#din needs a fucking hug I swear to god
s-4pphics · 1 year
dial. 5 (e.w.)
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wc;cw: 3.9k, fratadjacent!ellie, all ocs r black coded<3, angst, weed, nun crazy… yet😝😝😝😝
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You’re finally a fucking senior! Joy to the queer world! 
After barely surviving your last term due to heartbreak and an intense depressive episode, the future ahead of you brightened the second you stepped into your aunt's home. Your summer was the highlight of your year… maybe even your life. What had you done in your past life to be blessed with such an amazing auntie? 
She took you any and everywhere you wanted to go. You never imagined Iceland would be the home country you wished to be born in. The mountains, the bright green grass, the fucking waterfalls you only dreamt of diving into. You became a mermaid the second you and Niah jumped into the Reykjadalur River. 
Every fiber of your being rejuvenated after your much needed break, and you were ready to get through your last year without chips on your shoulder. Fuck everyone from your past!
Moving in was always the worst part of the year. As much as you loved decorating, you never fully threw yourself into it until your third week on campus. Your fairy lights would have to sit in their box until you got your schedule in order. 
You and Niah trekked back and forth from your dorm to your auntie’s truck, hauling in box after box until your arms burned. Your back was already killing you. 
“Fucking son of a bitch— “
You interrupted Niah’s exhausted exclamations, “Swear ja— “
“Bitch, fuck you! I'm grown!” She dropped the last box near your work desk before slumping onto your chair. 
“Alright, my loves!” Your aunt entered your shared room with bags of new bedding. “This is the last of it. Need help making your bed?” 
You blankly stared at your aunt, and she smiled slyly, “Don’t look at me like that! You’re my baby!” 
You shook your head, snagging the neatly wrapped blankets from her hands, tossing them to the floor and engulfing her in the tightest hug you could muster. 
“I love you,” you mumbled into her shoulder. 
“I love you, baby. You’re almost done, you got this,” she kissed your cheek a dozen times before pulling back to plant more on your forehead. And nose. 
“Want me t’walk you out?” 
“I got it. Unpack and get comfy. I’ll see you in a couple months, okay?” She bopped your nose and you nodded, embracing her one last time before seeing her out. Niah gave her a goodbye hug and watched her dodge exhausted bodies down the hallway. 
Niah helped you set up your mattress topper and stuffed your pillow cases before your phone vibrated in your pocket. 
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“Dina’s having din-din downstairs in a feeew,” you sing-songed, “Come with us?” You gave Niah the best puppy dog eyes you could muster, her lips pursing as she glared at you. 
“Girl… Y’all always wanna do shit when I’m fucking tired— “
She sighed heavily before conceding, “If that bitch show up, I swear to god— “
“Dina wouldn’t let that happen,” you defended. 
“Oh, she wouldn’t? Really?” Niah scowled. 
“Stop,” you huffed in agitation, “Nothing that happened was her fault. She did what she could at the time.” 
Niah and Dina never explained to you why their relationship rifted, but you could only assume that it was due to you and Ellie falling out. They haven’t spoken since the beginning of summer, according to Niah, and it upset you greatly. You all used to fall asleep on the phone together every night during your scheduled breaks, and now you were hesitant to have them in the same room. 
You were never against Dina and Ellie being friends, even after she blew up on you; They grew up right next to each other, for fucks sake! They’ve always had a strong bond, and not even Dina’s loyalty to you would ruin that. Niah would just have to understand. 
Your best friend rolled her eyes, but dropped the tensity in her shoulders. 
“I’m not eating.” 
You pouted. 
“I don’t care about that,” she pointed at your stuck-out lip, “Get my purse.” 
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The booth you shared with your friends in the dining hall was tense. 
You awkwardly forked your pasta while Niah and Dina stared at each other. You didn’t notice any hatred in their gaze, but the fire was there without a doubt. 
This was the worst dinner ever. 
“Sooo…” you twirled your noodles, “How was your summer, Dee!” 
Your bright smile dropped at her empty response, but you tried again. 
“Cool! Did anything exciting happen? I saw you and Jess traveled a bit!”
“We did.” 
Your eyes flickered between your two friends, their eyes distant. 
“Guys, c’mon! This is so stupid!” You nearly threw your fork on your plate. “Why are y’all even mad at each othe— “
“I’m not fucking mad— “
“Ask her that— “
Both friends brushed you off in their fit of rambles, and you exploded. 
Neighboring students began to stare at all three of you, but you couldn’t bring yourself to care. 
“I don’t fucking care about Ellie anymore! I’m over it! It’s a new fucking year and I wanna move on, but I can’t if y’all keep bringing it up every time you see each other!” Niah tried to interrupt, but you cut her off with a stern finger. 
“I know why you’re mad and I appreciate you for caring, but Dina didn’t do anything wrong! You’re taking your anger out on the wrong person!” You took some breaths through your nose to calm yourself.
“I don't wanna see y’all fighting over this bullshit anymore. I mean it! Or we’re…” you looked between them with a harsh glare. “We’re gonna have a problem.” 
Moments of thick silence passed before you heard a gentle snicker. Followed by a snort. 
Boisterous laughter escaped both your friends while you stared in confusion. 
“What’s so funny?” 
Niah clapped her hands in hysteria. 
“Who the fuck are you tryna intimidate— “
“She pulls one little prank and suddenly her balls dropped. How cute! —“
Your head jerked in Dina’s direction, “Wait—” 
“Oh! You thought I didn’t know about that shit? Seriously?” Dina wiped away tears, “You’re nasty, by the way.” 
Heat washed over your entire body at her smirk and arched brow, “My baby’s a fucking freak! Who woulda thought.” 
Niah muttered whores around her straw with a shake of her head. 
“… You still got the vid, or.” 
More laughter erupted from your table, and your arms folded across your chest. Dina’s hand met Niah’s from across the table in a high five. 
“She does still have it, not gon’ lie— “
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The second Ellie saw you, Niah, and Dina laughing through the windows of the canteen, she hit the fastest fucking U-turn of the century. Her appetite dissipated in an instant and she booked it towards the parking lot and into her car. 
She hated the physical reaction that took over her body whenever she saw you, the only thought on her mind being run, run, run. 
After her last… encounter with you and fucking Abby, she made a request to move to the complete opposite side of campus. She packed all her belongings and was out of her and Jesse’s shared place in the nick of time, surrounded by faces she wasn’t used to. The thought of switching schools raced through her mind days after it happened, but when she realized that you hadn’t had plans to broadcast your porno across the campus’ Snapchat, she was at ease.
At least for a little bit. 
Telling Dina and Jesse was, by far, one of the worst parts of this whole experience. 
She hadn’t mustered up the courage to do it until two months later when Abby brushed past her with a mere nod of acknowledgment at a house party. Her hazy mind thought that coming clean would erase some of the guilt she felt, but it was all for naught. 
All she got was a theoretical pie thrown at her face when both her best friends' exploded into the biggest laughing fit, she’d ever seen from them. They knew she deserved all the smoke she got from you and Abby after everything she did, and despite her attempts at being prideful, she knew she did too. 
You never came along when Ellie was around for the remainder of the term, and she didn’t know whether to be thankful or full of fucking shame. It became a bit of both overtime. 
She’d only seen you once after the sextape fiasco. It was during move-out week: your face was droopy and tired—probably due to finals— as you and your family hauled box after box into a truck. 
Ellie hadn’t had a reaction to anyone like that since her first fucking girlfriend. The sweaty hands, the swirls in her tummy, the jitters of her fingers. It all came back to her and she wanted to vomit. 
Looking as cuddly as you did that day shouldn’t be allowed. Ellie knew she didn’t deserve a hug from you, but she allowed her imagination to take over anyway, her subconscious completely engulfed by your scent and forgiveness. 
Ellie’s head rested on her steering wheel, her head banging against it and accidentally sounding the horn. 
Ellie’s never been in a relationship with someone who wasn’t selfish. She allowed people to take and take and take so much from her in the past, gladly accepting their overstepping and lack of boundaries if it meant she received their affection. It went on for so long until it abruptly halted and left her destroyed and alone. Her heart iced over after her last relationship went up in flames, and she vowed to keep it that way. If there’s no love, there’s no heartbreak. 
She thought she could do that to someone else. Prey on someone as sweet and comforting as you. 
But it didn’t work. You fucking cracked her. You’re a witch, and your pussy is godsent. 
Ellie brought out that side of you and she regretted it (despite the jerks in her clit every time she reminisced about your glittery tears), and she owed you the most respectable apology she’s ever given.
Ellie reached into her hoodie pocket and pulled up her phone, messages filled with students asking if she’s around to sell. She ignored them all and searched for your contact that she selfishly never deleted. 
Her thumb hovered over the unblock button. 
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Ellie’s heart is racing and she thinks she might pass out. 
She got used to hearing the small ding from the bell of the Starbucks entrance that she hardly ever looks up at who’s waltzing in. 
When she heard you and your best friend’s laughter, she almost dropped to the floor to hide behind the service counter. She was not fucking prepared to see you. Nausea and butterflies stirred in her gut at the sound of your giggles. 
H-Have a good day, she cringed when her voice cracked, scribbling the customer's names on their cup before passing it down to the mixing station. 
The minutes that passed felt like years, endless seconds of anticipation of seeing you face to face for the first time in months. Her eyes scattered to the end of the lines where the two of you stood every two seconds, observing how you inched up the line. 
Until the two of you stood in front of her, Niah’s intense glare searing through her skin and shaking her bones. She shakily asked for both your orders, but you took over, answering for you and your roommate with your classic smile. You’re too sweet for your own good; She couldn’t imagine being this cordial in public with someone who did what she did. Said what she said. 
You looked fucking adorable: hair twisted, dangly earrings, glossy lips. Her hands wouldn’t stop as she scribbled your name on your cup and cake pop baggie. 
Niah was fucking grilling her, and rightfully so. Ellie’s shocked she didn’t reach over and strangle her with her bare hands. Her presence was a threat on its own, Jesus Christ. 
You swiped your student ID and yanked a stiff Niah by the arm over to the pick-up line, the wind sitting in Ellie’s lungs finally releasing. 
She peered over at the two of you as she collected the rest of the orders from caffeine-withdrawal students, anxiety pitting in her gut when she watched you snag your cup and bag, reading the messy scribbles she left at the bottom.  
hi. can we talk when you’re ready?
You had enough courtesy to hide the baggie from an already pissed Niah, and she was grateful. It gave her an inkling of hope before you frowned, your eyes surprised, then confused. Then angry. 
Ellie almost cried at the scoff that left your mouth when you shot her a pissed glare, before you snatched your dessert from its encasing, crumpled the paper and threw it into the trash by the exit. She watched the two of you leave with a heavy heart, embarrassment overtaking her when you refused to look back. 
Ellie couldn’t shake the feeling that you experienced this same disappointment whenever she shut you down previously, and it made her feel even worse. 
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Ellie started seeing you everywhere you went after that: in the quad, on the way to class, even in the fucking library (a place she never went!), but you never seemed to notice her. She hadn’t been in the study center since she was a fucking sophomore, and she instantly remembered why when she caught a glimpse of you in your own world, headphones on as you scribbled down your notes. 
Remorse flooded her gut when she remembered the time, she dismissed your proposal of listening to a playlist you made for her a couple days after you fucked a couple times. She didn’t even know what artists you liked. 
Even after all this time, she refused to forget all the times she upset you, intentionally or not. 
The twisted part of her brain was already prepared to march over and speak with you, but she had enough sense to overpower her selfish desires. 
She managed to get past you without hassle, rushing onto the elevator to find her usual spot in the second-floor corner. It was her safe place whenever she came in here; She’ll never forget when she and Dina tripped balls atop the beanbags pressed up against the window. 
Going to the library was pointless; The thought of you and your sprinkled cupcakes dominated her mind for the rest of her study session. 
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It was the best part of the entire year. 
The month of October has its own presence: it’s grand and dark, gloomy, fun. Evil. You would never wear bright orange on a normal day, but during October, you might as well be a pumpkin! 
All your friends were already in the Halloween spirit, baking and decorating some of the strongest edibles you’ve ever smelt in your damn life. You were shocked that none of Jesse’s neighbors called to complain about the loud scent. 
“You wanna hit?” 
You peered up at Abby’s invitation puff from her blunt with a polite smile and a shake of your head, “You know I have to drive that one home,” You pointed out an already wobbling Niah in the kitchen. 
Abby chuckled around her next puff, “They’re gonna go fucking crazy with those.” 
“I’m scared,” You huffed, “Niah literally turns into a fucking potato when she’s high. I can never get her to move anywhere.” 
Abby giggled at your eye roll while she ashed. 
Running into Abby after what happened last year was much different than you expected. 
After you two went your separate ways at the party, you assumed she would never want to see you again, blow off any invitations you had to hang out, go back to fucking Ellie like nothing happened, but she did nothing of the sort. 
She always waved you over when she saw you sitting by yourself, greeted you with the brightest smiles and warmest hugs, texted you first. She was everything you could’ve wanted from someone. From a partner. 
So why didn’t you feel that spark whenever she looked at you with those pretty, blue eyes? 
You could always be honest with Abby, so bringing up your predicament was easy. She took it with a grain of salt and told you not to worry because she’s still a whore. It’s college! Her energy always calmed you. 
Niah’s weight plopping down next to you broke your trance. She slumped onto your shoulder with a weak giggle of it’s October 3rd. 
You stared down at her blankly, “It’s the tenth, bonehead— “
“Shhh, shh, i-it’s October 3rd,” she sloppily pressed her index finger to your mouth. 
Abby’s laughter rang from next to you like bells in winter. 
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Ellie was… sad. And felt like a fucking loser. 
She’d been lazily lying on her couch with her dab in hand, scrolling through Instagram and watching 5-minute crafts when she received a notification from Dina. 
She felt a subtle crack in her chest when she saw her best friend caption the post the ‘best time of the year 👻’. She was dawned in her usual witch's hat while Jesse had a pumpkin carving imprinted on his shirt, both decorating what she assumed to be laced sugar cookies. 
Her heart shattered when she scrolled through the slides and saw pictures of a slumped Niah, Abby with her tongue out and middle finger up, and you, eyes gentle and smile doll-like with two peace signs by your face. You looked so cozy under the yellow glow of the decorative lamp. So comfortable in the place she used to call home. 
… She’s never not received an invite to decorate edibles. Why was a lump growing in her throat? Her high was fucked. 
Another notification from Jesse’s Snap highlighted across the top of her screen. Her thumb tapped it without hesitation, and some tears fell from her eyes to her cheeks. 
It was a clip of you, Dina, and Jesse squeezing out icing from a tube onto a loudly snoring Niah’s face, snickering softly when the traces of sugar didn’t go where you wanted. 
Stick it up her nose!
Ellie’s body tensed when she recognized Abby’s low whisper in the background. That was definitely the final nail in her coffin. 
The Snap ended with Niah’s eyes peeling open like a zombie and your heavenly laughter. 
Ellie dropped her phone and sat up, resting her head atop the back of the couch, palms digging into her teary eyes. She tried to convince herself that she was angry, pissed the fuck off, ready to fight everybody, even her closest friends. But she wasn’t at all. 
She was lonely and sad, and no one was there to comfort her. 
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Class dragged on the entire week leading up to Halloweekend. 
Your shoulders were heavy and slumped from exhaustion. What kind of professor assigns projects the week before Halloween? They’re pretending as if they’ve never been students before; They know you’re all getting faded soon! 
You and Niah were grinding in the library the entire week, perfecting your papers and presentations for the following week. You didn’t want anything to ruin this weekend. Distractions, be gone! 
You’ve dedicated a couple hours each day to prepping your costumes for Friday and Saturday. The excitement to adorn your fairy getup was nearly bursting through your eyes. You decorated your wings with sequins and glitter, made your own flower crown, and designed your own spirit guide by snipping and re-stuffing a Squishmallow. 
You were a little too antsy to start the weekend; Niah almost called Dina to help tape you down to a chair. 
You bolted down the crosswalk after your scheduled library visit, a bright grin on your face at the thought of showcasing your designs for your costume. Dina and Jesse are your best critics. 
You turned the corner and hit a hard chest, almost falling to the floor before a pair of strong arms wrapped around your waist. 
“Lookin’ for rings?” 
Your smile widened at the all too familiar voice, “What does that mean?” 
Abby separated from you with a gentle smile, pointing at your sky-blue sweatshirt, “Blue sweater… running… Sonic— “
“Oh fuck!” You paused before a lightbulb appeared atop your head. “Oh fuck! Sonic would’ve been such a cute costume— “
“Still stressing Niah out?” Her brow arched. 
“Of course! Dina and Jes are about t’get the same treatment!” You rushed past Abby, throwing her a wild wave, “I'll see you on Friday bitch!”
Her airy laugh aired behind you before you eased past departing students and into the apartment lobby. 
It’s almost impressive how much your mood can deplete due to one person. 
You instantly recognized Ellie’s back muscles over her muscle-tee, her tattoo sleeve completely exposed as she murmured to the receptionist. The bun at the back of her head was coming loose with each nod of approval she gave. 
Anger and embarrassment and sadness battled for power in your gut as you glared through her skin and down to her bones. And she must’ve felt it.
She spun at the sound of the door shutting, and her eyes immediately glossed over when they locked with yours. She looked like a deer caught in headlights before she whispered hey.
You ignored and looked behind her and greeted the familiar receptionist, “Hey, is Jesse home?” 
“Yeah, babe! You just missed him— “
“W-Wait— “
“Cool, thanks,” You didn’t hesitate to book it for the second entrance, Ellie’s urgent calls of your name ringing behind you. You heard her following you down the hall like a horse. 
She called your name out louder, “Fuck, wait, wait— “
You frantically pressed the up button on the elevator but it was for naught. 
You felt a gentle hand on her shoulder, “Hey— “
“Ellie, don’t fuckin’ touch me, I’m serious,” you spat. 
Her touch dropped, her hands raising in the air, “Okay, okay, I’m sorr— “
“You’re sorry? Really?” You scoffed. “Fuck off, bro.” 
… Where the fuck was this elevator?! You were this close to holding the button down until the doors opened. 
Ellie sighed, “No, I’ve… I've been meaning to talk to you. Can I— “
“I don’t give a fuck about anything you’re saying, genuinely,” You harshly turned to glare into her eyes. Her gorgeous, green eyes that, for the first time, seemed so soft for you. Desperate, and not lustful. 
She didn’t seem to care about your protests, “I know I fucked up and I was… awful— “
The dings sounding from the elevator sounded like alarms. 
“Ellie, please, I’m begging you, just leave me the fuck alone,” Rageful tears flooded in your eyes. “Get the fuck away from me! Just g-go away!” 
Ellie’s small glimmer of hope died in her orbs, her body flinching at your tone as she peered to the floor with red cheeks. 
The doors peeled open after what seemed like a lifetime and you threw yourself between them, slamming the fourth-floor button like your life depended on it. You refused to look at Ellie as the doors shut, your heart pounding in your chest as you heaved, your hands resting on your knees. 
You vowed that absolutely nothing could ruin your weekend, but why was Ellie’s flushed cheeks and sniffly nose almost enough to make you fold? 
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okkkaaaaayyyyy im switching shit up fr so excited to write the next part stay with me yall lemme cook lemme coooook
taggie waggies love yall down :3 @dyk3ang3l @iced-metal @sawaagyapong @kittnii @mariefilms @villainousbear @pick-me-up-im-scared @dragonasflowercrown @elsmissingfingers @bugaboodarling @freakumfilm @robinismywifee @ohitsjordynn @womenofarcane @inf3ct3dd @nil-eena @kaispaws @letsreadsomesins-shallwe @yuckyfucky @machetegirl109 @ximtiredx @mattm1964 @liabadoobee @tfuuka @aouiaa @lastofvenus @iove-bbb
teaser, one, two, three, four
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letterstopedrito · 1 year
Hi Pedro,
Things have been a little better since my last letter. I finally broke down and talked to my husband. Finally told him I felt like his roommate and not his wife. That he existed with me in the same space but not with me, you know? It was a good talk. I'm sure I hurt his feelings, but still. He understood. He's making an effort.
I'm not sure how to come to terms with the fact that I regret settling down so early, though. I wish I had some magic ability to take a couple years off from this whole settled down and married thing and then come back like nothing happened. Some magic where I could go be someone else for a while and come back to the comfort and safety and love of this man. I fucked up when I married him. I let myself ignore all the things I know I need that he can never give me. It's not a matter of asking him to fix certain behaviors. The man I want is not who he is. He can't change his whole personality to make me happy. I just... I resent the fact that passion, lust, that desperate wanting, is simply not in his vocabulary. He loves me and he works hard to show me that everyday, but it's not what I need from him.
Anyway. He's trying. Maybe I'll get over it and everything will be fine.
I just watched Prospect. I fucking loved that movie. I know it's been 5 years, but a sequel would be so fucking cool. I love how over the top your character is in that. Your arm getting cut off is just so ridiculous. I loved it. I have a fun little list of what I want with your characters.
I want to be one of Oberyn's lovers. Nothing committed. Not close enough to him to be completely broken when his head gets squished in, but close enough to know what that fiery passion feels like.
I want to be Javi Peña's coworker that he sneaks around with. Still nothing committed. I'd be too worried about him and too jealous of his informants to commit. But god he's so hot.
I want to wrap Javi Gutierrez in a big hug. Kiss his forehead. Run my fingers through his curls while he lays in my lap and tells me about his screenplay.
I'm wildly attracted to Ezra, but I'm not really cut out for the life he lives. I still want to rip that damn suit off him though. The scene in the drop pod after he gets shot? Sitting all sprawled out and panting from the pain in his arm... good lord almighty.
I want Joel to find me in Jackson and decide Ellie needs a stepmom. I love Ellie so so much. We'd be best friends. And Joel's rough voice and rougher hands. His gray hair. His strong arms and soft belly. I want to fix him. He definitely activates my savior complex something awful.
Dieter Bravo... man if I was in that bubble and he asked to have sex with me I'd say yes in a heartbeat. His wild hair and wilder eyes... fuck dude. Savior complex again. I can fix him, I swear (I can't). I'd ruin myself trying.
Dave York is hot, but I'd have to steer clear of him. For one thing... he's married with kids. But for another, he works for the bad guys.
Marcus Moreno is another one that could use a stepmom for his kid. That's all I've got on him... he seems sweet.
Agent Whiskey has a special place in my heart, since I'm from Kentucky and the Statesman Distillery is there. I also love a cowboy, love a whip, and love a tragic backstory. Agent Whiskey did nothing wrong!! And that's coming from someone who definitely would've needed the antidote. I would save him from the meat grinder.
Fish... Oh Frankie. He needs a haircut and a shower. He needs someone to convince him trafficking cocaine to the US is a bad idea. He needs someone to remind him that he's important and his life matters. I don't think I could fix him either.
I'd punch "Dio" in the face.
Edward from Buffy is sweet and so adorable, but he dies and I like older men with patchy facial hair so...
Din. Again. Needs a stepmom for his kid. Or at least a babysitter. I just read this beautiful, heartbreaking unfinished fic about a girl who does that. He picks her up and takes her with him and they fall in love. He shows her his face, but it doesn't feel like wish fulfillment, you know? In the fic, it's basically mandalorian marriage. And there's this whole thing about how "to know is to love" and it's beautiful. I'm horny for Mando, but Din in that fic is probably the reason I feel my heart swell and get a lump in my throat when I think about him.
That's all of them I've seen so far. I plan on watching everything you've been in. I think Ezra is my favorite character of yours, Oberyn is the sexiest, and Javier Peña is the one I'd be most likely to ruin my life for. I'd run away with Mando in a heartbeat too, though. What do you think about your characters? If you knew these people in real life, how would you react to each one?
Have a good night, my dear dear friend.
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issafterglow · 2 years
mystified - 22nd of march
crazy how it was 3 days already since my first entry in this blog. tamad an tamad talaga ako sa buhay minsan XD but anyway a lot has happened since then and most of them were very unexpected. sometimes I think my whole life is a sitcom talaga EMS but to start, let me narrate what happened on the 20th of march.
So this date was kinda significant for students in my university. Kasi the school has finally permitted an event to be hosted around the main campus for the opening of face to face classes as well as 2nd semester kung saan lahat ng mga fersons mapa-freshman o senior pwede pumunta! of course you bet I was there. but not only for the fest (which I did not enjoy btw) I was also present at my uni to claim some requirements needed for my next scholarship payout (wall eh hapit sa life) so ayun an nga along the way, I met an old friend and she hugged mo which felt really really good T-T tapos I made 2 new friends !! isang classmate ko at yung isa, senior na from our city din tapos scholar !!! like??? what are the odds diba. so syempre my extrovert self was THRIVING I probably looked like shit pero at least I made connections with other people. ANYWAY ayun after naming kumuha ng mga documents sa school, hindi na namin na-enjoy yung event kasi:
mas ginusto nilang umalis
biglang nawala yung wallet nung friend ko so bumalik pa ulit kami mula sa gate papunta sa main building para sana hanapin while full on panic mode kami internally but thankfully may nakapulot kaso prof !! pinapunta pa siya sa south wing, 4th floor kasi dun daw yung office ni sir, edi kami mga nagsi sama and all
nag decide na kami umalis at wag makipag siksikan sa mga ferson sa uni YUN NGA LANG
tsaka ko lang naalala na naiwan ko yung envelope namin na naglalaman nung mga documents na inasikaso namin earlier (doon mismo sa south wing, 4th floor mismo kung san kami nag cr after kuhain yung wallet) kung kailan nasa jollibee na kami and yung food namin is pino-process na T-T so bumalik nanaman kami sa school nung isa kong kasama para hanapin THANK GOD TALAGA AT NANDOON PA SYA KUNG SAAN KO SYA INIWAN
basically hindi ko naenjoy ang pa-event ni mayor kasi bukod sa hindi organized, i spent half the day going back and forrth sa campus whiles sweating my ass of and anxiously worrying about thos stupid documents T-T not that I'm mad about it though, don't get me wrong super naenjoy ko naman kasi at least I have another story to tell LOL HAHAHAHAH at the end of the day, I made another friend tapos even had some insights about their personal lives (mostly about lovelife lang nila) and that's how my day ended during the 20th !!
THE NEXT DAY which is the 21th naman everything was pretty simple I guess? sobrang normal lang ng araw ko, I tried updating this story i was writing that morning and afternoon, then I started a new sitcom which is yung how I met your mother AND I CANT BELIEVE I LET MYSELF OVERLOOK THIS SITCOM it was so good T-T so i kept on watching it as i wait for the ayaka banner AND GUESS WHAT
i got her weapon first at idk what pity
I only had one 10 pull left and I thought I wasn't gonna get her BUT CRAZIEST SHIT HAPPENED AND THE STARS WENT GOLD tapos mika appeared... and then her T-T I SWEAR I LOVE AYAKA BRO (but I realize now that her mats are the fucking worst tangina)
my crush was online, I was clutching ayaka's mats tapos she strikes a convo with me which was new huhuhu THEN WE TOOK PICS (was her idea btw) and our characters look CUTE AS F WITH THEIR 5 STAR WEAPONS LOL im like so proud of us.
very overwhelmed ako dun all day huhu genshin's being too nice to me these days honestly. tas ayun, when night came and I got sick of farming ayaka I read a manhwa called the third ending, NEW FAVE BTW grabe I love the ANGST, THE PINING, THE GRUMPY SUNSHINE TROPE, PLUS THE GROVELING !! everything about it was just chef's kiss. i slept crying over that story.
NOW FOR THE PRESENT NAMAN today was pretty but not so eventful din. 1st, I paid for conquest (secured tix !! see u tuonto) 2nd, remember those documents na we processed at uni? well I met up with my friends who are also scholars to submit those sa city hall. tapos afterwards, we went crazy and walked through the scorching heat of our city looking for a tambayan bago umuwi and it was fun I must say... then I cam home read a novel (shadow and bone) when I got tired I opened tiktok for a bit and like this is the craziest part of my day I DONT KNOW HOW I COULD BE SO DUMB.
you see, i have been wanting to have a job in a while now tapos I saw this ad about a work from home job so I tried risking it although it qualifies only 23 year olds, I was so curious kaya I was trying to really engage with the convo and the instructions of the personnel assisting the interested employees. but yknow it's all basically just like freelancing. and the job requires you to pay a sum of money an pwedeng ma-doble through the commissions of the merchants. pota diba idk if scam to sis honestly pero and tanga ko sa part na nag withdraw lang ako ng 100 instead of withdrawing the whole sum into my account huhu bosit. hindi naman ako nalugi, technically I gained a new knowledge of some industry out there pero nasasayangan ako sa pera LMAO anyway I guess since hindi sya hard earned money dasurb na din na wala akong nakuha from it other than knowledge. pasalamat nalang din ako na di ako na-scam. gonna shake these thoughts na and maybe just ask how to delete my account from the said page. whahahaha wala eh, di ko rin naman yata magagamit. also that's 2 embarrassing stories to tell in my attempts to find a job HAHAHA until next time! and hopefully may trabaho na ako sa next kwentos T-T
need ko na talaga bumawi kay mama. wish me luck!
may the stars align.
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roxyfoxgamer150 · 3 years
"GOD DAMN IT!" Observer Mirabel throws a brick towards a wall, making a dent.
Her gift is activated, yet look like they're malfunctioning (It's not, she makes other know she's furious.). Her eyes as pure as a black void. Mouth dripping with black liquid (why is it so similar to blood?). She looks at a random one-way portal, and walks up to it.
She swipes at the portal, revealing a random Mirabel with a Hanahaki Disease. She snickers.
"Pathetic, already neglected at the age of 5 after the ceremony." She pauses for a moment. "And already has Hanahaki too." She adds.
She snaps her finger, making an arepa appear. She grabs the arepa and eats it.
"Not as good as Julieta's Arepas. Bah what am I saying? There are no other Observers that are just like me!" She says. She walks up to a door and opens it, leaving her room.
The Casita is empty, she looks out, seeing beautiful mountains and the sky. Birds are singing, flowers are blooming. Yet there was something missing. She's missing the Madrigals.
She goes inside the nursery, changing her clothes into her panjamas. She deactivates her gift and flops onto the bed, instantly sleeping.
She doesn't notice that doors were appearing out of her room. She doesn't notice that Casita starts to become alive.
She doesn't notice that Pedro is also alive now.
Observer Mirabel is woken up by a rumbling bed. Her eyes flutter open, and close again. "Five more minutes Casita..." she mumbles.
And immediately shoots up.
"HOLD ON A SECOND HOW IS CASITA ALIVE-" she immediately falls off her bed and scrambles to make a dash to the door.
Kicking it (like a habit of kicking doors.), she proceeds to fall down the stairs, Casita failing to save her.
She gets up, noticing that the lenses of her glasses are now cracked. Groaning, she looks around, noticing doors appeared.
"... Casita, make Dolores know someone will scream, making her prepared" she says.
She takes a deep breath. Hesitant.
She activates her gift, hearing many falling sounds and multiple panicked voices.
She goes to the kitchen, Casita already preparing coffee for her. Mumbling a "Thank you", she grabs a cup and pours the coffee in it.
A crash is heard.
'That was either Tìa Pèpa tackling Bruno, or Pàpà Agùstin falling down again.' Observer Mirabel thinks.
She hears multiple cries. Absolutely not even joining them. She needs her coffee to function and react properly.
She drinks her coffee whilst preparing plates and utensils in the dinning room. A habit of one of the AUs she went in.
Multiple footsteps are heard. She thinks of it as nothing while preparing ingredients for Julieta. She doesn't hear multiple gasps from seeing her and her glowing eyes and mouth.
She froze while drinking her coffee. She slowly looks behind her.
All of her family members are there, even her Abuelo Pedro. All of them were wide eyed seeing her, some of them tearing up.
She blinks rapidly.
"I- lo siento did I disturb the reunion you all had? I didn't mean it I swear I was just preparing stuff for all of you, don't pin the blame on Mirabel- I mean me I- Shit." She clasps a hand over her mouth not wanting to say more to embarrass herself.
Julieta runs and hugs her, she sobs, muttering "mi hija is actually alive Oh Dios mío" over and over again.
The others follow suit, hugging her tightly. Confused, Observer Mirabel asks "Wait, are you all just like me? Observers?"
"Ofcourse we are! Most of the timeline we kept seeing were you being DEAD! And when we did see you alive you had so much trauma!" Isabela almost yells in her ear, making her wince.
"Yeesh, you didn't have to shout hermana, I could still hear you." Observer Mirabel exclaims, making Isabela hug her more and wisper "sorry" over and over again.
"Finally I can hear your heartbeat correctly!" Dolores says while hugging her, making Observer Mirabel make a 'MY FUCKING WHAT?' Face.
A portal appears before them. Stepping out of it was a random Mirabel with bandages, multiple gasps are heard (except Observer Mirabel, she knows who the Mirabel is.)
"Hey Observer do you have some sleeveless gloves? I'm going to wear it as a threat, I-" The random Mirabel pauses, seeing the Madrigals.
She blinks one, twice. "Well, good thing you didn't knock on wood, you jinxed it" "Shut up Scrap." "No I won't shut up." Scrappy Mirabel says.
"Yay! Another Mira!" Antonio rushes to Scrappy Mirabel, hugging her leg. "Well hey there Antonio!" Scrappy Mirabel laughs.
Will be edited later on for more angst and comfort lol.
Edit: yeah I give up
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links-destiny · 3 years
Top 10 favorites:
The Walk of Shame is right up my alley
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General Grievious, to which my friends are freaked out by his cute little spider crawling.
To those that know, I’m glad I stopped talking about this man months ago so y'all could shut it about his grussy, istg.
He’s 7'1 and yes, I call him nakey whenever he takes of his cloak. Don’t @ me about it.
Obigrievous because Enemies to Lovers
Yes, he’s a damn coward a lot of the times but I love how amazing he is. Duel wielding and keeping trophies from the many Jedi he has killed,, and his asthmatic voice that’s one cough away from combusting, I love.
And his backstory, that’s fucked up.
Rip Gor, you shall be missed. Those Jedi should have never fucked you up.
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Thel Vadam, The Arbiter, aka core childhood memories of playing Halo with my brothers.
His voice acting is amazing af, but it took me so long to realize he has the same va as the cat from Coraline. Like, you fucking go, Keith David.
Thel is also not immune to my friends’ jokes because that one time he was stripped to get branded the “Mark of Shame” and a couple comments on his grussy was made.
Also that other time where Master Chief and him were ensnared by the Gravemind,, yeah that was something.
7′9 ft, and I’m the embodiment of that one drunk dude meme where he stumbles out of his trailer, drink in hand.
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Do I even need to explain myself here with Doctor Octavius? I swear to god, if I see one more edit talking about the shit relationship I have with my dad that caused me to love Doc Ock, I’m going to fuck that editor up-
Anyways, what’s there to iterate about him? He just radiates dilf energy, mad scientist vibes, and is 6'2. Alfred Molina is a godsend, enough said.
Definitely was the only villain in New York confident enough to have his tiddies out on display-
I’m sorry but the scenes where he smoked a cigar or took off his glasses with the assistance of the tentacles really did something,,
And don’t get me started on some of his cartoon variations from Spectacular Spider-Man and Spiderverse.
The amount of propaganda I’ve spread to my close circles of friends that they too, are starting to agree that he’s hot. I don’t even know how
One last note but screw that one Discord friend that asked why the fuck would I love “a fat man with glasses that would definitely kill me” because that dude is one step away from getting knocked the fuck out.
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Din Djarin = Dilf
Like I love this man and his sad puppy dog eyes. Pedro Pascal, you play this lone space ranger well.
I don’t know how to explain but The Mandalorian are just,,
Also definitely the moment where “hm, strange how I also love Boba Fett and all the other 501st Clone troopers… IS IT SERIOUSLY THE FUCKING ARMOR-”
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Heisenberg is just another dilf, mad scientist vibes and it blew my mind when people say him and Doc Ock are the same person, different font.
I went to my first college Halloween party in my bootleg Wrench cosplay. Dude, the host’s boyfriend was cosplaying him and I managed to get a pic of us together. It was so fucking rad, serotonin booster for sure.
This man has this big showmen announcer voice, sometimes he has a purr. It just sounds so fruity.
I love him so much and don’t get me started on the “I said sit” scene. Ethan should have helped this hefty man out.
What? I definitely did not see those YouTube videos where people added shirtless mods to Resident Evil 8. What are you talking about-
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Wrench from Watch Dogs 2. This man had me thinking “wow, do I actually have a thing for characters that wear masks?”
He’s a chaotic bisexual and his bromance with Marcus just means so much to me. Like you can not tell me that this man wasn’t harboring a small crush, because you’d be capping.
I do have some cosplay pics where I took inspiration from Wrench’s design on Instagram and nearly died when Shawn Baichoo liked and commented on the post.
Also Wrench’s reasoning behind having the mask makes me want to hug him.
That one mission where Marcus was adament about getting his mask back from the feds, meeting up with him, saying how he won’t allow this shit to tear them apart,, AUGH! I LOVE!
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I feel like it’s super apparent that my type can range from nonhuman, masks, dilf, or himbo. Regardless, I’m slapping FL4K on this list.
Nonbinary icon to the max, respect the they/them pronouns or you’re gonna be their Skag’s next meal.
I guess I always loved those types of characters that are kinda dramatic while spouting some nonsense about death and destruction. Their va sounds so cool.
I kinda got attached when my brothers and I were playing Borderlands 3 for the first time, and they were my pick.
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Avengers Assemble Hawkeye, totally a bi-icon, I don’t make up the rules. This also goes for his EMH ’s variation, MCU can kindly back off.
He’s just such a cool, somehow competent dumbass. Plus he’s in my favorite color too!
While many of my comfort characters go through the bi-fication beam, Hawkeye doesn’t need to, especially in that episode that first introduces Hyperion.
Homie was so dang confused on why this new superhero kept winking at him, and was the first to want him on the team. At the end of the episode, he was then comforted by Black Widow who said that Hyperion tricked them all because “power can be seductive”
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Alright, hear me on this but: bisexual, dilf, dumpster fire of a man. It’s like a triple threat wambo combo.
I love how disorderly this man looks.
He’s just so fine, and I can’t wait to see the new Spiderverse because that damn trailer got me all hyped up.
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Technically a two-in-one but we’re going to decide in ignoring that. Paul Monroe A.K.A Jesus and Javier Garcia, I love them so much.
Jesus, both from the show and video game are such fucking badasses and it’s really refreshing to see that with that pos gay representation.
You go, modern day ninja! Do that flying kick at a walker’s head in your beanie trenchcoat attire!
As for Javier, he’s my beloved man who I figured out months ago is my hispanic bi rep that I needed so much of.
I’m sure a lot of people can relate that when you’re LGBT+ in a conservative minority culture, it can be scary and you wonder if people can thrive being who they are out in the world.
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auty-ren · 4 years
I'M HAVING THIS THOT ABOUT OUR BELOVED MANDO SANDWICH!! Just relentlessly teasing then both all day. Getting one alone for a minute, maybe some edging and more teasing, just to leave each bucket boys high and dry.. until they get sick of it of course, and then they both get you in the cot and don't stop until you're completely fucking WRECKED.. worth it 🤤🤤🤤
GOD!!! Mando boyfriends make the best sandwich🥰 This got away from me I'm so sorry👀
So maybe you've been acting up alittle bit
Maybe you're wearing your favorite tunic, the one that hugs your body perfectly and has your cleavage practically on full display.
And maybe you've been strutting around, bending over at just the most inopportune times with your ass brushing agaisnt them or your tits pushed into their face (or helmet)
And so maybe, Din and Boba try to play along with this little game you've got going on.
Din isn't very subtle about it, and when you reach over him for the thousandth time today to 'get something you needed' from the top shelf.
He just grabs a hold of you and pulls you directly into his lap; his mouth is latching on to neck and his hands are kneading your ass while you calls you something filthy in an alien tongue.
And he gets right to the point, and your bodies are rutting together as you grind yourself onto the tent in his pants. His hands are groping you all over and your making out like a couple of horny teenagers.
And then you stop, and you pull away from him and walk away without a second thought. You would've loved to see his face but you keep walking and smile to yourself when you hear him grumble something under his breath.
With Boba there's more room to tease.
You love to take a seat right on the bench he's using whenever he works, pressing your body into his side as you pretend to be interested in whatever he's doing.
He takes the time to show you and you scratching h your nails lightly over his back, just enough that's there's faint makes that follow your fingers.
And Boba groans in the back of his throat because he loves when you mark him up, and you just keep going; taking your nails up and down his back and drawing little circles and patterns on his arm.
When he turns to you, you give him the most innocent look. Smiling bright and planting a chaste kiss to his shoulder before you lean your head against it.
And he keeps going, and you pretend to listen to what he's saying while your hand drifts to his thigh and you just keep drawing patterns as his muscles tense under your hand.
You just slide your palm closer and closer to his groin and you notice the way his jaw ticks once you finally cup him.
You're kissing up his neck and he's rubbing his hardening cock into your palm and you swear you hear him whine when you give him just a gentle squeeze.
But you're gone before he can even blink, giving him a final peck on the cheek and claiming there was something you needed to do.
You feel pretty good about it, getting them all rilled up and by the time dinner rolls around you can feel the tension in the room.
You act like nothing is wrong, and they obviously try their best to do the same. But you hope that they'll do something about it, that was the whole point; to get them wound so tight you thought they'd burst and hope they took it out on you. But nothing happens.
And a couple of hours pass by and you think that maybe it didn't work. It's kinda disappointing, but you shrug it off. 'Maybe next time'
Your getting ready for bed, putting away tools and eventually changing into something comfortable to sleep in.
You should've heard them moving around, they normally stomp around like a heard of angry Banthas, but this time you hadn't heard them.
Din's arms are wrapping around you and you land with a solid thud as he pulls you as close as possible to your chest. He's already kissing you neck and squeezing your chest in his hands as he turns you around.
Boba starts kissing you and he's cupping you just like you had to him earlier and you can feel the smirk on his lips when you whine from his touch
You swear your going to suffocate because they're pressing you so tight in between their chests. Touches are starting to blur and you can't really tell when one of them ends and another begins.
It's a clash of rough kisses and harsh hands that pinch and grope at your body. You try to touch them just as much but your head is starting to spin and you hope they do something soon because you don't know how much more you could take.
Boba almost laughs when you whine into his ear, begging him to touch you more than just the friction that he barely placed on your mound.
"We're just getting started, babygirl."
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bumblebee-moreno · 3 years
Awkward meetings (GN!reader)
Request: "Awkward first meeting for all the boys" and "Awkward first meeting and You lost something very important to you and they’re helping you look for it with Frankie Morales" for @luminescentlily
(Boys included are: Din, Javier Peña, Agent Whiskey, Frankie Morales, Max Phillips, Marcus P, and Marcus M.
Warnings: None?
A/N: Sorry this took so long to write. I had to leave a few boys out due to writer's block (Ezra, Tovar, and Zach Wellison), and I wanted to get this posted rather than continuing to stare at the screen in hopes of my brain miraculously functioning. To make up for my lack of inspiration at least a little bit, I added Marcus Moreno. Hope that's ok :)
Din Djarin
You feel a tug at your pant leg. Looking down, you are greeted by a pair of large watery eyes and big green ears. “Well hello there,” you smile, crouching down to be closer to the small child. “Where’s your family?”
He simply responds by lifting his arms towards you. You take that to mean he’d like to be lifted up. Scanning through over the crowded marketplace, you search for someone who the kid might belong to. You really have no idea what you’re looking for, having never seen anything like him, but you search nonetheless.
“Hey!” an angry voice calls out behind you. You whirl around, and before you know what’s happening, the child has been torn from your grasp and there’s a blaster to your head.
“I wasn’t going to hurt him I swear, I was just trying to find his family,” you blurt out, raising your hands in surrender.
The figure in front of you doesn’t respond at first, keeping his blaster pointed at you while he inspects the child for injury.
“Why did you have him?” The voice from under the helmet demands.
“I just found him by himself and I wanted to make sure he found his family,” you explain, voice shaking. “Are you his… Does he belong to you?”
“… yes.” He cautiously returns his blaster to its holster.
“I’m sorry,” you relax. “I didn’t mean to scare you. He’s just so… small. I didn’t want him to stay lost.”
The Mandalorian clutches the kid close to his chest as if he’s afraid they’ll be separated again. “Thank you.” He nods his head just enough for you to see the motion.
Javier Peña
“Shit, I’m going to be so fucking late,” you mutter to yourself, walking as fast as you can without sending the tall stack of papers in your arms flying.
On your way down the hall, you start going down your mental checklist.
‘Closed the window so the cat doesn’t escape? Check.’
‘Turned off the lights? Check.’
‘Locked the front door? Fuck.’
You stop in your tracks. How could you forget to lock your front door? You spin on your heel and run back towards your apartment, your one free hand switching between searching for your keys and adjusting the unstable tower balanced on your other arm.
In your haste to get your apartment locked so you can get to work on time, you fail to watch where you’re going.
Your body smacks into another. You fall backwards, losing your grip on the meticulously organised files. They scatter across the floor, completely losing the order you’d spent all night putting them in. The wind is knocked out of you for just long enough to hear the man you ran into grumping about how you should watch where you’re going.
“Shit, I’m so sorry, I’m running late, I should’ve been paying more attention.” You pull yourself to your knees and start gathering your work off the floor. You’d normally stand and make sure the man you ran into is okay, but things at work are tense as it is, and being even later than you already are isn’t going to reflect well on you. Especially now that all of last night’s hard work needs to be done over.
You expect him to get up and walk past you. After his reaction to being practically tackled, you wouldn’t expect him to give you more than a second thought. But then a stack of papers lands on top of the one you’re already holding.
Your eyes shoot up to meet his. “You okay? You hit the ground kind of hard there,” Your neighbour asks.
You swallow thickly. “y-yeah, I’m fine,” you give a shaky smile. “How about you?”
“I’m all right, just running a bit late,” He offers a hasty smile before helping you to your feet. “I gotta get to work, but um, I’ll see you later?”
“Yeah,” you breathe, momentarily forgetting how late you are.
Agent Whiskey
‘Ugh I really needed this day off,’ you type underneath the photo before pressing send.
You place your phone on the edge of the tub before relaxing back into the warm water.
It isn’t long before your phone buzzes. Your eyes widen in horror at the response:
‘I think you’ve got the wrong number, darlin’.’ It’s paired with a photo of a man you’ve never met.
He is kinda cute though. You’d never think the whole “unironically cowboy” thing could ever work but… No. No. You can’t be thinking that kind of stuff. You just texted a stranger a photo of you in the bath for fuck’s sakes, you can’t be attracted to him after that!
You frantically scroll up to examine the photo you sent, breathing a sigh of relief when you confirm that the photo you sent didn’t have anything too revealing in it; between the angle of the camera and the bubbles in your bath, nothing too embarrassing is visible.
‘Shit, I’m so sorry, that was meant for a friend ’
You pick up the shred of paper your best friend scribbled their new number on while you were at lunch with them yesterday, to figure out what happened.
‘not a problem, It’s a nice distraction from this god awful meeting I’m stuck in’
You frown. ‘You’re in a meeting and you’re texting a total stranger?’
You return your gaze to the phone number in your hand. “what in the fuck,” you say aloud to yourself. The second to last digit. It’s supposed to be a 4. Not a 9.
A shaky photo appears on your phone. It’s obviously taken from peeking just the camera of his phone over the edge of the table.
‘Damn, that looks like a serious meeting, shouldn’t you be paying attention?’ If you were texting at work, especially in a meeting, you’d have your ass handed to you unless someone was dying (and even then, it would depend on what kind of mood your boss is in that day). And this guy is just casually texting you, a stranger, during a meeting with people who look like they make more money weekly than what your whole car is worth.
‘I’m a bit more concerned that I don’t even know the name of the person who texted me such a lovely photo 😉’
‘It’s Y/N.’ you send. ‘And please delete that picture, that’s kinda private’ you ask, crossing your fingers that he respects that.
‘Already done. Mine’s Jack, since you obviously weren’t going to ask 🤠’
A soft smile appears on your face. Maybe it is kind of okay that you accidentally typed in the wrong number. Or… it will be after you (lovingly) cuss out your friend for having such bad handwriting.
Frankie Morales
“Shit.” You mutter to yourself, searching through your pockets. “shitshitshitshitshitshitshit” You swear you just had them. Or… maybe you left them on the counter back at the library?
You turn around to run back, rifling through your bag. You only make it a few steps before you’re knocked backwards to the ground.
“Shit, I’m so sorry,” you blurt the moment you catch your breath again. Barely sparing a glance towards the man you ran into, you start gathering your books.
“No, no. I’m sorry,” the man insists. “I wasn’t watching where I was going.” He helps to gather your books.
“You okay?” he finally asks.
You look up at him and freeze. He’s really cute. In the ‘I give the best hugs in the world’ kind of way.
“Yeah,” you respond breathlessly. “I just think I lost my car keys at the library, and I’m running late for lunch with a friend.” You mentally kick yourself. You just ran over the only attractive man you’ve seen since moving here, and then the first thing you do is overshare?
“Oh, did you want some help looking?” he immediately offers.
“I wouldn’t want to be any trouble.”
“Don’t worry about it,” he shrugs. “I’ve got lunch plans I’m desperately trying to find an excuse to get out of, so you’re helping me, really.”
“Okay, um… sure,” you nod. “an extra set of eyes looking wouldn’t hurt.”
“Cool. I’m Frankie.”
You introduce yourself and shake his outstretched hand.
The two of you make your way back towards the library.
“so…” you break the uncomfortable silence. “Lousy lunch plans, huh?”
“…yeah,” Frankie falls silent for a moment. “A couple of guys I used to serve with invited me out and I didn’t really have an excuse to say no.”
“Don’t get along with them?”
“We used to be friends, but I’m kind of rethinking that lately.”
“Oh,” you debate asking more questions. But then again, he doesn’t have to answer if he doesn’t want to, right? “Did… did something happen?”
“Convinced me to go to South America a while back, which would’ve been fine, except we kind of got stuck there, and my wife was left alone with the baby.”
Your stomach dropped at this. You’re not even sure why; you just met the guy, you really have no reason to be disappointed he’s taken.
“Was she at least understanding?” You ask.
“Your wife.”
“Oh,” Frankie chew his lip for a moment. “no. When I got back, she was… possessive. Searching my phone, never letting me go out with friends, that kind of stuff. Separated a few months later.”
“Oh,” you try to ignore the fact that your heart skipped a beat; you can’t be excited—that’s insensitive. “I’m sorry.”
“No, don’t be.” Frankie pinches the bridge of his nose. “I’m sorry, actually. I was helping you find your keys, and here I am ranting about my whole tragic backstory as if you actually cared.”
“I don’t mind.” You actually like listening to him. But you keep that to yourself.
“You shouldn’t have to listen to all that though—”
“Shit!” you interrupt him. “I’m such an idiot.”
“What? What’s wrong?” Frankie looks like he’s assuming the worst.
“…I didn’t lose my car keys. I walked here. And lunch with my friend is next week.” You chuckle bitterly. “I was so lost in my head I completely forgot she rescheduled. Sorry I wasted your time.”
“It’s okay,” Frankie laughs. You can’t help but smile at his lopsided dimple. “Hey, since you don’t have lunch plans and I want to get out of mine… Can I take you out? You can tell me your life’s story since you already know mine?”
“Sure,” you smile, though half of you is screaming to just leave the country to escape the embarrassment.
Max Phillips
“Ew, no.” you scrunch your nose.
“Hey, you’re the one that lost the bet.” Eva insists.
“I am not kissing a random stranger.” You sweep your gaze across the crowded café.
“It was your idea.” Eva sips her tea.
“That was because I thought I was going to win.” You cross your arms across your chest.
“You don’t get to opt out just because you’re a sore loser.”
“Yeah, but I don’t know them, what if they have a disease or something? Gross.” Your stomach turns at the idea.
“Okay, fine.” Eva sighs. And, for a fleeting moment, you have hope that she’s given in. “Kiss that guy then,” she points.
You turn. “Oh my god, Eva. No.”
“What? He doesn’t look like he has a disease,” Eva shrugs.
“He looks like a frat boy.”
“He’s cute though.” Eva leans in a not-at-all-subtle way to get a clearer view of him.
“I hate you.” You stand up. “And when I’m done, you’re buying me an entire bottle of vodka to wash my mouth with.”
“Yes!” Eva cheers triumphantly. A few people shoot her expressions of annoyance at the outburst.
You storm over to the man and pull him in by the collar. His lips barely brush against yours before you’re stomping back to your friend. Though, for a moment, you actually consider staying to talk to him. Eva was right, he definitely isn’t hard on the eyes.
You push the thought from your mind and collapse back into your seat, scowling at your friend.
“You’re literally the worst human being on the planet,” you huff.
“You’re just being dramatic,” Eva laughs.
“Am not.” Okay… maybe you are, but Eva can’t know that.
“Fine. We’ll go get you a drink once I’m back from the bathroom.” Eva skips off, still laughing about your reaction.
She’s barely out of sight before her seat is filled by the stranger you just kissed.
“Don’t flatter yourself, I lost a bet,” you don’t look up at him, instead choosing the glare at a stain on the wooden table.
“I figured as much.” You can practically hear the smirk in his voice. “I also figured I have the right to at least know the name of the person who just kissed me.”
You reluctantly introduce yourself, still refusing to make eye contact with the man.
“I’m Max. And, if you want to apologise for kissing me without my consent,” he throws a napkin with a phone number scribbled in red sharpie onto the table in front of you, “You can call me.”
Marcus Pike
You hum quietly to yourself, unable to stop smiling. It’s been so long since you’ve gone on a real date. You turn on your shower, but instead of water coming from the showerhead, it starts leaking from the base of the hose.
That can’t be good. You turn off the water and fiddle with the shower. Maybe it just came loose.
You reach for the handle to try the water again. But before your hand can even touch the cool metal, the entire shower head disconnects from the wall and clatters to the shower floor.
Letting out an exasperated groan, you start gathering your clothes into a bag. You really don’t have time for this today. Crossing your fingers your neighbour is home, you head next door.
You’ve never actually talked to him, but you figure he’s probably a safer bet than the crazy old neighbour on your other side; the way he looks at you whenever you run into him gives you the jitters. And not the “he’s a creep” kind of feeling you get when anyone else stares for too long. More like the “he’s probably got a taxidermy cat in his living room and a human body in his closet” kind of feeling. So the neighbour you’ve never even introduced yourself to will have to do.
Your knock echoes through the quiet air. Shifting from foot to foot, you wait impatiently for an answer.
The door clicks open, leaving you face-to-face with your neighbour, who is way cuter up close than you expected him to be.
“…hi,” He greets you as if he’s startled by your presence.
“…hi…” you bite your lip and tear your gaze away from his face to examine your shoe. “I… Well, I live next door, and well—”
“I know,” he interrupts.
“I’ve seen you… around. We get home from work at the same time, so…”
“Oh.” You chew on your lip for a moment. “Look, my shower broke, and I have a date I have to get to, and well…” you drift off. Are you really asking your irresistibly adorable neighbour who you’ve never met if you can use his shower?
“Oh. Okay, did you want to use mine then?” You pretend not to notice how pink his face has turned.
“Would you mind? I just—I’m running late and I don’t have time to figure out what’s wrong with mine before I leave and still have time to get ready to go.”
“Sure, Come on in,” He shuffles out of the way to allow you space to enter. “Down the hall, second door to the right.”
“Thank you so much,” you smile awkwardly. “I’ll make it up to you, I promise.”
“Don’t worry about it.”
You walk as quickly as you can without breaking into a run to get to the bathroom, leaving Marcus frozen in the doorway.
This is not how he imagined meeting you. Not that he imagined that at all. And he definitely hadn’t spent hours trying to figure out how to ask you out. Because that would be weird.
And he just let you use his shower to go on a date with someone else.
Marcus Moreno
“Excuse me,” a voice speaks up from behind you, just barely audible over your music. You turn around to find that the voice belongs to a young girl.
“Hello,” you greet taking out your headphones.
“Do you see that guy over there?” she asks, pointing across the cluttered bookstore to a man struggling to balance a tower of books while skimming the shelves for more.
“The one in the glasses?” you confirm.
“That’s my dad,” the girl nods. “He thinks you’re cute, but he’s too afraid to talk to you.”
“Oh,” you say, unsure whether you should be flattered or amused.
“He says it’s ‘cause he doesn’t want to weird you out,” she elaborates, “but I think he’s scared you won’t like him back.”
The man glances up, and, upon seeing his daughter talking to you, rushes over. He pauses only briefly when he trips over a box of books placed in the middle of the walkway.
“Oh, here he comes, act natural,” the girl whisper-yells just before her father arrives. “Oh, hey dad,” she greets him nonchalantly.
“Missy, what did we just talk about?” he scolds.
“I know, I know,” she rolls her eyes. “I shouldn’t go up to strangers and tell them my dad thinks they’re cute even when he totally does.”
Missy’s dad freezes, a look of horrified embarrassment washing over his face. “You… You told them what?”
“I’m going to shop some more,” she walks away, winking at you.
“Hey, you get back here, young lady,” he calls after her, struggling not to raise his voice above a murmur in the middle of the peaceful book shop. His daughter ignores him.
He groans under his breath. “I’m sorry about her,” he turns back to you.
“It’s okay,” you laugh. “I’m Y/N,”
“Marcus.” He looks down at his armful of books. “I’d uh… I’d offer a handshake but…”
“Don’t worry about it,” you smile. Marcus smiles back. You allow a moment of uncomfortable silence before speaking up again. “So… you think I’m cute?”
“What? No! I mean, Yes. I mean…” Marcus’ face scrunches up in embarrassment. “Yes? But not… not in a weird way. I wasn’t like… admiring you or anything. That’d be… weird.” Marcus hangs his head with an exasperated sigh. “I’m sorry. I’ll just shut up now.”
You smile again at the flustered man in front of you. After a moment, you pull a pen from your sweatshirt pocket.
“Well, here’s my number,” you say, writing as clearly as you can across his forearm. “You can text me if you decide you do think I’m cute… In a weird way.”
You walk to the counter to pay for your books, sincerely hoping he decides to text.
@pascalisthepunkest @trashbin2 @anatanotegami @beesting77 @northernpunk @pumpkin-stars
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lihikainanea · 3 years
so it's summer and it's great but the heat is absolutely unforgiving. what if Tiger gets like, a reaction from the excessive sweat that this season brings and there's like a rash-like discoloration on the sides of her body, her back? I get these every summer and, it's hard to look at myself in the mirror when I put the cream on so they go away. I'm thinking Bill would help, but after Tiger lets him since she's a lil embarrassed and shy about them.
Ohhh bubs, I feel you. I have SUCH sensitive skin that I swear, I cry and then I have to spend like a week treating the eczema outbreak on my face that my own goddamn tears cause.
The heat and all that comes along with it can have some icky side effects and my girl tiger ain't spared. Heat rash? yep. Mild sun allergy that causes a rash? Yep. Hives because she's basically allergic to everything outside? Yep. Eczema outbreak because all the rashes are stressing her out? Yep.
Are we even going to talk about underboob and thigh chafe? Shit, yes we are because this is some real life BULLSHIT that most of us have to deal with.
And what if it's exactly that. Hear me out. She's been purposely avoiding getting nekkid with Bill for a few days--She's got this weird heat rash that's going down one side, itchy as all hell and red and bumpy. She manages to camouflage most of it with a loose fitting sundress, something of breathable material, but she just happens to need a strapless bra with it--and strapless bras are an Enemy of the Goddamn State, man. Maybe it's a nice cocktail hour at a schmancy new bar that opened so she's dressed cute, except one of her completely heat-resistant friends got them all a table outside because clearly this friend was born and raise din the fires of Hades, so a heatwave doesn't bother them. It's outside, and tiger is fucking dying. The sweat running down her side is making her itch even more and burning the sensitive, already-irritated skin there. She feels like she's fucking melting into a puddle under the blaze of the hot sun, which she's pretty sure is searing her make up off. She feels like a swamp monster.
And if that's not bad enough--the group decides to walk for ice cream after. They decide to walk QUITE a long ways for ice cream. And all that sweat that she has going underneath her dress is just making her bra dig into the fragile skin under her breasts, and the more her thighs rub together as she walks the more she can feel the chafe like, peeling off a layer of her fucking skin and she wants to die.
And Bill for his part is kind of walking a bit ahead with his boys, maybe it's been awhile since he's seen them so he's not keenly aware of the absolute hell that tiger is currently in. Until she snaps when, after ice cream, it's time to walk alllllllll the way back to the car.
"Fuck this," she mutters, "I'm out." And then a little louder. "Bill, I'm out."
He gives her a worried look, taking a few long strides until he's back with her.
"Okay kid," he says, "We can leave as soon as we get back to the car."
"Yep." She smiles, wide and scary--but doesn't move.
"It's...It's this way," he gestures somewhat helplessly to the direction everyone else continues walking in.
"Sure is."
She still doesn't move.
He jumps a mile when she lets out the loudest whistle he's ever heard, nearly giving him an uppercut as her hand shot up quickly. A cab came to a screeching halt, and she opened the door.
Confused but knowing better than to argue, Bill folded himself in half in the back seat as the cab drove them the 3 minute distance to the car.
"Are you....okay?" he asks cautiously as she buckles up her seatbelt in his car, and tiger just...man, tiger wants to go home. She's so uncomfortable, she's so itchy, everything burns, she's still overheated and she's just so over this night.
"I'm tired and too hot," she says instead, "Just take me home."
And like, look. Once they're home? Bill goes to unzip her dress because she always needs help with it, but tiger kind of smacks his hands away and huffs. He doesn't think much of it, she's just fussy and in a bad mood and she doesn't always want to be touched when she's feeling that way. And tiger, in the meantime, is just trying to locate either some calamine lotion or some cortisone cream or hell just a million ice packs that she can place on her side, between her thighs, under her breasts--everywhere that just seems on fire at the moment.
She heads to the bathroom, closing the door so she can rummage the cupboards in peace. She finally takes the dress off and flings her bra across the room and she winces at what she sees in the mirror. Her entire side is red and bumpy, an angry, itchy rash scaling up her torso. Tenderly, she rubs the skin under her breasts and bites her lip in pain--the skin there is raised, bright red, irritated and stinging. A quick check on her inner thighs reveals the same thing. She sighs, running the tap so that Bill won't hear her.
But listen, Bill? Bill just thinks she's washing her face, and he wanders in with a little whisky digestif and to see if he can entice her into taking a bubble bath with him. He opens the door and tiger shrieks, grabbing at a towel to cover herself--but not before he got a good view of what seems like half her body, bright red and irritated.
"Tiger," he gasps softly, "Kid what happened?"
"Bill get out," she squeaks, wrapping the towel around herself.
"No," he says. He yanks at her towel but she smacks his hand away.
"Bill," she says, a tad more angry now, "Leave me alone."
"No," he says again, "Tiger, show me."
"Tiger," it's his turn to be stern now, "We have rules. And so help me, if you don't drop that fucking towel then there will be another part of you that is bright fucking red. Now show me."
"It's okay," she sighs defeatedly, "It's just... a bit irritated."
She opens the towel a tad, showing him her side. Bill puts the whiskey glasses down and hold the towel open, leaning to get a closer look.
"What happened?" he asks softly, "Are you allergic to something?"
"No," she mumbles--god this is embarassing--"It's just...the heat. It gave me a bit of a rash that won't go away."
He nods, his eyebrows knitting together, and he tugs gently to undo the knot on her towel. When she protests he gives her a stern look and she sighs, letting him undo her covering. Gently, he runs his fingers along the side of her breasts and trail them down her rib cage.
"And here?"
"Strapless bra, sweat, and rubbing," she winces when he hits a sensitive spot and he apologizes, "Recipe for disaster."
He nods, his eyes sweeping over her looking for more markings.
"Anywhere else?" he asks after a beat. Tiger bites her lip, and he gently tugs it free with his thumb. She sighs, giving up, and rests her foot on the toilet so he can see her inner thigh.
"Dump truck thigh chafe," she says, "It's a killer."
He leans, kissing the marking softly.
"Oatmeal," he says as he stands and turns for the door, "A lukewarm oatmeal bath, and some calamine lotion."
"Bill, I'm handling it. It's not--"
But he spins back around.
"We. Have. Rules." every word is short, curt, and accentuated with a step as he backs her up to the tub and looms tall over her, "Don't we sweet girl?"
"And do you think that hiding this from me--spending the evening in discomfort and pain and not telling me anything--is that following the rules?" he asks. God he's authoritative when he's like this.
"Probably not?" she tries. A quick, challenging quirk of his brow and suddenly she's not so brave. "No, it's not following the rules."
"And trying to stop me from taking care of it when I do find out, is that following the rules?"
"No," she says meekly, "It's not."
"That's right, it's not," he says and he kisses her softly, "So you're going to let me take care of these markings, and then you're going to get some brand new ones."
And listen, Bill is more just pissed that tiger was in pain, clearly for at least a few days, and she didn't tell him. He's even more pissed that she sat there so uncomfortable that night, and also didn't tell him. But he puts his anger aside to care for her first--and an oatmeal bath it is, he gets in there with her and soaks while they sip their whiskey. And when they get out, he carefully dabs calamine lotion all over her--giving it a second to dry before pulling his big shirt over her head.
"Bedroom," he says, "Now."
Tiger slinks away--but also, man, what if our girl just ain't feeling it tonight? Yes, she was bad. Yes, she broke the rules. She's a little small about it but she's dealing okay, and truth be told she just...ugh, the thought of another patch of her skin being red and irritated and sore from a spanking is just kind of too much for her. It's a discomfort and a pain that she just doesn't feel up to dealing with tonight, after already spending so much time uncomfortable. SO maybe she's kneeling on his side of the bed when he comes in to find her, and as he approaches she just kind of thunks her head on his thigh, fiddles with the waistband of his boxers.
"Bill," she says softly, "Can I...can you punish me tomorrow for this? I've had enough discomfort for today. I don't want it."
Bill's heart could explode. He smiles at her--big and wide and totally dopey, hooks his hand around her arms and sets her on her feet gently.
"Good girl," he purrs, kissing her deeply, "My good girl."
She coos a little at that, and he tucks her into his chest for a tight hug.
"You tell me when you're ready to be punished kid, and we'll do it then," he tells her. She nods, and when he lays out in bed tiger just lies flat on his chest, sticks his thumb in her mouth, and starts snoring a few seconds later. Bill just lovingly tends to her for the next day or two--lukewarm baths, lots of calamine, lots of unscented soothing lotions--and then eventually after a few days when he's sitting on the couch playing a video game, tiger just walks in, shimmies out of her panties and lies across his lap.
"Let's have it bud," she tells him, "Make it hurt."
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mando-ag · 3 years
Remember Me ~* The Lake
Summary: Din meets reader in the city part during winter, seeing reader for the first time as she plays with children. He quickly realizes this is his destiny.
Warnings: Swearing, fluff, filler, Sensual language. I think that's it loves.
w/c: 2.6k
A/N y'all this is ch.2 of the remember me series. slowly picking up the pace here ;) this one is a filler as well but I hope you enjoy it. <3
The heat warmed your cheek as the sunlight peeked through your curtains in the early morning. Sighing softly you started to get ready for your morning, begrudgingly so. It wasn’t hard to tell that you weren’t a morning person. It just deemed unnecessary for you to get up and do something you didn’t even enjoy. But living in the real world, it’s what you have to do. Need work to pay for bills and food, the bills fund the essentials in your home. Just a boring, irritating cycle of life.
Heating up your electric kettle for some coffee, you washed the leftover dish from the night before, making a mental note to buy more dish soap at the market today. It was Wednesday, the usual day you went shopping for groceries. Why? Who knows, you just get excited because it's the middle of the week for you.
You thought it would probably be best to write down everything in a list because you knew you would forget even if you decided to memorize it for an hour.
Shampoo, dish soap, cooking oil, dryer sheets.. Um what else am i missing.
You looked around your apartment, adding things to your list you knew you would need. Once you were finished you folded it up and went to grab your purse, heading to the store before going to pick up the three rascals.
Definitely your favorite thing about living alone is that you don't need to buy an excessive amount of anything if you don't want to. Beginning to fill your cart with the things from your list, you consciously look around to see if maybe, maybe, you’ll see Mando again.
You need to chill, literally just met the guy and all you mentioned was a book. He literally doesn’t know you. You mentally scolded yourself as you walked through the lanes, grabbing what was on your list. Humming softly as you grabbed shampoo and conditioner, you heard soft giggling on the other side, hearing a man talk to what you presumed to be his child. Your heart sped up as you let your mind believe that it was Mando, listening carefully for the man’s voice again.
“Shit!” You whispered, checking your appearance through your phone camera. “I literally look so bad.” You mumbled, trying to fix your hair a bit more. Slipping your phone into your pocket, you pushed your cart nonchalantly as you heard the voice come close, you could see from the corner of your eye he was there.
Taking a deep breath, looking away from the many options of shampoo and conditioners, you finally turn and face Mando... except it wasn’t him. It was just some random dad with his kid. Hiding your disappointment, you awkwardly waved to the pair, grabbing what you needed before leaving that aisle quickly.
“Oh my god, that was so fucking embarrassing.” You mumbled to yourself, blushing from your stupidity. To think he would actually be there made you stoop a new low. “I need to get laid.” You sighed to yourself as you went to the dairy products. You finished off getting what was on your list, paying and placing it all carefully in your car.
On the drive back to your apartment, you hummed along to the radio, wondering if it was the universe trying to tell you something about Mando. I mean he’s cute… wait what? I don’t even know what he looks like. Yeah I got it bad. You internally fought with your rational side, deciding to stop thinking of Mando for the time being.
Putting everything away, you grabbed a few snacks to take to the kids, getting back out to your car and driving to their much bigger home. All three kids rushed out, greeting you excitedly as you stepped out of your car.
“Hello my little munchkins!” You said, kneeling and hugging all three little rascals. Standing as their parents stepped out of the house with suitcases. Keeping a smile on your face but you were sure the parents recognized the confusion in your eyes. Are they leaving? Yeah no shit, obviously. They have suitcases. You huffed as your subconscious voice was being sarcastic with you.
“Good morning, thank you for coming so early. Jerry and I have an emergency business trip we need to take. We would have told you sooner had we known but like I said this is an emergency trip.” Mrs. Stenson told you, giving you an apologetic smile.
“It’s quite alright Mrs. Stenson, I’m assuming you want me to stay with them?” You nodded to the three children who cling to your side.
“Yes please, we would appreciate it greatly. The trip is one week. We will triple your pay and send you extra money for the three of them. I know this is asking a lot of you… if you’re not comfortable i can find someone else but..” She trailed off looking at you with a hopeful look on her face.
Realizing how much she would be increasing your pay, you quickly nodded. “Don’t worry, I don’t mind watching over them. It’s fine.” You told her, giving her an understanding smile.
“Thank you, thank you, thank you!” She gave you a quick hug before putting the suitcases in the car. “You know where everything is, if you need extra money, please call us. She turned to her kids, kneeling down the best she could because of her tight pencil skirt.
“My darling angels. Remember mommy and daddy have to leave but we will be back. Now you three better be on your best behavior or you can’t go to disneyland. Remember? Daddy said if you behave, we can all go to disneyland. “ All three kids perked up nodding. “We’ll be good mommy!” The eldest, Jaime said, excited that his reward would very possibly be a trip to disneyland. The girls murmured in agreement with their brother.
“Okay, come give daddy and me a quick kiss before we go.” She said, the kids kissing her cheek and the father’s. “I love you, my little babies. Behave well.” She gave them a tight hug before getting in the car with her husband leaving for the airport. Mr. Stenson wasn’t as affectionate as his kids but they knew their daddy loved them even if he didn’t say it as often as their mother did.
Ushering the kids inside the large home, making sure the doors were all locked. Okay, keeping three kids all under the age of ten entertained would probably be the hardest thing you’ve ever done. But you were determined.
“Okay, it’s breakfast time! What would you like to eat?” You asked, staring at the three wide-eyed children. “Waffles!” Penny shouted, jumping in excitement. Her brother and sister agreed, chanting waffles as you got the ingredients.
“Waffles it is then! Go watch tv and I will bring you your waffles when they are ready. How does that sound mm?” You asked but the kids scurried away as soon as you said tv, leaving you alone in the kitchen.
After feeding the children you took them out to the lake, making sure you had their skates in a bag. Usually you would take them to swim but since it’s frozen, the kids wanted to ice skate instead. Laying down a thick towel and a blanket on top of it, you sat at the edge of the grass, a few feet away from where the actual lake began.
“Don’t go too far. I checked and the ice is thick enough but you have to be careful. Loretta, you can skate here.” You pointed to the area where you wanted her to be in. She was the youngest and you were afraid that she could get severely hurt if she went too far.
Helping the kids onto the ice, you sat on the blanket, watching them carefully. You didn’t want an accident to occur. The worst thing that had ever happened when you were watching them was Jaime stepping on a leggo and his foot was in a lot of pain for a few minutes.
Hearing a rustling behind you, you quickly stood and turned around alarmed. Relief and surprise filled your body as you realized it was Mando… with a small child… or baby? Of course, even though you can’t see his face you can just tell he was older than you by a couple years. So he has a kid… meaning he either has a wife, baby mama, or just a single dad. You cleared your throat after a moment, realizing you’ve been staring.
“Sorry, I didn't know it was you… I thought it was an animal or something.” Blush creeped up onto your cheeks, feeling slightly embarrassed. Rubbing your arms, you quickly turned to watch the kids, making sure nothing had happened yet. Glancing at Mando as he walked and stood beside you.
“I should’ve made my presence known. Lake day for your kids too?” He asked, looking at the kids before focusing on your face. You nodded, looking at him.
“Yeah, it’s going to be a long week… is he your son?” You wanted to smack yourself for asking such a stupid question. Obviously, he said “your kids too” meaning this one is definitely his.
Chuckling, he nodded. “My son Grogu… I adopted him when he was… younger.” Din nodded to his son, he looked quite interesting. A very tiny little child with a bald little head and green skin. How is he so… adorable and tiny? You thought to yourself. Not being able to stop yourself from blurting out the question that had been itching at you since you saw him with his little green son.
“Are you married? Or have a girlfriend?” You asked, looking at him through his black visor. Feeling your stomach clench and your chest tighten as you nervously await his answer. Feeling more anxious to know as he looked away from you towards his son instead.
“No, I’m not married… and I don’t have a girlfriend either.” Din finally answered after a minute of silence, easing your emotions. Moving slightly closer to Mando, you looked at his hands. “Would you like to sit with me?” You motioned to your little spot you had set up on the ground.
Nodding, Din sat down next to you once you had made yourself comfortable. Looking towards the children. Determined to get to know him, you built up confidence to try to converse with him.
“How long have you lived here?” You asked, looking at him. He hummed softly, barely able to hear it. “About three months.” He replied, not looking at you. Three months?! That’s it? It surprised you how little time he’s spent there. You thought a man like himself would’ve lived there longer, probably just kept to himself but you were completely off the mark.
“Oh cool, do you like it here?” He nodded, looking at you. “I do, safer place for my son to live. Be with kids his age.” Motions to the children playing and skating together.
You looked at them, biting your lip as the cold started to seep into your jacket. “Dammit.” You mumbled as you shivered.
Din looked at you, noticing your shivering. Deciding to be bold, he wrapped an arm around you, your body tucked into his side. Blushing from his action, you pressed your face into his arm, trying to warm up. “Thank you.” You told him, the both of you enjoying the silence between you.
After a few hours, you stood to stretch your legs a bit. Looking at the kids, you noticed they were tired. “All done?” You asked as you walked to the ice. Penny nodded, yawning.
“I’m hungry!” Jaime said, pouting as he lazily skated towards you, holding his baby sister’s hand. Smiling you helped switch their skates to their normal shoes, putting the skates carefully in the bag. “Yeah? We’ll let’s go and fill those tummies up shall we?” You hummed softly before turning to Mando.
“Would you like to come with us?” You asked him, watching as he stood up. He nodded, taking his son’s hand and guiding him to the car. “I’ll follow you there.” He mumbled as he picked up his son.
You drove the kids to the restaurant, smiling as Mando walked in after you, standing close to you as the hostess showed you to the table. Sliding into the booth after all the kids were seated together, including Grogu. Mando slid in next to you, looking at you, “Hope you don’t mind.” His voice sounded deeper causing blush to creep onto your face.
“No worries.” You picked up a menu, asking the children what they would like to eat. After they all chose, you looked towards mando. “See anything you want yet?” You asked him, looking at the menu before looking at his face, blushing when you saw him already looking at you.
“I’m not too hungry, maybe I’ll order something to go.” He replied, his voice gruff causing you to clench your thighs together as you imagine his voice from underneath your pu- Stop it. You’re about to eat with KIDS you fucking horny bitch. Clearing your throat you nodded and proceeded to order what you wanted. Watching the kids interact, you felt Mando’s hand touch yours, causing you to stiffen your back at the unexpected touch.
“So.. what do you do for a living?” You asked Mando, taking a sip from your drink. He sighed softly, barely audible if you weren’t paying attention. He leaned back, his helm facing you,”I’m a bounty hunter. I get paid to hunt people down, bringing them back to people they owe debts to.” He watched your face, waiting for your reaction.
You were surprised, from your understanding that profession is quite dangerous, especially for him since he is a father. It made you curious as to why he would have that profession since he is a dad. Voicing your curiosity, you asked him.
“Why a bounty hunter? Not that it is a bad profession, it’s just that you have a child. You have a lot to lose if something happens to you.” Tilting your head to the side, you waited for his response. You looked over at the kids when they got a bit rowdy, telling them to calm down.
“It pays well enough for me to put food on the table for us. For our home. As long as I know that he is alive and safe, I am fine. I’d do anything for him.” He told you, looking towards his son for a moment. You could easily tell he truly loves his son, caring deeply for him. At some point during your conversation, your hand slipped comfortably into his, neither of you seemed to mind or be upset from the tender action. You began eating the meal, watching the children eat, making sure to have minimal mess from the four children eating in front of you two.
You both were outside the restaurant, the children saying good-bye to Mando’s cute little baby. The kids piled into the car, chatting loudly.
“Mando… I-I really enjoyed talking to you today… and maybe, um, we could do it again.” You said nervously, you planned on speaking confidently, but once you actually spoke, his stare made your soul tingle and all confidence slipped away.
“I think that would…” He watched your hopeful eyes, your nervous demeanor. “... it would be a great idea. I think it’ll be… good.” Good? The fuck does that mean?? Din mentally slapped himself, that was the weirdest thing he has ever said.
Blushing deeply you nodded, reaching into your purse and writing your number down on a piece of paper, handing it to him. You felt your confidence build up again as he didn’t reject you. Thank God.
“Call me.” You smiled, leaning in and kissing his helm where his cheek would be. You walked to your car, getting in and waving to him as you drove home. What a fucking day.
A/N Y'ALL this took a long ass time to write. mainly because I kept changing things around and school takes my time away! But I got it done!!! I hope y'all liked it, I know its very ~dull~ for the most part.
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chaotic-noceur · 4 years
if you love something, let it go
[ day 2 | angstageddon masterlist ]
pairing: Javier Peña x reader
summary: Javier is familiar with the concept of love, but it is not something he’ll allow himself to indulge in.
warnings: heavy angst, swearing, degradation (DO NOT READ IF YOU’RE NOT IN A GOOD MENTAL SPACE)
credits: shout out to my loves @din-damn-djarin @ezrasarm for beta reading and letting me hurt them at too-early-in-the-morning o’clock! Some dialogue was prompted by this shadowhunters clip.
a/n: I AM SORRY. I love every single one of you reading this but I’m an angry sad soul and it had to go somewhere 😬also, im a little all over the place rn so i might be a little slow on replies but im sending all of you virtual hugs!
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gif by @pascvl​
You lose your breath every time he walks into the room. Your heart beats faster when he passes by. Your skin tingles when his breath kisses your skin as he hovers over your shoulder. You think this is the feeling that they talk about in the movies. You think this is love. The thought makes your heart flutter.
His mind goes blank every time he sees you. His heart flares when he hears your laughter and he’s not the cause of it. His mind replays your conversations on an endless loop. He thinks this is the feeling that his father had told him about. He thinks this is love. The thought makes his stomach churn. 
The betting pool is started by a new trainee looking to make some quick cash. He bet that he could get a confession out of Javier Peña before the year was through. When word gets out that there’s a wager for the office’s resident grump to finally ‘get his head out of his ass and admit his feelings’, agents from every department are quick to place their bets. It didn’t take a trained agent to see that the pair of you were hopelessly in love.
The pool gets spread so far up the ranks that even Messina hears the whispers. She turns a blind eye to the childish game. She knows that the rumours of their infamous philanderer in love were only that: rumours, half truths, lies. A man with his history wouldn’t know what love was even if it was staring him in the face.
Days turn into weeks, which turn into months but no amount of meddling by the trainees is enough to draw out an admission of his affections. Steve watches you from his perch on Javier’s desk as his partner stabs at the typewriter keys. “You could just talk to 'em instead of destroying government assets.” There’s a smugness in his voice that tells Javier that his meddlesome partner is smirking. 
“Fuck off Murphy.” Your laughter cuts through the bustling office chatter. Javier looks up to see a fresh-faced trainee leaning against your desk, taking up too much of your personal space for his liking. He grits his teeth and once again the sound of his furious typing takes over the room. Steve throws his hands up in mock surrender.
The clearing of a throat has you turning your head over your shoulder, coffee pot in hand. Steve is leaning against the door frame with one eyebrow raised. You roll your eyes at him as you return to your coffee making. 
“What do you want, Murphy?” you call over your shoulder, feigned curiosity lacing your voice. You know what he wants. He has that look in his eye, the one that says ‘how many more times do we need to have this talk’. 
“Don’t give me that shit,” he starts. You raise an unamused eyebrow at him in return. He puts his mug down beside you, leans his hip against the counter and folds his arms as he turns to you. “If I have to slap him out of his daydream one more time, he won’t have a face anymore.” You scoff.
“You have no proof that he daydreams about me.” He opens his mouth to speak but your finger strikes his chest before he can. Coffee splashes against the inside of the pot dangerously as you move. “And even if he does, that doesn’t mean he’s in love with me.” Steve snorts at your words.
“Oh, he’s in love with you alright. He talks about you so much that even Connie’s getting fed up.” You shake your head in mock disbelief, an attempt to hide the sheepish smile creeping its way onto your face. The blond man sees right through your charade. “Just, tell him for fucks sake. I need my partner back if we’re gonna take down Escobar.”
You open your mouth to counter him but he’s out of the room before you can organise your thoughts. Out of the corner of your eye, you notice his empty cup sitting beside yours. You huff out a laugh, “idiot.”
Two months and countless Steve-terventions later, you’d decided that enough was enough. You were getting tired of living in the ‘what ifs’. You wanted to love and be loved by Javier Peña. 
The thought of planning some kind of grand extravagant gesture had crossed your mind but this was Javier you were talking about. He hated grand extravagant gestures. So you settled for just… telling him. No beating around the bush, no carefully-worded metaphors. Just you, your words and your heart. God, you hoped that was enough.
You’re getting ready to leave when the light reflecting off a nearby desk lamp catches your attention. Tracing it back to its source, you find Javier hunched over a heap of files. Spreads of paper are sprawled across every available surface. The corner of your lips turn upwards when he pulls a face at the document in front of him. 
You purse your lips as you contemplate your options: talk to him now, with nowhere to hide from the consequences of your declaration or talk to him during official work hours, where you could be spared prolonged embarrassment. Dozens of scenarios play themselves out in your head, your familiar daydreams altering themselves to fit the scene before you. You let out a puff of air as you settle on talking to him now. Fewer witnesses, for good or for bad. 
You dig around your drawer for your secret stash of snacks before making your way to him. He looks up when he hears the familiar rustling of the packet. A tired smile graces his face as you pull Steve’s chair around, dropping the packet onto his desk as you sit. You fall into the familiar routine and he hands you a nearby file. Occasionally, your elbows kiss and you exchange quiet apologies while pretending you don’t crave each other’s touch.
You’re sweeping stray sheets of paper into your hand when it dawns on you that the ‘right time’ will never come unless you make it. A determined exhale leaves you as you reach across his desk while he files the last of the paperwork. “I need to tell you something and I need you to listen to me.” 
The way you’re looking at him sends a chill down his spine. There’s a fire behind your eyes that he’s never seen before and he doesn’t know what to expect. He nods solemnly instead. This is it, he thinks. She’s going to tell me that I’m a burden or that I’m a fuck up. He braces himself for the news.
“I…” his eyes are fixed on you and you glance away briefly as your confidence wavers. Just tell him. He loves you too. Steve assured you of it. The sheets of paper rustle in your hand as you tighten your grip. “I love you, Javi.” 
Deep brown eyes widen in shock. His heart falters as the weight of your words sink in. He blinks at you hesitantly, wondering if he’d misheard. When you say nothing, fireworks explode in his belly as he searches for his words but- oh.
Why? Why him? Don’t you know of everything that he’s done? He left his high school sweetheart at the altar without so much as a goodbye. He didn’t even have the decency to send her an apology and he can barely bring himself to feel guilty. He’s lied, cheated, and killed without an ounce of remorse. Worst of all, he’d do it all again if it means getting Escobar. He was a monster and a killer. He doesn’t deserve love. Not after everything he’s done. Not after the way he treated his first one. So he does the logical thing. He pushes you away, puts up the barricades and lines them with barbed wire.
“You shouldn’t,” he replies. He jerks his arm away and turns his back to you, moving to store the file in the cabinet behind him.
“But I do. Javi, I-”
“No!” He slams the metal cabinet shut for emphasis. The scraping of rusty metal echoes through the room. You furrow your eyebrows in confusion. But Steve had said!
“Just tell me you don’t love me too and I’ll stop. Tell me you don’t feel what I feel. Tell me that your heart doesn’t skip a beat when you make me laugh. Tell me that you don’t count the hours until you get to see me again. Tell me that you don’t wish it was me that you wake up next to instead of-” you choke on your words, instead of your ‘informants’.
He spins around sharply and you fix your gaze on him, desperately willing your heart to stop pounding in your ears. Fiery brown orbs stare back at you instead, void of their previous tenderness. He holds your gaze as he takes curt steps towards you. He’s close enough now that you can feel his breath on your face and your heart clenches in misplaced hope. Your breath hitches as he leans in. 
“I don’t.”
With two words, you see your world shatter before your eyes. You flinch back in response but he keeps going, leaning closer as you draw away. “I don’t love you.” His voice is cold and deadly. It’s icier than you’ve ever heard it and you’ve seen him threaten the devil’s right-hand man. You bite the inside of your cheek in a feeble attempt to stop the tears from welling in your eyes. He doesn’t mean it, you lie to yourself. He can’t mean it. He-
“I never have and I never will. You are nothing but a distraction to me.” He slows his words as he speaks, as if needing to emphasise them. “Do you think you’re important? That you matter? I can’t even tell you what colour your eyes are without looking at them first.” It’s a lie. But you deserve better than a screw up like him. He can’t give you the life you deserve, the life he needs you to live. The life that he wants but can never have. He can’t drag you into the endless pit of darkness that he’s learnt to call home. He won’t. 
He clenches his jaw and brings his lips to your ear, shoving down the urge to kiss you. “I could never love someone as pathetic and weak as you.” He whispers his words like a slow-acting venom, delivering his final blow. He knows he’s hit the mark when he hears the choked sob that leaves your body. He pulls away to see your fists balled at your side as tears glide down your face.
He didn’t have to do that. He could’ve just said no but he didn’t. Instead, he’d rubbed salt into unhealed wounds that you’d made the mistake of showing him. He wanted to hurt you and that made you angry. A quiet voice whispers that he’s hiding behind his words, that there’s more to the story. You silence the voice without a second thought because right now? You don’t care why he did it. All you feel is anger, and pain. 
The fire from before morphs into something sinister and you let the flames grow. It licks at your heart, daring it to explode, to unleash everything you’ve been holding back. So you let him burn in your rage. You let him burn and you drown out the screams.
“Fuck you, Javier Peña!” Your finger stabs into his chest in time with each word. “Fuck you and everything you fight for!” You flail your arms out wide. He flinches but you don’t notice. “All you care about is Escobar. You don’t give a shit who you hurt along the way, as long as you get what you want.” 
You scoff as you fold your arms across your chest. You’re breathing hard out of your nose and you hate the way Javier holds your gaze. You hate the way it challenges you to keep going, almost like he’s enjoying it.
You grind your teeth together as you calm the raging flames inside your chest. “No matter how you spin it Javier, whatever bullshit you tell yourself to get yourself to sleep at night... it’s just that. Bullshit.” You shake your head in frustration as you spin on your heels, turning to leave. 
A picture of him and Murphy falls into your line of sight and something sparks within you. An ember in the dying flames. You drag all the emotion out of your voice before speaking. You need him to hear your words without them being clouded by your fury. “When Murphy walks away from it all, he’ll have someone to go home to. You?” you glance over your shoulder to look at him, “you’ll never have anyone.”
He stays frozen in place until the sound of your shoes tapping against the floor has long since faded. A single tear rolls down the left side of his cheek. I wish it could be you.
——angstageddon tag list
@din-damn-djarin @ezrasarm @chaoticspaceidiot @engineeredfiction @pedropascalito @dreamgirl-67 @hillarymurray4 @wille-zarr @oloreaa @this-cat-is-dea @marydjarin @roxypeanut @cryptkeepersoul @agirllovespasta @wickedfrsgrl @dindisneydjarin  @opheliaelysia @aeryntheofficial @adikaofmandalore​ @goldafterglow​ @yespolkadotkitty​ @chibi-liz05​ @scarlettvonsass​ @rpcvliz​ @cinewhore​ @basura2319​ @theravenreads​ @mxndoscyarika​ @jaime1110​ @f0rever15elf​ @pancakepike​ @phoenixhalliwell​
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cheekysos · 4 years
The Maori Protector | Calum Hood | Bodyguard!AU x Plus Size Reader
Author’s Note:  Please be kind this is the first time I’ve written in like two years. Also I’m not writing this series to exclude any body type, shape, or size because everyone’s bodies should be accepted and celebrated. So I am very sorry if this in any way excludes anyone, that is not my intention. If there’s anything you’d like to read please leave a request in my asks and I will try my best to do it justice. Depending on the response I plan to make multiple parts of this.
Summary: Y/N is a famous plus sized actress and Calum is her bodyguard.
Warnings: Swearing, breaking and entering, and some light sexual comments
  From a young age you were always bigger, bigger than the girls your age and most of the time even the boys. It made your childhood rather difficult and usually pretty emotional. In spite all of those hardships the only thing that brought you solace was acting. It gave you courage and confidence, even if it was only temporary. Which brings you to now, you had stuck with acting, getting a few parts here and there, usually the stereotypical funny fat friend but then you got your big break.
  You couldn’t believe that you were finally cast as the lead; a part that had nothing to do with your size and given the timing of the world it just worked out and people loved it. Your schedule was filling up and you were more popular than ever. But with all that good brings a lot of bad as well, which is why your manager had insisted on hiring you a personal body guard and wasn't taking no for an answer.
“I don’t know Carl, I still don’t see why I need a body guard.” You poked, aimlessly scrolling through your phone while Jane continued to curl your hair. You were about to make your first late night television appearance and were trying to keep your mind on something other than your nerves.
“We’ve been over this. People are starting to show up to places you’ll be at and paparazzi these days have no boundaries. It’s for your own good.” He sighed, the two of you have had this conversation multiple times already. “I interviewed like 20 dudes for this, I promise he’s the best of the best. Just please play nice.” He teased before walking out the door. It’s not like you were a mean person or anything just guarded more than anything and rightfully so. You can’t look like you do and work in show business without having some trust issues.
   Jane finished up your hair with some hairspray, “you’re all set. Go get changed you’re on in ten love.”                                           
   “Thanks. Looks great, like always!” You beamed looking at yourself in mirror before walking into the green room bathroom. You squeezed yourself into your beige spanx tucking and adjusting your lumps and bumps. The dress you and your stylist decided on was a deep red ruched midi length dress with off the shoulder 3/4 length sleeves. It hugged your body in all the right ways and still managed to leave something to the imagination. You paired the dress with black strapped heels and a small gold necklace. You stepped out of the bathroom, your back zipper still open, “Jane can you zip me up?”
As you lifted your gaze your eyes landed a large figure standing between Jane and Carl. His tall frame and broad shoulders were covered in a crisp black suit. You were way too caught up in how incredibly good looking he was to remember the fact that your backside was still exposed. You probably wouldn’t have noticed Jane zipping you up if it wasn’t for her cold hands.                                         
“Y/N, this is Calum Hood. He’s your new head of security,” Carl said. You could feel your cheeks flush as you made eye contact with him. His massive hand reached out to shake yours, you obliged taking note of the ink adorning his hand. Your mind started to wander, thinking of other parts of his body that might be cover in tattoos.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you Miss Y/L/N,” his accent catching you off guard yet again.          
 “Please just Y/N,” you said softly. He nodded in acknowledgment.                          “We can go over specifics later,” Carl interrupted. “Y/N it’s time to go.” He ushered you past Calum.
   Despite your best efforts to focus on the interview you couldn’t help but think about the gorgeous brooding man waiting backstage to protect you.
   It had been over a month since Calum started working for you and let’s just say it’s been a challenge. Every day you spent with him made it harder and harder to stay professional, you wanted nothing more than to jump his bones, but Calum was most of all a professional. He kept your conversations always about you and work. You tried so hard to get something from him; a lingering glance, a morsel of personal information, even a smile but have yet to be successful. Which is why you were trying so hard to stay professional, he clearly wasn’t interested and you respected that and a small part of you wasn’t surprised. Just because you were a successful actress doesn’t mean weren’t insecure and today was just one of those days.                                                  
    If your mind was going to choose a day to be in a funk at least it chose one where you can stay at home cuddled on the couch with a glass of wine and a pint of ice cream while watching an unhealthy amount of rom-coms. You got up from the couch to fill your glass when you heard something like pounding. You weren’t exactly a paranoid person but living alone in a fairly decent sized home and the three glasses of wine didn’t exactly help.  You paused your movie, listening just to be sure. You heard the pounding again this time louder, making you jump. Your fuzzy sock clad feet slid across the hardwood floor and grabbed your phone . The pounding started again, this time by the windows in your dinning room. You scurried into the bathroom and locked the door. You weren’t even really thinking when your fingers started to scroll through your phone book and landed on Calum’s name.             
   Four rings and he answered. “Hello?” His voice was soft and made you forget about your current situation for just a second.
  “Y/N? Is everything okay?” He questioned.    
  “Y-ya-yes it’s me.” you stuttered. “I - uh didn’t know who to call. I’m home alone and someone’s pounding....I don’t know if it’s a joke or if....”           
“Where are you?” He cut you off. His voice was different now stern and concerned.                  
 “In the bathroom. I locked the door.” your hands started to shaking.                         “Good. Stay there until I get there.” You heard his car start. “Did you call the police?”
    How could you not have thought of that first, he’s going to think you’re crazy, you thought to yourself. “No I...I wasn’t sure who to call”
 “It’s fine I’ll call them right no...” he was still talking when this time you cut him off.
  “Please don’t hang up.” Tears started pooling in the corners of your eyes. Your brother always teased you for being so over dramatic.
  “Okay... then I need you to text Carl tell him what’s going on and that I’m on my way to you and you need him to call the police. Can you do that for me.” His voice was steady and calming. You did as you were told almost immediately. Calum kept quiet on the other end until you told him the message was sent.
“Good. I’m almost there, few more minutes. I’ll probably make it there before the police. When I get there I’m going to...”
CRASH. They shattered a window.
You couldn’t help letting a scream escape before you covered your mouth, tears flowing down your checks now.
“Y/N! What happened?!” He yelled.
“They broke a window I think.” You quietly sobbed. Your hand covering your mouth and phone as an attempt to be as quiet as possible.
“Fuck!” You heard the sound of what you assumed to be Calum beeping the horn. “It’s okay turn the light off in the bathroom and stay quiet. I promise I’m almost there.”
 The rest happened so quickly. Before you knew it Calum was at your house smashing the remaining bits of glass and jumping through the window. He ran towards the bathroom calling out your name. You unlocked the bathroom door and wrapped yourself around his toned torso, silently sobbing into his chest. 
  He held you until the police arrived. He led you to the front door, his massive hand laid across the small of your back. He unlocked the front door and conversed with two officers while an EMT took you aside to check on you. You were fine of course just shaken up, they wrapped a blanket around you and gave you a glass of water to calm down. Another officer took your statement but you didn’t have much to tell.
You sat on your couch watching Calum intently. You couldn’t hear anything they were saying but that didn’t stop you from watching his plump pink lips move. You just realized Calum was in street clothes - black athletic joggers, a plain white tee, and Nike’s. Fuck he’s so hot and shit his hand was bleeding. You also noticed you were right...he did have more tattoos and they were glorious. By this time the Police officers picked up something put it in an evidence bag and handed it to Calum. His face dropped as he looked at it. What was it? Was he sad or angry? Calum and the officer approached you.
“Miss Y/L/N I’m Officer Callaghan. It looks like the only person to enter your home was Mr. Hood. Someone did however throw this through your window. He held out the object. It was a brick with ‘kill urself fat cow’ written on it in chalk. You didn’t everything you could to fight back the tears.
“It was most likely stupid kids, just a prank.” The officer explained.
“That’s not a prank that’s a threat.” Calum snapped. It was anger. He was definitely angry and honestly it was kind of a good look on him.
“Of course.” Officer Callaghan responded. “While Mr. hood gets his hand looked at I’ll have someone board up your window so you’re homes secure until you can get someone to come fix it. Do you have somewhere you can stay tonight?” Callaghan asked.
Maybe Jane? Carl was out of town and you really didn’t want to bother any of your friends. Maybe just a hotel.
“My hand is fine and I’ll take her wherever she wants to go,” Calum spoke.
You didn’t mean to zone out again but you did. Thank god Calum was there and dealt with everything for you. Your mind kept wandering back to the brick. Could someone really hate you that much just because you looked the way you did?
“I spoke with Carl, the window is boarded up and everyone’s gone. Just tell me what you need.” Calum sat next to you in the couch. His cut hand rested on his lap, covered in a paper towel.
“You really should have let someone look at that.” You said faintly.
“I’ve survived much worse.” He joked.
And that’s when you finally saw it. A quick subtle smile and shit he only got more attractive. You ignored the blood rushing to your cheeks, shrugging off the blanket wrapped around your shoulders before you stood up.
“Come with me.” You led Calum into the bathroom, just now realizing how ridiculous you probably looked - fuzzy socks, a massive hoodie, cotton shorts and hair messily twisted into a bun on the top of your head. At least you shaved your legs.
You got the first aid kit out of the cabinet, Calum leaned against the sink and offered you his hand. You carefully removed the paper towel to find multiple cuts in between his knuckles, his beautiful brown skin stained with dry blood.
“You really should have had this looked at by professionals. I think you might need stitches,” you meticulously started to disinfect the area, completely aware of Calum’s big brown eyes watching you.
“I-uh I’m really sorry this happened to you tonight and what they said I.... It’s not..” he sighed. “They’re cowards, scum honestly.” He winced slightly when you started cleaning the largest cut.
“People are entitles to their opinions. And like you said earlier I’ve survived much worse.” You joked, hoping Calum couldn’t pick up on hurt in your voice. But he did.
“I understand if you don’t want to talk about it but don’t try to justify their behavior or anyone else who’s mistreated you.” His voice was steady and calming again.
Dammit. Why was he like this, so perfect. It was becoming increasingly difficult to stay professional. Your body and heart ached for him. What were you supposed to say to that? You didn’t know so you changed the subject.
“Thank you for everything. I’m sorry I dragged you into all this.” You finished applying antibiotic ointment on his wounds before covering them with gauze and securing it with an ace bandage.
“It’s my job to keep you safe,” he cleared his throat. “Thanks for cleaning me up.”
So professional. Why couldn’t he just accept payment in the form of sexual favors.
You offered a half smile and nodded in acknowledgement as you cleaned up.
“Where do you want me to take you?” He questioned.
“I don’t know I’ll probably just stay here, like the police said it was just a prank.” You shrugged and turned on your heel to walk out of the bathroom.
Calum’s hand reached out for yours, turning you back to him. “You’re not staying here. It’s not safe and this wasn’t a prank, you could’ve gotten hurt.”
Your headstrong gene wanted to argue with him but his eyes looked worried and his voice was so sincere. Not to mention the fact that your hand was still intertwined with him and you were practically putty right now. His hand was soft, with the exception of a few callouses on his fingers.  
  “Ok..I can go to...a uh hotel,” you didn’t want to go to a hotel and you most certainly didn’t want to be alone but you lied.
Calum’s hand slipped away from yours, “if that’s where you’ll feel safe.” He replied.
“I won’t feel safe there. But the only place I think I’ll feel safe right now is with you.” Who knows what possessed you to blurt out the truth all of a sudden but you instantly regretted it. “I know you’ve already done way too much and I’ll make sure Carl compensates you for all your trouble but if you’ll just indulge me a little longer...You could stay in my guest room or I’ll pay for a room for you.” You tried to navigate yourself through this shit storm you’ve created so you could still stay with Calum but also be professional.
“Don’t be ridiculous, spending time with you is compensation enough.” He reassured. “And it’s no Ritz Carlton or anything but you’re more than welcome to stay at my place.”
Screw being professional.
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imagine-docx · 4 years
colour spectrum.
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Summary: You can only see in black and white, but the moment you meet your soulmate you can see colour. What happens when you’ve been able to see colour all your life and can’t recall who’s your soulmate? [bestfriend!soulmate!au]
Warnings: Swearing
A/N: i’m back with yet another fic, hope everyone is doing well! I also hope everyone is doing their share by signing petitions and contributing to the black lives matters movement - Amanda 💛
»»————- ➴ ————-««
The concept of soulmates has existed since the dawn of time. You only see black and white until you meet your soulmate. After your 16th birthday, you could see the entire colour spectrum once you met your soulmate, but if you didn’t keep in contact with your soulmate, you would lose your ability to see colour until you met again. 
Your problem was that you could see the entire colour spectrum, since the moment you turned 16. Your parents explained the colour spectrum the night before your 16th birthday, and when you woke up the next day, your life was filled with vivid colours. 
Anytime anyone would ask if you could see colours, you passed it off as you couldn’t and were waiting until you met the right person. But in reality, you were now 25, and you were trying to figure out who your soulmate could possibly be.
“Are you sure you can’t see colour?” Arthur poked at your side.
“I swear to god, the amount of times you’ve asked me this question is astronomical. The answer will remain the same, which is no,” you lied. Over the years you’ve perfected the acting and no one could tell you were lying.
Arthur laid down on the couch behind you, as you sat on the floor overlooking a file for work. “I came to spend time with my best friend, yet you’re paying more attention to that stupid file,” he whined.
Best friend. How you hated that word to describe your relationship with Arthur Curry. You two had been friends since you met in a playground when you were five, and here you were twenty years later, but with the fattest crush you could ever have on someone. Someone who has a soulmate, might you add. 
“Are you paying the bills?” You asked, adding notes to the margin.
“Then you aren’t allowed to talk,” you said, underlining something in the document.
You pulled your hair up into a bun to get it out of your face, and got back to work. You suddenly felt a shiver down your spine as Arthur’s fingertips trace the back of your neck. “That’s a nice shade of red,” he murmured, tracing the petals of the rose that was tattooed on the back of your neck.
Your face was laced with confusion, until you finally understood what he said, “Wait,” you spun around, “You can see colour? Arthur since when?”
“God knows how long. Wait, did you not know this?” He asked.
“No, Art, what the fuck?” You looked him dead in the eye, “Why did you not tell me?”
“I thought it was common knowledge,” he rebuttal.
You turned back around, “How did you survive this long?”
“Alcohol. Do you know how pretty this rose is with all its colour? How did you pick it out?” He asked.
You bit your lip, I went to an artist who had met his soulmate and we worked out the colours together because we can both agree and disagree what would look good, is what you wanted to say, but ultimately a, “I went to an artist who met his soulmate and he worked with the colours and I trusted him,” slipped out of your mouth.
“You got a man to tattoo on you?” He asked.
“Yeah, not a big deal you know.” You responded.
“Anything could have happened, he could have-” 
You cut him off before he went even further, “Art, I was in a shop with like ten different people, I had a shirt and pants on. I was fine. Plus I asked someone to come, but they were busy.”
“Nope, we’re done,” you stated, ending the conversation as you made notes on the file in front of you.
»»————- ➴ ————-««
“He got mad that you got tattooed by a man?” Harley asked.
It was a usual Friday night you spent surrounded by your friends Harley, Dinah, Diana and Pamela. Usually these nights consisted of getting wasted on someone’s floor in their living room, these weeks happened to be in Dinah’s living room.
“Yeah, for fucking what? I asked him if he wanted to come, he was busy with Mera.” You spat, looking at the cup of Smirnoff that was in your hands. 
“And he still thinks you can’t see colour?” Dinah asked.
“Yeah,” you said, “It’s whatever.”
Pamela reached over and smacked your back, “You dumbass, what if he’s your soulmate?”
“He can’t be. He sees colour with Mera. I don’t know if you’ve noticed but, I am not Mera.”
“She might have a point, if he sees colour with Mera, they can’t be soulmates,” Diana stated.
“Finally someone with a brain cell,” you joked.
“Din, I need paper and a ton of markers,” Harley said.
And that’s how you were dragged into a life chart of people you’ve met and possible soulmate suspects.
“If you could see it the moment you turned sixteen, that means you knew them before. Which means you would have had literally anyone from elementary school.” Harley started, “The moment you turned sixteen, you would have been around literally anyone in high school.” Harley crossed off high school, “Post high school, you kept in contact with Arthur, Hal, Thom, Kalel, and Bruce. Kalel has Diana, which means Kalel is off.” Harley crossed off Kalel, “Hal is not even in Gotham, meaning you can’t be able to see without constant contact from him,” Hal joined the crossed out group. “Bruce is with Talia, so off the list. “Thom is in San Fran doing god knows what, so you wouldn’t be able to see,” Thom joined the crossed off list. Only Arthur was left. Harley scratched her head looking at it. “He’s soulmates with Mera?”
“Yeah,” you said, you’ve come to the same conclusion several thousand times.
“Stranger?” Pamela proposed.
“The chances of seeing the same fucking person every once in a while just for you to see colours doesn’t make fuckin’ sense.” Harley stated.
You stretched out and laid back onto the floor. “It’s fine, I’ll die alone.”
»»————- ➴ ————-««
Before you left work you swung Arthur a text asking him if he wanted to have a movie night once he got off work.
You were pulling down your sweater dress with one hand and phone in the other and were making your way to the doors until you heard your name. 
Spinning on your heel, you looked in the direction you heard your name called from. Lucas Trent. 
You two were close during history classes during your years in university, mostly because the two of you sat at the back of the lecture hall with snacks and were self educating because the prof was actual trash. 
“Lucas? Hi,” you said, engulfing him in a hug.
He wrapped his arms around you, “God it’s been so long.”
“How’d you know I’m here?” You asked, releasing him.
“I saw Dinah this morning, and she told me. I was hoping we can catch up?” He asked.
You checked your phone and saw that Arthur still didn’t message you back. “Yeah, I’m game.”
»»————- ➴ ————-««
“No. Fucking. Way.” You said, in absolute shock.
“I. Fucking. Know.” Lucas responded.
The two of you were sitting at a coffee shop near your work place, and you were still anticipating Arthur’s text, but to no avail he didn’t answer.
“I never would have thought your soulmate was a dude,” you said.
Lucas found his soulmate while he was swimming at the beach. He showed you pictures of him and Apollo on vacation, and other cute Instagram worthy couple pictures.
“I fucking know man, it’s such a strange turn of events.” He took a sip of his coffee, “How’s Arthur by the way? You still attached by the hip?” 
“Same old pain in the ass,” you chuckled.
“Did you meet your soulmate yet?” Lucas asked.
“I’ve met them. I can see colour. They’re a constant force in my life, but I don’t know who the fuck it is,” you stated nonchalantly.
“I bet it’s Arthur,” he said, in a matter of fact tone.
“Yeah? Join the party. It’s not.” You said, leaning back into your chair.
“What do you mean he’s not your soulmate?” Lucas asked.
“You mean the redhead girl that was all over him and Selina almost fought the both of them because she thought the two of you were dating and he was cheating?”
“Bingo,” you said, sipping your coffee.
»»————- ➴ ————-««
You were unlocking your door and checking yet again if Arthur ever texted you back. You pulled the key out of the hole and paused. No response yet.
You were about to push your door in until you felt a familiar grasp push your door open and pull you in. 
Tossing the keys into your bowl, you pulled off the knee high heeled boots you were wearing and followed him into the living room. You leaned against the bar, watching Arthur pace in front of you.
“So when were you gonna tell me you found your soulmate?” He spat.
“I saw you and pretty boy getting coffee earlier, when were you gonna tell me that you met your soulmate?” Anger evident in his voice.
“Why the fuck are you mad? You have Mera.” You retaliated.
“I have the right to be mad,” he said, crossing his arms against his chest.
“Why? Why the fuck could you possibly be mad? Just because I see colour you’re pissed?” You spat back at him.
“So you can see colour now,” he grumbled, pissed off to the max. 
You didn’t retaliate, you watched him pace around even more. He eventually sat down on the couch, looking at the ground, he ran his hands through his hair. 
“Mera wasn’t my soulmate.”
Your demeanor softened, “Art, what?”
“She lied. Her soulmate was Orm fucking Marius,” he said, on the brink of tears. Orm Marius, the man that Arthur hated since the dawn of time. The two of them had ongoing beef since elementary school, you really anticipated them to stop talking, but here they were, still at each other’s throat.
You walked over to him and kneeled in front of him stroking hairs out of his face. 
“Mera met Orm while we were together, and she suddenly saw colour. I thought we were soulmates, but apparently not. I’ve known her for so long, when I turned 16, I saw colours and she was constantly around. I thought she was it. Then I thought about you, but you could see colour after going out with what’s his face.”
You gently stroked his cheek, “Art, I could always see colour.”
“What?” He looked up at you.
“Since I was 16-” He cut you off by pulling you forward and into a kiss. You broke apart when you needed air, he rested his forehead against yours before peppering your face with kisses, which resulted in giggles erupting from you.
“He found his soulmate,” you reassured him, “Plus he’s gay.”
His face lit up like a Christmas tree. While getting up, he pulled your body to him. Once fully up he tossed you over his shoulder, “More for me then,” he said, before making his way to your bedroom.
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Jimin Scenario| Mafia AU where you get injured while secretly training in self defense
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Jimin was sitting in his office, tapping his finger impatiently on the desk. His right hand man Yoongi was updating him on the latest deals that had gone down over the last few hours, but he wasn’t listening to a word he was saying. The ticking on the clock and Yoongi’s voice just served as background noise to his chaotic swirl of thoughts. 
“Jimin?” Yoongi’s raised voice snapped him out of his daze and his gaze slowly turned over to him. 
“Sorry what?”
“You didn’t hear anything I just said did you?” Jimin looks away, and Yoongi can already tell the answer to that question was no. “What’s going on, Jimin? Something is clearly on your mind.” 
“Do you think y/n is cheating on me?” Yoongi nearly chokes at this. 
“Do I... what now? Y/n? The love of your life and the one you’ve been with for a year now. That y/n?”
“She keeps sneaking off in the middle night, is gone for a few hours and then comes back.” 
“Well have you asked her about this?” Jimin scoffs.
“Of course I have. She says she just has trouble sleeping and is going for walks but a few times she came back with bruises and her hair a mess... I’m really worried she might actually be seeing someone else... Maybe I’m too much for her. Maybe she just wants a normal life, and-”
“Jimin, listen. Y/n loves you more than anything. I am sure there is another explanation for this. Maybe just confront her but don’t be an ass about it.” Jimin lets out a humorless laugh. 
“Yeah, sure.. thanks.” 
“I’m serious, Jimin. I’m saying this as your friend. Just talk to her again.” He sighs at this, realizing that Yoongi is right.
“Alright, alright. I’ll do it.” 
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Later that evening when Jimin comes back you can tell something is off with him. When you tried to kiss him he turned his head so it landed on his cheek instead. This was very unusual. Although Jimin was a ruthless leader of a mafia, he was never that way with you. He was almost, soft? Absolutely loving the attention and affection you would lavish on him to the point where he almost craved it like a drug. 
“Jimin, is something wrong?”
“No just had a rough day is all.” 
“Well I made din-”
“I’m not hungry.” He brushes past you and makes his way to the bathroom, locking it behind him. You hear the shower turn on and you stand there feeling rather confused. Something was definitely wrong. And the fact that he didn’t want to tell you made you think it was something that you had done. You decide you are going to ask him further when he gets done in the shower. In the mean time you busy yourself with cleaning up the kitchen and putting the food away. You hear the bathroom door open and the quiet shuffle of feet enter the kitchen. Without the suit on, and with his hair slightly messed up he looks quite adorable. Although you’d never tell him that since he gets huffy when you call him cute. 
“I’m just going to get some water and go to bed. I’m pretty tired so..” 
“Jimin won’t you tell me what’s wrong? Something is clearly bothering you and I feel like it’s something I did since usually you are open with me about things.” He sighs.
“I really don’t want to have this conversation with you right now.” 
“Well we’re having it whether you like it or not so sit.” You point towards the chair and he rolls his eyes at you. 
“Alright. I’m skipping the water then. I’ll just go right to sleep since you’re going to be a stubborn brat and not listen.” 
“A stubborn... I’m being a brat? Who’s the one that won’t open up and tell me what the hell is bothering him? Who’s the one throwing a little fit? It’s you.” Jimin ignores you and walks away into the bedroom. You hear the door shut and lock behind him. 
“Screw this. I’m leaving.” You grab your bag and keys and slam the front door loudly, hoping that he would hear it from the bedroom. 
He does, and he immediately feels bad. He should have just talked to you instead of hiding and ignoring the issue. He takes out his phone to call you and ask you to come back but it goes straight to voicemail. He sighs and brings his palms up to his face. He feels tears threatening to fall as he worries he may have messed things up with you for good. Maybe you weren’t coming back. He lays back down and curls onto his side, tightly hugging your pillow as he sends you a few messages waiting anxiously for your reply. He just wants you to be safe above all else.
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“Good job y/n! You’ve really improved I’m so proud of you!” Jungkook scoops you into a tight hug and you smile as you hug him back.
“Thank you Jungkook! I’ve been training really hard when Jimin isn’t around.”
“Ah, you still haven’t told him?”
“No... I’m too nervous he’s going to be mad.”
“Why would he be mad?”
“Because he treats me like I am some defenseless damsel in distress, like I can’t handle myself. He won’t even let me go to the grocery store without a guard. If he knew I was here training to defend myself... oh god he would have a fit.” 
“I guess you’re right.. But you have to tell him y/n. Yoongi told me today that Jimin is worried you’re cheating on him because you keep leaving in the middle of the night when you think he’s asleep.” 
“Oh god he really.. I would never! You didn’t tell Yoongi did you?”
“No, I didn’t don’t worry. It’s not my secret to tell. But y/n you really need to tell him when you get home today he’s probably really upset.” 
“Well that explains why he was so short with me tonight. I feel horrible he actually thinks I would cheat on him?” You are lost in thought before Jungkook snaps you out of it with a flick to your forehead. 
“Hey, don’t worry about that right now okay? Let’s just do one more round and then you can go home and talk to him.” You nod and assume your stance, waiting for when Jungkook decides to strike. He lunges for you and you move out of the way, however your foot gets caught on a dip in the mat and you feel a twist and a horrible pop in your ankle. Immediately you fall onto the ground crying out in pain. 
“Y/n?! Y/n what’s wrong what happened? Oh god Jimin is going to kill me.” 
“I might have broken my ankle and you’re worried about what Jimin is going to do to you?!” 
“Sorry! Oh gosh no I didn’t mean for it to seem like that.” He leans down to inspect your ankle. He puts some pressure on it in certain places and you wince, feeling tears spill out from behind your eyes at the pain. 
“I don’t think it’s broken. Probably just a bad sprain. I have wraps in the back hang on.” Jungkook walks away and comes back moments later with a wrap for your ankle. He handles you with care, making sure not to hurt you further. “Let me grab some ice for you too, to help keep the swelling down.” You nod and wait for him to come back. In the mean time you take your phone out and turn it on, only to see a few missed calls and text messages from Jimin. He sounds so hurt and it breaks your heart. 
I’m sorry y/n. Please don’t be angry with me. 
Just come back home I miss you and I need you. 
I don’t know where you keep going in the middle of the night but... if it’s why I think it is I am just so sorry. I can be better. I’ll come home more often and spend more time with you just please don’t leave me. I love you. 
Tears well up in your eyes again making it impossible for you to read anymore messages due to them blurring your vision. Jungkook comes back out and finds you sitting on the floor crying with your head buried in your knees. 
“Ah! Does your ankle hurt that bad? I have pain killers!”  You feel a icepack being pressed to your ankle and you shiver slightly. You lift your head up to meet his eyes. 
“It’s fine. My ankle isn’t the reason I am crying.”
“Then what’s wrong?” You hand Jungkook your phone and he reads the messages.
“Oh.. sweetheart I’m sorry.” He gently cards his fingers through your hair and it relaxes you immediately. “You know we’re going to have to call him to come get you. You can’t walk home like this and I don’t have a car..” 
“I know. But I can’t talk to him right now without bursting into tears I’m sure. Jungkook can you call him please?”
“Um.. sure. Well, it was nice knowing you he’s going to be planning my funeral on the way over here so. You were a good student. Remember me fondly when I’m gone.” You chuckle and push him away from you. 
“You’re such a drama queen.”
“Hah, you obviously don’t know the other sides of Jimin if you think I am kidding. You see the best of him, the soft side of him.” He takes a deep breath and presses his contact information. Jimin answers before the first ring even finishes. 
“Y/n? Baby where are you right now are you safe?”
“Uh, Jimin?”
“Jungkook? What are you doing with y/n’s phone.. Oh is it you? Are you the one-”
“Oh gosh what the hell? Jimin no! Absolutely not. I would never do that to you you’re one of my best friends. But y/n uh.. she’s kind of.. not able to come home right now by herself?”
“What why? What happened? Why can’t you walk her back?”
“Because she can’t walk and I don’t have a car.” 
“What?! What the hell happened? Did you do something to her because I swear to God I will fucking-”
“Jimin he didn’t do anything to me calm down!” You shout. 
“Baby? Is that you?”
“Yes it’s me. Give me the phone Jungkook.”
“What happened why can’t you walk? I am so confused please just tell me what is happening.” 
“Can you come to Jungkook’s studio? I’m there and I promise I will explain everything.” 
“I’m already on my way.” You hang up the phone and flop backwards onto the mat, staring up at the ceiling. Jungkook sits next to you in silence as you both wait for Jimin to arrive. 
It’s only 15 minutes later when the front door bursts open. He sees you sitting on the floor with a wrap and ice on your ankle and puts two and two together rather quickly. 
“You were training her.” He says. 
“Even though I explicitly asked you not to get y/n involved in any of our messes?”
“Jimin stop it. It was my idea and I begged him not to tell you.” He walks over to you and kneels down, inspecting your ankle closely. 
“Can you walk on it?”
“I don’t know I haven’t tried.” 
“Well let’s try to get you standing up, okay?” You nod and let Jimin lift you. You can put weight on it so thankfully it must not be broken, but it sure hurts like hell. You wince and feel like all the energy has left you as you slump against him. Jimin bends down and allows you to climb on his back to carry you. 
“So tell me what exactly has been going on here?”
“Well, see... I’m sorry I never told you but before I started asking Jungkook to train me I snuck out of the house to go for a walk at night. I can feel you scowling let me finish. While I was going for a walk, a man tried to rob me. Thankfully I got away, but it was then I realized that I can’t be defenseless and not know how to handle myself. Especially with the line of work my lovely boyfriend is in. So I asked Jungkook to train me in self defense. Just so I could hold my own.. or protect you someday if it ever came to that.” Jimin’s face softens at that. 
“You did this for yourself and for me too?”
“Of course. I love you, Jimin. And everyday I am terrified you aren’t going to come home but I figure if there is anything I can do to help.. then I will. Even if it’s just self defense so I don’t have to worry about you getting killed while trying to make sure I am safe.” Jimin seems to be contemplating your words before he lets out a sigh. 
“I guess I can’t be mad at you both then. You get to live another day, Jeon.” Jungkook rolls his eyes and moves to the front to hold the door open and help you into Jimin’s car. 
“Can I keep training with him, though?”
“Once your ankle heals we’ll talk about it.” Well at least that’s not a no. 
The drive back to your apartment is quiet. Jimin seems to still be deep in thought about something and every once in a while his grip tightens on your thigh as if he’s trying to ground himself in reality. As he carries you into the apartment, he’s still so quiet. It isn’t until you are both tucked into bed that he moves to cling to you like a koala, draping his leg over you and pulling you into him. He holds you so tightly and you hear a quiet sniffle escape him. 
“Jimin? Sweetheart are you crying?”
“No.. I just had a nose itch that’s all.” You giggle and run your fingers through his hair and wait for him to settle down. “I thought I lost you.. I thought that you were..” He trails off and you already know what he was thinking. 
“I know how it seemed and I am so sorry for making you think there was even a chance that I would leave you. I would never do that to you. I understand what I was signing up for when I agreed to be yours. And that’s never going to change. My heart will always belong to you, Jimin. You and no one else.” You kiss his forehead and he sighs happily, snuggling into you further. 
“I love you y/n. You mean the world to me and I’ve never felt this way about anyone before and I know I am crazy over protective of you but.. it’s just because I have seen so many people I care about die and I can’t lose you too. That would be my breaking point and I don’t think I could handle that.”
“You won’t lose me. I’m not going anywhere.” 
“Pinky promise?” He lift his head up with a little pout on his face as he holds his pinky out. If the world could only see this side of the notorious leader of the biggest Mafia in Seoul. You smile fondly at him and link your pinkies together. 
“Pinky promise.”
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drbibliophile · 3 years
Sunday Romance 05-23-21
Prompt:  How could you betray me? 
Word count:  1310
Tagging:  @sunday-romance @sophiaroe @viawrites-andacts 
I’ve been working on this scene in my head for a really long time.  Here’s another attempt for me to write it (and in 1500 words or less).  Hopefully it makes sense.  
Jared stared at his phone.  The despair gnawed at his stomach, bringing bile to his throat.  He didn’t want to answer it.  He didn’t want to endure the next several minutes.  He’d rather be in a fire fight for his life instead… except this was a fight for his life.  Wasn’t it?  The phone went to voicemail.  Tristan pressed the gun harder against Chloe’s head.  
“Her blood on your hands.”  
Jared shot him a lethal glare.  “You wanted me to hurt her, right?”  
“Then I don’t answer the call.”  
His eyes narrowed.  “No funny business.”  
“No funny business,” he repeated.  He looked at Chloe.  She stared at him with wide-open eyes.  Fear made her whimper, but she otherwise didn’t speak.  They waited.  If he could keep his attention on Chloe, he could do this.  As he expected, his phone rang again.  This time he answered.  “Yes?”  
“Where in the hell are you?”  Kyra rushed.  “I’ve been calling.  Things are going to shit around here.  Where are you?”    
“Sorry, hon.  Just been busy.”  
“Too busy to answer your phone?”  
“Well, stop what you’re doing and get down here.  We need you.”  
“I can’t do that.”  
There was a pause.  “What do you mean, you can’t do that?”  
“I mean, I’m out, honey.  I’m done.”  
“You’re done?  You’re done with us?  With Themis?  But…?”  She stopped.  The quiet grew long and dangerous.  “You bastard,” she hissed.  “You did this.”  
“Did what?”  
“Oh, don’t you fucking dare play dumb with me, Jared.  You know what.”  
“Do I?”  
“Yes.”  His chest clenched at her voice breaking in that word.  “You damn well know what.”  Her ragged breath lacerated his heart.  “How could you?  How could you betray me, betray us like this?”  
He snorted.  “Easier than you think, baby.”  
“Don’t call me that,” she snarled.  
“Just calling it like I see it.”  Bile rose in his throat, but he forced his voice to be disdainful.  
“Why?”  It wasn’t a wail, but Kyra didn’t wail.  It was enough to make him bite on his cheek to keep from responding how he wanted.  “Why are you doing this?”  
“Not fucking good enough, Jared.”  
“Tough.”  He poured his anger towards 
“That’s it?  That’s all you’re going to give me?”  
“It’s more than you deserve.”  He needed to get off the phone.  
Her stifled sob made him close his eyes.  “Never thought you’d be so cruel.”  
“Then maybe you don’t know me as well as you thought.”  
There was a quiet moment before she sniffed.  “I think I deserve the truth.”  
“The truth?  You want the truth?”  He raised his voice, pouring his anger at Tristan into it.  “Fine.  The fucking truth is that I’m done.  Done with your family’s bullshit.  Done with your brothers’ shitting on me.  Done with your mother running my life and done, completely goddamn fucking done with you and being your perfect boyfriend.  Fuck, I am so done with you always trying to be in charge and directing everything and not leaving me the fuck alone.  I am done.”  
“Guess so.”  She swallowed hard.  “And Themis?”  
“You know me, baby girl, I always have a plan.”  
“Don’t fucking call me baby girl.”  
“I’ll call you whatever I want.  You aren’t in charge anymore.”  
“Maybe not, Seal boy, but neither are you.”  He imagined her wiping at her tears and straightening to her full height.  “Better hope I never find you or I swear on Gabe’s kids, I’m going to strangle you.”  
“Have to find me first.”  
“That shouldn’t be too hard.”  
“That’s what you think, babycakes.”  
“Fuck you.”  
“You already did that.”  
“Yeah, yeah, I did.  Definitely wasn’t worth it.”  
“Low blow, Cortland.”  
“Like I even give a fuck.  Rot in hell, Jared.”  
“Not if I see you there first.”  
Her answer was to hang up the phone.  He stared at the blank screen, struggling to breathe through the pain in his chest.  Christ, that sucked.  He dropped his phone and covered his face with his hands.  It was done.  Tears leaked from his eyes.  It was done and it hurt just as bad he thought it would.  He wiped the tears from his eyes and glared up at Tristan.  
Tristan sneered.  “For now, yes.”  He glanced at Chloe.  “Guess we won’t be needing you anymore.  Run along.”  He planted a kiss on her head.  She smiled up at him, all her fear gone.  It was an act.  Of course it was an act.  It didn’t surprise him.  She sauntered out of the room.  He looked at Jared.  “You didn’t think I’d actually hurt her.”  
Jared stood.  “Wouldn’t put it past you.”  
Tristan approached him before landing a hard punch into his guy.  “Well, we all can’t be a knight shining armor.”  
“Fuck you,” he managed.  
Tristan grabbed his hair and dragged him back to standing.  “Oh my dear boy, I’ve only begun to fuck with you.”  
Kyra slammed her phone down on the counter.  Her head joined her phone as tears streamed from her eyes.  Fuck, this was bad.  This was very bad.  It was not the worst she could imagine, but it was most definitely not good.  Very not good.  She had to act, do something.  Sitting here was time wasted.  She had to move.  She wiped her face off on her sleeves even as she grabbed her phone and hit the speed dial. 
“C’mon,” she muttered.  
Gina answered on the first ring.  “Oh my god, Kyra, this is all so incredibly fucked up.  I mean like I knew Beefcake had some skills, but like what he’s done?  It’s like he set off a nuclear bomb in here and like it’s a fucking mess and I can fix it, but the damage is done and…”  
“Gina,” she snapped.  “Shush.”  
That made her stop.  “What?”  
“Tell the mainframe to execute order 66.”  
Kyra growled low in her throat.  She didn’t have time for this.  “I said, tell the mainframe to execute order 66.”  
“But why am I telling the mainframe to do the clone order?”  
“Just fucking do it and then call me back in 30 minutes.”  She hung up and pressed another number.  “Roan,” she greeted.  
“What?”  he snapped back.  
“You at the office?”  
“Yes.  Where else would I be?  Fuck, Kyra, I think Jared did this.”  
“Yeah, he did.  Don’t worry about it.”  
“Wait… what?  He did?  But why?  Like…”  
“Shush.”  She didn’t want to shout, but she needed people to act, not question her.  “Go to Jared’s office and get into his computer.”  
“Just do it.  When you’re in find his D&D folder then Greyhawk then spells then the file Bakluni Bash.  Execute it.”  
“D&D, Greyhawk, spells, then Bakluni Bash.  Got it?”  
“Yes, I’ve got it.  Headed over there now.”  He paused.  “Sure I should be doing anything with Jared’s computer?”  
“Yes.  Trust me.  Just do it.  His password is the first two lines from Dragostea Din Tei plus Abby’s birthday backwards.”  
“Just do it then call me in 30 minutes.”  
She hung up and grabbed her keys and wallet.  She sent a quick text to her mother that she was headed there.  She needed to talk to her.  They needed to plan and quickly.  She fairly raced out of her house and towards her mother’s.  Good thing the traffic was light.  Good thing she knew where the police liked to hang out and she could avoid them.  Danielle opened the door even as she arrived.  
“Mom!”  She let go of the sob she’d been holding since she left her house.  
Danielle enfolded her into her arms.  “Oh, dearest.  I’m so sorry.”  She hugged her tightly.  “He had us all fooled, didn’t he?”  
“No.”  Kyra shook her head hard, straightening out of her mother’s hug.  “No, you have it all wrong.  Cap’s in trouble.  We have to save him.”  
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kutemouse · 4 years
And Then He Was Gray (Part Four)
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Disclaimer: I edited the pic I used for my header, but the OG pic belongs to BTS & BigHit.
Author’s Note: PLEASE be responsible like Y/n. Do NOT drink and drive, or let your friends drink and drive. Always have someone sober, who hasn’t been drinking, drive. Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.
Age Recommendation: 21+ (Not just a recommendation, kuties!)
Warnings: F*cking swears, consumption of alcohol, Jungkook being an ass, jokes about sex, Soyeon being a cuddly drunk, a tad bit o’ angst.
LOTS OF FILTHY SMUT including, but not limited to, hair pulling, the giving/receiving of hickeys, slight pain, groping, touching, BDSM themes, slight degradation, the giving/receiving of a lap dance, fingering, exhibitionism if you squint, possessiveness, mentions of oral… yeah, basically I need a whole gallon of holy water to drink after I finish this, okay 😂 Although this is vanilla compared to what’s coming, js 👀
Word Count: 2,906 (whew!)
And Then He Was Gray (Jin One-Shot, Smut, Fluff) Part Four
Jungkook was standing there, leaning against the wall with folded arms and a knowing smirk dancing over his lips.
“The fuck do you want?” Jin said, still holding me close, hands resting easily over my ass.
“Just came down to see why it got so… quiet.”
“You’re one to talk. Haven’t you been fucking your girl for the past five minutes?”
Jungkook scoffed, dramatically holding a hand to his chest in mock-pain. “You wound me, hyung. And, not that it’s any of your business, but I’ve been fucking her for the past hour.”
I shook my head in disgust. I could have gone my whole life without hearing that.
Jin smirked. “When you say fucking, you actually mean sleeping, right?”
“Ha ha,” Jungkook shot back sarcastically. “Look, I just came down here to see what everyone’s plans were. If you all want to stay over, that’s fine by me. Except maybe Taehyung and Yuqi… I swear to god, the last time they stayed over, they kept everyone awake the whole night with how fucking loud they were.”
I grimaced. Okay, scratch what I said before. That was something I could’ve gone my whole life without hearing. “Fuck off Jungkook,” Jin said nonchalantly, nuzzling his cheek against the top of my head. “You’re grossing out my girl here.”
I looked at Jin in surprise. Did he just call me… his girl?
A bunch of voices suddenly floated up from the backyard, announcing the arrival of Soyeon and the others stumbling into the kitchen. The din came to a screeching halt as they noticed mine and Jin’s close proximity, his hands still resting over my bottom. “Y/n!” Soyeon gasped.
I rolled my eyes and gently pushed Jin away, sliding down from the counter. I grabbed my best friend’s hand and led her into the hall. “Okay, you need to spill right the fuck now,” she hissed as we went back into the guest bedroom.
“I don’t kiss and tell,” I retorted, grabbing my clothes and going into the bathroom to change.
Soyeon squealed. “You kissed?!”
I shushed her through the door as I pulled off the flimsy bikini and put on my own clothes. “Soyeon, all I need to know is whether you’re staying the night or not. You’re my ride, but you’ve had a lot to drink. I don’t think you should be driving right now.”
My bestie hiccuped in response. “You’re probably right,” she slurred. “Plus, Miyeon…”
I gave her a knowing smile as I came out, fully dressed. “Yeah, I know. Look, it’s okay, I’ll just call an Uber or–”
“Or I can give you a ride. I didn’t drink tonight.”
I peered past Soyeon to see Jin standing in the doorway, his gray shirt now covering his upper half, hands shoved into dark jean pockets. I swallowed hard as I remembered how easily that top rode up to expose a peek of his toned body.
“Are you sure? You don’t have–”
“She’d love that,” Soyeon said quickly, cutting me off. “Thanks, Jin.”
He smiled. “Anytime, So-So.”
Gently taking my hand, Jin led me back to the kitchen where we made our good-byes. Soojin and Minnie pulled me into tight hugs, saying they’d get my number from Soyeon and text me. I also hugged Miyeon. “Take care of my bestie, okay?”
“You got it,” she said, her pretty brown eyes sparkling mischievously as she smiled.
Namjoon and Yoongi both gave me awkward side-hugs, but Jungkook’s bear-hug nearly squeezed the life out of me. “Come over any time,” he said, holding me at arm’s length. “You’re part of the fam now.”
“Thanks,” I said, shooting him a grin. Despite feeling left out at the beginning of the night, at least I made new friends by the end of it. I only hoped those friendships would last.
The last one I said good-bye to was Soyeon. She wrapped her arms around me and gave me a quick kiss on the cheek. “Be safe, okay?” she muttered, swaying a little bit. “Call me in the morning, and you know, wrap it up.”
“God, So-So,” I said, rolling my eyes.
“But I love you.” She stared up at me with doe eyes, her lower lip jutting out in a pout.
I sighed. “Fine, I love you too.”
That turned her frown upside-down, and she grinned, her large, dark eyes glazed over from too much to drink. “See you tomorrow?”
“Of course. I'll text you."
I turned away, and Jin took my hand, intertwining our fingers together as we walked out the door into the front yard. He opened the door of his gray truck for me, helping me up into the seat before going 'round, climbing into his seat, and settling behind the wheel. “Ready?” he asked.
I nodded, but truthfully, I wasn’t ready at all. I didn’t want this night to be over. Disappointment set in as Jin handed me his phone with a GPS app pulled up. “Type in your address,” he murmured, letting his fingers linger over mine just a moment too long. Well, I guess this was it. Once he took me home, I didn’t know if I’d ever get another chance with this guy. So much for my one-night stand.
“How do you know Soyeon?” he asked, breaking the silence that settled in between us as he drove.
“I’ve known her since I was little,” I replied. “Our moms were best friends.”
“That’s cool.”
I stayed silent, not really knowing what to say. Jin looked over at me and smirked as his eyes slid back to the road. “So what university do you want to attend?”
“Look, you don’t have to do this,” I sighed.
“Do what?”
“Pretend to be into me.”
“Who says I’m not into you?”
“Jin, it’s okay. I know what happened tonight was a one-time thing. You don’t have to pretend you're interested in me or anything.”
He scoffed in response, rolling his eyes. “I see my reputation precedes me.”
I uncomfortably fiddled with my fingers in my lap. “It’s not like that. I just want to be clear about where we stand. You don’t have to coddle me to make me feel better or whatever. I don’t want to be like other girls you’ve met at kick-backs like tonight.”
Jin glanced at me, his gaze dark and intense. “You won’t be.”
He suddenly pulled his truck over, stopping in front of an apartment building. “Hey, this isn’t my place," I said.
“You’re right,” Jin said. He took my hand, causing me to look up into those piercing, brown eyes. “It’s mine.”
My mouth parted in surprise. I practically felt the change in Jin as his eyes smoldered and his mouth contorted into a smirk. “Get over here,” he growled. In a flash, I unbuckled my seatbelt and clambered over to straddle his lap.
Once again, he pressed his forehead to mine, staring into my eyes, our breath coming out in pants, intermingling with each exhale. Jin reached up and ran a hand through my hair, the strands winding between his fingers. I sighed, and at the noise, Jin suddenly curled his fingers into a fist and pulled. I let out a gasp at the strange sensation of pain and pleasure mixing into one.
Jin leaned forward, his lips tickling the shell of my ear. “Such a good girl.”
He kissed me then, hard and fast, not giving me a single second to breathe as he shoved his tongue into my mouth, invading my cavern in a way that had my core wet in an instant. But he didn’t stop there. He pressed his lips to my jaw, tugging harder on my hair to force my head back, giving him full access to my neck. Alternating between sucking and nipping, he attacked the skin there until I cried out from the sting.
“Jin,” I moaned. “God, Jin, right there.”
“That’s right, baby girl,” he growled into my skin. “Say my name.”
Jin let his other hand roam everywhere as we continued to make out, first gripping my hip so hard I knew it was going to bruise, then squeezing my ass, then meandering around to my front where he groped my still covered breasts.
“Why are your clothes still on?” he grunted, suddenly pulling away. It was then he noticed my gray skirt riding up around my waist, exposing the black panties I wore underneath.
I nearly covered my face from embarrassment, but he grabbed my wrists, stopping me. His fierce gaze bore into me, exposing every want, every desire, every raw, animalistic emotion I felt. It was at that moment, I was absolutely sure he knew. He knew my deepest, darkest secret that not even Soyeon was aware of.
When it came to sexual needs, I absolutely wanted to be dominated in every meaning of the word. Inside, I was a complete and utter submissive, who relished in the feeling of relinquishing control in the most pleasurable way possible. Most guys I knew wouldn’t be able to handle my secret or accept that part of me, so I kept it hidden. To them, I was just the quiet girl who they had no idea hid such sexual prowess.
Yet even if they did know what I secretly desired, they wouldn’t understand the dynamics of the type of dom/sub relationship I wanted. It would go far beyond just sex. There would be an equal level of trust and control between me and my partner. They’d understand I’m not willing to lay down and be fucked by just anyone with an ego and a bossy mouth. My partner would see that without me, the submissive, there is no them, the dominant, and in that sense, we would be equal.
At this precise moment, though, I didn’t mind so much that my secret was exposed. I was ready to finally experiment with this side of me. I only cared about pleasing Jin, being his good girl, and getting to experience the pure bliss his dominant attitude promised.
Jin showed just a moment of tenderness, reaching up and stroking a long finger down my cheek before going back to the delightfully dirty and rough. He captured my mouth in his, completely dominating it fully with his tongue, before pulling back. “Color?” he panted.
“G-Green,” I huffed, still breathless from his kiss.
“Any lines you don’t want crossed?”
I thought a moment before shaking my head. If I had any lines to cross, I could always stop him by saying red.
Jin poked his tongue out and dragged it over his bottom lip. “Do I have your consent for what’s about to happen?”
I nodded.
He yanked at my hair, making me yelp. “Words, baby girl,” he growled through gritted teeth.
“Yes, yes!” I cried.
He released his hold before grabbing my hand and placing it on his crotch, forcing me to feel how rock hard he was. “See this?” he snapped, his dark eyes flickering downward. “You did this. You’ve been doing this to me since the second I laid eyes on you.”
“I-I’m sorry, Sir,” I said, shakily still trying to catch my breath.
“Sorry won’t cut it. What are you going to do about it?”
He chuckled darkly. “Oh, sweet baby girl. You don’t know what to do with this huge cock? You don’t know how to please Sir?”
At his words, I finally let myself slip deep into the mindspace only reserved for my most sinful of fantasies. “No, Sir, please,” I begged. “Give me a chance, I’ll show you just how good I am.”
Jin clicked his tongue. “I have a better idea.”
He gripped my hips and spun me around so I was looking at the street outside the glass of his windshield. “I have been thinking about this ass,” he said, tracing the shell of my ear with the tip of his tongue. “Since I saw it in that fucking bikini.”
He yanked my knees apart, spreading me out. “Hands on the steering wheel, baby.”
I obeyed, gripping the leather-bound wheel until my knuckles turned white. I knew it would be the only tether to reality I would get. Jin lifted my skirt up, teasing the skin of my inner thighs with the tips of his soft fingers, gliding up and down, up and down until my eyes rolled to the back of my head from how crazy he was driving me.
Suddenly, he grasped my hips once more, causing me to shudder, and moved them in circles, grinding my ass down on his no-doubt aching cock. Jin groaned as he finally got a taste of the pleasure he’d been craving, and I felt my heart explode with glee. His satisfaction was my satisfaction, his exhilarated grunts and moans causing my juices to drip down.
He let go of my hips, but I continued to circle them at a slow, steady pace, driving him as mad with desire as I was. He put his now-free hands to good use, snaking them around to my front, first squeezing my breasts before sliding down to cup my panty-clad sticky core. He rubbed the pad of his middle finger in a circular motion over my bundle of nerves, causing me to gasp loudly and jerk my knees back together.
“Uh, uh, uh,” he scolded, his other hand gripping my thigh and pulling my legs apart once more. “None of that. You don’t want to be punished, do you?”
“No, Sir,” I practically sobbed as his finger continued torturing my clothed clit.
As a way of trying to make it up to him, I ground my ass into him harder, earnestly trying to win his approval back. He sighed in bliss. “God, Y/n, where the fuck have you been all my life?”
“Not Y/n,” I said, breathless from my efforts.
I could almost see the smirk that spread over his perfect, pink lips at my request. Jin stopped touching me, and slid those fingers up to pinch the elastic band of my panties, drawing it back and snapping it against my skin. Goosebumps broke out all over my body. “Alright then, baby girl,” he growled. “Lean back, and remember, keep those hands on that steering wheel… or else." I shivered, letting out something between a moan and a whimper.
He drew the band of my panties back once more, but this time, he slid his other hand down inside them and dipped his middle finger inside of me, causing me to moan. Next thing I knew, Jin was sliding the pad of that finger up and down my sensitive bundle of nerves, slick from my own wetness. I gasped and bucked back into him. “Stay still,” he warned.
He continued fingering me, teasing my clit until it swelled with stiffness, before finally plunging that middle finger inside of me. Curling it until the pressure was just right, he moved it in and out of me at a slow yet pleasing pace, adding his ring finger and doubling my pleasure. “You like that, baby?” he said.
I nodded, too lost in my own pleasure to speak. “You like me stretching you out?” he continued. “Like me fingering you where anyone could look in here and see?”
That caused my eyes to shoot open in panic. I glanced up and down the street, but didn’t see anyone. It was really late, after all. I smirked as I realized what he was doing. “See what?” I gasped, beginning to move with him.
Jin plunged them in deeper at a more rapid pace, punishing me for daring to question him. “See that you’re mine,” he growled. “See that this pretty pussy is mine. Mine to do with as I please.”
“And?” I asked, his dirty mouth helping to soak his hand further.
“And see that no one else can make you this wet with just their fingers.”
The ripple of pleasure I felt since the moment we began was rapidly rising into a tidal wave, and I knew it wouldn’t be long before it washed over me. “Will they see anything else?” I asked breathlessly, now moving my hips at the same pace as his fingers, grinding into them.
“Yeah,” he murmured. “They’ll see how hard I can make you cum.”
At his filthy words, he pressed the heel of his palm into my aching clit, and I cried out. Every muscle in my body clenched as that tidal wave of pleasure not only washed over me, but completely drowned me. My mouth fell open, my eyes rolling back as I reached my ultimate peak. “Jin, Jin, oh god, Jin!”
“That’s it, baby girl. Scream my name. Let the world know who this pussy belongs to.”
“You, just you,” I sobbed, falling back into him as I came down. My entire body was covered with a thin sheen of sweat. I heard slurping sounds paired with satisfied moans, and I knew he was licking my essence from his fingers. Jin grasped my jaw and turned my head, kissing me fiercely from behind, forcing me to taste myself.
“God, I nearly came in my pants,” he gasped, pulling back. “You are so fucking hot.”
I wiggled my ass, feeling that his member was still hard as marble. I twisted around so I was straddling him again and looked into his dark eyes. “Can we go inside?” I asked meekly. “I want… I want…”
Jin smirked, falling easily back into the scene. “I guess. Since you were such a good girl and you came so well for me, I’ll let you taste my cock.”
“Oh, I don’t just want to taste it,” I murmured, looking deep into his eyes. “I want to fucking choke on it.”
Jin let out a feral sound, something between a groan and a growl. “Well, then… What the hell are we waiting for?”
I couldn’t open the car door fast enough, scrambling to pop the handle then clamber down off his lap. Jin chuckled as he followed. “Eager little girl, aren’t you?”
Not able to resist, I leaned up and pecked him on the lips, breaking the mood for the last time. “I want you,” I said seriously, gazing into his eyes.
Jin’s mouth parted open at my words, but after a moment, he shook his head, regaining his composure. He intertwined my finger between his. “Like I said, what the hell are we waiting for?”
Part Five is finally here!
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styles-is-the-name · 4 years
Just Before You Go - Part Three
this is my first shot at a harry-y/n fic, and it will be multiple parts. Harry is a single father of two that hasn’t even looked at another woman in years. For the first time in five years, he finally feels like he’s returning to himself all because he met someone unexpectedly at a grocery store. Even though his kids are determined to help him find love again, will it be possible? (There eventually be smut, but will mostly be fluff.)
TW: suicide, self harm, and others will occur
Word Count: 2,399
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“Harry, you do absolutely amazing work!” Your eyes widen slightly as you continue flipping through his books looking at different tattoos he’s done over the years. Each one is beautiful and unique.
“Thank you, love. I’m not like a traditional tattoo artist if you couldn’t tell. I won’t do any tattoo that another artist has done.”
“So if I were to ask for a butterfly, you wouldn’t do it the same way another person did?”
“I would ask you why you want the butterfly and depending on your response, I will find a butterfly that suits your reasoning perfectly.”
“Do you know about the butterfly project?”
“I sure do. Is...is that why you want one?” You look down breathing out shakily and nod nervously. He sits down next to you gently placing his hand over yours. “I’m here for you, Y/N. I know that we just met and you don’t trust me yet, but I am here for you.”
You smile up at him through tears and nod not able to speak fearful that you might start crying. He hands you a tissue and you dab the corners of your eyes trying not to ruin your makeup. The two of you look over at Darcy who is petting her cat lovingly.
“She’s very beautiful.”
“Thank you.” He smiles at you widely. “She looks exactly like her mother did.”
“She mentioned...you know...what her mother did.” You say softly not sure how to approach the topic. He sighs shakily leaning back on the couch.
“She really struggled with postpartum depression after she had my son. I didn’t realize it was as bad as it actually was. I spent more time with the kids than I did with her. She...she cheated. And when I found out...she killed herself in front of me.”
“Harry...oh my god. I’m so sorry.” He nods awkwardly trying to blink back all the emotion he feels right now. You decide to change the topic to help him out. “So should I bring anything to dinner tomorrow? I can bring dessert.”
“You cook?”
“I do, but I mostly bake.”
“The kids love baking.”
“So maybe...I can bring something over and we can cook and bake together.”
“Like a family.” He smiles lightly at you making your heart flutter.
The whole day was so miserable and long for you. You were impatient and you hated it, but you managed to get some of your job applications sent out. Hopefully you’ll be hearing back from schools within the next few days. One of the only good things about who your father is is that he sends you money every week. That’s how you’ve been surviving.
Around three, you decide to call your best friend, Louis. He’s always good to talk to in a crisis or a fashion emergency and in your case, it’s the latter.
“What’s up, babe?”
“Okay so. There’s a lot I have to catch you up on.”
“Is there a guy?”
“How did you know?”
“I haven’t seen you this happy since-“
“Don’t even say his name. I swear to god I will fly to New York and rip out your vocal chords.”
“Okay! Okay! Calm down. But anyway. Spill the tea!”
“Well I was at the grocery store yesterday and I met this man.”
“Name? Age? Nationality? Religion? Race? Relationship status? Criminal record?”
“Louis! Oh my god. His name is Harry Styles.”
“Oh my god that’s amazing. Imagine him so deep inside of you that you start scream-“
“OKAY! Okay! Enough!”
“He’s a tattoo artist.”
“Seriously? Dude that’s so cool! Maybe I should make a trip out there.”
“Oh my god he’s amazing, Lou. He showed me some of his past tattoos and they’re all amazing.”
“You’ll have to send me pics.”
“I will the next time I’m at his shop.”
“You went to his shop?”
“Just shut up and let me talk!”
“Okay bossy.” You roll your eyes giggling.
“Well he has a British accent.”
“That’s your weakness!”
“I know! He’s a single father.”
“How many kids and how old?”
“Two. Darcy is nine and she's the sweetest little girl I’ve ever met. I haven’t met Carter yet, but he’s six and adorable.”
“And their mom? You don’t need a crazy ex around.”
“She’s not in the picture.”
“Seriously? She had two kids then just left?”
“Lou, it’s more complicated than that.”
“Well, tell me!”
“She killed herself.”
“Oh my god.”
“I know. But Darcy is really trying to get us together and guess what.”
“Every Tuesday they have taco Tuesday. And they invited me tonight.”
“Yasss! My girl is gonna get some dick tonight!”
“Louis! Oh my god. Why did I even bother calling you.”
“Because you probably need help picking out an outfit.”
“Yeah I do. I don’t wanna be too dressy, but I don’t wanna be too casual either.”
“You know that yellow, flowy top we bought before you left?”
“The one that has ruffled sleeves and goes down to my thighs?”
“Yeah that. Wear that with leggings and sandals.”
“And my hair?”
“Braid it to the side and natural makeup.”
“Thanks, Lou. I owe you. I gotta go though so I can be there on time. We’re cooking together.”
“Awwww! You’re a little family already!”
“Oh fuck off.”
“Love youuuuu!”
“Yeah yeah.” You hang up giggling then rush to get ready.
“But daddy! It’s not fair! Why did Darcy get to meet her and not me?!”
“Bubba, I already explained this to you. Darcy was at the store with me, but you get to meet her tonight. She’s coming over for dinner.”
“But I wanted to find you a girlfriend!” Harry blushes bright red. It’s not that he’s embarrassed to have you called his girlfriend (if it weren’t too soon, he probably would ask you to be his girlfriend himself), but having your kids talk about it is just a little weird.
“She’s not my girlfriend, Carter.”
“YET!” Darcy looks at Carter smirking.
“Jinx! Knock on wood. You owe me a soda!”
“Daddy.” Carter whines looking up to Harry.
“I need you both to be on your absolute best behavior tonight okay?”
“Okay daddy.”
“Yes daddy.” Carter leans closer to Darcy. “Is she pretty?” Darcy giggles and nods. Harry rolls his eyes sighing.
“She’s beautiful. Beyond beautiful. But we just met, guys. Nothing serious is going to come from a din-“
The two are running towards the door before Harry can even finish. Darcy opens the door right as you were reaching to ring the doorbell.
“Y/N!” She hugs you tightly catching you off guard. You hug back smiling lightly and wave to Carter.”
“Hi guys!” Harry walks over wanting to just melt into the floor seeing how embarrassing his kids are being.
“Guys, let her in! Let her in.” Darcy let’s go of you and let’s you walk inside.
“Woah.” You look around at the beautiful interior. “It's beautiful in here!”
“Daddy said you’re beautiful too!”
“Carter!” Darcy nudges him with her elbow.
“What?! He did!” Harry squeezes his fists biting his lip nervously.
“Well, your daddy is very handsome.”
Harry can’t help, but smile. He feels like he’s in high school again. He just met you yesterday and his heart is already racing when you compliment him. The only difference is that he is twenty-six almost twenty-seven and he knows it’s not just some school girl crush. It’s more than that. He hasn’t felt like this in nearly five years and to say that it’s terrifying doesn’t even come close to how he feels.
“Darcy, you were right! She is really pretty.”
“I know!” The two giggle running into the living room. Harry looks up to you blushing deeply feeling bad.
“I’m so sorry. I told them to behave. Looks like they decided not to listen.” You giggle.
“It’s okay, Harry. I wasn’t sure what to bring for dessert so I just brought stuff to make homemade chocolate chip cookies.”
“From scratch?”
“The best way to make them!” He leads you into his kitchen talking over his shoulder to you.
“My mum used to bake cookies from scratch and she would have them ready for when I got home from school. I tried to figure out how to make them the way she does, but I never could figure it out.”
“The secret ingredient is sour cream. Sounds disgusting, but it just makes the cookie more moist. Also, milk instead of water.”
“I knew the milk, but not sour cream. God I worked in a bakery as a teenager. I should know these things!”
“Awww little Harry in an apron!” You hold your heart jutting out your bottom lip. You see his gaze move down to your lips and your knees just about give out on you.
“Just be thankful my mum isn’t here. She’d be showing you all sorts of baby pictures.”
“We should have invited her then! I’d love to see those chubby baby cheeks. I love babies.”
“What’s your favorite age to teach?”
“Probably both elementary and high school.”
“Not middle school?”
“Oh hell no. Those brats are so rude it’s not even funny. And they’re too hormonal.”
“I would’ve thought that high schoolers are more hormonal.” You sit down on the counter popping a cherry into your mouth while watching him roll his sleeves up. Your mouth waters but you can’t tell if it’s from the cherry or his tattoos.
“That’s what you’d think, but they have the majority of their hormones in check. I mean think about it. Most girls start their periods in six grade. That’s around the time that guys started yanking off to socks.” His laugh sounds like music to your ears. You’d do anything to hear that again.
“True. I love how you put it like that.”
“I mean it’s true! I’ve heard most guys prefer socks over the male dildo vagina things.”
“What guys have you been talking to?!”
“My brothers and my best friend.” You shrug amused by the conversation.
“Well I just prefer my hand.”
“But doesn’t that make a mess?”
“If you aim right it shouldn’t.”
“Oh my god. I’d struggle if I were a guy for a day.”
“How so?”
“My aim sucks. I wouldn’t be able to even pee.” He throws his head back laughing.
“Well if I were a woman for a day, I wouldn’t be able to leave my bedroom.”
“Why? Too busy fingering yourself?” You giggle rolling your eyes.
“Eh. I’m more of a tits guy.” Just the way he said that makes you feel light headed. You know you need to change the subject before you have to go to the bathroom.
“Oh whatever. Anyway. Tell me about yourself, Harry.”
“What do you wanna know, love?”
“Anything and everything.” Harry hands you a pan and the package of meat. You pop another cherry into your mouth before hopping off of the counter and turning the burner on.
“Well, I was raised in Holmes Chapel.”
“Isn’t that just a few hours outside of London?”
“Yeah. It’s a pretty small town, but it’s lovely.”
“Why’d you move here?”
“For uni. Three of my lads and I moved here. We got an apartment and went to uni together.”
“What do they do for a living?”
“Well Niall owns his own club. Zayn is a model. And Liam is about to graduate med school.”
“Oh wow. That’s a big variety.”
“I know, but I know who to go to for free drinks and surgery if needed.” You laugh while pouring the meat into the pan. This isn’t as awkward as you thought it would be. It’s actually pretty fun.
“Where did you go to college?”
“We went to NYU but Liam is at Chapel Hill for med school.”
“I went to NYU!”
“No way! Class of 2012.”
“Class of 2014!”
“We probably saw each other around campus then. You were a sophomore when I was a senior.”
“I actually went to your graduation. My best friend Louis was graduating.”
“Louis? As in Tomlinson?”
“Oh my god. You know him?!”
“Yeah. We were pretty good friends. We lost contact a couple years after graduation sadly.”
“Maybe you should reconnect.”
“I would love to, but I don’t even know how to get in contact with him.”
“Here. I’ll FaceTime him.” You walk over to him touching the small of his back while FaceTiming him.
“Y/N? Oh my god! Harry! I was wondering if you were him!”
“Lou! Hey man!”
“How’s life?!”
“It’s great! You?”
“Wonderful. I’m actually thinking about proposing to El.”
“Oh my god. That’s awesome!” You give him the phone giggling. It warms your heart hearing the two of them get along. They’re the two most important guys in your life right now. And you have a feeling that Carter will probably be the third.
You walk into the living room and see the kids watching tv. You lay down dramatically with your head in Darcy’s lap and your feet in Carter's.
“Hey! Your feet are smelly!”
“Hey!” You pout sitting up. He giggles and jumps into your arms making you groan.
“Just because your feet are smelly doesn’t mean I don’t want cuddles.” You laugh holding him close.
“Alright. What are you guys watching?” Darcy pauses the tv looking at you.
“There’s nothing really to watch.”
“Do you have Disney plus?”
“Yeah, but I don’t know what to watch.”
“Have you heard of Wizards of Waverly Place?” They both shake their head no making you grin. “When my brothers and I were growing up, we would watch it all the time. It’s about two mortals that have three kids that are witches.”
“What are mortals?” Carter looks up to you confused.
“Mortals are people like us. We don’t have any powers.”
“I’m not a mortal! Daddy says I’m Superman!” You laugh pinching his cheek.
“You sure are Superman!”
“Can we watch it, Y/N?”
“Of course. Selena Gomez is one of the lead characters.” Darcy gasps pressing play immediately. She moves closer to you cuddling into your side.
Your heart has never felt this full before. Sure you’ve had cuddles from some of your kids, but you’ve never done this before. Carter rests his head on your chest sucking his thumb. You close your eyes just soaking in the moment.
Nothing could make this any better.
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