tendyculinaryfocus · 4 years
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Shortbread cookies, these are easy to make you just need flour, butter and icing sugar mix everything together then cut into desired shape then you are ready to bake in a preheated oven on 180degrees Celsius for 30minutes or until golden brown. Dip then into chocolate if desired. Enjoy😊 #tendyculinaryfocus #zimbaking #chocolates #dipcookies #chocolatecookies #sprinkler #letskeepitsafe (at Harare, Zimbabwe) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_NR-8NjIqK/?igshid=bmlw2yjixrgw
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imaginingbleach · 6 years
Toshiro and his s/o are alone in s/o backyard. It’s nice and peaceful. Suddenly, S/o throws a snowball at him.
Youwalked towards your backyard porch, a tray with hot water, tea, hotchocolate, and asmall plate of pastries that you had made a bit earlier. You gentlyplaced the tray down on the small table that sat between whereToshiro had decided to sit and where you quickly planted yourself.His brow raised slightly, looking at all the items on the tray.“Youforgot cups,” he said flatly, causing you to cover your face withyour hands.“Howcould I forget the cups?!”“Don’tworry, I’ll get them.” He quickly stood up, glancing down at thetray again before grabbing cups from the kitchen. He brought fourout, placing them on the tray, making tea for both of them. He gentlyhanded her the warm cup, taking his seat again.“Youreally seem to like hot chocolate, huh?”“Yeah!Ithink it’s really fitting that the humans like to drink it duringthe colder months! It’s sweet and warm and is really good to dipcookies in!” You grinned, gently blowing on the cup of tea in yourhands. Hestared quietly at the sky as he thought to himself, watching as smallflecks of white began to fall from above. Your eyes widened indelight, finishing your sip of tea before grinning.“It’ssnowing!” He blinked, looking over at you.“Italways snows around this time…?”“Iknow, but I never get to see the first snow of the season! It’salways the prettiest! It shows the transition from autumn to winter.”Hecouldn’t help but give a small smile in your direction, sipping histea as you both continued to watch the snow fall.
“Thewater’s cold…” You frowned, glancing towards your boyfriendwith big sad eyes. It had been about an hour of watching the snowgathering on the ground and talking since you first sat down. You hadbegun to get a bit chilly and, in your usual stubbornness, refused toget a coat and insisted that the hot chocolate would warm you rightup. That was the current issue at hand, no more hot water for the hotchocolate.“I’llget some more,” he said with a roll of his eyes, “brat.”“Loveyou, ‘Shiro!” you shouted with delight, grinning at his figure ashe disappeared inside. It only took him a few minutes to warm up somemore water, watchingthrough the kitchen window as the snow continued to fall. He wonderedhow much snow they would be getting for the first snow of the season.It didn’t usually snow this much this early—not that he minded,but he was curious to say the least. He blinked out of his thoughts,the whistle of the kettle bringing him back to the task at hand.Carefully grabbing it, he set back out to the back porch, placing itgingerly on the tray. His brows raised  at your absence, curious towhere you could have gone. He didn’t hear the door, so he knew youdidn’t go back inside. A stifled giggle caught his attention,looking out toward the snow covered yard—only to get hit in theface by a snowball. He groaned and wiped the snow off his face,giving a gentle leer towards you.“Howchildish,” he murmured, about to sit back down.“Soyou’re forfeiting?” A wide grin was plastered on your lips, handson your hips. His brows knitted together, falling for your stupidtaunt.
Itwas a little while after the snowball fight that you were lying nextto Toshiro, curled up at his side happily. You both were panting,exhausted and quite literally coveredin snow. He grumbled something under his breath, messing up your snowfilled hair.“Hey,Toshiro?” you smiled over at him, waiting for him to acknowledgeyou.“Nn?”“Youknow you don’t have to be so serious around me, right? I knowyou’re strong and super mature. You’re intelligent and amazing. Ilove you… Everythingabout you. If that means you want to throw snowballs at me one dayand have a romantic night out another, then that’s what I want youto do. I want you to feel comfortable around me, even if it meansdoing something childish. If it makes you happy… It makes mehappy.”“… Sorry…I get a little caught up sometimes… I know you love me and I loveyou too, I just…”“Noneof that…” you gently sat up, leaning over to give him a gentlekiss. He gave a soft sigh, pulling you closer and leaning into thekiss. A moment went by while the two of you stayed close together,him being the one to gently pull back.“Let’sget out of these wet clothes. I like the cold, but I’d rather notbe wet and cold.”Youcouldn’t help but giggle as he complained, dragging both of youinside to get something warmer on.
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