#do i even weigh anything to you? - jason and dick
Hi, I don't know If you take requests, but could you please right about the reaction and thoughts of the bat boys toward finding out their partner was pregnant? Please and thank you
A/N: I do take requests, love. And I've got you ❣️
Bat-boys find out you're pregnant🍼
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Dick Grayson's first thought is worry. He doubts how he'll make it work; crimefighting, his job, then his relationship with you. And he'll wonder how Nightwing will interfere with his life, and how Bruce will react (he'll spoil the child endlessly).
Reassurance from Donna, Alfred, or Bruce will part his fog of worry and distance. He'll hit the ground running to rectify his isolation. I mean breaking the news to friends and family, arranging play dates with Roy and Lian.
"I'll be safer on patrol," he whispered," I promise, hun." You had broke down after so long of trying to remain calm. But seeing your lover return home with bruise after bruise would weigh anyone down. Especially one pregnant.
Dick's hand would always be on your belly, reminding himself that you both are safe and he's doing a great job. It's what he needs to hear, that he's making the city safer for you both.
He is 100% a handyman. Dick will build cribs, changing tables, repair toilets, fix creaky cabinets. And he'll baby proof the house." Don't worry, babe," he assured you." Just relax. It's just a clogged drain."
Jason Todd's first thought is if he'd be a good father, after everything he's been through and done. He even wonders if he deserves to be a father, or if he deserves a nameless grave. However, leaving is never and will never be an option for him. I truly think he'd be the most active out of the bat-boys.
Jason's love language has always been acts of service, and it would thrive during your pregnancy. Your house would be booby-trapped and SECURED. He'd teach you the basics of a gun, and he'd ensure your pregnancy cravings are stocked. Jason would also wash your back when your belly grew too large.
Jason would let you shop for baby and maternity clothes with his card. His only request is that you don't get the baby anything too vibrant because it's an eyesore. If anything, he'd prefer neutral tones or black on the baby.
The weather becomes his interest after the baby's birth." Do you think they need a jacket?" Is his favorite line." Don't you think it's a little hot for them to be wearing long sleeves," he'll wonder. Or the baby is swaddled and he'll question," do you think he's overheating? I'd be hot if that were me all wrapped up like that."
A child is the only thing to make him stand steadfast on his refusal to kill. Not Bruce, not Dick, not even you. Your child brought forth a new mindset, one of not wanting to see a killer reflecting in the innocent and chocolate eyes of his child (Jason's eyes are brown. Argue with a wall).
Tim Drake isn't as present as one would believe. His activity is inconsistent, and it's harder to reach him because he's usually working. But he wants you to sit with him, to bring the baby and let him play around in his office.
It warms his heart to return from a meeting and his baby is sprawled out on his pastel blue teddy bear blanket and cooing. You're dangling a rattle over him, and Tim would strut over and kiss you on the cheek." How's it going, love?" He'd ask and rub the baby's cheek." They being good?" His eyebrow would raise playfully.
The baby would be raised around Bruce and Alfred more than his actual parents. I also see Stephanie caring for the baby and even babysitting if you work or just need rest. Cass would swoon over it, so prepare for tons of peeled oranges and Cass making your bottles.
Alfred would surely read your baby literature. He'd be sitting in the library, baby on his lap while y'all rest, reading from a dusty and old book that's sure to ignite your allergies.
Damian would try his hardest to be a fun dad because he never got that. It's been well documented that he wouldn't dare put a child through his life. So I think the farthest he would go is teaching you enough to defeat the average Shadow/Assassin. But he would not want you killing.
I think he'd lean into Bruce's "No-Kill" mantra after having a child. If you even want to enter vigilantism; he'd understand if you choose not to. It's a thankless job; it's isolating and bruising.
But I think if the kid did continue training, that's when they'd truly bond. Damian and he/she would laugh and joke between rounds; he'd show them the best way to throw a punch, and he'd teach mercy. That's also when they'd meet the other side of their family---the Al Ghuls. But Damian would have strict stipulations on what they learn. No instant kill moves, no brainwashing, none of the narcissistic sentiments Talia filled his head with.
I also think you, Damian, and your kid would lead fairly healthy lives. Not overboard, but the occasional protein shake or morning run; maybe even a little weight lifting. Or if cardio is your speed, he'd install a home-treadmill or a pool.
Bruce Wayne's first thought would be his age. How he's climbing in age and his job usually doesn't lead to gold and sunsets. He'd be happy because he sees it as a second chance. His first two sons saw the angry and vengeful side of him, so that's how they grew up; Tim sought him, and Damian came stained with blood.
But with you and the baby, he could actually be a father. He could raise the baby from infancy and make bottles and hush cries, like he wanted to with Dick and Jason. He could show the baby his favorite movies and just talk to them, even though the baby would respond with drool and coos.
He wouldn't have to be alone anymore. Bruce would set his child on a straight path; the world has enough Bats and birds. They could just...be. They'd would carry on the Wayne name.
Bruce would spoil you and his baby rotten. He'd watch over the baby like a hawk; each cry, each coo, each babble would send Bruce into a fit of worry. He'd leap up from his seat and check the cradle, only to find a giggling baby with his feet in the air. Then he'd chuckle, which would make the baby giggle even more. " You got me, little one. You got me," he'd utter and return to the Bat-computer.
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luludeluluramblings · 2 months
Smalltown! Neglected! Meta! Reader x Yandere! Batfam
Part Five
Part One ☁️ Part Two ☁️ Part Three ☁️ Part Four ☁️ Part Six ☁️ Part Seven
A/N: Starting to realize I need to slow down, things are really getting complicated and I want everything to be included. Including proper warnings and important plot details and to really keep things more polished.
A/N: Also, going through the doubts on my writing, but we is gonna persevere, y’all. I’m going to take some time to focus on Obsessions.
Warning(s): Yandere themes, Obsessive behavior, Kidnapping, Vomiting, Slight Stalking
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After running Date’s life, Tim starts to investigate Reader full throttle. Before it was just something he did to relax between cases when he couldn’t shut off his brain. Now, he didn’t want to miss anything. Not a single detail. He’d also been having trouble digging up an information on reader’s small town.
Apparently, they weren’t up to date on their technology. Can’t hack computers for information if the computers don’t exist. Still, it was nice to find out about Reader’s childhood. (Making notes for Bruce to add certain flora and fauna to the Manor’s garden and looking up any restaurants in Gotham that he could possibly take Reader too. You know, as friends.) But, Tim was nothing if not stubborn.
Reader, having a bit of whiplash from Dick’s comforting and sudden departure starts trying to fill their time by hanging out with Cassandra, Duke, and/or Stephanie.
They also call back home informing Nana about the Date incident. Surprisingly enough, Nana was sympathetic. (Though Reader couldn’t help thinking she was using that condescending small town sarcasm. Maybe they’d just been in Gotham for too long?) Regardless, Nana lends a comforting ear and even talks about BFF and their older brother, Childhood Crush, to Reader in an attempt to distract them. Telling them what the two have been up to. (How much they miss you. They can’t wait for you to come home visit.)
Reader, however, is a tad more concerned with Younger Brother. Making sure to ask how he is fairing and if he could come visit them in Gotham for a bit. Just to give Nana and Grand Daddy a much needed break since their age is catching up with them. (Aren’t you so sweet? Caring so much for your real family.)
But, Nana brushes reader off. No need, he’s been hanging out with Childhood Crush and BFF. They’ve really taken him under their wing. (They’d make great a great partners. Don’t you think, dear?) It does arouse Reader’s suspicions, but when they call their Younger Brother, he sounds… fine… Said he was having more fun with BFF than Childhood Crush, but that’s a given. (BFF knows Reader best, and won’t let anything happen to him or Reader.) They’re probably overthinking things about things back home. (That pang of homesickness just doesn’t seem to go away.)
At school, however, things were changing.
Damian wasn’t lying to himself about scaring off Reader’s friends. A few started to avoid Reader suddenly. But, a few, mostly the wealthier ones, stayed close. Not at all bothered by Damian’s sudden campaign. Some even introducing Reader to their closer circles.
Reader’s happy to have more friends, but the loss of Date and Reader’s more down to earth friends weighed on them. Reader’s new group felt like an isolated bubble cage that encloses tightly around them (and wouldn’t let them go.)
Bruce has been pretty strict about who Reader spends time with since the gala. But, Reader, going stir crazy when Cass, Steph, and Duke, respectively, are to busy (have patrol and missions), decides to ask Barbara if they can hang out with her. (A stranger is better than nothing.)
Tim’s seems to be too busy with whatever he’s doing. (He’s technically spending time on Reader, rather than with Reader.) Reader loves Alfred, but they’re always helping him cook. Dick’s gone off on some errand in Buldhaven or Gotham (Reader can’t remember, they’re a bit annoyed by how finicky he can be with giving Reader attention.). Jason might actually choke reader if they suggest hanging out. And, Reader is still pissed at Damian for being a rude little shit (Plus, they suspect he has something to do with their friends leaving them. They just can’t prove it.)
Barbara agrees to bring Reader to work with her at the Gotham City Library. Fully expecting Reader to mostly stay to themselves or possibly sneak off. (As members of the family are prone to do.) She is pleasantly surprised that Reader actually tends to stay by her side. Of course, Reader goes and gets a few books to curl up with. But, they quietly chat with Barbara, occasionally assisting with task, and mostly just enjoy silent companionship.
Reader doesn’t expect Barbara to entertain them, they can entertain themselves. They just don’t want to be alone at the moment. (Reader hates being alone when they’re sad. Hate. Hate. Hates it.) Barbara finds the silent and soft companionship to be a balm for the soul, so to speak. There’s no pressure. No duty. Just companionship. (It’s eases her mind how Reader is willing to stay safe. They’re not being dramatic or doing something foolish. I can get used to this.)
After the day is over, Barbara reports how Reader behaved back to Bruce. (Didn’t wander, stayed close by, wasn’t rude or sarcastic. That Gala had to have been a fluke. It has to be those horrible friends of Reader’s corrupting them.) If anything, it builds a level of trust with Bruce that Reader can be cautious and they won’t have to worry about them leaving. (Running away. Ha!)
Bruce decides Reader deserves a little more trust. (He wants to spoil his child.) Giving them more leeway to spend time in Gotham. But, only with members of the family. Which would be fine, if they were available. There’s, unfortunately, been an Arkham Breakout.
The entire family is on high alert for the next few days, especially since Joker escaped this time. (Hell, no. The family isn’t risking it. They won’t allow it. If Joker does something to Reader he’s dead. Dead. Dead. Dead. Dead. Batman won’t stop anyone for killing him this time if he dares.) The family prioritize his capture, even recruiting the Gotham Sirens and the Superfamily to get the job done. It’s probably the fastest Joker’s ever been caught. (Joker is definitely pissed over the matter. And, will be making it everyone’s problem next time he gets out. What are you protecting Batsy? What are you trying to hide from me? Are we not friends?
Reader gets a brief introduction to Clark Kent during this ordeal. Before, Reader had only seen Conner and Jon around the manor hanging out with Damian and Tim respectively. (Conner would always try to flirt, which annoyed Reader. And, Jon was avoid on principle of being near Damian. Though, Reader was nice if they caught him alone in the manor. Which was growing more frequent recently.)
Clark is charmed, surprised by the Reader having grown up in a Smalltown. For Reader, it’s nice to meet someone who understands the longing for simplicity. Though Clark personally felt like he had something bigger to achieve outside of his town. Still they appreciate each other’s mindset. (Clark also wouldn’t mind inviting Reader out to the Kent farm. It would be fun to annoy Bruce. Plus, Reader is clearly struggling in Gotham. He’s not wrong.)
With Joker locked up, the family relaxes… Somewhat. They still have the rest of the rouge gallery to catch and have to work overtime to do it. Hardly any of them are seen outside the Batcave, which Reader is eighty-four percent certain is in the library.
Reader spends a lot of time pacing the halls. Looking at the paintings and furniture. It’s lonely. It’s like living in a house that’s haunted by ghost you’re supposed to know, but don’t. (If I have to live in a house haunted by ghost, I’d rather be haunted by the ones that loved me. I wanna go home. I want Momma and Daddy. I hate being alone. I hate it here.)
Stephanie, however, having made plans with Reader, finally gets a chance to take them out into Gotham. It takes a nearly a week, but they do manage to get out into the city together. Stephanie showing Reader all her favorite sights, pointing out landmarks and fun things. It’s possibly the funnest day Reader’s had since coming to Gotham. Arcades, Ice Skating, food trucks, street performers, it’s all new and exciting.
Nothing good last in Reader’s life it seems.
In broad daylight, Reader is forcefully grabbed and thrown into the back of a truck.
There’s a massive down side to being Bruce Wayne’s child. You easily get taken hostage and held for ransom.
Stephanie is helpless. She can only watch it happen too far away to make it to Reader in time. The horror and fear on Reader’s face made her stomach turn violently.
She immediately called Barbara to start tracking the vehicle and the thugs, sending an alert out to the entire family.
Once done she couldn’t stop herself from letting the disgust and shame bubble from her gut out on to the pavement. Just the thought of Reader being hurt making her physically ill. (Give them back. How dare they take what’s mine? It’s my fault. I shouldn’t have left them alone. They’re helpless without me.)
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cosmictrashqueen · 7 months
I’m still trying to figure out the best format for these little writings, but here! Have some Dick Grayson angst!
It was about an hour before Dick came home you had received a text from Jason- a heads up that patrol didn’t go well and Dick most definitely needed some support through it.
After reading that message, you hadn’t been able to fall asleep as the anxiety of “what happened?” buzzed in your mind. Did Dick get hurt? Did a mission go wrong? Did they lose someone on the team? You hadn’t been told about any nefarious plans they were currently trying to stop, and as far as you knew Dick’s patrol for the night was just a normal one of patrolling around the city and stopping any crime that he saw happening.
It was nearing 4am when you heard the sliding of the bedroom window opening, rousing you from the half unconsciousness you had fallen into. “Dickie?” Your voice was quiet as you sat up, seeking out his silhouette in the darkness of the room. The lights from the outside filtered through the window and gave just enough light to cast a soft blue into the room.
Dick didn’t say anything as he moved, his body language that of an injured cat trying to curl in on itself- though he didn’t move as if he himself had an injury. You opened your mouth to ask if he was okay as the anxiety spiked once more, but your words died on your tongue as Dick all but slumped into the bed, burying his face into your chest as his breathing was a little labored.
“I lost a kid tonight…” Those words whispered against your skin may as well have been a bullet sounding in silence. His words were heavy with sorrow and regret, and you knew Dick well enough to know there was self loathing and blame weighing him down as well.
“Oh baby… I’m so sorry.” You say, your heart clenching at the pain you know Dick feels right now. Your fingers gently run through his hair soothingly, “… if you want to talk about it, I’m listening.”
Dick remains silent for a while, his breathing shaky as it seems he’s fighting back crying. Moments later you feel his tears against your skin and his body sags into yours, “It was a bunch of the usual thugs, low names in one of the crime syndicates looking to up their rank. They… kidnapped a kid and were trying to use him as leverage.”
His voice was getting more strained as he talked, your collarbone feeling more wet with his tears, “Oh Dickie… I’m so sorry-“
“That bullet was meant for me. If I hadn’t moved to take him down when I did, it would have hit me and not killed someone’s child. It’s my fault. I should have- I should have….”
“Shhh, it’s okay…” Your words are soft as you hold Dick, his words devolving into sobs as he finally lets it out.
Over the course of your relationship, Dick has had some rough times with losing civilians, and each and every time it’s like the first time ever. He has so much care in his heart for the citizens of this city, a fierce longing to protect them, and whenever he feels as if he’s failed them, it’s not so much a blow to his ego as it is a new tear in his heart. Dick was kind, compassionate, loving, and losing civilian’s lives on his time- especially a child- was not something he took lightly.
You hold him close as he cries into your neck, fingers rubbing along his scalp soothingly as you can do nothing but be an anchor for him so he doesn’t get ripped out to sea in his emotions.
“I know it’s hard, but even though you’ve been doing this for almost your whole life sometimes things are unpredictable. Things can just… happen. Unfortunately that’s what happened tonight… it’s not your fault. You were trying to save that little kid, and things just… escalated.” You never really knew the right words to say to Dick when things like this happened, when he needed the support and comfort from his partner through tough times.
The two of you stay quiet for a little while longer, his laborer breathing and soft sobs slowly coming to a rest as he calms down more and more. You’d stay here holding Dick as long as he needed you to, though you knew he’d probably relax more if he wasn’t still in his suit.
“Let’s get you out of this, okay baby?” You say quietly, gently pushing him away so you can help him start to undress out of his suit. Even after all these years you still struggle with taking it off him by yourself, so once your fingers begin to fumble he lets out a soft chuckle and sits back to peel himself free from Nightwing, coming back to your arms as just Dick Grayson.
“There we go, much better.” You whisper as your nails gently scratch along his back. Your lips place gentle kisses along the smudged black ringed around his eyes, “A life was lost tonight, and I know you know it’s not the last time it will happen. You’re out there every night fighting, Dickie, fighting criminals from the lowest of ranks to those like Joker and Freeze. You’ve been saving countless lives between your time in Gotham and Bludhaven, don’t ever forget that. I’m not saying that little kid’s life is meaningless, what I’m saying is don’t forget him as you keep fighting to save other lives.”
Dick remains silent until the two of you drift off to sleep together, his head resting on your chest as your arms are wrapped around him. You knew come morning Dick would be a little more recovered from the night, and that little child he lost would be his driving force for new actions taken against the criminals of the city.
The following week during dinner, Dick is talking to you about the Avery Fund, which is a new Wayne financial fund he and Bruce agreed upon that would help with family’s who have lost children to the crime rates in the city.
Dick never ceases to amaze you with the efforts he takes both as Dick Grayson and Nightwing to better the lives of civilians.
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aprocessionofthoughts · 11 months
He's a Phantom
whumptober23 day 27- let me see fandom- dp x dc TW- brief injury summary- Jason encounters the GIW
ao3 whumptober23 masterlist part 6 of DLM
They had been searching for an hour when Jason heard a commotion. He approached the noise and saw three men in white suits on the neighboring rooftop. 
His first thought was that they must be out of towners and that they were stupid to be wearing all white. His second thought was, oh shoot, they’re carrying weapons. Specifically they had weird, glowing green weapons.
He was about to call it in when all three men turned to him, raised their weapons and fired.
Jason rolled out of the way and took out his own guns as he continued to dodge their shots.
He fires off a few shots of his own and manages to hit one of the agent’s legs. But he doesn’t have time to celebrate this victory since immediately after one of the glowing green beams hits him in the shoulder. 
It burns. Jason stumbles back trying to avoid the rest of the shots, but another clips his side and another his leg. He crumples to the ground. It feels like acid eating away at him. His mind is going fuzzy with pain.
He needs to call for help.
He can faintly hear them discussing how best to get to where he is. He can’t let them do that. 
Shakily, he activates his comm. “O.”
“What is it, Hood?”
“I think— I think I found our bad guys…” he slurs.
“Hood, what do you mean?”
Jason can’t bring himself to answer. HIs whole body feels like it’s burning.
“Hood! I’m sending Nightwing to your location.”
Jason can’t acknowledge her. He hopes his brother gets here soon. He can hear the agents walking up the fire escape.
He tries to get up again, but he can barely move his arms.
Then he hears a shout and the sound of the weapons being fired again. There’s a buzzing in the air, the faint hum of electricity, and the cold bite of winter wind.
There’s the sound of more fighting, and he can hear the agents cursing. There’s what sounds like crackling ice followed by silence. Jason tries to move his head to see what’s happening, but all he sees is smoggy Gotham sky.
Then there's a face above him, ethereal in quality with glowing white hair and eyes that remind Jason of the Lazarus pit but brighter.
“What are you doing here?” The voice sounds familiar, but Jason can’t quite place why. He should know this person, but he knows he’s never seen anyone quite like this.
The kid, because now that Jason looks at him a little closer this person clearly looks young, sighs, and goes to place his hands on Jason.
Jason makes a noise of protest and tries to shift away.
“Calm down, let me see.” his hands settle on Jason’s torso.
Immediately, a cool feeling begins to spread, easing the worst of the pain.
“Who…” he manages before.
The kid gives him a strange look then focuses back on whatever he’s doing to Jason. “It’s me. Danny.” 
Jason’s mind blue screens for a moment. This looks nothing like Danny. But then, Jason looks a little closer, looks past the glow and white hair and green eyes, and he sees that the face is the same. Huh. 
“I’m going to take you back to your apartment. There’s not much I can do for your injuries in the middle of a rooftop.”
Jason can’t do anything to resist as the kid scoops him up as if Jason weighed almost nothing. Then a tingling sensation passed over him, and then they were flying.
A few minutes later, Nightwing arrives on an empty roof. “O, I don’t see him.”
There’s silence for a moment before she speaks. “His tracker is on the move, but it’s moving strangely. Almost as if… It’s almost as if he’s flying.”
“What?” Dick asks and then he hears a grunt from beside the building. He walks over to the edge and stares. 
There on the fire escape are three men dressed in white suits carrying strange weapons. But even stranger is that they’re all frozen in a thick layer of ice to the escape stairs, with the ice encasing them to their elbow and a thin layer over their mouths.
“I think we’ve got a bigger situation. I just found some men dressed in white suits frozen to the fire escape. And they've got some strange weapons.”
“Do you think they’re the agents after Hood’s kid?” Tim asks.
“Might be.” Dick answers.
“This might be good news.” Oracle says. “Nightwing, Hood’s tracker stopped at his apartment. I want you to head over there. Red Robin, head to the possible agent’s location. Try to figure out what you can and see if we need to call the police. I’ll send a message to B. His meeting at the watchtower should be almost over by now anyway.”
“Will do,” Dick and Tim answer.
Hopefully, they can find Jason and the kid, and this situation won’t escalate any further. But Dick has a bad feeling that things will only get more complicated.
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ghost-bxrd · 6 months
Hello! ’Tis I again, the one with the Many Questions about your Fae!Dick. I just finished reading through all of your Selkie!Jason content and had a few thoughts.
Firstly, would anyone in the Justice League ever find out about Jason’s iteration of Robin being a selkie? I’d imagine that both Bruce and Jason would try yo hide it, but… *shrugs* just a thought.
Secondly, the idea that selkies are sacred to Atlanteans (and the thing with Orm) made me wonder if Jason ever has any other encounters with Atlanteans? Perhaps the court even insists on checking in on him, to make sure he’s being properly cared for?
And thirdly, what does Jason do with his coat when he’s in costume? Selkie coats are known to change shape for the wearer (from what I’ve heard of selkie lore), so maybe it took on the form of his Robin costume? Or would he just leave it with Alfred whenever he was on a mission, because it might get damaged or stolen?
Once again, you are an amazing writer and I love reading anything you write! Thank you so much!
Hi! Thank you so much 💚 I’m happy you enjoy my random thoughts and fics 💚💚💚
I don’t think Batman (or Jason) would allow anyone to “find out” per se, but some Atlanteans are able to recognize specific Selkie “tells”.
And selkies are a bit of a gray zone where Atlantean laws are concerned. They belong to the sea as much as they do the land, but they’re very elusive creatures and “spook” easily. It’s very rare even for Atlanteans to happen across one, so when they do it’s a bit like seeing a unicorn out in the open.
Theoretically the Atlanteans would have tried to establish some kind of law protecting selkies, but considering they come and go as their fancy strikes it’s just very difficult to realize. And on top of that selkies value their freedom and being under the watchful eye of the Atlanteans, even in a benevolent way, would feel too much like a chain weighing them down.
But yeah, Jason and Orm would totally keep in touch with each other. Orm because… well, that’s a Selkie child. Must protect.
And Jason would get too much of a kick out of the way Bruce’s jaw ticks whenever the Atlantean is around to allow the friendship to fade away.
As for what Jason does with his pelt, he definitely wouldn’t wear it as a substitute Robin suit. He might wear it as some kind of undershirt (safely hidden by the armor of his uniform) but usually he’d just leave it at the manor. Especially after he realizes he can trust the batfam with it ✨🦭
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wolfpawzjakey · 5 months
Jercy Mpreg - It's such a good opportunity for character research. A study of Jason's character.
The fear of being like his father had never been so strong, and when Percy informed him that he was expecting a child from him.
what if the child is under a lot of pressure because he is the legacy of Jupiter and Jason's child?
What if he doesn't do well as a parent? What if one day he's not around and something happens to Percy and his baby? So many scary "what if's".
It's really delicious.
I’ll bite anon.
This is a no judgement or care blog, I will literally respond to it all even if I am caught off guard UNLESS it’s like a triggering subject.
I’m not an expert in this field, but I’ll bite. I reposted the Mpreg thing a joke because it is a technically correct thing but I’m bitting and I’m not letting go. It’s my civil duty to respond to my askers 🤲🏻
I will focus on Jason mostly in this reply because you mentioned it being a good character study for him.
Jason has always been fearful of being compared to his father. Who wouldn’t when said father is Zeus/Jupiter, notoriously powerful and scary. Also notoriously a massive dick head who literally just stomps his feet and acts like a toddler when things don’t go according to his ruling. His track record is oil slicked and murky, Jason can’t bear to be compared to that. And yet, he fears so much he could do some of the wrong his father has, could be a vile person like that or as violent as he is. It fills him up with such dread sometimes that it chokes him.
When Percy tells Jason he’s expecting, he’s throttled. Because all of those fears have new meaning. He has direct reason for those fears when before, while, yes, still has many reasons, this one plays on the parental fear he’s always had. He’s never had stable parents, never had anyone to rely on, how in the gods green earth is he supposed to do this right and not fuck up. His worries are safety blanketed by Percy though, a fire that’s not fully out but is contained enough to not cause himself harm.
Jumping to his acceptance of having a child than gives him worry of “dear gods what if this child is subject to the absolute sheer weight of pressure Percy and I were put under when we were younger? This child is special by a million miles and would have so many eyes on them. Stress after stress pours into his mind and out of his body that it’s crazy, he’s trapped in this never ending cycle of “Jesus Christ, in one way or another, I’ve cause havoc to my unborn child”.
And more worries grow because of course they do. They grow and they’re mostly squashed, he has Percy and their friend, he’s never alone and he has way too many people around him to let him fuck up. Plus if he ever upset THE Sally Jackson? Oh, he’d be dead for sure. But the thought still weigh on his mind. This is his child. His and Percy’s, and god he knows Percy will be good with them, whoever they are and whatever they turn out to be like, but him? He has no sense of what it’s like to be a good parent, it scares him to no end that he could fuck it all up. That he could be the reason this child grows up with anything wrong. He fears that he could ruin a relationship he hasn’t even gotten to have with a little human who has yet to come into this world. Because what if his anger gets in the way? What if he gets angry at something they do and says something he doesn’t mean? What if the rough nature he’s grown up in and the rough treatment he’s been shown pops up in how he handles their child? Sure, Percy would probably bring him to an early grave, but he would probably hope for one if he’d ever destroyed the bond between himself and his child.
And gods, what if he dies early? What if he leaves this earth without meeting his child? Or passes just after he’s met them? He’d be a failure. To Percy and their child. He’s plagued by these thoughts. These daytime nightmares.
They’re not quelled by Percy, just kept at bay. They not quelled by their child the moment they arrive in this world, but day by day, they do get less frequent. The worries linger daily, but with the two most important people in his life, he doesn’t simmer in them unless necessary.
Uhhhhmm, I tried?? It’s not super in deep with the Mpreg stuff! BUT! I tried as best I could!
Like I said! This blog is a judgement free space unless like… it’s involving anything super depraved and triggering. So please my friends, keep asking me!! I love having discussions and I love hearing from you! Thank you for sending this to me anon <3
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havendance · 1 year
Okay, I'm finally returning to the AU where Jason and Barbara are swapped so that she dies in a Killing Joker and Jason is paralyzed in A death in the family.
The simplest way to set up this AU (and why over-complicate things yet?) is to have it so that when Barbara Gordon opens the door, the Joker shoots to kill. However long later, when Jason is beaten half to death by the Joker, he survives the bomb, but he’s left paralyzed from the waist down. The Doctors say he’ll never walk again.
For now, Barbara Gordon is dead and we shall leave her there. She doesn’t haunt the narrative in the same way that Jason did. She was an adult when she died, removed from her former mantle. She wasn’t Bruce’s daughter. Her death weighs on Gordon, but then Sarah Essen returns to his life and his dead daughter fades into the background. Bruce, Dick, and Jason remember her, but there is no Batgirl memorial in the cave. She is just another symbol of the dangers they face. She comes up in vague aborted references and heavy silences.
(Now that I think about it, in a world where Barbara Gordon’s dead, I bet Helena ends up as Dick’s second primary love interest…)
Meanwhile, with Jason, we have a fairly standard Jason Lives!AU with the slight caveat that he’s in a wheelchair and can never become Robin again.
We’re not going to spend long on that because it could go any number of ways and I don’t want to be here all day, but to his some major points:
A Lonely Place of Dying doesn’t get triggered. Batman without Robin when Jason is paralyzed is worse, but not bad enough for Tim to feel the need to interfere. His parents probably still die in Rites of Passage because Batman is highly unlikely to leave Gotham to chase after some random kidnapping for ransom when he’s being overprotective of his recently paralyzed son. Or just have the Drakes die in a plane crash and skip the racism.
Jason as Robin is a character who doesn’t have many ties outside of Batman. Stuck in a wheelchair, he struggles even more with dilation. Barbara’s dead. Dick’s around more, but he still spends most of his time with the titans. He can’t be Robin and that means that he feels like he can’t be part of that community, losing the few connections he had there. On the civilian front, his injuries lead him to being held back a year. He doesn’t know any of his classmates, and stuck in the hormonal battleground of high school, he acutely feels the way that being stuck in a wheelchair makes him different.
I still need to read Oracle: Year One, but Jason is initially attracted to computers because of the anonymity the internet offers. On it, he can pretend to be normal; people don’t see the chair before they see him. From there, it expands into a way he can still help Bruce and be involved in the mission. Bruce says he doesn’t need to do anything, but with so much of their relationship tied up in being Batman and Robin, Jason wants to.
There is another Robin eventually. Dealer’s choice as to who. You can make an argument for Tim (the classic option), Steph (Girl power + Steph & Jason friendship) or, I don’t know, Lonnie ( I know he has fans, though, in full disclosure, I am ambivalent towards him). Whoever the choice, it’s alternatively important that they have the approval of both Dick, who originated the mantle, and Jason, who left it vacant.
But that’s enough about Jason. You want to know who I really want to talk about in this AU? You guessed it! Helena Bertinelli and Cassandra Cain.
It’s time for No Man’s Land baby~ (absolutely no one is surprised.)
Bruce leaves on an international guilt trip and brings his son with him, much to Jason’s annoyance. It’s over three months before he’s able to convince Bruce to return, and even then it’s only on the condition that Jason enrolls in a boarding school where it’s safe. (Jason is so looking forward to turning 18 when he can finally prove to Bruce that he can take care of himself.)
Meanwhile, Huntress is the sole vigilante presence in No Man's Land. It isn’t long before she recognizes the limits of her own mantle and takes on the mantle of the Bat. In this universe, she is called Batwoman.
It is as Batwoman that she runs into Cassandra, who has been living on the streets of Gotham.
No wait, better idea. Headcanon time: In between acting as two separate vigilantes, Helena also somehow finds the time to run a makeshift classroom for some of the kids stranded in No Man's Land. She recruits them to do odd jobs and in exchange,, she shares some of the food she has stashed wavy and tries to make sure they have at least some education. 
Cassandra is curious and comes first for the food and then for the stories and the reading/writing lessons she doesn’t understand. When she sees Batwoman for the first time and makes the connection, she becomes even more intrigued.
When Batman enters and starts working with Helena, Cassandra saves them both in a handmade costume and ends up as the new Batgirl.
Helena remains as Batwoman after the end of No Man’s Land in this AU. She misses being the Huntress, at the end, but she has Cass to look after now. They grew close in the chaos of No Man’s Land and now the girl’s moved in with her. Helena needs to be better for Cass. She can’t go back to killing because, on one level, Cass wouldn’t let her. On another, she doesn’t want to betray her trust. So she holds the line. She stops her more self-destructive tendencies and tries to do the best for Cass despite the fact that she doesn’t understand her on a fundamental level.
This all leads to her being a more integrated part of the batfam. She's featured in more Bat comics and plays a major supporting role in Batgirl.
Post-No Man’s Land, Jason turns 18, moves off to college, and starts his own Birds of Prey type team. Bruce stalks him, Jason yells at him for it, etc etc.
And now, we’ve arrived at the moment you’ve all been waiting for: Red Hood!Barbara Gordon!
Barbara Gordon’s Under the Red Hood arc is a narrative commentary on fridging and is ideally written by a female author. In this universe, Barbara Gordon was a character who was killed off and vanishes from the narrative. She was a thing pre-crisis but never really a presence post. She is a tombstone next to Sarah Essen. A name mentioned when arguing about the Joker, quickly forgotten to focus on his paralyzing of Jason.
She comes back loud and angry, insisting on being remembered. Look at me, she shouts. Look at my pain. My story should be about me. She sets up a series of circumstances and clues all point to her. To the terrible things that happened to her. Bruce and Gordon have made her death about them, she’s taking it back. Reclaiming it for herself.
She also torments and antagonizes Helena and Cass. They replaced her, they took her place. They don't even know what they've done. They are the first to see her face and they don’t even recognize her. They don’t know the legacy they have claimed. Barbara Gordon rages.
And then, of course, future writers ruin that shining star of an arc by making her ~evil~ and ~crazy~. It’s probably all because coming back from the dead made her infertile and she can’t ever be a mother. Women, am I right? (eyeroll)
Anyway, I want a Red Hood!Barbara Gordon arc now.
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ladytauria · 1 year
I need to know more about Neither a Bang Nor a Whimper!!!!
-@bi-bats (ughghghgh sideblog laws sorry for the anon)
So, njw's Where's My Goddamn Dinosaur? was one of the first Jaytim fics I ever read, & immediately left me wanting more time travel fics (which, time travel fix-its & the like were already a favorite genre of mine lol). I also read a lot of gen time travel & dimension travel, and. Anyway. That led to "Neither a Bang Nor a Whimper."
It's gone through a few different changes since I first started planning it / writing it. The first version had future!Tim being sent back in time, in his younger body, and I wrote the first two chapters that way. Then I decided I liked future!Tim being sent there as himself better, mostly because in addition to Jaytim I want to explore what Tim's interactions with his younger self might be like. I have also been considering a version where Jason and Tim are sent back to the past, together (for the same reasons as previous). I may make that an entirely separate fic, lol.
But! At least in the current draft, it's 17-year-old Tim sent back in time a few days before Jason died. The title is a reference to the catalyst of the time travel being the end of the world, similar to Where's My Goddamn Dinosaur--though not with the branching timelines~
It's also one of the first fics I started writing, and I've learned a lot more about canon vs fanon & my preferences re: those things since xD So what I do have needs some heavy rewrites, again :P
But have this snippet anyway~
The world as he knew it... is gone. The invasion saw to that. One by one, all of Tim's loved ones had dropped like flies—from the Teen Titans, to Batman himself, to Alfred. this was his only way forward, now—even if it meant, for all intents and purposes, going backward.
The only question is… when?
Six months ago, when this all started? He, and the rest of Earth's heroes, could stop it, especially with the data that Tim had collected over the last six months. That was the logical choice. Tim's life, as he knew it, would go on, exactly as it was before.
Tim looks at the chronometer, turning it over in his hands, watching the light play on the silver. This is his one chance to go back. He should choose carefully. Weigh his choices, make the right one. the best one.
He has no idea exactly how it works. If he goes back to a time he exists, will there be two of him? Or will his consciousness replace his former self?
He doesn't know.
If its the latter, his choices narrow. He can't save Dick's parents—not from the body of a four year old. Tim bites his lip.
He flips the watch open.
If he’s being honest... there's always been one particular date he's been drawn to. One thing he wanted to change, more than anything else. Maybe it's selfish of him, to narrow down to that particular point—to ignore every other tragedy, every other pivotal moment in his life, in his family's lives.
But if you can't be selfish at the end of the world... when can you be?
So… with only a split second of hesitation, Tim keys in the date—and presses the button. There’s a soft chime, and then—
The world warps around him, bending and twisting, blurring together like some awful fevered haze.
And then the floor drops out beneath him, and he is falling, falling, falling—
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Picture this.
There stands Tim, on the doorstep. He looks awkward. Because he's very obviously over compensating anxiety with righteousness, keeping himself tall and sharp, and cornered. Jason has seen the boy, the kid, in desperate times - because of him, he reminds himself and swallows the fact, shoves it down his own throat. But this is new. So far, Tim has either been very broken or very fixed, full of open wounds or sporting a smooth, tailored, smile.
Tim does not show the in between, in fact, the ambiguities and the things that don't make sense, the unknowns and the unresolved and the mind-still-unmade. He keeps the process to himself because it's the process that makes him vulnerable. The consequences he can own up to and make an armor of. But the way his mind and heart jump and dance around each other like shy lovers with PTSD...
So Jason raises an eyebrow, that wants to mean "what is it that has you trusting me to see this, little one?" but only manages to get "what are you doing at my flat?" across. He swallows that too, because even if Jason mastered some level of self awareness, it doesn't mean he's better for it in practice.
And Tim breathes in, like he's being asked to inhale crushed glass - it might be the case truly.
"I wanted to say sorry." He says.
Jason frowns now, because this is all extremely weird and if he squints he does think the kid look unusually drunk of some lack of sleep. What's that bag on the floor?
"What ?" Because it's all he can manage.
"That you thought you had been replaced." Tim blurts out. "That you thought you were forgotten. Truth is, I don't think he ever forgot, and I'm not sure he ever saw me, and I tried to keep him alive and going for the city, for you, for... me. Worked, for some of those. Either way uh... he's gone somewhere, not nowhere, Dick doesn't believe me but that's okay and-"
Jason is desperately trying to hand on the string of words because it's late and this is too much and he isn't sure he has gone far enough in the kind-of-therapy he gets and-
"-either way I think I've gone as far as I could without being..." There's a brief pause when he scoffs under his breath. "Well replaced. And also nearly killed a few times. And... It fucking hurt ? And its not right ? Even if the guilt can be discussed, even for the technicalities, even for everyone just trying to find something in this mess, it hurt a whole lot, and I feel a whole lot sorry for you."
Tim finally focuses his gaze on Jason.
Jason inhales.
Jason exhales.
Something lifts, and something sets, and something weighs.
Tim turns his heels, picks his bag up, walks a-
"Don't be sorry to me, Tim."
And it sounds a bit too snarky, so he adds,
"You don't have to."
And if anything,
"I'm sorry, for that night. If its worth something now."
A step.
Two steps.
"It is." A breath. "I'll find him. He is somewhere. I'll find him and maybe you can talk then. There are some things he should say."
And Tim leaves, for somewhere. And Jason stays, a bit longer, on his doorstep, just to keep it open.
This whole family is a fucking mess.
The brat has some work to do.
But maybe they can be headed somewhere too.
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therealjambery · 1 year
Writing practice, minimal editing, etc. I don't know where this came from. I know nothing about Batman comics. I love Jason Todd specifically because of some crossover Marvel fics (thanks so much for that, he now lives in my head rent free). I don't know where this is going, either. Enjoy!
Prompts from this post.
Prompt: "Batman won't like this" Fandom: Batman/MCU mash up Pairing: none Rating: Mature for Jason's potty mouth Words: 818
"Batman won't like this," Dick said.
Jason hefted the unconscious guy over his shoulder in a fireman's carry, staggering a little under his weight. Fuck, this guy weighed a ton. Did he have rocks in his pockets or what? "Batman doesn't like anything," he said, shifting the guy a little to the left. He definitely had knives in his belt, along with the maybe-rocks in his pockets. "What he doesn't know won't hurt him," he added, eyeing Dick meaningfully. 
"Yeah, okay," Dick said. "But you know he's going to find out somehow."
"Not if little birdies can keep their goddamn mouths shut," Jason said. He turned his back on Dick and started jogging out of the warehouse. "Better get going," he called over his shoulder. "I rigged this whole place to blow in," he mimed checking his watch, "thirty seconds, give or take."
"Dammit, Jason!" 
But Dick heeded his warning, and was gone by the time Jason reached the door and turned to look. He shouldered the door open, silently apologizing to the heaviest assassin in the world as his head knocked into the door frame. Seriously, so many rocks.
He managed to make it across the street to where his car was parked before the building went up in flames. He dumped the guy in the backseat and hopped into the driver's seat, peeling out before the secondary explosions started.
Five minutes later, the guy was awake and holding a knife to his throat in one swift move. Their eyes met in the rear view mirror. Above the mask, his eyes were cold, blue like deep sea ice. 
"Yeah, no," Jason said, stomping on the brakes. He turned and punched the guy in the head, using his forward momentum against him. The guy's eyes widened before rolling back in his head as he slumped into the backseat again.
They narrowly escaped getting rear ended by a garbage truck. It swerved around them, horn blaring, and Jason stuck his middle finger out the window as he accelerated again. Clearly he didn't have time to take the long way home.
Home wasn't his real destination anyway, What, like he was going to bring Mr. Stab-First-Ask-Questions-Later to his apartment? Hell no, the dingy squat he kept for sketchy business meetings and late night strategy sessions would do just fine. There was a cot in the corner and even a bathroom with a working shower. Practically luxurious.
He parked in the back, dragging the guy out of the backseat and back over his shoulders. The elevator was out, of course - he wasn't sure it had ever worked, to be honest - so he was sweating and cursing by the time he hit the fifth floor. 
The studio was small and gray, with one high narrow window running the length of the wall with the tiny kitchenette. It was just a sink and a mini fridge with beer. Tucked away in the cabinet were basic medical supplies and emergency whiskey. Dumping the guy on the floor, he stretched out his back and got himself a glass of water. He drank it leaning against the desk. Besides the cot and three chairs, it was the only other piece of furniture in the room.
"Okay." He set down the empty glass and squatted next to his mystery guest. "Let's see what you've got."
What he had was nothing. Nothing useful, anyway. Nothing in his pockets, not even rocks. Couple of guns, a truly beautiful collection of knives, various other fun assassin tools. But no ID, nothing that could identify him at all. Jason unclipped the mask and studied the guy's face. Cheekbones to die for, two-day old stubble, and - blue eyes. Oh shit.
Casually, Jason stood and stepped back, out of reach. "Hi," he said. He was kind of wishing he'd thought to take all the knives, given the scowl on the guy's face.
Wincing, the guy sat up and touched his temple, where Jason had punched him. He stood, slowly, arms held loose at his sides. He was wearing all black - boots, pants, and some kind of strappy leather nightmare around his torso over a long-sleeved black shirt. Black leather gloves, even. His hair was long, and he shook it out of his face as he glared at Jason. 
"Where the hell are we?" 
Jason could tell the guy was casing the place out of his peripheral vision, but was wisely keeping his attention mostly on Jason. Well, he was the most dangerous bastard in the room.
Then he took off his gloves, casually, and Jason saw the shining metal of his left hand.
Make that second dangerous. "Oh hell," Jason said. "You're the Winter Soldier."
The Winter Soldier crossed his arms. "Not any more," he said darkly. Then, in an accusing tone, he said, "You're Red Hood."
"Yeah, no shit, congrats." Jason gave him a lazy two fingered salute. "You figured it out."
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Play date
A/N- This was one of my most recent Gareth fics so thankfully i didn’t have to try and recover this one 😅 i may or may not have a part 2 in the works 🫣
Summary- Gareth goes to pick up his little sisters from their friends place, and he definitely didn’t expect a girl to open their front door. a hot girl. in a bikini…
Genre- Fluff
Warnings- None :)
Tag List- @imagine-all-the-imagines @ahzysauce
Words- 2.4k
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Gareth knocked on the front door, waiting patiently for someone to answer.
His sisters were over at their friends house for a playdate, some other girl they knew from school, and he was asked by his parents to pick them up before it got too dark out. As soon as the door opened his jaw almost fell to the floor.
It wasn’t one of the other girls’ parents standing there before him, it was a girl. A hot girl, wearing a bikini top and a pair of shorts over the bottoms. At first he thought it was a joke, doing a double take to make sure he wasn’t just seeing things, making you giggle,
“Hi, are you Gareth?”
“Yeah…” He said quietly at first, his eyes snapping back up to yours to distract him from your exposed figure before him, “Yeah, hi, sorry. I’m here to pick up my sisters.”
“I figured, i’m (y/n), i’m Cassie’s older sister,” You said with a smile, opening the door for him, “they were telling me about you,” you said giggling again, seeing the littlest bit of blush creep onto his cheeks, “they’re all in the backyard, come on in.”
He stepped in, closing the door behind him and following you through the house to the sliding glass doors next to your kitchen. He could see a large pool with a wooden deck leading up to it, a few lounge chairs with some towels and pool toys scattered around them. You slid open the doors and approached the pool,
“Hey girls, your brother’s here to take you home.”
The three girls groaned in the pool, making their way up the steps and grabbing their towels to dry off,
“Can’t they stay a little longer sissy?” Your younger sister Cassie said, giving you the puppy dog eyes.
You looked back to Gareth, your hands on your hips,
“I guess it’s all up to you, you’re the one taking them home.”
He thought it over for a moment, weighing his options. He could either go home with his sisters and spend the rest of the night in his room, watching the same old slashers that he’s seen over a million times, or he could stick around for a little longer and spend time with a girl in a bikini.
“You know what,” he looked to his sisters, “i don’t think mom and dad would mind if we stuck around for a little longer.”
His sisters ran up to him and gave him a hug, getting his clothes wet from their still soaked bathing suits before jumping back into the pool. You giggled and took a seat on one of the loungers, looking back up to Gareth,
“You can come sit next to me, i’m not gonna bite.”
He gave you a soft smile as he sat next to you,
“So my sisters were saying stuff about me?” He said, fearing the worst. He knew his sisters were always nice around others but they’d tell his deepest secrets in a heartbeat.
“Yeah, nothing bad though,” You said with a giggle, “they told me we’re the same age, and when they were snooping around in my room they said you liked the same kind of movies.”
“Really? I didn’t know girls were into those gross slashers. Did you see Bad Taste? It came out a few weeks ago.”
“Of course i saw it! I love movies like that, my friends think i’m weird but i just think they’re cool.”
The two of you sat there talking about anything and everything you could think of, slashers, Hellfire, he even told you about Corroded Coffin and about what happened with Jason when Eddie went missing. You could still see a little cut on his lip.
“He threw you into your drums? He’s such a dick, i don’t understand how he gets away with the shit he does.” You turned your head to see the small cut on his lip, a little purple bruise still around it, “I’m glad you’re alright though, that looks like it hurt.”
“Yeah, it hurt like a bitch,” he said with a laugh, the littlest bit of pink on his cheeks, “i’m just glad this cut’s almost healed, i feel like it’s been there forever.”
“Well hopefully next time you come over it looks a little better.” You said with a gentle smile, your eyes darting back and forth from the cut on his lip to his eyes, seeing the blush on his cheeks get a bit deeper.
“Next time?”
“Yeah, next time your sisters are over i expect you to come with,” You said giggling, seeing how flustered he got, “i need someone to hang out with me so i’m not stuck babysitting them again.”
It was cute to see how nervous he got just from talking to you, and it was even cuter to see how pink his cheeks got whenever you giggled or smiled at him. You knew you were being flirty, and you were sure he knew it too, but something about him made you certain that he’d let you do it as much as you wanted. He was wrapped around your finger and you loved it.
“Yeah! Yeah, i’ll absolutely come with next time they come over-“
“We get to come over again?!” One of the girls said from behind him, the two of you getting lost in your conversation and not noticing that they had been wrapped in their towels, standing behind you two for god knows how long.
“I mean, yeah,” Gareth turned to his sisters, “if you guys wanna come over again soon we totally can,” he quickly turned back to you, “if that’s alright with you i mean…” He said trying to hide his excitement.
It was rare occurrence that he was able to talk to a girl this easily, but having a girl as pretty as you be so eager to see him again was definitely something new.
“Of course! You guys can come over whenever you want,” you look back to Gareth, “my parents love your sisters so i’m sure they won’t mind if you came along.”
“Can we come back this weekend?” One of his sisters asked.
“Is that alright with you?” Gareths eyes found yours again, and you could tell he was hoping you’d let them come back that soon.
“Absolutely you can! But no swimming next time,” though Gareth was excited to come back, he was a little upset he wouldn’t be able to see your figure so exposed to him the next time he saw you, “i don’t want us to be stuck out here watching you the whole time ok?”
“That’s ok, we can play with all my new barbie’s i just got for my birthday!”
“Can we go see?”
“Yeah they’re all up in my room!”
The three girls quickly ran inside, going upstairs into Cassie’s room, you shouted behind them,
“Be careful when you run in the house! Don’t get anything wet!” You giggled and rolled your eyes, “Sorry about her, are you sisters like that when they have people over?”
“Oh yeah, all the time.” He said with a smile, “i better go get them, it’s getting kinda late and i don’t want my parents to be pissed i let them stay out this late.”
“I’ll go in with you, i can always clean all this up tomorrow.” You stood up from the chair and grabbed the shirt that was thrown over the back of it, slipping it on before going to grab the pool toys and towels just to tidy up a bit.
Gareth was upset to see your figure covered up again until he saw the logo on the shirt,
“No fucking way, you like gross movies AND you’re into Diamond Head?”
“Yeah!” You said, your lips curled into a smile, “I love them, my dad was the one who got me into them a few years ago when their first album came out.”
The two of you entered the house once again, closing the curtains behind the sliding glass door,
“He’s got good taste,” He said following close behind you into the house, “what other bands are you into? It can’t just be Diamond Head is it?”
“Oh no, i love all kinds of bands like that,” you said with a giggle, “Girlschool, Anthrax, i’ve got a whole collection of cassettes upstairs, i’ll show you.”
You grabbed his hand and led him upstairs into your bedroom, hearing the girls in your sisters room just down the hall. He was surprised that you grabbed at his hand so quickly, and even more surprised when you were still holding it as you entered your room. And he was even more shocked to see how closely your room resembled his.
Posters of different horror movies and bands covering the walls, tapestries over your windows as replacements for curtains, a large pile of VHS tapes next to the tv in front of your bed and a crate full of different metal cassettes next to the stereo underneath your window. And then it finally hit him. He was in a girls room.
You dragged him over to your stereo and kneeled down in front of it, dragging the crate forward to look through the tapes as he sat next to you.
“Wow, you’ve got some good ones in here…” He said, moving the tapes around in the crate before him as you reached up to play whichever one was still in your stereo, turning the volume down so the two of you could talk over it.
“I’ve got some old ones and some new ones in there. I think i’ve got a few more over here too,” you leaned yourself over him, holding onto his shoulder for support, your chest close to his face making him blush as he tried not to sneak a glance at your breasts, “yeah, my dad let me borrow some of his older ones, we used to listen to a lot of these in the car when i was little.”
As the two of you rummaged through the tapes, talking about whichever ones caught your eyes, neither of you could tell that the other was sneaking glances. Gareths eyes kept moving over your face, taking note of every little detail and blemish, while yours were looking to his lips, looking at the light bruise surrounding the cut on his lip.
“What’re you staring at?”
Your eyes quickly moved up to his, not noticing that he finally caught you sneaking a look, making you blush harder than you ever have before. You finally realized why you loved seeing how pink his cheeks got as soon as he did the same to you. There was just something about Gareth that made you feel like there were butterflies in your stomach. Maybe it was the fact that he seemed to interested in you, or that you could tell you were making him feel the same way he made you feel. No matter what it was, for a boy you just met, you knew you definitely liked him.
You gently reached your hand up to his cheek, moving your thumb carefully over the bruise around his lip,
“Just looking at this little cut,” you could feel his cheek beating up under your fingers, “i really hope it heals soon, how long has it been there?”
“Few weeks i think…” He tried his best to keep his eyes away from your but he just couldn’t help himself, “I’ve actually got a little bump on the back of my head still.” He said with a nervous laugh.
“Really? Where is it?” You slowly moved your hand from his cheek into his fluffy hair, carefully moving your fingers around his scalp to find it. He would never allow anyone to touch his hair like this, but you were being so gentle and careful with him, he knew you would be the only exception. Once your fingers found it he winced just a bit at the soreness,
“Shit, sorry, i didn’t hurt you did i?”
“No, no, you’re totally fine.” He said, giving you a soft smile.
It was silent between the two of you, only the sound of the cassette playing from your stereo could be heard but it felt like it was just the two of you there with nothing else around you, getting lost in one another eyes and not noticing that your lips were inching closer.
And closer.
And closer…
“Ew! They’re kissing!”
Before your lips had the chance to touch, the two of you snapped your heads to your doorway, seeing the three little girls giggling as they quickly ran back downstairs once they knew they were caught. You took your hand off of the back of his head, the thought of your lips almost touching being burned into your brain. Damn those little brats for ruining the moment.
“I guess that’s probably my queue to go.” Gareth said, standing up from his spot and reaching his hand out to help pull you up.
“That’s ok, it’s getting late anyways, i know you said you had to leave like an hour ago.” You said with a soft laugh.
The two of you made your way down the stairs, seeing the girls waiting by the front door for their brother,
“All ready to go?” He asked them, you standing behind him. The girls nodded and gathered their things up before you opened the door for them. You smiled and your sister waved goodbye to them as they walked down the driveway to their car, and before Gareth took a few steps out of the door you quickly grabbed his hand again,
“You’re coming with them next time right?” You said with a smile, gently biting your bottom lip.
“Yeah, absolutely, i promise i’ll come with them next time.” He smiled and before he knew it, he felt his face flush as you quickly pressed your lips to his cheek.
It was quick, soft, and nothing more than a simple kiss goodbye, but to him it was everything. You giggled seeing his reaction to something as simple as a little kiss on the cheek and you slowly removed your hand from his, wiggling your fingers as you waved to him.
He was too flustered to do anything and quickly waved back just as you shut the door.
As he walked to the car, he felt like he was walking on air. Not even a full day of knowing you and he felt like his whole world was turned completely upside down from just one simple kiss on the cheek. And he was more excited than anything for his sisters next little play date at your place.
All that mattered was that he needed to see you again. And soon.
If you’d like to read more of my work, make sure to check out my masterlist 🥰
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lucrezia-thoughts · 2 years
From Here to Eternity
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Chapter Seven: We can't get higher than we get...
Pairing: Eddie Munson x f!reader
Warning(s): sweet & caring Eddie, romantic Eddie, playful Eddie, pretzels being weaponized...
Series Summary: You’ve just moved to Hawkins from Philadelphia in the middle of your last semester of senior year. On your first day, you end up enthralled by the freak of Hawkins High School…
Chapter Summary: Now that most of the school knew you and Eddie were an item, it was time to see how Hellfire would react to the news...
☆Previous Chapter☆ | ☆Next Chapter☆
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"Jesus Christ-" Eddie groaned, running his hand down his face in shock and disbelief when you'd finished telling him everything Chrissy had divulged to you during Biology; her plans to leave Jason, him trying to keep her from being friends with you, her nightmares- the works- "Jason's gonna lose his god damn mind."
"Yeah- my thoughts exactly-" you bit your lip, worrying the flesh roughly between your teeth- "Eddie... I-I'm really scared for her."
"Hey, she's gonna be okay, princess. I promise you-" Eddie tried to reassure you as he gently cupped your cheek and coaxed you to stop biting at your lip with the callus roughened pad of his thumb- "Jason's a dick, but he's also a narcissist so it's highly unlikely he'd be stupid enough to do something that would risk his popularity; and publicly hurting the queen of Hawkins High? That would definitely make people hate him."
"I really hope you're right-" you sighed, leaning into Eddie's side when he wrapped his arm around your waist- "once she's free from Jason, maybe she'll finally be able to shake the nightmares."
"How about this, babe... next time you talk to Chrissy, tell her to meet me after school at the picnic table in the woods behind the parking lot-" Eddie whispered in your ear as his thumb snuck up underneath the hem of your shirt to brush against the warm skin of your hip-"I can hook her up with something to help her relax- if she wants."
"Really?" you turned in Eddie's grasp, eyes wide in astonishment, to gauge if he was being serious or not.
"Really," he gave you a knee-weakening smile and pressed a soft kiss to your temple- "I'd do just about anything to keep the look you just had off your pretty face, princess."
"Just about anything?" you quirked your eyebrow in disbelief. "You mean there are things you wouldn't do?" you asked, goading him playfully.
"Everyone has their limits, babe-" Eddie smirked- "even a freak." You frowned at him calling himself a freak, but when he pinched your side unexpectedly he had you yelping and trying to swat his hand away as his smirk widened into a full blown smile. Catching the hand you were trying to swat him with, Eddie threaded his fingers through yours. "So, you ready to see if Harrington really is as amazing as you and Henderson think he is?" he asked, making his voice mockingly high on the word 'amazing;' his dramatic theatrics on full display.
"Oh you are so jealous of Steve-" you teased him- "I bet you're going to actually be bummed when Dustin is totally okay with us being together."
"Is that so, princess? You really think Henderson's gonna to be calm when he realizes you're my girlfriend?" Eddie asked, eyebrows raising skeptically as he gently pulled you back into his hold; hands resting low on your hips- seemingly incapable of not touching you if you were in his orbit.
"Mmmhmmm," you murmured with absolute certainty, letting your gaze flit between his eyes and his mouth, unconsciously leaning closer to him.
"And what exactly are you willing to put up for this bet of yours?" his lips turned upwards into a wicked grin as he waited for you to answer, thumbs rubbing soothing circles against your back.
"Hmmm-" you began, weighing the different possible options in your head as you absentmindedly bit your bottom lip- "how about this? If I'm right- as in Steve's talk worked and Dustin doesn't freak out about us dating- you have to actually admit that you're jealous of Steve Harrington."
"Alright, fine, princess. I'll admit to a lie for you," he huffed out before smirking. "But when I'm right, and Henderson has a complete meltdown about the fact that we're together-" Eddie chuckled slightly, leaning closer to whisper in your ear- "you have to say that Harrington isn't a badass." You shivered at the feel of Eddie's warm breath puffing against your skin as he taunted you. "Do we have a deal, baby?"
Turning your head to look at him, you deliberately brushed your lips against his as you spoke, "oh you're so on, Munson." You watched in wonder when his pupils dilated and a soft groan escaped his parted lips. A rush of both adrenaline and arousal filled you at the sheer knowledge that you had the power to have that kind of effect on him. You smirked as you stepped slowly back out of his embrace and Eddie was quick to grab your hand and tug you into the cafeteria, eager to win the bet.
It seemed as though all eyes were on the two of you as you walked hand in hand to the Hellfire table. When you reached it, Eddie's usual seat at the head was open and, surprisingly, there was an empty seat between Eddie's and where Dustin was sitting. Looking over your shoulder at Eddie, you stuck your tongue out teasingly at him as you slipped into the empty chair; things were already leaning in your favor.
"Hey Dusty-" you deliberately leaned far enough forward so that Eddie's chain, ring, and guitar pick spilled out from the collar of your top as you hugged Dustin- "how's your day been?" As you spoke, the metal skull ring swung from the chain around your neck; drawing the eyes of everyone at the table- Dustin's included. From your peripheral vision, you could see Eddie intently watching Dustin's reactions.
"Hey Kira, I think I bombed a pop quiz in Latin, but otherwise it's been okay," Dustin shrugged as he hugged you back. Sitting back in his seat, he made no mention of your new jewelry before he dug into his lunch, though you knew he'd seen it, so you considered it a win for you.
You - 1, Eddie - 0
A startled squeak left your mouth when you felt Eddie's chin unexpectedly rest heavily on your shoulder as his arm wrapped around your waist; the actions letting you know he clearly had no intention of playing fair to win this bet. Giving him some serious side eye, you dug your own lunch out of your backpack. Placing the brown bag on the table, you pulled out a bag of pretzels, but it was quickly snatched from your hands. "Hey!"
"What? You're not gonna share with me, babe?" You could hear the smirk in Eddie's voice and you both glanced over towards Dustin just in time to see his eyebrows shoot up into his hairline in surprise at the way Eddie addressed you.
You - 1, Eddie- 1
"Nope-" you popped the 'p' sound emphatically as you plucked the pretzels from Eddie's grip; causing the Hellfire Club to cackle at their big bad dungeon master being denied- "get your own, babe." You couldn't suppress your grin when Eddie shot a death glare at the older members of Hellfire which immediately silenced their laughter.
The brush of Eddie's curls against your cheek as he turned to stage whisper in your ear sent a shiver down your spine, "C'mon baby, be nice and share."
"Eddie-" you sighed, tilting your face towards his to catch his eye in warning- "you're not playing fair."
"I never said I would, princess," Eddie grinned, rubbing his nose against yours softly before angling his head to catch your lips.
You could feel how much Eddie wanted to kiss you, but the moment was interrupted by the voice of Mike Wheeler, "see? I told you when they got together he'd just want to kiss her all the time." You didn't even have the opportunity to react before a pretzel was flying across the table and hitting Mike squarely in the forehead. "What the-"
"Shut it, Wheeler-" Eddie snapped, grabbing another pretzel from your bag and holding it up threateningly.
"Geeze- okay!" Mike held up his hands in swift surrender, eyeing the pretzel in Eddie's hand wearily.
Hiding your giggle behind your hand, you plucked the pretzel from Eddie's grip and popped it into your mouth. "Thank you," you murmured against Eddie's skin as you leaned forward to press a kiss to his cheek.
"You're welcome, baby," Eddie grinned, turning his head to finally capture your lips in a sweet kiss that was interrupted by the teasing 'oooh's' of the other members of the Hellfire Club.
"So, you two are a thing now?" Jeff vocalized the question you could see clearly written on all of their faces when you broke away from Eddie to settle back in your seat.
"Yeah," Eddie shrugged like it wasn't a big deal that the two of you were now an item; like shocked whispers and completely, unashamedly blatant gawking hadn't become your constant companions all day. Digging another pretzel out of the bag, he held it out for you and smirked when you rolled your eyes at him but still leaned forward to eat it from his hand.
"Damn, the first chic to even associate herself with us and he just snatches her right up without giving anyone else a shot," Gareth grumbled under his breath, tossing the carrot he'd been holding onto the table top in frustration.
"Hey! That's my sister you're talking about!" Dustin sputtered out indignantly. "She's not a- a chic! She's a woman! A- a lady!" He argued as he got to his feet in anger. "And Eddie makes her happy!"
With eyes wide in shock, you and Eddie watched Dustin's freak out and Gareth's bumbling attempts at calming him down. "So... does this mean we both win or we both lose?" Eddie whispered in your ear as Gareth frantically looked to the boys beside him, trying to find someone to help him, but they were too busy laughing at his predicament.
"I'm honestly not sure-" you whispered back, brow furrowing as you mulled it over for a moment before answering "I mean, Dustin is freaking out... but it's not about the fact that I'm dating you, so... draw I guess?" You turned to face Eddie.
"Draw it is," Eddie agreed, pecking your lips quickly before shouting for both Dustin and Gareth to be quiet. "Alright, shut up! Both of you! And Henderson, sit down."
Eddie turned towards Gareth with narrowed eyes. "You-" Gareth shrunk back slightly in the face of Eddie's wrath- "have you ever even said one word to her?"
"Well, no... not really. But-" Gareth began, but Eddie held up his hand and cut him off.
"Have any of you other than Henderson, Wheeler-" Eddie almost spit out Mike's last name and you couldn't suppress your giggle at how Mike flinched and sunk down in his chair- "and Sinclair tried to talk to her?" Eddie turned to look at each of the other Hellfire Club members, but they all averted their eyes as they shook their heads.
"Exactly. So tell me, how the hell did I 'snatch her up without giving you a shot' when none of you even tried to get to know her?" Eddie questioned, flinging a pretzel at Gareth's head. "Seriously-" he huffed, leaning back in his chair and resting a hand on your knee as Gareth rubbed his forehead where the projectile pretzel had struck him- "you lot have no idea how to act around women."
"Exactly," Dustin grunted, mirroring Eddie's posture in his chair causing you to burst into hysterical laughter. "Really?" Dustin sighed.
You had tears streaming down your cheeks as you laughed, Dustin's pouting doing nothing to help you get yourself under control. "I- I'm- I'm sorry, Dusty!" You gulped out between giggles that were soon drowned out by the ringing of the school bell.
You wiped away the tears that had spilled and tried to pull yourself together as you got to your feet. Gathering your mostly uneaten lunch, you started to shove it into your backpack, but were prevented from doing so when Dustin's arms unexpectedly wrapped around your waist. Letting your backpack go to rest on the lunch table, you hugged Dustin back and smiled in confusion. "What's this for, Fizz?"
"I'm just glad you're happy," Dustin grinned up at you before pulling away to follow Mike and Lucas out of the cafeteria. "I'll see you after school!"
"Huh... I guess he really is okay with us dating," Eddie mused aloud as he stepped forward to stand beside you, grabbing your backpack off the table and tossing your lunch bag into it before hoisting it over his shoulder.
"Hey, that means I win officially!" You grinned, "now you have to admit that you're jealous of Steve!" You turned to poke your index finger at his chest triumphantly, but he was shaking his head and chuckling.
"Nope-" Eddie smirked as he took your hand that had been poking him in his hand- "we already agreed to a draw, princess. I don't have to admit shit," he taunted, pressing a kiss to your temple as you pouted at his stubbornness.
The rest of the school day passed in a blur. Despite the entire population of Hawkins High School being smaller than the population of Seniors alone had been at your old school, each period seemed to somehow contain students that hadn't known Eddie had a girlfriend; so the whispers and the staring followed you around the whole day and even out into the parking lot as Eddie walked you to your car.
Upon reaching your vehicle, Eddie looked over his shoulder at the small crowd of students that had formed to gawk at the two of you then, without warning, he brought his hand up to your shoulder and carefully pushed you up against your driver's side door. Stepping into your personal-bubble of space, Eddie leaned forward so that his nose brushed against yours as your bodies aligned from your eyes down to your toes. "I've been waiting to do this all day," he whispered into the small space between your lips.
"Waiting... waiting to do what?" your voice shook slightly as his proximity overwhelmed your senses.
"Well... I promise I was planning to ask you this before I asked if you'd be my girlfriend, but... see, I'm in a band and we play at a dive bar called the Hideout on Tuesdays-" Eddie reached out to rub his hands along your arms nervously as he spoke, deliberately avoiding eye contact with you- "and I wanted to invite you to come see us tomorrow, baby." He only let his gaze raise to meet yours when he was done speaking and you could very clearly see just how anxious he was about your answer.
"Eddie, I'd love to go see you play!" you beamed, leaning forward to wrap your arms around his neck.
"Yeah?" he asked in disbelief.
You couldn't suppress your giggle at the surprised look you found on his face when you pulled back from the hug. "Hell yeah! You want me to come watch my boyfriend be sexy and play his guitar? Sign me up," you answered playfully, feeling the kaleidoscope of butterflies threatening to fly right out of your stomach in nervousness about his possible reaction to your boldness.
"God you're perfect, baby," Eddie moaned as he moved to capture your lips in a kiss, but the moment was interrupted by the loud voice of Dustin echoing out around the parking lot. With a frustrated groan Eddie pulled back from you, but both of your brows rose in surprise as you realized what Dustin was doing.
"Alright, people! Nothin' to see here!" Dustin shouted as he pushed through the crowd to reach your car.
Stepping away to stand at your side, you and Eddie smiled at Dustin as he stood before you with a smug grin on his face and his hands resting on his hips as the horde of grumbling gawkers disbursed. "Good job, big guy," Eddie praised, patting Dustin on his shoulder.
"T-thanks!" Dustin choked out, beaming at Eddie's attention and praise and your heart filled with gratitude for how Eddie interacted with your little brother.
As Dustin tossed his things into the back and climbed into the passenger seat, Eddie leaned over and snuck a quick kiss as he cupped your cheek. "I'll see you tomorrow, princess," Eddie whispered against your lips before rubbing his thumb over your spit slick bottom lip and stepping back to head towards the woods after a playful bow.
Sighing softly, you watched Eddie walk away for a moment until you heard tapping against the window of your car. "Hey, Kira? Are we gonna head home soon?"
Shaking yourself out of your trance, you climbed into the car and drove out of the parking lot. "Sorry, Fizzgig... umm-" you bit your lip as you put on your turn signal- "actually, I need to stop by Family Video real quick, but you can pick out any movie you want to rent while we're there," you bargained with him.
"Really?" he asked excitedly and you nodded your head as you pulled into the video store's parking lot.
"Really," you confirmed, putting the car in park and following Dustin inside.
"You couldn't even wait until this weekend to see me again, sweetheart?" Steve teased as you approached the counter.
"Naturally-" you quipped as you leaned on the counter- "is Robin in?"
"She's in the back-" Steve pointed his thumb to the door leading to the back room- "why? What's going on? Why do you need her?"
Ignoring Steve's questions, you walked around the counter and entered the back room.
"I swear these stupid displays get more complicated each time they-" Robin grumbled, trying to assemble a cardboard cut out of Marty McFly only to drop it when she realized it wasn't Steve that had entered the room- "you're not Steve."
"No, no I'm not-" you laughed- "he told me you were back here. I- uh... I need to ask a favor of you."
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TAG LIST: @ruinedbythehobbit
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incorrectbatfam · 3 years
How do the Bats break their phone (let's be real it's happened)
Dick: slipped out of his grasp as he tried to take a selfie backflipping off a skyscraper
Jason: mistook his own phone for Bruce's and used it as target practice
Tim: boiled it in coffee
Damian: was playing fetch with Titus and tossed his phone instead of the stick
Duke: a Rogue threw it into Gotham Harbor
Cullen: dropped it in the toilet
Stephanie: knocked it down a running garbage disposal
Cassandra: sliced in half by an assassin's sword
Harper: took it apart but couldn't put it back together
Barbara: accidentally ran over it with her wheelchair
Carrie: tried to juggle it
Kate: fell out of her motorcycle compartment on the freeway
Alfred: he promised he would never let anything happen to his phone in case anyone needed to reach him, but then his past caught up with him when a British agent came knocking at the Manor door in the middle of the night. Thankfully, all the Bats were away on patrols and missions, but this came as an unexpected surprise nonetheless. Alfred invited the agent in for a spot of tea, hoping it'd just be a quick catching up even though deep down he knew something was terribly wrong. The agent said some old foes have been cropping up here and there and that Alfred possesses vital information on his device. He refused, for he had left that life behind him and was dedicated to the ever-growing Wayne family, but the agent insisted it was for the greater good. Alfred reluctantly informed him the only way he could access the contents of the phone is if it stayed on his person the whole time, so Alfred told his family he'd be taking the weekend off for a personal vacation. He and the agent drove out to a secret warehouse headquarters just outside Metropolis, where they staked the place out from their nondescript station wagon. Suddenly, there was a sound. He cocked his shotgun, ready to aim and fire. Then, a band of Russian mafia soldiers surrounded the vehicle, forcing Alfred and his compatriot out of their vehicle. Suddenly, the other British agent turned his gun on Alfred. "I no longer serve her majesty," he said. He pulled the trigger. In a remarkable feat of human agility, Alfred backflipped over every single bullet, all while taking out the nameless Russian henches, until he was left with just one bullet. He fired. It hit the traitor square in the shoulder but the man didn't back down—it only made him angrier. Backed against the graffiti-laden wall, Alfred pulled out his phone and held it out, saying, "I will give you what you want, so long as I can go home to my family." The man agreed and reached for it, but our beloved butler acted swiftly, bludgeoning the man behind the ear. The man dropped to the ground out cold. Alfred smoothed his shirt and stepped over the unconscious form. The cell phone was in pristine condition, yet when he tried to power it on, the screen remained black. Although his boss backed everything up to a sophisticated cloud drive, a twinge of regret rang through his chest, for it never weighed lightly to break a promise to his son.
Bruce: sat on it
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roobylavender · 2 years
what do you think of the ‘batman prioritizes the mission’ aspect of his character portrayed in modern media? has he always been written this way? i haven’t read up much on older comics, so i’d love to hear your thoughts on this!
to me it's variable bc it depends a lot on context. like in the old old days you could probably say bruce prioritized the mission bc the mission was.. simple. it was about beating the bad guys and going home and the world continuing to turn, unperturbed. but obv in the coming decades bruce was allowed more depth as a character, and esp from the 70s onward i believe the mission came to be more explicitly equivalent to saving people, which could many times mean letting the bad guys go bc they weren't the priority - the victims were. in some cases that could be a good thing, in other cases it could be a bad thing, bc inevitably, bruce had a personal life that his priorities would have an impact on, regardless of his own intentions. so ig to me it's all about framing. many writers in a modern context make prioritizing the mission equivalent to an obsession, and it's not to say that it can't be, but i don't think that interpretation applies to bruce specifically. i would say that's more emblematic of dick, if anything
to me bruce prioritizing the mission means him being dedicated to saving people and thereby having to make hard decisions bc sometimes it's not as easy as simply saving people. sometimes there are side effects and sacrifices and crossfire. he's one guy on a sinking ship trying his best to plug as many holes as he can even though he realistically cannot plug them all. he wants to save everyone but he doesn't have the power or scope to save everyone. a death in the family is an incredibly messy book that i have so many problems with but i think it's a great exploration of this phenomenon. bc you can't blame bruce for prioritizing saving a myriad of people from a potential bomb blast. it's the right thing to do. but at the same time it's indirectly what gets jason killed bc bruce isn't there to save him when sheila reveals her true colors. and that has a long-lasting impact as well, bc we see bruce for a decade or so thereafter try to overcompensate for his inability to save someone by retreating near entirely into his masked identity. him prioritizing the mission should be used to explore how he's ultimately compassionate to a fault, and desperate, and that being a virtue as much as it is an omen of his own downfall. he's hyperaware of how his actions will have consequences and it weighs down on him everyday and it's what makes doing all of this so hard. bc it would be easier to quit, but he can't. he can't give up on people like that and in the times he came closest to it there was always someone to remind him why he shouldn't
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jvsons · 3 years
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FEATURES • Dick, Jason, and Tim
WARNINGS • mentions of illness and descriptions of symptoms
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From past experiences with catching illness, Dick makes sure he’s pretty self aware about his condition at all times, especially when on patrol. If whatever’s getting him down is just a small cold, he’ll down some medication and get right back into what he was doing. However, if he progressively deteriorates over night he’ll call it quits and come home. You’d be surprised to hear footsteps approaching your door and quickly check the time, coming to the conclusion that something was probably wrong. Upon seeing Dick stumble into your apartment unscathed, most of your worries flew to the back of your head.
“Hey darling.” Your boyfriend smiled in your direction, his words immediately allowing you to discover the issue. You quickly apprehended the situation, telling Dick to change and relax whilst you grabbed a bottle of medication fit for the situation. You also started heating some water for a cup of coffee, and made your way to the bedroom. Your eyebrows furrowed in concern when you saw Dick laying face down in bed, both of his hands on the side of his head.
“Everything okay, Dick?” You asked, voice just above a whisper. One of your hands made its way to his upper back as you poured five pills onto the bedside table, giving him time to sit up.
“Just a headache, love.” Dick reassured you with a raspy voice as he took the pills in his hand and, weirdly enough, dry swallowed them, a strange habit of his you’d been reluctant to forget. You nodded in understanding and notified him that you’re going to get something, returning with a bright smile and freshly brewed coffee.
“Thought you could use something hot.” You said, setting the mug on the coaster beside him.
“Y/n, you spoil me.” Dick huffed, placing a hand to his chest dramatically whilst the other pulled you onto the bed with him. “Mind getting sick? If not, I suppose I could go sleep on the couch and leave you all alone in here.”
“I thought you would tone down a bit for being on your deathbed.” You retorted, delivering a light flick to his temple.
“You know you love it.” Dick laughed, followed by a series of coughs. You shushed him to prevent things from getting worse and wrapped your arms around his neck, resting your head on the end of his chest. He responded with a light hum, curling slightly so you two would be more comfortable. All but ten minutes later, Dick’s breathing evened out, mostly thanks to the melatonin pill you slipped in with his other medication.
If Jason was sick, he would try his absolute best to conceal it. Being sick meant being vulnerable, and Jason was afraid of others seeing him weak. If he was out on patrol, he would save his snarky remarks for when his sinuses were cleared, and he would take it easy on the amount of criminals he apprehended. If his sickness was weighing him down too much for comfort, he would drop his mission and reluctantly come home.
You initially don’t suspect anything when Jason arrived home as it was decently late, adding on he didn’t stumble through the window leaving a trail of blood on the floor. His plan was working perfectly, all until he turned the bathroom light on to change and broke out into a violent series of sneezes and a few coughs. This outburst immediately caught your attention as you hurried up and make your way to the bathroom, only to find that the door was locked.
“Jason, I already know you’re sick, let me in.” You press, rattling the doorknob a few times. When you received no response, you turned to the kitchen to grab the strongest cold medicine you had. Upon returning to the bathroom door, to no surprise it was still locked.
“Jason.” You started once more. “Please let me in, you need to take something or else you’ll get even worse.” Concern was etched in your voice, you knew how Jason got when he was weakened in any kind of way. He would shut himself off from everyone else even if he desperately needed help. This made you feel bad for perusing him, but you knew he needed to take something.
Almost a minute later, a click sounded from the door, allowing you in. You opened the door and peaked inside first, spotting Jason slowly splashing water over his face. His skin was pale in the light, contrasted by the light grey patches below his eyes. His mouth was turned into a tight frown, a look that always managed to pull at your heart.
“Take 5, okay?” You said softly, placing the bottle of pills on the counter along with a change of clothes for him. Before you could leave, Jason tore away from his reflection and pulled you into a hug. A muffled, “thank you” sounded from your shoulder, and you slowly ran one of your hands up and down the middle of his back. You two stayed like that for a few minutes until you pulled away, leaving Jason to take his medication and change. Another ten minutes passed before he emerged from the bathroom and climbed into bed and into your extended arms.
There are two things Tim Drake will do upon being sick. Most times, he’ll notice how sluggishly he’s typing and the drastic amount of spelling errors he’s documented, and ultimately that will bring him to bed. Other times, when he’s out for the night, he’ll almost be caught off guard by a petty criminal and decide taking the risk of staying out isn’t worth it. Either way, this ends up with a text from your boyfriend with something along the lines of “I’m coming to bed early tonight” as a heads-up. When he does arrive, you’re quick to notice his quiet sniffles and slightly bent over posture.
“Tim, you could’ve told me you were sick.” You said, a small undertone of annoyance lying in your words. “I could’ve got you all set up an hour ago.”
“Its okay, y/n, just caught a small cold.” Tim gave you a small smile as he climbed into bed beside you, only causing your eyes to narrow at his attempt to distract you.
“Absolutely not, Drake.” You laughed, almost jumping out of bed avoiding your boyfriend’s grasp and pleads to stay with him. “I’ll be right back.”
You moved fast, and right back you were with some herbal tea. Thankfully, Tim almost never had to take medication as he rarely ever caught sickness that weren’t minor. Upon your arrival, Tim gave his thanks with a peck to your lips as he took the mug from your hands. You slipped back into bed and pulled him into you slightly, lacing one hand in his hair while the other wrapped around his free arm.
“Thanks, love.” Tim whispered as he set his bow empty mug down, leaning down and resting his head on your shoulder. You hummed in response, continuing to weave your hand through his hair until his breathing slowed and he fell asleep.
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impyssadobsessions · 3 years
Batman put a hand to his side in pain, while he put up his tools. His head was starting to hurt again, but this time from stress and over working his injury. He was never going to get benched again. At least, not in a mission involving ghosts or until he's absolute certain no one was in danger. He was already debating strategies, and counter strategies to plan for. What weapons to have on hand, maybe armor that repelled ghosts.. but what about Danny? Couldn't make one that worked on him. Wait. Did he even have suit? He hoped Danny wasn't fighting in street clothes.
Batman tested the plane's system. Something was still acting weird. Did it have to do with ectoplasmic level in the area? If so.. Bruce looked at the battery that started all of this. Perhaps he could do something to counter the effects.. Risks were not out weighing the cons of not being there for his kids. Just to know he was nearby would be enough.
Jason was using the wall to help support his weight and Danny's. Danny felt and looked like a slug as hung limp in Jason's arms. He was still awake, just lacked the energy to support his own weight. Jason stopped in front of each door he passed, looking in. Signs were looking good from what he had seen. Training rooms, or he assumed from the equipment.. another lab.. it hadn't been used much it seemed. There was also a semi infirmary attached, annd-Bingo! Jason kicked the door open, it wasn't a showering area liked he hoped, but it did contain water. Actually it was sinks for washing lab or medical equipment, there was even a rinsing station for the eyes. However, the station wasn't big enough to rinse off Danny.. so sink it was. Jason walked over to the sinks, sitting Danny down on the counter, while he made sure the sink was clean. They didn't need some left over chemical reaction to put the final nail in the coffin. Danny scooted back on the counter to have his back against the wall, sighing with relief. He listened to Jason rinsing the sink, as he kept his eyes closed. Tired. He couldn't wait to get this stuff off of him- Jason yanked Danny by his shirt into the deep sink, spraying water over him. Danny spit and sputtered as he was caught of guard. “H-hey I can..pfft wash my-PFFT” Water was sprayed in his face.. Danny decided he actually could have waited a little bit longer. “Quit kicking.” Jason had to hold back a laugh as Danny looked like a wet kitten. Hissing in all. “Once you succeed in drowning me I will-PFF” Danny flailed as the water hit his face again, unable to do anything else as he was firmly stuck in the sink until he either phased through it or Jason yanked him out... only one of those options were possible. “Can't drown someone who doesn't need to breath.” Jason smirked having a little fun antagonizing the teen, while he ruffled Danny's hair trying to help scrub off the repellent best he could. “I rather be goo-” Danny gargled being sprayed in the face again.
Dick let out a breath in relief, after hearing the comms. Danny and Jason were finally washing that stuff off. That's one problem that was being solved. Now if only they can solve the Plasmius one quickly. Reaching the stairwell, they found it rather empty. They frowned. There wasn't a sound as they walked up a flight of steps to the level above, keeping alert. “Maybe he's still blowing off steam?” Tim suggested, remembering what Danny had said about Plasmius's anger. “Maybe. Go on and meet with Robin, we'll see if we can get his attention towards us.” “Are you sure?” “It might be riskier, but a fight here would put us on equal footing. There isn't any floors to phase through.” They couldn't risk getting hit, but that was true in closed in spaces too. At least they'll have more of an advantage to dodge. “Alright, here's an extra grappling hook then.” Tim tossing his hook at Dick, then turned to make his way to where Damian and Jazz were. Dick caught the hook and watched Tim disappear. He turned to Cass sharing a look, before they nodded to themselves. Cass split towards down the stairs and Dick went up. Hoping that Plasmius would come their way, but staying there also allowed them to run in either direction if he came to attack the others instead.
Damian got a few of the cables unplugged and couple machines shut down, but didn't find a way to release the pods. He tossed the cables aside with an angry huff. It wasn't that hard! He leaned against one of the computers, arms crossed, glancing back over to Jazz. Jazz seemed to have gotten into her impromptu therapy session as she looked more poise. She was adding to their conversations, while petting one of the Vulture's head as it cried in her lap. Damian still couldn't believe how this happened. “I see. So do you believe the times have changed? Or has your need to hench lead to devaluing yourself?” “That one. Definitely.” “Back in our day Villains respected the henchmen!” “Have you looked at my body. I'm not devaluing a thing!” “Ok. So why do you allow Mr. V. Plasmius's actions go without merit? Is there something else you're getting out of this work-relationship? ..Wait do ghost have currency?” “Of course we do!” “How else would we get to spend it on the ladies~?” “Not that Plasmius pays much.” The vultures went to grumbling under their breath. Jazz smiling at them sympathetically. “You mentioned that you had aspirations of being stand alone villains of your own? Could you tell me more about that?” “Eh, honestly the insurance keeps us from that.” “It saves our beaks.” “Or we give up henching for good!” “Ghost have- Never mind. So, Plasmius offers this insurance?” Jazz despite living so close to ghosts, she still gets a bit stunned by the revelations about the ghost zone. She wondered if it was just certain domains in the zone, or common ground. What did the dead insure for? She wonder if Danny could get insured. “........” Jazz pressed her lips tight. As the three vultures all flew together and started whispering in each others' ears. Jazz glancing at Damian with worry and then back at the vultures. Damian put a hand on his weapon, ready to attack if need be. His eyes focused on the birds, until he felt strange change in the air. It was like static near his-He swiped his roasting stick down, trying to jump out of the grasp of the black gloved hand that phased through the floor. Only to be tightly grabbed by the ankle and dangled into the air, dropping his roasting stick. “You're quite a tot? Funny how small things can be very annoying.” “Plasmius!” Jazz jumped to her feet, the chair falling back with the push. She gritted her teeth, watching as Damian kicked, trying to reach for his other weapons. Only for them to be blasted out of his hands.
“What is your excuse? Because you are far more annoying.” Damian glancing around trying to figure out what to do. “I feel like that's debatable considering you rats with wings have been interfering with my plans, but I digress.” Plasmius's voice raised as his grip tightened painfully around Damian's ankle, only for his voice to pulled back behind clenched teeth and his grip loosening slightly at the end. Jazz narrowed her eyes, looking between Plasmius and the box of weapons. Maybe she could- Plasmius shot at a spot in front of her, making her jump back with a squeak. “Be a good girl and sit.” A duplicate appeared behind her, forcing her back into the chair that the duplicate pulled back up. Hands pressed on her shoulders to keep her in place. Plasmius then took his attention to the vultures who were still huddled together. They gave a gulp, glancing between each other. Plasmius sending them a heated glare. “Now as for you three, mind telling me WHY none of you were actively keeping the pest and the brat from entering the room?” He growled, anger seething in his voice, but was forcibly trying to keep his anger down. He didn't want to lose his temper. The vultures frowned glancing at each other, as if afraid to answer. “WELL?!” Plasmius's grip tightening on Damian's ankle again. Damian trying not to wince. He glanced around the room, eyes settling on the door as he saw Tim's head in the window.
“10/10 would never get sprayed again.” Danny huffed as he wrung out his shirt. He was soaking wet with some soap bubbles still on him, but he no longer felt like a slug that someone sprinkled salt on. “By water or repellent?” Jason asked as he held his head under the skin letting the water wash over his head. “Ha. Both! Or well, maybe just the repellent.” Danny said before turning around and pulling on the string to the eye rinse. He was trying to get water sprayed up his nostrils. Taking moments to break away from it and cough. “A simple thank you would suffice.” Jason turned his head to get his face really good, taking off his mask for a moment. Danny gargled a thank you as he tried to wash his mouth out. “Your welcome casp.” Jason turned his head the other way, then began scrubbing on his own skin. Did it burn? Yes. But it felt nice to get it off and to relieve that itch that been crawling on his skin. “What was in that damn spray anyways?” Jason pulling his head out of the sink, shaking it to flick water off. He put his mask back on and started to rinse his arms. He wanted to get his expose skin before spraying it off his clothes. Unlike Danny, it wasn't as dangerous for him to have it soaked into his clothing. So he won't have to scrub or spray as much. “Who knows, one of my parents recent inventions so I haven't looked at it closely, yet. Either way I'm destroying it.” Danny leaned against a counter, wringing his hair and clothes out again. He still felt fatigue and his head hurt, but he was no longer oozing. Which was good. “Good. Because if you didn't, I would.” He stood back and sprayed off his clothes, at least his top the best he could. “Hey, at least I can't smell now.” Danny grinned. “I don't think that magically makes the effectiveness of the spray go away.” “No, but as long as I don't touch anyone I can-” Danny froze as he heard Plasmius's voice over the comms. “I would say you look like you seen a ghost, but-” Jason pointed making sure to spray his face again. It looked like they might need to catch up to the others. “Plasmius is where Jazz is.” Danny shared one look with Jason before running off. Jason cursed, getting one last spray in his nose and mouth, before running after Danny. He snorted out water, hollering for Danny to wait up.
Tim peaked through the window, cursing under his breath. Damian was in Plasmius's grasp and Jazz was being confined to a chair. Plasmius was in the way of the Fentons that were in the pods. He relayed the information to Dick, who confirmed he was on his way. Danny and Jason seem to be climbing up as well. Tim put a hand on his blaster, trying to think of a plan as he watched the older halfa scold the vultures. He had to shoot Plasmius first, and hope Damian recovers to grab his sword.. then maybe- “Didn't your parents tell you that eaves dropping is rude? Though, I wondered when more of you would show up.” Shit. “My family encourages it, actually.” Tim busted through the doors, aiming his shot at the Plasmius holding Damian. Then, He rolled behind some tables, effectively evading the blasts of the duplicates. Plasmius dropped Damian as he growled in pain, having been blasted in the face again. His eyes glowing red as he snarled. Damian dropped to the ground, flipping to land on his feet with a skid. He then ducked under a table to get out of immediate danger. Jazz took this chance to hit the duplicate in the nose with the palm of her hand, then ducking out of his grip. Tim took the opportunity to shoot the one duplicate down as he launched himself over a table. He unhooked the sword from his belt, sheath and all tossing it towards Damian. Tim then rolled back under a table to avoid a blast that sent the table flying. Damian propelled himself out from underneath a table, grabbing the sword, pulling it from its sheath. He furrowed his brows noticing that the blade was shimmering and not shining. It was covered in.. ice?! He locked eyes with Tim, as if demanding to know what happened. “Ghost approved.” Only thing Tim could say as avoided Plasmius swooping in, shooting a succession of pink beams at him. Damian leapt back from a pink beam sent towards him, bringing him back to situation at hand. Ghost approved, huh? He would be the judge of that. He prepared his stance, then kicked off a box to get some air as he swiped upward at the duplicate. Instead of dissolving it into goo, the duplicate shattered into small pieces then dissolved. Damian's eyes glint with excitement, as he turned his attention to the Plasmius. Plasmius was destroying everything in his path, while Tim was doing his best to keep the path from going anywhere that endangered the others. Damian took the chance to slash Plasmius's back, making him howl as his form shook. A ring appearing for a brief moment around the waist, then sucked back into him. Plasmius let out a small shock wave that knocked both Tim and Damian to the ground. They both rolled onto their feet, shaking from the hit. It didn't hurt like the blasts did, but it was taking them a moment to regain mobility. Plasmius floated above them seething in anger, glowing an ominous red as he charged both his hands. A green ecto-beam shot at Plasmius, barely missing. Jazz hissed under her breath while she shook in her spot, having been hit by the wave too. She should have aimed that better. Though, before she could fire another shot, she had Plasmius's attention. Plasmius sent a beam towards her, planning on it knocking her out. Only for one of the birds to block the hit with their body. Jazz let out a scream, then reached for the vulture asking if they were okay. “Oi, nothing a little kiss wouldn't fix.” The vulture winked with a breathy laugh. “Ew.” Jazz shoving the bird away on instinct, “Oh. Uh sorry.. Thank you... but no.. thank you.” “What are you imbecilic piles of flying ectoplasm doing?!” Plasmius growled. “Consider this my resignation!” The vulture howled as he floated back up. “Yeah, Mine too!” “Mine three!” They flew in front of the considered and irritated Plasmius. “What?! You can't-” “We think its about time for a new pecking order!” They started pecking at Plasmius. “Stop it, I can still turn you into- ow my nose!” “FEEL OUR PECKS OF DOOM!” “Beaks of terror!” “Our full power!” “No longer will we be henchmen!” With that the vultures continued to peck, bite,
and scratch Plasmius making him flee through the floor. The vultures flying after. They all sat there on the floor, staring at where the vultures and Plasmius disappeared. Tim furrowed his brows, “What.. just happened?” “I think I caused an uprising?” Jazz blinked. Tim nodded slowly as he pulled himself up onto his feet dusting himself off. “You think?” “Don't question it.” Damian stated as he sheathed his sword. Tim glanced between Jazz and Damian confused. Jazz giving a sheepish shrug in return.
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