, your back arching at the glide of him inside you. You moan a string of curses and drag your nails down his back harsh enough to make him hiss.
"Fuck- do that again." Matt grunts out against your neck. You trail your nails down again, harder this time and the action seems to pull at something inside him. His thrusts get harsher, deeper, intense enough to make you scream.
"God! That feels good." You groan.
"Yeah? You like the way my dick fills you?" Mattt huffs out.
"Yes! Fuck, yes!" You whine out, pulling his hair hard enough to yank his head back so you can see his face. You stroke his cheek gently.
"You're so gorgeous Matty." You whisper.
"W-what?" He lets out a breathless chuckle. Your words cause his hips to stutter but only for a second, and he grunts as he picks up the pace again.
"You're grogeous. Just, so pretty." You tell him. Matt huffs out another laugh and buries his face in your neck again, hoping to hide his shyness. You whimper as he litters your throat with licks and nibbles.
"You are something else y/n." He groans, trailing kisses down to your breast, trapping a nipple between his lips. His tongue against your nipple tugs at your insides making you moan and squirm against him.
"Don't tell me you're just now finding that out." You joke. He quickly bites down on your nipple in response and you hiss out at the sharp pain that he soothes with his tongue. Matt's hand reaches between you, fingers finding your clit with ease. He rubs tight circles against the bundle of nerves causing your whole body to tense up.
"You're close. I can tell. Let go sweetheart." Matt mutters against your skin. He continues to toy with your clit, throwing you over the edge quickly, your breath leaving you as your orgasm hits you.
"Holy fuck!" You gasp, struggling to catch your breath as Matt continues to fuck you through your release.
"S-shit you're squeezing me so tight." Matt grunts.
"You're close aren't you Matty? Cum for me baby. Fill my pussy up Matty, please." You moan into his ear, your fingers scratching at his back again.
"Fuck." He growls, his hips stuttering before they still against yours, heat flooding your insides as he buries his head in your chest. His arms wrap around you gently as he comes down. You rake your hands through his hair.
"Matty? Are you okay?" You ask softly.
"Fine. I just wanna lay here a minute if that's okay. Been a long night." He mutters.
"Busy in Hell's Kitchen?"
"It always is." He groans.
"Even when you're making time to stalk me on dates?" You joke.
"Next time I won't have to because I'll be the date."
"Are you asking me on a date Matthew?"
"Will you say yes?"
"If you ask maybe."
"Will you go on a date with me y/n?"
"Yes, I will. This is totally not how I saw today going."
"I dunno this is the best way I've ended a day in a long time." Matt shrugs and you laugh, kissing Matt's forehead after a moment. You're not really sure what it'll mean for you both going forward or how much things are going to change but for now, you're content laying in Matt's arms with his weight on your chest, listening to his breathing settle as he drifts off.
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shinestarhwaa · 1 year
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Genre: Angst, Fluff
Pairing: Wooyoung x fem reader
Word Count: 2.6k
Warnings/tags: Hospital patients Wooyoung and reader, inexperienced reader, mentions of sex, mentions of death, illness (cancer), major character death, Yunho is Y/N's favourite nurse, kinda friends to lovers, tell me if I forgot anything
@anyamaris @a-soft-hornytiny @veronicasawyerschainsaw @star1117-archives @wooyoungmybelovedhusband
It all had gone by in a flash, your life. You wished you had appreciated it more. Maybe if you had, you wouldn't feel so desperate to get out of his hospital bed to make memories.
You sighed deeply. 'Did I deserve this?' you frequently asked yourself. You weren't a bad person, you were sure of that. But how could you accept that your breasts were the cause of all this mess.
"Good morning, Y/N, I see you're up already!"
The cheerful nurse Yunho never failed to make you smile, at least a little. "Yeah, I am, stupid birds won't stop chirping."
"Oh come on, it's spring, it's a good thing, a happy thing, right?" Yunho said, petting your head as he examined your stats.
"You have an appointment with dr. Nakamura at 3 to talk about your treatment right?" Yunho asked as he said next to your bed.
You had been here for a while, trying to treat the cancer with chemo, but nothing worked. Now, there was a big chance your breasts had to be amputated. It killed you. You don't know why you cared so much, but they were your breasts.
Heck, no one had even touched them yet, and they were taken away from you. Who would touch you now? Ever? Kiss you? You sighed.
"Yep, gonna have a man tell me my boobies will have to fly out the window," you said as you played with the bracelet on your wrist. Never give up, it said.
A bracelet your friend had made for you, before she passed away during her brain surgery. You missed her.
"Fly out the window? That'll be a bizarre and kind of nasty thing to see. Imagine you're walking out in the garden and suddenly there's a breast."
You couldn't help but laugh. Yunho always made you laugh.
Back in your room, you laid in your bed again, while your mother hung up some pictures of you and your friends on the board behind you, after you complained about the white hospital walls.
"Look, this is better isn't it?" your mother said as she was finished with the decorations. You gave her a weak smile, appreciating the help. But you didn't have the energy to give her a real one.
She kissed the top of your head and took her bag. "I'll have to go now, pick up your brother from his training, and cook...," she sighed. You knew she hated leaving you alone.
"I'm a grown up mom, I'll be fine, go home," you said as you kissed her cheek. You said your goodbyes and sighed deeply when the door closed, only for it to open again in a matter of seconds.
"What's a girl gotta do to get a little rest and quiet in here?" you sighed.
"Well, aren't you a sunshine."
An unfamiliar voice and it's laughter filled the emptyness of the room. You looked up, and your eyes were met by a lively boy, probably around your age.
His dark hair was parted in the middle, he had warm brown eyes that twinkled as he laughed and the fullest pink lips you'd ever seen on a guy.
He was pretty.
"Y/N, meet your new roommate, Jung Wooyoung," his nurse said.
"A roommate?" You were a bit confused.
"We figured you could use one," Yunho said as he appeared leaning against the doorframe, "now you won't have to feel lonely."
"So what's up with you?" Wooyoung asked one morning. It was the end of April, a time you used to love, but now all you could do was lay in your bed and stare out of the window.
You moved your head to look at Wooyoung, who was on the right side of the room, checking the photo's he made today on his camera. He loved taking pictures of everyone, he even took a few of you. He even joked that you were his muse.
"What's up with me?" you asked, unsure if he meant your mood or your illness.
"Why are you in here? I've been here for three days and I hadn't asked yet," Wooyoung answered, placing his Nintendo on the foot of his bed, paying his attention to you.
"Breast cancer," you admitted, "I have had a few chemo's but they did zero so they're removing both tomorrow."
Wooyoung's expression saddened. "I'm sorry, you must feel horrible right now."
You nodded, saying nothing more. You'd fall apart if you talked more about yourself. It was already hard to share it with your therapist.
"Why are you here?" you finally asked.
"Bladder cancer, and it has probably spread by now," he said, quite bluntly. "Spread? Where to?" you asked curiously. "They're not sure, but they're gonna run tests and examine me to see where it is now. I was declared clean a few months back but... you know, suddenly it's back and it's growing everywhere."
The two of you were silent for a while. "I'm sorry, Wooyoung, I hope you can get better," you said, truly meaning it.
"I don't think I will... thanks, though," he smiled.
A roommate sounded fun and you appreciated the company. But you didn't know Wooyoung would be this extremely loud kid.
You started to care about him, really, he was endearing and you had fun together, running through the halls, playing pranks on nurses (mostly Yunho) and sharing lifestories.
Tonight was a rather hot night. While it was only May it felt like a hot August night, but you refused to wear anything other than the big old sweater that was actually your brothers'.
Wooyoung and you were sat on your bed, just finished playing the card game Wooyoung taught you. You won from him already four times and he was over it.
"Aren't you hot?" Wooyoung asked as he ran his hands through his hair. Not as hot as that was. This is the first time you noticed your libido rising again in months. You didn't want to admit it was because of Wooyoung though.
"Of course I am."
"Then why do you have that sweater on?"
You rolled your eyes. You figured it was obvious why. "Because I have no boobs, Wooyoung," you sighed.
Wooyoung said nothing for a little while, understanding your struggle now. "That wouldn't bother me though, I'm an ass man." You couldn't help but laugh at that. "Good to know."
"You have a pretty nice ass."
You gasped. "You've looked?" Wooyoung laughed loudly, getting a glare from the cleaner in the hall. "Of course I looked, I'm a man, I have needs. I nearly wanted to photograph it."
"You have needs?" you laughed. "Hey I have a penis, I jerk off, I've had sex!"
"What's that like?" you asked, wondering. "Sex? You haven't...?"
You shook your head. "No I haven't had sex yet. I haven't even had my first kiss yet. No one wants to kiss the freak with cancer you know."
"Tell me about it," he sighed, "I haven't gotten laid in two years. Look, I had sex three times but I'm not bad! It's not like I'll give you cancer if I fuck you, that's not how it works," Wooyoung complained.
You grabbed the playing cards and put them back in their case, throwing them on the table on the other side of the room.
"Nice shot."
A few hours later the two of you laid in bed, both unable to sleep. You shifted in your bed, being uncomfortable in the way too hot green sweater. Finally you gave in and took it off, leaving you in the striped tanktop you wore under it.
"Y/N?" you heard Wooyoung's voice call out. You felt caught. "Yeah?"
"I can give you your first kiss if you want? It doesn't have to mean anything. But who's a better match for a cancer kid than another cancer kid?" Wooyoung grinned.
You thought for a moment. "It's not a bad idea," you decided. Wooyoung wanted to get up, but you saw him struggling. He must be in pain, you thought.
You quickly got up and sat on his bed. You swallowed thickly, feeling nervous and exposed. He smiled softly as he saw your sweater off. "You look just as beautiful as you did before," he admitted.
His fingers brushed against your cheek and the arm around his waist pulled you closer. Softly, he placed his lips on yours. You felt electricity in your entire body, butterflies mixing with anxiety.
Your shaky lips moved against Wooyoung's plumper, certain ones. He took the lead, holding you, calming you down.
You kissed until you practically couldn't anymore, falling asleep in his arms.
Almost every night, over the past weeks, Wooyoung and you hung out together in bed, becoming best friends. Who kiss, apparently.
But tonight you noticed Wooyoung felt different, but you thought it may just be because of his conversation with his doctor earlier today, as he found out his cancer definitely was spreading, mostly to his lymph nodes.
The two of you went to bed earlier, falling asleep soon enough. But in the middle of the night you were awakened by Wooyoung's cries and whines, and you shot up immediately.
You saw Wooyoung's screaming face, wet from his tears. Your eyes widened when you saw blood and something that definitely smelled like urine. The nurses and his father were trying to calm him down, but Wooyoung seemed to be losing it completely.
Before you could get out of bed, they took him away, to God knows where. You stared at the spots of blood and urine on the floor. He must've lost control of his bladder by now. A cleaner soon came to clean the room, and you pretended to be asleep, while you couldn't even close your eyes for a few seconds.
Wooyoung returned the next day, he had been in surgery because the doctors had found internal bleeding, and they had to bring in a catheter.
He wasn't much like the usual bright Wooyoung, he was brooding, staring at the ceiling.
"Hey, Woo," you said as you got up from your bed and sat on his, nearly sitting on the line of his catheter.
"Hi," he said, looking away, he could barely look at you.
"I know you feel embarrassed..., but it's okay, there's no need to."
"I peed myself because I couldn't hold it in and... well, I'm gonna die."
You caressed his hair. "Wooyoung..."
You wanted to console him and hold him and tell him it was nonsense. But it's not nonsense and you both knew it. His cancer spread easily, as the doctors said it and there wasn't much they could do.
"You can't," you said, tearing up, "there's so much we still need to do. I need more, I need you to teach me more... and then do it a lot of times."
"You might wanna search for another cancer kid to give you dick," he tried to joke, but he couldn't laugh.
You just laid in bed together, knowing you had fallen in love but it could never happen. He wasn't gonna make it. And you had no idea what was gonna happen to you.
"But I want you."
The two of you looked at each other with tears in your eyes, not even noticing how both your parents stood in the doorway, watching the two of you fall deeply in love with each other.
The next night your mother sat down next to your bed when Wooyoung was getting washed up. "Sweetheart, I know you and Wooyoung have feelings-"
"Mom, they're not just feelings, I'm so... in love with him, it's unfair ma!" you yelled.
You didn't mean to yell. But what could you do? She kindly stroked your hair, trying to calm you down. ''You know you'll get hurt in the end, dear.''
''I don't care if I'll get hurt, I'd rather spend all my days with him until he's gone instead of never seeing him again while I know he's still here.''
''Okay, dear, it's okay, I'm not forbidding you anything, just... try not to romanticize it, it's hard taking care of a sick perso-''
You stared at her. ''It's hard taking care of a sick person? Like me? You know what's hard? Being sick,'' you protested. ''I know, I know, honey, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that.''
You nodded, but you couldn't let it go. You hated feeling like a burden, but that's what you are, right?
''Hey, Y/N, shall we go outside and take pictures together?'' Wooyoung asked, already having his camera in his hand. You weren't totally in the mood, but seeing him getting up from his bed and sitting in his wheelchair. It broke your heart that you couldn't see him running around anymore. His legs got too weak, his body too tired.
You spend the entire afternoon in the July sun, taking pictures together and Wooyoung taking solo pictures of you, once again using you as his 'beautiful muse'.
At the end of the afternoon he was spent, although he didn't wanna admit it. His warm toned skin looked pale when he was helped back into his bed. He barely reacted to you any more, only giving you a slight smile.
In the days after that, you saw Wooyoung getting sicker, and sicker, while you were getting better, allowed to go home. Still, you came to see him every single day, spending time with him for as long as you could.
Some nights you snuck in to kiss him, feel his tongue in your neck and his hands on your ass, but at the end of the week he was out of breath too much, which made you realize his illness must be affecting his lungs by now.
''I love you,'' he breathed out weakly, his eyes filled with tears. ''I love you, Wooyoung, I'll be back tomorrow.'' You kissed him one last time, before going home.
The next morning you sat on the couch drinking a cold glass of milk. You finished your glass and put it right next to the plate with some leftover pancakes that you couldn't finish.
The livingroom door opened, making you look up. It was mrs. Jung together with your own mother. By the look on her face you already knew.
''Dear,'' she started as she sat down, ''I'm so sorry to tell you...''
''Don't... Don't tell me... Don't say it...'' you whispered.
''Wooyoung passed away in his sleep last night... He's gone, my dear,'' she spoke, as a tear rolled down your cheek. But you? You couldn't cry, you only felt empty.
Your mother and mrs. Jung held you tight, trying to console you. You looked at the time, 10:49, at the calendar, July 20th, and at the sky, blue, but with the brightest sun lighting up the world. Wooyoung.
Mrs. Jung placed Wooyoung's camera on the table. ''It's filled with photos of you, thought you'd like to keep this,'' she whispered, ''He wrote a letter a few days ago.'' Mrs. Jung handed you a pink envelope.
Your name was written in a glittery pen on the front, which made your hands shake. You opened it, pulling the letter out.
Y/N, my muse,
You have given me what no one else could
I feel unconditional love when I see your face
I always will, even from the beyond
Your lips were my heaven on earth
But from now on I'll be in heaven, far from you
I'll still watch over you always
So don't be afraid to love someone else
Don't forget to never give up
And don't forget about me
This time tears fell from your eyes, and they didn't stop.
They never truly stopped. You didn't want to accept it. The lively boy you knew, the boy you loved, he couldn't possibly be gone.
It had all gone by in a flash
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non-cannon · 3 months
I've been previously reminded of the idea, what if magic makes Nina or Eddie turn evil, a la Rufus. The last time I thought of it, I concluded that sans magic bs Nina wouldn't turn evil, but she might turn dark. (See here: https://www.tumblr.com/non-cannon/747558446208024576/ive-been-having-serious-thoughts-about-what-if?source=share)
This time I decided to think about what might drive Nina to turning evil on her own, and what that would look like.
I think it starts the same as before. She self isolates to protect others from the chosen one curse, and she ends up alone. At some point she even loses her grandmother. It could be from natural causes, but chosen one related causes sure would speed things up.
Nina ends up alone, for years, dealing with spirits and demons and gods and curses all the while. It wears her down. She gets of fucking tired of dealing with all of it that she eventually snaps. She doesn't turn evil, not yet, she just turns apathetic. She starts saying no, and refusing to engage.
Unfortunately, the gods and spirits and monsters don't leave her alone, and eventually she snaps again. All Nina wants is some peace and quiet, and they won't let her have it, so she'll force it. She'll kill them all if that's what if fucking takes.
There's also a part of her that wants to make sure there will never be another chosen one, so no one else will have to suffer as she has. No one can be chosen if there's no one left to do the choosing.
The gods may be powerful, but over the past few millennia, they've waned, and over the last several years she's grown in power. She's gained knowledge, skills, powers, artifacts and allies. She doesn't necessarily know about the allies. But they're the minor beings that have gotten used to being ignored who were surprised that anyone was willing to hear them out, let alone help them without asking for anything in return. So they help her, partially to repay whatever favor they feel she owes them, but also because who ever broke someone this kind and pure and good, probably fucking deserves whatever is coming for them.
Nina won't accept the help directly, she still won't let anyone get help hurting her, so they find ways to subtly help her. Guiding her to useful artifacts, protecting while she sleeps, ect.
The gods largely ignore her, until she kills her first minor god. Then they start panicking. And while Nina doesn't notice, either because it's so small, or wilful, the domain of the god crumbles, harming and or killing people god of war style. As she keeps killing gods, more of the world starts being damaged and more people die, and Nina refuses to notice.
And for whatever reason the gods can't fight her directly unless she takes the fight to them, and when she takes the fight to them, they die. They try sending curses and hexes at her, but they're the reason she knows how to fight those. One of the more self aware gods muses that if they hadn't so thoroughly used and abused her, she wouldn't have the power, skills, knowledge, or motive needed to kill them.
And they can't stop her. They've already taken everything from her except her life, and she's stopped caring about that long ago. And they've thus far failed to kill her anyway. Eventually Anubis comes up with the idea to take his powers away from her, only to realize that it's much harder to retract curse than a blessing. Not that it matters, Nina's amassed enough power at this point that she no longer needs his power.
Eventually the remaining gods, desperate and scared, decide to chose human acolytes to fight her for them, and the chose the members of Sibuna. Hoping desperately that, despite how many years it's been, Nina still cares about them enough that they can stop her, one way or another
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flutterbyoz · 8 months
More Hetty/Trevor musings
This post is a little long and I probably shouldn't be looking so deep into this but it's something that's been on my mind for a while and though I'm not great at explaining or deciphering scenes, I needed to write it down. Other people may interpret the scene differently but this is my take on it.
One of my favourite H-Money scenes is in 'Alberta's Descendent' when Hetty finds out that Trevor has given up his room to Nigel. Whether the writers meant this scene to be anything significant or to mean something or not, I think it is quite an important moment for both Trevor and Hetty.
For Trevor, it's a selfless act, he knows he won't gain much, if anything, from it, especially as at that point he's already called things off with Hetty. He's also made it pretty clear that sleeping in the library isn't something he want's to do but he does it, for her.
While it could be argued that maybe he does it to try and get back with her, I don't see it that way as he was the one who broke it off in the first place and he asks her to leave rather than trying to get her to stay. For me, what the scene is showing is that Trevor is a good guy, he cares about Hetty and puts her wishes above his own. Even though he doesn't really care who finds out about them he wants to prevent her from having to experience the embarassment of their secret getting out.
The other reason this scene gets to me is Hetty's reaction, it's almost as if she's realising that some of the assumptions she had of him previously were wrong. I don't think she expected him to do what he did after calling off their affair as I highly doubt Elias ever did anything like that for her in life so to have a man do something so selfless for her, especially with their liaisons, at that point, being over, is likely not what she's used to. Her expression when she turns to leave is, to me, not only showing some realisation that maybe he isn't the kind of man she thought he was but there might be some regret there too. She doesn't want this thing with him to end but I don't think she a, knows how to tell him, or b, is really sure she knows what it is she does want.
Everytime I watch it, which is quite often, I just can't help but think that IF, and that's a very big IF, they did turn this into something more than friends with benefits then this scene could potentially be a small part of explaining why. I think what happened in that episode made them both think about things a little differently than maybe they had before and Hetty opting to out them on her own was a big thing for her to do. And though as we see a little later, their attempts at a public relationship don't exactly go well, it doesn't stop them wanting to be together despite it being an ideal time for the writers to break them up properly if they wanted to. It makes me think they have something planned for Hetty and Trevor, what that is I've no idea and I could be completely off with all of this but it's fun to speculate.
Afterall, they are so interesting and so ridiculous that they keep me glued to everything they do, they are taking up the majority of my brain space at the moment. I just need season 3 to hurry up and get here so that I can not only see what else they get up to but also have more scenes to forensically analyse and obsess over!
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dnangelic · 1 month
answer the following for your muse(s) so people know how shipping works on your blog.
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What’s your OTP for your Muse(s)?
in broadest terms, my otp will always be dai n dark with someone who sees, understands, and accepts the two as a singular unit and whom they can both hone their affections on. it's okay if it's weird or difficult for a muse to come to terms with at first, and it's okay if there's some things to work out even after the fact, but a healthy, actual full-blown & mutually reciprocated romantic relationship cannot ever happen without both sides of dai n dark being completely acknowledged. this is the sweet spot; this is both dark and daisuke happy and carefree about their transformations around someone else.
What are you willing to RP when it comes to shipping?
just about anything as long as we're on the same page. one-sided crushes, hopeless, impossible romances, slowburns, complicated and complex dynamics alongside simple wholesome head over heels romances, dnangel canonically explores this with dynamics like riku and daisuke & dark and risa. just remember that due to the nature of this muse dark and daisuke are essentially already a polyamorous package to those who try to ship with them, you get two embarrassing loverboys for the price of one. in regards to toxic relationships, i do have a limit - i don't want dai or dark to ever suffer too much, and they themselves would never actively, intentionally engage in a toxic dynamic as the toxic ones (leave that to krad,) but if i think a dynamic is interesting enough and we're careful about boundaries, sure, we can talk it out. daisuke's not immune to offering his neck up to vampires or digging his heels in to hold someone back sometimes, if u know what i mean.
How large does the age gap have to be to make it uncomfortable?
daisuke's 14/15, (i usually write him at 15) while dark's appearance is that of a 16 or 17 year old, (this is static and does not change, he's 2000 yrs old,) but they're both still canonically minors so i don't really like shipping them with anyone who's even around 18. (goes without saying i won't ship them with anyone even older/adults, stop that.) a year give or take from daisuke's age is probably what i'm most comfortable with; any younger and he's willing to be an older brother figure instead, while anyone older should recognize him (yes, and dark too!) as still A Kid.
Are you selective when shipping?
somewhat. due to some pretty horrible experiences in the past, i'm not a fan of when people immediately try to push a ship onto me, especially if it's one without any prior development or character dynamic establishment. the nature of this muse demands understanding and true intimacy, if not a certain level of patience at times. it's very, very difficult to just jump into a ship with them if what you want is full-blown romance right away. if i don't feel the reciprocated grasp of my own muse is there, i'm going to lose interest real fast and the ship won't hold any personal value to me. idgaf how hot anybody thinks dark is, even if i know his design pulls in people hoping for a ship. it's low priority to me.
How far do steamy moments have to go before they’re considered NSFW?
Who are other muses you ship your muse with?
what, like canonically? riku and daisuke for the healthy stuff, risa and dark for the hopeless stuff, i wouldn't mind exploring sato and daisuke a little, but that's extremely complex and i do prefer them as complicated friends/rivals/cat n mouse, cop n criminal, artist n phantom thief dichotomies <- this is already unbelievably interesting to me without any shoe-horned in romance. idk who else exists, the series already focuses on rom-com shenanigans most of the time. if it's non-canon muses, it's w/e. i don't look at charas and immediately jump to ship them with my muse.
Does one have to ask to ship with you?
nope! if it develops through extended ic interaction that's perfectly fine and actually my preference as opposed to asking. feels more natural that way. i hate writing an empty romance that has no actual legitimate ic memories involved, frankly. how do u love someone u literally don't even know and all that
How often do you like to ship?
it's whatever. i leave it up to my muse, daisuke's very prone to positive feelings about others that can transform (heh) into romantic desire, but if i shipped with every single one of my followers just because they were shippable i'd be bored and disappointed tbh
Are you multiship?
i am!
Are you ship obsessed or ship more-or-less?
ship idgaf.... just give me a fun dynamic or else. 💥
What is your favorite ship in your current fandom?
riku is soooooo good you guys she's so good. if you guys read the light novels you'd know how good she was. her relationship with daisuke is the main focus of the series, so it's natural it ends up my favorite. i don't have time to unpack all of it but basically riku's clumsy and a teenager and daisuke's clumsy and a teenager but they both like each other so much and would do anything for each other. they're so good
Finally, how does one ship with you?
write a 30 note thread with me with daisuke transforming and howling out his window that he loves you and that it's not a joke or just dark speaking and he really really loves you or write 82484248 threads where little by little daisuke falls in love and tries to muster up the right time / environment to confess or confess to daisuke first and then be gentle with him even after he starts to flounder cause he's never been confessed to before n doesn't think he'd ever be confessed to in the first place, the methods n possibilities are endless, and so i'll say the only method that DOESN'T work is trying to romance dark before daisuke. he'll turn you down very nicely or make some promise about 'next time' but that's a lie, he's stealing and eating your heart. dark's heart is daisuke's; without daisuke his quite literally doesn't exist. you can't reach dark without having something (anything) with daisuke first, so try that instead.
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doublerainbow-if · 1 year
How would the RO’s react to seeing somebody ask MC out on a date during deep crushing stage?
M doesn't know what to do. They want to pull you close to them and take you away to somewhere the two fo you will be alone. But their self hatred stops them. What right do they have to dictating your love life? None with how much they hurt you. But despite that thought, their hand holds yours firmly. A dark look now settle on their face as they stare down the would be suitor. They won't let you go. Never again.
L feels petty when they drape themselves dramatically over your shoulders. Pulling your attention away the question so you will focus on then. They glare down the person in front of them but making sure you won't see their intimidation tactic. Despite their whole ideology of free will and making your own destiny, they won't have somebody take you away from them. Maybe it makes them a bad friend but as the saying goes, "I saw them first."
B would quite literally confess on the spot. They found someone who completes them just like those stories their parents. You might not be their "true" soulmate but they wouldn't want another. They spill every once of love they have in their heart, hoping that maybe you will pick them. They didn't want this to be the way they finally confess but they will to so you can be theirs. You are their modern fairytale and happily ever after.
J is a tad bemused. They don't let their emotions fueled then like their cousin and simply wait for your answer towards the question. But their expression does give the interloper some pause as it feels like J is laughing at them. A dark amused look for even daring to pose the question. J might be calm on the outside but they will not let you go too easily. If this person wants you, they have to go through them first.
V loses their compusure, their self ensured attitude breaking at the idea of you actually accepting the proposal. You are surprised to see how frantic V looks when they run up to the two of you. A pained look in their eyes as their mouth tries to speak. V can't get the words straight as they hope you can how desperate they are to stop this from happening. Tears starts streaming down their face as all of the words died in their throat.
C is just staring at the little admirer, perching their head on top of your head or shoulder (depending on how tall you are). Their arms hold you possessively around your waist, making sure to let this person know that you are not available. They know they are acting immature but they don't care. They will take any form of punishment you give them for their actions. As despite their laid back nature, they will fight for their love.
Avery won't let this stand. A wave of something dark comes over them as they kiss firmly on the lips in front of the person, making sure they and everybody else knows you belong to them. They never felt something like this before, their kind nature bewildered at the rash action they've just taken. Avery will instantly beat themselves for how selfish they are, putting their needs over yours. They shouldn't have done that, they shouldn't have.
Kahula is, not surprisedly, not happy about this. They found their muse, somebody who changed them in ways that you probably don't even know. They placed a kiss on your cheek, staring down the one who asked you out as they hold you close to them. They hate themselves for behaving so childishly by marking you like this. You would probably hate them as well for doing this without your permission. But they wont let you disappear from their life again.
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minevn · 1 year
What happens if the MC offers to part with LI?
You'll actually have the option to do this at the end of the game and this is one of the routes you can pick in the Mine epilogues :3! Aki isn't in here mainly cause I couldn't think of anything she would do that is so bad you'd want to part with her.
Minato: Minato respects your wishes and leaves you alone. He spends his days working harder and taking care of his grandparents to get you off his mind. After his grandparents pass he'll probably move away. He won't stalk you or anything like that, once again he wants to respect your wishes.
Haruto: Haruto doesn't flat out see you, but he does hire guards to look after you and keep an eye on you. He might resort to breaking and entering in order to watch you sleep, just so he can see you without you seeing him. This is also one of the times where his mental state gets REAL bad and he'll eventually end up kidnapping you. I have stated that no matter what, you two will be together forever.
Jun: Jun heads back to college as soon as possible to get her mind off of you. But you are her muse and she finds herself making outfits on a base of your body, a character that looks so like you. She makes clothes that she thinks you'd look amazing in. When she goes home again, she just HAS to see you, has to see how you look now so he can update the bases he uses to look like you now. She'll visit you every night, she cannot leave you alone.
Hoshi: Hoshi also tries to just let you go, to respect your wishes and better himself. Tries telling himself that you're just like his ex, making up fake stories and lies about you in his head to try to make him hate you. But the fact of the matter is that you AREN'T like his ex, you're so much better, and he's OBSESSED with you. He truly thinks that you are the only person that he can work towards getting comfortable with, you are someone who deserves who he used to be. He might try kidnapping you, though he's never done it before so it's really bad and uncomfortable. He'll try explaining to you, and he KNOWS he sounds crazy but he seriously cannot let you go, so just give him one more chance, please?
Habiki: He'll pretend he doesn't care and goes straight back to square one, being moody and a complete jerk. I feel like Habiki doesn't really realize that he's obsessed with you and NEEDS to see you. In the end he cannot stick true to his words of leaving you alone and will stalk you, waiting for the perfect moment to make you HIS.
Kage: Due to the cameras, he never stops watching you. Even if you found out about the cameras and removed them, he would just place new ones. Watching you is his favorite past time, he'd be miserable without you in some type of form. Although he doesn't see you physically, he'll never stop watching you through cameras.
Kei: Much like Kage, he never stops watching you due to cameras. Anyways, it'd really be a shame if you left him after he did SO much to help you, after everything he did for you. It'd suck is he stopped helping you and letting you be in danger from those around you. It's okay, you'll see how much you need him soon enough :)
Yani: Agrees, but never REALLY leaves you alone. He's always watching. Always. If you EVER end up liking someone then she's committing identity theft just so you two can be together. She might honestly kidnap you again! They just love you so SO much, how could you possibly even think of leaving her????
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fandomfrenzysworld · 10 months
Please read the notes for context.
Notes: For starters, Mercy Gone Wrong belongs to @faery-the-diamond. They've stated before that their AU does not contain Narilamb and wouldn't intentionally have it happen. But my brain wouldn't stop asking about how they ever could end up in a relationship. And thus, I wrote this little fanfic to finally silence those thoughts. This takes place in a future where Lambert has escaped the crown. (How? Don't know. Doesn't really matter for the fic.)
Notes TLDR; Not my AU, not a canon ship for the AU. Narilamb fanfic that takes place in the future.
Lambert shivered as he walked through the cult grounds. The early onset winter winds were making him regret his usual decision of outfit. He held his cloak shut, trying to block any winds he could. After his final round of the cult, making triple sure everything was taken care of, at least as well as things could be in this place, he was ready to get back to his house and warm up.
My house, Lambert thought, slightly grimacing once he realized who would be waiting there. That stupid three-eyed cat with his cocky grin, higher than thou attitude, and-
"Let me guess, it's much colder outside than you figured it'd be this morning?" Narinder asked as Lambert walked in, not even bothering to look away from his book.
Lambert usually would've scolded Narinder for the comment but found himself thanking his roommate's fascination in reading. Nainder was laying down on the floor in front of an already raging fireplace, giving the lamb a clear look at his usually prim and pristine posture being replaced by a more casual and relaxed one. That's where the thoughts came back.
Lambert blushed. For the past few months, he'd been seeing Nainder in a different light. One of someone who could be more than just a companion, one of a partner. His frustrations from these thoughts snapped him from them. He took off his cloak and folded it up.
"Yeah, yeah. You're the all-knowing Narinder who can never be wrong," Lambert said.
"I lived in snowy mountains for the majority of my life. I know a thing or two about predicting when the weather is going to turn south," Narinder corrected.
Lambert just rolled his eyes as he set his cloak down, walking over to join Narinder in front of the fire. The cat sat up and shut his book, preparing to speak with Lambert.
"So, what are we going to do for the cult during the winter this time?" Narinder asked.
"Oh no, don't let me get in the way. You're the one who knows this stuff so well," Lambert said sarcastically. "But being serious, I trust you in this department. You've improved a lot of our preparations so far, so just keep up the good work."
"Aww, I'm touched," Narinder said half sarcastically as he gave Lambert a light punch to the shoulder. He was fairly shocked when Lambert actually winced from it and started to rub the area. "Umm, are you okay?"
"Yeah, just been struggling with a bit of stiffness today. Maybe it's the weather?" Lambert mused.
"Want me to help you relax?" Narinder offered.
Lambert looked at his previous employer with a bit of confusion, a faint blush coming to his cheeks from the less-than-optimal wording. Thankfully his wool made it hard to see.
"C-Come again?" Lambert asked.
"Do you want me to help you relax? Your stiffness is actually probably from the weather. So, working the stiff areas and applying heat will help them loosen," Narinder explained.
"Oh..." was all Lambert could get out at first. "Umm, yeah, sure. What should I do?"
"Just turn around and try to follow my lead," Narinder said.
"Promise this won't turn into acupuncture?" Lambert said as he turned.
Narinder sighed and decided to ignore that comment. He cracked his knuckles to loosen them up and grabbed Lambert's shoulder, getting a surprised bleat from the lamb in front of him.
"W-What are you-?!" Lambert stammered as his cheeks turned rosy red.
"Easy. Keep your shoulders loose. I said was working the stiff spots, didn't I?" Narinder said.
"I-I thought you meant shoulder rolls and stuff," Lambert reasoned.
"Do you want me to stop?" Narinder asked.
"...no," Lambert said.
With that, Narinder began to press into Lambert's stiff muscles, using firm but gentle motions to work the area. His paws were extremely warm, sending small shudders through Lambert's body as his shoulders started to loosen up.
During this, Lambert began thinking about his feelings towards Narinder again. Ever since they started finding common ground, his perspective slowly shifted from anger, to tension, to comfort, and eventually even what he'd call friendship. But as the weeks started to move by, he found his heart was not keen on stopping where his head did. Slowly but surely their usual greeting to one another started to make his heart flutter. Even when he had thoughts about Narinder's less than desirable personality quirks, one glace at those three eyes made him not care. Like those flaws didn't matter or were worth toughing it out. He'd gone from someone he couldn't stand, to someone he wasn't sure he could be without. And now that same person was grabbing at his shoulders and helping to ease a burden. A temporary one, but one he was still taking time to help with.
"Alright, how's that?" Narinder asked, his voice snapping Lambert from his trance.
"Ah, yeah, that's a lot better," Lambert said as he turned back around. He found himself considering Narinder's posture again. In public the cat carried himself to be ready to react to anything, all in an effort to not ruin his image. It was almost as if he viewed social interactions as a battle that he needed to be ten steps ahead of. But when it was just the two of them, Narinder relaxed, let his shoulders drop. He wasn't tensed in preparation for anything. If Lambert had wanted to, he could close the distance in an instant, exploiting Narinder's vulnerability to prank or do something to fluster him.
"Hey, you still with me?" Narinder asked. "You're kind of just star-mph!"
Lambert had gone in for the kill. Metaphorically speaking. He kissed the black cat. Spurred on by the comfortable and soothing atmosphere, he let his heart get before him again. Once he realized what he just did, his eyes went wide and he pulled away.
"Ah! I'm sorry! I don't know what came over me, I just-!" Lambert shouted, trailing off when he heard Narinder start laughing. Then he caught sight of that stupid cocky smile on Narinder's face. "What's so..."
"I was wondering when you were gonna make your move. Though that was a lot bolder than I was expecting, I'll give you that," Narinder said.
Lambert sat there in disbelief, mouth agape. Soon enough his shock turned to anger, and his stare turned to a scowl. "You knew?!" he asked.
"Lambert, I've been alive for thousands of years. Had countless people develop feelings for me and confess to me. I started to pick up on signs a long, long time ago," Narinder explained.
"So you just let me sit there with my feelings bubbling up instead of talking to me?!" Lambert complained.
Narinder's smile faded as he sighed. "Honestly, I was thinking over my own feelings," he admitted.
Lambert's anger faded, taking the wind out of his sails.
"We've come a long way from how we used to see each other. And I got scared that maybe I was reading you wrong. I didn't want to be the one who made the first move. I guess I was scared I'd damage what we have. I could accept you not having feelings for me, but I couldn't stand the thought of going back to before. Of losing you and being alone," Narinder explained.
"Well, I guess we both had our reasons then..." Lambert said meekly. "I just wish mine were as good as yours."
Narinder raised an eyebrow at that.
"All cards on the table, I couldn't bring myself to confess because I was scared of what others would think. My followers, the people we talk to...and my people," Lambert admitted.
Narinder tensed. He knew Lambert didn't take discussions about his people lightly.
"I mean, what would they think if I brought them back and then told them that I was in love with the person they were put to the blade over? Would I be outcast, forced to leave you, face ridicule for being a disgra-ah!" Lambert ranted, only stopping once Narinder grabbed both sides of his face.
"I don't know. I know I don't care, but I also know you do. That's why I think we should take this slow. Figure out our feelings together without rushing into anything, and take it one step at a time," Nainder explained, trying to ease Lambert's worries.
"Uh...yeah, one step at a time. That sounds...nice," Lambert said.
Narinder let go and picked his book back up. He figured Lambert would need a little bit to process. He knew he couldn't change the lamb's mind, he learned that the hard way a long time ago.
He jumped a little bit when Lambert leaned into him, staying close as to not be completely alone with his thoughts. Narinder was happy to oblige, wrapping his arm around Lambert and holding him through the night.
Wow, I really got into this. This was pretty fun to write. Hopefully it wasn't too cringy or cheesy.
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queenharumiura · 8 months
my url for the house rules for our muses, pick any muse of mine you've interacted with for it.
Haru and Gokudera
As a safety precaution, anyone who is coming over for the first time, they have to be vetted first, as to make sure that they aren't going to be a danger. It came about because Haru has a trusting nature and she may very well make a friend with an enemy and be like, 'would you like to come over for some tea?' New people must be vetted first.
Absolutely do not stain the bedsheets or the rugs with blood. There is a tarp tucked away in the side closet to discard bloodied items onto before anyone can walk inside. Blood stains are a pain to get out, after all.
No smoking allowed inside, take that outside.
No indoor shoes inside. Wear inside slippers. The day she finds mud on the floors, she's making someone clean with a toothbrush.
No Lambo bullying allowed. Be nice!
Bianchi's cooking isn't allowed past the front door. Nothing can be done if it's food that Bianchi herself brought over or cooked while over. (It's a losing battle to tell Bianchi to leave her cooked food behind. She'll shove it down your throat)
Assuming Gokudera does a lot of dynamite maintenance, all of that dangerous mafia business has to be conducted in one room only. It should be locked if he's not in there. This is to ensure no one else can go in to tamper with anything and on the off chance her parents visit, she doesn't want to explain 'oh yeah Gokudera carries them around with him all the time'.
No loud fighting allowed after 8pm. Be considerate of neighbors. Whispered fighting is fine.
Unspoken rule: After a fight, there will always be a cuddling session, because it's nice to have a sense of validation that things are okay even after a fight no matter how big or small.
Unspoken rule: Can't leave without a goodbye hug/kiss from Haru. It's illegal. Wake her up, she doesn't care.
Trying my hand at Fiore and G [stopping at 5 bc this is harder than it seems!]
Any firearms should be properly stored away once inside to prevent anyone else from taking it and firing it. It's mostly a safety thing, especially for if kids are ever involved. Fiore won't risk the safety of children.
If you leave the home, leave a note stating where you'll be and with who if you're meeting someone. This is mostly to ensure that G can find Fiore if she's late. She's probably in trouble (again), or she got lost (again).
Unspoken rule: If working late into the night, the moment you hear crickets, off to bed with you.
At the dinning table, there is no place for work. Fiore really appreciates spending time with someone, like quality time. Eating together is a good time for that, so she disallows any work/business to be done while at the dinning table.
Home is not Daemon friendly, as i'm sure if they started living together it's post-betrayal. I feel like she wouldn't have been told the history behind what happened, so she's just told don't let this guy in for anything. Don't trust him.
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