the-ugly-ly · 8 months
the best part about being thin is feeling so precious and dainty.
i looooove when a man picks me up like i’m absolutely nothing. not a grunt or a wheeze. just scooping me safely into his arms like a flower. ugh.
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pls-skinny-sep · 19 days
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Why I think like that? It’s the truth I’m telling you
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lostmf · 11 months
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prettyprettyboness · 4 months
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whatever core this is
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ana-butterfly20 · 11 months
Me crying in front of the mirror, after spending hours doing make up and skincare just to realize that I still look ugly af :
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diaryofbillie · 1 year
People don’t understand body dysmorphic disorder is a disorder. I’m not just a little insecure. My brain will tell me I look like I’ve gained 10kg and I will not leave my house for days cause I believe I’m obese. But wait that’s not the best part of this disorder… after believing I’m obese for days suddenly I look in the mirror and I’m skinny and I believe I’ve lost 10kg in matter of seconds. And it’s this cycle over and over and i believe it every.fucking.time.
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TW: Negative relationship with food.
I did it people of the internet. I talked about my eating issues with my parents.
No, it was not planned, i was basically forced into telling them, and no, they do not understand or even agree with it. Basically, by their logic, they don't see why someone just can't eat.
Their recent argument was time. How i don't eat on time, but I AM EATING AGAIN.
That is my achievement. I'm having THREE MEALS A DAY. Healthy ones.
I know this topic is far from over,
And i don't know how to explain to them that it's more than just eating or calories or whatever. I also don't know how to explain that they are the part of the problem. Strict eating habits, my mom's not so subtle comments, my dad's constant "you need to exercise more"......
I eat so much better when they're outside the house, i almost binge (which i admit is not healthy), but i know that I can never ever say out loud. They don't care what anyone has to say, not doctors, therapists or professionals of the field (mom walked out of the therapist's office, dad looked bored).
Lol, this turned into trauma dumping, and perhaps progress will never be made in this house, but i took a step forward, in the right direction. I went from dumping food in the trashcan, from arranging it to look like i've eaten to truly eating it.
I admitted to something that i've kept close for 4 years, and i feel lighter. I just wanted to celebrate my progress somewhere where it will atleast be acknowledged.
I know that we have more resources than our parents ever did, but, they do have access now, and they still choose to ignore the problem....
Still, somehow, i know that i will be just fine - touchwood - so, i'm gonna treat myself to maybe a donut tomorrow..
p.s. to all the people suferring from eds, it'll get a little easier. It might take years, and i still have BAD days, but it will.
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the-ugly-ly · 7 months
today a psychiatrist asked me if i have distorted perception of my body and i never actually thought about it.
let’s be honest, dropping half my body weight has made me my own thinspo in a weird self absorbed kind of way (not sorry).
it’s just my face that always seems to be perpetually fucking fat.
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pls-skinny-sep · 19 days
First of all: only you can help yourself and nobody else. Embrace the life. Don’t be the kind that hates your persona. It’s about not only counting calories but putting it into practice. In the end, if you don’t see any results don’t make it a judgment or a sentence for yourself. Try to relax on your own body and adapt.
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moon-mxlk · 2 years
I wish I could be the ethereal being he wants.
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lostmf · 11 months
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By Sophie Pearson
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ana-butterfly20 · 11 months
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lanadelreyluvr76 · 2 months
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magnatrash · 9 months
When I don't feel pretty I feel subhuman
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lunapotter-tsuki · 1 year
i hate my body. i hate my body. i hate my body. i hate my body. i hate my body. i hate my body. i hate my body. i hate my body. i hate my body. i hate my body. i hate my body. i hate my body. i hate my body. i hate my body. i hate my body. i hate my body. i hate my body. i hate my body. i hate my body. i hate my body. i hate my body. i hate my body. i hate my body. i hate my body. i hate my body. i hate my body. i hate my body. i hate my body. i hate my body. i hate my body. i hate my body. i hate my body. i hate my body. i hate my body. i hate my body. i hate my body. i hate my body. i hate my body. i hate my body.
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