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I'm interested in getting plushies of my favorite characters manufactured (making the designs and so on) (obviously this will have to wait until i actually have decent money) but i wonder if it's okay to get singular samples made even if i don't end up finding people who want them mass produced... the first ones i'd want to get made are mzs cwn and txj.. and i like 10cm dolls because they're the cutest
(*′☉.̫☉) i really love dolls and plushies too much, i just recently finished the purchase on nendoroid heads so i can make my own custom mzs cwn & txj nendos/ob11s, i'd really love to make custom larger bjds too
#truescholar.txt#as for all the characters i want to get custom plushies of/make custom dolls for...#i'd really love to get malroth jun tatsuya beatrice and battler all from their respective medias...#i was going to get the nendo bodies for them but i ended up deciding to get the disono bodies instead when i have the money#because after researching i found that they're the best for posing and the right shape for most clothes and that their limbs even lock into#place for posing so that sounds ideal#though if i plan on displaying them nudely i might end up getting the nendo bodies eventually anyways though i think the best thing about th#dolls this size is that there's so many clothes for dressup
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231228 txt.bighitent tiktok update
연주니즈 is back (dc: @Rizelle Disono)
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Saturday treadmill run
Sabtu jadwal lari 10k ku tapi kalo disini bingung nentuin tempat larinya dan berhubung ada treadmill yodah indoor run aja gaksi wlpn ngga 10k yg penting lari haha. Mulainya siang banget kek kemarin.. Bapak yg pro paslon 1 sambil mantau di tipi kampanye nya live dari JIS yg superbanyak kek konser itu. Kalo dirumah mah lari gapake headset atau tws ribut sama bocil bulak balik nanya, belom bapak ngobrolin politik.
Lari gapake outfit olga da ngga bawa, pake baju tidur aja. Daaaan keringetan gobyos banget dari km 2 jg eduuun.. Yaiya di indoor ngga ada AC ngga ada AG (angin gelebug).. Duh apalagi angin subuh yg enakeun nan menyejukkan~ jadi keringetannya kebantu sama ngangin2. Bajunya juga super basah bisa di peres keluar deh keringet dan jadi berat hahaha. Monmaap ngga poto selfie dulu pake DeKa wkwkwk.
Dahlah gakuat sama heatingnya, keringetan bikin hidrasi kurang jg, HR jg kayanya menurun inimah. Mari disudahi di km 4 dan durasi 30 menitan. Kalo di strava udah capai 5 nih pasti, ngga ada fitur indoor in sih disono huft.
Alhamdulillah enakeun after run endorfin naik, stress released.. Mandi air anget pake shower yg udah kureng kenceng, kalo kenceng enakeun berasa dipijet ituu. Lalu maksi ibu dah masak nyiapin, sayur lodeh, kembung goreng, sambel, jukut goreng. Wuuuhh alhamdulillah udah ngga mikir makan siang, tersedia di meja. Happy nya hahaha..
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kemaren sore, ibu penjaga kost “mba mau mudik ya ini nanti?”
“enggak bu, insyaallah besok lusa, besok mau beres-beres kamar dulu”
“ooh yawis berarti masih ketemu sampai hari minggu ya”
“iya bu hehe”
realitanya malem harinya ketiduran jam 10 kebangun jam 02, terus hbs subuh pengen tidur lagi, tapi tiap tidur dapet setengah jam melek lagi ini mata gausah ditanya lagi gara-gara apa, gitu aja diulang-ulang, mana pilek hidung mampet
sekarang udah jam 10an masih nglimprek meleleh dikasur dengan tisu ingus yang embuhlah itu… tapi udah plong hidungnya, gajadi dululah beres-beresnya, yah sedapetnya aja hari ini yang penting nyuci rapihin kasur nyapu, lalu kemas-kemas nanti sore pulang ajalah
besok mau liat kosan yg disono juga
insyaallah pundak gue masih kuat kok, lo tenang aja, (hah apaan kayak pengen banget ngomong sama dia padahal iya haha) ((terus dia membatin: emang siapa yang nanya?)) 😂😭
gapapa kok gue gapapa 👌
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Tunggu aja ya tunggu liat dulu leader nya sape.. kl bakal trump gue ogah sihh kesana.. ogah di konoha sini.. ogah juga disono..
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Untuk temanku, @junehui
Kata orang kita berdua mirip kucing, apa iyah? Tapi maksud gw disini bukan itu sih… mau sedikit kasih compliment buat lu, junehui dimana pun gw kenal lu, di akun ini ataupun disono dan disini dan disana lu selalu jadi mood maker yang bikin gdm jadi makin seru karena tingkah lu, dan yep gw kadang selalu ketawa sama ketikan lu, karena itu gw berterimakasih bisa kenal dan berteman dengan lu, i hope you always surrounded by happiness and love! Langgeng terus sama bini lu ya.😆
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Pilpres kali ini menyita perhatianku.
Ya Rabb lindungilah orang yang takut kepadaMu, lindungilah orang yang cinta kepadaMu, ya Rabb lindungilah aku
Gemes banget rasanya mau komen disono sini tentang ketidaksesuaian data dan fakta terhadap salah satu Paslon, rasanya ingin menimpalkan komen komen itu, tapi arghh gemas pokoknya
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Menurut urang semua martabak rasanya sama aja, mau beli disini, disono, sama aja.
Gitu-gitu aja.
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kejadian waktu MU*__IN_D* 2023. xixixix
ah i am sooo happy if i should tell the stories again.
jadi kan waktu itu tuh ya,, aku udh tau dari lama kalau dia bakalan tugas missunnn, karena waktu itu sempet ngomongin di abah tentang itu, hahahha tapi kan gw dikasih fakta mulu ya, jadi gw rasa sih gw ga akan tugas muidddd, eh eh eh edododooooeeee...
mendekati jadwal akan tayang, ternyata aku dikasih tugas itu, xixixixixi ya walaupun harus bye dlu dr fakta, dan bakal dikasih tugas yang agak sedikit ribet tapi seneng karena udh tau bakal ada dia disana...
and then , pas hari rehearse, dia kan udah ada disana ya, trus trus sempet lah ngobrol2 kecil mah... dia bilang: kalian ngapain disini, pasti bingung ya mau nongkrong dmana... ga ada tempat..., dkk , dst.
ya cuma basa basi kecil gitulah... sampai akhirnyaaa... dia kesulitan tuh masalah bendera karena harus bikin ulang karena kurang gede, yauduk akhirnya aku kasih ke dia nomer uda joneee, ok deh clear....
btw, pas duduk depan panggung, aku ngobrol ama paugnx, kan dia ada di sisi kiri pa ugenk, koq gw ngerasa dia ngeliatin gw ya wkwkkw ge er anjrrrr bomat ahhahahahhahahhakkkkk... yg penting ceneng.. xixixixiiixxxx..
udah dong ya seperti biasa kan tu rehearse ga jelas ya sampe jam berapa, tapi akhirnya di jam 11 kami memutuskan untuk polda neik, karena besok udah hari h dan besok harus stand by pagi juga disana... okideh polda ,
tapi tuh yah pas polda, gw tuh sedih gitu karena pengen banget ngeliat muka dia gitu kan sebelom pulang, as always lah ya gw celingak celinguk wkwkkw trus gw sempet nyanyi goodbye my lover.... good bye my love, eh tetiba dari sisi kanan, di depan pintu masuk, ada suara: BBBAAAAA!!!
wkwkwkkwkw ANJIR
dan itu dia dong lagi duduk bersila depan pintu, lagi makan naskot, wkwkw RARE ITEM BANGET DUDUK DISONO MAKAN NASKOT SENDIRIAN PULA SHAYYY ahahhaha NGAKAK TAPI HEPIIII ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ BEST!!!!!
trus aku pamit lah ke dia: yyo, pulang yahh..
dia: apah?
aku: pulang ya
dia: apa coba blg skali lagi?
aku: iya pulang ya...
dia: wkwkw ( terdiam miris karena dia belom bisa pulang mesti nunggu all crew selesai rehearse dulu which is ternyata mereka kelar di jam 2 subuh baru sampe mtra, dan besoknya... ngga besoknya juga sih, tapi paginya, jam 6 dia harus otw lagi ke ancl buat persiapan hari H)
dduduudd kasiaaaann, tapi ku pulang duluan yaa..xixixiixix MAKASI BBA NYAAA reallly made my nite, ampe Mba O blg: bolehlah tuhhh BBA nyaaa hhihihiihi ceneeeeenggg!!! BEST!!!
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Kenalin, namanya Kazu.
Sahabat w yg nun jauh disana, yep kadang karena w keseringan liat koriya mulu jadi lupa kalo dia tuh nihonjin, bukan korean (pikun emg, yg paling terngiang di kepala ialah pas kita maen ke Shinjuku tuh di screen muncul MV nya EXO kayak haha demi apasii terus jadi ngobrolin kipop sama si Kazu dan dia ngangguk2 ajaa sambil bilang "so-desune" kalo kaga di warn si Alfin udah khatam keknya semua MV w bahas haha) tapi beberapa kata Indonesia macem "wkwkwk" sama kata2 korean yg secara ga sadar kesebut biasanya dia udah mafhum, selo pemirsaah.
W speechless si jujur karena seperti yg kalian tau orang jepang tuh susah bgt buat dijadiin temen kan, w emang saling follow sama beberapa lab-mates dulu cuman emg sebates reply story aja, kalopun DM panjang palingan nanyain Sensei ato yah nanyain ttg work/research related things, ada satu sih Mba2 dari vietnam dulu se lab juga dan emg deket bgt cuman dia teh aktifnya di FB which w udah se gaperna itu buka FB wkwk maafkeun Mba, okee balik ke Kazu, jadi first impression pertama masuk lab tuh emg mereka cenderung tertutup, but he is suuper kind, w beneran ga dibolehin makan kl ingredients yg dia lihat terlihat meragukan dan yah jadinya sushi to the rescue mulu tiap makan, tipikal manusia supel yg temennya banyak gt w mikirnya tapi ternyata dia cerita kalo temen dia emang dikit, bisa diitung jari, karena emg tipikal orang jepang tuh individualis.
Hal yang bikin w kaget sekaligus salut tuh karena bisa-bisanya dia tuh install WhatsApp coyy which disono noh kaga kepake tuh apps, biasanya kita kontakan by line
cuman karena w udah mager bgt kebanyakan medsos jadi memilih untuk off line aja dan kita maintain komunikasi tuh selama ini by DM Instagram, mungkin karena dia ngeh jg IG w ilang (si PEDE gaktuh) abis di deactivated tetiba ni bocah kaga ada angin kaga ada ujan nge WA, w awalnya kaget karena nomor nya ko bukan +62 sii haha mana waktu itu profpic nya foto team kita pas abis presentasi paper bgt jadi langsung bisa ngenalin oh ini Kazu!
terus tadi bahasannya ialah capturan dibawah ini ketika doi dan Alfin waktu itu ikutan belanja bahan Indo di deket masjid assalam ueno which kalo jalan tuh sekitar 2,5km (dulu weh ya sehari jalan 10km udah biasa, kalo di Indo ga deh tenx haha) udah janjian abis beres lab cabut karena gaada kelas juga jadi decided untuk yawes sholat di masjid sana ajah. waitt tapi itu keknya maps nya berangkat dari dorm sii wkwk bukan dari kampus
Yg bikin w lumayan terharu yah dia literally cuman make ni WA buat keep in touch ama w kan y gmn y (wkwk takut lebay), tapi point w ialah kalo kalian pernah denger yg namanya orang bisa se-seneng itu kalau kita naruh attention di small things tuh beneran loh, haha beneran rasanya kayak emang diakuin keberadaan nya, bukannya melebih2kan y cuman kayak aaa aku hepi ajaa karena masi bisa chitchat sama uri chingu haha w jadi flashback abis nii kgn ginza linee sama asakusaaa hiks
seqian dan terimagaji.
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Nandito na naman po ang batang makulit. 😆 . . . . . #tsukishimakei #keitsukishima #tsukki #haikyuu #ハイキュウ #ハイキュウー‼︎ #ハイキュウー #nendoroidph #nendogram #nendoroid #nendography #ねんどろいど #nendoroidcollector #nendoroiddollclothes #disono https://www.instagram.com/p/Cg9BvqZJ5TU/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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It begins... no merch of my faves so I gotta make it myself. Bonus:
#the only clothes that arrived so far were jorts so sorry for naked dolls#the seller included cat paws for free#TECHNICALLY they're not obitsuroids because the bodies are disono#nendisono maybe....
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Resources for Nendoroid Customization
Alrighty, I wanna help out my friends and any anons out there who might want some more flexibility with their Nendoroid figures. Some sweet, sweet, sweet pose ability and the chance to dress up their tiny little pocket buddy for a trip out and about!!
So first off, if you wanted to do research on your own outside of the links and info I’m going to provide, some key terms you’ll want to be aware of are “YMY”, “obitsu” and “obitsu 11″, “nendoroid doll” and “custom nendoroid”, “nendoroid archetype”, and “disono”. When you get started, obviously you’ll probably be overwhelmed by the info out there if you’re going in blind like I almost did. First off, pick which nendo you plan to do. If you have only one like I do, you’re in the easy end of it. If you have multiple, I’d say pick ONE of them so that you don’t just go and buy bodies and clothes for all of them if this ends up being something you don’t like later on.
Now, nendoroids come with varying skin tones from one another. Its not... like, a drastic amount of different skin tones, because if you aren’t paying attention to that it may seem like they’re all the same, but I’m here to tell you that there actually are differences depending on the nendoroid you’re going for.
So with that said, let’s say you are going with the officially licensed Good Smile Company Nendoroid Doll body for this customization.
The Nendoroid Doll Archetype body is the officially licensed body for posing and dressing up your nendoroids in various fashions. Multiple characters have recently been given Nendoroid Doll releases, such ad Hatsune MIku, Kagamine Rin and Len, Kizuna Ai, and many more. (source)
If you plan to go with the officially licensed Nendoroid Doll body, you do need to take into account what skin tone your nendo has. I learned from watching beNYSandcollect that while some Nendoroid Doll’s in the series have a body specifically made to match their skin tone, other may not. Below is are two videos of his that can help with deciding on a skin color for you Nendoroid Doll body.
Now, let’s move further. In my personal opinion, I find the officially licensed Nendoroid Archetype to be kind of clunky. The joints (ie. where the arms or legs bend, for example) just remind me of the 1/3 scale action figures from Star Wars: The Clone Wars that were released way back when the show was still running on Cartoon Network. They seem nice for beginners, don’t get me wrong. They serve their purpose very well. But in my opinion, these bodies are still not best suited for someone who wants to do more thorough customizations to their nendoroid’s style. To me, personally, I feel they are more suited towards just having an alternate way to pose your nendoroid for display without having to swap out an arm for a different, static pose.
This work-around brings in the use of ball-jointed bodies. When someone says “ball-jointed” or “bjd” in this context, I’m sure some of you are going to think of Dollfie Dream dolls. Those utiflize ball jointed bodies for their anime dolls. This is a similar approach for nendoroid, just on a much smaller scale. Often times, I see people using the Obitsu 11 scale body for their nendo customs. Below is a video by Clay Bum showing their Obitsu 11 body review in regards to their nendoroids.
Now, what if you like the proportions of the Obitsu 11 but not so much the way the joints are? Well, that’s where you have two options: YMY and Disono.
YMY bodies are what is most used nowadays for customizing your nendoroids due it is flexibility and range of motion. This is the type of body that I personally chose when it came to finding the right body type for my Megpoid Gumi custom that’s in the works.
One particular perk of the YMY body alongside this is the fact that they also have height increasing parts that you can purchase seperately in order to make your nendoroid taller if the default scale does not suit your needs.
And if you want an alternate for the YMY body, some have even taken to using the Disono DDF bodies for their nendoroid customs. Both of these bodies provide a far better range of motion and posing ability than the GSC Nendoroid Archetype does, on account of the more articulated joints in the arms, knees, feet, hands, etc.
One downside, whoever, is when you use these bodies... the skin may not match precisely. If you go with one of these bodies, you have to be patient and make sure that the body you are choosing the skin tone that comes as clsoe as possible to your nendoroid. Below is a video by beNYSandcollect in regards to the different skin tones that the YMY bodies come in, and below that is a video comparing the Nendoroid Archetype, YMY, and Disono doll bodies and their posing abilities.
After taking all of this information into consideration, ultimately the choice is up to you in the end. You have a lot of options, but it all comes down to your personal preference.
If you go with the Good Smile Company’s licensed Nendoroid Archetype, you can buy clothing specific to that body shape on their website. Clothing that would fit the other featured bodies will fit, but be very baggy on them.
If you go with Obitsu 11, YMY, or Disono, you’re in luck. Obitsu 11 is usually the scale that people make and sell clothing pieces for in regards to this topic. YMY and Disono bodies will fit almost perfectly in the Obitsu 11 clothing with little to no issue according to the information I’ve come across.
Personally, I would suggest the YMY body for your custom nendo adventures. You will find more clothing options, along with shoes, that are going to suit your characters. Again, the choice in the end is ultimately your own. Go with that you think will be best.
Another good thing to note would be the Chibi Chop Shop. If you want alternate faces that are close to your nendoroid, or alternate hair, or maybe different hand poses for cheap? This website is a big help! I ordered some funny faceplates as well as others with green eyes for my Gumi, and while the green-eyed faceplates are not from Gumi related nendoroids, the eye color is close enough for my tastes to work for alternate expressions!
I hope this information has helped everyone who is considering a nendoroid customization in the future!!
@strawberry-metal @kazekothestrange
#nendoroid#nendoroid doll#custom#resources#custom nendoroid#nendoroid resources#custom nendoroid resources#ymy body#obitsu 11#obitsu#bjd#bjd obitsu#bjd obitsu 11#bjd obitsu 11 body#bjd ymy#bjd ymy body#good smile company#gsc#good smile company nenoroid#gsc nendoroid#good smile company nendoroid doll#gsc nendoroid doll#good smile company custom nendoroid#gsc custom nendoroid#deNYSandcollect#youtube#youtube video#clay bum
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Cuteeee, my chifuyu Nendoroid just came in yesterday. I wish I had little clothes to dress them in as well
OMGGG CHIFUYU!!! <3<3<3 I bet he looks super cute!! And yessss I definitely recommend getting cute clothes!! It's so much fun and so cute!! You can just put the Nendoroid head onto slightly taller doll bodies, like Obitsu 11 or Disono, and then you can dress them. You can find both the bodies and the clothes on Etsy <3
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Idk what kind of stretch nonsense this is, but the “knock off” Obitsu 11 bodies aren’t recasts. Have you ever even seen them in person? They look and function completely different. I’ve owned ob11’s and I’ve owned the the other abs ob11 style dolls that you can get for like $15-20 that most people buy for their nendoroids and whatnot. They don’t look or work the same way. In fact the “knock offs” have superior joints that don’t get loose and pop out of the socket all the time like the Obitsu. How tf can you call that a recast??? It’s clearly not the same parts??? Sure maybe they copied the concept and size, but not even the vinyl hands are all the same mold across all of supposed recasts. The disono and the ymy are not even vaguely similar to the original Obitsu 11. Not to mention the ymy’s have optional elongated legs now.
Like I suppose the good smile bodies are also recasts now because they clearly copy both Obitsu and azone jointing systems and bodies??? Just because someone remade a version of something doesn’t make it stolen especially if it works better and has more options than the original. I get that the neck adapters are *technically* recasts because they had to have an adapter to fit Obitsu and nendoroid heads, but what are you supposed to do about that? It’s one part and you don’t have to buy that piece if you really have to be a purist about it, but I’m sure g0odsmile and Obitsu don’t give a shit about one part being reproduced.
If you want to complain about the complete reproductions of n3ndoroid sets that’s one thing, but to tell people that don’t own actual recasts that now they’re recast supporters because they own a body that’s styled after another body is crazy. I mean you could maybe speculate that the people who made the “knockoffs” might have sculpted over or modded and ob11 to come up with the design of the their bodies, but they’re literally not even close to the same.
I guess people can’t take inspiration or improve upon a concept anymore. How many doll designs in general are similar despite not literally recasting that we have to cancel now? Not to mention its nearly impossible to get a regular ob11 body anymore, so you’re telling people that can’t have a similar but obviously different affordable and ready available alternative because that puts them on par with the “scum of the earth” recast lovers
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