#disguised as crit and sometimes amplified to make a point that isn't there
Ok so I'm beyond tired of this, like we get it, some salters don't like the show but you don't have to constantly bash people who still like the show or the characters
But here's this thing, most of the time when you have to bash ppl over a show they like which is beyond stupidity and whenever they defend their point you have to stoop to other levels? Headassery. And the fact that you have to call people who like it bootlickers and the like or worse like they don't almost always be constantly bigoted at times in several different ways in salt and when ppl call them out, they have lackluster ways for defending themselves like the argument doesn't hold up, it's still bad. You can try to get one person of that minority to speak for you but here's the thing, they don't speak for the whole community.
And the fact that most salters have to constantly say that we d**throat the show like they don't constantly have to make up reasons to shit on the show or pick and choose from ppl who prop up their stupidity/bigotry/etc. Like my guys, at this point salt isn't even criticism, it's bashing that's full of stereotypes and when people call them out on it it's bad, but it's apparently ok to if you're a salter. Bashing people who like the show and it's characters is stupid bc it's trying, especially for it's intended target audience. It has a specific niche that some people like and if it doesn't fullfil your wants that's fine! But you don't have to go out of your way to talk bs about it or the people who like it still bc it fills their niches is stupid because they like a show and that's okay. But here's the thing. There's a solution to y'all's problem, you can just leave and not consume content related to the show bc then it'll live rent free in your heads bc all these people spew is salt related to consumers or the show but they don't, they still stay here and constantly be rude to others.
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