#disfigurement cw
sokkastyles · 1 year
What would a real life ramification of Zuko's scar look like from a physical and mental view point. I've seen you mention it before and it piqued my interest. Don't feel the need to answer if you don't wish, I'm just curious and didn't know where else to look for answers.
Well, I'm not a medical professional and I don't want to get too graphic with this, but large burns like the one Zuko receives on his face would be a lot more severe and disfiguring in real life. You can google to see pictures of what that would look like realistically, but I recommend that you don't.
There's a lot of speculation in the fandom about whether he still has sight in his left eye. Word of God says he does, but again, if we're being realistic, he probably wouldn't. I tend to take the middle ground with that with my headcanons because even if he didn't lose the eye enteriley it's likely that the muscle damage is going to affect his vision. He can't open his eye all the way so that does indicate damage to the muscles that make the eye open and shut. And that's going to cause problems with his vision because your eyelid is there to protect your eyes. There would also be limited range of sight even if his vision was perfect due to the fact that he canonically cannot open his left eye all the way. In my fics I usually like to include that his peripheral on the left side is not great, and he has to overcompensate for it. I also headcanon that he doesn't like being approached from the left side because he can't see as well, in combination with it being a ptsd response. A lot of people talk about his negative reaction to Song touching his face but it's not just the response of random hand flying at his face, I think it's significant that she approaches him from the left side while he is looking away from her. It freaks him out because he can't see as well what she's doing or what her intention is.
Recently I talked about this in the context of Ozai sending him out to sea immediately after burning him. We see in the Western Air Temple episode that Zuko is still wearing a bandage which means Ozai did not give him time to heal before sending him away. Imagine going from living in a palace with the greatest medical care available to having to live on a tiny military ship. And Zuko is not likely to stop and do the necessary things to take care of himself. I think Iroh would try to encourage it, but we know Zuko would have pushed himself, and likely would not admit his own limits or when he was having trouble. This is also going to cause problems.
Zuko could have died from shock or from the burn itself during the agni kai, since it is so large. And then the shock of being immediately carted off to sea and told you can't come home. That is going to have physical as well as mental effects.
Burned skin is also very sensitive to sunlight, and being on a ship out to sea is like, the worst place to be for that. I think the detail in the Beach about Zuko carrying the umbrella was supposes to be for Mai, the pale goth, but I headcanon that Zuko needs that umbrella. I also headcanon that this is why he's not out on the beach with everyone in Sozin's Comet.
I headcanon that Zuko is at least partially disabled but he absolutely does not want people to know that, although redeemed Zuko is much better about accepting himself. Although even if he had no physical affects, he still might have a ptsd responde to being approached from the left side or hands on his body, especially flying at his face. We also know he is self-conscious about the way he looks from what he says to Katara and Ty Lee about it, we know people react to him differently because of the way he looks and Zuko is going to notice this. What Ozai did was a violation of his bodily autonomy that sends the message that Zuko is not safe in his own body, and Zuko is going to be reminded of that every time he looks in the mirror, and other people are also going to know it. One of the major psychological affects I think is that not only does Zuko have to live with being a survivor of familial abuse, it's that everyone else can also see it on his face. There's a lot of headcanons about Zuko telling the gaang the story of his scar but in reality he probably doesn't tell them because he assumes they already know, because it's right there on his face. It's a constant reminder to him of his own weakness and shame so why wouldn't other people feel the same way? Although, again, I do think redeemed Zuko is much more comfortable with himself and he does learn by talking to other people about it that it wasn't his fault. Like, the way he talks to Katara in the caves when she brings up his face, he assumes she is already judging him and is surprised by her compassion, and already says he knows that it doesn't have to define him. I love that scene in particular because it doesn't say that Zuko has to get rid of his scar to be whole, but opens up a way for him to learn self acceptance, and I think he is on his way to that by the end of the series. Which also means accepting his own limits and working with his disability rather than pretending it's not there.
That's also why I don't like it when people say that Mai "sees him as the same." Like, that's the problem! He's not the same. That's also why Mai can't understand why he's so angry, why he can't control his emotional outbursts. He's not the same and treating it like it's nothing isn't going to help him. One of the things I love about atla is how they do acknowledge and treat disability like it's regular part of life, without pretending that equity is the same as equality. Toph can't do some of the same things that the others can do, for example, but she can do a lot, and it isn't a big deal for her to hold on to someone when her feet aren't on the ground, for example. I think that Zuko, post-redemption, learns when he can rely on others and learns how to know himself to know when he needs to rely on others for help, instead of keeping it all in to the point where his emotions become outwardly destructive.
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((Starter fore @remnantsouls ))
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Charlie winced when of course, she felt no pulse from the body she was checking. Poor guy bled out before she could get to them...
She sighed as she stood, holding onto herself.
Alright, don't give up now, Charlie. The moment you do, whatever survivor there is is done for for sure!
She jogged forward, eyes briefly scanning the bodies as she passed.
There has to be someone, someone she could help. Someone she could give at least another year!
Someone that-!
She stopped dead in her tracks when she saw an inky black trail among the crimson. And she felt her blood go ice cold.
An unfortunate truth was, an average of ten percent of victims of these genocides were Hellborn. Those that could not afford to live in the other Rings, or even in Hellborn only settlements like Imp City. Either the Exorcists couldn't tell the difference, or didn't care. Perhaps a mixture of both.
Demons are demons, after all...
And it looks like she might find another example of this statistic...
Uneasily, she followed the trail into the alley...
"... Oh my god...!"
Another fun bit about the Exterminations? Most Exorcists were notorious for playing with their food. Not just in chasing their targets, but finding increasingly cruel ways to end their lives.
And taking literally an arm and a leg from them...?!
Charlie rushed to the incubus's side, hurriedly checking his pulse.
Still alive...!
"Ca-Can you hear me?! I- H-Hold on-!"
She took out the kit she was carrying, bandages and guaze being snatched up as she hoped the empathic link with her goat bois would bring them here.
She started with the shoulder, putting the gauze over the bloody socket and hurriedly winding the bandage over it while being careful maneuvering his remaining arm out of the way.
If it weren't for the threat of the blood loss, she would have cleaned the wound first. Infections were a bitch down here. But right now she had to do something about the bleeding.
She hoped her hands were steadier than she felt...
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scribbleshanks · 6 months
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violence and victimhood.
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artlyloser · 3 days
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[ID: Illustration of Harvey Dent from DC's Batman. It is a waist-up portrait and he is in dark shadow. Half of him is in a white suit with dark hair and clutching a coin. The other half has mutilated purple skin and shock-white hair. He is holding a cigarette up to his face and a beady yellow eye is staring forward. END ID. ]
Portrait practice <3
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idk-im-just-here-now · 11 months
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Luluyam's new song has me in a fucking chokehold so here's Bald Bull in Hatsune Miku's outfit from the mv
TW: BLOOD - He also has a large hole in his torso (with no visible innards) but I don't know whether to mark it as gore, body horror or disfigurement, so I'm marking them all to be safe
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I don't know how to draw blood, maybe if I get into the SWTD fandom I can learn/j
My favourite man with anger issues he just like me fr
Also stream FREAK by Luluyam DO IT DO IT NOW/nf
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oonaluna-art · 1 year
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Skinning the children for a war drum Putting food on the table selling bombs and guns It's quicker and easier to eat your young
A few months back, I made this piece as a cover art for my fan fic, Our New Hope. I was proud of the work, and then I was left with a bit of a conundrum. I wasn't sure if I should share the original piece. I decided to go with the censored one, as that seemed like the safer option.
[My Ko-Fi] [Patreon]
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froglegsblogs · 8 months
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found this bug on my wall I give him little pieces of meat as a treat sometimes
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blehbet-arts · 6 months
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would anyone like some hsr horror au :3?
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duskydrawings · 2 years
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Doing concepts of my armored zombie lady!!! She needs a bandaid
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viiridiangreen · 1 year
so the unhinged asshole who’s been sending me terrible ‘love’ ‘poetry’ every few years since fucking middle school (that’s like 12 years ago now) and 'threatening’ to kill himself reappeared again, and this time the facebook account he used isn’t a throwaway but once he’s been actually inhabiting for a while now. and uh.
motherfucker posts ben shapiro and trans panic garbage literally 24/7. only other thing on there is lame gamer-as-my-whole-identity shit.
I know I can’t actually reply to his messages bc any actual contact with me would only work his sorry as up more & that might be unsafe, considering, but it’s taking everything I have not to reply something along the lines of “hi loser it’s nice to see you haven’t grown a personality in over a decade + cringe + fail + L + ratio + I sleep in the arms of my trans partner every night + you and the fearmongers you look up to are nothing but the last spasms of a dying ideology that’s anathema to everything that makes life worth living and if we don’t defeat you in the end and Gaia dies bloody I want my life to have been a talon in the eye of everything you stand for”. ahem.
said partner advised me to show the reception ppl at my job his photo + give them his name so he can’t get in if it’d gotten into his head to track me down which I guess he COULD do because of fucking linkedin of all things lol
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noxcaelestia · 9 months
I think I effed up my thumb like pretty bad while prepping a meal and on my left hand (I’m left handed). Didn’t feel so good after either. May wind up going to a doc.
Guess I won’t be drawing much anytime soon huh…🥲 More rest it is then…
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deviousshadow · 1 year
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Base sketch for next reference sheet project.
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masquenoire · 2 years
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Had a couple of little picrews on how Roman looked beneath the mask lying around and decided today was a good day to post them.  💀
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seaofserene · 2 years
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Sits there with her arm twisted in a very obviously unnatural way. “ What ? What are you staring at ? ”
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amischiefofmuses · 1 month
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Just a thought that one day I may write an essay about.
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