#dispatches from the academy
chicago-geniza · 6 months
Larry Wolff the historian that you are. Nobody is doing it like Larry Wolff when it comes to clarity, prose style, citational depth + breadth, and synthesis of thought. He wrote a 27-page thematic lit review article that became a state-of-the-field address on historiographical approaches to the development of modern nationalism(s) in Eastern Europe. I am in the process of reading everything he's ever written
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lyjen · 5 months
Summary: Evan’s wife is an Elementary school teacher, but when a shooter enters the school and starts shooting at teachers, (Y/n) is the first person to help. Evan gets worried as his wife doesn’t pick up her phone, but as soon as the shooting reaches the news Evan is desperate to find out where she is.
Request by: anonymous - The request
9-1-1 masterlist
Taglist: @oliviah-25 @shauna-carsley
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“So I want you to both be thinking about it. Put those two brains together, I want you to solve it and be able to explain how you solved it” (Y/n) finished her math instruction. “I’m going to give you two minutes to try and solve this question, you’re ready?” Her voice sounded through the classroom as she clicked on start on the timer which was displayed on the screen.
(Y/n) was an elementary school teacher, she teaches the fifth grade to be specific. She has her own classroom, a teacher assistant intern, and a really good bond with her students. She loves her job, she really does. There’s nothing in the world she’d rather be doing than working with children. Her husband, on the other hand, loved being a firefighter. It was his life, and in his words: he wouldn’t know where he’d be if he never started the fire academy.
When one of the kids asked her if she had a boyfriend, she told them she was married to a firefighter. The students were so enthusiastic and full of questions, so she decided to take the kids to the firehouse one day, to teach them about firefighters, dispatch and everything Bobby had to tell.
“Okay, so some of you came up with an answer and a solution.” She speaks to the group as she holds up her hand, motioning to the kids who were ready to throw their answer to her head, to hold up their hands. “Do we have a volunteer to tell us what answer they got and how they got it?” multiple hands had gone up into the air, but those hands quickly were put down when loud screams sounded through the hallways.
But it was the gunshot that went off after that which caught her attention the most. Her eyes shot towards her teacher assistant Katy, who was sitting at the desk grading some homework as she immediately dropped the pen. Katy’s eyes went wide when she realized what was happening while multiple gasps from the students filled the silence in the room.The gunshot sent a shiver down (Y/n)’s whole body, as she remembered the three words: Run, hide, fight.
That was the protocol. Run if you can, hide if you can not evacuate safely and fight if your life is in danger.
“Everyone. Hide underneath your desks” She said softly as she tried to stay as calm as she possibly could.
The students all get off their seats and follow their teachers instructions as Katy runs off to the windows and closes the blinds. Meanwhile (Y/n) gets the remote for the screen and quickly shuts it off and runs towards the lightswitch to turn it off.
“Katy, help me move this” she says as she tries to push a mid-high bookcase in front of the door to barricade it. Katy quickly moves towards (Y/n) and helps her move the cabinet, so no one would be able to get in or out of the classroom.
When the cabinet was on the right spot, (Y/n) made her way towards the kids to make sure they were okay.
“You’re okay, we’re going to be fine” (Y/n) whispered softly to one of the students who was having a breakdown. She took place on the ground and folded her legs over each other, and she rubbed her hands over the kid’s upper arm, as a sign that she was there. They were not alone.
She let her fingers wipe away the tears of the girl’s cheeks and tried to hush her. She didn’t want to draw any attention. The girl almost started hyperventilating because she was that scared. “Amelia I need you to take slow deep breaths” (Y/n) whispered almost inaudibly. The girl nodded her head as she tried to copy her teacher’s breathing pattern. “Good, through your nose and out through the mouth” (Y/n) complimented her.
Huddled up with some kids to her side, (Y/n) tried her best to calm down the kids who were having a hard time to deal with the situation. Students around her were silently crying, while they were comforting themselves and each other.
There was an ear deafening silence floating through the classroom. They could practically hear the clock on the wall, ticking after each minute that had gone by.
With every footstep she heard on the hallway outside of the classroom, (Y/n)’s heart would skip a beat. There could be children running for their lives, other teachers or the shooter choosing their next victim.
After minutes, maybe even an hour of sitting in silence, a high pitched yelp sounds through the walls of her classroom. But that scream gets cut off by a sudden gunshot. More gasps and sobs sound softly through the classroom. With wide eyes (Y/n) tries to focus on the sound of the hallway.
“No. No, what are you going to do?!” Katy’s voice whispered desperately as (Y/n) crouched down and made her way towards the door of her classroom. The assistant crawled her way towards (Y/n), who was down at the door. Looking through the little gap between the window of the door and the bookcase.
(Y/n) glances through the window and spots a fellow teacher, down on the ground while a puddle of blood is being created underneath her. “Don’t be a hero” Katy says as softly as she possibly could.
She turned her head at Katy, “She’s hurt and needs help, I can’t just leave her to..” she shrugged her shoulders, she couldn’t say die. Not with her kids around, not when they were already traumatized enough by the sounds “You know..” she continued as she shrugged her shoulders.
She couldn’t do nothing. That was not who she was.
“But the shooter is still out there.” Katy says as she desperately starts to look around her. “That’s why I need you to stay here and keep them safe” (Y/n) whispered as she pointed out at her class. Katy shook her head with a frightened look in her eyes “No.. I can’t do that” Katy sighed as she looked at the kids.
“It wasn’t a question Katy, stay here and keep them safe. Close the door behind me” She repeated one more time as she looked at her over the shoulder.
With both her hands she moved the bookcase on one end a little backwards so she was able to squeeze through the gap of the door. Her hand reached for the lever of the door, as she as silently as possible pulled the lever down and squeezed her body through the door. (Y/n) could hear the door close behind her.
Still crouching, she made her way towards her colleague and let her knees drop to the ground when she reached her. “You’re gonna be okay” she said, barely inaudible as she made eye contact with her. The teacher had lost a lot of blood, the puddle was becoming bigger with the second.
The female teacher had been shot in the chest. (Y/n) went with her first instinct, putting pressure on the wound. Without thinking, she pressed her bare hands onto the chest of the woman. The woman winced and hissed at the pain that was being pushed onto her gunshot wound. “I know it hurts, but you have to stay with me okay?” (Y/n) said as her eyes wandered from the wound to the woman’s eyes.
She was on the edge of passing out. (Y/n) could tell. The woman was blinking so fast, and she looked exhausted. “Shit” (Y/n) cursed as the eyes of the woman rolled to the back of her head. Quickly she pressed two fingers of her right hand into the skin of the neck to see if she had a pulse.
Her heart was still beating, which meant she just had to put pressure onto the wound. So the heart would have enough blood to pump around.
But then the feeling of a cold metal getting pressed onto her skin spreads a shiver down her entire body. Her mouth suddenly went dry and her heart was pounding in her chest, as if it was trying to break free from her chest.
(Y/n) was frozen in her position, hovering over the woman. Putting pressure to the wound which was still trying to bleed through the small gaps between her fingers..
“Let go” the sound of a low male voice said.
She swallowed, as she felt the metal being pushed, deeper into her skin. She slightly shook her head, “You don’t have to do this” she slowly said as she kept as still as possible. “I do, everyone in this building has to pay for what they did for me.”
A click sounded. He reloaded his gun. Just one click away from a bullet inside of her head.
“I get it.” her voice said as she felt her breathing become faster because of the adrenaline. “When they don’t see you. And no one is there to help.” She squeezed her eyes closed at the pressure of the gun that was being pushed into the side of her forehead.
“Shut. Up.” His voice hissed at (Y/n).
Tears were falling down her face as she tried to keep enough pressure on the wound of the woman. “Struggling every single day of your life, trying to find a reason to be here”
“I said shut up!” he yelled as he fired a warning shot into the concrete walls of the hallway.
She flinched at the sudden gunshot. But she didn’t stop. She didn’t give up. She needed to try, and enter his mind. Try to talk him out of it, or buy herself more time. “The bucket will fill itself with more and more water everyday. And one day, that bucket will overflow.” She tried to remain strong as her voice became more trembling by every word she spoke.
The man pushes the gun once again into her skin, the muzzle still a little warm because of the bullet that popped out a few seconds ago. A click sounds as he reloads another bullet. “And you’ll realize that you’ve been drowning.. and if there’s no one to reach out their hand...” she squeezed her eyes shut as she remained silent for a second and another tear escaped the corner of her eye.
Multiple gunshots sounded through the hallway of the school as the gun, which the shooter was holding against her head fell down to the ground together with the body of the shooter.
A gasp left her mouth as the bullets whooshed along her ears. She glanced over her shoulder and saw the body of the shooter lying behind her on his back. Lifeless.
Everything that was happening was moving in slow motion. When she looked in front of her she could see multiple swat soldiers entering the hallway with their guns pointed towards the man behind her.
“Suspect is down” one of the soldiers said into their radio’s as they made their way towards (Y/n) and the shooter.
With two paramedics following the soldiers, the paramedics kneeled down next to the female teacher which (Y/n) tried to save her life. The paramedics put down their medic bags beside them and zipped the bag open as they grabbed some gauze.
“You can let go now. We’ve got her.” the male paramedic said as he tried to get her attention by putting his hand onto her shoulder. (Y/n) was still in shock. How did she survive this? Why didn’t he just shoot her when he had the chance? Why listen to her words?
“Sorry” she said as she got back to earth. She slowly retreated her hands back to her own body as the paramedic quickly pressed the gauze down onto the wound. (Y/n) slightly flinched as she felt a hand curling around her bicep, pulling her up to her feet and escorting her down the hall to the open world. She let them. She was too shaken up to try and fight or ask questions.
“Hi this is (Y/n)’s phone, please leave a message after the tone!” Her voice sounded through the speaker of Evan’s phone as he ended the call before the tone could ring into his ear.
A sigh leaves Evan’s mouth as he continues to send her a text, asking her to call him back when she can.
Hen walks into the kitchen when a frown morphed onto her face. “Hey you okay?” She asked when she noticed Evan’s slightly worried face that was focussed on his phone.
Evan clicks on the send button as he slips his phone back into his pocket, and he curls his fingers around the glass of water he had made.
“I’m fine..” he sighs as he leans with his forearms onto the kitchen counter. “I have just tried to call (Y/n) multiple times but she doesn’t answer. Normally she would’ve called me back by now”
They called everyday, especially when Evan was on shift. She would call him after school had come to an end and all kids had left the classroom.
“You think I’m crazy, don’t you?” Evan laughed at himself as he shook his head. He sounded like he was going insane. As if he couldn’t live without her. But it was a routine, so when that routine gets interrupted, it feels weird.
Normally Evan was the one to not pick up, when he was on a call. But he always called her back when they were back at the firehouse. Sometimes it could take hours, but it could also be minutes. It depended on the call of course.
“No not at all.. I’m sure she will call you back, maybe she’s talking to a parent or she’s just busy.” Hen touches Evan’s upper arm as she tries to reassure him that his wife is okay.
“Yeah, you’re right..” Evan pushed himself off the kitchen counter, he grabbed his glass and walked towards the sofas. “Maybe I’m being a little bit paranoid, she’s fine..” Evan glances at Hen who gives him a nod and a pat on his shoulder.
“Turn the volume up” Eddie says as Chimney grabs the remote and quickly turns up the volume by pressing down on the button.
“We just confirmed that about two hours ago, there has been a school shooting here in Los Angeles. The remarkable thing is that the school where this happened, was an elementary school”
“Jesus” Eddie sighs.
“The police have confirmed that after about an hour and a half after the shooter had fired the first bullet, they shot down the shooter. The name of the school where this happened is the Great Oak Elementary School. Parents are arriving at the school now to pick up their kids. There’s one wounded teacher and two casualties, both were working at the school.”
“That’s horrible. Imagine you see this on the news and you have to pick up your traumatized child.” Hen says as she continues to listen to the tv.
“Can’t imagine what that must feel like” Eddie’s voice sounds through the room.
Evan was intensely thinking. Why was that name so familiar? What was it about that school that made him think that he had a connection to it? He didn’t have any kids, at least not yet. “Wait what school did they say?” Evan double checked the name with his team, to see if he heard them correctly.
“I think it was Great Oak Elementary School” Chimney says as he focuses again onto the television screen.
Evan’s heart dropped in his chest. As soon as he heard that name fall off the lips of his colleague's mouth, it felt like all of the air he had in his lungs was getting pushed out. Everything's coming together now.
It was the school his wife worked for.
“But why even an elementary school, not that any school would’ve been any better or different. But we’re talking about ages 5 to 10 years old. Those children are going to be scarred for life” Eddie’s dull voice sounded over the loft into Evan’s ears.
No texts, no calls, nothing.
Evan’s hearing is dull, everything is still continuing on the back of his mind but his brain is working over hours now. Making up all different kinds of scenarios of what could’ve happened in that school. “Wow Buck, you alright?” Another dull voice rang through his ears.
Suddenly he felt a hand on his shoulder, he flinched at the sudden touch and his eyes connected with Hen’s as he turned his head towards her. A frightened look was spread over his face as he tried to control his breathing.
He looked down to his feet, which were suddenly wet and cold. He realizes he had dropped his glass of water down to the ground. His boots are now soaking wet, with the water dripping down his pipes. But that was the last thing he was worried about right now.
His brain filled with all different kinds of scenarios were running through his mind. “(Y/n)” he mumbled through his panicked breaths as he tried to look at Hen, who was still pressing her hand onto his shoulder while her other hand was curled around his upper arm.
“Oh no..” Hen said as he puzzled the pieces together. Finally realizing what was happening and what Evan meant.
Bobby’s voice sounded through the space as he stepped onto the loft “What’s happening?”
“There has been a school shooting at Great Oaks Elementary. The school where Buck’s wife works” Hen quickly explained to Bobby as she held her grip onto Evan’s upper arm.
Evan’s eyes that were full of worry wandered towards his captain's eyes who was coming closer towards him every second. “She isn’t answering any of my calls or texts. And I’m not waiting for the hospital to call me and tell me that she’s..” Evan sighs at the worst case scenario that was in his mind.
“Please Bobby. I need to go. I need to see for myself if she’s okay.” Evan’s broken voice sounded.
“Look Buck, I get it. But you don’t have to do this on your own. We’re coming with you, whether you like it or not. (Y/n) is our family too.” Bobby says as he softly squeezed Evan’s shoulder. A small smile spread across Evan’s face as those words left Bobby’s mouth.
“Let’s go and find (Y/n)” Bobby says as he patted his hand onto Evan’s shoulder as a sign to go.
“What do you mean she isn’t here?” Evan says after Athena finished her conclusion. “I just told you, every teacher that was here on school grounds during the shooting has been checked by paramedics, and are now sitting in a room. They’re getting the information they need if they want help. But I’ve seen every teacher in that room, and she wasn’t there Buck, only her teaching assistant Katy.” Athena continues her explanation.
“Well, have you asked Katy if she knows anything about the whereabouts of my wife?” Evan asks, maybe a little annoyed. “No, not yet. I’m waiting for the professionals to finish their job. And after that, I’ll see if Katy is willing to talk” She calmly answers Evan’s question.
“How long is that gonna take?” Evan sighs as he puts his hands on his hips. He’s losing his patience. This is taking too long. “I’m sure they’re almost done, this should only take a few more minutes” Athena reassured him.
“I don’t have time for this.. what if Katy doesn’t know where she is? This might lead to a dead end.” Evan tries to stop himself from panicking, as he rushes a hand through his short curly hair. He had to do something. He couldn’t just stand there and wait on a teaching assistant who maybe doesn't have an answer to their questions.
Evan quickly turned around and slid his phone out of his pocket. He had to try it, at least one more time. He clicks on the green icon and clicks on her name, impatiently he presses the phone against his ear. Maybe she did have it with her.. right?
“Buck..” Evan could hear Bobby sigh as he was walking away from his team.
Evan listens to the sound of the phone beeping, trying to connect with the other phone. He was pacing through one of the hallways, silently listening to the beeps of the phone. Evan’s eyebrows furrowed in confusion as he could hear a ringtone going off from a distance. Was that someone else’s phone or was that the phone he was trying to reach?
The ringtone stopped playing when Evan was being sent to voicemail. He quickly presses the red button, and decides to try and call the phone again.
Once more the same ringtone sounds through the hallway.
Evan follows the sound, making his way through the hallways until after multiple times of calling her phone, he reaches the door of a classroom. The tone sounded loudly through the space of the room.
Evan stepped into the classroom and walked towards the desk where the phone was buzzing. “There you are..” Evan whispered to himself as he grabbed the phone and frowned at the idea of his wife leaving her phone behind. She never leaves her phone behind.
He shoved his own phone into his pocket as he made his way back towards his team who were now talking with a young woman, probably Katy.
“Can we please ask you a few questions?” Evan could hear Athena ask the TA, who nodded at her question. “When was the last time you saw (Y/n)?” Athena continued to ask her. “During the shooting, we were all hiding inside the classroom just like protocol said. And she told me to watch the kids.. she went to help the lady who was shot outside of our classroom. I heard multiple gunshots, when I was alone with the kids. But I haven’t seen her since she told me to watch them.” Katy explains.
Evan could feel his knees trembling, like they were suddenly turning into Jell-o.
“That’s everything I know” Katy says as she shrugs her shoulders. “It’s okay, thank you Katy. If something pops into your mind, give me a call” Athena says as she gives Katy her card with her contact details and Katy walks away.
“Alright, there’s two things we can do. One, we go to the hospital and check if she may be in the ER. Or two, we go check the..-” Athena gets cut off by Evan’s voice.
“Morgue” Evan finished Athena’s sentence and shook his head. “We’re going to the ER of the nearest hospital, she’s not dead. She can’t be.” Evan continued. “Buck.” Bobby’s voice spoke up when Evan wiped his hand against his forehead, as if it helped him to get rid of the thought of his wife being dead. “I refuse to believe that she’s dead, I want to go to the hospital” Evan states as he could hear his own voice trembling.
Evan felt Bobby’s hand landing onto his shoulder. “It’s your decision to make Buck, if you want to go to the hospital, we go to the hospital” Bobby said as he looked into Evan’s eyes again. Evan nodded. He made his decision.
The drive towards the nearest hospital was silent, but when the truck pulled to a stop Evan’s hand reached for the door and he jumped out as fast as he could.
He had waited long enough. He needed his answers now.
Before the rest of his team got out of the truck, Evan had already gone through the glass doors. Evan came to a stop at the nurse station, using his hands as a brake by pressing it against the desk.
“Hi, I’m looking for (Y/n) Buckley” he panted as he focussed on the nurse who was scrolling through the documents of people who had gotten in.
“Evan?” her familiar voice sounds through his ears. His eyes went wide as he heard that voice he had hoped to hear through the phone the first time he called her. He pushed himself off the desk he was leaning on and followed her voice.
“(Y/n)?” he softly said as he looked around him. When his eyes connected with hers, his heart skipped a beat. She was alive. Just like he said.
“Evan” she sighed as she finally saw her husband's face. Evan basically sprinted towards (Y/n) as he heard her broken voice say his name. Her knees were trembling, and were on the edge of giving in. “Hey! Hey! I’m here!” Evan panted as he curled his arms around his wife and she collapsed into his arms.
She was sobbing as soon as she felt his arms curled around her body and she tightened her grip around his body, like he was the only thing to keep her from drowning. He was the hand she had to hold onto. “I’m here” Evan let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding this entire time.
He let his hand cup the back of her head and he pressed his lips against her hair.
He slowly pulled back, but his arms remained around her body. He wasn’t letting her go. The hand he had pressed against the back of her head, wandered to her cheek as he wiped away her tears.
“W-what are you doing here? Are you hurt?” he stumbled as he quickly checked her on any wounds. She shook her head as she placed both of her hands down onto his chest. “No, I’m okay” she gasped through her tears.
When Evan’s eyes fell onto her hands, which were now placed on his chest, he noticed her hands which were still covered in dried blood.
He placed his hands over hers as he softly grabbed her hand and started inspecting it. “It isn’t mine” she sighed as she tried to reconnect her eyes with Evan’s, who was focussed on making sure his wife wasn’t hurt.
“Then whose blood is that?” Evan’s voice asked, concerned when his eyes remained on her hands. “T-the woman who had been shot..” she said as she tried to catch her breath. Evan’s eyes furrowed “I helped her..” in the middle of her sentence, she stopped talking. “I kept her alive, even with a gun pointed at my head” she continued.
She could hear the gunshots going off in the back of her mind, the explanation she had just given her husband brought her right back to that place. So much has happened in those few minutes, she barely had time to process everything that happened in such a short time.
Tears were streaming down her face as she was reminded of the incident. “He wanted to shoot me in the head”
“Oh baby..” a loud sigh left his lips as he pressed a kiss onto her forehead. “You did so good” he mumbled against her forehead as he pressed another kiss onto it and pulled his wife back into an embrace.
“I was so scared Evan, I really thought this is it.. that everything I did, was for the last time” (Y/n) sobbed as she locked her arms around his body once again and her head pressed against his broad chest. “But you fought like hell, like I knew you would. You fought for that woman, for the students, yourself and me. You fought your way back to me.” Evan said as he pulled away a little, so her head wouldn’t be touching his chest anymore and he could place both his hands onto her cheeks.
“You’re so much stronger than you think you are.”
A gasp fell off (Y/n)’s lips as a gunshot roared through the back of her mind. Her eyes were suddenly wide open and her entire body was drenched in sweat. She let her hands fall against her face as she sighed. It was just another dream, a nightmare to be more specific.
It had been weeks since the shooting on the Great Oak Elementary School, but what happened that day, was still haunting her until today.
Falling asleep was a problem at first, the first nights after the incident, she was all wrapped around Evan. Trying to get her to sleep like she was a baby that couldn’t find the right spot to sleep on.
Evan worked twenty four hour shifts, he couldn’t just go home in the middle of shift, in the middle of the night to help his wife to fall asleep at night. So sometimes, (Y/n) wouldn’t sleep at all at night, she would just wait until he came home and the second Evan was home she would doze off.
But now, it’s the constant nightmares she had. Every dream she had wasn’t the same, it’s not like she had the same nightmare over and over again on loop. No, she was having different kinds of scenario’s everytime she closed her eyes.
She let her hands fall down onto the mattress as she glanced at Evan who was peacefully asleep on his side of the bed. (Y/n) threw off the blanket and swung her feet over the side of the bed and grasped the first hoodie she saw lying down on the floor. The hoodie was a little oversized and fell over her bum.
(Y/n) stepped down the stairs of the loft and flicked on the kettle to make some tea. Maybe that would help her calm down. With her back towards the living room, she pressed her elbows down onto the flat surface of the kitchen counter.
She was tired, but couldn’t sleep. Not if she was having these nightmares, everytime she closed her eyes. (Y/n) let her head rest between her hands as she closes her eyes for a second, just to try and let the stress exit her body while the water was boiling.
Evan groaned as he turned around in bed and let his arm find the body of his wife. When his arm connected with the jumpy mattress, he pushed his head off the pillow as a confused frown was spread across his face. He wasn't expecting his arm to find the mattress, he was waiting for his arm to connect with (Y/n)’s body.
He lets his arm swipe along the mattress again to make sure she wasn’t somewhere else on the mattress. Evan turns his body and reaches out to turn on the night lamp on his nightstand. He squeezed his eyes as he tried to adjust his eyes to the bright light on his nightstand and rubbed the sleep out of his eyes.
Evan swung his legs over the side of the bed as he stood up to make his way downstairs, determined to find his wife. When he silently stepped down the stairs, he smiled at the way she was standing. A Los Angeles Fire Department hoodie to keep her comfortable, her eyes closed as she was leaning on her hands. While the kettle was releasing steam as it was finished boiling.
A groan left her lips as she felt a hand curled around her hip and his chin was leaning on her shoulder. Her hand reached behind her as she tried to find Evan’s arm. “Can’t sleep?” his sleepy voice asked, with his eyes still closed as he was still trying to wake up.
“Yeah” she whispered as she nodded at his question, and she placed her other hand down on his cheek as he was still leaning with his chin onto her shoulder.
“Still having those nightmares huh?” He asked her as he pressed a kiss on the palm of her hand that was resting on his face.
“Yeah, what’s new..” she sighed, she had the feeling those nightmares weren’t going away anytime soon anyways. She grabbed a cup from the upper cabinet, placed it onto the counter and started to pour water from the kettle into it.
When the cup was full enough, she placed the kettle back. “Evan?” Her soft voice sounded raspy.
“Hmm?” Evan hummed as he slightly opened his eyes to check on his wife. His arm was still wrapped around her, curved around her hip. She swallowed loudly.
“I don’t know how much longer I can do this..” she whispered as she placed both of her hands flat against the counter as she stared right in front of her.
Evan’s hand started to come loose from her hip, as he let his lower back fall against the kitchen island, which was placed on the other side of the kitchen counter (Y/n) was making her tea on.
He folded his arms over each other as he leaned against the kitchen cabinets. “You mean the nightmares, right?” Evan needed a confirmation that he knew she was talking about.
She felt Evan leaving her side. But she couldn’t look at him without breaking down. So she remained standing with her back towards Evan. “No.. I meant, being a teacher.” She said as she started to make circles with her finger onto the kitchen counter.
“What? What do you mean? You love being a teacher” Evan said as he tried to make eye contact again. But she wouldn’t turn around.
She shook her head as she sighed, trying to keep her tears from falling down. “That was before this all happened. You know how exhausting it is to be wary of every single thing around you?” she sniffled as she turned her face towards the ceiling, trying everything in her power to not show her tears, or show her fear.
With her sleeves falling over her hands, she wiped the small tears away that had started rolling down her cheeks. “Every time before I even enter the school my throat goes dry, I start sweating and I can’t stop myself from shaking” she tried to say through her tears and sobs.
She turned her body, and let herself slide against the kitchen doors, dropping to the ground as she cried even harder. “I’m sick and tired of flinching at every sudden sound I hear. I can’t sleep, because any time when I close my eyes, even if it’s just for one silly second, I’m there again. With a gun against my head.” she confessed.
(Y/n) let the back of her head lean against the kitchen cabinet as she felt Evan coming closer, while she looked at the ceiling again. Trying to get rid of the tears that showed her biggest fears and weaknesses. “I can’t do this anymore Evan” she sobbed as she pressed her palms against her face. All she wanted to do was hide.
It feels like she’s drowning, drowning into her own fear and tears. The fear is over taking her like waves of the ocean, if no one would reach out that hand to help her.. she might drown.
“No.. you’re scared. And I get your reaction, but we don’t always make the best decisions when we’re operating out of fear” Evan spoke up as he curled his arm around her knee.
A sigh leaves Evan’s mouth as he tries to think of the right thing to say. “I know how hard it is to get over something so traumatizing, that you don’t know what you’re doing it for no more” he said as he tightened his arm around her knee. “But what happened could have happened anywhere. At the grocery store, in our own home, hell even at the fire station” Evan continued as he tried to get her attention, but she was too emotional to make eye contact.
She could hear every word he said, every breath he took, every moment of silence he needed, to think of what he was going to say next.
“So I need you to stop saying that you can’t do this. Because I know you can. You’re one of the strongest women I know. And I’m so proud to call you my wife. But right now, I need you to grab my hand and trust me when I say that we’ll figure this out.” tears were starting to well in Evan’s eyes as he quickly wiped his finger underneath his eyes to get rid of the tears he felt, as they were about to roll over his cheeks.
Evan loosened his grip around her knee as he reached out his hand, with his palm faced towards the ceiling. “We do this together, just like we did all the times I got hurt and didn’t know what to do” Evan said as he lowered his head, trying to get her eyes connected with him again.
Silence took over the space they were in.
Evan’s hand was still dangling between her knees as he waited for her attention and answer. “Together?” he asked one more time.
A soft smile made its way onto her face, as she nodded. “Together.” she said determined and placed her hand onto his as Evan sent her a small smile her way.
She had helped him countless times, now it was his turn to help her.
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hi!! i loved that buddie au list you posted!!! i was wondering if you had any more?
hi!! oh thanks, i'm glad you enjoyed that list! au's my most beloved lol. the other anons were specifically asking for "normal jobs" outside of firefighting, so i will make up a list of general au's below 😊 (as always, anyone else is welcome to add more!)
—for anyone who want's the other list, you can find it here
wait for me there by kitkatpancakestack @kitkatpancakestack (high school au)
home is just another word for you by bi_buckrights @bi-buckrights (different first meeting/army!eddie)
kink club au series by Princessfbi @princess fbi (different first meeting/bdsm)
bro·ken by kristen999 @thekristen999 (different first meeting/s3 au)
keep me as your finish line by thatbuddie (talktothesky) @thatbuddie (different first meeting/gym bros)
look how they align by allyasavedtheday @littlespoonevan (different first meeting/girl!dad buck)
your dreary mondays by hammersmiths @henwilsons (different first meeting/babysitter buck)
hardest hit from geather's kiss by Princessfbi @princessfbi (different first me meeting/hockey & dance)
life is just the way you hold me by allyasavedtheday @littlespoonevan (different first meeting/professional cuddler)
what's up danger? by Princessfbi @princessfbi (different first meeting/superheroes)
close my eyes and stumble (right into your love) by HMSLusitania @hmslusitania (different first meeting/dispatcher!eddie)
i didn't know i was lonely 'till i saw your face by HMSLusitania @hmslusitania (different first meeting/couples therapy)
i want your midnights by allyasavedtheday @littlespoonevan (different first meeting/roommates)
MukbangsWithBuck by ReallySmartLadyMarieCurie (different first meeting/texting &social media)
i was supposed to sweat you out (i think there's been a glitch) by heartbeatdiaz @lonelychicago (different first meeting/firefighter academy)
stuck now so long, we just got the start wrong by Daffi_990_ao3 @daffi-990 (different first meeting/probie firefighters)
till now i always got by on my own (i never really cared until i met you) by MonsterRae1 @monsterrae1 (different first meeting/mechaninc!eddie, roadtrip)
kiss me before it's over (If only for a minute) by bi_buckrights @bi-buckrights (baseball buddie)
racing with the brakes cut by letmetellyouaboutmyfeels @letmetellyouaboutmyfeels (fast & furious au)
i can be the subject of your dreams by BekkaChaos @bekkachaos (vampire!buck)
red life might stream again by Underhung_Aura @eddiebabygirldiaz (fantasy au)
good knight sweet prince by Spotsandsocks @spotsandsocks (medeival/badass dragon(s))
you and i'll be safe and sound by spaceprincessem @spaceprincessem (hunger games au)
you've set me running free by bigfootsmom @bigfootsmom (werewolf!eddie)
bitumen by ZainClaw @zainclaw (vampire!buck)
objects in the mirror by SevenSoulmates @sevensoulmates (soulmate au)
stitch my soul by r_holland @onward--upward (soulmate au)
what they think we are by mansikka @redlightsandicedtea (bucks jobs before lafd/fake relationship)
to be found by ZainClaw @zainclaw. (werewolf au)
and a lil self promo 🤗
love's a game; wanna play? by browney3dgirl6 (murder!boyfriends)
let me lose myself by browney3dgirl6 (step up au/dancing)
he hits my heart like a homerun by browney3dgirl6 (different first meeting/firefighting academy/baseball)
come back home by browney3dgirl6 (army buddie)
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suikung · 27 days
may i request some shikamaru x lil!sis headcanons?
| Brother!Shikamaru
| TW. Incest
Shikamaru was the prized sibling in the family, and the Nara clan. From the moment he started in the academy, his genius was noticed. Your parents equally loved you, however you could tell they knew you weren’t as gifted as Shikamaru. And Shikamaru obviously knew that. But to him, it’d be better for it to stay that way.
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You started the academy a year after him, and immediately the instructors could tell a difference between your brother and you. They held you to such high standards because of him, and when they weren’t met, all you would receive was a look of disappointment. It crushed you to know you’d never be as good as him. But it didn’t deter you from training hard day and night.
He didn’t allow you to have friends, even if he did. It was always something along the lines of “They’re just a drag you know. No need to concern yourself with them.” It almost felt he took all the friends for himself so there wouldn’t be none left over for you.
He was and continues to be the biggest manipulator. His words might seem innocent to any pair of ears, but he knew to yours, they would crush your self esteem. “Come on, why train so hard? Just accept the way you are.” They might seem as if he encouraged self acceptance but in reality he was firm on the belief you’d never advance.
As the years went on, his words only weighed heavier. He tried his best to convince you not to take the chunin exams. Wasn’t being a genin enough for you? You already were assigned missions. And he hated it. You now needed to uphold a responsibility to the village and he sadly couldn’t keep you at home. Couldn’t you see he was doing this all for your safety.
When Asuma-sensei died, it further showed to him the cruelties of this shinobi world. And soon he know that the King, was not the Hokage or Feudal lord, but you. Just like the knight, he’d work even harder to protect you. Conveniently for him, you’d been dispatched on a mission and had come back severely injured. While he vowed to find those who did this to you, he also petitioned with Lady Tsunade to have you relieved of being a shinobi. “She’s not capable of continuing to do this Lady Tsunade. I say this with her best interest in mind.” Just like that, you had returned to being a normal civilian.
During the 4th Great Ninja war, you stayed home. Despite the village needing all the power they could get, Shikamaru did not let you join. “You haven’t done anything in forever. Do you seriously think joining the war would result in you coming back alive?” He was right. Your brother was always right, so you stayed home. You waited for both him and your father to return, however only Shikamaru came back. The loss of your father weighing so heavily on the family, your mother shortly followed suit.
Now he had nothing but you. He had lost the people who would always talk sense into him, give him a guiding push in life when his path might stray. But now? He had no one to tell him what he might do is wrong. So he let his instincts take over. His feelings suppressed for so many years, he could finally let them over when the time was right. And that time would be when you turned 18.
Shikamaru was now 19, you 18. He led the clan on his own after the war. But he needed someone to do it with him. You had now become his wife. Nothing out of the ordinary in this society. Pure bred clans were a normal things. However now he possessed so much more control over you.
Immediately you were left to uphold a traditional housewife life. He was cunning, already he kept you inside as much as he could but now as his wife he could finally put his ultimate move on the board. You had fallen pregnant.
Now he controlled every single thing in your life. What time you ate. What you ate. Who you were around, what if they caused you stress and in turn harmed the baby? But to him most importantly, when you went outside. He was still a Shinobi, he couldn’t be around you 24/7. But this allowed him to keep you inside, for what seemed like forever. Only ever being outside when he couldn’t take your begging and crying anymore to be free. But his plan worked. And if he had to, he’d continue to keep you pregnant if it meant you’d never have to step foot outside again.
A/n I love him and his fucked up hairlime
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9-1-1-polls · 5 months
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d10nsaint · 1 year
ELLA Y YO—Miguel O’hara
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Request Here. So uhm Me x Miguel CANON UGHHH. Someone said that Miguel listens to Romeo Santos and now i cant get the idea out of my head. Title trans:She and I, song by Aventura & Don Omar. and before you start asking if ik what the songs about YES I DO.
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In the arachno-humanoid-poly- multiverse (Miguel refused to refer to it as the ‘spiderverse’) There are thick sets of rules for spider-men and spider women. The Peter Parkers, The Gwen Stacy’s, The Jessica Drews, and the singular Miles Morales. Although they may have some differences, they all have similar lives—well, with a few outliers, and one of them being you.
You were so different from all the other spider-people. In your story, and in your personal life—you were a breath of fresh air, which is partially why Jess and Lyla convinced him to have you join the Spider Society when it first started.
Miguel saw you as someone who’s more…mature. Someone who knows struggles and can take life seriously. He could trust you to not make a joke of everything because you’re so down to earth.
After he notices why Lyla and Jess thought you’d be a good addition, he realizes that you arent stupid like everyone else—and understand the gravity of his job.
He knows you have a child, and assumes you have a husband or a sitter because (unlike peter b) you keep your child at home. He doesn’t really care either way— He might even be glad, in fact, because he really doesnt like to look at kids.
He finds himself spending more time with you, going over meeting procedures or reviewing the teams for dispatch. He knows you’re reliable, and soon enough he’s sharing all of his work with you.
Everyone around the both of you can see how close the two of you are—with the similarities in your personalities canceling out and making the both of you open up to eachother enough to become…friends. Something that Miguel hasn’t had since be met Xina at the Academy.
When he realizes how close the both of you are (literally and metaphorically) He cant help but facepalm. He’s treating you like how he treated Dana. And as soon as he realizes that, he realizes that—oh shit!—he has feelings for you! And maybe, this time he wont fuck it up by being spiderman.
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satosugu-come-back · 11 days
she got away (gojo x fem sorcerer!reader)
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based on chappell roan’s unreleased song “the subway” (i need this song injected in my veins its so good)
an: i had a dream about this im not even joking- and the edits i’ve seen of these two did NOT help that whatsoever
cw: ooc pretty much everyone, this is a retelling in my own way? depressed and angry gojo, suguru defection, he just disappears, senjaku, hints of reader death + reader’s body is taken over instead of suguru, shibuya, just overall very depressing
this wasn’t supposed to happen. in no world was it ever meant to turn out this way.
riko is dead. suguru is gone. and he’s killed 112 people. everything was wrong.
satoru could hardly believe what he heard. how could suguru do something like that? how could he have been responsible for so much bloodshed?
how did satoru not stop him?
they were best friends. no, they are best friends. he knows suguru. his suguru.
y/n noticed his spiral. they were just as upset as satoru- the three of them were inseparable. she was in her own head, trying to figure out where it all went wrong.
she knew there was no point in mulling over all the what-ifs. they both knew that. but they couldn’t help it. suguru was someone they were closest to, someone they knew they could rely on.
the three of them were also the most powerful sorcerers at the school. y/n joined the academy later, but both suguru and satoru recognized her powers. the three of them soon were dispatched on missions together, cementing their friendship and bonds.
all of that has been thrown out the window.
no more would there be the powerful three. it was now just satoru and y/n. and they were both fighting their own demons.
y/n more than satoru. she did notice suguru’s change in demeanour, but she honestly thought it was because riko was killed in front of them.
now she understood. suguru had a change of heart, a change of morals. a change of everything.
it hurt her. she felt like she was being torn apart from the inside. the guilt manifested itself into self hatred. it started eating her up.
despite his turmoil, satoru saw it. he saw how y/n started to change. she started distancing herself, pouring endless amounts of time sparring in the fields, disappearing for hours and coming back in the dead of night. just like suguru before he left.
it scared him.
gojo satoru was not afraid of anything. that is, he wasn’t up until recent events. but this time, he wasn’t going to let this slip by him. he confronted her about it, and things did not end as well as he had hoped.
“gojo, back off.”
“no. not until you tell me what’s going on. why are you acting so different? i know with everything-”
her eyes snapped to him instantly. satoru didn’t speak further.
“you know? you know? you didn’t see him, satoru! i had to watch and see the man that i-” she took a breath before continuing. she was crying. angry and confused. he had never seen her like that before.
“the look in his eyes, satoru. the way his shoulders slumped more, the bags under his eyes, the staring off into space, i-i saw all of it! and what did i do?! nothing!!”
satoru observed her figure, seeing her energy rising with every moment. he didn’t know what to say to calm her down. he wasn’t sure if he could.
“i could’ve said something! no, i should’ve said something! i saw all of this and i left him to deal with it on his own! what kind of a friend am i?”
“we can’t change what happened-”
“i know damn well we can’t! because of me, he’s gone! because i didn’t try to help him, he’s gone!”
the silence that followed spoke volumes. sure, satoru was very upset. he blamed himself too. but he was somewhat better at controlling himself. somewhat.
seeing her like this, he didn’t know what to do or say. it frightened him how the guilt has taken over her. it broke his heart.
“i need to sort things out. don’t follow me, satoru.”
satoru moved to grab her wrist, not willing to let another friend slip away from him again.
“come back with me, y/n. we’ll get through this together.”
a wall of her cursed energy shoved him back. satoru knew her powers were strong, but this time, it burned. when he recovered from it, she was gone.
she got away.
satoru could hardly believe it. first suguru, now y/n.
for months, he searched for y/n. the conversation he had with her replayed in his mind- the anger, the guilt, the self loathing, he just couldn’t get it out of his head: she had looked just like suguru.
so endlessly he searched. if he wasn’t on a mission, he was searching for her. deep down, he knew she would have wanted to be left alone, but with all that happened with suguru, he couldn’t bear to think about what could happen if he turns a blind eye.
he would be damned if he let anything happen to her.
eventually, months turned into years.
suguru was still nowhere to be found, and of course, so was y/n. satoru still looked for them, of course, but the flame that burned so brightly to fuel his searching slowly started dying out. he was getting closer and closer to the realization that the two most important people in his life were gone forever.
so he tried to move on. he became a teacher, and he had three great students under his wing. he became stronger than ever.
looking at his students, there was always a moment every now and then where he wouldn’t see yuji, megumi and nobara.
he saw himself, suguru, and y/n.
the three students obviously had no idea their teacher had an internal struggle seeing them together. satoru hid it too well.
when the sorcerers were called to shibuya, they didn’t expect the grand number of casualties. the multiple curtains and curses prompted the help of the strongest sorcerer, satoru.
he unleashes his domain expansion, which aided him in defeating all the transfigured humans. it was a grotesque sight.
satoru wanted nothing more than to finish off these damned curses and help his students within shibuya.
all he had to do was catch his breath, and-
“hi, satoru.”
he couldn’t move. he couldn’t breathe.
every instinct inside satoru froze. every muscle, every thought. they all screeched to a halt.
it can’t be.
no, it can’t.
she’s gone.
she left.
“surprised to see me?”
it only took one minute- one goddamn minute for the prison realm to ensnare satoru.
not like he noticed. his bright, big blue eyes were reduced to small pinheads as he took in the right in front of him. as he fell to his knees, his breath shook, hands trembling. he looked up to the woman in front of him, just to see her smiling back at him.
that smile. that sweet, kind smile.
her smile lines were still there. the crinkles around her eyes were still there. you came back to him.
but something wasn’t right.
of course, looking at her, he could tell it was y/n. it would be stupid to deny that, even if he hasn’t seen you in years.
but there’s something… wrong. very wrong.
while the lines on your face were there, he couldn’t help but notice the new scar that stretched across your forehead. had you been injured? did you encounter a curse and he wasn’t there to help you? were you scared?
the woman in front of him noticed where his eyes settled.
“oh, this?” she raised her hand, pointing at the scar.
“i got it a while ago. not that long after i left.”
after she left..? that was years ago.
“…what happened?” satoru asks. his throat was dry. he was surprised his voice still made a sound.
y/n’s demeanour changed instantly. it was unsettling.
her eyes widened, her lips curling into an unnatural smile, one that even made satoru uncomfortable. slowly, she removed the stitches across her forehead.
satoru would have never been able to guess what it was.
the top of her scalp came off in a bloody, sticky mess. satoru was appalled. what was she doing? her brain moved around. it continued writhing within her scalp, the wet noises from the blood were sickening to satoru’s stomach. then there were teeth. teeth.
the teeth started moving, with an unsettling voice that followed that was most definitely not y/n.
“y/n is dead.”
what was that thing doing in her head? was this some sort of curse? yeah, that’s gotta be it. if she encountered a powerful curse that was able to take over her body then he could eliminate it. right?
“i wouldn’t do that, if i were you.”
it was her voice again. the stitches were back, holding her scalp back together.
deep down, satoru knew that wasn’t y/n. it couldn’t be. her energy is there, but it has a different aura to it. it wasn’t just her own. there was something else in it. his six eyes revealed her soul wasn’t there at all.
“it’s sad really. she didn’t fare very well when i found her. she was so sad, she didn’t even see me coming.”
satoru gritted his teeth. slowly, he was piecing things together.
his y/n was not here. her body was being used by a curse.
satoru nearly threw up. the thought of her having to fight off something like that all on her own made his head swim. he let her go that night. he let her slip away. just like he let suguru slip away.
it was all his fault.
“i’ve never felt such power before! so unique, so delicious. this sword she carries too- she’s come to be quite handy.”
she smirks at satoru. the same smile that she gave him countless times before. it used to bring him joy, and warmth that spread through his body. now, it gives him dread.
“now, gojo satoru.”
y/n comes closer, towering over satoru.
“we will meet again in hell, hm?”
satoru knew what that implied. would he have to fight her? hurt her? even though he knew her soul was long gone, it doesn’t help that he’s looking right at her.
“y/n…” he spoke.
her eyes flashed with recognition. almost instantly, y/n’s hand grabbed hold of her sword and held it up to her own neck. her blood dripped down her neck as it forced itself deeper.
she was taken aback. then she started to laugh. manically.
“reflex, huh?! this is exciting!!”
satoru narrowed his eyes at this- her body reacted without her own mind telling it what to do. her body was fighting back on instinct.
as she laughed, willing her arm to remove the sword from her neck, she stared satoru down.
“i’ll be seeing you very soon, sato.”
she commanded the prison realm to close. as the walls closed in on him, satoru couldn’t believe he was back in this position again.
helpless to prevent his y/n from leaving him again.
author notes: im just so sad satosugu angst should not be in the forefront of my mind but here we are- also this is kinda rushed so sorry if there are any errors ☹️ thanks for reading!
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reilliane · 4 months
Septem (iii) ⊱⊰ Genshin!Various
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✤ she/her - ✤ words: 3.8k
✤ An Academy built to hone and prepare gods-to-be and blessed mortals for the world beyond — isn't it a dream come true, when a blank Vision greets you in invitation? ✤ News of your enrollment in Septem Academy reaches students who were dispatched for on-field training and expeditions. They are more than eager to return.
✤ neuvilette, wriothesley, freminet, lyney, gaming
a/n: for this part, mc is a part of hearth 'null'
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It wasn't unheard of that there were students on official leave from the Academy, a handful of them coming from on-field training and expeditions [according to news/gossip central Kaveh and Childe].
It was the women that returned first, their new faces expressing surprise at the arrival of another 'Null' in their academy. They were all well acquainted compared to most, which relieved you. The rivalry in the Academy was no joke, so having more 'I-don't-have-time-for-competitions' ladies was a breath of fresh air.
You also wondered just how many students there were at Septem, it appeared like there were more than fifty or so—but then again, there really only was Septem that catered to people with elemental affinities.
You're still learning the ropes of being attuned to all seven elements by the time your first official semester met its curtain fall, right when the later group of men arrived. They were friendly, the whole lot of them, and compared to most of the men you've come to know who thrive in Hearth rivalries and competitions, everything was just a passing source of amusement to them.
It was rather disconcerting—but hey, so long as they were friendly, right?
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— Neuvilette
Lo and behold, Hydro's Hearthleader in the very flesh.
A long, long time ago, according to accounts of the Hearthleaders, Hydro's authority had complications that led to the title being passed on to one after the other. Rumors even mentioned fraudulence and 'false' titles, who knew it had such a controversy?
Nevertheless, the past was the past, and all had been settled now. Kokomi mentioned that the issue was resolved a term before you arrived at the Academy, what are the odds!
Now, being the newest face around Septem meant being polite, so after your Potioneering class and after scrubbing away the residue of Lampgrass dew from your vest, you made a beeline to welcome the returning students along with Lumine and Aether.
Hydro's Hearthleader wasn't there, however, having reported to the Headmaster as soon as he arrived. Far from being chagrined, you make formal introductions with everyone else after an embarrassing trip down the stairs.
Your first official meeting with the one and only was during the Hearthleader's Assembly, a time of discussion over the next events, competitions, charity programs, festivals, and the whole shebang that takes place at the start of each semester.
Since there's no Hearthleader for the Nulls, Aether and Lumine take turns in attending; and since your enrollment, this happened to be your first Assembly.
Familiar faces you've gotten to know calmed your nerves, being in good standing with everyone else but that man who stared you down with inquisitive eyes.
“A pleasure to meet you, Miss [Name]. I am Neuvilette, Hearthleader of Hydro, I've heard wonders about you, and I look forward to your presence in the Academy. Should you be in need of any assistance, or have been wronged by anyone, I implore you to seek me.”
Long silver hair with streaks of aqua, a passive expression on his features, a walking cane that screamed luxury, and a cloak that billowed like the current—if you thought Ayato had an imposing aura as Hearthmaster, then you were terribly wrong.
Hearthleader Neuvilette appeared to be a man of a few words, his gaze oft inexplicable as he firmly shook your hand after giving it a thoughtful look. You thought you were a moment away from interrogation, but he only turned your hand over and kissed its back. Wha-?
You could manifest a question/exclamation mark out of your head at the gesture, Hearth Hydro's chivalry flying off the charts and rendering you speechless. Ayato, he did it with some sort of 'gentleman cunning' if that was even a word pair, Xingqiu did it out of sincerity, Childe was more playful with it, and Dottore—well, that man was peculiar. [He was misplaced and transferred to a different Hearth.]
You didn't expect this tall, handsome, intimidating Hearthleader to do the same. But then again, with a position like his, he was meant to embody what his Hearth represented, right? You shouldn't have been so shocked.
Throughout the Assembly, however, the awe remained. He even his tea, saying it was only right to extend good tidings to the newest student in Septem. He barely smiled, but his eyes were—well, they were softer than you realized.
He even apologized on behalf of his Hearthmates 'in case they did anything to offend you', which got you shaking your head wildly and responding that they were most courteous. Childe was more of a playful menace, but you omitted that part. And ooooh boy, with the subtly proud look he wore on his face brought about by your answer, you didn't dare say anything about Childe's flirtations.
Huh! Perhaps the man wasn't so bad after all. In fact, he was mellow. You realized that the air around him and Zhongli was a little tense though, and not in the good sense. Thankfully, they were composed and tolerant of one another—but you couldn't shake off the feeling that they had issues running deeply that they didn't want to address. At least not of late. Oh well.
The long-standing tradition of Hearth Hydro's invitation for tea parties ensued. With their Hearthleader back in their ranks alongside other returning students, the long winding table in their great hall was finally complete. Insert a couple of chairs for you—and Aether and Lumine whenever they join in—and everything was solid.
Hearthleader Neuvilette's return also had a significant impact on the rest of the Hearths, mainly Hearth Dendro's residents... and particularly Kaveh, who showed a bit more restraint when contending with Childe. Their rivalries didn't disperse into thin air, no, but it became a tad 'quieter'. That alone was quite alarming, but the ladies in Hearth Hydro said that it was frankly normal; with Neuvilette back in the picture, the Student Council's Iudex was basically in his seat again.
No wonder everyone's rowdiness suddenly got tamer.
Being a Hearthleader and the Iudex—practically accounting for as the Head of the Student Council—commanded authority. You heard that it was previously Zhongli, but he has long since stepped down. While Zhongli managed with more order along with lax but well-managed funding for events and programs, Neuvilette was more of an adjudicator, valuing justice and equality.
Reading the records of his just governance made you gulp. Really? That same guy who personally pulled your chair for you to sit? Who permits you to have the first sip of tea during his tea party even when his Hearthmades say that he's never done that before?
It was common courtesy! Common courtesy, yes!
“Since Hearthleader came back, those Dendro know-it-alls can barely do anything during our debates during Incantations class, hah!” “Are you implying that you've both gone overboard with your Incantations when I was absent, Childe?” “Wha- hey now, I didn't mean it like that... Hearthmaster was with me the whole time.” “You don't want to tempt our Hearthleader, Ajax. Do you recall the last time you provoked them? We had to disturb Sigewinne from her shift in the infirmary.” “You speak as if you weren't a part of it, Hearthmaster.” “Now, where'd you get that idea, lady Mona?” “Well, the past is the past. Whatever happened, I'm certain you were all responsible enough to handle the consequences. Let us begin the tea party—.. where is lady Furina?” “I believe lady Barbara was last with her.” “Oh! I, um- I have slipped up; I accidentally told her that since she wasn't here for the Theater Program that was being planned for the public, Hearth Pyro had to take the spot. I think she's contending for the main role...” Ding! “Was that yours, lady Kokomi?” “Yes, I just received a message from Furina.. she says to come and help her because the casting director put her on a list, and the temporary manager for the Theater is Madame Arlecchino...” “... This tea party is paused.”
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— Wriothesley, Freminet
You did not want to admit it nor did you want to condemn the sweet guy, but perhaps lounging about Hearth Pyro's dorm had Bennett's catastrophic bad luck rubbing off on you.
Recently, you had a bout of stumbling into unfavorable circumstances that inevitably led to tons of false accusations. Of course, your innocence was easily proven given you had alibis and witnesses. But this time- ohoho, no.
It had been a relatively nice afterlunch and you were just about to head into the library for an arranged study group with Candace and the rest of Hearth Hydro's ladies when you chanced upon a waddling mechanical.. penguin? It had cute tiny gears for eyes and a winding key attached to its back.
You would coo—but that was if it didn't have a sword and buckler on and was terrorizing a frantic Itto and Gorou out of Ingenuity class. Thinking quickly on your feet, you cast a minor Cryo spell that froze the penguin's mechanical feet so it couldn't continue chasing after its victims. Then, you moved to pry the sword and buckler—but it was at this exact time that a cough came from the back.
Heizou and another student who looked far gruffer than expected looked on with equal parts amusement and disbelief. You only saw the latter in passing since he was a part of the last returning batch of students, but he had sped away to some office before you could get to him that day.
You did not think this would be how you'd officially meet him!
“Um.. good afternoon.” great, what a way to imply that you were not the perpetrator of chaos nor the inventor of a killing machine.
“Good afternoon, indeed.” Heizou mused, and the man beside him clicked his tongue with a shake of his head.
“I know you, miss [Name]. I need you to come with me though,”
There was a sound of metallic clinking and—hold on, were those handcuffs?!
“We can discuss this situation in a civilized manner in my office, yeah?”
Although Heizou promised that he'd do his best to investigate the situation with Cyno since you weren't the kind of person to have an incentive to end someone's life, you were far too restless sitting in what you could only assume was some kind of interrogation room.
What on Teyvat—the fact that such a place even existed was beyond you! What were the odds that this location was underneath the Academy? It felt like descending into a completely different environment; what with all the machines and metal that gave off a steampunk feel.
The man in front of you was fixing his cufflinks, unbothered by your presence. Wriothesley was his name, part of Hearth Cryo, and the Warden of the Student Council. Specifically the head of SC's Discipline Committee.
Septem's higher-ups loved designating lots of managerial roles to their students, huh? But well, you understood why; Vision-holders were preconceived to take on a majority of roles in their nations' government once they graduate, so this was some kind of field training for them!
.. Why did he have to go the extra mile and carry some handcuffs, though? And can a man look so stern and give off such a relaxed vibe? Somehow, he reminded you of a Hearthleader you met just recently.
Surprisingly, when the talk began, Wriothesley reassured that he wouldn't harm you—the handcuffs were just there to make sure you wouldn't be doing the harming. It was funny, you don't think you could even make a dent in his muscular—yeah...
He was also very accommodating?? Serving you tea and biscuits as if you weren't bound and were the primary suspect of a potential campus homicide. It wasn't true, of course, but still; if there were actual bad people that found themselves underneath the Academy, was he always this cordial?
Ah, well, he did say he liked things civilized. When Heizou and Cyno—who joined in on the investigation—entered the room and clarified that you were, in fact, innocent, Wriothesley was quick to offer his apologies... even sliding a few coupons he whispered gave a huge discount in Fontaine's restaurants.
“I certainly do apologize. I had to take precautionary measures. It eases me that Neuvilette's insight was true, though; you do come off as a good woman that likes to behave.”
ASDFGHJKL?? Boy, why was he smiling?
“I'm so sorry I dragged you into my mess... I shouldn't have left Thelxie alone when he was already malfunctioning. I ran off to get the tools I needed, but.. huh? You forgive me?”
A shy and downcasted student distracted you from Wriothesley's statement, and your attention was thrown off. The creator of the dangerous penguin machine was a guy who didn't even look to have any malicious intent. It was a misunderstanding with a dash of improper management and impairment.
He was carrying the recently tinkered penguin in his arms, which was free from its weapon and shield, and now that it was harmless, it looked cute.
The student shyly introduced himself as Freminet, and you recognized him as one of the boys that stood at the far back of the group when they returned a few weeks ago, willing himself to be invisible. He was Lyney's younger brother if you weren't mistaken. It was so amazing how siblings could be so vastly different in personalities.
Freminet was kind enough—or perhaps he did it because he was kicking himself over his blunder—to escort you out of the 'Fortress', leading the way back to the upper levels and to the ground floor of the Academy. He didn't say a word the entire while.
When all was over, he bowed his head and sped off. Feeling sorry for him, you didn't give chase. The guy felt so bad, you couldn't even be mad for today's fortune.
But since that day, little trinkets would appear on your desk during Ingenuity class. You never got to see who left them there, but judging by the waddling mechanical penguin you spotted trying to escape the door one day... you had a feeling you knew who it came from.
Wriothesley had a knack for 'apprehending' misfits, and you only later learned that there was an apparent reason for his calculated 'hunts'. Hearth Cryo, in their weekly gatherings bundled around the fireplace, liked to chat about a lot of things going on in the Academy.
They didn't mean anything bad, really, but the Hearthmembers were keen on observing, opting out of any outward actions unless the situation required their intervention. So of course, the only outlet for such a bundle of news—read: 'innocent' gossip—was during their get-togethers.
It was a den of information—and daresay, you wouldn't forget the time you were invited for a sleep-over and got a firsthand experience of Hearth Cryo's scary number of observations.
You reminded yourself not to look stupid whenever any of them were nearby.
“The windows are broken in Elementals Class again, and it had just been repaired last week... it gets tiresome to look out for the perpetrator... I often fall asleep..” “Elementals... supernatural entities can harm physical entities, so perhaps-?” “I don't think ghosts are the issue, Chongyun. But I do have an idea... hm, do you recall that bottle we saw underneath the table, Charlotte?” “Yes, yes, sir Kaeya! I took a photo of the room for documentation to send to the Student Council. It was a wine bottle!” “Oh.. I also saw a wine bottle tucked in one of the drawers in Ingenuity Class.” “Ingenuity Class? Duly noted, Freminet.” “Alcohol consumption is forbidden on school grounds so that clearly violates one of the terms in the student handbook.” “Such irresponsibility.. not to mention the lack of accountability. Vengeance will come upon them, surely. Tsk. Are rules not being reinforced enough?” “Precisely, miss Ganyu, Eula. That is why it is only right to search for said students and have them come in for a little questioning, perhaps also give them a due punishment. It's only right that we stand by the given order.” “.. That wouldn't be easy, right? There are so many s-students in Septem, and this has already been going on for so long..” “Yes, but it isn't impossible, Mika, after all..” “Wait, hold on, has anyone seen Rosaria?” “Oh, miss Ayaka, worry not. She's scoping out the potential rulebreakers as we speak.”
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— Lyney, Gaming
You remembered the day you rushed out of Potioneering class to greet the returning students—and now that you're actually going down memory lane, your attempt at decorum was met half-heartedly midway. By the time you arrive at the front gates, most of them have already gone off to their own agendas.
The only ones there were a pair of boys that goofed around with one another, and another shy-looking one with a quiet girl. It was such an embarrassing introduction, really. In your delight, you may have hurried down the steps a little too fast... and ended up tripping and stumbling on your way down.
Your shriek took their attention, and the guy nearest to the stairs was quick enough to catch you.
Safe to say, you went back to your dorm that day unable to talk to Aether and Lumine, opting to flop onto your bed, red face first.
Since then, meeting those boys would always trigger that moment in your head and you'd scramble or shy away against your better judgment. It took a long while before you were able to talk to them without feeling like you wanted to throw yourself out the window.
Before that instance, they took it upon themselves to approach—sometimes corner—you for a stroll outside the Academy. They expended such a ridiculous amount of energy that you thought you spent a decade's worth of magic reserve.
Students in Hearth Pyro were no joke.
“Woah there! Glad I caught ya, you're fine, right? Better in my arms than the ground. Trust me... it sucks.”
Gaming was the one that caught you that day, a relieved laugh escaping his lips as he held you in such a way that looked as if he dipped you in a dance, it was humiliating. He didn't tease you or anything, though, bless his good heart.
Very extroverted much like his hearthmates, he blatantly called you over to sit with him in the cafeteria one afternoon. It wouldn't be a problem if he hadn't called from across the place and every head had turned to look at the two of you. Quick steps led you to the table he shared with Xiangling, Hu Tao, Xingiu, and Chongyun, with the Cryo student looking empathetic.
Now, being with Gaming didn't spell tons of embarrassing moments, of course. If there was a student popularity ranking in the Academy—you heard there was one a long time ago, but that got scrapped because certain people got competitive..—Gaming probably would've gotten the lead, or he would've tied with either Lumine or Aether.
Everyone knew the guy! Apparently, it was because he acted as the bridge to the Academy and Teyvat, escorting civilians in and out of Septem for respective visits. Sometimes, he worked alongside Kirara from Hearth Dendro, who handled the delivery of tiny parcels and souvenirs to and fro.
Boy, the energy he had was endless! Students coming from Hearth Pyro had this uncanny ability to mingle with other Hearths and not get tired; Gaming was the same, but he was taking it up a notch when even the professors adored him.
One time, he was showing you the ropes of Wushu Dancing when he tripped over a prop and ended up stumbling over you to the floor with his huge dragon head prop and all. Needless to say, Charlotte and Childe chanced upon you at the wrong time, and.. well, it was a hassle to dispel whatever rumor and gossip sprung then.
“What a stroke of luck that was, wasn't it, miss [Name]? Oh dear, you must've been frightened, here you are, a little magic to distract you~ Tada! A rose!”
This Academy wasn't so strict with its uniform policy, you realized. So long as they wore the standard fit with either the vest or the blazer, they could add whatever flair they wanted. And Lyney, well, he wore a top hat, selling the point of a charming magician quite well with his twin sister Lynette.
You never forgot the way he mischievously leaned over when Gaming had caught you in your first meeting, rubbing his chin and musing about 'a maiden having fallen from the steps of heaven'. It was flustering because he wasn't entirely off; the corridor you went from previously led to the Mirror Court, where the entire environment was the very sky.
Some days, you wondered if Lyney was misplaced like Dottore was. With how he was acting, it felt like he belonged in Hearth Hydro. He wasn't a student who actively exhibited an interest in rivalries, but you learned that his smile served well in magic shows as it did with passive-aggressive goading. He liked playing innocent.
This guy also loved leaving roses on your desk. The first time it happened, you mistook it as something that came from Ayato or anyone from Hearth Hydro [the men there had a tradition of giving flowers to women]. They didn't really give red roses, but still.
Long story short, Lyney bounded up to you after class with Lynette and Freminet in tow looking so excited, only to have his eye twitch when you spoke about your due thanks to someone from Hearth Hydro.
He got so melodramatic over it that he reasoned the only way to make up for punching his heart was to—surprise surprise! Go see a movie with him on the weekend. You didn't have any problems with it—but you didn't know he meant it as going outside the Academy, to a mall. When certain people heard of it, well... suddenly there were other invites to the movies, too.
There was never a lonely day in Hearth Pyro, and the arrival of the rest of its members seemed as though everyone got twice as exuberant in their day-to-day activities. Alternatively, it also meant a lot more managing from Dehya and Diluc.
Lyney and Gaming offered another layer of elation and intensity in the Hearth's hosted events for Septem, and both had audiences even outside Septem Academy. They have tons of followers on their social media that they could almost pose as celebrity students, especially Lyney, Yoimiya, Xinyan, and Diluc. Hu Tao was also famous but.. for a completely different reason.
Anyway, Hearth Pyro was hosting a Theater Program that keyed on Romeo and Juliet, with musical scores and scenes held in collaboration with Yunjin from Hearth Geo. Anything theatrical was often hosted by Hearth Hydro, but given that Furina wasn't present in the making, the duty fell upon the hyperactive, exuberant group in the Academy. Amber invited you to sit in on their casting discussion, but never thought you'd actually get roped in the production process...
“Where's Amber? Oh, and Yanfei?” “Amber's fetching [Name]. Yanfei is passing on the documents for estimated expenses and all the jazz for this Program we're hosting.. say, lemme help ya with that, Diluc.” “No need, Dehya. It's fine—where's Bennett?” CRASH! “I'm here!” “Oooh, [Name]'s coming, is she? Are Aether and Lumine coming with?” “I don't think they're going to come knowing how you pulled them into one of your advertisements for your funeral service business, Hu Tao...” “Teehee!” “Chevruse, do you have prospects for our lead roles? Miss Arlecchino waits for the list. She appears quite fond of this play.” “Ah, Thoma. Lyney here was very vocal about wanting to try something new outside his magical shows, but he'll still have to audition for the role along with Venti, Xingqiu, Kaeya, and Ayato.” “Sir Kaeya and the Hearthmaster Ayato? How- well, the compensation for the lead roles is pretty big.” “I'm just as confused and weirdly excited, Xiangling.” “Hey.. sir Kaeya's trying out. Diluc, don't cha want to try and audition for Romeo, too-” “M'afraid not, Xinyan.” “Lyney's only choosing to audition because he made a bet with Lynette and lost. It wouldn't hurt if [Name] gets to be Juliet, though, right?” “Gaming, my friend, what's got you assuming? Ahaha...” “Hold on, why are there so many prospects, anyway? The last time a Theater Program was held, no one was this interested in acting. What gives?” “Huh? I thought Yoimiya and Hu Tao said that they got [Name]'s consent to be Juliet. Wasn't that why Amber was getting her?” “WHAT?” “Thoma, you ratted us out! D:” “I- I didn't know that they didn't know!”
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LMAO yes, welcome to the harem, men. haaaah, this is finally out. it's been long! i ought to write septem scenarios just so i can write about every single character there is lmao! feels nice to write again. i have another idea in mind for this au and it excites me hehehehhe-
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reikorun · 7 months
KlubOutside Q&A 501-600 [Translation]
Translated by @reikorun
How old is Riruka? (At the time of the Lost Agent of the Shinigami arc.)
She's 15 years old.
Sensei, when drawing manga, do you pretend to be the central character at that moment, before drawing? Or do you always maintain an objective perspective? 
Rather than getting into the role of the character, I draw them as if they were right in front of me. When I try to fully embody a character, I feel that the range of the character narrows because there are limits to my own perception. 
Why is it called "Karakura Town"?
The name comes from the mental image of an empty body with a missing soul (in other words, a corpse). 
Among the Shinigami, there are some who hide the abilities of their own Zanpakutō, and there are some who remain silent about the fact that they can perform Bankai, but aren't there any rules that require them to declare this information?
Of course, they have an obligation to report on these things.
With respect to BLEACH, I get the impression that there are few explanations of the situation or a character's abilities which resemble a 'voice from above'. Is there something you're particular about with regard to this aspect? 
I feel like it kills the immersion so I make an effort to avoid using it. Though, I don't particularly dislike this aspect when it comes to reading.
I love the Visored! While there may be differences in the balance of mastery or ineptitude over the Zankensoki, strictly speaking, who is the strongest among those eight when it comes to battle? If the ability of the Zanpakutō is direct attack type, I somehow feel that the user may not have an aptitude for Kidō too, so I would be glad if you could also tell me who is the most adept at Kidō, putting aside Hacchi!
If we take "adept at Kidō" to mean "a wide range of Kidō variations can be used" then after Haachi, it's Rose. As for who the strongest is, that's hard to say because it depends on the conditions.
How did the Visored previously make a living? Also, Hiyori has a part-time job, but are Love and Hacchi working too?
Hacchi collaborates with Tessai to develop Kidō goods for use in the Soul Society. Love works part-time at a second hand clothes store.
What specific tasks does Kubo-sensei do when taking on the role of "supervisor" for things like Brave Souls, movies, anime, etc.? For things like Brave Souls, do you check and make corrections to the designs that have been submitted to you?
The degree of supervision varies depending on the case, and that's the way it is for Brave Souls too.
It was explained within the story that Zaraki Kenpachi took a sword from a Shinigami, but if the Shinigami who had their sword taken were still alive and had achieved Shikai and Bankai, would they end up having a similar ability to Zaraki's Nozarashi?
That wouldn't happen. Abilities can be overwritten prior to Shikai acquisition (and depending on the person, even after its acquisition).
Rukia and Renji are a working couple, but did Ichika go to nursery school or a daycare center when she was very young, prior to entering the Shin'ō Academy?
Even though they both took childcare leave, several nannies dispatched by the Kuchiki clan were always stationed at the Abarai residence.
Is the marriage rate low for the Captains and Vice-Captains of the Gotei 13? Are there any Captain class Shinigami we don't know about who are actually married?
There is no one among the current members. I feel like there aren't many among that lot who seem capable of maintaining a married life…. 
Previously, in response to a question about the names of Hollows, you answered that "there is a person in charge of naming them", but do they name each Hollow one by one? Or are these names only given to Hollows who have murdered Shinigami, or caused a great deal of damage to the Human World 
It's the latter. Other Hollows are assigned numbers and such based on what is captured. 
About Unagiya Kaoru, he is the son of Unagiya Ikumi and who else? My personal prediction is that it's Tsukishima-san! 
What a frightening prospect.
Are all the artwork which appear in Guidelines on KlubOutside drawn by Kubo-sensei while your assistants draw the background and other elements?
That's right. Characters, drawn lettering and effects are my job, while the background, motion lines and screentones are my assistant's job. I thought that if I continued drawing the motion lines by hand, I wouldn't be able to finish the whole piece so halfway through the series I decided to hand that over to my assistants.
It is mentioned that Urahara created his healing hot springs by imitating Kirinji's baths, but do these baths still remain in Soul Society? Or did he go to the Soul King Palace and analyze them?
A few still remain in a remote area of Rukongai.
Why does Bakudō #81. "Dankū" possess the anti-Hadō capability to "completely block Hadō numbered 89 and below"? Hadō is meant to be used by fellow Shinigami,  in other words, by allies, therefore the anti-Hadō capability is presumably based on the premise of defending against attacks from allies. I speculate that in the past, Shinigami who were skilled in Hadō numbered 89 and below had turned hostile, so Dankū was created as a countermeasure to that. 
That's a good guess.
Why does Orihime call Grimmjow "Grimmjow" but Ulquiorra "Ulquiorra-kun"?
That's because the atmosphere on their first meeting was not one where she was able to address Grimmjow with the -kun honorific. Though, I also think Ulquiorra is the same in that regard.
Please tell us the gender of Nianzol Weizol. 
You'll know when you hear his voice in the anime, but he's a man.
Are the attack methods which utilize Gintō and the Medallion chant used by Ebern all techniques which are classified as "Kirchenlied"? 
"Kirchenlied" is the equivalent of a Shinigami's "Kidō", therefore that is the case for most techniques which correspond to a spell.
Does Driscoll's Overkill become stronger based on the number of people killed from the time he received his Schrift to now? Or does the buff expire at the end of the battle or some other point? 
The buff is removed by sleeping, eating, or loss of consciousness.
Are there any characters among the BLEACH cast who wear perfume, or has an image of their scent been decided upon in Kubo-sensei's mind? Recently, perfumes and fragrances that capture the image of one's favorite character or idol have been released regardless of whether they are fictional or real, so I wonder if we'll get some released out of the BLEACH universe as well.
I've been asked quite frequently to release perfume, so I'm starting to think it might be nice to do so. I don't use perfumes but sometimes I'll buy them when I want the bottle….
Nimaiya Ōetsu makes the Asauchi, but did he create them with Shikai and Bankai in mind from the very outset? Or did he realize that the shape and properties of the swords changed with each individual as they used it, and that phenomenon was then given the name Shikai and Bankai by the Monk?
That is the correct order of events.
Shishigawara-kun's Fullbring "Jackpot Knuckle" has a characteristic where the probability of hitting the jackpot ends up decreasing with continuous use, but will the probability of a jackpot be restored once it has already been decreased? If it does, I would also like to know what the conditions are.
There is a gradual recovery from misfortune (taking damage, etc.) Full recovery occurs when crossing over to the next day at midnight. 
When did Hirako Shinji get his tongue pierced? It wasn't pierced during The Past arc, was it…?
I always forget to draw it, so I may not even include it anymore.
Is the hierarchy of strength for the Bambies: Liltotto > Giselle > Meninas > Bambi > Candice? 
If they engage in battle with Blut, then that's probably the order. If it's a bare-handed fight then it's: Liltotto → Meninas → Candice → Gigi → Bambi.
Vice-Captain Madarame comes from a distinguished family, but what about 3rd seat Ayasegawa? 
Yumichika was an abandoned child from Rukongai.
When I look at Rickenbacker, I get a buddy-like vibe and at the same time a faint sense of some maternal quality, but do Dragons even have things like gender?
They do. By the way, Rickenbacker is male.
The Kōtotsu was completely destroyed by Aizen, but after that, didn't any problems arise within the Dangai? Are there multiple Kōtotsu, or perhaps it was restored through a self-purification function or something?
It will be restored within the next seven days.
Urahara-san runs a small-time candy shop in the Human World, but is there some specific reason why he chose to open up a candy shop? 
It's because Kisuke thought that candy shops were the best in that he could open and close the shop as he pleases, and even if he stocks strange items, it's harder to suspect anything is out of the ordinary.
Will there not be a BLEACH themed pachinko machine released? I'm just allowing myself to imagine that the staging effects and so on would be so fun, LOL.
There are no such plans, but the staging aspect certainly sounds entertaining. ×[1]
When Ichigo wears his sword, he carries Zangetsu on his back, but how is it held in place?
The sash on the hilt is wrapped around the chain along with the blade.
Is Yukio unmarried in the Echoing Jaws of Hell arc?
He's unmarried. It doesn't seem very likely that he'll marry….
When I was looking at the art of BLEACH, I got the impression of ballet movements, like the way in which characters use the tips of their toes and the lower half of their bodies. Sensei, do you ever watch ballet?
I sometimes watch Lausanne on TV, but I'm not very familiar with it. If anything, I suppose the sharp-tongued humor is the thing that I find interesting to watch.
Kotetsu Kiyone and Kotsubaki Sentarō share the same birthday, are they twins related by blood?
They're unrelated, but every year, they were made to sit side-by-side by Ukitake and celebrate their birthdays together.
How do Arrancar acquire a Zanpakutō? Do their broken mask pieces transform into Zanpakutō after they become Arrancar?
I'll tell you because I don't particularly feel like drawing it, but the torn part of the mask becomes the sword. So you are correct.
During the Quincy invasion, Mayuri modified his room and clothes to make them glow so that they wouldn't cast shadows, but wouldn't a shadow be created in Nemu's cleavage if left like that? This is a serious question.
Now that you mention it, that's true…. I should have placed a glow stick or something between her breasts. 
How did you feel when BLEACH was parodied in Gintama?
When we first met, I was the one who told Sorachi-san "you can do whatever you want"…. Yet, he still apologized to me.
Is Hikifune Kirio-san's Tree of Life based on a similar principle to Kidō?
It's similar, but since it can only be used by one individual, I guess it's something closer to Ganju's Seppa….
Findorr Calius adjusted his own strength by breaking his mask, but is it also possible to restore his broken mask and strength back to their original state.
It's possible. Even if it's left alone, it will gradually return to its original state. It's kind of like an injury.
My prized possession is a copy of KaraBuri+ which I bought when I was in the 6th or 5th grade. Would you consider composing something like another official spin-off that is drawn in a light-hearted and humorous manner? I'd even like to see something similar to a Hueco Mundo version of KaraBuri!
If someone else were to draw something amusing, I'd also like to see it.
I have a question about Ayon and Orihime's abilities! After creating Ayon, if the arms of Apacci and the others were healed via Orihime's powers, could something like an 'Ayon duplication bug' occur? If the arms of the three individuals who create Ayon are restored through Orihime's abilities, would Ayon also disappear? It's just a hypothetical scenario, but I'm intrigued.
If the bodies of Apacci and co. can endure the rapid continuous regeneration process, a duplication bug is possible. 
I was curious about the differences in size between Minazuki's first appearance, published in volume 18, and the time they landed on Sōkyoku Hill, published in volume 21. Can Minazuki's size be changed at will? Or did they become smaller as a result of the lifesaving measures Unohana gave Hitsugaya and Hinamori at the Seijōtōkyorin? (*The enclave where the Central 46 reside.)
The size can vary considerably. The smallest size is around the size of a puppy.
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I totally want the shoes that Rabu is wearing in the new artwork (color version) from the art exhibition. They're exceedingly stylish, are there any plans to turn them into merch in the future!!!!?
I love shoes, so I'd be happy if merchandise in the form of shoes that a character is seen wearing could be sold, but I wonder if that can happen.
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Quilge Opie used Ransōtengai, but no other Quincy were seen utilizing this technique. Is this simply because Quilge Opie has both the talent and understanding, and has therefore mastered Ransōtengai?
That's right. Quilge is the combat instructor of the Sternritter, and Quilge's students can also be found among the current Wörtlich.
Gin's Bankai, Kamishini no Yari, had the ability to leave a piece of the sword within the body of his opponent, and then dissolve and break down cells with the poison inside the sword, but will the part that was lost through this process never return to its original state again just like other Bankai? Also, assuming it doesn't return, if this ability is used frequently, will the blade eventually be reduced to nothing meaning his Bankai is rendered unusable? 
The part left inside the body is made of poison, and since the poison is a secretion of the sword, it will return to its original state after a certain amount of time.
Each Division among the Gotei 13 has its own Squad Flower and a set meaning within Hanakotoba (*the Japanese language of flowers), but are there opportunities to study Hanakotoba as part of a Shinigami's cultivation at the Academy, for instance? (I was curious because there was a scene in chapter 323 where Kira talked about the 3rd Division's Squad Flower.)
They learn about the Squad Flowers, but Izuru seems to be well-acquainted with things like Hanakotoba in a general sense.
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Are there any characters that you wanted to present as enemies even though they are allies, and are there any characters where the reverse is true?
There isn't any. Each character can only come to fit into their role because of the relationship they have with those around them. 
Before the establishment of the Shinigami Research and Development Institute, was there no research institution in Soul Society?
At one point, there was a group who, though unofficial, were close in that regard (in the sense that they created things). That group disappeared and there was a period of time where no similar organization existed. What was formally established after that is the Shinigami Research and Development Institute. Mayuri belonged to the first group. Senjumaru was their leader.
It is explained in the manga that Lloyd R, the younger brother, can imitate physical likeness and memories, but why is he able to use Yhwach's abilities and weapons? Please tell us if he inherited his elder brother's ability, or if Yhwach granted him some of his own power, or perhaps there is some other reason? 
Each Lloyd brother can either 'perfectly' copy memories, or 'perfectly' copy powers respectively, any aspect outside of that can be copied on a scale of 70-80%. This is because being able to copy only memories or only powers is of little use. 
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Do you have a PS5?
I don't have one.
What are the future plans for the floor of the 9th Division barracks which Mayuri destroyed with his eye beam in the one-shot? Will Hisagi and Kensei pay for the repairs?
They'll submit the bill to the 12th Division, and if that does work, they'll submit the bill to the 1st Division, and if that still doesn't work, then one way or another Shūhei will probably end up paying for it.
Who is the President of the Shinigami Women's Association by the time of the Echoing Jaws of Hell arc? I think the President is Lisa and the Supervising Chairwoman is Isane….
The President is Rangiku and the Chairwoman is Yoruichi. By the way, Soifon calls herself Vice-Chairwoman without asking anyone.
Is the aspect of death governed by the Espada the same for different people, as long as they have the same number, like Harribel and Nelliel, for instance? If it's different, I'd like to know what it was for Nelliel when she was an Espada!
It's the same. Nelliel is also "sacrifice".
Q: Does sensei have an ability to sense the supernatural? 
Q: When I read Bleach for the first time, I allowed myself to think “the author definitely has a sixth sense!" But do you really?
I don't. But I've been told a few times "you must have a sixth sense, for sure!" But, I don't.
Thank you for the wonderful posters at the art exhibition. I bought both the A and B collection. If the posters will be expanded on in the future, will the designs from the Shibuya poster takeover be made into merch? It was super cool and I was walking around Shibuya at the time while becoming all the more proud that BLEACH is my favorite manga. If there is even the slightest possibility, please consider it...!!
I like those posters too, so I'm hoping they'll sell well in the FC.
Does the blade grow as a Zanpakutō develops? 
The length of an Asauchi does not change, however when Shikai is used it will change in accordance with its development.
Is there some special relationship between the Komamura family and the Shihōin clan in BLEACH given that they are dogs and cats?
"Komamura" is the surname given to him when he was taken in by Genryūsai, it is not associated with his family lineage.
Were Yumichika and Yachiru's hair ornaments (or other accessories) made by Ikkaku?
Yachiru's hair ornament is handcrafted by Ikkaku. Yumichika bought his accessories himself. 
Did Mizuiro's parents pay for his high school tuition? 
It was paid for with child-support payments from his father.
Does the position of Substitute Shinigami come without compensation? Do you gain some sort of reward? Ichigo is a high school student and doesn't seem the type to accept rewards as far as his personality is concerned, but I'm curious if there has ever been any offer of reward from the Gotei! I think other Shinigami fight while receiving a salary and incentives as part of their job, so I'd like to know how the Gotei's substitute positions are handled.
In the beginning, the position was without reward. After receiving the Substitute Badge, it's now come to be that a reward will be deposited within a Seireitei account. Ichigo hasn't been informed though.
Will sensei be eating osechi* during New Year's? (*Assortment of traditional New Year foods.)
I eat it every year. Currently, I'm in the process of searching for osechi that suits my tastes. After all, you only get one chance a year. If only we had a New Year holiday like three times a year.
When Don Kanonji first appeared, he was performing an exorcism at an abandoned hospital, was it Ishida who tried to stop Kanonji's exorcism at the beginning?
I noticed something in the Echoing Jaws of Hell arc section of BLEACH EX. the "Taka" (*hawk) which came out with Rindō Atau's Zanpakutō ability was "Washi" (*eagle) in the rough draft, right? What was the reason for the change? Is it because the hawk seems faster…?
I believe this was because eagle in sign language is the same as hawk and was derived from hawk to begin with, and also because hawks have a stronger Japanese image. 
Ayon ended up being defeated both times in the story, but let's assume he wasn't defeated, would he continue to exist forever…? If so, that would be awfully frightening. I'm curious about what he got up to when summoned in the past!
After a short while, he will self-destruct, and not long after that, the arms of Apacci and the others will grow back.
Due to the actions of PePe Waccabrada, Shūhei and Byakuya fought each other, but Byakuya behaved as if he were trying to avoid hurting Shūhei as much as possible. Personally, I think that Byakuya before he met Ichigo would have killed Shūhei. It might be presumptuous of me to talk about Byakuya like I understand him, but as I read on, I feel that Byakuya's views and personality have changed. What do you think?
I think you're right.
What time does sensei wake up every morning?
I've been quite busy lately, so ten o'clock. I can't even watch Love It! in real time anymore….
Was it because her five older brothers had passed away that Soi Fon succeeded as the head of Fon family? Or is there some kind of custom where a woman always becomes the head in the Fon family like a "queen bee".
The strongest person in that generation becomes the head of the family, regardless of gender.
I would like to know the Shikai abilities of the three seated officers of the 3rd Division who were instantly killed by Bazz-B in volume 56!
Those abilities which never got a chance to be showcased are a secret because I may use them somewhere else.
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Kubo-sensei, you mentioned that you draw illustrations on the larger iPad pro, so I also want to try an iPad for the first time, but looking back do you ever feel like… there is something about it that could have been done better? Additionally, I would like to hear about the types of brushes you use in Clip Studio Paint when line drawing and when adding color, and also how you divide your drawing into layers!!!!
I hope it becomes lighter. As for pens, I often use a pen called Kasure Kashi (*machine translated as “Casper pen” in Clip Studio) and for brushes I use one called Muk01. I separate the layers depending on my mood.
I would like to know the name of the technique that was used when Kirinji Tenjirō got behind Soi Fon. Although she's supposed to have top-class speed among the Gotei 13, Soi Fon couldn't read his movements at all, thinking "what was that move just now…!" Is this because the Hohō used by Kirinji Tenjirō was not "Shunpo"?
It's the same Shunpo. Shunpo consists of a three stage process: Joritsu, Bakkyaku and Shunpo. Tenjirō is incredibly skilled at the second stage, "Bakkyaku", which allows him to achieve unbelievable speeds. ×[2]
Can't Orihime heal Izuru's body?
She may be able to heal him, but Izuru probably likes it that way….
Did sensei have any involvement in selecting the songs and characters for Burikon: Bleach Concept Covers? Also, is there one in particular that you liked among the Burikon covers?
I wasn't involved at all, but I remember liking Mayuri and Nemu's part.
What material is the Substitute Shinigami Badge made of? I want to make one myself as perfectly as I possibly can, so please tell me what it would look like in reality! 
The Substitute's Badge is made of metal. Iron would be too heavy for something of that size, so maybe aluminum would be a closer fit…?
Does Ise Nanao wear glasses because her eyesight has deteriorated by reading too many books? Or is it that the Ise clan are by nature a family with poor eyesight?
It's a family with poor eyesight.
In volume 62, Urahara-san mentioned that the Quincy are "a race that have no 'antibodies' at all to defend against Hollows." However, Ishida Uryū was at the receiving end of Fornicarás's abilities during his battle with Szayelaporro, and he had his lower arm torn off by Ulquiorra. Was this at a level that is not applicable to the "erosion" that Urahara-san talks about? Or is Uryū special?
Uryū is special.
Why does Akon have horns on his head?
They're implants (transdermal implants).
Dordoni, Cirucci, Luppi and Chuhlhourne were all revived at the hands of Mayuri-sama, but while the former three had suture marks on their faces, Chuhlhourne is the only one who had suture marks on his abdomen, is this perhaps the benevolence of Mayuri-sama? 
I too looked at and thought "who knew Mayuri could be so kind!" 
In the scene where Ichigo is taught the Final Getsuga Tenshō by Tensa Zangetsu, Ichigo is told "you feared taking on this form in which your mind is suppressed by your own destructive impulses, and as a result you've even become incapable of properly Hollowfying." However, if he were able to Hollowfy properly, would he have been able to manifest the mask with horns that covered his entire face as shown in the battle against Ulquiorra?
If he were able to "properly" Hollowfy, then he would take on that form.
While in the Dangai, what mechanism did Ulquiorra use to show Orihime the situation in the Human World as images via Garganta?
There's no lore about this at all!! What kind of system is it!? Ulquiorra!!?
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Among the spirits of her Shun Shun Rikka, the ability belonging to Orihime, Tsubaki is the only one who is rebellious towards his master. Is that a reaction stemming from Orihime's dislike of conflict and hurting others given her personality? Tsubaki is her only means of attack, but Orihime does not want to use him too actively. Deep down, she hesitates (fears) to attack her opponent, that is, she unconsciously rejects her means of attack, which contradicts the reason for Tsubaki's existence, and I thought for a moment that maybe he was irritated by that fact.
That's correct. How impressive, I didn't expect someone to read so deeply into Rikka like this. 
Regarding Orihime's ability, Shun Shun Rikka: Sōten Kisshun, it is weak at recovering Reiryoku because Sōten Kisshun is based on the rejection of events and Orihime rejects the form of a wounded individual, in other words, the underlying force is her desire to restore their condition to its original state, to make it out as though it never happened, could another reason be that it's difficult for her to recognize how much intangible Reiryoku needs to be recovered? Is it that Shun Shun Rikka's abilities come from Orihime's own feelings of rejection and denial, or to put it another way, does it stem from wanting things to be a certain way? 
You are more or less correct. The things that can be restored with Sōten Kisshun are, for the most part, what is visible to the eyes and what can be touched with the hands.
Kubo-sensei, is there a character in BLEACH that you consider to be closest to you in terms of your own personality? 
There isn't. No one that I draw resembles me!
When Kūkaku sends Ichigo to the Soul King Palace in the Thousand-Year Blood War arc, she appears to be aware of the connection between Ichigo and Isshin saying "even if it means making uncle sad." Did Kūkaku somehow sense this, or was there some interaction between her and the Shiba clan or Shinigami she was acquainted with in places that are not depicted within the story, after the situation with Aizen was resolved, for instance? 
Kūkaku has been aware of this through Ichigo's Reiatsu since the beginning (volume 9). That's why she let Ganju go with him. Of course, she also received a message from Kisuke at a later time.
The masks of Loly Aivirrne and Menoly Mallia appear to have a design that forms a pair with the left and right eyes, perhaps they are Arrancar with a relationship like that of twin sisters?
Although these two are not sisters, they have taken a sisterly vow and shaved down their masks in order to resemble each other.
I believe there are works which publish illustrations drawn by readers in the tankōbon of the manga. Bleach didn't have that, but is it that you have a certain preference towards your own tankōbon, Kubo-sensei?
As a child, I was the type of kid who thought "I didn't buy this to see drawings from readers" when looking at the illustration segment of the manga I used to read, so I didn't do it with my own manga. However, I have kept all the illustrations that were sent to me during the series.
The Captains of the Zero Division are each given one of the five cities atop the Zeroban Riden (*the disc-like structures which are their estates), but if the number of Zero Division captains increased, will a new Zeroban Riden be added? Or is the capacity for Captains limited to 5 individuals in accordance with the number of Zeroban Riden?
The upper limit is 5 people.
What does the "chain" in Tensa Zangetsu (*Heavenly Chain Slaying Moon) represent? Is it the Chain of Fate? 
"Tensa" means "to lock the heavens", and it's a chain used to link and secure two things together.
What material is the black part of Riruka's clothes made of?
It's stretch cotton.
I would like to know the nationality of the Sternritter!!!
In order to avoid a fixed nationality for the group as a whole, I name them in a way which appears to contain spellings from various regions.
In what way did Yamamoto and Unohana come to meet?
I might draw it someday, so it's a secret.
In his KaraBuri profile, it is noted that the food Hisagi dislikes is sea urchin, but where did he eat it? Or perhaps he came to dislike it because he was teased about the fact that his hairstyle resembles a sea urchin?
He ruined it for himself after eating the cheap sea urchin he could afford on his salary.
When Rangiku woke up from Hakufuku, she said "this sensation… it's Hakufuku…" I don't think there were many instances of fellow Shinigami fighting each other in Soul Society before Aizen's rebellion, so it seems unlikely she'd recognize the sensation of being put under Hakufuku. Could it be that she is acquainted with the feeling because Shinigami experience it during their time at the Shin'ō Academy in Kidō classes?
They experience this in class, but Rangiku also has the experience of falling victim to it. 
In the Thousand-Year Blood War arc, I believe Captain Komamura takes on a human-like form through the Humanization Technique, however, did he suddenly turn into a wolf after the battle because the technique's time limit had expired? Or is it because Captain Komamura himself was consumed by a desire for revenge? If the reason is the latter, is it correct to assume that as long as Komamura had maintained good intentions such as "protecting Soul Society", he wouldn't have turned into a wolf?
You are pretty much correct. The "Humanization Technique" is a technique that allows him to maintain a human form while withstanding his great-grandfather's curse. The moment the purpose of Humanization becomes a selfish desire, the curse is forcibly fulfilled, and one transforms into a beast.
No matter how many times I read the manga, I still don't quite understand the relationship between Nelliel and Nnoitra. I would like you to explain it in a way that even an idiot can understand. 
Even if you don't understand, it doesn't mean you're stupid. Just enjoy it when you do understand.
If "Qualkreis" is broadly classified as a Quincy tactic, could it also be considered one of the Kirchenlied? Please let me know if there is any lore around this.
"Qualkreis" is one of the Quincy spells. "Kirchenlied" is not a classification, but a "chant" for "Sankt Zwinger".
During the Decisive Battle of Karakura Town, is it because of an illusion created by Kyōka Suigetsu that Mashiro's mask broke away without her noticing the depletion of her own Reiatsu? 
It's because Mashiro is just that kind of person who would allow a slip-up like that to happen.
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Izuru was quite cheerful during his student days, so why did his personality become gloomy?
Wait, he was cheerful…? Izuru has been gloomy since the minute he was born.
Captain Unohana named herself "Yachiru", but her current name "Retsu", is that originally her real name? Or is it that, after becoming "Yachiru", she named herself once again, this time to "Retsu"?
"Retsu" is the name given to her by her father.
After absorbing Ayon, Quilge's appearance steadily returns to its original form, but could this be because his Heiligenschein was destroyed by Ichigo, causing the abilities of his Vollständig to gradually wear off?
It's because his Heiligenschein was destroyed and thus his "Piskiel" collapsed. The essence of Quilge's "Piskiel" ability lies in the fact that he has the highest capacity for the capture and enslavement of Reishi among all Quincy.
I'm debating whether or not I should have my son take lessons in English conversation. Is sensei able to speak English? 
Since being able to speak English is an advantage, please allow him to learn it. I can't speak it myself, though.
Translation Footnotes:
×1. Staging in this context means staging of the frenzied screen/sound effects of the roulette for stirring up the gambling spirit of players.
×2. These are terms which appear to be coined by Kubo: 序立(じょりつ) - "Joritsu" means "opening stance". 抜脚(ばっきゃく) - "Bakkyaku" means "to draw out one's leg", and judging by the way we use 抜 in other terms, it alludes momentum that is created suddenly and rapidly by lifting or drawing out one's leg from the starting position. For example: the word Battōjutsu (抜刀術) - “the art of drawing out one's sword”, that is, getting the sword into action as quickly as possible in response to a sudden attack or some other situation which requires the rapid drawing of one's sword. I believe Bakkyaku is a similar concept except in the context of Hohō as opposed to swords. 
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chicago-geniza · 6 months
Larry Wolff is my favorite historian because you spend several weeks trying to synthesize and articulate a complex interplay of contingent ideas and he just Tweets It Out
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Like I have literally written "imperial, bourgeois Enlightenment cosmopolitanism + 18th/19th-c. nationalism = The Idea of Europe" in my notes
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howlingday · 6 months
Everyone goes back to beacon during the reunion. Jaune was voted most likely Die in his class.
Q to everyone in the reunion. Watching the news as jaune the rusted knight. Medal gear rising rules of Of nature a gigantic grimm.
"Wait, wait, so you were The Rusted Knight the entire time?"
"Pretty much." Jaune shrugged, taking a sip of his fruity beverage. Shade Academy, despite the rumors and tales told from his close friends, was still an academy for students and just as strict for being so. Not that he was complaining, since he never really got into the harder drinks, partially because of Ruby's uncle. "That's not even the craziest thing to happen." Everyone gave him a weird look. He scratched his cheek. "Okay, it was, but it's not the last weird thing to happen to me."
"What was it?" Velvet asked.
"While we were making our way to Shade, we ran into some Grimm, these huge worms with big ol' red eyes-"
"Blind Worms." Everyone said in unison.
"Oh, uh, you guys know about them, too?"
"We've been in Shade for a while now, dude." Neptune answered.
"Some of us longer than others." Sun added.
"I was actually eaten by one." Coco said, drinking from her canteen. It could have been coffee, or it could have been soda. Jaune wasn't sure what Coco's tastes were. "Pretty dark in there."
"Tell me about it." Jaune said with a sigh. "Thought I was going to die for a minute, which would have sucked since I just came out of the Ever After."
"How did you get out?" Cardin asked with a quirked brow.
"Did the Vomit Boy induce vomiting?" Russel sniggered before being elbowed by his leader.
"No, I just kinda... cut myself out." At this, everyone glanced at one another before passing a judging gaze at him. Sure, Jaune had grown since his departure from Beacon. Everyone saw the message Ruby sent out AND the video beforehand of Jaune fumbling with the camera controls, but they paid less attention to how much he'd physically changed and saw that he was still the lovably dense goofball that was Jaune Arc. He might have changed, but, at his core, he stayed the same. "What are you guys looking at me for?"
"If you were small enough to be eaten by a Blind Worm, then there's no way you could have just "cut your way out." No offense, of course." Neptune said.
"It's true, though!"
"Yuh-huh! I even have the video!" Everyone turned to see Jaune's team, Nora and Ren, standing by, with the former holding a scroll out. "Ren and I got the whole thing on our scroll!"
"I got it on my scroll." Ren clarified, tapping the screen to unlock it and prove that it was indeed his scroll in his girlfriend's hands. "Nora provided commentary while she fired mortar shots at the Grimm around them."
"Enough yapping!" Nora shouted, tapping the now unlocked scroll. "Check out my sick as hell fearless leader!"
The video played and, just as Ren had said, Nora was shouting profanities and making... disturbingly cheery remarks as the Grimm had been blown to pieces. In the distance, Team RWBY and Jaune were being surrounded by the Blind Worms while a huntsman team was dispatched to assist after almost an hour of fighting. The smaller ones were easy to dispatch, but a much larger one was taking potshots with its acidic spit from a distance. Jaune then broke from the group to engage the larger one alone, but soon realized none of the smaller Grimm were following him.
The sand beneath Jaune began to shift until he was then swallowed whole by the larger Blind Worm. The massive Grimm then dove back down, taking Jaune with him. The camera began to shake as you could hear Ren grinding his teeth at the sight. Faint whispers of, "Come on, Jaune" were uttered for everyone to hear. By the third iteration of the chant, the worm emerged once more, letting out a howling scream as it was sliced in half. Unlike the other instances when this happens, in which the Blind Worm would retreat to grow into two more Blind Worms, the titanic creature began to fade away into dust and ash from being sliced in half longways across its entire body.
It was at this point that the backup huntsmen arrived and Ren screamed "HOLY SHIT!" for everyone to hear. Cardin and Russel mocked the exclamation for a bit, but this didn't detract from everyone sharing the same reaction as they all looked at Jaune.
"Did we miss the video?" Ruby asked, running up to the group.
"You've already seen it a thousand times." Weiss groused as she followed behind. "How many more times do you need to see the same thing?"
"At least a thousand and one." Ruby replied, after thinking about it for a few moments, earning a groan from her partner.
"It's really not that impressive, Ruby." Jaune shrugged. "Pretty sure you could pull that off ten times over." At this, the group erupted into a mixture of emotions, ranging from guffaws of disbelief to outcries of disparages to uproarious laughter at the strangely humble and awkward Jaune Arc.
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Any unpopular opinions/headcanons about shinigamis?
Lessgooo! I’d been waiting for this for a while!
• Not fully sure there’s a proper academy for Reapers, though that’s the case in a lot of fanon hcs and even the anime.
The Dispatch setup resembles a very typical one in the corporate world, though - newer Reapers are all assigned a mentor who they train under and who asses them for their capabilities in varying fields. According to this, they join a particular department and work under its head (e.g., collections, forensics, auditing, etc.).
• There are several different branches of the Dispatch spread out over major cities in England - and the same goes for branches in other countries. Headquarters will be either at the capital or in a major city (e.g, London).
• Though Reapers are all pretty much blind as bats without their glasses, younger ones would probably have it slightly better. Slightly.
• As for whether they would retain any memories of their past lives, it depends for me.
What would be worse than having memories of who or what was dear to them wiped to prevent them from straying would be remembering it all, but knowing they will not be able to return under any circumstances.
But as I’m uncertain about how to make sense of that, I’d say that I share my mutual @grimreaperauthority ‘s headcanon about their memories of their past lives being wiped and thus remaining mostly fuzzy. I’d say that’s the case, save for the day of their death or anything particularly defining which shaped or changed their beliefs, imho.
• Relationships between colleagues aren’t forbidden, but it’s expected that one adheres to decorum and keeps their liaisons under wraps. Especially if there’s a major power imbalance involved, because you’d be cooked.
Unpopular opinions
I’ll probably have several of you trying to break down my door with pitchforks and torches in hand, but here goes.
• I don’t see Eric as Scottish, lol.
I haven’t fully watched the musical so I don’t fully get where the whole headcanon about him came into being, but it’s not just that. I tried looking his last name up, and ‘Slingby’ isn’t even a real surname - closest thing is ‘Slingsby’, which is of English origin. ‘Knox’, however, is a Scottish surname, so make what you will of that. 😉 (Yes, I unapologetically write Ronnie as a Scotsman.)
• I do not ship Sascha with Ludger.
I always saw the former as a very young student figure of sorts to him, and not just because they appear rather young to me. I’ve never seen them as a couple given their interactions in the manga, and there’s also the fact that Sascha seems to be a literal teen.
Whilst Sascha’s age hasn’t been stated in canon and they could very well be an adult for all I know, which would be highly unlikely, them as a ship just isn’t for me. Ludger as their father/brother figure, though? That’s where it’s at.
• I’m mostly indifferent to Undertaker. I don’t know why, but I never paid him any special attention. Like, he do be kinda fit, but that’s about it.
• I don’t vibe with the fanon interpretation of Ronald as a player or fuckboy - and not only because I headcanon him as on the asexual spectrum. Even in the manga, he appears to be (quite a major) flirt at most - which can also be backed up by how he disappears.
• If Othello could talk to women, he’d be like a more toned-down Ronald when he’s interacting with them, but shyer too. But he can’t, lmao - he’s forgotten how to. Takes personal space and being respectful to them seriously, though.
Bi Othello is my fav headcanon for him. I can definitely see him with a woman as well as a man. And though he’s often absorbed in his work or Dispatch shenanigans and doesn’t think about girls (or guys) all that much, he definitely likes a pretty one as much as the next man.
• I don’t see William as a prick with all the emotional range of a teaspoon and little empathy whatsoever. Is he too harsh on himself and his subordinates? Yes. Can he be an asshole at times? Also yes.
But is he a terrible person with no redeeming qualities whatsoever and a rock in his chest where a heart would otherwise beat? No.
He seems like he’d be an overthinker and feel extremely strongly towards people and ideas both, but tries to suppress this as he thinks that he needs to. Not only to remain impartial for the sake of professionalism, but also because how men in general are socialised plus his tendency to withdraw when he’s overwhelmed mean it’s difficult to confront his emotions.
• I do not see Ludger as German William, but rather someone who’s similar to him yet incredibly different in a lot of ways. William is pensive, almost overly fastidious, and coldly professional. Meanwhile, Ludger is reserved, a tad rough around the edges, and focused - but he’s surprisingly patient and better with conflict than Will.
If I have more, that’ll call for another post!
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starysky1289 · 9 months
Police Captain!Vanessa X Rookie!Reader. Newbie.
“ Alright settle down! Bunch of animals yall are. Ok. Steven, Mason ,Liam , you all are on patrol duty in the west, Johanna, Marcus, Harry, patrol duty to the east. Rest of yall are on you assigned duty’s seen in your schedules. Before I dismiss, we have a new rookie amongst us. Y/N L/N. Y/N will be patrolling with…Johanna, a little girl on girl time. Dismissed. “
Captain Shelly’s voice was loud, booming in the meeting room. Her Ivy green eyes made contact with yours, and she gave you a curt nod, heading out of the room. You were able to quickly find Johanna, who seemed less than pleased to have been given a rookie to drive around. She was talking with two other people, who snickered before walking away.
“ alright newbie, let’s go, ain’t much happens east end, we’ll be sitting in the middle of some parking lot for a while. Don’t expect me to hold your hand or something if we do have to pull someone over or something. You should know how to deal with tickets from the academy. “
“ yes maam, i was transferred here, so i do know a bit of- “
“ yeah great. Let’s go. “
Johanna called, leading you to her shop. It was a big black and white SUV, with the badge logo on each door, and the towns name on the bumper.
“ hey, don’t forget your belt stuff, you’ve gotta go check them out sense your new in the system. “
“ oh yeah! I’ll be right back maam! “
You quickly made your way through the station, making your way to the storage station. A nice older lady worked there, you explain your situation and she took your information. She then slid a small box through the small window of the office, inside was a new radio, a simple gun with a box of 10 billets, a yellow taser in box, and three pairs of cuffs.
“ now, everyday you’ll have to return the bullets of the gun, or the whole gun if you’d like, and the radio. This box is yours, and will be kept in your cubby in here, and everyday when you check in I’ll give it to you to gather your stuff! Your taser and cuffs stay in your locker, supposing you have a locker. “
You sighed, shaking your head. You hadnt had any time to get anything done before you were called in for the morning dispatch meeting. The lady gave you a soft smile.
“ well, if you don’t have one by the end of your shift, you can gives those to me aswell. I hope you have a good first day dear! “
“ thank you maam!! “
You quickly made your way back to the shop, opening the passenger side door. You shrieked, a small, brown cockroach was sitting right on the seat. Johanna bursted out laughing, scooping up the brown insect. Bending it to show it was just a peice of molded rubber.
“ ha. This’ll be fun. Alright, strap in, let’s go. “
You rolled your eyes, chuckling softly as you sat down, strapping into the seat. She pulled out, and you two were out, heading towards the east end.
All the officers were parked in an old parking lot, talking to eachother through the walkies in the cars. It was dead winter, and snow was blowing all across the cars.
“ hey, Newbie. The back windows all covered up, the snow brush is in the back. Will you go clean it? “
“ isn’t there a window brush? You can just turns nob and- “
“ it’s broken. Go on. “
“ I don’t have a jacket yet- “
Johanna only glared at you, and you groaned, stepping out of the vehicle, immediately freezing. You quickly grabbed the brush from the back, slowly trudging to the back window and brushing the snow off it, and chipping some fresh ice off the back with the scraper. It felt like forever until you were done. Suddenly, with a small buzz, the back wiper turned on, the black plastic when back and forth across the window, you could hear Johanna’s laughter from inside the car. You groaned, trudging back into the car, kicking the snow off yoir shoes.
“ sorry Y/N. It must off fixed itself! Cmon, let’s go check for tickets. “
Johanna snickered, and drove off, there was a mix of laughter coming from the radio. You knew it was gonna be a hard patrol day.
You finally got back to the station, your hair was frizzed, your skin was ice cold, and your shoes soaked through. Johanna had, in just one day, made you write every ticket, ‘ Accidentally ‘ hit you with snow, scared you with the fake cockroach again, and Locked you out of the car for atleast 5 minutes. She said it was to ‘ teach you resilience ‘, but you knew it was just cause you where the new rookie.
You checked your stuff into the box with the lady, who you finally learned her name, norma. She was a sweetheart, nicest person you’ve dealt with today.
You headed to clock out, getting stoped by the captain. She was a taller woman, Vanessa was her name, blonde hair, pale skin, and beautiful green eyes. She gave you a soft smile.
“ Y/N. How was your first day patrolling. You look like you’ve been dragged through the west end. “
“ Captain. Today was…eventful…just some..resilience training…today was fine..”
Her gaze slightly hardened, looking up. Johanna and the others where laughing and talking not to far behind you.
“ what did she do to you. “
“ nothing captain..”
“ tell me y/n. “
Her voice was deep, heavy. You sighed, holding your arm as you spoke.
“ just some..rookie pranks. Lost of snow..I’m freezing, pushing, shoving, just….stuff. I don’t feel really welcome I guess…”
Vanessa quickly took off her own jacket, laying it across your shoulder. She gave you another smile, before turning to the gathers of officers.
“ HEY! LISTEN UP! I hear anymore rookie pranks going on, I’ll personally make sure you assigned to janitor duty for a month! And you keep it up, you’ll get suspended without pay. “
Johanna shot dart like glares at you, and Vanessa shot them back. You smiled, dipping your head to your captain.
“ t-thank you captain- “
“ please. Call me Vanessa. Feel free to keep the jacket, I have spares. And here, incase you ever need a call. “
Vanessa handed you a card, with her number and full name on it.
“ I’ll be free for you hun. Go home, eat something. I’ll be seeing you tomorrow darling. “
You blushed lightly, nodding. You finished clocking out and headed to your car. You felt all giggly inside. You had the captains number, and she clearly favored you. Atleast you had the captain in your corner now.
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corpsebasil · 5 months
HC’s for Hunger Games Nikolai Au
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You won the games when you were fifteen. Whaaaaat a player, too. When it was down to the final two you, wielding the skills taught to you at illegal training academies, easily dispatched your opponent and earned the crown. Nikolai, your mentor, had been there to comfort you when the reality of the games began to catch up to you.
Wait here—
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^^me jumping into his arms after the games
“Nik.” Your voice is small when you sit up straight, legs slightly wobbly underneath you. Your mentor, Nikolai, has a frown on his face as he steps into the room. The Capitol has you shacked up in some sort of hospital; the hovercraft had taken you on a short ride after your extraction from the arena. “Nikolai, I…” You can only stare, eyes teary, a grief you don’t know how to convey tightening your chest.
“I know.” He murmurs, reaching your bedside in only a few short strides. You flinch at his touch, one foot still in the arena, but soon he’s found himself wrapped up in you. He doesn’t speak when you tremble. Just rubs your back, feeling your arms tighten around his waist like snakes. “That’s it. I’ve got you now, yeah?”
You sniffle at the soothing notes of his voice, so different from the screams that had haunted the arena. So much death. When you finally pull away to look up at him you’re slightly surprised to find his own blue eyes a bit teary. You force a weak smile.
“How bad do I look?” You joke, your words unsteady. Nikolai stares in silence for so long your heart begins to pound.
He reaches out carefully, one hand resting against the side of your dirty face. His clean thumb smooths a line through the grime and blood on your cheek, revealing the skin beneath. Your gaze tracks the lone tear that escapes his eye before he blinks quickly, nodding at you and backing up.
“Good to see you can take my advice.” He jokes, raising his brows in reference to your track record of not doing that at all in the arena.
“I won, didn’t I?” You scoff, but something about the way he’d looked at you, something about the fact way he’d been so gentle, had pulled at your heart.
“Don’t get cocky.” His grin is a slash of white. “Everyone is the Capitol is already singing your praises to high Heavens. I honestly think every single citizen had hearts in their eyes when you won.”
“Great.” You say drily. “Just what I wanted.”
The two of you share a fast smile before he nods to the door.
“Let’s go. I’d like to talk to your stylist for a minute before the interviews.”
Ummm more HC’s….
We’ll talk more about Coen, another OC of mine, in later HG series posts. But just know that basically he was tribute that you mentored with Nikolai when you were seventeen and he died. Yeah. RIP Coen you beautiful S.O.B. you were liked while you were here.
So you don’t get with Nikolai until you’re like. Twenty. Sorry but I don’t see you guys getting together sooner than that it just doesn’t make sense for the both of you.
So one day you’re at home in Victor’s Village for District Two. Your house, being farther from most of the others, ends up becoming Nikolai’s pretty much second home. You spend all your time together; you share your meals, even share your bed with him. Nothing happens in that bed, obviously, even if you’ve begun to look at him differently lately.
Let’s be so for real you never looked at him as just a friend throughout the entire time you’ve known him but the line just wasn’t crossed okay?
But the two of you had been sharing some wine and acting stupid, dancing around your kitchen as you played music on the stereo. When you both stopped, your arms around his neck, his around your waist, the two of you laughed for a second before you were looking up, your nose brushing the side of his when your turn your head.
You both freeze a bit, neither pulling very far apart as you get a good look at one another.
His blue eyes focus on yours for a moment before he’s dragging his gaze slowly down to your mouth, his hands on your waist tightening. You cant help it, honestly! Blame the wine okay! But suddenly you’re pulling him closer and somehow you’ve ended up on top of the kitchen counter and he’s kissing you deeper and deeper.
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^ me and him
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How do you think the events at the end of the movie would’ve played out had Miles actually gotten sent to his home universe (Earth-1610) and Gwen had also arrived there as well when she got the watch from Hobie? How different would that part of the movie be excluding the stuff that happened at Earth-42.
Honestly? That's a good question.
I initially was thinking of someone a fic response like I did with the jealous prompt I got a few days ago, but I couldn't find a way that I could align all the canon elements in the fic in a way that would give a good conclusion. Perhaps I would use that idea for a proper fic.
Regardless, the thing that I keep thinking is not on Miles or Gwen, but Miguel and his allies.
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At first, naively so, I thought Miguel and the others were looking for the Spot; perhaps I just wanted to think this a bit more positively; because the idea that this grown ass man roped two other people to capture a 15 year old that wants to save his dad is...a choice.
(I swear I don't hate Miguel, he just tests my patience a lot.)
Now, for obvious reasons these would be a problem for any Ghostflower reunion because Miguel has no chill; and would not wait nicely for this young couple to settle an argument.
Where is he, though.
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Not seriously, what is this?
I was thinking he would be in Visions Academy, but this doesn't look like it at first glance. The dark atmosphere and the rain is not helping this either. If anybody has an idea, I am listening, but the only clue I have is that Miguel has a gigantic red sign that says "Welcome."
(Fun fact, the first time I saw this movie i almost expected the sign to say Hell. It wouldn't make sense on a world building sense but that was what going on my mind seeing this situation.)
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Riley we know was waiting in front of Miles's house.
Now, this one is not really a problem because in the scenario that they are all in the same universe, this would mean Gwen already dispatched the Meathead (the director's words, not mine;) with Miles just entering his room after that.
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Considering the situation, there is a chance Gwen would either see Miles going into his apartment, or perhaps Miles realizing that Gwen is on the alley. However for the nature of this ask, we would not explore those scenarios in this post.
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Here is when it gets tricky.
Jessica was following Miles' dad, which makes sense considering they are looking for Miles and he may try to go directly to his dad.
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In the scenario the timing tracks exactly the same, Gwen would probably look at the window and see Miles, so she may or not realize Jeff is coming.
What would I think if Gwen got to Miles directly? That things would probably escalate rather quickly.
I think if Gwen saw Miles lying on the floor (As he did when he got home in Earth 42;) she would quickly rush to him. To which I would expect Miles to either adopt a defensive posture, or tell her to stay away.
We need to remember that as far as Miles is aware, she is still working with the organization, last time they saw each other she was attempting to capture him (Well, honestly she didn't try very hard, but it would still be betrayal for him.)
Of course, I imagine Gwen would start with either a "I'm so sorry, Miles," "I am not here to fight, I am on your side," "I know a way we avoid the canon event." Perhaps she would say a combination of all of those things, the problem is that I don't think we would have a chance because problem number 3 would arrive.
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(Imagine this is Rio from 1610.)
Now, I am going to be a bit generous here, and I will imagine that Rio didn't hear Miles coming in (unlike Rio from Earth 42,) perhaps the other version of her heard Miles come in because she was picking up laundry and was close to the door.
But I am sorry, every time I try to imagine an scenario where Gwen and Miles get to met here, I can't imagine any of them being quiet enough to not make Rio realize there are people in her house. Emotions are running way too high for either of them to think about that.
In the movie, Miles was on the floor and heard Rio appear, so he had the time to get his jacket on. In this scenario? Frankly I imagine Miles and Gwen would be close to screaming so neither of them would realize of her coming by.
Now imagine you are Rio for a moment.
You all of the sudden hear your son and or/the girl he was with earlier screaming about nonsense you don't know what the heck could be about, and when you open the door you see your son and that girl in Spider suits. No idea if there is any information or pictures of Gwen's as a Spiderwoman on Earth 1610, but that's kind of a moot point when your son not only is dressed up as the current spiderman, but also is sporting these.
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(Sorry I don't have a full image, I try to get ANYTHING in the movie that would give me a good visual, and no shot; I couldn't get the complete image of where I got these, and finding these was a pain and a half.)
There is a 50/50 chance that Gwen/Miles may be able to sneak a "is a costume!" lie, but all things consider this would probably make Rio realize a lot of things are making sense all of the sudden. Rio would probably rush to Miles once she sees he is this hurt and freak out, no doubt.
And if things couldn't get worse, is around this time Jeff is coming upstairs, and who came with him?
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Now, we see that Jess spies on Gwen and Miles' parents thanks a device, not sure if this is the spider thing Gwen used earlier to track the Spot, or something else; regardless, she would definitely see them there, if not hear the ruckus.
Here is the thing, would I think Jess would do something?
...Sadly, yes.
Jess has kind of a soft spot for Gwen, and while I don't think she was the best Mentor (less about what she taught Gwen and more on not being there for her enough, but that's another discussion.) Jess gave the chance to Gwen to go to 1610 in the first place, she also let her try to fix it (thought the circumstances weren't too generous,) and while we don't have a clue what she would do next, I am inclined to believe that canonically, she is not going to snitch to Miguel that Gwen went by, perhaps only mention that Miles isn't in this dimension.
Because here is the thing, she has a soft spot for Gwen, but we can see that she definitely thinks Miles is a problem; and considering she is still helping Miguel, I doubt her mind had changed much in that regard.
So while she let Gwen "go" to get Miles (though there is the chance she is just letting her go so she can track where she is going,) I doubt she would see Miles there and not do something.
Now we have Rio screaming her lungs out about what the heck Miles has been doing, Miles probably trying to explain the situation to her, Gwen may or may not try to defend Miles (honestly the only reason I may think Gwen doesn't say anything is because this is really a conversation she shouldn't be involved.) And Jess then comes out from the window to collect Miles; she may also bring her Motorcycle with her which would cause even more chaos.
Hey remember how Jeff was just going upstairs? I like to think is something like this.
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I know is an old meme but imagine Jeff, happily coming back home after an end of his shift; and he finds the house with his son on a Spiderman costume fighting a very pregnant woman (who may have the motorcycle INSIDE HIS HOUSE,) the girl he brought with him earlier shooting webs or something trying to stop the black lady, and his wife probably screaming on a corner.
While writing this, I originally was going to say earlier that having Miguel and his croonies here could make things a tad complicated; no wonder I deleted that earlier because this is just chaos.
Speaking of Miguel, no doubt Jess informed him that Miles was at his house, with no signs of Riley. Depending or where he is, he may be coming by soon enough.
Sorry if you or anyone else was expecting a fluffy or heartwarming scenario, but in this blog I try to adhere to canon facts as much as I can for these analysis, and I couldn't answer with canon possibilities without taking everything into account.
That being said, oh my g-d this was so much fun; I should try to do these more often.
I will see if I use the original fic idea I had in mind, while drafting this I also thought of the possibility of what would happen if Gwen's picture (That as discussed in this analysis, she may have with her) fell off while she was leaving Miles' apartment; if anyone is interested in that last idea please say so because I am on the fence about it.
That's it for today! Hope you folks had fun with this.
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lipeg · 5 months
Vacuan 1: You're the girl who sent the message! The one who brought the world together!
RWBY Volume 9: Beyond Episode 4 Boba
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Atlas most technologically advanced kingdom.
Statue: Destroyed
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Lost Items: Relic of creation and knowledge
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Those responsible are still on the loose.
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Statue: Destroyed [ Off screen ]
Winter and Marrow Amin look at graffiti on a wall, stating "ATLAS GET OUT" and "LONG LIVE THE CROWN". Winter hears an airship in the distance, and flies off to investigate. As she lands, she is greeted by Peter Port, who takes a step back.
Port: (chuckles) The Winter Maiden, Miss Schnee. (takes a step forward and bows)
Winter: What's happened?
Port: (sighs) When Salem left Atlas, she came for Vale, and now there's nothing left.
Port looks behind him to Bartholomew Oobleck, who is looking down.
Winter: Where's Glynda?
Port: Gone. Trying to find help. We led the civilian retreat, brought as many people with us as we could, and uh, this, this is the only place we could think to go.
Possible missing item: Relic of choice
Far west location of Remnant
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Status: Weakened
Due to the betrayal of HEADMASTER Leonardo Lionheart, Haven Academy was closed and ALL of its students were transferred to Vacuo.
Before the start of the series, Ozpin invited Lionheart into his group, involving him in his shadow war against Salem and her faction. However, at some point he betrayed Ozpin and sided with Salem for about two years following the events of RWBY: The Grimm Campaign, working for her as a spy to save himself out of fear. While he wasn't present in Vale during the time of the 40th Vytal Festival, he helped forge documents for Cinder's Faction to infiltrate Beacon Academy without raising suspicion and inadvertently helped cause the Fall of Beacon.
Lionheart had given Salem the locations of Huntsmen and Huntresses dispatched throughout Mistral, in which they'd be slaughtered by Tyrian Callows and Hazel Rainart.
The relic from the kingdom was taken.
Status: Crisis
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RWBY Volume 9: Beyond Episode 2 A Knight's Journal
The kingdom received refugees from two kingdoms, most from Atlas and the few remaining in Vale.
The relic of destruction remains awaited under seven keys, the maiden remains hidden.
Dangerous prisoners were freed and joined Salem.
Jax Astúrias, semblance Mind Control.
Gillian Asturias, semblance Aura Siphon.
Gillian's Semblance, Aura Siphon, allows her to transfer Aura between different people, much like Jaune Arc. However, she is also able to drain Aura from others to recover her own, as well as storing it for herself.
Vacuan 1: You're the girl who sent the message! The one who brought the world together!
The world is more divided and weaker than ever before.
I had a theory that current Rwby fans don't care about history and this is the result.
They left Miles Luna and Kerry Shawcross as writers and directors it was a mistake. Just Kerry Shawcross stayed to write and direct RWBY Beyond.
Indirectly and directly, team RWBY was responsible for the annihilation of their own world.
My honest reaction it would be the same as the joker laughing until he fell to the ground.
I just want to see people cursing me
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