sworeontheriverstyx · 2 years
greek mythology retellings have so much potential to be the best storytelling medium but aren't because the people who make them are fucking unoriginal and disrespectful of ancient culture and the market (specifically booktok) eats them up like they're better than the myths themselves.
if you still vehemently hate a god, seek help.
if the first thing that comes to mind when you think greek mythology is the USA, fix your western-centric viewpoints (i admit i also need to improve on this)
if the gods in percy jackson were made up ocs and not based on real mythology, it would be a million times less disrespectful than it currently is.
ask game
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Thanks for the ask friendo <33
🌡 Fave season:
I'm gonna say either Spring or Autumn.
In spring, that's when all the flowers start coming out, and I get to walk around the woods near my grandparents' house without getting cooked alive (both because of how hot it gets here during the summer and because skin wise I am a literal vampire, literally whitest motherfuckwe to roam this planet so I get burned in a second)
Autumn for similar reasons as summer, the weather is cool, the colours of autumn are pretty as hell and I get to step on crunchy leaves. Also, that's when my birthday is, speaking of which...
📅 Your birthday
I'm doing the others in order but here I found the perfect transition so I'm doing this first.
15th of October!
🏫 Are you in school, what grade
See, that's a tricky one, because the Italian school system is completely different from America's. Basically, college is actually part of mandatory school, and so I'm already majoring in something (applied sciences, if anyone cares. It's basically advanced science + coding).
But hey, I'm turning 17 this year and Google says I should be in 12th grade so I'll go with that I guess.
📏 How tall are you
I actually haven't checked my height in forever but I must be somewhere near 160 cm, which is like 5'4.
I proudly identify as a throwable oompah loompa
(I know I'm not actually THAT short but the vast majority of my irl friends are taller than me anyway, plus I like the word oompah loompa)
📻 Fave song currently
Oh. Oh fuck.
Yeah...way to send a gal into a crisis.
Alright so I don't actually have a favorite song. With that said, here's the song I stole a lyric from and made it my life motto:
"Keep on loving what is true, and the world will come to you." It sounded so cool to 7 year old me, and I gotta say, 7 year old me was right.
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pelideswhore · 2 years
eden i was on pinterest and i saw a screenshot of one of your incorrect quotes and i went nuts like "omg i know her. i read her fic that one time"
an eden post spotted in the wild 👀
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nysus-temple · 2 years
omg spanish translations?? which ones do you recommend :0
Apologies for the small delay of this ask, I was returning home. ANYWAYS this is a topic that I control a bit more.
The sad part, tho, it's that all of these are old, old as hell. Sadly classics haven't been very important nowadays for Spanish-speaking scholars, unless they're from Ancient Rome, so :/
MY ABSOLUTE FAVOURITE because it doesn't add random things and stays loyal to the original text is from Germán Gómez de la Mata. The editorial is La Esfera de Los Libros. It's an Spanish translation from a French translation, tho, but it really follows the original text ! It doesn't demonize Odysseus, but it doesn't ignore his mistakes either, it's my favourite to re-read :)
The one from the editorial GREDOS is said to be pretty good, and the one that can be found online. It's... Again, a translation from a translation, not from Greek to Spanish. If I remember correctly, it's from French to Spanish again. This happens a lot in Spanish translations so 💀
This is the favourite one by far from the rest of the people, but not mine. It is the translation done by Luis Segalá y Estalella. There's some details that I would fix, but in general, thankfully, it's pretty accurate to the original text. The editorial is LIBRERO. The reason it's so liked besides having some mistakes that make you go ¿🤨? it's because it's translated from Greek to Spanish. But that, kind of makes it worse, since if it's translated DIRECTLY from the original language, why do you add things that weren't in the text?
Those are the best ones that I can recommend. I have more editions of the Odyssey, but they're not as good. Hope this helps, in any case !
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dark-veiled · 2 years
spencer why are you always liking my posts at like. 9 pm. WHAT is your time zone
i’m EST :3 (7 AM for me rn) sooo i probably do like all your posts at 9pm LOLOL
i’m pretty busy with school and after school stuff throughout the day and then am usually busy for a bit when i get home. so the most time i have to go on my phone is before i go to sleep!!! on school days i’m most active at like seven am (both of my first period classes are super laid back so i have time to go on my phone) and then at like nine-ten pm before i go to bed
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ladynicte · 2 years
1 & 20 for the ask game if you don't mind :)
Jeje, I don't mind at all, thank you for the ask :)
1. who is/are your comfort character(s)?
This one comes to no surprise, Nico, I love him, he's my little boy, therefore I hella project onto him, but Percy and Reyna are very close seconds for my comfort character
20. do you say soda or pop?
I say soda, I am also completely convinced nobody says pop, and it's all a hoax/j
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incohorace · 1 year
oh btw @ writer mutuals i’m making a writing group for other writer teenagers on nanowrimo so if anyone on here wants to join just know that y’all get first dibs
tagging: @diomedeia @tqsg @lalallorona @reiosun @beetrootsoupdragon @a-passing-storm <- if any of y’all have nanowrimo and want to be buddies hmu
any other moots who are teenagers whom i’ve forgotten to tag also feel free to reply to this and ask!
i’m @ pippsqueak on there :]
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sofiathewitch · 2 years
credit for the idea to @diomedeia ! Here are some dog plushies I think Ares would like.
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lesbiantrish · 1 year
diomedeia my beloved omg
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thank you @taylorswifff and @diomedeia love you besties<33
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alatismeni-theitsa · 2 years
Hollywood: hmm can't find places in greece to film my movie about Ancient Greece
Greeks:... Bruh have you been here? Did you not search locations in Greece? THERE ARE PLENTY
I think that they just never connected the Greek area and landscape to any of the Greek myths (which is the quite opposite of how Greek myths happen) and now that we became cheap, they saw that and want to come 😂 (I say this bc some movies have been set in Greece lately and perhaps some Greek myth stories will come too!)
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myvirtuesuncounted · 2 years
i was tagged by @diomedeia in this tag game, thanks for tagging me!
1. are you named after anyone?
not that i know of
2. when was the last time you cried?
a month ago maybe? idk
3. do you have kids?
i am a minor so no.
4. do you use sarcasm a lot?
yeah i do /gen
5. what is the first thing you notice about people?
idk, their mannerisms maybe?
6. what color are your eyes?
7. scary movies or happy endings?
happy endings!
8. any special talents?
9. where were you born?
10. what are your hobbies?
reading, sometimes drawing, and making playlists
11. do you have any pets?
i have a dog <3
12. what sports do you/have you played
i don't play any know but i used to swim and play volleyball
13. how tall are you?
no clue lol 156 cm maybe?
14. favorite subjects in school?
physics, literature, and history
15. dream job?
something in astronomy/aerospace
open tags!
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(This includes you @diomedeia , obviously)
Here's some of the best of their interactions from the first 7 chapters of The Eighth Arrow.
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Had to be pretty selective because Tumblr only allows 10 pictures max per post, but honestly these two are just so fun, they play off each other too well.
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pelideswhore · 2 years
7,8, 24, & 70 for the ask game :)
7: What did you last eat?
A shawarma! 10/10, loved it
8: Played any sport?
I am quite possibly the laziest person you'd ever encounter, so no, but if I had to pick, I would choose badminton
24: What are/were your favourite subjects?
Biology and English will always be my go-to, and when I had it, I was quite great at Latin as well.
70: Is there anyone you would die for?
Yes, but only for my sisters.
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dark-veiled · 2 years
do i have nicole vibes to you (random ik but answer for science pls)
hiii nini!!
i think you do! but i think that “nico” suits you well! i could def see and understand both :3
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incohorace · 1 year
and rb with what you got so i can psychoanalyse you
@beetrootsoupdragon @tqsg @diomedeia @reiosun @lalallorona @a-passing-storm @panromantic-frog1 PLS TELL ME I HAVEN'T FORGOTTEN ANYONE 🙏
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