spicywhumper · 1 month
Me seeing antis/non-proshippers in the whump community makes me want to puke. Like, are these people aware that the rest of the whump community knows it's all fictional? Do they enjoy harassing and harming real people over their own twisted version of morality?
Antis do not belong in the whump community.
I don't want this blog to be discourse, but who guarantees I'm safe when I create NSFW content if the community becomes infested by people who think fiction and reality are the same thing?
I don't want to have to delete this blog and stop the already minimal interactions I have.
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demodraws0606 · 11 months
I'll bite the bullet and make a last post about this (unless something huge happens) bc people's reaction on twitter to the BBH response is genuinely disgusting (people bringing up the sh joke thing).
Considering what Dream said in his response to the grooming allegations, he apparently does have photo "evidence" (someone can correct me on this but i believe it had something to do with snapchat data) that could prove him innocent.
Now that's not me defending Dream at all, I'm not willing to believe he couldn't fake that evidence and even then he is still an annoying bitch.
However it's heavily likely that's the evidence he showed his close friends like BBH (which he mentioned in his response to Dream) which would explain why he is siding with him so hard
Meaning, no, BBH is probably not like ignoring the grooming allegations just because he is "sucking Dream's dick".
He probably showed evidence to him, which either means Dream either didn't groom Amanda or BBH got sent false evidence.
Now I could be wrong but considering everything that's been layed out for us, that's the situation we are given here.
So yeah, ik this is mostly directed at Twitter people so I'm saying this in the wrong place here but can y'all not try and target BBH for potentially being manipulated ???
Edit : I just realised how the post sounded and to clarify BBH is like a grown ass dude who is responsible for his choices. When I mean manipulated. I mean to say that if he is provided with false evidence and doesn't have the tools to find that out then I don't think its necessarly fair to blame him for it.
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hijackalx · 7 months
the funniest piece of casual misogyny in the bg3 fandom ive ever seen was somebody saying that astarion is canonically nicer to male tavs than he is to female tavs. as in implying that larian redid the motion capture and rewrote the script SPECIFICALLY for when astarion is interacting with female tavs to make sure everyone would be aware of how much he hates women. how are u so misogynistic that u start hallucinating that ur fav character is misogynistic too
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aiteanngaelach · 1 month
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Cant figure out how to do the underwater screenshot thing so just in case u can't tell that's the screenshot^^^
Zionism is inherently violent zionists been carrying out a genocide for months killed tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of people they been stealin land and colonizing Palestine for decades cop on to yourself. There needs to be conversations abt Irish antisemitism and it's deeply disappointing that anytime I seen any attempt at conversations it involves defences of zionism. Irish antisemitism historic and present is a massive issue and needs attention but NOT at the expense of people undergoing a genocide or in defense of the inhumane settler colonial state carryin out said genocide. Disgusted that a big blogger among Irish language Tumblr is rebloggin this shite given the audience they have. Dlúthpháirtíocht leis an bPalaistín go deo
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Literally nothing worse than having ARFID and being sick
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boxwinebaddie · 3 months
hi nina!! can we plz see some of the char sheet youre doing?
AWWWW!!!! this is so sweet, omg. ;-; <3
i fucking LOVE character sheets sm; it is a relic from when i first broke into writing online and used to tumblr rpg ( cringe ). i just feel like they really help you see and understand your characters and figure out what they look like, how they act, what their motivations are, etc.
but yes!!!! i spend a lot of time on them and i haven't had a lot of time...recently, so i haven't been able to work on the ones i have for The Nasty Nina Boys From ( Fine As ) Hell, but you can have this little section i started on appearance in the ravenstan one ( he has been on my mind a lot lately, i srsly love him so much, he's my baby )
i'll drop it under the cut for you <3
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-uncle nina, tumblr rpg survivor, char sheet queena
#AAAAAA#this is so cute idk i get excited#when people ask me for character des#and character stuff where i go into crazy detail#hopefully the sex/gender identity was stated correctly#i try to consult my trans friends and do research often#anyways in case u were wondering how ravenstan's hair looks to me idk i'm sorry its not as nasty as yall probably think it is#its v chaotic blonde bi roxstar s4 eren yeager izumi miyamura#thats my closest approximation i fear#it gets touched up a lot and always kinda looks good...Sigh.#i did give him my Trich tho god bless him it sucks :/#and my bipolar like he really is my son huh#but yeah i hope u think its cute there are like 73209473 sections but they take me a while bc i like to go into#Laser Focus Amounts Of Detail but bc i can't draw and i can only write as vividly as i can i hope its a good visual ref#also i love him i love the lil half up half down stan hair style i'm sorry ur gonna have to pry that out of my cold dead hands#also his lil hipdips he is saur cute i love him so bad#his legs are lowk long hi model rstan#i keep forgetting hes Tall in the platforms love that#when i tell u the shit-izens of south park were telling stan routinely at like 11 that he should model...honestly i see it#he do be slouching tho modelling agencies would hate him like why is this man fine as hell and burping Out Loud???#and putting his feet up on the couch and being DISGUSTIN#yeah...yeah...anyways i love him thank u for asking#nina character sheet supremacy BABEY
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hannahssimblr · 9 months
Chapter Seventeen
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The apartment feels so big when I come home on Thursday, long shadows from the evening sun casting shapes on the floorboards, golden light capturing flecks of dust in the air. There is a silence, an empty apartment freshly tidied by Claire before she took the bus to Clonskeagh. On the table she’s left a pink post-it note that says: Slice of lemon drizzle cake in the fridge! Help yourself xoxo. I can’t imagine eating it, as much as I love lemon drizzle cake, my stomach is heavy with anxiety. 
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I head upstairs to my bedroom and stand looking at myself in the mirror for several minutes, smoothing down my hair, adding a little dab of concealer to a spot that erupted on my cheek overnight. The pipes inside the walls of the building make ticking sounds, and outside the window a lone blackbird sings, and I move to peer out over Fitzwilliam Square, the trees that skirt its lawn are budding with the luminous green of early spring, branches gently rocking in the breeze. Beneath me, down on the street I spot Dean striding along the sun drenched street swinging a plastic bag from Tesco Express. I take a deep breath and head back downstairs. 
“Hello” He says into the receiver. “Can I come in?” 
For some reason I am reminded of that old tale about vampires, about how they can’t just enter your home, you have to invite them over the threshold. I say yes and I punch the button. Dean seems to take forever to climb the two flights of stairs up to my apartment and when he finally gets to the door his sharp knock on it makes me jump. I wish I was much better at being calm. In general. 
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I open the door and he smiles at me, stepping inside and holding up the plastic bag. “I got drink.” He announces. “Can I leave this somewhere?” 
“Oh, yeah, just, here, I’ll take it.” I bring it over to the table and unload a six pack of beer and a bottle of wine. 
“I don’t know anything about wine.” He explains. “But that one had a cool label.”
“I also don’t know anything about wine, I just know when it tastes nice and when it doesn’t, and honestly, it doesn’t especially make a difference to me one way or the other.” I want to screw open the lid and start chugging it right now, but restrain myself for risk of appearing wild-beast-like in nature. 
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The tension is so thick between us that it feels like a sentient being in the room, but I have no idea how to navigate a situation like this. What are we supposed to do? Do we have small talk? Dean sinks his hands into the pockets of his cargo trousers and looks around the room curiously. “So this is the forbidden apartment.” He says. “It’s nice to finally be here.” 
I laugh nervously. “Yeah, this is it. You can make yourself at home.”
He points at the beers. “Can I have one of those?”
“Oh, yeah of course, here.” I scramble to free them from their plastic coating. “You can sit over there on the couch, I’ll bring it.” I give up trying to rip it from the top and end up stabbing a hole through it with my thumbnail and yanking the can through it. “Do you want a glass?”
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“No, the can is fine.” He settles onto the couch and starts touching things all around him, picking up the TV remote, shifting the cushions around, thumbing through one of Claire’s business textbooks that she left lying on the coffee table. Meanwhile I take a glass out of the cupboard and pour myself some wine and try not to think about how strange it is that he’s here, in my space, touching my things, taking up room on the little blue sofa that Claire and I have shared secrets and talked late into the night on. I have shared almost everything with her there, but it’s ironic that now the biggest secret I’ve ever kept from her is sitting right on it. I feel unsettled by the magnitude of my own lies, the personification of them with his hands blatantly all over her things, and I feel compelled to protect them from him.
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I walk over towards him and place my glass of wine onto the coffee table. “Thanks.” He says as I hand him the can with one hand and slide Claire’s textbook off his lap with the other so I can move it out of reach. Then I settle next to him, carefully arranging myself so there’s enough distance so that I won’t accidentally touch him and set off a chain of events. My breath has already quickened, my chest rising and falling, and Dean knows. He always knows. In fact I know his favourite thing about me is how I react to him, how easy it is for him to set my blood rushing through my veins. He gives me one of those long, intense looks that makes my stomach flutter and I make a swipe for my wine. 
“Shall I put something on the TV?” I start scrambling for the remote and flick it on, and there’s some season one re-run of Smallville playing. “Oh, Smallville, have you ever seen this?”
“I haven’t.”
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“I loved this when I was in secondary school, it’s kind of like a reimagining of the superman story, see there, that guy with the dark hair, that’s Clark Kent, he’s a teenager in high school who’s just discovering his powers.” I’m very aware of the heat radiating off Dean’s body, and the weight of his eyes on the side of my face, but I keep rambling anyway. “And her, that dark haired girl, that’s the love interest. Lana Lang. He hasn’t met Lois Lane yet, she comes into it a bit later, but right now it’s all about Lana. They haven’t got together yet, they just clearly fancy each other.”
“So in season one, right, there’s something freaky happening at their school, these kids keep going wild and exhibiting strange powers that they’re using for evil, I think this is the episode with the girl who eats everything.” He puts his can onto the coffee table and starts shifting impatiently beside me. “There’s another episode with a guy who kind of, like, turns into this bug-human hybrid and he, um, like, they find him crawling on the ceiling of his room that he’s turned into this disgusting chrysalis…”
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He gently takes the remote out of my hand and switches off the TV. “Evie, I don’t want to watch Smallville with you.”
“You don’t?”
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“No.” His eyes move to my mouth and he watches it intently as I speak. I can’t seem to stop. “That’s okay.” I say. “We can just talk if you want.” He shifts in closer to me and takes the wine glass from me so he can put it next to his can on the table. The warmth and the scent of him makes me feel overwhelmed, like he’s too much all at once, and then he moves his mouth slowly towards mine so that we’re almost touching. “I don’t want to talk to you either.” He says. 
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He brings his hands to my face, that first contact of his skin sending a jolt through me, and dips his fingers into my hair and when he finally kisses me it’s so gentle, so startlingly different to all the other times when he’s crushed his mouth against mine in fervent desperation that I’m almost thrown by it. His fingers come to brush my throat where my pulse thrills and then his mouth follows and he dips his tongue into the hollow between my collarbones. For some reason just that simple act overstimulates me so much that I could rocket off the couch. 
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“You alright?” He asks me. 
“I’m nervous.”
“All I’m doing is kissing you.” 
“I know.” 
“You’re fine.” The final lingering rays of sunset hit his face in such a way that his eyes are the colour of flames, such intense, warm browns and golds flickering in his gaze as it travels over my face and my neck, raking down the centre of my body to the line of exposed skin above the waistband of my jeans. He touches me there and starts tracing mystical shapes on the skin beneath my t-shirt. “I didn’t come here to hurt you” He murmurs. “I’m only here because you asked me to be.”
“Yeah, I know.” I whisper. “I just don’t know why I’m so jittery.”
“Maybe you’d feel better if you were lying down.” He says with a presumptuous quirk of his brow and moves a casual hand to brush my hair over my shoulder. “Do you want to show me your room?”
I exhale a laugh at his forwardness. “Yeah, I suppose so.”
“Come on.” He gets up and takes me with him. “Upstairs is it?”
I nod. 
Beginning // Prev // Next
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miniaturemallow · 4 months
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lanzzo · 2 years
Oh gosh I'm so excited for Frakrr Say! I hope Mansk is okay ):
me too anon!!!!
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kismetmoon · 3 months
20 today…
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sumiiregarii · 4 months
Clearing her throat, Asuka adjusted her positioning, fingers gently pressed the strings along the neck, strumming until she found the correct notes. Slowly, she inhales and sings. . .
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"These BBLS killin' y'all. . . An' the thighs don't match. Well, well, well, well, turn t' your neighbour an' say: ' These BBLS killin' y'all ' ' An' the thighs don't match ' . . . What a shame. . ."
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rainedroptalks · 4 months
Every now and then I forget dyke is like. A slur, so when I heard this girl say "ugh look at those dykes. Disgusting." about some lesbians I was so confused until I realized she was homophobic. Anyway happy pride month to dykes
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faaun · 1 year
and also just adding onto that, the recent wave of like armchair diagnosing ppl as npd is sooo annoying. Like its actually a serious condition, you CANNOT diagnose someone as npd with just one story or interaction. Sometimes ppl are not "narcissistic", they're just assholes? It feels like every second story i hear, there's ppl going "thats a narcissistic trait yk :/" and its like just bc its a narcissistic trait doesnt mean they have npd??
yes defintely !! it's so so harmful and i have not seen any other disorder (except maybe aspd?) get as much demonisation and hate as npd has and it is genuinely so heartbreaking bc it is a serious dissociative disorder that does Not inherently make anyone a bad person and yet !! like the term "narcissistic abuse" and also ppl just generally equating [mostly covert] abuse w narcissism is so immensely Harmful .
anyway i think we should bring back calling people mean, assholes, rude, gaslighters, abusers, etc instead of being like "my mother was a narc abuser so all ppl w npd are abusers and will never change!" etc etc bc it does 3 horrible things:
1) implies all people with npd are abusers
2) implies people with npd are not capable of self-improvement just like any other human being
3) offloads the horrible actions of abusers onto a disorder, thereby taking away the responsibility they had/choices they made in the situation and instead blames the (completely inaccurate + harmful!!) perceived invariability/ubiquitous evil of npd symptoms/traits .
"how to spot a narcissist" babe are we birdwatching now for ppl with a dissociative disorder or...???
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hyeahgaku · 1 year
This may be a hit or miss but I strongly believe the painter assassin John Paichy, in chapter 137, is modeled after the real-life serial killer, John Wayne Gacy. The clown painting in the chapter might also have been inspired by Gacy's costumed clown persona self-portrait "Pogo the Clown".
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nuitdelapin · 11 months
"Please tell me that doesn't count as proshiping or I'll die- i HATE PROSHIPPERS" Bruh. Relax and enjoy your ship. It literally doesn't matter what anyone else thinks about it. Life's too short to get caught up in this goofiness.
I like ships, yes, but I would hate to be considered a comshiper or proshiper, more than anything because of the shady things that those communities have - that label seems disgusting to me. I hate any type of proshiper/comshiper, their ships and headcanons make me so uncomfortable- so I would hate to be related in any way to that community.
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keep-her-wild · 2 years
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