askwendyokoopa · 9 years
So, Wendy, who do you think is going to end up joining you in Smash once the ballot closes? Or are you hoping for someone who has little chance?
“Honestly, Cia... or any of the cast of Hyrule Warriors would be nice.  But it’ll probably be some random, obscure character that nobody’s ever heard of... like Geno.”
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marco-on-wheels · 9 years
found in Darco’s diary:
what the fuck is that weird noodle thing Marco’s talked about, I could totally kick it’s ass I bet it’s a little bitch
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castorochiaro · 9 years
Happy birthday! I got you a cake, but Discord ate it...
just give me discord, then. i can make do with that.
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ask-fatty-armor · 9 years
Shirtless meme: "Ay, you look different... Get a haircut recently?"
Nah. -Shining shrugs, causing his arms to jiggle a bit- Might be longer than you remember?
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Discord boops Scootaloo
Scootaloo looks at the Draconequus
“Discord?” She asked. “I haven’t seen you for a while..”
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eidetictelekinetic · 9 years
*looks at posts*
Well. That escalated quickly.
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marco-on-wheels · 10 years
ff+ Discord (yolo)
He was convinced he saw his name written down there. Marco picked up the packet of papers and started to read through them. He wasn’t really sure who wrote this but that multi-creature thing sounded like it looked really cool and
wait what? How did that thing just snap and Marco, the one in the story, was suddenly naked? Wh- That is not meant to go there! The teens whole face was bright read
Marco glanced around himself before continuing to read. It was like watching a titan kick a building down; It’s horrific but you’re frozen unable to look away. 
Until the ‘toys’ were brought in. that’s when Marco through it across the room as if it’d burned him.
(I will have you know I almost chocked on my hot chocolate. I was laughing the entire time I was replying. poor Marco’s scarred for life and I didn’t even give a lot of details)
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the-chibster · 10 years
What was your Number, then?
That is classified information. 
How do I know you’re not an adult? Huh 8U????
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flareflarerp · 10 years
✼ (Discord!)
Flare: Goddamn it Discord! This was a brand new shirt from Silver Spoon!
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