#dms are open if you wanna call me a bad word mate
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eyesupchilsy · 2 years ago
Stop trying to get notes it’s annoying you don’t even support Liverpool all you ever talk about is blues.
Bro are we gonna kiss or nah? Like this whole will they won't they enemies to lovers thing we have going is getting really old atp.
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Also fuck do you know how much I talk about LFC to my friends? 🤨 Come talk to me in my dms about how annoying I am I promise I don't bite...
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darklydeliciousdesires · 6 months ago
Light on the Darkside - Chapter Sixteen.
Big thanks to my little audience for your continued support! :)
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Previous chapters - One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine Ten Eleven Twelve Thirteen Fourteen Fifteen
Tag list - In the comments. Please DM to be added/removed.
Words - 3,659
Warnings - 18+ throughout. Topics cover depression, suicide and eating disorders. Minors DNI!
“Mate, I can’t.” 
Turning at the top of the stairwell, Ella raised an eyebrow. “Ands, come on. Don’t be all shy now.” 
“I am shy, though! The throes of sex addiction gave me some serious brazen oomph that I ain’t got otherwise! He’s on the other side of that door, the bloke I fancy the arse off of, the man I dived on!” 
“Andrea, it’s big girl pants time,” James spoke, leaning against the wall and shaking his head, trying not to find it so funny but promptly snorting with laughter at the look on her face. “C’mon. He’s looking forward to seeing you. And we’ve told him not to be as much of a tart as he usually is. Whether that’ll sink in or not, though, different matter, innit? If he gets too frisky I’ll just punch him in the dick. How about that?” 
“Don’t mention his cock!!” 
Her outburst had the couple in hysterics, Andrea still loitering, making a few groaned noises of discontent. “Would it really be that bad if you shagged him?”  
Ella shot her boyfriend daggers. “Of bleedin’ course, it would!” Many hand gestures followed, James booming with laughter. “She can’t have casual sex, and that’s the only type Steve has. Hello! Recipe for disaster incoming!”  
“Sorry,” he finally spoke through his laughter, reaching for Andrea and pulling her into a hug. “C’mon, mate. It’ll be alright. I’ll stop being a twat now.” 
She shook her head, her jaw tightening a little. “Impossible. Fucking church burner.” 
“What have I told you about calling me that?” He was met with a poked-out tongue, Andrea taking a deep breath before finally moving from the stairwell. James went first, opening the door and pointing right at Steve. “Fucking behave, innit.” 
As soon as Steve saw her, every nerve ending on his body lit up like a firework, remembering kissing the gorgeous redhead, even though only fleetingly. “Hello honey, I’m being threatened to be good but please, just know I really don’t wanna be.” 
“Oh god, he’s even hotter than I remember!” Andrea whispered as she hid against Ella, making a squeaking noise. “I’ll be alright in a minute, I will. I’m just... and you’re... and I set upon you when I was still probably at my worst and I’m embarrassed. Yeah.” 
Steve walked over, receiving a fist in the arm, a pointed finger and a look of warning from his best friend, holding his hands out to indicate his calmness. “It’s fine, Andrea. All jokes aside, it’s cool. We’re gonna have a damned good night for Greenhall’s birthday, and I’ll try to be good. C’mere, give us a hug. It’s cool.”  
Finally emerging, she gave him a little cuddle. God, he smelled amazing. He wore that Jean Paul Gaultier fragrance that sent her hormones wild. Also, though, she could smell something else desirable, but for different reasons. “Is that weed I smell?” 
“I gotcha, Andrea,” Snedders spoke, holding up the large joint. “Come take a seat. I got enough female trouble as it is, so look at me as little to no bloody threat, love.”  
She moved quickly to the side of the tall man with the heap of ginger dreads, taking the joint with thanks and having a few puffs. “Oh! I missed that! Can’t get it round by me, unless you want to be ripped off by the college kids.”  
“Gaz’ll be dealing tonight, pick up and eighth off him. He always has the best weed,” James spoke, taking his jacket off and moving to the kitchen to begin pulling alcohol bottles out. “Right, fuck it. I’m getting leathered tonight, fuck the fucking meds, man. I need oblivion.” He then paused, pointing at Ella without even looking at her. “Princess, don’t you fucking look at me in that tone of voice.”  
“What?” she cried, kicking her trainers and socks off. “I never said a word! Just promise me one thing, though. If you start feeling weird, switch to Coke. Please.”  
“I will,” he vouched, kissing her head. “Promise, innit? I just need not to have that bitch on my fucking mind.”  
Smiling, she moved the thick curtain of black hair and leaned to kiss the side of his neck a few times. “Cool beans, baby.” She could have argued it, she could have put her foot down, but truly it was his choice. Ella trusted him, too, and if he began to feel like hell, she knew he’d make the switch. Plus, he’d have all the guys from the band there with him, and through knowing them fairly well at that point, she knew they’d keep an eye on him as well.  
Now was not the time to worry. Now was the time to have fun.  
Snedders chose the musical accompaniment of the Pantera album Cowboys from Hell as they sat, smoking a little weed and having pre-drinks, Andrea relaxing as the guys made her feel welcome. She thought it especially touching that Snedders and Steve had gone and bought her an airbed to sleep on, since the former was still on the couch, meaning she’d have somewhere comfortable to sleep.  
“There’s earplugs under the pillow an’ all,” Steve spoke, pointing at James and Ella. “Trust me, you’ll need ‘em with them two. Fucking prolific shaggers, and your little friend there ain’t quiet.”  
Ella merely looked pleased with herself, sinking some more cider and bouncing on James’s lap before getting up. “Come on, Ands. Let’s go get ready.” 
“Yeah, see you in four hours, babe.” James teased with a wink. An hour later, and the three guys were very surprised to see the girls emerge from the bedroom all ready to go, all three showering and changing in the time the women of the flat had faffed with hair, makeup and outfits. As soon as James saw his girl, his eyes almost fell out of his head.  
“Shitting hell.”  
She thought he might approve at her choice. Black hotpants, her long sleeved, dark grey cropped top, fishnet tights, black over the knee socks and her high platform boots, plus one of his bullet belts slung around her narrow hips. Andrea had chosen a long, black dress with a split to the hip, a pair of borrowed army boots from Ella, her red hair tumbling free in curly cascade. It was met by approval, too.  
“Right, give me three minutes, lads and ladettes,” Steve spoke, getting up and heading for the bathroom. “Gotta crack one out.” The door shut, James and Snedders snorting in hysteria.  
“He’s not really going for a wank, is he?” Andrea gaped, pointing in his wake.  
“Yeah, he really is.” James confirmed, him and Snedders getting up. “Right, let’s go wait for him outside, yeah? He ain’t gonna be long, innit.” 
Andrea sat somewhere between flattered and humoured that she’d had such an effect on the man, picking up her bag and leaving the flat. To his credit, Steve was out with them in two, grinning, pointing at Andrea.  
“Yeah, honey. I was thinking of you.” He received a swift clip around the head from James, the taller of the men hugging him and telling him once again to behave. Andrea simply cussed under her breath a few times, allowed herself a fleeting five seconds of imagining being under him, then took a deep breath and counted to ten. She could get through this.  
What made it worse was that none of his usual ladies would be out that night, Hester working away for the weekend, the other girls all elsewhere, too. Still, though, Steve calmed himself down enough to actually walk along and fall into pleasant conversation with Andrea, Snedders, James and Ella all walking as a three while James gave a succinct rundown of the afternoon to his friend.  
“Aw, Jim. Fucking not cool, man,” he spoke, scratching his beard as he offered out cigarettes. “Don’t get it either, with your dad being such a top geezer but you mum, well... yeah.” 
“Innit,” he spoke, lighting up. “Anyway, bollocks to her and her shit. It’s my babe’s birthday, and we’re gonna have a fucking top grade night!”  
Walking into The Gallows twenty minutes later, Andrea understood exactly what Ella had meant when she’d told her that when you arrived with members of Nocturnal Descent, you were instantly seen. All eyes fell upon them, one set especially as he raced his long, tall form over. 
“Blondie!” Gaz shouted, running over, ducking down to lift Ella onto his shoulder and carry her off to the bar. “It’s ya motherfucking birthday!” With Gaz, you either went with his high-octane energy, or you learned to, the bassist placing her down and giving her a big hug before putting a pint in her hand, picking up one himself. “Now, I have to redeem myself. Race you to the bottom?” 
Ella clinked glasses with him before they both put them to their mouths. Out of their group, it was she who could down a pint at quickest speed, Ella’s record of eight seconds still unbeaten as once again she knocked Gaz into the shade.  
“Well, fuck me,” he exclaimed, shaking his head. “Making me look like a twat.” 
“You don’t need my missus for that, Gaz,” James winked, moving to put an order in at the bar, having a boot up his arse as he went. A round of shots and other drinks was ordered, a couple of shrill, excited screams behind him signalling Jane’s arrival, Lecter and Adam with her, too.  
The arrival of new friends Mark and Lizzie lead the group to find a table, pushing two together to fit everyone, Ella seating herself on James’s lap to make up for the lack of chairs, Jane not having the choice before being hauled onto Gaz’s. Not that she minded at all. With his boyish, cute face, bright green eyes and long mane of light brown hair, she was perfectly happy to be seated exactly where she was.  
Plus, he was newly single. Ding, ding, ding, jackpot.  
“Did I mention how fucking sexy you look tonight, the wife?” James asked, giving Ella’s leg a squeeze.  
He’d formed a habit there lately, of referring to her as the wife, although they were far from marriage just yet. She couldn’t claim not to love it, seeing it as a clear marker of his commitment to her and their relationship. “You were virtually dribbling on yourself when I came out of the bedroom, so like, yeah. That told me.”  
“Well, I’m shitting well telling you now, in as many words, innit,” he beamed, kissing her shoulder. Resting her forehead to his, she pulled a silly face at him that he returned, falling into happy kisses, feeling someone’s fingers push against her boot.  
“Birthday present!” Gaz spoke, Ella reaching to investigate. “Be discreet!”  
Inside the bag was an eighth of weed, Ella smiling and blowing him a kiss he caught against his cheek before tucking it further into her boot. She then burst out laughing at her sister’s face as Gaz bounced her on his lap, Jane thrilled to be receiving such attention. James nearly deafened her at the pitch of his wolf whistle when she turned and promptly welded her face to Gaz’s.  
“Nah, Jane. Don’t put your tongue in his mouth, princess!” he yelled. “You don’t know where he’s been!” 
“But we do!” Snedders called, Gaz waving two middle fingers around, not coming up for air for a while. Ella knew what her sister would be doing in the early hours, at least. Later that night, with the music blaring and her body all sweaty from dancing with her girls, she went to the bar, finding Steve there. 
“So, how’s it going, tart?” she asked, smacking him on the bum before moving to his side, Steve playfully snapping his teeth at her. “Everything cool beans with Andrea?” She felt two hands at her waist, leaning back against James’s chest, Steve looking over to their table and back at her again. 
“See that girl over there?” he pointed, beaming widely. “I’m gonna marry that girl one day.” 
The look James and Ella shared could have won awards for sheer comic value. “What the shitting hell?” the former announced, reaching to feel his forehead. “You feeling alright, mate?” 
He smiled, picking up his pint of Guinness. “Never better.” 
“You know she won’t shag you just because you say you’re gonna marry her one day, don’t you?” 
He nodded, sipping his drink. “I’ll wait. Trust me, that girl is an encyclopaedia on Tolkien and hammer horror films. Never found that in a bird before. And she reads Nietzsche. Yeah, man. My head got turned. She’s proper lovely an’ all.” Picking up Andrea’s drink, he went back to the table, Ella and James still sharing perplexed looks before she put in their order. 
“Pint of Strongbow and a bottle of Stella, please.” 
“Nah, cancel the Stella. Pint of Coke, mate,” James spoke, Ella giving him a look of concern. “I’m pretty fucking drunk already, but I’m alright. Don’t feel any way other than pissed and happy.”  
Those words made her inside heave a sigh of relief, since she’d been fretting over him in the back of her mind for most of the night. She’d wondered if everything with his wretched shrew of a mother would wear on him, but he seemed lighter for it, cutting ties with her. Perhaps it had been what he’d needed to do for a while, come to the conclusion, make that very hard decision. What Michael had told him was very true, though. You cannot change others, merely the way you react to them.  
They stayed at the club until 2am, leaving and instead of walking, James marching her over to a taxi. 
“It only takes twenty-five minutes to walk home, though,” she spoke, hovering at the side of the car. 
He gave her a look that was pure unfiltered sin, making her tingle somewhere very specific. “I can’t wait that long, babe.”  
It’d be her first time getting to enjoy sex with James while he was drunk, something that he had warned her over previously was quite a thing. “If I get to the point where I’m too drunk to come, I’ll be on you all fucking night, innit.” His warning truly was more incentive than anything, the pair all over one another in the back of the cab, as they walked up the stairs to the flat, Ella finding herself stripped of her top before they were even through the front door.  
Grasping her, he lifted her until she was clung around him, only making it as far as the kitchen units. Placing her down atop them, he yanked at her hotpants, messy, heated kisses shared, Ella pulling him from his t shirt before he sank his teeth into her neck.  
“Fuck, I want you so fucking badly.” he groaned, grasping her tights at the crotch and tearing them, the action sending lightning to fork through her insides, decimating her underwear in the same way as she undid his jeans. Those and his boxers only got pushed as far as his thighs, James dragging her to the edge of the counter, sinking himself into the hot clutch of her cunt with a deep groan as her legs tightened around his waist.  
“Ahhh, fuck,” she panted, dragging her fingers through his hair, “that’s exactly what I’ve wanted all bleedin’ night.” Their mouths met in a hungry clash, ecstasy pouring molten over her bones as he fucked her hard and fast, hands clutching her bum so hard, his short nails left crescents. Lifting her with one arm, his free hand shredded the remainder of her tights, bouncing her on his cock as he slapped her, handprints joining the nail marks, making her squeal as he carried her to his bedroom somewhat awkwardly.  
She was thrown onto the bed, both removing the remainder of their clothes, James moving to kneel between her legs and throw them over his shoulders, slipping back into her with an almost predatory grunt. Much to his displeasure, unlike most times when he was drunk, he began to feel those telltale tingles pulsing at the base of his cock, knowing he needed to calm down a little.  
Pulling from her, his mouth kissed scorching paths over her beautiful skin, every curve bitten upon, tongue sinking into the dewy warmth of her folds as his hands bracketed her waist.  
Her little gasps filled the bedroom, her feet coming to rest upon his wide back, Ella very content to let him be merciless with his tongue instead. “You always look so content with me in your mouth.”   
Letting go of the suck he had upon her with a little slurp, he pushed the petals of her cunt apart, the tip of his tongue beating quickly over her clit. “Innit, babe.” His tongue returned to tease licks at her bud, quick and light, followed by slow, firmly delivered rolls, Ella’s eyes rolling into the back of her head as it thudded back into the plush covers beneath them, a long, blissful moan fluttering from her mouth.  
And if he wasn't good enough at the actual act of ruining her with his mouth, it was how complimentary he was of her, too.  
“Do you have any idea how fucking pretty your pussy is?” he mumbled, long, slow licks sending lighting pricks darting up her spine. “Seriously top grade.” He’d told her that often, but she never got tired of hearing such affirmations.  
With James, she’d never felt so desired, his lips wrapping her clit in a snug suck, his eyes finding hers, winking at her as he increased the pressure, groaning as her legs began to quiver. “Mmm, yeah, darlin’. Come all over my tongue.”   
Her pants became urgent as the pleasure intensified, her hands gripping the duvet as her back arched. “Fuck, oh god!” With those gritted words, her waves broke over his shore, ceaseless tides flowing, her body humming with it as his tongue gentled against her, running up her inner thigh, his eyes finding hers.   
Leaning to her, their mouths connected in smouldering, dirty kisses, his hands gently squeezing the small, yet perfect rounds of her breasts, knocking the breath from her lungs as his cock arrowed right up into her.   
“Fuck, I love you.” He whispered, mouth upon hers again, Ella buzzing with the way scorching heat met the tenderness of their love, her own declaration knocked from her when he pushed so deep, all she could do was wail. Her hands clutched at the thick planes of muscle at his shoulders, anchoring herself to him as he wasted no time in beginning to dagger her cunt with speed, their tongues rolling against the other, panting hard, moaning low.   
His cock scraped sparks of pure, sinful embers against her walls, James slowing from the urgent veracity, his mouth at her neck as his hands slid to grip her thighs, his short nails marking the lily white of her skin with red crescents, dragging scratches. Speed spurred him once more, his eyes falling to watch his glistening cock spearing her rapidly, his heart skipping beats at the decadently erotic sound of her little cries, leaning to her, his mouth stealing kisses steeped in filthy indulgence.   
“Mmm, I love the way you fuck me, my sexy church burner,” she purred, her nails trailing his neck, losing herself to the heat of their kisses, panting against his tongue. “Never bleedin’ going to get tired of it.” 
He laughed quietly, moving his mouth, kissing her throat, teeth gently nipping her earlobe. “Never have to, either.” The way he felt about her, the bond they had that ran so much deeper because of how they’d met, James knew he would never, and could never part from her. She was his present and future.   
Instead of lying there and taking the pounding he gave her, she worked back against him, hips rolling in a figure of eight, sucking her fingers with a sensual moan, reaching to rub her clit, staring at him unblinkingly, lips flushed, chest heaving, looking like the sexiest thing he’d ever seen in his entire life.   
Wrapping her legs around his waist, she cried out each time his hardness hit her deeply, filling her entirely to the hilt again and again as her walls twitched and clasped around him, enveloping him in slippery warmth.  
Sliding his arm under her leg he then levered it up, her knee touching her shoulder and allowing for the kind of deeper penetration that made her virtually whimper with ecstasy, his hand gently clutching her neck as they continued to kiss. It was so hot, so erotically charged that she felt light headed with pleasure, crying out breathlessly, his public bone grinding against her clit with every single thrust that invaded her. God, he knew how to fuck.  
Looking up at him she felt her heart skip several beats, James resting his forehead to hers and running his fingertips down her cheek before he began kissing and licking the side of her neck, Ella closing her eyes, tingling ecstasy glimmering through to her marrow. It was heated, primal, raw sex, the type she’d very much become accustomed to, being with him.  
Her breathing became ragged as he began moving so hard and quick within her dripping wet walls, that his guttural groans of an all-consuming, white-hot orgasm were the catalyst to her own, both beyond control as they slipped over the edge, the build-up now giving way to the utter divine. Divinity was where they floated, catching their breath, James kissing her breasts as his chest heaved. 
It wasn’t the only time that night he chased her into such bliss either. Oh no. Never let it be said that drunk James didn’t have an agenda where sex was concerned, that agenda being to enjoy it until he physically couldn’t any longer.  
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gashinabts · 4 years ago
peculiar taste| (m)
Words: 2.8k 
Pairing: Taehyung x Reader
Genre: Smut, Fluff, pwp
Summary: Unknowingly, you find out that your feet pics are roaming around twitter just to find out that your room mate runs the page. 
Warnings: FOOT STUFF, foot job ( idk if thats a thing), foot fetish
a/n:  There’s a lot of foot stuff so if that makes you uncomfortable then don’t read it. Btw if there’s other weird kinks/fetishes that you think a member would like just comment or message me. 
Twitter is a scary place, you never had it until your friend from work told you to download it because there’s funny memes. So when you downloaded it you were not surprised that there were weird foot pictures. See you were not one to shame someone who has weird fetishes but this was different. Oddly enough the picture had the same pedicure as you and the same tattoo on your ankle. Deciding to go on the page you notice there were pictures of your feet, the black heels you owned were there too. 
Is someone spying on you? There is a sudden noise from the kitchen and you jolt in fear, holding the phone close to you as you walk towards the noise. The fear disappears when you see your roommate slash friend Taehyung eating pickles from the jar. “ Hey, wanna go to the park? We can have a little picnic,” Taehyung munches the last part before putting it back in the fridge. “ What’s wrong?” He notices your worried face.
Shaking your head, not sure if you should tell him your worries. Taehyung would probably freak out more than you, he’ll probably call the FBI to install high tech cameras around the apartment. “ Nothing,” you smile. “ I’m down but I’m making the food. Last time you just packed onions and capri suns,” you move him aside to pull out bread to make sandwiches. 
He gives you his signature boxy smile, “ Sorry you don’t have an acquired taste,” he shrugs. 
When you guys get back from the park you immediately lay in your bed tired from all the running that Taehyung made you do. It was supposed to be a relaxing picnic, however Taehyung forced you to play tag with the children in the park. When you first met Taehyung you thought he was a quiet and stuck up person because of his emotionless face whenever he was sitting with people. But that all changed when you got to know him better, he was just a funny and weird person but in a good way. Needless to say you don’t ever want him to move out because he is just a fun person to have around.
The ping rings loudly on your phone, you get a message from your mom. You quickly text her back and then go on twitter to the foot fetish page to inspect it more. Maybe DM the person to see where they get these pics. Your eyes widen when you see a new picture that was uploaded a few minutes ago, your feet in your sandals that you just bought last week. Along with the picnic blanket that you use when you go to the park with Taehyung.
Jumping out of your bed you run to Taehyung’s room to demand answers from him, but he is currently playing Uno by himself. “ I’m trying to practice so I can win next time we play with Jungkook and Namjoon,” he places the green card down.
“ It’s Uno. The easiest game in the world, it was literally made for children,” you groan in frustration. Taehyung shrugs then goes back to his game and places the reverse card to the pile. “ That’s why I’m not here,” you shake your head. “ Why are my feet on a fetish page on twitter?”
His sharp eyes widen, you can’t tell if it’s due to shock or confusion. The brows are covered from his wavy black hair, lips parted in an ‘oh’ shape. “ Okay, don’t get mad. I have been posting you foot pics in exchange for money,” he puts his hands up when you throw his pillow at him. 
“ Taehyung! I can’t believe you,” you sigh. You became a renowned foot fetish star without any acknowledgment. What if people start to recognize you on the streets? Now you can never wear sandals.
“ I should’ve told you but I knew you were going to be against it,” Taehyung gets, ignoring the Uno cards and going up to you. His large hands come together holding them in front. “ If you want to take me to the police I understand. But make sure you feed the racoon that’s been secretly hiding in the garden shed,” he gives his puppy eyes. You can’t ever get mad at Taehyung, no matter what. It’s like he has this power that doesn’t make anyone upset.
Sighing, you gently push his hands down to his sides, “ I’m not turning you in,” you say. His remorse features immediately vanish, now becoming gleeful, as he engulfs you in a bear hug. If he’s getting paid you wonder how much he is making off of your feet. “ So how much money have you made so far?” The bed sinks as you sit down on it.
Taehyung's finger scratches his head, trying to remember how much the thirsty people on Twitter paid. “ Hmm, like a couple hundred. I’m saving the money so we can get a new tv.” 
The TV you guys had was found by Taehyung who was riding his bike around the neighborhood. An old man was giving it out and Taehyung called you excitedly asking you to bring your car so you can bring it back home. Upon your arrival you see an old blocky Sony tv that doesn’t even have an HDMI port. Taehyung convinced you that it was vintage and it would match the interior design of the apartment. “ Do people actually like that stuff ?” You ask while looking at your feet. What a weird thing to fetishize you think to yourself. 
Taehyung's hair floofs as he jumps back on the bed grabbing his phone that’s beside you. “ Yes. A lot of people,” he quickly unlocks his phone. “ Look, this man was willing to pay sixty dollars for you to have a foot massage,” you look at the DM. “ There’s also other requests. Like you wearing heels, stockings, and other weird things,” he shrugs putting his phone away.
People pay money for this, and you guys do need some money. It wouldn’t hurt to have a little extra cash for stuff. No one is ever gonna find out that it’s your feet. “ Let’s keep doing it,” you look at Taehyung, whose eyes widen at your words. 
“ Really?” Taehyung asked in a serious tone. Wanting to make sure that you actually want to do it not because of his stupid mistake.
“ Yeah, it would be nice to have extra cash,” you nod your head.
“ This feels really weird,” you flinch at the stickiness of the honey pouring on your feet. Taehyung makes a hand motion for you to keep pouring it as he films it on his phone. Your face is not in view so no one can see the weird faces you're making as the stickiness goes in between your toes. Just another weird request from a person. This guy is paying sixty dollars for this, so who cares that you are pouring honey on your feet.
Taehyung nods and gives the okay sign, ending the video. “ I feel bad that the bees are dying and we are wasting their precious honey on your feet,” he pouts before leaving to retrieve a wet towel. He tosses it to you so you can wipe the honey off before walking on the floor. 
The wet towel doesn’t help much so you decide to wash it. “ Yeah, we should visit the bee sanctuary to give our condolences,” you joke as you run to the bathtub to wash your feet with soap. 
“ That would be nice,” Taehyung smiles watching you wash your feet. He hears you laugh, “ Oh you were kidding,” he laughs along with you. The phone pings and he grabs it from his back pocket, looking at the DM’s. ***800 dollar request *** Taehyung reads loudly, eyes widening at the words. He reads the request to himself, heart beating fast because this is actually a sexual request. Also because this is the most someone is willing to spend on a video. For the past month it's only been under the hundreds that people spent on your feet.
Your voice startles him, “ What are they asking for you?” Turning off the faucet you give your undivided attention to him. 
Taehyung gulps then scratches the back of his neck, “ Uh- he wants you to use your feet to fondle someone’s dick,” he coughs at the end. There’s a silence that washes over you guys. “ Yeah,  I can just decline-”
“ Would I be fondling you?,” you ask. Taehyung tucks his phone back in his pocket then sits next to you. 
Taehyung puts his hand on your shoulder, his eyes are looking at you seriously. “ We don't have to do this.” 
 It’s 800 hundred dollars that you guys would be missing out on.“ I want to do it. Our faces won’t be showing, right?”  You really don’t mind just as long as Taehyung is comfortable doing it with you.
Taehyung exhales, nodding his head, “ Yeah no faces.” His heart beats faster as he looks at your feet.
“ Let me wash my feet one more time,” you go get up to use the bathroom one more time. Taehyung tugs you back down the bed. 
“ You already did it twice before you came to my room,” he lets out a chuckle. “ Don’t be nervous,” he sits on his chair. He grabs your foot gently placing it on his thigh. Large hands rubbing your ankle to calm you down. “ I’ll give you a foot massage and we’ll go from there,” he says softly. There’s a different mood between the two of you. It’s not like the usual playful mood that you guys have. It's heavier, if that makes sense.
Nodding your head, his big hands rub your feet. Rolling out any tension on the center of your foot, you sigh not used to this kind of attention in that area. His hands are like magic making all the stress on your foot disappear. At one point you close your eyes in relaxation feeling your body get lighter. Immediately your eyes open when you feel lips kissing your ankle, his soft lips leave a few more kisses as your eyes meet his dark eyes. Looking down you see a hard on “ Taehyung,” you whisper. He puts your foot back on his thigh, “ Should I start recording?,” you ask. Your hands shake, bringing his phone into your hands. 
Taehyung lets out a quiet hum, indicating for you to do so. You hold the phone tightly, pressing the record button. Last night you did some research looking at feet groping and you feel kind of confident. Hopefully, you don’t embarrass yourself or make Taehyung immediately walk out of the room. Your right foot teasingly goes up and down his thigh, looking carefully at Taehyung’s reaction. He lets out a groan when you get close to his bulge but goes to the other thigh doing the same action as before.
“ Baby please,” Taehyung's voice is hoarse. The pet name surprises you in a good way but you quickly remind yourself that he is only calling you that so your name won’t be exposed. His hand goes to your leg, running his fingers against your calf. Listening to his request you trail your foot to his bulge, lightly brushing the tip of your toes. He lets out a breathy exhale, looking down at your foot taunting him. 
You never thought you’d be into this, maybe it is the position. There’s some kind of power you hold as you get to dictate whether you should make him feel pleasure by the pressure of your foot. The way Taehyung’s breath quickens when you apply more pressure, his eyes giving you a sultry look. Your foot applies more pressure, toes spreading feeling the outline of his bulge. Doing slow circles, trying to feel more of him. His hand tightens on your leg, “ Fuck, right there,” Taehyung closes his eyes for a quick second. The hardness of his cock turns you on, you feel the thickness of it beneath your foot and you know he probably has a big cock. 
“ Does my foot feel good, baby?” You condescendly ask. His eyes look into yours surprise of your tone and question. His jaw clenching, looking hot and bothered, a new look that you want to store in your memory. “ Look at you getting turned on just by my foot,” you tsk in disappointment. Applying more pressure you arch your eyebrow still expecting an answer from him.
Taehyung hisses in pleasure, “ Yeah, your foot feels good,” he tosses his head when you rub your foot harder up and down his clothed cock. “ It feels to fucking good,” he whispers more to himself.
“ Take your cock for me baby,” you command him. Taehyung gives you a face of relief immediately taking his cock out of his pants and briefs. And you were right about his cock being thick and big. Now you just want to feel it in your hands and your mouth, actually everywhere. The precum is leaking, begging to be touched. The heel of your foot meets his hard cock, and he flinches but then immediately going back to your touch. “ Spit on it,” you look down, indicating Taehyung to spit on his cock.
He groans loud at your assertion, not used to this. Taehyung never sees this side of you, having a higher authority. You're usually compliant and listen to whatever he wants to do. He follows your words, spitting on his cock, as he watches your two feet come together cupping the thickness of his cock. Jerking him up and down.“ Shit shit,” he curses at himself for wanting to come right now.
“ It’s not even my pussy and you're already a moaning mess,” you chuckle to yourself. His eyes are downcast to the slow movement of your feet. The small breathy moans are getting louder, and you love the sound of it. 
If your feet are this good he can’t imagine what your pussy would feel like. He wants to desperately ask if he can fuck it later but he puts his thoughts away trying not to moan your name loudly. The movements get faster and he thinks this is the fastest time he has ever come. “ I’m going to come baby. Can I come please?”  He looks up at your face, and notices a dark gaze, and he wants to kiss the evil smirk off your face.
You wouldn’t be surprised if you creamed your pants right now at the sight of his begging and climaxing. “ Mmm, so soon?” You teasingly ask. Taehyung shamelessly nods, his hands clenching at nothing. “ Come all over my feet dirty boy,” your eyes watch carefully at his pretty bottom lip getting bitten by his teeth.
Before you know it Taehyung is tossing his head back, “ Fuck,” he lets out a loud drawl. His head Adam apple is bobbing and his pretty collar bones are getting more exposed. White spurts all over your feet and you keep fondling him until he holds your ankle in place. He finally looks down at the mess he made, surprised at how much he come.
You stop recording, placing the phone down the bed. There’s a towel next to you, you pull your feet towards you wiping the come off your feet. “ Can you kiss me?” Your head snaps to Taehyung’s question. His eyes don’t have the same lustful gaze but some hint of fondness. 
Nodding your head, you are about to kiss him until you realize that you ate sushi about an hour ago. Fearing that he probably can taste it from your mouth you pull back shaking your head. “ Let me brush my teeth real quick,” you try to walk to the bathroom. Until Taehyung laughs brightly pulling you back and pecking your lips softly.
The kiss makes you swoon and want to kiss him more but he pulls away too soon. “ Why did you want to kiss me?” You ask him not wanting to get your hopes high. But your heart is already beating hard because it’s Taehyung who kissed you.
“ I like you,” Taehyung shrugs nonchalantly. “ Why did you agree to kiss me?” He asks you while holding your hand.
“ I like you,” you do the same gesture as him. Taehyung smiles and leans towards your lips and you clothes your eyes expecting a kiss until you feel him push you back. Opening your eyes you see him pull his shirt over his head, and you're surprised to his slightly defined chest and v line. 
“ Even when I annoy you and cause nothing but trouble for you?” Taehyung looks down at you biting his bottom lip, a nervous tick he has.
You smile bringing his large hand down, pecking it lightly, “ That’s the best part though,” then pulling him down to kiss him. 
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dangerousstrawberryshark · 4 years ago
Yandere Tubbo x Male Reader
Warning: little violence (not that detailed). 
This one is going to be short.
Requested from Pokadeathpony
Backstory: You live in Brighton, England, United Kingdom. (I don’t know where Tubbo lives nor do I know where Tommy lives) One day you were walking to go get some breakfast. Until you bumped into George one of your favorite Minecraft streamers and content creators. You were a small streamer, not that many viewers. You and George began to talk, he later invited you to see the dream SMP world, and you meet the other people of the dream SMP. You then got to meet Tubbo. You thought Tubbo was normal until it took a turn. A big turn. 
Btw you are 17. (Tommy will be turning 17 this year and Tubbo will be 18)
M/N: Male name
Y/T/N: Your Twitch Name.
M/U: Minecraft username
H/C: Hair color
S/C: Skin color
F/D/P: favorite donut place.
Sorry if this is bad.
You were sleeping peacefully until I heard the most annoying sound ever. 
*Beep, beep, beep,* “Ughhhhh.” You were trying to turn it off but you kept missing until you finally got it. ‘Finally got that stupid thing off!’ you thought to yourself. “What time is it?” I looked at the clock. “7:35 am. I might as well get up,” you said to yourself as you slowly got out of bed, stretching your muscles. 
You went to the bathroom to do your business and brush your teeth. After you were done, you grabbed my keys and went to go get breakfast.
As you were walking to go get your daily donuts and coffee, you suddenly bumped into someone causing me to fall. “You okay there?” the voice said, ‘I know that voice!’ you thought to yourself and looked up to see George, George Davidson!!
He handed his hand out, you grabbed his hand. “You alright,” he said, you couldn’t process anything, you just stared at him. You snapped out of your daze. “Yeah, I’m okay. I’m a fan of you by the way,” you replied with excitement. 
“Oh? Really?” he said, “Yes! I’m a big fan of yours! I’m actually a streamer just like you,” You replied. “Oh, really what’s your twitch name?” He asked, wondering maybe he’ll check you out. “Oh, Y/T/N!” 
“Okay, maybe check it out later today. Hey, wanna talk and get some food?” you couldn’t say no to that, how many get to eat with their favorite celebrity? “Yes, I would like. Either way, I was going there before I ran into you.” “Alright, let’s go.”
Time skip (You and George went to go eat, and later he checked out your Twitch channel. 3 days later, you got a DM from George saying; “Do you want to tour the Dream SMP world?” and you gladly accepted the offer. And this is where it all began.)
I recently got a message from George saying, “Do you want to tour the Dream SMP world?” and you (Or should I say “we”) know I accepted it. He said tomorrow is when it's happening. 
Time skip to tomorrow. 
I woke up earlier than usual, even beat my alarm clock before it could ring. I went to the bathroom and did my usual. George said he will invite me at 10:30 AM. “What time is it now?” I grabbed my phone and checked, “It's 7:10 AM. Will looks like I’m going to have to wait a while.”
Time skip (3 hours and 20 minutes later)
I hopped onto my PC and started it up. After it started, I opened up Minecraft and checked my Notifications. I received the invite I quickly joined in.
Tubbo POV
I was on the Dream SMP world with Tommy, Corpse, George, BBh, and Dream, when an unknown player had joined the game. That shouldn’t be possible since this server is private nobody can join be us.
“Hey who joined?” I questioned. “Oh, I met this small streamer while I was walking to go get breakfast 3 days ago, and I invited them over to give a tour of the place!” George enthusiastically over discord. 
‘Mmm, so they’re a streamer? Maybe I should get to know them.’ 
Time skip (To be honest this one is rushed. It’s currently 1:08 AM where I live and my mind isn’t functioning right now) 
After I introduced myself and the others did, we began to talk about random things. Apparently, M/N is currently streaming right now, and I went to go check it out. 
After I introduced myself and the others did, we began to talk about random things. Apparently, M/N is currently streaming right now, and I went to go check it out. 
M/N has a facecam on, and I get to see what he looks like. He had looked pulchritudinous. Absolutely exquisite. He had soft fluffy H/C hair, his nice S/C, and how his dazzling E/C shine brighter than the sun. I’m going to say it again, he is ravishing.
‘Wait, why am I calling a guy beautiful?’ this boy is triggering something in me. Something I never experienced before. Something in me wants me to protect him at all cost. ‘No stop thinking about that!’ I pushed these unfamiliar thoughts and feeling down.
As time went on my thing for M/N increased. I don’t know why I’m so infatuated with him. Tried ignoring the thoughts and feelings but they keep coming. 
‘Something is coming out of ME.’ 
Time skip ( 2 months after the meeting)
It’s been two months since our little meeting, M/N is officially part of the SMP world. I’ve been binge-watching M/N streams, his YouTube videos, and I also follow him on all his social media accounts, and sometimes I’ll search the internet to find small information. 
I was currently on a website about M/N. it listed all of the information about him since meeting George is grew rapidly on Twitch and YouTube. ‘I already know all of this!’ I thought to myself as I kept scrolling down until I came upon something interesting. 
“M/n current residence in Brighton, England, United Kingdom.” my eyes widen as I read this, ‘He lives close to me!’ I yelled in my mind. 
I was fanboying until I heard my notifications sound. I stopped what I was doing went to go check who it was from. M/N invited me, I immediately accepted it. The world was loading. “Hello!” M/n yelled.   
It was me, M/N, Tommy, and dream on the server. I noticed that Tommy has been getting close to M/n, really close to for my liking. Tommy would sometimes even flirt, this obviously made me jealous for some reason. 
We were minding our own business until “Hey M/n! Are you from Tennessee? Because you're the only 10 I see!” that was the most terrible pick-up line I have ever heard. “Oh my God Tommy?! Really?” M/n said but he was Laughing at that. 
This only made me INFURIATED.
I was minding my own business trying to build my home since I joined 2 weeks ago. The only other people on the server were me, tubbo, Tommy, and dream. Anyway, I was nearly done until Tommy said something, “Are you from Tennessee? Because you're the only 10 I see!”
That has to be the most dumbest and funniest pick-up line I heard. “Oh my God Tommy! Really?!” I said while laughing at his attempt at flirting with me. 
Then Tommy went on to say more stupid pick-up line. Some of them were like, “Hey, my name's Microsoft. Can I crash at your place tonight?” and “Are you related to Jean-Claude Van Damme? Because Jean-Claude Van Damme you’re sexy!” Just to name a few. 
I noticed that Tubbo hasn’t been talking as much. I wonder what’s wrong with him. I didn’t take note that was going to lead to something atrocious. 
Anyways we still had fun, Tommy kept trying to flirt. “Hey M/n, I was wondering if we could meet up since you know, we both live in Brighton,” Tommy with hope in his voice, hoping you accept his offer. I began to think, ‘Mmm, should I? Or should I not?’
“You know what? Sure. What time do you want to meet?” I accepted his request. “Uhhhhhh, Maybe on Thursday at 5:30. Meeting place F/D/P.” Tommy replied. “Alright! See you there,” I replied.
No One’s POV
Tubbo was fuming with anger as he was listening in on their conversation. ‘No!!!!! I can’t let this happen! I need to do something.’ Tubbo was thinking to himself, but he didn’t notice that M/n and Tommy had stop talking.
“Hey, Toby! Are you okay? You haven’t been talking,” Tommy said with concern. “Yeah, I’m just fine you know!” Tubbo said with venom and anger in his voice. “Wow there calm down, I was just asking. Geez,” Tommy backed knowing that his friend is anger. 
‘Why is he angry? I did nothing wrong!’ Tommy thought to himself, wanting to know what he did. “You know what, I think I’m going to leave,” Tubbo said as he left the game and went offline. 
“What’s his big deal?” M/n questioned. “I don’t know,” Tommy replied, “I gotta go. See ya later M/n!” “Bye Tommy!” Tommy has left the game. 
“I need to find a way to prevent this meetup!” Tubbo said to himself. Then an idea came into mind. An extreme idea. 
New Messages 
Today at 4:23
Toby: Hey, Tommy. Sorry I lashed out at you today.
Delivered at 4:23 
Tommy is tying…
Tommy: it’s alright mate.
Delivered at 4:23
Toby is typing…
Toby: How about we meet up, so I can apologize in person.
Delivered at 4:24
Tommy is typing…
Tommy: today or tomorrow? Cause I have a meeting with M/n. 
Delivered at 4:24
When Tommy mentioned the meeting toby had to act fast. 
Toby is typing…
Toby: today at my place.
Delivered at 4:25
Tommy is typing…
Tommy: sure thing! When exactly?
Delivered at 4:25
Toby is typing…
Toby: 5:30 
Delivered at 4:25
Tommy is typing…
Tommy: Okay, see you at 5:30
Delivered at 4:26
‘And that WILL be the last time you see.’
Time skip (1 hour 4 minutes)
Toby heard his door knocked. Toby went to go open his door, and there he sees his target. “Hey, Toby!” Tommy let himself in. “So where are your parents?” Tommy questioned. 
“Oh, they’re on their anniversary vacation,” Toby answered. “Ohhh, okay. Wanna head to your room?” “Sure I just need to go get something.” “Okay.” 
While Tommy went upstairs, Toby went into the kitchen. He grabbed the knife and slowly began to walk, he hid the knife behind his back. Once he walked into his room, he locked the door and slowly began to approach Tommy. 
“What are you doing Toby?!” Tommy yelled as walked backward, but then he hit the wall. “It was never meant to be.” those would be the last words, Tommy would ever hear as Toby shoved the knife into Tommy’s heart. 
Toby cleaned up the body by putting it into the trash bag along with the knife. He quickly disposed of the body. 
3 days later
Tommy was reported missing by his parents and the police were on the search. M/n was worried. Toby called M/n to do a cooking stream. M/n was suspicious about this cause this came out of nowhere. But in the end, M/n agreed. 
A few hours have passed and M/n arrived at the residence of Toby. m/n knocked on the door waiting for an answer just then the door swung open revealing a smiling Toby. 
“Hey there M/n! Glad that you arrived!” Toby sounded a bit too happy for your liking. “Please come in!” he invited you in. But as you walked, you heard the door close and lock behind you. Just as you turned around you got knocked by a heavy object. 
You slowly began to wake, you noticed that you were tied up. You looked around until your eyes landed on Toby. He had a wicked smile plaster on his face. 
“Why are you doing this?” you asked desperately wanting to know why. ‘Did he cause Tommy to go missing?’ You thought to yourself until you hear Toby coming to you. 
“You know, I always reject this feeling inside me. This feeling caused me to love you. Tommy was getting in the way of us being together, he had to be dealt with.”
“You’re a monster! You killed Tommy and you think I’m going to love you?!” this angered Toby but didn’t show it. “You’ll learn to love… cause you’ll be staying here…
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mischiefandi · 4 years ago
Musical Monday - 15.02.21
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-> @siriusly-harry​ asked: Harry styles fine line & Harry Potter :) <3
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Tastes like strawberries On a summer evenin' And it sounds just like a song I want more berries And that summer feelin' It's so wonderful and warm
Some of Harry’s best memories are from summer afternoons spent at the Burrow. Part of the reason why is because he’s been welcomed in a loud but loving household, giving him a sense of family he’d never felt before those summer afternoons. The other reason is Ginny. She’s so cool, and thrilling. She’s the sun setting, leaving behind a trail of pink and orange. She’s the smell of fresh lemonade and grass. She emits a brilliant warmth and he can’t get enough of it. 
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I don't wanna be alone When it ends Don't wanna let you know I don't wanna be alone But I, I can feel it take a hold 
Ron has always loved Hermione, just like she’s always loved him. However, it’s much easier to ignore the feeling rather than embrace it. Love is scary because when you care about something, it makes it that much harder to lose. It takes a lot of time and many battles, but Ron finally ends up understanding that that fear is precisely why he should go back to her. She’s a beacon of light guiding him, and he knows he can face anything if he’s by her side. 
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Walk in your rainbow paradise  Strawberry lipstick state of mind  I get so lost inside your eyes Would you believe it?
Luna is a dreamer. Life is filled with tiny little delights and noticing them is in her nature. She falls in love with every wondrous thing that crosses her path. She has the very rare talent of seeing something special in anything and everything. Luna is essentially exactly like the pink sunglasses she wears; you slip them on and everything comes in bursts of colour. Anyone would be blind not to see rainbows when catching the gleam in her eye. 
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Sunflowers Sometimes Keep it sweet in your memory I was just tongue-tied, I don't wanna make you feel bad But I've been trying hard not to talk to you Sunflower 
Bravery is one of Neville’s best qualities. He’s fundamentally good and more than willing to prove himself in times of turmoil. He’s a fierce friend and a loyal protector. Because he is human, he also has his weaknesses, the biggest one being himself. He has so much love to give, but the fear of being rejected makes him retreat slowly when that special someone approaches him. He trips over his words, and loses all control, but it all comes from a place of insecurity. He knows it is brave to stand up for his loved ones, but he has yet to learn that sometimes it takes even more courage to stand up for yourself. He’s getting there. 
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Forget what I said It's not what I meant And I can't take it back I can't unpack the baggage you left. What am I now? What am I now? What if I'm someone I don't want around?
Love has made Cho suffer more than most, especially at such a young age. She’s in a constant state of inner conflict, like she’s at war with herself. She doesn’t know if her feelings are valid, or whether or not they make her a bad person. It’s not easy losing someone you love, but letting yourself move on is even harder. Cho has said things she regrets to the people she cares about, and she wonders if she’ll ever be able to take those words back. What she fails to realise is that she is strong enough to rebuild what’s been broken, and her grief doesn’t make her damaged or unworthy. She will find love again.
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I was away And I'm just an arrogant son of a bitch Who can't admit when he's sorry. Don't call me baby again You got your reasons I know that you're tryna be friends
Fred is impulsive and his emotions often cloud his judgment. He’s passionate and cocky, he’s the definition of a playful smirk, but his pride gets in the way when he’s upset about something. It makes it very difficult for him to apologise to the people he cares about, even when he knows he’s in the wrong. However his qualities outweigh his flaws, and because he is a good person at heart, he knows when to give the other person space and time. Even though he's too proud to admit just yet, he’ll always be there.
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Test of my patience There's things that we'll never know You sunshine, you temptress My hand's at risk, I fold. Crisp trepidation I'll try to shake this soon
George and Lee have always been mates, friends, companions, partners, but there’s always been something more, tucked away safely between bright red bed covers and tentative fingers. It’s a rare feeling, hiding in plain sight, but it makes the lines blur and spill into a pool of uncertainty. What these young lovers have yet to learn is that affection as pure as the one they share deserves to grow out in the open. It isn’t wrong, thus it shouldn’t have to be treated like a shameful little secret. Both boys deserve honesty and clarity, but more importantly, they both deserve happiness together. 
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He takes a boat out Imagines just sailing away  And not telling his mates  He wouldn't know what to say. She  She lives in daydreams with me She's the first one that I see
Draco is searching for something. He’s always felt lost, drifting in his family’s direction because that seems like the easiest way to go. As he grows, he starts to realise that this way might seem easier, but it isn’t in the slightest. He dreams of something better, another path he could choose, where he would eventually meet someone who sees him for the man he wants to be. In order for that to happen, he needs to let go of his family’s expectations, and he needs to work on himself. He needs to repair the damage he has caused, and find it in within himself to become a better man. No one can do that for him.
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A/N: this was a more Love oriented version of Musical Monday but hopefully you like it! <3 I probably will focus more on matching one specific character to one song next time, but because the theme was love, i couldn’t not mention ships haha. I know George x Lee may seem super random but i read it somewhere once and now they’re canon in my head! Hope u guys enjoyed this Musical Monday, I had a lot of fun working on this! thank you @siriusly-harry​ for your request, i've added your other one to the list ! 
tagging everyone in my taglist and mutuals for today but i won’t do it next time so pls make sure to add yourself to the taglist if u want to be tagged next time!!
@stiles-o-dylan24 @duskholland @mersuperwholocked-lowlife@r0s3mm @redstringlovers @captainbuckyyy12 @soincredible@behind-my-hazeleyes27 @cheesecakes-randomshitz@traveleraroundsworld@alwaysforever73 @thelittlestkitsune@glaimtruelovealways@texaskitten30 @abitofeverythinggg @alwaysforever73@hcomet28 @thegirlwhoimagined @cherriesanwine@decaffeinated--fangirl @shutupstyless @x-give-em-hell-kid-x@teen--marvel @soincredible @behind-my-hazeleyes27@bibliophilewednesday @jazminebrightxx @cheesecakes-randomshitz @traveleraroundsworld@perrytheplatypus11 @stixnstripesworld @masterofbluff@drakewalker04 @superapplepie @apatheticanvas67482@theamazingtomholland @earthlyholland @siriusly-harry @solstilla@mrscutiefandobhaz @mrs-mitch-rapp93 @all-alone-he-turns-to-stone @isaiahjesus -> 
you won’t be tagged anymore unless you’ve added yourself to the Musical Monday taglist here <3
if you any requests, please don’t hesitate to send them in through my askbox! anon is always on, and i’d love to hear your requests! if you have any questions about the concept, be sure to check out this post. if you still have a question, you can def send me a dm or shoot me an ask :)
See you on Monday 01.03.21 (Ron Weasley’s birthday btw haha) at 8 pm CET (= UTC+1)  /  7 pm GMT(= UTC)  /  2 pm EST (= UTC-5)  /  11 am PST (= UTC-8)
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gamerwoo · 5 years ago
[Tales from the Pack] Minghao: Find Our Way (Part Seven)
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Characters: Minghao x female reader
Genre/warnings: werewolf au, fantasy, angst, technically kidnapping
Word count: 1,230
Summary: You already knew who you were meant to be with and how your life was supposed to go. The only thing keeping you and the life you were destined to lead apart was the fact you were blind. At least, for now, you could meet him in your dreams.
Tag list: @choiminjae0325 @heolykpop @fullsun-donghyuck @yoonbabe-d @exuwu @lets-get-1t @vintageot5 @sehunnies-hunnie96 @childfmoonn @wobwobkpop @henloimawierdobye @dirinast @hhhhwww7 @joshwoah @wreckedbytae​​ (if you wanna be added please send an ask or a dm!!)
Unable to tag: @birthday-prinxess @sooooofrench
a/n: things in bold are in mandarin
Previous | Next | Find Our Way Masterlist
You didn’t dream that night, but you heard something whispering your name. Slowly, you started to come to -- at least, sort of. It was like you were half-dreaming or in some sort of trance as you sat up from bed, hearing the sandpaper-y voice whisper to you, calling you to follow it. You swung your legs off the bed, not even bothering to reach for your cane as you walked out of the room like you were sleepwalking.
The house was silent as everybody slept. You could hear a few loud snores that probably covered up the sounds of your bare feet shuffling against the floor as you easily walked down the stairs and out the front door without any issue. You were focused on the voice that had almost a weird spell on you, following it out into the woods.
You weren’t sure how long you had been walking, but you eventually felt cold arms wrap around you. They were somehow colder than the night breeze that blew your hair back as you walked deeper into the forest.
“Such an obedient girl,” the rough voice cooed. “So let’s see about fixing those eyes of yours, yes?”
Numbly, you nodded.
There was a whir of wind around you that whipped your hair all around before you were standing somewhere much warmer. You could hear a fire crackling, though you were still in a trance despite the voice no longer whispering your name.
“However,” the woman continued as she stepped away from you and began to walk elsewhere, “there is a price to pay.”
After a moment, she approached you again and began guiding you to sit somewhere. It felt like a plush cushion. Then she gently pushed you back to lay down.
“Unfortunately,” she snickered, “I don’t like werewolves much.
“Sleep, now. When you wake, you’ll have your sight again.”
And like a switch was flipped, you were no longer conscious at all.
Light hit your eyelids, bringing you from your sleep. You couldn’t possibly continue to stay asleep when--
‘Wait, I haven’t seen the sunlight in years. What--?’
You bolted upright, sitting up and looking around the unfamiliar space. You were in a small cottage with a small fire still going in the fireplace. You had been sleeping on a couch across the room from the fireplace, a space rug in the middle of the room, and various bookshelves lining the walls with different books, trinkets, and glass jars of different items on them. 
Your eyes furiously blinked against the light you never saw, trying to adjust. But all that happened was they would fill with tears -- from the stinging light or from the happiness that you now could see again, you weren’t sure. 
You whipped your head around to see a small black cat sitting in the doorway to the den. It had long fur and piercing green eyes, staring at you as its tail softly swished from side to side behind it.
Your first reaction was to lower your hand off the couch and snap your fingers to try to call it over.
“Hello, kitty,” you cooed softly.
The cat stood and walked over, rubbing its head against your hand. Its fur was soft with no mats, so it must’ve been well taken care of. It almost seemed well fed, so you must’ve been in a house that was lived in. However, the owner was nowhere to be found. You didn’t even know how you got in the house or what happened to your eyes or anything. You weren’t positive of anything at all. You were beyond confused, but you were trying your best not to panic.
‘The imprinting pull,’ you reminded yourself, ‘Minghao can find me. It’ll be okay.’
You let out a breath slowly, nodding to yourself as you kept reminding yourself that Minghao would come find you and bring you home. 
The cat leaped up onto your lap and sat on your thighs, facing you. It started up at you almost expectantly.
It sat back on its hind legs and butted its head up against your chin. You had to admit, having the cat there with you made you feel a little better.
“At least I’m not entirely alone,” you decided with a soft sigh. “I wonder where your owner is. Are they the one who brought me here?”
The cat sat back again, looking up at you.
“I just wish I remembered coming here... Or how I got my sight back. I don’t know if I should be happy or afraid, really.”
You brought your hand up to scratch between the cat’s ears, smiling softly at how its eyes closed and it raised its head into your touch.
At least, for now, you had the sweet cat to keep you company until Minghao showed up.
Minghao slowly roused from his sleep, yawning and stretching out his limbs. He rolled over, expecting his arm to drape over your body, but it just hit against the mattress. He opened his eyes, noticing your absence.
‘Must already be downstairs,’ he figured as he finally pushed himself to sit up, running a hand through his bedhead. 
He didn’t want to keep you waiting since he wasn’t sure how long you’d been awake for, so he scooted over to the side of the bed and swung his legs off, sitting there for a moment as he looked around the room. It wasn’t until his golden eyes landed on your cane still in its spot that panic coursed through him. You wouldn’t just get up without your cane. You literally needed it to get around. But despite that, he didn’t feel like you were in danger. He’d known Wonwoo and Seungcheol had both had that bad feeling about their mates before, and he knew he would have it if something were truly wrong, but he felt...nothing.
Come to think of it, he didn’t even feel a pull toward you.
In a panic, he stood up, grabbing your cane as he bolted from the room and raced down the stairs. He found most of the pack gathered in the living room to eat their breakfast while they talked, and their eyes looked up to the doorway as Minghao stopped in it, his eyes wide and his face pale.
“What’s with-- Why do you have _____’s cane?” Seungcheol asked, standing as soon as he realized something must’ve been wrong. “What happened? Is she okay?”
“I-I don’t know...” Minghao stammered as his lower lip started to quiver.
“What do you mean you don’t know?” Junhui asked as the atmosphere quickly became much colder than it was.
“Sh-sh-she’s... She’s j-just gone,” Minghao said, trying to keep his breathing even as to not send himself into a panic, but he couldn’t control it. “B-but I-I don’t feel anything wr-wrong, but sh-she wouldn’t just l-leave without her c-cane, right?”
“It’s okay, it’s okay,” Danbi was quick to walk over to the panicked wolf and calm him down. “We can just follow your pull to her and--”
“N-no,” he shook his head, his eyes starting to fill with tears rather quickly. “I-I-I don’t-- She’s n-not--”
“It’s okay, Hao,” Jun told him calmly. “Just breathe and take your time.”
Minghao took a few shaky breaths before he finally managed to get out, “I-I don’t feel th-the pull anymore...”
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asphalt-cocktail · 5 years ago
For the Sake of Content- Chapter 8
Chapter 8: Just Guilty Pleasure
Summary: After walking in on your long-term boyfriend, Harrison, cheating on you and then losing your job the following day; your find yourself broke, jobless, and single for the first time in a long while. In order to make ends meet, your best friend since college, Freddie, suggests you start soliciting explicit photos of yourself, not only to help boost your confidence but to help pay the rent for his band mate’s apartment you just moved into.
A/N: Heyyyy everyone, I know it has literally been forever since i’ve updated so thank you for sticking with me! I really appreciate you all checking in on me, honestly I have been a little down in the dumps because of some personal things going and also busier than all hell because of school, work, social life, working out, etc. But I finally got it done and i’m not going to lie but it’s all mostly porn with no plot so I hope you all enjoy! Also PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE DM me if I have missed your tag! I feel like I am missing some people in my tag reblogs.
Pairing: Roger Taylor x F!Reader
Warnings: Language, mentions of sex work, smut, fluff, some friendly banter between roger and reader, clothing kink??? idk its really just sex, not proof read
Word Count: 3.6k
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18+ if you are a minor do NOT interact with this post. This is fictitious content and I own nothing.
Your brain felt like a puddle of mush the following few days. It seemed as though your body and brain could not stop thinking about Roger.
How he touched you.
How he smelled like cigarettes and expensive cologne.
The noises he made as he fucked you against the shower wall.
You know, the usual stuff.
You were beginning to think you would be driven to the mad house if it wasn’t for Veronica shyly calling you up and asking you to accompany her shopping today. You hadn’t really talked to her since your last excursion out with Freddie and the boys and to be frank, it was nice to be in the company of a woman for a change.
You met Veronica down town in the food court of the mall; when you caught sight of her she excitedly waved at you.
“So, are you looking for anything special?” You winced as you sounded like a store employee while trying to hold a basic conversation.
Veronica’s face broke into a grin, “Well John and I are celebrating our one year and I didn’t know what to get him.” You could tell by the little sparkle in her eyes that she was in love “Freddie is nice, but we have,” she paused to think of the correct words, “Conflicting opinions on what to get John.”
You couldn’t help but grin back, Freddie always did have a penchant for lavish things. You pursed your lips, “Well what does John like?” You truly didn’t know him well enough to think of something right off the bat.
Veronica pursed her lips in thought as the two of you continued walking. She rattled off a few generic things which didn’t help spark ideas for either of you, “He’s just always so picky.” She mumbled.
As the two of you walked past window after window of shops, a flash of delicate lace caught your eyes and you paused your steps, “What if you bought some lingerie?” You asked. Veronica’s face flushed and you gave her a playful nudge “Come on, everyone likes a little lingerie; it’s practically the gift that keeps on giving.” You joked.
She let out a playful giggle and the two of you walked into the lingerie store, you began to look through the clothing racks and at displays with Veronica in tow “What colors does john like?” You asked looking at her from the corner of your eye.
Veronica pursed her lips, “I don’t know, I havent really ever worn lingerie for john before.”
“Well does he have a favorite dress or outfit that you wear? We can go based off that.” You suggested.
Veronica looked as though an idea sparked in her mind and she began to scroll through her phone, presumably to look at pictures. She turned to you and showed you two images, one was of her and John very drunk at the club; she was dressed in a tight leopard print dress, and the second was of her and John together, a casual selfie; this time she was in a simple blue sweater. Blue and leopard print. At least now you had something to work with.
In all honesty you didn’t peg John for a leopard print kind of a guy, but here you were. Veronica proved to be more picky than you expected, but you would understand why. A one year anniversary was a big deal in relationships. 365 days is a long time to spend with some one.
After much searching you and Veronica settled on several different styles and outfits that she was going to try on. While you waited you browsed the selection, maybe you too would go home with some new lingerie.
You knew that you would when you’re eyes fell upon a school uniform. It consisted of a mesh top that was cropped just below the mannequins breasts and had a little peep hole cut out in the middle and a cute little bow on the neck. The skirt (if you could even call it that) was the iconic red plaid and had matching suspenders attached to it. To top it all off, it came with a pair of crotchless panties that matched the top. You decided that you had to buy it. It would be a nice little treat for yourself; you hadn’t bought new lingerie since you first went out to stock up.
You quickly fished for your size and grabbed all the pieces to it as you heard Veronica calling you from the dressing room. She poked her head out “Wanna see?” She asked with an excited grin. You eagerly nodded and waited for her to step out.
The lingerie she had picked out was simple, yet sexy. It was a leopard print silk night gown that was adorn with black lace on the edges. “I love it!” You grinned, unable to hold back the excited and girlish giggle that slipped out.
After you jokingly told Veronica to let you know how her little surprise for John went, the two of you parted ways and you made it home before Roger did. You hurriedly ran into your room and eagerly dumped out the contents of the bag.
You spread out your new lingerie set on your bed and tapped your chin, “I have to try it on.” You mumbled to yourself and quickly stripped down and replaced your casual day ware with something a little more risqué.
You couldn’t stop looking at yourself in the mirror once you were fully dressed. You shifted, twisting and turning at various angles to get a full glimpse of yourself in the mirror, taking in every inch of your body.
“Jesus Christ,”
You turned to see Roger standing in your doorway. If it was possible, his jaw would have touched the ground. Your face flushed and you quickly let out a small squeak of shock and threw your hands on your chest.
Roger looked at you and licked his lower lip and shook his head before dropping his bags in the hall way and coming chest to chest with you, “Are we going to fuck right now? Because if we aren’t, please for the love of god change.” He practically begged you. His hands rested on your fore arms and he added pressure to them, allowing you to decide if you would lower them and expose your breasts beneath the white mesh fabric
You felt heat pooling between your legs and you slowly lowered your arms. Your nipples were already beginning to harden from the cool air in your room but seeing that look in Roger’s eye did something to you. You traced your finger on the his skin, outlining what wasn’t hidden by his button down and causing goosebumps to rise in the wake of your fingertips. Your fingers trailed up to Roger’s plump lower lip which was still hanging ajar. You lightly traced your fingers along its natural curve, “I think I’ve been a bad girl Mr. Taylor.” You whispered sensually.
Roger’s bright blue eyes immediately darkened and he closed his mouth, clenching his jaw tightly, “Have you now?” He asked, peering down at you through his long lashes. You gave him a pouty look, nodding your head. Roger groaned, bringing his hands to your hips and pulling you flush against him.
You could already feel his half hard erection poking at your bare thigh, “On your knees.” He commanded, suddenly stepping back and allowing a wave of cold air to bite your hot skin.
You obediently followed his commanding voice and sunk to your knees. Automatically your hands went up to his belt and tugged on it. He tutted at you, swatting your hands a way “Where are your manners, [Y/N].” He said, lightly cupping your face in his hands and craning to meet your gaze, “Ask permission first.” He frowned, squeezing your cheeks together and forcing your lips to pucker.
You winced as your teeth bit into the skin of your cheek, but didn’t ignore the shiver that crept down your spine and to the tips of your toes. “Can I please suck you off, Rog?” You whimpered as his grip tightened, “Mr. Taylor” you quickly corrected and sighed when he relaxed his hand.
Roger’s thumb slipped into your mouth where you greedily sucked on it and rubbed your tongue along the calloused pad of his finger tip. Roger pulled it out and nodded his head, “Yes,” He answered breathlessly. Your hands quickly flew up and began to unbuckle his belt and pants, “Say thank you,”
“Thank you, Mr. Taylor.” You answered, your lips still puckered together by his hand.
You slid his jeans and underwear down his legs, thankful that for once he decided to wear loose fitting pants. His half hard length slipped out and you lunged for it, letting out the most pitiful noise when Roger pulled his hips away from you.  
He squeezed the sides of your mouth once more and you took the hint, opening wide for him and sticking your tongue out. He gripped his length in his free hand and slapped against your wet tongue. The lewd smacking sounds filling the air and its heat heavy against your tongue before he slipped it into your mouth.
Graciously he let go of your cheeks and allowed you to work him. You swirled your tongue around the tip and moaned at the taste of him as he filled and stretched your mouth deliciously. Your head bobbed up and down in tandem with his hand, getting him now fully erect.
Experimentally Roger grabbed the sides of your head, burying his hands in fistfuls of your hair and slowly pushed you down. You moaned, telling him you enjoyed his actions and allowed him to use more force. He pushed you down as far a you could go before he felt your throat spasming around his length. You gagged and quickly pulled back, coughing and attempting to catch your breath.
Roger’s face was flushed with arousal and he swallowed thickly, “I’m going to fuck your mouth,” He said and you nodded you head in agreement, “Tap my thigh twice if you want me to stop, okay?” He asked, his expression softening for a moment when you repeated back to him your non verbal safe word.
After getting repositioned, your hands gripped Roger’s hips as he filled your mouth and held the sides of your head once again. His hips experimentally moved against you, his length sliding against your tongue while you remained kneeling.
You let out a small whimper as he dug his fingers into your scalp and began to grip your hair harder. The vibrations shot through him and his hips bucked sharply against your mouth as he began to pick up the pace.
Each of his thrusts was met with the sound of you gurgling and gagging on his dick as it sharply pounded against your throat. Saliva began to pool in the corners of your mouth and dribble down the sides of your cheeks and chin leaving your skin shiny.
You hummed against him, content with being used.
Roger peered down at you, his mouth hanging open, eyebrows knit tightly together, and cheeks dusted red. His thighs clenched and he twitched in your mouth when you met his gaze. Tears freely spilled from your eyes and mixed with your mascara, causing grey lines to streak your face and become smeared against his palm. He pulled out from your mouth abruptly after almost having lost himself.
You gasped as your lungs filled with air and coughed lightly while wiping your mouth with the back of your hand.
Roger quickly pulled you up by your arms and pressed a hot opened mouth kiss against your lips. Your teeth clanked together and the two of you desperately clung to each other. Roger’s back fell against the wall and he pulled your thigh up to rest on the side of his waist. He ground against you, letting out a shuttering and helpless moan when he felt your unclothed core grinding back at him.
Roger pulled away “Bed, now.” He said roughly turning you and pushing you in the direction of your bed. You gasped and involuntarily fell forward, catching yourself as your hands collided with the mattress.
Roger let out an audible groan as the split in your panties became very visible to him, your soaking core and bum peeking out through the slit in the lacy fabric. He pushed your skirt back and exposed your bottom half fully. Softly, he rubbed the roundness of your bum and kneaded fistfuls of the plush skin in his hand, “You need to warn a guy the next time you wear these.” He mumbled, watching as his finger slipped between the delicate fabric and disappear between your folds, “You’re fucking soaked,” He huffed, pumping his fingers easily in and out of your tight core. Your back arched and you pushed against him, needy for his touch, “You like being used don’t you?” He smirked deviantly.
You gasped, feeling his fingers curl inside you, “Yes, fuck I love it.” You let the sinful confession slip out of your swollen and abused lips.
Roger slipped the skirt off your hips and finished stripping himself down before he turned you over. His chest heaved as he looked at you. He’d barely even touched you and you were practically writhing for him on the mattress. Roger tapped the back of your thighs, “Come on, love, sit up for me.” He said softly kneeling on the bed and offering you a hand.
You felt a strange twinge in your stomach at his endearing tone and sat up. Roger helped you out of your mesh top, groping your breasts as they spilled from it. He leaned over and briefly took them in his mouth, sucking and flicking his tongue over the pebbled buds before he moved and sat at the top of your bed.
Roger held his arms open and beckoned you to sit in his lap. So clad only in your panties you crawled over to him and took your seat. Roger’s nose touched yours and his breath softly blew against your face. The smell of cigarettes and spearmint gum causing you to feel dizzy from the familiarity of it. His lips barely brushed over yours. You could feel the warmth of his skin radiating off and were pretty sure he could feel your heart threatening to beat out from your chest.
Roger captured your mouth in a much softer kiss. Grabbing the back of your head and keeping you close against him. Your mouths moved in tandem and familiar motions together; you whimpered feeling him moving his hands to your hips. He beckoned you to lift your hips and helped position you over his length, trying to break the contact with your mouth as little as humanly possible.
Roger hissed as he felt the smooth and delicate fabric of your lace panties brush against his cock as he slid into you. You sank down and wrapped your legs around his waist and he held you close with one arm crawling up your back and the other helping to guide your hips.
“Roger” You whined, burying your face into his neck and sighing as you felt him slipping in and out of you. The feeling of him filling you up and rubbing against your walls caused each and every one of your nerve endings to stand on end and his touches ignited a path of flames in their wake. You gasped and arched into his chest while Roger held you impossibly close.
He broke away from your mouth and trailed a peppered kisses along your cheeks and kitten licks down your jaw until he latched onto your neck, sucking and biting at the hot sweaty skin. He sucked on it until there was a deeply colored mark tainting your perfect skin; he let out a little whimper as he ran his tongue over it to soothe the tenderness that had built up.
Roger held your tightly against his chest, so tightly that your back began to arch uncomfortably. You were too distracted to notice the muscles cramping along your spine, “You take me so well baby,” Roger huffed in your ear, the hot breath moving your stray hairs and causing them to tickle your skin.
Your breaths got hotter and whinier and your nails raked down his shoulders “You like it when I fuck you like this, love?” Roger asked pulling your hips down harder and meeting you with his own thrusts.
Your mouth hung open and you gripped your breasts, pushing and kneading them together and pinching your nipples for added stimulation, “Fuck yes,” you gasped out in response.
Roger watched you bouncing on top of his lap, your breasts squished together, and your skin slick with sweat. His brows knit together as he tried to stave off his impending orgasm and his hand buried itself between your leg, skillfully rubbing rough circles around your swollen clit. You leaned against Roger and buried your face into his long, now damp hair and gripped tightly onto his forearms as he quickly brought you over the edge.
Your walls clenched and pulsated around his cock and he shuttered against you, choking out a whiny groan of his own before he buried himself to the hilt and filled you with his hot seed.
You gasped and your eyes shot open and Roger quickly pulled way. His face was red and his eyes were wide “I’m sorry, shit, I’m sorry I didn’t mean to- it-I just-” he sounded panicked as he pulled out of you.
The evidence of your actions began to leak down your thigh as you sat hovering over Roger’s lap, slightly shocked that he came inside you, “It’s okay, it’s okay,” You said softly.
He continued to babble, as he usually did when he was flustered and you gripped the sides of his face, forcing him to focus on you. “Roger, it’s fine I’m not upset we can buy Plan B later today, okay?” You said in a firm tone, hoping to ease his worries.
Roger swallowed thickly and nodded his head, “Yeah, okay,” He was only slightly put at ease by your words, “I’m sorry,” He said once more.
You felt emotions tugging at your heart from his sincere words, you placed a lingering kiss on his lips “It’s fine I promise.” You said and softly smiled at him, “We just have to use a condom next time, okay?”
After your whole little Plan B incident, you and Roger were more careful to say the least, but, it didn’t curb the sexual appetite the two of you had developed for each other. It was both good and bad; good because you had no shortage of content for your little side hustle and bad because you found yourself craving Roger. The two of you couldn’t keep your hands off each other and surprisingly enough, Freddie and your mutual friends hadn’t noticed anything.
“Hey, Rog?” You called as you entered the living room. After the two of you had finally finished up painting the walls the room, like you said, had managed to look much brighter and more open; though you could still some how see the outlines of the miss matched shapes Roger painted over the layer you put over them. It added character to the walls, you supposed.
“Yeah?” He answered back, pausing his game and setting his PlayStation controller on the table.
“Some guy sent in a video request.” You said pursing your lips and frowning.
Roger quirked his head at you, “What is it?” He asked getting up and walking towards you.
“A video in public,” Your face flushed at your words.
Roger’s eyes held a devilish glint, the opposite reaction you held, “Public you say?” He teased, “What’s he want us to do?” He pressed obviously getting a rise out of the personalized request.
You shifted, “I don’t know, like do stuff in public; like me giving you head under a table or you fingering me in a movie theater, or-”
“Having sex in a bathroom?” Roger quickly interrupted you.
You frowned, “No, I’m better than bathroom sex, Roger.” You said firmly.
Roger couldn’t help but laugh, “I never said you weren’t,” He quickly added, wrapping his arms around your waist and kissing your shoulder, “It would be hot though, wouldn’t it? All cramped up in a stall, having to be quiet while people came and went?” He tried to sound enticing, but you weren’t having it. He could tell from the expression on your face, “What about the closet after a gig? You haven’t been to one of our shows in a while.” He smirked against the skin on your neck, “I know how hot you get after one of our shows.” He teased.
You shivered, “I don’t know about that, what if Fred or Brian hear?” You looked away bashfully.
“All right then, what do you want to do?” He said, hoping you would make up your mind.
You pursed your lips in thought, “We can do it after one of your shows in the bathroom,” you sighed, secretly trying to suppress your excitement.
Roger grinned at you, “We’ve got that big show in a few days, is that soon enough?”
You nodded your head, before you felt your face heat up more, “Hey, Rog?” You questioned, playing with the hem of your shirt. Roger hummed in response, “Can you wear that white vest?” You asked feeling the head spreading from your face down to the back of your neck.
A grin spread across Roger’s soft features and the sides of his eyes crinkled “With the little tassels on it, right?” He couldn’t hide the amused tone in his voice or the grin that held it’s place when you nodded sheepishly in response
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sarcastically-defensive17 · 5 years ago
New Man - T. Holland
@starshonerose and I love Tom Holland a bunch and this kinda just exploded into my brain when I was listening to King Ed Sheeran.
Hope y’all like this! I was happy about it when I finished it but idk how y’all will feel!
Original story by Sarcastically-defensive17
Send in a request if you want! (And if you don’t mind waiting while I drown in uni work)
Anthony was... something. He was a careless boyfriend, a liar, a cheater, and just an all round twat.
Tom couldn’t help the anger he felt every time he saw his overworked, muscular arm wrapped around Y/N’s waist.
I heard he spent five hundred pounds on jeans, goes to the gym at least six times a week.
Sure, Tom worked out. A lot. He was Spider-Man, he had a physique to uphold, but Anthony was something else.
Letting Y/N go was one of the worst decisions he had made. They didn’t part on bad terms, they simply didn’t have time for each other and decided it was best to break up.
Now, he can’t help but wish he was Anthony, and wish he didn’t have to hear about her new man.
Wears both shoes with no socks on his feet and I hear he's on a new diet at watches what he eats. He's got his eyebrows plucked and his asshole bleached; owns every single Ministry CD.
The man was the definition of a douche bag, and Tom knew his only chance was to remind Y/N of the woman she was before Anthony worked his way into her life.
The type of woman that she would pride herself on being.
Tribal tattoos and he don't know what it means but I heard he makes you happy, so that's fine by me.
Being Harrison’s little sister, she was around a lot. And so was Anthony. He couldn’t deny how obviously happy he made her, and that in turn made him happy.
Sure, he was determined to get through to the woman, but if she told him to back off then he would listen to her.
Still lookin' at your Instagram and I'll be creepin' a lil'. I'll be tryin' not to double tap, from way back ‘cause I know that's where the trouble's at.
“If you are looking through my sisters Instagram again, mate, I may have to smack you,” He heard Harrison’s voice ring through their shared house.
Somehow his best friend always knew that he was creeping on the old memories they shared.
“Can’t help it,” tom mumbled. He knew he shouldn’t, but he couldn’t help but notice how much happier she looked when she was his. Before she found Anthony.
He can’t help but think she is faking her happiness.
Let me remind you of the days when you used to hold my hand, and when we sipped champagne out of cider cans. I guess if you were Louis Lane, I wasn't Superman just a young boy tryin' to be loved so let me give it to ya.
His heart basically stopped one night when a notification chimes on his phone. A DM from Y/N’s Instagram account. His heart raced, trying to figure out if he accidentally liked a picture from long ago.
The message was simple: You busy? I can’t stop thinking about you.
She tried to convince him to spend the night with her, and he was considering it, until he remembered that she was with Anthony. He hated the man, but he knew it wasn’t right.
This isn’t the type of person Y/N is. How unhappy is she?
I don't wanna know about your new man 'cause if it was meant to be you wouldn't be callin' me up tryin' to... 'Cause I'm positive that he don't wanna know about me.
A few days after, Harrison spent the day with his sister, consoling her after an intense argument with her significant other.
Tom didn’t know what it was about, but he was ready to pull his brown hair out in frustration when the following day the two were all over Instagram professing their love for one another.
Yet, Tom still receives messages from her, reminiscing on their relationship and subtly flirting. He couldn’t help but let his feelings flow through his fingertips and engage in the flirtatious comments.
I don't wanna know about your new man; We'll get there eventually. I know you're missin' all this kind of love but I'm positive that he don't wanna know about me.
She was so different. He noticed how unhappy she was deep down. She hid it well. How she would spend hours forcing herself to slim down. She changed her diet, he noticed that she was selling the near hundreds of books that she had read countless of times.
It was like she became a new woman for Anthony.
He had just hoped she made the changes for herself.
You were the type of girl who sat beside the water readin', eatin' a packet of crisps, but you will never find you cheatin'. Now you're eatin' kale, hittin' the gym keepin' up with Kylie and Kim.
He took the plunge and knocked on her door one afternoon. He was met with her, wearing athletic wear and a frown deeply set on her lips that he had always admired.
“What’s going on, Y/N?” He practically barged his way in. “Anthony here?”
She shook her head, following him as he took a seat on the lounge.
“He’s out with some work mates.”
He gazed around the house. It was as if Y/N didn’t live there. The comfortable quirkiness that used to inhabit every room she occupied was fading, and he hated it.
“What’s going on?” He repeated his question, eyeing her carefully as she dropped her gaze to her feet.
“Nothing? What do you mean?” Her voice was soft, and her posture radiated discomfort.
He wanted nothing more than to pull her to him and hold her like he would before.
He should never have let her go.
“What happened to my Y/N?” He was sad. He was angry. He was frustrated. He was worried.
“I’m not your Y/N, Tom. There’s nothing wrong with me.”
“Why’re you selling your books?”
“Don’t need ‘em.”
She huffed through her nose, “what is your point, Tom? I have stuff to do.”
“My point, darling, is that you are a completely different person,” he stood, placing his hands on her shoulders softly. “What is going on?”
She refused to meet his eyes, instead stalking off to the kitchen where he noticed a distinct lack of real food.
Y/N was the type of girl who loved to indulge in a greasy burger or chips from the local fish and chip shop. Now, all Tom could find was protein shakes, weight loss supplements, kale. His face contorted in confusion.
She noticed Tom eyeing the open pantry, and the grocery bags full of vegetables.
“Anthony convinced me to try this new diet. Said it wouldn’t hurt to lose a few kilos,” her voice was quiet, fearing the reaction from the brown eyed man.
“He told you to lose weight?”
She nodded softly, eyes downcast.
“You’re joking.”
“If Harrison knew about this-“
“Harrison won’t know about anything tom!” She snapped, her eyes meeting his. He practically melts at the view, despite the fierce look on her face. “There is nothing for him to know because nothing is wrong.”
He pulled his brows together, frowning at the woman who he knew deserved so much better.
“Y/N, he is trying to change you! You are already so different to the person I know you are and it’s scaring me. You aren’t the type of girl to waste her time trying diets and dressing up just to post a photo to Instagram. You are the type of woman that is who she is. You’re the woman that prefers to be comfortable and happy rather than lose a few kilos and put your health at risk.” He had moved a lot closer to her now. His hands were on her face, wiping a tear away that she didn’t realize had fallen. “You’re the woman I am in love with.”
That struck a nerve inside of Y/N. She wasn’t angry, nor was she upset. She was simply confused.
She had tried for so long to move on from Tom, as they both decided they needed to focus on their own lives, especially with Tom traveling here and there to film.
She found Anthony when she was at her lowest and she can’t bear to lose another man that she had in her life. She couldn’t tell herself that she loved Anthony. She knew her heart still belonged to Tom, but she was determined to try to move on.
But Tom’s words through a metaphorical spanner in the works.
Okay, you need to be alone
And if you wanna talk about it, you can call my phone
“I-,” her voice was shaky, her mind racing to think of what to say. All she knew was that his hands on her face was conflicting her thoughts. She shrugged him off, “I need you to go. I need to be alone, Tom. Please.”
He nodded silently, moving towards the door before pausing.
“If you need me, give me a ring, Y/N. I mean it. You deserve better than him.”
I just thought I would tell you, 'cause you oughta know. You're still a young girl tryin' to be loved, so let me give it to ya.
The late nights messages stopped for a few days, until one night a simple message read: “Am I really that different now?”
His heart broke as he apologised to her. He didn’t mean to upset her that badly, he simply wanted her to acknowledge that Anthony was changing her so much. The man grew more controlling as the days went on; even limiting her from visiting her brother because of Tom and his brothers being around.
Everybody was quickly getting fed up.
Baby, I'm not tryin' to ruin your week, but you act so differently, when you're with him, I know you're lonely.
The messages ended in a phone call, Y/N’s sob filled voice flowing through the receiver and Tom whispering sweet nothings and reassurances through the device.
“Darling, you don’t need to stay with him,” he told her. He kept his voice low as to not alert Harrison to their call.
If he found out his sister was in such a tough spot with her controlling boyfriend, he sure as hell wouldn’t let it go on without his fist connecting with Anthony’s face.
“I don’t know, Tom. He loves me,” she replied, her voice as turning up in a question at her last word.
He simply sighed, “If you decide you want to leave him, you know where to go.”
He told her the same thing every time he ended a phone call.
Please remember you're still free to make the choice and leave. Don't call me up, you need to show me.
Almost a week later, a soft knock reverberated through the wooden door, and Tom opened it to revel Y/N in one of her oversized shirts and skinny jean combos that he adored so much.
She smiled wider than he had seen in the entire time she had been with Anthony.
“I broke up with him. He didn’t want me to see you anymore because he saw our messages. I couldn’t lose you again,” her voice was soft, the way it normally is. “You up for a burger?”
Tom’s beaming smile matched hers and pulled her into a bear hug.
His Y/N was back.
I don't wanna know about your new man
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angelic-holland · 6 years ago
Stay At My Place // th x fem!reader
Miss Yer Kiss Part Two
Feel free to read Miss Yer Kiss! Feel free to leave comments or asks with feedback! 
Warnings: smut, feelings, actual plot this time, nsfw, 18+ please
Word Count: 12k
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Tom checked Instagram the next day, including your page. He was laying in his bed when he clicked your story. He gasped when he saw what was a spitting image of himself in pencil. He took a screenshot of it and almost posted it to his story but decided not to.
He remembered what you told him.
“Let’s agree on one thing. This is a one night stand, that’s it.”
He didn’t want it to be a one night stand. He’s had his share of one night stands, sure. But there was something different about you. Maybe it was your confidence, maybe it was the way you didn’t even care enough to leave your phone number. Maybe it was your tattoos and how he wanted to hear the story behind each and every one of them.
He decided to wait, see if you would DM him since you set out the “only a one night stand” pact.  
He heard his doorbell ring and he got out of bed, he checked his phone, who was at his place at 10:30 at night?
He jogged down the stairs, opening the door.
“Hey mate,” Harry says, pushing his way inside.
“What’s up? Were you planning on coming over?”
“Nah last minute decision,” Harry says, walking up the stairs, Tom following.
“Okay, what’s up?”
“Is she still here?”
“The girl you left the club with last night.”
“No she’s gone,” Tom frowns.
Harry flops down on the sofa, “oh good.”
“You’ve never been caught mid hook up before, by the paps I mean, mom almost had a fucking heart attack when she saw the pictures of you leaving the restroom of the club.”
“Wait why?”
“Cause she doesn’t know about your other hookups, she also wasn’t expecting pictures of her son with lipstick marks and sex hair leaving a fucking club bathroom.”
“We didn’t fuck in there.”
“Sure you didn’t.”
“Not like, not full sex, fuck off it doesn’t matter.”
“Sure, like the stories of people hearing her scream your name aren’t important.”
“Harry! Can it, not like it matters now.”
“Yeah? Do you even remember her name?”
“Course I do, it’s Y/N.”
He smiles, remembering how you made him work for it.
“Stop thinking about it you perv,” Harry says, tossing a pillow at Tom as he sits down.
“Shut up, she only wanted a one night stand so I’m gonna respect that.”
“You always catch up with them after the ‘one night stand’ and see if they want to go on a date, hook up again. It’s your thing.”
“My thing?” Tom scoffs, crossing his arms.
“Well whatever if she wants to talk to me she can DM me on Instagram or something.”
“No she can’t.”
“Why not?”
“Because you get legit thousands of DMs a day, probably more, you wouldn’t be able to see it.”
“I could search for it? Would that work?”
You’re lying in bed, suitcase packed for the flight you’ve got early tomorrow. You sigh, pulling out your phone. You know what you said. You know you should just forget about the possibility of seeing Tom again. Of interacting with him again. But you couldn’t get that night out of your head.
“It’s beautiful out,” you say, exhaling the smoke from your lungs.
“Not as-,”
“I swear if you finish that sentence I’ll leave right now,” you groan.
“Okay! I won’t, just, you look so pretty, the moon really lights up your tattoos, they look good.”
Any of your hook ups, you weren’t used to them complimenting you if that compliment wasn’t about loving your tits or something stupid. They never called you beautiful, like Tom was about to. Or pretty. You opened your Instagram, you decided the other day to post the picture you drew of Tom, even going so far as to tag him. Your eyes almost fell out of your head when you saw he liked the post.
Maybe, maybe it wasn’t such a bad idea to send him a message, he’d have a hard time finding it anyways with the probably hundreds of thousands of messages he gets.
You quickly send him a DM.
yourinstagramhandle: thanks for the like, you like the drawing?
You roll your eyes and send a text to Bryce, asking if he wants to go to your graduation.
You go back to Instagram and see you’ve got a DM from none other than Tom.
What the fuck.
“wait! She DMed me, holy shit,” Tom says, opening it.
He smiles and responds.
tomholland2013: thought it was okay
tomholland2013: I’m kidding I thought it was great
Yourinstagramhandle: well thanks
Tomholland2013: didn’t think I’d hear from you again
Yourinstagramhandle: almost didn’t DM you but decided I need validation
Tomholland2013: the sex or the drawing?
Yourinstagramhandle: you caught me… both
tomholland2013: well the sex was so good I want to see you again so there’s that. And the portrait is so good I want you to tattoo it on me
Yourinstagramhandle: well damn I’ll take it. Not a tattoo artist yet though, and getting a portrait of yourself tattooed, little self centered don’t you think?
Tomholland2013: just a tad bit.
Tomholland2013: are you still in town?
Yourinstagramhandle: leaving bright and early tomorrow for NYC
Tomholland2013: come over
Yourinstagramhandle: I can’t, I’ll be too busy giving you the time of your life I’ll miss my flight
Tomholland2013: that’s not necessarily a bad thing
Yourinstagramhandle: it is when I’ve got school, finals in two weeks and then I need to beg for a tattoo apprenticeship
Tomholland2013: they’ll be begging you to be their apprentice
Yourinstagramhandle: totally not how it works
Tomholland2013: I fly by New York end of May, can I see you then?
Yourinstagramhandle: sure you won’t have forgotten about me by then?
Tomholland2013: no, already miss your sex, don’t know how I’m gonna go two months without it
Yourinstagramhandle: we could always be horny teenagers and sext. Wanna see my tits?
Tomholland2013: right now?
Yourinstagramhandle: no in two months, yes right now
Tomholland2013: fuck yeah
Tomholland2013: wait send me ur phone number I don’t wanna accidentally save them and have them end up on my Instagram story or something
Yourinstagramhandle: not very good with technology?
Tomholland2013: nope
You giggle, pulling off your shirt, you weren’t wearing a bra, so you just waited for him to text you.
Unknown number: Y/N?
You: the one and only
Tom: great now show me your tits
You: I better get a picture of your hard cock immediately following
Tom: my brothers here!
You: kick him out or go to your room, my tits look pretty great right now
Tom: please send them, told him to get lost
You: where are you right now?
Tom: couch
You: take your cock out, play with it a little bit
You position yourself in front of the mirror, pinching your nipples a little so they harden before taking a picture and sending it to him.
Tom: holy fuck, missed ur tits so much
You: I’m waiting
You quickly strip your sweatpants and now soaked panties, laying back on the bed.
You groan at the picture he sends, his hard cock in his hand, thighs spread on his couch.
Tom: can I call u
You: Patience baby, one step at a time. Let’s just sext for now
You can practically hear his whine but you wouldn’t answer his call even if he did. You loved teasing him.
Tom: fuck, send me a picture of your pussy
You: why should I?
Tom: please, know you’re probably dripping for me, come on, lemme see it
You smirk, your fingers moving to lazily move through your folds, gently slipping into your hole, you take a few pics, choosing the best one to send to Tom.
Tom: holy fuck, you sure I can’t come over? Wanna eat your pussy so good
Although you’d love that, you knew it wasn’t possible. You sighed, responding to him as your thumb gently rubbed your clit.
You: positive, now be a good boy and jerk your cock for me until you make a mess
You smile, putting your phone down and fucking yourself down on your fingers.
“Shit,” Tom groaned, reading your text before his hand sped up. He closed his eyes, pretending it was your hand, pretending you were there with him.
He came embarrassingly quickly with a whimper of your name.
You: and I expect a picture of the mess
He groans, sending a picture of his stomach painted with his come and his softening cock, sending it to you.
You: beautiful
You send him a video a few minutes later.
He cleans his stomach off with a T-shirt before clicking play, feeling his cock twitch as it starts with you whimpering his name.
“Tommy,” you say, the camera angle showing your fingers fucking in and out of your pussy, making the most delicious sound. Your fingers speed up, thumb rubbing your clit as the only noise he hears is his name and the sound of your fingers fucking in and out of you.
You come with a grunt of his name, and he thinks the video is going to cut off but you trail your fingers from your clit up your body, stopping to make gentle circles around your nipples before sucking them into your mouth. He groans as the video stops, right as you moan around your fingers.
Tom: you’ll send me that and not let me come over?
You: gotta keep ya on your toes
Tom: trust me I most certainly am
He sighs, grimacing as he picks up his sticky shirt, tucking his cock back into his shorts.
Tom: we need to do this again
You: I fully intend on it
You make it to your flight, Lily talking nonstop the entire trip back to New York about Tom, about if you’re going to meet up with him. How good he was in bed.
“Listen, Lily, I love you, but give it a rest. I’m sure the rest of the people on the plane don’t want to hear about it. I’ll tell you more when we get back to our place. Sound good? Also, you’re gay, you shouldn’t care about this.”
You roll your eyes as she grumbles, turning on a movie as you try to sleep.
When you arrive at your apartment, all you want to do is collapse on your bed and sleep for days. You only have one before you have to be back at work and school, however.
This next week was hectic, you had to finish your final for your portrait class, then you had to finish your oil painting final. The only final you would have to sit for was Art History IV.
You saw a text from Tom that you decided to open.
Tom: hope your flight was nice, good luck with finals
Jesus, you needed a smoke. You begrudgingly got up, grabbing your pack and lighter from your bedside table you pushed open the balcony door, taking your phone with you.
You: thanks, can’t believe I graduate so soon, been a whirlwind
Tom: what’s ur address
You: what
You light your cigarette, waiting for his reply.
Tom: wanna send you a graduation gift
You: like what
Tom: just something
Tom: on a completely different note what size bra and panties do you wear
You: I like the way you think.
You send him all the information he asked for, finishing your cigarette and lighting up another one. It was a bad habit of yours, you were well aware, but you started smoking with your ex when you first started college and you were, like most people who smoke, addicted. You planned to stop eventually, they drained money from your account and you’d need to start saving more for a chair at a tattoo shop anyways.
Tom: What are you up to now?
You: having a smoke then going to take a nap
Tom: oh
You: what?
Tom: just was gonna say we can call or video chat if you wanted to
You: although the idea of getting off together over the phone sounds amazing baby, I needa take a nap
Tom: after?
You: I’d want nothing more
You finish your other cigarette before going back inside, flopping down on your bed and closing your eyes.
You wake up to Lily shaking you awake, “Y/N, it’s been like so long you should get up.”
“What time is it?”
“It’s Sunday, like 2pm.”
“Oh shit,” you say, getting up.
You check your phone, a few missed calls from Tom, one text from Bryce asking if you wanted to work tonight around 6. The shop was closed but there was going to be a small cleaning day according to him.
You quickly text Bryce back, telling him you’ll be there. You send a message to Tom as well, unsure of what time it was over there.
You: sorry I totally suck but I’ll make it up to you. I’m going into work into work at 6pm my time, call me before then.
You lock your door, quickly shutting the door and curtains that lead to your balcony.
You jump back into bed and see your phone buzz, Tom. You quickly pick up.
“Thought you were gonna ghost me,” he laughs.
“Nah, like your dick too much.”
“Y/N, don’t say things like that.”
“Oh, are you hard right now?”
“Are you free?”
“Good, are you naked?”
You hear him suck in a deep breath, “not yet.”
“Okay so get naked.”
“Are you?”
“I’m about to be baby, like I said, gotta work on your patience.”
It’s silent other than the sound of both of you taking your clothes off. You put the phone on speaker and lay it down next to you.
“You naked?” He asks, panting.
“Are you touching yourself?”
“Did I say you could?” You grin, hearing him swear.
“What’s this game we’re playing Y/N?”
“Just listen to my instructions baby, gonna make you feel so good.”
“Fine,” you hear him grumble.
“You don’t haveta, you can hang up and get yourself off if you wanna.”
“No, no, okay I’m not touching myself, what do you want?”
“Want you to tease yourself, lick your palm, rub it down your chest, don’t touch your cock yet.”
He swears but does what you say, waiting patiently for your next instruction.
“Good, go ahead, wrap your hand around your cock, but don’t move, just feel the weight of yourself in your palm, feel good? Wish it was me, my hand wrapped around you?” You ask, letting your fingers pinch your nipples.
“Fuck, wish it was something else.”
“Yeah? What do you wish it was?” You ask, biting your lip, knowing exactly what he’s going to say.
“You’re, fuck, can I move my hand? Please?” You hear him whine.
“What do you wish it was Tom?”
“Your lips, wish your lips were wrapped around me right now.”
“Wish I was there right now, wish I could suck you off, maybe if you were being good I’d let you fuck my mouth, you’d like that wouldn’t you?”
“Fuck, yes, wanna fuck your mouth so bad.”
You loved how worked up he got just from being told what to do. You hand slipped down to your pussy, slipping a finger into your wet heat as you gave him his next instruction.
“Go ahead baby, jerk your cock for me.”
“Fuck, Y/N,” he grunts and you can hear him start to move, his bed moving beneath him.
“Feel good? Wish it was my pussy wrapped around your cock?” You ask, slipping another finger into yourself, moaning.
“Are you, you touching yourself too?”
“Course, not nearly as good as you touching me,” you groan, thumb rubbing your clit.
“Wish, fuck, wish I could see you right now.”
“Tom, feels so good, wish these were your fingers fucking into me, wish you were getting me off,” you whine, fingers speeding up.
“Yeah? Wish I could eat that pretty pussy of yours, make you come undone over and over again on my tongue,” he groans your name several times.
“Gonna come? You wanna come for me baby?”
“Yes, fuck, don’t stop please, wanna come, can I come?” he grunts and you grin. You were surprised he was asking permission and you let out a throaty groan as his moans get higher and higher pitched.
“Yes, come on baby, come all over yourself for me, take a picture when you’re done, wanna see how much of a mess you made for me.”
“Fuck, y/n, I’m coming, fuck,” he whimpers your name a few times and that’s all it takes for you to come undone.
“Shit,” you laugh, fingers slipping out from you.
“That was fun,” you giggle, before wiping your fingers off on your sheets.
You hear your phone buzz and you check it.
Another picture, this time Tom’s face was included. He was biting his lip, hand not holding the phone was in his hair, your eyes wandered down to his chest, red and sweaty, his stomach covered in his come, cock softening against his hip.
“Look so pretty baby,” you say, taking off your phone speaker.
“Thank you,” he laughs.
“Okay I gotta go get ready for work, talk to you later?”
“Great plan.”
“You know your phone was on speaker right?” You hear Lily shout and you laugh so hard you’re almost in tears.
“Well at least I know what he’s like in bed now.”
You arrive at Tattoo Dice and the doors are locked, lights off. Maybe you were the first to get there, your apartment being so close, so you unlocked the door with your copy of the store key.
“SURPRISE!” A chorus of people shout and you’re bombarded by every tattooer, piercer, and front desk assistant holding balloons and streamers and those little things that pop, you couldn’t remember the name.
“Holy shit what’s this for?” You ask, confused.
“Your graduation,” Bryce says, stepping out from the crowd, “we couldn’t find a time when everyone was free after your graduation so now is close enough.”
“Yeah? Wow thank you,” you laugh as he guides you to the sofa in the waiting area, where a cake was waiting.
“What?” You ask, reading it.
“What’s it say?”
“Happy graduation and apprenticeship.”
You look between Bryce and the cake, “you fucking didn’t.”
“I did. I’ve never seen such talent and skill, you’ve been here for 4 years, you’re going to have to start looking for an apprenticeship when you graduate, I don’t want my competition swooping in and stealing you.”
You felt tears in your eyes, this never happened.
“Of course, you’ll have to put in the work and the effort, and pay for your chair but I have no doubt in my mind you can do that.”
“Thank you Bryce. Really,” you say, hugging him.
“Alright, no more crying, it’s cake time.”
You were anxiously awaiting the grade for your portrait. It took like every waking moment, the theme was “two sides of every story”. You knew exactly what to do.
You had called Tom after your party, shocked he was still awake.
“So, my portrait final, I was wondering if one of your buddies could take a photo of you sitting on a stool, like positioned in a corner, so your shadow is still in the shot.”
“Want me naked?”
You roll your eyes, “no, it’s, the theme is two sides of every story, so I want to draw you, maybe as Peter Parker, then your shadow will be Spiderman.”
“Holy fuck that’s awesome.”
“Yeah, do you think you could do it tomorrow morning? So the light hits you just right?”
“Thank you Tom,” you sigh, laying down.
“No problem. Keep your eye out for your mail.”
“Your present.”
“Oh you know you don’t haveta get me anything. Don’t even know if anyone is going to my graduation,” you laugh.
“Wait what?”
“Nobody’s going to your graduation?”
“It’s, I mean, Bryce is going to try, not like I have anyone else.”
Shit fuck, fuck. You didn’t need to share personal shit with him.
“What about, you don’t haveta, I don’t know if this is a touchy subject for you, if you don’t wanna talk about it you don’t have to.”
“Why nobody’s going to my graduation?”
“See how easy it was? Anyways, don’t know who my dad is, mom left me on a police station’s doorstep when I was three like I was a newborn baby and it was the 1950s.”
“She did What now?”
“She had really bad postpartum depression, couldn’t handle having a kid I guess, left me on the police doorstep and I bounced around different foster homes. Never stayed in one place for more than a year.”
“I’m sorry.”
“What’re you sorry for?”
“For all that, for how you hadta grow up.”
“It was fine really, Art was what kept me going, it was the only thing I really had from home to home, only school subject I was able to do well in since it didn’t require previous knowledge.”
“Well I’m glad you got something good out of everything that happened.”
“Yeah,” you sigh, closing your eyes.
“When is it again?”
“When’s what?”
“Your graduation.”
“Oh, April 15th.”
“Anyways, guess what?”
“What?” You can hear he’s more distant now, probably wants to ask why you don’t have anyone going to your graduation, he doesn’t want to know the answer.
“Bryce offered me an apprenticeship.”
“Really? That’s amazing!”
“Yeah, I’ve got just enough saved up to pay for my equipment and chair for the first few months, when I’m tattooing for free, then eventually I’ll get paid, might haveta take out a loan for my apartment or move somewhere cheaper but since I won’t be spending money for the subway to get to school it’ll cut my expenses. Jesus why am I rambling sorry you don’t wanna hear all this.”
“No I do, I do,” He says and you can hear some enthusiasm in his voice.
“It’s late you should go to bed.”
“Maybe we can talk in the morning?”
“I’d like that,” you smile, “goodnight Tom.”
“Night princess.”
You giggle as you hang up, running a hand over your face. You were fucking exhausted. The next morning you woke up to a picture message from Tom.
Holy shit, the picture was perfect, just what you needed.
You: this is legit amazing how’d you make it look so good?
Tom: brother is like an amateur photographer
You: nothing amateur about this. Thanks no I get to stare at your picture for the next 50 hours.
Tom: 50???
You: more or less, for the portrait, then the oil painting, now go away I’m meant to work
Your portrait professor said you could go into the studio to draw, since it was a full color design, but if you wanted to do it in the comfort of your own home you could. You opted to take your work to the tattoo studio, sprawling out in the back office.
“You’ve got it bad dontcha?” Bryce asks, seeing your initial outline of the sketch.
“This kid in the drawing, it’s the same one you drew the other day. You sleep with him?”
“None of your business,” you say, “scram I gotta finish this outline.”
“It’s almost done, you’ve been working for 6 hours, you need a break.”
“Fine, wanna grab some coffee?”
“Let’s go kiddo,” Bryce says, helping you off the ground.
Bryce takes you to the coffee shop next door. You know you’re going to have to tell him about Tom.
Most of the time he acted like your fun uncle, wanted to know what you were up to but wouldn’t give you any advice or warnings. Recently he’d been more of a wise father, which you had no problem with, never having one of your own to rely on.
“So, he’s famous right? Does movies? How’d that happen?” He asks as you sit in a booth.
“Met him at a club in London.”
“And you…”
“Yes, we did, thought it was just gonna be, you know, that, but we’ve been talking.”
“Have you seen him since?”
“No, think he’s gonna visit on his way to a press thing.”
“So are you two dating? Messing around? What do kids these days call it?”
You shrug, taking a sip of your coffee, “I don’t know. Like, it would be cool to date him, but at the same time I like what we’ve got now. He’s all over the place all the time, lives in London, while I’m here, how’d that work?”
“Think you could find a way to make it work, if it’s worth it.”
“Well, dunno if it’s worth it.”
“You’re doing your final project on him, I think it’s worth it.”
You shrug, “Yeah.”
“So maybe you should see how he feels?”
“Too soon for that.”
“Whatever you want, I’ll be by your side whatever you chose. Alright let’s get back I’ve got a tattoo to do and you’ve got shading and colors to start.”
“Then I’m working at 6.”
“Yep, got 5 more hours of work to do, let’s get to it lady.”
By the time your shift started you had almost finished your outline in black and erased the pencil underneath it.
You were happy with how it looked, sending a photo to Tom. Tomorrow you had to go into school for your art history class, only two more lessons left.
Tom: holy shit looks amazing, and now you have to color it?
You: Yep, most of the time will be color, then my oil painting
Tom: What will be your oil painting?
You: was gonna make an oil painting of the Spiderman mask but I don’t want you to think I’m obsessed with you or something
Tom: I wouldn’t mind, your art blows my mind
Tom: also I’m kinda obsessed with you too
You: good
You smirk at his texts, locking up for the night at 11:30, saying goodnight to Bryce who made his way upstairs to his apartment. 
“See you tomorrow,” you wave, sending him one more.
The next day is filled with rushing to class, your professor telling you that the final class period was optional, knowing you all had plenty of work to do for other classes. You almost cheered.
When class wrapped up you made your way to the studio, working a mid to close shift, you weren’t going to have much time to work on your portrait.
You were able to use your colored pencils to get the color of his shirt, a blue button up, and his khaki pants done. You wanted to save the details of the Spiderman suit and his face for when you had more time.
By the time 1pm rolled around you were satisfied with how much work you had left and the time you had to do it.
You spent the rest of the day greeting customers, helping them pick out jewelry, copying their consent forms. You had fun as the front desk assistant and would no doubt do it for as long as they wanted you, but you were dying to have a turn with the tattoo machine.
The phone rings, and you answer.
“Hello, Tattoo Dice by Bryce, this is Y/N, how can I help you today?” You ask, pen and paper in hand.
“Hello, is Bryce in?” A low voice asks.
“He is, doing some paperwork in his office. Can I help you?”
“Was hoping to talk to him.”
“Sure, I’ll check to see if he’s taking calls,” you frown, clearly they’ve never stepped foot in a tattoo shop before or understand any etiquette of tattoo shops.
You put the person on hold and ring the back office, “someone wants to speak to you? Do I tell them off or let them through?”
“Feel like being nice, put them through.”
You transfer the line to the back office and look back at your portrait, taking out your skin tone set of colored pencils. There was a lull in the shop around dinner time and you decided to color his body in while there was some silence.
“Hello, this is Bryce, how can I help you?”
“Hi, you’re, you’re Y/N’s boss right?”
“Yes, who’s this, Wait, are you that Tom fella? No distracting her at work.”
“Of course not sir, I wouldn’t. I was just wondering, she told me you might go to her graduation.”
“That’s right.”
“I was wondering if maybe, maybe you could get a second ticket? I wanted to surprise her, but I wouldn’t know how to get a ticket.”
“Do you think she would want you there?”
“I don’t, I would hope so, I mean, I don’t know how to ask her without giving away that I want to surprise her.”
“Well I’ll ask her, hold on.”
“Right now?!”
“Yes, just you wait a minute.”
Bryce strolls out of his office rolling his eyes, “some random asshole who doesn’t know what our cancellation policy is. Trying to cancel our appointment for tomorrow and get his money back at the same time.”
“Huh, weird that he asked for you.”
“Well I’m his artist, makes sense.”
“Yeah, totally,” you nod, eyeing Bryce as he sits on the stool next to you.
“Looks good so far,” he nods as you shade in his neck.
“Thanks,” you hum, changing the color for his face, slightly darker color to contrast the light from the window you would add later.
“So, your graduation.”
Your face drops and you stop coloring. He doesn’t want to go. Or he is too busy.
“You don’t haveta go, stupid for me to invite you, it’s whatever,” you sigh.
“No, no I was going to ask if I could get two tickets, for Adrien and I.”
“He’d wanna come?”
“What’s my husband gonna do? Sit and look pretty? We’re not open on Sundays he won’t have work.”
“I’d love to get you two tickets.”
“Do you like your presents?”
You giggled, looking through the box of lingerie.
“You didn’t need to get me all these.”
“But I want a photo shoot,” he whines.
You pick up a small handwritten card.
For you princess, I expect photos of you in all of them. Xx Tom
“You’ll get a photo shoot mister,” you laugh, putting your phone on speaker and taking off your clothes.
They were from an online store, all in the sizes you sent him. There were more elaborate pieces but you picked up a lacy red bralette with matching red lace panties. Most of the lingerie was red.
“Is red your favorite color?”
“How’d you know?”
“Just a guess.”
“You look so fucking good in red princess. Wait FaceTime me.”
“Okay okay,” you say, hanging up and moving to FaceTime.
“Fuck I didn’t know you’d be naked for me,” Tom groans, laying on his bed, you could see he was shirtless and were hoping there was nothing on underneath.
“Go ahead baby, put on those pretty little numbers on for me,” he says as you prop your phone up on your bedside table.
You put on the first red lacy set, posing for Tom. The camera slowly moves lower to his hand gripping his cock as he jerks off.
“Don’t come too soon, got lots more to show you.”
You show him the same set in black, causing him to bite his lip and thrust into his hand.
The next bit is a little more elaborate, lots of tiny hooks to clip in the back, and you struggle for a bit, laughing when you trip over your own two feet and Tom sits up, concerned you hurt yourself.
“I’m fine,” you laugh, getting the last hook done. You turn back to him, showing off the red lace corset that made your tits look so good, right down to where it trailed off into a lace trim hanging right above your bare pussy.
“Love this one, wanna leave marks all over your chest, tease those hard nipples of yours, shit, so pretty,” he says, hand moving faster.
“Have 911 on hold while I take this off,” you joke, fingers struggling again to unhook it. Once you do you put your hands on your knees and mock being out of breath.
“Are you okay? You don’t gotta try the others on, it’s fine,” Tom starts but you cut him off.
“Are these crotchless panties?” You gasp and look up at him. He’s blushing a little and nods.
“You don’t needa wear them, thought they’d be fun, I don’t know, don’t worry about it.”
“No Tom, I fucking love them, holy shit I could come just thinking about how useful these could be.”
You quickly slide them up your legs, fingers spreading your lips, loving how snug the fabric felt around your hips and ass but how bare and exposed your pussy was.
“Look so pretty, come on, go lie on the bed and play with your pussy,” he says, camera shaking a little as his hand speeds up.
“In these?” You ask, laying on the bed and tilting your phone so he could see your fingers move down your chest, pinching each of your nipples.
“Yes, fuck yourself with those panties, wanna see if they work,” he grunts and you follow through, fingers dipping lightly into yourself, the hole in the panties perfect for this.
“Go ahead princess stuff yourself full for me.
“Shit,” you whine, fucking yourself with your fingers.
You could hear his moans get throatier, you knew he was going to come.
“Fuck, touch your clit, come on baby,” he whines and you do just that, feeling yourself get closer and closer.
“Tom, fuck,” you groan.
“Come for me princess,” he says, his voice deep and gravelly.
Your fingers speed up and you come like a horny teenager with a cry of his name.
He comes right after, and you bring the phone up to your face, giggling a little as he licks his lips.
“Feel like a fucking teenager right now.”
“Hella horny all the time, sexting.”
“Wish you were here,” he sighs, hand running through his hair.
“Me too,” you yawn.
“How are you tired it’s like 6pm there.”
“Been working nonstop on your projects, finally finished them today after pulling an all-nighter. Gotta pass them in tomorrow.”
“Can I see them?”
“Course. But I’m gonna sleep now. And you should too! It’s late over there.”
“You’re right.”
“Goodnight Tom.”
“Night princess.”
“You should try juuling,” Tom says nonchalantly.
“What?” You almost choke, smoke exhaling out of your nostrils, you cough for the first time while smoking in three years.
“To help you stop smoking, you told me you wanted to stop, eventually, heard juuling helps.”
You roll your eyes at the boy on the other end of the FaceTime call.
“Sure,” you say, “just, I’m graduating today, got some nerves to shake out.”
“But you did it, and your portrait professor said yours was the best work she’s seen this year.”
“Yeah, thank you for your pretty face.”
“Of course,” he grins.
“Where are you right now?” You ask, the bed behind him not his own, he never said he had any filming or press. His next press thing was a week from now in Mexico according to him. Your heart nearly falls out of your chest, what if he’s at another girl’s place? You know you never said anything about seeing other people, you were just messing around, why did what he did in his free time matter to you?
Sure you texted every day, not just sexted. You learned about his friends, his likes, his dislikes, anything and everything, all the little fun facts about him. But that was just getting to know the person you’re sleeping with, right?
He must’ve seen the look of confusion mixed with hurt on your face because he sat up and his eyes widened.
“Nevermind, doesn’t matter, I haveta, I gotta go.”
You were going to wait for him to answer but you didn’t want to embarrass yourself even more so you hung up quickly.
“Fuck,” you say, tears stinging your eyes as you finish your cigarette and immediately start another one.
“Hey! Y/N, we gotta get going- fuck, what’s wrong?” Lily asks as she joins you on your balcony.
“Nothing, I’m fine,” you say, sniffling as you take a long drag.
“Clearly you’re not fine you’re crying, what’s wrong?”
“I just, I’m an idiot.”
You silently finish your cigarette, Lilly rubbing your back as you stub the end into your ashtray.
“I think Tom was at someone else’s place, like in someone else’s bed.”
“It’s stupid, we never said we were a thing this was just, we’re just fooling around so it doesn’t matter what he does in his free time.”
“Did you hear what he had to say?”
“No, feel like a fucking idiot, didn’t wanna embarrass myself in front of him anymore.”
“You should ask him out.”
“Tell him you wanna be official, wanna be boyfriend girlfriend or whatever. It’s obvious you’ve got feelings for him.”
“Nah, he’s, he's famous, he’d never be around,” you shrug.
“Okay, But doesn’t change how you feel. So put on your big girl panties, stop crying, we’ve got a graduation to get to.”
“Don’t gotta leave for a few hours.”
“Okay, so I’m going to smoke this entire pack of cigarettes then we can graduate.”
“You’re seriously going to stand here and chain smoke?”
“Yep,” you nod, grabbing another cigarette.
“Just call him back, call him once and see what’s up, okay? Don’t be stupid and sound like an old lady for graduation.”
“Fuck off,” you groan.
“Fine, but just, call him okay?”
“Whatever,” you grumble.
Lily sighs and leaves you on the balcony alone. You look back at your phone. Nothing. It didn’t matter anyways, maybe you scared him off enough that you wouldn’t have to deal with the messiness that came with feelings.
You shrugged, wiping the stupid fucking tears from your eyes, grabbing another cigarette. Maybe you would get a juul or whatever they were called, cigarettes were fucking expensive and as your apprenticeship got closer you realized how fucked you were. It only made her angrier.
You couldn’t think about that now. Instead, you focused on the ring of smoke you blew from your mouth, the burning sensation you felt in your lungs.
You don’t know how long you stood there, smoking as the sun got higher in the sky and the bustling life of Queens began to start. It was a Sunday so everyone was going to church or catching up on errands.
You heard a knock on the door to your tiny apartment and the door swing open. You ignore it, thinking it might be Lily’s girlfriend here so you all could travel to graduation together.
You finish your cigarette, the knocking on the door starting up again.
“Who the fuck, Lily, who is it?” You shout, making your way back inside, closing your balcony door. You toss your pack and lighter on your bedside table before walking the very few steps to your front door.
“Lily, where the fuck are you?” You groan before unlocking the door and swinging it open.
“Who the fuck-,”
Tom was standing in front of you, wearing a really nice suit, eyes red.
“Oh. Oh!” Him in a different bed, acting sort of weird over the past few days made sense.
“I’m sorry. I, I was going to surprise you at your graduation but when you asked where I was I didn’t want you to think that I was with someone else or something, and I’m sorry if you don’t want me to be here I just thought I didn’t wanna wait until May to-,”
You cut him off pressing your lips against his, taking him off guard he stumbles back, arms wrapping around your body to draw you tight against him.
“I want to see you too,” you mumble against his lips, shutting the door behind him.
“Hey, glad you liked your surprise,” Lily says, breaking the two of you apart.
His hands were still tight on your waist, your hands cupping his face, you just nodded, looking at Tom who stared right back at you.
“I’m glad you’re here,” you say, smiling.
“I think I’m even happier that I’m here.”
“Prove it,” his eyes dart between your lips and your own eyes.
“Okay, so I’m going to meet Lexie downstairs for coffee, if I don’t see the both of you down there in 30 minutes so we can get to graduation on time I swear to god I’ll kill you,” Lily interrupts and you sigh, forehead pressed against Tom’s.
“Bye Lily,” you shout as she slams the front door.
“Missed you,” you say as you lead him the short way past your kitchen into your bedroom.
“Missed you too princess,” he says, kissing down your neck.
“Now it’s your turn not to leave any marks,” you say, “don’t wanna look trashy when I walk the stage.”
“So I can leave marks here?” He asks, hands moving to grope your breasts.
“Fuck, please,” you whimper, tugging at his suit coat.
“Missed yer kiss,” Tom says, lips meeting yours again as you both struggle to undress each other.
“Don’t have lotsa time,” you say, pushing him back so you can quickly slip out of your sundress.
“Fuck, that’s one of the sets that I gotcha, you like it?”
You nod as he quickly gets out of his clothes, watching as you toss your bra and panties to the side.
“Fuck, Missed yer tits,” he groans, accent thicker, voice rougher.
“Touch me, come on, no time,” you say, moving to grab a condom from your bedside table.
“How are we gonna,” he says gesturing to your bed.
“I know it’s not as good as your king bed. Actually it’s garbage compared to your bed but it’s all that’ll fit in this fucking room,” you say, pushing him down on your twin bed.
You straddle his hips, grinding down on his hard cock as he plays with your tits, sucking and marking them as much as he can.
You hurriedly slip the condom onto his cock and sit on his cock, his teeth gliding against your nipple as you do.
“Fuck, Tom,” you whine as his hands grip your ass, encouraging you to move.
“Come on, not much time,” he says as you start to bounce on his lap.
“Fuck,” you groan, your fingers digging into his shoulders as you move quicker.
“That’s what we’re doing.”
“Shhh,” you whimper, a finger moving to your clit, rubbing it eagerly. He kisses you hard, his lips telling you something without words.
You didn’t want to admit it but you were so excited he was here, if you had to sext one more time you would lose your mind. And whether you would say it out loud or not, you didn’t really want to sleep with someone else to relieve the tension you felt since that night. Your tongue met his in your mouth, his touches softer tonight than a little bit ago, tender. You both reached your highs pretty quickly and Tom would’ve been embarrassed save for the fact that he’s waited so long for this and the sight of you on top of him, the way your lips felt against his, he was a goner, in every sense of the word.
“Wow,” you say as Tom helps you off of him.
“Missed yer sex,” he laughs, taking the condom off as you start to get dressed.
“I’m very grateful you’re here.”
“I think that Manhattan could hear your box spring.”
“Well now they all know how good I’m getting it.”
“What’re your plans later tonight?”
“Well, was gonna go out to like an early dinner late lunch with Bryce and Adrien. Wait how did you even get a ticket to my graduation?”
“Asked Bryce actually.”
“Yeah? How is Adrien going?”
“That’s his husband right? Not sure,” he says, getting dressed as well.
“Hmm, well we’ll see him there. I’ll be right back gonna run to the bathroom make sure I look presentable.”
“I think you look beautiful.”
“Thanks buddy, but we just fucked so I’d like to make sure it doesn’t look like that at my graduation.”
“Good plan,” he laughs, buttoning his shirt.
You make your way to the bathroom, peeing before brushing through your hair. Your sundress showed off your sleeves and upper back tattoos so you grabbed the sunscreen.
“Lather me up,” you say, handing Tom the sunscreen.
“Aren’t you going to be wearing a gown?”
“Nah, it’s art school, we have the hat things, whatever they’re called, but we just wear those and call it a day.”
Tom shrugs, pulling you down onto his lap, he leaves gentle kisses along your tattoos before applying the sunscreen to it, rubbing it into your skin.
“Ready to go?” You ask, about to move from your position on his lap.
He shakes his head and you frown, tilting your head curiously, “wha-,”
He kisses you, hands cupping your face, thumb rubbing your cheek. You swipe your tongue across his lips but he pulls back, “nuh uh.”
“Lily is going to kill us, let’s go, I’ve got a special lady to cheer on.”
“Oh? Special?”
He nods as you reluctantly get off his lap, “she’s pretty great, I’ll have to introduce her to ya eventually.”
“Eventually,” you nod, pulling him out of your room. You grab your purse and your grad cap from the kitchen counter.
“Y/N, Y/L/N,” the dean of the college says and you grin as you walk on stage, shaking his hand and taking your diploma. The crowd is cheering and you definitely couldn’t seen Bryce, Tom or Adrien in it but you knew they were there. Cheering you on, somewhere.
The ceremony ended a little while after all the names were called and you all threw up your grad caps in the air, you felt cheesy doing it but here you were, a wide smile on your face as you tossed it up in the air with the rest of your class.
“So Tom, you’ve been acting since you were little?” Bryce asks as you all sit at the booth of a small diner near Tattoo Dice, the same shop you and Bryce got coffee at a little bit ago.
“Yes,” he nods, hand resting on your thigh.
“What’s your favorite thing you’ve ever acted in?” Adrien asks.
“I know people probably expect me to say the MCU and Spiderman but I quite enjoyed doing Billy Elliot when I was younger.”
“Would you ever do musical theater again? Or theater? Or will you stick to the big screen?”
“You know, I really loved theater, so who knows maybe I’ll make a musical theater revival. I’d haveta work on my voice first but yeah, maybe.”
“And your new movie comes out soon right? The new Spiderman?” Bryce asks.
“Yep, I start the press tour in like a week? Just about.”
“So you travel a lot?”
“Okay, let’s cool it with the 20 questions,” you laugh, “let’s not scare him away.”
“Oh I don’t scare easily,” Tom smiles, his thumb rubbing soothing circles into your thigh.
This was the first time any of your hooks up or, you didn’t want to say this and jinx it, any of your boyfriends met Bryce and Adrien, the closest you’d ever come to actual parents.
Maybe Tom knew you were nervous, hell everything about you gave it away. Your leg was bouncing up and down, his hand didn’t stop your leg from moving, just rested it there, which was comforting.
“So, you own the shop is that right?” Tom asks, “and Adrien, you’re the shop’s piercer?”
“Yep, opened Tattoo Dice 19 years ago.”
“And Y/N will be, what’s it called, she’ll learn how to tattoo from you?”
“Yeah, she’ll be my apprentice, she’s going to get started on synthetic skin first, so she gets the feel of the tattoo needle, then she’ll learn basic health and safety of tattooing, stuff she’s already learned since she’s gotten so many tattoos and is the front desk attendant but she’ll get certified officially while apprenticing.”
“So it’s a lot of work huh?”
“She’ll be working hard but that’s what she’s always done so I’m not worried.”
“You’re too kind Bryce,” you say, blushing a little.
“I’ve got no doubt you’ll be fantastic,” Tom says, kissing your cheek.
“So, we start my training tomorrow?” You ask as the four of you stand outside the coffee shop. Tom had got you both a taxi back to your place, Bryce and Adrien would head back to their apartment above the shop.
“Actually, why don’t we start next Monday?”
“Monday? What will I do until then?”
“Relax? Have a little break? You’ve trained the person taking your place, you can still work your evening shifts if you want, but you don’t have to.”
“Gotta pay rent so yeah I think I’ll work this week.”
“Don’t be afraid to take some time off, relax, you deserve it.”
“I will, promise.” “Alright, there’s your taxi, get lost, and congrats kid,” Bryce says, pulling you into a hug. You relax in his arms, and laugh as Adrien hugs the both of you.
“Okay, okay, relax, rest, get lost,” you say, pushing out of their hug.
“Congrats,” Adrien says as you slip into the taxi with Tom.
“Congrats grad,” Tom says, lips gently kissing right below your ear.
“Cheeseball,” you say, his fingers intertwining with your own.  
“That does not sound tasty.”
“No it really doesn’t,” you laugh.
The ride back to your apartment was quiet, save for a few comments from Tom about the other driver’s here, how terrifying they all were, with little care for pedestrians or other cars.
“Guess that’s what it’s like in New York,” you shrug as Tom pays the taxi driver.
“So, nightcap?” He asks as you bring him up to your apartment.
“It’s like 6pm it’s way too early for a nightcap,” you laugh, “but I can, I can think of other things we can do to occupy our time.”
“Oh yeah? What did ya have in mind princess?” he asks, his mouth ghosting over your neck.
“Why don’t we go to my room and find out?”
“Your friend isn’t home?”
“Nah her and Lexi will be with their families and then at Lexi’s place, we’ve got a whole 500 square feet to ourselves.”
“You don’t even have a living room.”
“Hey, I’ve got a twin bed and a balcony that’s all I’ll ever need.”
“Whatever you say,” he sighs.
“Come here,” you say, pulling him close, lips meeting his.
You stumble back towards your room, fumbling with the door as Tom’s hands glide under your dress, gripping your ass.
“Missed your hands,” you say as he slaps your ass, your dress bunched at your waist as he pushes you down onto your bed.
You pull your dress over your head as you move up your bed, watching as Tom gets undressed.
You start to take off your bra but he stops you, hand wrapping around your wrist.
“Lemme undress you baby,” he says, straddling your hips and kissing up your stomach. He kisses the tops of your breasts before making his way back to your lips, leaving as many marks as he can on the way up.
“Tom, fuck,” you groan as his hands move to unclip your bra, tossing it to the side.
“Lemme make ya feel good princess,” he says before taking a nipple into his mouth, eyes watching your face contort in pleasure as his fingers play with the other one before switching sides. His hips grind down against yours and you so desperately wanted to get his underwear off, so you could feel him but you decided to be patient, decided it would be worth the wait.
He makes his way back down your body, fingers tugging down your panties, “practically dripping for me, you excited to see me or something?”
“As if you aren’t,” you huff, growing impatient as he breathes against you, so close to where you want him.
“Be patient for me, okay? Almost there,” he says, before kneeling on the floor in front of the bed, tugging you down so your legs are propped up on his shoulders.
You immediately moan at the sensation of his tongue against your clit, slowly lapping at it before moving to your entrance, licking through your folds.
“Fuck come on,” you groan, hands flying to his hair.
“Tug away baby, won’t give you what you want until you’re patient for me.”
You whine, hands tugging at him, frustrated, you lay your head against your bed and let him tease you.
He grins against you and you feel his finger push inside you, tongue making gentle strokes against your clit.
“Good girl,” he says, another finger pushing into you, he starts to pick up the pace, fucking you with his fingers in earnest.
“Fuck come on Tom, make me come,” you say, the knot in your stomach forming way too quickly.
His lips wrap around your clit, sucking gently while fucking into you harder.
His teeth graze your clit and you come with a cry of his name, pulsing against him. His fingers slip out of you as he kisses your thighs, dropping them to the side of his shoulders.
“Missed you,” he says, kissing his way back up your body.
You’re still horny as fuck, you wanted him to get a move on so you grabbed his shoulders tugging him on top of you, “fuck me, please.”
“It’d be my pleasure,” Tom smiles, kissing you softly, too soft for what you’re about to do.
“Come on,” you say, reaching for your bedside table grabbing a condom from the drawer.
“Those been sitting there waiting for me?”
“I was getting ready for the end of May, gotta stock up.”
“So smart,” he says, pushing his underwear down his legs and tosses them to the side.
You rip open the condom and help him slide it down his cock, he groans as you jerk him off, kissing down your neck as he hikes your thigh up around his waist.
“Come on, fuck me,” you whimper as his cock rubs against your folds.
“This what you want princess?” He asks, bottoming out, smirking as you cry out his name.
“Let’s go,” you say, your hips moving up to grind against his.
“All yours tonight princess,” he says, one hand holding himself up while the other cups your face, kissing you as he begins to move.
Tonight wasn’t any less pleasurable than the night a few weeks ago, although the way he made you feel was very different.
He wasn’t any gentler with his thrusts, but his movement was more deliberate, more meaningful.
“Come on, make me come, baby,” you say, arms wrapped around his neck, playing with the curls at the nape of his neck.
“Gotcha princess,” he says, hand moving between the two of you to rub your clit, pushing you closer to the edge.
“Yes, fuck, make me come around your cock, please,” you whine and his lips capture yours, swallowing your moans as you come.
His thrusts get faster and sloppier, your legs wrapped around his waist.
“Feel so, feel so fucking good,” he says, voice deeper.
“Come for me, please, wanna feel you Tommy,” you whine and he groans, face tucked into your neck as he comes, hips slowing to a stop.
“Wow,” you laugh as he pulls out of you, sitting up and taking the condom off.
“Still good?”
“Don’t know how long I’ve been waiting for that.”
“Hmmm, three weeks? Give or take?” He asks, sticking his tongue out at you.
“Shut up,” you laugh, sitting up and kissing him. Something about the way he kissed you, it wasn’t needy like he would never see you again, but just his lips, soft and warm and against yours.
“Needa smoke, hop off me Holland,” you say against his lips and he nods, getting off the bed.
You open your closet grabbing two t-shirts and slipping one over your head, tossing the other one at Tom.
“The view from the balcony is really pretty, I’ll be right back,” you say, kissing his cheek before grabbing your panties.
You wink at him before going to the bathroom, peeing and splashing some water on your face. When you go back to your room you grab your smokes and lighter from your bedside table. You watch Tom lean against your small balcony railing, feet crossed and head tilted towards the sunset.
You grab sleep shorts and pull them up before stepping onto the balcony.
“Hey handsome,” you say, arms wrapping around his waist from behind, kissing his neck.
“Hey to you too,” he says, relaxing into your arms.
“Told ya the view is pretty,” you say, face tucked into his neck.
You feel Tom pause, unsure of his next words.
“My favorite is when it’s late out, not all the lights are off, obviously, it’s New York, but when most of them are off, past midnight usually, you can see all the stars in the sky.”
“We should do that,” he mumbles, hands resting over yours.
“Good idea,” you nod, unwrapping your arms and slipping next to him.
He watches as your black acrylics tap against the railing, one hand fiddling with your pack of cigarettes and lighter.
“What is it?”
“I should quit these things.”
“I mean, I’m not going to tell you no, but if that’s what you want, that’s what you should do.”
“Maybe I’ll get that juul or the gum or patch or whatever, cigarettes cost so fucking much anyways, gotta cut costs somewhere and I’d rather not live off of ramen and popcorn for the next few months.”
“Up to you,” he says, watching you get a cigarette and hold up your lighter.
“Tomorrow, tomorrow’s another day, I’ll finish off the rest of my cigarettes and then I’ll stop.”
Tom raises his eyebrows at you and you shake your head, “I’m not every other smoker who says they’ll quit tomorrow and then tomorrow becomes the next day and the next day and so on, never said I was gonna quit before. But I think, I don’t know, it’s stupid really.”
“No, go ahead, what is it?”
“I feel like I’m opening a new chapter, art school is done, I’m gonna be a tattoo artist soon, hopefully, and-,”
“And you’ve got me.”
“Hmmm?” you ask, turning towards him.
“I mean, if you want, I just, I figured, I’d like to be a part of this new chapter of your life.”
“Sorry, I- if you don’t wanna, I can do, it’s,”
“Will you, fuck, this is so dumb, do you want to be my boyfriend?”
“I uh, sort of already assumed we were, you know, an item. So yes. I’ll be your boyfriend.”
Before you realize what you’re doing you’re hugging him, arms tight around his neck, body as close as you could be to him in this moment. His arms wrap around your back almost immediately after you hug him. You stay in each other’s arms, just breathing, for some amount of time, time with Tom felt all too quick but drawn out at the same time. But you also really needed to smoke. You pulled away from him and pull out a cigarette.  
“Let me,” He says, nodding towards the lighter in your hand.
You quirk your eyebrow at him, handing it over. He attempts to flick the lighter on a few times, biting his lip in concentration.
You put your thumb over his, showing him how to pull the safety tab down to spark the lighter.
The two of you stare at the small flame of your lighter between you, illuminating each of his freckles and each of your tattoos as the sun sets over the balcony.
“Here,” he says as you slip the cigarette between your lips. He holds the lighter to it and you nod when it’s lit, taking a drag before turning away from Tom and blowing the smoke out of your lungs.
“I had to smoke cigars, for a movie once, but I wasn’t very good at it.”
“Not something you want to be good at,” you laugh.
His hands wrap around your waist from behind, chin resting on your shoulder as you finish your cigarette.  
“What do ya wanna do tomorrow?”
“Hmm, you don’t have somewhere to run off to? Your press thingy, what’s it called? In Mexico?”
“That’s next week, I uhm I’ve got my hotel for the week. We can go there if you want. It’ll be like a staycation for you.”
“Stay here tonight.”
“Stay at my place, tonight, there’s a little breakfast place I want to take you to, about a block from here. Only if you wanna.”
“Of course I wanna girlfriend.”
“Oh my god shut up,” you laugh, finishing your cigarette.
“Okay, can I call you princess?” He says, lips pressing against your neck.
“Of course,” you say, “call me something else too,” you grind back against him.
“Oh yeah?”
“Come inside,” you say, putting your cigarette out in the ashtray as Tom kisses down the back of your neck.
He pulls you back in, closing the balcony door. You drop your lighter and cigarettes on the bedside table.
His hands are quick to tug your shirt over your head, planting kisses down your chest, smirking at the marks he left earlier.
“Gonna be a good slut for me and suck my cock?” He asks, hand cupping your pussy.
“Please,” you groan as his palm gently rubs against your clothed clit.
He guides you to your knees, one hand firm on your shoulder while the other tugs off his shirt.
His hands pull your hair out of your face as you push down his underwear, hand wrapping around his cock.
“Go ahead, be a good slutty princess for me,” he says, not pushing your head down but just watching as you wrap your lips around the head of his cock.
You gently lick up and down his cock, before starting to bob your head, his hips start to move against you and you can’t tell if it’s deliberate or not but you moan when you choke around him, breathing deeply through your nose.
“Look so pretty down on your knees for me, gonna make me come like a good girl?”
You moan again, feeling him twitch in your mouth as you still, letting his hips do all the work.
“Such a good slut for me, fuck, gonna come in your mouth princess,” he groans, hips stilling with your lips wrapped around the head of his cock.
He comes with a groan of your name followed by princess, and you couldn’t help but smile as he helped you up. You fucking loved that nickname.
“Your turn,” he grins as you pull your panties down and off your legs, “do ya, do you still have mine from- from,” you try to finish your question but he’s pushing you down on the bed, one hand wrapping around your wrists and pinned them to the bed, the other running up and down your side.
“God princess I used those to jerk off so many times, had to wash them eventually, still kinda smell like you, I’ll need a new pair when I leave this week.”
“Don’t think that’ll be a problem,” you giggle as he leaves butterfly kisses against your cheek.
“What are you, what are you doing?” you laugh.
“Kissing you, duh,” he says, before his lips meet your hot skin.
“Go on, eat me out baby, please,” you whine, hips moving to meet his own.
“I’m going princess, relax for me okay?” he asks, hand leaving your wrists, which you keep above your head.
He makes his way down your body, kissing as his hands spread your legs wide, he situates himself between them, kissing along your thighs as his fingers slip into your pussy.
“Fuck Tom,” you groan. He quickly brings his lips to your entrance, licking and kissing and just making you feel everything. He brings you to orgasm with his lips wrapped around your clit and three fingers pressing against your sweet spot.
“Taste so good princess,” he says, fingers still moving slowly inside of you as he makes his way up to your face, kissing up. You moaned at the taste of yourself on his lips, arms wrapping around his neck.
“I would love to shower with you but my shower is lucky to fit one person, the mere idea of two people in this shower will break it,” you laugh as Tom brushes his teeth.
“Fine, guess I’ll just haveta watch you shower.”
“Okay perv,” you joke as you wait for the water to warm up.
He’s wearing the t-shirt you gave him earlier, he’s small enough that it fits well, the only part that stretches is the sleeves, his biceps bigger than your own.
Once you showered you dried your hair, about to walk back to your room with the towel wrapped around you.
“You don’t wanna watch me shower?”
“No you weirdo,” you laugh and you hear him laugh in return, stepping into the shower.
You sit on your bed, drying your hair as best you can. You tried to think about how this all came to be. When all you wanted was to hook up with someone during your trip to London. You never, ever would have expected this, not in a million years.
“Whatcha thinking about?” he asks from your door and you almost jump off your bed, heart racing.
“Shit, how long’ve you been standing there?” “Just got outta the shower, not as fun as if we were in there together, gonna haveta try that at my hotel.”
“I’d like that,” you say, “come here, help me put lotion on my tattoos.”
“Lotion. Gotta moisturize them so they still look good in 50 years.”
“Didn’t know that.”
“Well of course you wouldn’t.”
“Actually,” he starts, pulling you up to stand with him.
“What?” you laugh as he sits down in your place, tugging your towel off and sitting you down between his legs, your back to his chest.
“I’ve got a tattoo.”
“What?! Where?” you ask, turning your head to look for a tattoo somewhere that for some reason you didn’t notice before.
“Don’t laugh.”
“Why would I laugh? I wanna see it!”
“Here,” he says, his leg moving to rest on top of yours as he points to the bottom of his foot.
“You- you got a, what is that, is that a spider?! On the bottom of your foot?” You’re trying your best not to laugh.
“Told ya you’d laugh, yes, I’ve got a spider, had to get it done over twice, it hurt like a bitch.”
“Why would you, why,” you start before giggling.
“Hush and let me lotion you up,” he says, dropping his leg.
“Why the bottom of your foot? That’s like such a bad place for a tattoo, it’ll never last!”
“Well that’s kinda why, and because I’m an actor. Don’t want tattoos to get in the way of my work.”
“What- other actors have tattoos. But you’re very brave for getting the bottom of your foot tattooed, that must be painful.”
“You’d never get the bottom of your foot tattooed?”
“Fuck no, you kidding? No thank you, that’s a no zone for me.”
“Mhm,” he hums as his hands rub the lotion into the skin of your upper back and arms, taking his time to catch every part of each of your tattoos.
“Making me sleepy,” you say as his hands move to massage your shoulders. “Then let’s sleep,” he says, kissing your cheek.
“Gotta get dressed,” you mumble.
“Meh, it’s hot in here, we can sleep naked.”
“How’re we gonna fit here again?”
“Here,” Tom says, pushing your comforter and sheets down, moving the two of you so he’s laying on his back and you’re on your side, practically on top of him.
“This is comfortable for you?” you ask, hand resting on his chest.
“Mhm, you good?”
“Very comfy,” you say, yawning as his hand runs up and down your arm.
“Goodnight princess.”
“Night baby,” you say as sleep overtakes you.
“So, you do this a lot?” He asks as you curl up at his side on the bench in Central Park.
“Only when I’ve got free time and it’s nice out, it’s the perfect day for it,” you say, opening your sketchpad to a new page.
“And you just find someone to draw?”
“Normally I draw some of the people who live here, sometimes people sitting on benches around us, like to people watch, ever done it?”
“I’m sorry, people watch?”
“Yeah, sit somewhere and just observe people in their natural habitat, it’s fascinating.”
“Whatever you say,” he laughs, arm around your shoulder.
“It’ll be worth it, promise.” “I don’t doubt that,” he nods as you look around.
There’s a man who was sleeping peacefully on the bench across from you and you glance over his features, your pencil starting to sketch on the page.
“Yep, I think I’ve sketched him before, he’s normally running around everywhere, asking people for hugs, so I only got a quick sketch of his face, but this’ll be perfect,” you say, drawing out the bench.
You can feel Tom’s eyes on your sketchbook as you draw and if it were anyone else you’d be uncomfortable, not wanting them to see anything but a final product. But with him it was different. You were okay with showing him bits and pieces of your life you kept hidden.
“If you were to get tattooed by anyone, who would you want to tattoo you?”
“Probably Ryan Ashley.” “Who’s that?”
“Famous tattoo artist, she’s the first female winner of Ink Master, sorta paving the way for female artists in the mainstream. She does these amazing realistic jewelry pieces, always sort of wanted a chest piece, I’ve been saving it on the very rare chance that she’d ever tattoo me,” you ramble as you start to sketch the outline of the man’s body.
“You wouldn’t want to get tattooed by me?” “Are you telling me you’ve tattooed someone before?” You feel him nod against your head and you gasp, “Tom, you’re just full of surprises huh?”
“Yep, tattooed a little spiderman spider on someone’s leg, he let’s celebrities tattoo him all the time.”
“Fucking jealous you’ve gotten the chance to tattoo someone before I have.”
“I can guarantee you’d be a million times better than me.”
“Hope so, I’ve put all my time and effort into working at Tattoo Dice, I hope it pays off, hope that I put art on people’s skin that they appreciate.”
“I believe in you,” he says, eyes watching as people walk past, feeling comforted by the fact that nobody knows he’s here, none of his fans or paparazzi will be looking for him. He can spend time with you in public without worrying about being stopped every few feet for an autograph or a photo.
Someone looked at the both of you as they walked past, eyes pausing on Tom, who was just wearing sunglasses.
“to hide my unruly brow,” he explained when he put them on this morning.
“Is that like your disguise?” you asked him.
“Course, now nobody can tell it’s me.”
“Sure baby,” you shrugged, blushing a little when his hand slipped down to hold your own as you left your apartment.
You felt him tense and you looked up, “What’s wrong?”
The person kept walking. “Nothing, was scared they noticed who I was,” he whispers as you relax back against him, working more on the arms of the man on the bench.
“But you’ve got your sunglasses on, you’re Clark Kent,” you say.
“Wrong universe,” Tom smirks.
“You know what I mean,” you poke his side before concentrating back on the sketch.
It had to be at least an hour when you were satisfied with how it looked, sitting up to brush away some eraser shavings.
“How’s it look?” You ask, looking up at Tom.
“Pretty damn good,” he says, grinning back at you.
The man on the bench wakes up with a start, grumbling to himself. You quickly rip the page off your sketchbook and get up.
“Want me to-,”
“I’m fine,” you tell Tom before moving the few feet to the man’s bench.
“Whaddya want?” He asks, voice rough.
“I uh, I’m an artist. Draw people, and well, here,” you say, awkwardly holding out the sketch of the man to him.
“What the- is this me? This is me! Wow,” the man says and your brows furrow with worry when his eyes start to tear up.
“I’m sorry I didn’t ask permission before drawing you, just looked so peaceful sleeping there and- oh!” You smile as he pulls you into a tight hug.
“This is, this is the best thing I’ve ever seen, I’ll keep it forever, and I mean that,” he says as he let’s you go.
“Well, I’m glad you like it, have a good day,” you smile as he picks up his backpack and shopping cart full of belongings.
“You too dear,” he smiles, wiping a tear from his eyes before walking away, holding the sketch tight to his chest.
You turn back to Tom, sure your face is lit up with a smile.
“You’ve done it yet again princess.”
“Huh?” you ask, sitting down next to him.
“You’re gonna change lives with that art of yours.”
“Sucha dork,” you giggle.
“Cm’ere, miss yer kiss,” he says, kissing you gently as his fingers intertwined with your own.
“Gonna miss you,” you mumble, face tucked into his shoulder as he hugs you.
“Already miss you.”
“Dork,” you giggle.
You were standing outside your apartment waiting for Tom’s taxi to take him to the airport.
“I wanna see the first tattoo you do okay?”
“Obviously, I’ll see if Adrien can video it for me.”
The taxi pulls up and Tom pulls you tighter against him, like he didn’t want to let go. And to be fair, neither did you.
“Okay, go before they charge you extra for making them wait.”
“Alright,” He says, kissing you, it wasn’t a soft sweet kiss, or a desperate I want you kiss. But a this is the last time I’ll see you for a little bit and I’ll miss you kiss. And honestly? You think you loved those kisses the most. You pulled away first.
“Get outta here Holland,” you say and he laughs, tossing his suitcase into the backseat with him. As the taxi drives away his hand presses against the window and he mouths “I’ll miss you.”
Tag list (tagged people who asked for a part two/asked to be tagged): @hcllander @spideyyeet @particularspider @wooowsworld @ruefulposts @screeching-student-unknown @jennypizzaholland @april-14-blog @asphalt-cocktail @rageyoudamnednerd @superherosthings 
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punkscowardschampions · 4 years ago
Jimmy & Janis
Jimmy: [obviously it's actually ages later so she clearly isn't coming back but it's also enough time that we can pretend we're fine and joke about it and that she might not reply until even later cos christmas so we feel safe to just be like nbd lol] Jimmy: *g2g Jimmy: or piss off would've worked an' all Jimmy: far as a christmas classic goes Janis: yeah, they was up Janis: you know how it goes from there Janis: didn't reckon comparing notes was gonna be any more thrilling than living it, yeah? Jimmy: 👍 Jimmy: [a picture of Bobby timestamped to show how early he actually was up like yep] Janis: Ouch Janis: how buzzing was he then Janis: 😀 😃 😄 😁 😆 😅 😂 🤣 scale Jimmy: off it Janis: 👍 Jimmy: Where was his best mate on the scale? Janis: pretty solid and manic 😆 Janis: bit of a wobble when she had to eat her lunch and stop playing with all the shit she got Janis: but what's 😂 without some 😭 Jimmy: #same obvs Jimmy: might just be Ian's cooking making me 😭 though Janis: I'll let her know Janis: feel well reassured and #seen Janis: Sharon didn't show? Jimmy: I know, mate we're all 💔 by her empty chair Jimmy: my mum neither, funnily enough Jimmy: pisstaking lack of miracles about Janis: We did see Jesus and Santa out on it so Janis: lads aren't on top form Jimmy: if he hadn't drank the 🥛 she might've appeared, needing a bit for her ☕ Jimmy: SUCH a selfish dickhead Janis: spin the trope on it's head Janis: clever Janis: could've been picking up more 🚬 too Jimmy: she left them behind, as NYE resolutions go 🚭 is a bit cliche but Jimmy: you crack on, Debbie Janis: far as parting gifts go Janis: so so at best Jimmy: Dunno I were chuffed with it Janis: of course, birth of 😎 boy Jimmy: weren't like I could follow in her footsteps out the door Jimmy: piss poor #originstory that Jimmy: have to fake it Janis: #relatable Jimmy: Duh Jimmy: when ain't we on the same page? Janis: have to 🤞 they'd never put this shit to paper Janis: poorly written fanfic and a netflix original that tanks, fine Jimmy: what could be more #goals? Jimmy: ✔✔ Janis: nothing, obviously Jimmy: 🖋🩸 it is then Janis: can sell my soul no problem Janis: good luck cashing that one in boys Jimmy: me an' all Jimmy: any organs going Jimmy: won't be doing receipts, goes without saying Janis: careful how you word that one Janis: get a bit #metoo Jimmy: open to a bit of castration, since you asked Janis: Christmas does remind you of why not to have kids, right Jimmy: if nowt else Jimmy: can't all be Libis 💔 Janis: if you wanna chat to her form an orderly queue behind your brother, like Jimmy: 🎻🎻 Jimmy: 2nd choice AGAIN Janis: who else put you 🥈? Jimmy: who HASN'T, babes 😭😭😭 Janis: oh, always the bridesmaid Janis: very you Jimmy: bit weird in this context, don't reckon we can marry off kids or spread about that I wanna wife up Libi so I were avoiding it but Janis: if the baby pink/lilac dress fits darling Jimmy: baby pink like my 😳 OBVS Jimmy: can't have a clash Janis: bad enough you're the oldest and fattest, christ Jimmy: way to drag me by my unflattering weave, hun Janis: Hate for you to make a show of yourself Janis: say these things for your own good 😘 Jimmy: tah Jimmy: I get waiting til your nan is more pissed but don't forget to secure my child bride for tomorrow 😘 Janis: They said yes already Janis: leaving out your intentions, obviously Janis: not that keen to get rid of her Jimmy: we're all chuffed she ain't gotta go in the boot Janis: radio and sweets should suffice in shutting her up Janis: for a bit, anyway Janis: no miracles occurring here either Jimmy: again #same Jimmy: so much in common, me and her Janis: sorry but no one is gonna ship this one Jimmy: PROPERLY starcrossed, what a dream Jimmy: off you fuck, tah Janis: rude Janis: and you won't be able to kidnap her without my help so at least keep me on side 'til then, moron Jimmy: challenge accepted Jimmy: know where she lives and how to shut her up so Janis: yeah, but you don't know how to call off her KILLER dog Janis: checkmate, asswipe Jimmy: I'll have a google, be alright Janis: get your face ripped off, please Janis: get rid of the need for any of this Jimmy: SO romantic, you Jimmy: I'll miss you Jimmy: but bit rude if you ain't allowed to get married without a face Jimmy: bet the tories sorted that Janis: like fuck Janis: your outside'll just reflect the monster within Janis: easier to 🔎 even for the idiots about this way Janis: she'll get saved in no time and you'll get to be behind bars like you wanna ⛓💘 Jimmy: LITERALLY can't deal with these compliments rn tbh Jimmy: or that happy ending Janis: 💦 comes but once a year Jimmy: get your 🧠💭💕 off 🎅 it's OVER, Jodie Jimmy: he's already forgotten you Janis: he's literally all I've got Janis: fuck you Jimmy: delete your 📞 history and move on Jimmy: you've got the 🎁🎁 lads are good for nowt else Janis: I believe, thanks Janis: unlike you you bitter cow Jimmy: UGH, get a grip, babes Janis: 🤢 this is far too much like talking to actual Gracie Jimmy: won't insist on a 🏆 Jimmy: nowt challenging about doing a decent impression of any of 'em Janis: bit rude you've faked being impressed before now then Jimmy: for me, I'm a well better actor than you, girl Janis: if you reckon that then my job here is done Janis: all the 🏆🏆 for me Jimmy: 🙄 Janis: yeah, that kinda day Jimmy: you gonna turn this one around for me an' all? Janis: is that what you want? Jimmy: isn't that what you want? Janis: if you're saying I reckon I always can, like a saviour complex, then nah Janis: but if you're just asking if I still want to see you, then, yeah Jimmy: if either of us would have a complex like that, it's gotta be me as a white lad, come on Janis: alright Janis: I'll come Jimmy: alright Janis: I know today is shit Janis: we don't need to pretend otherwise Jimmy: didn't reckon we were Janis: yeah Jimmy: ? Janis: It is a stupid question Janis: but aside from the obvious, are you alright? Jimmy: are you? Janis: Yeah, pretty much Janis: so what's wrong? Jimmy: how much of the obvious are we putting aside? Janis: that the kids would be a bit gutted about your mum and the food and craic from your dad would be a bit shit Janis: in a nutshell Janis: so go on Jimmy: I'll live Janis: you don't wanna tell me, do you Jimmy: nowt to tell, it's shit, you already said it Janis: okay Jimmy: if you can believe in 🎅 you can take my word for it Janis: I am Janis: okay means 👌 Jimmy: 👍 Janis: we don't need to have an entire 👌👍 back and forth Janis: I'll 💬 when I'm close and you can keep being alright Jimmy: you started it, mate Jimmy: don't be a spoilsport Janis: go on then Janis: have your fun, it ain't mine Jimmy: 🗨  to me dickhead Janis: talk back to me Jimmy: I am Janis: not properly Janis: it's gone funny again Jimmy: what do you want me to say? Janis: I don't know Janis: just what you want Jimmy: I never said I were any good with words Janis: I'll survive Janis: let's just be Janis: like normal, business as usual Jimmy: I thought you were gonna write business casual, like there's an Ian approved dress code Jimmy: 🤏 gutted Janis: I have forgone the glitter and fur Janis: though I doubt he'd be as buzzing as shit nan, couldn't risk that faux pas again Jimmy: 💔 Jimmy: he'd be chuffed to bits if you were wearing that, no funny business Janis: for the throwback of it all or Jimmy: you're right, loads of people have 👀 the 📷 Jimmy: you CAN'T Janis: if he slid into the gals DMs with the goss you could 🚨 Jimmy: ootd not outfit of the DAYS Jimmy: 👮🚔 Janis: oi, arrest him, not me Janis: you never said you were strictly fashion 👮 Jimmy: fine, if you don't wanna drive off into the sunset with me Jimmy: offering you a getaway car here Janis: the cars with me Jimmy: if Libi's not in the boot I ain't interested, soz Jimmy: you were told Janis: 🙄 Janis: you'll have to wait and see Janis: and be disappointed Jimmy: if you're wearing that pisstake of an outfit again, yeah Janis: I told you I ain't Janis: never again Janis: 🔥 Jimmy: did you? Janis: yeah Janis: [pictures of a jolly xmas fire with that melting all over the shop lmao] Jimmy: bit rude of you not to invite us Janis: I would if I could Janis: there's plenty more to burn Jimmy: 🎄 jumpers for a start Janis: exactly Janis: see if 💀#2 wants to put her diary on Jimmy: we could do it here 🤞 the whole house'd go up Jimmy: have to move then Janis: that would be win win Janis: death or a fresh start Jimmy: not enough drama for Bill but never is Jimmy: can't win with his 👻 Janis: he'd have you picking who to save Janis: always so EXTRA Janis: take a day off, Billy Jimmy: dead easy answer Janis: Sister can save herself, fuck the dog, so the kid? Jimmy: it's obvs you so the 🎭 can go ON and ON and ON 💔🎻😭 and owt else Janis: ugh Janis: my hero Jimmy: Bill makes the rules, babe Jimmy: @ him 👏👏🌹 Janis: lemme think of a sonnet first Janis: got to win him back 'round Jimmy: in a bit then Janis: don't offer to help then Janis: lazy Jimmy: why would I want you in his good books? Janis: what's good for me is good for you Jimmy: you can only have the one 👻 boyfriend at a time Jimmy: it ain't nowt but 👎 for me to get dumped for a more 🥇🎨🖋 🎭 Janis: I've only got the one Janis: ain't nothing but the writer Janis: and his ideas usually get ignored anyway Jimmy: ❌ Jimmy: oh Bill Janis: you don't have to feel bad for him Janis: is trying to steal me Jimmy: can't blame him for having a go Janis: far as  🧛 fake girlfriends go Jimmy: 🥇🏆💪 far as muses go Janis: I wasn't expecting half as many of the pub crawl pics to come out Janis: and that's not sounding surprised again Janis: just that the 🥴😵 wasn't too real Jimmy: you're that dickhead who looks #goals even with the 📸 on Janis: you make me look good Janis: #talent Janis: #skillz Jimmy: it's nowt to do with me Jimmy: you just look Janis: yeah well Janis: we're #goals by default 'cos you're not ugly yourself Janis: half of 'em probably think they're doing charity work or something 🦐🦑 Jimmy: tis the season Jimmy: 💀👑 must be 💔 she can't get back on it Janis: looks great on a CV Janis: but daddy hasn't thought about that Jimmy: 🎻🎻 Janis: kicking himself when he realises she's already too thick for Trinity Janis: God ONLY knows where she'll end up now Jimmy: 🤞 for the north OBVS Janis: 🤔 Janis: Leeds? Janis: I'll float the idea to her Jimmy: fit right in, her Jimmy: no need to ever leave Janis: SO happy for her and her new Northern life Jimmy: chuck you an oscar in a bit Janis: you got me another prezzie? Janis: you shouldn't have 🤗😘 Jimmy: can't help myself Janis: 🎅 energy Jimmy: just wanna be the 🎅 you deserve 💕 Janis: awh, don't make us cry Jimmy: 🚗 or 🏃? Janis: 🚗 Janis: why not Jimmy: alright 🚫😭 Janis: Considerate Janis: all you know I'm already ten sheets to the wind Jimmy: I'd know Janis: alright 👮 Jimmy: give yourself away ages before I got you to do any blowing, pisshead Janis: piss off would I Jimmy: weren't a challenge Janis: didn't say it was Janis: not bringing a bottle, obviously Janis: don't wanna make friends with him do I Jimmy: could've given it to me Janis: if it's a requirement I'll keep driving, dickhead Jimmy: if it were a requirement I'd have said before now Janis: then shh Janis: I might've got you something Jimmy: weird coincidence, that Janis: you did? Janis: almost like it's a holiday or something Jimmy: Dunno, sounds fake to me, that, mate Janis: what did you get me then Jimmy: 🤐 Janis: 😣 Janis: mean Jimmy: come here and open it Janis: if it's your dick in box I'm gonna be a 🤏 unimpressed Jimmy: 🎀 Janis: gift wrapping skills leaving nothing to be desired Janis: got it Jimmy: [a picture of this wrapped gift like how rude look how beautiful it is] Janis: don't be a tease again Janis: I'm already driving fast as I can Jimmy: only be a tease if didn't give it you Jimmy: actually for Libi, soz like Janis: she's had enough Janis: take it even if it's another cuddly toy Jimmy: I ain't giving you no clues Janis: not even if I 🥺 Jimmy: go on Janis: [does but obviously it's very pisstakey] Jimmy: 👏👏🌹 Janis: is that a clue Jimmy: might be Jimmy: might just not fancy you 💀💀💀 from the lack of attention before you get here Janis: very possible Janis: so like me Jimmy: can't take the risk Janis: all the 💪🥇 heroics for you Jimmy: tah Jimmy: nowt to do with being a dickhead who needs you to do owt Janis: 'course not Jimmy: #notallsantas Jimmy: but crack on through the 🌨 to bring me my Jimmy: 🎁 Janis: does this mean I'm an elf Jimmy: you're poor exploited rudolf and I'm your dead keen missus Jimmy: we've switched Janis: 😱 Jimmy: crack on and save me an' all Jimmy: would call this house a prison if I were a dramatic sort of reindeer lass Janis: I doubt you're being treated to such stunning musical numbers whilst you sit and rot though Janis: actually be right there, like Jimmy: you gonna sing for us? Janis: also how you know I'm not that drunk Janis: no karaoke now Jimmy: not even if I 🥺 Janis: 😏 Janis: we'll see Jimmy: [obvs does because always that bitch] Janis: [just assuming your xmas injury is not visible?] Jimmy: [I'm gonna say no so that the bubs won't know when we go to skerries because that's feelsier] Janis: [I vibe] Janis: okay, pretty convincing Jimmy: always sounding so 😱 you Janis: I might've forgotten what you looked like Jimmy: either that's bollocks or what you said a bit ago about my #goals face were Janis: you decide Jimmy: 👌 Janis: maybe I'm just saying it's been ages Jimmy: not denying that Janis: then take the compliment Jimmy: if we're telling each other what to do, shut up and drive Janis: 1. you always try and tell me what to do 2. what do you think I'm doing, you shut up Jimmy: 1. when do I? 2. pissing about Janis: literally constantly, no way I could narrow it down to a few examples Jimmy: convenient, that Janis: well bossy Janis: #bossbabe Jimmy: OI 👏 do 👏 you 👏 wanna 👏 buy 👏 the 👏 shite 👏 off 👏 my 👏 facebook 👏 OR 👏 WHAT? Janis: Honey, you're in a pyramid scheme Janis: and the lipsticks are shit 💁 Jimmy: 💰 on that being what pub crawl Sharon or Karen 💋 me with Jimmy: might've woken up with no face and your #ultimatekinkunlocked Janis: never gonna sell 'em so she may as well get some wear out of 'em Jimmy: #entreprenher Janis: 🤢 Janis: #dirtyoldcow Jimmy: 🐑 or nowt for this lad Jimmy: and she weren't even blonde! Janis: honestly, who does she think she is Janis: walking 'round like she's 👸🏼 Jimmy: *👰🏼 Jimmy: I'm a good catholic boy now 🚫💍🚫💋 Janis: 🤞 you've just made my nan drop down dead somewhere Jimmy: merry christmas, my dear Jimmy: 👍✔⚰ Janis: best present ever 😍😍 Jimmy: 💕 Janis: what did you get anyway Janis: fun was watching everyone struggle to get me anything without hint or direction Jimmy: mine were Ian not bothering to surprise us with 🐱🐭🐹🐰 or 🐢🐍🦎 to go with the 🐕 no dickhead asked for Janis: Such a read of poor Twix Janis: never again Jimmy: the one favour she's done us Janis: * I read 😇 Jimmy: he wants to bring her tomorrow Jimmy: 🤞🚫🐕 allowed Janis: plenty of places we can go that are only fake dog friendly Janis: but likewise, loads we can go where she can as well Jimmy: where do you want to? Janis: where do you wanna Jimmy: that's not an answer Janis: I don't care, s'not about me Jimmy: or me Janis: well we can't just let them decide or fuck knows what hell we'd end up in Jimmy: go on then Jimmy: have a 💭 Janis: you too Janis: or you'll blame me if it's crap Jimmy: don't sound like me, that Jimmy: but alright Janis: 😒 is permanent I know Jimmy: while I've still got a face any road Janis: we'll see how far the chemical burn can drive your rating down Jimmy: it won't with you, nowt else matters obvs Janis: won't run my rating down, or won't change my # of you? Jimmy: hang on, your rating ain't the same as your #s?! 😱 Janis: oops, I meant scale of #1-#10 Jimmy: don't matter, we're 💕 face or no face Janis: if you wanted sympathy, a well good breakup where I look like a total bitch Janis: and you don't need to fake no terminal illness Jimmy: be a bit rude Janis: could work Janis: though the sympathy sex DMs might get out of control for the gals that can stomach it Jimmy: you're really not convincing me this is even a 🥉 plan Janis: I was just thinking of myself, ngl babes Janis: the only lads who would bother me would be the ones that like mean girls, so at least I could still piss on 💀👑's parade and steal all her victims Jimmy: 👍 Janis: is that a 🤝? Janis: 👍 Jimmy: if it were I'd have said it were Janis: ugh Janis: fine Jimmy: 🙄🙄🙄 Janis: do it whilst you still can Janis: melty face Jimmy: 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄 Janis: oh you Jimmy: highlight of my day, that Janis: I know that's saying fuck all so Jimmy: 🎻🎻'll say it for me Jimmy: should probably 😭 while I can an' all Jimmy: brb Janis: where you going? Janis: I'll be there soon Jimmy: not telling you where I 😭 Janis: 🙄🙄😑 right Janis: carry on Jimmy: I'll dry my eyes before you get here, nowt to worry about Jimmy: back to 😎🚬 business as usual Janis: thank god Janis: not the kind of 'pleased to see me' I'm after Jimmy: 🔧🔨🪓🔪 I know Janis: be well rude if you'd forgot Jimmy: haven't had chance to smack myself round the head with any of 'em yet, you're alright Jimmy: nowt but a dream Janis: don't worry Janis: about to be a reality Jimmy: 🤞😍🤞 Janis: something like that Janis: am I coming in or are you coming outside Jimmy: what kind of question is that? Janis: I dunno Janis: answer it and I'll see Jimmy: why would you wanna come in? Jimmy: the obvs answer to that one is you wouldn't Janis: Yeah, but mission piss off your dad is in full swing, hence I asked Janis: but alright Janis: obviously I'm not pulling up right outside your house in his car so come over park Jimmy: 🏃 Janis: [chilling outside this car not at all looking like you're about to do a drug deal or something] Jimmy: [chuck this 🎁 at her immediately because we're excited and also it's a distraction from how forlorn he clearly is] Janis: [poke and prod and shake it like you can work out what it is] Jimmy: [a look like open it then] Janis: [a look like don't rush me but obviously does and I cannot overstate how actually #SHOOK we'd be like idk what you're gonna say gal] Jimmy: [jimothy just gonna assume you don't like it, thanks for the self doubt Ian] Janis: ['mine's a bit shit now' like it's just a lighter but also you got that engraved we see you] Jimmy: [gesture for that gift like I'll be the judge of that thank you] Jimmy: [we know he's buzzing and is gonna use it immediately] Janis: [handing it over like you're not that bothered but clearly are, lowkey just looking through as much of the book as we can rn] Jimmy: [please do gal because he was joking about 😭 a min ago but he'd actually be emosh af rn cos the greatest gift we have ever received honestly] Janis: [when you don't even have to explain that you had it done before he did it 'cos literally last night and it's Christmas, we're all a bit emosh and overwhelmed now lmao, slayed it too hard] Jimmy: [not putting the lighter away even after his lit both of your 🚬 -which would be a moment ™ rn in each other's grill while overwhelmed af- because we're just gonna keep tracing that engraving with our fingers lowkey forever] Janis: [the amount of times we keep going to say something, like, literally no one has ever got us a gift this good, or how much we like it, or literally any of it, but we cannot 'cos it's too much so just standing here dying and smoking] Jimmy: [hard same though, they are both very much in the same boat, but add loads of blinking for him so he don't sob nbd] Janis: [when nothing is safe rn, can't speak, can't make out, just like !!! so hard, do a feelsy lean like you okay 'cos can't verbalise so] Jimmy: [obvs gonna do a feelsy lean back which hopefully won't hurt you too much boy because idk how we're hurting you this time] Janis: [yeah just let me know when it would be obvious 'cos not oblivious but don't wanna act like she's psychic and just gonna know immediately lol] Jimmy: [can you remember what injury I did when ice bath because I remember that but not what was fucking him up at the time] Janis: [it was just general body shots/potential for a broken rib moment, I think?] Jimmy: [that sounds accurate because nhs direct were like 🚭 so of course I did] Janis: [it just makes sense for where you would hit someone if you weren't going for a face moment, so potential you might of flinched then, I guess, so we're ? and out of our feels like what was that] Jimmy: [yeah like we're hiding the fact it hurts every time we breathe in so we don't have to forfeit the 🚬 and shit on your gift giving but the feelsy lean is our undoing, literally could've just not done it boy but we know you had to] Janis: [like honestly well done for getting that far it's only 'cos it was so dramatically emotional, the lowkey speed we're putting together what Bobby said, the obvious fact you were driving Ian's stolen car, like okay, so at least we don't have to ask the question, just gently holding his face 'cos can't even hug him or anything 'can I see?' like lemme assess the damage] Jimmy: [at least you would have a bit of time left to downplay how bad it is by looking at her like I'm fine before the bruises expose you because hasn't been long enough for them to fully be !!!!] Janis: [a look like, so show me then, but not as cunty as that sounds lmao] Jimmy: [I look around at the weather like do you want me to freeze to death because I love that we're communicating in looks still lol] Janis: [turning around like oh look, a car] Jimmy: [go sit in it because the weather isn't just an excuse clearly if you're gonna get snowed in tomorrow] Janis: [turn that heating on gal 'bit rude you weren't gonna seduce me' but your tone making it obvs you don't reckon you're gonna succeed at lightening the mood rn but you're alright with not making him talk about it too] Jimmy: ['bit rude of you to reckon I weren't' and a look around like is this not the perfect place to seduce you in because we will downplay this situation until the day we die so it's all nbd and we're SO FINE] Janis: [likewise looks around and shrugs 'suppose it's no less romantic than the park' and then looks out at said park and just chills in the silence for a bit] Jimmy: [we're looking too cos the mems and then eventually we're like 'come here then' as if we're gonna just hook up in this car as standard, sir your injuries] Janis: [does not] Jimmy: [nudges her like excuse you but you know that's gonna make you flinch if the feelsy lean did so then we're just annoyed for letting that happen again] Janis: [sighs, 'never promised I was gonna kill you today' like simply not in this state, and then is looking around again for something, before taking off our hoodie and getting out to assemble this snow pack] Jimmy: [OTT fake sigh to hide how big our genuine sigh would have been as if she doesn't know and then we're just watching her do this like ? before it becomes obvious what she's doing 'got loads of frozen sprouts at ours' because who in his fam would wanna eat them but we're not stopping her because we're hiding this from Bobby at least even if Cass knows] Janis: [just giving this to him like put it where you need it most 'you could go lay in it but you nah'd that idea before we even started' again, gentle pisstaking rn] Jimmy: [does obvs so you're gonna see anyway gal 'no I never, you never said that were your plan' likewise with our gentle pisstaking as if this is a normal day] Janis: [gestures like be my guest 'not a requirement I've gotta be on top of you' but we're looking the best we can without dramatically examining him right now and we're not happy with what we seeing, obviously] Jimmy: ['weren't a requirement for me to get my tits out either but that's what you were after a bit ago' as if she was asking him to flash her instead of trying to investigate whether he's alright or not, I lol] Janis: [IRL 🙄 at you boy 'you gonna try and tell me you're not that sort of girl now'] Jimmy: [crosses himself in the most pisstakey manner cos he's still him, however much pain he's in] Janis: [lols 'great, fake waiting 'til fake marriage now'] Jimmy: [is like 🤫 but way hotter than that emoji is obviously and then kissing her as if it's their secret] Janis: [the casual restraint we must show so it doesn't end up going too heavy here, but still, you can kiss as his face isn't injured rn, points to the heavens like, he's always watching babe] Jimmy: [a look up to said heavens like we're so #into that idea of a pervy voyeuristic god] Janis: [😏 'all about the #fans, you'] Jimmy: [shakes his head like a nerd 'don't sound like me'] Janis: [noise like hmm okay hun, after a little more silence, 'where were the kids?' we mean when Ian beat him up but up to you if he follows this train of thought] Jimmy: [shaking his head again before he can stop himself but obvs this time seriously like they didn't see anything because he does know what she means and my vibe is that whenever this happened Cass would've kept Bobby busy when the arguing started but because jimothy isn't ready to get into this whole story even though she's already worked it out he's gonna pretend he doesn't know what she's going on about and that was simply a confused headshake 'what?'] Janis: ['where are the kids now, like?' like what they up to, how'd you sneak out vibes, not 'cos you wanna pretend that's what you said all along but you understood if nothing else that he heard you and he doesn't wanna talk about however he understood what you said so we changing the subject] Jimmy: [nods in the direction of his house literally over the road 'can probably see 'em pissing about with all the shit he's bought from here' because we know that's the only parenting Ian does honey] Janis: [nods because we understand this type of parenting too, even if that isn't actually all that ruster do but you know 'gonna take weeks to get rid of all the fucking wrapping paper at ours'] Jimmy: [flicks his lighter she got him on and off 'you'll have a right laugh doing that' because we know she loves the one we gave her too] Janis: ['another good idea' and going to switch out his snow pack 'is it helping a bit?'] Jimmy: ['full of 'em, me' because we can't even with people taking care of us because when does that ever happen but it is helping so we've gotta add 'but you do alright yourself an' all'] Janis: [shrugs like it's the literal least we can do 'cos we think other people would probably have something to say or whatever rn and we don't 'you had any painkillers yet?'] Jimmy: [mimes drinking but that's clearly a pisstake because you'd know if he was drunk rn and is about to say something but actually does 🥱 because hasn't had any sleep which would hurt so thank god for this snow actually working so it's bearable] Janis: [back at it with this snow pack like we're anticipating that, before rummaging round in this car looking for some pills, gonna say there's none, at least he lives more central than you gal, looking at him like hmm 'you should go lay in the back' like get comfy whilst I run to the shops 'shame Helena isn't actually a dealer, though'] Jimmy: ['bit weird if you drove all this way to watch me sleep, Joanne' but does go to get comfy because why not tbh but because he's him he's pulling her along with him like I only will if you come and lie with me 'or in the boot' imagine if she just popped up like hey LOL] Janis: ['what are you gonna do about it?' said like a usual challenge but it simply is not, speaking of the boot reaching over now she's also in the back for the obligatory random coats and picnic blankets etc so she can cover him up so he doesn't get cold whilst having to be covered in snow as well, just tucking him in and shaking our head like oh you 'so soz I didn't kidnap any bitch for you and tie her up back there'] Jimmy: [tries to start a playfight but we simply can't so we're grumpy and forlorn but we're pretending we're gutted about the lack of kidnap only and making it OTT and fake as per 'you'll have to do' and acting like we're gonna tie her up with something but snuggling into her because we are buzzing she's here in these shit times] Janis: [just snuggling for a while, trying to make him as comfortable as possible all things considered 'I've got to get some pain relief in you before you crash' and dramatically tearing yourself away like you won't be 10 minutes or so] Jimmy: [checking his imaginary watch like no no I don't have time to crash it's alright because you simply don't want her to go even though she's literally gonna be 10 minutes lol] Janis: [pouting unintentionally 'cos likewise don't really wanna leave him like you could take the car but don't wanna drive it all over this town unnecessarily like they run license plate checks often enough to not be silly with it 'I'll get drink too, if I can, if you want' like every little helps] Jimmy: [gotta just run his thumb over that pouty lip like that's not the most distracting thing ever because if we say something we'll just be like DON'T GO!! too dramatically to even pretend is fake so we can't even talk, so soz that he can't answer a question ever at the best of times but managing to get out 'if you want' as if she's the one who needs it oh jimothy] Janis: [testing you so hard right now soz gal, 'it'll keep us warm' because you have to be at least slightly suggestive back before running] Jimmy: speaking of kidnap, my sister's coming tomorrow an' all Jimmy: can chuck the 🐕 at her soon as it starts doing our heads in Janis: 👍 Janis: we won't have to do something completely 4-6 shit then and we can blame it on her on the sly Janis: sorted Jimmy: Dunno what or where they'll all be bothered about Janis: well I have been 🤔 like you said Jimmy: go on Jimmy: what's your 🥇💡? Janis: we can kick it cliche and go to the beach Janis: but not here Janis: nan and granda got a caravan in Skerries and Libi would love showing you and Bobby around no doubt Jimmy: *#goals Jimmy: if Libi's 😁 our kid will be Janis: awh Janis: thank god they don't go to our school Janis: too much competition Jimmy: he's been going on about her all day Jimmy: don't even need #s Janis: had to wrestle my phone off her 'cos she was trying to call him midway through lunch to see if he had to eat carrots too Jimmy: the answer's he don't have to eat owt he don't want, she'd have been 💔 Jimmy: just tells Ian he's allergic to whatever it is if he starts Jimmy: he'd be well good at fake dating, oscar's in the bag Janis: honestly, coming for your job at CG next Janis: when he can reach the counter Jimmy: he can have that, they've been on at me to work tomorrow Janis: seriously Janis: who needs overpriced caffeine that badly boxing day Jimmy: what dickhead needs it any day? Janis: true Janis: but especially now Jimmy: Pete needs the 💰💰 for new 🎸 strings or some bollocks, I've told him to crack on Jimmy: 😘 Janis: he'll remember you when he's made it big Jimmy: 🤞 he'll write a song about me Jimmy: you can sing it Janis: that's cruel and unusual punishment Janis: obviously want a song written about me, not to sing about you 💔 Jimmy: you'll have to earn yours an' all Jimmy: he's no slag Janis: it is easy though Jimmy: to write a song or inspire one? Janis: to inspire one Janis: even without shifts to swap Jimmy: inspire me then Jimmy: might 🖋 you one Janis: right now I'm a bit busy getting you drugs and alcohol Jimmy: 🥇 or nowt baby Jimmy: what are you gonna do let 💊 🥃 inspire me instead? Janis: Can you even write? Janis: I'll know if you cheat and let Bill's 👻 do it for you Jimmy: even the thickest northerner would know if Bill's 👻 had a go Jimmy: all his thees and thous Janis: that's how they talk in the countryside though Janis: I've been forced to read Wuthering Heights, tah Jimmy: bit rude you ain't written me a sonnet, living out there in the middle of nowt with all them fit 🐑 all about to act as a muse for you Janis: if it don't fit on a lighter, how am I gonna get you to see it? Jimmy: carve it into my 😎 Janis: a good idea 'til you're legally blind and I've got to train the dog more than sit and stay Jimmy: if anyone could though, mate Jimmy: obvs you Jimmy: train it to walk us into traffic and that's another job done Janis: nah Janis: shit way to die Janis: where's the fun in it for me? Jimmy: never said there were, it were you saying you were busy Janis: come on Janis: never too busy for you, darling Jimmy: walked into that like I were blind Janis: you are sleepy Janis: won't be too disappointed in you Jimmy: should've let you meet Ian, that's step mum talk if I've ever heard it Janis: financially ruining him with the divorce is just the tip of the iceberg of shit I'd be more than willing to do Janis: #fakedatethefakeboyfriendsrealdad? Janis: might be the logical next step Jimmy: if that's the tip, can't wait to hear what you're willing to do on the rest of that iceberg Janis: nothing if not dedicated to the cause Jimmy: 😍😍 Janis: I did forget how many places would be shut though Janis: there'll be somewhere Jimmy: It's alright Jimmy: come back Janis: no you need some Jimmy: I'll live Janis: how about at yours Jimmy: 💊 ✔ 🥃✔ Jimmy: not gonna get any 🏆 off Helena or her customers but Janis: yeah but, can you go in Janis: or am I Jimmy: I get it, you wanna crack on with your iceberg strategy Janis: 🛳 Jimmy: I better crack on an' all and paint you before I 🥶🌊 Janis: you better still be under those blankets Jimmy: [a picture like 👀 peeping out from those blankets] Janis: you're adorable Jimmy: come back Janis: okay Janis: but I am gonna make you feel better somehow Jimmy: 😏 Jimmy: knew you couldn't resist me, Jules Janis: never said I could Janis: but you've got to resist me Jimmy: don't challenge me Jimmy: not like that Janis: Sorry Jimmy: 🎻💔😭 Janis: I know, baby Janis: so devastating Jimmy: worst christmas EVER Janis: 🥺 Janis: you would feel differently if you'd picked yourself up a 🐶 Jimmy: that'd be worst christmas ever and ever amen Janis: STOP PRAYING Janis: it's so weird Jimmy: make me Janis: 😈 Jimmy: 🤞 Janis: [show back up, lowkey grumpy you forgot it was Christmas day but we're happy to see him, checking he's comfortable and probably doing the snow pack again] Jimmy: [snuggle her because she must be cold and that's obvs the only reason okay] Janis: [get yourselves situated lads] Jimmy: [opening his mouth to say a million things like thanks, I missed you, I was only joking it's not the worst christmas ever but we don't know how to say any of them so we're just not] Janis: [putting your finger on his mouth like he said anything at all there 's'alright' like it so isn't for either of you rn but you're trying god bless Jimmy: [hitting her with some intense eye contact like I hope you can read my mind rn because all those things I wanna say are so important] Janis: [at least you can kiss] Jimmy: [you both very much need to, I couldn't be that evil] Janis: [or something is gonna come out here, I can't be held responsible lol] Jimmy: [literally same so shh for a bit please] Janis: [emotions are running hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh and not jus me character bleeding] Jimmy: [they are and that's why it's gonna be so fun that they get snowed in and so heartbreaking when she leaves] Janis: [oh the delicious drama] Jimmy: [speaking of leaving neither of you are gonna wanna go home even more than usual] Janis: [like you barely have to, just to make sure Cass and Bobby are ready and you've got to get Libi gal but yes, still] Jimmy: [damn you kiddos, we know they'd just go now if not for y'all] Janis: [when you can't leave your siblings, so sad, so rude] Jimmy: [literally didn't ask to be parents rn but we are out here becoming a family unit] Janis: [god bless, at least you're all gonna have a good time on this trip] Jimmy: [we'll make sure you do, lads, casual domestic bliss] Janis: [but seriously, is there anything else we dare to say or do rn before making you separate] Jimmy: [we should probably separate you but I don't want to lol] Janis: [at least you can message when you're separated so you'll have to say something and not just snugg] Jimmy: [give her your hoodie or jumper before she goes because she's sacrificed hers for you and you easily can sacrifice one of your layers because you only have to go across the road when you can bring yourself to] Janis: [cute selfie you don't need to take to prove you're still wearing it like 5 minutes later lol] Jimmy: [one back of him taking some painkillers, I imagine they're on his sticky out tongue in a sassy manner like we're calling her out for worrying about him when he's OBVS FINE but we're sending the pic actually so she won't worry because we care] Janis: take more than the recommended dose, tah Janis: but only double, no 💀 Jimmy: I get it, no self induced coma unless you're there to take advantage Janis: if Sandy ain't gonna Jimmy: how many oscars has she got? you should've have 'em off her Janis: has she got any? Janis: you're her biggest fan, you tell me Jimmy: it's you bringing her up Janis: sounds fake Jimmy: you'd know about that more than me Janis: Why would I? Jimmy: you're going for her oscars Janis: on my own Janis: I think not Jimmy: don't reckon they'll cut one in half for us Jimmy: and as long as I've got the #fans convinced I why would I need owt else? Janis: long-winded way of saying you'd be 🥈 Jimmy: what you thought I were done giving you 🎁s Janis: don't cheapen the actual gift, dickhead Janis: also if you aren't, gonna have to do the classic see-what's-lying-about-to-wrap so Jimmy: nowt cheap about 🥇 Janis: is if you reckon you're giving it me Janis: got to earn it or what's the point Jimmy: don't you reckon you have? Janis: don't you? Jimmy: what for? Janis: for our 💘story Janis: what else? Jimmy: not today I've not Janis: yeah you have Janis: anyway, no cunt works christmas Jimmy: you have 🚑 Janis: that's not 💘 Janis: I wanted to see you Janis: then you was fucked up, what am I meant to do? Janis: anyone would Jimmy: 🏃 Jimmy: that's what loads of people would do Janis: nah Janis: not a pussy Jimmy: 💔🧛 there weren't no 🩸 though Jimmy: next time 🤞 Janis: you might be pissing it Janis: but I'm not thrilled about that Janis: lack of a piss fetish aside Jimmy: I'll leave out the selfie one way or the other Janis: 💡 Janis: don't wanna get banned, babe Jimmy: sounds fake, that Jimmy: love a ban, me Janis: fine Janis: can you not just do an appropriately placed 🍆 sticker Jimmy: depends how massive the sticker'll go, babe Jimmy: no promises Janis: 😏 Janis: idiot Jimmy: 🚫🩸🧠 Janis: that old excuse Jimmy: no need to tell the fans it's 'cause I'm pissing it out Janis: 🤫 Janis: though no need if you plan on going live next time you need a slash Jimmy: only if the 💊🥃 really inspire me Janis: 🙄 Janis: soz we're not going away on a bender Jimmy: have to rely on you for my 🎨 then Janis: nice of you not to demote me Jimmy: here Jimmy: [whatever today's doodle the final one of this advent is] Janis: it's the last one Jimmy: don't have to be Janis: you gonna keep doing it 'til 💀💔 Jimmy: why not? Janis: not very goals if you get wrist strain Jimmy: I'll spread it about it's not 🍆 related, don't worry Janis: tah Jimmy: 😘 Janis: you'll run out of ways to draw me before long Jimmy: challenge accepted Janis: ✏🖌💪 Jimmy: Oi you forgot 🖋🖍 Janis: 🖋 is Bill's 🖍 is Bobby's Jimmy: bit rude Janis: you're being the hog Janis: learn to share Jimmy: gave him the last roast potato ages ago Jimmy: just the kind of brother I am 🏆 Janis: show off Jimmy: keep your jealousy in check, I'd have given it you if you'd been here Janis: had a plate load myself, don't you worry Jimmy: sleep easy now, tah Janis: that makes one of us Jimmy: I get it, you're 😁 for tomorrow Jimmy: you and our kid both Janis: more like Libi won't leave me alone now for the same reason Janis: she basically does acrobatics in her sleep so that'll be well fun Jimmy: 💔 we can't chuck the two of 'em in a room in a bit and leave 'em to it Jimmy: 'cause he'll be as bad Janis: you're gonna have to sleep on his floor Janis: hard surface will help in the long run Jimmy: dunno how I'm explaining that Jimmy: 🦷🔦🦷 brb just checking for monsters mate, don't 😱😭 or owt Janis: duh, say you wanna go camping Janis: then he'll inevitably wanna join you and you can have the bed to yourself when he crashes Jimmy: make up your mind, Janet Jimmy: hard surface you said Janis: just rather you didn't get booted Janis: either or on where you end up Jimmy: weren't in my #ultimategoals Janis: obviously, I ain't there Jimmy: what you trying to make me 😭😭😭 for? Janis: not my ultimate goal either Jimmy: that'd be turning the 🚗 round Janis: 'course Janis: what could be more cinematic Jimmy: nowt, which is why I said it Janis: shame you don't write the scene directions Jimmy: yeah Janis: he's such a cockblock Jimmy: SUCH a slag for the tension Janis: bit rude 'cos he had them married, fucked and dead in the space of like 3 days in the OG Jimmy: what's he trying to say about us? the dickhead Janis: maybe he's trying to be more #relatable to a modern audience? Janis: he's seen the ❤s and the views Jimmy: next go round he'll do it so they never meet IRL Janis: 😱 oh god Janis: I'd kms immediately Jimmy: there you go Jimmy: job done in even less than 3 days Janis: at least I get to 👀 at you Janis: an actual fake boyfriend that doesn't exist is well 🎻 Jimmy: the 🎨 would be SO shite Janis: probably 'cos I'd have to do it myself Jimmy: nah 'cause I wouldn't be in it Janis: 😂 Janis: bighead strikes again Jimmy: Oi that's a point Jimmy: you never did sing to me Janis: shh Jimmy: go on Janis: I can't just sing at you Jimmy: why? Janis: 1. it'd be weird 2. contrary to popular (your) belief, I don't think I'm well mint at everything Jimmy: 1. you're making it weird 2. you never will with that attitude, dickhead Janis: 😑 Jimmy: *3. please Janis: let a good song come on the radio first Jimmy: as excuses go 🏆 Jimmy: know how you feel about interrupting Mariah Janis: [voice recording of us singing along to whatever festive song is on rn like there] Jimmy: 👏👏🌹 Jimmy: but none for me 'cause I never thought through how much that'd make me miss you Janis: it's hardly a lullabye but Janis: you wanted it Jimmy: dunno what's more of a pisstake 1. you not reckoning you're good at owt 2. that there's actually nowt you aren't 3. how bad I still want you here Janis: I just know what I'm good at, properly Janis: most people can sing if someone teaches you how to breathe right Janis: but the last part is mutual Jimmy: you gonna give me the bulletpoints or what? Janis: of what I'm good at? Jimmy: can't teach me to breathe properly from there, might as well Janis: I don't think nows the time for breathing exercises, like Janis: and you've seen or you'll see what I'm good at Jimmy: don't want you to crash the 🚗 girl Jimmy: why I said the breathing bit can wait Janis: 😏 Janis: but Jimmy: but Janis: I miss you Jimmy: it wasn't long enough Jimmy: tomorrow'll be Jimmy: you'll be telling me to piss off by the end Janis: maybe Jimmy: challenge accepted Jimmy: not that being a MASSIVE dickhead is, obvs Janis: obviously Janis: but you're literally competing with children so who am I gonna get sick of faster Jimmy: goes without saying won't be the 🐕 Janis: you brought her up Jimmy: missing me less already look Janis: dickhead Janis: you bringing her then? Jimmy: 🤞 Ian'll murder her if I don't Janis: that's a yeah Jimmy: how is it? Janis: you don't want her murdered Jimmy: the blame for it, but that'll be @iantaylor8 Jimmy: chuffed to bits for him to have it Janis: maybe she'll 'run away' tomorrow then Jimmy: went to live with mum, nowt to worry about kids 👍 Janis: an update on the farm classic Jimmy: 🗨 bollocks is what he's good at Janis: not going for the easy gag of saying it's where you got it from Jimmy: 🎯 Janis: should I bring Killer? Jimmy: do you want to? Janis: not really Janis: but she'd flip shit if you brought Twix Janis: don't wanna get them on the rocks already 💔 Jimmy: you're alright, I'll leave her here Janis: 👌 I'll tell her Jimmy: 👌 Janis: might have to call you up when she refuses to take my word for it Jimmy: if she has a go at me in sign she can say whatever she likes Jimmy: haven't taught her nowt that'll 💔 me Janis: we all know 💩head is pretty devastating Janis: don't need to put a brave face on Jimmy: #notallsantas Jimmy: how many times, babe Janis: how dare I forget how special you are Jimmy: SO rude Janis: Baby Jimmy: I'll forgive you, just that kind of 🎅 Janis: the kind that misses out on an opportunity to have me make it up to you? Janis: psh Jimmy: the kind that knows you will Janis: purposely won't now Jimmy: alright, then I'll have to make you Janis: look forward to seeing you try Jimmy: 💪🏆 Janis: let's hope so Janis: I wanted to be nice to you but now I can't on principle Jimmy: 🥺🥺🥺 Janis: stop it Jimmy: when you start being nice to me Janis: 🖕 Jimmy: 💕 Janis: you better not lose the lighter Jimmy: 😱😱 AS IF Janis: or give it away to any fucker in the smoking area Jimmy: well generous, me Jimmy: that'll DEFINITELY happen Janis: 😠 Jimmy: it's not the last roast potato, you're alright Janis: 👌 Jimmy: it is Jimmy: whatever you give me is safe with me Janis: alright, we did fairytale of new york last night Jimmy: weren't likely to forget how 🥇 I did the accent Janis: you don't take Irish and it shows Jimmy: said nowt about chucking that lighter at your head Janis: well I've got a full play to hit you with so think on, Shane Jimmy: stop flirting with me Janis: rude Jimmy: I'm trying to tell you I like my 🎁 dickhead Janis: so do I Jimmy: good Janis: Libi said tell Bobby to remember Snow Janis: it was a bit threatening tbh but leave that out Jimmy: forget Snow, forget this friendship, mate 👋 Janis: what can I say Janis: she's got priorities Jimmy: takes after you, gonna chuck me if I chuck this lighter Janis: least no fucker else is gonna reckon she's my kid Jimmy: they'll hear me 🗨 and reckon they're all mine Janis: the reality is they'll probably think they're yours and your sisters Janis: soz 🤢 Jimmy: grim up north Janis: not gonna make your sister buzzing for the day out so 🤫 Jimmy: not gonna add her into this 🗨 Jimmy: she might not wanna now the 🐕's not Janis: @ all of 'em Janis: cheek Jimmy: 💔 Janis: least you wanna spend time with me Janis: have to do Jimmy: you gonna be nice to me then? Janis: depends Jimmy: ? Janis: are you gonna be nice to me or what Jimmy: dunno what you mean Jimmy: never not nice to you Janis: 🤔 Janis: not really an answer, that Jimmy: be nice to me, you can have the same back Jimmy: how's that? Janis: when am I not nice to you is the question Janis: but alright Jimmy: 👍 Janis: see, no answer Janis: I'm too nice to you Jimmy: or I were being nice by 🔥 the receipts Janis: ha Janis: go for it, not like I'm delusional like the gals and think I'm SO lovely to EVERYONE Jimmy: should've introduced them to Ian Jimmy: that's his #vibe today Janis: long as he promises to murder them Janis: ideal Jimmy: won't be able to help himself, obvs Jimmy: they make up for not being bottle blonde by looking 45 Janis: I'll tell Grace to put the right wig on Jimmy: bit of patience 💀👑 and 💀#2's will have all fallen out Janis: less evidence clean up Janis: considerate of them Janis: really are #saints Jimmy: hang about for that tutorial, you'll be well in Janis: 'scuse you Janis: I wore something girly and I've got a man Janis: literally the requirements apparently Jimmy: soz, you're right Jimmy: I were thinking about the learning experience that is Tammy's tiktoks Janis: 😂 Janis: if you think I'm dancing for you as well Janis: another thing coming Jimmy: have to do everything myself round here Janis: you love it Jimmy: one of us has to be #goals Jimmy: if you won't, it's up to me Janis: oi Jimmy: what? Janis: you take the piss Jimmy: don't sound like me, that Janis: 🙄 Janis: not long ago you didn't like me walking, never mind 💃 Jimmy: and how mardy were you Jimmy: can't have it both ways, Jennifer Janis: you know why Jimmy: never said I didn't Janis: yeah Jimmy: I'll carry you about tomorrow if you're missing it Janis: no you won't Jimmy: 🙄 Jimmy: spoilsport Janis: you're gonna take it easy Jimmy: 🛏⛓'s meant to be my kink not yours Janis: s'called roleplaying Janis: try it Jimmy: UGH FINE Janis: I promise you'll have a good time Jimmy: yeah? Janis: serious Jimmy: alright Jimmy: then I promise not to piss about Janis: okay Janis: are you alright? Jimmy: are you? Janis: yeah Janis: are you Jimmy: now I've seen you Janis: I mean it Jimmy: me an' all Janis: you and your lines Janis: make me 😳 Jimmy: Oi, I just said it weren't a line Janis: but Jimmy: you heard Janis: I wish I could've stayed Jimmy: do the counting for us Jimmy: til we can go Janis: I'm on it Janis: 🖕✌🤟 Jimmy: that were it Janis: well smart, like Janis: not to brag Jimmy: won't start you a # if you don't want Jimmy: I get it, loads of pressure Janis: what girl don't want a # for Christmas? Janis: #sospoilt Jimmy: [obvs does give her complimentary #s enjoy that the fans] Janis: [flirt on those socials 'cos we don't know what to really say atm] Jimmy: [take your excuse to be fake and extra because the feels are high rn] Janis: [you simply must lads, also hint about this trip like you've had it planned forever] Jimmy: [just wait for how romantic and #goals we can make it when we're snowed in lads, little do you know] Janis: [hohaha] Jimmy: [thank god we have this flirting sesh because I've had to tone what I was gonna say down so many times lol like not yet boy] Janis: [a hard same] Janis: fake you is fun Jimmy: 🤏 of a twat, I get why you like him Janis: give him my number, yeah Jimmy: didn't sound like you were shy around him, reckon you can do that yourself Janis: reckon he'll be well about me making you do it though so Janis: tah Jimmy: massive twat were what I meant to call him Jimmy: 👍✔ Janis: 😏 Jimmy: you know how Bill's 👻 feels about a love triangle Janis: technically a love square but fuck fake me Janis: no one is here for her Jimmy: bit rude to the fans Janis: she's just a boring version of me Janis: deny it Jimmy: never said I was one of her fans Janis: 😱 Janis: *sends screenshot* Jimmy: *backtracks so hard I need more 💊s to sort me out but it's alright there's nowt more goals than a lad with no spine* Janis: we 👏 love 👏 a 👏 doormat 👏 Jimmy: works for mates an' all, dunno why I were acting like I were special there Janis: fake you is well special Janis: #facts Jimmy: 😇 him Janis: gotta be a reason the DMs are so full Jimmy: there's LOADS Jimmy: could go on and on Janis: 🤤 Janis: don't let me stop you Jimmy: he is, well humble that lad Janis: SO shy Janis: scaring him with my thirst Jimmy: bit awkward but can't help it you Janis: it's cool, I can pretend I'm shy too Janis: what's more goals than pretending you have a totally different personality to catch you a man Jimmy: duh Janis: you'd know all about that 😎🚬 Jimmy: I've had a girlfriend, yeah Janis: 💔 Janis: what she pretend to be then? Jimmy: a lass who weren't a total nightmare Janis: if you're gonna pretend to be anything Janis: fairplay Jimmy: did work for a bit, give her that Janis: not the first or last to fall for it Jimmy: obvs Janis: just saying Jimmy: weren't saying you should shut up Janis: well Janis: no need to chat about it Jimmy: 👍 Janis: wasn't what I mean anyway, for starters Jimmy: you meant I weren't 😎🚬 which for starters is bollocks Janis: okay 🤓 Jimmy: you Janis: Hardly Jimmy: more chance that you're a 🤓 than me Jimmy: and loads more receipts Janis: is there fuck Jimmy: deny it all you like, girl Jimmy: I can't even read Janis: ~express~ yourself in other ways don't you Janis: I don't Jimmy: bollocks do you not Janis: only when you force me to sing Jimmy: didn't take much 🥊 Janet Jimmy: barely twisted owt of yours Janis: 'cos you couldn't, soft boy Janis: be embarrassing to watch you try Jimmy: piss off Jimmy: you'd be 😳 but we both know why Janis: not what we're talking about Jimmy: is it not? Janis: you know it's not Jimmy: sounds fake Janis: never said you weren't good at that Jimmy: I'm just saying you express yourself in as many different ways as me Janis: that's just Jimmy: what? Janis: 🤷🤐 Jimmy: tah for clearing that up Janis: that's just between you and me, is what I was going to say Jimmy: weren't gonna send a tweet, you're alright Janis: shut up Jimmy: that's just between me and everyone else Janis: something like that Jimmy: that's exactly what it's like Jimmy: I've got nowt to say to any of them Janis: Me either Janis: never have, really Jimmy: I like talking to you Jimmy: don't matter what about Janis: it's alright, ain't it Jimmy: that a question or what? Janis: we're mates? Janis: that's a question for you Jimmy: do you wanna be mates? Janis: we act like it Janis: don't we Jimmy: not what I asked but Janis: yeah but you always ask questions never answer so I'm allowed to as well Janis: don't you think we do? Jimmy: I dunno what you're on about, I answer questions Janis: 😂 Janis: you don't Jimmy: bollocks Janis: go on then Janis: answer my question Janis: without asking one Jimmy: hang on, which one, are we mates or do we act like it? Janis: can you manage 2? Janis: since you do it all the time, shouldn't be a struggle Jimmy: there's nowt I can't handle, dickhead Janis: ... Janis: I'm waiting Jimmy: fuck's sake Jimmy: you're so Jimmy: dunno why I wanna be mates with you Janis: Charming as that is Janis: still counts as an answer, so I'll take it Jimmy: 😘 Jimmy: I dunno what's more charming than I don't like talking to anybody but you Jimmy: or why you'd reckon I'd say that but not wanna be mates Janis: well you're confusing and I'm thick too sometimes Jimmy: you alright now? Jimmy: 'cause having to play 20 questions would be taking the piss a bit Janis: you don't take the piss and we will be fine Jimmy: I'm not taking the piss Jimmy: I can ask a mate if they're alright, can't I? Janis: you're making me sound like I'm well high maintenance and hysterical Jimmy: how am I? Janis: acting like I asked you 1000s instead of 2 Janis: but I am fine, despite you being a bit of a dickhead Jimmy: just said playing the games would be a pisstake when you ain't even sleeping over, nowt else Janis: that mean no midnight snacks? 💔 Jimmy: 😱😱 no Janis: we've made such a mistake Jimmy: 💔😭🎻 Janis: quick, pop on a romcom Jimmy: rather you popped back in the 🚗 Janis: me too Janis: can't really head off in the dead of night or it will be obvious it's a kidnapping Jimmy: we'll go back for her in a bit, I'll live Janis: I could come back Janis: what about if your brother wakes up though Janis: you can't kip in the 🚗 Jimmy: *should Jimmy: I'll let you in Janis: yeah? Janis: 👌 Jimmy: you gonna wait for everyone to be 😴 or what? Jimmy: I can't have your fit nan fuming at me Janis: for starters, ugh Janis: but I can just come back over Janis: though I probably should give them some ~quality family time~ before I do, keep them somewhat on side Jimmy: I don't care if you don't Jimmy: but if Libi wanted some bollocks from home that meant we needed to pick her up from there it'd be a top idea for you to stay here and a 🥇💡 for you to spread that about Janis: 😈 Janis: I knew I kept you around for a reason Jimmy: bit late to kidnap Star and chuck her back at your nans, she's too high profile now, every dickhead has seen her Janis: you are to blame for that bit Janis: but that's easy Janis: kids are idiots, or suggestible, if you wanna be nice about it Janis: I'll make her remember something she absolutely NEEDS Jimmy: you're not as thick as I look Jimmy: 👍 Janis: you aren't either but I won't spread that about Janis: reputation and everything Jimmy: gotta stay #relatable to the fans, babe Janis: #attainable some would say Jimmy: they can have the cancer I've got coming my way if they're that bothered Jimmy: not having you off me though Janis: I don't want nobody else Jimmy: none of them dickheads are good enough for you Janis: I don't care about that Janis: I just want you Jimmy: have me then Jimmy: I'm doing nowt but waiting here Janis: it's well inconvenient that I keep remembering you're hurt Jimmy: I'm alright Janis: don't worry, there's plenty we can do without injuring you further Janis: and I won't make any jokes about stamina Jimmy: don't YOU worry Jimmy: you heard, I'm alright Jimmy: nowt I can't handle, I said Janis: alright Janis: sorry Jimmy: ❌ Janis: just trying to help, not overreact though so yeah Janis: ✔ Jimmy: you did help Jimmy: tah for that, I should've 🗨 Janis: nah Janis: it's nothing Jimmy: not nowt to me Janis: whatever kind of dickhead you are Janis: no call for that Jimmy: it were my own fault, no denying that Janis: still Jimmy: you're a top mate on the first day of being one Jimmy: take your 🏆 Janis: the fact neither of us has got any others right now is really showing Janis: but fuck it Jimmy: I don't want any others Janis: me neither Janis: load of cunts Jimmy: up north, here and wherever else Ian tries to drag me next Janis: you wanna be penpals, yeah Jimmy: 🖋🩸 Jimmy: and 😭 obvs Jimmy: sweat's more your shout, being SUCH an athlete Janis: I'll send you some 🧦 Jimmy: 😍😍🤤 Janis: maybe I should charge, you're right Jimmy: got in there just in time for mates rates Janis: lucky you Jimmy: 🤞😁🤞 is right Janis: you're ridiculous Jimmy: what so you don't want my 💌? Janis: you ain't gonna write to me Jimmy: it ain't my fault I can't, Jasmine Jimmy: I'll send you daily 🎨 Janis: why are we talking about this? Jimmy: you asked Janis: oh so now you can't stop with your answers Jimmy: make up your mind, my dear Janis: shut up Jimmy: 🤐 Janis: better Janis: if we're gonna talk about anything, let's talk about now Jimmy: alright Janis: well, more specifically, in a bit, when I'll be there Jimmy: go on then Janis: what? Jimmy: 🗨 something Jimmy: that'd be how a conversation works Janis: ugh Janis: just Janis: I wanna see you Jimmy: it feels like ages since you were here Janis: I know Janis: but I don't know why Janis: it always feels like that Jimmy: I think you answered it when you said you wanna see me Janis: yeah Janis: no lie Jimmy: I get it, you know Janis: yeah, you aren't that good an actor Janis: I can tell Jimmy: bit rude Jimmy: I mean, I asked for this when I picked you, but I didn't ask for this Janis: what's that supposed to mean? Jimmy: what I said Jimmy: it ain't always piss easy being in over my massive head, even if I manage to make it look it Janis: you ain't Janis: the plans going exactly to plan Janis: this is just Janis: fun, yeah Jimmy: dunno how pissed I were when I last said it but you are that, and do make owt less shit Janis: you too Janis: so let's keep doing it Jimmy: I weren't saying I don't wanna Janis: Obviously Janis: I'm coming over for a reason Jimmy: alright, don't take the piss Jimmy: I had a point somewhere, I just dunno what it were Janis: I ain't Janis: you're cute Jimmy: that sounds well pisstakey, girl Janis: but you are Janis: and I like you as a mate Janis: but no shit I wanna fuck you too Jimmy: gutted you don't wanna write to me, you're actually really good with words Janis: a pisstake Janis: but warranted Jimmy: I mean it, it were like you read my mind then and 🖋 it down Janis: as long as we're on the same 📑 I don't give a fuck how stupid it sounds Jimmy: about how cute I am? OBVS Janis: deal with it nerd Janis: you're adorable Jimmy: long as you keep it between us, call me what you like Janis: I wouldn't give me free rein like that Jimmy: as challenges go, I've accepted worse Janis: 😏 Janis: won't be calling you nothing though, gotta be well 🤫 ain't we Jimmy: whisper to me then Janis: I'll try Jimmy: you're alright, I won't make you promise Janis: I don't really wanna get kicked out Janis: and whispering leads too easily into Janis: more Jimmy: I'm not chucking you out and no other dickhead can Janis: be mildly amusing 'cos he don't know I'd just be going to sleep in his car but Jimmy: you'll be staying here, he's still being fake nice to me Janis: weird Jimmy: might be if I didn't know exactly why Janis: ? Janis: or is a stupid question Jimmy: he weren't visited by any 👻s if that's what you're asking Jimmy: have to keep his guilty conscience and pending sexual harassments rolling onto the new year Janis: Good to know that treatment is exclusively for bosses who don't pay enough or give Christmas eve off Janis: Soz to all the Sharons, you're gonna have to keep on grinning and bearing it, babe Janis: trust him to be the 'cries when he's finished' cliche Janis: cunt Jimmy: 🎻🎻🎻 Jimmy: but Sharon can come for your oscar and man tomorrow when she's got him and the place all to herself so she'll be chuffed to bits if no other other dickhead is Janis: 😬 Janis: gutted to be doing him any kind of favour, obvs Jimmy: leaving the 🐕 will 💔 them Janis: nothing like dog shit to ruin the mood Jimmy: or piss or 😭 Janis: she will be devvo if she ain't invited to join in Jimmy: 🤞 she'll be gutted enough to piss off Janis: you're so rude Janis: piss off and find you, you blatantly mean Jimmy: if that were my type I wouldn't have been after rescuing at the pub Janis: are we talking about Sharon or the dog? Jimmy: either or Jimmy: both a bit easy going with their 👅 Janis: and neither cuts their own fringe so what's the point eh Jimmy: exactly Janis: 🤓🎨😍 Jimmy: won't catch either of them in overalls that's OBVS me out Janis: 😂 don't Jimmy: them lasses probably would have a go at 🚬 with a 🖍 Janis: your brother is already cooler than you, I'd keep it quiet Jimmy: you're right, they'd kidnap him Jimmy: which is only #goals when I go on about it Janis: that's dubious at best but sure Jimmy: 😏 Janis: if you ever offered to kidnap me, maybe Janis: the 💘 is 💀 Jimmy: you come too willingly, nowt I can do about that Janis: rude Janis: try making me not wanna Jimmy: you're already on your way here or will be in a bit Jimmy: picked the wrong day to play hard to get Janis: plenty of time to turn around Jimmy: don't mean I wanna give you loads of chances Janis: fair, calling me easy again was a bold enough choice to count for multiple goes Jimmy: only compliment you've ever taken to 💘 Janis: ha Jimmy: any time you'd rather I go on about what hard work you are Jimmy: just say Janis: you poor #lads just can't win, is that what you're saying? Jimmy: it'll do Janis: 😏 Janis: just know what to say and exactly when to say it, christ Janis: not hard Jimmy: 👍 Janis: real lads do have the shitty end of the deal, tbh Jimmy: wouldn't know Jimmy: only a fake lad Janis: right Janis: got the little shorts and hat and everything Janis: cute Jimmy: what? Janis: Pinocchio Janis: the look Jimmy: Dunno him or where he gets his ootds Janis: oh Janis: awkward this isn't a homage Jimmy: bit awkward for you that he ain't my mate 'cause his dad is just your type 👴💕 Janis: 🎻🎻 Jimmy: we're all 💔 I don't have #lads to go to the pub with Janis: you ain't Janis: last time I brought it up you made that clear Jimmy: that'll by why I were in character 🤥 for you Jimmy: nowt if not supportive of your kinks, me Janis: 😱 Janis: can't believe you don't respect how important the #gurlgang is Jimmy: you can be 😱 after you've respected the 🤥📏 tah Janis: you and size Jimmy: doing you a MASSIVE favour is just the kind of lad I am Janis: wow, so thankful Jimmy: 🎁's just keep coming Jimmy: 💘'll never 💀💀💀 while I'm offering my face as a seat Janis: you might suffocate though Janis: 😳 Jimmy: top of my list for how I wanna 💀💀💀 now Jimmy: gutted I never thought of it sooner Janis: easily done Jimmy: ✔ Janis: don't ✔ like that's not a mental image that could make me crash, dickhead Jimmy: it were you who were going on about turning the car round and that like that weren't gonna make me say owt I could so you wouldn't Janis: as if I was going to Jimmy: now you won't Janis: I wasn't going to Janis: but any chance to 💀💀💀 you Jimmy: any chance to let you Janis: nothing more 💘 than that Jimmy: is that a challenge or what? Janis: you want it to be? Jimmy: do you want it to be? Janis: in what world am I going to say no? Jimmy: dunno, might be a world where you don't want your big head setting off the airbag Janis: I can handle it Jimmy: [🔥🔥 sext obvs like any chance to also kill you] Janis: I Jimmy: you Janis: no, you Jimmy: you heard Jimmy: it's your fault Janis: it feels like yours Jimmy: not to me Janis: I'm alright taking the blame for how you feel Jimmy: you can handle that an' all, yeah? Janis: you don't think I can? Jimmy: never said that Janis: Good Janis: because I can and I want to Jimmy: take it then Janis: [show up gal] Janis: I'm here Jimmy: [let her in and do that trope where you just kiss her immediately and against the door when you've closed it and while you're taking off her coat] Janis: [such a romcom forever] Jimmy: [can't and won't ever resist] Janis: [we're here for it shameless rn] Jimmy: [the question is are we saying that everyone is still up and about rn or are they asleep?] Janis: [hmm 'cos either is viable depends what vibe we want to achieve here] Jimmy: [yeah and there are pros and cons to either] Janis: [it'd be rude but potentially plot-driving/fun to have her first interaction with Ian because she hasn't yet] Jimmy: [bonus points if he's like asleep on the sofa or something because what a christmas mood and they wake him up either deliberately or accidentally] Janis: [what a dad, too full and drunk] Jimmy: [literally too perfect of a cliche not to take advantage of] Janis: [you're probably not gonna want to on purpose rn because we're in a #mood but Cass should blatantly still be up even if Bobby ain't and be like DAD JIMMYS GF IS HERE 'cos lord knows she's bored rn] Jimmy: [JJ just trying to have their makeout sesh, but I'll forgive you Cass we know you're upset because your mum isn't here and you know Jimothy and Ian have brawled because even if you didn't hear or witness it that's the only time Ian is ever nice to him so] Janis: [and you're 12 so 'nuff said on all counts] Jimmy: [mhmm, soz you gotta deal with Ian's fake niceness though Janis because that's not a mood] Janis: [ew, at least shit nan is honest is nothing else, lmao, just trying to take Jimmy's lead of the vibe he wants like are we being rude or fake nice back or what 'cos nothing in it for you beyond helping him out so] Jimmy: [would not have the strength to be fake nice to you if Bobby is not around rn because only doing it ever for his sake so have fun trying to keep it up Ian when we're just getting the bae a drink from your stash and doing our best to leave you unacknowledged like we're the deaf one] Janis: [at least we can be our usual charming selves then] Jimmy: [like we can't be rude enough he'll say you can't take the kids with you tomorrow hence we're just not saying anything because temptation to just tell him to fuck off always] Janis: [just some sly shade, easily done, also I hope you didn't come looking like a hoe 'cos assumptions that are lowkey a bit racial already being made without doing that] Jimmy: [we all know he isn't gonna like you no matter what gal, we'll get out of there as soon as we can honestly] Janis: [how dare you, but no, we would not want you to like us, we know your game hun] Jimmy: [it'll be fun af when we lowkey move you in and it's just 24/7 piss off Ian time] Jimmy: [but for now take the bottle and run lads] Janis: [soz that didn't work Cass but you know] Jimmy: [Jimothy needs this rn, soz you don't have your bf yet but you'll understand when you do] Janis: [you'll get your whole squad soon] Jimmy: [we'll all be living our best lives but for now we're just trying to survive the festive season so] Jimmy: [it makes me happy to know that Janis' arrival will have wound Twix up so you won't be able to just go back to sleep Ian] Janis: [go take that poor dog for a piss sir] Jimmy: [because we are not doing it, we're going upstairs good day] Janis: [buh-bye] Jimmy: [boy just downing however much drink was in his glass as he goes cos fml and also we've spent an age pretending we're not physically hurting which is not a mood either] Janis: [actually needed, so you can't say nothing Ian] Jimmy: [hopefully you left all your presents downstairs cos your room isn't very big and we don't need them everywhere] Janis: [and Bobby is in his bed, we gotta lay that boy down like get comfy] Jimmy: [the biggest sigh in the world, imagine] Janis: [copying him but laying down next to him carefully so we don't squash him] Jimmy: [going to write on her but we don't know what to say so we're just 👀] Janis: [doing an impression of nice Ian to try and make him lol Jimmy: [you know it's spot on but that just reminds him what a dick Ian is so we just shake our head like ffs but obvs not at you gal] Janis: [yeah, mistake to make hen but we don't know what to do, little horizontal feelsy lean like !!!] Jimmy: [we're doing it back even if it hurts because we don't care, the feelsy lean is sacred] Janis: ['he's such a twat' the reassurance he doesn't need but we're saying it so seriously] Jimmy: [can't help genuinely smiling because you know Ian is the kind of person who everyone thinks is just such a standard dad and we obvs didn't think the bae would fall for it but there's always gonna be a part of us thinking he's right and we're wrong so the relief] Janis: [we all know the kind, just parenting you, psh, but we smiling back 'cos love to see it] Jimmy: [😍 because she's cute and we're in love] Janis: [gotta kiss him soft] Jimmy: [take your excuse to be soft because we know you both like it] Janis: [a good excuse because we are not trying to injure you boy forreal, but the restraint is a killer lmao] Jimmy: [the perfect excuse for you to show her how good you are with your hands even if you don't remember/are pretending you don't remember that bit of the drunken christmas eve convo because you can keep your distance a lil bit more but still kill her] Janis: [enjoy trying not to die gal, 'cos whilst making Ian overhear you is funny, waking the kid is not so shh] Jimmy: [at least he's deaf so you've got less chance than if you were at mcvickers house and Libi was just like oh hey, speaking of the caravan when you're snowed in is gonna be hilarious casually no privacy ever] Janis: [that's true, how do you wake up a deaf person except for rudely shaking them like HELLO also how do they know when there's a fire/any other kind of alarm, questions I have but are not entirely relevant rn, won't make Cass hate us that much already lmao, 'cos honestly, need an ally in you when Skerries alone] Jimmy: [I've seen vibrating ones that they can like put under their pillow and shit which is slightly less rude than just being like OI but yeah, we can win Cass over during this unexpectedly longer trip than we thought we'd be on] Jimmy: [but for now have a drink and recover gal] Janis: [a good idea, ang would like that] Janis: [lowkey pouty like you can't immediately return the favour but you simply cannot soz] Jimmy: [doing the pouty lip bite thing won't help but we simply must nevertheless] Janis: ['that's illegal'] Jimmy: [a lil lol which we're pretending doesn't hurt because we're fine] Janis: [obviously we notice 'cos in what world aren't we 'should really bandage you up' and looking like do you have any in or do we need to get that tomorrow] Jimmy: [🤨 because it's such a foreign concept that anyone actually cares about us that we can't hide our genuine surprise/confusion and then we have to go look because we're like this is awkward how dare she care about me, let's say there is so you can chuck them at her] Janis: ['that's what you need to do' like he's just thinking it's bullshit advice, unravel some of that bandage after it's thrown at you 'it'll heal faster' and gesturing for him to take his top off 'can be a mummy for a bit, ghost boy'] Jimmy: [obvs gonna throw his top at her as well because always] Janis: [pretending it's so gross like ew] Jimmy: [equally as obvs then getting all up in her grill like if you thought that was gross you'll HATE this] Janis: [the pretence of being #horrified is so thinly veiled, but focus gal, gotta bandage him up as tightly as you can so it's more comfortable for him, the casual intimacy, bye, pretend we do not notice] Jimmy: [what a mcvickers-esque moment] Janis: [truly] Jimmy: [do a ✔ on her in the same place as the bandage is like okay job done and because you do feel better for it and most importantly just shamelessly wanna touch her bare skin whenever we can] Janis: [dramatically stop breathing for a sec 'yeah?'] Jimmy: [kiss her as dramatically to show her you can without it hurting as much as it did before] Janis: [can't even fake mad about it] Jimmy: [interrupt this makeout sesh for long enough to casually pour some of whatever this bottle is into her mouth because it's always a saucy mood and she has earned it by nursing you back to health] Janis: [too much of a mood frankly we're so about it, also nice throwback to literally last night what is time] Jimmy: [gonna have to let y'all hook up because this boy has no chill but just be really careful please] Janis: [just let him lead and you should be fine] Jimmy: [gotta be soft so that's a whole new mood in itself because you have not yet] Janis: [feeding him drink in the same manner after but that likewise feels really soft 'cos basically doing it like it's medicine at this point like you gotta, then removing whatever clothes you got left on to get in bed] Jimmy: [shameless snuggling will ensue because we will play tetris if needs be until we find a position that's comfortable for you both to be in] Janis: [drawing the ✔ on him when we're settled but also a ❓] Jimmy: [taking her hand and turning it into a 👍 and then giving it a lil thank you squeeze before adding his own ? to ask if she's alright too] Janis: [snuggling down as a response] Jimmy: [a happy sigh compared to the dramatic one earlier] Janis: ['Jimmy-' but stopping 'cos don't know what you think you're gonna say hen] Jimmy: [the softest 'what?' ever] Janis: [just looking and LOOKING for a hot sec 'merry christmas'] Jimmy: [obvs we're saying it back even though we know that's not what she was gonna say] Janis: [you better stop] Jimmy: [will draw 😁 on you is it a pisstake/ are we this buzzing that the bae is here and tomorrow we can leave/do we wanna just touch her always/is it all of these] Janis: [gonna say we got lost on that one so we're just like what are you talking about boy/tickled like oi] Jimmy: [doing it again more slowly and deliberately so it'll tickle more and she might get it so we don't have to do it with our face if she doesn't lol] Janis: [just loling like staph 'I'm either gonna fall out or fuck you up here' but not mad, obvs] Jimmy: [hold onto her so she can't fall out and that's ofc the only reason] Janis: [random but have we ever said whether the caravan is 2 or 3 bedrooms?] Jimmy: [I don't think we've ever specified but I assume it's on the bigger side because mcvickers own it and all the fam ever] Janis: [let's go with 3 then, a double and 2 singles, makes sense, usually have a way to make beds in the lounge too] Jimmy: [I'll try and remember that for all the other people and gens it affects lol] Janis: [write that down boo lol]
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speckofglitter · 6 years ago
ot11 silver boys getting jealous
--- let's get this bread mates
noa • Noa is not at all the jealous type • Which is why you were so surprised when he pulled you aside at school • ‘What were you doing with lee byounggon last night? You know he’s bad news right?’ he questioned, leaning against the wall. • ‘Are you stalking me noa? You don’t have to be jealous, byounggon and I are barely even acquaintances.’ You smirked, reaching out to fix noa’s uniform. • ‘I’m not jealous, I just wanna know what you guys were talking about that was so important you had to cancel out date.’ He sighed. • ‘Look, byounggon needed a tutor for chem and he asked me. That’s literally it we didn’t even have a conversation, I barely know the guy.’ You explained. • ‘Good. Because I don’t need my girl getting in trouble’ he smiled, taking your hands in his.
jeonwoong • woong is super hard to impress • You've been training together for the past year but he seems to not even notice your existence • Ever since you developed a crush on him, your motivation to be the company's best female trainee had only gotten stronger • You spent hours in the dance studio, sweat pouring down your body as you executed the assigned choreography countless times • A huge opportunity was given to the trainees, the opportunity to be backup dancers for the company’s most successful group during their world tour • You and woong both practiced endlessly and eventually made it amongst 10 other trainees • You were absolutely ecstatic • As you started working together, woong warmed up to you and you two became quite close, even spending some time together outside of practice, visiting the numerous tour stops • For the last stop, the main dancer was asked to perform a dance duet and chose you to perform with him • You worked with the choreographer, trying to get the moves down in a short amount of time • The dance was slow and sensual and most definitely out of your comfort zone but you made it work • As the dress rehearsal started, woong couldn’t keep his eyes off of you • Of course, he was proud of you but what he was feeling wasn’t just that… • He wished he could be dancing with you instead as he saw your body moving fluidly and effortlessly on the stage • As soon as your rehearsal ended he found you backstage • ‘you did great y/n. I can’t believe how much your dancing has improved.’ he hugged you tight. • ‘thank you woong, I hope we get to do a duet together someday as well.’ You grin, taking a swig of water. • ‘ahhh but you’re too busy working with the famous guys now’ he laughed, playfully slapping your arm. • ‘of course not, I’m never too busy for you.’ You blurted out. • ‘huh?’ • ‘I mean, I thought it was pretty obvious that I had a crush on you… haha’ you laughed nervously, scratching your neck as you waited for his response. • ‘me too. I mean I like you too. I wish I could do a duet with you as well’ he immediately replied, getting closer to you. • ‘well, then let’s go! The practice room is still open!’ you exclaimed, dragging him out.
raesung • You and raesung used to be best friends • You had gotten into a huge fight when you were in middle school • All the new memories you share are kinda hazy • Mostly because you're usually high when you see him • You're usually sending him dirty looks when you see him at a party • Everyone knows you two despise each other • Whenever you walk past him at school you usually roast him • 'Wow raesung you look like shit today... y i k e s' • One night, you're at a party when raesung's friend hyunsuk starts flirting with you • You don't think much of it at first, he's attractive and you're single so... Yeah you guys end up making out • Raesung sees you making out with hyunsuk and immediately feels betrayed? He's not sure why he's so annoyed but he is • So he decides to walk over and drag hyunsuk away, with the excuse that he's too drunk • You're obviously furious because hellooo you were making out with a hot boy? • So you dm raesung that night like y/n: why the fuck did you drag hyunsuk away from me? -you deleted his number in middle school lol- gongjuboi: good evening y/n i think the correct words would be 'thank you raesung for saving me from being a teen mom' but aight y/n: wtf is wrong with you thinking you can control me when we having been friends since we were 12? gongjuboi: maybe because i fucking care about your dumbass? you think it's easy seeing you make out with my bestfriend when i've had and still have the fattest crush on you? y/n: oh... that explains a lot. umm maybe we can meet at the park tomorrow and talk it out? i don't wanna be lame like you and confess in the dms ♡ • let's just say you had raesung's heart palpitating, he couldn't sleep the entire night because he couldn't wait to see you
• you're dating hyunsuk and you have a cold • obviously as soon as you text him that you don't feel well he's at your feet with a bunch of cold medicine and healthy foods • you're drinking one of the weird ginger tea concoctions he made for you when you start feeling bored cause hyunsuk ran out to buy more chicken soup • so you start watching videos on your phone and you stumble upon some of yedam's covers • you know yedam well cause he's hyunsuk friend but his talent still baffles you • as you're singing along to his cover of 'there's nothing holding me back' hyunsuk comes in, watching in horror • 'what.... are.... you.... doing...' he says, slowly removing the phone from your hands. • 'i'm singing?' you answer. • 'first of all, no offense i love you babe but you sounded terrible. second of all, why aren't you singing along to my songs? i'm offended?' he whines • 'fine omg stop being such a jealous baby, i'll just jam out to yammy gang with a sore throat then' you huff out • 'didn't stop you from horribly belting out those high notes though' he mumbles, a smile on his face as he gives you your phone back and kisses you on the forehead
byounggon • Sooo you’re dating byounggon and you work as an actress • Since you were so young when you started out, you usually worked on ads for family and children's products • However, now that you’re finally of age in korea, your agent had been getting a lot more calls for fashion, perfume and athletic wear • Today you were working on an ad for adidas • You’re super excited because it’s one of your favorite brands • What you didn’t know was that you would be working with another model, Bobby from IKON • You freaked out as soon as you got to set • Bobby was already dressed and waiting for you • ‘Nice to meet you y/n i’m Bobby from IKON, Byounggon told me a lot about you!!’ • Oof you had completely forgotten that gon and bobby were friends • ‘Nice to meet you too!!’ you smiled, trying not to fangirl • You finally got dressed in an adidas hoodie and leggings, getting ready for the shooting • As the camera flashed, the photographer instructed you and bobby to act like old friends, running together and even making him give you a piggyback ride • It was a cute concept honestly,, something softer and more approachable that most sports ads • Time passed by quickly, within an hour you two had taken almost 2000 shots together • You were super happy when you saw the pictures in the midst of their editing, even giving bobby a friendly high five for the teamwork • When you got home, gon was waiting for you with some food • You hugged him tightly, telling him all about the photoshoot • He was happy that your first major ad was with bobby,,, until he saw the ads • ‘You guys look awfully close, don’t you??’ he looked at you with a questioning smirk. • ‘huh?? Our concept was childhood friends why would we not look close??’ you laughed, not noticing the way gon was clenching his jaw • ‘Do you think bobby hyung is more handsome than i am??’ he questioned, making you stop eating • ‘No of course not, and even if i was attracted to him it wouldn’t matter because i love you.’ you gasped, realizing that you had said the l-word • You and gon had been dating for a year now but none of you had the courage to say those words yet • You internally cursed yourself for saying it at such a shitty moment • Gon sits on the couch wide-eyed for a few seconds and you think he might not say it back, before he puts your plates aside and grabs you close, hugging you as he whispers ‘i love you more’ y/n.
jihoon • you and jihoon are the class clowns • are true reckless pair • you guys are attached at the hip, always roasting someone or just being true crackheads • everyone in your class shipped you but you always shut it down claiming 'nah fam jihoon's gonna get married to one of those manga girls cause he's a weeb' • one night the silver boys squad are having a movie night and you're invited because duh jihoon likes you • the problem is that you're kinda short and junkyu, gon and noa decided to sit in the front which makes no sense cause they're the tallest? • so seunghun being the #dad that he is asks if you wanna sit on his lap so you can see better and you're like 'yEs' • jihoon is coming back from the kitchen when he almost drops the popcorn when he sees you on seunghun's lap • he doesn't want to cause a scene so he puts the popcorn down and goes back to his seat to text seunghun hoon🐶: dude wtf are you doing??? you know i like y/n... • meanwhile poor seunghun is struggling to text while your whole body is in front of him so he's wobbling all over the place hun🍯: i'm so sorwy dud e it's really hard to text rn • and the inevitable happened, seunghun dropped his phone and you picked it up • jihoon looked up in horror as you briefly skimed the texts, eyes stopping over the words 'you know i like y/n...' • you immediately get up and grab jihoon's arm, pulling him into the kitchen as the rest of the boys pretend like they didn't see anything • 'so.. you like me huh...' • 'umm yeah and i know you don't like me back but i really want to take you out on a date... if you'd let me..' • seeing him get so nervous actually made your heart flutter a bit • 'fine, take me out tomorrow crackhead' you giggle, returning to your seat • 'wait can you sit on my lap instead?' • 'damn we're not even dating yet and you're already so needy' you laugh, carefully sitting on his lap • jihoon couldn't concentrate at all during the movie, he was too busy internally crying over your last words 
seunghun • So,, it’s valentine’s day which means everyone is spending time with their bf or gf • Meanwhile you’ve been dating seunghun for about a month so you’re excited to spend this day with him • Your school has set up a system where students and teachers can buy roses for someone else in order to raise money for school activities • You would usually get some for your female friends who were single so they wouldn’t feel too lonely • Obviously, this year you would get one for seunghun as well • When your bio teacher comes into class with a bucket full of roses and names on it, you only expect to get one from seunghun • You were w r o n g • You get a total of 5 roses • 1 from seunghun, 3 from your best friends and 1 anonymous • When you get out of class, seunghun is looking at you curiously • ‘Who are they from??’ he asks. • ‘Oh these 3 are from yeeun, lisa and jisoo. this one i have no idea, it's anonymous...’ you shrug. • You had never seen seunghun get so red before • ‘ANONYMOUS?? YOU HAVE A SECRET ADMIRER?? I need to find whoever this is and give them… give them some very strong words because i can’t fight...’ • ‘Seunghun can you please calm down it’s probably just a friend’ you chuckle, amused at how worked up he is • ‘But what if they steal you away from meeeee’ he whines and that’s where you lose your shit • ‘Kim Seunghun. Nobody can steal you away from me. In our short time of dating i’ve already seen enough of you to know you’re the only person i see myself with okay?? Not will you please shut up and take me on a date??’ • Let’s just say Seunghun was s h o o k
yedam • You and yedam had met at school and bonded fairly fast due to your mutual love for reading • After a while of getting to know each other you’re finally dating • Your favorite date spot is the bookstore, you and yedam usually go once a week to pick out books together and read at a café • This time you’re looking for a book on mitosis for a school report • Unfortunately, the book you need is on the highest shelf making it impossible to reach • Even though yedam tried to get it for you he was still a little too short • Seeing you two struggling, the book store worker seunghun decided to step in and help • He reached up, taking the book with ease as he gave it to you with a huge grin on his face • ‘thank you so much’ you smiled, taking the book from his hands as you dragged Yedam to a nearby aisle • Yedam was obviously annoyed that he hadn’t been able to help you • The entire time you were at the bookstore he kept shooting glares towards Seunghun, getting even more annoyed when the latter would just smile back • Sensing that Yedam was acting weird, you pulled him aside and asked him what was wrong • ‘What’s wrong is that- that worker was completely flirting with you right in front of me!’ he exclaimed • ‘Yedam, I really don’t think he was flirting with me stop exaggerating. even if he was I wouldn’t care cause you’re the only person I want to be with.’ You smiled softly, leaving Yedam a blushing mess
junkyu • you and junkyu have been dating for a while now and he finally wants to introduce you to his friends • a perfect occasion came up as hyunsuk was hosting a party with all of the silver boys so junkyu was taking you as his date • you’re incredibly nervous as you walk to hyunsuk’s place, trying to rehearse the ways you could introduce yourself • ‘relax baby, you’ll be fine’ junkyu chuckled, grabbing your hand as he knocked on the door • you introduced yourself to everyone, nervously giggling everytime jihoon and seunghun would make stupid jokes about junkyu • you particularly got along with hyunsuk • he helped you stay calm, bringing you water or food everytime you seemed a little too tipsy and joking around with you when he sensed you were feeling a little left out • as junkyu observed you two, he couldn’t help but feel a pang of jealousy • you were his date and yet you had barely spent a second of the night with him • towards the end of the night you sat on the couch, completely forgetting you were wearing a skirt and you exposed your thighs a bit too much so hyunsuk took off his yellow jacket, laying it on your lap • junkyu l o s t it • he downed his drink and put his leather jacket back on, silently leaving as everyone watched on like ‘ummm wtf just happened…’ • you were too drunk to go after him so hyunsuk ran out • as he caught up with junkyu he immediately pulled him by his jacket • ‘yo wtf junkyu why would you just leave your girl like that?’ • ‘it really didn’t seem like she was my girl when you two were all over each other at the party?’ he laughed bitterly, turning back as he kept walking. • ‘look junkyu, it’s not what it looks like. I talked to y/n and she’s really serious about being with you. She just asked me to stay with her because she was nervous about the other guys not liking her and she was a bit overwhelmed… I mean can you imagine being introduced to 10 boys at once?’ hyunsuk chuckled. • ‘ohh… I guess that makes sense...’ junkyu sighed. • ‘can we please go back to the party now? I’m pretty sure y/n needs someone to take her drunk ass home’ hyunsuk laughed, pushing junkyu in the direction of his house.
doyoung • you were laying on magnum’s dorm’s couch, waiting for doyoung • he was out getting snack for your weekly date night • usually the dorm was quite loud but today even jihoon and mashiho were knocked out from practice so you were calmly scrolling through your Instagram feed • you came across a picture of seunghun so you went onto his profile, mindlessly scrolling through his recent pics as you wondered how he was doing • you two had been friends for a long time, he had even introduced you to the silver boys and that’s how you met doyoung and started dating • ‘what are you doing’ you gasp, turning around to see doyoung glaring at you with bags of snacks in his arms. • ‘oh my god you scared me?? What the fuck doyoung??’ • ‘I should be asking you that. Why are you stalking seunghun? Do you like him or something?�� he raised his tone, dropping the grocery bags. • ‘first of all, no what the fuck? Also, I’m not stalking him, I just haven’t seen him for a while and I was wondering how he is…’ you sighed. • ‘you haven’t seen me for a while too…’ he muttered. • ‘well, let me know when you have a personal Instagram account so I can stalk you too?? Stop acting like a jealous baby. I’m not going to see you a lot when you debut so can you please just chill??’ you asked. • ‘you’re right, you’re right. I’m sorry for overreacting. Let’s just watch a movie and talk okay? I’ll go put the popcorn in the microwave’ he smiled, gently rubbing his thumb over your hands.
• it’s the first day of spring break and you’re on vacation with all of your college friends and your boyfriend midam • you brought your friends lisa, yeeun and chungha while midam brought his friends hyunsuk, seunghun and byounggon • for the first night, you guys decided to go out and get dinner together • you did your make up for the first time in a while and even the rest of the girls could agree you.  did. thAT 😳🗣 • so,, you looked really good and midam couldn’t stop looking at you the entire night. He wasn’t the only one tho… • the waiter at your table spent the entire night flirting with you and midam was starting to get annoyed • on top of that the rest of your friends were even getting uncomfortable cause the guy just wouldn’t take a hint • at one point midam went to the bathroom to calm down • while he was away, the waiter came back • he brushed your hair out of your face, leaning in to whisper ‘do you want my number?’ • Your eyes shot wide open as you saw midam right behind him, fists clenched in anger • ‘do you want my fist in your face?’ he yelled out, grabbing him by his collar. • Seeing as other customers were starting to look your way hyunsuk and byounggon both got up to calm midam down and you all left • On the way, back the others pretended they wanted to go shopping as an excuse to give you two some space • ‘so… that was a shit show’ you laughed, linking arms with midam • ‘I’m really sorry babe I know how much you wanted us to have a nice dinner together’ he sighed • ‘it’s fine, he was making me annoyed too. I’m glad you care enough to defend me.’ You smiled. • ‘hey, do you wanna go get some ice cream?’ he suddenly suggested • ‘hELL YEAH’ you yelled out, making midam laugh at how excited you were
hi hello i’m literally sick so i’m kinda dying but hope you guys like this hehe
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benhardypout-archive · 6 years ago
You can’t fool me, Joe...
Pairing: Ben Hardy x Joe Mazzello
Rating: G
Ben was truly happy that Joe decided to spend the weekend in his place. And if Joe hadn’t left at once, he could’ve asked Joe to stay in for the night.
A/N: So I hope you guys enjoy reading this. This was inspired from one of Ben’s DM/s (I’m not really sure if it’s legit but yeah, it inspired me to write this drabble.)
A deep sleepy voice echoed through the darkened room, but received no answer, only silence. A yawn teasing to come out, loudly escaped from Ben’s lips as he stretched his arms and legs out on the couch – he made himself comfortable to lie on and take an afternoon nap. But what’s supposed to be an hour nap continued on few more hours that by the time he woke up, it was already dark. His room which was once touched by the warm afternoon sun was now greeted by the slow creeping of the dusk, the last remnants of the sun’s light still peeking through the clouds, making the skies a shade of sapphire.
He tried calling out again, “Frankie!” his dog who he last remembered playing with Joe before he decided to take a nap. But no sound came out, at least a whimper or footsteps from his beagle. He sighed lazily as he forced himself to sit up. He adjusted his eyes through the dark before he stood up to check his surroundings and started looking for his dog and his friend, Joe.
He felt stupid for not checking his phone first-hand, then he saw a text from Joe, so he at once, opened to read it and Joe was apologizing and letting him know that he left as he doesn’t want to bother his beauty sleep, and calling him sleeping beauty by the end of the text. Ben smiled at this. But he couldn’t ignore the feeling of disappointment lingering, that he didn’t get to see Joe for the last time today and hadn’t say goodbye to him. Yes, he was that clingy towards his friend. And either Gwil, Rami or Lucy had been teasing them that a thirty minutes away from each other seemed like forever for both him and Joe and enough for them to tackle at each other like they missed each other in that short span of time. Some of their friends can really be a little exaggerating, but that’s how you would describe his bond with Joe. Sometimes, Ben found himself questioning his feelings to the said lad. But he was truly happy that Joe decided to spend his weekend in his place. And if Joe hadn’t left at once, he could’ve asked Joe to stay in for the night.
He dialed Joe’s number, and he didn’t know why he did it, to hear his voice perhaps?
Ben waited in anticipation for Joe to pick up and after three rings, he did. And Ben realized that he has been holding his breath until Joe spoke up, “Hey, Benny.”
Joe should stop calling him Benny, it made him weak everytime. But at the same time, he likes it.
“Hey. Uhm... hi”, was all could Ben muster. He cursed to himself.
“I’m sorry, I had to go. It was getting dark and you were still sleeping.”
“Yeah, yeah, I know. It’s okay....” a pause, then Ben asked what he thought the stupidest question he could ask, “Have you seen Frankie?”
No answer. And Ben knew why so he stumbled through his words and started talking a little fast, “I’m sorry, I know it’s stupid. I shouldn’t be asking you about Frankie, she lives here—“
Ben grew silent. Was that a dog he just heard? And then he heard low hushing in the background who probably was Joe silencing something.
“Mate- Buddy… A-am I hearing what I think I’m hearing?”
He knew that bark so well.
“You heard nothing?” Joe quietly said.
He could imagine Joe wincing so hard and mentally cursing.
“Don’t swear at her!”
“What? Who’s her?”
“Joe, you’re bad at this!”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Joe.” Ben made sure his voice was intimidating enough. “I heard a bark, and you can’t convince me that wasn’t Frankie.”
“I can’t understand you, Ben. What? Your line’s cutting.”
Ben rolled his eyes, grumbling. “Really, Joey?”
“Can’t still hear you. Hello?... Bye Ben.”
Ben heard dog whimpers from the other line before Joe hanged up.
Ben tried to process what just happened and he couldn’t believe it. Joe stole his dog.
Dedicating this to: @watercolouredreams , thank you for encouraging me to write this and for the continuous support and I also wanna thank and dedicate this to @hey-holtzy for the undying support and the great help you have given me!!! <333
It means a lot to me! Love you, guys!!!
Additional tags: @oniriquex (hi, hope you also enjoy reading this. maybe expect me from tagging you from now on to some of my fics in the future as well, if it’s alright with you. ^^ )
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peterparkyourassonme · 7 years ago
long distance; tom holland
pairing: tom holland x reader word count: 1,342. more than thought, tell me if you want a part two to this. summary: you and tom meet each other on the internet.  warning: none, (y/f/n) means your friends name, the friend is not described as any gender, you can chose. I think you got it.  part two| my other work
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‘yo, you have a new number right?’ 
‘this is (Y/n) by the way’ you sent your friend who just got a new number a text.
‘I don’t know a (Y/n)’ the person, who you thought was (your friends name), texted back. 
‘ha ha very funny, (y/f/n)’ you responded as you rolled your eyes at your screen. 
‘this is not (y/f/n), I’m sorry but I think you got the wrong number mate’ the now stranger texted back. 
‘oh, sorry my bad’. You felt really awkward.
‘I am Tom by the way’. You were surprised that he kept the conversation going. 
‘nice to meet you Tom’
‘nice to met you to (Y/n)’. 
Weeks had gone by and you and Tom had talked everyday over text. Tom really wanted to video chat, but you were a bit scared. What if he wasn’t this total awesome, British, twenty one year old, but some weird creep. Maybe your friends even scammed you to prank you. Every time he asked to see your face you got out of it. But not today. 
‘What are you doing rn?’ Tom asked. 
‘Not much tbh, pretty sad if you think about it, it’s Saturday night lol’ You replied. 
‘Want some company?’ He asked. 
‘What do you mean’ You sighed as you knew what he was gonna say. 
‘Call me or I can call you, whatever you want’. You rolled your eyes. 
‘Tom..’ You hit send and started typing again. But he already responded. 
‘Come on (Y/n). I wanna see how pretty you are’. If you didn’t trust him, that would be the creepiest thing ever. 
‘You know what, fuck it. Call me’. You hit send with slight regret. 
incoming face time call from ‘tom’ 
You were greeted with the face of a very handsome smiling young man. Brown hair, brown eyes. Very cute features. Both of you were looking at each other with adoration. Stunned by one another’s beauty. 
‘Hi’ You said with a little grin. ‘Wow, I mean hi, (Y/n)’ Tom almost choked on his spit. ‘You. You’re. You’re beautiful’. ‘Not so bad yourself’ You said and laughed. 
You sat in silence for a bit. 
‘Talk to me. I want to hear your voice, love’. You could hear Tom was desperately flirting with you.
You and Tom had gotten closer and closer. The line between best friends and soulmates was almost transparent. 
You were sitting on your bed with (y/f/n). You were giggling at you phone, because you were texting Tom. (y/f/n) rolled their eyes. They could see you were texting him, because you were always blushing if you were. 
They grabbed your phone. ‘Hey! I was texting-’ You got cut off. ‘Tom? Yeah I know. This silly little boyfriend of yours is distracting you’ 
‘He’s not my boyfriend!’ You did not want them to see your conversation with him. ‘Whatever (Y/n). He’s distracting you! From college and from your friends! I’m deleting his number’. They tapped on your phone while your jaw dropped. His phone number was the only thing you had of him. ‘No!’. You were not ready to lose Tom to (Y/f/n). They could not do this to you. ‘Blocked and deleted, now you can have your phone back. Thank me later’ They were very proud of them self and found the whole situation hilarious. 
‘Are you an idiot? That was all I had of him. Why did you have to ruin this!’ You were boiling with anger. ‘(Y/n) take a chill pil. You did not even know the guy, it’s not like he cared about you or something’. 
‘Get out of my house!’. ‘W-what? (Y/n) you’re being ridiculous. You know I’m right’ They backed off slowly walking towards the front door. ‘I said get out! You obviously seem to care less about me than you think Tom does. Thank you very much, you don’t have to show me your face again’ You opened the door and shoved them out. ‘Bye!’ You slammed the door shut. 
You collapsed to the ground and started crying as you just lost the contact with Tom. You could not get it back, you knew that. And he couldn’t text you, because (Y/f/n) blocked him. 
‘What’s up darling?’ yesterday 10.07 am
‘Yo are you busy?’ yesterday 1.15 pm
‘(Y/n) are you there?’ yesterday 5.30 pm
‘I’m getting worried, what’s going on?’ yesterday 9.45 pm
‘Goodnight love, please text me back or return my phone calls’ today 2.10 am 
‘Good morning. (Y/n), did I do something? Don’t ignore me, you can tell me anything?’ today 10.50 am. 
Tom let out a growl of anger. ‘What’s up?’ Harrison asked. ‘She’s not texting me back or returning my phone calls Haz, I am worried. What if something happened to her!’
‘Tom I’m sure she’s fine’
‘You call her than!’ Tom sighed after he spoke up, he did not want to fight with Harrison. ‘Pff okay’. Harrison dialed your number. ‘Sorry mate. Call denied’ Haz looked at Tom with an apologetic look. 
‘Come on..’ 
If you couldn’t call or text him you would google him instead. 
In the middle of your search you got called up by a foreign number. You decided to deny the call, they would probably be like one of those numbers that charge you loads of money. 
‘Tom Holland’ you mumbled and typed the name in the google search bar. What appeared in front of you was shocking.
“Tom Holland (Actor) - Wikipedia”
“Tom Holland (@ tomholland1996) |Twitter”
“Tom Holland Instagram photos videos and more”
Your eyes widened as you scrolled down the screen. This couldn’t be him. You clicked on his google biography. 
“Thomas Stanley Holland a British actor. Most know for his roles as Spider-Man in Captain America: Civil War and Spider-Man: Homecoming and Lucas in The Impossible”
He was an actor for Marvel?! All these questions were bouncing though your head. Maybe you could reach him through social media. You followed him on every platform and sent him; ‘Tom it’s me, (Y/n). My so called friend deleted and blocked your number, because they thought you were a silly distraction. Which you’re not! Please if you see this, send me your number so I can unblock you’ 
No response, not even after a week. Why did you even think that would work. He’s a superstar like he would answer your stupid DM. 
The fact you now knew he was famous made you very unconfident. Why did he even talk to you, he could do better. 
The weird number kept calling over the weeks and you got sick of it. They called about three times a day. You decided to pick up this time. ‘Who is this and why do you keep calling me?’ You angrily said into the phone. ‘(Y/n)! It’s me Tom!’. 
Your mouth fell open. ‘Why haven’t you been answering the phone or my texts! I was worried sick? Is it something I did, are you mad at me? (Y/n) please say something!’ Tom was trying to talk as fast as he could he wanted damn answers. 
You sighed. ‘Tom, I’m sorry’ You started to tear up after finally hearing his voice again. ‘I’m so so sorry’ And you started sobbing. ‘Hey, (Y/n) what’s wrong. Darling please tell me what’s going on’ His warm voice calmed you down. You took a deep breath. ‘Okay, My friend got sick of me talking to you and thought I did not mean anything to you. They said you were a distraction from college and from my friends. And you’re not! I broke down after they did delete it and tried to find a way to contact you… Than I found out who you are, Tom.’ You said slowly. ‘(Y/n), I’m sorry I didn’t tell you! You did not know who I was so I thought it would be for the better’ 
‘It still pisses me off. I don’t think I can handle all of this right now, Tom. I-I’m sorry’ You cried. ‘No, no, no. (Y/n) please don’t hang up I-’. You hung up and cut him off. 
‘love you’ 
A/n: wassup friends! Hope you enjoyed this! I am planning on making a part two, let me know if you want a part two!
lol my PE teacher hit me in the face with a baseball today, now my nose is all swollen and purple. Love it when that happens ha ha. 
I am working on a prompt list atm, and I’m very excited about it! Expect that coming soon. 
For the rest of the night I’ll be answering ship requests, so if you want to request one for your own feel free to! 
For the people who have requested one shots etc.. I’m working on them don’t worry loves. 
We’re also really close to 400 followers *faints*. Omg update WE HIT 400 FOLLOWERS, babes you're incredible.
I hope you have a great day and I’ll see you in the next one!
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gamerwoo · 5 years ago
[Tales from the Pack] Wonwoo: Protector (Part Four)
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Characters: Wonwoo x female reader
Genre/warnings: werewolf au, fantasy, angst, fluff at the end though!!
Word count: 5,471
Summary: If there’s one thing Wonwoo hates, it’s feeling helpless; like there’s nothing he can do to stop somebody he loves from getting hurts. It’s happened to him once before, and he swears it’ll never happen again. Especially not after he meets you.
Tag list: @choiminjae0325​​​ @heolykpop​​​ @fullsun-donghyuck​​​ @yoonbabe-d​​​​ @exuwu​​​ @lets-get-1t​​​​ @sooooofrench​​​​ @vintageot5​​​ @sehunnies-hunnie96​​ @luvhannie​​ @childfmoonn​​ @wobwobkpop​​ @henloimawierdobye​​ @dirinast​ (if you wanna be added please send an ask or a dm!!)
Unable to tag: @uglyratlmao
Previous | Next | Protector Masterlist
Wonwoo set the bags on the table for you and helped you put everything away. It was a lot easier taking care of your groceries than the pack’s since you were just buying for the two of you, but that also meant less work, which meant his brain could wander. As always, it went straight to two things: you, and Danbi.
He was frustrated with himself. He’d been with you for two weeks now, and he figured he should’ve marked you already. You already knew how all of that worked, so you would be fine with it. But he also hadn’t asked and he didn’t want to do that without asking, but he didn’t know if he even should ask. Was two weeks too early?
He would always do this. He’d go round and round overthinking it, and then do nothing and continue to be frustrated. He wanted you marked as his already -- especially with the nightmares he’d been having, but that was another thing entirely.
But that did have something to do with why he was thinking of Danbi. Was she doing okay? Was she still angry at him? Did she run off again? It wasn’t like his pack mates who came to check up on him were much help in getting answers, either. He’d ask a question, to which they’d only reply “don’t worry too much”. But when he kept dreaming of that day with Lilly, and now started having nightmares of something similar happening to you or Danbi, how could he not worry? Something bad could happen, and he would completely blame himself.
You could easily tell when he was thinking about Danbi, though -- at least, you always assumed it was just Danbi. He would stare off into space as he did whatever task he was doing, and his nose would scrunch in the slightest as his eyebrows sat low over his eyes and made a crease between them. You didn’t mind that his focus was on his sister, you just wished you could help. He didn’t deserve to be this stressed out and worried but what could you do?
“Your face will freeze like that,” you chuckled as you and Wonwoo sat on the couch together, his face still scrunched up as he thought about Danbi. “Come on, love, you need to relax.”
“I’m trying,” he sighed, the look finally dropping from his face as he laid his head back against the couch. “My sister is probably at home safe and sound, but I still can’t focus on my mate… I’m the worst werewolf to exist.”
Wonwoo didn’t want to tell you how he worried about you because he didn’t want you to see him how he assumed Danbi did. He didn’t want you thinking he was overbearing or thinking he was an awful mate and wanting nothing to do with him. He didn’t want to mess things up with you, so he kept his worries about keeping you safe to himself.
“That’s not true,” you stated, turning to face him as you sat on your knees. “Wonwoo, the only problem you seem to have is that you think you can protect Danbi from everything, including her own life and choices. You need to learn how to relax a bit more.”
“Relax?” he asked as if it was a foreign word to him. He sat up and looked at you. “Have you met the pack? We don’t relax; we fight.”
“Well, you definitely can’t fight anybody here,” you chuckled, looking around to find some sort of outlet for his stress. “Uh…maybe go punch a tree or something?”
Wonwoo’s laugh was deep, his eyes lighting up at your comment, “We don’t punch trees, _____.”
“It’s called a joke, Woo,” you giggled as he rolled his eyes, flopping over to the side and laying his head in your lap. Hearing the sad sigh he let out, you knew he wouldn’t be getting his mind off of his stressful thoughts anytime soon. “Love, I know you’re worried about her, but you know you can’t always be there to protect her.”
“But I need to be,” he sighed again, this time more deeply. “If anything were to happen to her, it’s my fault, _____. I’m her big brother; I’m supposed to protect her from danger.”
You had a feeling this was stemming from something else. The way his eyes bore into yours with such heartbreak in them, you knew this came from something much, much more than just fearing Danbi would run away again. But you didn’t know if it was too far to pry just yet.
“Sweetheart, she has Mingyu, too,” you told him, running your hands through his soft hair. “Mingyu’s your brother, so you know he’ll take good care of her. You can’t always be there for her now that she’s grown up and has a family.”
“Yeah, but--”
There was a loud knock on the door, interrupting your conversation. It made you jump a bit considering the fact it wasn’t only getting pretty late – the sun was setting as the sky began to fade to warm oranges that transitioned to cool dark blues – but the knock sounded forceful.
You let out a soft sigh before calling out, “coming!” as you stood, forcing your mate to sit up with a pouty huff. Despite the fact you informed the guest at the door that you were on your way to open it, they continued to pound impatiently on your door. You did your best to not snap at them before opening the door and being met with the last person you expected to see.
“Hello, _____,” the boy at the door smiled a little too sweetly. “I was wondering if I could have a moment of your time.”
His name was Donghae and he was this average height and clean-cut boy, always dressing up in the best clothes he could as if he were some sort of royal. Had he not been such a brat, you would’ve thought maybe Donghae was handsome with the way he always slicked his short, dark hair back, and how he was always clean shaven to show off his sharp, squared jaw. His eyes were a little on the rounder side, but his square brows were always set low so you couldn’t really tell unless he raised them in amusement -- much like he currently was.
Donghae was also the town mayor’s son. That meant he was the son of possibly the most important person in town, and that was scary. He had power, and people with power made you nervous because you knew they had the most information. Beom always instructed you to keep to yourself when around people with a higher status because you never wanted to give them a reason to pry. That was what confused you about Donghae suddenly showing up at your doorstep. You always kept to yourself, even earlier that day in the market with Wonwoo. So what could’ve made him come here? You weren’t even aware that he was in the market -- unless he had been watching you from a distance.
On top of being powerful, Donghae was, to put it bluntly, an asshole. He used his power just because he could, and he always got his way. He was one of the worst people you had ever been aware of, and you always steered clear of him whenever you saw him.
As soon as Wonwoo heard his voice, he moved quickly and quietly to the kitchen to be closer to you, afraid of what Donghae was planning. Despite not being too familiar with the town, he was well aware of Donghae’s family because they were who the pack had to be cautious around. Wonwoo didn’t know why the snobby brat would be visiting you – and at such a late hour at that – but he didn’t sense anything good about his reasoning.
“Of course,” you replied, trying to stay polite even though your heart was beating out of your chest. You didn’t know what he could possibly want from you; you were a very quiet member of the town. “What can I do for you?”
“I’d like to speak to you about a…werewolf problem,” he smirked ever so slightly, cocking an eyebrow like he knew you knew something.
Wonwoo softly growled, but tried to keep himself under control. There was no way he could be suspicious of you, right? And if he was, Wonwoo already knew the consequences wouldn’t be good.
“Werewolves?” you chuckled nervously. “Werewolves aren’t real, Donghae.”
“Oh, but I think Beom thought so,” he said as he clicked his tongue. “She is the one who raised you, isn’t she?”
You gulped, “Y-yes… B-but Beom was always coming up with crazy tales. You know that very well.”
“_____, I did notice something very...different at the market today,” he continued, the amused smile never leaving his stupid face. “You were with a man. That’s very new for you, isn’t it? You’re always alone.”
It was true that you were hardly ever seen with anybody, much less a man. You’d been in town with Danbi only a few times, and Jooyeon even less than that, probably. But the wolves, you had never been spotted with for as long as you knew the pack. 
“W-why were you watching me at the market?” you quickly tried to counter.
“Don’t avoid this, _____. Who is he?”
As Donghae continued to try to get you to slip up, Wonwoo heard the back door open. He was about to let out a warning growl until he sensed it was someone from the pack: Chan. The youngest wolf crept up the hallway and made his way to Wonwoo when he noticed him in the kitchen.
“What the hell are you doing here?” Wonwoo whispered to Chan who had his golden eyes glued on you.
“You need to get _____ out of here.” he told your mate. “I was on my way home from town, and I saw a bunch of guards lurking. There are some around the sides of the house; I think Donghae knows that _____ helps the pack. I can get her out but I don’t know how I can if Donghae keeps blabbing to her.”
Wonwoo eyed Chan, unsure of how this could work, but he knew he had to get you away from Donghae before something bad happened. He let out a sigh, running his hands through his hair as he tried to quickly think of a plan. He knew he’d have to do something now before Donghae either took you with him or worse – he refused to consider the second option.
Wonwoo bit his lip, closing his eyes with a soft groan in his throat, “I can only think of one way to do this…but you’re going to have to be involved. They’ll know you’re a werewolf.”
“I’m okay with anything if it keeps the pack safe,” Chan nodded, “but I don’t know how _____ will feel. This is her home.”
“It’s all we’ve got to keep her safe,” he said, his eyes watching your back.
You still had no clue the younger wolf was in your house. You were simply trying to answer Donghae’s questions, giving the little twerp as vague answers as you possibly could. He was two years younger than you and you felt like he shouldn’t be here scolding you, but he was the son of an important person in the town, so you had to listen to him. 
Donghae made it clear you were suspected of being involved with the werewolf pack, but you were denying everything. You tried to convince him that you were innocent, but you already knew that Donghae wasn’t the type to listen to reason, even if you weren’t lying – which you definitely were, but he didn’t need to know that. You were fighting a losing battle.
“Well, _____, I’m afraid I--”
“Excuse me,” an unfamiliar voice was right by your ear, cutting off Donghae as the stranger scooped you off of the ground, making you gasp, “but I’ll be taking her.”
Before you could even scream, you were moving at a speed so fast that it felt like you weren’t even moving. In seconds, you were near the familiar tree with the large hole in it that had been there since you were a child, signaling you were going the correct way to the wolves’ den. The smaller wolf -- you only knew he was a werewolf because of the eyes and the fact he was incredibly fast -- wasn’t even winded as he grinned down at you.
“Sorry to have our first meeting be under these circumstances,” he chuckled awkwardly as he set you down. “I’m Chan, the youngest; I’m from Soonyoung’s pack.”
They had mentioned Chan before. He was the pup and he had the power of speed. You got to witness that firsthand, and you had to admit, it was impressive. However, you didn’t get to even introduce yourself because it was then that it hit you: Wonwoo wasn’t with you.
“Wonwoo!” you gasped, gripping his shoulders. “Chan, where’s Wonwoo?”
“He left before we did,” he promised with a soft smile, “everything will be fine. It was all part of my master plan -- well, his, but it was my idea that he leave first since he’s slower than me.”
“But…” you turned, looking back the way you came as tears filled your eyes. You already knew that they were going search your house for evidence, trashing it and confiscating everything. “All of my things…my memories…my home…”
Chan’s proud smile faded as he watched tears slip down your cheeks, your bottom lip quivering. He stepped toward you, wanting to somehow comfort you, but unsure what would be okay.
“It’ll be okay, _____,” he promised softly, deciding to place a warm hand on your shoulder. “We’ll go back in a few days to bring everything back. I’m sure the alphas will help, and Wonwoo too.”
“What about Wonwoo?” you sniffled, looking at the younger boy as you tried to control your tears. “Where is he now?”
“He said he’d meet us here. He should be-- Oh! There!”
Chan pointed to a sandy-colored wolf with dark paws, and a dark marking on it’s chest. You already knew it was your mate just by looking at him, and you ran to him, making him slow his pace before he ran straight into you. He was carrying something in his mouth, but you ignored it and threw your arms around him, cuddling into his fur as he hummed in content.
“Told you,” Chan smirked, resting his hands on his hips.
Wonwoo let out a tiny huff, so you pulled away. He held what looked like a frame out to you, and you took it in your hands carefully. You turned it over and saw that it was the picture of you, Beom, and the alphas – the last picture you took with her.
You wiped under your eyes, holding the frame with one hand as you looked at your mate, “Thank you.”
Wonwoo nudged your cheek with his nose before walking up a bit and lowering himself for you to get on his back. Before you could even climb up, Chan was helping you on and taking the picture so you could hang on to Wonwoo’s fur.
“Good thinking, Wonwoo,” he smiled as he studied the picture, beginning the walk back to the house.
Once inside the house, Chan began going through his bag from the market that he’d filled with your little pots, potions, and remedies before taking you. He placed the various items on the counter, and each new thing he pulled out seemed to raise you spirits just a little bit. You were delighted with what they got, but you knew you’d still need the rest of your stuff. However, you were grateful either way.
“I can’t believe Jihoon smiles,” Jun called from the living room where he was hanging your portrait up above the fireplace with a few other photos.
“Shut your mouth!” Jihoon huffed as he helped you and Jeonghan put your things away with the Jeon siblings’ things in the kitchen.
Honestly, between what you and the two siblings had, you didn’t have a bad stock. You could definitely add to it, but you’d have to wait a few days. You’d be fine waiting, though. You knew you wouldn’t want to see your house a wreck, but at least you could get your belongings.
“I know the circumstances are shitty,” Jeonghan began, “but I’m glad you’ll be moving in for a while, _____. It’s been a long time since we’ve gotten to see you for long periods of time."
“I have to agree,” Jihoon admitted with the traces of a smile on his lips. “Plus, maybe you can keep these morons in line.”
“Hey, I’m not a moron!” Seungcheol whined.
“Don’t you have a mate to be keeping an eye on?” Jihoon quizzed, raising an eyebrow.
You let out an excited gasp, turning to the older wolf, “Oh, where’s Jooyeon?”
Seungcheol chuckled as he nodded toward the front yard, “She’s outside with Seokmin right now. I think they’re--”
“Uh, guys?” Seokmin called. You paused to go look out of the kitchen doorway and down the hall where the younger wolf was standing at the open front door. “You might want to see this…”
The wolves went to the door, piling outside onto the lawn. They looked up in the sky, one by one, their faces showing shock and horror. You made your way out and looked up, and then your jaw dropped, and your legs started to shake before your knees completely buckled and you dropped to the grass.
A pillar of thick, grey and black smoke was swirling in the sky. It looked like it was towards the outskirts of town.
Your house was right at the edge of town, and in the direction of the smoke.
“No!” you cried as tears formed and quickly began spilling over your eyes.
“_____...” Wonwoo knelt in the grass beside you, pulling you into his chest.
“Fuck…” Soonyoung sighed, looking from the smoke to you as you sobbed.
You didn’t even bother to cover your face or hide away in your mate’s chest. You couldn’t take your eyes off of the smoke. Every picture, potion, article of clothing, and most importantly, memory was now gone from that house. Your childhood, your memories of Beom, and every other beautiful memory that was contained in that house was now erased with the smoke as it rose higher and higher into the sky.
It felt like everything was taken from you. Everything you knew; everything Beom left behind for you was in that house. You only had a few things that Wonwoo and Chan managed to get, but it wasn’t enough. You were thankful, yes, but what about the rest of the things you needed? You could never get them back now. Everything was gone.
“That little brat isn’t playing around,” Joshua mumbled.
“I’ll kill him,” Wonwoo growled, angry with how upset Donghae had made his mate, hugging you tighter. “I’ll tear every limb from his body.”
Chan sighed, unable to look away from the smoke filling the sky, “_____…I’m sorry we couldn’t get everything. We didn’t know--”
You broke his apology with a sob so loud that the pack looked away from the sky and down at you. Wonwoo forced your face into his chest, not wanting you to continue looking at the grey smoke clouds that seemed to never end. He knew how much that house meant to you. Hell, he even considered moving in with you permanently instead of having you stay with the pack so you could keep all of your memories that were in that house. You lived close enough that he could visit when he needed to, and you would always be protected by the pack. It would’ve been perfect.
Anger bubbled inside of him. It was difficult for him to contain, but he managed while he had you in his arms. You were the only thing keeping him calm and grounded. If it were just him, he knew he would’ve shifted and would’ve been on his way to murder Donghae in an instant.
“Come on, _____,” Seungcheol’s voice was soft as his hand rested on your upper back. “Let’s get you back inside for now.”
“Seungcheol's right,” Wonwoo decided, bringing you to stand with him. “We shouldn’t stay out here for long.”
“You’re only torturing yourself,” Soonyoung nodded, gesturing for the pack to start heading in. “I’m also worried Donghae will send his men to look for the three of you, so it’s best if we all lay low for a bit.”
You knew that he was right, but you couldn’t find words. Whenever you opened your mouth, more sobs poured out, and it worried Wonwoo and the rest of the pack. They knew you’d be okay eventually, but it would take time. For now, though, it was clear you were far from okay.
The pack was determined to take your mind off of what happened. While Wonwoo, Chan, Mingyu, Soonyoung, Seokmin, and Seungkwan sat with you in the living room, the wolves were scouring the house in search of the old photo albums that they hadn’t seen in years.
“I found one!” Minghao called from one corner of the basement.
“How many are there again?” Hansol wondered as he searched another dust-covered box.
“Three…?” Seungcheol guessed slowly. “I don’t remember, I haven’t seen them since Beom would visit.”
Jihoon groaned softly, standing up on his toes to reach another box, “Why do we have so many photo albums? We never do anything together.”
“Beom made them,” Jeonghan stated, a slight bite to his tone. “She liked keeping memories, just like _____. That’s why we need to find all of them.”
“Got the second one!” Jun announced proudly, holding the dusty book in the air.
Seungcheol turned away from where he was looking to smile softly at the fourth oldest, “One more and we’re good.”
Meanwhile, you were in the living room with a handful of the pack as they tried to cheer you up. Wonwoo couldn’t help but feel a little bit happy that the pack flocked to you so easily, even if most of them barely knew you. Chan seemed to take an automatic liking to you ever since rescuing you from your house, and the rest of the younger wolves seemed to be following suit. Even Mingyu seemed to have his curiosity of you overpowering the constant attention he kept on his mate and 3-month-old daughter.
“Please don’t cry anymore, _____,” Soonyoung frowned, one arm around you as you sat between him and your mate on the couch.
Your head hurt from crying, but the tears wouldn’t stop no matter how hard you tried. Wonwoo was continuously drying your tears with his sweater sleeve, but they just kept flowing out of you. Your heart was completely broken, and you didn’t know how to fix it.
“We’ll avenge you, _____,” Seungkwan promised, offering a smile.
You sniffled, rubbing your eyes, “Th-thanks, Seungkwan.”
“We’ll make things okay again,” Wonwoo swore, his voice soft like velvet as he ran his fingers soothingly through your hair. “I know we can’t get your house back, but we can make sure you’re safe until we can figure out how to get back at him.”
You nodded, wanting to believe your mate, but Donghae had so much power. How were you supposed to go against him? He had resources that the pack didn’t, and he had way more people than you. The pack were going to walk into a battle that they couldn’t win.
If anything happened to Wonwoo or the pack, you would never forgive yourself.
“Beom would know what to do if she was here…” you mumbled.
Your words made tears start to pick up again, and Soonyoung was quick to shush you, being the only one in the room who knew your connection with the old woman.
You always looked up to her and always wanted to be like her. The truth was, you could never be her. You didn’t know nearly as much as her, and you clearly sucked at keeping the one secret that you had to keep. The town officials now knew there were werewolves nearby, and they knew that Wonwoo and Chan were two of them because they wanted to protect you. You were the reason they had to expose themselves.
“_____, don’t compare yourself to her,” the alpha told you. “I know you think you’re not as good as her, but even Beom would never be able to stop Donghae.”
“She wouldn’t have been careless,” you sobbed, your voice breaking.
“You weren’t careless, _____!” Chan insisted. “It wasn’t your fault. How would you know that Donghae would be in town?”
“Yeah, you can’t just hide inside your house all the time,” Seokmin agreed.
“But now we have to hide inside all the time,” you sighed as Wonwoo pulled his sleeve down over his hand and used it to wipe the moisture from your cheeks once again. “I don’t even know how he got tipped off. I’m really sorry…”
“Don’t be,” Seungkwan told you with a smile, “Jihoon and Jeonghan will be very pleased to not have to go outside.”
His lighthearted – but definitely true – comment made you laugh softly, which made the small group of wolves smile. Seungkwan was very proud of himself for that.
“Oh, _____,” Junhui sang as he appeared in the doorway of the living room, holding a dusty book in his hand, “we found some things that might make you feel better.”
When the rest of the pack crowded into the living room and set the three books on the table, you recognized them as the photo albums and let out a soft gasp. You thought all your pictures were gone – it was very difficult to get your hands on a camera, but Beom somehow managed – but here they were with the wolves. At least, copies Beom had given them.
“Ooh, let’s see this one first!” Seungkwan grinned as he reached over to grab the book from the table.
“Uh, I think this one goes first,” Joshua corrected, taking a new book and sliding it across the table toward you with a soft smile. “It’s mostly pictures from when _____ was younger.”
“Oh god…” you laughed shyly, making the pack chuckle.
You flipped the book open, smiling as you looked over the pictures and pointed out a few of your favorites. The pack had just gotten a house built back then, and Soonyoung’s pack had yet to even show up, so you only really saw Jihoon, Seungcheol, Jeonghan, and Joshua, so they were the ones in most of the photos. The older wolves also took turns to laugh at memories that they were reminded of from the happy pictures.
“Is that Jihoon holding a baby?” Chan asked, pointing at a picture of Jihoon holding a 3-month-old you as far away from him as he possibly could.
He burst into a fit of giggles as the rest of the wolves curiously leaned over for a look before they were joining in on the laughter.
Jihoon just frowned, “I’d never held a baby, okay!”
Jeonghan pointed to a picture of Seungcheol, who was cradling you in his arms and smiling down at you, “That’s how you hold a baby, idiot.”
The book was filled with pictures of you up to the age of eleven, either of just you or you with the pack. There were even pictures of just the pack at their home, which still looked the same as it does now -- like the one of them all outside the house after Soonyoung and his three pack mates had finally joined. All the memories were happy ones that made you smile and laugh with everyone else.
There were pictures of you on Jun’s shoulders as you pointed up at the sky, and Joshua and Jeonghan braiding your hair while you played with dolls that Beom had made you. There were pictures of Minghao and a wolf you recently learned was Mingyu as they tried to cook a large dinner for their equally as large pack. Pictures of Jihoon sitting on the floor with you in his lap at age four while he read to you, a genuine smile on his face – which earned plenty of ‘aw’s from the pack. 
And then you came across a picture of Wonwoo and his sister when she had just moved in – and boy, did he look different.
“_____, look!” Minghao laughed, pointing to the picture to get your attention.
You almost didn’t recognize him with the way his long, black fringe flopped in his face. You only knew it was him from the sharp features, and the fact that Danbi was smiling beside him with her arms around his neck.
You looked at your mate beside you, who was blushing profusely.
“Hey, shut up!” he whined at the pack who was laughing at how he looked back then.
“You were cute,” you giggled, kissing Wonwoo’s red cheek softly.
He pulled you closer to him as he sulked at his pack’s teasing.
The next book was you between the ages of twelve and eighteen from the looks of it, and you didn’t get to see the pack as often. You saw yourself slowly grow up between all the pictures, and each memory brought back more that weren’t captured in the books. Like the time Jihoon came to visit after not seeing you for a long time, and became grumpy because you were taller than him.
One picture that Wonwoo pointed out was of you with his sister, the two of you hugging and grinning at the camera in the middle of Beom’s kitchen. You could tell seeing pictures of you with his sister made him incredibly happy as his eyes became shiny like they were filling with tears.
You took the picture out of its place and handed it to him, “You should keep this.”
“Thanks, love,” he smiled, kissing your temple softly as he took the photo.
The final album wasn’t completely full yet. It was you from nineteen, up until Beom died, and it showed more of you and less of the wolves. You asleep on the couch with a potion you were working on left unfinished in front of you on the coffee table; you hugging Soonyoung when he came to visit after not seeing him for months; Joshua sitting across from you in the grass while you tried to teach him how to knit on a warm spring afternoon; even you on Christmas as you held the very picture that was hanging up in the living room. You’d forgotten it was a present from Beom, so it only made the picture that much more meaningful.
“We should find a camera somewhere,” Seungcheol suggested suddenly as you neared the end of the final book. “We could fill up this book and make more with pictures of the growing pack.”
Soonyoung’s smile widened, “Yeah! We’ll have to keep our eyes out for a camera.”
“I’m sure Jooyeon can steal one of given the chance,” Junhui scoffed, nudging the eldest alpha in the side.
“Speaking of our growing pack,” Mingyu said as he stood from the floor, “I should check on Jiwoo and Danbi.”
Seungcheol nodded, “Yeah, I should make sure Jooyeon is asleep in bed and not asleep out of it.”
As the two wolves went to check on their mates, the pack went back to teasing the older wolves for how they were with you -- specifically Jihoon. He did at least improve with holding you when you were a baby, able to cradle you in one arm while he did tasks with the other. Soonyoung, on the other hand, couldn’t be trusted holding you with only one arm.
"At least most of us were competent,” Joshua shrugged, “or at least became competent.”
“Yeah, the real fiend is Soonyoung,” Jihoon insisted. “Tell them, _____.”
You chuckled, but nodded, “Yeah, Soonyoung was a real menace but I thought it was hilarious as a kid.”
“Because I’m great with kids!” Soonyoung said.
“Great with almost killing them,” Junhui giggled.
Wonwoo sat back against the couch and smiled as he watched you go back and forth with the older wolves. He was happy that your tears had dried, and the streaks of them were no longer on your cheeks. Your mind seemed to be taken away from the events of today, and that was all he could ask for right now.
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punkscowardschampions · 5 years ago
Jimmy & Janis
Jimmy: ? Janis: didn't wanna wake you Janis: had to go get Grace Jimmy: is she alright? Janis: erm, loosely Janis: it's a whole situation you don't need to worry about but she's not about to be murdered so yeah, for our purposes Jimmy: you alright? Janis: just really Janis: I don't know Janis: yeah Jimmy: It's my turn to steal a car Jimmy: say the word, babe Janis: cheers Janis: step up from what she was working with, even if I'm not sure you'd pass a breathalyzer yet, like Jimmy: challenge accepted Janis: 👮💪 Janis: don't actually though, just so we're clear Janis: you should go back to sleep Jimmy: tell it to the 🐕 Jimmy: she's followed me all about everywhere I looked for you Jimmy: 🙄 Janis: awh Janis: I'm sorry Jimmy: Again, tell her 'cause 🏆💪 late night trampoline champ, me Janis: make it up to her, obviously Janis: if Ian wasn't 😡 enough over the kids, the kebab shit she does will send him over the edge, like Jimmy: She's alright she's had a walk to the scene of your failed crime with me Jimmy: Ian'll be 💔 as Sharon or whatever her name is Jimmy: let's call her mum Janis: damn, are YOU alright? Janis: didn't pull a shotgun did she Jimmy: I didn't pull a muscle or owt either 🥇 tah Jimmy: What kind of Romeo would I be if I'm not coming through a window or chucking shit at it, like? Jimmy: not real 💩 though, you're alright Janis: dead impressive, you Janis: and probably for the best, can they get DNA from shit? Janis: idk Jimmy: might do if I were 45 and it had 🩸 in it Janis: 😂 this is gross Jimmy: *goals Jimmy: I reckon we're proper starcrossed now, she were fuming Janis: of course, tbh Romeo was lucky she weren't just emptying her chamber pot when he was lurking Janis: oh god Janis: she always is so don't take it personal Jimmy: might've helped if 1. I could remember your name Jimmy: 2. Twix didn't near get in a 🐕 fight with hers Jimmy: 3. I never said 'same, mate' when she said she had work in a bit Janis: 🙄 Janis: well, as your luck would have it Janis: may have unintentionally started a widespread family drama so Janis: gracie, meet bus Jimmy: it ain't my fault or bad luck if your parents gave more than one of you J names and if not, easy guess who I meant Jimmy: described you and owt so Janis: sure it was so favourable Jimmy: 'course Jimmy: 😍😍😍 Janis: just made that face at her, yeah Jimmy: what kind of poet do you take me for? Jimmy: obviously prepared something on the way Janis: if you were any kind you'd tell me you dreamt it, boy Jimmy: 💔 Jimmy: Oi, I'm not reading my dream diary to you, dickhead Janis: 💔 Janis: I'll just be bored on my walk then Janis: rude Jimmy: Impossible to be bored with a kebab or how pissed Gracie must be to have agreed to that Jimmy: she'll be dreaming about them calories and waking up to 💀👑 death threats Janis: it is very tempting to DM her a mukbang but Jimmy: if you don't, I'll stop waiting here like your 💔 missus and come do it Janis: shaz suits you Jimmy: there's your warning, Jules Jimmy: and it don't end in a y so how could it possibly? Jimmy: Ian's never wrong Janis: hot Janis: x2, duh Jimmy: 😏 Janis: oh, before I forget Janis: she said sorry Jimmy: I get it, our kid drives me to drink an' all Janis: 'scuse you, I'm responsible af Janis: she's just talking a lot Janis: more than usual Jimmy: she's wasted then? Janis: don't take much Jimmy: pisshead and a lightweight 💕 Janis: oi Jimmy: tah for only twinning with your 💕🍺 Jimmy: keeping it 🥇 Janis: 😒 Jimmy: I miss you too, girl Janis: really Janis: 🤔🤔🤔 Jimmy: You don't reckon I'm 💔🎻😭? Janis: tis your default so Jimmy: Oi Janis: what Jimmy: Are you gonna stay? Jimmy: there, at yours Janis: idk Janis: might have to Jimmy: I weren't lying to your young, fit nan Jimmy: I do have a shift in a bit Janis: firstly, ew Janis: secondly, eww Jimmy: and thirdly? Janis: alright, see you later then Jimmy: No Janis: what? Jimmy: Don't just go again Janis: I didn't mean Janis: I meant I'll probably stay here then, for all the reasons Jimmy: 👌 Janis: I miss you too Jimmy: Then just Janis: I'll come back as soon as I can Janis: but probably be at the CG the way this day's going Jimmy: You gonna bring your hungover sister? Janis: why you wanna see her so bad, like Jimmy: now that she's nicked you off me, I do Janis: Babe Jimmy: What? Janis: you're just really Jimmy: 😡😡 yeah, me and your nan Janis: was going to say nice Jimmy: Piss off Jimmy: You're the one saving Grace Jimmy: I'm only here 😭😭😭 Jimmy: me and the 🐕 Janis: debatable that Janis: she's a good dog too Jimmy: You're a good girlfriend Jimmy: next time just tell me you're going Janis: I will Janis: promise Janis: you were just so 😴 Jimmy: I don't care if I'm 💀💀💀 wake me Jimmy: I thought Janis: I know Janis: in hindsight Jimmy: if you're gonna sober up enough to ever have 2nd thoughts about owt I've said, at least write it down somewhere Jimmy: save me a 💀💌 Jimmy: you know I'm basically illiterate Janis: i ain't Janis: i won't, like Jimmy: You still like me then? Janis: of course I do Janis: think drunk grace spits so much truth I'm reconsidering, like Jimmy: Being in love with Mia is enough to put anyone off, to be fair Jimmy: even my ex weren't bad as her Janis: the 💔 is very real here Jimmy: I can imagine, won't, like, but easily could Jimmy: got the orchestra following you home, babe Janis: take it, like Janis: at least those losers won't have bad intentions Jimmy: they ain't gonna piss about 🎻s to play Jimmy: and they know how 💪💪💪 you are Janis: who don't tbh Janis: 👊👊👊 Jimmy: my dad and Sharon Jimmy: might've missed your chance to show her but 🤞 Ian won't die before we can kill him Janis: I'll be back 🤖 Jimmy: 👍 Jimmy: I want you back Janis: trust me, rather be there, even if I weren't somewhere this shit Jimmy: can't you get here somehow? Jimmy: both bigheads, gotta be able to make it work Janis: I'm 🤞 they'll reckon she's in a worse enough state that they'll put her to bed and I can make my exit Jimmy: Get to the CG and I'll meet you there, open up earlier than planned Janis: I am only in it for the lattes Janis: 😍🤤 Jimmy: There you go then Jimmy: 🔑💕 Janis: honestly, was opening up meant to be a punishment or the #ultimatewingmanmove Janis: thanks.. graham Jimmy: Let me know after I've taught you ☕🎨 Jimmy: ultimate skill for the CV that Janis: also so important to me Janis: career progression Janis: only so far all the 💸 will take me Jimmy: #obvs Jimmy: good acoustics in there if owt else fails Jimmy: for your 😇 voice Janis: your 😈 one Jimmy: You're so Janis: your fault Janis: and your problem now so Jimmy: Your own fault Jimmy: but no problem Janis: you Janis: just Janis: you know Jimmy: you baby Jimmy: it's been you this entire time Janis: I can't Jimmy: Bollocks, there's nowt you can't do Jimmy: 🥇 girl Janis: I really fucking like you alright Jimmy: It's alright with me Janis: good Jimmy: You wanna do something when I'm done being paid to serve? Jimmy: just me and you Janis: yeah Janis: like what, I mean Jimmy: have a think Jimmy: I will an' all Janis: 👍 Jimmy: 👌 Janis: 💕 Jimmy: 😍😍😍 Janis: 😏 Jimmy: 😘 Janis: 🤓 Jimmy: 💔 Janis: 😎 Jimmy: 😏 Janis: the amount of times I've saved her from the road/bushes/tripping over thin air tonight when I could just let her 💀 means you're gonna be so nice to me, right? Jimmy: I'll be nice to you 'cause I want to Jimmy: Grace don't come into it Janis: even better then Janis: just reminding you, such a 😇 Jimmy: still got your song in my head Jimmy: weren't likely to forget Janis: just my name Janis: standard Jimmy: I know your name, Juliet Janis: Well I know how to make you say it so Janis: who's the real romantic here Jimmy: been saying it's you since day 1 Jimmy: no need for a twitter poll Janis: so what you're saying is, I win Jimmy: Nah, I do Jimmy: you're with this miserable dickhead Jimmy: I get the last true romantic Janis: don't do yourself dirty Janis: you're alright Jimmy: Tah Janis: you could've swooned a bit Janis: really meant that, dickhead Jimmy: Calm down, I felt it Janis: ugh Janis: feel a bit sick Jimmy: Shut up Janis: oh lol Janis: meant that too but unrelated Janis: probably the kebab Jimmy: such a pisstake you Jimmy: Alright well 🤢 before you get to me, like Janis: charming Janis: some nurse you are Jimmy: Grace will hold your hair back for you, all the practice she's had Janis: yeah, such a help her rn Jimmy: better not set her off 🤢🤢🤢 an' all then Janis: shut up Jimmy: Baby Janis: you reckon I could push her in and run Janis: before either of them come Jimmy: 👍 Jimmy: top plan Janis: yeah? Jimmy: Depends how sick you feel Janis: sicker if i have to stay Jimmy: If you have to stay, I'll just come to you Jimmy: Get someone to cover Janis: nah, don't need to do that Janis: they're just gonna wanna talk so I'll just have to ignore them like usual Janis: just gonna be a bit Janis: frantic, tonight and I'd rather not Jimmy: 🤢 that'll 💀💀💀 the chat Janis: 👍 Jimmy: It'll be alright Jimmy: like you said, she's in no state to do owt but 😭 or 💤 Janis: all the more reason to snatch me Jimmy: why what've done? Jimmy: you* Janis: long story Janis: what ain't I done 😎 Jimmy: *😈 Janis: exactly Jimmy: Stop flirting with me Jimmy: I get it, you're well fit and mysterious Janis: you have no idea, mate Jimmy: Tell me then Jimmy: didn't get a bedtime story so Janis: break my heart in a minute Jimmy: 🎻🎻🎻 Jimmy: Pete can keep his 🎸 working for me them Janis: wouldn't know where to begin, like Janis: without a 🎻 or 🎸 Janis: 🤞 they don't know either Jimmy: been a bit of a weird night, yeah? Janis: yeah Janis: some of it was good still Jimmy: I'll always give you good weird, babe Jimmy: promise Janis: thanks, really Jimmy: I wanna do more Jimmy: what can I? Janis: don't go nowhere Janis: stay Jimmy: Alright Janis: I know it's weird Janis: to say Janis: just a weird night yeah Jimmy: Why do you reckon it's weird? Jimmy: You're allowed to want me to be about Janis: I dunno Jimmy: You've not done this before, have you? Jimmy: that'll be why Janis: navigated a drunk grace home? Janis: unfortunately not my first rodeo Jimmy: 🥇 #bants mate but not what I meant Janis: what do you mean then Jimmy: You didn't get me? 💔 Janis: how ungoals Janis: have to dump me Jimmy: subtle Janis: shut up Jimmy: not me who did a 🌙 flit, were it? Janis: if Cass ever manages to get herself in half a state, you've got a free pass, like Jimmy: Leave it out Janis: yeah Jimmy: seriously Janis: alright Janis: ain't said anything Jimmy: 👍 Janis: well you know the drill Janis: wish me 🍀 Janis: come find me if it gets to a couple of days Jimmy: that ain't funny Jimmy: but alright Janis: I know it ain't Jimmy: have a look at where I said leave it out then Janis: well I mean it, we're there, like Janis: not gonna be accused of 👻ing again Jimmy: so go on and crack on Janis: fine Jimmy: 👌 Janis: [let's say she can get out in a reasonable amount of time like shh cali not now] Janis: at work? Jimmy: [a 😒 selfie to show he is] Janis: another day another dollar Janis: want me to come see you Jimmy: I won't take you to get that as a matching tramp stamp, rich girl, but it'll do well on the 'gram Janis: you gonna do it for me Jimmy: obvs, nowt I wouldn't 💕 Janis: find the cleanest biro you can then, dickhead Jimmy: [selfie of him with a pen in his mouth like this'll do] Janis: 😏 Janis: stop flirting with me and start flirting with your customers Jimmy: uploading my nudes to the CG insta, hang on Jimmy: just gotta keep one arm round Doris so she don't 💀💀💀 Jimmy: didn't have her hip done that long ago Janis: such a talented multi-tasker Janis: defs need a raise Jimmy: 🥇 Janis: you need anything Jimmy: other than a raise? Janis: do my best Janis: such a fan of mine, dennis Jimmy: who ain't, babe? Janis: oh, some ginger prick, appaz Jimmy: What? Janis: of the many enlightening things gracie came out with, the fact some lad reckons I shagged his bird was the funniest tbh Janis: catch me brawling for her affection Jimmy: 🙄😏 can't take you nowhere Jimmy: get back in the closet for a bit tah, you're showing me up Janis: oi, don't take his side Janis: worst bf ever 💔 Jimmy: It's been a few hours now, like Jimmy: What did you reckon 💕 and 🌹? Janis: obvs Janis: no less for me 👑 Jimmy: good, won't have to chuck this bunch back on the ⚰ for a bit then Janis: don't worry, when it comes to it, seperate your yelp review and bf one Janis: not that rude Jimmy: career progression really is important to you, eh? Jimmy: so hot Janis: top priority Jimmy: I'll let my manager know Janis: Busy shift? Jimmy: You want a smoothie that bad? Jimmy: I'll sort you out with a queue jump, babe Janis: just sound it Janis: I can wait Jimmy: If I sound 😒 and 😫 that'll be 'cause I am Janis: hold your nose and down 'em all, like Jimmy: just neck this lass' espresso in front of her Jimmy: #savage Janis: 😂 Janis: I think it's funny, get on board jeremy Jimmy: if you ain't put owt in the suggestion box, now's the time, girl Janis: will do Janis: reckon I'm gonna shower and sort myself 'fore I come though Janis: pretty wrecked and all Jimmy: You had any sleep? Janis: nah Jimmy: Get some, dickhead Janis: I've survived on less, it's alright Jimmy: That weren't what I asked Janis: didn't really ask, more demand Janis: time and a place to be all 🤤 babe Jimmy: Here's me demanding you don't pass out in the CG then Jimmy: and your warning that I will draw on your face Janis: fair Janis: but Jimmy: but what? Janis: I just wanna see you Jimmy: I'll wake you up when I'm done Jimmy: you know how much I love the bus ride to yours Jimmy: Why are you trying to deny me my fave thing? So rude Janis: I'm your fave thing Janis: ruder Jimmy: So I don't want you to 💀💀💀 Jimmy: just sleep Janis: okay Janis: I'll try Jimmy: 🧸💕 Jimmy: I'll try not to be jealous Janis: I hope it smells enough like you so I can 😴 Jimmy: put my hoodie on, I'll be there as soon as Janis: Okay Janis: try not to fall into the steamer Janis: I'd miss your face Jimmy: Me an' all Jimmy: need it to rest my 😎 on Jimmy: and how would I 🚬? Janis: keep those 👂s and 👃 in tact Janis: gobhole still be there Jimmy: 👍 Jimmy: I get it, you'd miss my 👂 the most Jimmy: do it for you then, baby Janis: how would I even show my 💕 Janis: don't bear thinking about Jimmy: I might think about it Jimmy: just a bit Janis: 😏 hm Janis: idk if that will help me sleep but Jimmy: I'd say sorry but it'll only sound fake Janis: never fake, us Jimmy: could obvs say the same about that ginger dickhead and his gay missus though Janis: how rude to try and get rid via slandering my name Janis: literally just got this rep girl Jimmy: I'll have a scrap with him but it's probably best if you don't touch her Janis: get her to do a police sketch Janis: did she imagine it or Janis: who knows Jimmy: maybe she fucked your sister but Grace don't want 💀👑 to dump her so she's saying it were you Janis: 😱 Janis: falls apart when they're off-again already Janis: but let's spread that instead, obvs Jimmy: #trueloveaintneveroff Jimmy: soz for the stuff of nightmares though, Judith Janis: truly, gonna have her as my sleep paralysis demon Janis: come through 👑charming Jimmy: Hang on, I fucked up but I can fix this Jimmy: [voice memo that's like a bedtime story because he's a nerd on his break and is obvs gonna use his time wisely to make something up] Jimmy: stick that on, you'll be alright Janis: [does] Janis: this is Janis: why are you the cutest I hate it Jimmy: shhh Jimmy: 😴😴😴 Janis: okay but I had to let you know Janis: earnt being bigheaded this time Jimmy: 💪🏆 Janis: 🌃 Jimmy: in a bit, girl Jimmy: [we should say he does go to Cali's so she can wake up whenever to him being there and sleepy snuggling her, gutted for the bear obvs] Janis: ['hey' so buzzin' like] Jimmy: [says it back so softly because all 😍 at how cute she is sleeping] Janis: [when you don't know what to do with yourself badadadum] Jimmy: [a kiss hello is what he should do though because cute and a mood] Janis: [the l word keeps coming like it is time] Jimmy: [that ILY curse, hello to you, my friend] Janis: ['how was the rest of your shift?' yawning so snoozy] Jimmy: [when you just snuggle into her even more than you were like is that an answer or do you just wanna, there's no way to know] Janis: [have that snugg time lads you've earnt it] Jimmy: [just let him be soft 5ever and hold her and kiss her as much as he wants thank you world] Janis: [he gonna need sleep too so have at it] Jimmy: [mhmm be the big 🥄 boy] Janis: [enjoy all that hair we know you do] Jimmy: [shameless] Janis: [just listening to the story again] Jimmy: [I also like to think Pablo had to let him in for my own lols] Janis: [yasss if it was either of cali they'd wanna talk ew] Jimmy: [and Grace is dying so] Janis: [poor girl lol] Jimmy: [if Mia comes knocking she ain't coming in, nobody wants to see you hun especially Pablo] Janis: [oh lord, tryna bang him when she's home i see u] Jimmy: [we all know she would] Janis: [snek, have a field day 'cos JJ are there too] Jimmy: [true] Janis: [too bad bitch] Jimmy: [imagine how unsympathetic she'd be even if Grace was actually dying, the friend we all want obvs] Janis: [i imagine she's like ellie's mum and just talks about herself like literally oblivious] Jimmy: [honestly, suck it up buttercup, am I right?] Janis: [lmaooooo]
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