caracello · 2 years
last night i went down a huge rabbithole bc i found a robot i thought was cute aand it like. Its from an rpg game from 1984 and its been remade a bunch of times like dnd style and there WAS a video game but it was an epicgames exclusive that only lasted for a year in 2019
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(3 times for cropping) friend computer i miss you
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kvothbloodless · 5 months
hello are you still looking for book recs? and perhaps fantasy, dndstyle queernormative books?
Im actually looking for the opposite of queernormative settings! I want fantasy books in which the MC comes out/realizes theyre queer, and then has to deal with their friends, family, and a society where thats still A Thing
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artofcallisto · 3 years
Callipse, lost.
‘‘In the darkness, a match is struck, and warm, flickering light pours into the world. The flaming match is gently led to a meager pile of wood and sticks placed none too neatly in a small masonry oven. The face of a young faunette glows in the dark cabin, her eyes gleaming through her furrowed brow. A plume of misty breath escapes her as she shivers, rubbing her dirty hands together and trying to warm up by the growing fire. She pulls her cloak tighter around her, yawning and curling up in a tight ball on the raggedy carpet that partially covers the hearth. The cabin is hardly that - more a room with four walls and a rough roof, gaps in the wooden slats letting in all the icy wind and darkness from outside. The cabin sits, all crooked and sagging, on the very edge of a towering cliff, an enraged ocean crashing against the jagged rocks far below at its base. Around the cabin is a small stretch of grass, followed shortly by a wall of pine trees forming the entrance to a seemingly endless, dense fir forest. A light dusting of snow starts to fall, causing the scene to almost freeze in time, still, calm and almost magical. Callipse shivers again, trapped in her own nightmares.”
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artofcallisto · 3 years
Introducing ‘The Satyr Saga’
So here we are. After years of doodling girls in a 3/4 view in cute, reusable poses and ignoring the stories and ideas floating around in the etherium of my head, I’ve finally decided to pull myself together and create this freaking comic. 
Why Horned? Why The Satyr Saga? Well, I’m rather excited to see myself sitting in interviews years from now delivering this world-changing, deep and meaningful answer: Because I like drawing girls with horns. That’s it. I’ve literally exhausted myself so much with my endless feed of drawings with no meaning and purpose, that I’ve decided to just damn well pick something that I like drawing and build a comic out of it. And I like drawing girls with horns. There’s something about it that’s really appealing and mysterious to me, and I’d like to build a world and story around it.
So at this point, I’d like to clarify where I am in the process. Almost at zero, honestly. I’ve drawn a couple of characters that I like the look of, and now I want to sit and write my flowy ideas into one, coherent story. And I created a Tumblr blog because I thought I’d kill two birds with one stone by using it as motivation to write this damn thing down, and also to hopefully start garnering an audience. 
So I hope you enjoy this journey, and laugh a little at my pain and struggle as we discover these characters and worlds together. Because I almost know as much as you do about this story. Ha ha. Wish me luck. 
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