kalypartemis · 1 year
Dirtyinfluences -> kalypartemis
While I am still attached to my old username (a song reference) with all the stupid spam bots lately and a desire to not be refound by some peeps, I've decided to change it to something a little less..... suggestive haha ଘ(੭ˊᵕˋ)੭ keeping my icon tho so I'm not completely unrecognizable
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eirenical · 1 year
I was tagged by @baiyubai on Twitter, but I don't tend to post this kind of stuff there, so I thought I'd do it here. ^_^
Post your
wallpaper (home screen/lockscreen)
last song
7th photo
And behind a cut we go...
Lock screen (BTS of Zhu Yilong from TLTR), home screen (Paris Remillard and Steel Burkhardt as Claude and Berger from the Hair tour in 2011), and last song (My Own Worst Enemy by Lit... I really just dated myself, didn't I? XD):
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And my 7th photo:
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The nicest looking tamagoyaki I've made in a WHILE. Tasted damned good too. 😊
Bonus: the little container it's in is from this Thermos lunchbox...
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From this commercial. ^_^
Tagging: @enechelon @canary3d-obsessed @elenothar @fan-man-huaisang @flange5 @kholran @mejomonster @dirtyinfluences @thecoffeetragedy @fixaidea @besanii @buriedbybooks @thearchivist-theprime @tirrasae @adorablecrab ...and I think that's enough to be getting on with for now? XD
And, as always, tagging whoever sees this and wants to do it. If you don't see your name but you want to play? Please do!
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flykiwiflyaway · 7 years
dirtyinfluences replied to your post: Me: I’m not a weenie! I’m going to watch horror...
Awwwww it’ll be alright -pats- try watching happy things?
Ahaha I tried....but then I went straight back to watching  horror stuff xD Tho it’s playing in the background while I draw
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flykiwifly · 7 years
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Happy Holidays everyone! Hope everyone is doing well! So, I fell a bit behind on my holiday project, so I decided to release these in batches. The holiday project I mentioned on my main blog was creating little “bookmarks” for some of my favorite FFXV fics! These fics are wonderful and helped pull me out of a terrible art block. Please go read these amazing stories and support the writers <3 They are amazing and deserve so much love!
(Edit: I had to repost because sizes were a mess)
1.) Love in a Bottle by @besin-is-a-moogle​
(Scene from Chapter 1)
Please also check out @promnised-land (The Prompt Night stories are beautiful)
2.) You are My Deepening Skies, Give Me Your Stars to Hold by @dirtyinfluences
(Scene from Chapter 3)
3.) Insomnia Shuffle by @shiningkestral
(Scene from Chapter 14)
Thank you all so much for your wonderful stories! Keep up the great work! I hope to have more of these bookmarks out before the New Year (working on the 2nd batch now).
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anubhavhoney · 4 years
#shaunaka If religion is so important.. than follower should think before making any sin in there life.. #opium #religionisdrug #badpolitics #dirtyinfluence
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redxluna · 8 years
dirtyinfluences replied to your photoset “Presenting my “too revealing and doesn’t fit right” outfit for work....”
Your workplace is quite frankly filled with horseshit. I fail to see how that's inappropriate - it's not even that low cut, like you can't see any breast tissue. Do they want you to die of heatstroke or something?
From what I can tell, that’s at least half the case. I was already going to go shopping tomorrow, but I guess there’s all the more reason to do it now. I swear to God, though, i’ve seen people literally walking around in t-shirts and shorts and it’s the tops (nothing more!) of my boobs that scandalize them? What the utter fuck is this bullshit?
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tinyhipsterboy · 10 years
dirtyinfluences replied to your post: dirtyinfluences replied to your post “...
Oh man, be prepared for letting the old Council die. You’ll get more shit for that one a bit later.
so I've heard a little bit about. I'm really irritated tbh
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hidingbehindthestars · 10 years
dirtyinfluences replied to your post “dirtyinfluences replied to your post:dirtyinfluences replied to your...”
..not my fault you decided to come ripping through your mother's vagina in August.
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intoxicatedfaux · 11 years
Oh yes, everyone else uses C. xD BUT I cAN'T FATHOM -30.
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eirenical · 2 years
OH THIS IS ALWAYS FUN.  @lizardrosen tagged me to post the last line of my WiP.  (I have... so many WiPs.  XD)  But SURE I’M GAME.  And to combine this with another of my favorite memes -- if you’d like to know any more about any of these WiPs, feel free to send me an ask!  ^_^
Lighthouse Keeper Shen Wei fic (Guardian, being cowritten with @elenothar)
"No, Zhao Yunlan… it is still I who owes you." 
Amnesia fic (Guardian)
Shen Wei might not be his son, but Zhou Yiwen would protect him as though he were.  No matter what consequences it might bring. 
Smut outtake from a HeiPing fic by @laireshi (DMBJ):
Yaba made a questioning sound as he brushed against Xiazi again, but Xiazi caught his hand, bringing it up to his lips for a brief kiss.  "While I appreciate the offer… I have something else in mind, if you're up for another round." 
Piaopiao fic (DMBJ):
*TL;DR—I reconnected with a grade school classmate after being many years divorced with a young, gravely ill daughter, and I would like to see him again.  Is this selfish of me?  Should I just leave well enough alone?* 
Time Swap AU (TLT2, Yucun Biji):
If Pangzi found out about this happening to him a second time, he'd never live it down. 
Soul of the City (GYADL AU):
*~Here.  He's here. He's here…  He’s _awake._~* 
Awards Show Aftermath (GYADL):
A warm puff of air in his ear, carrying words heavy with promise: "You've been so good tonight, Fusheng.  The finest escort a woman could ask for.  Can you be good for me for a little bit longer?" 
Fusheng Lives BUT AT WHAT COST (GYADL drama/novel fusion):
As Cheng Musheng finally moved away from the table, Jingyun followed him towards the kitchen.  Clearly there was a story here, and Musheng owed her one. 
Mei Gao Mei fic (GYADL):
Really, he just wanted to brush his teeth in peace!
Retribution (GYADL, next in the Whumptober series):
Fusheng had barely taken one step out of the alley before Qian Kuohai’s voice rolled out from it one last time.  “And for later?”
Fusheng smiled a grim smile.  “For later… I’ll be in touch.”  And then he was off into the night.
Muet, Chapter 14 (Les Mis):
“Come on, Enjolras!  It’s time to go.  If you’re still intent on coming with me, it’s now or never.” 
Legacies Found (The Untamed):
"…Wei Ying."
As for Wei-qienbai, he had eyes for no one but Hanguang-jun, and he answered in kind.
"…Lan Zhan."
Jingyi was going to *die*.
And omg, there are others, but THAT’S ENOUGH TO BE GETTING ON WITH, YEAH?  XD
Tagging: Anyone who was already tagged above, @enechelon, @dreamer-wisher-liar, @kholran, @mejomonster, @yaaurens, @galauvant (...I can’t seem to @ you?  O_o;;;), @foxofninetales, @highpriestessofjogan, @afk-reading, @bobcatmoran, @fixaidea, @kingesstropolis, @dirtyinfluences, @jadedbirch, @porthos4ever, @humanlighthouse and omg, I’m running out of brain and I know I’m forgetting people.  If you want to do this, please consider yourself tagged!  (Just create your own post when you do it.  ^_^)
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flykiwiflyaway · 7 years
dirtyinfluences replied to your post: WIP[[MOR] VERY Rough sketch of what I’m working...
“Bonus in the details” -STARES HARDCORE AT DETAILS-
Ahaha, it’s a hint to which fic this is based off of xD (tho IDK if anyone will notice...at least in the sketch stage)
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flykiwifly · 7 years
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Cover for “Polavoid” by @dirtyinfluences
First cover for the Promnis Big Bang! Will update later with link!
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tinyhipsterboy · 10 years
dirtyinfluences replied to your post “ok really tho mass effect 2’s just begun and all they can talk about...”
It's been like forever since I played, but was it Cerberus saying that? Bc they're kinda assholes.
It's everyone--Chakwas and Shepard talk about it, too, and even the Council is doing it. I let the old Council die because I was trying to save thousands of people and it kind of turned into "yeah this was an opportunity for humanity to get into things"...
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dreamofmintsuga · 11 years
Errrm Hai
Okay so. I normally don't make text posts, but I thought this would be a great way to start. 
DirtyInfluences AKA Sarah.
While I may not have known Sarah as long, she was and still is an influential part of my life. I met her in our Japanese language class the first semester of MUN. We met through a mutual friend of ours, whose name was, believe it or not, Sara. We started to talk in class when we had work classes and noticed that we also had a lot in common. We both liked Jrock and anime and sci fi and fantasy, it was awesome. i didn't see her much until we started actually hanging out in our second year. I remember the fantastic adventure we had on the biggest snowstorm of the year ... I hated the blisters tho... stupid boots. I started noticing that because I hung around with another set of people, I didn't see her as often as I liked( We still haven't gone to Formosa's). So I decided to just make her come sit with the people I sat with, cause hey who knows, everyone could become biffles. And that is exactly what happened. Everyone started talking and turns out everyone did in fact get along which was AWESOME. ~spazzy dancing =^.^=~
But come our second year, things started changing. I noticed that my two friends (Jess and Sarah) Seemed to have more in common with each other than they had with me. They started hanging out more, and I started to feel a bit left on the sidelines. But what odds I said, its probably me being paranoid. So I didn't say anything. And then the drama started(Albeit by me unintentionally but still it started). My paranoia hit an all time high. I thought that they were ignoring me on purpose and that they didn't like me or want me around any more. The time we spent together as a threesome(....not that way) was dwindling and it sucked. I felt alienated and ganged up on cause everything I tried to do to fix things, it seemed to bring it in the wrong direction. And I kept trying. But everything that I said seemed to make things worse. When I can't remember certain dates, I tend  to overexagerate things and that started to lead down a dark road. Before I knew it, I started to lose them because they thought was being mean or dramaish on purpose when I was trying to actually do the opposite. 
I started to fell left out and I was taking it bad. I thought that I lost two of my best friends. I was jealous that they had so much more in common with each other than they did with me, and I felt trapped and alone. I didn't know what to do, so apologizing seemed to be my last option.
I felt trapped and afraid and I didn't know what to do,so I kept apologizing in hopes that maybe someday that the apology would work. I just want that dynamic back. I want my friends back and this is my laast hope. I hope they see this and forgive me and realize that what they thought was me being a bitch was actually me feeling cornered and trying to defend myself and fix things.
Jess. Sarah. If you guys are reading this, I hope that you guys can put past the bad times and maybe start fresh. I love you guys like sisters and I didn't/don't want that to change. So yea guys.... if you ever want me.... I got yo flower and your backs, and I's sorry. 
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hidingbehindthestars · 10 years
dirtyinfluences replied to your post:dirtyinfluences replied to your post...
…………I present to you, case a) the hobbit moleskin. YOU CAN SAY FUCKING NOTHING
you mean the hobbit moleskin that was marked down like 20% and we got an extra 5% taken off because the cashiers probably feared for their lives THAT I GAVE YOU FOR YOUR BIRTHDAY, NOT MINE. 
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jackkdawsons · 11 years
dirtyinfluences replied to your post: Ugh I’m sorry for how ann...
doctorenterprise replied to your post: Ugh I’m sorry for how ann...
Um…nope. You’re pretty awesome.
soooo this is really late but i just wanted to say thank you guys alot bc Idk i was just feeling pretty down and..stupid tbh and your comments really helped and cheered me up :') thank you thank you. y'all are seriously amazing. *hugs*
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