#((This took me longer than I thought. Surprisingly a lil tricky to think through things kekw))
queenharumiura · 8 months
my url for the house rules for our muses, pick any muse of mine you've interacted with for it.
Haru and Gokudera
As a safety precaution, anyone who is coming over for the first time, they have to be vetted first, as to make sure that they aren't going to be a danger. It came about because Haru has a trusting nature and she may very well make a friend with an enemy and be like, 'would you like to come over for some tea?' New people must be vetted first.
Absolutely do not stain the bedsheets or the rugs with blood. There is a tarp tucked away in the side closet to discard bloodied items onto before anyone can walk inside. Blood stains are a pain to get out, after all.
No smoking allowed inside, take that outside.
No indoor shoes inside. Wear inside slippers. The day she finds mud on the floors, she's making someone clean with a toothbrush.
No Lambo bullying allowed. Be nice!
Bianchi's cooking isn't allowed past the front door. Nothing can be done if it's food that Bianchi herself brought over or cooked while over. (It's a losing battle to tell Bianchi to leave her cooked food behind. She'll shove it down your throat)
Assuming Gokudera does a lot of dynamite maintenance, all of that dangerous mafia business has to be conducted in one room only. It should be locked if he's not in there. This is to ensure no one else can go in to tamper with anything and on the off chance her parents visit, she doesn't want to explain 'oh yeah Gokudera carries them around with him all the time'.
No loud fighting allowed after 8pm. Be considerate of neighbors. Whispered fighting is fine.
Unspoken rule: After a fight, there will always be a cuddling session, because it's nice to have a sense of validation that things are okay even after a fight no matter how big or small.
Unspoken rule: Can't leave without a goodbye hug/kiss from Haru. It's illegal. Wake her up, she doesn't care.
Trying my hand at Fiore and G [stopping at 5 bc this is harder than it seems!]
Any firearms should be properly stored away once inside to prevent anyone else from taking it and firing it. It's mostly a safety thing, especially for if kids are ever involved. Fiore won't risk the safety of children.
If you leave the home, leave a note stating where you'll be and with who if you're meeting someone. This is mostly to ensure that G can find Fiore if she's late. She's probably in trouble (again), or she got lost (again).
Unspoken rule: If working late into the night, the moment you hear crickets, off to bed with you.
At the dinning table, there is no place for work. Fiore really appreciates spending time with someone, like quality time. Eating together is a good time for that, so she disallows any work/business to be done while at the dinning table.
Home is not Daemon friendly, as i'm sure if they started living together it's post-betrayal. I feel like she wouldn't have been told the history behind what happened, so she's just told don't let this guy in for anything. Don't trust him.
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