yesoryes · 4 years
   *  ◜   .  ﹣  💌  special  delivery  for  @disappcintmvnt​
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                        skin  against  skin  has  her  feeling  electric  and  her  heart  beats  fast  inside  the  ivory  of  bones  that  makes  up  her  chest  .    still  something  doesn’t  feel  right  .    as  much  as  she  wishes  this  could  work  ,    even  ryan  knows  there’s  no  such  thing  as  happily  ever  after  .    she’s  not  sure  that’s  even  what  she  wants  ,    but  this    -    solid  stares  and  silence    -    this  isn’t  what  she  wants  at  all  .    her  fingers  reach  out  to  sooji’s  chin  ,    tilting  ever  so  slightly  to  meet  ryan’s  own  gaze  .    “  tell  me  this  is  all  in  my  head  ,    that  you  don’t  feel  something  for  me  .    tell  me  and  i’ll  leave  .  “
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divinecries · 4 years
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           ‘  christmas  is  coming  and  i  actually  weaved  something  for  you.  ’  she  said  in  a  cheerful  tone.  she  had  a  long  scarf  in  her  hands  with  a  wide  smile.   ‘  it’s  nothing  much  but  i  tried  my  best.  next  year,  i’ll  do  something  better.  ’  //  @disappcintmvnt​
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asvnder · 5 years
@disappcintmvnt !!
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     “be honest - i look like an apple, don't i ?” wonjae is rather adamant in calling his freshly dyed strands apple red, rather than the vibrant tomato hue that the rest of his members are just as adamant in calling it ( the amount of times his leader has affectionately called him tomato since coming back from the salon is way too many, especially when wonjae started reacting to the nickname ). he’ll even take cherry red ; strawberry red is pushing it but it’s infinitely better than tomato red.
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hcneywords · 5 years
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     jangmi was... not feeling great. at all. after being told to sleep with yet another man and her refusal to do such thing to win the case, the woman had been threatened the entire day so the moment she got off from work, she headed to his house to tell him what had happened. woojin was the only one she truly loved and trusted, so it felt normal for her to see him first before anything. knocking on his door a few times, she only greeted him with a small yet sad smile.  (  some angst && fluff for my one and only @disappcintmvnt  )
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purgatoriium · 5 years
- ̗̀   feat.  @disappcintmvnt  ↝  ♡’ed    ̖́-
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     “ it’s not that i don’t trust you. ” cue a long, frustrated sigh. “ i just don’t trust them. i’ve seen the way they always keep lookin’ at you — almost like they wanna eat you up or somethin’. and honestly? i don’t like it. ”
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vintcgedrop · 5 years
starter for : @disappcintmvnt
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     “don’t be a pussy.” she taunted as gloved hands worked on pulling the already shredding gate open just enough for the two to slide through. the carnival she’d be dying to go to had had its last night, and the two had arrive two hours after closing. just another thing she could blame her career choice on. tomorrow each stand, carnival game, and ride would be packed up and off to another city. but she didn’t see any reason why they couldn’t enjoy it tonight. with one giant tug that landed her on the cool crush she gate peeled open just enough. “yes! never second guess the arm work in girl group dances she beamed as she quickly popped up and through the gate without second thought. what was a little breaking and entering charge when a night to have fun was ahead of them. “are you coming? are you coming? c’mon, once we find the breaker switch thingy, it’s smooth sailing.” she prompted with an innocent smile while she swayed excitedly waiting for him to join her.
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rumrageds · 5 years
♯ closed starter  |  @disappcintmvnt.
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                                  from  the  moment  bobbie  stepped  into  this  party  regret  speared  her  in  the  chest.  she’s  quickly  considering  bailing  when  she spins  too  sharply  and  knocks  into  another.  ‘  shit.  oh  my  god,  your  drink..  i’m  so  sorry.  ’
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xsleepwalkingx-blog · 5 years
 @disappcintmvnt  hit that ❤︎  for a starter  
“I swear if you take one more fry off my plate I will stab you in the hand with a fork.”  It was nothing more than an empty threat given that Minhee was far from violent but come on! If her friend had wanted fries too then why didn’t they just order them? Why did they have to keep stealing them from her plate? “Why don’t you go and order some? I’ll even pay if you’re hard up on money or something.”
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prcssvre · 5 years
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A big huff came from Declan, as he covered his eyes with his pillow. “No it’s not morning! It still night, which means shush and let me sleep.” He grumbled. // @disappcintmvnt
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lcstnfcund · 5 years
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Taeyong walked down from the upstairs of the building to the front of house where a few of his employees were getting ready for the busy night. He noticed one of his newer employees wasn’t where he told them to be, so he went to the back to try and find them. He leaned against the door frame of the beer closet. “I have your first week pay.” He spoke up, holding up an envelope. He felt awkward, they had a history - not that any of the other employees knew and he would like to keep it that way - but now he was the boss and handing them a pay check. It felt...weird and awkward for Taeyong. “Do you want it now or do you want it later?” 
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drawsgore · 5 years
@disappcintmvnt liked for a LYRIC STARTER ! ( song: head above water by avril lavigne )
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❝I can’t seem to keep it all together.❞ Julian was exhausted. Between school and his mind keeping him up at night, he was running on little more than coffee. ❝Sorry, I’m just really out of it I guess.❞  
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artificiallovc · 5 years
♡ → ❝ @disappcintmvnt shippy starter !!
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         handing over a cookie from his plastic baggie, jae gave the other a grin. “when the kiddos are done, do you want to go to lunch with us ?”
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asvnder · 5 years
@disappcintmvnt !!
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     ‘that looks disgusting’ - spoken no less than five minutes prior and yet here hiro is, mouth half stuffed with the food in question and steadfastly ignoring the other’s gaze that he can feel burning a hole in his temple. it’s a testament to his diet that he’s eating the food that, truly, does not look palatable ( or a testament to his desperation, or apathy ; either way, a testament ).
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hcneywords · 5 years
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     did it look like he was fooling around like he usually would? of course. were his intentions any different? maybe. he was waiting outside, leaned against his car with his eyes checking the front door from time to time. yoonsu had only told her to meet him, though his plans were much greater than one could have expected. the two of them were in for an adventure. “ hello, sweetheart. “ he greeted her with a smirk once she spotted her, arms crossed across his chest as he didn’t move away from his car. “ are you ready for the best evening ever? “ (  for my cinnamon bun my sweetheart my love @disappcintmvnt   )
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purgatoriium · 5 years
🗑️ - sooji & minhyuk
texting starters  |  currently accepting !a text that wasn’t sent → minhyuk & sooji ( feat. @disappcintmvnt )
[ UNSENT ] i actually ...[ UNSENT ] really fuckin’ care about you[ UNSENT ] and that’s scary as fuck
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vintcgedrop · 5 years
starter for : @disappcintmvnt
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     it was late. he knew it well. but he had gotten into one those modes...--- the type where the only way to stop thinking about vivian was to see vivian. so he stood outside her apartment door; treats in one hand, and his laptop in the other. nervous. an emotion sungjae wasn’t accustom to feeling. he’d always been the confident, do first-ask questions later type of guy. but he was always second guessing whether he’d made the right choice or not when it came to her. constantly questioning if he was driving her closer or farther. he’d just decided that he’d be driving her farther if were to wake her up with his antics at four in the morning when her door had swung open. the fact that he was startled showed in the way he jumped away from the door. “i brought chocolate.” it was the only thing he could thing to say as he gathered his composure. “and a song. as i do. you being the only one who i want to sing it and all --- where ya going? need company? i’m free.”
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