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Corynebacterium ulcerans
“Corynebacterium ulcerans culture on a blood agar plate.” - via Wikimedia Commons
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Magen-Darm-Parasiten bei Reptilien
!Es können oft Passanten aus dem Futter nachgewiesen werden = Pseudoparasiten = Parasiten v. zB einer Maus die eine Schlange gefressen hat -> im Kot der Schlange nachweisbar, Parasit für Schlange apathogen!
Einzeller (=Protozoen)
obligat parasitär: meist direkte Übertragung
fakultativ parasitär: Übertragung meist über Futter/Wasser, oft nur fakultativ pathogen od. apathogen -> können sogar Symbionten sein va. bei Pflanzenfressern
Ziliaten (=Wimperntierchen)
Vertreter: Balantidium, Nyctotherus
Schildkröte & Echse (va. Herbi- u. Omnivore): Dick- u. Enddarm
Riesenschlangen: Dickdarm
meistens apathogen, Massenvermehrung meist bei Darmfunktionsstörungen anderer Genese
Diagnose: im Nativpräparat
Therapie, wenn überhaupt nötig: Metronidazol, Ronidazol
Flagellaten (=Geißeltierchen)
Infektion meist direkt über Wasser-/Futterschalen od. kontaminiertes Bodensubstrat
Hexamita parva: betrifft Landschildkröten, Besiedeln Enddarm, Kloake, Harnblase, -leiter und Nieren, seltener auch Leber und Gallenblase
Symptome: Farbveränderungen, Harn: schmierig, opak, grau-grünlich, stinkend, Inappetenz, Apathie, "tränende Augen", Abmagerung, Bewegungsstörungen bis Lähmung der HE, plötzliche Todesfälle wg. Nierenversagen
Leptomonas: betrifft v.a. Chamäleons -> Enteritiden
Monocercomonas, Proteromonas, Trichomonas: "Schwächeparasiten"= massenhafte Vermehrung bei Stress, Fütterungs-/Haltungsfehlern od. anderen Grunderkrankungen -> Aufstieg bis in Leber, Lunge und ZNS möglich
Symptome Schildkröte bei Massenbefall: Enteritis, Anorexie, Abmagerung, Darm-/Kloakenprolaps u. Osteomalazie
Giardia & Spironucleus: apathogen, meist Pseudoparasiten
Diagnose: im Nativpräparat
Schildkröte mit Massenbefall: Behandlung Grunderkrankung, Stabilisierung Darmmilieu, Gabe von Metronidazol/ Ronidazol
Bildung infektiöser Zysten auch außerhalb d. Körpers, Übertragung direkt über Tier-Tier-Kontakt od. Futter/Wasser/Gegenstände
latent infizierte Ausscheider über Jahre möglich
Entamoeba invadens: am bedeutendsten, keine Zoonose
Limaxamöben (Acanthamoeba, Neagleria, Vahlkampfia)
Befall Darmschleimhaut (oft Dickdarm) -> diphtheroide-nekrotisierende Enteritis, Befall v. Leber, Nieren u ZNS
Leguane auch nur systemisch, keine Darmprobleme
Symptome: Anorexie, Dehydratation, Abmagerung, Schwellung hinteres Körperdrittel cran. d. Kloake, atypische Körperhaltung/ Bewegungsmuster, Kotanschoppung, Kot: stinkend, grünlich-schleimig, ev. auch blutig, erbrechen -> oft tödlicher Verlauf
Diagnose: im Nativausstrich, Amöbenanzucht od. histologisch
Therapie: Metronidazol/Paromomycin + Antibiotikum + symptomatisch
Kokzidien (=Apicomplexa)
obligate, stenoxene (=enges Wirtsspektrum) Parasiten
Oozysten sehr widerstandfähig -> Ansammlung in Umgebung -> Reinfektionen
Caryospora, Cyclospora, Eimeria, Isospora
Choleoeimeria: parasitiert in Gallengängen u. -blase
Landschildkröten: Kokzidien meist Pseudoparasiten, außer intranukleäre Kokzidien (=TINC) -> pathogen
Symptome (vor allem in Wachstumsphase od. bei anderen Grunderkrankungen -> Altersresistenz):
Abmagerung, Diarrhoe, Obstipation, Bauchschwellung, Inappetenz, Rachitis, Osteomalazie
Diagnose: Flotation
Therapie: Reinigung/ Desinfektion Umgebung, Toltrazuril
keine Zoonoseerreger, direkter Infektionsweg, sehr widerstandsfähige Oozysten
latent infizierte Ausscheider über Jahre möglich
C. serpens, C. saurophilum/=varani: bei Schlangen (meist im Magen, Parasitenreproduktion abhängig v. Fütterung) u. Echsen
C. ducismarci: bei Schildkröten
meist Befall v. Magen/ Dünndarm, Atmungstrakt, Eustachio-Röhre, Augen
Anorexie, Abmagerung, Exsikkose, Erbrechen, Kotveränderungen
-> Mortalität von Immunsystem u. Haltungsbedingungen abhängig
Schlange: verdickte Magenwand (sichtbar v. außen),
Echsen: meist Dünndarm betroffen
Diagnose: Nachweis in Kot, Erbrochenem, Magenspülsekret mittels PCR am besten
Schlange: Kontraströntgen, Ultraschall, Endoskopie -> Darstellung Magenwandverdickung mit engem Lumen, Schleimhauthyperplasie mit petechialen Blutungen
Therapie: Ziel= Senken Erregermenge mittels Paromomycin + Umgebungsdesinfektion
Myxosporidien (=Myxozoa)
nur bei Wasserschildkröten
parasitieren in Gallengängen und -blase oder Niere -> va. in Niere starke Veränderungen
Diagnose: meist histologisch (postmortal)
Würmer (=Helminthen)
Nachweis am besten immer mittels Sammelkotproben (=intermittierende Ausscheidung)
direkter Entwicklungszyklus, Anreichern d. Eier im Terrarium -> Superinfektionen
Besiedlung Blind- u. Dickdarm
Schlangen haben KEINE Oxyuren
Symptome: Obstipationen, beeinträchtigte Verdauung/Darmmotorik, Darmvorfall, beeinträchtigter Calciumhaushalt mit Metabolic bone disease, Intoxikationenn und Septikämie
Diagnose: Nachweis im Kot
Therapie: Umgebungsdesinfektion, Fenbendazol/Pyrviniumembonat
Askariden und Heterakiden
direkter od. indirekter (mit Zwischenwirten) Lebenszyklus
Larven machen Körperwanderung!
Ansiedlung im ges. Verdauungstrakt (va. Dünndarm, Magen), bei Chamäleons auch in Unterhautgewebe und Zölom
Symptome: unspezifisch bis ulzerative Enteritiden/ Gastritis mit Abmagerung, Inappetenz, Obstipation, Erbrechen und Sepsis
Diagnose: Nachweis im Kot
Therapie: Fenbendazol
direkter Entwicklungzyklus, meist Karnivore betroffen
Diagnose: Nachweis im Kot (Eier mit embryonierten Larven)
Therapie: Fenbendazol, Umbegungsdesinfektion
befällt d. Darm
Rhabdias u. Entomelas
durchlaufen einen "Bodennematodenzyklus" -> perkutane Infektion d. Wirte möglich befallen d. Lunge
Strongyliden: Kalicephalus
bei Schlangen u. Echsen
Ansiedlung im Dünndarm mit Möglichkeit d. Aszendenz
Symptome: hämorrhagische-ulzerative Enteritis -> Durchfall, blutiger Kot, Abmagerung, Exsikkose, Anämie, Häutungsprobleme
Diagnose: Nachweis im Kot
Therapie: Fenbendazol, Umgebungsreinigung (Eier anfällig auf Austrocknung u. UV-Licht)
Trichuriden: Capillaria
direkter Lebenszyklus
Ansiedlung meist im Darm, Unterhautgewebe auch möglich (-> Dermatitis)
Diagnose: Nachweis im Kot
Therapie: Fenbendazol, Umgebungsdesinfektion
Trematoden: Digenea
einer od. mehrere Zwischenwirte
Ansiedlung im Verdauungstrakt (selten Symptome), Leber und Niere -> Entzündungsreaktionen und Nekrosen im Parenchym
Diagnose: Nativausstrich od. Sedimentation
Therapie: Praziquantel, wenn Organe betroffen -> Therapie schwierig, Diagnose meist erst post-mortem
Zestoden (=Bandwürmer)
indirekter Lebenszyklus
meist bei insekti- u. karnivoren Reptilien
Symptome (meist asymptomatisch): Massenbefall (kann tödlich enden) -> Enteritis -> Inappetenz, Vomitus, Abmagerung, Obstipation
Diagnose: kombiniertes Flotations-/Sedimentationsverfahren
Therapie: Praziquantel
Acanthocephala (=Kratzer)
Verbreitung im Terrarium eingeschränkt, weil Zwischenwirte fehlen -> !Vermehrung durch Futterinsekten möglich!
meist bei insekti- u. karnivoren Reptilien
Ansiedlung im Darm
Symptome: Abmagerung, blutiger Durchfall, Anämie, Exsikkose
Diagnose: Nachweis im Kot
Therapie: Ivermectin
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Why So Many Bacteria Live on the Surface of Your Eye
You might recognize with the concept that your gut and skin are house to a collection of microorganisms — fungis, bacteria and infections — that are crucial for keeping you healthy. However did you understand that your eyes likewise host a unique menagerie of microorganisms? Together, they’re called the eye microbiome. When these microorganisms are out of balance — a lot of or too couple of of specific types — eye illness might emerge.
With a current research study revealing bacteria live on the surface of the eye and promote protective resistance, researchers are starting to find the microbial elements that can be made use of to produce ingenious treatments for a variety of eye conditions like Dry Eye Illness, Sjogren’s Syndrome and corneal scarring. One day it might be possible to engineer bacteria to deal with eye illness in people.
I’m an immunologist studying how the eye avoids infection. I ended up being thinking about this field due to the fact that people get just 2 eyes, and comprehending how bacteria impact resistance might be the crucial to preventing approximately 1 million check outs to the physician for eye infections and conserve US$174 million annually in the U.S. alone.
Eye microbiome
When going over the microbiome, a lot of researchers normally believe of the gut, and deservedly so; scientists believe one colon can harbor more than 10 trillion bacteria. That being stated, more attention is now being focused on the effect microbiomes have at other websites, consisting of the skin, and locations with extremely couple of bacteria, like the lungs, vaginal area and eyes.
For the last years, the function of the microbiome in ocular health was questionable. Researchers thought that healthy eyes did not have an arranged microbiome. Research studies revealed that bacteria from the air, hands or eyelid margins might be present on the eye; nevertheless, many thought these microorganisms were merely eliminated or gotten rid of by the continuous circulation of tears.
Just just recently have researchers concluded that the eye does, certainly, harbor a “core” microbiome that appears reliant on age, geographical area, ethnic culture, contact lens wear and state of illness. The “core” is restricted to 4 genera of bacteria Staphylococci, Diphtheroids, Propionibacteria and Streptococci. In addition to these bacteria, torque teno infection, linked in some intraocular illness, likewise counts as a member of the core microbiome as it exists on the surface of the eye of 65% of healthy people.
This recommends that medical professionals need to believe more deeply about the dangers and advantages to the microbiome when recommending prescription antibiotics. The prescription antibiotics might eliminate bacteria that are offering an advantage to the eye.
In a current research study covering more than a years and consisting of more than over 340,000 clients in the U.S., the authors discovered that prescription antibiotics were utilized to deal with 60% of severe conjunctivitis (pink eye) cases. However viral infections are the probably causes of pink eye, and not treatable with prescription antibiotics. More striking, even cases triggered by bacteria frequently solve in 7-10 days without intervention. It is popular that extreme or unsuitable antibiotic usage can interrupt the microbiome, resulting in infection, autoimmunity and even cancer.
Finding an eye-colonizing microorganism
Within the previous years, research studies evaluating the eye microbiome and illness have actually expanded. They have actually produced a tremendous quantity of information, however a lot of of it is correlative. This implies that specific bacteria have actually been connected to specific illness, like Sjogren’s Syndrome or bacterial keratitis. Nevertheless, whether these bacteria are triggering these illness is still unidentified.
Throughout my time at the National Eye Institute, I utilized mice to determine whether bacteria at the surface of the eye might promote an immune action to safeguard the eye from blinding pathogens like the germs Pseudomonas aeuruginosa.
In 2016, ocular immunologist Rachel Caspi at the National Eye Institute and I assumed that protective bacteria were living near or on the eye. Certainly, we discovered a resident germs, Corynebacterium mastitidis (C. mast), that promotes immune cells to produce and launch antimicrobial elements that eliminate hazardous microorganisms into the tears.
Through a series of experiments, the Caspi laboratory had the ability to reveal for the very first time a causal relationship in between C. mast and a protective immune action. Whenever C. mast existed on the eye surface, mice were more resistant to 2 types of bacteria understood to trigger loss of sight: Candida fungus albicans and Pseudomonas aeuruginosa.
Now, in my laboratory, we wish to exploit this relationship in between C. mast and ocular resistance to establish unique treatments to avoid infection and potentially target more prevalent illness like Dry Eye Illness.
Engineering microorganisms to enhance eye health
The primary step towards establishing such treatments is finding out how bacteria colonize the eye. For this, my laboratory is teaming up with the Campbell Lab at the University of Pittsburgh, which houses one of the most substantial collections of human ocular bacteria in the nation. With our distinct speculative setup with mice and sophisticated hereditary analyses, we can utilize this microbial library to start to determine particular elements needed for the microorganisms to colonize the surface of the eye.
Then, with eye doctors and eye doctors in the UPMC Eye Center, we are starting to evaluate the immune signatures within the eyes of healthy and infected clients. Here, our hope is to utilize this technology as a brand-new diagnostic tool to target the microorganisms triggering illness instead of right away dealing with infections with broad spectrum prescription antibiotics that eliminate the great microorganisms too.
Lastly, one of our loftier objectives is to genetically craft eye-colonizing bacteria to serve as long-lasting shipment lorries to the surface of the eye. In the gut, genetically customized bacteria have actually been revealed to relieve illness like colitis.
We hope that this brand-new “prob-eye-otic” treatment would act to produce immune managing elements, which would restrict signs connected with conditions like Dry Eye Illness, which impacts around 4 million individuals in the U.S. annually.
In this establishing field, there is still much to find out prior to doctors can start controling the ocular microbiome to eliminate illness. However one day possibly instead of simply spraying eye drops into your dry eyes, you’ll spray in an option with some bacteria that will colonize your eye and produce the lubes and other elements your body is missing out on. Stay tuned.
Tony St. Leger, Assistant Teacher of Ophthalmology and Immunology, University of Pittsburgh
This post is republished from The Discussion under an Imaginative Commons license. Read the initial post.
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New post published on: https://livescience.tech/2019/06/22/why-so-many-bacteria-live-on-the-surface-of-your-eye/
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Viêm tai giữa ứ dịch có nguy hiểm không và cách trị an toàn
Nội Dung Bài Viết [Hiện] Viêm tai giữa ứ dịch là tình trạng nhiễm trùng tai giữa đi kèm với triệu chứng ứ dịch sau màng nhĩ. Bệnh thường xuất hiện ở trẻ nhỏ từ 1 – 3 tuổi cũng như chia thành 3 thể (cấp tính – bán cấp – mãn tính). Viêm tai giữa ứ dịch có khả năng dẫn đến điếc vĩnh viễn, xơ nhĩ hoặc màng nhĩ xanh vô căn nếu tuyệt đối không chữa trị kịp thời.
Viêm tai giữa ứ dịch là bệnh viêm tai do màng nhĩ đóng kín, làm cho dịch tiết ứ đọng ở phía sau màng tai. Nếu như không thể nào phát hiện ra và điều trị, viêm tai giữa ứ dịch có nguy cơ chuyển biến phức tạp thành những bệnh lý suy giảm thính lực mạn tính không hồi phục. Do đó, hãy cùng sức khoẻ vabuta tìm hiểu thêm về bệnh qua bài viết Dưới đây. Viêm tai giữa ứ dịchBệnh viêm tai giữa gây ra hiểm nguy như thế nào?
Viêm tai giữa ứ dịch Viêm tai giữa ứ dịch là bị gì? Viêm tai giữa có dịch là bệnh viêm tai do màng nhĩ đóng kín, làm dịch tiết ứ đọng ở phía sau màng tai. Bệnh lý này thường không dẫn tới những triệu chứng cấp tính cũng như có tiến triển âm thầm.
Bệnh xuất hiện cơ bản ở được chia thành 3 thể:
Thể viêm tai cấp tính (xảy ra trong thời gian 3 tuần trở lại) Thể viêm tai bán cấp (xảy ra từ 3 tuần đến 3 tháng) Thể viêm tai mãn tính (bệnh kéo dài trên 3 tháng) Vì tiến triển của bệnh âm thầm và tương đối khó phát hiện cần viêm tai giữa ứ dịch rất dễ dẫn đến những hậu quả. Nếu như không tiến hành điều trị kịp thời, các tác hại như điếc, xơ nhĩ, viêm tai giữa mãn tính,… có khả năng xuất hiện.
lý do dẫn tới viêm tai giữa ứ dịch Yếu tố cần thiết nhất dẫn tới viêm tai giữa ứ dịch là do cấu trúc cũng như chức năng vòi nhĩ chưa phát triển hoàn chỉnh. Chính vì thế các bệnh lý nhiễm trùng tai thường có xu hướng phát sinh ở trẻ sơ sinh cũng như trẻ nhỏ.
Xem thêm: 4 Cách chữa viêm kẽ móng tay bằng dầu dừa và sả ngay tại nhà
Viêm tai giữa ứ dịch còn có thể xuất hiện do những nguyên do sau:
Tắc vòi nhĩ: Tắc vòi nhĩ khiến cho dịch tiết trong tai mắc ứ đọng cũng như dẫn đến tình trạng ứ dịch. Virus: một số vi rút herpes, adenovirus và vi rút cúm có thể gây ra nhiễm trùng cũng như ứ dịch ở ống tai giữa. Vi khuẩn: Có khoảng 40% trường hợp viêm tai ứ dịch là do sự xâm nhập của ký sinh trùng. Một số chuyên gia cho rằng, lúc tạp khuẩn xâm nhập, tai có xu hướng tiết dịch nhằm kháng lại các khuẩn gây ra bệnh. Nhưng mức độ tiết dịch cao vô tình dẫn đến hiện tượng ứ đọng dịch bên trong hòm tai. Một số ký sinh trùng dẫn đến bệnh phổ biến bao gồm Haemophilus influenzae, Staphylococcus pneumonia, Diphtheroids,… Dị ứng: Dị ứng ở một số mô tai có thể dẫn đến phù nề, khiến tăng dịch tiết cũng như dẫn tới tắc vòi nhĩ. Khi bị dị ứng cơ thể sẽ tạo ra kháng thể IgE cũng như giải phóng một số thành phần trung gian gây viêm như prostaglandin, kinin,… các yếu tố này khiến tăng nguy cơ tắc vòi nhĩ và gây ra ứ dịch bên trong hòm tai. lý do viêm tai giữa mủ ứ dịchNguyên nhân cần lưu ý về bệnh viêm tai giữa ứ dịch
nguyên nhân viêm tai ứ dịch dấu hiệu của viêm tai giữa ứ dịch? có khả năng có rất nhiều dấu hiệu khác nhưng điển hình nhất là :
Suy giảm thích lực Chậm phát triển ngôn ngữ tình trạng ứ dịch đi kèm với nhiễm trùng tai giữa có thể dẫn tới các hậu quả nghiêm trọng nếu không thể nào chữa kịp thời.
các hậu quả thường thấy, bao gồm:
Xẹp nhĩ Túi co kéo Xơ nhĩ Màng nhĩ xanh vô căn Viêm tai giữa mãn tính Lưu ý rằng hầu hết các dấu hiệu đều vô cùng nhẹ. Hãy dẫn bé đi kiểm tra bác sĩ để có chẩn đoán chính xác cũng như thảo luận với bác sĩ về các việc bắt buộc làm cho bé nếu như bạn thấy lo lắng.
biến chứng của bệnh viêm tai giữa ứ dịch Viêm tai giữa không liên quan đến tổn thương thính giác vĩnh viễn, ngay cả khi dịch tích tụ trong một thời gian dài. Tuy nhiên, nếu như viêm tai giữa có dịch liên quan đến nhiễm trùng tai thường xuyên, các hậu quả khác có khả năng xảy ra, bao gồm:
Viêm tai giữa cấp tính Cholesteatoma (u nang trong tai giữa) Sẹo màng nhĩ Tổn thương tai gây mất thính lực Trẻ chậm nói hoặc có vấn đề về ngôn ngữ biến chứng viêm tai giữa ứ dịchĐừng để lâu bệnh hậu quả sẽ gây nguy hiểm
biến chứng viêm tai ứ dịch Viêm tai giữa ứ dịch bao lâu thì khỏi? Viêm tai giữa có dịch có rất nhiều chuyển biến phức tạp khác nhau. Bình thường, viêm tai thanh dịch (dịch tai không nhiễm trùng) có thể tự khỏi trong từ 10-20 ngày hoặc sau khi được chữa trị đúng, khả năng nghe được phục hồi. Nhưng trong những tình trạng, mặc dù đã được chữa đúng theo phác đồ tuy nhiên viêm tai thanh dịch vẫn tái phát. Viêm tai thanh dịch có thể mắc bội nhiễm dẫn tới tác hại viêm tai giữa ứ mủ mạn tính, dẫn tới thủng màng tai, ứ dịch kéo dài.
Để phòng ngừa nguy cơ bị viêm tai giữa có dịch, cha mẹ cần giữ ấm cho trẻ, nâng cao tình trạng sức khỏe, tiêm phòng đầy đủ, khi trẻ mắc một số bệnh viêm con đường hô hấp trên, cần chữa triệt để cho trẻ, không để bệnh kéo dài. Đưa trẻ đi khám tai mũi họng theo định kỳ để phát hiện ra và trị sớm bệnh viêm tai giữa ứ dịch.
Chẩn đoán bệnh viêm tai giữa ứ dịch rất trình chẩn đoán viêm tai giữa ứ dịch bao gồm việc kiểm tra lâm sàng, nội soi tai, đo thính lực, nhĩ lượng,…
lúc khám lâm sàng, b.sĩ có khả năng đặt thắc mắc về thời gian dấu hiệu phát sinh và triệu chứng cụ thể. Ở trẻ nhỏ, ảnh hưởng của viêm tai ứ dịch có thể làm cho trẻ phản ứng chậm với lời nói, học hành sa sút cũng như gặp vấn đề trong quá trình phát triển ngôn ngữ.
lúc nội soi ống tai, nhận thấy hòm tai có chứa dịch tiết màu vàng nhạt/ vàng sẫm/ xanh,…
lúc nội soi tai phái mạnh sẽ nhìn thấy dịch màu vàng nhạt/ nâu đen/ xanh/ vàng sẫm. Sau đó chuyên gia có khả năng đo nhĩ lượng cũng như thính lực để xác định khả năng nghe.
Xem thêm: Top 6 loại thuốc chữa viêm lỗ chân lông được khuyên dùng nhiều nhất
Cách điều trị bệnh viêm tai giữa ứ dịch 1. Điều trị bằng nội khoa một số giải pháp được áp dụng trong điều trị nội khoa, bao gồm:
sử dụng kháng sinh con đường uống (Ampicillin, Macrolide, Cephalosporin,…): liệu trình kháng sinh thường được thực hiện trong 7 – 10 ngày nhằm ức chế cũng như tiêu diệt tạp khuẩn dẫn tới nhiễm trùng tai. Nếu như bạn có tiền sử dị ứng với bất cứ loại kháng sinh nào, vui lòng thông báo với b.sĩ để tránh tình trạng dị ứng cũng như phản ứng rất mẫn chéo. Thuốc chống phù nề và tiêu dịch nhầy (Maxilase, Mucomys, Rhinathiol): những loại thuốc này có tác dụng khiến cho dịch nhầy bớt dính cũng như đặc, từ đó giúp tăng dẫn lưu và đẩy dịch ra bên ngoài. Tuy nhiên các nhóm thuốc này chống chỉ định cho trẻ dưới 2 tuổi, vì thế tránh dùng thuốc cho trẻ dưới độ tuổi này. Thuốc kháng viêm corticoid: Trong trường hợp ống tai mắc viêm nghiêm trọng, chuyên gia có thể kê toa thuốc corticoid với liều 5mg/ kg/ ngày trong 2 – 5 ngày để cải thiện biểu hiện. Thuốc kháng histamine: nếu viêm tai giữa ứ dịch phát sinh do phản ứng vô cùng mẫn hoặc dị ứng, bạn có thể được kê toa thuốc kháng histamine để làm giảm những biểu hiện mẫn cảm. Thuốc co mạch (Otrivil, Coldi B), nước muối biển và nước rửa mũi: Được sử dụng tại chỗ nhằm làm cho thông thoáng con đường thở trên. Nghiệm pháp Valsalva: Thực hiện bằng cách bịt mũi, mím chặt môi và khiến phồng 2 bên má nhằm giúp thông vòi nhĩ. Với các trường hợp tìm ra bệnh sớm, những biện pháp điều trị nội khoa đều có đáp ứng tốt.
những cách chữa trị nội khoa khác các biện pháp được áp dụng trong trị nội khoa, bao gồm:
dùng kháng sinh con đường uống (Ampicillin, Macrolide, Cephalosporin,…): liệu pháp kháng sinh thường được thực hiện trong 7 – 10 ngày nhằm ức chế và tiêu diệt tạp khuẩn dẫn tới nhiễm trùng tai. Nếu như bạn có tiền sử dị ứng với bất cứ mẫu kháng sinh nào, vui lòng thông báo với chuyên gia để tránh trường hợp dị ứng và phản ứng rất mẫn chéo. Thuốc chống phù nề cũng như tiêu dịch nhầy (Maxilase, Mucomys, Rhinathiol): những loại thuốc này có tác dụng làm dịch nhầy bớt dính và đặc, từ đấy giúp tăng dẫn lưu cũng như đẩy dịch ra ngoài. Tuy nhiên một số nhóm thuốc này chống chỉ định cho trẻ dưới 2 tuổi, do vậy tránh sử dụng thuốc cho trẻ dưới độ tuổi này. Thuốc kháng viêm corticoid: Trong hiện tượng ống tai mắc viêm nghiêm trọng, bác sĩ có thể kê toa thuốc corticoid với liều 5mg/ kg/ ngày trong 2 – 5 ngày để cải thiện triệu chứng. Thuốc kháng histamine: nếu như viêm tai giữa ứ dịch phát sinh do phản ứng rất mẫn hay dị ứng, bạn có thể được kê toa thuốc kháng histamine để làm giảm các biểu hiện mẫn cảm. Thuốc co mạch (Otrivil, Coldi B), nước muối biển cũng như nước rửa mũi: Được sử dụng tại chỗ nhằm làm cho thông thoáng đường thở trên. Nghiệm pháp Valsalva: Thực hiện bằng cách bịt mũi, mím chặt môi và làm cho phồng 2 bên má nhằm giúp thông vòi nhĩ. Với những trường hợp phát hiện ra bệnh sớm, các biện pháp chữa trị nội khoa đều có đáp ứng tốt.
2. Chữa bằng ngoại khoa chữa trị ngoại khoa được thực hiện khi viêm tai giữa ứ dịch không có đáp ứng với những giải pháp bảo tồn.
các thủ thuật trong điều trị ngoại khoa bao gồm:
Đặt ống thông khí thông qua màng nhĩ Chích rạch nhằm dẫn lưu dịch ra bên ngoài Nạo cắt VA cũng như amidan tái phát khá nhiều lần Hầu hết các tình trạng viêm tai giữa ứ dịch đều được chữa dứt điểm sau 10 – 20 ngày. Nhưng bệnh có thể tái phát cao cũng như có thể để lại một số di chứng vĩnh viễn.
sử dụng ngoại khoa điều trị viêm tai giữa
3. Chữa bằng thuốc đông y thảo dược Nam Hoàng Thuốc đặc điều trị viêm tai giữa Nam Hoàng không phải là “THUỐC giúp đỡ ĐIỀU TRỊ” đơn thuần như những loại thuốc khác trên thị trường mà là thuốc đặc chữa trị hiệu quả các bệnh “VIÊM TAI, VIÊM TAI GIỮA CẤP & MÃN TÍNH” lâu năm, tái đi tái lại bằng phương pháp đông y an toàn, hiệu quả hàng đầu.
Công dụng của thuốc đặc trị Viêm Tai Giữa Đông Y Nam Hoàng điều trị một số bệnh về tai như: viêm tai, viêm tai giữa cấp và mãn tính, viêm mũi, viêm mũi dị ứng, ho, viêm họng .
Hiệu quả: thuyên giảm rõ rệt sau 1-2 ngày. Sự kết hợp hoàn hảo: chữa cả tai – mũi – họng sức đề kháng, trị cả trong lẫn ngoài, dứt điểm tận gốc . Tai khô, hết viêm ngứa, hết chảy dịch mủ Kích thích cơ thể tự đào thải toàn bộ những dịch mủ viêm nhiễm ra ngoài (Trong khá trình nhỏ, những dịch mủ viêm nhiễm mắc khô lại và đẩy ra ngoài tai). Màng nhĩ ngay lập tức, khiến lành niêm mạc tai, tái tạo niêm mạc mới, khôi phục hoạt động của tai (hết ù tai, không nghe rõ). Thuốc trị viêm tai giữa hiệu quả cũng như an toàn bằng đông y Nam Hoàng
thuốc chữa viêm tai ứ dịch hướng dẫn dùng thuốc đặc chữa trị viêm tai giữa Nam Hoàng sử dụng tăm bông vệ sinh sạch vùng bệnh. Xịt 1-2 giọt dung dịch thuốc vào thành tai khoảng 2 lần/ngày và điều trị liên tục từ 7- 14 ngày phụ thuộc trên tình trạng bệnh. Sau đấy nhẹ nhõm xoa bóp để giúp thuốc thấm sâu hơn cũng như phát huy tác dụng. Lưu ý: không xịt sâu trực tiếp vào màng nhỉ.
Để trị tận gốc bệnh bạn bắt buộc kiêng trì dùng thuốc, nếu bạn rất nặng bệnh sẽ càng lâu dài. Do vậy nếu bạn gặp những triệu chứng cũng như biểu hiện về bệnh hãy nhanh chóng liên hệ với chúng tôi.
Đặt mua thuốc trị viêm tai giữa đông y Nam Hoàng nhấn vào link Sau đây
Thuốc Đặc chữa Viêm Tai Giữa Đông Y Nam Hoàng
một số giải pháp phòng ngừa tái phát viêm tai giữa mũ dịch Để tránh tái phát bệnh viêm tai giữa có dịch, bạn phải thực hiện những biện pháp sau:
chữa trị dứt điểm các bệnh lý nhiễm trùng đường hô hấp khác như viêm amidan, viêm VA, cảm cúm,… Tránh một số tác nhân dẫn tới dị ứng tai như thuốc xịt tóc, nước hoa, đồ trang sức, tai nghe,… kiểm tra tai mũi họng thường xuyên, nhất là đối với trẻ nhỏ. Tránh để nước ứ đọng trong tai bằng cách dùng nút đeo tai lúc tắm hay bơi lội. khi có biểu hiện ù tai hoặc giảm sức nghe, buộc phải đến ngay bệnh viện để được chẩn đoán cũng như điều trị. Diễn tiến và triệu chứng của bệnh viêm tai giữa ứ dịch thường chậm và không phải tính đặc trưng cao. Điều này dễ dẫn đến hiện tượng chủ quan và làm bệnh duy trì trong một thời gian dài. Do đó bạn buộc phải chú ý các dấu hiệu của cơ thể và chủ động đến bệnh viện trong một số trường hợp cần thiết.
Phía trên là những thông tin tham khảo bạn viêm tai ứ dịch Nếu có thắc mắc hãy liên hệ với chúng tôi qua các thông tin bên dưới chúng tôi sẵn sàng tư vấn hoàn toàn miễn phí
có thể bạn tham khảo: Đau tai phải khi nuốt nước bọt Bệnh viêm tai giữa ở người lớn viêm tai giữa trẻ em
Đỗ Xuân Tính Bác sĩ Đỗ Xuân Tính chuyên khoa Da liệu, Y học cổ truyền. Với hơn 17 năm kinh nghiệm trong khám và điều trị các bệnh lý về da liễu như hắc lào, lang ben, tổ đỉa. Đã điều trị khỏi và thành công cho rất nhiều người khhi thăm khám tại bệnh viện da liễu bác sĩ. Tôi luôn muốn mang kinh nghiệm của mình để mang đến sức khoẻ của mọi người
Sơ lược về Bác sĩ - Đỗ Xuân Tính :
Sinh năm: 1979 Nơi sinh: Thanh Xuân , Hà Nội Thầy thuốc ưu tú, Thạc sĩ Bác sĩ CK III. Chuyên khoa: Y học Cổ Truyền, Da Liễu. Gần 17 năm kinh nghiệm nghiên cứu các bài thuốc y học cổ truyền, tối ưu và nhược hoá khuyết điểm của từng bài thuốc để mang lại hiệu quả tốt nhất cho bệnh nhân.
Hiện bác sĩ đã chuyển sang công tác tại Sức khoẻ Vabuta, để có thể ứng dụng những kiến thức về đông y vào để có thể điều trị các bệnh về da liễu một tốt nhất cho quá trình điều trị của bệnh nhân
Trong suốt 17 năm công tác trong lĩnh vực Y học cổ truyển đã đạt được rất nhiều bằng khen, giấy khen của Sở y tế và đạt được nhiều thành công trong lĩnh vực đông y kèm thêm về da liễu, bác sĩ Độ Xuân Tính luôn cho ra những bài thuốc về đông y để điều trị các bệnh về tận gốc bệnh hắc lào, lang ben, vảy nến và tổ đỉa
Bằng tất cả tài năng, sự tâm huyết và tình yêu nghề sâu sắc. Bác sĩ quyết định đồng hành cùng bệnh nhân của mình để chiến đấu với bệnh tật, phục hồi sức khoẻ.
Xem thêm: 3 Cách trị bé bị nổi mẩn đỏ ở lưng và bụng bằng dân gian ngay tại nhà
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Resident Microbes of Urethra
CNS (except S. Saprophyticus)
Viridans and NH strep
Diphtheroids (Corynebacterium spp. except urealyticum)
Nonpathogenic Neisseria spp.
Anaerobic cocci
Propionibacterium spp.
Anaerobic gram-negative bacilli
Commensal Mycobacterium spp.
Commensal Mycoplasma spp.
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Top medical open access journal- BJSTR Journal
Corynebacterium Urealyticum Bacteremia in A Hemodialysis Patient with Perm Catheter Infection by Chen Yi Liao* in Biomedical Journal of Scientific & Technical Research https://biomedres.us/fulltexts/BJSTR.MS.ID.001735.php
Aim: The aim of this stud was to present a case with unusual Corynebacterium infection with recurrent perm catheter infection Back Ground: Corynebacterium urealyticum (Corynebacterium CDC group D2 bacterium) is an aerobic, catalase-positive, gram positive bacillus with the typical appearance of diphtheroids that is unable to acidify carbohydrate, has strong urease activity, and is resistant to multiple antibiotics. It has been associated mainly with infections of the urinary tract. The isolation of this organism in cases of other infection is highly unusual. Case Description: A 72-year-old female perm catheter infection due to a case of C. urealyticum that had developed recurrent spiking fever while undergoing hemodialysis through the subclavian catheter site. The final wound and blood cultures yielded C. urealyticum, which was confirmed to be a catheter-related bloodstream infection. Conclusion: Appropriate antibiotic therapy and immediately removal of perm catheter is of paramount importance in C. urealyticum catheter infection. Clinical significance: persistent perm site redness and unknown origin infection should always put in perm catheter infection in mind
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'Prob-eye-otics' could be the future of eye disease treatment
New Post has been published on https://nexcraft.co/prob-eye-otics-could-be-the-future-of-eye-disease-treatment/
'Prob-eye-otics' could be the future of eye disease treatment
The eye has a collection of microbes living on the surface that keep it healthy. (photoJS/Shutterstock.com/)
You may be familiar with the idea that your gut and skin are home to a collection of microbes—fungi, bacteria and viruses—that are vital for keeping you healthy. But did you know that your eyes also host a unique menagerie of microbes? Together, they’re called the eye microbiome. When these microbes are out of balance—too many or too few of certain types—eye diseases may emerge.
With a recent study showing bacteria live on the surface of the eye and stimulate protective immunity, scientists are beginning to discover the microbial factors that can be exploited to create innovative therapies for a range of eye disorders like Dry Eye Disease, Sjogren’s Syndrome and corneal scarring. One day it may be possible to engineer bacteria to treat eye diseases in humans.
I’m an immunologist studying how the eye prevents infection. I became interested in this field because humans get only two eyes, and understanding how bacteria affect immunity may be the key to avoiding up to 1 million visits to the doctor for eye infections and save $174 million per year in the U.S. alone.
Eye microbiome
When discussing the microbiome, most scientists usually think of the gut, and deservedly so; researchers think one colon can harbor more than 10 trillion bacteria. That being said, more attention is now being focused on the impact microbiomes have at other sites, including the skin, and areas with very few bacteria, like the lungs, vagina and eyes.
For the last decade, the role of the microbiome in ocular health was controversial. Scientists believed that healthy eyes lacked an organized microbiome. Studies showed that bacteria from the air, hands or eyelid margins could be present on the eye; however, many believed these microbes were simply killed or washed away by the continual flow of tears.
Wearing contact lenses alters the eye microbiome. (Andrey_Popov/Shutterstock.com/)
Only recently have scientists concluded that the eye does, indeed, harbor a “core” microbiome that appears dependent on age, geographic region, ethnicity, contact lens wear and state of disease. The “core” is limited to four genera of bacteria Staphylococci, Diphtheroids, Propionibacteria, and Streptococci. In addition to these bacteria, torque teno virus, implicated in some intraocular diseases, also counts as a member of the core microbiome as it is present on the surface of the eye of 65% of healthy individuals.
This suggests that doctors should think more deeply about the risks and benefits to the microbiome when prescribing antibiotics. The antibiotics may kill bacteria that are providing a benefit to the eye.
In a recent study spanning more than a decade and including more than over 340,000 patients in the U.S., the authors found that antibiotics were used to treat 60% of acute conjunctivitis (pink eye) cases. But viral infections are the most likely causes of pink eye, and not treatable with antibiotics. More striking, even cases caused by bacteria often resolve in 7 to 10 days without intervention. It is well known that excessive or inappropriate antibiotic use can disrupt the microbiome, leading to infection, autoimmunity and even cancer.
Discovering an eye-colonizing microbe
Within the past decade, studies assessing the eye microbiome and disease have boomed. They’ve generated an immense amount of data, but most of it is correlative. This means that certain bacteria have been linked to certain diseases, like Sjogren’s Syndrome or bacterial keratitis. However, whether these bacteria are causing these diseases is still unknown.
During my time at the National Eye Institute, I used mice to identify whether bacteria at the surface of the eye could stimulate an immune response to protect the eye from blinding pathogens like the bacterium Pseudomonas aeuruginosa.
<em>C. mast</em> bacteria (green) living on the surface of a mouse eye. (Tony St. Leger, CC BY-SA/)
In 2016, ocular immunologist Rachel Caspi at the National Eye Institute and I hypothesized that protective bacteria were living near or on the eye. Indeed, we found a resident bacterium, Corynebacterium mastitidis (C. mast), that stimulates immune cells to produce and release antimicrobial factors that kill harmful microbes into the tears.
Through a series of experiments, the Caspi lab was able to show for the first time a causal relationship between C. mast and a protective immune response. Whenever C. mast was present on the eye surface, mice were more resistant to two species of bacteria known to cause blindness: Candida albicans and Pseudomonas aeuruginosa.
Now, in my lab, we would like to exploit this relationship between C. mast and ocular immunity to develop novel therapies to prevent infection and possibly target more widespread diseases like Dry Eye Disease.
Engineering microbes to improve eye health
Future therapies to treat dry eye disease may contain microbes engineered to live on the eye and supply therapeutic chemicals. (Timonina/Shutterstock.com/)
The first step toward developing such therapies is figuring out how bacteria colonize the eye. For this, my lab is collaborating with the Campbell Laboratory at the University of Pittsburgh, which houses one of the most extensive collections of human ocular bacteria in the country. With our unique experimental setup with mice and advanced genetic analyses, we can use this microbial library to begin to identify specific factors required for the microbes to colonize the surface of the eye.
Then, with ophthalmologists and optometrists in the UPMC Eye Center, we are beginning to analyze the immune signatures within the eyes of healthy and diseased patients. Here, our hope is to use this technology as a new diagnostic tool to target the microbes causing disease rather than immediately treating infections with broad spectrum antibiotics that kill the good microbes too.
Finally, one of our loftier goals is to genetically engineer eye-colonizing bacteria to act as long-term delivery vehicles to the surface of the eye. In the gut, genetically modified bacteria have been shown to alleviate diseases like colitis.
We hope that this new “prob-eye-otic” therapy would act to secrete immune regulating factors, which would limit symptoms associated with conditions like Dry Eye Disease, which affects around 4 million people in the U.S. per year.
In this developing field, there is still much to learn before physicians can begin manipulating the ocular microbiome to fight disease. But one day perhaps rather than just squirting eye drops into your dry eyes, you’ll squirt in a solution with some bacteria that will colonize your eye and secrete the lubricants and other factors your body is missing. Stay tuned.
Tony St. Leger is an Assistant Professor of Ophthalmology and Immunology, University of Pittsburgh. This article was originally featured on The Conversation.
Written By Tony St. Leger/The Conversation
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There's Micro organism Dwelling on Your Eyeball, And It May Be Extra Essential Than We Assume
http://tinyurl.com/y37srfzn It’s possible you’ll be accustomed to the concept your intestine and pores and skin are residence to a group of microbes – fungi, micro organism and viruses – which can be very important for preserving you wholesome. However do you know that your eyes additionally host a singular menagerie of microbes? Collectively, they’re known as the attention microbiome. When these microbes are out of stability – too many or too few of sure varieties – eye ailments might emerge. With a latest research exhibiting micro organism reside on the floor of the attention and stimulate protective immunity, scientists are starting to find the microbial components that may be exploited to create revolutionary therapies for a spread of eye issues like Dry Eye Disease, Sjogren’s Syndrome and corneal scarring. Someday it could be attainable to engineer micro organism to deal with eye ailments in people. I’m an immunologist finding out how the attention prevents an infection. I got interested on this area as a result of people get solely two eyes, and understanding how micro organism have an effect on immunity could be the key to avoiding as much as 1 million visits to the physician for eye infections and save US$174 million per year in the U.S. alone. Eye microbiome When discussing the microbiome, most scientists often consider the intestine, and deservedly so; researchers assume one colon can harbor more than 10 trillion bacteria. That being stated, extra consideration is now being centered on the affect microbiomes have at different websites, together with the skin, and areas with only a few micro organism, just like the lungs, vagina and eyes. For the final decade, the function of the microbiome in ocular health was controversial. Scientists believed that wholesome eyes lacked an organized microbiome. Research confirmed that micro organism from the air, arms or eyelid margins could possibly be current on the attention; nonetheless, many believed these microbes have been merely killed or washed away by the continuous stream of tears. Solely just lately have scientists concluded that the attention does, certainly, harbor a “core” microbiome that seems depending on age, geographic area, ethnicity, contact lens wear and state of illness. The “core” is restricted to 4 genera of micro organism Staphylococci, Diphtheroids, Propionibacteria and Streptococci. In addition to these bacteria, torque teno virus, implicated in some intraocular ailments, additionally counts as a member of the core microbiome as it’s current on the floor of the attention of 65% of wholesome people. This means that medical doctors ought to assume extra deeply in regards to the dangers and advantages to the microbiome when prescribing antibiotics. The antibiotics might kill micro organism which can be offering a profit to the attention. In a latest research spanning greater than a decade and together with greater than over 340,000 sufferers within the U.S., the authors discovered that antibiotics were used to treat 60 percent of acute conjunctivitis (pink eye) circumstances. However viral infections are the probably causes of pink eye, and never treatable with antibiotics. Extra hanging, even circumstances brought on by micro organism usually resolve in 7-10 days without intervention. It’s well-known that extreme or inappropriate antibiotic use can disrupt the microbiome, resulting in infection, autoimmunity and even cancer. Discovering an eye-colonizing microbe Throughout the previous decade, research assessing the attention microbiome and illness have boomed. They’ve generated an immense quantity of information, however most of it’s correlative. Which means that sure micro organism have been linked to sure ailments, like Sjogren’s Syndrome or bacterial keratitis. Nonetheless, whether or not these micro organism are inflicting these ailments continues to be unknown. Throughout my time on the National Eye Institute, I used mice to establish whether or not micro organism on the floor of the attention may stimulate an immune response to guard the attention from blinding pathogens just like the bacterium Pseudomonas aeuruginosa. In 2016, ocular immunologist Rachel Caspi on the Nationwide Eye Institute and I hypothesized that protecting micro organism have been dwelling close to or on the attention. Certainly, we discovered a resident bacterium, Corynebacterium mastitidis (C. mast), that stimulates immune cells to provide and launch antimicrobial components that kill dangerous microbes into the tears. Via a sequence of experiments, the Caspi lab was capable of show for the first time a causal relationship between C. mast and a protecting immune response. At any time when C. mast was current on the attention floor, mice have been extra resistant to 2 species of micro organism recognized to trigger blindness: Candida albicans and Pseudomonas aeuruginosa. Now, in my lab, we wish to exploit this relationship between C. mast and ocular immunity to develop novel therapies to stop an infection and probably goal extra widespread ailments like Dry Eye Illness. Engineering microbes to enhance eye well being Step one towards creating such therapies is determining how micro organism colonize the attention. For this, my lab is collaborating with the Campbell Laboratory on the College of Pittsburgh, which homes probably the most intensive collections of human ocular micro organism within the nation. With our distinctive experimental setup with mice and superior genetic analyses, we will use this microbial library to start to establish particular components required for the microbes to colonize the floor of the attention. Then, with ophthalmologists and optometrists within the UPMC Eye Center, we’re starting to research the immune signatures throughout the eyes of wholesome and diseased sufferers. Right here, our hope is to make use of this expertise as a brand new diagnostic device to focus on the microbes inflicting illness reasonably than instantly treating infections with broad spectrum antibiotics that kill the nice microbes too. Lastly, one in all our loftier targets is to genetically engineer eye-colonizing micro organism to behave as long-term supply automobiles to the floor of the attention. Within the intestine, genetically modified micro organism have been proven to alleviate diseases like colitis. We hope that this new “prob-eye-otic” remedy would act to secrete immune regulating components, which might restrict signs related to situations like Dry Eye Disease, which impacts round 4 million people in the U.S. per yr. On this creating area, there may be nonetheless a lot to be taught earlier than physicians can start manipulating the ocular microbiome to combat illness. However at some point maybe reasonably than simply squirting eye drops into your dry eyes, you may squirt in an answer with some micro organism that may colonize your eye and secrete the lubricants and different components your physique is lacking. Keep tuned. Tony St. Leger, Assistant Professor of Ophthalmology and Immunology, University of Pittsburgh. This text is republished by The Conversation beneath a Inventive Commons license. Learn the original article. Source link
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Homeopathic Approach For Endocarditis
The prototypic lesion of infective endo carditis, the vegetation is a mass of platelets, fibrin, micro colonies of microorganisms, and scant inflammatory cells.
Infection most commonly involves heart valves (either native or prosthetic) but may also occur on the low-pressure side of the ventricular septum at the site of a defect, on the mural endocardium where it is damaged by aberrant jets of blood or foreign bodies, or on intracardiac devices themselves.
The analogous process involving arteriovenous shunts, arterioarterial shunts (patent ductus arteriosus), or a coarctation of the aorta is called infective endarteritis.
CLASSIFICATION: Endocarditis may be classified according to the temporal evolution of disease, the site of infection, the cause of infection, or a predisposing risk factor such as injection drug use.
While rates of congenital heart diseases remain constant, other predisposing conditions in developed countries have shifted from chronic rheumatic heart disease to illicit IV drug use, degenerative valve disease, intracardiac devices, and health care-associated infection. The incidence of endocarditis is notably increased among the elderly.
Etiology Although many species of bacteria and fungi cause sporadic episodes of endocarditis, only a few bacterial species cause the majority of cases.
The pathogens vary somewhat with the clinical types of endocarditis, in part because of different portals of entry. The oral cavity, skin, and upper respiratory tract are the respective primary portals for the viridans streptococci, staphylococci, and Haemophilus, Actinobacillus, Cardiobacterium, Eikenella, and Kingella causing community-acquired native valve endocarditis.
Streptococcus bovis originates from the gastrointestinal tract, where it is associated with polyps and colonic tumors, and enterococci enter the bloodstream from the genitourinary tract.
Prosthetic valve endocarditis arising within 2 months of valve surgery is generally the result of intraoperative contamination of the prosthesis or a bacteremic postoperative complication.
The nosocomial nature of these infections is reflected in their primary microbial causes: coagulase-negative staphylococci ,S. aureus, facultative gram-negative bacilli, diphtheroids, and fungi.
Transvenous pacemaker lead- and/or implanted defibrillator-associated endocarditis is usually nosocomial.
Endocarditis occurring among injection drug users, especially when infection involves the tricuspid valve, is commonly caused by S. aureus strains.
Number of these cases are caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Candida species, and sporadic cases are due to unusual organisms such as Bacillus, Lactobacillus, and Corynebacterium species.
Tropheryma whipplei causes an indolent, culture-negative, afebrile form of endocarditis.
Pathogenesis Organisms that cause endocarditis generally enter the bloodstream from mucosal surfaces, the skin, or sites of focal infection. Except for more virulent bacteria e.g., S. aureus that can adhere directly to intact endothelium or exposed subendothelial tissue, microorganisms in the blood adhere to sites at NBTE. If resistant to the bactericidal activity of serum and the microbicidal peptides released locally by platelets, the organisms proliferate and induce a procoagulant state at the site by eliciting tissue factor from adherent monocytes or, in the case of S. aureus, from monocytes and from intact endothelium. Fibrin deposition combines with platelet aggregation, stimulated by tissue factor and independently by proliferating microorganisms, to generate an infected vegetation.
The pathophysiologic consequences and clinical manifestations of endocarditis–other than constitutional symptoms, which probably result from cytokine production–arise from damage to intracardiac structures; embolization of vegetation fragments, leading to infection or infarction of remote tissues; hematogenous infection of sites during bacteremia.
Clinical Manifestations The clinical syndrome of infective endocarditis is highly variable and spans a continuum between acute and subacute presentations. Native valve endocarditis (whether acquired in the community or in association with health care), prosthetic valve endocarditis, and endocarditis due to injection drug use share clinical and laboratory manifestations. 1. Fever 2. Chills and sweats 3. Anorexia, weight loss, malaise 4. Myalgias, arthralgias 5. Heart murmur 6. New/worsened regurgitant murmur 7. Splenomegaly 8. Clubbing 9. Peripheral manifestations (Osler’s nodes, subungual hemorrhages, Janeway lesions, Roth’s spots)
* Anemia * Leukocytosis * Microscopic hematuria * Elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate * Elevated C-reactive protein level * Rheumatoid factor
It suits to slow pulse but primarily strong There is great weakness of cardiac tissue and secondarily pulse becomes weak Extra exertion increases its rapidity but diminishes its force This makes the pulse irregular and intermittent Heart feels as if stood still There is weakness and numbness of the left arm and often blueness of the surface of the body The patient fears that heart would stop beating if he does not make a move
The characteristic symptom in this remedy is sensation as if heart is grasped with an iron band. There is soreness and constriction of the chest and it has pains shooting to the left arm. There is edema and quick throbbing intense and hard pulse which may be intermittent. There is great irritation of cardiac nerves. Useful in intense palpitations and fluterring of heart. Difficult breathing, suffocation, fainting, violent palpitations and inability to lie down are the symptoms.
It is the remedy for painful affections of the heart. There are sharp shooting pains from the heart to the back and radiating from the heart down the arm ,over the chest and down the spine. There is palpitation worse from any movement of the arm or body. There is a purring sensation left in the cardiac region. The pulse is intermittent and the slightest motion of the arm and hands makes the patient worse. Irregular and tumultuous action of the heart is also met in this remedy.
from JournalsLINE http://journalsline.com/2017/06/01/homeopathic-approach-for-endocarditis/ from Journals LINE https://journalsline.tumblr.com/post/161312863220
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My Pathogens: Corynebacterium acnes / Propionibacterium acnes
Zits, pimples, acne! I never had very terrible acne, but I definitely had my share of zits as a teenager. And I still get the odd one from time to time. This is a very common and usually harmless bacteria that lives on our skin. When it gets trapped inside a clogged-up pore, however, it can cause small infections that lead to blisters - pimples!
Nickname: Diphtheroids
Morphology: Gram-positive club-shaped rods that have the appearance of Chinese letters
Habitat: Lives in the environment and on the skin and mucous membranes of humans and mammals
Disease or illness: Diphtheroids could cause a skin breakout of pimples, but generally these bacteria do not cause disease.
Avoidance techniques: Good hand washing, and personal hygiene (bathing)
“I’m not all that simple. I could cause a pimple”
Picture and text from: http://nanobugs.com/
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Folks, I just can’t help but share these spiritual cousins of “Dear Drooper” with you by way of Capt. Billy’s Whiz Bang--in this case, the “Questions and Answers” piece from their January 1921 number:
Dear Captain Billy--My two sisters and myself have been gratified this week by the arrival in each family of a set of twins. Kindly suggest names for these six darlings.--Patriotic Patricia. My moss-covered suggestion: "Pete and Repeat, Kate and Duplicate, and Max and Climax." *** Dear Capt. Billy--I am a sweet eighteen year old girl and last night I met a nice man with a limousine that wants to take me for a ride. ,Will it be alright to go?--Alice. Let your conscience be your guide. *** Dear Captain Billy--Do you think it would be alright if I took a tramp in the woods.--Sweet Sixteen. Yes, it's excellent exercise. *** Dear Captain Billious--I have been married a few months and my hubby is always saying our baby is a much abused creature. What do you think he means?--Mrs. Guey. He probably means that your darling baby gets a bust in the mouth every hour or so. *** Dear Captain Bull--Do you like cocktails?--Ana Monyous. Yes, I should say so. You finish the answer. *** Dear Captain Bill--I've often heard the toast: "To George Washington, first in war, first in peace, first in the hearts of his countrymen." Do you think he was always first?--Willie, age 12. Yes, with the exception that he married a widow. *** Dear Captain Billy--What kind of a woman should I marry?--Sandy Henna. Venus would be fine. She would be perfectly safe, as both her arms are missing and she couldn't throw things. *** Dear Captain Bill--What is a definition for man and woman?--Pinkie Cherry.· Man, Pinkie, is the Lord of Creation, and Woman is the lady of Recreation. *** Dear Banger--I want to be married secretly. What shall I do?--Pussy Foot. Go to a justice of the peace. *** Dear Phiz--Is strychnine effective in stopping heart·ailments.--Co-ed. Yes, if taken in sufficient quantities, strychnine will stop anything. *** Dear Captain Bill--You've been in the army, Cap, so will you kindly tell us the difference between an engagement and a battle.--Ida Clare. Yes, Ida, and I'm marrIed, too. The engagement, you realize, takes place before the marrIage. *** Dear Captain Bull--What are wedding bells?--Katinka Stinka. Lemon peals. *** Dear Captain Billy--What is the solution of the liquor problem.--A. Boozem Friend. A, solution of malt and hops contairiing about 5 per cent of water. *** Dear Farmer Bill--How's your corn crop this year? What did it go to the acre?--Acorn Farmer. Wa'al, I reckon it'll go about 350 gallons to the acre, by gum. *** Dear Doctor Billy--Will you kindly inform as ·to the bacterial proteins for cutaneous tests --Sheesa Whopper. ,- She sure is a whopper for a farmer to answer. In fact, I found it necessary to can in the professional advice of old Doc Yak, who gives this reply: The bacterial proteins are staphylococcus aureus, micrococcus tetragenus, diphtheroid, streptococcus viridans, non-haemolyticus and pneumococcus. (Thank you, doctor.) *** Dear Captain Billy--What is the- proper definition of an oyster?--G. Howie Snortz. An oyster, Mr. Snortz, is a peculiar fish better known as a bivalve and looks like a nut. *** Dear Bilious Billy--Does cider really get hard enough to cause intoxication? I have a few gallons at home and do not care to indulge in strong drink?--Molly Coddle. Hard? I should say it does, Molly. I drank three glasses one night last week while in Minneapolis and before long I thought I was crushed rock. Friends tell me I laid down on Nicollet .Avenue and tried to pull the asphalt over me. *** Dear Captain--Is it quite proper for a lady to let her husband look at her Whiz Bang?--Lotta Ginger., Quite right, we would say-providing, of course, that it's Captain Billy's. *** Dear Bill--I have been troubled with the seven-year itch. What shall I do?--Ticklish Tillie. Scratch yourself.
So, reader, what thinkest thou of this tribute?
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Why So Many Bacteria Live on the Surface of Your Eye
You may be familiar with the idea that your gut and skin are home to a collection of microbes — fungi, bacteria and viruses — that are vital for keeping you healthy. But did you know that your eyes also host a unique menagerie of microbes? Together, they’re called the eye microbiome. When these microbes are out of balance — too many or too few of certain types — eye diseases may emerge.
With a recent study showing bacteria live on the surface of the eye and stimulate protective immunity, scientists are beginning to discover the microbial factors that can be exploited to create innovative therapies for a range of eye disorders like Dry Eye Disease, Sjogren’s Syndrome and corneal scarring. One day it may be possible to engineer bacteria to treat eye diseases in humans.
I’m an immunologist studying how the eye prevents infection. I became interested in this field because humans get only two eyes, and understanding how bacteria affect immunity may be the key to avoiding up to 1 million visits to the doctor for eye infections and save US$174 million per year in the U.S. alone.
Eye microbiome
When discussing the microbiome, most scientists usually think of the gut, and deservedly so; researchers think one colon can harbor more than 10 trillion bacteria. That being said, more attention is now being focused on the impact microbiomes have at other sites, including the skin, and areas with very few bacteria, like the lungs, vagina and eyes.
For the last decade, the role of the microbiome in ocular health was controversial. Scientists believed that healthy eyes lacked an organized microbiome. Studies showed that bacteria from the air, hands or eyelid margins could be present on the eye; however, many believed these microbes were simply killed or washed away by the continual flow of tears.
Only recently have scientists concluded that the eye does, indeed, harbor a “core” microbiome that appears dependent on age, geographic region, ethnicity, contact lens wear and state of disease. The “core” is limited to four genera of bacteria Staphylococci, Diphtheroids, Propionibacteria and Streptococci. In addition to these bacteria, torque teno virus, implicated in some intraocular diseases, also counts as a member of the core microbiome as it is present on the surface of the eye of 65% of healthy individuals.
This suggests that doctors should think more deeply about the risks and benefits to the microbiome when prescribing antibiotics. The antibiotics may kill bacteria that are providing a benefit to the eye.
In a recent study spanning more than a decade and including more than over 340,000 patients in the U.S., the authors found that antibiotics were used to treat 60% of acute conjunctivitis (pink eye) cases. But viral infections are the most likely causes of pink eye, and not treatable with antibiotics. More striking, even cases caused by bacteria often resolve in 7-10 days without intervention. It is well known that excessive or inappropriate antibiotic use can disrupt the microbiome, leading to infection, autoimmunity and even cancer.
Discovering an eye-colonizing microbe
Within the past decade, studies assessing the eye microbiome and disease have boomed. They’ve generated an immense amount of data, but most of it is correlative. This means that certain bacteria have been linked to certain diseases, like Sjogren’s Syndrome or bacterial keratitis. However, whether these bacteria are causing these diseases is still unknown.
During my time at the National Eye Institute, I used mice to identify whether bacteria at the surface of the eye could stimulate an immune response to protect the eye from blinding pathogens like the bacterium Pseudomonas aeuruginosa.
In 2016, ocular immunologist Rachel Caspi at the National Eye Institute and I hypothesized that protective bacteria were living near or on the eye. Indeed, we found a resident bacterium, Corynebacterium mastitidis (C. mast), that stimulates immune cells to produce and release antimicrobial factors that kill harmful microbes into the tears.
Through a series of experiments, the Caspi lab was able to show for the first time a causal relationship between C. mast and a protective immune response. Whenever C. mast was present on the eye surface, mice were more resistant to two species of bacteria known to cause blindness: Candida albicans and Pseudomonas aeuruginosa.
Now, in my lab, we would like to exploit this relationship between C. mast and ocular immunity to develop novel therapies to prevent infection and possibly target more widespread diseases like Dry Eye Disease.
Engineering microbes to improve eye health
The first step toward developing such therapies is figuring out how bacteria colonize the eye. For this, my lab is collaborating with the Campbell Laboratory at the University of Pittsburgh, which houses one of the most extensive collections of human ocular bacteria in the country. With our unique experimental setup with mice and advanced genetic analyses, we can use this microbial library to begin to identify specific factors required for the microbes to colonize the surface of the eye.
Then, with ophthalmologists and optometrists in the UPMC Eye Center, we are beginning to analyze the immune signatures within the eyes of healthy and diseased patients. Here, our hope is to use this technology as a new diagnostic tool to target the microbes causing disease rather than immediately treating infections with broad spectrum antibiotics that kill the good microbes too.
Finally, one of our loftier goals is to genetically engineer eye-colonizing bacteria to act as long-term delivery vehicles to the surface of the eye. In the gut, genetically modified bacteria have been shown to alleviate diseases like colitis.
We hope that this new “prob-eye-otic” therapy would act to secrete immune regulating factors, which would limit symptoms associated with conditions like Dry Eye Disease, which affects around 4 million people in the U.S. per year.
In this developing field, there is still much to learn before physicians can begin manipulating the ocular microbiome to fight disease. But one day perhaps rather than just squirting eye drops into your dry eyes, you’ll squirt in a solution with some bacteria that will colonize your eye and secrete the lubricants and other factors your body is missing. Stay tuned.
Tony St. Leger, Assistant Professor of Ophthalmology and Immunology, University of Pittsburgh
This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.
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New post published on: https://www.livescience.tech/2019/06/22/why-so-many-bacteria-live-on-the-surface-of-your-eye/
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Micro organism dwell on our eyeballs—and understanding their position might assist deal with widespread eye illnesses
http://tinyurl.com/y4scav6u You could be aware of the concept your intestine and pores and skin are residence to a set of microbes—fungi, micro organism and viruses—which might be important for maintaining you wholesome. However do you know that your eyes additionally host a novel menagerie of microbes? Collectively, they’re known as the attention microbiome. When these microbes are out of stability—too many or too few of sure sorts—eye illnesses might emerge. With a latest examine exhibiting bacteria dwell on the floor of the attention and stimulate protective immunity, scientists are starting to find the microbial elements that may be exploited to create revolutionary therapies for a variety of eye issues like dry eye disease, Sjogren’s syndrome and corneal scarring. Sooner or later it could be potential to engineer micro organism to deal with eye illnesses in people. I’m an immunologist finding out how the attention prevents an infection. I took an interest on this subject as a result of people get solely two eyes, and understanding how micro organism have an effect on immunity stands out as the key to avoiding as much as 1 million visits to the physician for eye infections and save US$174 million per year in the U.S. alone. Eye microbiome When discussing the microbiome, most scientists often consider the intestine, and deservedly so; researchers assume one colon can harbor more than 10 trillion bacteria. That being stated, extra consideration is now being centered on the influence microbiomes have at different websites, together with the skin, and areas with only a few micro organism, just like the lungs, vagina and eyes. For the final decade, the position of the microbiome in ocular health was controversial. Scientists believed that wholesome eyes lacked an organized microbiome. Research confirmed that micro organism from the air, palms or eyelid margins might be current on the attention; nevertheless, many believed these microbes have been merely killed or washed away by the continuous move of tears. Solely just lately have scientists concluded that the attention does, certainly, harbor a “core” microbiome that seems depending on age, geographic area, ethnicity, contact lens wear and state of illness. The “core” is proscribed to 4 genera of micro organism Staphylococci, Diphtheroids, Propionibacteria and Streptococci. In addition to these bacteria, torque teno virus, implicated in some intraocular illnesses, additionally counts as a member of the core microbiome as it’s current on the floor of the attention of 65% of wholesome people. Future therapies to deal with dry eye illness might include microbes engineered to dwell on the attention and provide therapeutic chemical compounds. Credit score: Timonina/Shutterstock.com This means that medical doctors ought to assume extra deeply concerning the dangers and advantages to the microbiome when prescribing antibiotics. The antibiotics might kill micro organism which might be offering a profit to the attention. In a latest examine spanning greater than a decade and together with greater than over 340,000 sufferers within the U.S., the authors discovered that antibiotics were used to treat 60% of acute conjunctivitis (pink eye) instances. However viral infections are the almost certainly causes of pink eye, and never treatable with antibiotics. Extra placing, even instances attributable to micro organism typically resolve in 7-10 days without intervention. It’s well-known that extreme or inappropriate antibiotic use can disrupt the microbiome, resulting in infection, autoimmunity and even cancer. Discovering an eye-colonizing microbe Throughout the previous decade, research assessing the attention microbiome and illness have boomed. They’ve generated an immense quantity of information, however most of it’s correlative. Which means sure micro organism have been linked to sure illnesses, like Sjogren’s syndrome or bacterial keratitis. Nonetheless, whether or not these micro organism are inflicting these illnesses continues to be unknown. Throughout my time on the National Eye Institute, I used mice to establish whether or not micro organism on the floor of the attention might stimulate an immune response to guard the attention from blinding pathogens just like the bacterium Pseudomonas aeuruginosa. In 2016, ocular immunologist Rachel Caspi on the Nationwide Eye Institute and I hypothesized that protecting micro organism have been residing close to or on the attention. Certainly, we discovered a resident bacterium, Corynebacterium mastitidis (C. mast), that stimulates immune cells to supply and launch antimicrobial elements that kill dangerous microbes into the tears. Via a sequence of experiments, the Caspi lab was in a position to show for the first time a causal relationship between C. mast and a protecting immune response. Each time C. mast was current on the attention floor, mice have been extra resistant to 2 species of micro organism identified to trigger blindness: Candida albicans and Pseudomonas aeuruginosa. C. mast micro organism (inexperienced) residing on the floor of a mouse eye. Credit score: Tony St. Leger, CC BY-SA Now, in my lab, we want to exploit this relationship between C. mast and ocular immunity to develop novel therapies to stop an infection and presumably goal extra widespread illnesses like dry eye disease. Engineering microbes to enhance eye well being Step one towards creating such therapies is determining how micro organism colonize the attention. For this, my lab is collaborating with the Campbell Laboratory on the College of Pittsburgh, which homes one of the vital in depth collections of human ocular micro organism within the nation. With our distinctive experimental setup with mice and superior genetic analyses, we are able to use this microbial library to start to establish particular elements required for the microbes to colonize the floor of the attention. Then, with ophthalmologists and optometrists within the UPMC Eye Center, we’re starting to research the immune signatures inside the eyes of wholesome and diseased sufferers. Right here, our hope is to make use of this know-how as a brand new diagnostic software to focus on the microbes inflicting illness quite than instantly treating infections with broad spectrum antibiotics that kill the nice microbes too. Lastly, one in every of our loftier objectives is to genetically engineer eye-colonizing micro organism to behave as long-term supply autos to the floor of the attention. Within the intestine, genetically modified micro organism have been proven to alleviate diseases like colitis. We hope that this new “prob-eye-otic” remedy would act to secrete immune regulating elements, which might restrict signs related to circumstances like dry eye disease, which impacts round 4 million people in the U.S. per 12 months. On this creating subject, there may be nonetheless a lot to study earlier than physicians can start manipulating the ocular microbiome to struggle illness. However sooner or later maybe quite than simply squirting eye drops into your dry eyes, you may squirt in an answer with some micro organism that may colonize your eye and secrete the lubricants and different elements your physique is lacking. Keep tuned. Eye microbiome trains immune cells to fend off pathogens Offered by The Conversation This text is republished from The Conversation below a Inventive Commons license. Learn the original article. Quotation: Micro organism dwell on our eyeballs—and understanding their position might assist deal with widespread eye illnesses (2019, June 21) retrieved 21 June 2019 from https://medicalxpress.com/information/2019-06-bacteria-eyeballsand-role-common-eye.html This doc is topic to copyright. Aside from any truthful dealing for the aim of personal examine or analysis, no half could also be reproduced with out the written permission. The content material is offered for data functions solely. Source link
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