#dneprostroi dam
if-you-fan-a-fire · 2 years
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“Pointing with pride, Col. Cooper (centre) American engineer who was presented with the Soviet order of the red banner in honor of his work at Dneiprostroi power dam, acts as a guide during opening ceremonies.”
- from the Saskatoon Star-Phoenix. November 7, 1932. Page 10.
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loeilareaction · 8 years
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Vesnin brothers, Dnieprogues dam project, 1925.
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 2 years
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“Amazed at Creation of Their Own Hands,” Border Cities Star. October 29, 1932. Page 8. --- SOMETHING akin to wonder and amazement at their own handiwork is reflected in this cross-section of workers at the opening of the mammoth Dnieprostroy Dam in Soviet Russia, October 10. All have had their hand in its construction, but the completed project suddenly becomes gigantic, beyond their wildest dreams. Their intensity of interest in the proceedings is typical, as are their costumes. Note the sprinkling of representatives of the military in the crowd. Col. Hugh L. Cooper, American, supervised the building of the dam.
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 3 years
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“More to the Soviets will be furnished by this giant waterwheel generator. The section weighs 92 tons and will be shipped from Schenectady to the Dneiper River station.”
- from the Toronto Star. February 2, 1932. Page 19.
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