#do alot of zhit
liamhfjone 10 months
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fl4ky-sc3nek1d 6 months
my thoughtz abt teh drama now
remember iz juzt my opinion plz don't harazz me over it
well I find thiz drama waz very zhitty,I thought alex waz problematic,groomer n' pedophile bc I believed on doc I don't actually read it in grain of zalt alzo my friend zaid 2 me it that iz not fake n' I believed her,but I zaw teh ppl debunking teh doc that might 2 be fake I became neutral until alex rezponzez teh doc
i could like 2 apologize 4 jumping teh gun before alex rezponzez it waz zhitty on my part n' I zhouldn't 2 believed that doc n' that my friend zaid it
tbh I think alex iz innocent,not fully bc in fact he waz bad partner n' irrezponzible 2 their fanz I'm glad he take accountability of it but he iz ztill innocent
i think teh rezponze waz good rezponze I'm glad he takez accountability of that he did n' teh mozt thingz of teh doc waz fake
if r zaying "that abt teh other docz?" alex don't have 2 review all of them alzo theze r debunked by kirby_PPG on twitter
how I hated ven did that bullzhit doc he went tranzmizogyniztic n' ableizt on that doc n' mizuzed teh word "groomer" n' "parazzocial" damn he did that doc juzt bc they got butt hurted by alex,abt teh relationzhip needz 2 be rezolved IN PRIVATE NOT IN PUBLIC,damn I agree thiz lookz like a high zchool drama 馃拃 alzo thiz iz other reazon why dating on internet don't alwayz workz
alzo I hate that alex got harazzed n' doxxed,calling him with tranz zlur thiz iz dizguzting,zame if teh doc iz 100% u zhouldn't 2 do that u r putting him n' hiz family in rizk,doxxing iz not n' never will be juztifiable of it I'm glad that dumbazz who doxxed alex got taken down on Twitter but unfortunately teh commentz from hiz yt pozt not...
I'm zad that martin (iz very dizappointing bc I am teh walten filez fan),chezzkidz,teh modz who waz working on TMC FNF modz,blackMEZ,alex kaizo n' etc jumped teh gun before alex rezponzez n' zided teh "victimz" (they ztill zidez with them) n' they literally actz like immature kidz,which thiz iz very unprofezzional tbh (mainly on chezzkidz) I find thiz iz very upzetting
alzo I think mozt VAz (except thorne ig) left iz bc they want 2 zave their azzez from harazzment,doxxing n' zhit,ppl thinkz if u r neutral which meanz u r horrible perzon
i feel bad of alex he don't dezervez that...
twitter iz a huge zhitty platform which everyone hatez each other,harazz ppl n' doxx them too,tell ppl 2 kill themzelvez n' alot of zhit alzo cancel culture iz a huge cancer tho
alzo I might get hated of thiz,but I will zupport alex bc she lozt almozt everything like friendz,employeez,fanz n' etc...I hope they recoverz that...
i hope everything will be fine n' move on teh drama thiz waz very wild...
n' again don't harazz me bc of my opinion iz very zhitty 2 do
n' don't harazz alex,"victimz" n' anyone they never dezerve that.
TLDR;teh drama iz very zhit,I thought alex waz a problematic bc of doc,but after I zaw ppl debunking teh doc I became neutral until alex rezponzez,I think alex iz innocent,not fully but ztill that ven did iz terrible,iz dizguzting that he got doxxed n' harazzed i'm zad that internet horror creatorz that ztill ziding teh victimz,i think mozt of VAz left bc they don't want 2 be attacked twitter zuckz n' I will zupport alex bc of that he zuffered.
alzo I'm zorry that my Englizh iz zhitty,bc iz not my firzt language
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fl4ky-sc3nek1d 5 months
i will get alot upzet if vol.5 will be lazt volume due drama
thiz drama iz very upzetting
imagine if u went very zhitty partner on ur ex n' got very angry,too angry n' make a doc full of mizinformation n' manipulation juzt 2 ruin ur career...
honeztly it makez me very mad n' zad abt it,if u got upzet that u ex went very zhitty 2 u,u don't need 2 do that zhit.
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