benjinielsen · 7 months
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"Come on, babes... Let's go to the beach."
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[TXT] Creed? Are you free right now? I wish to talk about the other night. Come to my mansion home. I need to finish some work then we can talk in my library @dimxndsareforever
Txt: Alright, I'm on my way
*drives over to the mansion, parks in front, and hops out* I hope she's alright...I never mind her being tipsy. *walks to the door and knocks* Marsha? I'm here!
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question-marked · 5 months
"What is a girls best friend, Darling?"
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"Diamonds," Edward exclaimed. "So you must be Marsha, the Queen of Diamonds! I've heard a lot of things about you, but it's great to finally meet you in person. My name is Edward...Edward Nigma, but as you should know they call me the Riddler! You can call me Eddie, if you like."
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ratwhsprs · 11 months
"How much for you to play your violin for me in a private setting?" @dimxndsareforever
Otis was… actually taken aback by the request. He played on his own time; he'd never had someone ask about this before.
"Um… I… don't actually know. No one's asked me before, so I don't know what a starting rate would be."
Not that it had anything to do with how good he was. He was good and he knew it, but his only audience, for the most part, were his rats. Playing in the subway had never gotten someone's interest like this.
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thewomanwholaughed · 6 months
"Welcome back, J." Marsha said as she offered hugs and cheek kisses. "How was your time away? We must catch up over drinks and dinner."
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With a gasp and a look of mock-surprise, she spreads her arms wide and accepts the hugs and pecks to her cheek. "Queenie, darling, it's been so long! Did you become even more beautiful while I was gone? Nah, probably not; you were already the pinnacle of beauty." The clown snickered, pulling up her shoulders at the question.
"Same old, same old. This time I didn't get put in a cell with bars though, I got one of those new see-through boxes! Really fun those! You can paint on them and get the light to hit them juuuust right to make colors on the floor, heehee!"
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staggerinbeauty · 1 year
✍️ (if I am too late, I am sorry. Time zones XD) @dimxndsareforever
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Send ✍️ and I’ll draw your muse! Accepting // Mutuals Only She's a Diamond in the rough...
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thedickgraysonrp · 7 months
"My my~ You have grown into quite a man, Boy wonder." @dimxndsareforever
"And you didn't seem to have lost your touch as well. Even after all these years." He remarked. "Be honest, it's the new suit, isn't it? Though I always liked the green, red and yellow, I've been told this is a much better upgrade. You tell me, though—you're the fashion expert here." Nightwing joked before he exhaled a soft pant as he spun his escrima sticks at hand, feeling the cold breeze of the chilly evening caressing his face as they stood there on the roof of the robbed jewelry store.
Marsha had certainly made quite an entrance, as expected of the Queen of Diamonds, but that wasn't enough of a grace to save her from a cozy prison cell. "We can do this the easy way or the hard way, Marsha. We both know this will end the same way."
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queenofgone · 1 year
🖤┊ ❝  @dimxndsareforever❞┊ [ continued from HERE ] 🖤
Marsha took aside as her new friend looked over a catalogue of her sports wear lines to get a taste of what she can offer. To see such a strong woman be so interested in fashion was anew and intriguing sight. Marsha stepped in closer." DO you see anything you like?"
What didn’t she like from the catalog? Each design was unique in its own way, Nattie could tell Marsha put a lot of time and effort in every outfit which she admired. She was not the artistic type so she greatly respected how much work it took. “Are you kidding me? I like all of them so far! You really are talented! I mean that.”
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corvidamned · 10 months
🤲🏻 "what will it take for you to be my employee, my Kira?"
Kira stares straight ahead, chin compliant in every which way her lady would turn it, but her eyes rebelled, serious as she spoke. "You've got a nice thing going here. You could get someone else to look after you, protect your wealth, make sure no one's snooping about. Even warm your bed at night."
"But me…" She finally looks up. "I'm a weapon. A loaded gun. An executioner's sword. And the Rogues aren't the only one that've noticed." There was a reason for her long absences, and an awful one at that. She hadn't meant to leave them all. "If I work for you, they'll come for me. And they'll use you against me to make sure I go with them." @dimxndsareforever
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threadednarrows · 1 year
@dimxndsareforever​ cont. 
Adam nodded proudly, giving a happy smirk about the still smoking ball of fabric. When it’s warm enough to touch again without gloves, he can’t wait to start working with it.
“Girl showed up last week who’s a cryokinetic,” he explained. “Her blasts can be minus 100 degrees Fahrenheit, and her body can shift into an ice form that’s a little colder than that. Unfortunately, that means she’s had a few shatter malfunctions. Being a teenager is hard enough without having to worry about your classmates catching nude pics of you.” High schoolers were crueler than any Rogue Gallery member. 
“Again, with respect, Ms. Marsha. I’m not a villain by any right. As far as I’m concerned, I’m Switzerland.” He had no interest in getting involved with any side beyond making a piece here and there. That didn't mean he wasn't curious about what she wanted with him. Leaning against the table he quirked an eyebrow and shrugged. Sure, why not.
“I won’t make any promises, but I’m listening.” 
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grasshopperqueen · 1 year
"You must be the new one I have heard so much about. You are Incecta, correct?" @dimxndsareforever
“Heard about me huh? All good things I hope!” Insecta said with a slight giggle “ Yep! Insecta is the name, and you are Marsha right? I’ve heard you’re quite the fashion designer!”
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yellowskinnedwackyman · 5 months
"Happy birthday, Creed Darling!" Marsha kissed his lips softy. "I have a few things planned for you big day but I am going to grant you one wish. All you have to do is name it. Tell Marsha your hearts desires..."
Creeper melted into the kiss. he was so surprised and happy hearing her say she had plans. "Let's get to my wish later, I'm never good at making those so fast! You being here with plans for me is one hell of a start!"
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question-marked · 2 months
You still owe me a date, Eddie Darling. I hope you can afford my taste @dimxndsareforever
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Edward smirked and replied, "Yes, I definitely can afford your taste. Where do you want to go?"
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thewomanwholaughed · 6 months
[Continued from here] // @dimxndsareforever
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Marsha's words elicited a snicker from the Clown. Followed by soft tutting as she wags her finger at the beauty. "Queenie, how exactly am I supposed to let you know when I was incarcerated?" Now, of course Joker had people everywhere, so that was just her talking nonsense. But the real reason was broken limbs and a rough recovery.
Not that she wanted to hide from Queenie! But it made it a lot more difficult to throw around orders when you could barely keep your eyes open enough to look at the people talking to you.
"As for the cage think, I don't know what you're talking about, Queenie! But if you want me to be the cat's meow then all you have to do is get me a pair of ears, a tail, and a can of tuna! HAHAHAHA!"
The laughter fell flat as she looked almost hurt by Marsha's offer. Reaching for her coat to examine. Then stuck out one of her legs to observe. "What's wrong with my suits? They're the same as they have always been since I began! I had like hundreds of these made and store them around Gotham. You know, for when I happen to really need a new set during an emergency!"
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oculusxcaro · 1 year
I volunteer Monica Fitzgerald, A fellow Brit, to be Khare's friend and make her roast dinners :D @dimxnd-assistant
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"That's so nice of you to offer, but you don't have to go out of your way for me, you must be busy..." Khare said, shifting uncomfortably. Another Brit, all the way out here? It sounded too good to be true, and a roast dinner sounded really fucking good right now even if wasn't her mother's own cooking. Could she get away with only poking at the vegetables? She could try and force them down, smother them in gravy maybe to make them more palatable.
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queenofgone · 1 year
[GAZE] @dimxndsareforever
sexual tension prompts | @dimxndsareforever
[ GAZE ] : sender watches receiver from across a crowded room.
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Ever since Nattie and Marsha crossed paths, the blonde had been more open-minded in terms of ideas and new costume designs. While visiting her office she flipped through one of her books filled with her designs, intrigued as she took in the details of each outfit. She didn't notice but the designer was watching her from afar.
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