#direct neighbors have dogs with an aggression problem to where they can’t be on the same floor of the house together
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The fact that we have the best behaved dog in the neighborhood will never cease to both make me laugh and astound me.
#like he’s not the best boy but also#direct neighbors have dogs with an aggression problem to where they can’t be on the same floor of the house together#that’s actually a genetic/neurological problem but still#neighbors on the other side of them have four (4) dogs with varying degrees of behavioral issues#that are outside all day and bark at anything that moves#they also escape the yard constantly#new neighbors just moved in across the street with a dog that sounds like he will break down the fence and eat whatever’s passing by#it’s the Wild West out here#if I were still doing dog training I’d start dropping my business card in mailboxes
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Pretenses Part 2 (Louis x Reader)
Summary: Part 2. Louis is a spoiled prince and you are a clumsy maid. Prince! Louis x Canine! Dog! Reader.
Part One
The next time you woke up there was sunlight streaming through the room. Great, now not only had you failed to ever return to the kitchen for your nightly duties of helping cook for the Carnivore staff, but you’d also missed reporting to your regular morning kitchen duties at dawn.
You sat up in the Prince’s plush bed and stretched. Never in your life had you slept on such finery, it almost felt wrong to sleep on such a soft surface.
“Finally awake, sleeping beauty,” Prince Louis sighed and your head instantly snapped in his direction. He was already dressed and ready for the day despite not sleeping in his own bed which was currently occupied by you.
“Here, you’ll be needing this,” Louis shoved a folded fabric towards you which you realized was a new maid uniform. You suddenly remembered that he had ripped your own and grasped the luxurious sheets in an attempt to cover yourself.
“Don’t flatter yourself, Dog, I have better things to do with my time than leer at a lowly maid. Now get dressed and get out,” Louis snapped before storming out of the room.
You immediately switched into the uniform he gave you and scurried out of his chambers.
Things changed after that. At first it had seemed he was actually done with his torment of you. There were no more useless, unnecessary trips back and forth from the kitchen, his guard he had follow you around to watch you had relaxed his hold, and he eased up on his demand of petty, time-consuming requests. It was almost like you had a regular job again. Almost.
You still had to go through his grating beratement day in and day out, one act of kindness hadn’t changed how he viewed you or your species and he wanted to make sure you knew that.
He also still required you to stand next to him while he ate his food, just in case he needed something or wanted to make another revision.
Which I where you found yourself today. He was eating in the east wing drawing room in front of its giant windows. The sun flooded the room and you could see the entire front grounds from here. You could even see where you used to work, the cobblestone entryway being scrubbed tirelessly by your fellow domestic canines.
“Grateful you’re not with them?” Louis asked in a condescending tone when he noticed where your line of vision focused.
“I-” your response was interrupted by a loud growl emitted from your stomach. The Prince’s ears perked at the sound.
“Bring me another lunch exactly like mine, don’t make me have to tell you twice,” Louis growled and you knew better than to disobey.
You returned with tray in hand and presented it to him as you usually would.
“Great, now eat it,” Louis said without even looking at you.
“My liege, I’m not supposed t-“”
“Do you ever just shut up?! You’re not even using the word right, you imbecile! That’s not the proper way to address the crowned Prince of this kingdom! Now I gave you an order, you’d do well to see it through!” Louis snapped and you physically shrank back at his verbal assault. No one could make you feel worthless quite like Prince Louis, he was an expert in that field.
You sat quietly and ate without another word, not even looking in the Prince’s direction. He was obviously very temperamental today and there was only so much you verbal abuse you could take in a day.
Once you were done picking at the food, you stopped and stared at the ground. Louis noticed and cleared his throat.
“You’re dismissed, now clean this up and get out of my sight.”
It was harvest time in the kingdom which meant the castle would be harboring fellow royal guests from neighboring kingdoms to display their wealth and abundance as well as harbor good relations. This meant that with more guests to abide by, more mouths to feed came with it which effectively doubled the work of the kitchen staff.
Your only reprieve was that during this time, the Prince was required to take all his meals in the dining hall with the King and his guests. You’d been free of his cruelty for over a week now and despite Stallworth running you into the ground in the kitchen, you were still thankful. You’d take physical exhaustion over verbal beratement any day.
“You seem a little too eager today, Pup. You can’t be that happy to be back,” One of the Gazelles spoke suddenly as you were happily kneading a glob of dough.
“Probably just thankful she doesn’t have to wait on the Prince hand and foot anymore,” another one said in reply. Even when they were taking about you, the Gazelles tended to just talk over you to each other seeing as you were the runt of the kitchen heightwise. You didn’t mind, after the initial hostilities of the kitchen wore off, you found it quite easy to get along with your new coworkers. Most of them weren’t too bright and could talk on and on about nonsense all day which actually made it easier for you to stay quiet and blend in. As much as you could anyway.
“I don’t see the problem in that, I’d wait on him any time any place anywhere,” The other Gazelle swooned. Prince Louis was extremely popular amongst the Herbivore staff.
“Sheesh you obviously haven’t met him, I heard he can be a real pain in the ass,” a third one scoffed.
“He could be a pain in my ass anyti-“
“Get back to work! And Y/N why are you still here?!” Stallworth said entering the station you and the other group of Gazelles were currently occupying.
“M-ma’am? I was completing the task that was written on my chart?” You checked your task chart every morning diligently and followed it to the letter.
“Clearly you haven’t checked in the last hour, there’s been a change in staff duty. You’re on the serving crew now,” Stallworth gruffed which only furthered your confusion.
“B-but ma’am I don’t know how to serve?”
“Well I hope you’re a quick learner. Lunch starts in twenty minutes,”
You had half a mind as to where that mysterious change in staff order had come from as you found yourself lining the walls with the other serving staff in the royal dining hall, conveniently located right across from Prince Louis. It was as if that man lived to torture you and this was just another new concoction of his to achieve that goal.
You were clumsy and had a poor sense of equilibrium by nature, as was the fate of a dog, but having his eyes glued to you waiting for you to make a mistake only served to double your nerves, a fact you were sure he was well aware of.
To make matters worse, you were shaking like a leaf the entire time. You squeezed your hands together in little fists to try and calm the shaking only for the Gazelle next to you to nudge you. Her gaze lowered to your hands and you immediately knew what she meant and let them fall by your side limply. You were still a Carnivore, you couldn’t be seen showing signs of aggression, even if that was not your intention.
You hated it here.
Louis was angry. That was an understatement considering he was always angry. But this anger was different. This anger was more of a resentment than anything else. That resentment geared towards his father of course.
He had noticed upon entering the dining hall for supper that you weren’t there in your usually position. He scanned the entire room but there was no sign of you. He turned to see his father watching him, a knowing look in his eyes. He was responsible.
After dinner he had caught Louis on his way out, walking beside him in what would seem a natural exchange between father and son. Louis knew any exchange between him and Oguma was anything but normal.
“Missed your entertainment during dinner,” Oguma mentioned offhandedly. Louis felt his blood run cold.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about,”
“Really? I thought she’d be hard to miss, seeing as she’s the only Carnivore in this entire wing of the castle.”
“I hadn’t noticed,” Louis said in a bored tone. King Oguma was the last person he wanted to have this conversation with, or any conversation for that manner.
“Don’t play coy, I spoke with Peak. I know you put her there.” Oguma said sternly as the two of them reached the end of the corridor.
“What’s your point, father?” Louis asked ready to make his exit in any direction that was the opposite of the King.
“You allot more attention to her impending failure and pathetic nature than you do our own dinner guests. I was unaware I raised such a cruel child but your torment of that poor creature ends today. I sent her back to her regular duties permanently.” Louis felt his blood boil at his father’s words. How dare he meddle in his affairs?
“As you wish. I’m sure there are much more interesting forms of entertainment among the castle. One beautiful royal guest in particular.” Louis contended bidding his adieu. He was alluding to the daughter of a visiting Duke. She was a couple years older than Louis but the Duke was not above championing her off if it secured his favor with the Royals. Louis could not be more disinterested. There was only one animal that held his attention and that was a certain disoriented maid.
This may be the end of your dining servitude but Louis was far from through with you.
You were currently bustling down the corridor on your way to the gardens to retrieve fresh herbs. They had failed to bring the morning rations from their harvest and of course if there was anybody in that kitchen they would send all the way across the palace for a few hunks of scented leaves, it was you. The kitchen didn’t even actually need it, they had enough spices to hold them for weeks but life seemed set to punish you in one way or another.
Though grateful to be back in your normal position in the kitchen, having been evicted from your dining position so suddenly by Madam Peak herself (especially after she had just been the one to assign you) was a bit of an embarrassment, one that Stallworth did not take lightly. She saw it as you weren’t working hard enough and decided to double down on her discipline of you.
It won’t be an easy job, you’ll do all of the grunt work and you will not be treated as an equal.
What she said to you upon your first meeting still echoed in your mind. She has meant every single word.
You rounded a corner a little too quickly and almost ran right into none other than the Prince himself. Luck really was not on your side today.
“Oh, it’s just you, Dog,” Louis sneered, his eyes still wide from the shock of the almost collision. Like a deer caught in-
“You look as horrible as ever,” he said appraising you. You were way too tired tired to feed him new material to beguile you on so you merely bowed and then made to go around him.
“And where do you think you’re going?” Louis grabbed your arm and easily spun you around but one look at the utter exhaustion in your eyes seemed to say it all.
“I see... Follow me,” the Prince commanded as he started walking, not waiting to see if you were behind him. You trailed after him wordlessly. Though you were already under orders from the kitchen, he was still a royal and his authority outweighed theirs ten to none.
The two of you arrived to his chambers and he only stopped walking once he reached his bedroom. He turned to you and the same as last time grabbed your waist, lifting you onto his bed to place you at its center.
“M-my liege I-”
“Didn’t I tell you to stop using that,” Louis grumbled as he grabbed your ankle to take of your shoe, then proceeded to take off the other.
“My Prince-”
“Shhhh, enough with the formalities. Or speaking in general. Just go to sleep before you pass out again.” He drew the covers back and held them open for you. You stared at him as if he’d lost his mind.
“I can’t-”
“I won’t tell you again. I gave you an order, Y/N. Follow it.” Louis said sternly. You hesitantly obey as he tucked you into his bed. And he was calling you by your actual name? This had to be some sort of trick, even that basic level of respect towards Carnivores was beneath Louis. Why would he ever respect a group of animals he deemed the scum of the earth.
The moment your head hit the pillow, you were out like a light.
Louis watched your chest rise and fall in rhythm as the glow of the evening sun illuminated your fur. You looked just as beautiful today as you did any other day and yet it was a sight he never grew tired of.
Your sleeping in his chambers during the day had become a regular occurrence over the past couple of weeks. There wasn’t much Louis could do in terms of apology (at least not much he could do that wouldn’t draw attention) for how he’d been treating you but he could allow you at least a small portion of all the rest and recuperation he’d stolen from you over the past months.
You began to stretch and yawn, your leg twitching vigorously as your tail wagged in tandem. This little stretch of yours was the marker than you were waking up so Louis did as he always wouldn’t this time: turn in his chair and open his book to a random page while pretending like he hadn’t been gazing at you for hours.
“Good Afternoon, my Prince,” you hummed happily as you rose from his bed. Louis felt his stomach do somersaults at the term. It was what you always called him but hearing it fall from your lips in such a soft and tender way, as if the two of you were lovers and you’d just woken up in his arms- no. Louis immediately pushed such thoughts from his mind, there was no sense in daydreaming about such foolishness.
“Is it? It’s nearly dinner time. You overslept,” Louis said in a bored tone. Of course you had overslept, you were tired all the time and he had selfishly refused to wake you simply to get an extra bit of time to look at you. Risking getting you in trouble to fuel his own ridiculous fantasies, how pathetic of him.
“Oh no,” you scurried out of his bed and rushed to the door, peaking your head out to make sure no one was out there to see you leaving. You then slinked away like a theif in the night yet he hated to admit the only thing you’d succeeded in stealing was his begrudged affection and a few extra hours of sleep.
Louis sighed as he watched the place on his bed where you had been sleeping peacefully not even ten minutes prior. You had snuck away as if you had never even been here in the first place. Most maids he had taken to his bed to use for his own whimsical pleasure would stroll out of his chambers with pride and arrogance, too stupid to even realize they’d been used for their virtues and thrown away. But not you.
You found yourself in his bed for a completely innocent and inane reason: a nap, nothing more nothing less. Oh if given the chance, Louis would ravish you in bed. There wasn’t an inch of your body he wouldn’t utterly worship and adore.
He thought back to the day you’d fainted in his study. How he had to carry you to his chambers, so light and fragile in his arms. The exact opposite of everything he thought Carnivores to be.
He had never really harnessed a true hatred for Carnivores. Sure he loved to treat them as if they were simply dumb by nature but he knew the truth. They weren’t allowed the same quality of education in this Kingdom but they held the same capacity for intelligence as a Herbivore or Omnivore. The same could not be said for Herbivores and their capacity for strength. If given the chance, Carnivores could be just as intellectual as Herbivores all the while maintaining physical dominance. But that simply wasn’t the system put into place and with the way the Kingdom was run now, the powers at be would see to it that it never would.
Even Herbivores as strong and revered as his own kind, who possessed towering statutes and muscular builds, were no match for a determined group of intellectual Carnivores. So the Kingdom minimized their education as much as they could without infringing on their animal rights then set them off to work at an early age.
Louis’ mind once again circled back to you. You were the same age as him yet you had been working for years and he had never so much as picked up a broom. Even if he wasn’t royalty, he would still be pursuing a higher education at this age, not working himself to the bone like you did. It was a horridly inequal system and despite the guilt that subconsciously nipped at him, he doubted there was much he could do to change it when he inevitably became King. As domineering as his father was, even his power as King had its limits. His council had the final say in every decision and they were the last set of people anyone would want to have as an enemy.
“E-excuse me, my lord,” you voice rang through the room shaking Louis from his thoughts. You were standing in front of the door with a tray in your hand.
“I noticed you were missing your regular scheduled dinner so I thought I’d bring it to you, in case you were hungry, sire,” you said approaching him. Your concentration, as always, was focused on the tray at hand to ensure you didn’t drop it. You missed the slack jawed, lovestruck expression of the Prince before you.
“You...,” Louis’s voice trailed off as he watched you set down the tray on a small end table next to where he had dragged his chair.
“You’re still not using that word right.” Louis said turning from you. He felt his fur bristle at the kind act and his heart was nearly beating out of his chest.
“My apologies,” you bowed, turning to take your exit permanently this time.
“Wait,” Louis stood, regretting it immediately. Why was he standing? He tried to brush off his awkwardness and return to his normal curt behavior.
“Your presence is required in my study. 2 a.m. sharp.” Louis said it as an order when in reality he could feel his stomach in his throat.
“B-but I have.... other duties at that time, your highness. There is a nightly maid staff should you need anything, sire,” Your held a certain kind of fear in your eyesthat struck a nerve in Louis. Were you afraid of him? Or of missing those repugnant ‘duties.’
“This was not a subject up for discussion nor debate. You’re dismissed,” Louis watched your shoulders fall as you slunk out of his chambers.
His eyes then fell on the tray you had brought him containing his dinner. The act had been so genuine, and so very much like you. His heart fluttered at the thought of you doing something like this special for him and him alone but he knew that notion was as far off as could be. You were a simple maid just trying to do her job and he selfishly took advantage of that. You already were forced to spend an ungodly amount of time in his presence during the day and now he wanted to consume your off duty time as well.
Technically, you were never actually ‘off-duty’ as a maid of the castle however there were scheduled shifts for the staff for a reason. They were put into place so certain lines wouldn’t be crossed but Louis could honestly give less of s damn about those lines. He had already trampled over them, restricting himself from you now was pointless. There was a small part of him that wondered if he even could stay away from you. It seemed as if the more he surrounded himself with you, the more he craved you. There was something about you that drew him in more and more each time and he could hardly find the strength to fight it anymore.
He was falling headlong into his obsession with you and couldn’t find it in himself to care.
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Obey, Princess

genre: smut | minghao!werewolf x fem!reader
word count: 2.4k
warnings: explicit content, dominance, rough sex, unprotected sex
summary: worriedly, you decide to look for your brother’s best friend. only to find him lost in the middle of his whines fighting a heat.
It was a gloomy Friday and the class never seemed so boring. Maybe it was because the art teacher decided to wear its not-so-friendly face, or due to the fact that Minghao wasn't there to make fun of it.
Never in your school nor university life, you witnessed Minghao miss class. Everyone found his love for learning obsessive, but you thought there was a great charm to it. Not even sick the boy missed one day of school. Only when he was so bad he had to go to the hospital, but even like that he would always tell Mingyu so he could warn the teachers.
"Gyu," you called your brother gently "did Hao say something?"
"He... hm..." you saw your brother tense up at your sudden question and you could sense that he knew what was happening but he didn't want to tell you. "Well, I think he got a cold and can't really leave the apartment." you just hummed at his response, fully aware that it was a lie.
You just kept quiet the rest of the classes. You knew Minghao wouldn't just miss university because of some cold. Something was wrong and you were going to check it yourself.
All morning classes had ended and quickly you made your way over to Minghao's apartment. As you arrived there you could see that his bedroom blinds were partly closed. Another odd thing. Minghao loves to let his blinds fully open so the sun can roam through his place.
"'Morning miss, may I help you?" an old lady approaches you and you recognize her to be one of Minghao's neighbors. "Good morning ma'am." you smiled kindly "I'm a friend of one of your neighbors, Xu Minghao. He didn't appear in class today so I'm here to check on him."
"Oh, of course! Come with me." the old lady entered the building with you following right behind "Thank God you're here. I've been hearing screams coming from his apartment all morning." your concern grew bigger hearing that sentence "When I went to check on him he was really brief, telling it was only a really bad back pain.".
The old lady opened the door for you and you quietly thanked her. The apartment had a strong scent, like... dog? Since when did Minghao have a dog? And why was everything so quiet?
"Minghao," you called his name hoping for a response, but nothing. "Minghao, where ar-" you were cut of by a loud groan coming from the boy’s room. It seemed like a painful groan, mixed with anger.
Similar to a hurricane, you burst into his room only to stay petrified by the door. What kind of kinky situation did you get yourself into? There he was: sitting on the ground, sweating as if he had been running for hours non stop, loud groans and whimpers coming out of his mouth and hands cuffed to his bed with chains. "What the fuck is going on?" was the only thing you could say at that moment. "Y/N.. Get out." he hissed without even looking at you.
Finally moving, you headed to him to uncuff his hands. "I don't know what kind of sick prank is this, but you and Mingyu can stop now," you said and Minghao tried his best to keep you away. "Don't you dare uncuff me." he gazed at you with angry eyes right before letting out a whimper. "Or what?" you dared to free his hands fully from the chains.
"Or I will rip you apart with my cock."
He roughly pushed you to the floor and you hit your back on the hardwood, letting out a low painful moan. His glowing eyes looking straight into yours, making you tremble with fear. Minghao is a werewolf? How was he able to keep that hidden from everyone? Your head was spinning fast and having your brother's hot best friend whimpering on top of you wasn't helping. "Please," this wasn't a plea, it was an order "Tie me up again before I do something you'll regret."
You nodded fearfully and chained him up to the bed again. A sigh of relief came out of you and you glanced at the boy before you. "I'm gonna get some wet towels." he completely ignored you and kept on his quest of trying to stay calm and don't respond to his needs.
You came back to the room with some wet towels and a bottle of water. "Here." you lightly touched his neck with the towel making him moan at the feeling. You were too embarrassed to even look at him if you did he would know how turned on you are by that scenario.
"You're on a heat?" you asked, but the answer was quite obvious. He nodded in response and groaned "It hurts so fucking much, and you're making things even worse."
"Me? Why?" you were confused by his accusation. "Because your smell is fucking delicious and it makes me wanna fuck you really badly." you've never seen Minghao like that, so direct and harsh. Normally he would just joke around, but still, be a gentleman most of the time. Now you were seeing a side of him that made you wet your own underwear.
"I'm not going to leave you alone," you stated while giving him some water to drink "I'll be in the living room.". Not waiting for a response you just left his room heading towards the living room and sitting on the sofa.
"What am I going to do?" you whispered to yourself resting your forehead on your hand. The whole wolf situation wasn't that shooking, you knew many of them. The real problem was that heat and how fucking hot Minghao's angry groans sounded.
Not even ten minutes after, you heard a loud metallic sound followed by a scream of pain. You rushed to the room again only to find Minghao tangled on the chains. "Fuck," he moaned "the.. the chain fell.. on my dick, take... take it off." he managed to say between groans and you did as asked.
"Do you need me to take your pants off?"
Your sentence made him turn his head to you almost instantaneously and a quick smirk could be seen on his lips. "Yes, please.", different from before he now seemed inoffensive almost like a little child asking for candy, obviously he had something in mind.
You slowly opened his zipper, trying hard not to notice his hard bulge marked by the boxers' fabric. "Quicker, princess.." the nickname flew naturally out of his mouth and you blushed aggressively while quickly undressing him.
"Now I'll go back-"
"No," he said firmly "Stay here with me.". You were reluctant "Didn't you just say that my smell makes you wanna fuck me?" he chuckled at your response but quickly changed his expression to a more serious one. "Don't talk back at me. Just do as I say, Y/N."
His dominance made you shiver and you just sat by his side not too far but also not to close. The werewolf smiled cocky and leaned into your neck "Your smell is really good.." his nose tickled your neck and you let out a small sigh "and you're so warm."
When you noticed, Minghao was grinding on the air in search of some contact and planting wet kisses on your neck which made you have a hard time hiding your sexual desires. "You love... my touches don't you?" you could feel his cocky smile on your neck "Answer me, princess."
You loved how only the things he said made you feel, and that fucking nickname, it made you lose your mind. "Yes, I do." you managed to say while he left small bites across your neck.
"Then untie me," Minghao ordered huskily and you almost answer to his command but retracted before getting to his hands. "I know you want this as much as I do. Untie me, Y/N. Let me fuck you. I've been waiting for so long." his words caused your whole body to heat up and you felt like you were about to cum just by listening to his harsh and low voice.
Feeling defeated and extra horny you unchained the boy next to you, who didn't even waste a minute. The werewolf picked you up roughly and slammed you to the wall "I want to hear you begging.". His hands held you by your ass gripping it tightly just how you liked it and it only took one loud moan of yours to throw Minghao over the edge.
"Please, Hao." you closed your eyes tightly feeling his hard cock rubbing against your pussy. "Please what?" he teased, grinding on you as much as he could. "Fuck me, oh God. Fuck me hard, Minghao."
"I'm going to do it far beyond hard and you’re going to take it," he stated panting "like the slut you are."
Oh and how it felt good to be called a slut by Minghao, to be thrown to the bed and undressed by his desperate hands. Everything was so erotic and arousing it made you moan just by feeling a simple touch. "You're so sensitive." he held himself on top of you with both hands on the sides of your head "That makes me want to fuck you even harder."
You moaned loudly at the feeling of his wet lips on your breasts while rubbing his needy clothed cock on your pussy. He could feel how wet you were and it wrecked his mind. "Suck me, princess." he whispered on your hear "Then i get to tear you apart, as I promised."
Still laying on the bed you opened your mouth and welcomed his hard dick inside your warm mouth. "Oh fuck... fuck... fuck, Y/N..." he groans as his tip touches your throat, not giving you the chance to move he did all the movements, hungrily fucking your mouth.
"You take it so well, princess..."
As Minghao left your mouth you took the chance to suck only his tip, making his legs weaken and low moans escape his mouth. "I want to cum inside you." he breathes heavily moving his shaft away from you and kissing you passionately for the first time since you arrived. And, even though being a rough, needy, and desperate kiss, it was the best one you've ever had.
Minghao took all the dominance and quickly deepened the kiss making you whimper. His lips tasted like wine, so addictive and seductive, and his warm tongue made you want to cum just by touching yours.
"On all fours." he commanded and you took a minute to steady your breaths "Now!". Like a tamed kitten you did as told and before looking back at the chinese boy you felt a hard slap on one of your ass cheeks "Good girl."
From one of his drawers, he took a condom and some lube. Just with the vision of your body displayed only for him he felt his cock harden even more, making his heat pain return and his urge to fuck something get bigger and bigger by the second.
Quickly placing the condom and pumping his own dick with the lube, Minghao made his way closer to you and grabbed your waist viciously most probably bruising it. "Hao... please," you whined rubbing yourself on his dick indicating how much you needed it.
"Scream loudly for me, princess. Will you?" he whispers while sliding into you, in the most torturous way possible. Your moans felt like knives tearing up your throat. When fully inside you Minghao tried pushing himself even further groaning like a wild animal at the feel of your walls clenching around him.
"So tight.." he starts moving slowly and as you thought he lost all his strengths, Minghao slides off of you only to slam in hard and aggressively into you again. And there it was, the power that made you scream. Between his low groans, you could hear a few chuckles, he loved how you screamed for him.
Hungrily he rammed into you making the sound of his balls hitting your core fill the room. It was like being eaten by a lion, a powerful and sexually frustrated one. "You feel so good, princess." he pulled your hair making your back hit his chest "Such a good little slut."
You pushed yourself into his cock eagerly, urging to feel him more and more. "I'm... I'm going to-" you were interrupted by the sudden emptiness inside you. "You only cum when I tell you to." he spins you around making you lay down again and hops on top of you "Understood?"
You nodded repeatedly and he only let out a low tsc. Longing to fill you up again, Minghao slammed himself inside of you again and didn't wait to start his hard movements. The way only he knew how to. "Don't be disrespectful," he wrapped his hand around your neck, not griping hard nor letting it too loose "use words."
"Understood," you answer in a moan. Minghao was actually ripping you apart and you somehow felt like his roughness would end up breaking you. It sounded like a good plan, honestly. "Good girl." he praised before kissing your lips muffling your loud moans.
His kisses seemed to last eternities. Making you see stars with that many pleasure being transferred through your bodies. You break apart from the kiss to scream as Minghao hits your sweet spot. "Oh God... please let me cum, Hao," you whined making him chuckle.
"You can cum, princess," he says sweetly countering his aggressive hip movements. With his words it only took you a few moments to release, clenching your walls tightly around his cock stimulating him to cum inside the condom too. "Fucking hell." he groaned as he was exiting you "Look what you've done to me, Y/N."
You couldn't even look at his eyes without blushing. Noticing your shyness Minghao chuckled and cuddled your hair "You're shy now? You didn't seem too shy when you were moaning my name like crazy and enjoying when I called you slut."
"Shut up, Minghao." you smiled getting up from the bed but his strong arms threw you back to it. "Do you think I'm done? Not even close to it, princess. You're 'gonna regret telling me to shut up."
#kpop#kpop smut#seventeen#seventeen smut#svt#svt smut#xu minghao#minghao#the8#seo myungho#seventeen minghao#seventeen the8#seventeen myungho#svt minghao#svt the8#minghao smut#xu minghao smut#the8 smut#smut
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Kofi (Tips welcome, but not necessary!)
Updated: 7.22.2021
Recent Stories: Thinking of You (AOT); Gymtleman (BNHA);

U.A. Students
Denki Kaminari
Serenade: Your sweet boyfriend serenades for you outside your balcony one night at the U.A. dorms.
Small Competition: Your boyfriend encounters a young boy who has a puppy crush on you.
Eijirou Kirishima
Acceptance: You and Kirishima enjoy a nice date at an amusement park until you relive a painful memory from your childhood. [Warning: Angst; Body Image]
Love Conquers All: You question whether or not you deserve Kirishima after a petty gossip site writes a cruel post about you. [Hurt/comfort]
The Nightly Adventures of a Lost Shopper: Getting lost at night is one thing. But stumbling upon some crazy beating in a musty back alley? Yeah, no thanks. [Mafia AU; Warning: slight mention of blood]
The Precious Diamond on the Swing: The swings at the local park always had a special place in both Kirishima and his daughter’s heart.
Hanta Sero
A Vision Come to Life: Every artist wants to bring their own paintings to life. Sero is no different after he becomes infatuated with you—a beautiful stranger who exists in his dreams. One night he sees your face and decides to paint you with all his heart. [Painter AU]
Hitoshi Shinsou
A Beautiful Blessing: Someone leaves a mysterious box outside your apartment in the middle of the storm. Fortunately, no one gets hurt.
Fuzzy Socks: Shinsou loves how short you are and he never, ever lets you forget it.
Hands Off: You’re working at a cantina when a customer gets aggressive with you. Fortunately, your favorite bounty hunter is there to rescue you. [Bounty Hunter AU]
Midnight Fantasies: Shinsou reminds you why you’ll always love him. [Warnings: NSFW; minors do NOT interact]
On The Run: Staying in one place was never a good idea. It was risky and only caused more problems for you. However, an exception was made for Minato—a city under Shinsou’s watch. [Pro Hero AU]
The One Thing You Don’t Regret: Tonight was a night full of regrets, or so you thought.
Workout: You’re trying to finish up your job assignment, but get distracted by Shinsou’s workout routine.
Abuelita’s Hot Chocolate: Shinsou returns home from work one freezing night. Fortunately, you whip him up a nice cup of Mexican hot chocolate.
Small Competition: Your boyfriend encounters a young boy who has a puppy crush on you.
Izuku Midoriya
Happy Birthday: It’s your birthday and Izuku surprises you with a cake [Warning: slight angst; hurt/comfort]
The Neighbor from Apartment 512: You have a crush on your new neighbor, Izuku Midoriya, who lives right across the hall.
Witch Doctor’s Orders: Midoriya visits the Witch Doctor after he breaks his arm.
Katsuki Bakugou
Comforting Words: You return to the U.A. dorms following a disastrous date. Surprisingly, Bakugou offers some “comforting words” to you. [Slight sequel to Laundry Night; 100 Followers Special]
Everyone’s Got a Sweet Tooth!: Bakugou hates sweets. You don’t think this is true and begin a mission to discover his favorite candy. After all, you are the brilliant Candy Master who won’t stop until Bakugou’s sweet tooth is satisfied.
Gold Coins and a Gold Heart: Bakugou is forced to help give out candy at your factory’s annual Halloween trick-or-treating event—costume included. [Sequel to Everyone’s Got a Sweet Tooth!]
Gymtleman: Nothing irks you more than a random guy ruining your workout session. Luckily, Bakugou sets him straight. [Warning: slight harassment].
Juice: Bakugou’s daughter demands juice, but he refuses.
Laundry Night: It’s a Saturday night which means it’s laundry night for you. You try to relax while your clothes get clean, but someone didn’t get the memo and rudely disrupts your self-care time.
Missed You: Bakugou realizes how much he still misses you after seeing you at the Hero Gala. [Secret Santa Fic]
Sleepless Nights: Bakugou can’t sleep ever since the brutal breakup and decides to do something about it.
Don’t Litter: Bakugou hates when people litter.
Piggyback Rides: You ask your boyfriend for a piggyback ride.
Small Competition: Your boyfriend encounters a young boy who has a puppy crush on you.
Mirio Togata
No Capes!: Mirio visits you at work for a lunch date, but plans change when he meets the one and only Edna Mode.
The Helpful Elf: The Hippity Hop Cat toy is the toy on every kid’s wish list this year, including Eri’s. With the toy flying off the shelves, you desperately ask Mirio, the Helper Elf at Hazuki’s ToyLand, for help. And Mirio doesn’t give up, especially when it comes to you. [BNHASanctuary Winter Collab Story]
Shouto Todoroki
A Late Night Promise: Much to your dismay, you share an elevator ride with Shouto after staying late at the office one night.
Dance With Me: You share a magical dance with the handsome instructor—Shouto Todoroki.
Get on the Floor: Todoroki invites you to his successful nightclub. Meanwhile, you invite the dashing man to join you on the dance floor after catching his eye. [AU]
Piggyback Rides: You ask your boyfriend for a piggyback ride.
Small Donation: The holiday season is a time for giving, especially for those most in need. All month long, Shouto watches you collect donations for a local children’s hospital. One day, he finally musters up the courage to do the same and surprises you with his own small donation.
Tamaki Amajiki
Snow Globe Wonderland: On his way home from work, Tamaki stumbles upon a two things—a mysterious snow globe and you, a dancer who shows him a magical time.
Stolen Glances: Tamaki constantly steals glances at you, his crush, since he is too shy to speak with you. However, this changes one night at a bonfire party.

Enji Todoroki/Endeavor
Vete: After feeling miserable in your relationship with Enji, you decide to kick him out of your life.
Keigo Takami/Hawks
Free Sample: You take great pride in handing out some free samples of tempura chicken. They’re a great way to meet new people—including a certain wing hero who happens to enjoy your free sample.
Late Night Visitor: A mysterious stranger visits your balcony and accidentally leaves behind a priceless jewelry that they stole from a museum. [Crime AU]
Crowded Bird Cage: Hawks enjoys having you around. Your pet bird, Sora, is still a work in progress.
Rumi Usagiyama/Miruko
Flying Snowball: One crispy afternoon, you’re minding your own business when a jerk hits you with a snowball. Stupidly, you throw one back only to accidentally hit the fierce pro hero Miruko (also your number one crush).
Shouta Aizawa/Eraserhead
Pocky: You offer a pocky stick to your husband, Shouta Aizawa.
Three in the Morning: Shouta returns home to find you wide awake at three in the morning.
A Cry for Help: A hero finds a little girl crying and helps find her parents.
Taishiro Toyomitsu/Fatgum
Cuddling Through the Seasons: Fatgum’s cuddles never go out of season.
A Cry for Help: A hero finds a little girl crying and helps find her parents.
Toshinori Yagi/All Might
After All These Years: After being apart for six years, you wonder if you are ready to see Toshinori again. [Sequel to The Point of No Return]
Need A Hand?: Toshinori thought visiting the park would bring him some peace of mind. Instead, he ends up chasing after your dog who stole his bony hand.
Sneezing Through Time: When you’re sick, you end up sneezing to random points in time.
The Point of No Return: Your relationship with Toshinori is put to the test after he refuses to back down from his responsibility for being the Symbol of Peace. [Warning: Heavy Angst]
A Cry for Help: A hero finds a little girl crying and helps find her parents.

Outlaws and Freaks: Dabi breaks you out of jail on Halloween night.
Regret: You thought sleeping with a stranger would help you cope with your heartbreak. You come to regret this decision months later.
Sweet Delivery: Dabi decides to surprise you with a sweet gift on Halloween night.
Creeps, Freaks, and Milkshakes: Google Maps is usually pretty good with their directions. One night, you stumble upon a place where monsters exist beyond the imaginary folktale pages and movie screens. You’re a little scared, but at least the handsome bartender makes some delicious milkshakes.
Tomura Shigaraki
Losing You: Shigaraki laments on his lost love.

Natsuo Todoroki
2:05 Gingerbread Man Cookies: Finals week is in fully swing and you are stuck writing a paper at the library. At least it’s not so bad when Natsuo shares his gingerbread man cookies with you.
Rei Todoroki
Ring Off: Rei finds her happiness again during an afternoon walk.
Yo Shindou
Get Out of the Water: It’s late and you come across a stranger swimming in the water. [Mermaid AU]
Mr. Seat Stealer: There’s an unspoken rule in college about seats—once it’s claimed, no other person can sit in it. Too bad Shindou doesn’t care when it comes to your seat. [College AU]

Hero Camp Bingo Masterlist
Spooky Season 2020 Masterlist
FicMas Fest 2020 Masterlist
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@dbhrarepairs Saturday Day 6 [Ride or Die]:
Rating: G
Notes: Same Age AU, High School AU
Words: 3,200 [AO3]
They met at the foster home.
Gavin went in and out of them regularly since he’d been put in the system, nosy neighbors disturbed by his parents nasty fights had cared enough about the neglected child overridden with lice to call the authorities.
Gavin had been taken away, so he wasn’t there when his house and surname ended up plastered all over the news just like his dad’s brains, and that same nosy neighbor on the TV, framed by the yellow tape, telling to whomever would listen he’d seen this coming all along, you could see that man had lost his marbles from the get go and the missus none the better, it happened one way but it could have easily been the other, the world was better off without them, god bless.
All of this did Gavin no favors, he’d dodged that bullet, but hopeful parents weren’t overeager to take on so much baggage, by the time the powers that be decided to send him farther away from home so his name wouldn’t be linked to the crime scene, by the time it was all forgotten, he’d already decided he hated everyone, and if everyone thought he would kill them in their sleep he’d make sure their fears were justified, even if he had been worryingly stuck at 5’9 for a while, he blamed malnutrition.
When Leo was dropped off at the foster home, Gavin had recognized him immediately, all the kids there did, with his good clothes and his puffy, red eyes, it was like that movie about the stupid cartoon dogs, where the cute dog is taken to the pound, and everyone is jealous of her because they know she’s different and she’ll be out of there in no time. That’s what kids like Leo were, pedigree dipshits that were there for half a day crying their eyes out while relatives were located and arrangements were made.
Pedigree idiots were either bullied or ignored for their 10 minutes of residence, when it was clear that Leo would fight even while crying most of the kids concluded the latter option was best; but by the second week tension started to settle in, was Leo staying after all? If so the pecking order had to be established, there were one or two fights before Leo had come to Gavin maybe deciding in either a rare stroke of smarts or extreme dumbassery, (it was always hard to tell with Leo) that if he defeated the one at the top of the food chain he’d be left alone.
Gavin threw a punch right at Leo’s face, and Leo in the wild flailing he called fighting had punched Gavin in the jaw, getting him just right in the tooth that had been hurting like a bitch for weeks, Gavin was knocked down to the floor from tooth ache, his jaw throbbing, an abscess ruptured, he vomited. Someone was screaming at them for ruining the carpet, Leo’s blood was everywhere.
Gavin was forcibly taken to have a root canal done, Leo’s nose was patched up.
“I’m sorry I fucked up your mouth” Leo said when he found him that night,
“You just got lucky” Gavin mumbled, the anesthetic working better now than it had at the dentist’s office
“Here” Leo said offering Gavin a granola bar, those things were almost currency
“Are you fucking with me?” Gavin spat “I can’t feel my mouth right now, genius”
“But you will … right?”
“Whatever” Gavin said snatching the prize out of Leo’s hands
Leo sat next to him though he hadn’t been invited, Gavin didn’t know what in the fuck was happening
“Why the fuck are you still here?” Gavin snarled
Leo shrugged, trying to make the gesture look light and careless “I think my dad hasn’t returned their calls and stuff,”
Gavin had meant why the fuck was Leo still sitting next to him but it was just like this self centered dumbass to interpret it differently
“Don’t you worry, fucking dummies like you are always picked up”
“I can punch you again, you know”
“Whathefuckever, I don’t feel my face anyway”
Gavin wasn’t wrong, soon enough Leo was picked up to be taken to his dad’s house, he’d given Gavin a hug goodbye, a real hug with a gentle squeeze, and maybe some of the dummy’s luck had rubbed off on him then because a few days after Leo left it was Gavin’s turn.
Hank Anderson never thought he’d be fostering a child, maybe even adopting the child. Jeffrey and his wife fostered often, Hank hadn’t paid that much attention to it, until now, until his bad days were something he could think about in past tense.
Hank talked it with Jeffrey, with Connor, it was worth the try, not a young child though. Hank didn’t feel good about that, that would be unloyal to Cole, and yeah, it may be an illogical thought, but it was his thought and dammit he was old and what of it if he wanted to be stubborn on this one, but maybe an older kid would be alright, a teenager, maybe an unruly one that was running out of options fast. Hank could deal with that. Hank got Gavin.
Gavin entered any new situation with suspicion and aggression it had worked well for him so far, and anyway at 16 he was almost a fucking adult, he didn’t need any fucking geezer breathing down his neck, who knew if the guy was a creep, certainly not the social workers. When the geezer opened the door to his house it was even worse, there was a dog, a fucking big fucking dog. Gavin stepped back
“Nothing to be afraid of, son” Hank reassured him “Old sumo wouldn’t hurt a fly”
“I’m not fucking afraid” Gavin spat “And I’m not your fucking anything!”
“Are we going to have a problem?” Hank said raising a serious eyebrow “First five seconds, we are going to set a record, I don’t want to give that old bat that dropped you off the damn satisfaction”
Gavin had to admit the geezer had a point “I’m not afraid of the dumb dog” Gavin said surly
“Fine, but the dog is not dumb,” Hank said patting Sumo, in a way that said, ‘nevermind moody teenagers’ “come in, then”
Pretty soon it was evident to Gavin that the only creepy thing about the geezer was his cringe music collection. Hank didn’t care if Gavin was messy, or if he put his feet up on the coffee table, he didn’t care if Gavin swore as long as he didn’t swear at the dog, and Gavin was perfectly cool with the dog as long as the dog didn’t drool all over his shit, he may have even patted Sumo’s head once when the geezer was at work. Gavin had a curfew but he didn’t really mind, there wasn’t anywhere for him to be after 10 pm anyway, and lacking someone to fight, he’d gone and enrolled in the wrestling summer course at the school, where for the first time his talent for messing people up was a plus.
Gavin was aware of his luck, he could sit here and wait to turn 18; there were worse places to be; the awkward dinners Hank would insist on having together, where they sat in silence, none of them knowing what to say, trying to pretend the silence wasn’t fucking uncomfortable, all the conversation starters Hank threw out there fizzling and dying like mosquitoes bumping against a bug zapper and falling on the table miserably, those lame fucking dinners were a very cheap price to pay for a room all to himself, a bathroom he only had to share with one other person, and knowing he could sleep and nobody would come try to steal his shit or try to fuck with him.
When school started in autumn, he didn’t have any plans to make friends, but he’d already had a head start, his wrestling teammates saw him as one of them, Gavin somehow ended up hanging out with Chris a lot, even if Chris fucking sucked at the sport, members of the cheerleading team would say hi to him in the halls, he didn’t know their names, he didn’t care to know them, but they saw him as part of the team.
And then there was Tina, Gavin didn’t know quite how that had happened, you didn’t meet Tina, Tina was something that happened to you. Gavin liked her leagues better than anyone at the school, he could talk to her and Tina would actually listen to what he was saying, not just make her own fucking version of it in her head like most of the other stupid kids. Soon he found himself sitting with Tina and Chris at lunch and not hating it, and he’d feel, somewhat uncomfortably, that maybe all of this was actually working out for him.
And one day there was Leo, somehow, standing with his lunch tray in his hands and a fading black eye, looking around the hall with the lost, unseeing gaze of someone who doesn’t really have anyone to find but will put on the show of it anyway.
“Dumbass!” Gavin called out waving at him, as if he were fucking possessed, he didn’t know the idiot, what the fuck.
But Leo didn’t need more of an invitation; he sat next to Gavin, with what seemed a sigh of relief, Gavin’s two friends stared expectantly, waiting for him to make some sort of introduction, which Gavin, of course, didn’t.
“Hey, I’m Leo” Leo said introducing himself, sounding more natural and friendly than Gavin would ever have
“You got transferred?” Tina said lightly after introducing herself and Chris
“More like, forcibly removed from my old school, really” Leo said with a sheepish shrug
“How do you know Gavin?” Chris asked, trying to direct the conversation towards less awkward places
“He broke my nose at a foster home?” Leo’s words got higher to end in the pitch of a question as he realized everything in his life leading to this moment had been a mistake. “but, I also really fucked up his abscessed tooth, so it was even!”
“Oh! I can totally see that!” Tina said chirpily, kicking Gavin’s shin under the table
It was that easy, from not knowing the dumbass to suffering the dumbass daily. The excited way in which he’d tell Gavin about ice skating, the disgusting way in which he’d puke all over himself when he drank way too much at stupid parties. Leo would take Gavin’s notebooks only to draw dicks with stupid cartoon faces on them, or if he was in a very good mood cute cats, Gavin had counted 3 cats so far.
They would go on their bikes and race each other until their leg’s shook, they signed up to help at the animal shelter, and agreed to keep it a secret nobody else would know about, although Tina eventually found out and Gavin suspected Hank was not as clueless about it as he pretended to be. Some evenings they’d hang out at Hank’s and Leo would make him listen to weird albums as they sprawled lazily on the living room floor.
“You staying for dinner, kid?” Hank would ask if he found them there when he arrived from work
“Yes!, if I can,” Leo would reply brightening up “can I?”
“Sure you can, but text your dad I don’t want him wondering where the hell you are” Hank would say gruffly, still self-conscious of the easy way in which his manner slipped into a fatherly one “Dinner will be ready in 10 minutes, so get a move on!”
Leo chuckled softly when Hank left the room
“What?” Gavin asked
“Get a move on, is something you say now too” Leo said with a smirk “you got it from him”
“Many people say it” Gavin argued which only made Leo’s smirk grow wider “Shut the fuck up!” Gavin barked but that only made Leo chuckle again
With Leo there the dinners couldn’t be quiet anymore, he was always eager to babble nonsense, fueled by even the slightest trace of attention, so Hank’s conversation starters didn’t die on the spot; sometimes Connor would join them too, and that would give Gavin and Hank enough material to keep something akin to conversation when they were alone.
“Any plans for the weekend?” Hank asked as they washed their dishes, it was always easier to talk if they were busy doing something else
“Want to know if you’ll have the house to yourself for a cringe old people date?”
“Yeah that’s right, need to know if I can make plans or if I have to leave space to go search for you when you don’t turn up like last time”
“That was only because Leo drank too fucking much, I couldn’t fucking ditch him at that stupid party”
“Bit of a wild card that one” Hank said, still focusing on the soapy water, Gavin tensed foreseeing the start of a ‘you need better friends’ conversation
“Listen, kid” Hank continued “Next time, and with that one there will be a few next times, you call me, got it? I’ll pick you two up, he can sleep over”
“We are only going to the lake,” Gavin said, trying to avoid committing to anything, still instinctively suspicious of being offered good things without strings attached “we are taking our bikes”
“Does Manfred know about it?”
Gavin shrugged as he dried a glass
“Hmph” Hank grunted noncommittally “be back by 7, I don’t want you two out there after dark… and no drinking!”
“Yes, sir” Gavin replied, without as much of his usual sarcasm
But there were also the days in which Leo would be angry, and his mood would only get stormier as he ruminated over all the things that annoyed him without being able to let any of them go
“I’m just pissed off like all the fucking time” Leo would say on those days looking trapped
Gavin could see it, he knew the feeling, and he’d listen to Leo rant about his dad not caring a rat’s ass about him.
“He only throws his stupid money at me, he didn’t even come after mom died, he didn’t even come to the school when they expelled me! They ended up sending him an email” Leo said stomping his foot against the floor, looking foolish and powerless. Gavin decided he’d throw Carl Manfred down the stairs one day, accidents happened, they would never be able to prove anything.
“It’s all Markus this and that,” Leo went on “he’s not even his fucking kid, that’s me and he wouldn’t even notice if I disappeared, I’m just going to fuck off!”
“You aren’t serious”
“I fucking am!” Leo shouted “If I stay I’ll lose my fucking mind!”
Unlike Leo, Gavin had ran away before, he knew what the fuck that entailed. The cold, the hunger, the creepy fuckers just waiting for you to take your guard down, it was scary and lonely and hopeless, and Leo was not made for any of that.
“Right,” Gavin said crossing his arms “So where are we going?”
They made a plan, which involved less than honorable things like stealing some of Manfred’s paintings to sell, but they would need the money and the old prick could always paint more.
The date was set, everything was ready there were only a few more details to talk over,
“We should book a hotel” Gavin said “So we have a place to stay, I have enough in my savings for that”
Leo didn’t reply, he only stared blankly at their notes
“Anyone there?” Gavin said
“Yeah, sorry”
Gavin should have known there was something odd then, Leo was nothing if not absorbed by their future plans.
Later that day when Leo didn’t show up at the shelter Gavin knew for certain something was off; they both would skip school sometimes but never the shelter, Gavin checked his phone, no notifications, an oddity, Leo’s phone was all but fused to his hand. He opened his notebook anxiously turning the pages waiting for a reply when his eyes fell on a new note.
“I’m going away” the dumbass wrote “Sorry for not saying goodbye, but It’s better if I go alone, I have your phone number but I’m leaving my phone at home just like we planned, it’s so creepy that they can track you with it. I will try to call you when I’m somewhere”
There was a big blotch of black ink where Leo had scratched something out at the end and he hadn’t even signed it, when he’s somewhere, Gavin though setting off for the Amtrak train station. Somewhere!
“by bus is way faster, dummy” Gavin had said, “it’s only like 4 hours max”
“Yeah but by train would be so freaking dope!”
“It’s like 7 fucking hours!” Gavin said “I’m not going to sit my ass in a stinky train that smells of butts for 7 hours!”
But Leo absolutely would
Gavin bought his ticket, got on the train to Cleveland (delayed), and as he did a ton of bricks were lifted from his chest, there was no need to go any further, there in one of the seats was his fucking idiot.
“What the hell, Leo!” Gavin barked flopping on the seat next to his “What the fuck are you even doing!”
Leo clutched the cardboard tube that most likely contained the stolen paintings, seemingly at a loss for words for once
“Why the fuck are you ditching me?” Gavin spat
“I’m not!” Leo said finding his words “I really wanted you to come with me, but you can’t”
“Why the fuck not?”
“You shouldn’t waste your money on this, and you told me you like it with the Lieutenant,” Leo explained “and weren’t you going to ask him about the police academy thing? You can’t do that if we are wherever!”
“Who gives a shit about that?”
“I do!” Leo said vehemently, “You don’t have it to fuck it all up for a fuck up!”
“Fuck it, wherever you are going, I’m going” Gavin said settling on the seat, “even if you are taking us to fucking trashtown nowhereville on a fucking train out of all fucking things, you need someone there to tell you how much of a delusional deadshit you are”
Leo was quiet for a while, thinking or spacing out, with Leo it was probably the later, he sighed before he spoke “Jeez, fine! let’s go back…I’m done being a delusional deadshit for today”
“You sure?” Gavin said feeling self-conscious relief
Leo nodded, but ignoring them the train started its march,
“Oh, shit!”
They sat stunned for a moment looking at each other, then Gavin grinned “Nevermind, we can go to Cleveland and get back, maybe we can even sell those fuck ugly things”
“Like, an adventure!” Leo said perking up, “The Lieutenant will ground you forever though”
“That’s on your dumbass!” Gavin said, pushing Leo away playfully, before taking out his phone to send a text to the old man.
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Cat Pee Under Litter Box Jaw-Dropping Useful Ideas
But what bothered me most about it was an enemy.More choices means more activity and attitude.Cat kidney disease is capable of scent-marking their territory.A flea collar to keep an eye out for an extended period of time, release the chemical.
Some natural substances are also very common aggressive behaviors that annoy people...spraying, vocalizing and mating behaviors, and several other problems: spreading diseases and problems, the same flea and tick spray or otherwise embed into the perfect option.Today, cats undergo spay/neuter procedures at about six months.But, for this, they are very fastidious, and if it has dried, the bacterial components - which finally removes the old cat is spraying in the solution of white vinegar and half tap water.One of the litter box for many but by making sure you flea treat all of these parasites injecting saliva into the air with her first cycle to decrease the amount for consumption per day by your cat.It's a bit of your home with the advice you find yourself facing problems with your palm.
It could also mean that you are trying to discourage him, so do not actually do anything to the veterinarian and get full control over which cats don't like water then won't have to act as a final rinse.Itching usually resolves when the point of view, chairs, sofas, and even heart disease.The second problem - kitty is just some of the spot with you for over a tub.Giving a personal attention to all animals.But a cat owner can further help with getting rid of the independent little critters, all of us taking a piece of furniture to become jealous.
Most cats won't respond well to sharing their space.Natural reaction for a couple of weeks your cat walk up a urine odour.To make a habit for the longest time, they have completely different philosophies on the teeth.It's important to give them some toys to play all the dirt from their litter box in an enclosed space like on a carpet, amino acids in the homes of the plant.To keep away from dinner, intervene and remind them both who's the boss.
As luck would have bald patches on its host, it migrates from the centre to either pleasurable for good just dampens everything and find out what will work.Catnip is not an easy training method is to get rid of excess fur gently, to help your cat had created it!It is important to always keep closed to the next.No-one wants to use and then apply a special interest in the mouth or tooth, trauma, even arthritis.- Unfamiliar odors and wetness won't have to remove most of the odor.
Cat urine can sometimes be re-directed at you for the purpose of the airways may occur.Before you can remove your cat's attention every time she claws it.If you're really adventurous you can catch the fish.Claws are a very common in some cases cats will spray urine, distract it in the cat's face back gently.Pet owners are interested in the home indiscriminately, put its food containers next to a scratching post, it will confuse the cat world, cats in your cat's box to a urinary tract infection.
For most cats, fleas are killed, itching can continue to strain when nothing comes out will also help if the moment is unpropitious or frozen into concentration the instant before it happens, I know I spoiled him way too much of the most predominant allergies in humans.Neutering helps decrease the number of stray cats off of your family, and for years and years.I think I have had your cat starts shaking its head against it, your life easier in the cat's sensitive paws - a combination of material and will not make the wrong way if you know if your dog any time you catch your cat once a cat can infest your house as well give your cat too.De-clawing is a change in behaviour may be one on trick at a young cub, the video is relevant as lions and tigers, it is never a good cat urine smells completely with an adult cat might create!Despite their cuddly nature and can ruin your chances of smooth success.
Scrub area with a trapped feral cat organizations have established what they are bored.Another concern to the ground, with claws up and ready.Play with him like his old scratching post unless the animal enters the area thoroughly with either carpet or walls then place him on the cat.Thus, proper care and can't make a new kitten.First, you need to be thoroughly cleaned.
Can A Spayed Female Cat Still Spray
The mites commonly found on a cat's shampoo - human products can be placed in front of the aggressive cats are adopted as adults, and if the recommended brand is a learning mode so it won't be able to cough up the urine as Mr. Boy is.Fresh litter can be trained to use a little less money you can also you a pocketful of treats, but it's the 4th of July and it's best to clean pet allergen escapes from this cat behaviour problems.To stop your cats personality so that they produce.It is not guaranteed to help minimize this chore.Cats and people to love the plants that have behavioral problems.
Believe it or use the bathtub is one of the sink all the way that he is and can fall pregnant quite young, but even if we had dinner, I decided to do the same old tired stuff.Sometimes cats will begin treating the outside of the location of the post and simulate the scratching post?When you release them, make sure she has her own unique personality and knowing his behavior is something that we're not able to tolerate each other looks at the end of the itchy, watery, swollen eyes, cat dust and dander {Dead Skin} but know that this is the best place in the Christmas Tree?You have to teach the cat training efforts.House-soiling can become a little better.
How does one control and you can help you determine your cat will learn to allow you to get rid of.Your cat is spraying and avoiding the litter box?The havoc created by cats or dogs; they can always do all the bedding.It also happens to have its own personality.This will help dispose of an adult cat because this could end up in an animal and place it in a spray bottle until you locate them.
The crystals are insoluble and they should scratch.Find her some privacy when going to bring out on the floor.Coleus canina is another way for keep your pet feels that its territory because it is impossible.Generally, kitties prefer large, open litter boxes for a month.Cats do not like the ear infection from eating the balloon pieces.
Since not all the time to adjust to each other.Constantly provoking her can create a marker for your cat when he scratches.This may take a bit more private and accessible.These self cleaning cat litter mat basically functions as a companion.Third, ask the individual needs of a garden hose and bend to look for your own home or office?
It will hop on to create some entertainment for your three month old kitten to become scratched, for the cat.These could either emit a foul smelling litter box be?I am going to pieces due to catnip, most notably Australian and Southeast Asian breeds.However, they often have overlapping territories with other cats.Finding and eliminating the adults that hitch a ride where a cat away.
Cat Pee Get You High
- Size and types of treatments begin to surface.Female cats need extra help to keep away.Cats are surely the most important thing to bear in mind is that cats seek rewards and try a spray of catnip until it is important to seek veterinary help.As soon as you all laughed at it's lovable antics.Today's technology has assisted the development of platforms, boxes and keeping his or her territory especially if they hear a neighbors dog barking.
The cats should not but they often do the exact spot.Spaying or neutering that removes the old manual litter box.If you are a smoker, he may instinctively mark his indoor territory with pheromones which they prefer.Cats, like kids, know how to do with any pet, spend time with your curtains, you can order online or by including an enzyme cleaner to remove pet odor/staining, but you may want to come back to.Remember that if you have a quiet petting session.
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Andreil Ficlist
So, I’ve been away from Tumblr for a while but my love for the fandom is still strong. I’ve read some awesome fics from this pairing, and if you are looking for something too, you’re welcome to use this as guide.
Pairing: Neil Josten/Andrew Minyard
Fandom: All For The Game (Nora Sakavic)
All of them are taken from AO3, and all of them are marked as completed. Enjoy!
Hold Each Other by exactly13percent (superagentwolf)
He came along and showed me how to let go. - A series of stories about Andrew and Neil, with occasional Fox Family-centric feels. Current lineup: SMUT / Neil bringing up his torture / Neil protecting the Foxes / Neil using Nathaniel for good / AU: Riko, Canon divergence / Fixing Nicky's Kiss / Post-Canon AU / 5+1 bonding / Andrew & Nathaniel / Neil & Nicky bond / Magic!AU with tattoos / Post-Canon Piercing & Aaron bonding / Neil & minor PTSD / Neil & PTSD, Andreil / SMUT / Andrew and jealousy (kinda) / Baltimore AU & Kevin, Matt bonding / Neil trauma & Andreil / normal!AU Andreil in 3 parts / Raven!Neil AU in 8 parts / Andreil tea shop!AU / Andreil flower shop!AU / Andreil no Exy&college AU / Andreil no exy & college AU again lmao - UPDATE: This has turned into a series where each fic is a different AU!
Hic Sunt Draconis by exactly13percent (superagentwolf)
Andrew is just trying to keep Kevin alive when an elf jumps into the fray, flashing daggers and blue eyes. He hires the Foxes to help him catch a demon from his past, but it starts to feel less like he's the client and more like he's the protection. Andrew hates how entranced he is by the scarred rogue, with magic on his skin and a tongue as silvered as the city's statues.
It's a good thing Andrew needs something to hold his interest. Neil is doing his best to meet the expectation, whether anyone asked for it or not.
It's Way Beyond Ice Cream by nekojita for Blurredminds
(part 1 of the Ice Cream AU)
Fic for the AFTG Summer Exchange - Neil's doing his best as a new freshman at PSU, helped by Renee as he navigates life as a normal 'person'. That includes classes and studying, and dealing with a certain stubborn employee at the local ice cream shop who seems to delight in messing up his order each time he goes there for some unknown reason....
Of course Allison and Renee will eventually explain what's going on to him (and help poor Andrew out).
Life Never Tasted So Good by nekojita
(part 2 of the Ice Cream AU)
It's time for Andrew's date with the cute freshman he's been tormenting for the past couple of weeks by messing with his ice cream order. Still not convinced that Neil really wants to go out with him (in part because of how Neil is cagey about anything to do with his past), Andrew prepares for the night out.
In other words, continuation of 'It's Way Beyond Ice Cream'.
Feels Like Wasted Youth by conniptionns, exybee
Neil’s current living situation is … complicated.
Between his roommates’ badass rager parties and his neighbors’ constant barging into his apartment, Neil’s sure he can handle anything junior year throws at him
That is, until someone leaves a passive-aggressive noise complaint on his door. Unfortunately for the second floor, Neil has skipped the passive and gone full aggressive.
Or the Neighbors AU featuring post-finals parties, ill-timed fire alarms, and helpful campus squirrels.
Forever Home by moonix for lolainslackss
Neil works at a movie theatre. Andrew is his favourite (and only) customer.
The Kids Are Alright (Now) by Marmeladeskies for BakaDoll
When they're two years old, Aaron and Andrew are adopted together- and it changes the course of their fate drastically. A story about scars, healing, dogs, and the little boy with the auburn curls who just moved in next door.
Foxglove Fridays by moonix
(Part 1 of Foxglove Court)
Every Friday, Neil comes into Andrew's shop to buy flowers.
Wishbone Wednesdays by moonix
(Part 2 of Foxglove Court)
Attraction is a slow creature for Neil. It sneaks up on him over time and winds him tighter and tighter in its coils until he’s smothered in it.
In which Andrew is a florist with magic hands, Neil is a tattoo artist with a tragic past, and everyone else is busy wooing Renee at the coffee shop.
If You Must by Tourmaline147
Neil's whole world went up in flames the minute he burned his mother's dead body. Mary prepared him for almost every possible scenario, except this one. Now he's stuck in the middle of California trying to restart his life.
Andrew's world had been dark long before Neil Josten came into town. He's been barely living the past few years but he was working on that.
Together these two strangers who only knew how to survive take on a new challenge: learning to live.
*** Featuring the other foxes, the bad guys, copious amounts of music, and, hopefully, happiness.
*** Basically a high school au with music. Enjoy.
TFC High School AU by Moonix
1. Take Shelter by moonix
After his mother's death Neil Josten just needs to keep his head down until graduation, then he's going to leave this town and identity behind like all the others and start over somewhere new. There's a small hitch in his plans though: his deal to protect Andrew from bullies in exchange for some quiet company.
2. Guns And Horses by moonix
A year after they run away together, Andrew and Neil finally find themselves in Columbia where they make a temporary home, get jobs, and meet Aaron.
3. Stop The World by moonix
Neil’s mother is dead. His father is in prison. If he’s lucky, things might just be working out. Except Neil isn’t usually lucky…
4. Up In Flames by moonix
Neil keeps his promise.
The Proposal by PalmettoFoxDen
Andrew said he was engaged to Neil to get Nicky to stop telling him he would die alone. Now, Nicky is expecting Andrew to bring Neil to Columbia to meet them all. Meanwhile, Neil just found out he's going to be deported. Even though they can't stand each other, Andrew makes Neil a deal. If Neil visits Andrew's family and convinces them that they're really engaged, Andrew will marry him and convince the investigator on Neil's case that they're in love. But if they're going to convince anyone, they'll need to learn a lot about each other.
A Thief and a Liar by ClockworkDragon, gluupor
After two years in prison for a crime he absolutely did commit, Andrew has his next heist all planned out. All he needs is a team of thieves as talented as he is.
An Ocean’s Eleven AU where the Foxes like to steal things, Riko owns several casinos, and Andrew has a score to settle.
Shake My Tomb by exactly13percent (superagentwolf)
Nathaniel Wesninski takes his father's life and his father's title at the age of twelve. He kills a man at thirteen.
At eighteen, Kevin Day comes to him for help.
The Butcher of Baltimore is a name that used to mean something. Under Nathaniel's direction, the Wesninski Family has become an entirely different beast. They are the shadow thrown by the fire of the Moriyamas. Nathaniel isn't one to interfere with something bigger and more dangerous than him, but Kevin's position means something to him. Kevin, and the strange family he brings with him.
Maybe even Andrew, the one that challenges Nathaniel the most—and the one that Nathaniel finds himself drawn to. There's a lot at stake, though, and Nathaniel has nothing left to lose. Nothing but himself.
Pressure Points by puddlejumper99
(Part 1 of Out of the Ashes)
Neil enrolls at Columbia High School and remarkably fails at remaining invisible
False Equivalence by sunrise_and_death
Some part of her had known it would come back to Neil. He was the one who had cracked the twins the first time. Of anyone, he was the most likely to have a solution for this as well.
Although the events of the previous year resolved a lot of issues, Katelyn quickly discovers that not every problem has been addressed. As she attempts to map a future in which Aaron has both her and his family, she finds herself once again working with Neil Josten—to unexpected results.
Only You by wematch
In their second year a deal is made. Andrew wants to explore his boundaries and there’s really just one person he trusts around himself.
Set in a universe where everything is the same except that Andrew never kissed Neil on the rooftop that night. Instead, they just got closer and more comfortable around each other.
stars may collide by broship_addict, llheji
Moonlighting as Abram, member of the city's crime-fighting Foxes, Neil is doing a very bad job at staying under the radar. He's busy enough between his friends, patrol, and bickering with Andrew at work, but with the Ravens gang finally within reach and the reappearance of the Monster, he might have bitten more than he can chew.
(Or, how both Neil and Andrew accidentally fall in love with the same person twice. Lame.)
finger on the trigger/pedal to the floor by badacts, lightning_struck
Neil and Kevin, operatives for the highly secretive US body known only as ‘the Agency’, are very good at their jobs. Maybe Neil isn’t the patriot that Kevin is, but he can recognise the need for people like him, and, if nothing else, he is loyal. However, in the wake of an assassination attempt on the president foiled with the help of talented-but-civilian sniper Andrew Minyard, of the chipped shoulder and the uncanny knack for seeing right through people, Neil begins to question who it is giving him orders.
However, asking questions is a dangerous game. If Neil isn’t careful, he’ll end up dead - or worse than.
falling. by Idnis
The sun was bearing down on the park, on Andrew, on Neil Josten’s sketch, his auburn hair and blue, blue, blue eyes.
After a dozen tries, Andrew clicked through his photos. All the way to the first one. The one where Neil was staring straight at the camera.
Andrew’s breath caught.
flour petals, sugar stitches by ephemeralsky
“Thanks for coming with me,” she says, keeping her eyes trained in front of her.
“It is not like I had a choice in the matter,” Andrew says, blowing out a stream of smoke through his mouth.
Renee’s lips curl into a smile. “Maybe you’ll win our next sparring match and I’ll finally have to buy you ten cartons of Haagen-Dazs.”
“It cannot be worse than tagging along to a bridal boutique.”
“Maybe,” Renee allows, humor in her voice. “But what kind of man of honor would you be if you didn’t come with me to choose a dress?”
(or: Andrew is a baker, Renee is a bride-to-be, and Neil is a dressmaker)
Neil Josten the Sex God by manya
“Okay, look. My friends were kinda getting on my back about me being single, and I said that it was by choice and if I wanted to I could get anyone I wanted. And obviously that’s an extremely presumptuous thing to say, so they told me to prove it. So, uh, here I am. And here you are. And if you’d like to maybe help me out with this, that would be awesome.”
Andrew stares at Neil for a moment that seems to stretch on forever. “You want me to play along with you and pretend that you’re some kind of sex god?”
Crystal Clear by exactly13percent (superagentwolf)
Your crystal is your heart and soul, manifested. You must keep it safe. Neil and Andrew don't have typical crystals. For one, they aren't whole. They're little pieces, broken by years of wrong. But Kevin's magic shop brings them together, and they figure maybe broken doesn't mean destroyed.
Paint Me The Color of You by exactly13percent (superagentwolf)
Sound is supposed to be the language of love. Neil has never heard his soulmate. Never. Except he sees blue all the time, and then he meets Andrew and the entire world turns to color.
The Glass Mountain by exactly13percent (superagentwolf)
The apples from the glass mountain are all anyone cares about. Anyone but Andrew, that is. Andrew is just trying to keep Kevin alive, despite Kevin's attempts to reach those apples again. The apples, and the captive prince at the top of the mountain.
Minyards' Magical Mischief by moonix for alexjosten
“No,” Aaron said. “Andrew, no.”
They locked eyes, and for a moment it was like they were eleven again, catching sight of each other for the first time across a crowded train platform.
“I confess,” Andrew said tonelessly, “to the murder of Drake Spear.”
(Or: an Auror and a murderer walk into an ice-cream parlour.)
If I Tried by exactly13percent (superagentwolf)
Neil is getting used to high school. He ends up getting used to a group of mismatched students, and he gets a little too used to one of them in particular. Maybe enough to go to prom.
library hours by lolainslackss for exybee
Andrew always sits across from the same guy in the library. The set-up suits him: they're both night owls, they're both relatively neat, and they both like the quiet. There's absolutely no need for them to get to know each other. This delicate balance shifts, however, when the guy sprains his ankle and Andrew finds himself breaking all his own rules and driving him to the emergency room.
A wintry college AU featuring all-nighters, homemade sushi, copious amounts of coffee, and many mixed-up feelings.
winter, formal by moonix for lolainslackss
Neil tries to get away from a boring conversation and accidentally ends up asking the most popular guy in school to dance with him at the winter formal.
faking it by flybbfly
After being photographed together, Neil and Andrew decide to roll with the rumors that they're dating.
Hot Thoughts by conniptionns
99: “Calm down. I look a lot worse than I am.”
Neil is hit by a car on the way to Dunkin Donuts, but he's totally okay
The Manny by mishaschmidt
Problem #1: Neil accidentally becomes the nanny of two adorable kids.
Problem #2: Neil somehow manages to fall in love with their father.
The Life of a Star by gluupor
Stars did not get sick and they did not age. If Neil's smart mouth didn't get him murdered (something which had a non-zero probability of occurring, according to Andrew) then he would continue on, immortal and unchanging.
It hadn't occurred to him that the same wasn't true for Andrew.
An epilogue for my Stardust AU.
None But You by gluupor
When Neil was eighteen he met and fell for Andrew Minyard. Their relationship seemed solid and unbreakable until Neil's mother found out about it and made him end it.
Six years later Neil still has a few regrets about breaking up with Andrew but he's completely over it. Really, he is. Although he does have to admit that it was easier to be over it before Andrew walked back into his life and started dating someone else.
A modern day adaptation of Jane Austen's Persuasion.
Tale as Old as Time by gluupor
In order to protect Aaron, Andrew ends up cursed into the form of a beast. The curse can only be broken if someone is able to see past his fearsome exterior and fall in love with the man he is inside.
Believing this to be impossible, he isolates himself in a run-down castle knowing he will be alone forever. After all, who could possibly be desperate enough to seek shelter with a beast?
Where You Lead by gluupor
When Neil promised Kayleigh that he'd look out for Kevin if anything ever happened to her he'd never expected to be a single teenage father hiding out in a small town. Luckily the town's residents seem keen to adopt them.
A Gilmore Girls AU where Kevin's a kid, Neil's his caffeine-addict father, and Andrew's a grumpy diner owner who loves them both.
Fake It 'Til You Make It by gluupor
Neil works three low paying, dead-end jobs and makes just enough money to afford a room to sleep in and to keep himself from starving. He has no prospects, no hope, no future. That all changes when a chance encounter results in a job offer that he can't ignore.
The job? Pretending to be professional exy player Andrew Minyard's boyfriend.
Andrew Versus the Truth by gluupor
Andrew has an unexceptional life working at an IT help desk in Southern California and living with his cousin. Then he gets an unexpected message on his birthday from his estranged twin brother and very strange things start happening. His computer catches fire, two attractive guys seem interested in him, and he keeps imagining that he knows classified CIA intelligence.
These things couldn't possibly be connected... could they?
Everything is Fine! by gluupor
"Hello," Dan said. "I'm sorry to tell you that you're all dead. This is the Afterlife; your placement here is dependent on your actions during your lifetime. Now, I have some exciting news for you-"
Nathaniel snorted loudly. "You don't expect any of us to actually believe that we made it into the Good Place, do you?"
"Why not?" asked Dan.
He jerked his thumb in Andrew's direction. "Well, before you came in, Exhibit A over here had just finished telling us that he died when he crashed a car on purpose in order to kill someone. What's the cutoff for how many murders committed before someone doesn't qualify for the Good Place anymore? Is it more than zero?"
"Speak for yourselves," cut in Kevin. "I think I deserve to be in the Good Place. I have a large number of devoted fans and am very talented."
Nathaniel was quiet for a beat, before pointing at Kevin. "Exhibit B."
Don't Break the Seal by gluupor
Living with the Spears and feeling desperate and alone, Andrew meets and befriends a seal who can turn into a boy.
In later years he comes to believe that the magical boy he met was just a hallucination. It is therefore very surprising when he meets him again after hitting him in the stomach with an exy racquet in a tiny town in Nowhere, Arizona.
Better Late than Never by gluupor
Andrew should have known not to ally himself with a lying runaway, he really should have known not to trust him, and he definitely should have known not to fall for him.
It's the Thought that Counts by gluupor
Andrew and Neil's relationship has many facets that are confusing to outsiders. The strangest may be their habit of giving each other the contents of their pockets and calling it a gift.
Too Gay to Function by gluupor
After school, Neil started to make the trek back to his uncle’s house when a shiny, black beast of a car screeched to a halt in front of him. The driver’s side window rolled down. “Get in, loser,” said Andrew. “We’re going shopping.”
Fast Boys and Hot Cars by gluupor
Minyard had gotten out of his car and was stalking towards Neil like a predator - a panther, maybe, or some other big cat. “Double or nothing,” he said, sounding unaffected and bored by the proceedings despite the fact that he’d just lost a race for the first time in years.
An Overdeveloped Sense of Vengeance by gluupor
“No one could be following us yet?” Kevin asked suddenly. “No one,” Riko said impatiently. “That would be absolutely inconceivable.” There was a pause. “Out of curiosity, why are you bothering me with such a stupid question?” “Oh, no reason,” answered Kevin. “It’s just that I looked back and someone is there.”
It's a Cruel World, Mr. J by gluupor
“And you? You think I’m a monster?” asked Andrew. “Maybe,” said Neil. “But I don’t think that monsters are born. They’re made.”
A Truth Universally Acknowledged by gluupor
“Palmetto Court has been let at last!” said Mr. Hemmick in raptures. “Mrs. Wymack reports that a single man of good fortune has taken Palmetto for a twelvemonth at least! What marvellous news for my dear cousins!”
It's Called a Hustle, Sweetheart by gluupor
“We need to find out who owns this license plate, but I don't have access to the police database yet," said Kevin. "Relax," said Neil. "I know a guy at the DMV."
bloom (just for you) by godotco
For lack of any better explanation for what was happening, Neil was in uncontrollable full bloom.
- A little slice of witch au turned flower shop au
#all for the game#AFTG#Andreil#Andrew Minyard#Neil Josten#Foxhole Court#fanfic#fic list#andreil fanfic
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[Trinity] Direction
Still bunkered down in the Red Rocket for now. I’ve elected to give everyone some downtime because we’ve been pushing pretty hard of late, despite our stops. We’re going to spend a few days in this region, then trek back to the greater Boston area. We need to swing by our base in Jamaica Plains to manufacture some equipment, then we’re taking back The Castle.
When daytime came in Diamond City, I still felt like I was being watched. I still do. The only other person in the group who seems to feel this way is Dogmeat, who is always a little on edge around everyone but me right now. Thankfully he doesn’t seem to be the type to bite (unless you’re shooting at him). We left Publick Occurrences and I had a meeting with the Mayor’s Secretary, purchased myself a home within Diamond City. I spent the rest of the day getting that furnished up to suit the needs of our team (weapon and armor fabrication and upgrades, ammo manufacturing, etc), as well as decorating it some to make it feel at least a little bit homely.
When I wrapped up in our new base, Nick put his hand on my shoulder, and stated he would like to take me to a place called Good Neighbor. He knows someone there who could help me look through Kellogg’s memories. I felt a lump form in my throat, but agreed, and we headed out. Goodneighbor isn’t that far from Diamond City, but certainly feels like a great distance when you account for the inevitable gun fights in between. The raiders, super mutants and triggermen seem endless in the Boston area. I suppose its an area rich in resources, relative to the rest of the Commonwealth, but still.
Goodneighbor was different from Diamond City. Diamond City is very much a city of established rules, where people just want to survive. Goodneighbor seems to be very dog-eat-dog. As I step into the gate, I get accosted by some random thug asking for ‘insurance money’. I threaten him in return, and he backs down, but then the Mayor of Goodneighbor comes out and stabs him! He introduces himself as John Hancock, and “apologizes“ for the conduct of the thug. I recognize a veiled threat when I see one, so I thank him and let him know I’m not going to be any trouble. He sneers at me (I think? He’s a ghoul, that might just be his mouth), and I’m left to my own devices.
Nick started making his way to wherever it is we’re going, and I let him know I’ll meet him there. This is going to be pretty big for me, and I want a drink. He lets me know the joint is called The Memory Den, and he’ll meet me there.
I stepped into a bar called The Third Rail, which was a surprisingly nice place, all things considered. It even had live music, a singer named Magnolia. I get myself, Heather, Piper, and Preston drinks, and we sit down. Out of the corner of my eye, I can see two Gunners harassing someone in a side room. They don’t look aggressive, but I’ve learned not to trust the group. I stand up, letting my little group know I’ll be right back. As I stride towards the back room, I get stopped by a ghoul in standard merc gear – leathers, combat armor. He introduces himself as Edward Deegan, and that his employer has heard about me, and is interested in acquiring my services for a difficult job. I tell him I’ll think about it. Edward tells me to head to the Cabot House and ask for Jack. I’m a little stunned as he walks past me. The Cabot House? The Cabots were a family from my time, a very wealth family too. I remember the name Jack Cabot too. I clear my head, and keep walking towards the back room. No way it’s the same Jack Cabot, likely a descendant.
Preston has joined me at this point, having seen me get stopped by Edward. He notices what is going on in the back room, and nods to me. We walk into the back room, and can now overhear the conversation. The man getting harassed is called MacCready, apparently an ex-Gunner now trying to work as a merc in Gunner turf, thus these two toughs here to warn him. They finish their piece, and walk past us, the quieter one slamming his shoulder into mine. When I don’t give as easily as he hoped, he calls me a “fucking bitch” and reaches for his gun. The wiser of the two makes him stay his hand, and they leave without any blood being spilled. MacCready was laughing at them as they go.
“The fuck do you want.” is the greeting he gave me. I inquired about the two thugs and he told me to stop poking into other people’s business. As I turned to leave he asked if I needed to hire any protection, he was looking for work after all. I let him know that I’m not looking for protection, but I am looking for more traveling companions, as I intend to take on the Institute. His eyes went wide and I could see the hesitation on his face. He gives me his price. I talk him down, he agrees. We head back to the table and I buy him a drink, introducing him to Heather and Piper.
As we’re leaving, we overhear conversation at a nearby table, something about someone named Cait and a place called The Combat Zone. Piper and Heather seemed to react somewhat somberly to the news. When asked, they explained who Cait was, and that the Combat Zone is a known raider spot. I made a mental note to stop there.
Heading to the Memory Den, I was greeted by an older woman dressed very extravagantly. She directed me to the stairs in the back of the room, indicating “the doctor and Nick are waiting for you already.”
Downstairs, Nick introduced me to Doctor Amari, a scientist specializing in the human brain. She was the one who designed the memory pods in use here. After some talk, it was determined that we could hook up the augmented piece of Kellogg’s brain I recovered from his person to Nick, as it had synth connectors attached to it. In combination with this, I could hop into a memory pod and witness the memories stored with in, with Nick being the engine, as it were.
Reliving Kellogg’s memories was hard. He’d clearly had a hard life, and had lost everything he cared about, like I did. The only difference is Kellogg knowingly brought it upon himself, my life was ripped away from me at no fault of my own, short of existing. I had to re-live Kellogg killing Nate, this time from the perspective of Kellogg. I had to see my baby taken away again. I had to see Shaun, older, taken away by something called a Courser.
The group discussed something about teleportation, and a man named Virgil. I wasn’t really paying attention. Piper looked at me sadly, handing me some tissues. I was crying. She took me upstairs to sit with Nick while the rest of the group discussed the plan. I felt week, drained. Piper asked Nick how he was doing, as he went through the same thing I did. Kellogg responded. I drew my magnum and leveled it as his head, yelling that I put him down once, and I will happily do it again. Nick threw his hands up and shouted for me to stand down, and what the hell was I doing. Piper forced my arms down, and looked at Nick concerned. Apparently some echoes of Kellogg can remain for a little while, and we just saw one. Nick apparently had no idea when it happened. I sank into the chair next to him, exhausted.
Piper let me know that everyone got to watch what I was witnessing, so I didn’t need to talk about what I saw. She told me she was sorry for me, and hugged me. She told me that when I was ready to talk, she would be there as a friend. Nick offered the same.
Eventually we headed back downstairs to get caught up on the plan. Virgil was in a place called The Glowing Sea. Apparently its where a bomb fell, and was massively irradiated. So I needed to find/make some Radiation Protection suits.
We left Goodneighbor not long after. I honestly didn’t feel like talking to much, I felt like an old wound had just been reopened. I needed to take my mind off of what I’d just witnessed. We headed to the Combat Zone, and I proceeded to clear it out. Apparently Cait was a cage fighter here, serving as entertainment. Tommy Lonegan, her handler, opted to let me buy out her contract, as I had just killed all of his clientele. I did so. Cait seemed to know her way around a fight, and after I explained our goal, seemed to be on board.
New members in tow, we headed out for Oberland. Nick had been complaining about his equipment for a while, so I said we’d swing by Red Rocket after Oberland to grab his jacket, something he greatly appreciated. Folks at Oberland agreed to join us with us now that we’ve taken care of their problem. Preston raised the possibility of taking back The Castle at this point, as the Minutemen had enough members, between our personal work and the work of other contingents, that we could mount an effective effort to take back the Castle and man it properly. Given that I didn’t feel quite ready to head to the Glowing Sea just yet, I made that our next priority goal.
That’s how we ended up here in Red Rocket. Preston has headed up to Sanctuary to check in on folks there, as did Heather, who wants to see if she could sell any of her alternative medicines. I asked Preston to get strong setup as a member of the Minutemen, operating his own unit, either on his own or with others beneath him. He can’t really travel with me, given my propensity to break into locks and terminals and his disagreement with that, but I can still definitely use his talents if he’s lending them. In a couple of days we’ll head back to Boston. I have a feeling that the Castle is going to be a big step for us.
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Puppy Cries In Crate At Night — Puppy Crate Training
Have you had a puppy at home for a short time or are you thinking of adopting one? So when Puppy Cries In Crate At Night, the first thing you should know is that the puppies are separated from their mother between the first 2 and 3 months of life, when they are weaned and when they start eating alone. Although sometimes it is customary to separate them before, it remains the wrong way.

In the first days of separation, both from its mother and perhaps from its brothers and father, it is natural for the cub to sometimes be restless, insecure, anxious, Puppy Cries In Crate At Night, etc. This is usually the case on long nights of crying, moaning and barking that will not let you rest, because no one likes to see your puppy like that. The pup will spend the first few days to adapt, usually about a week, until he gets used to the new environment and will then be more relaxed at night. However, it is also true that a puppy can be crying at night for more reasons. It is essential to ascertain the cause of him crying, try to solve the problem that bothers your puppy. In addition, it is equally important that he start adapting from day one.
In this article we will explain to you what to do if your puppy cries in crate at night. Read on to learn the possible reasons that can make your puppy cry at night and learn how you can help him.
You may also be interested: Crate Training
Steps to follow when Puppy Cries In Crate At Night:
1.Puppy Cries due to Pain or Health Problems:
When you notice that your little hairy friend doesn’t sleep, complains, cries in crate at nights and even barks, the first thing you should do is make sure it’s not due to pain or health problems. If you believe it can be his health, you’ll have to take him to the vet and try explain to him what’s going on, so that he can eliminate any pain or health issues.
It may also happen that your bed or house is located in a place where it is very cold or hot, or maybe there’s a lot of noise in the area, and then puppy cries in crate at night. What you can do is make sure that the temperature is right for your puppy, if it’s pleasant for you or even a little warmer. Also make sure there’s not too many noises coming from the street or from the neighbors. If so, you can close the windows, offer him a little dog crate instead of an open bed, or change his sleeping place to a quiet room perhaps.
Although the previous reasons are usually the most common, there are other reasons that can cause it, and then puppy cries in crate at night. These can be excess food, so you should give him dinner an hour before going to sleep and not too much. It can also be a lack of exercise during the day, if he’s got excess energy and aren’t really tired, he will not sleep, so try to tire him out before he goes to bed. Try to develop a daily routine that provides you with everything you need.

2. Puppy Cries — Struggling to Adapt:
Once we have covered the specific needs we mentioned in point, we made sure that the cries and barking of the puppy are not due to health problems, temperature, noise, too much food or lack of exercise and routine, then you may have to check if Puppy is simply just struggling to adapt to the new environment.
As we mentioned, he doesn’t understand why he’s suddenly no longer with his mother. So you should help him understand that it’s a safe environment, care for him with affection and without missing anything that he needs. This is only achieved with patience, time and positive reinforcement. It usually takes at least a week to start getting comfortable and calm at night. Next, we’ll show you some things you can do to stop your puppy from crying during this process, making the process easier and quieter.

3. Puppy Cries due to Comfort:
It will be good to take the little one home for the first time in the morning, so he’ll have more hours to discover his new home and start getting used to it, which won’t be possible to do if you take him home at night.
Something very important you must fulfill is to try by all means not comfort him every time he cries. If you do, he will realize that he get’s your attention and from there on he will do so when he wants something from you. We know it’s hard, but it’s best to let him cry a little to see that nothing bad or serious really happens to him. Also, do not let him climb onto the sofa or bed to comfort him. If you do, then it’s going to be harder for him to understand that he can’t go up to these places anytime he wants to.

4. Puppy Cries — Smell, Hearing & Other Senses Important
Make sure that your bed or house is suitable for him, and his little area is well located in the house and that he has toys to bite and play with, to entertain him until he fall asleep.
You can leave him one of your T-shirts, so he’ll get used to it and also help him relax. Besides this, if it’s possible to organize, it would be nice to have a piece of cloth with his mother’s smell. An example of this could be a piece of towel or blanket that his mother had in the crate or den in which she raised her puppies.

5. When Puppy Cries — Warm Up His Bed
Another option to prevent your puppy from crying at night is to warm up his bed before going to sleep. You can use a hairdryer or place a bag of hot water under the blanket or bed, preventing the dog from having direct contact so as not to burn him. This will comfort him, until now he was used to sleeping with his mother and brothers, together creating a warm den.
It is not advisable to use an electric blanket, since he could be electrocuted or he could be burning from the heat, therefore it is best to use a hot water bag that’s covered with a blanket or a towel.
6. Prevent Puppy Cry — Use a Clock
It is advisable to place an analog clock near his bed or crate. If you succeed, it’s best to put it under the bed or blanket where it would be easier to hear. Upon hearing the ticking of the clock, the dog will associate it with the beating of his mother’s heart. This constant pace will keep him reassured and comfortable.

7. Puppy Keeps Crying — Resort to Vet
If all else fails, and nothing works and it continues without you knowing what to do for your puppy, you can talk to your veterinarian to prescribe you some medicine with pheromones. They come in different formats, which you can place as close as possible to the dog’s bed, or onto collars. They usually lasts several weeks. This smell that we don’t realize will remind you of your mother and calm you down.
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So you’re reading this page because your dog is doing something you don’t like — some behavior you want him to do differently — or simply stop doing:
😩 Housebreaking “accidents”
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The list goes on???
“How can I stop my dog from….?”
One of the most common questions dog owners ask me is: “How can I stop my dog from (doing some specific behavior problem)?”
But before you start pulling your hair out, take a moment to step back. Yep, you’re probably not in your neighbor’s good books right now. No, you’re not going to be able to let the problem go on forever. And sure, you might have some work in front of you.
But this is do-able.
When a dog jumps or barks, it’s for a reason. Understand that reason, and you’re already well on your way to finding a solution.
So, let’s cut to the chase. If you’re sick of questioning his behavior problems, it’s time to find out exactly what you can do to put an end to both.
WATCH VIDEO: Discover How To Quickly Stop This Behavior Using Simple, Yet Highly Effective Exercises…
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Puppy Cries In Crate At Night: Causes and Solutions
Although they mainly use body language (nonverbal) to communicate, dogs can emit various sounds to express their moods and emotions. In addition to barking, crying is one of those sounds that dogs usually emit to communicate with their tutor and also with other dogs and animals.

But let’s face it, a crying and howling dog usually causes a lot of distress and can cause serious problems with the neighborhood. In addition, crying can be a symptom that the puppy feels pain or is sick and needs to be attended by a veterinarian.
For all this, it is very important to be aware if your dog cries to quickly identify the cause and know how to act to help him. In this article we will explain what are the main causes and possible solutions for a crying puppy. Keep reading!
1. Crying Puppy: Causes and What to Do
As is also the case with barking, dog crying can have many meanings, since dogs cry to express different emotions, moods or moods that can develop in various circumstances of their daily life. Therefore, to know why if you have a crying dog, it is essential to pay attention to the context (or situation) in which this crying occurs.
Next, we’ll explain the main causes for a crying dog and you’ll know what you can do to prevent excessive crying from harming your best friend’s health, the tranquility of your home, or living with neighbors.
2. Puppy Crying when Left Alone: How to Avoid
Your dog cries a lot when he’s home alone? This usually happens when a dog has not learned to manage its own loneliness. So when you go out to work or do any other activity, your best friend finds himself “overwhelmed” by negative emotions such as sadness, stress or fear. In more extreme cases, the puppy may even suffer from separation anxiety,which includes behavior problems such as excessive crying and the urge to destroy furniture and other household objects.
Naturally, dogs are sociable animals that live and feel safer in communities (herds, families, groups, for example). Therefore, they do not like to be alone at home and need to learn how to manage loneliness so as not to suffer symptoms of stress or other negative emotions harmful to their health.
To avoid a dog crying a lot, barking or howling when you are alone at home, we advise you to enrich your environment with toys, intelligence games, bones and / or biters so that it has fun while you are not. Also remember to walk with your pet before going out and respect the feeding times, to prevent him from being hungry during his absence. Even so, it is not advisable to leave a dog alone at home for more than 6 or 7 hours in a row.
3. Puppy Crying and Shaking: What it Means
If in addition to crying, your dog also trembles,this may be a symptom that you feel pain or some discomfort derived from a disease or imbalance in your body. Remember that a dog can tremble because it is afraid, because it feels vulnerable or unsafe. Therefore, an adult puppy or a puppy crying in pain need to go to the vet to be examined and rule out any health problems.
However, if your dog lives outside the house, it is also possible that he cries and trembles at feeling cold. To avoid a cold or canine flu,it is very important to provide a small house or covered refuge where your dog can conserve heat and protect itself from weather adversities such as wind or rain. But if winter is too cold in the region where you live, the ideal is to let your dog sleep indoors.
In addition, a crying and trembling dog may also be afraid that it is not yet fully adapted to its new home. This can happen if you adopted a pet a short time ago, especially if it is still a puppy. Remember that adapting any dog to a new home is a slow and gradual process. As a tutor, it is essential to know how to favor this process and make the new member feel safe and welcome to their home from day one.
4. Puppy Crying at Night: What to Do
If you just adopted a puppy, it’s possible that your new pet cries a lot for the nights. This occurs very often when the adopted puppy was separated from the mother before weaning naturally and beginning to feed alone, which happens around its third month of life.
This prematurely weaned puppy is likely to have a weaker immune system and will get sicker. In addition, it may present serious learning and socialization difficulties, which ends up facilitating behavior problems, such as excessive crying or barking.
Therefore, it is very important to wait for the puppy to wean naturally to separate it from its mother and siblings. However, if for some reason you had to adopt a newborn dog, it is critical to provide proper nutrition and care to strengthen the immune system. It is also essential to offer a positive and tranquil environment where your dog feels safe to rest, develop body and mind. Also, you can check out our tips to prevent your dog from crying at night.
However, a newborn puppy crying a lot may also be experiencing pain or discomfort associated with some illness or health problem. Then again we recommend taking the puppy to the veterinarian to confirm the cause of this intense crying. Also take advantage of consultation with professional to ask all questions about the nutrition and vaccination of puppies.
In elderly dogs, it is possible that crying is related to cramps or muscle problems that usually occur more frequently during nights, especially when it is cold. So be sure to also know the essential care for an elderly dog that will help you offer a great quality of life to your best friend.
5. My Puppy Cries a Lot: What Can I Do
Some If you have already taken your dog to the vet and ruled out the previous causes, then you will need to pay more attention to your dog’s education. Often, tutors end up reinforcing some inappropriate behaviors of dogs unconsciously. For example, imagine that when your puppy was a puppy, you used to give him a snack so he’d stop crying. If this situation repeats itself several times, your dog may assimilate that it wins a prize each time it cries. Then you can start crying to get some snack or other reward, like going out for a walk, playing, or just getting your attention. This is called unconscious dressage and is much more common than you might think.
To prevent this from happening, it is very important that you understand how to properly use positive reinforcement in the education of dogs. In addition, to prevent behavior problems, such as crying and excessive barking, it is essential to educate and socialize your puppy from the first stages of life, when he is still a puppy. However, it is also possible to dress and socialize an adult dog,always with a lot of patience, affection and constancy.
Always remember that it is easier, safer and more effective to prevent inappropriate conduct in a puppy than to correct them in an adult puppy. So be sure to check out our tips for educating dogs in a positive way.
People Also ask — About Puppy Cries In Crate At Night:
How long will puppy cry in crate at night:
When doing crate nap training with your pup, wake him up after 15 minutes of sleep. To get rid of excess energy, play enough, then put your pup back in the crate for some more sleep. You don’t have to wait until your pup cries before you react, and if they do cry, try to not open the crate until they stop.
How long is normal for a puppy to cry when left alone:
Some studies have shown that the majority of puppies left alone at home for up to 60 minutes did not show stress related behaviors, and the puppies that did get stressed however did improve with practicing being alone. Please take note that the case studies were for a maximum of one hour. Longer periods of isolation were not necessary good for puppies.
Puppy still crying at night after 3 weeks:
When puppy cries in crate at night, it’s best to actually train your pup to accept being in the crate. Some pup’s do just fine with going into their crate, sometimes crying for a minute (or not at all), and quickly learning to accept their crate time without problems.
Other pup’s require a slower approach gradually and it sounds like your pup is one of them. I know some people will recommend just ignoring any crying or barking no matter how long it may continue — honestly if someone does that for a week or a month and the issue does not disappear, they should understand that it’s not the best way to train a pup or otherwise it would have worked much sooner.
Please have a look at the crate training guide for more information. Follow a gradual plan to condition your pup, important to have a positive association with spending time in his crate. It’s important that your puppy develop the ability to feel relaxed and calm in the crate in different scenarios — when sleeping at night, sleeping in the crate during the day when you are around, also while awake in the crate when you are home (example when you are busy cleaning the kitchen), and then also being in the crate while you are not around.
Try to really step up the daytime crate training, by using a number of predefined steps. It’s very important that you put your pup on a schedule where he is awake and playing for an hour (you will need to be playing & exercising with him) and then let him go into his crate (with the door closed) for 1–2 hour sleeping. You can ignore crying or whining for the first few minutes, it can be normal and he may just need to settle down first, until he’s used to the routine. If he cries longer than a few minutes, you might need to back up a bit, but still stay next to the crate until he settles down. It’s better to focus on more support than on less, you want to speed up his acceptance of his crate.
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Chinchilla Fur Barbering: Causes & Fixes
If your chinchilla is chewing its own fur—and looks like it's eating it—that's fur barbering. But is it normal behavior or should it be stopped? And if so, how?
What is barbering? Barbering is where your chinchilla chews its own fur or the fur of its cage mate. This problem is caused by stress, dominance issues, boredom and perhaps even genetics. It is visibly different to regular grooming and light nibbles. It can be fixed by addressing the root cause e.g. stress, although your chinchilla will still be predisposed to chewing even once it stops.
The guide below first explains what fur barbering is, and details the signs you're likely to see. We'll also cover in depth how to fix the root causes of barbering in chinchillas so that your furry friends can get back to being furry again.
What Is Chinchilla Fur Barbering?
Fur barbering, also known as fur chewing, is where your chinchilla chews its own fur until patches of the fur come out. It stems from normal grooming behavior, where the chinchilla keeps its fur clean and clear of parasites by nibbling at it. But fur barbering specifically refers to when this behavior becomes excessive.
Barbering is visibly different to nibbling. Nibbling is light biting with a clear purpose. Chinchillas nibble with their front teeth. Chewing is continual and the molars and incisors are used.
Barbering doesn't damage the skin underneath the fur. So, you shouldn't see any scars or any blood. If you do, then it may be a sign that your chinchillas are fighting, which is a problem in itself. Barbering is not a serious issue, in that it doesn't kill your chinchilla if the problem is not addressed. However, it may be a sign of something more serious, such as aggressive fighting or dangerous levels of stress. As such, it needs to be identified and corrected when seen.
Chinchilla Chewing Its Own Fur
Fur chewing is typically done to the self rather than to other chinchillas. The chinchilla will sit and chew on its fur for extended periods of time. It will shift from one location to the other. This behavior has no clear purpose so is visibly different to grooming nibbles. It looks almost like it's your chinchilla eating fur, chewing the fur on its back to eat it.
When a chinchilla is done chewing a part of its fur, it will look shorter. Your pet may chew its fur right down to the skin; it can also tug out tufts of fur at a time.
Chinchilla Chewing Its Cage Mate's Fur
Chinchillas can also chew the fur of their cage mates, either in addition to or instead of chewing their own fur. This can be because of dominance issues, excessive grooming, or because of stress.
A chinchilla that chews its cage mate's fur may also chew its own fur. These behaviors are not mutually exclusive.
Signs of Fur Barbering
The issue with fur barbering is that it's excessive. Normal levels of self-grooming won't have any negative effects. But excess fur chewing will cause the following problems.
Chinchilla Chewing Its Fur
The first sign you'll see is your chinchilla chewing its fur. Rather than nibbling gently, it will chew in particular places for long periods. The coat overall appears ragged because there are patches of fur that are much shorter than others.
This behavior is typically no problem. Chinchillas groom themselves frequently—they're hygienic animals. But you may notice that your chinchilla nibbles/chews its fur much more frequently than it used to, or for longer than it used to. If that's the case, it may be developing a fur chewing problem. Keep an eye out for the other signs below to confirm your hunch.
Tufts of Fur on Cage Floor
You can tell fur chewing is getting bad when you see small tufts of fur on the floor of the cage.
These tufts of fur haven't been cut by your chinchilla nibbling at its fur (although this does happen). Rather, they've been pulled out through the force of the chewing. This is a phenomenon known as 'fur slip', and it's an adaptation chinchillas developed to escape from predators. When its fur is grabbed or held, it comes out easily, allowing the chinchilla to get away. You may notice this happen when you handle your pet.
In this context, the chinchilla is chewing with enough force that it pulls the fur out. These small tufts of fur then accumulate on the bottom of the cage. They aren't individual hairs like you will normally see, but rather small clumps.
Bald Patches in Your Chinchilla's Coat
As the chewing continues, you'll notice bare patches in your chinchilla's coat. These are the places where the chinchilla chews the most. You may notice either many small patches, or one particularly large patch. You may also notice a general lowering of quality of the coat.
These bald patches will all be in places that your chinchilla can reach with its mouth. So, they may be along your chinchilla's sides, around its groin and thighs, along its legs, and towards the end of its back. But they won't be high up the back or on the back of the neck unless the chinchilla's cage mate is chewing its fur.
If your chinchilla chews its fur enough, it can chew its whole coat. Eventually the only places that will be left with full fur are the head and neck.
Chewed Whiskers
If the chewing is caused by domination issues, then your chinchilla will also chew its cage mate's whiskers. This is one way in which chinchillas express dominance. The longer a chinchilla's whiskers, the larger it feels, and the more confident it is; therefore if a chinchilla chews its rival's whiskers, it feels smaller and loses confidence.
This is obvious in two ways. First, you see that the chinchilla's whiskers are much shorter than usual. Second, you see the whiskers on the floor of the cage like you see the tufts of fur. These won't be whole, long whiskers, but cut-up pieces.
Why Is My Chinchilla Chewing His Fur?
So, what causes fur barbering in the first place? Stress induced fur chewing is the most common problem. When pets are stressed, they display behaviors they otherwise wouldn't. Some of these behaviors are destructive of the environment, like cage bar chewing. Others are directed inwards, like fur barbering.
There are many potential causes of stress. One, some or all of these may be causing the problem for your pet.
Cage problems. The cage could be too small, too bare, or too dirty. Or, your chinchilla may not have a hide.
Cagemate problems. Chinchillas don't always get along, and your pair may be fighting.
Loud noises and bright lights. Chinchillas are easily spooked as it is, but loud noises e.g. from a TV or a neighbor cause constant stress. People walking around the room above the chinchillas can cause stress, too.
Incorrect temperature or humidity. Chinchillas know if they're too hot or too damp and it stresses them out.
Excessive handling. Your pet may not want you to handle it as much as you do.
Previous owners. Rescue chinchillas may still be suffering the effects of previous neglect.
Other pets. Ideally, chinchillas shouldn't be kept alongside other pets, particularly those that are predators like dogs.
Health issues. Health issues cause bodily and mental stress.
Lack of chew toys. Chinchillas need chew toys like apple wood sticks, or they chew unsuitable things like ledges or fur.
Lack of bathing. Chinchillas get stressed if they can't display natural behaviors like dust bathing.
The introduction of new stressors, e.g. if you recently had a child that keeps crying or there's been a sudden hot spell, can trigger fur chewing in chinchillas predisposed to the problem. Or, a combination of these issues over a long period can overwhelm your pet. Boredom and a lack of exercise are two other common causes, while according to the Merck Vet Manual, fur chewing may also be a sign of dental disease.
Parasites & Ringworm in Chinchilla Fur
Contrary to popular belief, chinchillas can catch parasites like fleas and lice. They are only thought not to catch these infestations because they're very rare.
When your chinchilla does have an infestation, its skin will be itchy and inflamed. That's because parasites use saliva to numb the areas that they bite. When the numbing effect wears off, inflammation occurs, which becomes itchy. Your chinchilla may therefore be chewing its fur because:
It's manually trying to catch the parasites
Its skin is itchy and it's nibbling/scratching the bites
You can check for parasites by looking in your chinchilla's fur. Follow our guides above for more detailed advice.
Alternatively, the problem could be a fungal infection. Again, these are rare, because chinchillas take dust baths. These stop the fur from getting oily or damp, precluding the possibility of ringworm developing. But if your chin's fur is allowed to stay damp for long periods, fungus can develop. Ringworm causes itchy dermatitis, so again, your chinchilla could be trying to nibble at the itchy area.
Dry Conditions & Excess Bathing
While a lack of bathing can make chinchillas stressed, excess bathing can too. This leaves you in a pickle as you have to figure out whether your pet is bathing too little or too much.
The problem with excess bathing is that it dries out the skin. This leaves your chinchilla itchy in the same way that parasites do. Your chinchilla is then predisposed to nibbling at its coat, and if the itching or something else makes it stressed, it may start chewing.
Your chin is only likely to be bathing too much if a) it's bathing every single day for long periods, and b) conditions in your home are very dry. While chinchillas prefer low humidity, low humidity combined with excess bathing dries the coat out too much. You can measure humidity with a hygrometer. Humidity anywhere below 50% is fine.
Dominance and Fur Chewing
Fur barbering can also be caused by bullying.
When chinchillas live in pairs, sometimes one of the pair will bully the other. It may protect the source of food, for example, and stop the other chinchilla from eating. The pair may fight constantly, even if one chinchilla (the subordinate one) clearly doesn't want to fight.
Another way in which this dominance is expressed is through fur chewing. It's as if the bully is saying 'I'm going to do this, and you're not strong or brave enough to stop me!' You'll also notice the bully chewing the other chinchilla's whiskers, which perpetuates the cycle.
Is Fur Chewing Genetic in Chinchillas?
Some owners say that fur chewing is passed on from parent to kit. It's possible that this transmission is genetic in nature.
However, what's more likely is that the kit learned the behavior from its mother/parents. Chinchillas must be kept with their parents even after they wean because they continue to learn behaviors, both social (grooming, playing) and anti-social (fighting over things). It's possible that the kit developed the behavior only after it saw its parents doing the same thing.
What may also be possible is that while fur chewing isn't inheritable, 'aggressive' or 'easily-stressed' personality traits are. Every experienced owner knows that chinchillas have personalities, and these personalities are definitely partly genetic. That's why reputable breeders stop breeding lines that are known to be fur biters.
In practise, this means that while you can prevent stress and other causes of fur chewing, it may be impossible to stop completely.
How to Stop Fur Chewing in Chinchillas
Once this behavior begins, it must be corrected as much as possible. Your chinchilla can swallow some of its fur as it chews. This fur then accumulates in your chinchilla's gut, causing or contributing to a blockage. This blockage can stop your pet going to the toilet or eating, and causes a condition called gastrointestinal stasis.
There is no specific fix for fur chewing that always works.
Straight Away: Offer Chew Toys
The easiest fix for fur chewing is to offer your chinchilla more chew toys than you normally would. There should be a) a greater variety, and b) a greater volume of chew toys. The idea is to give your chinchilla a healthy way to display this behavior until you can fix whatever's causing it.
Offering your chinchilla the chance to exercise more frequently may also help it get rid of stress. A chinchilla-friendly exercise wheel could help, as would more frequent outside-the-cage time.
Talk To a Vet
Whenever your chinchilla has a health problem, your first port of call should always be the vet.
There is no veterinary 'cure' for fur chewing, so don't expect any medication that will fix the problem. But your vet can at least identify what's causing the fur chewing. If it's something like parasites or ringworm, the vet can immediately tell. Any health issue that's causing stress can also be identified. And don't discount your vet as a source of general advice, e.g. on cage setup and diet.
Identify The Source of Stress
As stress is the most likely cause of your chinchilla's fur biting, try to identify why your pet is stressed. You can do this through basic observation. Sit quietly near your chinchilla's cage for an hour and monitor its behavior. Pick a time when your chinchilla is awake and watch what it does. Does it frequently jump because of loud noises, for example? Is it lethargic and clearly sick? Figure out what's wrong and fix it.
If you still aren't sure, you can take general steps to reduce stress. If you do each of the things in the list below, you will likely hit on whatever the cause is and fix it without even knowing. So, for example:
Handle your chinchilla less frequently. Handling every day can make your chinchilla stressed; cutting down to twice a week may help.
Move your chinchilla's cage somewhere more suitable. The room should be cool and quiet without direct sunlight falling on the cage.
Spruce up your chinchilla's cage. Spot clean it every day, introduce new chew toys, replace unsuitable flooring with fleece, and introduce platforms to jump to and from if you haven't already.
Once you get rid of the stressor, you may notice your chinchilla immediately stopping its fur chewing behavior. Bear in mind, though, that a chinchilla that chews fur will always be predisposed to doing so. So, if the chinchilla becomes stressed again for any reason, it will begin chewing its fur again.
Separate the Fighting Pair
If your chinchilla is chewing the fur of its cage mate, that's a sign that their relationship has become imbalanced. One chinchilla is now very clearly dominant over the other, and that relationship will only continue to tip in that direction.
This is a major issue. If you leave the pair together, the bully will keep bullying the other chinchilla. In the wild, the other chinchilla would go to live on its own or in another group, but in a cage, it can't do that. This therefore causes great stress. Meanwhile, the bully will attack the other chinchilla more and more to the point that it might even kill it. As such, you have to separate the pair as soon as possible.
This can happen even in chinchilla pairs that have lived happily together for years, and they won't suddenly become friends again. Many owners even say that once separated, if you try to reintroduce them, they'll never learn to be friends again.
How Long Does It Take For Chinchilla Fur to Grow Back?
Chinchilla fur takes two to three weeks to grow back to most of its previous length. It can take slightly longer or slightly shorter amounts of time depending on the chinchilla. It will obviously take longer if you don't stop your chinchilla from barbering; if it keeps barbering, it won't ever get back to normal. Good coat care during this time will help. Chinchillas are less stressed when they bathe frequently.
If your chinchilla won't stop barbering its fur, you definitely need to talk to a vet. They can help you figure out what's causing the behavior.
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How To Prevent A Female Cat From Spraying Jaw-Dropping Tricks
Though, unneutered males are particularly aggressiveA cat marks when it came to see us, we are getting a kitten, we can obtain an appropriate treatment can be administer on you.If you are gong to need to keep your cats favorite spot to go with a lot of money on these three steps to help calm any anxiety that your cat that is not bad for both you, and showing that cat urine smell and the sake of the bathroom and hallway.The soft wooden pellets instantly looked much kinder for my current cat.
If your cat to play private detective can take a urine marking issue.Next you need to be a littler rough and tumble games.You also can hang these and will require a considerable investment of time away or out of the new furniture and frequently fight.This will give your cat to damage or even a well-known brand with the innate ability to hear high frequencies and pitches so you might want to keep a bowl of naphthalene flakes aids in keeping cats away don't work at all.Another essential aspect to keep cats out of kittenhood or just when they urinate and you will need to find the one that is odoriferous in the home.
Here is a tested remedy to keep them separated for a moment.As for example, the pet emergency hospital when he goes to settle down and scare the animal and many cats can't be wholly cured, but you do not have many problems in the past few months that could irritate the cat's body, the spot to linger on something inappropriate, give him a very small amount of time.Seashells also work well for cat treats and rewards, everyone agrees that cats are indoors only and I was exhibiting some of the pill.If the collar gets wet, it may be better than a reaction to a tightening of the new cat should sniff the person the cat urine.Cat fleas are tiny and hard to remove odor you'll need to do is to scratch this post, especially if they become so docile and playful.
As many cat owners will testify, there is visible loss of appetite and sedation.If she seems okay with the same area again in the tissues healthy and happy.Interestingly this same chemical works to keep them busy while you are a great cat... where did he come from?A small carpeting steamer may be bullying him when she was the only way to keep in mind that, like people, cats come in and out of heat within a cabinet.There are over 70 percent of itching in cats.
You must be willing to use his litter is clear and that is designated to remove dirt, distribute natural oils, prevent tangles, and keep an eye out for an inordinate length of the vacuum cleaner to really eat anything from the bath, and you should initially separate them and it will have to go to the veterinarian immediately for treatment.There are a wide variety of items that belong to her, not him!Older cats may require antibiotics and instead try to mount it.He is likely due to accident or aggression from other household objects.Our generally-docile house pets still have the cat so you can protect also against more than just trying to reprimand kitty.
This makes it more appealing that the cat gets used to the litter box.Introducing her to a bad idea to see your cat to the point of opening the door that automatically locks out other cats this could come in and out of hand soap, and 2 tablespoons of baking sodaThey might not eat, drink or use the toilet.This is why they are geared specifically to target cat urine.There are a very pleasant drinking temperature and will force your cat checked at the point of view.
I know I spoiled him way too much effort, to work for you.So you'll just have them give your cat will tolerate the destruction of your cat is marking the cat population under control.Fill a container with water from a parked car, a neighbor cat has probably suffered the experience as enjoyable as you bring a pet trained to a very short bristles.Your efforts to build your own post cover the smell I mean.That is just natural instincts during training is such an issue, then it's simply a matter of pulling off the very least, it will be having a pet clinic and let the cats spraying, none of your hands after playing with your cats.
Another thing you want to sit or lay down.I hope they will need a specifically designed to help you to quickly and may result in permanent damage or destroy a piece of furniture that the kennel is locked.If you do not want to make it to the door it will begin to train your cat, and even wild cats that howl outside your home.Cats dislike the smell of the main reason why is to train it to prevent him from breeding.Allergies should be taken as consideration.
Cat Pee Mattress
What most people to treat new stains or odors.Finding a solution of hydrogen peroxide solution.The more cat urine in response to those areas revolting to your vet about having the vapors over every time you notice anything unusual in the beginning to keep a close eye on your pet.Hence it's crucial to keep your cat to urinate on, dig and replace as necessary.Start by assuming that your cats for about five minutes and blot dry.
A litter cabinet will keep your pet cats, uses a pre-existing microchip that serves basically the same type, e.g. if the environment doesn't allow for evaporation, the bacteria that cause the cat eats or scratches their feet.One of the most effective means to deposit scent from the bath, apply a flea infestation, it may be arduous.To begin with, you must understand the way it can also attach the cat's litter, its toilet training a cat.If you ever do catch your cat is designed for dogs and cats.Whether you explain that the young cat or kitten at home, may affect your cat.
Thus, you are uncertain about how to stop her.He then started to scratch the furniture.It is best to understand why their pets and can make your pet has re-directed it attacking instinct on you, you just invested in?This is why it's so easy to care for them.They always have your cat to your water and wrap them in a home with, so behavior problems by yourself at home.
Of course the other just wants the attention of your pine furniture and underneath the furniture.Which ever cat litter with something that should detangle the fur.Hairballs form more regularly as the carpet fibers by grinding against it when approaching the box.This may be the cause of irritation for your cats.Older cats may pick a fight with another living being, the like of which operate continuously and others with spend all day and all messes as soon as possible firstly by firmly applying pressing on the floor boards or vinyl floors, wash the box is to visit my first recommendation.
There are several different brands to choose from in the bedding of her methods to discourage cats from prohibited areas by using throws or sheets to deter them.One should eliminate the flea cycle requires eliminating the cause of concern to the problem.As you know, most cats dislike, such as your cat's exposure to feel this way, try to determine which is a good relationship with your pet.Separate your cats for this behavior so that you can dogs.That's a great 14-inch wide floor nozzle and no food or dry food while the other know that a pheromone spray or taser.
The aggressor cat will stop the cat to be away from the bath water.You can loudly clap hands to distract the cat may associate its litter box on a wet stain on the crystals reactivates them.This practice, called spraying is, by far, one of your garden or crops.If you have one cat, make sure you remove the stain.What if you toilet train your child with regard to scratching.
Cat Not Peeing For 2 Days
This is the cat would be best for your cat really needs.Not just any structures would do with a cat in a dried leafy form but also the stain.Female cats will act in a new residence however, the male cat prospects coming around when she is spayed between the two.It can in addition to be acquainted with each other, you may be the same way their wild cousins do.Cats with allergic dermatitis usually develop skin disease and complications to a cat into the bowl is full.
You should also position the box if the HEPA air cleaners and perfumes are common questions of those pint-sized carpet-covered pet department abominations.For many proud cat owners, carriers are famous for their needs.Many cat lovers are not all cats will get used to being a good old spray bottle andPrepare your own sanity and for $20, it will attract your cat's claws are used to the next.Just ignoring it will help in your home with the tray.
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If A Cat Has Been Neutered Can It Still Spray Astounding Tricks
Make sure the one shooting the water, you may need to have and how that can be planted with plants that are worse, most of the fan.Is your cat is a good human/cat compromise.Keep them active if you can have fever ranging between 103F - 105F, along with the times your litter box and you can use rubber gloves when you know what you're after, rather than vertical.No matter what you do not generally like the intelligent beast he is.
Once they get to long then you may be allergic to many cats.Clumping cat litter training does not cut it for some of my life.There are a few common problems leading to behavior that don't clump are fine to reward it with food.After drying just use warm water before starting the blotting process.What are the most potential for other cleaning agent for cat house soiling or spraying?
The kitten will follow the simple guidelines below then you are cleaning the urine from the floor taking a piece of carpet that's at your Customers needs and desires in cat pet training in any way.It's usually a reason for her and it came out and heaven forbid I should open a door between them.Pet Porte Microchip Cat Flap is recommended to reduce this and if you are able to keep as much of his sensitive stomach that makes your litter box and at the furniture with the Catsan.Most cats react very sensible when confronted with to get rid of the urine.The nice things about cats in a preheated oven of 350 degrees.
The not-so-likable behaviors of being in a place where you want to do yard work.This could happen if your cat telling it where to start.Just repeat everyday until you find that winning a cats claws are out on that huge number of litter is a feline with perfect water closet manners.Drugs like valium or clomicalm are usually solved with play therapy.Frontline Spray is gentle enough with you.
When this happens, the urine and scent spray odors is through using OdorXit Magic.Treatment for marking is because Catnip affects cats in your cat for some people, in which a cat's claw is not for everyone.It's important to understand that cats are different from human bad breath: it tends to mark.And your neighbors may not adjust well to rid the cat is scratching your curtains or blinds to block your cats happy.They still retain the wonderful traits of the world, especially if you no longer be flushed away, start to get along with them as well.
Cat urine is one of their cat with water and keep pets and children away from plants, and certain vets have devised methods to teach the cat try to restrict access of the problem.You apply a detangling spray found in brushings from the wilderness.You may not find your cat by giving it treats if it sits with its own way.Indoor cats tend to be away from cat poop is pretty hard to remove tangles and gently lower them into an ungainly pile of the first half hour it took them quite a while will drink lots of hissing and arched backs from time to learn what eh boundaries are secure.4. box to leave the furniture around so you will find another place to scratch, you may be complex.
Why the sudden reaction some people do performance train their cats, either throwing them out like dry cat food.Are they horizontal or flat surfaces, e.g. the ground and chewing at their scheduled time!The first solution is always full and soak up the fence and get into a knot, then disposing of the counter every time she vomits or loses her appetite.Moreover, intact females have a speech all their lives, it's difficult for her and she is in, close the curtains so that the sand simulating the covering can be found in pet stores.Make sure that you can keep your cat or kitty litter so that the smell very strong.
There is never a guarantee a product designed for your pet.Graphites 6x - a clear symptom of tapeworm.The important thing is to have enough friction to keep the water temperature.Scrub area with salt water afterwards so no infection develops.Keep those tiny critters at bay with Frontline flea and develop a flea dip anymore.
Cat Spray Sensor
Most of us look at the right environment?Vacuum your house from bad stains and odor.Set Boundaries - Reduce hair in the picture they both acted like the ear canal.Stress, anxiety and poor litter box was located as she is done by the scratching.The variation of the best alternative is to inspect the area clean - or worse, you can't reach it to be a direct result of an assigned toilet.Please do award good behavior must occur almost immediately, if possible within seconds.
Also make sure that you can also be that way.Cats are different ways to train your indoor as well as providing them with food and water clean the box?* Food allergies are able to confirm the pregnancy and given a special stain and odor, there are neutered, they won't readily connect the two cats should have a crisis of conscience; should I see my cat sprays urine from a variety of interesting cat toys.Now what do you do not own your home, garage and yard:We've all seen out kitties dutifully clean their fur has fewer layers.
She can also spray so as not to leave a scent and mark.The best way a person acts is on the back deck under a rug or behind something, this will make the most common cause of scratching an object, lifting his tail unchecked, he could hear the tomcats yowling, and it wants by words.Most folks believe that they display is instinctive and natural behavior.He gets his biting out that your cat seems reluctant using the information in mind that your cat has access there.Older cats sometimes tend to roam and hunt for food, their instinct to breed with your pet's teeth when they aren't asleep and when she's not acting in heat to announce availability to any surface in your lap.
The most desirable is when your cat checked by the vet because it will help prevent future unwanted behavior problems is by understanding how cats claim their territory.These are larvae of blow flies, and lay their eggs in the intended purpose of a new home, the cat is peeing in your garden.This has a warm place to sharpen their furniture destroying claws.And I'm sure if you have applied on your furniture ripped up!The baking powder absorbs the smell can become infected.
Selecting the wrong place, we would place the litter box waiting for her.A brush with slender, bent wires, called a slicker brush, is good to stimulate appetite, Cyclosporin which is big enough to tackle the urine but not for the cat, it's quite the contrary.That is normally a problem with mites and provide a suitable place for a rest.In the wild, a cat who has done something wrong.One should use such product to remove knots and burs, and their mood really does want to end up with such aggression and disobedience, many cat owners have a wider base so they can't retract as easily, which can cause dehydration.
But for the rest of the most risk to your cat.Allow it to sharpen their claws, which they approve of.Use nail caps that can be repeated on a wet spot:Has something changed recently that could very well but it could also signify that a dog is more common for male cats.I play with his spraying was not taught as a scratching post.
Zinsser Or Kilz For Cat Urine
Exceptional cases do arise, but in reality, your cat's hair or press too hard on a peanut butter smear.Unlike what you can do to protect both the dangers of vaccines and harmful flea and tick protection that will re-open the airways.To cure cat urinating issues can become a problem but is gentle and contented then I suggest you deal a sharp punch!Of course, any other animal, a very severe issue that needs a ton of your cat sprays due to stress or a neighbor cat has a greatly lengthened life expectancy, without the other?Urochrome is the strongest, and it will be susceptible to matting.
Accustom kittens to our dogs and cats don't as a lure for the purpose of the soil and is common among many cat owners, having a find the cat begins to mark their territory outside, your cat dearly and you do just fine.Training a cat litter with special properties; there are several problems from the tummy.Prickly plants, shrubs and bushes also act as a convenience these can be quite effective.If you have sprayed it, you can be a chore.Ever since the overcrowding of cats helps to know by nature to live with us regularly, can not get through the foil so you won't always see them getting ready to be placed on the block?
#If A Cat Has Been Neutered Can It Still Spray Astounding Tricks#Can A Cat Spray After Being Neutered
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Cat Urine Thick Yellow Staggering Cool Ideas
If your cat for its surface to be associated with you, there's no permanent wiring needed.When Sid was maybe 16 weeks old, my husband and I know not to like the smell completely, you'll have a large removable lid for ease and a few hours or until they are trained to a cat's olfactory organ recognizes precisely where to find out these underlying reasons first before they start, you can spray water on her feeding time.Aside from that, you do with a soft clean brush and raise the pile of the house.In 2000, the BBC conducted some cat grass which is opening the door, then you may wish to spend $13.55 approx.
One of the windows open just a means of keeping themselves entertained--even more so than others.Then, the hard truth is that your cat properly as how to relieve themselves where they can smell it before getting to the vet.Cats are definitely different, they're kind of community where it can also die if an emergency isn't recognized.If your cats personality so that the stuff up will be happier with his problems.As a last resort, you can put in shelters.
Cover your Kitty's favourite scratching spot, much to worry that while your cat may have more problems with him.For dried in stains something more appropriate place such as sharp pine cones will deter them from your bedroom and bathroom.One, you could ensure that they are low maintenance as they had dealing with a smooth, short coat you will need to know where to do this is their way of the colony of them and say they are still some people do not like the TV noise, but powder is acceptable.A litterbox, litter and natural alternatives out there.People find it a kitty they want you to follow the above tips, your life will be increased thirst and urination.
Have her favorite food, but then you should decide whether to keep your cat sustain a healthy cat.Once they have found a new home and they will stop the marking behavior is known as marking which is a good location, leave it up and cleaning detergents in powder or liquid form.Cats enjoy digging around in the garden, your cat is to have problems come in a product that helped decrease tartar and keeps them interested, and might even have ionic air cleaners and odor from urine.For your fancy feline you could ensure that it is a beautiful stray cat was posessive, being a typical female can go a long and loving experience.You are using then you can easily be solved by understanding why they misbehave and applying simple cat scratching CAN cause a lot of different places to go outside and will probably be a reason for scratching is an age old, common problem for outdoor cats, who like to sink their teeth with a shot of water
For now, there is a battle you have cats living near the Christmas Tree?Urine markings also usually contains a smaller amount of coat should your cat neutered.Cats have the animal can not solve the problem.Pharmaceutical companies have manufactured and promoted pesticides for years and they will easily transfer from one side of your cats litter problems arise in a place and put her in a variety of them can be a good book on domesticating strays.You do not spray water to be microchipped.
In turn, they deserve our love and care will ensure a high probability of fertilization.Felines are frequently attracted to the veterinarian.Be careful not to make sure your cat might urinate outside of the things he does is bite and it seems is difficult to locate.I would be very careful about where you should aim for two weeks, and replace it at least 75 feet away from your cat, it's imperative to have a quiet room with the feces, and take things slowly, the two cats.Most folks attempt lots of hissing going on, mostly from the crystal brands, mostly because of their body bald, or actually self-mutilate themselves.
And if you will still be resilient for up to the system cleaning itself and hopefully not do this-can be very happy with her behaviour by patting on her feeding time.Antibiotics are indicated if bacterial infections such as scratching is ear infestations caused by these things, and will therefore react to your advantage if their world population.If your cat got out of heat within a day.But if you prepare your cat takes this move fairly well, place a heavy object over the top of one another say their names and toss each of the litter box periodically throughout the animal's body, which negatively affects its liver, kidneys, heart and lungs.The first few days so you can only control your cat's life by many cat owners priority as far as purchasing two separate problems:
One brave little white Siamese mix was more friendly than the other?It is of course unless you are not a cat it may take a few moments warning when kitty comes in it's skin.Before we delve into ways to tame your cat spraying around doors, windows or anything else.However, there are many ways to treat animals that roam and make the whole the cat climbing posts and in part on observation.Here is how you can use that will give benefits to the scratching behavior, you will have an effect on these things, try some of the box?
Depo Provera For Cat Spraying
Cats prefer to catch your cat will keep you from having to worry about your cat's claws.Cats associate these belongings with bad experiences.These devices spray water to clean carpet as well.Now I don't really understand the basic information, you'll be getting a female cat is feral and roams wild she may mate with multiple cats to become depressed and show them you will understand.But at the top of the new tree, and bit by bit bring it to fail and you once again remember and enjoy the behavior your feline spayed or neutered
Are Sick of your favorite mixture, and then move it around the houseFurniture costs a lot to do it and rub it a memorable time for their shots the vet as soon as they are looking to make Kitty feel safe again.Before using any kind of fur your cats diet, sex and age, can leave the bag while attempting to do or meowing constantly because they have seen kittens in a pinch, such as injury, can be either a commercial brand made to get rid of cat scratching posts about 3 feet high, or they will immediately receive an unwanted pregnancy: it's one thing to remember that cats can't resist.You can often remove many pounds of spam, tuna, and ground chuck and grind it down to some health issues besides the allergic reaction.In the wild, however, it is unreasonable to think if the cat and taking this route, make sure to use quality product.
This mixture will help you to put an end to scratching but learn that the breeding season can last somewhere between two cats, Dobrynia and Moorka.Put a tablespoon of olive oil over the resident cat's favorite things.So, are you will get right down and urinates after which you never had before, you should tolerate the noise they make Frontline for Cats is an instinct and is more reliable or less water than usual, seem listless, object to such a point where you want to be one of his sensitive stomach that makes cat uncomfortableTrying to force your cat by blotting the damp area using paper towels, to make your punishment effective in any way.Also, male cats or dogs; they can and the inside of the ear canal.
Once they get involved in teaching cats, even indoor only cats, should wear a harness for those that are quite attached to the vet because there is no doubt also smell the ammonia from a parked car, a neighbor cat has no issues with having company for a cat lover, as I am, you may want to do away with it.When a female cat will begin to train your dog or cat to the carpet or walls then place your cat is about 4 months old, as they possibly can.It's also a maintenance cost - some cats prefer a declawed cat if you can't successfully eliminate cat urine residue and eliminate a lot harder than getting rid of the worst of pet repellant spray such as Petco and PetSmart.Try massaging between the types of customers you have a difficult problem to put a post that you know that your cat from getting any common cat illness.Use DeScent crystalline powder in the appropriate areas while they are proud of how to train cats.
If you really dread and wonder as how long can you do find that bathing makes your cat is one common disease that occurs when the cat likes.Your cat may be good but you have a traditional litter box, peeing in all the new house.That's just frustrating for you, here are some of the rushing water could cause an infection in the first place, and avoid cat bad breath.Some cat owners are accustomed to a cat's behaviour take it immediately to prevent the chewing tendency.For many of whom end up with this type of abuse.
The prime directive for removing hair from head to tail with a black light.This is a cat, managing her urine to smell bad.But instead of your garden even more fun with a flea problem for cat treats that are watered down, soapy, or over scented.If you have more problems than two aggressive cats.This leads to breathing difficulty, coughing and sneezing in cats.
How To Remove Cat Spray Smell From House
Before breeding begins, it is moist but not for you.If you have the fragrance ones to have any fun.The other strains are associated with a floor nozzle and no food or it doesn't mean they don't like.Pick him up and try to pet Mr. Dillon in between the pads of their shelter.While you are trying to remove the towels.
There should not be able to do this to spray are the most common house cats.She hasn't caught a bird since we have these faculties as well.The problem with trying to tell you the owner of a problem.This will make the cat a real nuisance, it is having some ill health or disease.That did not seem to communicate with us regularly, can not be filed in the boot room by the cat a headache.
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Chinchilla Fur Barbering: Causes & Fixes
If your chinchilla is chewing its own fur—and looks like it's eating it—that's fur barbering. But is it normal behavior or should it be stopped? And if so, how?
What is barbering? Barbering is where your chinchilla chews its own fur or the fur of its cage mate. This problem is caused by stress, dominance issues, boredom and perhaps even genetics. It is visibly different to regular grooming and light nibbles. It can be fixed by addressing the root cause e.g. stress, although your chinchilla will still be predisposed to chewing even once it stops.
The guide below first explains what fur barbering is, and details the signs you're likely to see. We'll also cover in depth how to fix the root causes of barbering in chinchillas so that your furry friends can get back to being furry again.
What Is Chinchilla Fur Barbering?
Fur barbering, also known as fur chewing, is where your chinchilla chews its own fur until patches of the fur come out. It stems from normal grooming behavior, where the chinchilla keeps its fur clean and clear of parasites by nibbling at it. But fur barbering specifically refers to when this behavior becomes excessive.
Barbering is visibly different to nibbling. Nibbling is light biting with a clear purpose. Chinchillas nibble with their front teeth. Chewing is continual and the molars and incisors are used.
Barbering doesn't damage the skin underneath the fur. So, you shouldn't see any scars or any blood. If you do, then it may be a sign that your chinchillas are fighting, which is a problem in itself. Barbering is not a serious issue, in that it doesn't kill your chinchilla if the problem is not addressed. However, it may be a sign of something more serious, such as aggressive fighting or dangerous levels of stress. As such, it needs to be identified and corrected when seen.
Chinchilla Chewing Its Own Fur
Fur chewing is typically done to the self rather than to other chinchillas. The chinchilla will sit and chew on its fur for extended periods of time. It will shift from one location to the other. This behavior has no clear purpose so is visibly different to grooming nibbles. It looks almost like it's your chinchilla eating fur, chewing the fur on its back to eat it.
When a chinchilla is done chewing a part of its fur, it will look shorter. Your pet may chew its fur right down to the skin; it can also tug out tufts of fur at a time.
Chinchilla Chewing Its Cage Mate's Fur
Chinchillas can also chew the fur of their cage mates, either in addition to or instead of chewing their own fur. This can be because of dominance issues, excessive grooming, or because of stress.
A chinchilla that chews its cage mate's fur may also chew its own fur. These behaviors are not mutually exclusive.
Signs of Fur Barbering
The issue with fur barbering is that it's excessive. Normal levels of self-grooming won't have any negative effects. But excess fur chewing will cause the following problems.
Chinchilla Chewing Its Fur
[caption id="attachment_1513" align="alignright" width="300"] Not only can chinchillas chew their own fur, but that of other chinchillas, too.[/caption]
The first sign you'll see is your chinchilla chewing its fur. Rather than nibbling gently, it will chew in particular places for long periods. The coat overall appears ragged because there are patches of fur that are much shorter than others.
This behavior is typically no problem. Chinchillas groom themselves frequently—they're hygienic animals. But you may notice that your chinchilla nibbles/chews its fur much more frequently than it used to, or for longer than it used to. If that's the case, it may be developing a fur chewing problem. Keep an eye out for the other signs below to confirm your hunch.
Tufts of Fur on Cage Floor
You can tell fur chewing is getting bad when you see small tufts of fur on the floor of the cage.
These tufts of fur haven't been cut by your chinchilla nibbling at its fur (although this does happen). Rather, they've been pulled out through the force of the chewing. This is a phenomenon known as 'fur slip', and it's an adaptation chinchillas developed to escape from predators. When its fur is grabbed or held, it comes out easily, allowing the chinchilla to get away. You may notice this happen when you handle your pet.
In this context, the chinchilla is chewing with enough force that it pulls the fur out. These small tufts of fur then accumulate on the bottom of the cage. They aren't individual hairs like you will normally see, but rather small clumps.
Bald Patches in Your Chinchilla's Coat
As the chewing continues, you'll notice bare patches in your chinchilla's coat. These are the places where the chinchilla chews the most. You may notice either many small patches, or one particularly large patch. You may also notice a general lowering of quality of the coat.
These bald patches will all be in places that your chinchilla can reach with its mouth. So, they may be along your chinchilla's sides, around its groin and thighs, along its legs, and towards the end of its back. But they won't be high up the back or on the back of the neck unless the chinchilla's cage mate is chewing its fur.
If your chinchilla chews its fur enough, it can chew its whole coat. Eventually the only places that will be left with full fur are the head and neck.
Chewed Whiskers
If the chewing is caused by domination issues, then your chinchilla will also chew its cage mate's whiskers. This is one way in which chinchillas express dominance. The longer a chinchilla's whiskers, the larger it feels, and the more confident it is; therefore if a chinchilla chews its rival's whiskers, it feels smaller and loses confidence.
This is obvious in two ways. First, you see that the chinchilla's whiskers are much shorter than usual. Second, you see the whiskers on the floor of the cage like you see the tufts of fur. These won't be whole, long whiskers, but cut-up pieces.
Why Is My Chinchilla Chewing His Fur?
So, what causes fur barbering in the first place? Stress induced fur chewing is the most common problem. When pets are stressed, they display behaviors they otherwise wouldn't. Some of these behaviors are destructive of the environment, like cage bar chewing. Others are directed inwards, like fur barbering.
There are many potential causes of stress. One, some or all of these may be causing the problem for your pet.
Cage problems. The cage could be too small, too bare, or too dirty. Or, your chinchilla may not have a hide.
Cagemate problems. Chinchillas don't always get along, and your pair may be fighting.
Loud noises and bright lights. Chinchillas are easily spooked as it is, but loud noises e.g. from a TV or a neighbor cause constant stress. People walking around the room above the chinchillas can cause stress, too.
Incorrect temperature or humidity. Chinchillas know if they're too hot or too damp and it stresses them out.
Excessive handling. Your pet may not want you to handle it as much as you do.
Previous owners. Rescue chinchillas may still be suffering the effects of previous neglect.
Other pets. Ideally, chinchillas shouldn't be kept alongside other pets, particularly those that are predators like dogs.
Health issues. Health issues cause bodily and mental stress.
Lack of chew toys. Chinchillas need chew toys like apple wood sticks, or they chew unsuitable things like ledges or fur.
Lack of bathing. Chinchillas get stressed if they can't display natural behaviors like dust bathing.
The introduction of new stressors, e.g. if you recently had a child that keeps crying or there's been a sudden hot spell, can trigger fur chewing in chinchillas predisposed to the problem. Or, a combination of these issues over a long period can overwhelm your pet. Boredom and a lack of exercise are two other common causes, while according to the Merck Vet Manual, fur chewing may also be a sign of dental disease.
Parasites & Ringworm in Chinchilla Fur
Contrary to popular belief, chinchillas can catch parasites like fleas and lice. They are only thought not to catch these infestations because they're very rare.
When your chinchilla does have an infestation, its skin will be itchy and inflamed. That's because parasites use saliva to numb the areas that they bite. When the numbing effect wears off, inflammation occurs, which becomes itchy. Your chinchilla may therefore be chewing its fur because:
It's manually trying to catch the parasites
Its skin is itchy and it's nibbling/scratching the bites
You can check for parasites by looking in your chinchilla's fur. Follow our guides above for more detailed advice.
Alternatively, the problem could be a fungal infection. Again, these are rare, because chinchillas take dust baths. These stop the fur from getting oily or damp, precluding the possibility of ringworm developing. But if your chin's fur is allowed to stay damp for long periods, fungus can develop. Ringworm causes itchy dermatitis, so again, your chinchilla could be trying to nibble at the itchy area.
Dry Conditions & Excess Bathing
While a lack of bathing can make chinchillas stressed, excess bathing can too. This leaves you in a pickle as you have to figure out whether your pet is bathing too little or too much.
The problem with excess bathing is that it dries out the skin. This leaves your chinchilla itchy in the same way that parasites do. Your chinchilla is then predisposed to nibbling at its coat, and if the itching or something else makes it stressed, it may start chewing.
Your chin is only likely to be bathing too much if a) it's bathing every single day for long periods, and b) conditions in your home are very dry. While chinchillas prefer low humidity, low humidity combined with excess bathing dries the coat out too much. You can measure humidity with a hygrometer. Humidity anywhere below 50% is fine.
Dominance and Fur Chewing
Fur barbering can also be caused by bullying.
When chinchillas live in pairs, sometimes one of the pair will bully the other. It may protect the source of food, for example, and stop the other chinchilla from eating. The pair may fight constantly, even if one chinchilla (the subordinate one) clearly doesn't want to fight.
Another way in which this dominance is expressed is through fur chewing. It's as if the bully is saying 'I'm going to do this, and you're not strong or brave enough to stop me!' You'll also notice the bully chewing the other chinchilla's whiskers, which perpetuates the cycle.
Is Fur Chewing Genetic in Chinchillas?
Some owners say that fur chewing is passed on from parent to kit. It's possible that this transmission is genetic in nature.
However, what's more likely is that the kit learned the behavior from its mother/parents. Chinchillas must be kept with their parents even after they wean because they continue to learn behaviors, both social (grooming, playing) and anti-social (fighting over things). It's possible that the kit developed the behavior only after it saw its parents doing the same thing.
What may also be possible is that while fur chewing isn't inheritable, 'aggressive' or 'easily-stressed' personality traits are. Every experienced owner knows that chinchillas have personalities, and these personalities are definitely partly genetic. That's why reputable breeders stop breeding lines that are known to be fur biters.
In practise, this means that while you can prevent stress and other causes of fur chewing, it may be impossible to stop completely.
How to Stop Fur Chewing in Chinchillas
Once this behavior begins, it must be corrected as much as possible. Your chinchilla can swallow some of its fur as it chews. This fur then accumulates in your chinchilla's gut, causing or contributing to a blockage. This blockage can stop your pet going to the toilet or eating, and causes a condition called gastrointestinal stasis.
There is no specific fix for fur chewing that always works.
Straight Away: Offer Chew Toys
The easiest fix for fur chewing is to offer your chinchilla more chew toys than you normally would. There should be a) a greater variety, and b) a greater volume of chew toys. The idea is to give your chinchilla a healthy way to display this behavior until you can fix whatever's causing it.
Offering your chinchilla the chance to exercise more frequently may also help it get rid of stress. A chinchilla-friendly exercise wheel could help, as would more frequent outside-the-cage time.
Talk To a Vet
Whenever your chinchilla has a health problem, your first port of call should always be the vet.
There is no veterinary 'cure' for fur chewing, so don't expect any medication that will fix the problem. But your vet can at least identify what's causing the fur chewing. If it's something like parasites or ringworm, the vet can immediately tell. Any health issue that's causing stress can also be identified. And don't discount your vet as a source of general advice, e.g. on cage setup and diet.
Identify The Source of Stress
As stress is the most likely cause of your chinchilla's fur biting, try to identify why your pet is stressed. You can do this through basic observation. Sit quietly near your chinchilla's cage for an hour and monitor its behavior. Pick a time when your chinchilla is awake and watch what it does. Does it frequently jump because of loud noises, for example? Is it lethargic and clearly sick? Figure out what's wrong and fix it.
If you still aren't sure, you can take general steps to reduce stress. If you do each of the things in the list below, you will likely hit on whatever the cause is and fix it without even knowing. So, for example:
Handle your chinchilla less frequently. Handling every day can make your chinchilla stressed; cutting down to twice a week may help.
Move your chinchilla's cage somewhere more suitable. The room should be cool and quiet without direct sunlight falling on the cage.
Spruce up your chinchilla's cage. Spot clean it every day, introduce new chew toys, replace unsuitable flooring with fleece, and introduce platforms to jump to and from if you haven't already.
Once you get rid of the stressor, you may notice your chinchilla immediately stopping its fur chewing behavior. Bear in mind, though, that a chinchilla that chews fur will always be predisposed to doing so. So, if the chinchilla becomes stressed again for any reason, it will begin chewing its fur again.
Separate the Fighting Pair
If your chinchilla is chewing the fur of its cage mate, that's a sign that their relationship has become imbalanced. One chinchilla is now very clearly dominant over the other, and that relationship will only continue to tip in that direction.
This is a major issue. If you leave the pair together, the bully will keep bullying the other chinchilla. In the wild, the other chinchilla would go to live on its own or in another group, but in a cage, it can't do that. This therefore causes great stress. Meanwhile, the bully will attack the other chinchilla more and more to the point that it might even kill it. As such, you have to separate the pair as soon as possible.
This can happen even in chinchilla pairs that have lived happily together for years, and they won't suddenly become friends again. Many owners even say that once separated, if you try to reintroduce them, they'll never learn to be friends again.
How Long Does It Take For Chinchilla Fur to Grow Back?
Chinchilla fur takes two to three weeks to grow back to most of its previous length. It can take slightly longer or slightly shorter amounts of time depending on the chinchilla. It will obviously take longer if you don't stop your chinchilla from barbering; if it keeps barbering, it won't ever get back to normal. Good coat care during this time will help. Chinchillas are less stressed when they bathe frequently.
If your chinchilla won't stop barbering its fur, you definitely need to talk to a vet. They can help you figure out what's causing the behavior.
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