ultdyknn · 5 months
My favorite visuals from Au Revoir
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ultdyknn · 10 months
hi all!! if you're interested, you should definitely check out my art page. this piece is part of my senior thesis project, which is documented through the same page!
Continuous Thread (1)
This piece another work in my thesis project. It consists of three ceramic and mosaic tiles. They are meant to represent the connection between the generations of Greek women.
There are three hands holding on to a blue thread, which is a symbol of Greek heritage. The level of connection to cultural identity, while different for each woman, is still present whether it's realized or not. At the end of the day, we are all Greek by blood. It is part of us in one way or another.
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The size of not just the hands, but the tiles as well are all intentional. They are based mainly on the age differences. As you can see, they haven't gone through the first round of firing yet, as there isn't much color and no mosaic tiles. I'll continue to update the process very soon!
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ultdyknn · 10 months
hi! long time no see!
if you have the time, def go take a look at my art page, where i'll be posting more updates on my thesis project.
Prevailed (1)
This piece is a mixed media portrait. It's a collage work consisting of colored pencil drawings, acrylic paint, and printed maps.
The subject of the portrait is my great grandmother. She is older, and so having her be the subject of this kind of piece is meant to symbolize the long-lived prevail of Greek women despite their hardships.
She wears a head scarf, so this is made with printed maps of Greece. The headscarf is made of these maps to show that she is proudly embraces her cultural identity. The maps are positioned in a way to mimic the folds and the specific way she wraps her head scarf.
The gold paint is the background of the portrait, which is a historical reference to Eastern Orthodox and Byzantine artwork. Religion is a big part of Greek culture, which is the Eastern Orthodox faith.
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This is the latest version of the portrait. Obviously, it's not finished yet, but it's very close to being done. I'm planning to incorporate another map in order to define the specific shapes of the head scarf.
I was stuck on what to do for the bottom of the portrait for a while now. During our last critique, it was suggested that I could imitate the texture of the material of the headscarf with either fabric or charcoal. I'll most likely be doing a combination of both, so we'll see how that goes!
27. 11. 23
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ultdyknn · 11 months
there are quite a few hindi movies that i've seen with intermissions! mainly ones that are over 3 hours long. they're pretty effective and sometimes needed, but others would benefit without it.
either way it's the same thing with theatre and movies.. sometimes intermissions are warranted and some are not.
Unpopular theatre opinion: intermissions are bad and I wish we could just have a 2.5 hour performance uninterrupted, like people manage perfectly well at movie theaters. It always just kills my emotional immersion. Set changes and costume changes valid, but the art form could adapt in other ways. Or making the intermission experience somehow also part of the performance? Just something more interesting and intentional than dumping people out into the lobby to buy m&ms.
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ultdyknn · 11 months
Kibouya honpo- Kimi shoku live 2008.2.10
This is a repost, the Video is Not mine xb
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ultdyknn · 11 months
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'Hamlet and the Ghost' by Frederick James Shields, (1863 - 1919)
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ultdyknn · 11 months
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Shikō Munakata
Fudo Myo-O (Acala) / Kegon-fu (The Aratamsaka-sutra)
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ultdyknn · 11 months
i was so devastated when i found out this morning what happened, and i can't even imagine how atsushi's family and friends must feel during this time.
atsushi sakurai has been a person who has truly inspired me as an artist. his voice, his personality, and his overall style and being has been an inspiration in my artwork for years now. i fell in love with his voice and buck-tick's music so many years ago, and he was the person who had got me into the world of vkei and rock.
this still doesn't feel real to me. atsushi has touched the lives of so many and he will greatly be missed. rest in peace
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ultdyknn · 11 months
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William Blake - The Ancient of Days (1794)
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ultdyknn · 11 months
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ultdyknn · 1 year
I like the part in uzumaki where it's chill for a moment and she's sitting on the beach w her fucked up boyfriend and they literally look like this
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ultdyknn · 1 year
hi all! (ノ^∇^)
i've started my senior thesis project, and have decided to keep track of my progress through tumblr! if you guys wanted to take a look at it i would really appreciate it.
really happy to start working on this project, and i hope you all will join me in this exciting journey!
hi! as i'm writing this, i have already had my first critique on friday the 15th. this one was meant to be more casual. we showed some of our past works as well as examples and influences of contemporary and historical artists we have been researching. we presented our themes and overall concepts for our projects, and talked about the mediums and number of works we are completing.
i talked about the theme of my project which was about the perspective of an immigrant; from leaving their home to the struggles of of adapting and assimilation. i explained how the subjects of my project would be my family, as a lot of my immediate family were born and immigrated from greece.
i talked about my plan for my project in terms of medium, number of works, and presentation. i plan on doing a collection of charcoal drawings, collage-work, painting, and 3D sculptures. this collection will be set up in a sequential format.
i showed some of my plans regarding some of the pieces i've start working on, as well as sets of photo references that i have set in my studio space, as there are quite a few that are very important to the narrative i am trying to convey. for example, there is a family portrait that i received which happens to be the last photo before they came to the united states.
(while i have gotten permission to use them in my collection, i won't share the full photos on this site yet until i receive full permission!)
this week, i am planning to share more progress on some of my pieces, so stay tuned for more updates!
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(written 18.9.23)
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ultdyknn · 1 year
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Malice Mizer Vicious Aug. 2001
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ultdyknn · 1 year
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ultdyknn · 1 year
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'Luthien' by Derek O'Brien
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ultdyknn · 1 year
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ultdyknn · 1 year
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