#dim kassia
athenaroseannatse · 6 years
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Dragon’s back from her make over!!! Her new face up is taking her back to her character from 8, 9 years ago when I first got her (got this really serious look and personality LOL). And the silver on her face up goes much better with the new dragon horns I got for her. I’m really excited about taking her to some other places for outdoor photoshoots in summer!!!
Face up by @culur-faceups
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littleashthings · 7 years
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The new unboxing video is live on YouTube! I can't wait to paint these gorgeous girls. #creativemending #creative #mending #youtube #channel #blogger #video #bjd #dim #kassia #new #arrival #bjd #laia #unboxing #doll #personal
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bjd-resinrome · 7 years
Little Red Riding Hood I'd like to hold you if I could
Little Red Riding Hood I'd like to hold you if I could da cyranka
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lyneispinkfish · 8 years
Ms Dragon <3
Ms Dragon <3 par Athena Roseanna Tse Via Flickr : Trying out a more dreamy tone of photos :D
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unrequitedmime · 6 years
Kassia does not even hide her hiccup of surprise as he enters the room. I spare less than a second to shoot her a disdained glance, but her eyes are on the figure in the red cloak.  His presence is something powerful, and the superiority fills every corner of this dark room. His face is shrouded by shadows, but if I stare hard enough I can see a few loose strands of blonde. I don't stare hard enough. I barely look at him.  Instead I study his entourage. Three figures in red cloaks spreading out behind him. Upon first inspection their coats seem identical to their leader's, but somehow they are not. His is deeper, more like blood. His is richer.  Despite being bred from birth to hate that colour, I cannot help the flare of admiration in my blood.  Red truly is a beautiful colour.  Rone shifts slightly to my right, and I know that he is tightening his grip on the axe hidden beneath the folds of his midnight black cloak.  Callus is deadly still beside Rone, his rainforest green eyes almost pinning the red figure in his place.  Silence settles. I do not move.  I removed my hood before the Kiditri's entered, so they are free to stare at my bare face. Sun freckled skin, long sweeping lashes, high cheekbones, pursed lips, and green eyes that pierce. My raven black hair hangs in a long braid down my back, losing itself in the darkness of my draping cloak. Many loose strands tickle the sides of my cheeks and the tips of my jaw.  Let them know that the head of the Loppona tribe is a 17 year old girl. The figure in red slowly lifts his hands to the hood of his cloak, and I try my best not to roll my eyes at the dramatics of it all. I am not one for dramatics and manipulation. I am one for fists and blood. My fingers grasp my bow tighter.  'Young,' Kassia whispers to my mind as she studies the hands of the Kiditri leader. My own eyes flicker to his fingers. Sun tanned, callused, and young.  He folds back the hood of his cloak.  'Holy shit,' Rone breathes to the cavern of mine and Kassia's minds, 'He's...'  'Young,' I finish.  'Beautiful,' Kassie whispers.  There is nothing but silence for a long time.  I know that the man is whispering to the minds of his entourage as I am to my own.   I was right. Blonde hair. Bright beach blond strands that have a tendency to spike over his forehead as if they are ready to strike. Golden skin, although I am not sure where he finds the warmth of sun in the darkness of the Kiditri Forests. 19 years of age. A deadly smooth expression, not one crinkle or emotion to be seen on him, and eyes a colour that I cannot even define. Brown? Hazel? Orange? Gold? Bronze?  He is a blank canvas. Something empty. Something broken. Something without the colour of emotions.  "Assaia of the Loppona tribe," He purrs, his voice smooth and rough at the same time. His smile dances with frost and the yearning for blood, "How lovely it is to meet you."  'He is a manipulator,' Kassia breathes to my mind, 'Careful.'  I do not bother responding to her. I study the man for as long as I please, taking my time to observe him. I do not look away from the shine of his eyes, or the careful pull of his mouth. I repeat his words in my head, mimicking the deceitful tone and pronunciation.  He seems to be a leader of manipulation.  And then my eyes catch sight of the position of his feet. One in front of the other, knees bent ever so slightly. My eyes trail along the careful and strategic grip he has on his staff. Loose in the fingers but firm in the wrist.  'No,' I whisper back to Kassia, 'He is a fighter.'  "I don't recall your name," I reply, voice smooth and careless and everything that Kassia wanted it to be.  I feel her whisper of approval tickle my mind.  "Lorin," He replies, "Lorin of-"  "-the Kiditri People," I finish dismissively, "I know."  Lorin does not react like I expect him to. He only looks me up and down very slowly before pursing his lips in disdain. He is not impressed with what he sees, and he wants me to know it.  "I find it interesting," He says finally, "That the Loppona Tribe expects a 17 year old girl to lead and protect them. Aren't most 17 year old girls busy chasing boys?" His bronze eyes flicker over to Callus, and I know that he can sense the connection between us. Between our hearts. Callus stares back ruthlessly.  "Aren't most 19 year old boys stroking their lengths to thoughts of 17 year old girls?" Rone does not hide his shocked cough. He does not hide the way it dissolves into a laugh.  'Sai,' Kassia snaps to my mind, 'Grow up.'  Lorin's expression darkens so fast that it seems to dim the already shadowed room. He becomes something threatening and deadly calm all at once.   "I suppose most do," He admits smoothly, "But trust me when I say that I will not be stroking anything to the thought of any 17 year old girl. They are not woman enough."  I feel the insult like a thousand needle pricks across my skin. I hear  the echo of my mother's voice in his.  "I am plenty woman."  A cruel glint in his eyes, "You assume I was referring to you, but I was not. How devilish of you to be offended that I do not want to fuck you, Miss Assaia. Your lover boy must be bristling."  I do not glance over at Callus. Only stare at Lorin.  Prick. Stupid fucking prick- "If we are done with the child's play," Kassia says smoothly, voice cold  and smooth and unrecognisable, "Perhaps we can discuss more important matters."  "Yes," A dark skinned man behind Lorin nods in agreement. Lorin glances back at him for one moment, and in that second of shared gazes I know immediately that he is to Lorin what Kassia is to me.  A best friend.  "The deadwalkers."  Lorin jolts and spins back to stare at Kassia. She does not look away from him, blue eyes bright and chin raised.  "The deadwalkers?" He repeats, "They are a myth."  "Wrong," Rone drones, "They're real, pretty boy, and they're killing both of our people."  Lorin ignores the nickname and instead shakes his head, "Deadwalkers are a tale told to keep young children in their beds at night. They are not real."  "Oh," Rone quips sarcastically, "You must be right, pretty boy. It must  be the wild dogs that are leaving corpses to lay across the border without their souls and eyes."  "Do not talk to him like that," An Asian girl with a black pixie cut snarls at Rone, taking a step towards him.  I instinctively take a step towards her, my glare sharp enough to make a dog whimper.  "He will talk how he pleases," I growl. Tense silence.  The girl stares at me for a long time before slowly stepping back into her place. It takes a few minutes for the fire to calm inside my chest, and during those minutes Kassia gives her report of the bodies we have found. As she talks, Lorin studies me very carefully, most likely analysing my reaction to the threat in that girl's voice. I do not think he is even listening to Kassia's words.  "If the bodies  are being left on your side of the border, then it is not our problem," The dark skinned man cuts Kassia off.  "We agreed," I respond, "Which is why we have handled it on our own for the past two months, but in the past two weeks we have found three Kiditri bodies on our side."  "The Kiditri met their ends in a way worse than our own people. Despite the feud, this problem is now both of ours." Callus finally speaks, voice deep and clear. I feel it sweep through me and wipe away all of the nerves riddling my body.  "The Deadwalkers are real," Kassia finishes, "And they are killing both our people."  Lorin does not move, does not breathe.  We wait. We have done all we can. Displayed the problem, offered the planks. It is up to them to build the bridge connecting us.  "I will not sacrifice the safety of my people and line myself with you to fight a threat that does not exist," Lorin announces finally, and I feel something in me begin to crumble, "The bodies are left on your side of the border. The murderer is of your blood, not ours. Solve the problem before the dogs kill any more of my people or I will reign terror across your tribe."  And then they head to the door. "Wait!" Kassia calls desperately, racing towards them.  The Asian girl spins and points the dagger at Kassia's neck so fast that my best friend barely stops before it impales her.  "Stay the fuck away from us," The girl snarls.  I do not realise I have shot the arrow until it slices the skin on the side of the girl's neck. She hisses in pain and covers the gushing cut, staring at  me in shock.  Lorin and his entourage freeze and watch the blood ooze down the girl's neck. Lorin, in the doorway, stares coolly at me as I lower the bow and arrow.  I stare at the girl. "If you threaten my entourage one more time I will shoot an arrow through your fucking eye."  The rage fills her eyes fast, and she takes a slow step towards Kassia.  "Etta," Lorin says levelly, eyes hard as he stares at her, "Grow up. He glances back at me for less than a moment before he disappears into the night. We are left in the silence.  "Fuck," Kassia almost sobs.  "What do we do now?" Rone breathes, voice shaking slightly.  "We wait," Callus responds.
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damasquerade · 8 years
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My Kassia is here already from Doll in Mind :O Ordered her on a Wednesday night, and she arrived in Australia from Korea on Monday morning. 
She has much less defined fangs than my Doll in Mind Marcellina, they almost look ‘blurry’. Her philtrum, the depression in her upper lip, is a lot deeper than I realised, and she has a bit of a dimple in her chin on the left. Wonder if it’d be bad to try to mod the upper lip and the chin...
I’m not sure what I want to do with her, other than give her massive horns and a soft, pretty faceup. A lot of Kassias have kind of fierce, dark faceups but I’d like mine to be a bit lighter and delicate... But after that lightning-fast turnaround I’m tempted to order another sculpt before they’re gone... >.<
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littleashthings · 7 years
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Super excited to get these girls in and go all out on their characters #creativemending #doll #bjd #custom #mine #personal #pretty #gorgeous #love #dolls #toystagram #grownchild #dim #sell #new #order #product #kassia #laia #goodnight
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unicorndustbjd · 8 years
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I had really hoped to get a new photo of Fyedka to share for the most recent Rainbow of Orientation Day, but it doesn’t seem like that’s going to happen. Still, this day is too important to me not to participate (even if I am late).
This is Fyedka! He’s ace, and not-so proud about it.
Fyedka is married to Princess Trinity (my DiM Kassia). A purely political marriage, they have no romantic feelings for one another, although they are very close friends beneath their constant squabbling. 
Fyedka is also in a romantic relationship with Basil (my Little Monica Kliff). Basil is NOT ace, yet they are in a monogamous relationship. Before Fyedka, Basil had never had an ace partner before, yet his love for Fyedka is more important to him than his sexual desires. 
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unicorndustbjd · 9 years
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Simple dress attempt number one!
I think this fabric does absolutely nothing for the simplicity of the design, but overall I’m happy with it! This trial was super rough and it needs a little bit more fine tuning, mostly with the bust darts and the underarm area. 
So sad since I think the only way to create a second, cleaner muslin is to take this one apart and use it as a base.
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