#dmc gloria
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lieutenantraziel · 1 month ago
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Gloria from DMC 4!
Her reveal was funny, but only after that did I notice the lightning bolt pattern on Gloria’s clothes…
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valstmblrart · 1 month ago
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I pray for forgiveness... Or play along, is it?
[ Ko-fi | Inprint | Cara | BlueSky ]
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thealatvs · 1 year ago
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thedivineimagecomic · 5 months ago
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refinedstorage · 6 months ago
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character requests wrap up
thank you all these were so much fun!
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mariyekos · 9 months ago
My logic/HC for why Lady dresses the way she does is that she figures any demon who hurts her will be able to hurt her regardless of whether she's wearing armor or not, so she might as well go for something with mobility to keep from getting hit in the first place. No point in wearing something that would restrict movement if a demon claw could tear your leg off whether you're wearing clunky armored pants or some easy-to-move-in shorts!
(Yes I know the real reason is that the devs like sexy minimally-clad women but let's just imagine it's the in-universe explanation okay)
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stars-may-cry · 30 days ago
yknow i say I don't remember enough of my elementary school experience of my dad playing DMC 4 to be able to say it made me like Nero as I do now, but SOMETHING had to have been done to my brain chemistry because. what the fuck
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inksilvery · 2 years ago
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commissions open patreon.com/InkSilvery twitter.com/InkSilvery pixiv.net/en/users/51113442
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300iqprower · 6 months ago
i *need* a mod for Gungrave that replaces Grave with Lady DMC
also someone should definitely mod DMC4 to replace Lady with Grave
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valstmblrart · 3 months ago
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(AU) She is no angel
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tiri5459 · 5 months ago
by DanteWontDie
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dmc-questions-anon · 11 months ago
Even if you don't agree with any, just which one do you think holds the most weight.
Full option 4: Vergil with plastic chair, child support, and Dante doesn't know what sex is aren't funny jokes anymore and haven't ever really been all that funny.
Full option 8: DMC 5's gameplay isn't all that great, the combat is really fun, but it's better when you had to run around and collect items to progress like in the older game's and they should go back to that.
Reminder to be nice! Absolutely no arguing. I don't mind friendly debates, but full blown arguments will cause this poll to be deleted.
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refinedstorage · 6 months ago
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character requests 6/9
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hard-times-paramore · 1 year ago
Why Nero Devilmaycry is Asexual
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It's a headcanon, but turns out I had a lot of evidence. And even if I didn't I like when I have characters I can relate to with this one thing about myself, so nothing you could say would stop me. Still. Hear me out now. If you’re open to reading this post, then let me tell you, I think it very well holds up in canon.
As a start, look how he acts when he sees the sexy demonic lures from that frog demon in DMC4:
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His reaction to the demons is to notice they’re causing a stinky storm which is probabbly hiding something, and he kills them. That’s it. Not even a fucking comment. In fact he even seems a bit avoidant.
Now compare it with Dante’s scene.
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He knew they were in fact lures for a giant evil smelly frog, and yet he joins in the game and acts all flirtatious, actually acknowledging that he’s being faced with two sexy naked ladies.
Another evidence is Nero’s immediate reaction to seeing Gloria. Which I don’t even think needs any comments. Just
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He can’t even look directly at her. He’s so uncomfortable help him.
Of course one might argue that all of that is because he’s in love with Kyrie. And I totally agree, he is in love! He’s asexual but not aromantic, and he loves her. But being in love with someone - and considering they weren’t together yet - doesn’t mean shutting down all interest and attraction to other people. Since he doesn’t show that attraction in the slightest, I think it’s cause it’s not there to begin with.
(On that note, it's nothing big but Nero is in love with Kyrie, one of the few female characters whose clothes cover her up. She’s a lot more modest/non sexualized when compared to Lady or Trish.)
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But that was DMC 4. What about how he's like in the next game?
What I’d say from this game, is that Nero is ace, but he’s not out to Nico. And I can understand why, because Nico’s dirty jokes are like, Her Brand when it comes to humour. Dante would love chatting with her. Nero, however, does not. 
I mean, a dirty joke was her first reaction when Nero tried to tell Kyrie he grew back a whole arm
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(he’s tired)
Whenever innuendos happen in this game towards Nero, it’s been because of Nico. Look at what she wrote in her diary, when she gave Lady her clothes after Nero rescued her.
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Even though Nero himself during that scene was focused on her wellbeing and asking about his friends, nothing else (…actually, in that scene V was the one who made the comment about Lady’s appearance. V, who is Vergil, and the only other time they ever met was when they were a bunch of teenagers trying to kill each other, and uh. Awkward).
And since we brought this up, when Lady was rescued from inside of the Artemis demon, she was completely naked, but Nero?? Payed no attention to that?? He only looked at her face, and was mainly concerned with her safety and with the fact she was Dante’s friend, not about her body. She could have been fully clothed and there would be no difference. 
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It took Nico’s little comment for him to realize that “wait, she’s naked, wait, I have a girlfriend”, I mean. He goes “what?” and it takes him three full seconds to remember that, complete with a face journey:
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Like, it’s just my humble opinion but if someone forgets that carrying a beautiful nude stranger in your arms miiight be kind of erotic, maybe sexuality just doesn’t occupy that person’s mind for most the time in the first place.
And holy shit, speaking of Kyrie, Nico seems rather interested in their sex life. She literally built an arm for Nero with the purpose to make sex more comfortable for them. And he did not ask her to build it, because she never tells him what she’s making beforehand, and by her comments it was supposed to be a surprise anyways. He ends up using it for healing.
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Complete with that sexy joke she makes when Kyrie called him in the end, and the reaction she got, I conclude the following: yeah Nero is still ace as heck, he just hasn't come out to her yet. I get him, he doesn’t know her for that long, and I have that kind of friend too.
And just as a final point, just take a look at the main characters in this series! They all have shown a rather sexual side (specially in DMC4 which is by far the horniest game of this series). There’s Dante with his constant teasing and innuendos, Lady and Trish with their provocative clothes and body language, and even some demons sometimes act like that. But Nero? He seems to be an exception to that rule. In all his sarcasm and attitude, he’s still more about the taunting and mocking the enemy than flirting with it. While he’s the only one to have a love interest, the dynamic of their relationship shows a profound bond, loyalty, protectiveness and warmth. And yet with all that, it doesn’t get on the sexual side that was to be expected of those games, considering the other characters.
So, yeah, that's been my Ace Nero Manifesto. I wrote my evidence but, in reality nothing can stop me from headcanoning a character as ace just because I feel like it.
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bbsouthwind · 4 months ago
Epica Southwind, first and foremost, is an OC of mine that I can stick into whatever universe I please. Do we still use the term AU?? Anyone remember that or am I old now? Anyways, with that out of the way, this is the first and most certainly NOT the last rendition of Epica you will see as I put her everywhere. I will have these little preludes at the top to explain who you are seeing based on what I am writing, and today’s version is Epica - DMC 4 / 5 edition! Enjoy!
Epica’s story begins in Fortuna. As a devout follower of the Order of the Sword she worshiped Sparda and his devil-hunting teachings. So-much-so, that she ended up joining the ranks as one of the knights of the order, helping hunt what would become known as “false demons” from hell gates. After the successful ascension ritual with Sanctus, His Holiness began to ascend more followers who knew about the inner workings of the Order. Epica knew that the ascension caused those who succeeded to grow stronger, but did not put together the pieces that a failed ritual meant becoming a false demon.
One by one, each of the knights were taken to be ascended and Epica came in line one day. When the ascension failed it was usually for an indeterminate cause; however, there was one in Epica’s case. Unbeknownst to her, the Order, or anyone else for that matter, she had a faint line of priestess blood within her. Just a generation more and it wouldn’t have had an effect on what was about to happen. The ritual failed, Epica falling unconscious and under suspicion that the demon writhing within her would soon burst free and fully transform her, they dumped her to the streets as they did with the rest. She was different when she woke up. Most of her remained fine, yet her back experienced pain she didn’t think possible. Two sets of eyes opened, a mouth tore through her skin, and wings of flesh and sinew ripped out of her body. The small amount of relation to an old, forgotten priestess saved her body from a full take-over. What remained of the demon within was now confined to her entire back. As the pain subsided, the voice began. The cruel, wicked thing would taunt her, try to get her to give into those demonic urges. Any little step towards an evil path had the back monster singing praises, and any attempt to do good was ruined by it all the same.
This betrayal set deep feelings of shame and confusion. Epica wailed by night in the streets. With nowhere to go she was being driven slowly insane, she couldn’t hold out much longer. She fell to her knees, covering her ears and howling into the night as the demon cackled, tormenting her every waking moment. A sharp kick to the back knocked her off, the demon finally shut up. Epica looked up to see one of the council members of the Order. Rage filled her as she looked up at this white haired vixen, she staggered to a stand and cursed at her. Cursing her name, cursing the order, cursing this hell of a life she lives now. Then she changed. The woman known as “Gloria” before her eyes in a puff of smoke became a blonde haired woman instead in leather biker attire. Epica blinked as she now introduced herself as “Trishe.” While not one to usually dose out pity to others, she felt this was a different case. The demon on Epica’s back recognized what Trishe was and called out to her. Epica’s tears began to flow again as she began to explain to Trishe everything that had occurred. Trishe’s blunt manner wasn’t appreciated at the moment, but in her short time with Epica, she taught her what she needed to know to keep the demon in check.
“Stay in tune with your humanity. The more depraved and savage you become, the less control you have.”
“Fight for others, not yourself. Selfishness feeds demonic energy."
“Keep going. Do not stop. It hurts, it’s painful, it never stops. That’s what separates those who have humanity from real monsters. You have. To keep. Going.”
These three mantras would be on repeat in Epica’s mind for the foreseeable future. Upon Trishe’s departure, Epica promised she would help in the fight against the Order. Whilst keeping true to herself, she learned she could harness the hatred and anger stemming from her demon to the false demons she fought against and the other corrupt members of the order. Somehow, someway, they reached a common ground. Epica found herself actively communicating with the demon. They found themselves making a deal: The demon would hide itself away when violence was not around, but the moment Epica’s fight or flight sense activates, he would burst free. This did have its consequences; but so long as Epica was on top of her emotions and connected to herself, it was a deal she could live with. When the demon was actively out on her back, it empowered her strength far beyond what she used to be capable of. She may not have been with Dante and Nero on the front lines, but she and Trishe remained on the ground, re-uniting and fighting side by side as the final battle above prevailed.
In the end, as Nero returned to Kyrie, Trishe took the time to introduce Epica to Dante. Dante, now thoroughly done with the Order and its shenanigans, suggested that she get rid of her old armor. Since it had now been destroyed by her demon, she agreed it was time for a change in outfit and career. She asked if she could join them in Devil-Hunting, where Dante agreed to let her kick back at his office for a while to get her back on her feet again.
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jangmo-othewarrior · 2 years ago
*grabby hands*
gimme more dmc Pokémon shenanigans I know you want tooooooo
Dante has more dark types than everybody else. This isn't because he actively seeks them out, it's because he treats them far better than most people. They then get attached and just live in the DMC office. This group includes Tyranitar, Houndoom, a Litten, and the wild Galarian Zigzagoon that live in the trash cans. He also gifts the befriended pokemon to his friends sometimes if he thinks they suit them better.
Kyrie's Sylveon ends up having eggs, so she give Dante and Vergil Eevee eggs! They have absolutely no idea what they are doing. Vergil's Eevee is also the first pokemon outside of Salamence he has ever owned, so he's... struggling. They eventually evolve into a very cheery Espeon (D) and a very prim and proper Glaceon (V).
Nero only had Dreepy for a long time, but once he officially joined the Order Credo gifted him a Rookidee. Kyrie helped pick the best one for him, so she was mainly a gift from both of them. Post DMC 5 she's a Corvisquire, but Nero feels like she'll evolve into Corviknight fairly soon.
A Nymble accidentally got hit by the Van once. Nico felt so bad that she nursed it back to health and adopted it. The little thing now hides in random nooks and crannies just to jumpscare Nero at the worst possible times.
One day (a little bit after DMC 3) Lady walked into the office and Dante had a Poochyena hanging out of his arms. He handed it off to Lady, fell onto the couch, and passed out.
Vergil and Nero went on a mission post-DMC5 and found an Electrike that was hurt by demons on the job. Nero ended up taking it home, and Vergil unintentionally used it as an excuse to talk to Nero. Manetric is now a very loyal and good boy, and often ends up in dog piles with Houndoom and an annoyed Glaceon.
Patty found a baby Sandile underneath DMC's floorboards when Dante was in Hell post-DMC2. Dante has absolutely no idea how it got there, but hey, Krokorok gives Patty scary dog privileges so he's cool with it.
Speaking of DMC 2, Lucia's partner is an Absol! She kinda just showed up one day and didn't leave when Lucia was a child.
Gloria introduced her partner as a Liepard, but he is actually a Zorua. Dante gave him to Trish after he caught him stealing his pizza. Trish secretly thought that was hilarious and immediately bonded with the fox over their ability to disguise themselves.
Nina gave Patty a Fidough and she absolutely loves Dante, so much so that Patty has used her as an excuse to visit him. He doesn't mind.
Dante gave Nero a Carvanha alongside the DMC sign when he officially joined the business. Carvanha usually stays at home with Kyrie, and he adores her and the kids quite a lot. Lady congratulated Nero on receiving the official seal of approval for the business. She wasn't talking about the sign.
And finally, the third Nelo battle was much more intense, and a desperate Bagon tried so hard to get his partner back that he evolved in Sheilgon. In the end, it didn't work. Decades would pass before he would come back, but he did in the end. That's all that really matters, to Salamence.
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