#disco season 2
samnotsammy12 · 1 year
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Rewatching Discovery and i just realized that Nhan’s dress version of the Discovery uniform has ZIPPER POCKETS
And I don’t think the pants version has any pockets so that’s a hilarious reversal of the current common dress vs. pants situation that most people have problems with
Also the scene where Georgiou is like “in my universe Stamets was pan and we had DEFCON-level fun together” and she leaves and Tilly just goes “What just happened?” SHE’S SO CUTE I LOVE HER
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c0s-lettuce · 11 months
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gay confirmed???
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m0rbs · 1 year
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Disco Spock is destroying my autism today for some ungodly reason. Someone kill me I desperately need to put him in a salad spinner
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coffinwoodx · 4 months
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finally watched the new smiling friends episode
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bobauthorman · 4 months
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Do the Chupacabra!
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halcyon-autumn · 6 months
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Wheel of Time Season 2 + Disco Elysium
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morally-grey-variant · 5 months
This is Gospel for the vagabonds Ne'er-do-wells and insufferable bastards
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Assembling their philosophies From pieces of broken memories
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Don't try to sleep through the end of the world And bury me alive
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cause they haven't seen the best of us yet
Cause I won't give up without a fight
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If you love me, let me go
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If you love me, let me go
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Cause these words are knives that often leave scars
The fear of falling apart
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And truth be told, I never was yours
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The fear of falling apart
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casie-mod · 1 year
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Car enthusiasts SPEED DEMONS
How I imagine the convo between them going: Kim: That's an intriguing and handsome motor carriage you have there.
Crowley: *flashes a toothy grin* Yes, she is gorgeous, isn't she? They don't make 'em like this anymore. *gazes fondly at the Bentley before turning a closer eye to Kim's vehicle* Must say, I'm rather intrigued by your car as well . . . .
Crowley: *looks at Kineema quizzically, cocking head side to side, taking in the spindly legs, the boxy shape, the levers instead of wheel, and numerous other things that don't make sense* So how does it uh. . . .work?
Kim: *rattles off a brief manual-worthy functional description and technical specs of which he's particularly proud, which ultimately make it clear to Crowley that the machine is a death trap*
Crowley: So if you were to take just one turn a bit too sharply, the whole thing would come toppling down and just . . . explode.
Kim: Yes.
Crowley: *reflects on how he would not have been able to come up with something so damned in another six millenia* Oh.
Kim: *barest hint of a smile*
Crowley: *raises eyebrows* I will never understand you lot!
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mysteriouslybluepirate · 11 months
I just need a piece of media that combines:
The humor and feeling of community we got from S1 of OFMD
The storytelling, world, and humanity behind Disco Elysium
Izzy Hands just for fun
You know?
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okay what the fuck paramount plus? not only is there still not a mention or statement about prodigy season 2, their star trek day celebration that was supposed to heavily focus on animation did not even mention prodigy, and they list all of the treks at the end... but not prodigy. Basically trying to erase it from existence?
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they gave up on it after one season, did it just fail that badly? they didn't even give it time to find it's audience... so disappointing
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eastsideofthemoon · 1 year
The leadership moment no one talks about.
In the season 2 opener for Discovery (Brother), we're introduced to Captain Pike. A lot - nearly everyone - praises this episode because of how charismatic and non-Lorca, Pike is. The scene that garners the most praise is when Tilly accidentally posts Pike's personal file on the viewscreen in front of the entire bridge crew. Also, the scene where he has the bridge crew state their name and rank is another moment that gets pedalstalized.
But the moment I want to discuss was when the DSC crew was informed about the USS Hiwatha (shout out to Jett Reno). There's a back and forth that happens between Pike and Saru, where Saru is trying to assess the situation. During their exchange, Pike mentions being forced to sit out the Klingon War.
Immediately after their exchange, he demands a solution, and Michael steps up to provide one. However, before she can finish her statement, he yells at her and accuses her and the Discovery crew of wanting to leave behind whoever is on the Hiawatha. That's a wild assumption to make about the crew that actually ended the Klingon War, while dealing with a degenerate captain.
Here's the leadership moment - Michael's response. Contrary to the accusation that she's emotional, she doesn't get angry, cry, or shut down. She boldly and respectfully, stands up for herself AND HER CREW.
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Michael could have simply defened herself, and she would not have been wrong. But being the leader she is, she doesn't see his accusation as solely as misjudgment on her, but a misjudgment on the entire crew. Furthermore, she respects his position of authority, but she's not a fangirl, nor is she intimidated. Michael is confident in her crew and was not going to shrink at anyone mischaracterizing them, including Starfleet's golden boy.
This is why the Discovery crew was willing to jump 930 years into the future with her. They know she has their back.
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samnotsammy12 · 1 year
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They look like power rangers lmao
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rainbowpopeworld · 1 year
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gif from @mizgnomer
We’ve all seen Disco Tony. But how about (not actually) Drumming Michael
(No, I don’t know why he isn’t touching the drum. Everyone else in the video was 🙃)
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Gif from sheendex.com -the final episode of the Craig Ferguson show
(Not) drumming Michael in the clouds
I decided to keep this a video so you can hear the words “Keep Banging On” 😇
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divorceblogger · 1 year
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mental illness speedrun
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dragons-in-spaceee · 1 year
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Appreciation post for the red angel suit cause it’s cool as fuck and of course Michael looks cool as fuck wearing it!!!!!
For day 2 of Celebrate Disco 2023
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sundeum · 1 year
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