soysaucevictim · 1 year
On subject of medtube. Chubbyemu released a new episode.
I have a renewed sense of fear/respect for Diquat [and chem relatives] (an herbicide; case report was a farmer who accidentally ingested the stuff.)
Because holy fuck that can absolutely wreck you beyond saving.
I have an interest in toxicology - and many of chubbyemu's vids discuss that arena of pathology (or other causes of metabolic derangement.)
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cats-money-weed · 2 years
What Is The Best Herbicide Or Fungicide To Control Parthenium Weed?
What can you do about parthenium weed? There are numerous methods for controlling it, but the best approach is to use a herbicide or fungicide. Bio agents can be a difficult term to understand, but our article has the answer!
What is the parthenium weed?
Parthenium weed is a perennial weed found in warm climates, composed of broad leafy stems and small flowers. Parthenium weed can be a nuisance plant, spreading through its roots in wet soils. It can also be harmful to livestock and other plants, as it produces toxic compounds. In the past, parthenium weed was used as a source of poison for hunting animals.
However, today there are many herbicides and fungicides that can be used to control parthenium weed. Some of these herbicides and fungicides include glyphosate, triclopyr, propiconazole, and boscalid. While each herbicide or fungicide has its own set of benefits and drawbacks, using one or more of them will likely be successful in controlling parthenium weed.
How to control parthenium weed
If you're having trouble controlling parthenium weed, there are a few different herbicides or fungicides that can help. First, use a glyphosate herbicide like Roundup or Accent to kill the weeds before they set seed. Second, use a selective herbicide like dicamba to kill the parthenium plants only. Finally, use an organic herbicide like Atrazine or paraquat to control the parthenium weed in areas where it's not safe to use traditional herbicides.
This herbicide controls parthenium weeds
There are several herbicides or fungicides that can be used to control parthenium weeds. Some of these herbicide include glyphosate, fluroxone, and diquat. However, it is important to choose the right herbicide for your specific situation in order to get the best results.
 Glyphosate is a popular herbicide that can be used to control a variety of weeds. It is effective against parthenium and other broadleaf plants. Glyphosate can be applied by either hand or machine. It is also possible to use glyphosates in conjunction with other herbicides, such as diquat, to get better results.
 Fluroxone is another popular herbicide that can be used to control parthenium weeds. It works by inhibiting the growth of plants. Fluroxone can be applied by either hand or machine. It is also possible to use fluroxone in combination with other herbicides, such as glyphosate, to get better results.
 Diquat is an effective herbicide that can be used to control parthenium weeds. Diquat works by inhibiting the growth of plants. Diquat can be applied by either hand or machine.
Can you use a bioagent to control parthenium weed?
Bioagents, or chemical agents that are specifically designed to control pests without harming the environment, offer an environmentally-friendly and sustainable solution to managing parthenium weed. There are many different bioagents that can be used to control parthenium weed, but the most effective agent is probably a glyphosate-based herbicide. Glyphosate is a powerful herbicide that has been registered by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for use on corn, soybean, and other crops. It is also effective against parthenium weed. Because it is a glyphosate-based herbicide, it can be toxic to plants and animals if it is not used properly. In order to avoid toxicity, it is important to follow the instructions that come with the herbicide. Buy magic mushrooms Quebec City.
If you're looking for an herbicide or fungicide to control Parthenium weed, there are a few options available to you. Based on the type of weed you are trying to get rid of, some herbicides or fungicides might be better suited than others. If you have any questions about which herbicide or fungicide is best for controlling Parthenium weed, feel free to reach out to your local agriculture specialist or pesticide sales representative.
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Paraquat murders
The paraquat murders were a series of indiscriminate poisonings carried out in Japan in 1985. Police were unable to gather any evidence about the murders other than they were caused by a poisoned beverage that was left inside or around vending machines. All the beverages were poisoned with the herbicide paraquat except for one which was poisoned with diquat.
The first poisoning and death occurred on April 30, 1985 in Fukuyama, Hiroshima. This drink was found on top of the vending machine. After this, eleven more murders occurred between September 11 and November 17. Most of these drinks were retrieved from outside the vending machine. Vending machine operators posted warnings on machines telling people not to consume drinks found in or around the machines, after which the poisonings stopped.
The culprit was never found.
It was established that at least one other unknown person attempted to imitate the paraquat murders by putting lime sulfur into drinks in Tokyo. There were also a small number of people who attempted to poison themselves in a method imitating the murders.
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antoine-roquentin · 4 years
The Bureau of Land Management’s latest assault on the West’s biodiverse pinyon-juniper forests and sagebrush communities dwarfs its many predecessors. The Trump regime is finalizing a “Restoration” EIS targeting 38.5 million acres of public land across 6 states – Nevada, Oregon, Idaho, Washington, Utah and California. The 60,156 square mile land area is larger than Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Delaware combined. This wrecking balls’ official title is “Programmatic EIS for Fuels Reduction and Rangeland Restoration”.
BLM’s falsely named “restoration” focuses on woody plant destruction projects that turn beautiful wild places into dirt, grass and often flammable weeds. The beneficiaries of this mammoth taxpayer-funded wildlife habitat destruction scheme will be the 18,000 public lands Welfare Ranchers who have the revocable privilege of holding federal grazing permits. The EIS is a surefire way for cattlemen to maneuver for increased grazing, especially if the “restored” sites become infested with flammable cheatgrass or other weeds. After BLM smashes sagebrush or grinds pine nut forests into wood chips under its new EIS, the agency can turn right around and intensify livestock use in a “targeted grazing treatment” by claiming cows will reduce flammable weeds generated by the project....
The EIS proclaims: The purpose of the project is to enhance the long-term function, viability, resistance and resilience of sagebrush communities through vegetation treatments to protect, conserve, and restore sagebrush communities and to provide for multiple use opportunities. “Multiple use opportunities” = more cows. BLM also states its actions support the goals of the Sage-grouse plans. Regrettably, that’s true. Those plans weren’t based on effectively controlling livestock impacts. Instead, they scapegoated native forests, “unhealthy” sagebrush and wild horses as demons that must be slain or vanquished for the bird to endure, and they gave a big boost to these radical deforestation and sage killing projects.
A BLM modeling scheme (FIAT, Fire and Invasives Assessment Tool) tied to the Grouse plans zeroed in on 5.6 million acres (outside Wilderness, WSAs and ACECs) for various forms of mutilation. Riffing off the FIAT scheme, Trump’s Restoration EIS ballooned the project acreage over six-fold, to 38.5 million acres described as “current and historical extent of sagebrush on BLM-administered land within the project area with wilderness areas, WSAs, ACECs removed”. After BLM tears up the country, it doesn’t even have to seed native plants. Non-native crested wheatgrass and forage kochia can be planted at BLM’s whim if the agency finds “resource management objectives cannot be met with native species”.
Besides bullhogs, bulldozers, chaining, mastication, rollerbeaters, mega-mowers and clearcutting, the EIS’s “prescribed fire” includes broadcast, jackpot, and pile burning and bulldozing fire lines. Doses of chemical cocktails of one or more of the following: 2,4-D, bromacil, chlorsulfuron, clopyralid, dicamba, diuron, glyphosate, hexazinone, imazapyr, metsulfuron methyl, picloram, sulfometuron methyl, tebuthiuron, triclopyr, imazapic, diquat, diflufenzopyr (in formulation with dicamba), fluridone, aminopyralid, fluroxypyr, and rimsulfuron can be applied in both an air and ground campaign – and not just to kill non-native plants. Toxics like Tebuthiuron are used to kill trees and shrubs as a “treatment”. The EIS’s major sleeper element is the transformation of the cows that have caused land degradation and weed proliferation into saviors of the range.
In the Owyhee Canyonlands jackpot burning of ancient Western Junipers, contractors cut down tens of thousands of trees so they fell into ancient trees or covered the ground surface. They were left to dry out for a year. Then napalm ping pong balls lobbed from contractor helicopters rained down on the forest, generating an inferno.
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jimabernethy · 3 years
#Repost @seethroughcanoecompany @download.ins --- Dolphins trying to help a sick calf that appears to be suffering red tide effects. This video taken yesterday in St Petersburg, Florida (8/3/2021) shows a couple Dolphins appearing to try and help a calf that is likely suffering from the red tide's effects. One of the older dolphins also seemed lethargic and sick. Although the red tide and fish kills are subsiding in some spots, the red tide is still lingering in high concentrations in many places. Dolphins are effected by red tide by breathing in the toxins in the air and also by eating fish that have toxins in them. Some of the symptoms they show are lethargic behavior and coughing or chuffing. From @wildlifevoiceinc founder @jim_abernethy // Although there are many different sources of phosphorus and nitrates fueling the biblical proportions of death across all animal groups, from my 1.5 year investigation the main source is the chemical warfare from the @myfwc As they try to control 2 invasive plants. They have been dumping chemicals into our drinking water including Glyphosate and diquat since 1970. In my opinion their chemical warfare is responsible for over 840 manatees starving to death this year, as well as a multitude of other animals deaths like these poor dolphins! Please help me stop this by signing and sharing this petition I created! https://www.change.org/p/florida-stop-the-state-sanctioned-poisoning-of-our-lakes-and-rivers . #dolphins #florida #redtide #animals #RedTideRon #wildlife @wildlifefirst #nature #stpete #tampa #ocean #outdoors #boating #vacation #travel @naturee @animalplanet @natgeo #dolphin #gulfofmexico #gulfcoast #sea #beach #naturephotography (at Florida) https://www.instagram.com/p/CSRnw2Vgg4l/?utm_medium=tumblr
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kn1dognose · 3 years
Le danger des désherbants pour les chiens
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comportementaliste canin La Seyne sur mer. Intervention à votre domicile pour tous types de problèmes
Combien de temps garder les chiens hors de l'herbe après avoir utilisé des désherbants ?
Peu importe la taille de notre jardin, l'été est le moment où nous voulons en profiter le plus, avec nos amis à quatre pattes. Mais pour que nos pelouses soient belles, éclatantes et luxuriantes, elles ont besoin d'un entretien continu. Cela peut inclure l'utilisation de toutes sortes de produits chimiques de jardinage, de pesticides et de désherbants, qui, d'autre part, peuvent être dangereusement toxiques pour la santé des chiens.
Pourquoi les désherbants sont-ils dangereux ?
La plupart des désherbants que vous pouvez acheter sur le marché contiennent des produits chimiques puissants. Ces produits chimiques sont très efficaces lorsqu'il s'agit de se débarrasser des mauvaises herbes de vos pelouses et ils offrent des résultats fascinants. Alors que certains peuvent être considérés comme sans danger pour les humains et les animaux de compagnie, certains peuvent être hautement toxiques et peuvent, à long terme, entraîner de nombreux problèmes de santé, voire mortels.
L'exposition à des désherbants dangereux peut rendre votre chien vulnérable à diverses maladies, allant des nausées, diarrhées, déshydratation, dermatites et problèmes respiratoires aux cancers de la vessie ou de la thyroïde, résultant d'une exposition prolongée.
Certains des éléments pesticides que vous devriez éviter, car ils sont très dangereux pour les chiens, sont :
Dibromure de diquat,
Acide méthyl-4 chlorophénoxyacétique,
Sel de diméthylamine et
Si votre chien a un accès direct au produit, une intoxication aiguë peut survenir. Votre chien peut commencer à vomir, respirer fortement et frissonner. Dans ces cas, il est préférable de consulter immédiatement votre vétérinaire. Les maladies chroniques causées par les herbicides peuvent mettre des années à se manifester et sont difficiles à diagnostiquer. Combien de temps garder les chiens hors de l'herbe après avoir utilisé des désherbants ?
Combien de temps votre chien doit-il rester hors de l'herbe ?
Avant de décider de traiter l'herbe de votre jardin, gardez à l'esprit que vos animaux de compagnie respireront, marcheront et joueront dessus. Certains chiens aiment manger l'herbe et la plupart ont tendance à se lécher le ventre et les pattes, ce qui peut entrer en contact direct avec le produit chimique.
Après avoir pulvérisé une nouvelle couche d'herbicide sur votre pelouse, vous devez éloigner votre animal de compagnie de la zone jusqu'à ce que le traitement ait complètement séché.
Habituellement, il faut environ 48 heures pour que l'herbe et le sol absorbent le produit chimique.
Cependant, le temps de séchage dépendra également du climat. Si vous avez utilisé la solution un jour pluvieux ou humide, cela peut prendre plusieurs jours pour sécher complètement et être à nouveau sans danger pour vos animaux de compagnie.
Mesures préventives
Il existe quelques mesures préventives que vous pouvez prendre pour empêcher votre votre chien d'être exposé aux produits chimiques de la cour :
Gardez vos chiens à l'écart de l'herbe pulvérisée pendant deux jours ou jusqu'à ce qu'elle soit complètement absorbée.
Placez les gamelles et les jouets du chien loin de la pelouse.
Si vous supposez que votre chien est entré en contact avec l'herbe traitée, lavez le ventre et les pattes.
Évitez les produits qui contiennent des produits chimiques cancérigènes.
Choisissez des produits désherbants sans danger pour les chiens.
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ananya5400 · 3 years
Herbicides Market Will Hit Big Revenues In Future
The report "Herbicides Market by Type (Glyphosate, 2, 4-D, Diquat), Crop Type (Cereals & Grains, Oilseeds & Pulses, Fruits & Vegetables), Mode of Action (Non-selective, Selective), and Region - Global Forecast to 2022", The global herbicides market is estimated at USD 27.21 Billion in 2016 and is projected to reach USD 39.15 Billion by 2022, at a CAGR of 6.25% during the forecast period. The market is driven by factors such as adoption of better farming practices and rise in production of cereals & grains, especially in the Asia-Pacific region. Download PDF Brochure @ https://www.marketsandmarkets.com/pdfdownloadNew.asp?id=357
The glyphosate segment, by type, is projected to have the highest CAGR during 2016 to 2022.
The glyphosate segment is projected to have the highest CAGR during the forecast period. This is due to the fact that glyphosate-based products are being widely adopted in various forms such as gels and powders, which are more convenient to use.
Non-selective segment, by mode of action, is projected to grow at the highest CAGR during 2016 to 2022.
Non-selective herbicides, based on the mode of action, are projected to have the highest CAGR during the forecast period. Since non-selective herbicides are formulated for both broadleaf and grass weeds, they find wider application on almost all vegetation types and are preferred more than selective herbicides.
The cereals & grains segment accounted for largest market share in 2015.
Herbicides are applied on a wide scale to most cereal crops to control weeds. Cereals are grown widely across the world, but growth is projected to be higher in the Asia-Pacific region due to increased consumption of rice in the daily diets here. The global demand for herbicides in this segment is high and is projected to grow as producers are focusing on increasing the per unit yield.
Speak to Analyst @ https://www.marketsandmarkets.com/speaktoanalystNew.asp?id=357
South American region dominated the herbicides market in 2015.
The South American region dominated the herbicides market in 2015. This is due to the emergence of South American countries as agricultural powerhouses, growing above the global growth average. Growth in this region is significantly contributed to by the growth in Brazil and Argentina. Economic growth in South America has been supported by democratization and economic reforms. Availability of arable land and expansion of farmlands, especially in Brazil and Argentina, are driving the growth in this market.
Additionally, the regulatory framework in South America is less stringent as compared to North America and Europe. The Pesticide Action Network (South America) handles regulatory control in the region. T Herbicide products can be registered with minimum resistance from other regulatory agencies in the South American region.
This report includes a study of development strategies, along with the product portfolios of the leading companies in the herbicides market. The key companies profiled are BASF SE (Germany), The Dow Chemical Company (U.S.), E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Company (U.S.), Monsanto Company (U.S.), and Syngenta AG (Switzerland), FMC Corporation (U.S.), Platform Specialty Products Corporation (U.S.), Nufarm Ltd. (Australia), Nissan Chemical Industries Ltd. (Japan), and Drexel Chemical Co. (U.S.).
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vicky8588 · 3 years
Diquat Dibromide Market
Market Overview
The Global Diquat Dibromide Market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 7% during the forecasting period (2021 - 2028).
Diquat dibromide is a desiccant contact and an herbicide authorized by the EU. It is highly water-soluble, has a low chance of leaching into groundwater, and is volatile. It is very stable in soil but degrades rapidly in aquatic environments. It is used to desiccate potato vines and seed crops, to control sugarcane growing, and to control industrial and aquatic weeds. It is not residual; that is, there is no residue of herbicide left on or in plants, soil, or water. Moreover, the low availability of arable land and higher consumption of plant-based products opens the doors for new players along with the lucrative opportunities for the existing market players in the global Diquat Dibromide market.
Download free sample: https://www.datamintelligence.com/download-sample/diquat-dibromide-market
Market Dynamics
The growing need for improving agricultural yield owing to surging food demand and reducing arable land is the major factor driving the global Diquat Dibromide market. Arable land is constantly declining with urbanization, soil degradation, climatic changes, and some other factors. This has resulted in the need for enhancing agricultural productivity, thereby driven the use of effective farming materials. Moreover, the growing need for pest management in agriculture owing to quality concerns of agricultural produce is further boosting the demand for diquat dibromide across the globe. Additionally, increasing labor costs and a labor shortage are also supporting the growth of the global Diquat Dibromide market.
However, stringent government regulations imposed over the usage of specific herbicides due to their adverse environmental and human health effects are the major factor hindering the growth of the global Diquat Dibromide Market. In October 2018, the EU Commission has decided not to renew the approval of diquat based on concerns related to the exposure of bystanders, residents, and birds.
Market Segmentation
– By Type
·       Synthetic
·       Bio-based
– By Crop Type
·       Corn
·       Wheat
·       Cotton
·       Soybean
·       Others
Competitive Landscape
The global Diquat Dibromide market is consolidated with the top 5 companies accounting for a major share of global sales. BASE SE, Bayer CropScience, Corteva Agriscience, American Vanguard Corporation, and Bayer AG are dominating the global Diquat Dibromide market. These companies have used various strategies such as expansions, new product launches, agreements, partnerships, joint ventures, acquisitions, and others to increase their footprints in this market.
View Full Report: https://www.datamintelligence.com/research-report/diquat-dibromide-market
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DataM Intelligence was incorporated in the early weeks of 2017 as a Market Research and Consulting firm with just two people on board. Within a span of less than a year, we have secured more than 100 unique customers from established organizations all over the world.
 For more information:
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wmrsneha · 3 years
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jimabernethy · 3 years
#Repost @we_care_earth @download.ins --- We need to reimagine our so-called waste management system before entire ecosystems are completely wiped out! 📹 Paul Cuffaro via Youtube From @wildlifevoiceinc founder @jim_abernethy // Although there are many different sources of phosphorus and nitrates fueling the biblical proportions of death across all animal groups, from my 1.5 year investigation the main source is the chemical warfare from the @myfwc As they try to control 2 invasive plants. They have been dumping chemicals into our drinking water including Glyphosate and diquat since 1970. In my opinion their chemical warfare is responsible for over 840 manatees starving to death this year. Please help me stop this by signing and sharing this petition I created! https://www.change.org/p/florida-stop-the-state-sanctioned-poisoning-of-our-lakes-and-rivers . #fuckplastic #redtide #florida #climatechange #wastepollution #pollution #saveourplanet (at Florida) https://www.instagram.com/p/CSOzx0dHCzE/?utm_medium=tumblr
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pekuliar · 7 years
The Enigma of the Vending Machine Murders
As promised, here is a little something I’ve been working on for a while. If you’re a true crime enthusiast or just a very curious person, do give this a read! I’ve gone through as many sources as possible to put together this very interesting case. It’s more of a practice to get back into writing essays before school starts, really, but I guarantee this will be fun! 
The case I’m about to share is a mystery that has confounded the Japanese police for almost 3 decades. They’re a string of killings tangled so expertly that investigators were left stumped, and so terrifyingly indiscriminate that it sent the public into a panic. So sit back, relax and pour yourself a nice, cold drink– trust me, you’ll need it.
Let’s take a trip to Japan– a beautiful nation bursting at the seams with life, history, culture…and vending machines.
According to the Japan National Tourism Organisation, Japan’s 127-million-strong population owns one vending machine per 23 people, bringing the total number of vending machines to a whopping 5.52 million in total. Better yet, these machines are seldom vandalised or stolen from, owing to Japan’s relatively low crime rate. (In 1985, however, the numbers differed slightly: 5.1 million vending machines for a population of 121 million people.)
It’s not hard to understand why the Japanese love their vending machines. Picture this, if you will: it’s a hot, sunny afternoon, and sweat runs down your back as you trudge home uphill. Along the way, you stop at a vending machine. Three coins and a push of a button later, you have in your hand a can of sweet respite. The crack of the tab is musical, and the first gulp makes your brain go blank with pleasure.
And then it stays blank.
Before the second gulp hits your stomach, fire spreads up your throat, a tidal wave of unending agony of the very worst kind.  
The can clatters to the floor as everything goes black.
That’s exactly what happened to a 45-year old truck driver in Fukuyama, Hiroshima.
On April 30th, 1985, a truck driver from Fukuyama purchased a drink from a vending machine. As his drink was being dispensed, he noticed a bottle of Oronamin C sitting atop the machine. Now, at the time, Oronamin C was being promoted to the public by the Otsuka Pharmaceutical Company. Vending machines were programmed to automatically dispense free bottles of Oronamin C, in addition to whatever drink the customer purchased. This, along with the Japanese practice of leaving unwanted drinks atop vending machines for the next cash-strapped soul, led the truck driver and many others to let their guard down— a mistake that would prove to be fatal.
The truck driver eventually died on May 30th, 1985. Analysis of his vomit showed traces of Paraquat— a deadly weed-killer banned in 32 countries around the world.
To give you a better understanding of the effects of Paraquat, even on the surface of the skin, exposure to Paraquat causes erythema, followed by blistering and hemorrhaging hemorrhagic diabrosis, which is a fancy way of saying “chemical burns affecting the blood vessel walls”. When ingested, Paraquat is downright lethal. Death is swift, certain and agonising, as the poison causes rapid inflammation of tissue surrounding major blood vessels and airways, and LITERALLY burns holes through the victim’s throat.
Unfortunately, this truck driver would be the first of 12 confirmed poisonings in 8 different prefectures, between April 30th and November 17th, 1985. With that in mind, let’s go through the timeline of the spate of attacks that would come to be known as the Vending Machine Murders. (Be warned, this is as dry as a list of 11 nearly identical incidents can get.)
September 11th. Izumisano, Osaka: 52-year-old man purchased a bottle of Oronamin C and found another of the same inside the machine’s dispensing slot. He consumed both, passing away on September 14th. Traces of Paraquat found in beverage remnants.
September 12th. Matsusaka, Mie: 22-year-old college student purchased a bottle of Real Gold (an energy drink) from a vending machine. A bottle of the same drink was found already sitting in the dispensing slot, and he consumed both at home, perishing on the 14th of September. (* The poison used in this one case was Diquat, not Paraquat. However, as all other aspects of this incident were similar to the other 11 deaths by Paraquat, this is still counted as a part of the same string of killings.)
September 19th. Echizen, Fukui: 30-year old man consumed a can of cola he found underneath the vending machine, eventually perishing in hospital on the 22nd of September. Analysis of his stomach contents and remnants of the cola show traces of Paraquat.
September 20th. Miyakonojo, Miyazaki: 45-year old man intends to purchase a drink but finds 2 bottles of Real Gold in the dispensing slot instead. He consumes both at home, and dies on September 22nd. Traces of Paraquat found in beverage remnants.
September 23rd. Habikino, Osaka: 50-year old man finds 2 bottles of Oronamin C in a vending machine dispensing slot. He consumes both 2 days later, and dies on the 7th of October. Traces of Paraquat found in beverage remnants.
October 5th. Konosu, Saitama: The death of this 44-year old is pretty much identical (using Oronamin C) to the previous. The victim dies on the 21st of October. Traces of Paraquat found in beverage remnants.
October 15th. Kasihara, Nara: A 69-year old man finds 2 unnamed drinks in the dispensing slot, consuming both at home and passing away on 13th November. Traces of Paraquat found in beverage remnants.
October 21st. Miyagi: A 55-year old man passes away in similar fashion after consuming an unnamed drink from a vending machine.
October 28th. Kawachinagano, Osaka: A 50-year old man dies after drinking an Oronamin C he found in the dispensing slot of a vending machine.
November 7th. Saitama, Saitama: 42-year old man purchases 1 Oronamin C, and takes 2 additional Oronamin C bottles he finds in the dispensing slot, consuming both at home and eventually dying on 16 November.
This brings us to our final victim:
November 17th. Kodama, Saitama: A 17-year old girl purchases an unnamed drink from a vending machine, but takes a Cola she finds in the dispensing slot. A week later, she passes away. Traces of Paraquat found in beverage remnants.
The passing of the unfortunate young girl marked the end of the spate of poisonings, but the effects of this string of deaths were far from over. In fact, a newspaper report from December 1985 states: “One by-product has been a spurt of copycat crimes. Twice in the last few weeks, for example, someone has left tainted containers of milk in schools in Mie Prefecture in central Japan.” Furthermore, another 2 copycat poisonings took place in Tokyo, where police were notified of drinks tainted with lime and sulfur, and in unfortunately similar fashion, the perpetrators were never caught.
Of course, necessity is the mother of invention, and for the people of Japan, it was absolutely necessary to see that such a spate of random attacks would never happen again. Therefore, extra precautions were taken by the Japan Soft Drink Bottlers’ Association, as 1.3 million warning labels were stuck on vending machines. Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co. (manufacturer of Oronamin C), even redesigned their bottle design from a screw-cap to a pull-tab, in an effort to prevent tampering. Interestingly enough, however, not many other drink manufacturers shared the same sentiment. Takeo Mizuuchi, a spokesman of the Japan Soft Drink Bottlers’ Association, said: “If only consumers were more cautious, they would have seen that some tampering had been done”, and reportedly, there was no mass campaigns to rethink soft drink bottle designs– very much unlike the aftermath of the Chicago Tylenol Murders in 1982.
Yet more baffling is how utterly stumped these killings left the National Police Agency. Reportedly, due to the completely indiscriminate nature of these killings, the Japanese police were unable to get very far at all. In fact, I haven’t found a single source that details or even briefly mentions the investigation process. Many factors could have contributed to this complete and utter standstill– the lack of security cameras at areas where these poisonings occured, scant evidence, a lack of anyone claiming the crimes as their own, and the fact that the first use of DNA profiling to solve a crime was only in 1986, by Sir Alec Jeffreys in the murder of 2 young girls, so we can assume there weren’t a lot of methods available to investigators at that time. Most significant, however, were a series of threats made to the public shortly before the Vending Machine Murders.
Prior to the Vending Machine Murders, in 1984, another mysterious criminal exerted a reign of terror over the food industry. Dubbing themselves the “Monster with 21 Faces” (a name borrowed from a villain in a series of Japanese detective novels), this band of extortionists sent their first letter on May 10th, 1984, to the Glico company (manufacturer of Pocky), and would continue to send threatening letters to various food companies and news agencies. These letters taunted the police, made grandiose claims, detailed alleged locations where candies poisoned with cyanide had been planted, and sent the public into a panic. These letters continued well into 1985. It is, of course, safe to say that the police were more than a little preoccupied by the time the Vending Machine Murders took place, and thus the case was given little attention and publicity.
With that established, you’d probably not be surprised if I told you that there are a distinct lack of major theories, or any theories at all, on the individual or group responsible for the Vending Machine Murders. However, for the sake of format, here are two:
The Monster with 21 Faces: Ironically, there is a possibility that the very incident that distracted the police from the Vending Machine Murders might have been linked to said murders. The period of activity of the Monster with 21 Faces group coincides with the beginning of the Vending Machine Murders, and both involve poisoned perishables. However, at most, the Vending Machine Murderer might have been inspired by the Monster with 21 Faces (I really wish they’d picked a name that’s easier to type when palpitating with caffeine). The Monster with 21 Faces (goddamnit) seemed primarily interested in publicity and securing the population of Japan as a terrified captive audience. However, there were no public threats nor demands made with respect to the Vending Machine Murders, and therefore, this is highly unlikely. Furthermore, the Monster with 21 Faces actually publicly announced that they had better things to do. In a dramatic conclusion befitting this theatrical extortion gang, Police Superintendent Yamamoto (unable to cope with the pressure of the case), committed suicide by setting himself on fire, and the group soon responded with their final letter, announcing: “We decided to forget about tormenting food companies…We are bad guys. That means we’ve got more to do than bullying companies. It’s fun to lead a bad guy’s life.”
Yukaihan: Another theory postulated by psychologists would be that these murders are the work of one or more yukaihan. According to Professor Susumu, a mental health specialist at Tsukuba University, Tokyo, yukaihan are thrill-seeking criminals that “cynically enjoy superiority by imagining the victims groaning, and do not feel any remorse”. The theory that these murders could have been carried out by one or more individuals that take sadistic delight in picturing the suffering of their victims certainly seems more than plausible, given that Paraquat poisoning is downright agonising and would most likely elicit a pretty strong reaction. 
Sadly, investigations into this string of random killings came to a grinding halt early on, owing to insubstantial evidence and the lack of a pattern or possible motive. Whichever theory (or theories) you might believe, it appears that we might never know the truth. And with the statute of limitation on poisoning in Japan set at only 15 years, it is apparent that the truth behind the baffling Japanese Vending Murders is destined to remain…
“Crime Classification Manual: A Standard System for Investigating and Classifying Violent Crime”: By John Douglas, Ann W. Burgess, Allen G. Burgess, Robert K. Ressle
http://www.pressreader.com/philippines/bandera-visayas/20160827/281625304726170 (tagalog!)
“The Encyclopedia of Unsolved Crimes”. By Michael Newton.
@swearingcactus – thank you so much for your incredible support!
@en-sam-malas – I’ve got a feeling that you’d like this one, and the next. Also, there’s a Tagalog article I found on this case! 
Drop me an ask if you wanna talk more about this case, or want to be tagged when the next case comes up!
Next case: The Grisly Case of the Singapore Curry Murder
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rajamanickam · 4 years
Impurities boost performance of organic solar cells | Diquat solar cell
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marketnewtrend · 4 years
COVID-19 | Aquatic Herbicides Market Overview, Industry News, Development Opportunities & Challenges
Global Aquatic Herbicides Market was valued at USD 485.9 billion in 2019 which is expected to reach USD 698.22 billion by 2027 at a CAGR 6.5%.
Aquatic herbicides are used to control unwanted vegetation growth in water. These are approved to use in water. Also, aquatic herbicides are helpful to control the growth of weeds in water bodies. Aquatic herbicides enter the plant via roots and leaves and target the physiological process in plants.  Aquatic herbicides inhibit enzymes which are involved in synthesis of amino acid. 
Get Sample Copy of this Report @ https://qualiketresearch.com/request-sample/Aquatic-Herbicides-Market/request-sample
Rise in demand for high agricultural productivity to meet the global food demands which are expected to boost the global aquatic herbicides market growth. Further, surge in population and increase in disposable income of developing region such as Asia Pacific will increase the demand for herbicides will have the positive impact on global aquatic herbicides market growth. Moreover, decrease in number of labors, consequent rise in cost of shortage of labors and shortage of arable lands will fuel the global aquatic herbicides market growth.
Market Key Players
Various key players are discussed in this report such as Sepro Corporation, Platform Specialty Products,  UPL, Land O'lakes,  Lonza, Nufarm, Syngenta, Monsanto, BASF, and DOW Chemical.
Market Taxonomy By Type
2,4 –D
By Application Method
By Application
Agricultural Waters
Recreational Waters
By Region ·        North America
Latin America
Asia Pacific
Middle East & Africa
 Browse Full Research Report @ https://qualiketresearch.com/reports-details/Aquatic-Herbicides-Market
 About Us
QualiKet Research is a leading Market Research and Competitive Intelligence partner helping leaders across the world to develop robust strategy and stay ahead for evolution by providing actionable insights about ever changing market scenario, competition and customers. QualiKet Research is dedicated to enhancing the ability of faster decision making by providing timely and scalable intelligence. We use different intelligence tools to come up with evidence that showcases the threats and opportunities which helps our clients outperform their competition. 
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globalmarketreports · 4 years
Aquatic Herbicides Market 2020 - Size, Analysis and Forecast Report by 2027
Global Aquatic Herbicides Market was valued at USD 485.9 billion in 2019 which is expected to reach USD 698.22 billion by 2027 at a CAGR 6.5%.
Aquatic herbicides are used to control unwanted vegetation growth in water. These are approved to use in water. Also, aquatic herbicides are helpful to control the growth of weeds in water bodies. Aquatic herbicides enter the plant via roots and leaves and target the physiological process in plants.  Aquatic herbicides inhibit enzymes which are involved in synthesis of amino acid.
Request Sample Copy of this Report @ https://qualiketresearch.com/request-sample/Aquatic-Herbicides-Market/request-sample
Market Drivers
Rise in demand for high agricultural productivity to meet the global food demands which are expected to boost the global aquatic herbicides market growth. Further, surge in population and increase in disposable income of developing region such as Asia Pacific will increase the demand for herbicides will have the positive impact on global aquatic herbicides market growth. Moreover, decrease in number of labors, consequent rise in cost of shortage of labors and shortage of arable lands will fuel the global aquatic herbicides market growth.
Market Restraints
However, rise in healthcare & environment concerns associated with synthetic herbicides are the major restraining factor which is expected to global aquatic herbicides market growth. Also, stringent rules and regulation regarding use of herbicides will affect the growth of global aquatic herbicides market.
Market Key Players
Various key players are discussed in this report such as Sepro Corporation, Platform Specialty Products, UPL, Land O'lakes, Lonza, Nufarm, Syngenta, Monsanto, BASF, and DOW Chemical.
Market Taxonomy
By Type
2,4 –D
By Application Method
By Application
Agricultural Waters
Recreational Waters
By Region
North America
Latin America
Asia Pacific
Middle East & Africa
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About Us:-
QualiKet Research is a leading Market Research and Competitive Intelligence partner helping leaders across the world to develop robust strategy and stay ahead for evolution by providing actionable insights about ever changing market scenario, competition and customers. QualiKet Research is dedicated to enhancing the ability of faster decision making by providing timely and scalable intelligence. We use different intelligence tools to come up with evidence that showcases the threats and opportunities which helps our clients outperform their competition.
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Vishal Thakur
Research Support Specialist
QualiKet Research
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Website: https://qualiketresearch.com
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Global Aquatic Herbicides Market
The report forecast global Aquatic Herbicides market to grow to reach xxx Million USD in 2019 with a CAGR of xx% during the period 2020-2025 due to coronavirus situation. The report offers detailed coverage of Aquatic Herbicides industry and main market trends with impact of coronavirus. The market research includes historical and forecast market data, demand, application details, price trends, and company shares of the leading Aquatic Herbicides by geography. The report splits the market size, by volume and value, on the basis of application type and geography. First, this report covers the present status and the future prospects of the global Aquatic Herbicides market for 2015-2024. And in this report, we analyze global market from 5 geographies: Asia-Pacific[China, Southeast Asia, India, Japan, Korea, Western Asia], Europe[Germany, UK, France, Italy, Russia, Spain, Netherlands, Turkey, Switzerland], North America[United States, Canada, Mexico], Middle East & Africa[GCC, North Africa, South Africa], South America[Brazil, Argentina, Columbia, Chile, Peru]. At the same time, we classify Aquatic Herbicides according to the type, application by geography. More importantly, the report includes major countries market based on the type and application. Finally, the report provides detailed profile and data information analysis of leading Aquatic Herbicides company. Key Content of Chapters as follows (Including and can be customized) : Part 1: Market Overview, Development, and Segment by Type, Application & Region Part 2: Company information, Sales, Cost, Margin etc. Part 3: Global Market by company, Type, Application & Geography Part 4: Asia-Pacific Market by Type, Application & Geography Part 5: Europe Market by Type, Application & Geography Part 6: North America Market by Type, Application & Geography Part 7: South America Market by Type, Application & Geography Part 8: Middle East & Africa Market by Type, Application & Geography Part 9: Market Features Part 10: Investment Opportunity Part 11: Conclusion Market Segment as follows: By Region Asia-Pacific[China, Southeast Asia, India, Japan, Korea, Western Asia] Europe[Germany, UK, France, Italy, Russia, Spain, Netherlands, Turkey, Switzerland] North America[United States, Canada, Mexico] Middle East & Africa[GCC, North Africa, South Africa] South America[Brazil, Argentina, Columbia, Chile, Peru] Key Companies DOW CHEMICAL BASF MONSANTO SYNGENTA NUFARM LONZA LAND O'LAKES UPL PLATFORM SPECIALTY PRODUCTS SEPRO CORPORATION ALBAUGH VALENT SANCO INDUSTRIES Market by Type Glyphosate 2,4-D Imazapyr Diquat Triclopyr Market by Application Recreational Waters Artificial Fish Farms Others For free sample report please visit : https://www.statzyreports.com/report.php?reportname=SR150378 CONTACT US PHONE NUMBER                                                                                                   (IN)- +8484035727
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