#disability AU
zarvasace · 16 days
I just wanted to say, i’ve read shatterproof so many times, and even with how many times I’ve read through some of those fic’s they never get old! I don’t really deal with any of the issues that they do, but I most definitely relate to some of their struggles, and it’s really nice seeing all of the representation you work so hard to include and research about. If I could ask a tiny thing, though, sometime, would you be able to write more four and twilight interacting? Those two are my favorites, and would love to see more of them! 💙💜❤️💚🖤
You sent this about a month ago, and I immediately started on a fun fic, because hey, ask me to do Twilight and Four?? Pull my leg, why don't you. XD My writing juice went down this past month, so it took me a while to finish, but I hope you enjoy it. Thank you for sending me a message! I'm really glad that Shatterproof manages to be what it is. :)
11.3k words! Summary:
"Hey, Four!” Twilight calls, dropping his hand and his phone to the bed. “What?” Four yells back from the opposite side of the apartment they share. “Wanna go on a hike?”
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grayfamily15 · 9 months
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Here are five different Hyrule’s from five different people!
In the top left we have my Fairy Hyrule design
Top right is WB!Hyrule from @breannasfluff ‘s wing bois Au! Make sure to check out her wingbois series on Ao3!
In the Center is Dreamscape Hyrule, known as Dust from @the-sleepydetective ! Make sure to check out their blog!
Bottom left is Shatterproof Hyrule! From @zarvasace , check out her story on Ao3! It’s wonderful!
And Bottom Right is Mer! Hyrule from @minty-mumbles ! Make sure to check out their amazing series as well!
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cryptskeep · 3 months
anyone with cfs?
I'm assuming this means chronic fatiuge syndrome and boy do I have IDEAS!!!!
Okay so I was originally going to do Bdubs but I realized Xisuma gives off the same vibes as my friend with CFS
so here we go!!
General Lore:
drawing from some of my favorite aus where Xisuma is a very exasperated manager/owner of a store (my favorite it coffee shops) but personally I think he would absolutley own a craftstore
is Cleo's fabric supplier
thinks his employees are hilarious but is trying so hard to be the Big Boss Manager Man and serious (he is failing)
loves doing table flower arrangments with fake flowers (it's his guilty pleasure)
actually used to work in a flower shop
loves cosplay and spends so much of his money on building cosplays
CFS Lore:
mans big sleepy
constant headaches or brain fog, no in between
he has sticky notes EVERYWHERE that remind him of things that he doesn't want to forget
uses a wheelchair and decorates it for every cosplay he does
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ao3feed-dadzawa · 10 days
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conditionaljewel · 11 months
New fic!
>>>Showing Signs of Love<<<
We learn Laudna's gold ear cuffs are more than just beautiful pieces of jewelry as she remembers the early days of her and Imogen's relationship in loosely recounting the trauma she experienced at the hands of the Briarwoods to her and sharing the healing that she's experienced since that time, culminating in an expression of unique love languages between these two sorceresses.
This is the result of my hyperfixation on that Tiktok of the HoH Laudna and Imogen signing out the kiss scene and my brain couldn’t stop obsessing over an AU where Laudna had some form of auditory processing disorder/disability and she and Imogen pick up Sign Language throughout their adventures. Just a little thing thats purely self-serving and for absolutely no one else by myself but feel free to give it a gander if you like and if you do well hey thanks for reading!
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ladysunamireads · 2 months
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gryphonlover · 3 months
Four Swords Disability AU
Shadow leaned against the back of the sofa, idly watching Vio read a thick book on what looked like math. "Does Green seem… off to you?" He asked. Vio paused, hand hovering over the next page before he picked up a scrap of paper and carefully wedged it in the book to mark his place. "What do you mean by that?" "Since his injury. Has he seemed off to you?"
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ao3feed-hawks · 18 days
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National Carnation Day & National Puzzle Day & Seeing Eye Dog Day
Person A is the blind child of a florist and who learned the meaning of flowers by their scent, and their parent’s apprentice, Person B, often leaves secret message ‘puzzles’ for Person A in the form of flower bouquets.
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vifetoile · 5 months
zumai disability au/airbender au
Okay so there's this fic called Scarlet and Black <- ff dot net link, written by Vathara. VERY good one-shot, basically exploring an AU where, following the Agni Kai against his father, Zuko eventually lost his sight entirely.
However, he managed to learn how to use firebending as an extension of his senses-- similar to how Toph uses earthbending-- only he reads heat signatures and currents on the air. Add in awareness of sounds, scents, and touch, and your usual level of Zuko determination (ie off the charts), and he is dead-set on keeping this fact a secret from outsides. Uncle Iroh is, as in all AUs, Zuko's secret-keeper and counselor.
So, with Iroh's help, Zuko is able to keep his blindness secret from all the cast, except perhaps for Aang. Even Azula doesn't cotton on.
(under the cut: taking this idea, rolling with it, and making it Zumai with a side of Secret Airbender.)
Everything changes at the Crossroads of Destiny episode. Iroh is imprisoned and Zuko is restored to his place as Crown Prince. Now he has to hide his disability under even greater scrutiny than ever before.
And he meets Mai again. A lot has changed (and he will never see her face again), but still, they recognize each other. They know each other.
There is tension between them. Azula is transparently working to set them up. Ty Lee thinks they're adorable.
But there's something else about Mai, something he hadn't noticed in the past. Maybe he wouldn't even realize it now, except that he's had a lot (a lot) of experience with someone else. Someone blessed with agility, with a light tread, someone sensitive to the tiniest air current.
He recognized it in the Avatar, and he recognizes it in Mai.
Around the episode The Beach, Mai and Zuko end up having an argument on Ember Island. A divergent point from canon: this argument is private.
He refuses to open up to her, and she wants to know why he can't trust her. He says there is no one he CAN trust. Mai says, in a pique of frustration, "Zuko, I know you're blind."
He's stunned. How did she know?
It turns out, Mai figured it out early on. And she's been covering for Zuko, helping him in little ways so that no one else catches on. So that Azula and Ozai don't realize the truth.
Zuko doesn't know what to say. He can only return a secret for a secret, “And I know you're an airbender."
Turning-point-in-the-relationship time. What happens next, I don't know, but I think there is angst and, at some point, making out. To quote one of my favorite movies, "I don't know, it's a mystery."
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ao3feed-todoroki · 1 month
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zarvasace · 8 months
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Comics are not my strong suit 😅
Anyway here’s a scene of dazzling diamond danger, an installment of Shatterproof from several months ago!
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ao3feed-ladynoir · 2 months
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abluescarfonwaston · 2 years
I just thought of this, but Phoenix chronic back pain Wright finally decides to look at mobility aids because he can't pick up Pearls or Trucy and realizes that he's finally feeling not completely drained at the end of every day
You can only cry when it's over. That's what Mia taught him. Well he's crying now. And so is Pearls and he's pretty sure Trucys only holding it together for him. Maya's yelling though, so at least one of them is being level headed about this.
He is laying on the floor, crying. So something must be over. The days of picking Pearl and Trucy up for one. That's worth a river of tears in it's own.
The days of being pain free are much longer gone. But you can't cry til it's over and maybe if he'd kept smiling through it and everyone believed him his back would finally pick up the goddamn hint.
But Maya's spot at his bed swaps for Miles and he's pretty sure even the days where his friends don't look at him with worry - when he's feeling kind and Pity when he's not - are gone too. The doctor’s recommend a cane to help stabilize his gait and - without a single grey hair - he thinks the days strangers didn’t look at him that way too are also gone.
And then something changes. It’s realizing that he managed to pick up the house after work and still had the energy to keep his eyes open as Trucy told him about her day. Having the energy to answer the phone when Maya or Miles calls. That the laundry list of tasks to do stops growing longer. Occasionally it even shortens. Because the pain quiets. Those nights spent unable to move on the floor grow few and far between.
It’s thrilling. To be able to live again. It’s enraging. Why was he suffering in silence for so long? Why did they let him? Why did the world convince him it was better to Look healthy than Be healthy? That the cost of Looking normal was worth that all consuming pain? That asking for help wasn’t worth it.
Something is over. “Hey. I could use a little help.” He’s pretty sure that that’s a good thing.
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ao3feed-dadzawa · 12 days
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