#direction of the original like just a regular but weird clown while really pushing something being Wrong& Off about him Yknow what I mean
theexorcistiii · 2 years
WHAT ever thinking about this it 2017 pennywise concept art
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hypnocurrency · 7 years
Take my original works you cowards
Have a trashy short story I wrote for english lit 
When normal people say they ran away with the circus you laugh because you know it’s a joke, but what about when someone says they were taken by the circus, what do you say then? How do you react? Trick question, you don’t. No one escapes the circus and lives to tell about it. You could be asking yourself now how do you get taken by the circus. With chloroform and overly nice tightrope walkers, that’s how.
The Night Circus may seem like your normal circus with happy clowns riding elephants and lion tamers but let me be the first one to tell you that it’s everything but normal, the Night Circus where people like me go to keep others safe. People like me are the ones who have gifts, or curses depends on who you’re asking truthfully. If you have a gift I suggest you stop reading and run far, far away from the Ring Master’s reach and keep your guard up, you never know who may be there to whisk you away to the circus.
I hate trains, they rock side to side like a poorly built boat and are far too loud. The sack over my head certainly wasn't helping. More bile rose in my throat as the train took a corner I could have definitely gone without. Over the roar of its whistle, I heard voices a little to my left, a man, and a woman.
“- an interesting case,” the man said. He sounded worn out and tired like my dad used to. I left him behind along with the rest of that dumb town two years ago, I shouldn't even be thinking of my family right now, I’m tied to a chair with a bag covering my face. I should prioritize.
“She’ll sell for a high price, Clark’s never had a pyro.”
The train came to a hard stop and the voices stopped talking, I heard more footsteps. Three more people entered the train car, all advancing to me.
“Is she awake?” One of the new people asked, his voice was deep and rugged like he smoked at least six packs a day. “We aren't sure,” the tired man responded. The bag was pulled off my head swiftly. The brightness of the room compared to the sack made me squint, the man with the rugged voice stood in front of me with the sack in his hand. He was glaring at me, no, he was sizing me up. Standing at least two heads taller than me the man looked frightening, especially from a sitting angle. “Stefano stop staring, you’ll scare her,” someone said from behind him. 
Too late, I was very afraid. 
Stefano grunted and moved to the side to reveal three other men, I spotted the tired man from before talking in hushed tones to the woman also from earlier. The other guy surprised me, he was tall and lanky, he looked my age maybe two years older with black hair that almost looked blue and piercing gray eyes unsettling to saw the least. The tall man snapped his fingers and the tired man, as well as the woman, left the train car quickly without a word.
“Hello Miss Cassie, my name is Clark. I’ve heard much about you.” He paused and smiled down at me, “Setting fire to your family home but somehow escaping completely unharmed, almost like the fire couldn't touch you.” The tall man said with a slight accent I couldn't recognize. “What are you gonna do, arrest me?” I asked glaring at him as my hands loosed the handcuffs around my wrists. “Oh no, of course not. I’m here to hire to you my dear,” Clark said grinning, “You’d make a perfect addition to the crew.”
A job offer, I was kidnapped, put on a dumb train with a sack on my head, for a job offer. 
Stefano walked from somewhere behind Clark and stopped a few feet in front of me before I could kick him he went behind me and pulled the handcuffs apart leaving the two metal rings around my wrists like bracelets. “You didn't really think you’re the only person like you out there,” Clark spoke as I denied the hand he held out to me and stood up shakily but stable enough to not fall. “What do you want with me?” I asked as small blue and white flames danced around my fingertips.
“That won’t be necessary,” Clark responded calmly, I felt the fire on my hands dissipate. I didn't want that to happen, I didn’t make the flames to go away. A wave of calm washed over my body causing my shoulders to roll back and my jaw to unclench. “You’re not the only one with a little hex.” He said before turning to Stefano, “Take our new recruit to her car. The one with the other odd ones should be fine.” With that, he walked passed me and disappearing into the car behind the one we were in. The calm feeling was stripped from my body as Clark grew further, I still didn't know how he did it but I was going to find out. Stefano grunted and pulled me in the opposite direction that Clark went.
To say the sleeping cars we cramped would be an understatement. Clothing of the odd variety was shoved in weird places as well as boots shoved behind bed frames. The wall of a man previously dubbed, Stefano, pushed me into the room and slid the door closed behind him. The dark room appeared to be empty but I still felt uneasy. I allowed my left hand to burst into flames to light up the room just another flash of light from the corner blinded me momentarialy. Even in my clouded vision I could make out another figure, they looked small and frail but before I could get a better look they disappeared into another flash of light and reappeared on a bed in the corner of the room. Both of my hands were on fire now, I wasn't going to be caught off guard like I did a few days ago.
“Woah,” the figure whispered as the light around them dissipated slowly to reveal a girl, about 15, crouching on an unmade bed clothed in a dark purple cape that seemed to swallow her up. “How did you do that?” She asked pushing the hood off her head to reveal a thick braid of silver hair. “I would ask you the same thing,” I responded backing up as the flames held in my hand grew brighter.  
“You must be Cassie, I’m Laura, Clark has said a lot about you. He’s never had someone with your abilities before.”
“Had someone with my abilities? Does he collect freaks or something?” Orange flames creeped up my arms almost reaching my hair of a similar color.
The girl laughed, “Freaks? I wouldn't consider ourselves freaks, just gifted.” She paused, “listen, Clark means no harm, he just wants kids like us off the streets where we could get hurt or killed.”
“So why are we on a train? I don’t understand what’s going on.” I responded letting the fire dissipate slowly until it was just blue flames dancing around my fingers. In the dim light, I saw Laura get up and switch on a lamp a few feet away from her. “Everyone’s confused at first, let me explain. Think of this train as a safe place for people like you and me. We can be open about our abilities but there’s a catch.”
“Of course there is.”
“How would you feel if I told you that you could use your powers in plain sight for people to see and they would be none the wiser. It’s called the Night Circus, and now you’re a performer.”
“A performer? Of what? None of this makes sense.” Flames circled my hands changing from orange to blue and white. The girl sighed, “We pretend to be regular people who are really good at their craft basically. In my instance, I’m a magician. I teleport myself so people think I disappeared or something. The trapeze artists fly instead of using momentum and the lion tamers can actually talk to the animals. Are you getting it kinda?”
“I guess.” My head was spinning, how many people can do these types of things? The fire in my hand disappeared in a puff of smoke as I stared Laura in disbelief. “But, why?” I asked taking a few steps toward her.
“Clark doesn't want more of us getting hurt out in the real world so he trains us to control our abilities until we can disguise ourselves like normal people and rejoin society.”
“Why should he care about what we do?”
“He’s one of us, Cassie, he can control certain emotions and make people feel things. Do you really think people enjoy the circus that much.” She paused and removed her cape completely to show an all black dress that seemed to melt into the shadows. 
“If you can teleport then why don’t you escape? I mean Clark is obviously just using freaks like us for money,” I said taking another step closer, even in the low light I could tell Laura was frowning, “He wants to keep us safe,” -She pointed out the small porthole window- “out there we’re considered monsters or mistakes but here in the Night Circus we get applauded for using our abilities even if the crowd doesn't know we’re doing it.”
“And why would he care? I mean he seems normal enough, he could pass for a normal guy, so what’s the point of doing all of this-”
“Clark made his own family kill one another Cassie, he made them turn against each other because he couldn't control his powers.” Laura interrupted, silence hung in the air thick like fog. 
She took a shaky breath, “just stay, at least for a little while. You’ll come around.” I huffed and sat down on the cold floor barely missing a lone boot, “I’ll give it a week. Then if I still don’t like it you’re going to get me out of here.” I didn't have to look at Laura to know she was smiling, the decision was final. I was gonna stay, at least for a little while.
I don’t think I’d ever admitted it but Laura was right, I did come around. Even though I still don’t trust Clark completely, I stayed for another week, and then another, eventually the weeks turned into months and I was still around. Laura helped me figure out my act, Clark taught me how to not burn my costume and one of the lion tamers even showed me how to control how to twirl batons so i could spin them on while they were on fire.
“Cas, you're on in like a minute, hurry up.” Laura called just outside my line of sight, I gathered my batons and took a breath. I could hear Clark introducing act while the crowd cheered, rolling back my shoulders and fixing my mask I stepped through the tent entrance and got ready to show off.
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