harmoneia · 8 years
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     It was disheartening that one of the youngest and most innocent of her comrades had been brought into this dangerous place. First Elise, and now Kana... But in these moments she had to remain calm; it would be of no use to become upset in front of the child. She approached him slowly and placed a hand gently on his shoulder so as not to scare him.
     “Kana, they’ve brought you here too... I’m just happy to see you safe.” He did look like his usual cheerful self: that was certainly encouraging. “How long have you been here?”
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sideburnsandvoice · 8 years
❝ i hope one day i will find love, or a cool looking leaf. either one ❞
“I can help with the second one at least. Your mum would probably kill me if I tried to find you the first.”
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seigyokumizuchi · 8 years
A lull in the fighting has her quietly sitting down to rest, as for a few moments it seems like the monster has gone comatose. No doubt in time it will return to activity, and come to wreck havoc once more, but for now, it appears they both need a break.
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Motion out of the corner of her eye catches her attention, and she watches as a child stumbles past, out of the ruins that used to be buildings. Quietly, she offers the bottle of water she’d been drinking from, with a single questioning eyebrow.
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Chionophobia :^)
Chionophobia: Fluffy drabble about our muses playing in the snow. 
“Geez, it’s a little chilly out here.” 
     That was a bit of an understatement. It was snowing, and it was snowing hard. Their entire surroundings were covered in a thick blanket of fluffy, cold white. Naturally, Kana had taken a shine to the sight and was currently running around in it. One upside to Nero’s demonic heritage (as well as Kana’s own) was an improved resistance to the cold. All Nero had needed to wear was his usual longcoat and he only felt a mild chill (and really, he could’ve gone without it, even), whereas Kana wore more suitable warm clothing, but nothing with the thickness that a normal human would need.
“Hey, hey!!” The younger dragonkin called out to him. “We should make a snowman!”
“Hm?” Building a snowman? Well, there was definitely plenty of snow for it. Plus, to be honest, he couldn’t refuse the kid anything. Especially something like this. “Sure. Heck, we’ve got a lotta snow--we might as well make him as big as possible.” 
     So, the two of them go to work. Rolling together mounds of snow, gathering huge chunks to stack onto one another. The lower body, the torso, and then the head. A few buttons and a pair of eyes made of various rocks the two had scavenged (Kana did most of that). Kana had wanted to get him a hat of some kind, but there wasn’t anything to use, so Nero gave him his jacket, instead. 
     Kana, seeing the snowman wearing the jacket, decided to make a small edit. Walking forward, reaching upward, and rearranging the stones that made up the mouth into a small frown.
“There, now he looks like you, Papa!” 
     Nero stood there for a minute, before closing his eyes and giving a sigh, ruffling the smaller child’s hair.
“Sure does, kiddo. Sure does.”
     --It was the little things. The things you never thought you’d get to experience that you end up cherishing the most.
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vivisectxr-blog · 8 years
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“It isn’t safe for people your age to be out. Even if we still have a while until that thing breaks free, it’s not safe to be by it.”
Curiosity, of course, was natural for a child, and Yua was by no means innocent of being overly inquisitive. Not now, nor at any point in the past... But it still wasn’t safe for this kid, even if they had their powers restored.
“Battlefields can be more brutal than you imagine, especially when it comes to giant monsters like this.”
It likely wouldn’t be enough to scare him away, but... well, at least she tried.
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palilicium-blog1 · 8 years
♜ (gotta release the stress from flora)
The purpose of a massage was to knead out tension found in the muscles, allowing the recipient to relax and be rid of stress free for a day. This was common knowledge; what was uncommon was to giggle during the act with attempts at stifling it made by covering her own mouth.
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Bless Kana’s heart for trying but no matter how hard he rubbed, it ended up with Flora feeling ticklish and laughing into the palm of her hand.
“I-I’m so sorry for tittering like this... but this is helping. I haven’t had a good laugh in such a long time.”
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idontkill-archive · 8 years
Technology is one of the few non-fighting things you understand. You can't program a computer or anything like that, but you know how to work them and TVs and get every bit of information you can from them. You wake up in the morning and watch the news and after watching ballet you watch it again before falling asleep. It's the best way to get information about what's happening when you can't read.
You hadn't meant to stumble into an electronics store. You have no money to buy anything and there was a TV in your house, so you were set. It was all you really needed to continue your crime fighting (though a supercomputer that searched up files and then read them to her would be better). Still, you take a look around and before you know it you're staring down at a small boy with pointy ears who's staring at the TVs as if he's never seen one before.
For a moment you simply stand there, lost at what to do. You haven't been around kids in so long and the last time you were you weren't actually allowed to interact with them. But you're pretty sure he's going to accidentally push over that TV and he shouldn't be here without a parent with him. Wait... Did the scientists bring entire families here? Or just whoever they thought they could kidnap? Were kids brought here alone? All those thoughts make you feel sick and angry. No one should be kidnapped, but you have a particular hatred for kidnapping children.
You walk to the boy, chewing your bottom lip before venturing, "Be... Careful." You fidget, shifting on your feet. You really aren't good with kids when out of costume, when forced to be a normal person. You wish you were facing criminals right then instead of a little kid.
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designohr-blog · 8 years
"Kana..?" His voice is worried - he would argue it has to be, seeing his little cousin here, by himself. Sure, Kana can use Dragonstones, but he is so very little - to Forrest, it only makes sense to be concerned. He pushes it aside, knowing the youngest of them would likely not appreciate it. "Kana, goodness! How are you..? It feels as though everyone is here, doesn't it?" @divxnedragon
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dogrxmagrx-blog · 8 years
"there are certain moments where i consider you someone with brilliant ideas and a good future. this is not one of those moments."
❝ Hey onii-san loook~☆ ❞ He raises up his arm. Showing a pointed wire being wrapped around his hand. Yep he indeed did it to himself. Yep he doesn’t care.
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designohr-blog · 8 years
“But I want to hear you sing.”
“Eh? Kana - I’m,” he’s managed to make the older prince blush. “I’m not that good of a singer, not really. I’m much better at tailoring - are you sure you don’t want a new cape perhaps?”
He tries, valiantly, to dissuade his younger cousin from needing to hear him sing, as he is - honestly - rather self conscious about his voice. Still, though, when it is clear the stubborn young dragon won’t give in, he sighs, his face still tinted pink.
“Alright - alright, you win.” He shoulders the younger boy, affectionately, and huffs as he finds somewhere relatively neat to sit, his legs folded beneath him.
“A-ah.. I don’t know any songs. I can’t think of any!” He’s embarrassed - and reaches for the first one he comes across, a lullaby he vaguely remembers his mother singing to him; one of the few memories of her from his childhood that he has.
His voice is soft - and sweet, almost, and the sound of it by itself might be pleasant to listen to... though he really can’t sing. It’s completely off tune.
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vallight-blog · 8 years
     This place was home to no shortage of surprises. Despite having only been in Citta for nearly twenty-four hours, Azura had already managed to locate a familiar face or two. There was another mystery to be had near the market of Sector 005 in the form of a young man.
     Though she had never witnessed Corrin’s union—nor did she have any suspicions that she loved a man enough to have a child with him—there was little denying the resemblance this boy had to her dear friend. 
     From the bandana around his neck to the cape flowing from his back, they didn’t just stop with his clothing, either. Pointed ears suggesting manakete heritage were perhaps the cornerstone of her little theory, and by the time they met eyes she decided to follow her instinct. What was the worst that could happen?
“Excuse me,” she began, addressing him with an air of politeness,
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“I was wondering if you knew a woman by the name of ‘Corrin’?”
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