#director rindou
mx-giraffe · 7 months
Guys guys guys
Hear me out
I know. I know I know I know but wait
I think
That we need more Yuma fluff
Guys I wanna read about Tamakoma making fun of Yuma and Chika for being short. And I wanna read about Yuma hanging out with Ko and Kage and them just having fun as besties. And I wanna read about Tamakoma all spending time together. I wanna read a fic where everyone goes up onto the roof to stargaze with Yuma until they fall asleep with blankets and sleeping bags and just keep him company through the night. I wanna read a fic where Yuma and Yotaro go fishing (and Hyuse gets to be there too because cmon). And I wanna read a fic where Yoneya finally gets that match! And I wanna read a fic just full of Jin being Yuma’s older brother. I wanna hear about all the happy things, I wanna know all the small little moments that are really the most treasured ones.
Thank you for listening to my Ted talk.
(Id just write some myself but I’m currently in the middle of actually important exams, so I have like barely any time 😭😭)
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I love the fact that the director of animation of this season in TR is giving as THIS as a New Year gift! 🤣
Link to his twt here!
Happy New Year, yeeeey! 🎉
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(Rindou looks so happy with his alcohol and Ran looks so sleepy, I love them! 💜)
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kwlsn · 5 months
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synopsis :
as a dear wife of an executive director of a high-ranking criminal organisation, it'd be a daily occurrence for you to live with numerous assassination attempts from other groups. your husband always knows you can protect yourself from day one, but what about the time when a little bundle of joy came in?
starring : sano shinichiro, sano manjiro, haitani ran, haitani rindou, sanzu haruchiyo, etc.
warning : assassination, kidnapping, physical assault, blackmailing, murder, betrayal, etc.
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— ❖ the first love
— ❖ the self-made millionaire
— ❖ the supermodel
— ❖ the doctor
— ❖ the teacher
— ❖ TBA
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blackstarmylove · 2 months
Jobs (HC)
Fandom: Blackstar Theater Starless
Pairing: No pairing.
Warning: None
Prompt: What if they had 'normal' lives where Starless never existed, and neither did the sketchy organizations behind the scenes? What non-sketchy careers would they pursue?
A/N: Assume older age for the younger characters; they're not in school/college anymore.
Celebrity - Actor/Singer/Model (of course, lol)
CEO & Founder of a Corporation
Owner of a Movie Production House
Stockmarket Investor
Professional Poker Player
Detective/Private Investigator
Professor (his class 99% female students, lol)
Chess Player
Owner of a small business (inn or restaurant - girls flock there just to see his cuteness)
Celebrity (Model/Actor)
General Manager in a big company
Skateboarder or Snowboarder
In short, Athlete
Captain in the military
Personal Trainer (A LOT of the women want him to train them)
Boyband Member
CEO of a big company
Head of a Secret Service Agency
Runs a computer repair shop
PCP/Family Doctor
Pediatrician (all the moms loooove going to him because he takes care of their kids really well...yeah, let's go with that.)
CEO of a company
Fashion Blogger
Music Composer/Singer
Professional Mattress Tester
Applier for every clinical sleep study possible
Real Estate Agent
Working for a non-profit
Caretaker in an elderly home (the grandmas and grandpas love him to death)
Surgeon (would you trust him? XD)
Police Officer
Professional Food Taster
Dancer/Dance Teacher
Food Critic
Beauty Pageant/Model Trainer
Professional Makeup Artist
Fashion Designer
Controversial YouTuber
Therapist (would you trust him?)
Software Engineer
Founder of a business
Researcher at a large institute
Secret Agent for the government
Martial Art Instructor
Physical Therapist
Fashion Designer
Nurse Practitioner
Yoga Instructor (his calmness makes me think this😂)
Food Taster
Bad Cop
Professional Chef
Gym Trainer/Bodybuilder
Wrestler (of course lol)
Underground Rapper
Dog Trainer
Personal Fashion Designer
Casting Director
Basketball Player
Tattoo Artist
Gym Instructor
9 to 5 Office Employee
Manager in a small company
➣ BlackStar Theater Starless Masterlists [1][2][3][4]
➣ Main Masterlist
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ninelanguages · 4 months
Kanji for "long", "chief", "head"
長 = chou / naga•i
長い - Nagai - long / lengthy / prolonged / protracted - ながい
長電話 - Nagadenwa - long telephone conversation - ながでんわ
社長 - Syachou - the company president - しゃこう
部長 - Buchou - the manager [head/director] of a department - ぶちょう
長所 - Chousho - a strong point / a good point / a merit - ちょうしょ
身長 - shinchou - height (of body) / stature - しんちょう
Kanji for "wind", "breeze", "manners", "customs"
風 = kaze / fuu / fu / kaza
和風 - Wafuu - Japanese style - わふう
風上 - Kazakami - (the) windward (side) - かざかみ
風 - Kaze - a wind / a current of air / a breeze / a draft - かぜ
風邪 - Kaze - (a) cold / the common cold - かぜ
風邪を引く - Kaze wo hiku - to catch (a) cold / to get a cold - かぜをひく
風呂 - Furo - a bath - ふろ
Kanji for "sky" "air", "heaven(s)", "celestial sphere"
天 = ten / ame / ama
天ぷら - Tenpura - deep-fried battered vegetables and seafood - てんぷら
天気 - Tenki - weather - てんき
天井 - Tenjou - the ceiling - てんじょう
天才 - Tensai - (a) genius (for) / a natural girft (for) - てんさい
いい天気 - Iitenki - good [nice, fine, pleasant] weather - いいてんき
天国 - Tenkoku - Heaven - てんこく
Kanji for "thick woods", "forest"
森 = shin / mori
青森県 - Aomoriken - Aomori prefecture (of the tohoku area) - あおもりけん
森林 - Shinrin - a forest / a wood / the woods - しんりん
森 - Mori - a wood / woods / a grove / a forest - もり
森林浴 - Shinrinyoku - walking in the woods [forest] (as therapy) - しんりんよく
森田さん- Moritasan - mr. [ms.] Morita - もりたさん
森林公園 - Shinrinkouen - a forest park - しんりんこうえん
Kanji for "forest", "woods", "grove"
林 - hayashi / rin
山林 - Sanrin - a forest (on a mountain) - さんりん
杉林 - Sugibayashi - a (Japanese) cedar forest - すぎばやし
林道 - Rindou - a path [trail] through the forest - りんどう
林業 - Ringyou - forestry - りんぎょう
雑木林 - Zoukibayashi - a grove of mixed trees - ぞうきばやし
林 - Hayashi - a grove / a small wood / a copse - はやし
Kanji for "believe", "trust", "have confidence in", "message", "signal"
信 = shin
信用 - Shinyou - trust/ credit/ confidence/ reliance - しんよう
信号 - Shingou - a signal/ a traffic light [signal]/ signaling - しんごう
信仰 - Shinkou - (religious) faith/ belief - しんこう
自信 - Jishin - (self-)confidence - じしん
通信 - Tsuushin - correspondence / communication / news - つうしん
信じる - Shinjiru - to believe/ to accept as true/ to be convinced - しんじる
Kanji for "oneself", "self", "by itself", "naturally"
自 = ji / shi / mizuka•ra
自分の - Jibunno - one's own/ personal/ private - じぶんの
自ら - Mizukara - oneself/ (for) oneself/ personally/ in person - みずから
自由 - Jiyuu - freedom / liberty - じゆう
不自由 - Fujiyuu - inconvenience/ poverty/ want/ disability - ふじゆう
自己紹介 - Jikosyoukai - self-introduction - じこしょうかい
Kanji for "divide", "minute", "part", "understand"
分 = bun / fun / bu / wa•keru / wa•kareru / wa•karu / wa•katsu
分かる - Wakaru - to understand/ to see / to know / to realize - わかる
分かれる - Wakareru - to be divided [split] (into) / to branch off (from) - わかれる
自分 - Jibun - oneself/ I - じぶん
十分な - Jyuubunna - plenty (of) / sufficient/ thorough / enough - 十分な
水分 - Suibun - moisture (content) / water / juice - すいぶん
分ける - Wakeru - to divide [split, part] / to distribute / to classify - わける
Kanji for "beautiful", "pretty", "lovely", "good", "superior"
美 = bi / utsuku•shii
美容 - Biyou - beauty / a good figure - びよう
美容院 - Biyouin - a beauty salon [shop, parlor] - びよういん
美人薄命 - Bijinhakumei - rare beauties die young - びじんはくめい
美人 - Bijin - a beautiful woman / a beauty / a pretty girl - びじん
美しい - Utsukushi - beautiful (woman)/ lovely / fine (voice) / noble - うつくし
美術 - Bijutsu - fine art / the fine arts/ art - びじゅつ
Kanji for "half", "semi-", "hemi-", "halfway"
半 = han / naka•ba
半額 - Hangaku - half the amount [sum, price, fare] - はんがく
半ば - Nakaba - middle / half / semi / halfway / partly - なかば
半年 - Hantoshi - half a year / a half year - はんとし
二時半 - Nijihan - two-thirty (o'clock)/ half past two (o'clock) - にじはん
半島 - Hantou - a peninsula - はんとう
半分 - Hanbun - (a) half - はんぶん
Kanji for "restful", "feel at ease", "cheap"
安 = an / yasu•i
安心 - Anshin - relief / peace of mind - あんしん
目安 - Meyasu - a standard - めやす
不安 - Fuan - uneasiness / anxiety / insecurity - ふあん
安全 - Anzen - safety / security - あんぜん
安らぐ - Yasuragu - to feel at ease - やすらぐ
安い - Yasui - cheap / inexpensive - やすい
Kanji for "older sister"
姉 = ane / shi
姉 - ane - one's older sister - あね
姉妹 - shimai - sisters - しまい
お姉さん - oneesan - a (one's) older sister - おねえさん
義理の姉 - giri no ane - one's older sister-in-law - ぎりのあね
姉妹校 - shimaikou - sister schools しまいこう
姉貴 - aneki - one's older sister - あねき
Kanji for "younger sister"
妹 = imouto / mai
姉妹都市 - shimaitoshi - sister cities - しまいとし
妹 - imouto - one's younger sister - いもうと
従姉妹 - itoko - a female cousin - いとこ
妹さん - imoutosan - (somebody else's) younger sister -いもうとさん
義理の妹 - giri no imouto - ぎりのいもうと
Kanji for "small", "minor", "little", "short"
小 = chii•sai / ko / o / shou
小銭 - kozeni - small change (as in money) - こぜに
小さな - chiisana - small (voice)/ minor (mistake)/ tiny (turtle) - ちいさな
小川 - ogawa - a stream / a brook/ a creek / a rivulet - おがわ
小さい - chiisai - small / little / tiny - ちいさい
小説 - syousetsu - a novel/ a story/ a work of fiction - しょうせつ
小指 - koyubi - the little finger / the pinkie - こゆび
Kanji for "few", "little", "small"
少 = suku•nai / suko•shi / syou
少女 - Syoujo - a young girl - しょうじょ
少々 - Syousyou - a little / a few / slightly / for a moment / briefly - しょうしょう
少ない - Sukunai - few / little / there are a few (...) / have a little (...) - すくない
少年 - Syounen - a young boy - しょうねん
少し - Sukoshi - a few / a small quantity (of)/ a little - すこし
少しも - Sukoshimo - (not) in the least/ (not) at all/ (not) a bit - すこしも
Kanji for "body", "object", "form"
体 = karada / tai / tei
具体的な - Gutaitekina - concrete / definite/ specific - ぐたいてきな
体重 - Taijuu - one's body weight - たいじゅう
体 - Karada - a [the] body / a physique/ awkward - からだ
体裁の悪い - Teisai no warui - unbecoming / awkward - ていさい の わるい
体調 - Taichou - one's physical condition - たいちょう
全体の - Zentai no - whole / entire/ general - ぜんたい の
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sunshine-overload · 2 years
[BSTS] Main Story S4CH5 'Follow the Rainbow at the Seafloor' - Chapter 6 + EX Chapters
originally translated these chapters when they first came out but never posted here, so, enjoy nekome being sus af
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Chapter 6
-street, night time-
maica: Shinju!
shinju: Oh? Hey Maica.
maica: Good work today, you’re probably heading home right? I have something I’d like to talk to you about though, can we?
shinju: Yeah sure.
ran: Hold up, if you’re gonna talk lemme hear too!
shinju: Huh, Ran? Why?
ran: Lately Macia n’ I have been gettin’ along well~ Anyways, since ya talkin’ let’s go chat in a cafe!
maica: Good idea, we’re just standing around out here.
shinju: W-what? Ah, wait up!
-in cafe-
shinju: So um, what is it you two want from me exactly?
maica: Right now we’re in the middle of investigating Nekome, and so, we have something we’d like to ask you.
shinju: Huh? Nekome…
ran: Yep yep, we’ve teamed up. Though, the main thing I’m interested in is the black cards. So Shinju have ya ever seen Nekome with a card that’s completely black? Like before he disappeared n’ such.
shinju: A completely black card? Sorry, I have no idea.
ran: For real? And here I was thinkin’ for sure Nekome would have one.
maica: Ran, don’t derail the conversation.
shinju: I get that you two are investigating Nekome and whatever that card is but, why do you want to know about Nekome from me?
maica: …Shinju. I can tell that you’re avoiding Nekome. Why you’re avoiding him, what you know about him, that’s what I’d like to know.
shinju: …That’s….
maica: I’m of the belief that Nekome had something to do with the disappearance of Starless’ previous owner and the director couple.
ran: Me too! They all disappeared and yet only he came back all chill like nothin’ happened, it’s definitely suspicious! The reason he’s got his eye on Nee-chan has to be related as well!
shinju: What… Really?
maica: We don’t have any conclusive evidence though, that’s why I’d like to clarify the truth. At first I was just looking for what the cause of your discomfort was, but now I’m not just investigating for your sake anymore. The previous owner and director couple are still gone and I’m starting to worry some people can’t be trusted.
ran: And the key person in all of that is Nekome.
maica: More than anything, I just want to make sure Saki isn’t targeted.
shinju: For Saki-chan’s sake…
maica: That’s why I want information on Nekome, could you tell us what it is you know?
shinju: …… (thinking about it)
shinju: Ok. I don’t know how useful it will be, but I’ll tell you my story. That day, it could’ve just been me misunderstanding it, but—
EX 1
-still in cafe-
shinju: I’ll talk about what I saw. It was around the time Team P was first formed. Rindou had been having trouble on stage… 
-flashback, old starless backstage room-
shinju: (That was a close one, I’m so glad I found my house key here in the store. That could’ve been real bad if I’d dropped it on the street somewhere… Hm? Is someone else here?)
-shinju peeks into the storage room-
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nekome: Well, I guess you could say it’s like a simple type of therapy?
rindou: Sorry Nekome, I’ve even made you concerned about me…
nekome: No worries, to make sure Team P’s on the right track, you’re necessary no matter what, Rindou.
nekome: (on computer or something) Ok, the card’s all set up, how about you?
rindou: I’m fine.
shinju: (Nekome and… Rindou? I wonder what they’re doing… he said something about therapy.)
nekome: Here we go, put these headphones on now.
rindou: Ok.
nekome: Okay, concentrate real hard on the sound that’s gonna come from the headphones, I’ll start it now.
shinju: (I wonder what they could be talking about, a new show maybe? I wish I could hear it too but I’m just the understudy…)
-rindou jolts in pain-
rindou: Guh— graaahhhh!
shinju: !?
nekome: …Hm? (he notices shinju)
shinju: (What was that, what, what happened? Nekome noticed me, shit, I need to run!)
rindou: Gua… Aaaagh…!
shinju: (Rindou I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I’ll call the police as soon as I can…!)
nekome: ………
-flashback ends-
shinju: After that… nothing happened. The police did come to the store, but they said that no one was there.
ran: Woahhh~ What a frightening story that was.
maica: So was Rindou ok after that?
shinju: He was there at Starless the next day like normal and looked just fine. To the point where I thought I’d just imagined everything. Both of them acted as though nothing had even happened except…
maica: Except?
shinju: Up until then, Rindou had been a bit unstable, but that gradually settled afterwards…
ran: Hmm… So in other words, Nekome’s therapy was a success?
maica: It can’t be that simple.
shinju: I don’t know… ever since then I’ve been afraid of Nekome. Rindou took notice of it and adjusted our shifts to be different as much as he was able to.
maica: I see… Thank you, Shinju. Ran and I are going to discuss this a bit more so you can head home ahead of us. Sorry for dragging you along with us.
shinju: Ah, right. I’ll be going then.
ran: See ya~!
-street, night time-
shinju: Sigh… I’ll head straight home and rest tonight…
nekome: Nice work today, Shinju.
shinju: (very shocked) !? S-same to you, Nekome.
nekome: You heading home? How about we walk to the station together?
shinju: Um I…
nekome: My really, what a coincidence this is, I’m glad that I ran into you. Let’s walk and chat till we reach the station hm?
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EX 2
-rehearsal room-
maica: Hey Rindou, can I ask you something?
rindou: Sure, what’s the matter?
maica: I was thinking that we have a lot of unresolved problems that we’ve set aside. So… what are you going to do about them?
rindou: …Fufu. 
maica: Why’d that make you laugh?
rindou: Sorry, the question was just unexpectedly abstract. Usually you speak a lot more straightforwardly so it must be something you’re quite worried over.
maica: Ah… well, yeah I guess.
rindou: So, this is about our team’s unresolved problems then?
maica: That’s right.
rindou: …I think the only way to handle them is to put them into order of priority and go from there. Time is limited after all.
maica: Hm, true… But, what if it was something that could be a really big problem but you yourself have forgotten it? Then what?
rindou: Is something wrong Maica? Today you’re really… Did something happen? If possible I can help you out.
maica: Oh, no, it’s not like that. It’s like a hypothetical question I guess? I’d like you to answer thinking of it like that.
rindou: That so? That’s fine then… Hmm… A big problem that I myself have forgotten. If it’s not something that’s related to our team, the stage, or our guests, then right now I would not be prioritising it.
maica: So you’re saying you’d leave it be?
rindou: Yes.
maica: If left neglected you may end up not being able to resolve it. Would that not make you uneasy or anything?
rindou: I guess it would make me uneasy. If it were someone other than me, I’m sure they’d rather work towards solving it, bit by bit. But if it’s me we’re talking about, then I’d be fine with it never being resolved. Since to me right now, the stage is my everything.
maica: …I see.
rindou: Everything ok?
maica: Ah, yeah I’m fine. Sorry for asking you something strange.
rindou: No worries. Since it seems we have some time before the others arrive, how about we rehearse the basics?
maica: Sure thing.
rindou: Let’s go.
EX 3
-outside starless, night time-
saki: (Today was a lot of fun… It’s already gotten dark out, I should carefully make my way home.)
nekome: Nice night out tonight isn’t it, little lady?
saki: (Is that man calling out to me? If he’s trying to hit on me it’s better I don’t address him…)
nekome: Hey wait it’s me it’s me. Nekome. Won’t you look at me?
saki: Oh, so it was just you Nekome-san. I thought I was being hit on or something, sorry for ignoring you.
nekome: Hmm well, you weren’t too far off the mark I guess.
saki: Huh? …You mean you were hitting on me?
nekome: To an extent. You’re headed to the station right? I’ll escort you.
saki: Eh, you can’t do that.
nekome: It’s fine it’s fine, rather if I can walk beside you for even just 10 minutes I might even pay you.
saki: I don’t need money.
nekome: I’m joking don’t worry, so, can we walk together?
saki: Ok, then, thank you.
nekome: No prob, alright, let’s go—!
nekome: By the way, are you familiar with the ‘five minute hypothesis’?*
-choice: I know / I don’t - (if you say you know it he just skips the explanation and calls u knowledgeable)
saki: What’s that?
nekome: Uhh let’s see, it’s a philosophical theory that was proposed by a philosopher called Mr what’s his name.
saki: (Mr what’s his name…)
nekome: It’s said the earth was created 4.6 billion years ago, when in actuality it could’ve been created a mere 5 minutes ago. There’s no real way to prove whether that’s possible or impossible, that’s how the theory goes.
saki: How come you brought up this theory?
nekome: Well, I just thought it was interesting. For example, let’s say Starless was built today, but everyone was implanted with a fake memory that it had existed for 10 years. It would be quite shocking, no one would realise it and start celebrating the store’s tenth anniversary. And just like that they’d reminisce about the past, unbothered by how strangely new the wallpaper is.
saki: Uh, umm…
nekome: Oh, sorry sorry. What I wanted to say was, what if right now you and I were kidnapped by aliens, they might implant the memory that we’ve been dating for a whole year!
saki: …What?
nekome: If that were to happen, this irritating distance between us would be erased, would it not?
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saki: …Sigh. I thought you had been talking about something more serious.
nekome: Huuh? I was talking very seriously though.
-time pass, outside train station-
nekome: Talking so much in between we’ve already reached the station.
saki: Thanks for walking me all the way here, Nekome-san.
nekome: No problem, thank you too for the enjoyable time. I’ll find something even more interesting to talk about next time, so let’s walk like this again some time.
saki: Ok, sounds good. See you next time.
nekome: Bye~
*from wikipedia- The five-minute hypothesis is a skeptical hypothesis put forth by the philosopher Bertrand Russell, that proposes that the universe sprang into existence five minutes ago from nothing, with human memory and all other signs of history included.
also note for those unaware, the shinju nekome chat cliffhanger was resolved by takami also stepping in out of nowhere, they all parted ways without incident (and here I was thinking nekome was about to memory wipe shinju)
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Ace Dokusha
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Biological cousin of Takemichi Hanagaki (his mom & my dad are siblings); I'm also retroactively adopted as his sister at 18.
Previously legally married and Currently divorced to Rindou Haitani; Currently legally married to Mikey Sano; Currently emotionally married to Keisuke Baji and Takashi Mitsuya.
Previously engaged to Yakuza Boss Yami Sukehiro of the Sukehiro Clan. It was an undercover thing that absolutely should not have been in the hands of an 18 to 22-year-old.
Co-founder of the Haitani Zoku Gang with Ran & Rindou (they formed a gang exclusively for me, lol), which was eventually absorbed by the Tokyo Manji Gang before its disbandment.
Co-owner/Co-founder of Haitani Consulting with Ran & Rindou; previously facilitated the complete absorption of every gang in Japan into the Tokyo Manji Gang before its disbandment.
Currently, Haitani Consulting facilitates both private, corporate, and government contract discussions and writes said contracts so that everyone leaves satisfied.
Co-owner/Co-founder of Naito Haitani—primarily run by Ran and Rindou.
Member of the Tokyo Manji Gang before its disbandment, depending on whether or not Mikey and I were broken up. I was blacklisted and contact with me by gang members was largely forbidden when we weren't together.
Director of the Community Relations branch of the Tokyo Manji Gang before its disbandment, depending on whether or not Mikey and I were together. The position elevated me to leadership status similar to Mikey/Takemichi, but I functioned independently of the rest of the leadership team. It was a branch of the gang that didn't exist until I came along.
Important Notes:
Takes place in the final timeline exclusively, starting in June of Mikey's senior year of high school.
Mikey is a good guy—a great guy even! We are not good together. But we also can't stay away from each other for long. In an AU where it's just me and him, rather than the whole polyship, it's very bad.
Arguably the most traumatized self-insert. The MHA one is very traumatized, but at least has relatively healthy coping mechanisms. The BC one is traumatized, but there's also a lot of healing. And the HQ (2) one is traumatized, but it's comparatively tame.
0 notes
Hey, same person who told you which A3! VAs can rap, again. Just read the latest Hisoka translation. Here’s the 1st thing I noticed in Part 1- Izumi: “I can tell they are delicious just for the name!” I think it’s better to word it naturally like this- “I can tell they are delicious just [by] the name!” The reason, Izumi heard the flavor name of the marshmallow, which sounds delicious. There are other parts which will be in another ask next time.
Mistakes from the other asks:
“But you could grab a cold if you do that, Director…” -> “you could [catch] a cold.” ✓
“Dark Matter! I’m not letting you go away today!” -> “I’m not letting you [get] away today!” ✓
“My company’s had an end-year party where…” -> “My company had…” - “end-of-the-year party” ✓
Thanks for pointing them out and explaining them! They are now corrected. The "catch a cold" and "get away" parts I did them by memory and... failed. Hopefully, I won't mistake them again (ーvー;)
Hey, same person who told you which A3! VAs can rap, again. (...) Unrelated, BLACKSTAR’s new event will have TeamP in outfits in a color scheme similar to the current A3! event card outfits.
They are so pretty!! I love the scenery and their outfits. Nekome and Rindou are my favorites there (´。• ᵕ •。`)
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mileydragneel · 6 years
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Kobayashi Rindou Chibi
-As I said, I bring you this Rindou chibi version, since I saw it I loved it, I hope that you too XD By the way, if someone knows the link of the artist who drew it, would I have it? Thanks xD
Art by: ???
Color: Me.
-Como había dicho, les traigo a esta Rindou versión chibi, desde que la vi me encantó, espero que a ustedes también XD Por cierto, si alguien conoce el link del artista que la dibujó, me lo pasaría? Gracias XD
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lolnotactive · 3 years
tokyorev actorau!rambles (excuse any typos bye)
actor!mikey is always checking on his co-stars after filming a fight scene. ‘i didn’t hit you did i?’ is definitely something he always says.
i can honestly imagine the tokyorev cast being very fucking funny… i feel like actor!mitsuya always laughs during a serious scene (same with actor!takemichi like he could just be filming a scene where he is supposed be getting beat up or crying and just die laughing)
actors that forget their lines the most have to be baji, chifuyu, draken (emma stays laughing her ass off at him) … i think actor!kazutora is always asking the director if he can help with camera because it looks fun “wait, can i help with this scene?” he says while running off set.
what baji, chifuyu and draken do/say when they forget their lines
baji - i think he’ll look directly at the camera with a certain face and everyone will just know and start laughing at him “don’t laugh at me!” he says while laughing at himself.
chifuyu - “fuck” i think he says that a lot especially when he forgets his lines and he definitely over-exaggerates it a lot but not in a bad way more in a funny dramatic way.
draken - he can’t be serious, i think he stumbles over his words and covers his mouth with his hand to start giggling about it so he would definitely be like “i am so sorry” while dying of laughter.
all of them find dying scenes funny, they mess up the scenes by saying something cringy other than lines or making a funny face while there supposed to be seriously dead in the scene.
um … baji & chifuyu really do be bestfriends on set and on the show, they are always play fighting and ruining eachothers scenes on purpose “oh—i’m sorry was i in your shot?” and they definitely end up having a bunch of interviews together (when the whole cast has an interview together it is definitely chaotic and most of them can’t sit still).
actor!naoto makes fun of his serious look
actor!hanma has a spritz bottle laugh that ends up literally killing everyone during a scene
actor!hina doesn’t forget her lines but her placements during a scene everyone (especially takemichi) has to remind her “hina your supposed to be over here” and she’s just like “oh-“ like she’ll being doing a scene and end up doing a certain hand movement or gesture she isn’t supposed to do but they end up going with it anyways AND she definitely makes fun of the death scenes and laughs when takemichi has to film a crying scene with her and he’s just like “are you laughing at my tears again?”
actors!peh & pah have to always be running off somewhere, literally no one can ever find them when it’s there turn to film…
actor!kisaki is always defending his character tbh and whenever someone tries to get on him about it he is like “ok but didn’t you character do *insert random thing that can be held against them* though”. i also feel like he is always fucking with the props (baji too! he definitely breaks something and is like “aw shit” cause he knows he is gonna get in trouble)
actor!mitsuya IS LIKE TOM HOLLAND THAT ONE TIME … lemme just show you WATCH. actor!hakkai gets on him about it all them time like “dude you are gonna get fired STOP” and he is definitely the one to have to watch him on interviews
actor!sanzu is always fucking up his makeup by accident and always has to go back to the makeup trailer like “yeah… it smeared again” (he pisses the makeup artist off THEY KNOW HE DOESNT MEAN TO THOUGH) like he’ll wipe his face with his hand and forget he has on important makeup
actors!emma and draken are always making fun of each other and i do feel like they would be the ones to actually end up dating in real life
actor!senju is hyper and is always running around on set, i think actor!wakasa laughs a lot during scenes and enjoys his lollipops (a real life sweetheart though)…
actor!taiju has to swear he isn’t mean to his fans “don’t be afraid to talk to me guys”ANDDDD is a real life sweetheart
actors!hakkai and yuzuha give off real sibling energy though … they embody it so well (they are definitely best friends in real life and always being seen at events together)
actors!mikey and draken are bestfriends irl also and they are always being seen together ON set and OFF set, always eating and having long drawn conversations, their trailers are across from eachothers… (also with baji and chifuyu and kazutora they are always in one of the others trailer tbh)
actor!ran does his own braids tbh, always fucking up props and always laughing
actor!rindou definitely pulls pranks (he just looks suspicious) with his co-star baji (you already know his ass be pulling pranks) and i think draken be pulling them too especially on mikey and he just be like “bro…” definitely be beating they ass fr MIKEY IS DEFINITELY THE MOM OF EVERYONE LOL
actors!smiley and angry are brothers in real life of course and definitely pop up a lot in the bloopers together … literally always getting in trouble, always in one of their co-stars trailer, always missing with pah & peh lol (OH AND angry can’t be serious for nothing… especially when filming them crying scenes)
they all get on eachothers nerves, they all LOVE there fans like they love to piss yall off (mostly .. BAJI, mitsuya, draken, emma & hina (loves to piss yall off TOGETHER) and chifuyu and SANZU (he is always fw yall PLS)
actor!hanma claims he dating all his fans when he gets asked who is he dating “literally my fans” (mikey, baji, mistuya and chifuyu too)
LASTLY when the whole cast has to do a table read they are just as invested as WE are … complaining, coming for eachother, laughing and definitely crying at the scenes they have to later film… yall they have so much fun together, the whole cast is more like a big ass friend group.
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basically-romealone · 2 years
Rewatched B99 so here
Bonten x pregnant reader
So some of you may not know but I'm trans and I know like a lot about babies and pregnancy and such and I'm not afraid to write about it and I am quite paternal despite not wanting children of my own
(name) sat at the meeting table, interrupting Kaku while the members of Bonten sat around her "something wrong (name)?" Kaku asked with a raised eyebrow to the director of arms who just waved him off "yeah nothing much, just my water broke" she said casually as the room froze at her words.
Then shit broke loose.
None of these men have interacted with a pregnant woman before and since they have known you as teens, they were protective to say the least.
"Shit! What no?! You're three weeks early!" Sanzu said panicked as the haitanis tried to get her out of the chair "I'm fine, could someone get me some sweatpants since these are ruined?" (Name) asked casually while swatting their hands "and I'm sorry let me just un break my water" she remarked annoyed "(name) you need to see the doctor!"
"I haven't even had my first contrAAAAAAGHtiion" (name) yelled out as she broke the pen in her hand in pain "what was that?" Koko asked seriously as he stared her down "a crazy yawn?"
"go to the doctor."
"I have to wait until the contractions are five minutes apart and last sixty seconds at least, so let me just change and continue the meeting" (name) asked Mikey with a look one could describe as 'please trust me' and Mikey just nodded as (name) got up with slight help from Ran and left with sweatpants that a grunt brought her.
Sighing in the private restroom (name) grumbled as she rubbed her belly gently "you really gotta be like this?" She asked gently before changing and tossing her ruined pants in the trash.
She could get more.
Cleaning up she thought about the babies dad.
He left the country when she told him she was pregnant.
It felt like a pain like no other and Bonten tried hunting the fucker down but alas, nothing came from it.
So she was going to raise the baby herself and teach them that they don't need a dad when they have her.
She will love them double what they would receive from a mom and dad.
She hadn't even realized she was tearing up until a wet sensation could be felt on her chest.
"god fucking damn it" she mumbled as she grabbed tissues to clean her leaking chest.
Stupid hormones.
Finally presentable she walked back to the meeting room and sat down as if there weren't two wet patches on her chest and tears rolling down her face.
"it's hormones so shut it Haitani" she grumbled and urged Kaku to finish his report.
"ok your contractions are five minutes apart and 49 seconds each, GO!" Mochi yelled out as (name) looked startled "were you counting??" She asked a little weirded out as he just nodded, concern evident in his face.
"just listen to us please? You don't have to be strong, your literally shooting something the size of a watermelon out of something the size of a gum drop" Takeomi said going into big brother mode as he practically walked over and lifted the woman who shrieked as another contraction came, gripping his shirt hard enough that it tore "FUCK SHIT OH GOD, YUP LETS GO!" she yelled out as the men walked with her to the private clinic in Bonten where doctors were waiting for her.
Screams could be heard for hours as (name) gave birth, Mochi sitting beside her for support as she nearly broke his hand "nono I can't do this! Fuck nope!" She cried out as tears rolled down her face "you got this, shhh you are doing great!" Mochi said supportively to the woman he considered his sister as he urged her to push.
Eventually her yells were replaced with a shrill cry as a baby was cleaned and placed on her chest, (name) delirious and crying tears of joy as the other men came to see the baby, already claiming roles as uncle's.
"shit he's tiny..." Rindou asked while each man took turns washing their hands as (name) gently handed the baby to Mikey, the man she knew since they were kids.
Before Shinchiro died.
"his name is Shinchiro" (name) said softly as tears rolled down her cheeks "Shinchiro (last name)" she said barely above a whisper as Mikey stared down at the baby with an emotion no one could describe before pulling the baby closer to his chest and his throat tightened when the baby held his finger.
"hey shin... You're a Bonten baby now..."
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dearemilia · 3 years
Hello hello i saw your requests were open! May i request for hutao! S/o with timeskip mikey, rindou and mitsuya (i dont mind any timeline)
Sano 'Mikey' Manjiro, Haitani Rindou, Mitsuya Takashi
NOTE: Thank you for requesting! I'm sorry if this is short :< I hope you have a nice day/night! <33
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TAGS/NOTES: GN! Reader, mentions of character death, slight angst [?], fluff, crack, manga spoilers for bonten arc. I apologize if the characters are OOC. Stay safe and healthy everyone! <3
- You both are childhood friends and even when Mikey had pushed you every day because he doesn't want you getting hurt because of him.
- You still tuck by his side which made him protective of you.
- You and Mikey are basically like the sun and the moon.
- While you're cheerful and a fun person to hang out with. Mikey is cruel.
- Sometimes his co-workers question how you and Mikey are even dating, though they do enjoy chatting with you.
- Plus you know how to fight!
- Mikey doesn't like it when you hang out with Sanzu and Ran. It irritates him how you get along with them so well.
- Mikey often only eats candies and sweets so you'll have to remind him to eat healthily.
- Your personality lights up Mikey's life and that's one of the things he loves about you.
- You and Sanzu sometimes compete for Mikey's attention.
- Mikey sends you roses and butterflies if he's busy.
- You know that joke where Hu Tao says Hu as in "Who put me in this coffin?" and Tao as in "I can't geT OUt!"
- Yeah, Mikey did not like that.
- You cuddled with him all night long and assured him you won't be leaving his side till your death comes.
- You may be an energetic person but when it comes to Mikey, you'll always listen to his problems no matter what.
- You and him had the enemies to lovers arc <3
- Overtime, Rindou realizes his feelings for you because Ran pointed it out.
- You at first thought he was joking when he confessed to you, thinking he wanted to get you back for a prank you did on him.
- It turns out he actually did like you!
- Which caught you off guard since you weren't expecting him to like you.
- So when you both started dating, it shocked a lot of people including your workers.
- Rindou finds your humor irritating but interesting.
- He loves how calm and responsible you can get when it comes to your job.
- You and Rindou have a thing on pulling pranks on others and it brightens up his day to see Rindou's co-workers getting mad at you both.
- Sometimes you both even work alongside Ran to irritate people, except for Mikey.
- Never pull a prank on Mikey.
- Mochi once said that you had a "Punchable face" and Ran had to hold back Rindou from fighting him.
- Rindou knows how important your job is to you so he doesn't mind you going home late.
- You and Rindou are polar opposites and everyone knows that.
- But indoors, you both are so loving to each other <3
- Stop this, you concern him so much that it tires him sometimes 😭
- Mitsuya always asks you to be his model and you don't mind it at all while also throwing in some jokes and poems!
- Which he loves <3
- He loves that you're independent and responsible when it comes to being Director of the Funeral Parlor.
- To be honest, it shocked him to see his bright and energetic significant other being calm and solemn.
- He dislikes how people are rude to you when it's just your personality.
- You remind him of Smiley tbh.
- The fact that you know most about Japan's secrets and even others' secrets, impresses and scares him.
- If you're stressed about work, he often buys or cooks you steamed fish with prawn dumplings <3
- There was this one time where you and Mitsuya danced in the rain together and it's one of your favorite memories with him.
- Since you mentioned that you like butterflies.
- Mitsuya often designs his clothing with Butterflies for you <3
- When you opened up to him about your past and how you are the one who conducted your grandfather's funeral.
- It broke his heart, you were so young it must have been hard for you.
- He'll be there for you when needed that's for sure.
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kwlsn · 5 months
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It happened too fast — like a daydream in summer night.
Sanzu decided to let himself get caught by Mikey, trying to shake them off you and the Haitani; as you went to the highway and changed all of your phones to a burner one, keeping a low profile after the three of you were currently wanted by the vicious leader of Bonten.
Your current residence was one of Ran's personal villas that's not under the Bonten's radar; stating that this was the only place where he could take a breath once in a while when Mikey started to overwork the older man, knowing how deep his hatred was for the lilac haired man.
The villa was minimalist. Almost no furniture except for the mandatory one. The walls were painted in dull ash grey with one-way floor-to-ceiling windows; keeping the privacy inside since Ran believed it was the priority when he built a new house as a Bonten executive director.
"Who actually thought three of us gone live like this one day?"
Rindou let out a sigh, kicking his legs as he sat down on the counter; earning a harsh slap from Ran on the shoulder while you were making breakfast for the three of you.
A full-meal course consisted of beef stew, roasted eggplant and some (failed) Mont Blanc, a request Ran made as he tried to make it based on his memory; cursing under his breath since he knew checking the internet meaning Bonten going to breath behind his nape, catching up on him thanks to a Mont Blanc recipe.
"How did you manage to get Sanzu to snuck me out?"
Rindou looked at you as if you were crazy, stating how he would never talk to a manic addict who wanted him to die every single day for drowning a pound of his powder; looking at Ran to speak to you about the runaway plan on his behalf.
"It was.. Takemichi. He made this whole plan — called 'the Runaway Bride',"
Ran rolled his eyes at the tacky name, feeling disgusted at himself for mentally agreed to it since all he cared about was your safety; feeling better now since the plan worked successfully and none of them were killed or losing a limb on the way to here.
"He said he wanted to save you from that lunatic, telling me that he got a perfect plan. It was crazy, low blow and reckless. But,"
This time he put his utensil down, raising his head to see you in the eyes; a soft smile he tried to hide was visible even though he tried to cover it with his hand and a cough, biting inside his cheek to prevent it from getting bigger.
"He was right. This mission is a success."
Cutting off the circuit was such a low blow and cliché; but, then again, no one would care about it since most people would be put inside the hall and Ran was given a privilege to move around as the main planner for the event, giving him a reason to have the electricity cut off around thirty minutes after he left the area, going straight to the underground parking lot until he got the sign to make a move.
"Thanks to Sanzu, though."
The younger man added, giving you more details on how Mikey asked Sanzu to always check everything the Haitani touched and went to; fearing that they going to sabotage this event when Sanzu turned a blind eye at Ran's doing and helped them to execute this plan.
Eh, 'kay? Not like I care, though. I'll be her guard so check the sign, lavender head.
It left you wondering now since you never actually knew about Sanzu until a few weeks ago when Mikey invited you for dinner.
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Sanzu had been imprisoned for almost two weeks, left with a glass of water and dried up fruits; not enough to make him full but more than enough to keep him alive after angering Mikey, his saviour and king.
His lavish clothes were tattered and covered with soots, slightly torn after he jumped out from the car and fell to the asphalt in high speed; rolling down the road while trying to shield himself from Kokonoi's shoots and his men, taking out his Glock and killed them one by one until there was only three of them by the side road.
"Better give me a good reason today."
"Nothing, I was bored."
He looked at the white-haired man with his signature grin, licking his reopening wound after Mikey landed a few punches on his face, purposely on his scars; trying to take out the traumatized little boy inside for the sake of this selfish mission.
Kokonoi wasn't a yes man or an obedient subordinate; he was a man who got his own goals and moves. But, what Mikey went through that night reminded me of how Akane slipped away from his life, leaving this empty hole forever while he was forced to stay alive and live to the fullest — with no sign of his first love in his sight forever.
"In three days, Mikey will let you go—"
"You'll be relocated to Shenzhen as the new leader of Wanzhenna."
Sanzu closed his mouth tight as Kokonoi left him alone, leaning his back against the cold wall and closing his eyes shut; realising what Mikey wanted from him. It was to stay away as far as possible from you so he could finally trace you and the Haitani while he kept a close eye on Sanzu.
Shenzhen was amazing and Wanzhenna been gaining a lot of power; but, he wasn't sure if it was his sober up due to no pills or the post-nut clarity towards the reality of his life because right now, he wanted to see you and say no matter how many times he died, he'd rise from the grave and save you even if it's from Mikey.
"As I thought, I shoulda keep my hair like before."
He let out a chuckle as a flash of your younger self showed up in his mind; a long, flowing pink hair that made contact with his bleeding shoulder and your eyes diligently trying to find any sign of fracture after Toman got attacked.
Pretty boy should have a pretty mouth, too, you know?
He didn't know what made you think he was considered pretty but he knew that the day you were no longer in Mikey's grasp; he knew that he got nothing to do with you anymore and he could go back, overdosing himself with these thoughts of him being happy for once; tasting the sweet lie at the end of this tongue.
"I hope I can see you again in my next life,"
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Ran could only say he was so thankful for having Rindou as the three of you were inside the underground bunker right now; hearing a faint noise of guns and drawers falling to the ground a few minutes after he locked the door from inside-only before someone could alter it.
"Your hunch is a lifesaver, Rin-Rin."
"Fuck off, manwhore."
Rindou tried to push his brother away, feeling disgusted at the attempt to hug him as you chuckled at their antics and turned to see the lounge; not expecting there would be more furniture inside here than the real villa.
A counter made of real marble and tons of freeze dried groceries inside the food storage; wondering how far he had thought about this before as you watched the older man tugged his little brother's hair and turned his head to look at you.
"Hey, adoptive sis, c'mere!"
He wrapped your shoulder with his lanky arm, nuzzling his cheek against yours as Rindou's hand tried to claw Ran's other cheek; emitting a slight chuckle from you.
Rindou left for the bed earlier, stating he was too tired on saving both of your lives as you and Ran enjoyed a glass of wine from his personal cellar, talking about things you missed out when he made this plan with Rindou and everyone.
As both of your consciousness started to slip away, Ran looked at you with hazy eyes; words starting to get slurred and his self control became looser than before, almost drunk but sober enough to talk to you without making a mistake.
"Y'know, kid. Heard Hanagaki talked to himself,"
He hiccupped, taking his upper buttons off and resting his arm over his head; slightly leaning against the giant couch in the lounge while he kept his eyes on you.
"Dunno he was drunk or schizo, but that little shit talked to himself about time leaping at the hotel's toilet. He was really quiet but man, I got one helluva ear."
Head nodding off to his words, you rested your head against his shoulder and felt his arm over your stomach; eyes getting heavier with sleepiness and you thought you deserved one after a while.
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"... Sano. Sano!"
You woke up, finding Hina and Takemichi looking at you as you stared at them like they were crazy; looking down to your clothes as you realised that you were still at the summer festival and currently sleeping on a bench.
"We kept calling for you but you won't respond, do you know how dangerous this place actually is!"
Hina huffed out as Takemichi looked at you worried before Hina left you with Takemichi for a bit, saying she would buy something for you to eat and drink since you looked so pale; worried that you didn't have a proper meal before going to here.
Didn't want to waste any time anymore, you placed your hand on Takemichi's shoulder; eyes looking deep into his before you whispered under your breath.
"I can time leap, too."
He closed his mouth, feeling surprised that he wasn't alone in this one but he felt confused about why you always died in every timeline he visited; thinking that there might be a possibility that there was another time leaper like both of you.
You tapped your chin, thinking what Takemichi was probably right since these faint, chipped dreams — or memories — were different; whether it was your future, friends or death. As if, there was someone else who controlled your life between your death behind the stage.
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kokomochi · 2 years
𝐁𝐮𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐭 𝐋𝐢𝐬𝐭 | 𝐇𝐚𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐢 𝐑𝐚𝐧
"𝙨𝙤 𝙖𝙧𝙚 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙜𝙤𝙣𝙣𝙖 𝙘𝙧𝙤𝙨𝙨 𝙩𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙤𝙪𝙩 𝙤𝙧 𝙣𝙖𝙝?"
suffering from a terminal illness- l/n y/n takes it upon herself to complete her little list before her time runs out. what she thought was a journey for one, turned into an adventure with roppongi's haitani ran
09. brother MASTERLIST
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amidst of all the violence and just sheer stupidity, the haitani brother's also had their day off's where they would just laze off around the house.
whether the youngest would be binge watching his favorite show or the oldest who'd always rearrange where things should be inside of their humble abode, the two would bask in this moment of peace and quiet away from the life of violence.
on this particular sunday afternoon though, haitani ran can be heard rearranging the already perfectly arranged bedroom- moving the desk from one side to another that causes the wooden object to let out an obnoxious noise as it scrapes the tiled floors.
normally rindou would've ignored it and go back to watching his telenovelas, but it's gotten to the point that his brother would be moving the same furniture for an hour and still wouldn't stop.
with a final huff of annoyance, the younger sibling decided to take action on ran's weird behavior and stormed inside of their shared bedroom- startling the once concentrated male who had his hands on the table.
the taller male let out a sigh of relief, giving him a smile as if he wasn't just thinking about throwing the goddamned table out of the window.
"rin! you done watching your movies?" he asked, moving the desk slightly to the right that caused the slightest of squeals that made his brother groan.
"how can i watch them when you're fucking moving things all over the place?!" the youngest complained, gesturing at the room that used to be organized- now looking like a fucking tornado passed through their room.
ran let out a small 'oh', before going back on moving the desk to the other side of the room. he was shocked when rindou came up to him and literally slapped his hands, causing the furniture to drop with a loud thud.
"what the fuck's going on with you? you never spend more that thirty minutes fixing things- are you sick?" purple eyes glared at him through their glasses, eyeing the older brother with a fixed gaze that even ran knew he wouldn't let out of.
"i have no idea on what you're talking about." the male said, pretending that everything was okay- his behavior made the youngest of the two almost pull at his hair as he sighed deeply trying to compose himself.
this is just ran- no big deal.
"you've been acting weird since you got home yesterday from that little sleep over of yours. where did you even go anyways?"
and this was when ran knew that there was no way on getting out of his situation, rindou has finally caught on his change of demeanor and now he has to spill the beans- which he was very reluctant on doing.
but he knows that his younger sibling means well, knows that rin will always be there for him and he's the same.
with a small sigh leaving his lips, the dual hair colored male sat down on the bed with his eyes closed- thinking back to the other night's unfortunate events. purple eyes merely looked at him, waiting for the male to spill out what's on his mind.
"there's this girl that i like. she's wild as hell i tell you." he chuckled, letting his back hit the soft mattress as his eyes stayed train on the ceiling above him.
"she's the chick that you've been hanging out with?" rindou asked, a bit intrigued that someone had managed to steal the heart of his usually cold brother.
it's just like on one of the movies that he watched last sunday- oh my god was he the director?
"yeah, y/n."
"to be honest with you man i don't even know how this all started. we kinda just been hangin' out and suddenly i'm hooked- you get where i'm at?" the younger sibling nodded, fully invested into learning more on his brother's love life- fuck the movies this one's more entertaining.
"she's like- the best i tell you. there's never a day where you'll get bored with her because she's just that amazing."
ran couldn't help but let a small smile make its way onto his features, fully into his feels to even care if he looks like a teenager in love because technically that's what he was- a dumb eighteen year old who fell for an even dumber eighteen year old.
memories of the (h/c) haired girl plagued his mind twenty-four seven, never came a time where she isn't the one appearing in his dreams.
but that's what made it sadder.
"she has a strong mom for raising her alone- and i'm sure her dad would agree with me that y/n's a blessing to everyone." this made rindou raise a brow at him, noticing the shift in the atmosphere.
the smile on the older brother's face dropped, solemnly gazing into the ceiling with his mind in a dazed out frenzy.
"her dad died before she was even born, something about him having this shit called ataxia or whatever."
"and for some fucked up reason the heavens had, they decided to pass it to her too- she's getting her surgery done by the end of april." rindou needed nothing other than that sentence to figure out what was going on- he watched a handful of movies to know where this was heading.
the youngest of the two may seem like one who'd laugh at his brother's situation, but he's aware at the pain that ran's going through right now.
i mean, how would you feel if you found out that the girl your crushing on had the same illness that her dad died to?
"maybe y/n's just that amazing to attract even death to her... shit man."
silence enveloped the room, slightly lifting the suffocating atmosphere away from them and left the two to dwell in their own thoughts- although ran wished that someone would take his mind away because all it's been giving him was nothing but pain.
rindou was aware that even if they beat up all the delinquents in the entirety of roppongi- nothing can sooth the males head from what's happening. he peered on his sulking brother, letting out a sigh as he ruffled his hair in embarrassment.
"sheesh... with your situation right now, you're qualified to remake 'a walk to remember'. you know... because of her being sick and all- okay i'll stop."
with a glare from the male, he took it as a sign to shut up if he still valued his face.
purple eyes landed on the bulk of blankets and pillows on the corner, mind flashing a scene from the movie that he had just finished with a grin on his face. what's even better is that ran's phone was left out in the open for him to grab.
the older sibling had an arm sprawled over his eyes, listening to the shifting of fabrics and soft thuds that made him wonder just what his brother was doing.
"i think you should go take a shower before the delivery guy arrives."
"the fuck you mean delivery guy?" peeling his arm off his face, he saw rindou sporting the most smug smirk that he had on his face- hands holding onto his precious phone that was supposed to be charging.
"didn't know you like her enough to set her as your wallpaper- watch the fucking face!" the male dodged just in time to avoid getting hit with a lamp, ducking as the porcelain object smashed on the wall- leaving nothing but a dent on where his face was supposed to be.
haitani ran was red-faced in both anger and embarrassment for being caught red-handed by his own little brother, little shit's gonna get it i tell you.
"you put that fucking phone down or it's not just the lamp who'll hit you in the face." he said, glaring at his laughing brother who merely waved him off and left the room- not without provoking him with his middle fingers though.
"go get changed stinky, i'll go make us some onigiri's or something."
and with that, he watched his brother leave the room, grumbling something about him being annoying as he began going through his closet for some fresh clothes to wear.
it took him a minute to fully register what rindou had said, brows furrowing in confusion as he listened to the faint sounds of pans and plates clinking on the counter.
"onigiri's... then what's the delivery guy for?"
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fresh out of the shower, ran dried his hair with a towel as he heard rindou talking to someone- which was odd because almost all of the girls that his brother had given his number to never called him back.
the smell of the freshly made rice balls reached his senses, stomach growling in hunger as he made his way into the kitchen- he knew that in just a minute or two his brother would be done with whoever girl he's talking to.
"yeah, he's in the shower- oh! stinky's already done!"
purple eyes widened at the sight of his brother standing beside a very familiar (h/c) haired girl who waved at him like nothing about this was odd- not at all except why is she here?!
"why are you shocked? you were the one who texted me your address and told me to come over- so why do you look like a gaping fish over there?"
ran never wanted to murder his own brother up until now- little vermin stifling his laughter at the male's shell-shocked face, not caring if he got his ass handed to him later.
so this was what rindou was telling him about that delivery guy, thank god he actually listened and took a fucking shower or else he'd be drowning himself in cologne by now.
"he's just shocked that you actually came- you hungry? ran made you some onigiri's"
"oh i'd kill to taste his cooking."
the older of the two takes back what he said- haitani rindou was the best younger brother he could ever have, acting like his wingman even without him needing to remind the male about his series of unfortunate courting to get him to do what he wants.
maybe he should watch a movie or two with him later?
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kazuwhora · 3 years
Okay, this is a weird hc request and my first time asking but can you do kisaki, koko, hanma, hitanai brothers being on mtv cribs? I don't know any specific romantic situations. Like maybe fem reader is the director? (you can do as you please with the prompt. bc I really want to know your take.) xD
PLEAAAAAASE this one killed me I cannot (shoutout to my old blog title which was mtv cribs) I'm just gonna do scenario hc's in point form for this since I literally cannot take myself seriously enough to write like actual drabbles abt this because the only mtv cribs in my mind here is the jackass ones so please prepare yourselves. I paired kisaki and hanma and the haitani brothers together too for comedic relief LOL
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SUMMARY: kisaki, koko, hanma, ran, && rindou on MTV Cribs with you directing.
CW: none here this is just humour and slight flirting hehe
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- so lets be straight here and put down the expectation that kisaki's house tour is going to be the closest in essence to 50 Cent's episode ESPECIALLY with the strip club inside his house like ??
- ngl kisaki is a major fucking simp too so he has this whole attitude of "im so much better than these lowlife losers they're making bank off of ME im doing THEM a favour" until he sees you, all dressed nicely in your work clothes ordering people around getting equipment out of cars parked in his driveway.
- idc what anyone says the kisaki I know is the biggest sub in the fucking world and literally has to keep himself from drooling over your dominance. he'll be watching you from his front window while you get things organized to start filming like a fucking creep
- hanma (who 100% lives with kisaki) will suddenly be over his shoulder peering through the blinds like "damn who's that hot piece of ass"
- kisaki will smack him upside the head for that because rude?? he already called dibs in his head hanma should know that but he does now and all that matters is this is gonna be fun
- hanma will 100% make it his life purpose to embarrass kisaki as much as he can. you'll come up and introduce yourself and hanma will intervene like "oh I'm the REAL owner of this house kisaki doesn't actually do anything he just gets me to" and he'll shake your hand with a beaming smile
- kisaki's masked snarls prob make you uncomfortable because hes standing behind hanma looking like he's gonna decapitate him or smthn
- please kisaki is to embarrassed to say anything to you now because hanma has you hostage talked. you'll be like "ok well we have a short time frame before we have to move onto the next client so can we get started maybe" and kisaki will try his best to intervene
- tbh hanma is loving this opportunity to embarrass him he's never seen him so submissive and quiet before he literally stutters when you tell him his roughly scripted lines and finds himself gulping as he's guiding you and your crew through the house
- you'll get to to the mini strip club and hanma will butt in like "and THIS is where KISAKI houses all his favourite strippers he's collected" and kisaki's face will go beet red behind him
- he will literally start to panic because the look on your face is so displeased despite having to remain on some kind of a professional level. he has to pretend you're not there if he's gonna get through the hell hanma is putting him through
- at the end of the tour when the cameras have wrapped he'll be trying to force himself between you and hanma's hostage talking once again but this time he's like super driven on redeeming himself
- he'll be like "hey thanks so much for doing this I appreciate what an organized thing you've got going on and um.. just so you know um.. I um.. I don't actually have favourite strippers its all hanma I just take whatever he brings-- I mean-- not that I like strippers in my house I---" and you'll just cut him off with a smile and a handshake because you know he's full of bs LOL
- hanma will write his number down on the back of your business card and slip it in your hand when he shakes it like hes so slick but really the both of them just make you roll your eyes.
- ngl you're probably intimidated as fuck to do a session of ran and rindou's place because like.... they're terrifying if u don't know them
- like your hands are probably clammy trying to get people set up and you're probably a little shakey because they literally live in a goddamn MANSION (and they're also literal gang executives like no ty)
- they're also intimidating as fuck when they first introduce themselves to you in the parking lot where you've got your camera crew all ready to go. ran who's charming and alluring has your heart skipping a beat, while rindou the complete opposite, has you stress sweating from intimidation
- ran is like so enamoured with you mostly because he never really took himself to be attracted to someone in casual clothes at work (subtle shade its ok) but something about the direction you give, and the slight tone of bossiness in your voice has his stomach flipping in excitement he's like this could be fun 😏
- rindou in contrast knows exactly what is going on with his brother and quite honestly finds it annoying and somewhat desperate he's like come on man she's at work ur rly gonna be like this meanwhile ran is like yes I absolutely am I can do what I want
- honestly ran is gonna be annoying as fuck too. he's gonna ignore absolutely everything you say when you're explaining expectations and directions. he'll nod and smile at you with a charming smile and dopey eyes but your words will go in one ear and right out the other. rindou can only shake his head
- rindou will have to do all the talking when you actually start filming bc ran will be too busy staring at you and watching your reactions to say anything of value beyond a nod and smile to rindou's words
- but OH BOY when u get to the bedroom tour he's suddenly all about the talking. and he'll be staring DIRECTLY at you the entire time. like "and this is MY bedroom as you can see I have only the nicest of sheets 100% silk washed every day and this BED this bed is a california king eurotop and it's REALLY comfortable to sleep and roll around in and then this TV RIGHT HERE is---" he pretty much wont stop talking about how nice his room is and how nice everything is, all while staring directly at you as if you were the only one in the room to talk to.
- Rindou will be in the corner out of shot with his fingers to his nose bridge like ffs this man
- at the end ran will start going on about your job and if its stressful and what kind of people you get involved with in the show and if you ever feel like you're in danger which then spawns a conversation about needing someone to protect you and having someone on your side that will watch out for you blah blah blah.
- he's actually kinda cute trying so hard like this so you can't help but blush at his blabbering
- but u think ur blushing now wait till he grabs your hand and kisses the top as he escorts you into the car like ??? hello sir we just met but 😏
- rindou will be behind him once again shaking his head
- when you finally leave ran will turn around towards rindou like nothing happened and his brother will just be like ? wtf ? not gonna talk about what just happened ? and ran is like "wdym"
- he's gonna scope you out at every club or event you find yourself at after that.
- unlike ran koko is like SUUUUUPER nervous
- this boy lives alone in a big ass house with sooo much unnecessary expensive shit like koko my love are u ok all alone like this
- aside from being incredibly nervous to be vulnerable on tv for gods sake when he sees you helping to set up equipment, lifting boxes and bags out of the trunk of the car he's like o fuck
- at first he was nervous for just the whole publicity and camera aspect but now that theres a pretty girl running the whole thing? nah nah
- he doesn't really know what to do but he has to do SOMETHING so he figures it might be best to keep his hands busy and help you out
- so this boy slips on some expensive ass versace slides to come outside to help u set things up.
- he's rly nervous tho so he's like shuffling along the pavement of his driveway and he's all soft and shit like "hey I'm koko let me help u"
- probably stutters and fumbles when he's trying to grab the heavy bags of camera equipment but also his rich ass is like tf am I doing this for when shes got a whole ass camera crew of men to do it for her but then he remembers how pretty u look and that he wants to be on ur good side
- tbh kokos first impression from this meeting alone is that you give off a MUCH more down to earth vibe than he could ever imagine and honestly you kind of remind him of simpler times in his life when he wasn't so overrun with work and gang related activities
- the best way he can describe the experience of you is refreshing and he craves more of it to quench his thirst
- he's really really receptive when it comes to your instructions and makes an effort to make sure you know he's actively listening
- he'll be out there nodding his head like its gonna fall off spouting "mm's" and "uh-huh's" so you know he's there
- when it comes to the actual recording he's actually pretty well spoken but only because he REALLY wants to impress you
- koko is out here going through all his expensive belongings as if hes not inviting someone to come break into his house
- he's like oh and this is my collection of women's jewelry idk why I have it but it's here anyways so....
- wants to show off his closet too like look at all these fine clothes I have and all his extra closet space
- he'll try not to get too cocky but he just can't help it when he starts talking about all the riches and money he has like he wants you to know SO bad because he wants you to be a part of it
- he'll look over to you and stutter a bit when he catches your eye and you flash a smile at him (which will make u laugh but pls dont tell him that and promise him later you'll cut that out)
- afterwards he will absolutely help you pack everything back up but his hands will be a little shaky with adrenaline and it'll take u pointing it out for him to notice
- "oh uhhhhm, yeah I, uhhhhhhhhhhhhh, had too much coffee"
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jillknight09 · 3 years
in which Rindou Haitani finally became a 1st year of highschool and went to the school where his older brother is going and met a 2nd year girl Y/n L/n who is also known to be the Queen of the school, the perfect girl and was loved by everyone
Art credits to: @nachi2738 on twitter & Geogukk on Pinterest
Genre: Fluff
Previous Chapter, Next Chapter, Masterlist
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The next day it was Saturday and you were woken by your phone cause someone keep calling you again and again which you groan at and answer the phone "Sweetheart? Are you awake?" You heard your dad's voice which made you confuse "dad?" "Ah! Sorry did I wake you up?" "It's fine, it's fine why are you calling so.." you look at the time and it's 5:30am "early" you ask and he chuckle "ah yeah about that, do you want to come to my work?" "Huh?"
You were confuse as you sat up and rub your eyes "well I talk to the director to have a day off but he wouldn't let me cause we have to finish the set but he did let me take you to work so do you want to watch on the side?" He ask you and you were silent for a sec and slowly smile "yes! I would love to!" You said excited as you stand up and search for your clothes and he chuckle "great the same guy will pick you up, I'll see you later" "ok!" The call ended and you start to look for clothes.
You start to get ready, minutes passed and you look at the full body mirror and check yourself if you look presentable
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"wait what am I gonna give them though? Do I even have enough time to make cookies? Ah I don't have a gift" you panic as you heard the doorbell but went out to your room and answer it and saw the same guy "ah! You're here already, good morning" you said and he smile at you "good morning y/n-chan, are you still not done getting ready? We can wait don't worry" "no not that it's just... I kinda feel bad" you said and he raise a brow "I don't have any gifts for you guys how will I show I appreciate you guys" you said and his mouth agape at shock.
You don't even need to give them a gift your literally an angel so please don't feel bad he'll feel bad as well "ah no need for gifts y/n-chan it's really alright" "but I really feel bad" "it's really fine y/n-chan I reassure you" he said and smile at you and you look at him and slowly smile and his heart clench 'ryūjin-san your daughter is so precious' he thought "let me get my bag then" "alright" you went inside and where your bag is and went out again "here have some lollipop" you said and he look at it and get it "thank you" he said and you smile at him and both of you went to the elevator.
"Um, if you don't mind can I know your name?" You ask him and he look at you "I'm kaimen ishizaki" "nice to meet you kaimen-san" you said and he smile at you and you both went out and went to the car, the co-worker that was waiting for you guys look up when he notice you guys and his jaw drop when he saw you, you look absolutely beautiful and stunning you look perfect at that, he went out of the car to greet you and you look at him
"hello I'm Tenmon Kojima nice to meet you" he said smiling at you and you smile back making his heart clench "I'm y/n L/n nice to meet you Tenmon-san" you reach out to your bag and grab another lollipop and give it to him "sorry I didn't have much time to bake a cookie so I only have lollipop at the moment" you said his heart melt "I don't mind y/n-chan thank you for the lollipop I appreciate it" he said trying not to tear up cause of your kindness and Kaimen chuckle as he open the door of the backseat for you and they both went inside as well.
"Alright, let's go to the studio now your dad is really excited to see you" you smile at that feeling excited as well and the two look at the rear view mirror and chuckle at your expression and start to drive away, you grab your phone to text rindou like you always do but looking at the time he's probably not up yet
Good morning rindou-kun!!:)
You turn off you phone knowing that he probably won't text back as you look out the window looking at the view outside, few minutes passed and you guys park at the parking lot and you were looking outside as kaimen open the door "y/n-chan let's go" he said and you nod at him and went out and look around "dad's car!" You point at your dad's car which is a rolls Royce and they both chuckle at you "let's go inside now they're waiting for you" Tenmon said and you nod at him as you grip your bags strap and went inside the building.
It was loud around many cameras was walking around and some people were running holding some scripts on them "your dad is on his dressing room" kaimen said and you nod and grip the strap tighter feeling a little nervous and excited, after a few minutes of walking you guys finally stop in front of the door which has you father's name on it and tenmon knock "Sir, it's us" the door open revealing manager emiko and you look at her and smile.
"Manager Emiko! It's nice to see you again!" You said and hug her she smile at you and pat your head "hello y/n, it's nice to see you again, you're all grown up now" she said and you chuckle and you guys went inside, you look at the man standing in the middle wearing some suit that he will probably use because of his act and he look at you and smile "y/n!" "Dad!" You run towards him and jump at him and hug him as he catch you not letting you fall or get hurt.
"Ahh, finally your here, I missed you" he said and hug you tighter and he kiss your temple as you hug him and he let go of you and set you down slowly "everyone meet, y/n L/n My daughter" you look at all of them and they're eyes widen mouth agape, sure they did saw you on picture but in real life? No you were so much beautiful in real life "hello, I'm y/n L/n pleasure to meet you all" you said and bow at them and they already love you "oh I'm Airi Haga nice to meet you!" She said while going to you and you smile at her and now she's internally screaming she just want to put you in her pocket.
"Hello, I'm sorry I was planning to bake you guys some cookies as a gift but I didn't have much time, so I'll give you guys some lollipop instead" you smile at them and held out a lollipop and there heart melt 'so kind' they all thought as you give all of them a lollipop which they gladly accept cause it's from you "I still feel bad for only giving some lollipop, dad is there a need bakery here?" You ask you dad and he just laugh at you while the other staff was having a heart attack "it's fine y/n, it's ok don't worry" he said and you nod slowly at him "anyways let's talk for now lets catch up, after all I haven't seen you almost half a year" he said and you smile and nod as you guys sit down on the couch.
"So how's school? Is anyone bothering you?" "Don't worry school is great, Mio and I always hang out and also rindou-kun is really nice" your dad raise a brow at unfamiliar name "rindou?" "Yeah! His a 1st year and a brother of my upperclassmen ran! They're really nice and we even hang out yesterday at our apartment" you get out your phone and show him the picture of you 4 hanging out in your condo "see!" Ryūjin narrow his eyes when he saw the hair colors of the haitani "they're delinquent's?" Your dad ask you and you slowly nod "they are"
"then why are you hanging out with them?" "I tutor them at our test and they're really nice I promise, they're not like the other's" "yeah but they're still a delinquent" "dad.." ryūjin sigh and look at the photo again looking at your smile, he can tell that your really happy around your friends and he doesn't want to take that away from you but you know you can't blame him his your dad and your the only person he got he don't want you in danger but on his experience in life he shouldn't be the one to tell you to stay away from delinquents.
He look at you again about to warn you about them but stop when he saw you a bit nervous and was looking down, now he don't know what he was going to do so he just sigh "fine fine, you can hangout with them just don't get into fights" ryūjin heart warm when he saw you smile again "Yes! I promise I won't cause some trouble!" You said and he chuckle "oh by the way dad we have a practice match this coming Monday with Shiratorizawa academy" "in kyudo?" "Yep! They will go to our school to have a match" "good luck with that then" "I'll do my best!" Ryūjin pat your head and he stand up "Let's go the director will scold us again" your dad said and the crew nod as you guys exit.
You went to the set where the film will happen and your mouth went slightly agape of how organize it is "pretty cool right?" Tenmon said and you nod "it's cooler than I expected" you said and the gaurd laugh as they stay by your side "Ryūjin! Hurry up!" The director scream and you guys look at the man that is heading toward you that has a frown "where we're you? I told you be here like 30 minutes ago" your dad scratch his neck "sorry director I was waiting for my daughter" "speaking where is she-" he was cut off and his mouth agape when he saw you.
"Hello, I'm y/n L/n sorry for making my dad late" you said and bow at him "oh no it's ok it's totally alright and I don't mind at all even if his an hour late" he said and your dad look at his director his mood completely change which your dad smile at "but your really pretty are you a model?" He ask you and you blush "no no, I'm not a model" "Really? Then do you want to be a celebrity? I could make you one if you lik-" "no"
your dad cut him off as he put an arm around your shoulder, the director was a little takes back cause your father never say no to him ok but your a different story "sorry, director but I dont want my daughter around cameras" he said, being a celebrity isn't great like what the others think it has many bad sides of being famous and he doesn't want you to experience that he just want you to have a normal life and not around cameras.
"What are you talking about, ryūjin don't you want your daughter to be famous like you? She will have so much love around the world you will be successful" "still no" "alright then what does y/n want?" The two look at you "y/n do you want to?" Your father ask you and you shake your head no, your already satisfied with your life and besides your father is enough already you don't need to be a celebrity to.
The director just sigh and shrug then went back to his chair "whatever, ryūjin get on your position now" ryūjin nod and look at you first and kiss your forehead "Stay here ok?" You nod at him as you watch him get on his position, his facial expression completely change to serious to become his part as Lee young Joon and a beautiful woman came which is the female lead of the story and act as Kim mi-so "woah secretary Kim" you mumble and Kaimen look at you "you watch what's wrong with secretary Kim?" He ask you and you nod "of course I do dad's there" he chuckle at you and you guys watch as you father act.
Your phone vibrate and you take it and saw rindou message you
Morning? Your up early than usual
You chuckle silently as you text him back
Yeah, dad called me earlier
Really? What happened?
I'm at his work
You look at Tenmon and tap his shoulder "um can I take a selfie here? I'm not gonna show the Seth only the cameras" he think for a sec then nod "yeah sure I guess just don't show your father or else it might spoil" you nod at him and take a selfie not showing your father and others just the cameras and sent it to rindou
Oh wow, you really are his daughter
You didn't believe me?!:<
Of course I did but I still can't help to get shock you know
Fair enough
Anyways, did you eat yet? Or did you just go there without eating
You start to think and yeah you didn't have breakfast now that you think about it you start to get hungry now
No I haven't how 'bout you?
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I'm eating right now
Why do you have to send that
To make you hungry
So mean, I don't have food here
That sucks senpai
Your so mean to me sometimes T-T
Alright alright, I'm sorry
Apology accepted :>
You forgive easily y/n-chan
Why? You don't want me to forgive you?
Of course I do, I just said it you might get in danger
Aww, you're worried about me
Is ran senpai also awake
Nah he's still as sleep, want to see him?
Yes please
Rindou didn't chat you for a few minutes then finally Chat you sending you a picture of ran sleeping completely messed a drool can be seen, his long hair was messed up and his blanket was on his lower half making ran upper body show and shirt less showing his tattoo, rindou sent another photo and this time he take a selfie, he wasn't smiling but he have a peace sign and also show his brother at the back and you blush when you see them both shirtless and shake it off.
Rindou-kun wear some shirt! And put the blanket on ran-senpai he might get cold!
But you said you want to see him
Yeah but not shirtless! Put some clothes on!
Fine fine, I put the blanket on top of ran I'll be right back
You sigh and the two gaurd notice it "is something wrong? Are you hungry?" Kaimen ask and you flinch "I uh, I'm actually am a bit hungry I haven't got a breakfast so.." "oh don't worry we have some pancakes on the back do you want some?" Tenmon ask and your eyes literally have stars as you look at him "really? Then I would love one please" "alright I'll be right back" Tenmon stand up leaving you and kaimen sitting there and you watch your father.
The gaurd soon came back with some pancakes and he give it to you and you thank him many times and you watch your dad again getting scold a little that he should do this and that which made you confuse but shrug when you saw your dad nod, rindou did text you again once he came back and you guys chatted until it was already lunch and your dad take a break.
"Ugh that was tiring" your dad said as the staff get something to eat "are you ok?" You ask him and he look at you and smile "I'm alright y/n, thank you for concerning" he said to you and you smile at him and the food came, the two of you eat and also the rest start to eat to, your dad was shifted to you though when your phone buzz and you open it then chuckle which made your dad raise a brow
"who's that?" You look at him and smile "it's only rindou-kun and Mio texted me she wanted to say hi to you" ryūjin nod at that as you text back to rindou and turn off your phone while your dad keep eyeing you "y/n, you know you can tell me everything right?" He ask you and you nod at him still eating "and you know I love you right?" You nod at him again "so uh what I'm trying to say is... Do you have a boyfriend?" You choke at your food and your dad hand you a glass of water immediately and you drink it
"Why would you think that?" You ask him and he shrug "I don't know I've been gone for 6 months there's a possibility you have a boyfriend now" he said and you shake your head no "I don't have any" your dad sigh in relief "great if you do have one make sure he'll court you first not gonna let you be with someone because you just like him back" you blush at the topic and decided to change it because it's pretty awkward to talk about your love life to your parents.
After a few minutes your dad went back to his work and you watch him act for a few hours again taking a little break to fix himself up and go back to acting again the other staff introduce themselves to you and they absolutely adore you which you were glad at since everyone is nice, hours have passed and it's already 4:30pm "it's already noon I think you should go home now y/n" your dad said drinking some water and you look up at him "you have to practice on your kyūdo right?" He said and you remember the practice match and you nod "oh yeah we have a practice match" you said and stand up
"I guess I'll be going now then" you said and smile at your dad and he hug you "I'm sorry I didn't spend to much time with you" he said and you hum and hug him back "it's fine it was fun watching you act" he chuckle at your and kiss your forehead "Kaimen, Tenmon take her home and make sure she's safe" your dad said and they salute at him as you give your dad a kiss on the cheek first before heading out of the building.
When you guys finally arrive Kaimen go with you to your condo and you said goodbye to him as he went back to the car and go to work again, you sigh as you go to the couch and just practically drop your whole body there "I'm tired" you mumble and get out your phone to text your dad but knowing the time he's probably still working right now
You sigh and lay down for a few minutes before getting up and take a shower, once you got out wearing some comfortable clothes your phone ring signaling someone texted you and you look at it and saw a message from Mio
Y/n-chan! Are you free tomorrow?
Yeah why?
Let's go shopping! I need some new clothes
Sure! I also need clothes as well what time should we meet?
Around 12:00, let's meet at the station on roppongi!
Alright let's meet there
Great! I'll see you then btw my brother said hi
Tell him I said hi as well
I will! Let's talk again tomorrow mom force me to help her
Alright don't burn your food
I'm not that bad of cooking you know :<
I'll believe you if you made me an omelette
Don't worry I've been practicing! Bye now!
Bye Bye
After your conversation you went to the kitchen and cook your dinner and eat alone again while watching some TV and went to sleep after.
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You groan when the sunlight went through your window and you look the other way to went back to sleep again but failed miserably which made you kinda annoyed but sat up and look at your clock "I wake up pretty late huh" you mumble as you saw 10:00am on the clock and you blink a few times to fully wake up before you went out of your bed
You cook your breakfast and sat down on the table just having some egg and some toast for breakfast, your phone suddenly buzz and you take it and saw Mio texted and you send you a picture which is 5 pancakes and have some syrup on it and it's 2 plate to now you wonder how she'll finish it
Good morning!! The day start really great!
That's a lot of pancake, Mio-chan
I know right! Pancakes the best! Oh and by the way my brother will come with us later he said he was going to buy something, hope you don't mind
Not at all, niko-san can come
Oh he would absolutely love the news!
You chuckle and put down your phone and start to eat again and get ready and going out, you went out of your room and just wear some casual clothes and now your just checking yourself in the mirror "do I need a hair-cut?" You ask yourself as you look at the mirror
"I'll think about it" you said and fix your stuff before going out and lock the door, you went to the train station and sat down putting on your ear phones to listen some tune, of course there are eyes following you but not in a creepy way so don't worry and you can't practically blame them alright, you look like a runaway model buy you just literally runaway but they decided to leave you alone.
The train open and you went out then went to the spot where you will meet with Mio "she's not here yet huh" you said and decided to wait also looking around "Y/n-chan!" You look at the side and saw Mio and her brother was following close behind "Mio-chan, niko-san" you call out and smile at the two "Let's go now, nii-chan you carry our stuff" Mio said and niko sigh but nod cause you know he have to show off Infront of you.
The three of you walk around and of course the siblings notice the stare at you but you just keep talking of which style of clothes your looking for which made them wonder how you don't notice the stares at you, the three of you went in a store and like always all of the attention went to you guys and all of the people that saw you have a small blush on their face, the three of you just went to look for clothes not caring of the other people and just mind your own business.
"So what do you think I should get? The red one? Or the blue one?" Mio ask you and you put your finger to your chin "I think the blue one looks good on you" you said and she smile "I was thinking the same! Wait lemme try it first" you nod at her and she went inside, you look to your side and saw niko just standing there awkwardly and you look around and saw some man's clothes and went towards it then get one.
"niko-san" you call out and he look at you as you place the shirt Infront of him "I think this will look good on you, why don't you try it out?" You said and he blush but nod and went to try it out "y/n-chan, what do you think?" She ask you as she step out wearing the cropped top and you smile "you look good!" She blush at your compliment as she look at the mirror, the curtain open at the other fitting room and there's niko wearing the polo shirt you gave him "woah Nii-chan, it looks good on you!" Mio compliment and niko blush more "told you It looks great on you" you said and he nod at you while blushing as you guys continue to shop and finally went out.
You try to get your bags cause it's literally 5 bags but niko shake his head no as he carry it all with mio's clothes which has 7 bags or more and you guys continue, the three of you look around for more for a few hours until you guys stop "onii-chan look! The game is out!" Mio said and niko look at the direction and smile, yes this two are addicted to video games
"you guys go on ahead and buy some" you said and they both look at you a bit hesitant "don't worry I'll wait for you guys on the park" you said "I'll take you there first so then" niko said and you smile at him and nod "Mio, go in the line if someone touch you while I'm gone kick them in the balls " he said and Mio salute and went to the line while the two of you start to walk.
"Your a nice brother, niko-san" you said and he blush "n-not at all I'm just a little protective with my sister, that's all" he said and you chuckle "and that's what great brothers do!" he blush more at that as you guys went to the near bench "don't go anywhere unless we came back we don't want you to get lost or hurt and if there's someone harass you or anything just kick them or scream for help if your not into violence" he said and you nod "I will don't worry about me" you said and he nod slowly a but hesitant to leave you alone cause 1. Your pretty and someone can practically go up to you and 2. There's many creeps around the area.
But he nod at you anyways and start to walk away while you sat down on the bench and sigh, you get out your phone and look at the time '3:00pm maybe I should get some groceries now' you thought and you nod in agreement as you just go to your social media and as usual you see a 99+ notification 'weird why do I always have 99+ notification?' you ask yourself and just shrug not really having the energy to look at it.
"Hey" you look up and saw a man wearing a red gang jacket and they have a symbol behind their back, you look behind there was 4 other man behind him wearing the same uniform and they were all wearing a smirk which made you kinda uncomfortable but don't want to be rude "can I help you?" "Nah, I was just wondering if your alone?" He ask you looking down at you and you look away not wanting to look at him "uh no actually my friends is just gonna buy something and they will be back soon" you said and they hum clearly not believing you.
"Well why don't you just come with us yeah? We can have some fun together with you" he said and you shake your head no "I'm sorry but I can't leave, my friends will get worried" you said trying to stay calm because at this point your getting nervous, sure you know some self defense but they're 5 people you can't fight them on your own
your eyes widen when the other guy sit beside you and put and arm around your shoulder "come on it's not that bad were nice people you know" he said and you try to push him away "I'm sorry but I really can't and please let go of me, your making me really uncomfortable" you said but you yelp when the guy that was speaking to your earlier grab your wrist and pull you up.
"Now now that's kinda rude now is it? We already promise you we won't hurt you so what's wrong?" "Let go!" You scream trying to make him let go of your wrist but he hold it tighter "calm down and just shut up your pretty when you were shy but your annoying when your loud so shut the f-" he didn't finish his sentence when someone cover his mouth "oi don't curse Infront of her" all of them flinch and slowly turn around and saw 2 guys wearing the same jacket but they're wearing black.
"Oh? What do you guys think your doing?" Ran said smiling at them a little but the 5 man has shiver already "let go of her" rindou command and the man obey and let go of you and rindou let go of the man holding his anger back not wanting to cause a violence in front of you "senpai, are you ok?" He ask and and you look down to your wrist and massaging it, you nod a little and rindou watch your feature, you were a little shaking and small tears was at your eyes, of course you were scared those guys were just trying to take you for god sake, rindou get his jacket off and place it on top of your head and he hug you in reassurance.
"We're here, don't worry" he said as he hold your back gently while you grip his t-shirt and you start to cry a little rindou can here some sniffles which made him more angry and veins start to show in his neck as your forehead was place on his shoulder, he look back at the guys and they were all shivering and ran was waiting for his brother, of course ran is also angry at them for touching you but not that angry as rindou "oi what are you guys doing?" the haitani look back and that when they saw kakucho wearing also the uniform.
Rindou look at him and back to you "senpai, are you ok?" He ask you and you look up and rindou kinda get less angry when he saw your still pretty with tears like how did you do that? Most people should be ugly right now or face messed up but you? How the heck are you still pretty even crying "I'm fine, I'm sorry" "no need to apologize, you didn't do anything wrong" he said trying to not get the anger on his voice as you nod "can you turn around for a sec though?" He ask you and you look at him and became confuse "I'm just gonna talk to them" he said and you nod and turn around.
"Kakucho!" Rindou called out and kakucho raise a brow as rindou signal him to come, kakucho did anyways and he look at rindou "can you cover her ears?" Rindou ask and point at you and kakucho was confuse and was blushing, your a girl after all of course he's shy "why?" "Just cover her ears" kakucho nod and kakucho look at you first "um hi" he said and you look at him in confusion and he look back at you and froze, rindou didn't know what happened either kakucho just stop moving when he saw you but it suddenly click and he want to slap kakucho to wake but he can't do that especially kakucho is much stronger and your also there so yeah he can't.
"Kakucho" rindou call out and that's when kakucho snap back to reality and blush "I-I'm sorry for staring, I-I'm kakucho hitto, uh rindou said I have to cover your e-ears so I'm asking for your permission for me to... Touch your ears?" He ask a little nervous cause damn you were really pretty so he's shy and nervous and don't know what to do he don't have experience in girls please help him and don't find him a creep, he doesn't want you to get uncomfortable, please be nice to him "sure" you said and you smile a little at him "r-really?" You nod at him and he stand up straight again and cover your ears.
"It's good now" he said to rindou and rindou nod "thanks distract her for me" rindou said and kakucho nod but still find Rindou's behavior weird, rindou doesn't care if girls is around and watch him beat up someone so why is he not letting you see  him? He don't even want you to hear it "alright you son of a bitches" rindou crack his knuckles as he glare at the 5 guys "what give you guys the right to touch her?" Rindou ask and clearly pissed off by this 5 and ran hum "what did they do though?" Ran ask and rindou shrug "that's what we're going to talk about, either way.." rindou grab the collar of the one that grab your wrist "they made her cry" rindou add and ran was kinda surprise by that, you never cry well atleast he haven't seen you cry but that information pissed ran off.
Sure you did reject him and he have move on but he still consider you as his friend, his junior at that and ran absolutely sure if the whole school knew about this they will definitely defend you, so as a great senpai he is he'll take care of your bully for you that's how nice ran is "well if that's the case no need for explanation, let's just beat them up" the two of them start to beat the crap out of those 5 being brutal as always while kakucho hold your ears making sure you don't hear any bone cracking, groans in pain, the curses that the brother say to the 5, yeah he doesn't let you hear any of that thankfully his hands are pretty large.
The two of them stop once they were satisfied and call some other members to take the 5 away from their sight "ran let me use your handkerchief to wipe off the blood" rindou said and ran deadpanned "I'm gonna use it, use yours" "please" "aww sure here" ran hand over his handkerchief to rindou because he said please so of course big brother is very happy, rindou give ran's handkerchief back once no blood can be seen in him and he went towards you, kakucho let go of your ears and rindou went in front of you.
"Y/n-senpai, are you ok?" He ask again and you smile "I told you I'm fine" you said and he sigh in relief "sorry about them, the others are a bit out manners" he said and kakucho was looking rindou's figure like he doesn't even know him "senpai? Sorry?" Kakucho repeat and look at ran and ran shrug "he's different around y/n" ran said and kakucho just became more confuse "oh right here's your jacket" you said and take off the jacket and rindou takes it "y/n-chan!" You look behind and saw Mio and niko looking worried.
"Are you ok-Ah!! Your eyes are swollen! But your still pretty, did you cry?!" Mio ask in worried whispering the pretty one cause she's shy to admit it and you smile at her "I'm fine don't worry" you said and she smile and relief and look at the haitani's wearing a gang uniform "tenjiku?" Mio said and you were surprised "you know they're gang?" "Yeah? Why wouldn't I? They're gang is pretty much everywhere I'm surprised you don't know" you scratch the back of your head and she sigh at you worried that someday you'll get kidnapped because of this.
"Anyways we're gonna go now, we have meeting" ran said and holding both of rindou's shoulder "oh I see, thank you again" you bow at them and they sweat drop "no need to bow, senpai please stand up" rindou said and you stand up and smile warmly at them melting the 3 guys heart "thank you please be careful" you said and they nod as they leave and say goodbye to you guys
"seriously though what happened?" niko ask and you sigh "just some random dudes" you said and you guys start to walk away from the scene and niko carry again not giving you your bags if you don't tell them so yeah you kinda have to and ever since you told them what happened, these two siblings became protective.
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