#disclaimer being embarrassed about your interests is not good or worth ur time
spectral-honey · 1 year
being a fan of superheroes against my will and better judgement 😔
0 notes
popliar · 6 years
bts canon compliant fic links
Canon compliant stories for @flywithturtles!
disclaimer - this is all a bit random, I bookmark so many things and sometimes I don’t remember what I actually thought about them… But they are all readable and worth a click imo.
other posts: fic links
sorted by ship. i support every ship in bts! but some ships i obviously seek out more than others. so sorry if ur fave ship doesn’t show up much! 
'Cause Every Time We Touch - kuragecharms (BTS) Hoseok/Seokjin. "“Fuck, it hurts but it feels so good,” Seokjin mumbled. “L-lay down,” Hoseok instructed. With only a moment’s questioning quirk of an eyebrow, Seokjin complied, placing himself face down on the dance floor. Taking in a deep swallow that he knew was himself swallowing down his pride and his nervousness, trying to convince himself that okay, Seokjin is kind of really loud about when he feels good. It doesn’t mean anything sexual. Even though it totally sounds - and now looks - sexual. Hoseok slowly lowered himself down to straddle Jin’s hips, bending forward to bury the heels of his palms into Seokjin’s shoulders and using the leverage of the flat floor to deepen the massage. Seokjin let out an actual scream." 16,700 words.
The Totally Untrue Story of Kim Seokjin - greenet (BTS) Seokjin/Hoseok. "Seokjin is in love with Hoseok. So starting a fwb relationship with Hoseok is possibly not the best idea he's ever had." I'm so here for this. Especially all the stuff about identity and image creation. 8900 words.
the spaces between the threads - ellievolia (BTS) Hoseok/Jimin. "When he reaches Hoseok, something catches Jimin’s attention, making him focus. There, just barely peeking out from the waistband of Hoseok’s low slung harem pants. It looks like - it looks like lace, and Jimin’s mouth was already a little dry but this makes it even worse. aka Hoseok likes lace." 5000 words.
lock step - ignitesthestars (BTS) Hoseok/Jimin. "“You--” Jimin swallows so hard that Hoseok can hear it, even over the sound of his own heartbeat thudding in his ears, too fast. “You really liked my dance, huh?” “I always like your dance.” It’s supposed to be light, reassuring. It drops between them like a goddamn love confession. * Or, Jimin catches footage of Hobi watching him dance. Feelings (and complications) ensue." good. 8700 words.
the one; jihope - joonphases (BTS) Hoseok/Jimin. "Jimin is it for him." 700 words.
We're Not Boyfriends - weakforjin (BTS) Hoseok/Jimin. "Everyone in the company, including Bangtan, assumes Hoseok and Jimin are dating. Their manager scolds them for being too obvious after a certain incident and the two are completely oblivious to the matter." a bit dumb but cute. 5500 words.
Open Your Eyes (I'll Be Waiting) - roebling (BTS) Jimin/Hoseok. "Hoseok thinks it's equal measures adorable and horrifying that Park Jimin has a crush on him. Jimin is just a kid, and his crush invites awkwardness that Hoseok doesn't need while he's struggling to debut. It's not pretty, but he clears the air between them and things are fine -- until the day he looks up and realizes that Jimin isn't a kid any more." gets canon details flat wrong but has a really good vibe. 14,500 words.
it goes like this - Quettaser (BTS) Jimin/Hoseok. "and jimin’s a little embarrassed, making vague noises of agreement and it takes hoseok turning his head to notice the way jimin is very pointedly staring at the ceiling and nowhere else. he reaches out to smack jimin on the arm, “yah, jiminnie, don’t tell me you’ve never kissed anyone.” “i’ve kissed people,” jimin mumbles, “just not a lot"" 1300 words.
Touch Me, Just Like That - runkairun (BTS) Hoseok/Jimin. "Hoseok craves physical affection, and Jimin's touch is just right." Soft! 5600 words.
Running Low on Know-How - Zee (BTS) Hoseok/Jimin. "Hoseok realizes a few things, but it takes him a while." 7100 words.
hold your breath (we'll be just fine) - undercoverjikooks (BTS) Hoseok/Jimin. "It was different. Deeper than that. Didn’t Jimin know? (or, alternatively, Hoseok has no idea what he's feeling and Jimin is there to listen and maybe help him out.)" 2600 words.
Maybe it Didn't Start Innocently - secondgrader (BTS) Hoseok/Jimin. "It was all innocent, platonic. But at what point do you draw the line between helping out a friend and doing something more?" 2100 words.
distant love - flowerstems (BTS) Jimin/Hoseok. "When Hoseok says, “I thought you’d sleep better without someone lying awake beside you,” Jimin looks up at him, hand still in his, then slides his fingers between Hoseok’s. Jimin’s fingers are cold and clammy but his palm is warm, and in that moment it’s all very confusing, so Hoseok starts swinging their arms and Jimin helps swing them higher." 2300 words.
You're Right. - joonphases (BTS) Jimin/Hoseok. “I can’t kiss my hyung,” Jimin said, wondering how it was that he could speak without oxygen. “That’s... weird.” “You’re right,” Hoseok said. A beat of silence. “It’s really, really weird.” Jimin has night terrors. Slow burn from experimenting to fwb. 82,600 words.
Mile High Club - notoverthatbityet (BTS) Hoseok/Jimin. "Where Jimin is thirsty and just can't wait." 3300 words.
Nirvana - cupan_taetae (BTS) Hoseok/Jimin. One night after a win, they get drunk and later on start hooking up secretly (later revealed: not very secretly). Some great descriptions. 57,200 words.
the plan - wingedseok (BTS) Jimin/Hoseok. "Kim Taehyung’s brilliant plan for Park Jimin to get into Jung Hoseok’s pants: Step One - Admit Your Feelings Step Two - Find Out What He Likes Step Three - Show Him You Can Take Care of Him Step Four - Meet the Parents Step Five - Seduce Him (Or, Jimin’s head over heels in love with Hoseok and Hoseok only sees him as his cute dongsaeng.)" 4100 words.
calm like you - phoarda (BTS) Jimin/Hoseok. "Jimin already kind of knew that his home was more person than place, but for Hoseok, infatuation is a slow, frightening realization. Turning feelings into words is more for his benefit than Jimin's, but with the help of instant ramyun, a complimentary hotel face mask, and several massages, they're eventually able to work out some mutual peace of mind." 14,500 words.
Make You Mine - weakforjin (BTS) Jimin/Hoseok. "Jimin's in love with Hoseok. He’s content with the affection the other gives him and settles for nothing more because why would Hoseok feel the same? Title is based on the song 'Make You Mine' by Us the Duo. Another one of those pining tropes with a ridiculous amount of fluff and a bit of light angst." 8000 words.
Responsive - RedKissAFF (BTS) Jimin/Hoseok. "What the hell? Hoseok thought to himself, resting a hand against the younger's thigh. Jimin's leg suddenly stopped bouncing. His muscle tensed beneath the touch, a slight shift in movement that would have otherwise gone unnoticed but for how hyper aware Hoseok was at the moment. "You okay, Jimin?" he asked, squeezing the muscle in his hands as he rubbed maddening circles into Jimin's thigh. "Y-yeah," Jimin replied, a little breathless as he shifted behind him. Hoseok leaned his head back, an upside down, cherry cheeked Jimin in his field of vision. Well fuck, he thought." Long languorous OTP wallow as they sort of slide into sex and a relationship. 38,800 words.
It's Just a Ride - im_your_hope (BTS) OT7, Jimin/Hoseok. "Jungkook’s mouth is hanging open, a bright pink flush on his cheeks, his eyes glued to the movements of Hoseok’s finger. Jin is leaning forward with his forearms resting on his thighs, his face more composed but clearly interested in the proceedings all the same. Namjoon’s eyes are so wide it would be funny in a different situation, his lips pursed together and his hands clenching his knees. Yoongi’s mouth is just slightly open, the corners of his lips turned up, close to becoming a full-blown smile. Next to Jimin Taehyung is leaning forward, a look of intense concentration on his face, studying every one of Hoseok’s movements. Jimin doesn’t want to think about his own expression. (Hoseok tries to come untouched.)" 3500 words.
It's Dead, We Killed It - prandcocaine (BTS) Namjoon/Seokjin, Hoseok/Jimin. "Bangtan's newest company-imposed torment drains their hearts, minds, and wallets." swear jar.
feel a little more (and give a little less) - jellyfishes (BTS) Jungkook/Jimin, Hoseok/Yoongi. "Jeongguk spends a lot of time thinking about Jimin in the eight years following BTS disbanding for someone who isn't still in love."  18,500 words
Riptide - peppermint_wind (BTS) Jungkook/Jimin. "Jeon Jungkook is still just a kid when he sets out for Seoul. He knows about the tall buildings, the maze-like roadways, and dorm life he's signed up for. He expects the difficulties of being a trainee, finds it in the holes of his worn out dance shoes and countless sleepless nights. But what he doesn't expect, could never expect, is meeting Park Jimin. It's then Jungkook realizes that there's more to learn in Seoul than dance choreographies: about growing up, falling in love, and about himself. A three year story [2013-2016] of coming together, breaking apart, and putting each other back together again. Jeon Jungkook learns about change, growing up, and the hardships of falling in love with a friend."  good, but it also made me sad about their lives as idols. 62,400 words.
Figuring It Out as We Go - peppermint_wind (BTS) Jeongguk/Jimin. "Jungkook never thought this would happen to him; eighteen years old and questioning everything he used to know. Staying up late watching gay music videos with wide-eyes, phone tucked to his chest, probably isn't helping him much, either, but what is he supposed to do when he realizes seeing two men together makes his whole body ache?" 4200 words.
Late Night, Early Morning - cest_what (BTS) Jungkook/Jimim. "Jungkook just wants somewhere to sleep." Bedsharing. 1500 words.
Emeralds on the Pavement - timesuck2000 (BTS) Jungkook/Seokjin. "Sometimes when Jeongguk looks at Seokjin he feels like his body is made of bees. He knew it sounded dumb when he first thought it, but it’s the closest he’s been able to get to describing the feeling. The one where Jeongguk has a lot of feelings that he's bad at expressing." 8100 words.
Maybe He Snapped - merryofsoul (BTS) Jungkook/Seokjin. "Five times Jungkook tries to flirt with Seokjin, and one time Seokjin finally gets it." 4700 words.
stop, rewind - vppa (BTS) Seokjin/Jungkook. “We’re not dating.” Seokjin sits up on his elbows and stares Yoongi down to make a point. “Definitely not.” This is worth reading as a history of the group and Jin as much as a ship fic. The ship gives it it's arc but it's really good because of how it works with canon - so many references and callbacks!! 10,700 words.
You Showed Me The Reasons - SevenSoulmates (BTS) Hoseok/Jungkook. "Hoseok wants to leave. Jungkook does everything to stop him." this does kind of a nice swoopy thing where jk talks about the future and sees the future and it's his faith in that that makes hobi stay. 7000 words.
Like No One Is Watching - knjooniemoonie (inaweoftheirvoices) (BTS) Hoseok/Jungkook. "With how fast their lives have become, Jungkook often feels the need to slow things down. There are moments that make him stop and think: This. I want to remember this. Because he knows there’s no way he’ll be able to remember everything they’ve experienced so far, and it’s sad. He wants to be 90 years old someday and sit on his porch and think back to the time when he had his first stadium concert, attended his first award show, sang live for the first time. He wants to be able to point at physical evidence and say “I did this. This was real.” Everything moves so quickly and is over way too soon, so sometimes all he can do is press record on his camera and hope to capture the moment he’s in. OR Jungkook decides to make a video for Hoseok's birthday. In the process he realizes his feelings might not be entirely platonic." GCF!!! 8200 words.
I'll be Home For Christmas (If Only in my Dreams) - babyboymatt (BTS) Hoseok/Jungkook. "or the four times Jungkook hides and the one time he doesn't" very cute. 2700 words.
of white lies and autumn leaves - ffairyy (BTS) Jungkook/Hoseok. "“Fuck that,” Jungkook slurs. “I’m not less grown up just because I haven’t had a relationship yet. Right Hyung? It doesn’t matter. It doesn’t make me uncool.” or the pretend dating fic where the boys make fun of Jungkook for being inexperienced and Hoseok jumps to his defense" VERY SWEET 34,000 words.
rehearsed steps, empty stage - bluestarlight (iridiumring92) (BTS) Hoseok/Jungkook. "Hoseok has wanted Jungkook for what feels like forever. He can't keep his mind off Jungkook’s lips, his smile. Lips on the rim of a glass, teeth showing as he grins. His dyed hair falling over his forehead in those little waves. He’s so cute, so sweet. And he’s theirs, Hoseok reminds himself. He’s their maknae, not Hoseok’s to have." 10,000 words.
for you i would cross the line - starbrigid (BTS) Hoseok/Jungkook. "'I've had a crush on you since before we debuted, but I've only just realized I'm in love with you.' The one and only J-Hope has acquired a secret admirer in BTS. He's in London, and it's time to play Sherlock Holmes. ...It goes about as well as one might expect." 9600 words.
not a booty call - ffairyy (BTS) Hoseok/Jungkook. "They’re still themselves, still friends, still all those things they need to be during the day.Right now, they're also a little in love." 3700 words.
In Fear and Faith - im_your_hope (BTS) Hoseok/Jungkook. "It's hard to shake something that is already under your skin." showers and bed sharing. 4800 words.
Like Snow, Like White Ashes - ashardoffreedom (BTS) Hoseok/Jungkook. "“I’m not sure if there’s an easy fix.” Do you want me to help you fix it? Jungkook looks up at the ceiling. It’s very white. It’s very pure. “Hyung, maybe you’re not supposed to.”" asexual JK. 4500 words.
sparkles in his eyes - ffairyy (BTS) Hoseok/Jungkook. "There are 20 hours left of the year and Hoseok spends them with a bunch of regrets, some nostalgia and his six favorite people. (+ pining after the boy with sparkles in his eyes)" 5300 words.
27 Kisses - lenaklx (BTS) Hoseok/Jungkook. "Jeongguk developed a habit of giving Hoseok a cheek kiss before every performance. Hoseok was getting tired of not knowing what the hell that meant." 2500 words.
Bloodflows - mnsg (BTS) Hoseok/Jungkook. "Sharing a bath at 3AM with all 178cm of Jeon Jeongguk is at least one of Hoseok's ideas of torture." 2200 words.
bored stiff (out of my brains) - loafers (BTS) Hoseok/Jungkook. "Jungkook gets bored. The devil finds work for idle hands." PWP. 3800 words.
another life - Acavall (BTS) Hoseok/Jungkook. "Jungkook and Hoseok talk alternate realities amidst fake kitchens. JungHope fluff from the day they went to Ikea in Sweden and then nearly got arrested for setting off the fire alarm." 2700 words.
notion - shikae (39smooth) (BTS) Jungkook has a crush on Hoseok. 1300 words.
Social Animals - nivo (BTS) Jeongguk/Hoseok. "For all his caution and common sense in most areas of life, Hoseok doesn't have a lick of self-preservation when it comes to putting his trust in people." Just Jeongguk being there for Hoseok. 1000 words.
all because of you - xxdevilishxx (BTS) Jungkook/Hoseok. "jeongguk frowns, ruffling his own hair, and whispers, "even if you’re j-hope in front of the fans, you don’t have to play that part in front of the rest of us. i like hobi hyung a lot, but i like hoseokie hyung even more.” (based off festa 2016 where the anonymous letter for hoseok stated how sometimes he made the members uncomfortable by being too happy and excited)" 7300 words.
the underlying rhythm - actualflowerhoseok (BTS) Jungkook/Hoseok. "When the hostess asks him, “Who’s your favorite hyung?” Jungkook knows he’s supposed to say Jimin. But he doesn’t." 1100 words.
hotel walls - deadmansbones (BTS) Namjoon/Jimin, Yoongi/Hoseok. “um,” jimin begins, breaking the silence, “hyung, should we--uh--tell them?” “i-i don’t think so,” namjoon stutters, “what would we do, just knock on the door?” funny and hot. 4500 words.
stop right next to you - brightlight (BTS) Namjoon/Yoongi. "As the years pass, Yoongi can’t help himself from reaching out and holding Namjoon’s hand, when the others can’t see him frowning but Yoongi can. He can’t help himself from sprawling across Namjoon’s lap in the little sofa in the studio, when Namjoon looks so tired and so stressed and there’s only two weeks until the deadline on the next track. He can’t help himself from smiling, pleased, when Namjoon crawls into Yoongi’s bed late at night, muttering that he can’t sleep. They move dorms, gain privacy, change roommates, but Namjoon still keeps coming. Namjoon and Yoongi, through seven years of living together, rely on each other." good! 8800 words.
Play It As It Lays - almostblue (fictionalaspect) (BTS) Namjoon/Yoongi. ""You said you've never gotten a blowjob," Yoongi says, slow and long-suffering, like he's speaking to someone who can't understand Korean. "And I said, what the fuck Joon, that's a fucking tragedy." "No," Namjoon says. His throat is dry as he stares up at the ceiling. Is Yoongi just fucking with him? He has to be fucking with him. There's no way he said what Namjoon thinks he said. "No, the part, um. The part after that." "Oh," Yoongi says. He has one arm pillowed behind his head. He closes his eyes, like Namjoon is the dumbest person in the world and it's physically paining him to force the worlds out. "I said, 'Since we're both stuck in here, you might as well let me help you out with that.' Jesus, Joon, do you even listen when I talk?"" 3100 words.
With You (Like Glue) - roebling (BTS) Namjoon/Yoongi friendship. "With Hoseok gone for good and plans for debut in shambles, it's just Yoongi and Namjoon left at the dorm. Yoongi's not sure how much more he can take, but while he figures out what he wants to do, he might as well do something to cheer Namjoon up. That's what good hyungs do, right?" 5300 words.
Champagne Supernova - tiny_joon (BTS) Namjoon/Yoongi. "The waitress returns toting a silver bucket and a bottle they didn't order. “Now, it’s customary to offer a complimentary champagne toast to anyone celebrating with us,” she says, setting the bucket filled with ice down on their table, “but I just think y’all are so sweet I pulled some strings. Congratulations, to many more!" When Bangtan wins their first big award in the US for their music Namjoon and Yoongi go out to celebrate." cute! 3200 words.
it's not far to go - pearl_o (BTS) Namjoon/Yoongi. "Namjoon and Yoongi have been jerking off together occasionally since forever. It's super normal." 2200 words.
let the seasons change your mind - luminari (BTS) Yoongi/Namjoon. "Yoongi won’t pretend to understand Namjoon, but the way Namjoon pretends to understand him makes his skin crawl." really good canon stuff mostly. 16,200 words
i'll be the secret on your lips - cyrillic (BTS) Yoongi/Namjoon. "it hurts, that they’re keeping it a secret, because he wants nothing more than to scream it, when jimin comes into namjoon’s studio unannounced and they have to pretend their fingers weren’t intertwined, or when they have to pretend they’re just waking each other up and not cuddling in bed like the clingy assholes they are. or: namjoon and yoongi's friendship evolves, bit-by-bit, until it's something else entirely." 11,600 words.
All the Stars - bulletproof_bad_wolf (BTS) Yoongi/Namjoon. "The thing about Namjoon is he’s really good at drinking, until he’s not. If you blink, you can miss the shift. It’s that sudden. Yoongi’s blinked lots of times tonight, over the course of the last few hours. He’s had his fair share of the bottle they’ve all been passing around. It’s possible he may have blinked himself into a catnap or two. Either way, he’s awake now." 4300 words.
rocket - boozinos (BTS) Namjoon/Yoongi. "Yoongi just wants to know how big Namjoon's dick is, okay." Pretty much! 2700 words.
A Joyful Phrase (I Do) - hapakitsune (BTS) Namjoon/Yoongi, Jimin/Taehyung. "“Last question,” the interviewer said. “You’ve been to Las Vegas a few times now. What’s one thing you haven’t done yet that you really want to do?” “Get married,” Taehyung said. Later, at the chapel, Namjoon thought perhaps he should have tried a little harder to talk him out of it." 14,100 words.
Celebrity Crush - bazooka (BTS) Namjoon/Seokjin. "Right now Namjoon was exhausted and he'd been saying rude shit and he kept snapping at Taehyung and then they'd had to sit through that interview ("Who's your celebrity crush?") and Seokjin had tried making a joke ("Rap Monster," he'd said, thinking he was being clever) and even as everyone around them cracked up the look that had flashed through Namjoon's eyes belied something that looked almost brittle." 16,500 words.
Back Yourself (Look in the Mirror) - KlavierRPF (KlavierWrites) (BTS) Hoseok/Yoongi, Namjoon/Seokjin. "“What, does he think that now I’m out I’m going to start rapping about sucking dick?” asks Yoongi hotly, as they’re sat round the table discussing album concepts. Namjoon winces. “I mean,” says Taehyung, “you already do that.” Yoongi comes out first, but he's not the last. In fact, Namjoon's 90% sure he and Jin are the only straight ones." 7800 words.
It's Dead, We Killed It - prandcocaine (BTS) Namjoon/Seokjin, Hoseok/Jimin. "Bangtan's newest company-imposed torment drains their hearts, minds, and wallets." swear jar.
butterflies in my mind - misspamela, pearl_o (BTS) Jungkook/Namjoon. "Jungkook was twenty-two years old, he was an adult, a celebrity, and a performer. He had an accountant and a staff of people working for him. He’d been on Ellen, for god’s sake. He could handle having sex with his boyfriend. It was going to go perfectly this time." very sweet. 10,000 words.
now he callin' me nyquil - bazooka (BTS) Jungkook/Namjoon. "It was simpler than getting sleeping pills. It was more effective than taking a hot shower. It was faster than getting up and making tea or heating up some leftovers or whatever in a futile attempt at lulling himself to sleep. It was easier. It just made sense. It had stopped being weird months ago, even though sometimes Jeongguk still had an awkward flash of self-awareness - usually when he was straddling Namjoon’s hips with his face buried in the hollow between Namjoon’s throat and shoulder." 1900 words.
Bring Me Back Down to Earth - Katuize (BTS) Hoseok/Namjoon. "Sometimes Namjoon needs someone to get him out of his head. When he needs someone, he goes to Hoseok." caregiving, hurt/comfort. 1100 words.
Like The Moon To The Sun - AttesTaetion (BTS) Hoseok/Namjoon. "“Joonie.” It’s said softly. Gently and sweetly. Hoseok is speaking to him the way Namjoon typically speaks to the little animals he comes across during his walks in the park. In a way that’s meant to soothe them. To let them know that he doesn’t mean any harm. Because he cares for them. Because they’re cute and small and he thinks they’re adorable. Basically, Namjoon has a bad day and Hoseok is there to take care of him." 5800 words.
raise me up again - nebulia (BTS) Hoseok/Namjoon. "[They have never talked about it. These are the most words either of them has ever said about it outside of sex. Namjoon has always put it in that place between them, the 2% awkward Hoseok mentioned that one time on Kkul FM. He knows silently fucking the only same-age friend in your idol group isn’t normal or anything, but he figured maybe it was just...what happened. They only did it when it could be done not talking, so hardly ever on tour. And Namjoon knows they should probably talk about it, but Hoseok is right that they’re only 98% close. Maybe the 2% is just weird sex.] Namjoon relies on Hoseok a lot, but he never feels like he gives anything back. (He's wrong.)" porn with feelings. good! 10,600 words.
prismatic - mahistrado (BTS) Hoseok/Namjoon. "Hoseok takes care of Namjoon. It was the kind of care that hurt sometimes, sure. A spoonful of castor oil kind of love; nasty going down, good from the inside out." just really, really great character work. 6400 words.
Lemonade - rhythmsextion (BTS) Hoseok/Namjoon. "In which Hobi intercepts Namjoon wielding a knife and comes to regret it. Or does he?" 3000 words.
Not Just You; I Need This Too - eightninetwo (BTS) Namjoon/Hoseok. "Hoseok wishes Namjoon can see just how beautiful he is despite his flaws." 8600 words.
Blue - hobipd (BTS) Hoseok/Namjoon. "So Namjoon likes to poke and prod his bruises... that’s not weird, right? Lots of people do. Right?" mild painplay. pwp with feelings. good! 9100 words.
Within These Walls - Dribbledrabbledos (BTS) Namjoon and Hoseok. "Namjoon thinks about what was, is and will be and gets lost in between." 4000 words.
when i run out of road (you bring me home) - hobisthighs (BTS) Hoseok/Namjoon. ""You can catch a quick nap if you want, the kids aren't due to wake up for another 10, and I can fend them off long enough for you to get at least 40 minutes." He considered the offer briefly, but ultimately decided against it, he got himself into this mess he wasn't about to screw up everyone else's morning for a measly 40 minute nap. (or; namjoon is just really thankful for hoseok)" 1200 words.
(I Probably Still Adore You) With Your Hands Around My Neck - mucha (BTS) Yoongi/Taehyung. "The new choreo was a little more than Taehyung bargained for." 4000 words.
Just Hold Me - Incadence (BTS) Taehyung/Yoongi. "This hand holding is for business sake, so they can really all shut the fuck up. If not for Taehyung, Yoongi would probably have long floated away into the crowd and gotten kidnapped or something. So yes, this is one hundred percent for business sake. And the fact that Taehyung’s stupidly warm all the time, and has the prettiest hands have nothing to do with it." 3300 words.
my heart flutters from the sugar high - hoars (BTS) Yoongi/Taehyung. "Yoongi and Taehyung sneak around together, cheating on their diets. The group? They've drawn different conclusions." CW: dieting/food.  the story is otherwise very cute. 6000 words.
how can i make you mine? - hoars (BTS) Yoongi/Taehyung. "The five times the members interrupt or delay Taehyung's great confession and the one time a confession is spit out. Kind of." 5400 words.
my best decision - madanach (BTS) Seokjin/Taehyung. "“You’re a menace,” Seokjin says. “You come here—you wake me up from my sleep—to do these things versus me. To do the things that you do, against me, specifically.” “All I did was call you pretty,” Taehyung says. “And say that when I was seventeen I wanted to kiss you.”" 3700 words.
love in the time of social media - abillionstars (BTS) Taehyung/Jungkook. "“You want me, an internationally famous celebrity living in a restrictive society that would tear apart any news of me dating, to set up a very public Tinder account under a fake name?” Taehyung cocked an eyebrow. “Just thought I ought to clarify.” “Yes,” said Seokjin, looking strangely determined. “Well, shit,” Taehyung said, exiting out of the Words With Friends game. “I’m in.” In which Taehyung doesn't swipe right on anybody at all (except in his heart), goes on absolutely no wild adventures, but ends up falling in love anyway." 23,300 words.
Know You Love Me Boy - arabellarosebts (BTS) Jungkook/Taehyung. "Jeongguk finally confesses something Taehyung's been waiting to hear" 7000 words.
Can't keep my hands to myself (no matter how hard I'm trying to) - sunshineandpixiedust (BTS) Jungkook/Taehyung. "the one where Jeongguk views sexting as a challenge and takes it a little bit too seriously." 11,500 words.
when did my heart become like this? - triplekimsquad (BTS) Hoseok/Taehyung. ""Come on," Hoseok urges gently, moving the pillow aside so he can see Taehyung's face properly. "We've got a busy schedule today." He meets Taehyung's eyes, feels something twist inside his chest at the hopeful pout Taehyung sends him. "Aish," he says under his breath, rolling his eyes — though it comes out fondly despite his attempt at being annoyed. "Yah, that doesn't work on me anymore. I've become immune to that face." It's a bluff really. Years later and Hoseok's heart still melts a little at Taehyung's imploring expression. "Kiss me then," Taehyung says, turning his face and presenting his profile to Hoseok. He taps his cheek twice with his index finger, (still pouting — god it's adorable), "Gimme a kiss and I'll get up." Or, the (5) times where Hoseok wakes Taehyung up by giving him a kiss, and the (1) time Taehyung returns the sentiment." super soft. 12,700 words.
Behind The Masks - mkim (BTS) Hoseok/Taehyung. "“I sleep best when I'm with you,” Taehyung mumbled shyly. A pause. “Is that so?” “Yeah.” “Hm, me too.” Hoseok sighed softly. Then, much more quietly, so faintly that Taehyung wasn't even sure he was supposed to hear it, he added: “What are we doing, Taehyung-ah?” As if being an idol wasn't hard enough, Taehyung of course had to go and fall helplessly in love with his straight bandmate." the author does their utmost best to fit in all the bits of canon into a narrative and it's very compelling and readable. 109,700 words.
i'd hold your hand and soak up the sun - monbon (BTS) Hoseok/Taehyung. "It takes Hoseok almost breaking his nose to start realizing Things. Fortunately, he's pretty chill with it. Unfortunately, Taehyung is confusing." adorable! 6200 words.
blue side - cutaepatootae (elysian) (BTS) Hoseok/Taehyung. "Everyone loves Hoseok. In particular, everyone loves Hoseok's bed, which always smells nice and is somehow softer than all their other mattresses combined. Taehyung knows this because he had taken it upon himself to investigate the vitally important issue of Most Comfortable Bed in Dorm, especially when he realised he could no longer settle for his own less-than-satisfactory bed after sleeping with Hoseok for the past two months. (in which taehyung and hoseok like to sleep together, and jimin is taehyung's no. 1 wingman. also: sexual tension)."  30,300 words.
Hey Jupiter - almostblue (fictionalaspect) (Bangtan Boys) Yoongi/Taehyung. ""Hyung couldn't sleep," Taehyung says, by way of explanation. He feels like some explanation is probably needed for why he and Hoseok are snuggling on the couch together. "Sometimes he can't sleep, and then he comes and gets me and we sleep out here. He says he doesn't know why, but having me around makes it better." Or: the one where Taehyung is completely and utterly oblivious." 6400 words.
through the lonely, through the other side - ronanov (BTS) Taehyung/Hoseok. "20170628 07:14 am" the vante studio photos. 1300 words.
your arms, your warmth, your heart. - capivara (BTS) Hoseok/Taehyung. ""...Taetae?” The dancer breathes out before he can think about it. If there is a time to say it, whatever the outcome, it is now, when they are both on the brim of bursting with the heavy silence weighing down on them, dazedly oscillating between holding onto the ground or sinking deep into the abyss. Because he knows they will forget all about it the next morning." living room confession. 8800 words.
Balsam - ishuku (BTS) Taehyung/Hoseok. "Logic tells Taehyung that the flavor resting on his tongue isn't actually fruit -- but that doesn't stop Taehyung from telling himself that it is." established relationship. porn. 3800 words.
Can't Hide Our Love (But We Can Try) - melecs (BTS) Hoseok/Taehyung. "Four people think Jimin and Taehyung are dating. (Hoseok knows they’re not)." 3900 words.
I’ve been trying (to believe in confiding) - freethedoncastertwo (BTS) Hoseok/Taehyung. "Hoseok struggles and Taehyung is cute and supportive and kissable." Also a cookie is seduced. 2500 words.
asymmetry in attraction - namgi (BTS) Taehyung/Hoseok. "Taehyung yearns for bright smiles, eyes crinkled up in laughter and measured, steady hands. More than anything, he yearns for Jung Hoseok." 3200 words.
Lovers From The Moon - Zee (BTS) Namjoon/Taehyung, various other pairings. "Namjoon has always kept himself apart from the casual sex that the rest of them have, and Taehyung keeps trying and failing not to let that bother him." WHOLESOME VOYEURISM. 7900 words.
A Fault In My Structure - Zee (BTS) Jimin/Taehyung. "Jimin hasn't seen Taehyung in almost three weeks, and ‘missing’ is not quite the right word for it." 5800 words.
Your love was handmade for somebody like me - tangowithsuga (BTS) Jimin/Taehyung. "Park Jimin wakes up in Vegas, married to his best friend Kim Taehyung." Cute! 24,900 words.
kissing up on fences (and up on walls, i don't want to fall) - bonnia (BTS) Jimin/Taehyung. "the five times the other members thought they were dating, and the one time jimin starts to wonder if they really are" 8700 words.
Completely Platonic.... - Toshiba19 (BTS) Jimin/Taehyung. "The four times that Jimin and Taehyung said they were platonic and the one time they realize they've probably been dating all along." 7500 words.
A Joyful Phrase (I Do) - hapakitsune (BTS) Namjoon/Yoongi, Jimin/Taehyung. "“Last question,” the interviewer said. “You’ve been to Las Vegas a few times now. What’s one thing you haven’t done yet that you really want to do?” “Get married,” Taehyung said. Later, at the chapel, Namjoon thought perhaps he should have tried a little harder to talk him out of it." 14,100 words.
the one thing that's real - syubnugget (BTS) Taehyung/Jimin. "Taehyung can hear Jimin's little snores, the soft snuffles that he always teases him about when they share a bed. He shakes his head as if he can physically knock the thought out of his own mind. Teased him. When they shared a bed. They're not supposed to do things like that anymore." 4000 words.
till the ocean is folded and hung up to dry (i'll love you, dear) - flightlessly (BTS) Jimin/Taehyung. "in the quiet aftermath of an on-stage live, jimin decides he's had enough. he takes a gamble. / Sometimes, Jimin finds himself thinking of another life. He exists to take the stage, but every so often a little part of him yearns for something softer, quieter." 1900 words.
(i'm a symphony of the world gone wild) - inthelookingglass (BTS) Jimin/Taehyung. "jimin and taehyung break out of the dorm to get drunk in a field." Slice of life. 1000 words.
friends help each other - claybunny (BTS) Taehyung/Jimin. "Taehyung has a problem and Jimin, the angel he is, helps him out. Taehyung doesn't know what to do with his feelings and things slightly spiral out of control." Epic fwb pining. 46,900 words.
if the world was ending (would you stay with me) - countingpaths (BTS) Jimin/Taehyung. "They're always too much and not enough - pushing the boundaries but not breaking them." Vaguely Halloween themed. This is cute because they talk about they'd do in a zombie apocalypse - they'd live for one another, aww. 2800 words.
all of your sides are good - knth (conditionally) (BTS) Jimin/Taehyung. "It's Jimin's birthday and Taehyung has to do whatever he wants. (Or where Jimin doesn't know what he wants, is what Taehyung wants too.)" Jimin has a fun time ordering Taehyung around but then he realises he wants more.  16,600 words.
A Guide to (Not) Keeping Your Relationship a Secret - skateboardsound (BTS) Taehyung/Jimin. "In which Jimin and Taehyung try (and fail) to navigate a secret relationship in a dorm with five other boys and Bangtan holds an intervention." Adorable! 4500 words.
4 Times Taehyung Fantasized About Jimin’s Thighs and the 1 Time Fantasy Became Reality - skateboardsound (BTS) Taehyung/Jimin. "Taehyung has a thing for Jimin’s thighs. It gets a little out of control." This is good. Includes shaving and a ton of sexual tension. 11,000 words.
Good things come to those who wait (and I've been waiting a while) - nieljoee (BTS) Jimin/Taehyung. "Jimin makes the unpleasant discovery that Taehyung sleep walks. To make things worst, it seems like he's actively seeking him out." Taehyung keeps sleepwalking into Jimin's bed. 9000 words.
Definitions - cest_what (BTS) Jimin/Taehyung. "“Have you ever –” Jimin says, and then stops. He lifts his elbow a little and peeks sideways at Taehyung, before he drops his arm over his eyes again." They've kissed plenty of times but Jimin is waiting for the one that actually counts. Really cute. 1000 words.
Sun and Sand - cest_what (BTS) Jimin/Taehyung. "It isn’t as though Jimin’s never thought about kissing Taehyung before." Beach time. 1900 words.
tell me how to make this better - kingenjolras (BTS) Jimin/Taehyung, Namjoon/Jin, Yoongi/Hoseok. Jimin is insecure and accidentally overdoses on anti-depressants, prompting everyone to hash everything out. Very melodramatic. 44,600 words.
Worldwide Lonesome - loindexter (BTS) Seokjin/Yoongi. "After the BBMA, Yoongi starts bringing guys back to the house." Really good story about coming out and living in the public eye and idol life. Great Jin voice. 40,000 words.
the unreleased album - noctemlux (BTS) Yoongi/Seokjin. "Seokjin had never once believed that love existed in the idol industry, not when they're all hormonally charged young men who spend far too much time together in such close proximity. They had to have release in some way. So it wasn't love, Seokjin tells himself, even if Yoongi said it was." 5500 words.
the night is still young (and so are we) - pagdiwa (neko11lover) (BTS) Yoongi/Seokjin. "Summer 2012. They’re so, so close to debuting. Yoongi knows that he won’t be able to forgive himself if he let Kim Seokjin leave." 6100 words.
My Heart Has Grown Bigger - minvmin (BTS) Yoongi/Seokjin. "The fans have noticed that Yoongi and Seokjin seem to have grown apart and are blaming it on Seokjin; Yoongi wants to show them the truth. Or, five of the many times Yoongi cared about Seokjin, only five that he let the world see." established relationship. 5000 words.
Path/Road - misspamela (BTS) Seokjin/Yoongi. "“I don’t like parties,” Yoongi said suddenly, like he was confessing something. “And I’m pretty sure two people doesn’t really count as a party.” “Well, fine, if you’re going to get pedantic about it.” Seokjin threw his arm around Yoongi’s shoulders. “Then this is the best date I’ve been on in months too.”" early days! good! 2300 words.
one thing - darling (BTS) Jungkook/Yoongi. Jungkook has never been on a date so he asks Yoongi to take him on one and pretends it's real. quite sweet. 5800 words.
Past Midnight - jaqueenilini (BTS) Jungkook/Yoongi. “Hyung, where are you going?” he asks casually, positive Yoongi can see right through him. “Studio Jungkook-ah, you know this,” 3500 words.
space - misspamela (BTS) Yoongi/Jungkook. "Jungkook watches the stars and waits." 2300 words.
flower boys - siderum (BTS) Jungkook/Yoongi. "yoongi and jungkook take care of a plant together." 3000 words.
gay panic: the musical - softlyblue (BTS) Jungkook/Yoongi. "Jeongguk is a modern man, and that means he knows exactly who to go to for advice - the internet at large. Help me, he types, and then deletes it. That sounds like he's being held hostage. I think about my hyung when I jerk off Nah, too forward. My bandmate Nah, too identifying. My friend (24m) is very pretty and sometimes I (20m) think about kissing him. What do He deletes the what do bit, and then feels very proud of himself as he hits submit." My fave part was JK seeking advice from Namjoon. 4300 words.
The 100-Day Love Challenge - jeosheo (BTS) Jimin/Yoongi. "For a variety show challenge, Jimin must tell Yoongi every day for 100 days that he loves him." 19,200 words.
simple + clean - jeonbenet (BTS) Hoseok/Yoongi. "Hoseok looks at him, then at the water. “Uh.” “You don’t have to be weird about it,” Yoongi regards Hoseok’s crotch, then back to his eyes. Hoseok laughs, amazed at Yoongi’s ability to make a full-on dick scoping as casual as he just did. “It’s nothing I haven’t seen before.” (Or: Hoseok gets seasick. Yoongi cleans him up.)" sweet. 5600 words.
you give me that rush - sobistars (BTS) Hoseok/Yoongi. "the five times Yoongi goes for round two, and the five times he gets it. // “Hobi, Hobi,” Yoongi says again, grinning as he leans closer, and closer still. “You think it’s hot?” Hoseok nods slightly, still shy and small as he grasps the phone in his hand. “Yeah?” “Yeah, hyung…” Hoseok’s voice is small, the kind of small Yoongi loves when they’re like this. Suddenly he’s full of energy, ready to jump on Hoseok the second he says he wants it too." sweet. 4400 words.
until this cold winter ends - mariephantomhive (BTS) Hoseok/Yoongi. "yoongi always makes sure to chase the cold away, somehow, and hoseok just wants to return the favour for once. or, five times hoseok was cold, and one time he made sure yoongi was not." super soft! 7500 words.
Back Yourself (Look in the Mirror) - KlavierRPF (KlavierWrites) (BTS) Hoseok/Yoongi, Namjoon/Seokjin. "“What, does he think that now I’m out I’m going to start rapping about sucking dick?” asks Yoongi hotly, as they’re sat round the table discussing album concepts. Namjoon winces. “I mean,” says Taehyung, “you already do that.” Yoongi comes out first, but he's not the last. In fact, Namjoon's 90% sure he and Jin are the only straight ones."  7800 words.
say what you want - ignitesthestars (BTS) Hoseok/Yoongi. "There are a lot of reasons why Yoongi shouldn’t sleep with Jung Hoseok. “You’re always so stuck in your own head.” Hoseok leans in gently, gently, knocking their foreheads together. “It’s okay to just feel. Nothing bad will happen. I promise.” The huge, shuddering breath that Yoongi sucks in at that moment feels too big for his chest, like there’s more in him than his body can contain. I promise, Hoseok says, and Yoongi can feel the truth of that down to his bones." v nice. 7400 words.
show me more - billykaplan (BTS) Hoseok/Yoongi. "Hoseok could never get tired of Yoongi—his words, his kisses, his presence. If his love is a sea, there is no land in sight. Not anymore. Alternatively, Hoseok loves Yoongi, Yoongi loves Hoseok, and they make it work." nice canonverse fic. 19,300 words.
Whirlpool - superrunnaturall (BTS) Hoseok/Yoongi. "what happens on vacation, stays on vacation." 11,200 words.
and the sky's the limit - pearl_o (BTS) Hoseok/Yoongi. "It's two thousand ten (twelve, fourteen, sixteen, eighteen…) and Hoseok has something on his mind." 800 words.
Counting Pandas - anonymousloris (BTS) Hoseok/Yoongi. "He did this sometimes. Talked in his sleep. When he was extra stressed and tense that was. Yoongi always thought that sometimes Hoseok’s body was just so ready to shut down, that it forgot to turn all the lights off before it did. Sometimes it left his mouth on.Usually it was just nonsense mumbles about dolphin embraces.From time to time, he was pretty clear." 3300 words.
even if it breaks down, oh better - misspamela (BTS) Hoseok/Yoongi. "The worst part about Jung Hoseok was that Yoongi had never been able to ignore him." 4500 words.
A simple question - ItsaShrillFeeling (BTS) Hoseok/Yoongi. "Yoongi never imagined himself being in a relationship until he's questioned by an Interviewer about it. He then starts to wonder why the thought never occurred to him, up until now. Which leads Yoongi to start questioning his love life and his role as a friend."  46,200 words.
you were always my favourite - jnghsk (BTS) Hoseok/Yoongi. "A young, 16-year old Hoseok joins BigHit and finds comfort in his new friend Min Yoongi. At time goes on, he knows he's found someone who will be there for him for the rest of his life." 2100 words.
Kiss Me - merryofsoul (BTS) Hoseok/Yoongi. "It's National Kissing Day, so naturally Hoseok has to bestow a kiss on each of his beloved members." 3200 words.
Rub Your Feelings Down My Spine - Only_A_Fangirl (BTS) Hoseok/Yoongi. "He doesn’t let up, his hands getting even firmer, heels of his palms digging into Yoongi’s skin. Yoongi controls his breathing forcefully, but Hoseok can see through him anyway. And this is exactly why Yoongi doesn’t do massages. Yoongi closes his eyes, doesn’t want to see the little smirk on Hoseok’s face. It’s stupid. This lack of self control. When Hoseok kneads the junction between his neck and shoulder, he can’t help the blood rushing between his legs. Just can’t help it." 8000 words.
Or; - malamyszk (BTS) Hoseok/Yoongi. "“Wait – so, you want to have a threesome? With me? And your girlfriend?” Yoongi puffs out his cheeks before releasing the air in a long exhale and settling into a smirk. “Damn Seok-ah. Thought I broke you for a second.” “Shut up. I just – Seriously?” Or; I Want You to Fuck Me & My Girlfriend, a Love Story Or; Fuckboy Min Yoongi, A Study" messy emotions about loving but hurting one another! 37,700 words.
so i'll be your candle, and i'll be your statuette - pearl_o (BTS) Yoongi/Hoseok. "Yoongi isn't sure how long they've been talking, exactly, but it's long enough to have gotten pretty fucking deep into the topic, and long enough for his slowly sobering brain to suddenly deliver the message that that hot prickly twitchy feeling is arousal, Yoongi, you goddamn idiot." 3200 words.
still here, both of us, together - Yoonseok_af (BTS) Yoongi/Hoseok. "Basically Yoongi getting sentimental and thinking about his relationship with Hoseok. And then Yoongi's thoughts make things happen." Yoongi proposes in Vegas. 3900 words.
Your Voice (My Lullaby) - aloharussia (BTS) Hoseok/Yoongi. "Hoseok starts to think of whatever might have caused this. There wasn’t anything specific bothering him. There weren’t any fights or disturbances within the group. All of it he could blame on stress, but even so the last times he’s gotten to the point of breaking down with stress he was still able to rest, albeit with small amounts. Or; Hoseok can’t seem to fall asleep, and the only thing that can ease him into it is Yoongi’s voice." 9900 words.
Smile For Me, Not At Me - dabbleinthedrabble (BTS) Yoongi/Hoseok. "Min Yoongi has a crush on Jung Hoseok. This is a fact of life for him, but not one that he is particularly ecstatic about having had to conceal it for years on end. Upon being on holiday in Thailand he realises something that ruins him further: Hoseok is fucking gorgeous without a shirt. (In which Yoongi is angsty and more than a tad at loss with what to do with his feelings and Hoseok is even worse, and may or may not have a kink for Yoongi's smile.)" 6500 words.
The Stars - bleeding_bangtan (BTS) Yoongi and Hoseok. "In which Min Yoongi wonders if he will ever debut, and Jung Hoseok holds on to the one steady thing in his life." 2200 words.
For you, who is my everything - superrunnaturall (BTS) Yoongi/Hoseok. "“Come on, hyung,” he urged and stood from the couch. “This will all still be here tomorrow. If you really want me to leave you alone, I will, but you did invite me in…” Hoseok pointed out with a small smirk. Yoongi looked up at him from his swivel chair as Hoseok got closer and stood between Yoongi’s legs. “So, what do you wanna do, Yoongi?” (Yoongi, Hoseok, and the Genius Lab)" fluffy smut. 9400 words.
Again - sixtieshairdo (BTS) Yoongi/Hoseok. They're together and fighting, but reconcile. 2000 words.
it's just a sweet, sweet fantasy - Yoonseok_af (BTS) Yoongi/Hoseok. "We all have those little secrets we’re to ashamed to reveal, even to the people we trust the most. Min Yoongi had two secrets. First of all, he had a massive crush on his friend and bandmate Jung Hoseok. Yoongi found a solution that became his second little secret. Every now and then he’d lock himself in his studio or lay in bed, covered with a blanket, and... read fan fictions." unexpectedly cute! 4400 words.
Little Prince - Sobioppa (BTS) Yoongi/Hoseok. ""You slept so well, you looked like a little prince." Hoseok is Yoongi's sleepy little prince." 2600 words.
if found please return to - misspamela (BTS) Yoongi and Hoseok. "“Sope forever,” Hoseok whispers, patting clumsily at Yoongi’s hat. “Sope forever until I kill you,” Yoongi agrees." Bon Voyage 2. 1100 words.
first nights - arysthaeniru (BTS) Yoongi/Hoseok. Version of their first meeting in the dorm. 1200 words.
Voice - sixtieshairdo (BTS) Yoongi/Hoseok. "“Seok-seok, you’re so cute. Your ears, especially. So very, very. Cute.” A weaker man would succumb to the temptation to kiss Yoongi whose face is too close for any friendly endeavour, but Hoseok couldn’t possibly give in, not when Yoongi’s drunk." ASMR fic. hobi loves yoongi's voice. 2700 words.
Too Far Gone - skeleton_soups (BTS) Yoongi/Hoseok. "Hoseok has been creating a space for himself inside of Yoongi's life for years now, so Yoongi's used to it by now... isn't he? -OR- How to fuck in a room full of sleeping boys." 1700 words.
worked up - sweetlyblue (BTS) Yoongi/Hoseok. "“I’m not doing anything!” “Yeah, you are.” Yoongi bites a chunk of the snack bar off. “Seok-ah, it’s nut flavoured. I know how much you like-” “Oh my god.” “No, but really, you gotta have some.” Yoongi cracks off some of the snack bar. “You gave yours to Jiminie. Just eat the fuckin’ thing. I’m being a cute boyf- a cute hyung.” They fall into awkward silence." 1900 words.
into the morning light - realface (BTS) Hoseok/Yoongi. "Hoseok could stop himself. He could make something up on the spot, could save himself if he actually wanted to, before he opens his mouth to blurt, “Hyung, wanna go on a date with me?”" sweet get together is also good at dating while an idol aspect. 1600 words.
What Happens In Vegas (You Never Tell A Soul) - thisissuchbts (BTS) Yoongi/Hoseok. "They didn't-- No, no. They definitely didn't. After all, Yoongi just established that Hoseok is a relatively trustworthy drunk. He wouldn't have agreed to something like that; neither of them would. Except, oh wait, they absolutely would." accidentally married. 2200 words.
I Thought That I Was Dreaming When You Said You Loved Me - teenuviel1227 (BTS) Yoongi/Hoseok. "Hoseok clicked the link in the DM by accident. He didn’t mean to read it, to keep reading it, to let it colour his interactions with Yoongi but--how could he not? Yoongi didn’t mean to start writing it, didn’t mean for it to get so much attention. But at 80,000 hits his worst nightmare had come true in the form of a DM: Author-nim, I sent Hobi the link to your fics! Convinced that Hoseok is a) straight and b) not the kind of guy to check his DMs, he left it up. However, he can’t help but notice the way that Hoseok’s gaze lingers on him longer these days, the way he smiles wider, lets a hand casually fall over his. Or the fic where a fan sends Hobi the link to a Yoonseok fic, Hobi gets hooked, and Yoongi is the fandom’s most famous Yoonseok author." 7000 words.
feedback loop - englishsummerrain (BTS) Hoseok/Yoongi. "He thinks they were made to fit together like this, somewhere between the bright lights of the stage and their dormitory sheets." 1700 words.
Bangtan Party Night - valaidh (BTS) Yoongi/Hoseok. "Now Yoongi leans forward to set his drink on the coffee table, gently but with clear purpose. “Okay, then, let's go.” A chorus of soft oohs bounces off the walls, and Hoseok’s brow furrows. “Wh– What do you mean, ‘Let’s go’?” “Let’s play Gay Chicken,” Yoongi says simply, the faintest hint of a challenge playing at the edges of his words." 13,800 words.
hotel walls - deadmansbones (BTS) Namjoon/Jimin, Yoongi/Hoseok. “um,” jimin begins, breaking the silence, “hyung, should we--uh--tell them?” “i-i don’t think so,” namjoon stutters, “what would we do, just knock on the door?” funny and hot. 4500 words.
Heavy Rotations - fruityblowpop (BTS) Hoseok/Yoongi. "Hoseok just wants to get fucked, but Yoongi is a bit terrified of popping Hoseok's cherry." 12,000 words.
Holding Hands - robertpostchild (BTS) Yoongi/Hoseok. "“God damn it.” Yoongi yelled. “Hold my fucking hand.” That sounds more like Yoongi, Hoseok thought, but he still couldn’t get his hand to release its grip on the roll bar." sweet confession on a theme park ride. 3300 words.
Hands On - fruityblowpop (BTS) Yoongi/Hoseok. "Inspired By Run BTS: COPS, in which Hoseok seems to have a neck fetish. “Seok-ah, none of us knew what we were doing –“ “No,” Hoseok interrupted again. Yoongi felt long fingers press against his throat and he swallowed hard. “I didn’t realize –“ The fingers tightened, and even though Hoseok’s grip was still delicate, nowhere near enough pressure to cut off air, Yoongi’s breath still stuttered. “Oh,” he whispered. “Yeah,” Hoseok echoed dully. “Oh.”" includes breathplay.  14,600 words.
Awkward - sixtieshairdo (BTS) Yoongi/Hoseok. “You really like kissing, huh?” He wonders, just for a second, if Yoongi’s making fun of him, but the blush on Yoongi’s cheeks tell him otherwise, alerts him that, perhaps, Yoongi’s unsure about his intentions and motives. He leans down, plants a kiss on Yoongi’s forehead, over his eyelids, his cheekbones, his upturned nose, his willing mouth. “Nah, I just like you.” He can feel Yoongi’s cheeks burn as Yoongi presses his face against his chest. “God, you’re so cheesy.” Awkward but very sweet first time. 2700 words.
Lonely Nights are Better with You - whenIseeUsmile (BTS) Yoongi/Hoseok. "Yoongi can't focus and he knows why. That's why he texts Hoseok. He's his rock, even though he shouldn't be. Or in which they both SHOULD JUST CONFESS ALREADY." 4700 words.
The Space between Our Beds - minvmin (BTS) Yoongi/Hoseok. "Yoongi and Hoseok become roommates. Talking ensues." 3200 words.
someday - sweetlyblue (BTS) Yoongi/Hoseok. "In the build-up to their comeback, their biggest debut stage yet, tempers fray and relationships break and are built once more, stronger than ever." Quite good! 11,800 words.
The Quiet - Mindy (BTS) Hoseok/Yoongi. "Four times Hoseok said I love you, and the one time he didn't." 2500 words.
inside his head - trash_yoongi (97_jiji) (BTS) Yoongi/Hoseok. "There wasn’t a moment of realisation. It was something that slowly built. Barely present at first, maybe he felt a little more tired, a little more restless. But it was nothing out of the ordinary. Yoongi was an idol, dealing well with tiredness should be part of the job description." Yoongi has depression and anxiety. 2 stories, 10,800 words.
soft hearts, electric souls - lilacflowers (BTS) Yoongi/Hoseok. "yoongi said he'd stay once and ended up staying each time after." 4600 words.
what's the world (without you in it) - narutoskage (BTS) Yoongi/Hoseok. "Yoongi and Hoseok have been dating for a while now and Yoongi still can't get used to how much he loves his boyfriend (and sex with said boyfriend, the sex is good). AKA hoseok eating yoongi’s ass, pwp with feelings, and yoonseok being very much in love with each other." Funny, warm sex scenes. 2300 words.
Pronouns - littleghostfantasies (BTS) Yoongi/Hoseok. "Yoongi is having problems gaining inspiration for a new song he's writing. Hoseok can help. After all, it's all about him." 2800 words.
What's in a Smile - dokyun (kissthesea) (BTS) Yoongi/Hoseok. "Rappers aren't cute, says Yoongi, and neither is Hoseok." 1400 words.
love is a place - deuxoiseaux (BTS) Hoseok/Yoongi. "When Hoseok had asked Yoongi if he'd wanted to come to the cherry blossom festival, Yoongi assumed the others would be joining them. ... Together they'd caught the train and spent hours weaving their way through the trees and other people, alone. They stopped at various booths for snacks and coffee, and Hoseok slung an arm around Yoongi's shoulders, keeping him close. Yoongi didn't mind." 2400 words.
5 times Hoseok was afraid and 1 time Yoongi was - Phinphin (Hidlesworth) (BTS) Yoongi/Hoseok. "Hoseok was afraid of everything. That Min Yoongi and everyone else in the group had quickly learned. Now, while everything per say wasn’t correct, anything could scare Hoseok on a good day." Needed a good beta, but not bad. 10,900 words.
Soft Spot - nivo (BTS) Hoseok and Yoongi. "Yoongi doesn't particularly care for the well-being of the new trainee. It's just that he doesn't particularly care for prison, either, and leaving the kid to fend for himself would probably constitute criminally negligent homicide." 1700 words.
Six Kisses - imasinner (BTS) Hoseok/everyone, Hoseok/Yoongi. "It’s an unquestioned truth that Jung Hoseok loves physical affection. He’s usually the giver, brimming with love and the need to show it to his groupmates. But birthdays are about receiving, and Hoseok’s present is morning kisses. (established casual poly/ot7 ; not necessarily romantic, but not necessarily platonic either)" 2600 words.
and you did it for me - shikae (39smooth) (BTS) placeholder come and take mine Yoongi/Hoseok. "They're fine. They'll always be fine." Quiet moment and a late night convenience store. 2000 words. And the lovely companion story with the others observing and drawing their own (correct) conclusions. 2600 words.
sometimes i think that i know - shikae (39smooth) (BTS) Yoongi/Hoseok. "The alcohol in his veins is beginning to sift the languor back into his bones. He allows himself to lean in closer, just for the leverage, and their shoulders meet easily, steadily. Hoseok’s fingers fold gently around Yoongi’s other shoulder." Yoongi realises he's in love. 1200 words.
Underneath the Starless Nights - sophia7 (BTS) Yoongi/Hoseok. "Hoseok is in love and doesn’t know how to deal with it." Hoseok is in love with Taehyung, and Yoongi is in love with Jimin. In the closet, both sad, they turn to each other for release and comfort. Yoongi eventually wants to be boyfriends and they agree to try. It's not an epic love story and they both fuck up a lot (repetitiously, even) but they agree to try and they do love each other. 72,200 words.
Always Enough - thedirtunderyourskin (BTS) Yoongi/Hoseok. "To make a long story short, they argued. They argued for a long time, waking up Taehyung in the process, and to stop himself from strangling Hoseok with the dirty t-shirt he was waving in his face, Yoongi left the dorm with no coat, no phone and no money." pre-debut. 3500 words.
Funny - sixtieshairdo (BTS) Yoongi/Hoseok. Hoseok has a girlfriend but he and Yoongi get off on sexts about her. Yoongi pov of triangulation. 4100 words.
Outro - oliviacirce (BTS) OT7, Jimin-centric. "Jimin's room, 20 minutes, he texts the group chat, minus Jimin. Bring lube and snacks." 8500 words.
one plus one equals one - moonbabie (VIXX, BTS) Jaehwan/Seokjin. "4 times the boys witness something they don’t understand, and 1 time they discover everything. Or Kim Seokjin has been together and married to Lee Jaehwan for the past 6 years, and never quite got around to telling his boys. Oops?" 5900 words.
One by one - whalien_spence_52 (BTS) Jungkook. ""The hyungs filled me up one by one. And I think maybe that's how I became what I am now. I could be a manifestation of all their characters coming together." aka the one where you can watch our precious maknae grow up and mature through his hyungs' eyes." 40,000 words.
have not saints lips - monbon (BTS) Hoseok/everyone. "as seokjin stepped up, lifting his shirt to point to a bruise jimin had (accidentally) inflicted on his abs, jimin and taehyung were still arguing. “you live together!” taehyung was retorting. “his bed is twenty centimeters from yours! you spoon basically every night!” “stop trying to deflect, tae, the line is sacred and you know it!” “oh man,” said yoongi, “i dunno who lied to you you, but nothing in this house has ever been or will ever be sacred. not since i walked in on you in the bathroom after those sketchy kebabs.”" hobi is gonna kiss EVERY BOY. 1200 words.
An Experiment in Threesomes - Only_A_Fangirl (BTS) Hoseok/Jungkook/Yoongi. "Still. What does he have to lose? He’ll just tell them about his problem, like a proper dongsaeng to his hyungs, and maybe they’ll have a solution. And maybe that solution will be to have sex with him. Probably not. But maybe. So, he won’t just say ‘I want you to take my virginity’, he’ll just hope that they offer. He might also lose just a little bit of his dignity, but not much, because he’s sure they won’t make fun of him. Or, the tale of Jeongguk's virginity loss to Hoseok and Yoongi." open ending, but i felt it gave just enough and i believe in a happy future! 37,600 words.
Logical Thinking - Only_A_Fangirl (BTS) Hoseok/Namjoon/Yoongi. "“What’s the favor you wanted?” Namjoon asks. “Right,” Hoseok says. “So, I drank a little bit yesterday, and I got this really good idea. And then I sobered up and the idea was still good, so… here I am.” “What is it?” Yoongi asks. Hoseok takes a deep breath, looks at Yoongi pointedly for a few seconds, “Let me suck your dick.”" WIP at 76k now.
A Wish Your Heart Makes - oliviacirce (BTS) OT7. ""This can't be the right translation," Taehyung says, before Jungkook can do something crazy like just ask to suck Jimin's dick. Taehyung has his phone out, and is frowning as he taps the screen. "But I looked it up on Naver, and there might be something called sex pollen? Sex pollen? Like, plants?"" 16,600 words.
and i'll smile upon you too - pearl_o (BTS) Hoseok/Yoongi/Jungkook. ""what is going on right now?" yoongi says, still staring at hoseok. "i'm trying to communicate with you! like adults!" hoseok says. "you're doing a really bad job," says yoongi. "how did you picture this conversation going?" hoseok slumps until he's half lying down, letting his legs hanging over the edge of the mattress. "i was gonna tell you that i love you and that i want you to be happy and that i could be happy even if it meant...you know. sharing."" 5900 words.
Wingman - Zee (BTS) Jimin/Taehyung/Namjoon. "Any time Taehyung feels that he’s taken flirting too far, any time he does something a little daring and then needs to chicken out, he turns around and repeats whatever action it was on Jimin, as if to say see? This is just how I am all the time, with everyone, please don’t accuse me of liking you please. Like Jimin emits magic no-homo rays just by being there, or something." 4400 words.
You were holding on to make a point - bambambams (phanjessmagoria) (BTS) Hoseok/Namjoon/Yoongi. "When he exited the bathroom, sweatpants slung low on his hips, Hoseok's shirt had been removed, Yoongi's lips closed around his collarbone. Namjoon stopped short, smirking, more amused that Yoongi had waited until he was absent to start anything. He was like that, Namjoon had found—enough of a brat, even though he was the oldest of the three of them—but he knew the agreement that they had, too. He wasn't supposed to touch or kiss or lick or bite or anything until they were all together. It wasn't that Namjoon was jealous. None of them were—they, and their relationship, had evolved beyond that. It was simply that the three of them had agreed to always be just that—the three of them. Yoongi hated being left out and had been the one to propose that particular stipulation for their relationship. So, really. He should have known better."  7600 words.
Lonely Night - realface (BTS) Namjoon/Yoongi/Hoseok. "It starts, as most things in Namjoon’s life does these days, with a tweet." 2400 words.
keep me in your back pocket - misspamela (BTS and Monsta X) Yoongi/Kihyun. "“Kihyun,” Namjoon said slowly. “That friend of Hobi’s?” Yoongi couldn’t see him, but he could hear the carefulness in his tone. This was Namjoon Working Up to Something, and Yoongi felt his heart beat a little faster in anticipation." It's the pre-debut trainees talking about music and flirting fic I always wanted. 9300 words.
Can’t Look Back, Can’t Look Too Far Ahead - teenuviel1227 (BTS) Yoongi/Hoseok/Namjoon. "It started as directorial help for their sex tape--but what’s a couple to do when their bestfriend is the best at directing? Or Namjoon helps Sobi film a sex tape and gets caught up in the action too." 2700 words.
It's Just a Ride - im_your_hope (BTS) OT7, Jimin/Hoseok. "Jungkook’s mouth is hanging open, a bright pink flush on his cheeks, his eyes glued to the movements of Hoseok’s finger. Jin is leaning forward with his forearms resting on his thighs, his face more composed but clearly interested in the proceedings all the same. Namjoon’s eyes are so wide it would be funny in a different situation, his lips pursed together and his hands clenching his knees. Yoongi’s mouth is just slightly open, the corners of his lips turned up, close to becoming a full-blown smile. Next to Jimin Taehyung is leaning forward, a look of intense concentration on his face, studying every one of Hoseok’s movements. Jimin doesn’t want to think about his own expression. (Hoseok tries to come untouched.)" 3500 words.
hold me tight - hobipd (BTS) Jungkook/Hoseok/Yoongi/Namjoon. "Anyway, the thing Jeongguk likes... It might sound a bit strange for a 19-year-old boy, to be into something like this. This being BDSM. Bondage in particular." Kinky porn with feelings. 15,000 words.
Korean Spirit - sodanehobi (BTS) Namjoon and Seokjin, Yoongi and Taehyung, Hoseok and Jimin and Jungkook. "It's just another night, and the boys remember how much they rely on each other." canonverse found family. 2800 words.
got your back - bazooka (BTS) Seokjin and Jungkook. "Seokjin wasn’t really the mom. He knew he wasn’t the mom. Namjoon knew he wasn’t the mom. Everyone knew he wasn’t the mom. It wasn’t even a question; it was the roles they played, the concept for their group dynamic. He wasn’t anybody’s mom. Except, apparently, at one o’clock in the morning, when he’d been woken up by the tiniest of tiny sounds coming from the general direction of the kitchen." Jungkook has a panic attack and Jin is just playing the mom except when he actually is the mom. 2100 words.
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