#disco donnie
bleu-mush · 2 months
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You remember that disco mace? I remember that disco mace.
.....I need more disco mace
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phoebepheebsphibs · 2 months
Rise August: Disco
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drawingbakeryy · 5 months
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deanspajamas · 1 month
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little stupid intro thing bc im super bored!!
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theflann · 1 year
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i haven't seen any art about my ballerina baby mikey, so have a small doodle dump of the two danciest turtles doing what they love!!
Also i love the look of the long masks so i indulged heh heh
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sillysealpup · 6 days
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my take on this trend thing 🦭💭🩶
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wazzasauce · 1 year
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purple looking creature
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gosecretscribbles · 2 months
Rise August Day 7: Disco
Donnie and Leo walked into Hueso’s, hotly debating the chronological order of the Jupiter Jim movies.  They didn’t even notice April sitting in a booth until she called out to them.
“Hey guys!��� she waved.  “You eating here or to go?”
Donnie broke off his absolutely correct argument by shoving Leo face-first into the booth seat.  “Oh hey April!  What’s with all the paperwork?  Is it the systematic documentation of your descent into becoming a human drone?”
“Nah, I’m done with homework.  Hueso wanted me to brainstorm ideas for theme nights from the human world.”
Leo popped up from the seat.  “Ooooh, you’ve got an aquarium idea!  I’d love to see how that would work.  Fill the place with water?  It’s not like skeletons need to breathe, but I don’t know about some of the guests.”
All three of them looked around the room.  Most of the yokai present were obviously mammals, but a few were reptilian and one looked like an axolotl shaped out of bright green slime. 
Leo rubbed his chin.  “How mad do you think Hueso would be if I dumped water on the slime lizard?  In the interest of testing aquarium feasibility.”
“I am entirely in favor of scientific testing,” Donnie said thoughtfully.  “And also of becoming Hueso’s favorite in two seconds flat.”
April rolled her eyes.  “Guys, he’d just bring in an aquarium and hire a few mermaids.  So far I’ve got ideas for Geocaching, Dungeons and Dungeons, Gothic Horror, Disco –”
Donnie gasped.  “<em>Disco Night?!</em>  April, this is by far the greatest presentation of sick beats I have ever laid eyes on outside of my own brain!  You <em>have</em> to pick this one!”
“It’s an automatic ‘no,’” said a voice from behind them.  Hueso had appeared with a pitcher of lemonade in his hands and a dour look on his face.  “I do not trust the judgement of someone who repeatedly encourages the idiota azul.”
“I unintentionally deterred him less than five seconds ago!  Also!”  A few quick taps on his vambrace and a holographic slideshow appeared in the air.  “I already have a plethora of playlists and equipment that I’ve been saving since that time I used the mental intelligence reprogramulator!  I’ll design and install everything myself!  I’ll even have Mikey create a few disco-themed desserts.  I bet he could make cream puffs that look like disco balls!”
Hueso looked dubious.  “The last time I let two of you operate in my restaurant, it was half-devoured by unicorns.  Frankly, I’m only consulting with April because she’s the only human I know who hasn’t made a bone pun in my general direction.”
Leo whistled.  “Impressive, when there’s so much to work with.  206 things to work with, in fact.”
“This is why you are not my favorite.”
All three of them stared at Hueso.
“I don’t know what that look is for.  It is very clear he has <em>never</em> been my favorite.”
They continued to stare.  April raised an eyebrow. 
Hueso rolled his eyesockets.  “Your collective sense of humor continues to confound me.  Ms. O’Neil, let me know when you have picked the best two or three topics.  And keep in mind that their success will determine whether I use your ideas again.”  He turned on his heel and strode away.
April shook her head.  “Never seen denial so bad.  How much longer do you think he can fool himself?”
Leo shrugged.  “I mean, Hueso Jr. gave me a ‘Best Big Brother’ mug, so not much longer.”
Donnie grabbed them both by the shoulders, grinning maniacally.  “Enough with your emotional mockery!  This time next week, Run of the Mill will have transformed into an authentic discotheque!  WE MUST SUMMON OUR BROTHERS AT ONCE!”
April had to admit, the disco idea was fantastic. 
Donnie designed almost everything and spent the night beforehand doing minor renovations (minor, the way Splinter had a minor infomercial obsession).  The walls had been spraypainted hot pink and the ceiling purple with matching violet lights.  Three discoballs of varying sizes hung from the ceiling.  The tables had been pushed aside to make room for a custom-sized dance floor with checkerboard yellow and purple tiles that lit up when stepped on.  Donnie had a DJ setup in the corner. 
Per Donnie’s instructions, his brothers also had their assigned roles.  Mikey designed disco-themed desserts, including gingerbread men with bellbottom frosting and the disco cream puffs.  Leonardo and April went shopping in the Hidden City and thrift shopped items that guests could wear.  They stuck rhinestones onto tacky glasses and cut up fabric to make Velcro bellbottoms, crop tops, and adjustable metallic skirts, depending on the yokai’s anatomy.  Raph had done a lot of heavy lifting with the installation and was manning (or turtling) a small photobooth in the corner. 
April found Hueso about an hour into the event, taking a short break against one of the booths.  Correction: It was so packed that he couldn’t get back to the kitchen, and was waiting for a song break to make a dash for it.  April sidled up to him and grinned. 
“So, whadya think?  Human Theme nights a success?”
“Much moreso than I expected,” Hueso said.  It was hard to tell without facial muscles, but he looked stuck between excitement at the business and dread at who had brought it in.  “I had no idea the Hamatos could be so…industrious, given their usual destructive tendencies.”
There was a crash over the music.  Leonardo and Mikey had started dancing together, jumped onto a table, and overturned it. 
Hueso sighed.  “I brought it upon myself.  Although they are unusually tame tonight, all things considered.”
She shrugged.  “This meant a lot to Donnie.  And I told them they could take turns picking the next theme night if they were on their best behavior.  Mikey really wants an origami competition, and Raph is really into wrestling.  I think Leo’s caught between skateboarding and a comic book expo, but the others want him to go last since he’ll get two in a row.”
“He will get no such thing, as he is still not my favorite.”
April just laughed.  “Sure, Hueso.  Hey, you wanna try crowd surfing to the kitchen?  I don’t think Donnie’s going to let up the music anytime soon.”
Donnie shouted something over the crowd.  The music transitioned smoothly from ‘Le Freak’ to ‘Ain’t No Stoppin’ Us Now.’  Mikey threw a glowing chain over one of the ceiling beams and hoisted himself into the air.  Raph gave him a shove and he went soaring above the crowd, high-fiving every hand, flipper, and tentacle below. 
Hueso sighed.  “I’m glad we charged admission at the door, since only half the patrons have ordered anything.”
“Less clean up for your crew!”
Hueso grumbled something inaudible.  April just laughed again and jumped, reaching up with both hands.  Mikey caught her and they swung through the air together.  Finally, a party that went right – as long as there were no animatronics in site!
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patchw0rk-quilt · 1 year
title defense don flamenco and title defense disco kid would be a really funny dynamic because one has been stewing in pain and sadness and anger for who knows how long and the other is just like 🕺😁🥳🤩💅💃👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨🎉🎊💜🎵
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musicjam10 · 10 months
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Folie à deux, Fall Out Boy, 16. December 2008.
Folie à deux is an interesting album, knowing that it comes from a generic 2010s comerical band. It feels like their whole early career was leading up to this album; it marked a time where the band was striving for something more complicated and different from what you would hear usually, not only from them but the genre as a whole.
The album is a mash of songs that, at the same time, are distinguishable as they are similar enough to flow well in the album. The thing that makes this album stand out from the usual is definitely the successful merge of strong lyrics (that are effective enough so that you can scream them out without sounding cheesy) with different beats and the soul-like voice of Stump.
His voice is a hit or miss; he has the control and the knowledge on how to use it, but it's super pitchy. He ends up sounding like a generic pop singer, for example Justin Biber. But for some reason on this album, he sounds like he is more in his own skin and feels pretty natural, even hitting some more than usual lower notes.
If I could, I would put the whole song list as a recommendation for this album, but just to give you a sneak peek, here are some of my favorites: 27, She's my Winona, Headfirst Slide Into Cooperstown on a Bad Bat.
One song that always bugged me was What a Catch Donnie; knowing its popularity, I expected more. It's the weakest song on the album (personally), and even though it tries to be more of a retrospective of the career thus far, it falls a bit flat.
I found that it was pretty hard trying to get into this album, and even still, I have some trubbles with the second half of it. But as a person who dislikes many of their songs that I enjoyed before, I found that this album grew on me and is the only reason I still listen to Fall Out Boy today.
I would give it a: Be open to it, try a song or to and decide for yourself.
If you found my review worth discussing in any way, I'm happy to do so.
Yours trully,
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beatleswings · 2 years
POV: Disco Kid is mad and he wants you out of his house. Many thanks to @sukipershipper​ for this!
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bleu-mush · 2 months
Return of the disco mace!
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boricuacherry-blog · 11 months
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C'mon Marianne • Old Man Auctioneer • Swinging City Gal • I Follow The Music (Disco Donny) • Don't Need No Money • I Can't Put My Finger On It • Disco Train • Reachin' For The Feeling • I Got Your Lovin' • Disco Dancin' • Never Gonna Let You Go
Spotify ♪ YouTube
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ADHD/Autism Duos: Second-Chance Smackdown!! Phase 1
Matchup 11
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dec0mposing · 10 months
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