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I'm now joining you in your regency/historical everlark mood with the fics you reblogged 😊 Do you any favorites to recommend?
Yesssss!! Join in and send your favorites! I’m limiting myself to Regency or there abouts, because my Historical AU list is… extensive.
Anyways, I haven’t made it through all @everlarkficquestions 1800’s masterlist but here are some I’ve enjoyed!
Searching regency+everlark on tumblr gifted me:
Part 1 & Part 2 by @endlessnightlock Gah!! I guess I hadn’t read them before? But what a delight!!
All’s Fair by @rosegardeninwinter I have read multiple times. I mean it’s season/book 2 Bridgeton mashed up with Everlark, what more could you want?
My search of the tags also revealed that @thesweetnessofspring is working on a Regency one-shot 👀 looking forward to that!!
From my bookmarks
Quicksilver by @gamesmakers - love - it’s smart and funny. I’m giggling and kicking my feet as I read - so good!
First Impressions by @pookieh - ongoing story, recently updated, and… guys… it’s getting spicy!
In Hope and Agony by Hawtsee - this was recommended to me in the comment section of one of my fics. It’s Persuasion but Gadge and features Everlark and Odesta as well!
I’d be remiss not to mention Unmasked by @katnissdoesnotfollowback but come on, we all know - it’s awesome! A classic really.
And a little shameless self promotion -> The Odds
Regency Peeta by @charlunday
Peeta in the shirt by @millennium-queen
Is there a Regency Katniss anywhere or the pair together?!? Dying for some regency everlark artwork (no pressure artsy friends! But if the mood strikes…)
What did I forget?! Send recs!
#I’m definitely forgetting some#ask#thank you for the ask!!#distractionsfromthefood#regency!lark#regency AU#regency everlark#everlark fanfiction#everlark fanart#fic rec#fic rex
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I love double date! For the WIP tag game, can you share anything for double date pt 2? :)
hey @distractionsfromthefood! thanks for your ask! you and @thesunpersists both asked about double date pt. 2. here's a snippet (on the right ask this time!)
Katniss peered out from the bedroom doorway into the unfamiliar apartment. Last night, they did not dedicate a lot of time to acquainting her with her surroundings; she and Peeta had much more pressing matters to attend to. Now, though, as she watched Peeta balance on crutches as he cooked what smelled like an entire diner’s worth of breakfast food for the two of them, she realized she minded.
Not because she wished she had taken things slower. Katniss was very, very happy with the pace things went last night. No, Katniss minded because, after only knowing Peeta for twelve hours, she wanted to know everything there was to know about him, all the things they didn’t cover while sitting at the bar, like the organization of his utensils in his kitchen drawers an the scent of the shampoo she smelled on his pillow all night.
#in which jess tries to hint that katniss and peeta had good sex without writing it because she's still not sure how to write smut LOL#thanks for your ask!#distractionsfromthefood#thesunpersists#katniss everdeen#peeta mellark#everlark#everlark fanfiction#jess writes
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Morning after for the WIP file game!
Thanks for the ask, @distractionsfromthefood! ❤️🧚🏻
Morning After is in its veeery early stages and if it ever sees the daylight, it'll be the continuation of Excess Baggage. Right now, I don't know much else other than it'll be angsty everlark heart-to-heart... They want to make it work but three years is a long time to have spent apart. 🤷🏻
WIP File Game
#thanks for playing!!#distractionsfromthefood#❤️❤️❤️#wip file game#wip game#everlark fanfiction#everlark#wip wednesday#thg fanfiction
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For the WIP game, do you have plans to add add any more to Outside the Lines from the Outside Chance universe? You single-handedly got me shipping Prim & Rye(n) hard b/c of this fic 😂 And from in progress, You + Me and/or The Cold Side of the Bed?
Alright, we'll cover all three. <3 Below the cut because it's a lot of text.
Friend. I am totally going to throw my beta under the bus on this one. PRIM AND RYEN WERE NEVER PLANNED. I was not gonna go there. Buttercupbadass, however, had other ideas. "Wouldn't it be funny if Prim's 'spa day' was her sneaking away to be with Ryen???" she asked. "Oh it's so cute she had a crush on him!" she says. "Screw it. I want them [Prim & Ryen] to get married," she puts in her edits/comments on ch 17 of Outside Chance, and not on a Prim and Ryen interaction even. That's what bba commented when Prim is saying goodbye to Eirik when she and Katniss are leaving Skaid after their summer visit!
Thus began an entire barrage of her reasoning, possible scenes and dialog, and then... THEN bba mentioned how funny it would be if Katniss accidentally saw a naked Ryen in the background of a Skype call one day and I lost it. So much of that story has roots in my personal life and well... so does that, unfortunately. But after that, the whole concept became too delicious for me to resist. And also, bba was right. They belong together.
I absolutely plan on adding more to Outside the Lines. At the moment, I feel the need to finish writing the next chapter of Outside Chance because that's the root story. I build Outside the Lines and Outside Expectations around what's in Outside Chance, and in a lot of ways, Otl and OC are kind of written simultaneously. So here's a snippet from the next chapter of Outside the Lines and lord help me if bba sees this, I won't hear the end of her prodding to get it done lol ;)
“So you’re the flavor of the week. Is there anything you can tell me about Ryen’s mental state going into this competition?”
“If I were really just the flavor of the week, why would you think I’d have any insight into his mental state?” I retort. There’s not much I remember about Agnes Mellark, other than a vague impression of cold aloofness. But how much of my idea of her has been stained by what Katniss and Ryen have told me about her? I don’t know.
I can’t even tell if she recognizes me right now. Maybe it’s too soon to play this hand, but I can’t resist. Maybe because it’s proof that I know Ryen far better than any of his previous flings. Maybe even better than the woman confronting me right now.
“Aren’t you his mother? You should have a better idea of his mental state than me,” I say with a smile. Really, I’d like to stab her in the jugular, but with what? Couldn’t smuggle in a knife, and am unfortunately not wearing my favorite four inch heels, which would be a perfect weapon.
Agnes purses her lips and her eyes wrinkle at the corners. Oh shit, I think and prepare to run, but she shakes her head and chuckles slightly.
“I wish I could say that my son were smart, but he usually thinks more with his dick than his brain,” she says and eyes me. “You’re every bit as beautiful as the others, but smarter, aren’t you?”
“I’d like to think I am,” I say.
“Good. Maybe you actually have a shot at getting him to commit, but don’t hold your breath for it. He won't admit it, but he needs someone with a brain to keep him in line, to challenge him and keep him from squandering his talent.”
“Multiple Olympic medals and world cup titles count as squandering his talents?” I ask. She takes a step back from me and I hold in my triumph that I got a response.
“Maybe not, but his personal life is a mess. I just want to make sure you deserve him and treat him the way you should. Don’t be like that trash his younger brother keeps falling for.”
Oh no. She did not. Fuck this bitch. I don’t need a knife to destroy her.
"Oh you mean my sister?" I say with a wide smile and hold out my hand to her. "I guess you don't remember me. Primrose Everdeen."
You + Me is another one of my outstanding Everlark Fic Exchange prompts. This one is from 2019 (I think? *cringes in shame*), and was for either K or P as a romance novelist who secretly uses the other for inspiration in their writing. What happens when they find out?
This one has been super fun to write, if a little slow going, mainly because there are multiple moving pieces to it. Now for a snippet!
Katniss… we live together when we travel. I think I’m aware of all your annoying habits by now. ;)
And here I thought I was something of an enigma.
Nope. Open book to me.
Does he mean…?
My brain is scrambling, but I take a deep breath and manage to reign it in. He knows I’m a published writer. His words could merely be a reference to that. This can’t be good. Has he already figured it out?
Before I start plotting a heist to break into his house for a book burning party, I manage a decent, mostly innocuous text.
Hey what’s the title of the book you’re reading? Maybe I know it and can spoil the ending for you. ;)
Not on your life, Everdeen.
Just reached a plot twist in between your texting barrage.
A delicious plot twist. ;)
The hero is not who I was expecting. Dun duh dun!
The wheels squeal and I rush off the train as fear rises up in my throat. Oh god, he’s figured it out. What gave me away? The food porn passages, probably. He’s got to be reading The Thrill of the Hunt. That’s the only one I can think of where I pulled a bait and switch with the hero.
The street is crowded and I have to tuck my phone in my pocket to navigate the crowds. When I get there, I’m still unable to answer him because even though I’m early to meet my editor, she’s ready for me.
“Katniss, darling! Welcome, welcome! Have a seat please. The cappuccino is fresh,” Effie trills as I’m ushered into her office and offered coffee.
Oh this cannot be good. Whenever Effie has liked my pages, she forgets her manners. Excitement precludes etiquette. But when a writer needs a kick to the creative pants… that’s when she’s the picture of perfect manners.
“That bad?” I ask when her assistant is finally gone, the door shut and a hot cappuccino gripped in my hands.
“They were...how to say this…?”
“Shit,” I supply and she scowls at my language.
And finally, since you asked about it, The Cold Side of the Bed was something I started for one of the "This Would Have Happened Anyway" challenges. I don't remember which one, only that the prompt was for Everlark in District 13. I never managed to finish it, in fact I've barely started it beyond a vague outline and the opening scenes, mainly because I was still finishing my degree at the time and pretty much would crash after finals then not be able to muster up the energy to write fanfic. But also because it kind of turned into an epic story. Short synopsis: Non-reaped Everlark winds up married to different people after their last reaping. The rebellion still happens and 12 is still bombed. Some of the story would be about them getting to 13, but the juicy stuff happens while they are in 13.
When I wake, the other side of the bed is cold. I reach out through the rough material, seeking a shred of the warmth that would exist if Primrose didn’t still climb into our mother’s bed after a nightmare. Not that I am surprised she had a nightmare last night. This is the day of the reaping, after all. I slowly lift my head to peer across the room at them. The three of them curled together for comfort. My mother, my sister who grows more achingly beautiful every day, and the ugliest yellow cat in the world. He sees me watching and hisses at me.
“Yeah, I know you’d be happy if they called my name today. Lucky for you, they just might.”
After all, my name is in the bowl 28 times today. I dress and join Gale in the woods, relaxing as I make my way through the thick summer foliage to our meeting place.
“How’re you planning on celebrating your freedom?” he asks as we make our way back towards the fence when we’re done hunting. It’s been a glorious day and we’ve got quite the haul. I’ll need the woods to keep providing like this in a few weeks. When the Games end this year, I start working in the mines.
I shudder slightly and give Gale a look. He just shakes his head and laughs. I don’t need to say it. It’s not exactly freedom, aging out of the reaping and into working down in those mines.
“You thought about what I said?”
“Gale,” I say and stop walking right before we reach the fence. He stops too and sighs, looks up at the sky. “I told you I can’t think about that right now. Not when Prim will still be—.”
“And I’ve got Rory still eligible and Posy about to start in a few years, but I’m still thinking about it. How’d you explain that? How about Nathan Dawson and Lilah Bronski? They’ve already decided they’re getting married some time after the reaping if they both make it through. Lots of people think about it, Catnip, and lots of people do it.”
“Well lots of people are stupid then,” I snap and Gale sighs.
“Alright look, just forget I said anything. Let’s go make our trades before we make you late.”
#wip file game#outside the lines#outside chance universe#you + me#the cold side of the bed#distractionsfromthefood#look at that ask
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Accidentally married?! I’m so intrigued!! I get what you mean. I have a couple ideas that have snowballed like that. I’m glad you haven’t abandoned it: keep it in your back pocket for when your feeling inspired.
I am so look forward to reading!! Whether it be you accidentally marriage fic or your babysitter Drabble!!
Will you still complete and post your District 13 fic?
(No pressure!)
Hi @mollywog - thanks for the ask! Sorry for the delay, we've been traveling a lot this summer and was waiting to get back to my computer. Hope you're having a good summer! As for my answer, I'm not sure…I think I bit off more than I can chew. It was actually an idea I had a year ago when Prompts in Panem was coming up. It was an "accidental" marriage fic in D12 after the war, but there were going to be flashbacks to their time in D13 (they're non-reaped in it). I barely made a dent. So then when the D13 prompt came up I thought maybe I could do a stand alone of their time in 13 and then expand it later if it was working for me. I did make more progress this time than on PiP, but I couldn't get it finished, and I'm not super happy with what I did write. I think I probably need to write some drabbles/one shots first to get more practice without feeling overwhelmed.
Your Wild Wednesdays (I need to catch up on the latest chapter!) actually reminded me I had a babysitter drabble I started a while ago, so I'm going to try and finish that. My new goal: write and post one drabble before the end of the year 🤣
Aren't you glad you asked lol 🤪
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Calling on all Hunger Games fanfic readers and writers!
To combat developers monetizing fanfic with AI voices, this year I'm hosting a Hunger Games Valentine's Podfic Exchange for Valentine's Day.
💌 What it is
Sign up as a podficcer and/or a fanfic author. I'll match up a podficcer to their "valentine" (a fanfic author) and set up a collection on ao3 for all of the podfic.
💌 Who can participate?
Anyone with an ao3 account can be a podficcer. Yes, even with your accent! Yes, even with just your phone to record! I promise, you're better than any AI voice because you're human.
The works getting the podfic treatment are all part of the Hunger Games/TBOSAS fandom. Any pairing or OC is ok! The only limit is that no podficcer will be expected to record for a work longer than 3k words, whether it's a one-shot or a chapter from a longer work.
💌 How?
Sign up with the google form here by January 7. We'll have podficcers and valentines matched by January 14, so keep an eye on the communication method you choose on the google form! I'll be posting some resources for free audio editing/tips to also help out. Once you have your podfic made, create a work on ao3 that is "inspired by" the original fanfiction (if it is on ao3) or link to it if it's hosted on another site, and then in the work include a link(s) to where the podfic is hosted (google drive, internet archive, spotify, youtube, etc). You will be able to submit to the ao3 collection on February 12 and the collection will go live on February 14 at 6:00 am PST.
💌 Why should I join?
Some people prefer to listen to audiobooks for a variety of reasons, including accessibility, and this helps expand their options for listening to fanfiction. It's a fun fandom-building activity. And as mentioned before, there have been a couple of attempts to monetize fanfiction with AI reading fanfic and this is a way to throw up a middle finger at this effort and give a gift to fanfiction authors.
Mentions of those who reblogged the poll so they see this post:
@lasthaysileeshipper @mollywog @ongreenergrasses @distractionsfromthefood @iamasradiantasthesun @notsocooljess @worldwithinworld @norbertsmom @thesunpersists @thelettersfromnoone @charlunday @farfromhome87 @atelierlili @xoheartsaurore @mega-aulover @bodyelectric77 @waywardangel-wilds @oolhan @wistfulweaverwoman @triassictriserratops @lilbabymick @arizonapoppy
#thg fanfiction#everlark fanfiction#tbosas fanfiction#the hunger games#tbosas#the ballad of songbirds and snakes#valentine's podfic exchange#valentine's podfic exchange 2025
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WIP Wednesday | I'll Tell Them Put Me Back In.
Another excerpt from my current WIP "I'll Tell Them Put Me Back In."
Inspired by Francesca by Hozier. It's a long oneshot detailing moments from CF in Peeta's POV.
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some no-pressure tags! @unnamednarrator @waywardangel-wilds @zenkor123 @ongreenergrasses @mage-chocolate @distractionsfromthefood
#wip#wipwednesday#the hunger games#ao3 fanfic#everlark#thg fanfiction#fanfiction#ao3 writer#peeta mellark#katniss everdeen
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WIP Wednesday
"Does anyone have any idea what’s wrong with Katniss, why's she’s as numb as an avox? 13 should be the time of her life, what is Katniss lacking here?”
Annie sighs: “The heart works in mysterious ways”
“So Gale?”
Annie laughs “no, you”
Peeta laughs
Tagging @mollywog @eleanorjane0690 @persephoneprice @peetapie @thesweetnessofspring @mellarked-katnisseverdeen @waywardangel-wilds @thesunpersists @mega-aulover @delicatekissez @simplymellark @jpai0508 @bentknife @pitualba2015
@absnow @unnamednarrator @dandelionsunset1210
@buggiebite @mage-chocolate @atefingersdagger @atelierlili
#the hunger games#peeta mellark#everlark#katniss and peeta#mockingjay#thg katniss#suzanne collins#katniss everdeen#thg
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Because I'm always curious about how people interpret this: so after for the wip file game?
it’s sort of a twofer kind of situation. ive got a few pages that are normal and canon compliant, as well as a vague outline for if i were to ✨potentially✨ write a so after equivalent for my sparks fly series.
canon compliant-wise i think the whole gtb aspect is either really fast or really slow — no in between.
like i think they immediately resume their friendship, but then it takes a while before they’re as close as they were before (they’re still joined at the hip most of the time tho). i mention it in one of my fics, but i reckon it takes a while before they bedshare again. not because they dont want to, but because peeta doesnt trust himself even after doing so well in therapy and not having an outburst for ages. however! as soon as they’re bedsharing again, theyre back to beach scene level intimacy so quickly and ofc so after doesnt take long to follow. i mean, these guys are horny teens who have been pining for years and theyre both finally mentally and physically healthy, not to mention feel safe enough in their lives and with each other to actually act on it🥹
the wip primarily focuses on the gtb aspect so far, i have a wee task that they work on together which is instrumental in regaining their closeness (and is also v cute imo). however, it couldn’t be a true so after by me if there wasnt smut to follow, now could it😼?
got asked ab this one by multiple ppl so @16th-of-a-twigg @distractionsfromthefood this one’s for you too! 🩷🩷
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WIP Wednesday
Let's kick off this Wednesday with a good dream:
She’s looking for birds. She can hear them singing somewhere nearby. She thinks she’s been searching for a long time, but she’s not sure for what. For the birds? It doesn’t matter. The sun is shinning through the forest canopy and the air is fresh. Nothing can bring her down. She runs through her forest like it’s a garden, giggling as she goes, and it’s the happiest she’s been in her whole life. “Katniss?” the birds are singing. “What game are you playing?” She laughs because that’s funny. She’s too old for games, but maybe you never grow out of those things when you have wings. She jumps through puddles and skips through wildflowers, bird wings just out of reach, but she doesn’t mind. She could play this game forever. “Mm,” she’s all smiles, but the forest is gone.
tagging: @mollywog @thesweetnessofspring @littlemarianah @atelierlili @districtunrest @distractionsfromthefood and everyone I missed because I cannot remember everyone's handle I'm so sorry
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our little games
Wordcount: 1.7k
| Post-mockingjay. Peeta and Katniss making up their own guessing game with pastries that he brings home every night from the bakery |
No warnings! It’s literally a fluff fest following my realization about what Peeta and Katniss smells here and @mollywog’s replies conceiving a sudden birth of this prompt. Lol. This is my first time writing for everlark and I kid you not I oiled up my rusty writing skills from lit classes. Thanks also for @distractionsfromthefood for your support! Unbeta-ed, but enjoy!
It started when I came home early from the bakery, surprised to find Katniss curled on the couch covered with her oversized hunting jacket. She looked up from the arm rest and her cheeks were red and dry with tears. Nothing surprising, honestly, it’s just one of those days. I automatically walked up and knelt on her side, forgetting to take my shoes off in the foyer.
“Who is it this time?” I hushed, giving attention to her black strands clinging dry on her cheeks, softly flinging them aside while her head rested on the arm rest.
“In the woods?” I glanced at her father’s hunting jacket she used as a blanket and carefully move it to wipe her tears, tucking its collar under her chin.
“No, couldn’t get past the door…”
“Okay, do you want to stand up now?”
“No…” A silence.
“Stay with me though?” Ah. There it is. Yeah, alright. Always.
She scooted on the couch to give me space and I obliged, lying down cramped with my shoes still on, faces inches from one another.
“What do you want for dinner?” I whispered, caressing her brow with my thumb. I’ll never get tired brushing her face this way.
She scoffed a smile. “Pancakes?”
“Pancakes?” my eyebrows shot up. Pancakes for dinner?
“Yeah, you smell like maple,” she chuckled, her eye wrinkles right under my thumb.
“Probably because of the maple butterscotch brownies I made for Sae’s granddaughter today,” I murmured, tracing lines on her nose. “She said she didn’t know what maple tastes like,”
“That’s so Peeta of you to do,” she grumbled, mustering all seriousness with her brows. That made me snort.
“Yeah, well.”
“I want those butterscotch stuff now.”
My smile got wider.
The next day, I set aside some of the cupcakes I frosted for the seamstress’s kid’s birthday to bring home for Katniss. I never got to take my shoes off when she wrapped her arms around my neck, her face on my chest, the boxed sweets held on my free arm as I put the other over her.
“Hello, again,” I say, giving her a kiss after leaning back. “I’ve got you something,”
I hid the blue box behind me, smirking at her head tilting in curiosity. “You have to guess it first!” I played.
“Is it food?”
“Cheese buns?”
“No, I just made those for you two days ago.” I chimed. Her and her obsession with cheese buns.
“Those butterscotch brownies?”
“Unfortunately sold out,”
“Wait,” She reached for the front of my jacket, sniffing it. Then she’s whiffing off my undershirt, my hands, my chest, my neck. I tried not to shiver when her nose pressed under my earlobe.
I tried not to grin.
“Cupcakes?” She eagerly tugged on my jacket.
“Oh, Katniss,” I chuckled, presenting the box wrapped with a simple red bow. She unties it and quickly picks the one with green frosting.
“This would be dessert after venison!”
After that, I practically came home everyday bearing random pastries for her to guess. I never get my shoes off in the foyer when she hauls herself on me and give my daily hugs.
“Ooh, something creamy today,” she quipped, leaning back from my undershirt. “Is it a cake?”
“Not even close.”
I shake my head.
“Something with custard?”
“Custard pie?”
“Egg pie?”
“Ice cream? Vanilla cake with cream frosting?” She tugs on my jacket repeatedly, almost shaking me to give up my answer.
“Sweetheart, you’re cold again.” I tried not to laugh at her growing impatience when strands from her braid fell on her face, the box still unreachable behind me, and my free arm curling those anrgy locks between my fingers. Her eyebrows are beginning to crease the way they do when she gets close enough to Haymitch’s geese.
“What is it, Mellark?” Oh, I love nothing more than seeing her scowl.
“Guess, Everdeen. Or I’ll eat this alone after din—” She cut off with a grasp on my head and a kiss on tiptoes.
“Tell me now, Mellark!”
“That’s coercion!” I teased. She leaned up for more pecks, but I backed away chuckling.
“Alright, let’s make a deal. Guess this right with three tries, or give me a kiss every time you bite to it.” I challenged, plastering an impish grin.
“How am I supposed to guess it? All pastries have cream!” Her eyebrows are close to meeting now.
“Oh yes, minced meat pie is creamy.”
“Is it minced meat pie?”
“No, it’s not savory.” I clued in, getting impatient myself. I didn’t even take my shoes and jacket off and we’ve been playing this guessing game for minutes now.
Just pick the latter and let me kiss you.
She crossed her arms playfully, “Screw you, Mellark. I’ll take the second option just because dinner is getting cold. Now give it.”
“Groundbreaking choice.” I thumbed her annoyed forehead and unraveled her angry arms, revealing the box from behind and untying the red ribbon.
Her creases came back when she saw the hidden pastry.
“How is bread pudding close to a pie?!” She exclaimed, all angry tone and yet she’s pinching off a piece from the pudding. I made some batches up from the stale ones.
She bites through the pinched bread. I took the first peck.
It became a routine. Coming home at dusk. Stomping my shoes on the foyer. Her arms clinging briefly, nose sniffing, her guessing every item right, a peck on the lips, a dinner and a dessert.
“You smell dill and garlic today,”
“Did it cling that strong?”
“Doesn’t matter. I like it, it’s soft, like a little savory treat.” She murmured in my ear, rendering me still when she softly nipped my earlobe.
She never does that.
Her arm swooped under my elbow, taking the blue box from my hands and revealing a bed of focaccia sprinkled with dills. “Hmmm,” she moaned through her bites and I fought the urge to kiss that crumb off on the side of her mouth.
Is she trying to kill me?
I coughed, brushing off her innuendos and finally taking my shoes off.
Assuming her favorite days were cinnamon and buttercream, she does more than just short kisses whenever those days come. The soft bites on my neck and earlobes happens only when I come home smelling like it. That’s the time I sink down my fingers in her hair a little deeper or my hands grip her hips a little tighter.
Today, I grasp her braid a little stronger, my arm roping around her backside, giving her neck some nips of my own. I breathed her in, taking a whiff of her own scent—woods, sweat, something feminine, and entirely Katniss—wishing I could store away some of her in this manner, freezing this moment. I let her lift my head and kiss me senseless, mouths meeting, tongues twirling.
“I, uh, frosted someone’s wedding cake today,” Taking a peck on her nose, I tried to catch my breath when we break away.
“requested something with cinnamon and buttercream frosting,” I sighed, brushing off her brow, noticing her now diluted eyes. I failed to bring anything home because of those three tiers.
“Good for them,” she breathed.
“Couldn’t bring home anything,”
“Good for me,” She gulped and collided our mouths again. She took my shoes off along with my jacket. Dinner got cold that night.
Fall had a slow welcome. It was a seasonably cold day when she doesn’t push herself to me after I opened the front door. Disappointed, I took off my shoes and head to the living room, finding her standing up from near the fireplace when she noticed me. Our memory book laying on the carpet along with some papers.
“Hey you,” her cold form wraps around mine and I tried not to ask her what’s wrong too quickly.
“Guess?” I quipped, pecking her red cheeks. Did she just come back from outside?
“Butter cookies?” even with her wavering tone, she was right. Although I don’t point out the way she hid a small choke when she hugged me.
“You okay?” I let out warm breath on my palms, placing them on either side of her face and this time I felt her visibly holding her breath, her nose scrunching. “What’s wrong? Who is it this time?”
“No, no episodes. I just… I was nauseous the whole afternoon and tried to walk it out. I think I just miss them,”
“Hm. Come here, let’s warm up,” I led her to the fireplace and sat down together, the memory book lay open in front of us.
“Actually Peeta, I think I’ll prepare dinner.” She suddenly stood up, giving me a kiss on the forehead before heading to the kitchen. That was uncharacteristic of her.
But I didn’t question it. Not yet.
I started to wonder when she doesn’t meet me in the foyer anymore. Our guessing game slowly turned from minute hugs to silent smiles. It was when I brought home some seasonal apple pie that she couldn’t hold back a gag when she tried to hug me.
Doesn't she like apples? Can’t I recall if she hated apples?
“God I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to gag at all. I just, I don’t know, it just smells sour.”
“I baked them fresh this morning so they’re likely not foul. But yeah, okay, I’ll just drop these off to Haymitch—”
“No, Peeta, your hands. They smell so apple-y.” Her expression was a twist of scowling and being disgusted. I sliced dozens of apples today so the scent clung too much even when I washed off with some soap.
“Sweetheart, we chopped all day at the bakery, the smell will last for some hours I think,”
“I’m sorry, I don’t know why, I always liked apples,”
“It’s okay, let me give these to Haymitch and then I’ll scrub off in the shower.”
The next day I brought home some of the extra orange cake slices, dreading she’ll also hate these.
They were never put down on the table.
She devoured three slices in minutes.
Also gobbled my orange scented fingers.
Still mildly unhappy we didn’t return to our guessing games after a week, I didn’t bring anything with me today. I was taking my shoes off when I saw her beaming by the couch, her face tinted red with anticipation and she looks like she’s about to cry.
“What? What is it?” I rushed to her in my loose shoes and jacket still on.
“Peeta, I think I know why.”
Eyebrows crinkled. My hands on her elbows.
"You know I always love what you make but...
Her fingers fidgeting. Her blushing cheeks and silver stare the only things registering in my mind.
“I think I’m pregnant.”
She guessed right.
#everlark#post mockingjay#everlark drabble#peeta mellark#katniss everdeen#the hunger games#everlark fic
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For the WIP file game, what can you tell us about "Drabble?" Since it's the most vague I need to know lol
Bahaha I actually found two titled ‘drabble’ and one was blank.
I wrote on my phone and haven’t figured out a way to do a word count on a subset of text, so every now and then when I think I might want to try a true 100 word drabble, I’ll past it in there to check my count.
Here was my last attempt
Peeta has a fancy mixer that sits on his counter, and a set of powered beaters too; things meant to save time and the energy of mixing by hand. He uses them often, but not for the cream; that’s Katniss’s job and she prefers to whip by hand.
She likes the feel of the chilled metal bowl hugged close to her body, how the motion elicits a faint ache in her arms, how she can determine the exact strokes that will turn cream from liquid to topping to butter, and Peeta’s grin of approval when she’s got it just right.
If she had to choose her Victor’s talent again she thinks, it’d be this.
#I think it’s 116 words#I’m giving up#lol#everlark fanfiction#thank you for the ask!!#distractionsfromthefood#ask#🩶🩶🩶#WIP File Game#wip wednesday#post mockingjay
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Hi!! For the writers truth or dare game!
🍓 ⇢ how did you get into writing fanfiction?
🎲 ⇢ what stops you from writing more in your free time?
🐝 ⇢ tag your biggest supporter(s) and say one nice thing about them
thanks for playing @waywardangel-wilds 🤗
🍓 how did you get into writing fanfiction?
the very first time was when i wrote nim's island fanfiction aged 7-8 years old for myself lmao. then i started writing it again (and posted it for the first time) in high school when i was obsessed with les mis, again at uni when i couldn't stop thinking about anne with an e, and now here we are and i'm a little hunger games bitch (which i also was at 12 but i wasn't really interacting with fanfics at that time)
🎲 what stops you from writing more in your free time?
my other hobbies and also the fact that 90% of my writing process takes place in my brain. i just have to fucking think about what i'm going to write for weeks on end. luckily tho that means when it comes to actually drafting, it gets on the page pretty quickly
🐝 tag your biggest supporter(s) and say one nice thing about them
@thesunpersists for sure 💓 her insights, humour and kindness with which she beta reads my fics are everything to me! ily girlie!
@mage-chocolate gets my taylor/gracie references like it's her first language and it makes me so happy :))
also anyone who takes the time to comment on my stories including @mollywog @distractionsfromthefood @sanjarka @notsocooljess @norbertsmom and so many others on tumblr & ao3! someone sitting down to read a fic i wrote is an undertaking i don't take for granted and it's even more rewarding when people tell you what they took from the story :))
from this ask game!
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Impossibly New ❄️
Snippet from a sequel to You Know Where to Find Me
Many thanks to @distractionsfromthefood @thelettersfromnoone and @mollywog for sending snowflakes to make me write! And again, to @mollywog for giving the inspiration for a sequel! It is a longer WIP and I will likely complete it someday. But until then, enjoy the ending! And you guessed right, the title is a song by They Might Be Giants!
“Look, I’m sorry about them, really.” Peeta turns to her once the house is out of sight. “They were just happy to see you but they can be a bit much sometimes.”
“I was happy to see them too,” says Katniss, trying to match her strides to his. “I can’t believe it’s been that long.”
“Seven years almost to the date,” he says under his breath. She has a sense that he is about to ask her something, but he wipes the frown off his face and says, “Well, I can’t believe I had to drag you inside on the threat of literal hypothermia."
“Oh, stop. We only took like, what, ten thousand steps the whole day?”
“Yeah, in freezing weather with only a dodgy kebab to eat. I’d have keeled over if I took another step.”
“You need to get tougher, I suppose,” she jokes. The truth is they could’ve gone to the Mellarks earlier but she didn’t feel ready to face the memories. And her old house just across the road. “Are you sure you’re fine to walk back on your own in the snow?”
“I live just three minutes away, Katniss.”
“Well, text me anyway.”
“Will do. And you ring me when you’re home, alright?”
The bus station is almost empty, much like when she arrived this morning. They stand on the platform with their hands deep in their coat pockets and awkward smiles plastered on their faces.
“I will see you soon,” says Peeta, as they watch the bus pull up. "We'll be back on campus in a couple of weeks."
She nods and notices how the snow is now gathering on the ground, sparkling under the headlights of her bus. “It reminds me of that song we used to listen to.” She starts singing in a low voice. “The streets are paved with diamonds and there is just so much to see…”
“Hah,” Peeta laughs dismissively, pushing the thin sheet of snow around with the toes of his boot. “I think we pretty much established there is fuck all to see here. Maybe I’ll visit you in London before the term starts and then it’d be more like it.”
“That’s not what the song is about though,” Katniss corrects him. “It goes ‘But the best thing about New York City is you and me.’”
A smile spreads across his face. “So that would make the best thing about this town…”
“Us.” Katniss shrugs. “If you’ll allow it.”
“Let me think,” he says, taking a step towards her and clasping her cold hands in his. “I mean, I’ve lived here my whole life and almost all my friends are here…”
“True. Not to mention your family and your perfect little niece.”
“I know. And we happen to be very close to the best city on earth here.”
“Liverpool is hardly the best city on earth, Peeta.” Katniss rolls her eyes.
“But,” he ignores her and squeezes her hands again, “ I will agree that the best thing about this town is you and me. ‘Cause I have a pretty good feeling you’re about to finally kiss me now.”
#everlark fanfiction#everlark#wips#impossibly new#make me write#make me write tag game#you know where to find me#thanks for the asks and the inspo!!#❤️❤️❤️#i'm the only one enjoying this tmbg thing sdkfjh but i'll never stop#the fact that i could find so many song titles that fit this story so well is insane to me
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Good luck with your interview! And happy World Otter Day! (I only know this b/c our area zoo just sent an email lol) 😊

Thank you for the good luck wishes, love! And thank you for celebrating this most important holiday with me.
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WIP File Game
So I was tagged last week by @littlemarianah @thesunpersists @thesweetnessofspring and @thelettersfromnoone to post all of the WIPs I have to work on...(MORTIFYING - there's so many of them)
RULES: Make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have WIPs
I'm supposed to tag 21 people - I don't think so...I'm just not sure who has done this, so if I tag you and you did this, so sorry. I'm always late to the game
@zenkor123 @atelierlili @mtk4fun @katnissdoesnotfollowback @norbertsmom @safeinpeetasarms @distractionsfromthefood @burkygirl @oolhan @waywardangel-wilds at anyone who wants to do this...
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