#do feel free to tell me your answers too cuz i like getting to know you uwu
montimer · 2 months
Could you write a Joker x reader where the Joker tells her that he loves her, but she hesitantly admits that she isn’t sure she believes him because she isn’t sure if he is capable of love?
I don't do female reader so i made it gender neutral!
Joker x reader
Warning: kidnapping,yandere
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You woke up in an empty dark room. You felt somewhat dizzy.
As you tried to move, you noticed that a rope was keeping you from standing up. You began struggling.
But gave up. Too tired and stressed you looked around for any escape or tool instead.
There was a door infront of you, a window on the right, but it was locked down with sticks of wood. Other than that the room was empty.
You tried remembering what had happened before you got here.
'Okay i was walking at night, on my way to home after shopping' then darkness.
No matter how hard you tried remembering, thats all your mind could make up. Where you kidnapped? Pulled away from an alley and drugged? But why?
You considered calling out but thinking it over, its best not to get the persons attention. If you call for help they will surely hear it sooner than anyone else.
You began to panic. 'I have to get out of here'. You were scared, you struggled again. Moving as you tried to free yourself from the ropes. The chair you were roped to began to creak.
A big mistake you made there.
You heard footsteps and you stopped immediately. The door opened slowly revealing your kidnapper.
Your eyes widened in horror. You were in the same room as the madman whos known for a not so nice nature. The joker
He tilted his head then begin to smile. He came closer to you.
You didn't wanted to look in his eyes, it was too much just being here. You didn't wanna know what he was gonna do to you.
"You awake? Im glad, you almost got me worried there my dear!"
You were still looking down.
He gently grabbed your chin to make you look at him.
"C'mon don't be shy, lemme see that pretty face of yours!"
You stared at him confused.
He giggled at your expression.
"Oh how adorable you are!"
He let go and you kept looking at him.
"Good good. Now, im sorry for that" he pointed at the ropes around you.
"But ya know, i have to make sure you're safe and sound. Can't let ya run around the place at this state! Silly, you might hurt yourself. Poor darling, you look like a lost mouse!" He gave you a sad look. You were so distracted and surprised you almost forgot how to speak.
You tried to make out words but only mumblings came out.
He gave you a surprised look.
"What is it darling? Say it, i don't bite"
You doubted that, but you tried your best to collect yourself.
"Wh-why am i here? What are y-you gonna do to me?" You hated how desperate you sounded. You hated all of this.
"Ohh, right right. Cutting to the chase huh? Well, you are here cuz i had to take you away. To a place where you can feel safe. To me"
This is the last place you'd feel safe in.
"And for the second question of yours. I am not gonna do anything to harm you. I could never! I mean, i could never harm you. Can't say that for the others" he laughed a bit before turning his attention back to you.
"Good enough for an answer?" He smiled at you.
No not really
"I still don't understand..what do you mean"
He blinked at you. As if you're suppose to know why you are here.
"Why, why me?" You started to feel impatient
"Why you? Oh y/n, for many reasons."
He knew your name? No way..
"You don't know me.."
"But of course i do! I have been watching you, for a long time now. I know everything about you. Your address, your favourite places, the place you work in, what you wear, what you like, everything! Your age and the colour of your eyes too. Its nice to see it up close!"
He leaned in, taking his time staring into your eyes, then backed up with a pleased smile.
"I have been waiting so long to finally have you!"
"Have me? What are you talking about, i don't get any of this.."
"Still? Even after the flowers i sent you"
Flowers? The flowers that was left at your doorstep?
"..and the letters.."
The romantic sounding letters that came with them? Sometimes they did sounded creepy..
"..the chocolate and the plush? I mean i hope you got all of them, or else one of my goons gets a lecture. A life time lasting one"
You ignored the last part, but you did remember all this. The box even said 'from your one and only- J ;)'
Oh, oh no
"It, it was you-"
He clapped his hands
"Yes! Im so happy you figured it out! Did you keep them? What kind of question is this, of course you did!" He began to laugh once again.
"I did that all for one reason. That is because, i love you."
Your mind was dizzy again. He must be joking, there is no way in hell..
He started pointing out the things he loves about you. How does he knows all this, how long have he been stalking you? You didn't even listen to him anymore, your head hurt. You didn't wanted to look at him, instead you looked down in defeat.
When he stopped talking, you slowly looked up.
"There that's better" he petted your head.
"Even if you don't get it yet. You'll understand sooner or later, you'll realise that we were ment to be! Like sun and moon, one can't live without the other!"
"Is this a joke?"
He seemed shocked by that
"Come again?"
"I-i can't belive all this..I don't belive you, why would you love me? Are you even capable of loving anyone but yourself?" You said that without thinking. You immediately regretted it.
He stopped smiling. He had a look of disbelief and confusion on his face.
"What makes you think that?"
"I mean, like you used Harley-"
"But you're not Harley"
You tried to slip lower as he came closer.
"You're you. And that is why i love you. Ya know, im not mad at ya, not at all. Im mad at the people who had feed such horrible thoughts into your head. And if i have to prove you that i can love, then i will."
'I belive it when i see it' you thought. But for now your situation seemed hopeless. So you just kept staring at him, his green eyes burning into yours.
His face didn't look so serious anymore. Suddenly he hugged your form then left a kiss on your face.
He looked pleased at the mark that his lipstick left.
He got up and walked to the door.
"This is just the start, at the end you'll be head over heels for me! I can feel it! For now rest a little darling. Oh and don't even think about escaping, you wouldn't want me to catch you again? I'll be back soon, promise!" He waved his hand and blow a kiss your way.
He closed the door, now you can be alone with your thoughts. In an empty room with no escape or help to come. With a crazy clown obsessed with you. Does he really mean that?
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brightgoat · 8 months
Hey hi! I’ve been an avid follower of yours for awhile for your Pucci art but, this green child au has me hooked more and more lately! Your art is stunning by the way, thank you for posting!! The final metamorphosis panel has me excited for the next installment you share ngl.
Anyways, I was wondering if I could ask a few things about it? Specifically, what has happened after O-moon came into the picture, and the buildup to part 13 and 14? Of course if you wish to keep things vague or don’t know, there’s no need to answer! I’m just curious.
When did Jotaro get alerted to the incident and decided to finally come around? Did he encounter Pucci first or Jolyne? After the revelations that O-moon revealed to Jolyne, how did her perceptions of her father and Pucci shift? Did Jolyne ever figure out what Pucci was most likely about to do to FF while they were cornered by him? Have you thought about how Weather Report factors into this AU at all (since he’s probably in prison at this point)?
Sorry for the bombardment, and again no pressure to answer these if you don’t wish to!
- Kimera
Greetings! Thank you very much for the compliment, hope the payoff to that comic was satisfying haha
So, I wanna keep things vague with this AU, telling the main story beats through images and short comics- not only cuz I like it that way but also cuz... I haven't decided a lot of the details hahaha-
Answering this via lore dump, hope you like reading, this can be just one of many ways it could've happened:
I imagined that while Pucci and Jolyne were out getting souls, Jotaro was studying whatever is left of Dio's followers, and eventually tracks down Pucci, and travels to the US. Perhaps he finds out Pucci has been tutoring Jolyne from Jolyne's mum (who knows maybe they reconnected).
Oh and yes, Jolyne's mum knows abt Pucci, but of course not who he really is.
During this, Jolyne has awakened the Green Baby and fused with it. Jotaro may even sense that something is wrong through their family psychic bond thing.
Jotaro, realizing Pucci is a step ahead of him by already taking in his own daughter, tracks Pucci down to the church and confronts him there, sparing no time and going straight to beating answers out of him, where's Jolyne, what happened to her, what's your plan etc.
I had this thought, that once Jolyne fuses with the green baby, she inherits a bit of Dio's knowledge, and it helps her realise she's been getting used by Pucci all along. Not only that, she inherits the will to go to Heaven, and it drives her to complete the plan, she's strung along by fate now.
Now obviously she feels betrayed by Pucci, but still sympathetic to him, and rescues him from Jotaro. She's conflicted, she's angry, the only reason both Pucci and Jotaro reached out was because of some bigger-than-her plot, and not because of herself. She doesn't know how much of what Pucci gave her was genuine or because of her use to him.
(had this idea for a scene that right after Jolyne rescues Pucci, all three of them are still in church and Pucci realises she's transformed, he yells for her to stay still so he can get Whitesnake to take whatever's inside her out, but as soon as Whitesnake reaches out, a hand bursts out, he thinks it's Stone Free and suddenly JUMPSCARE O-Moon jumps out at him and the reversed-gravity throws everyone away from her-)
The only friend she has left is FF, and yes she finds out what Pucci did to them, furthering her anger. So she drags FF along with her, they are eachothers' only allies here, and although FF doesn't fully understand what's happening to Jolyne, they'll stay by her side (cue the uhhhh 'oh jolyne gave me so many memories and memories make up my intellect so i owe her yadda yadda-')
Aaaaand as for Weather, yeah mf's still in prison lmao I haven't thought too much about him. I wanted this to focus on Jolyne and Pucci, though if I did turn this AU into an entire actual story, Weather would probably come up at some point. God knows how though lmao-
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wandanatskitten · 8 months
Valentine’s Grinch
I actually don’t care for Valentine’s Day funny enough. But I think I more so don’t like traditional valentines. I don’t like most traditional American things cuz my brain is different idk. Anyway here is my double sided brains opinion on valentines put into a story I guess. Please enjoy and if you like Valentine’s Day then happy 14th to you!!! 💋🫶💋🫶💋🫶💋🫶 Minors DNI 18+
No warnings just more fluff with a sprinkle of spice with gorgeous Wanda Maximoff
2.8k words Enjoy!
February 7th
“What are you watching?”
I plopped down next to my girlfriend on the free spot of the couch. The other seats being taken by Natasha, Yelena, Steve and Peter.
“The Proposal.” Was the answer given causing me to get up and attempt to leave, but being stopped by a hand around my wrist before Wanda’s voice sounded. “Where you going?”
“I don’t know. To watch a different movie.”
“But you love this movie.” She counters.
“Not around Valentine’s Day.” I hear a voice ring out. Precisely the one of my best friend. I quickly give Yelena a cold glance that tells her to shut up.
“What does she mean? What do you mean?” She directs toward me then Yelena and me again. “You don’t like Valentine’s Day?”
“I mean it’s alright.” I shrug trying to avoid the topic.
If there’s one thing about Wanda, it’s her love for almost all holidays. Even the past few years since she’s been recruited she’d make cards and specialized goodie bags for the whole tower. She didn’t have a specific valentine so she gave the title to every Avenger. Her love for love is one of the reasons I fell for her.
And now Yelena is spoiling it by telling my girlfriend - who loves February 14th - that I despise the day.
“How do you not like Valentine’s Day?” She wonders.
“I don’t NOT like it, it’s just not my favorite.” I shrug.
“Oh please. You’re basically the Grinch of Valentine.”
“Yelena.” I grit out.
She puts her hands up in surrender but continues to push the subject. “What, I’m just saying how do you hate the day when you have a reason to celebrate.”
“Because I don’t think couples should need a reason to celebrate. If you love someone, show it, love them everyday. Valentine’s Day feels materialistic and is an excuse for high schoolers to practice their prom-posals” I explain myself.
“Hey!” Peter shouts offended.
“How did I not know this about you?” Wanda cuts in. And just as Yelena felt the need to before, she answers for me again. “Because she knows you love romantic stuff so she was hiding the part of her heart that’s three sizes too small.”
“Are you going to keep making Grinch jokes?” I rolled my eyes annoyed with her antics.
“Do you prefer Cupid ones?”
“You know what-“
“Ok! Calm down.” I’m sat in Wanda’s lap with her arms around me. Stopping me from jumping on my best friend. The laughter that sounds out was mocking enough as my glare burned with a playful hatred while I settled into the warm embrace of my girlfriend.
“Am I the only one who didn’t know you didn’t like Valentine’s Day?”
“Yeah.” Everyone else who was watching between the conversation and movie sounded in at the same time. Answering Wanda’s question in a heartbeat.
I felt her arms tighten around me, but I didn’t know what was going through her head at this news.
February 10th
“I figured it out!”
Wanda came running into our room, startling me in the process. Her shouting followed by a jump onto the bed before she climbed on top of me, straddling my thighs.
“I figured it out.”
“Figured what out?”
“Why you don’t like Valentine’s Day.” She said as if it was obvious.
“I already told you why I don’t like it.”
She shakes her head. “No no, that was the surface reason. I know the real reason.”
“Please enlighten me.” I gave my full attention and put my hands on her thighs, desiring to hear what she had to say.
“You haven’t had me as your Valentine.”
I stayed silent with a raised brow urging her to continue.
“I talked to Yelena-“
“Oh god.”
“Hear me out. I talked to Yelena and she told me about your past relationships. The bears, the chocolate, the balloons. They had no thought behind them. No love. So I’ve come to the conclusion that you haven’t been loved right.” She brings her cool hands to my face and holds me gently in her palms. Leaning forward and whispering to effortlessly create a more intimate atmosphere. “But not to worry, now you have me. I’m going to show you how Valentine’s Day is suppose to be. I’m going to show you how you’re supposed to be loved.”
It was the softness of her voice that carried its way to my ears. Or the way her thumbs rubbed a sense of comfort into my cheeks. Maybe, just maybe it was the firmness of her kiss that solidified my belief in the witch herself. But if I had to choose one thing it was the sureness in her eyes before she leaned in. It wasn’t just a look of love and determination to prove me wrong. It was a slight smirk that was barely noticeable that said she knew she had me even if I tried to resist.
And she wasn’t wrong. I didn’t know it yet as I kissed her with a desperate need to feel her closer. Pulling her from my thighs to my hips, hugging her small frame with the same intensity she held me around my neck.
It didn’t matter how long I could go without oxygen because once her lips meld with mine it was clear the only thing that was even keeping me breathing before this point was Wanda’s desire to want me how I wanted her.
February 14th
An alarm sounded in the room causing me to stir. I wasn’t prepared to get up so I had no clue why a brutal sound would break my prefect sleep. The sheets moved to let in a cold draft which caused me to cuddle into myself more, knowing Wanda got out of bed.
I checked the time to see that it’s later than we usually get out of bed but still choosing to stay. Before closing my eyes, I heard the shower turn on. Soon followed by the feel of the bed dipping as a warm body leans over and cuddles further into me from behind. The calming presence of my girlfriend sure to lull me back to sleep.
That is, till I feel her lips press to my shoulder. Then another and another and another. She moves from behind me and pushes me to shift onto my back. Continuing whatever desire she has to kiss anywhere from my neck to my chest. Her finger drawing slow mindless shapes along my sides. The sensation waking me up enough to lazily wrap my arms around her shoulders.
“Are you going to open those pretty eyes for me?” Her soft voice and the warmth of her breath against my neck slowly bringing my senses alive.
Feeling her remove herself from the crook of my neck I do as she requests and meet the tenderness of her emeralds glowing in the bit of light that peeks through the curtains. A smile immediately finds its way to my face at the look of her messy locks. Somehow they compliment her features as the brunette hair falls to one side of her shoulders. The more of her morning features I notice the more I feel the need to tangle my fingers in her hair and pull her closer for a loving kiss.
The air was thick, perhaps from the steam of the shower. The heat of the water coating the glass into a translucent state.
From the outside the pattering of the water is sounded through the room hitting two bodies. The sight of condensation falling down the glass at the bottom of a fading hand print. The feeling of humidity, threatening the summer heat itself.
But just beyond the veil of a this morning shower was yours and Wanda’s form of innocence. The sounds of soft shuttering breaths and whispered I love you’s. The sight of lips painting a memory, telling foreign bodies that yours belongs to someone. The feeling of hands committing to hold each other close. Remembering every inch of skin.
Fingers never dipped lower than they needed to but it didn’t feel teasing. There was no rush for more, no rush to move on, no rush to leave each other’s embrace. It built a tension of wanting more but it was innocenct, it was loving, it was sensual, and that’s all you two wanted it to be right now.
The music blast through the kitchen tower as you and Wanda obnoxiously sang the lyrics to your favorite song.
The sight of her hips swaying while she scrambled eggs on the stove catching your eye. A smirk played on your lips when you go to hold her so you can sway together. Her body leaning into you as she cut off the fire and plated the last of the food you made together.
Eating in silence with the only sounds coming from the lowered music, and silverware clanking against plates. Although no words were spoken constant glances were shared and even the cliché of feeding the other. Your smile impossible to hide while Wanda watches your lips gracefully take a bite of her food.
The day consisted of laughter from constant jokes and nostalgic memories of years gone by with the team.
We dressed in “disguise” as we walked around the park hand and hand. Sometimes taking moments on a bench or under a tree to people watch and dream about our future together. It was peaceful as the sun shied away from the day.
“Cmon.” Wanda pulls me up to my feet, pulling me along through the day once again. Guiding me to the truck we’ve been using for the day.
“Where to this time my love.” I opened the driver door for her.
“Get in and find out.” She quickly gave me a kiss before opening the passenger door from the inside.
Dates like these weren’t rare. I was proud to sport a healthy relationship with Wanda. Over the course of 8 months I’ve learned a lot about her love language.
Acts of service. Quality time. Words of affirmation. She didn’t shy from any of them really.
But of course physical touch was never one to fade. I couldn’t help my mind wandering as her hand rests itself upon my thigh taking a comforting yet strong hold on the muscle as she drove up a hill.
After parking she got out and opened the door for me, her hand never leaving mine. When walking to the back I see a quick flash of red causing the cover on the bed of the truck to disappear. There hidden all day were too many blankets to count and pillows to support the feel of a bed.
“Wanda.” The only thing I could say after being speechless.
“Wait this isn’t the whole surprise.”
She lifts me onto the back and floats in next to me. We get comfortable in each others embrace. Her arms wrapped around me while I lay on her chest looking at the darkening sky. Her magic flashes again and covers the entire truck in a dome-like structure.
A soundtrack began to play till I heard my own voice before seeing a video of me projected above us. Soon Wanda appeared.
“Is this…the first time we met?” I asked stunned.
“It is.”
As the video continued more and more memories projected in the sky. From the times we’d stay up and talk till the sun rose. To her teaching me how to cook. To the times where her tears soaked my shirt while my arms held her closer than I’ve held anyone before. To our first kiss. And ending on our first argument which happened to also be the first time we confessed our feelings.
“What are you so afraid of Y/n!” Wanda’s voice strained as you threatened to leave the room.
“Time!” You rushed back in front of her. “I’m afraid there isn’t enough time to love you the way you deserve. I’m afraid there’s not enough time to learn your heart, your mind, your body, your soul. Everything that makes me fall in love with you more and more by the second.” The words were heavy in the air.
After trying to distance yourself from Wanda for weeks. Scared to lose more people you loved. That certain time as an Avenger was hard for you. Dealing with the blame of innocents dying and shaming yourself for not being able to save names you hold close to heart.
“You love me?”
“I’m afraid I can’t stop loving you, Wanda.” I cup her face in my hands gently.
“Then don’t.” A single tear falls down her face. “I love you too.” It was an intimate whisper but the sound shattered my heart and rebuilt it in her image.
The knot in my throat tightened as tears fell to the side. I propped myself up on my elbow to look down at her, seeing she was already admiring me.
“How did you did that?” My voice cracked with the question.
“Not how detka, why?” Before I could ask she answered, paired with the swipe of her thumb to clear my tears. “Because I wanted to show you how easy it is for me to love you. How you’re my strength and my weakness. And having you reciprocate the love I feel is the best gift and every reason to celebrate being with you.”
I could try to express how I feel in words but it wouldn’t be enough. So I stay quiet and kiss her with all the passion I have. I kiss her with all the love I hold. I kiss her with all the fear that has faded since then, with all the hopelessness of opening my eyes and reality being anything other than experiencing Wanda.
Her lips never left mine and when I couldn’t kiss her back she’d immediately whisper sweet nothings into my ear.
“I love you.”
“You were made for me.”
“I’m right here, detka, I’m not going anywhere.”
“You’re so perfect.”
Her words only increased my need for her. Her be surrounded by everything that was Wanda. Her scent, her feel, just her. And she provided that with slow strokes of the length between her legs. My own legs wrapping around her hips holding her close. Her rhythm never faulted. Just like our shower there was no rush. Feeling every inch of her that sunk me further into divinity.
My hands clawing her back. Shuttering moans that paired with quick gasps. My hips meeting hers in the deep and slow grind she set herself in. Our heads pressed together while our breaths mixed. One hand holding mine and the other caressing me causing a mixture of fire and ice to cleanse my skin. Not knowing if it’s too much or not enough.
But it becomes clear that what she gives me is everything I need. In this moment and all the ones before. She’s everything I need and she knows that. Every time her hips meet mine an uncontrollable shake quakes its way from my spine to my legs. Her silky rasp guiding me to the edge.
“Right there, baby? Yeah?”
“Don’t force it, cum when you’re ready.”
“Look at me. Stay with me.”
“Just like that, breathe for me.”
“You’re doing so good for me.”
Safely. In her arms the top of the cliff leaves from under me. I couldn’t tell if I was falling or flying. I only knew I didn’t want to let go of her. The suddenness having my breath caught in my lungs and my body to stiffen. The divinity I was feeling before now a bubble of bliss and perfection.
Somewhere in the high I finally came down. Feeling a protective hold with my eyes closed. And when she brought me back to Earth I was able to open them only to drown in a love as deep as hers.
It took a moment to regain any thought but when I did I understood one thing.
She didn’t ask. She didn’t ask for me to be her valentine. Because it made sense she didn’t have to. I’m already hers.
She didn’t buy me anything. Because that wasn’t what would prove her love. It was in the way she held me at the end of the night.
Valentine’s Day wasn’t about having an excuse to show someone you care. It was about seizing the opportunity to remind that special someone you love them. To not only love them in the way you know how but to show that you know how to love them in the way that they need.
“Happy Valentine’s Day, my love.”
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trensu · 1 year
have another snippet of stasis in darkness! just 'cuz i'm bored tbh, and kinda stuck on all my wips i'm currently working on.
The seventh night:
“Has he spoken to you yet?”
“How could he when you’re here yammering my ear off every night?”
“He’s a god, I’m sure it wouldn’t be that hard for him to shut me up.”
“Even gods have their limits.”
“Oh, har har. The warrior’s got jokes. You didn’t answer my question.”
“...not yet,” Steve said stiffly. 
“It’s been how long now? A week?” The man hummed in a falsely thoughtful manner. “Maybe he’s just not that into you, man. Maybe he’s letting you down easy.”
At his words, Steve involuntarily curled his shoulders inward, slightly, ever so slightly, in defense. He'd been wondering that same thing earlier that day. Steve had toiled hours in the sun to fix up the shrine; to make it welcoming; to encourage a divine visit. 
He had stopped wearing his armor to free up more time to work. Putting it on and taking it off took too long, and he didn't have to maintain it as much if he wasn't wearing it regularly. He stuck to only his chainmail. He'd kept his shield stored away, too, so it wouldn't get in the way while he worked. Though, he made sure to keep his sword nearby.
He’d taken his knife and traced over the etchings of stars in the alcove that served as a backdrop to the statue. His knife had been ruined but it didn't matter. The Lord of Night would probably want the stars of his dark sky with him, he reasoned, and these had worn so thin. Sadly, it was the only detail he could bring out of all the stone. The statue’s face was so crumbled that Steve couldn’t even begin to guess what it had originally looked like.
He had discovered that the vines he chose to keep were moonflowers. They had blossomed every night since he’d removed the other more invasive plants. He'd draped them carefully so they lay across the statue's shoulders, wrapped lovingly around its torso and clung to its waist before the ends of the vines trailed off at the knees. 
The strange man might have made himself a nuisance during his visits but he never stayed the whole night. Steve had been able to get a few hours of makeshift prayers at the shrine every night. He’d done all this, yet dawn broke every day without a single sign that the Lord of Night had been listening.
Steve broke out of his reverie. He refused to look at the man. He had to clear his throat roughly before he could speak.
“It wouldn’t be the first time I’ve been rejected by someone I love." Steve tried not to dwell on his father's perpetual scowl and his mother's infinite disinterest. "I’m pretty used to my devotion being one sided by now.”
“That’s a bummer,” the man said. His sympathy was meant to be teasing, Steve could tell, but it came out surprisingly sincere. “Good thing you have a whole pantheon! Strong guy like you? Any god would take you to be their warrior in a heartbeat.”
“What are you talking about? No, I’m nowhere near done with his shrine,” Steve said determinedly. “I know a silversmith and a stone mason who’d give me a hand, and Dustin and Robin have been dying to come up here to bring him offerings. The only reason they didn’t come with me is because I had to do the pilgrimage on my own if I wanted a shot at earning his blessing.”
The man spluttered.
“Are you insane? A god rejects you and you’d come back? What kind of stupid–were you dropped on your head as a child?
“A couple times, but that doesn’t have anything to do with it.”
“Are you sure? Have you checked? You should go to one of the gods of medicine. Owens, maybe. Have him take a look at your head,” the man huffed in frustration. "For stars' sake, why would you want to come back?"
He ignored the insult to his intelligence. For stars' sake. Steve murmured the words to himself, letting them settle in his mouth to get a feel for them. He'd never heard of that one before. He liked how it rolled off the tongue, natural as anything. 
The man waited for his response. Steve took a moment to try to sort out his words. He kept his head bowed towards the shrine as he ruminated.
“People barely remember my god,” Steve finally said. “And when they do, they remember him as something he’s not. Even if he doesn’t believe I’m worthy of carrying his crest, he shouldn't be forgotten.” 
The man said nothing. Steve took a shuddering breath before the quiet could take over. 
“Having someone forget you is…it’s very lonely. Which is the worst feeling. I…I guess I don’t want him to be lonely anymore.”
The silence that followed his statement stretched long enough that Steve started falling into that meditative state he’d learned during his many nights at the shrine. It helped dull the twisted up, unsteady sensation that lingered from the man’s prodding at his every self-doubt and fear.
“He hasn’t rejected you yet, though,” the man broke Steve's musings awkwardly.
“He hasn’t reached out to me either. It’s fine. I’ll keep coming either way.”
Another silence. It was around the time the man usually left Steve to his worship. He didn't hear retreating footsteps. Instead, the man cleared his throat, and when Steve looked up at him, the man turned his face away, shrouding it in gloom.
“Maybe he’s nervous. Maybe that’s why he hasn’t contacted you yet.”
“Nervous? No way.”
“He sounds like a godly weirdo,” the man said. “Maybe he’s never had a holy warrior before and doesn’t know what to do.”
“He’s the good kind of weirdo! And there’s no way he’s not had a warrior carry his symbol. He must’ve had loads back in the day. I probably don’t meet his standards,” Steve smiled lopsidedly, playing off his insecurity.
“I’m serious!” the man exclaimed. “It’s possible! Some gods never get warriors. Some never want them at all!
“Look, even if I was the first to offer to be his, he’d know he didn’t have to be nervous,” Steve insisted. "I’ve never served a god before either! I wasn’t sure I could have faith at all until I learned about him. So like, if he’s new to it then so am I, and we’d figure it out together.”
“...you really mean that, don’t you? You’d let him make it up on the fly if he took you on.”
“Well, yeah,” Steve shrugged.
“You’d keep coming back even if he rejected you?”
“But why? That’s so stupid. Nobody would do that!” The man sounded frustrated.
“I’m not really known for my smarts,” Steve said matter-of-factly. “Robin and Dustin had to translate the only book we found about the Lord of Night because I definitely wouldn't have been able to. It was a tiny book but it still took them ages to do because the language doesn’t really exist anymore. So they told me it’s possible it’s not accurate. It felt true, though, to me. 
“There was this quote, I can’t recite it word for word, but…it was something about how monsters don’t always look monstrous, and the monstrous aren’t always things to be feared.”
“That sounds ridiculous,” the man protested. Steve shook his head.
“No, it’s true! Like, I know I’ve got a pretty face and really great hair,” he smirked when he heard the man scoff, “but I was such a fucking asshole when I was younger. I went around hurting people on purpose, tearing them down for no reason other than I was hurting too, and that’s the shittiest reason to hurt anyone. I had to get some sense knocked into me by the people I call friends now. 
“My friends are the greatest people I know, and I’m really lucky to have them, but to everyone else? My friends are losers. They’re rejects because they don’t act right or they don’t look right; they talk too much or too loudly. People treat them like shit because they're different. 
“And after I noticed that, I started seeing it more even if I don’t always pick up on it. And I still mess up sometimes. I'm not a god, I can't change the world but…in the stories Robin and Dustin translated, the Lord of Night helped people like my friends because it was always the weak and rejected that try to hide themselves in the dark. I want to help those people find him again so they know they’ve got someone holy in their corner. They should know someone loves them enough to protect them.”
Steve didn’t really know where all those words came from; he wasn’t a wordsmith like Robin and Dustin. He always had a hard time verbalizing his thoughts, and he usually messed up the words. Nonetheless, these words had almost burned to be said. 
When the speech that flowed from him finally reached a natural end, he felt…lighter, cleaner. He felt like his shield and sword when they were polished to a shine. But when he turned to see his audience’s reaction, the man had gone. Steve felt strangely dejected instead.
The eighth night:
“Hey, it’s me again. My supplies are low and I don’t know what your thoughts about hunting on your land are so I’d rather not…I don’t want you to think I’m disrespecting you. I might have to leave soon to get more supplies,” Steve swallowed nervously. “Which isn’t an ult..ultimate…? No, damn, what is it called? I’m not trying to force you to talk to me before then, is what I mean. Not–not that I could! With you being a god.” 
Steve scoffed at his own blundering. He should’ve had Robin help him make speech notes. Cards with conversation starters. Something! He took a deep breath and tried again.
"But I'm coming back, I promise. I meant what I said about fixing up your shrine. I’ll commission a new plaque and I’ll talk to the stonemason about replacing your plinth. I don’t know a lot about sculpture, but I’ll get you the strongest type of stone and get something nice carved on it. Your flowers? Or cats? Cats are cute. Maybe your bats would be better…?” Steve trailed off.
It was quiet save for the faint rustle of leaves in the cool breeze. The full moon illuminated the area more than ever before. The shrine must have really been a beautiful sight back in its heyday. The thought of it sent a pang of longing through his soul.
The hour came that the strange man usually showed up. Steve steeled himself for another round of questions, another jab at his faith. The hour went by with Steve alone in the clearing. Steve frowned.
“Do you think he’s okay?” 
Steve’s question went unanswered.
After another hour without seeing his stranger, Steve had finally convinced himself to round the perimeter for a quick check in case the man was nearby or in need of assistance. When he found nothing, he checked again in case he missed something. 
Still nothing. Uneasily, Steve gave up his search and returned to the shrine. He knelt before it again, head bowed. He cleared his throat.
“Lord of Night, I don’t know his name, and I know he’s been rude–annoying–but could you please watch over the man? Please keep him safe from harm for as long as the stars shine tonight. Thank you.”
He received no response, but Steve had faith. He knew he was heard. He knew his god wouldn’t let an innocent come to harm if he could prevent it.
ps: i do not do those reader tag list things. if you’d like to keep up with my stuff, follow my writing tag: trensu tells stories
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farfaras · 1 year
Steddie week. Day 7: Free space. 2.1k words. Ao3 link.
I’m late but I really wanted to finish the week. So here it is! The last one!
“What’s Eddie short for?” Steve asked Robin. They were on their break, now working at a record store after they got fired from Family Video for missing work too much.
“Why are you asking me?” She shot back. Steve simply shrugged. It honestly just occurred to him that he didn’t actually know if that was Eddie’s name or if it was a nickname.
“I was just thinking about it. You don’t know?”
“I have absolutely no idea.” That was disappointing. Robin seemed to be getting along with Eddie. Maybe they’re not that close. Would Dustin know? “You know, I think I asked him once.”
“Really? And what did he say?” She should’ve mentioned this first!
“I think he just started laughing and then deflected. Never answered me.” She stood up. They had to go back to work already. It was slow today, not much customers around so they kept chatting. “Why did you ask?”
“I don’t know.” Steve really was just curious. “We’ve all been friends for a while and I just realized we don’t actually know if ‘Eddie’ is short for anything.”
“He actually seems like the type of person to just be called ‘Eddie’. Like just ‘Eddie’, full stop.” Even if that’d be funny, it’s probably not it. “Anyway, just ask him.”
“Is that not weird?” He wondered.
“I asked him. He just didn’t tell me. Maybe you’d have more luck.” She smirked and it looked like she knew something he didn’t.
Steve narrowed his eyes. “Maybe I will.”
“You’re the one who wants to know.”
“Do you think he didn’t tell you because the name’s embarrassing or something?”
“He’s done so much embarrassing stuff, his name can’t be that bad.”
The next time he saw Eddie was when they were playing DnD, at Steve’s house. For some reason Eddie managed to convince Steve that hosting their nerd game was a good idea. He was sure it was his puppy dog eyes. Steve was not immune to those. Robin took advantage of that, constantly.
Steve almost forgot that he was gonna ask Eddie, it was when everyone left and it was just the two of them that Steve remembered the question he had been meaning to ask.
“Hey, Eddie.” He called out to catch his attention.
“Yeah?” They sat down on the couch after cleaning up.
“Is your name short for anything?”
He did exactly what Robin said he did when she asked him. He just started laughing, out of nowhere. Steve didn’t understand what was so funny.
When Eddie stopped laughing, he let out a sigh. “Anyway, what movies do you have?”
“Wha– you’re changing the subject! Why?” Steve was starting to get suspicious now.
“Why do you ask, Steve?” Eddie looked at him.
“I was just curious.” It’s true, Steve was curious. But now it felt like his name was actually something embarrassing, because why else would he avoid answering it in the first place.
“Sureee.” Eddie did not believe him. “To answer your question. Yes, my name is short for something.” Steve figured.
“What is it?” It couldn’t be bad. Steve only knew a handful of names that could be nicknamed Eddie, and those weren’t that bad.
“Ha! I’m not telling you that.” Eddie joyfully replied.
“What– why not?”
“I have to keep the mystery going.” He explained, tone completely serious.
“You’re not mysterious.” Steve deadpanned.
“Shut up, I so am.” Eddie bit back.
“It takes like, one conversation with you to know that you’re not mysterious.” Steve said. It was true, Eddie might have the intimidating look going on, but it was easy to overlook it as soon as he opened his mouth.
Eddie glares at him. “Are you done?”
“You still haven’t answered!”
“‘Cuz I’m not gonna.” Eddie grinned, he was just enjoying having something that Steve wanted to know. “Maybe you can guess.”
“Ugh” Steve fell further into the couch. “I don’t feel like it.”
“Just because I’m a generous and giving person,” Steve perked, he didn’t know why he wanted to know so badly. Maybe so he could use it whenever he wanted to scold him like one of the kids. “I’ll make you a deal.” Disappointed, Steve sighed.
“What’s the deal?” He asked.
“If you guess it,” Eddie put his hand on his chin. “I’ll give you something, anything you want.”
“What? Like a prize for guessing your name?” Steve scoffed. “What am I? A dog?”
“So you don’t want anything?”
“That’s not what I said.” Steve had a feeling that making a deal with Eddie was like making a wish to a genie. Eh, he would still get something out of it. “Whatever, sure. It’s a deal.” He just had to start guessing, until he got it. Shouldn’t be that hard.
“If you say so.”
“Is it Edward?” He gave his first guess.
“Well, that’d be too obvious.” Steve still waited for an actual response. Eddie rolled his eyes. “No, it’s not. Close, though.”
“I’m so grateful it isn’t Edison.”
“Oh god, they keep getting worse.”
“Yes or no?”
“No! Why would you think my name is Edmund? Do I look like an Edmund to you?” Eddie asked, scandalized.
Steve stayed quiet. “You want me to answer that?”
“Actually, let’s just watch a movie. That’s enough guesses for today.” Eddie went to shuffle through their options.
“I just started!” Steve protested. He should’ve known Eddie wasn’t gonna make it easy for him.
“I don’t feel like answering more. Try again later.”
Steve crossed his arms and pouted. When Eddie looked back at him, Steve stuck his tongue out, like a toddler. Eddie chuckled.
Eddie gave him a thumbs down.
Eddie spelled “no” with his fries. He proudly showed them to Steve.
Steve ate them.
“Where’d you even come up with that one?”
“I heard it somewhere.”
“Well, that’s not it.”
“Is it, like, just Ed or something?”
“Life would be easier.” Eddie dreamily looked to the sky. “So, no, it’s not.”
“I’m like, out of ideas, Robin.” Steve didn’t know whether to give up or look in the library.
“Maybe you need to look for obscure names, like really weird ones.” Robin made some hand gestures that he didn’t really know what they entailed.
“Can I get a hint?” Steve gave it his best shot at puppy dog eyes, he had big eyes, right?
Eddie wasn’t looking straight at him, he took one glance for like half a second and then decided to look forward. “I already did.”
“No.” He furrowed his eyebrows. “When?”
“With your first guess. I don’t think you need anything else.”
Steve let out a frustrated groan.
At the end, he didn’t guess shit.
Steve was dropping by some cookies he made, they were Eddie’s favorite. Steve wanted to improve some skills in the baking department, it was a win win. He got practice, Eddie got cookies. It didn’t mean anything else.
The government gave the Munsons a house after everything, it was on the outskirts of town. When he pulled up, he noticed that a letter had fallen down from the mailbox. When he picked it up he saw who it was addressed to.
Eduardo Munson.
There was no way.
Steve ran so fast his head almost clashed with the door. He knocked frantically. Eddie opened the door, Steve didn’t even wait to be invited in. He ran to the kitchen to set the cookies on the counter and raced back to where Eddie was.
“Your name is Eduardo?”
Eddie’s eyes widened. “How’d you find that out?”
Steve just handed him the letter he found on the floor. Eddie’s mouth formed an ‘O’, but he didn’t say anything.
“Well?” Steve crossed his arms.
“I guess now you know.” Eddie opened the letter to read it, he made his way to the couch and sat down. Steve followed.
“Is that why you said I was close with the name Edward?” Steve didn’t know anyone named Eduardo. Well, he thought he didn’t.
“Eduardo is basically the same name, but in Spanish.” Eddie, no, Eduardo nodded.
“Why– who decided that was gonna be your name?” Did his parents just like Spanish, or something? Steve thought. He obviously didn’t say it.
“My mom. She was Mexican. This letter is from my grandma.”
“Oh. Is it…” Steve didn’t actually know where he was going with that.
“Most of my mom’s side lives in cali, or Mexico.”
Eddie had the letter opened on his lap, Steve peeked. He didn’t want to pry, it was just a quick glance. Even if he wanted to read anything though, he couldn’t.
“That is, fully in Spanish.” His face was a mix of confusion and shock.
“Uh huh.” Eddie was holding back laughter. “What about it?”
“You speak Spanish?!” At this point, he didn’t even care if he was being loud.
“My grandma calls me regularly, like, once a month. She doesn’t speak an ounce of English.” Eddie’s face was fond. That shouldn’t be as cute as it was.
Steve’s jaw was on the floor. Never once did he expect to learn all of this just because he wanted to know if the name “Eddie” was actually short for another name. Eddie reached out and closed his mouth. Steve took some time to get himself back together. He collected the cookies and brought them back for Eddie.
“So, I didn’t guess.”
Steve sighed, forlorn. “So, deal’s off, I guess.”
“Mmhm.” Eddie was concentrating on the letter in front of him. Steve slapped his arm. “What was that for?”
“You can read that later. I brought you cookies.”
Eddie snatched them, he started almost inhaling them. Jesus Christ. “These are great.”
“Thanks.” Steve blushed.
After that they were content to just hang out, doing whatever. Eddie told him more about his mom’s side of the family. There were a lot of family members that Steve couldn’t keep track of. He talked more with his grandma, aunts and uncle. Steve found out that his mom taught him Spanish when he was little. When she died, and his dad ended up in prison, his closer relative was Wayne so he moved in with him. His mom’s family always kept in touch, though. The last time his grandma visited was before Christmas in 1985.
“Say something in Spanish.” Steve was surprised with himself for asking that. Where did that come from?
“What am I? Your personal clown?”
“Shut up.” He rolled his eyes. “It just hasn’t registered in my brain fully, that you speak Spanish. Maybe I have to hear it.” Steve tried. It was a cheap attempt at just wanting to hear it.
“What do you want me to say?” Eddie replied. Was he actually gonna do it?
“I don’t know.” Steve shrugged. An idea came to him, he straightened up. “What about the way your grandma greets you on the phone, or the way you answer?”
Eddie scrunched up his nose. Cute. “Ugh… she’s so mushy.”
“Now I have to hear it.” Steve clasped his hands together, battling his eyelashes.
Eddie just accepted defeat. “Fine!” He was now avoiding Steve’s eyes. “Whenever she calls she always starts with something like ‘¿Cómo está mi niño hermoso?’ Or she’d call me ‘mi vida’, or ‘mi cielo’. Honestly she calls me a lot of things.” Steve had no idea what that was, nor what it meant. But his eyes never left Eddie’s lips, not once. Hearing that was doing things to Steve. He suddenly felt hot.
“What does it mean?”
Eddie flushed red. He turned to Steve, eyes deadly serious. “You don’t wanna know.”
“Oh, but I really do.” Eddie shook his head no. “You have to tell me or else I’m just gonna start calling you that.” Eddie’s face was so funny, he looked scandalized at the possibility. “What was it again? Cie- cielo?”
Eddie swung his hands and arms around. “Stop! Don’t you dare continue.” Steve mimed zipping his mouth. “If you must know. She just asks how I am and she calls me her boy and other pet names.”
Steve narrowed his eyes, assessing him. “Is that the truth?” Eddie nodded. “I’ll accept that, for now.”
They spent the rest of the day watching tv. By the time Steve was leaving the sun was already setting. Eddie walked him to the door.
“What would you have asked for?” Eddie blurted. “If you had guessed my name.”
Steve glanced down at Eddie’s lips for the second time that day. He looked up at Eddie, even if they were almost the same height. Steve shrugged one shoulder. “I’m sure I would’ve come up with something.”
Steve leaned in and placed a quick kiss on Eddie’s cheek.
“See you, Eduardo.”
He stepped outside and walked to his car. He heard a loud thumping noise coming from inside the house and chuckled to himself.
Steve: he speaks Spanish, Robin!
Robin: I heard you the first time, dingus.
Steve: I don’t think you understand the severity of the situation.
Robin: *blank stare*
Steve: I can’t believe I have to date him.
Robin: you don’t have to.
Steve: no, no. I’m gonna.
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With Good Weather Brings Good Breedings. (18+ Fic)
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Pairing: Poly!KiriBaku x Black!Bunny Girl!Reader
Synopsis: In which your spring cycle comes a little earlier than usual and you’re too afraid of your boyfriends–whom you’ve been dating for five months–thinking you’re weird instead of telling them about your cycle during mating season. However, during a picnic thrown especially for you, your two favorite pros are more aware than you realize and are more than happy to help you with your little problem.
Story Warnings: Smutty Smut, 18+ (MINORS STAY TF AWAY), Poly Romance, AgedUp!Pro!Bakugou & Kiri (they’re in their late 20s), Black!Reader, Bunny Girl!Reader, Mating Cycle, In Heat, Dick Crazed, Public Sex/Exhibitionism, Foreplay, Nipple Play, Light Foot Fetish (Toe Sucking), Clit Stimulation, Overstimulation, Deepthroating, Biting/Nibbling, Hair/Ear Pulling, Tail Stroking, Spanking, Face Fucking, Light Hints of Dacryphilia, Degradation, Name Calling, Pet Names, Multiple Positions (Doggystyle, Full Nelson, Mating Press), Non-Protected PIV/Non-Safe Sex (WRAP IT BEFORE YOU TAP IT), Mentions of Breeding, Squirting, Creampies, Facials, Aftercare
Disclaimer: I own none of the characters mentioned in this fic. However, as this is my writing, I do not give permission for my work to be reposted on any other sites that are not from my own accounts. Thank you!
Writer’s Note: Happy spring, y’all!! Decided to celebrate by giving y’all another smutty short fic. You’re welcome, enjoy & thank you tons for the love on my work so far. Stay safe out there cuz COVID ain’t over. Wear your mask!! -Jazz
Chapters: One, Two, Three, Four, Five
Read on AO3 here!
“So how can we help?” Kiri purrs.
You swear you feel like you blackout for a minute when his question and its hidden meaning begin to set in. You gape up at them and their soft yet hungered stares. You feel as if you’re baking in the sun, your entire body hot under their eyes. 
“W-What?” you weakly ask. There’s no way they could possibly be thinking of doing this for you. “You really don’t have to!” you begin to protest, flustered. I-I’m fine!”
Kiri’s eyes grow stern. “Y/N, you are clearly not fine,” he firmly states. “Look at you! You’re clearly struggling and we’re not gonna let our girl go through this alone. Let us ease the tension in any way we can, okay?”
Bakugou moves closer to you, making it so there is no space left between you and him. “We’re not takin’ no for an answer,” he softly growls. “So I suggest you let us know what you want and what you like.” 
His words set you alight and make your pussy embarrassingly clench around air. Kiri follows Bakugou’s movements and cuddles up next to your other side until you’re sandwiched between them both. You still feel slightly embarrassed with this, but also increasingly, unbearably horny with how close they are now. You feel like a prisoner trapped between two incredibly-sexy walls of a cell. Not to mention how patient and encouraging they are. They’re so hellbent on getting to know each and every freaky part of you, and it’s a complete turn-on. 
Time seems to go by in slow motion until you finally get the nerve to speak. “W-Well,” you softly stutter, “we could start with kissing and a little touching like we usually do. Only my ears and tail are free range now.” 
Kiri looks overjoyed by the opportunity. “Of course!” he brightly replies, already turning you away from Bakugou to face him. “Me first!” He ignores Bakugou’s angered growl, his full attention on you and your lips. “I’ve been waitin’ to get these lips to myself all day.” 
Without another word or waste of time, his lips are on yours. As usual, his kiss starts off gentle and careful as if he’s afraid of hurting you. But once he finds that rhythm, he sticks with it. His lips dance with yours in a passionate embrace, his hand under your chin to keep your face right where it is. His lips are pillowy-soft and intoxicating, the slight stumble on his chin tickling you lightly. 
His kiss sends you reeling, your mind filled with nothing but him. You’re aware of his other hand moving to hold your hip, gently squeezing you there. “You feel so fuckin’ good, babe,” he murmurs against your lips. “Taste good too.” He leans in again and gently runs a toothed fang along your bottom lip, making you softly gasp. 
He ducks back in for another kiss, this one with tongue, and it gives you the confidence to begin to run your hands over every part of him you can touch–his neck; his biceps; his chest, and abs. He’s truly a work of art. Both of them are. 
You gasp into the kiss at the sudden tug you feel on your ears. Bakugou is busy playing with them, alternating between running his fingertips lightly along the fur and tugging them at the tips. He even puts the tip of your ear in his mouth, nibbling on it gently. The moan you let out is needy and desperate, embarrassingly so. “Aww, c’mon, Katsuki,” Kiri laughs. “Don’t torture our girl too much.” But Bakugou pays him no mind, still toying with your ears. Kiri begins to run his lips over your jawline, trailing down the tender skin of your neck and collarbone. You have no choice but to lean your head back and embrace it all–this sweet torture. You don’t know how much you can take of this. Your body is trembling with need, your tail twitching in desperation. 
Kiri notices this. “Looks like that tail wants some attention too,” he chuckles, running his fingers along your little cottontail. “Why don’t you show Katsuki the same treatment you showed me and I take care of you here?” 
You don’t even nod or reply. You just turn around to face Bakugou who wastes no time smashing his lips against yours. His kisses are a lot rougher and more passionate than Kiri’s. He makes sure you can’t breathe or think after his kisses are done; that all you can feel are the ghost of his plump, pink lips against yours for days. He firmly grips your chin, keeping your face strictly facing him as his tongue slips into your mouth. As Bakugou works on your lips, you feel Kiri play with your tail, his fingers gently stroking the ball of fur that twitches excitedly as he does. With his other hand, he gently strokes your ears, taking extra care to run his forefinger and thumb along the tips. You pull away from Bakugou to moan at the sensations, your mind hazy with pleasure. 
Bakugou takes advantage of this by pressing rough, wet kisses to your neck and collarbone, gently sucking on the skin to leave faint hickeys. Your mouth falls open, your hands moving to grip his broad shoulders and breathe in his vanilla scent. “‘Suki,” you whimper. 
Bakugou smirks against your skin. “Those whimpers are so fuckin’ cute,” he chuckles. “They’re goin’ straight to my dick. Can you feel it?” He shifts his hips and pushes into your thigh so you can feel the obvious outline of his hardened dick. “You did that to me.” 
You wish he hadn’t done that. Now all you can think about is how hard Kiri’s dick might be and how you want them both in your mouth and pussy. Your naughty thoughts dissipate only when you feel Kiri’s hands slide up your sides underneath your shirt. “Is it okay if I take off your top, princess?” he whispers against your ear, pressing a kiss against your neck. 
Despite your hazy mind currently feeling the effects of your intoxicating boyfriends and your heat symptoms, you’re not horny enough to not understand what he’s implying. “R-Right here?” you ask nervously. “What if someone sees us?” 
Your eyes tick around the area. Though you’re surrounded by trees and wilderness, you never know if someone could come hiking up the trail and see you. You’re shocked by how much it turns you on–the idea of getting caught, perhaps with Bakugou’s dick in your mouth while Kiri’s is in your hand, both of them slowly stroking their hips in time with you, showering you with sweet praise and degradation as they do. Kiri just laughs, already moving your top up higher. “No one’s coming, gorgeous. Don’t worry.” 
“And if they do, they can fuck off,” Bakgou mutters against your neck. “I’ll blast ‘em all to hell if they even look at you.” You giggle at his words, already feeling a little more confident and emboldened with this new kinky journey you’re about to venture upon. But maybe that’s just your horniness taking over. You turn to Kiri, giving him the green light. “You can take off my skirt too.” 
Kiri grins, looking like a kid on Christmas Day. “Yes, ma’am.” He wastes no time peeling your top off of you and then helping you out of your skirt. He coaxes you to sit up so he can get it down your ankles and then off of your body. He flings both articles of clothing to the side, forgotten. Now, all of this attention is on you. His eyes are hungered; starving. “Fuck, gorgeous, look at you.” 
You feel like you’re baking in an oven under your boyfriends’ lustful gazes on your body. You had decided to put on a brightly-colored sexy lace bra and panties under your clothes today; some that you knew you looked good in. Bakugou reaches out to toy with the lace on one of your bra cups. “This shit is way too sexy,” he growls lustfully. “You were planning for this, weren’t you? Bet you were hoping we’d play with you out here in the open, right?” 
His hand sneaks behind you to tug at your ears, sending sparks of pleasure straight to your clit. “Right?” he repeats roughly. 
“Y-Yes!” you whimper, toes curling at the sensation. “I was hoping! Couldn’t help it!” Kiri smirks at your honesty. “Good girl,” he coos, running a finger down your bare leg. “So honest. Why don’t you reward her, K?” 
Bakugou doesn’t need to be told twice. He looks at you, waiting for you to give him the green light. Wordlessly, you nod, giving him the go for the bra to come off. His fingers work expertly to unclip the bra before tossing it to the side. Once it’s off, your breasts fall out of the cups and bounce slightly against your chest. Both pros moan softly at the sight of your brown, hardened nipples, looking like drooling dogs wanting to take a bite of your hanging fruit. You find yourself giggling at the attention, feeling good about yourself. 
Gently, Bakugou lays you down on top of the blanket before hovering over you, his face blocking the sun. “Let me know what feels good,” he whispers before ducking down to kiss your neck and your collarbone. Your eyes flutter closed and your hands run through his ash-blonde hair as his lips dance across your skin, taking his sweet time going to your tits. He takes both into his hands and begins to kneed them gently, his fingers pressing into the tender flesh. “Fuck, you’ve got a nice rack, baby,” he groans, oggling your titties in his hands. “I could do this all day.” 
Then his lips are wrapping around one of your nipples and sucking gently, his tongue swirling around your areola. You moan at the feeling of his wet tongue and plump lips teasing your breast while his hand works the other. “Katsuki,” you exhale, his name a mere whisper in the wind. “Please...pinch them.” 
Bakugou looks up at you from between the valley of your tits and grins. “Naughty fuckin’ girl.” He does as you plead, taking both nipples between his fingers and pinching them, tugging them–not enough to hurt you but enough for you to feel those sparks of pleasure shoot through your veins as he toys with your sensitive nipples. “Mmm-hmm,” he hums, encouraging those little noises dripping from your lips. “Just relax, baby girl. Let us take good care of you.” 
As if wanting to make you lose your mind even more, you feel Kiri take one of your feet into his hands and begin to kiss the sole, his hands gently massaging your calve. Then his lips wrap around one of your toes and he proceeds to gently suck on your big toe, his tongue gently tickling you there. “Sorry, hon,” he chuckles. “Couldn’t stand starin’ at these cute little toes much longer.” 
He then pulls your toe out of his mouth and kisses your foot, his lips pressed to your painted toes before doing the same to the other. “You like that?” he teases before practically sticking your whole entire foot in his mouth. If only he knew. You were fucking losing it, all sense of self-control leaving your body at the sensations. “Fuck, you’re so cute,” Kiri groans, gently placing your foot back down. “I need to have a taste too. Scoot over, K.” 
Surprisingly, Bakugou does as he says. Now Kiri is beside him and taking one of your nipples into your mouth while Bakugou works on his own. Your eyes nearly bulge out of their sockets at the pleasure–two sets of mouths and tongues on your nipples, toying with the hardened, brown peaks. “Oh, my God,” you gasp, your head falling back.  
As they continue their foreplay, your body grows more sensitive. The light grazing of their teeth on your nipples sends shivers up your skin and makes your pussy gush into your panties, desperate for something. “Fuck!” you cry out, hands in their hair, gripping their heads closer as your back arches, pushing your chest farther into their mouths. “I-I can’t….” 
You want to tell them to stop or else you’ll cum. As if hearing your silent plea, Kiri stops and looks up at you, his eyes as red as the purest blood. “Look at you squirming around,” he chuckles. “Seems like you’re wanting something, cutie.” 
Bakugou pulls away too and sits up on his knees. “Maybe we should take you to the car and find out,” he purrs, his hand on your inner thigh. Your eyes flick down to the outline of their dicks pushing through their pants, desperate to be released. 
You know damn well you wouldn’t make it to the car or to any of your homes. Your heat has begun to take the driver’s seat and you find yourself cupping both of their bulges in your hands, staring up at them under your lashes as you do. “Why not out here?” you purr, mischievously staring up at your boyfriends. 
From the way Bakugou and Kiri are looking at you, you would think you just asked them to rob a bank. Their eyes are wide, mouths slightly parted in shock. If they didn’t believe you could make it to the car with your horny self, they certainly believe it now. “Wait,” Kiri says, moving away from your hand cupping his dick in his pants. “You want this…right here? Right now?” 
You nod frantically, practically foaming at the mouth with how feral you are. “Yes,” you answer breathlessly. “I want this more than anything.” To persuade them even more of how much you’re craving this, you sit up on your knees, now eye level with them. You stare at them imploringly, hoping they’ll see the heat in your gaze. “Please,” you beg, running your fingers gently over their hardening bulges. “I need you. Both of you.” 
Kiri looks like he wants to scoop you up and protect you from all harm while Bakugou looks like he wants to gobble you up. “Fuck, don’t make her beg, shitty hair,” he hisses impatiently. “Take those fuckin’ panties off before I rip ‘em off myself.” 
The redhead doesn’t need to be told twice. He loops his fingers through the waistband of your panties and, in one swift motion, yanks them down your thighs. As he does, he unintentionally rips the lace waistband when he yanks on it too hard. You gasp when you hear the tearing sound. “Kiri!” you whine, glaring at him. “Those were expensive!” 
Kiri takes a look at the tag on the panties and smirks. “Soma, huh?” he chuckles before tossing them to the side. “I’ll buy you some more. You bought this on yourself, mama. Might as well be a good girl and take it.” He doesn’t even apologize nor do you make him. The both of you are too damn horny to be fighting about torn underwear. Slowly, Kiri coaxes you to lay down on the plush All Might blanket and gently opens your thighs for him and Bakugou. The spring breeze hits your pussy lips dripping in your arousal, making you shiver. 
But nothing gives you the chills like the way Kiri and Bakugou stare at your exposed pussy. “Fuck me,” Bakugou growls, a feral look in his crimson eyes. “Look how fuckin’ wet you are, baby. You’re fuckin’ gushing for us.” He sneaks a hand between your thighs and tentatively drags a finger up your pussy lips. 
His feather-light touch makes your thighs tremble, the feeling better than he can begin to understand. “C-Can’t help it,” you whimper softly. Kiri runs a gentle hand over your stomach, trailing his fingers over your heated skin. “Aw, baby, we know you can’t,” he coos. “Our poor little bunny just can’t help gushin’ for us.” 
You burn internally from his lewd words as Bakugou proceeds to rub your clit, nudging the little button with his thumb. Your mouth falls open as sparks of pleasure shoot into your core, causing you to begin to wind your hips in time with Bakugou’s ministrations. He gives you a cocky smirk as he watches you, his eyes never leaving your body as it wriggles and squirms around. 
“Hold up!” Kiri suddenly shouts. Bakugou pauses, glaring daggers at him. “We need a safe word. This is the first time we’re doin’ somethin’ outside kissing and touching, so we need something to make sure we’re safe.” He turns to you, giving you a reassuring smile. “You pick the word, baby girl.” 
You blink up at him, trying to process what he just said through your pleasure. “Uh...” You search for a good word; one that’s random. Your eyes trail down to the pro hero’s face on the blanket and a lightbulb flickers in your head. “All Might?” you suggest. 
“All Might it is,” Kiri chuckles and nudges Bakugou roughly. “Now you can dig in, and you’d better save some for me.” 
Bakugou nudges him back as he gets onto his stomach, right in front of your pussy. “Let’s get these fuckin’ legs up,” he growls, throwing your legs over his shoulders.” You breathlessly laugh as he positions you the way he wants you, his strength and ability to toss you around making you wetter. “I’ve been dying to see what these thighs of yours taste like.”
Before you can catch a breath, you feel his long, wet tongue pressing against your inner thighs where he proceeds to suckle on the soft, tender skin. As he does, one hand palms at your ass while the other reaches up to tweak and toy with your nipple. You moan at his work on you, one of your hands toying with the breast he isn’t handling. “‘Suki,” you whimper. 
Bakugou moans into your thighs, his tongue and lips moving greedily against your skin. When he looks up at you, his eyes drag you in, hypnotizing you. “Goddamn, you’re wet,” he growls against your leg, pressing a kiss to the inside of your knee. “You’re drippin’ down your thighs, bunny.” 
“No fair!” Kiri grunts, forcing Bakugou out of the way. “Lemme get a taste.” While he starts by licking up your inner thighs, unlike Bakugou, he doesn’t stay there. He shocks you by taking a handful of your hips and proceeding to run his tongue over your pussy lips and clit, alternating between using the flat space of his tongue and flicking the tip against your clit. Your eyes roll back to the back of your head, your ears twitching with joy. 
“Eji,” you moan. “That feels so good.” Your hands immediately go to tug and play idly in his red locks of hair as he continues to work your pussy with his tongue. He eats you greedily, sloppily, spitting all over your cunt and slurping it back up. You should’ve known he was a messy eater. He moans then, pulling off of you to give you a delirious smile. “Fuck, you taste so good, baby!” he proclaims, caressing your hips. 
He goes to duck down again for another lick, but Bakugou stops him. “Time’s up, shitty hair,” he growls, venom in his tone. “Fuck out the way.” He practically throws his boyfriend out of the way to make room for himself between your thighs again. 
If you thought Kiri was sloppy when he ate your pussy, you suddenly think yourself wrong when Bakugou dives in for a taste. He first spits all over your cunt before proceeding to slurp it back up as he licks and sucks at your clit, never taking a moment to slow down or breathe. Your mouth falls open as you pant heavily, your hands gripping his ash-blonde hair and muscular shoulders. 
Your eyes close against the blue sky and bright sun above you, the feeling too much for you. But Bakugou spanks your thigh, forcing you to open your eyes. “Keep your eyes on me, gorgeous,” he demands, giving you a sly wink before diving into your cunt again. This time, he even adds a finger and you nearly scream in utter pleasure as he curls it up, right against your G-spot. 
You suddenly feel Kiri’s hands on your tits, playing with your nipples. “No, baby,” he teases in your ear. “Keep your eyes on me. I wanna see your pretty face when you cum.” He slinks his fingers down to your clit and proceeds to rub it while Bakugou moves his tongue to your pussy lips. “Lemme help you get there faster.” 
You nearly jump out of your skin as you feel Kiri rub your clit at the exact speed with the right pressure that quickly begins to make you peak. That feeling in your stomach begins to unravel too quickly, threatening to snap. “No, no, please!” you sob. “I’m about to cum!” 
“Go ahead, baby girl,” Kiri whispers in your ear. “Cum in Katsuki’s mouth. Let me see you do it.” Bakugou’s muffled moans and the way he feverishly fingerfucks you get you there quicker than you want. 
Before you know it, you’re tumbling down that hill into a sea of pure bliss as the first orgasm either of your boyfriends has given you rocks you to your core. A string of moans leaves your lips as you cum hard on Bakugou’s tongue while Kiri stares on, transfixed by you. You’re practically in heaven, soaring above the clouds as the warm feeling that is only achieved by a damn good orgasm can achieve. 
When you finally come down, you let out a breathless sigh and pet Bakugou’s hair as he cleans you up, licking up every ounce of your cum from your thighs. Finally, he sits back and stares down at you hungrily, eyes hooded and his bottom lip wet with saliva and your cum. It’s the hottest thing you’ve seen thus far. “Feel better, mama?” Kiri asks, trailing his fingers over your sensitive stomach. 
While you do, you know only one orgasm isn’t enough to tame the beast of your cycle. And you’re right: you begin to feel that heat take over again, the ache in your pussy growing. You whimper, moving to clamp your thighs together but Kiri stops you by putting a hand between them. “I’ll take that as a no. Guess you’ll need some more support.” You gasp as he hunkers down between your thighs and tosses your legs over his shoulders, your feet at his ears. Your eyes widen in shock when you realize what’s happening. It’s Kiri’s turn now. “W-Wait,” you stutter in protest. “You don’t have to–” 
Bakugou cuts you off by putting a hand on your throat and his lips roughly on yours. “Shut the fuck up,” he growls against your mouth. “This is what naughty girls like you get. You best shut up and take it.” Your eyes flick nervously from his red-hot gaze to Kiri between your thighs, staring up at you. “You don’t have to do anything, darlin’,” he coos, giving you a wink. “Just like there and enjoy this like the princess you are. Let us serve you. You deserve this.” 
With that, he proceeds to eat you out like you’re leftovers on Thanksgiving, tongue swirling around and around, going aaaaall the way downtown. Though he takes his time and isn’t as fast as Bakugou, he doesn’t spare you from the overstimulation that is making your oversensitive clit tingle and spasm. But the sensations don’t stop there. Bakugou leans down to play with your tits, teeth nibbling at the sensitive peaks. 
You’re seeing stars at this point, unable to keep your voice down. “Oh, fuck!” you cry, your hands moving to grip Kiri’s hair. “Yeah?” Bakugou growls against your titties. “Yeah, you like this shit? Lemme hear you, baby. Let the whole fuckin’ world know how good you feel right now.” Kiri moans into your pussy as he continues to greedily eat it, swirling his tongue around your cunt and clit. The feeling of his nose continuing to nudge your clit as he slips his tongue between your lips nearly throws you over the edge, and you know that you’re about to cum again. 
“I’m so close!” you babble, gripping onto your boyfriend for dear life. “So close again! Please, Kiri!” Kiri peeks up at you from between your thighs to nod at Bakugou. “Rub her clit, Katsuki,” he orders breathlessly. 
Bakugou quickly takes two fingers and rubs your sensitive clit while Kiri takes a finger and slips it inside the wet depths of your cunt.“Say that you’re our good girl,” he orders in a way that is so unlike the Kiri you know. This one is demanding and dominant, and so, so sexy. “Say whose pussy this is and we’ll make you cum.” He presses his finger up against your G-spot as he fingerfucks you and Bakugou laps at your clit. 
Tears prick your eyes as the urge to cum again rises, threatening to overflood the dam of your core. “I-I’m your good girl!” you sob deliriously to your boyfriends. “This is your pussy, daddies, please, please, make me cum!” 
Bakugou stops to glance at you, as does Kiri, both astounded by you and your words. “Oh, fuck, baby,” Bakugou moans in anticipation, a glint in his eye, “we’re gonna fuck you up good now.” 
And they do. Kiri curls his finger inside of you while Bakugou laps at your clit, never slowing down until you finally feel that second orgasm rip through you. “Cumming!” you shout to the heavens. “Oh, my God, I’m cumming!” At this point, you don’t care who hears you–the feeling of your second nut is way too good to stay silent or to even attempt to hide your voice. 
Your arch your back and scream Kiri’s full name as you cum all over his mouth. He moans appreciatively as you do, lapping up every gush of your cum, as does Bakugou. “Can’t forget the thighs too,” he growls against your clit. “Don’t wanna miss a single drop of her, Kiri.” Kiri moans in agreement, telling you that you taste “so fuckin’ delicious” as he continues to lap at your thighs. 
When you finally come down, you’re a twitching, panting mess. The aftershocks rock your hips for a while, causing you to buck into the air until they finally release you. You lay limp on the blanket, completely and utterly satisfied, your eyes closed and your chest rising and falling rapidly. Bakugou cackles from above you. “Looks like we really fucked her up.” 
Kiri chuckles in agreement, his hands massaging your thighs. “Definitely,” he says. “We should let her rest.” Your eyes flutter open at his statement, knowing damn well you’re not done yet. You stare up at Bakugou and Kiri, your body positively teeming with lust and utter need for your boyfriends’ dicks in your hands, your mouth, your other holes, ANYWHERE. 
They stare down at you in utter shock as if you are a totally different person. And you are. You feel all of your shyness and traces of your reserved personality that you had prior to this picnic leave you as your heat grows, creating a needy, greedy monster in desperate need of her fellas inside of her. 
“Who says I wanna rest?” You purr, standing up on your knees. You barely graze either Bakugou or Kiri’s chests, their toned stomaches right in your face. “Especially since I haven’t seen these yet.” Your eyes trail down to their bulges shamelessly protruding through their jeans, desperate to be freed. “Or tasted them.” 
You practically lick your lips as images of what their dicks look like visualize in your naughty mind. Are they thick? Long? Curved so they can brush up against your G-spot perfectly? Would they fit in your hands or in your mouth? Could they even fit in your pussy? With as wet as you are, sure, but you still wonder. 
But you don’t want to just wonder. You want to find out for yourself. Kiri looks hesitant though. “Do you want to?” he asks, raising a red, quizzical brow at you. “Don’t feel like you have to just because we–oh, fuck!” The rest of his words cease to make it out of his lips because your hand is too busy palming his cock over his jeans. 
Kiri’s mouth falls open, his eyes fluttering closed at the heavenly feeling of your hand stroking his hardened dick through his jeans. You do the same to Bakugou, taking him by total surprise. A soft grunt leaves his pink lips as he watches you palm his dick, his wide eyes making you giggle. 
He looks down at you with lust-filled eyes. “You little slut,” he growls. “You want our dicks that badly?” 
You peer up at the both of them through hooded eyes and your long lashes, hoping to God they’ll see how much you’re craving this. Craving them. “Please,” you whisper, begging them. 
Bakugou and Kiri practically groan at as the plea droops from your pretty lips. Kiri even reaches out to gently run his thumb over your bottom lip, smirking as he does. “Who are we to deny such a sweet request.” 
While Kiri gently takes your hand off of his cock, Bakugou just wipes your hand away like you don’t deserve to be touching him…yet. You watch, chin in your hands and a giddy smile on your face, as your boyfriends begin to pull their zippers down and pop their buttons in front of you. Off come the jeans, then come the briefs, and then, finally, your prizes are bestowed upon you. 
Your mouth falls open at the sheer beauty of their dicks. Though they differ in terms of length, they both have a slight curve and are equally as thick which means they will stretch you out perfectly. Your eyes trail over their heavy balls and up to their stomachs, noticing the differences between them: while Kiri has a tuffet of black public curls and a happy trail, Bakugou keeps his shit cropped, his stomach bare of any kind of hair. You also notice precum bubbling from the heads of both of their dicks, coating their heads in cream all for you. You’ve never been so ready to get some dicks in your mouth until now, plus every part of their bodies. 
You want them. Every single bit of them. 
“Well?” Bakugou’s voice has you looking up out of your dickmatized trance, and you find that they have both stripped themselves of their clothes. They are now completely naked, their muscles, tattoos, and scars from many years of missions and hero work on full display for you only. They stare down at you, lust and mischief in their eyes. 
“Don’t just stare at ‘em,” Bakugou grumbles. “You gonna do something with ‘em or what?” You don’t need to be told twice. You scramble to stand up on your knees and start by stroking them first, not wanting to rush this. This is the first time you’re getting a piece of your men’s dicks and you don’t want to waste a moment of it. 
You spit in each of your hands and wrap them around both, loving how your hands can barely wrap around the bases. Their precum continues to drip down their shafts, making use for great lube when the saliva begins to dry in your hands. You’re hypnotized by the way the skin on their shafts stretches and begin to glisten as you stroke them up and down…up and down… 
The soft moans that leave your boyfriends’ lips are delicious, the sounds tickling your eardrums. “Mmm, baby,” Bakugou groans, his head tipping back in absolute ecstasy. “Your hand feels so good strokin’ me like that.” 
Kiri stares down at you, drinking in the way you greedily stroke his cock. “Keep going,” he encourages, his voice breathless and raspier than usual. “You’re making us feel so good, mama.” 
Their nasty version of encouragement pushes you to continue your work, gripping them a bit hard and even slobbering over their dicks to add more spit to make them slicker. Watching your saliva drip over their veiny, fat shafts makes your pussy wetter and clench even harder. Your tail and ears twitch with need, desperate to feel your boyfriends’ hands and fingers stroking them. 
The desperation is traveling faster than a virus now because Bakugou grunts in frustration and pulls your hand off of him. “Fuck this!” he snarls, staring down at you with the most feral look that you’ve seen in his eyes. “I need your mouth on me now.” 
 You couldn’t agree more. You eagerly tip your chin up so he can gently slap his dick against your lips, his hand wrapped around his base. You stick your tongue out so he can slap it against the flattest part of your tongue too, the wet sounds and the heaviness of his dick on your tongue making you hot. You’re practically squirming by the time he finally slips his cock into your waiting mouth. 
He lets go of the base to allow you to take control. You do so, stroking the rest of the length that you can’t fit in your mouth. You swirl your tongue around his head and along his dick, loving how warm his skin is, his masculine scent, and the taste of salt on your tastebuds. You take a bit more of him, your mouth stretching around his thick cock, but you don’t do it enough to hit the back of your throat. Not yet. 
Bakugou is still in his world though. His hand immediately goes to your hair as he watches you bob your head up and down on his cock. “Just like that,” he hisses. “Good girl.” 
His hand travels to the back of your head and gently pushes you down, causing his dick to slip into your mouth farther. You feel him hit the back of your throat finally, causing you to gag and your eyes to water. He pumps his hips a few times into your mouth, his dick stroking the inner walls of your throat, before he finally releases your head with a moan of ecstasy. 
You gasp as you pop off of his dick, a string of saliva following Bakugou in his wake as he pulls his dick out of your mouth that droops from your bottom lip. You softly pant, catching your breath but also to calm yourself down. You’re becoming hornier by the second. 
Kiri is staring between you and Bakugou hungrily, his dick having grown harder in your hand. “C’mon, don’t leave me out. Don’t I deserve some of that too?” He gently takes his dick out of your hand and taps it against your bottom lip, moaning when you begin to kitten lick the head. “You just got your throat fucked by Bakugou and you’re already ready for me, too?” 
“Don’t keep her waitin’, Kiri,” Bakugou rasps, his hand lazily stroking his cock as he stares at you. “Fuck her face for me. I wanna see that mascara drip all over those pretty cheeks.” 
Kiri has already begun to push his dick into your mouth while still letting you keep your hand wrapped around the base. He looks down at you, eyes lust-blown but still looking concerned. 
“Is that okay with you, cutie?” He breathlessly asks. Wordlessly, you nod, causing his dick to hit the roof your mouth. 
He moans at the feeling and slowly begins to jut his hips in and out of your mouth, never moving past your tongue. “Just tap my thigh twice if you wanna breathe, three times if you wanna stop.” 
Once again, you nod and open your throat as if you’re about to yawn, allowing Kiri to slowly slide his dick into your throat. When he hits the back of your throat, you gag a bit and recoil enough to breathe before slowly taking him in again, inch by inch. Kiri’s eyes squeeze shut as he slowly begins to bump his hips against your mouth, his pelvis hitting your nose. “Oh, my God!” He groans. “She’s taking me so…fucking...good!” The most delicious moans and whines leave his lips as he grips the back of your head, his hand curling in your hair. 
All you can feel, smell, and taste his him. His cock stretches your mouth and throat, making you gag against his dickhead. The vibrations and sloppy sounds only make him thrust a little harder, causing saliva to begin to drip from your lips and your eyes to tear. Your jaw begins to ache and the burning in your throat becomes less easy to ignore, but you push through it because at the same time, you fucking love it. 
“Hey.” Bakugou’s large, calloused hand tugs on your ear. Your eyes flick up at his hooded, lust-blown, crimson ones. “Don’t slack, slut,” he growls. “You’ve got one hand free.” Immediately, like you’re being controlled by him, your other hand is wrapping around his hard cock and pumping him in time with Kiri’s thrusts down your throat. 
The only sounds among the peaceful chirping birds and the bubbling of the brook in the distance are Bakugou and Kiri’s porn-worthy guttural grunts and breathless moans, neither one of them quiet or discreet. You love that you’re making them feel like this–so brazen, free, and drunk in their pleasure. You feel yourself growing drunk off of them, too, dizzy with their scents and the feeling of them all over you. 
Bakugou stares down at you as he continues to pump his hips in and out of your hand, Kiri’s moans and orgasmic whines in the background. “You’re enjoying this, aren’t you?” he cackles. Being used, just like you want. Let’s see just how much you’re lovin’ this shit.” 
He licks his hand and suddenly leans down to hook his arm between your thighs. You whine around Kiri’s cock as his index and middle finger slowly plunge into your wet pussy, his thumb rubbing slow circles over your clit. When he retracts his fingers, they are soaking wet from your cunt, dripping in your honey. A hooded gaze crosses his face as he sucks your honey off of his fingers, his eyes set dead on you. 
Kiri watches in awe, looking positively drunk. “Oooh, you naughty little bunny,” he coos, tugging at one of your ears. “Come here, ‘Suki. Lemme get a taste.” He grabs Bakugou by the neck with a toothy smile and plants one on him. 
You watch with wide eyes as your boyfriends share a passionate, open-mouthed kiss, complete with sloppy, lip-smacking sounds and soft moans that make your pussy quiver. You know so many women that are lovestruck for the pro heroes would kill to be in your place right now. A delicious shiver travels down your body, stopping at your clit, and you have no choice but to press two fingers to the sensitive little bud and rub it. 
Bakugou eyes you and pulls away from Kiri, smirking. “Oh, you like seeing us kiss, huh? Little pervert.” He tugs at your ear a little harder, causing you to whimper around Kiri’s cock that is still in your mouth. 
“Oh, look at this!” Kiri mockingly laughs, eyeing your two fingers currently rubbing at your little rosebud. “Touching our pussy without permission, hm? Looks like someone needs to be taught a lesson.” He pulls his dick out of your mouth with a soft moan and slaps the outside of your thigh. “On all fours, mama,” he orders you, still wearing that mischievous smirk. 
You’re not sure what they’re planning, but you do as he demands anyway, placing yourself on all fours with your back arched, your ass and cottontail on full display. You are now given the luxury of breathing freely without a dick down your throat, allowing your jaw to rest. 
Bakugou and Kiri suddenly move behind you, their presence palpable. “We’re gonna try something with you and let us know if you don’t like it, okay?” Kiri softly says, his hand stroking your ass. You shiver at the contact and slowly nod. Whatever they want to try, you are down with 100%. You know wholeheartedly that to them, your safety and your pleasure all top priorities to them. You trust them completely. 
“We’re gonna spank you,” Bakugou explains, a hint of anticipation in his tone. “And each time we do, you count, got it?” You feel the same anticipation he does, and you start to tremble. “Yes, sir,” you softly utter. 
That’s all the confirmation they need. Bakugou takes the first hit, giving you an open-palmed smack on the ass. The sound of his hand hitting your asscheek resonates throughout the clearing.“One!” you explain through a gasp, jumping at the sound and the sharp sting on your ass.
“My turn now, gorgeous,” Kiri chuckles, sounding giddy. “Brace yourself.” He rears his hand back which is why his hit must sting worse than Bakugou’s. As his hand recoils off of your asscheek, he groans at the sight. 
“Two, fuck!” you shout, your head hanging between your shoulders to stare down at your hands. Your ass is stinging horribly, causing your tail to twitch and your toes to curl. But your pussy has never been wetter. It’s already too much for you. 
“This is what naughty bunnies get,” Bakugou grunts as he hits you for the third time. He puts his entire arm into it too–your asscheek is practically burning when he’s done. It’s become a competition between the boys, both of them seeing which one can drive you crazier. “Three!” You practically shout, tears springing into your eyes. 
Kiri just laughs at them. “Is that what you wanted, hm?” he teasingly asks. "To be treated like a fuckin’ slut?” He rears his hand back and delivers a fourth blow, and you’ve finally reached your limit. 
“Four!” you sob, delirious with the feeling of wanting to continue and stop. “P-Please! I can’t take much more!” Your pussy is falling off of the bone at this point in anticipation to be filled while your asscheeks sting and hurt from your boyfriends’ punishment. It’s an intoxicating combination: pain and pleasure. Now you know why masochists exist. 
“Aww, but look at how nice your ass looks,” Kiri coos, running a gentle hand over your stinging ass. You hiss at the contact, your fingers clenching the blanket in fistfuls. “And that lil’ cotton tail is twitchin’ like crazy. But I suppose you’ve learned your lesson.” 
The redhead coaxes you out of your position and scoops you up into his arms, minding your ass. He presses kisses all over your face while he hugs you to his broad chest. “You did so well for us, baby,” he coos to you. Bakugou idles up next to you, nuzzling his face into your hair. “Real well,” he whispers raspily into your ear. “You’re such a good girl.” 
You feel yourself melting at their sweet praise, enjoying their snuggles and wondrous aftercare. However, the tingling in your body and pussy has yet to leave; neither as your excitement over what has come next. Because now that you’ve done a good job receiving your punishment, now you can get your reward. Now, you can finally get dicked down the way you crave. An excited smile crosses your lips. 
That is, until Kiri says, “It’s gettin’ late. I think we should get you back to work now.” 
Your smile instantly slips from your face. They can’t possibly think that’s all you need or want, can they? Do they think this all ends right here, with your jaw aching, ass stinging, and your pussy wet? ‘No!’ You protest deliriously in your head. You know damn well that if you don’t get a dick in you now, you won’t be able to focus or be okay for the rest of the day. 
“B-But I didn’t make you cum yet,” you softly stutter in protest. “And we didn’t…” You trail off and flush, hoping they’ll get the gesture. They do and stare down at you in confusion. “Did you want to do that?” Kiri asks, raising his pierced brow. “We don’t have any condoms on us though.”
“Don’t need it,” you immediately reply. “I’m on the pill.” Your hands trail down to your boyfriends’ dicks and wrap around them. “I need both of you inside of me. Need to feel you both cum inside me...fillin’ me up…” 
‘Fucking me stupid. Stretching me out. Cumming inside of me.’ 
Kiri’s mouth falls open into a silent, pleasured O while Bakugou softly grunts as you begin to stroke the both of them tantalizingly slowly. “You don’t know what you’re sayin’, baby,” Bakugou grunts, and it looks like it’s taking everything in him to not jump you right now. 
“Yes, I do,” you say with conviction. “I want this.” You move out of Kiri’s lap and sit in front of them on your knees, peering up at them between your lashes. You know that these next three words will nail the coffin for you. Either they can agree to do it or not and make you feel like a total idiot. 
But either way, you throw caution to the wind and open your mouth to whisper in a soft, breathy voice so unlike your own: “Please fuck me.” 
Bakugou practically tosses Kiri to the side trying to get to you first. “I go first,” he growls, immediately positioning you onto your hands and knees. Kiri glares at him. “Why you?” he huffs. 
Bakugou’s glare is just as deadly “‘Cause I drove here and cooked the fuckin’ food! And if you keep pissin’ me off, you’ll get none of this pussy later.” Kiri just smirks at him, a lewd glint in his eye. “You don’t mean that. You wanna see me drive my dick deep inside this cutie too, you perv.” 
You shiver at Kiri’s nasty words, wanting nothing more than that too. But first, you’ve gotta get through Bakugou. He moves behind you, one hand on your hip, drawing comforting circles over it. “Arch that back, mama,” he gently orders you. You do as he says, arching your ass and tail up for him. “Now breathe in and out slowly.” 
You do that as well, inhaling and exhaling through your nostrils slowly…only for your breath to momentarily be caught in your throat as Bakugou slides his thick, curved dick inside of you finally. “Good girl,” he groans, placing another hand on your hip. “That’s perfect. You’re perfect.” 
Your mouth falls open as he begins to slowly rock his hips, taking his time to slide in deeper. You’ve never felt so full. You can feel all of him stretching you out, touching spots inside of your pussy that make your thighs quiver and your arms shake. “Fuck, Katsuki!” you shout, unable to hold back the pleasure you’re feeling. “You’re s-so…so...big!” 
Bakugou breathlessly chuckles at your words and grips your gips as you begin to slowly nudge your ass back into him. “Nice and slow, baby,” he coos in his rasped, slightly-strained voice. “Easy; don’t push yourself.” 
But you want to push yourself. You want all of him inside of you, so much that his balls hit your clit and his pelvis is flush against your ass. You want to take every inch of him. And after a few minutes of adjusting to his size, you finally do: you push your ass back into him and he allows him, groaning as his dick sinks deeper into your pussy. “Fuck, baby,” Bakugou moans, gripping your hips as he bumps his against your ass, again and again again. 
You’re a fucking mess–mouth open, eyes closed, breathless moans and gasps leaving your lips every time Bakugou thrusts his hips into your cunt. His dick strokes your pussy walls something magical, sending sparks of pleasure shooting into your sensitive clit. The feeling becomes too overwhelming, so you have to rest your arms. You find yourself with your face down and ass up, Bakugou continuing to bump and grind into you. 
Kiri watches you, eyes wide in awe and dick harder than a rock as it stands at attention for you between his thighs, sinewy with muscle and fine, black hair. “You look so good taking his dick, babe. I wish that were me.” Your pussy clenches at his words and the naughty idea it brings to your head. “Want you t-too!” you whimper between Bakugou’s merciless, heavenly thrusts of his cock inside of you. 
Kiri is quick to get in front of you, his dick now in your face. “Open up then.” You come back up onto your arms and open your mouth, submissive and completely willing. He slides his dick into your mouth once more, groaning as he begins to bump his hips against your mouth. “God, your throat is even tighter than before!” he grunts, taking a fistful of your hair to grip onto as he fucks your throat. 
“And this fuckin’ pussy…” Bakugou smacks your ass before taking a handful of it, continuing to fuck you silly. “Fuck, baby, your pussy is so wet, and it’s all for me, ain’t it?” he growls to you. You want to answer, but your mouth is too full of Kiri’s cock to say much. But Bakugou doesn’t care. He gives your ass another swift, hard smack that makes you yelp around Kiri’s cock. “Say it!” he demands loudly. 
You release Kiri’s cock from your mouth with a gasp. “It’s all for you, daddy!” you deliriously shout. “Both of you!” Bakugou and Kiri grin at you, happy with your answer. “Yeah, it is,” Bakugou breathlessly replies, his hips moving faster now. “Yeah, it fuckin’ is. Now take this fuckin’ dick.” 
He then proceeds to grip your hips harder and piston into your pussy while Kiri continues to fuck your throat, filling your nostrils with nothing but the scent of him. They even tease your tail and ears, tugging and stroking both bunny parts that have your body trembling and your pussy gushing around Bakugou. With the both of them fucking your holes, it is impossible to focus on anything but them and the way they’re making you feel. There is no way you’ll possibly be able to last long–not with how amazingly they are fucking you into the blanket. 
You’re seeing heaven. Your mind is going completely blank. All you can focus on is the tightening knot in your core that is quickly reaching its end to snapping. Kiri catches onto this, still stroking your ears. “I think she’s gonna cum, K,” he breathlessly announces. “She’s suckin’ me in so deep.” 
Bakugou suddenly stops and slips out of you, leaving you empty. “Then she’s gonna take all of me,” he growls determinedly. “Move out the way.” Before you can process what’s happening, you’re suddenly being flipped onto your back with your legs strap up and tossed over Bakugou’s shoulders. 
“Katsuki–“ All you can get out is his name before his dick is slipping inside of you again as he mounts you, fucking you on the balls of his feet and his hands holding back your thighs. In this position, he is much deeper than before, nudging at your G-spot and spreading you completely open for his eyes only. 
He doesn’t slow down either. He continues that same merciless, relentless pace as he fucks you deep into a mating press, pinning you down beneath his hard body. He has you right where he wants you–vulnerable; submissive; completely at his mercy. And you love every single minute of it. You can’t keep your voice down as he fucks you hard and fast, moans of his name leaving your lips. All you can do is grip your boyfriend’s shoulders as he fucks you closer to your orgasm. 
Bakugou leans down towards you, his nose nearly touching yours. “Is my little slut gonna cum, hm?” he whispers teasingly. “She gonna cum all over this hard dick?” 
Your eyes widen as your orgasm gets closer and closer; too much too fast. You want to tell him to slow down, but you can’t, the feeling too much. “Oh, my God, Katsuki, please!” you scream, unsure of what you’re pleading for. But Bakugou doesn’t let up, continuing to hold you down to make sure you can't get away from this. “Cum for me, baby girl,” he demands, speeding up even more as his own orgasm begins to approach. “Cum for me, and I’ll cum for you. I swear, fuck!” 
His hips slam fast and hard into you, nailing that spot that makes your toes curl and that knot in your core finally snap. When your second orgasm hits you, it hits you hard. Your muscles seize and your ears stand on end as you cream all over Bakugou’s cock, sparks of pleasure shooting into your veins. Bakugou chases his own orgasm by rutting into your drenched pussy until he finally cums with a strained groan of your name, gripping you for dear life. You gasp as you feel his cum shoot inside of you, warm and intense. You’ve never felt such an indescribable feeling. And you can’t even begin to describe how fucking good it feels. 
Kiri whistles from above you, staring down at the scene in enjoyment. “Now that’s a sight,” he chuckles. “Look at all of that!” When Bakugou slowly pulls out of you with a soft moan, his cum dribbles lewdly out of your pussy and drips down your ass. You’re overflowed with him. “You made a mess of our girl, K!” Kiri cackles. 
Bakugou smirks down at you, pressing a kiss to your sweaty forehead. “She loved it.” 
And you did. You can’t really articulate how amazing Bakugou fucked you because you’re so exhausted. Even so, your pussy still throbs, wanting more until you’re finally spent. Kiri swoops in on you, taking Bakugou’s place now. “Tired, baby?” he asks, smiling down at you. 
You shake your head, your heat cycle doing the talking. “Good ‘cause it’s my turn now.” You barely have time to recover before Kiri is picking you up effortlessly by your hips and placing you on top of him, your back to him. He places your feet behind his open thighs, also opening your thighs in the process so your pussy is exposed to him, Bakugou, and the surrounding nature. 
“Ready, mama?” he whispers in your ear. You’re speechless, unable to give him a coherent sentence, so you nod. Instantly, he sinks his cock inside of you and grips your hips as he begins to slowly thrust up into you. “Oh, my God!” he cries out, his voice ringing out among the little picnic area. “You’re s-so tight, babe! So wet and warm for me, f-fuck!” 
Bakugou cackles from in front of you, watching as Kiri fucks you as you sit on top of him, reverse cowgirl style. “Don’t tell me you’re cummin’ yet, shitty hair. You haven’t even fucked her out yet.” 
That taunting seems to throw Kiri through a loop. Immediately, he begins to rut his hips up into you as fast as a jackhammer, being extra careful to not hit your cervix or make you feel any kind of discomfort. He is extremely in tune with your body despite this being the first time you’ve been together, listening intently to your sounds and paying close attention to the way your pussy squelches and gushes around him. 
This fact only makes you crazy, completely abandoning all self control. You throw your head back onto Kiri’s shoulder as his dick strokes your pussy again and again. “Fuck, Kiri!” you whimper. “Too much! Too good!” 
Kiri takes your chin into his hand, firmly holding it as he places his lips against your ear. “Too fuckin’ bad, slut,” he growls into your ear. “You wanted this, now you’re gettin’ it. Take this fuckin’ dick. Take all of it! Bounce on my dick like our good little bunny!” 
You have no choice but to do that. Your breasts bounce wildly as Kiri fucks you stupid onto his cock, the sound of your ass hitting his hips every time he pounds up into you driving you insane. You begin to gasp and sob at the pleasure, losing your ever-loving mind. Bakugou rubbing your clit doesn’t make it any better. “Oooh, someone’s sensitive,” he cackles, grinning wolfishly at you. “You cryin’, bunny? Is our little bunny bein’ fucked just too good for her to take?” 
If only he fucking knew. 
Kiri turns your face to the side, once again whispering to you as his cock pistons in and out of you. “You’re ours now, darlin’,” he groans into your ear. “Ours to fuck stupid like this. You wanna be our little slut, don’t you? Maybe I should cum inside you to trap you, hm? Make you our little breeding bunny?” 
‘Whoa, huuuuuh?!!!!!’ 
Before you can even process his words, the familiar tickle signaling something that isn’t a nut. As Bakugou continues to rub your clit, it gets worse and your eyes widen in horror. “W-Wait!” you protest desperately, squirming around on Kiri’s cock. “Wait, Katsuki, I’m gonna pee!” 
Your squirming only makes Kiri fuck you faster, his balls slapping wildly against you. Bakugou smirks darkly at you. “Oh,” he laughs, realizing what’s happening. “I know what’s goin’ on. Come on and show us, slutty girl. Squirt all over Kiri’s dick like a good little bunny.” 
He goes faster and so does Kiri, both of them feeding off of each other and your energy. You have no choice but to sob and whine in protest as the urge to pee gets bigger and bigger.  “No, no, no!” you sob. “Gonna…gonna...” 
“Gonna cum soon, baby,” Kiri whines, still jackhammering up into you. “You’d better hurry up if you don’t want me to breed your pretty ass.” 
When you come undone, a desperate and embarrassed whine leaves your lips as you find yourself squiring all over Kiri’s cock. However, you don’t know that. You don’t even know you can squirt! It’s never happened before, so all you’re thinking is that you just pissed all over your boyfriend’s cock. He doesn’t seem to care though because he’s too busy chasing his own nut, pummeling inside of you with a vengeance. 
When Kiri finally nears his peak, he forces you off of him and places you onto your knees. You’re so exhausted that all you can do is let him, your body as loose and as useless as a rag doll’s. Kiri stands on his knees in front of you, pumping his dick in your face. “Look at me,” he orders. “Tongue out and mouth open. I’m gonna paint that pretty face of yours.” 
You do as he says, closing your eyes and sticking your tongue out for him. He lets out a swear and a porno-worthy string of whines and moans as he finally blows his load all over your face. You feel streams of his cum hitting your skin and drip down your chin and cheeks, all the way down to your neck and tits. 
Finally, finally, when Kiri begins to calm himself from his orgasm do you begin to feel better. As Kiri’s cum drips over your skin and Bakugou’s continues to drip out of your aching pussy, you feel the effects of your heat begin to fade. You are now able to feel normal again, but you also feel completely and utterly tired. 
You’re so exhausted that you fall in and out of sleep, only catching snippets of what happens over the next few minutes. Kiri and Bakugou gently lay you down on the plush All Might blanket while Bakugou wipes at your wet face and chest with a few napkins. Kiri lifts a water bottle to your lips, coaxing you to drink. “Catch your breath, mama,” he coos gently. “Here, drink. You need some water in you.” 
You drink the water, humming gratefully for the cool liquid wetting your parched throat. When you finish, Kiri and Bakugou swoop in on either side of you, trapping you protectively between them. Kiri lays your head on his lap while Bakugou curls up behind you, stroking your hip and drawing circles along your ass. 
‘Work,’ you think. ‘I have a job.’ You open your mouth to tell them, but Bakugou presses a finger to your lips. “Shh, don’t say anything,” he hushes you. “You don’t need to talk. Just rest your fine ass.” 
As appealing as that sounds, especially as the exhaustion of being fucked into oblivion begins to take full effect, you still can’t shake the thought that lunch has gone on longer than it should’ve. “But what about work?” you sleepily mumble. 
“Just let us handle it, gorgeous,” Kiri whispers to you, stroking your head. “We’ve got you. We promise.” He presses a kiss to your cheek as Bakugou presses one to your hip. “Just rest now. We got you.” 
Despite the dozens of protests and arguments in your head, you cannot deny your exhausted body a good nap. And so you let yourself drift away on those ocean waves that sleep brings, a content smile playing on your lips as you snuggle between your men. 
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faithst · 1 year
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pairing zb1 x gn!reader
genre fluff
warnings mentions of food
notes me? your favourite zb1 writer ⁉️ pls im so touched, ilysm🥹 i hope your exams go by smoothly and thank you for requesting, ina ! i hope you enjoy this (i went to do this so fast bcuz of ur exams ���)
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— zhang hao
so affectionate 🥹
soothing touches like tracing circles on your free hand while you study
reassures you alot like “you’re gonna do great”
listens to your rants and complaints abt a certain topic/subject you don’t like
his reaction to that is literally: “oh, it must be hard.” ☹️
always tells you that he is proud of you
overall comforts you as much as he can
“you have all the time you need, take it easy.”
— sung hanbin
worried 24/7 for you
not bcuz he thinks that you’ll do bad but because he doesn’t want to see you so stressed out
always supervising you cuz he doesn’t want you overworking yourself
maybe even more stressed than you 😭
insists you take a break even when you started studying like 15 minutes ago 😃
makes sure you take care of yourself while also putting your all into studies
hands you meals and drinks himself just so it’s easier for you
“remember that i always am and will be proud of you.”
— seok matthew
learns the subjects just to help you
sometimes, you end up teaching him a thing or two
creates a study timetable for you
his motivation makes you motivated; win-win ‼️
maybe a bit too motivated…
gives you questions during the most random times throughout the day 🫢
you’re brushing your teeth? question.
you’re taking out the trash? question.
his motto is ‘no pain, no gain’
“don’t fall asleep just yet, i have another question!”
— shen ricky
knows exactly when to help you or to give you space to study
if he sees you studying, he won’t disturb you
but if he sees you procrastinating, he uses the power of ✨bribery✨
“if you get an A on this test, i’ll buy you anything you want”
boom ez motivation 💥
“finish these questions and i’ll give you one of my photocards” “i want a jiwoong photocard though..”
isn’t jealous at all because secretly, he wants a jiwoong photocard too 🤫
“i’ve ordered 2 jiwoong pc’s!” “wait, why two?”
— park gunwook
helps you study 🤞
one condition tho; a kiss for some help
gives you tips and tricks on how to answer questions precisely
also gives you all his notes
makes sure you get enough sleep the night before an exam so you won’t be tired while answering it
very experienced in these matters 👍
when you feel like giving up, he gives you a motivational speech that would inspire many
very very very patient in teaching you so that you don’t feel pressured
“you got this one correct, you’re amazing!”
— kim taerae
he sees you studying and thinks that you’re very hardworking
therefore, he doesn’t want to bother you
absolutely silent whenever you study because any form of noise can be disturbing
like he tiptoes around 😭
but when you’re done, he asks if you need anything
a hug, a kiss, ricky’s wallet? he can give you them all
okay, maybe not the last one but you get what i mean
he convinces you to think that you’re the smartest person ever 🫵
“you’re gonna kill this!”
— kim gyuvin
he tries to help you study and cheer you up
as in, he doesn’t want to see you stressed so he cracks a joke or two 🤝
it becomes very distracting but he has good intentions
“do you know how to do this?” you ask, pointing to a question
“let me see…” bringing the book towards his face, squinting his eyes
places back the book in front of you “yeah, no. sorry..” 😃
eventually you ask him to be a bit more quiet and he has his lips shut
but he’s always in the room while you study whenever you need a joke to hear
“no joke, you’re the smartest person i know”
— kim jiwoong
checks up on you ALOT
gives you shoulder and head massages to release the tension you have there
goes up to you and rubs your shoulders 🫠
“hey, you deserve a break. let’s go for a walk.”
with him, all your worries disappear and suddenly you’re like ‘the tests are gonna be so easy’
if you just happen to become slightly anxious; he will notice
comes up to you to give you a kiss 💋
which breaks you from all bad thoughts
“after your exams are over, i’ll take you somewhere nice.”
— han yujin
studies with you cuz he most likely is also having exams 🤝
if he doesn’t understand, he asks you and vice versa
sometimes he spaces out and you have to bring him back to reality
when you’re really worried and start saying ‘what if’s’
he gives a whole list on why you’re going to get good grades
“firstly, you’re good at everything you do. secondly, i think you’re smarter than gunwook hyung.” 😦
before the exams start, he makes sure to say good luck to you
“i don’t need to say this because you always do so well but good luck!”
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© keiwook
taglist @bruhiamistake @trashhdez @chxrrymxxnlight @haesunflower @big-uwu-stan @trsrina
here, if you want to join the taglist !
343 notes · View notes
sebasluv · 2 years
before too late | sebastian sallow
a/n: hai ya'll...this like my existential crisis while playing the game. cuz i wanted to stick thru with sebastian's dark side so bad, yet i am too afraid he will lose himself in the dark side. so here we are...enjoy guys.
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before you realized what mess you've gotten into, it was too late.
starting in a new school in the fifth year might be hard, but adding being attacked by a dragon, traveling through a portkey, and almost getting killed before you arrived at school is a new level of 'hard.' not to mention a new stranger, by the name of sebatian sallow, wandering into your life as if it was meant to be.
"time for a proper hogwart's welcome..."
you can not deny that he is a talented duelist, or was he taking it easy on you? but why did he end up inviting you to the dueling club? anyways. and definitely, you can not miss adding that he is insanely charming. like, merlin's beard, he is super freaking charming. how can you say no to those chocolate puppy eyes? never...and you've got to learn it the hard way.
before you realized it; you were in the catacomb, fighting for your life to get to some 'promised' relic. spiders crawling around your sight, and nerves, making you itch in a way you couldn't explain.
"it is no wonder why spiders give people goosebumps," sebastian mentioned while hurling one away from your head. "could be the hairy legs, the soulless eyes, or the fangs, any endearing number of qualities, really."
"could you please not- confringo!"
"was just trying to lighten up the mood," he chuckled. after clearing out one of the many last spiders, he brushed off something in your hair. "just a spider leg, not to worry," sallow smiled. merlin, you wish you could get out of this trance, and catacomb, as soon as possible.
"where could the relic be?" he threw his hands up frustratingly. combing his fingers through his hair, he sighed.
"hey, seb, don't give up," patted his back, and rubbing it a few times always does the trick. glancing around the room -or should you say, the tomb- you found a stone table, sitting in a convenient spot. scraping and dusting some parchments off the table, you found weird-looking triangle bones. "look! there's the relic!"
"hey! i knew i could always count on you, you are a magic!" without delay, sebastian threw himself towards the relic, and grasped it tightly, yet gently, afraid that he might break it. "i- i can't believe this! the notes- it all lines up, we've really found it," he smiled with a tear fighting to escape his eyes.
"oh, seb," you held his face in your comforting palm. "you do really know how to care for your sister, she must be very glad-" suddenly something feels weird. something suddenly doesn't sit right within your stomach.
"y/n? everything alright?"
"ye- yes, well actually, no."
"ar- are you seeing something? tell me, please..."
"tell me!" his shouts caught you off-guard. glancing towards the gateway, you saw a blond-headed boy you knew so well...ominis. why- why doesn't sebastian radiate the same warmth as before? why did his touch turn cold?
"'the dark sacrifice required to release the relic's potential?'" you questioned with a quivering voice. afraid that you might lose your voice, you continued, "s- seb, i know that dark magic can be useful, but- but why-"
"because it is the only way to save anne!" sebastian answered hurriedly. "pl...please, y/n, why are you starting to questioning me?"
"the note- the note advised we should leave the relic, i guess that is the best choice for them, wh- then why we should be foolish to not follow the advice?"
"please, y/n, i assure you, we were meant to find this, for anne's sake!"
"...are you giving up on her?"
"no! of course, not. even though, i've only known her for a half-a-school year, i wouldn't trade her for anything else in this world," you brushed his cheeks. "i- i am just afriad, scared, and hopeless, seb..."
"tell me," he placed his free hand on your waist.
"an- anne had already given up on finding a cure for herself, but she hasn't lost the hope of living..." you looked into his eyes. "wh- why don't we just make the best out of the time we have left? looking back, wouldn't you regret it, if you realized that you've wasted all this time looking for a cure, instead of looking in the face of your very own sister?"
"sebastian...please, don't make me regret this...i'm afraid it will be too late for you," you turned away. hiding the tears in your eyes, yet your trembling shoulders are breaking his walls down.
"i am sorry, y/n"
528 notes · View notes
otomiyaa · 6 months
The Foreigner
JingRen AU ft. Sampo
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A/N: Posting this here after all cuz why not. A fic I wrote for a friend a while ago. I got the request for lee Sampo and lers Jing Yuan and Blade, we brainstormed a little and this was the result. Please note I'm currently still catching up on 2.1 so be careful with talking to me about any Honkai lore/spoilers 😅
Summary: Jing Yuan and Blade confront a mysterious foreigner called Sampo Koski who tried to sneak into the Xianzhou Luofu. Things get quite interesting, for all three of them. (Also on AO3)
Word Count: 2.2K
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He was late. Jing Yuan glanced at the door. Usually around this time of the day, Blade would make his entrance. A moment he found himself looking forward to more than he would like to admit. Blade visiting his office like a regular visitor was something he couldn’t have dreamed of for many many years. 
Ever since Blade had come to accept and realize that Dan Feng was truly gone, his waves of mara-caused madness started to reduce significantly. With time, Jing Yuan was delighted to finally see some traces of his trusted old friend, who despite their differences appeared motivated to exchange his Stellaron Hunter missions for regular visits, reporting to Jing Yuan about occurrences in the world, the good and bad. 
As they grew closer through these frequent visits, the feelings of familiarity may have gotten Jing Yuan a little too confident in reconciling with Blade, suggesting him to leave behind the Stellaron Hunters indefinitely and aid him with his duties at the Xianzhou Luofu instead. 
Surely he did not expect Blade would agree. Well, Kafka’s support may have played a vital role. Even if Blade would have said ‘no’, she seemed to insist he should stay behind and find a new role to fulfill, fully supporting the ‘happiness of Bladie’. 
Jing Yuan smiled. He felt comfortable, spending time with Blade who he shared a past with that connected them like no one else at the Xianzhou Luofu. Jing Yuan was just closing his eyes to reminisce about the past some more, when finally the door opened and Blade arrived. 
“Welcome back, Captain. You are quite late,” Jing Yuan said fondly. He nowadays called Blade captain, even though he was never officially assigned to such a position, he often assisted him so much he might as well be one. 
“Jing Yuan. There’s an infiltrant,” was Blade’s short answer. Jing Yuan chuckled. Blade was not the small-talk kind of person. 
“An infiltrant hm? Fine. Send him in.” 
He loved to see how Blade was literally treated as a captain when he merely had to call out “Guards!” and they came in to bring in their… guest.
“We brought the infiltrant,” they reported, shoving the man forward. Blade caught the stranger by the arm.
“Infiltrant? Now now now!” the man responded in a theatrical manner, pulling himself free before spreading his arms and making a full 360 degree twirl. Blade simply caught him again, shaking his head.
“Hello General,” Yanqing said, joining Blade, the foreigner and two guards in Jing Yuan’s office. 
“This man was caught making his way into the Xianzhou ships. We do not know how he boarded, nor what his intentions are. When we demanded him to tell us his identity, he said-” 
“-that I am Sampo Koski, a businessman, chaperon, and problem-solving conversationalist, visiting all the way from Belobog to help boost your economy.” 
“....That,” Yanqing said. Jing Yuan stared at all of them, then at Sampo, and at Blade. He chuckled. 
“Interesting,” he hummed. “Yanqing, please get in touch with our friends from the Astral Express. If this foreigner claims to visit from Jarilo-VI, they might be familiar with him. In the meantime, I will question him here. Blade, if you could assist…” 
Blade nodded and dragged Sampo towards him while Yanqing and the guards left the room. As soon as the door closed, it was silent. 
“So. Sampo Koski,” Jing Yuan said slowly, walking closer to study the man’s remarkable appearance.
“For what reason, may I ask, would you visit the Xianzhou Luofu? Unannounced, uninvited. Startling my men,” Jing Yuan wondered. 
“Business! Business of course. I come in peace, General.” 
Jing Yuan exchanged glances with Sampo. “Did they search him?” he asked. Blade did not answer but while not letting go of Sampo’s arm, instantly began to feel around his pockets. 
“Hehehey! Woohaha, cahahareful!” Sampo laughed, dancing and wiggling under the sudden touch. Jing Yuan noted the funny laugh, and Blade reacted with a low grunt.
“Quit your squirming,” he huffed, continuing to search him. 
“Let me help. Hold him still,” Jing Yuan said. To think Blade had ever been his prisoner before. Back then he would not have appreciated Jing Yuan telling him commands like this. How times had changed. Right now they worked together, and he smiled when Blade held both Sampo’s arms tightly so Jing Yuan could search his pockets. It made him laugh a lot.
“Hehehello! Sohoho inahahapropriate!” he cackled. Jing Yuan glanced at him. Was he that sensitive? Honestly.
“Credits, a lot of them. Not the usual amount you expect one should carry. Where did you get them?” Jing Yuan asked, putting his findings aside.
“Theft! Hey! I earned those, fair and square. Like I said, I’m an innocent fella coming over to do business! Hehehey stohohop!” Sampo yelled when Jing Yuan patted higher to find if anything else was hidden under his clothes.
“What is his problem ?” Blade asked. He sounded so frustrated it made Jing Yuan smile. How amusing.
“Never met a ticklish person before, Blade?” he asked. To demonstrate he pinched Sampo’s lower side, eliciting a loud yelp from the man.
“That’s nohohot okay !” he protested. The pinch was effective though, since Jing Yuan felt something right at that spot. 
“Blade… Hold him tight.” 
He probably didn’t need to tell him that, and Jing Yuan calmly tugged at Sampo’s clothing, fingers digging underneath it to grasp the thing he felt just now. Not without the unnecessary noise though.
“Hehehey! Wahahatch it! Hahaharrassmehehent!” he laughed. It was a crumbled piece of paper. Jing Yuan unfolded it and turned it for Blade and Sampo to see.
“A wanted poster? Yours?” he asked, confused. He looked at it again and frowned to see someone’s signature on it. It was very curly and gracious, but not informative.
“So, you claim to be from… Belobog. Should we rephrase that into: a wanted criminal from Belobog?” he asked, holding up the poster again. Sampo gasped.
“Me, a criminal? Nooo. That signature, you see. It’s from Gepard Landau himself!” 
Jing Yuan and Blade exchanged glances.
Sampo nodded triumphantly. “Geppie. Captain of Silvermane Guards, very skilled, very handsome. He signed that for me. It’s just a token of our relationship.”
“...Why would he sign this?” Jing Yuan couldn’t help but think this man was wasting his time, but at the same time, he was wasting both his and Blade’s time, which made this situation only more amusing and entertaining. 
“It’s a long story. But you see Gepard likes me. So, I can only suggest you release me. Let’s not jeopardize the diplomatic relationship between Belobog and the Xianzhou Luofu now shall we?” 
“I have no idea what diplomatic relationship he is speaking of. Do you want me toー?” Blade already made a motion to get violent with the poor rambling man, but at that moment Yanqing came in.
“I received word from the Astral Express. Sampo Koski is indeed confirmed to be a mercenary from the Underworld of Belobog,” Yanqing reported. 
Sampo raised his eyebrows. “You see?” he asked.
“They also say he can’t be trusted.” 
Sampo’s jaw dropped. “Wait - t-that’s all they’re saying? Let them demand my release! March 7th and Stelle are my best, best friends!” he rambled. Jing Yuan almost wanted to laugh at the fact that Dan Heng wasn’t mentioned in this context.
“No one is demanding anyone’s release. Thank you, Yanqing. We will deal with him accordingly,” Jing Yuan thanked him, and Yanqing nodded and left them alone again. 
“So, business man from Belobog. Whether you are wanted by Jarilo-VI’s Silvermane Guards or not, one question remains unclear. Why are you here , and how did you slip past the guards on our ship?” 
“I know of ways to make him talk if y-” Blade was cut off by Sampo’s renewed bouts of laughter; Jing Yuan casually tapped his fingers against his lower side, impressed by how much it tickled him.
“I do too, Blade. Trust me,” he said, improvising. If his relation to Belobog was still unclear, he was not going to bring harm to him. However, if this man already proved to be this ticklish from a mere pat-down, then he was more than happy to see how much this certain sensitivity could help them further.
“What are you doing?” Blade hissed, barely hearable through Sampo’s laughter.
“Persuading our guest, Blade. If he’s a friend of this Captain Gepard Landau, it is not my intent to hurt him. However, some persuasion to give us more information will do the trick.” 
Jing Yuan clawed very lightly at Sampo’s lower sides, and the man jerked in Blade’s hold.
“Hehehehey nohohot thahahat!” he shrieked. Oh, this was way too easy. 
“Persuasion? You are playing around,” Blade responded, but Sampo’s arms were still trapped in his grip and he wasn’t letting go. 
Blade’s confusion and frustration only encouraged Jing Yuan more to keep up this silly game with their foreign guest.
“Join me, Blade,” Jing Yuan said, smiling gently at Blade who looked like he was having the worst day ever.
“You have to be kidding me,” he replied angrily. With Sampo Koski’s hysterical laughter in the background, it only sounded funnier.
“I am not,” Jing Yuan said. Blade rolled his eyes.
“You are insufferable,” he said, but still he did let go of Sampo so he could claw viciously all over his ribs, almost looking like he was going to tear the man apart, but the tickling did seem to be working since Sampo flailed his freed arms wildly and screeched.
“WHAHahat ihihis this ahahah! This plahahace is sohoho weheheird!” he laughed. Jing Yuan didn’t care that he was giving the impression that this was the normal way of doing interrogations at the Xianzhou Luofu. He was having fun with Blade here, and he was convincing the mysterious foreigner to speak the truth. Two flies, one stone.
“See? It’s easy,” Jing Yuan said when Blade effortlessly moved his fingers against Sampo’s torso, making him laugh and wheeze as he struggled in between them.
“It’s ridiculous,” Blade argued. And yet, he was cooperating. Jing Yuan smiled. He had switched his tactics to poking Sampo’s tummy relentlessly, and he went back to interrogating him.
“Mr. Koski, if you wish to make the torture stop, I encourage you to confess everything we want to know. Who are you really, why and how are you here. It’s that simple.” 
“AHahahah! I cahahan’t tahahalk like thihiihis!” 
“You are talking now, so I’m sure you’ll-” mid-tickle, Jing Yuan’s hands accidentally touched Blade’s, and for some reason that made him stop talking. Blade immediately pulled his hands back and moved them up all of a sudden, digging his fingers under Sampo’s arms and tickling his armpits viciously.
“You know what you are doing,” Jing Yuan complimented while Sampo’s voice did quite something else.
“AAAHAHahah hahahang on! Ahahaalright - I’ll speheheheak! Nonono not thehehere!” 
“Stop talking,” Blade said. Was he… flustered? Maybe a little. Jing Yuan chuckled. 
“I can’t help it. It makes me happy that perhaps you may remember we used to do this, back in the High-Cloud Quintet days.” 
“Nonsense,” Blade said, but he wasn’t reacting too harshly. 
“Do you remember?” Jing Yuan urged.
“I do not.” 
Jing Yuan smiled fondly. If he was the only one remembering that in a distant past they would get silly and tickle each other - well mostly he would tickle Yingxing and piss him off - then maybe one day he should help Blade remember. 
“I sahahaid I’ll speheheak! Nohohoo !” Jing Yuan only noticed now he had been drilling his fingers into Sampo’s torso while keeping his eyes locked with Blade’s.
Blade also blinked and dug his fingers under Sampo’s arms some more, making him howl. 
“Whhaahaht is happeniihihiing aaahahaha!” Sampo cried helplessly, unable to shake both of them off. Jing Yuan figured they had gotten a little lost in their own world, and he snapped out of it. 
“Right. That should do it.” Blade understood him well and also stopped the tickling. Sampo sank on his knees and gasped for air. 
“I can handle it from here. Will I see you at dinner, later?” Jing Yuan asked. Blade looked at him, his expression somehow different than before the strange shared tickle interrogation thing, and he nodded.
“Yes. Later.” He walked away and left the room. Only Sampo was still left, on his hands and knees, shivering as he recovered from his laughing fit.
“Mr. Koski, shall we try again? I ask you a question, and you give me your honest answer.”
“Or else… You’ll tickle me huh?” Sampo said breathlessly. Jing Yuan chuckled. 
“I might.” 
“A-alright then,” Sampo said, and as he started to talk in a less arrogant and theatrical, more serious manner, Jing Yuan listened, but at the same time drifted off as he thought of Blade. 
He wasn’t sure if it was the nostalgia, or the shared action of making a random person laugh. Laughter could be a medicine after all, even if it wasn’t their own? 
Somehow he felt like this encounter with the strange foreigner changed something between them, in a positive way, and he couldn’t wait to improve and rebuild his relationship with Blade more after this. Heh. Thank you. Sampo Koski.
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migueloharaslave · 8 months
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WARNING!!!!!!!!! NSFW WILL OCCUR HERE SO SKIP IT IF U WANT OR WHATEVER (obv it's not the best cuz im still new to this pookies)🗣🤪🫶
"You always do this shit. Why do you keep asking me that?" Shawn groaned in annoyance as he slammed the refrigerator door.
"Well I can't help it. Sometimes it just feels like you don't even love me anymore. You haven't even took me on a date in a fucking year." You choked back tears as you studied his movements. Shawn then decided to walk up to you, he pushed you down onto a chair, pointing a finger at you. "You're a bitch. You constantly fucking say 'do you even love me anymore?' Of course I fucking do. I don't take you on dates because your always busy with that dumb job. Plus, I think your cheating. Who's that guy you've been texting.. Miguel? Yeah, you didn't think I saw that on your phone? What fucking guy asks a girl 'You free tonight?' You got something you wanna tell me?"
You stared up at him, you felt tears form in your eyes as you stared at him. "M-Miguel is a friend. He's just a friend I've met at work! I wouldn't cheat on you and you know that. I see him nothing more than a close friend. Sometimes we hangout and eat dinner together that's it." You choked back your tears as she you stared at him, fidgeting with the bottom of your shirt.
"Uh-huh. Whatever you fucking say. I'm going out, don't call me." Shawn scoffed as he stormed off out of the apartment, slamming the door behind him.
You stared off into the distance before bursting out into tears, all these bottled up emotions were now coming out. You've been dealing with this toxic relationship for so long.. You didn't know how to get out of it though. You felt so attached to him.. emotionally. He's the only boy to ever lay eyes on you, sure you may had a huge glow up since highschool, but deep down you still felt insecure. You sniffed as your last few tears dropped, then you heard your phone vibrate against the table, you picked it up and saw it was Miguel. You wiped your tears away as you cleared your throat and answered.
"Hey." You said in a soft voice.
"Hey.. You sound weird. Are you alright?" Miguel responded, furrowing his brows at the tone of your voice.
"Yeah, just allergies." You giggled.
"Yknow.. If anything is bothering you, you can always talk to me." Miguel spoke in a stern voice.
"Tell me."
"I don't know.. I just don't want anything bad to happen."
"Nothing is going to happen, I wouldn't let a thing happen to you. Talk to me."
"It's my boyfriend."
Miguel scoffed.
"Well anyways, Shawn is accusing me of cheating. Just because we hang out. He thinks just because you asked me if im free tonight that I'm hooking up with you or some shit, it's annoying. I would never cheat, I love him so much."
"Oh... I see. So, he's jealous of me?"
"I guess."
Miguel smirked, "He's jealous because I'm treating you the way any other man would treat a wonderful woman like you. 8 years together and still no ring, he's not worth it. Not at all."
"But I love him. He's just going through a lot.."
"And he takes his anger out on you."
"Well.. I don't mind."
"Are you being serious right now?"
"Yes, I'm not a good girlfriend to him anyways."
"Whatever, stop talking about him. Let's focus on us, hm?"
"Great. Soo.. still gonna go out with me tonight?"
"We're not going out together. We're two friends hanging out."
"Still, you wanna go? I have no plans.. "
"Yeah, I'm going still."
"Great, I'll pick you up."
"Okay, bye."
"Bye." You hung up.
"Love you too." Miguel whispered at his phone. He sighed and sat it down on the table. He chewed on the inside of his cheek. God, he was head over heels for you. Although you two barely even met, he felt so close to you already. Call him obsessed with the way he remembers every single detail. Miguel stood up, and walked over to a window, looking out at the city. He had a great paying job, which was the reason he would be able to afford all of those dates. And there should be no surprise that he lives in a penthouse, his apartment was black and red themed, definitely gave off a romantic vibe.
..You put on a white sweater with a casual jean skirt along with white legwarmers to give it a more cozy vibe, and black boots to top off the outfit, the outfit was cute so of course you did a half up half down hairstyle while slipping a white bow in your hair. You were fixing your lashes that you were putting on before you heard the doorbell ring, you gasped when you knew it was Miguel. "Shit!" You scattered around the room to find your purse, you snatched it up when you found it laying on the ground. You made sure to spray yourself with some perfume before dashing out to the door. You took a deep breath before opening it, looking up.. you saw Miguel.
Miguel.. That man knew how to take your breath away. He wore a white sweater and jeans.. just like you did. You glanced down at what was in his arms.. purple roses?
"Heh, seemed like we decided to match." Miguel chuckled to himself as he invited himself in ,walking past you  he looked around, peeked around the corner, then back at you. Scrunching up his nose he asked, "Where's that boyfriend of yours?"
"He went out.." You closed the door and bit your lip as you watched him, eyes examining his strong build before he handed you the flowers.
"Purple roses, just like you told me you liked. I thought since you liked the color purple and roses that'll I'll get you both instead." Miguel hummed.
"Thank you, they're beautiful." You smiled to yourself, you grabbed a empty vase, feeling it with a little bit of water. You sat it down on the middle of the table, taking the roses out of the plastic before slipping them into the vase smiling at them.
Miguel looked at you, his eyes seemed to narrow as he watched the way you moved across the kitchen. You were kinda like a swan, all graceful and soft with your movements better yet you could be a goddess. A goddess who deserves more in her life then some poor idiot. Miguel scoffed and looked off to the side as he just thought about your boyfriend, the way he treated you.. he hated it.
"What's wrong? You look upset." You looked at him before stepping close to him. Miguel turned his head to look back into those eyes of yours, he licked his lips as he felt his throat go dry.
"Nothing." Miguel closed his eyes and sighed, that vanilla perfume you wore was starting to drive him crazy. "Let's go, Hopefully you don't mind walking. It's not too far from your apartment."
"Fine with me." You smiled.
You two made your way out of the apartment making your way down the streets of Nueva York, the streets were crowded so you held onto Miguel's arm as in hopes to not lose him. Soon, you two made it to the restaurant. It seemed to be a fun little colorful spot filled with laughter and a live jazz band playing.
Your eyes widened with excitement at the vibes this whole place gave off, it was so colorful.. it smelled absolutely amazing, there was nothing but happiness all around. You and Miguel found a spot to sit next to near the band so you could watch them play.
Miguel pulled out your chair, when you sat down, he pushed it in before sitting down himself. He watched you as you smiled watching the band play, seeing your smile.. the way your smile stretched across ear from ear, the way your dimples showed. It felt like he was trapped. Trapped in this curse you had put on him, he bit his lip as you looked over at him, you two locking eyes. He felt his heart pound in his chest, only God knows how long he has been staring at you.
You looked up as a waiter walked over with a big grin, handing you two a menu. "Hello, hopefully you two are enjoying your evening so far. I'll be your waiter, any drinks I can start you guys off with. We have soda, water, some wine.. and don't miss out on our little deal for couples!"
"Oh we're not a couple. Just friends." Miguel cleared his throat, you nodded your head in agreement.
"..Oh. Well, how about you skip over that deal." The waiter chuckled nervously.
"Uhh.. I'll have a coke. You, Miguel?" You smiled at him.
" I'll have iced tea." He looked back at you.
"Okay, okay.. I'll get those ready right quick!" The waiter walked off.
"Thank you for bringing me here. I like it.. It's been awhile since my boyfriend and I been out together, it just feels nice to not be trapped in that apartment." You sighed as you looked into the distance.
Miguel reached his hand across the table, placing his hand on top of yours. He dragged his thumb across the back of your soft hands. "Leave him."
"What?" Your frowned at him. "That's a weird thing to say." You laughed.
"No, I'm being serious."  Miguel squeezed your hand, "I.. I think I'm in love with you. You're so beautiful and just overall perfect, someone like him doesn't deserve you. I can treat your better, I wanna be yours."
You stared into his eyes as you listened to his love confession, you shook your head. "No.. No I can't. Miguel.. I have feelings for you too but I just can't leave Shawn. He's.. He's my boyfriend, he's the only guy I've ever been with."
"Let me be the second and last guy you'll ever be with."
"Miguel." You cocked a eyebrow at him.
"Y/N." Again, he rolled your name off of his tongue in such a way that it made your body ache for him.
The waiter came over and sat your drinks down, holding up her notepad as she smiled at you both. "What can I get for ya?"
..About a good hour and a half later, you and Miguel were walking down the street. "Wanna come over to my place, maybe we can watch a movie or two..?"
"Sounds nice" you smiled softly.
"Great. Let me call a uber."
And after a good ten minutes, you finally arrived at his place. When he opened the door, you gasped. "Oh my god.. It's like a vampire lives here." You joked, looking around. Everything was so nice, way better than your old apartment. You started to walk around, dragging your hands along the wall as you made your way over to the window that overlooked the city. It was night, so the city lights were so bright, everything looked like dream as if it could take your breath away.
Miguel followed you, moving to stand right behind you. "Nice, isn't it?"
"Yeah.." You whispered, looking up at him.
Miguel brushed a strand of hair out of your face as you two locked eyes, his lips parted as his heart nearly skipped a beat. He felt as if his heart was running laps around his lungs as if it was going to do a back as if.. and something soft touched his lips before he knew. Suddenly, his hands found their way to your waist, pushing you closer.
You wrapped your arms around Miguel's neck, closing your eyes as you leaned into the kiss. It was so passionate, you had to part your lips just to deepen the kiss. The feel his hands on your waist was driving you crazy.
Suddenly, Miguel pulled away, He stared into your eyes. "God you drive me crazy.."
"Where's your bedroom?" You asked with a smirk on your face. Suddenly your at home life didn't exist, suddenly Shawn didn't exist. Suddenly Miguel was the only man you wanted, suddenly.. you were in his bed.
You two continued to kiss, practically trying to eat each other's face off at this point. You were desperately lifting Miguel's shirt up, trying to get a glimpse of those muscles. Miguel pulled away, lifting up his sweater and tossing it aside. He exposed those strong abs along with those strong pecs, god the way his body slimmed down at his waist honestly drove you crazy. You bit your lip as you caressed those strong arms of his giggling as you sat up, allowing Miguel to take off your sweater too.
Miguel leaned in, pecking kisses along your neck. He mumbled soft praises along your tender skin, hands on your waist dragging down to your skirt. You couldn't help but feel desperate, the way he unbuttoned your skirt with ease, nearly tearing it off he finally toss them aside, exposing your panties to him. Miguel kissed your ankle before pecking kisses down to your inner thigh, he looked up at you with hungry eyes. He licked his lips as he leaned forward, catching your lips in a kiss once again as he brought his hand down, pressing his palms against your clothed cunt
You let out a small whimper in response which caused him to chuckle. You felt your body heat up as you started to grind your hips against his hand, god how long has it been.. your boyfriend hadn't touched you in what felt like forever, better yet he never made sex feel this exciting. Miguel's pulled out off the kiss to catch his breath, his eyes narrowed as he stared into your eyes. He hummed as he leaned down, pecking kiss down until he reached your lace trimmed panties, he pulled them down gently. He looked up at you, smiling softly. "Tell me when I should stop. I want to make you feel good, not hurt you. You're everything to me.. I want you to have every good thing in this world, mi amor." His words was so smoothing and comforting, the way he talked drove you crazy.
You bit down on your lip as you sat up on your elbows watching the way he propped your legs up on his shoulder. You gripped down onto the sheet when you felt him lick at your slit, your voice hitched when his tongue started to circle around your clit. "M-Miguel.." You whispered, bringing you hand down to grip onto his hair as he started to gently suck on your clit. Miguel pulled away and giggled, dragging his tongue along your clit before pushing it inside of you drove you crazy  the way he gently pushed in it out, flicking against your pulsing walls.. everything was pushing you to the edge.
Suddenly, Miguel grew bold, which is exactly why he pushed a single fingers inside, watching your reaction before he slipped a second inside. "Oh g-god.." You cried as you leaned your head back, your walls clenching around his fingers. Miguel started to thrust his fingers in and out at a gentle pace, then he started speeding up as he leaned in and started sucking your clit again. He looked up at you, watching the way you reacted to the way he made you feel.. you were so beautiful, the way your chest heaved when you took a deep breath.. he couldn't help but chuckle.
Suddenly, his pace quickened even more, his pace quickened suddenly and you let out a cry. "M-Miguel..!" You cried out his name, gripping onto the silk sheets of his bed, wrapping your legs around his head as you groaned. "I'm.. I'm gonna c-come.." You whined. You felt your thigh twitched, biting down on your lip you threw your head back, crying with pleasure. Suddenly, just as you were getting close, it all stopped.
Miguel had pulled away, "Not yet." He spoke softly, leaning in and gently kissing you, making you taste yourself on his lips. "But.. Please, Miguel.." You whined.
Miguel smirked as he leaned over, "You might as well get ready.." He grabbed a condom from the night stand, "It's gonna be a long night."
..After a night of nonstop loud moans and the sound of skin slapping against each other, it was finally morning.. and oh boy you woke up to something crazy. Not Miguel, but your boyfriend or.. ex spam calling your phone. You groaned as you sat up, glancing over at Miguel who was still sound asleep. "My god.." You hissed as you felt your thighs feel numb as you tried to stand up. Maybe you should start doing yoga again because you were not ready for this. You grabbed your phone and sighed, you stood up and answered the phone.
"WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU? You haven't been answering your fucking phone, You weren't at the fucking apartment. Your friends said you aren't with them. Where the fuck are you? Huh? Answer me damnit." Shawn grinned his teeth to try and keep his composure.
Just as you felt tears fill up your eyes.. and just as you were about to speak, Miguel snatched your phone. "Hello?" Miguel asked.
"Who the fuck is this? Why the fuck are you with my girlfriend?"
"..The same guy she told you not to worry about." Miguel hung up the phone.
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bravo4iscool · 10 months
girl, I’m not gonna lie to you, I have some free time, and sometimes I really like to use it uselessly. and I found your ig account, then I did some other research and I found a lot about you and your family, so I could really rate you. And yes, I can say properly: you’re ugly.
now, you're kinda right, I give you that. some fit guys do like fat women, maybe one guy out of ten. but these are REALLY PRETTY WOMEN, 'cause I don’t deny that there are beautiful fat women, but they are usually rare, and that’s definitely not you.
I’m not seeking validation wtfff has nothing to do with anything, girl… you seem stupid. I just really found your behavior hilarious. like, how the false illusion of the new age got you, making you really believe in fairy tales. I mean, you're clearly so insecure, trying to pass as “I’m fine with my weight” while really trying to convince yourself that you’re desirable. and like, you’re not 😭 and it’s so fun when you talk about validation, because, you see, I may be petty or bitter or mean, or whatever it is. but, if you really felt confident, pretty, and good about yourself, you would just turn off the anon or ignore me. but no, you’re here, writing answers so you can post and be consoled. that’s how I know you feel pathetic and horrible about yourself, and need these other weirdos to help you fool yourself. you can ignore me, or reply me, it won’t make difference. you too fucking transparent, so easy to read.
or you wouldn’t be doing headcanons of really fit men attracted to you, because if you were desirable and if you really felt that way, you would just know, and not try to reaffirm yourself along with other equally UGLY FAT GIRLS. the main thing here is how out of touch you are with reality. close the tumblr, go to a nice spot in your town, where you KNOW there are hot guys, and please record yourself being chosen by them. if you're so sure of yourself. and open your instagram account, since you have nothing to hide and being ashamed. I mean, you’re pretty right? lol
y’know i’m not doing this cuz i’m insecure💀 also, i never said those hc’s were about me LMAO. i’m very aware that he and every other cod character is fucking fictional💀. this is just my hobby😗✌🏼.
also, why are you so keen about finding out about my personal life? wtf do i have to do with you? it’s fucking creepy to stalk my ig and all that💀. who tf do you think you are?
the only one being pathetic here is you, because you’re out here insulting me via anon haha. at least grow the balls to confront me correctly lol.
but yk, your stupidity and insecurity is pretty hard to ignore. you can have your opinion about me but let me be. i didn’t ask you for it lmao. also, i couldn’t care less about your opinion. you can think i’m ugly, idgaf, but stop annoying me with it.
and idk if you know but talking down on other people has to do with one’s insecurities, so maybe you’re the insecure one here😘.
and yes, i’m fine with my weight. i’ve come to terms with it, since i can’t change it without a medical intervention. is it so hard to believe that someone overweight actually accepts that fact or what? it says that says a lot about you actually.
also, i’m posting this so people can see that there are, unfortunately, still people with the iq of a fucking brick out there. i couldn’t care less about what they tell me. as i said, i’m perfectly fine on my own.
i’m actually laughing writing this because i won’t ignore you. people like you should rethink their life choices ngl.
you’re going crazy over a tumblr post and start to insult me as fat and ugly and you started to fucking stalk me. you’re being the prime example for insecurity rn💀.
your messages can get as long as you want them to be, i will respond to them because it’s sad people still think like you.
there are people out there saying all things about cod or ghost or whoever. if i don’t like them, i scroll, but i don’t start insulting and stalking the author of that post/headcanon/fic or whatever.
grow tf up and get a helmet💀.
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kpop-with-mars · 11 months
|Ateez X Trans (Ftm) Reader|
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{disclaimer; I dont own any gifs used, this is also inspired by @kittensyoonie and their ateez x trans reader so please check them out as well~.}
{Summary: Ateezs reactions to learning that your trans/you coming out to them.}
{Tags; fluff, angst, hurt comfort, just having a silly old time (mostly),}
{⚠Warnings⚠; I haven't had top surgery or any other forms of gender affirming medical care so some things might be wrong. this also might not relate to every trans person so im sorry T^T. Also look out for misgendering, dead naming, transphobia,}
{ Hi guyss I haven't been writing alot cuz I have so many drafts and i've been working on NONE of them T^T, but don't worry I will post them soon once finished. i've got some goodies in the vault so please look forward to them. alot of these scenarios might be pretty dramatic so sorry ✌ but without farther ado you can read now. Enjoy! maybe? idk its up to you - 🃏}
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You were with him on vlive for your 1 year anniversary of being together so you both read atinys questions and blocked disrespectful ones.
hongjoong attached himself on your arm while you read. "Do you look at other idols?!" you read in shock, hongjoong looked directly at you menacingly. you looked away from him "no~" you answered tucking hair behind your ear.
"You better not" he kissed your cheek making you giggle while hongjoong looked at the other questions until he found one.
"Is y/n transgender?".
hongjoong stared curiously at you "yes, im transgender" as soon as you said that, the viewers and comments spiked upward.
"Im so proud of you for coming out, ill always support you" he gave you a gentle peck on your lips before he turned to the camera.
"Atiny, lets all show our support for y/n okay?. if I see anything that doesn't i won't stand for that, this is a space for everyone so lets make it feel like it" he smiled at the camera when he finished.
You both read more questions and felt thankful for the support from atinys, eventually the camera was turned off and when it did, you and him were getting ready for bed when he pulled you into his chest "I can't believe you came out like that, you didn't feel pressured into it right? " he gently stroked your hair.
"I never thought i could do that, but ever since i met you i've felt more like me" he hummed in response before he put his hand on your cheek lifting up your face "I love you~" he cooed "I love you too" he chuckled at your shyness and he hugged your head to his chest.
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You were at home recovering from your top surgery, you felt like tired didn't wanna move from your bed while you hugged your pillow to your chest, until you finally decided to get up and eat.
But as you walked into the kitchen to grab a quick breakfast you heard the front door unlock. you looked at the door wondering if this is the day you die until it opened to seonghwas smiling face.
"Hi honey" he walked up to you and kissed your forehead before he looked you up and down "Did you just wake up?" "No i woke up an hour and a half ago, i just got out of bed tho" he brought his hands up to your face and turned it from side to side "Did you eat yet?" you shook your head "good thing I got you some food" he handed you the food, which you ate in minutes after seonghwa guided the two of you to the table.
"Are you alright y/n?, you seem tired did you get enough sleep?" he bombarded you with questions while rubbing your back. "I feel fine, maybe just about sluggish" "I know im busy alot, but i just wanna know if something happened while I was away, please?" he moved his hand from your back to your free hand.
You decided to tell him "im sorry I didn't tell you sooner but, I got top surgery" seonghwa looked into your eyes waiting for you to explain "because im transgender" you added.
"That's cool, im glad you're okay" he smiled brightly you responed by giving his lips a gentle peck "I love you" you said making eye contact with him "I love you too, my handsome man".
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You and yunho were looking at pictures from his childhood while he told the stories behind them, alot of them making you laugh.
He was flipping though more photos when he paused "what?, what is it?" you asked him and he turned his head to you. "I don't think i've seen your baby photos before, have i?" he tilted his head to the side with curiosity in his eyes.
You didn't know what to tell him other then lying "Well i- um" you stammered "You're not embarrassed about them, right?." yunho asked when he noticed how anxious you were getting.
"Yeah, a little bit" you took a deep breath, you pulled out you're phone and showed him a picture of you as a kid. he looked at for a moment then smiled "I don't see any problem with it" yunho said with confusion.
You scrolled through your phone until you found one from prom, and you showed it to yunho. He took in the photo he was seeing before he responed "Oh, oh, you looked..." he had an awkward smile on his face "What" you asked knowing exactly what he was gonna say, until he said something you haven't heard.
"You just don't look happy in that picture, and i don't like it" he put his hand on your back. "I like who you are now because I know that you're happier this way" yunho wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you into one of his special hugs.
You would cry but yunho made you too happy to, that's what you loved most about him, and that's what he loves most about you.
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You and yeosang started working out together, nothing more sexy then seeing a muscle-y yeosang with an extra shine on his skin.
After more grueling exercise the two of you were taking a break and eating lunch together. "t-that was...alot to say the lest" he wiped sweat from his forehead with a rag and drank his shake.
"Yeah, I think im all worked out for the day" you smiled at him, mean while your sleeveless shirt puffed out and yeosang couldn't help but look "woah-" he admired your toned arms and chest, making you straighten yourself up and cross your arms over your chest.
"It's no secret your totally hot, even with scars" he laughed "Wait what scars??" yeosang made a confused face "the ones on your chest?"
"What- I don't-" "but you do?" he was getting concerned about the way you were suddenly so defensive. "Are you getting self conscious about yourself?-" "no it's just-" you felt you'd just ruined this nice day working out with yeosang by making him upset.
Yeosang came up to you and held your hand "What's wrong honey?" he asked in a sweet but worried tone making your heart sting a bit. but that made you realize this was stupid to keep from him.
"Those scars on my chest..." he looked intently at you "they're from top surgery... im transgender" yeosang pulled you into a hug while he stroked your muscles "that's nice. Im glad you're happy with who you are" he looked at you and gave your lips a quick kiss "and with me~"
You and him laughed about it and continued on with lunch "oh y/n!, can I see your abs again?...please?" his confidence faded to embarrassment when he asked, this caught you off guard but this was at KQ's gym after all, might as well give him some fan service.
"Sure" you lifted up your tank top for him, making him choke on his food for a second. you asking if he's okay until he answered "im fine...but not as fine as you~" you laughed at yeosang's cheesy pick up line and enjoyed the rest of the day with your boyfriend.
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San was having the best day of his life when you came out wearing some of his clothes, the way his clothes looked so baggy on you made him feel like he had to protect you at any cost.
"Cute~" was the only thing he could say in awe as he stared at you, you gave him a little spin "All of your stuff is so comfy~ it was hard to choose which to wear" you went up to him and threw your arms around his waist and hugged him tightly.
He pet your hair lightly "ill let you wear anything of mine if it makes you happy" he stroked your cheek and kissed your forehead. "Are you ready now?" you nodded your head and san began to walk you through the bouncy choreography.
The two of you were having a fun time and laughed whenever you made a mistake, or when he did. he was showing you how to go down for the chorus. "Then we do that for one, two, three, four. got it?" he demonstrated for you while he spoke "yeah I think so" san nodded then played it for you.
You started going down with the beats while san counted. but even though the shirt you were wearing provided some good ventilation, it was going down your chest more and more with each move.
"Oh-" san laughed out and paused the music. you laughed too with him and the shirt was falling off, revealing most of your chest. san noticed this and smirked when he walked toward you then noticed your scars. "What are those?" he pointed to your chest and you looked down.
"Oh" you pulled up your shirt "those are top surgery scars" san nodded then he suddenly got a look of surprise on his face "you're transgender!?" you put a thumbs up and smiled "Ooo that's cool, like pungja right? but just the other way around?" You nodded.
San picked you up in his arms and lifted you "no wonder you have such a feminine body" he teased you and ruffled your hair "That's why I kinda like wearing your clothes, they're good at hiding it when I want to" you giggled he squeezed you tightly.
"Well like I said, ill let you wear anything of mine if it makes you happy~" he kissed your cheek and put you down. "Alright now since you wanna know how, let me show you right now~".
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Mingi had took you with him and the members while touring around, he really needed cuddles after performing his heart out and you were his stress reliever.
He walked into the hotel room and you were on your phone and he went straight to the shower after greeting you, having been covered in sweat while you waited quietly for him on the bed.
He came out of the bathroom with his pajamas on and his hair wet. you opened your arms out to him "come here princess~" you understood how tired he was and he flopped down on your side, his head on your shoulder as his hands moved around your body.
He was obviously much taller then you but he felt so small hugging your body. "I love you~" you told him and kissed his forehead while your hand held the back of his head. "I love-" mingi froze when his hand reached a small long bump on your chest, his sleepy eyes widened a bit.
You chuckled lightly at his reaction and you held his cheeks "those are just scars. im transgender, I used to be a woman so I got surgery to get a flat chest" you explained and he nodded "That's cool~ are you happy?" he asked in a deep sleepy voice. "Of course I am. im even more happy with myself after I met you~" you kissed him lightly on the lips.
He gave you his gummy smile and he cuddled you closer to your body, laying his head against your collarbone. you turned your body to him and wrapped your arms around his head and back.
"I love you" his voice was muffled against your chest. "I love you too princess~" he smiled and you turned the lamp off and the two of you fell asleep. your princess finally getting the sleep he needed while knowing you're happy.
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"Come on babe!, let's go to the beach-each what they gonna say~" you heard him sing from down the hall while you were getting ready. you and wooyoung decided to go on a beach date when he had a break from promoting, and now that day was here.
You hurriedly searched for a swim shirt of any kind but to your dismay you couldn't find one. "im coming!" you threw on a shirt and run out the door with wooyoung.
At the beach you and wooyoung ate lunch that the two of you prepared together, after wooyoung finished he threw his shirt off and on your towels and booked it to the water, "Come on y/n!, let's cool off!" He yelled for you when he was in the water.
You grimaced nervously and walked over to the shore, you sat down and brought your legs to your chest. you felt the water lightly brush your feet. wooyoung raised his eyebrow at you "is something wrong babe?" he was confused by your actions.
"N-No.." you denied, but you knew wooyoung would keep pressing you til you dropped dead so you stood up and took your shirt off. you stepped into the water near wooyoung.
"See~, its not so-" he noticed your scars. "Babe?!, did something attack you in the water??. Is that why you were nervous?" he quickly stepped up to you and took your hands.
You chuckled lightly "No... im just transgender" you smile feeling your unease drip away. "Oh, well of course that's alright dummy" he hit your shoulder lightly. "I love you~" he said in a cheesy tone. "I love you too~"
He pecked your lips "I've never actually been to the beach without a shirt on sense surgery, i just get kinda nervous you know?" you admitted while the two of you were in calif deep in the water.
He smiled sweetly "I understand but lets not worry~. I promised to give you some of my confidence when we started dating..." he took a short pause to look in your eyes before he gave you a big smile "so come on lets go have fun!" He dragged you further into the water while the two of you laughed.
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A sudden knock interrupted your thoughts while in a cracked voice you said "Come in". the door opened to jongho's handsome face making you straighten up and try to make it look like you weren't crying.
"I was told you weren't feeling alright" he explained himself and sat next to you giving you a kiss on the cheek. "Do you wanna talk about it?" he looked at you with pleading eyes.
He held your hand in his squeezing it gently until you gave in and started tearing up again, "If -i was different back when I was younger, would you still love me?" he stayed silent allowing you to continue. "I know I shouldn't care what people think, but i don't feel like ill be- anything to anyone, really. I hate how people looked at me---and still look at me---especially because I knew what they were thinking"
you took in some more fresh air and wiped some tears before jongho spoke "Why would people ever judge you?". you responded "because I didn't want to be what they wanted" he thought on that for a moment before he asked another "What did they want you to be?" his voice held nothing gentleness and compassion, instantly you felt safer.
"A girl they could control" you put your face on his shoulder and lightly sobbed, jongho wrapped his arms around you and helped control your breathing. he held you in his warm chest for awhile, until you pulled away.
"You don't have to deal with this alone, okay?... I'm sorry you didn't feel safe telling me before but," he paused for a minute and held out his pinky "Let's get through this together now, promise" you let out a light chuckle and interlocked pinkies with him.
His arms snaked around you while you held him tightly hoping to never release, jongho turned your head to him and he gave you a kiss you'd been dieing to get. his lips fit onto yours like a puzzle piece, and like a puzzle you were complete.
{Hi guyss~, I sadly couldn't finish my hongjoong x trans reader one shot I was writing for his birthday so ill be working on it and ill post it when its done or just work on some other fics, speaking of them ill probably do some sort of poll or vote for these other fics I really wanna write so that I know what y'all will wanna see next~~. I got inspired by @kittensyoonie I read their ateez x trans reader thing and I was inspired by them to write this. So thank you to them and also read theirs!. - 🃏}
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yostresswritinggirl · 2 years
Hello! It is me again, Bali! With another idea! I read in another blog something about reader been a fugitive! So what would it be your opinion iF—
Reader became a wanderer in Sumeru? Let's make it some angst an put that they are already dating the boys! (Cyno and Tighnari) Reader knows that Cyno has to probably hunt them down (the reason about them being hunt them down it could probably be because they know some dark secret about the Akademy that even Cyno nor Tighnari have any idea?) Or—
Maybe they know a way to get out Nahida from the sanctuary? That they came in contact with them or maybe even gain a vision while something happen when they wanted to help their archon! (It could be a fight that almost made them lost their life?) And maybe Nahida even possessing their body so they can get out of Sumeru safe?
How do you imagine their reaction? From both guys? I feel like reader wouldn't want to tell anything to them because that would make them involved? Or maybe they would just try to run away before they can even question her about it? THE POSSIBILITY ARE A LOT!
Oh fugitive reader! Alright there's a lot of things going on here so I need to collect my thoughts properly - cuz my hc for the poly cynonari reader is that they're actually from Mondstadt, but it would be a sucky answer if I just say they ran off to Mond hmm
And and it also depends on WHEN this happened, because it would change if this was before Cyno exiled himself or during the time the desert gang is planning to free Nahida hmm
Let's go first with Before Exile Timeline/Present Timeline:
When Cyno was given the task to retrieve you, he doesn't know if the sages were truly blind to know your relationship, or this was a cruel torture they intentionally gave him. He's in the dark for the most part, no matter how much he tries to probe he was not given a solid answer as to why you're wanted, only that it was too confidential and that they need you for interrogation.
The walk to Ghandarva Ville was slow and painful, what with his heart beating strongly against his chest, his stomach twisting and turning from the dread of the predicament he was in. He was so close to overthinking, and no matter how hard he forced himself to be neutral about this as the General Mahamatra, Cyno was still gunning on the fact that there was a misunderstanding.
Tighnari only needed one look at Cyno to see that something is terribly wrong when he entered his hut without so much as a greeting. His lover looked utterly broken and on the brink of breaking down, the stress emanating from him also touching him, the fur on his tail and ears standing in attention as if his fight or flight response was triggered.
When Cyno broke the news, that he was here to arrest you, the both of them got into an argument. Tighnari was desperately fighting for your case, that the Akademiya was wrong, that you were just an adventurer without a single bad bone in your body. "Think about this more, Cyno, don't you trust our (Y/N)?" He was almost pleading, trying to break the General Mahamatra's one track mind when it comes to his work.
"Tighnari, when did you last see them?" And there was a pregnant pause in between as the situation became heavier. You had been gone for two weeks now, which wouldn't be unusual if not for the fact that you didn't inform them beforehand. But if something was wrong, why wouldn't you tell them? Or at least Tighnari, who had been transparent about his detachment from the Akademiya.
Now they're both battling with their own internal conflicts. Cyno overwhelmed by his fair judgment as his heart tries to reason with him, and Tighnari with his solid faith being countered by his rational mind. At some point, they work behind each other's backs to look for you so that things can be clearer.
You best hope your Forest Watcher boyfriend finds you first, because Cyno will be harder to persuade with his heart already filled with thoughts of your betrayal.
After Cyno's Exile and Tighnari's Findings about the God Project:
In this one, Cyno and Tighnari work together to try and find you, if you're not already trying to find a way to look for them to relay the information.
They don't know the exact details but they were aware that the Eremites were tasked to haunt you down, by the orders of the Sages or Dottore. After hearing the latter enemy after knowing what damage the Harbinger had done to Collei, the both of them are quick to 'dispose' the mercenaries every chance they get. If you don't want to be found, the least they could do is make sure no one does.
They're plagued of stress daily from overthinking about your situation. Did you get caught? What if you're not safe where you're hiding? Are you still in Sumeru? Are you with people that are helping or secretly sold you out already? These thoughts keep them up at night, and so they use those times to scour the forest and desert respectively for any signs of your presence.
If they do find you or you find them eventually, they'll openly break down into tears as they pull you into a tight hug, a series of why's and where's brokenly repeating in between sobs. Why didn't you tell them you were in danger? Where did you go? Why would you hide this from them?
They were prepared for the worst and seeing you alive (and hopefully well) made them crumble in nothing but relief. You're not the best fighter in comparison nor the best stamina despite your occupation. If they see wounds, scrapes, signs of sickness, fatigue, and even slight weight loss, they'll tend to you with shaky hands and misty eyes. (Even worse if the fight for their life had also happened)
You don't know how scared they were, but they'll make sure you're safe with them now. Even if you insist to leave after exchanging information, they would force you to be with them. Sages, Akademiya, Eremites, Harbingers be damned - the forest can burn so long as they can keep you safe from harm's way.
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New banner! Specifically for poly cynonari in the context of Chase The Mirage ™
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fountainpenguin · 6 months
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"It was a cup of good intentions... a tablespoon of one big mess! A dash of overreaction, and I assume you know the rest..." (x)
New Dog's Life chapter today! ~ 3rd Life series fan-season
Chapter 28 - “Slow Burn (Bdubs, Scar, Charlotte)”
❤️ Read on AO3
💛 Start from Chapter 1
💚 More Pixels Imperfect fics
Scott needs medical attention. Scar and SnifferMyFeet do their best to offer it... even if it means putting one of them on the line. Meanwhile, Bdubs and Grian discuss carrots and vacation plans.
(First 1,000 words under the cut)
BdoubleO100 - Phantom
Status: Riled up
Captain of New Star Station's phantom hybrid flock
💙  🧡  💚
"Aha!" Bdubs grabs Grian by the wrists, yanking him forward. He pulls him, twisting him through a dopey dance in the kitchen. Grian yelps, socked feet twisting and gripless, and that just makes it better. "You want to be cringe and free!"
"I could do without the cringe," he protests, flapping his wings as Bdubs spins and prances with him, "but I do wish for love."
"Well, being truly known's the same thing, isn't it?" He swings Grian around to the other side. Grian squawks, pixels thickening and flipping over in his face. Purple flecks glitter underneath. He may as well've been run through a storm drain and flushed out the other side. "Tell you what! I'll love Etho if you love Mumbo, deal? Junglemate's honor!"
"Bdubs, that's not a deal."
"'Course it's a deal! It goes both ways; that defines it. Whadaya think? You wanna seal it?"
"… Yes."
"Let's do it, then." And he laughs, 'cuz it feels so good to love. It's what captains do, you know. When all hope is lost, look to the captain. Put all your faith in 'em, even when it looks like they're steering the wrong way. Captains always guide you back towards the light. Didn't you know Minecrafters like to move in circles? It's a way of stalking prey. "Always, and 'til the end!"
Grian catches a grip on the floor. "Bdubs? Bdubs, I hate to ask, but… What was the reason? Why didn't being romantic work with Etho? I mean, what made you feel like being queerplatonic partners made sense? How did you know?"
Bdubs' tail twitches at the end. Mossy shawl is crooked now, plushy bits tucked too tight against his neck. He pulls it around again. "I think being romantic would've worked a while, but this is what felt right. Just better this way long-term. Now, enough about Etho-"
"Do you ever regret it?"
Wow. Parrot stereotypes are true, then. Once they get their talons in something, they latch on tight and don't like letting go. Of course, that's mostly when they're dead. It's not his business, but Grian's watching, and Grian's a less experienced player, and he came from another world. Bringing him into the rest of the flock and teaching him things is what a captain does. "No? I don't regret choosing Etho."
"I meant the QPR," Grian says impatiently, taking his bar stool again. "I mean, that's a big conversation to have, right? And once you say it, it's hard to walk back and change your mind. I mean, what happens if you feel ready to be romantic?"
'Ready,' huh? Geez. Tell me you really don't know what's up with me and Etho without telling me you don't know anything about us.
Mm, scattered possibilities on how to answer that one. It's like a deck of cards strewn across the table- stat poker at its worst. Bdubs gazes back with his tail gently waving.
"Is this about you?" he asks in easy deflection. Grian's wings jump. "Communication's always gonna be your best bet. I think if you wanna change up your lifestyle, you can tell your partner straight, so long as you realize they might end things with you there- You get me?" He gestures to his wrist-comm then. "I mean, Brittney and I swing different ways all the time. We just let each other know when something comes up or we wanna see someone else."
Brittney's good. Doesn't expect him home too much; she knew what she was marrying into. He was already captain of New Star by the time they woke up with shared rings.
… It's nice though, huh? For the first time, he really eases his shoulders back, no longer compensating for heavy wings. Martyn's acting captain tonight. It's not his first time, though it usually doesn't last for long.
He may have burned his wing pixels off, but other than fly, Bdubs can do whatever he wants. As far as Martyn knows, he finished the delivery route. And the fact that he didn't isn't his problem tonight. If Martyn's too busy flirting with Cleo to catch an insubordinate flockmate in the act, well, consider this a lesson learned. He still glitters with white sparks wherever his bare skin faces upwards, like on the backs of his hands.
I can do… whatever I want. Isn't that something? Under the full moon, even! Usually he'd be bare-chested by now, wrestling Martyn while a crowd looks on. If Martyn enacts a challenge, anyway. He sometimes likes to. Bdubs' fingers brush the red feather hanging at his chest. He didn't give much consideration to wearing it. He just played along. This is Yes, And? This is fun. And he's out here doing whatever he wants.
Grian looks on, curious as ever. "I mean, you want him, don't you?"
"Do I ever! And got 'im right here!" (Not here here, but you know how it is under the wing).
"Aren't you disappointed?" Grian asks, foot twisting against the bar stool's little foot rest. He slouches against the counter. Maybe birds just like to perch on things. "I mean, you can't carrot with Etho now, if you're queerplatonic."
What? "Yeah I can." And this time he's more firm about it: "Etho and I can do whatever we want. Don't look at me! It's like you and Mumbo spawning a spark together when you're not dating. Raising kids together is fine." His eye twitches even as he says it. See, that's where the problem started.
Bdubs isn't really looking to be a dad right now. Right now, the flock comes first. He's saving his energy for when he, like Impulse and Jewel, takes his beloved's kids under his wing. Well, the players and cameras synced up to those kids, anyway. Four's a lot. Two's a lot, and it prob'ly won't be much longer before they're here- They're getting big. He gets emotion bleed of 'em on the regular, when they sit themselves in Daddy's lap or hang on his shoulders to watch him play.
Raising four kids someday ('cuz who doesn't take the cameras under their wing too?) is gonna burn him out. That's when he's gonna be so weak, Martyn takes his place as flock captain. Heck, Bdubs will throw the fight if he has to. The flock comes first, and once he's got his own, his time as captain's gonna run dry. Brittney and the kids are gonna be his flock then.
That's the schism between him and Etho, see, which is none of Grian's freakin' business. But Bdubs can't see himself raising server-restricted sparks this late in life when his real, Between dimension family is gonna get a whole lot bigger in a couple hundred years. He doesn't need babies. And Etho, who huddles up alone more often than he should, wants a litter he can lick and snuggle and hold.
It didn't end their friendship. It's just dangerous to dance around. They agreed a long time ago carrots were off the table. Bdubs is pretty sure Etho's never gotten his love hearts up before, and that makes him all the more unpredictable. Too wild. Unrestrained. It's just not worth the risk, 'cuz if an accident happened, Etho would whine and plead for him to stay. Void, he loves Etho. But accidents come easy, and Joel's living proof of it- Hermes is just one example…
Bdubs does not talk to Etho about Joel. Or Cleo, for that matter. Yeah, he'll play up his role as kid in the Clocker family, but he sheds it like a snakeskin when he's not in the mood. Except for "family dinner nights," where he's expected (and MCC watch parties by extension), he doesn't roleplay Clocker stuff in Between. Not in the teasing, flowery way that Etho, Scar, and Cleo do. On-server is full of emotion bleed- Scar got it right when he picked a puppet skin this season.
But Between is where he's real, and he's not gonna waste it roleplaying as the lowest member in the pecking order. Except for when it's fun.
[Full chapter on AO3 - Links at top]
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raccoon-king2007 · 9 months
What's some headcanons you have for each of the sides? Or what do you think their favorite musicals are? :)
I don't really have headcanons anymore, but I have a lot of aus based on/round sanders sides, the one I'm currently hyperfixated on is Rebecca's Crazy Sides which is the show but I'm Thomas and the sides personalities are changed to fit mine, if anyone wants to know more about then send an ask (totally not desperate to rant about it lol)
to answer your other question: what I think the sides favorite musicals would be
Virgil: Be More Chill, cuz it's about a guy who has a lot of insecurities but learns to accept himself for who he is at the end, I think Virgil would resonate with that at least a little
Logan: Dear Evan Hansen (?), I don't know a lot of musicals so my choices are limited and I probably should've researched about other musicals before choosing one for Logan but I think he'd like Dear Evan Hansen, idk why but I have a feeling he would
Patton: Mamma Mia, I feel like he'd like this one cuz it's a classic and my mom likes it so ofc Patton would too lol
Roman: Six, idk just has Roman vibes to me lol
Janus: Mean Girls or Heathers, I can't decide cuz both scream Janus to me but I think he'd prefer Mean Girls cuz I do lol
Remus: Beetlejuice, do I need to say more? lol
feel free to tell me what you guys think their favorite musicals would be if you disagree, also definitely ask me about my au I will not and cannot stop talking about it, I'm like a gremlin that needs to get the chaos out of their system, pls!
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gojoest · 7 days
ai ai ai ai. 🥹 can i ask for advise? 👉🏼👈🏼 you sound like you give the best advise hehe.
how do you manage to not feel like you disappoint your followers when you can't always deliver what they expect of you. 😭 like you can't always please everyone (answer everyone's asks, post updates to fic, etc). 🥺 been dealing with this for a while and idk what to do about it aeeee.
thanks. 🩷🩷🩷 satoru loves you a lot he asked me to tell you cuz he's busy with work but he can't wait to be back and see you-- 🫦
( BLOSSOM~ | @siscon-stsg )
blossom my love hello 🤍 my advice sucks but i try my best whenever someone reaches out, thank you for trusting me T^T
while i don’t exactly know what to advise you here, i know what you’re talking about and i’ve felt that way in the past, but over time my mindset changed. so i’ll share my personal experience.
i keep this blog for myself, first and foremost. for my own enjoyment! i like to come here and hang out, talk about what’s on my mind — be it bits and pieces of my life or sharing the thoughts that plague me regarding our beloved pixels, and sometimes i write. i am sure many signed up after coming across my content in the tags and then chose to leave bc this girl is not a regular AHAHAH, but i talk a lot and while certainly this is annoying to some, others find it entertaining and hang out with me!
when i was super anxious about posting regularly, writing-wise and not just concepts and rambles, in the past, i didn’t quite enjoy my stay here. it felt like a chore or a job, it was exhausting tbh. i’ve also come to realize that ppl don’t expect anything from me, it’s me who does that. so, now i do whatever i want AHAHAH — i talk bunch and when inspiration strikes i write, and those who enjoy my online presence overall (regardless of what i put on their dash) stay, while those who no longer fw it leave (and that’s completely valid!) and i know how everyone always talks about this but actually realizing it for yourself is so freeing
i still feel very bad about the asks i take too long to answer or i never get to reply to — idk if there’s a cure for that jaksdks i certainly don’t mean to ignore anybody but sometimes i just don’t know what to say or i don’t have the energy T^T but i am sure most ppl understand this, or so i tell myself AHAHAH
i hope you are able to overcome this feeling bc there’s truly no reason for you to feel this pressured to constantly post or update fics or meet expectations, it will only rob you of the fun you’re supposed to be having on this silly site! 🤍
p.s. pls let satoru know i love him too and he should hurry back home bs i miss him so much :(
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