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#giphy#hello#coffee#hi#reactions#morning#good morning#memes#emotion#greeting#romania#morning coffee#echilibrultau#echilibrul tau#felicitare#cafea#buna dimineata#buna#dimineata
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Peisaj ianuarie - Natura imbraca hainele de iarna
Peisaj ianuarie – Natura imbraca hainele de iarna Bai frate nimic, nada. Zici că toate animalele sunt la ședință. Nu tu tigru, leu, lup, sau măcar un crocodil, ceva. Stai la pandă si nimic.. Ps: dacă am luat-o pe “aiurea” să știți că e de la frig. -4 grade și se cam simte la genunchi. Le-am văzut si auzit, căprioare erau in zonă, dar la ce zgomot făceam când călcam pe zăpada înghețată, era…
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Mi s-a deformat corpul în locurile în care mă atingeai cel mai des.
Dorm mereu pe partea stângă a patului cu pătura în brațe,
în unele dimineți mă regăsesc cu o cafea în mână și alta a nimănui pe masă.
Oare va veni vreodată ziua în care voi călca pe unde am fost împreună fără să oftez?
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Eos: Simbol și semnificație
Eos este personificarea grecească a zorilor (la romani, Aurora), descrisă de Homer că o zeiță "cu degetele trandafirii". A fost numită, de asemeni, Hemera ("ziua") în decursul dimineții. Întovărășită de steaua dimineții (Venus), ea precedă carul fratelui său, Helios (Soarele). https://www.diane.ro/2023/07/eos-simbol-si-semnificatie.html
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Buna dimineata
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Dragoş Huţuleac: "Urăsc trezitul de dimineață și absolut orice activitate care începe înainte de ora nouă"
Cunoști momentul acela de dimineață când te trezești, iar singurul tău gând este acela de a te întoarce înapoi în pat? …și eu îl cunosc! Mă lupt cu el de la naștere și nu-mi pare defel că, în urma atâtor bătălii, aș fi devenit mai puternic sau mai călit. O fi de vină și genetica, pentru că eu sunt un leneș născut, nu făcut. Urăsc trezitul de dimineață și absolut orice activitate care începe…
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#24 decembrie#Ajunul Craciunului#Buna dimineata la Mos Ajun#datini#Din an in an#seara de Ajun#christmas eve eve
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Mici rutine la clasa a IV-a
La clasa de elevi e nevoie de rutină, de activități repetate, permanente, care să se desfășoare pe același tipar, în aceeași formulă. Acest lucru le oferă copiilor siguranță și predictibilitate. Îi ajută să anticipeze, să planifice și să se organizeze. Unele dintre rutine iau naștere spontan în clasă și eu sunt atentă să văd dacă pot deveni activități de sine stătătoare. Pe altele le inițiez eu…
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(via GIPHY)
#giphy#hello#coffee#hi#reactions#morning#good morning#memes#emotion#greeting#romania#morning coffee#echilibrultau#echilibrul tau#felicitare#cafea#buna dimineata#buna#dimineata
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#giphy#cute#fall#good morning#autumn#bom dia#bonjour#ladybug#guten morgen#buongiorno#herbst#falling leaves#dobro jutro#felicitate88#buna dimineata#god morgen#dachs#maidin mhaith#tere hommikust#herbstgrüße#bblätter
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Hail the last Miruneluy, royalty of the land of Mali Mira (dumneavoastră/dumnealor)
y'all will now refer to me as Miruneluya von Mali Mira. :3
#Miruneluya von Mali Mira#6 geomeni#Pilermikhotor#picioare haik angel#numele lui sma este Bichgus#buna dimineata/buna seara zgomot#and others#uniposting
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Asmodeus NSFW alphabet
Fuck you, I'm tagging myself in this one. This one is a gift to myself @luceafarul-de-dimineata
Aftercare (what they're like after sex)
It doesn't matter who topped and who subbed, this man will take care of you after sex. He gives the best aftercare out of all the demons since he's got the most experience out of them all. He'll stay with you until you fall asleep in his arms. And because he's a gentleman unlike another demon king, he'll be there the next morning as well.
Body Part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner's)
His favorite body part of his is his hair. You cannot convince me that this man doesn't use half of his country's budget on hair treatments and oils. He has the silkiest hair known to mankind and he loves when you play with it.
Asmodeus loves every part of you. He just loves humans. If he had to choose it would be legs. Thighs, calfs, feet, he's not a pussy, he loves it all. He loves bitting down on them and leaving you covered in bite marks and hickies on your inner thighs.
Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
His cum is so fertile it can overide birth-control. Also its a cure for his horny poison. So, if you can get pregnant and you sleep with Asmodeus, you will get pregnant with his spawn. It's fine, he's a good father.
Dirty secret (pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Secrets are for losers. I guess the closest thing to a dirty secret would be that he likes poisoning his partners before sex. Makes it more primal, more desprate. You're no longer fucking for pleasure, you're doing it for survival. It's not really a secret though because he'll admit to it if asked.
Experience (how experienced are they? Do they know what they're doing?)
... do I really need to answer this one? He has had sex with half of the human population. He has more experience than would be possible for a mortal. Since it could get up he's been fucking daily.
Favorite position (this goes without saying)
He loves all possitions, but he really likes breeding press. It has breeding in the name, of course he'd like it. But he will never complain about any possition. Inspite of his age he's one flexible geezer so he can pull out the weirdest positions with no problem
Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? Are they humorous?)
It depends on what you want, but he enjoys making you nervous with his teasing. He can't stay serious for long, he just likes teasing and taunting too much. If he's a sub, he'll be a brat, if he's a dom he'll edge you for an hour.
Hair (how well groomed are they?)
He likes to cut his pubes in different cute shapes - hearts, stars, he once tried to do the Mona Lisa. He'll never fully shave or let a full bush grow. He washes his pubic hair after every sex session.
Intimacy (how are they during the moment? The romantic aspect)
Asmodeus is romantic the whole way through. You will be wined and dined before he picks you up bridal style and lays you on the bed. The stripping is his favorite part, he loves pealing off every layer of cloth you have on while kissing every inch of skin that gets revealed.
Fucking Asmodeus is the most loved you have feeled in your life.
Jack Off (masturbation headcanons)
He only masturbated during maternity leave. He could barely sleep when Dantalian was little and crawling all over the place, much less have nice 4 hour long sex with a lover. So during bathroom breaks he would rub it quickly and go back to his son. After Dantalian turned 3 year old he started leaving him with the other kings so he could go see his human partners again, so he stopped masturbating.
Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Where do I even start with this one. He tried them all and he's willing to do them again. It's very hard to surprise him with something sexual. You know what, put a pin in this one, I'll make a post with only his kinks (tldr: he likes humans. A lot)
Location (favorite place to do the do)
He would rather go someplace intimate during the more passionate sessions, but another one of his favorites is your ex's bed. It's funny, ok??? Don't judge him. Even if you aren't ex's he wants to fuck you on the other kings' beds as well. The possibility of getting caught excites him to the very core. His curious how they'll react finding their least favorite person fucking their precious child of Solomon. It doesn't matter if they get angry, he'll just use his poison and make them take their anger out in a different way.
Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
You specificly. He absolutely adores humans, finds them the most interesting beings out there and he'd rather fuck a human than his own kind. BUT, he fucking hated Solomon. He put him in a jar, damn it! Yeah, they did fuck and kiss but they hated eachother. Enemies and lovers. And he kind of misses having a guy to annoy 24/7 consequence free. This all changed when you came to hell. He's chilled out a lot since Solomon died, but being able to make love to one of his rival's children is a thought that always gets him going.
No (Something they wouldn't do, turn offs)
...Not to get canceled or anything, but I'm pretty sure this guy tried sticking it in everything at some point. Including more illegal stuff. It's fine! He's not going to do it again! He has learned his lesson, Princess Celestia, put that gun down!
He won't fuck you if you're one of his decendent. And he won't have a threesome with Dantalian involved. There, those are the two lines he won't cross. He's seen what incest can do even to royal blood.
Oral (preference in giving or recieving, skills, etc.)
He likes giving more. But he's a fucking bitch about it. For Asmodeus, oral is both forplay and aftercare, but it's never the whole sexual experience for the night. He either starts the night by giving you the most maticulate oral imaginable or he eats out all the cum he's fucked into you for the last three hours. Remember, the hornier you get, the hornier he gets, the difference is only in stamina. He'll pull the "you wanted me to give you oral but you never mentioned for how long. Be more specific next time, bunny."
Pace (are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual?)
He likes it slow and sensual. He's not rushing anything. The slower, the better. He knows human limits better than anyone else, so he knows he won't be able to fuck you for as long as he would like (read: always and forever) so he wants to feel you around him for as long as possible. He doesn't fuck, he makes love.
Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often)
He doesn't like to rush things. I mean, yeah, there's a war in his country but pffff, who gives a shit about that. He might have a quickie before a very important meeting with the other kings. Then again, "quickie" for Asmodeus is about half an hour, so prepare yourself.
Risk (are they willing to experiment? Do they take risks?)
He has tried everything but humans are so fun and unique that he wants to try them on again. He has a book with all the sex possitions he's tried before and he ranks them on how pleasurable, relaxing, romantic and aesthetic they are, so he'll use all of them on you and then try to find some new ones. He's imortal but the world around him isn't, and he wants to have a taste of it all.
Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? How long do they last?)
Each round is about 5 minutes and he can go for as many rounds as you'd like. Trust me, when it comes to sex, you are not outlasting the pro. He used to cum faster, but he got better at holding it in for longer with time. If it weren't for the fact you have to do stuff outside the bedroom he would have kept you on his dick 24/7
Toys (do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partener or themselves)
There'a no sex toys in Hell... except in the castle of Abaddon. He spent the most time with humans and he got to see all the nifty little inventions they've got up there. He would never tell the other kings because either they'll make fun of him for not being able to cum without plastic (false, sex toys weren't made of plastic when he first shoved a plug up his ass) or they'll try to get on the trend. He's very secretive about his collection, not even his nobles or son know about it. You're the very first he shows it to... before proceeding to try them all out on you
Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Making people nervous is his hobby. No matter his place in the sheets, he'll be teasing the whole way through. The only way to stop his mouth from running is to gag him, but not even that would stop him. Actions speak louder than words, and he can do a lot with his body even if he's tied up.
Volume (how loud are they? What sounds do they make?)
He talks constantly. He teases you, praises you, degrades you, calls you every nickname under the sun. His moans are almost melodic and he makes weirdly sexual sounds even in non-sexual situations. For exemple, when he's excited he lets out a deep whimper that almost sounds like a purr. His laugh is almost that of a hyena's and he sometimes quietly hisses when something displeases him.
Wildcard (a random headcanon for the character)
He sucked his own dick once. He's very flexible and his dick is just big enough that if he bend at the right angle he can suck his tip. He used to do it as a party trick back when Beelzebub and Mammon used to invite him to parties.
X-ray (let's see what's going on under those clothes)
His clothing leaves little to the imagination, but he might humor the notion of wearing some actual clothes from time to time. He's exactly 20 cm long but it lacks girth. His tip is almost like an arrow and it's much redder than the rest of his penis.
Yearning (how high is their sex drive)
Very. But he can be surprisingly chill if need be. He's not like his citizens, he can actually have a non-sexual relationship if you do not want that. He's pliant to your desires, but always know that if you aren't going to fulfill his sexual desires, he'll find another way to do so.
Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
He falls asleep cuddled up to you. He loves having your face pressed to his chest as he plays with your hair and you play with his. You both fall asleep at about the same time, your hearts in sync as you fall into slumber.
#whb#what in hell is bad#whb asmodeus#whb x reader#whb smut#i'm home :D#if I don't post the asmodeus k!nk list in a week please remind me
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Thank you @luceafarul-de-dimineata for Dantalian being the prince / son of asmo headcanon. I... I drew a bit cause I really liked the idea / the last post you did 🫶
They are exes at 100%
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