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Character tropes
Joseph Fenn
Adorably Precocious Child: He's a skilled mechanic, earning him the respect of the pirates’ mechanic.
Badass Adorable: He does a pretty decent job of holding off pirates pretty much single-handedly, not to mention surviving a warlock’s attempts to kill him.
Deadpan Snarker: He has his moments.
Declaration of Protection: He and Verne agree to protect Magias before her Establishing Character Moment.
Jumped at the Call: "This is actually the most exciting thing that's ever happened to me!"
Masculine Girl, Feminine Boy: Joseph is more soft-hearted in contrast to boisterous Magias.
Nice Guy: Joseph is a very sweet guy.
Stellification: In the end, he goes back to Nimbia to live as a star alongside Magias.
Artifact of Power: Anyone who holds the heart of a star is granted power and long life. It turns out that metaphorically possessing the heart, i.e. the love, of a star has the exact same effect.
Badass Adorable: This becomes clear in her first scene.
Bag of Kidnapping: An unconscious Magias is stuffed into one of these when Captain Radcliff’s crew first get their hands on her. Upon regaining consciousness, she manages to break free on her own by using her powers as a star to burn the sack. Later, when the pirates ambush the trio at home, she’s tied in a fire-proof sack which she manages to stick her head out of. This time, she talks the pirates into letting her and the boys go, offering to team up with them in exchange.
Big Eater: Which makes her a fitting dinner partner with the pirates.
Boisterous Bruiser: She's brash, and if her interactions with Verne are any indication, she's not one for respecting personal boundaries.
Catch a Falling Star: In a very literal sense — she is a star that fell to Earth and was caught by Joseph.
Defiant Captive: She is completely uncooperative with Murik's plans for her, later standing up to him quite gloriously.
Establishing Character Moment: She’s introduced as a kind of Damsel in Distress, but quickly manages to free herself when opportunity strikes. Her first lines establish her personality as brash and hot-tempered.
Fish out of Water: She’s not exactly well-versed in human behavior; for example, she has no idea what a bath is. Justified in that stars can only watch the world from a distance, and they can't hear or interact with earthlings.
I Am Who?: She's a descendant of the Nimbian royal family, making her a princess.
Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Headstrong, aggressive, and a bit vain. You'd be hard-pressed to find a more kind and loyal star, however.
Little Miss Snarker: For a star who spent most of her life in the sky, she sure can be quite snarky.
MacGuffin Super-Person: Magias is this, being a fallen star who can glow to vaporize evildoers and whose heart grants great power and longevity.
Masculine Girl, Feminine Boy: Magias is boisterous and has a fighting spirit, while Joseph is more soft-hearted in contrast.
Mysterious Waif: She is just some girl who falls from the sky into Joseph’s arms one night.
Overly Long Name: Her full name. Magias Chau Diolex La Nimbia.
Phlebotinum Girl: She is the personification of the Magias star and her heart is coveted by the Big Bad.
Phosphor-Essence: Magias has this ability, glowing more brightly the stronger her emotions are.
Power Glows: Her ability to shine is more than aesthetic, as she uses it to burn her way out of the sack the pirates stuffed her into, and later vaporizes Murik when she really shines.
The Power of Love: What allows her to defeat Murik. Joseph kissing her makes her so happy she glows bright enough to explode the warlock.
Really Royalty Reveal: She's a Nimbian princess, and the direct heir to the throne. She's not at all happy to learn this, so she gives the title to Crona.
Road Trip Romance: She falls for Joseph on their quest to return her home.
Sci-Fi Bob Haircut: A dusty brown one, which turns gold when she shines.
Sleep Cute: She isn't any less cute when she is awake.
Sentient Star: A star that fell from space and takes the form of a young girl.
Snark-to-Snark Combat: With Verne.
Stars Are Souls: In this case, people, when they fall to Earth.
Supernatural Gold Eyes: Gets these whenever she shines.
Sweet Polly Oliver: She disguises herself as a boy to escape the pirates.
What Measure Is a Non-Human?: She finds herself on the receiving end of this quite a bit. She gets shot down and stuffed into a sack like a priceless artifact by the pirates just because she's a star rather than a human. Only Joseph and Verne are willing to accept that she’s a person, and the pirates later come to view her this way, being confronted with this reality. Unfortunately, other characters think nothing of wanting to butcher her and take her heart for themselves just to attain power.
Verne Scarborough
Deadpan Snarker: Has tendencies of this.
Declaration of Protection: He and Joseph agree to protect Magias before her Establishing Character Moment. Afterwards, he takes back his promise, but still decides to help his friend return the star home.
Hidden Badass: He takes out a collective of puppet soldiers with martial arts.
Snark-to-Snark Combat: With Magias, and later Ike.
Took a Level in Badass: Toward the end, he finally takes initiative to help Joseph save Magias, not to mention singlehandedly taking out an army of puppet soldiers.
Ike Radcliff
Cowardly Lion: He'll bitch and complain but, when the chips are down, he'll do the right thing.
Deadpan Snarker: He's generally not deadpan (though he does have his moments), but he's definitely sarcastic.
Determinator: Arguably more vulnerable than the rest of the characters, but makes up for it in guile and gumption.
The Drag-Along: He's more concerned with staying out of danger, and, as a Card Carrying Coward, is none too happy with being dragged along on some wacky adventure every other day with his dad.
The Dragon: In the first act.
Fiery Redhead: Has red hair and attitude.
Hair-Trigger Temper: Ike is a hot-tempered and easily angered character in contrast to his somewhat calmer father.
Hidden Depths: There's actually a braver and more noble side to Ike. He just chooses to pretend it isn't there as much as he can, because it always gets him into trouble. Also, he's surprisingly informed on magic and arcana, having learned from his late mother.
The Imp: Loud, motor-mouthed and less than moral, as well as having a propensity to stir up trouble, intentionally and otherwise.
Jerk with a Heart of Gold: He’s actually a good guy, but is still usually out for himself alone and greedy to a fault.
Money Fetish: Unabashedly the greediest member of the film and always eager for treasure and cash.
Sarcastic Devotee: He is this to both his father and later Joseph.
Cloudcuckoolander: No matter what's going on around him, all Crona does is draw sheep. He also tends to space out a lot.
Expy: Was inspired by The Little Prince.
Mad Artist: He's an artist and an oddball.
Overly Long Name: His full name is Crona Sagata Iguarus Xenorida.
Phosphor-Essence: He can shine blue in contrast to Magias’s gold.
Power Glows: Well, he is a star.
The Quiet One: He’s a star of few words.
Sentient Star: He’s a star in the form of a boy, and an inhabitant of Nimbia.
Shrinking Violet: He’s a bit nervy and quiet.
Unexpected Successor: Magias makes him the heir of Nimbia after the climax.
Captain Endicott Radcliff
Big Bad Ensemble: At the beginning of the movie, Radcliff VS Murik. Until it becomes clear the captain is really a good guy.
Cool Airship: His ship, the Lucky Pegasus.
Defeat Means Friendship: Once Joseph manages to outrace Radcliff, he respects the boy enough to take him and the others onto his pirate crew.
Drives Like Crazy: In the chase scene while in the automobile. Holy cow.
Enemy Mine: Teams up with the main trio because of their mutual enemy, Murik, as well as their mutual interest/need for Nimbia.
Good Is Not Soft: He's gruff, doesn't go out of his way to help other people, and steals whatever he can get his hands on, but he is a good person at heart.
Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Joseph even points out that Radcliff isn't as mean as he pretends to be.
Large Ham: You can tell his voice actor had fun playing this role.
Lovable Rogue: A pirate, but in the bottom he is nicer than you think.
Noble Demon: He tries to paint himself as a ruthless pirate out for nothing but treasure, but it becomes clear to the protagonists that he's much nicer than he appears, despite his claims to the contrary.
Sky Pirate: He's the captain of a band of sky pirates.
Surrounded by Idiots: Most of his crew (with the exception of his son, Ike) are pretty goofy or easy to distract. He lampshades it in the car chase scene.
Took a Level in Kindness: He gets a lot nicer when it's made more apparent that Murik's the true Big Bad.
Radcliff’s Crew
Big Eater: They need much to sustain themselves after all.
Bunny-Ears Lawyer: Some of them are pretty competent in spite of their goofiness.
The Engineer: Brooks acts as the engineer for the Lucky Pegasus.
Jabba Table Manners: They don't bother with savoir vivre.
Large Ham: Their voice actors were clearly having a lot of fun with their roles.
Punch-Clock Villain: In the first act.
Tiodan Murik
Big Bad: Plays this role to a T.
Evil Sorcerer: Duh. His entire motivation is to cut out a young girl's heart and use it to create his own empire.
Large Ham: A connoisseur of fine ham if there ever was one.
Technicolor Fire: His magic manifests as green flame.
Surrounded by Idiots: How he views his puppet soldiers.
The Puppets
Eyes Out of Sight: All of them have eye obscuring bangs, and there is one exact frame where one of their eyes can be seen.
Red Eyes, Take Warning: The one frame we get to see one of the puppets' eyes, it's glowing red.
The Gilded King and the Silver Queen
Cheerful Child: Both are childlike and jovial.
Cosmic Entity: They are more akin to gods rather than stars.
God Is Good: Effectively Nimbia's gods, and both are portrayed as lovable.
Goo-Goo-Godlike: While they are a Time Abyss, they are mentally and physically young children. Their clothes also bear similarities to pajamas just to reinforce their childishness.
King in the Mountain: They’re both asleep when our protagonists find them. Magias’s starlight at the end of the climax is what wakes them up.
Mystical White Hair: They both have this.
Vague Age: We don't know exactly how old they are; their demeanor is generally that of children, but they've been alive for centuries, at least long enough to predate Nimbia.
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A Star of Nimbia
In the country of Adalla, young Joseph Fenn is told the legend of the floating kingdom of Nimbia, the “land where fallen stars go”, ruled by the Gilded King and the Silver Queen. Joseph’s father, Edward, is later summoned to fight in a civil war. His side is successful, but Edward is killed in action. Years later, Joseph, still believing in Nimbia, helps his mother Rhoda run their family farm. One night, a group of air pirates, led by Captain Endicott Radcliff, are hunting stars for their magical properties; They shoot a star down over the Fenn farm. Seeing this while stargazing with his neighbor, Verne Scarborough, Joseph manages to catch the star, personified as a girl named Magias. The pirates soon arrive and try to capture her, but during the ensuing scuffle, Magias awakens and frees herself while also driving the pirates away by emitting a blinding light which attracts the attention of the warlock Tiodan Murik. Recognizing her unique light, the warlock resolves to capture the fallen star for himself; He sends his wooden puppet soldiers to find Magias, who is being tended to by Joseph. Magias tells him and Verne her full name — Magias Chau Diolex La Nimbia — revealing her as a Nimbian royal descendant. The boys resolve to bring Magias to Nimbia. The next morning, the pirates return to town to pursue Joseph, Magias and Verne, who fall into the sewers. The trio meet a ragtag group of sewer dwellers, who guide them back to the surface. Near the exit, the wooden soldiers find them and try to capture Magias, but the vagabonds manage to set them all on fire. Sensing this, Murik sets out with a gigantic puppet soldier to find Magias. Leaving the sewers, Joseph and Magias begin to bond, causing her to shine. The giant puppet, drawn to the light, tries to capture her, but the trio narrowly evade both it and Murik. During the chase, Magias’s starlight beams in the direction of Nimbia. The three return home for supplies, where Radcliff and his pirates, having caught Joseph’s mother, await and capture them. Magias suggests that both the boys and the pirates join forces on their quest to find Nimbia. Aboard Radcliff’s airship, the Lucky Pegasus, he provides the trio with new clothes, teaches them how to fight, and instructs them on how to turn the lookout, the Hummingbird, into a miniature flying machine, giving them a higher vantage point. The group are unaware that Murik and his puppets are following on the giant puppet. Verne spots a swirl of clouds in an approaching hurricane. Recognizing the clouds from his father's stories, Joseph tells Radcliff they have found Nimbia and insists that they head toward the eye of the storm. However, Murik appears, the giant puppet severing the Hummingbird from the Lucky Pegasus, sending the three and Radcliff’s son, Ike, into the clouds. The quintet safely reaches Nimbia, which is inhabited by few personified stars. The Gilded King and the Silver Queen have been in slumber for centuries, leaving the kingdom to slowly decay. To further complicate things, the puppets plunder the city, with the pirates as their captives. With the help of the star Crona, the four frees the pirates, but Murik captures Magias, taking her into the center of Nimbia, where he reveals himself to be half-star, declaring his plans to use her heart to create his own kingdom of stars. Joseph and his friends rally the stars of Nimbia to pursue Murik, while Magias, disgusted by Murik’s plans, flees with the puppet soldiers in pursuit. The others fight off the puppets as Murik corners Magias in the throne room, where she rebukes him. Joseph arrives and bargains for a brief truce, allowing the two to embrace. As they kiss, their love allows Magias to shine brighter than before, killing Murik and awakening the Gilded King and the Silver Queen. The inhabitants of Nimbia celebrate as the group reunites with the pirates and Magias makes Crona the new heir of Nimbia. All return to Earth, where, after the Nimbians tell Rhoda of Joseph’s heroisim, Joseph and Magias part ways. Sometime later, however, as life on the Fenn farm improves, Magias returns with Crona, and Rhoda and Verne agree to allow Joseph to live in Nimbia as a star.
#original story#fantasy#No one actually did this prompt so I decided to do it myself#Inspired by Stardust and Castle in the Sky
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April 2, 2021: Collect for Good Friday #diolex #holyweek2021 #episcopal #prayer #bethechurch #bethechange (at Corbin, Kentucky) https://www.instagram.com/p/CNL_OhuBx-w/?igshid=3rbrlrdlk7eh
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Looking for a Lenten Discipline? 5 Spiritual Exercises with DIOLEX
Looking for a Lenten Discipline? 5 Spiritual Exercises with DIOLEX
The Diocese of Lexington (KY) is offering a 5-week “Spiritual Exercise” formation class. The live Zoom sessions started last week, but you can view the videos for yourself at your own pace. Tonight (March 1, 2021) I will be leading a discussion of the importance of the study of the Bible. All Five Exercises are: prayer, gratitude, service, study, and sharing. More details are below or can be…
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finally platinumed this game.....
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Reposted from @ynotdiecast - All about the tiny details. Photo by @cmgh_garage - - - ◎◎◎What do you do today? Why not diecast?◎◎◎ • • • • • #TB to building the MK3 Golf Variant #CMGHserviceCar sponsored by @diolexproduction Scratchbuilt and kitbashed accessories. #diolex #tamiya #fujimi #vwgolf #vwgolfmk3 #mk3golf #mk3variant #adac #adacstrassenwacht #porsche #porsche959 #porsches #carminered #adacyellow #cmgh #custommodelgaragehungary #cmghgarage #scalemodelling #scalemodels #124models #124scale #decals #artwork #patina @atoyz_ #atoyz #ynotdiecast https://www.instagram.com/p/Bz2-Reup_aC/?igshid=6gufp80j02o2
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A Star of Nimbia
In the country of Adalla, young Joseph Fenn is told the legend of the floating kingdom of Nimbia, the “land where fallen stars go”, ruled by the Gilded King and the Silver Queen. Joseph’s father, Edward, is later summoned to fight in a civil war. His side is successful, but Edward is killed in action. Years later, Joseph, still believing in Nimbia, helps his mother Rhoda run their family farm. One night, a group of air pirates, led by Captain Endicott Radcliff, are hunting stars for their magical properties; They shoot a star down over the Fenn farm. Seeing this while stargazing with his neighbor, Verne Scarborough, Joseph manages to catch the star, personified as a girl named Magias. The pirates soon arrive and try to capture her, but during the ensuing scuffle, Magias awakens and frees herself while also driving the pirates away by emitting a blinding light which attracts the attention of the warlock Tiodan Murik. Recognizing her unique light, the warlock resolves to capture the fallen star for himself; He sends his wooden puppet soldiers to find Magias, who is being tended to by Joseph. Magias tells him and Verne her full name — Magias Chau Diolex La Nimbia — revealing her as a Nimbian royal descendant. The boys resolve to bring Magias to Nimbia. The next morning, the pirates return to town to pursue Joseph, Magias and Verne, who fall into the sewers. The trio meet a ragtag group of sewer dwellers, who guide them back to the surface. Near the exit, the wooden soldiers find them and try to capture Magias, but the vagabonds manage to set them all on fire. Sensing this, Murik sets out with a gigantic puppet soldier to find Magias. Leaving the sewers, Joseph and Magias begin to bond, causing her to shine. The giant puppet, drawn to the light, tries to capture her, but the trio narrowly evade both it and Murik. During the chase, Magias’s starlight beams in the direction of Nimbia. The three return home for supplies, where Radcliff and his pirates, having caught Joseph’s mother, await and capture them. Magias suggests that both the boys and the pirates join forces on their quest to find Nimbia. Aboard Radcliff’s airship, the Lucky Pegasus, he provides the trio with new clothes, teaches them how to fight, and instructs them on how to turn the lookout, the Hummingbird, into a miniature flying machine, giving them a higher vantage point. The group are unaware that Murik and his puppets are following on the giant puppet. Verne spots a swirl of clouds in an approaching hurricane. Recognizing the clouds from his father's stories, Joseph tells Radcliff they have found Nimbia and insists that they head toward the eye of the storm. However, Murik appears, the giant puppet severing the Hummingbird from the Lucky Pegasus, sending the three and Radcliff’s son, Ike, into the clouds. The quintet safely reaches Nimbia, which is inhabited by few personified stars. The Gilded King and the Silver Queen have been in slumber for centuries, leaving the kingdom to slowly decay. To further complicate things, the puppets plunder the city, with the pirates as their captives. With the help of the star Crona, the four frees the pirates, but Murik captures Magias, taking her into the center of Nimbia, where he reveals himself to be half-star, declaring his plans to use her heart to create his own kingdom of stars. Joseph and his friends rally the stars of Nimbia to pursue Murik, while Magias, disgusted by Murik’s plans, flees with the puppet soldiers in pursuit. The others fight off the puppets as Murik corners Magias in the throne room, where she rebukes him. Joseph arrives and bargains for a brief truce, allowing the two to embrace. As they kiss, their love allows Magias to shine brighter than before, killing Murik and awakening the Gilded King and the Silver Queen. The inhabitants of Nimbia celebrate as the group reunites with the pirates and Magias makes Crona the new heir of Nimbia. All return to Earth, where, after the Nimbians tell Rhoda of Joseph’s heroisim, Joseph and Magias part ways. Sometime later, however, as life on the Fenn farm improves, Magias returns with Crona, and Rhoda and Verne agree to allow Joseph to live in Nimbia as a star.
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March 29, 2021: Collect for Monday in Holy Week #diolex #holyweek2021 #episcopal #prayer #bethechurch #bethechange (at Corbin, Kentucky) https://www.instagram.com/p/CNBsOBOhT_6/?igshid=10ow6chqn0xm9
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will most likely make this blog neater later, just wanted to quickly setup a new blog for future use
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