#digon alley
aslanscompass · 2 years
Chapters: 2/? Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Harry Potter & Newt Scamander, Tina Goldstein & Harry Potter Characters: Harry Potter, Newt Scamander, Tina Goldstein, Rolf Scamander, Scamander Family (Harry Potter) Additional Tags: sorcerer's stone au Series: Part 17 of ....and how to save them, Part 1 of The Boy Who Loved Summary:
It's Harry's eleventh birthday. Time for his Hogwarts letter.
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stacymizrahi · 1 year
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I don’t even really like Harry Potter that much and have to admit that Universal did an amazing job with this. Hogsmeade, Hogwarts and Digon Alley were all amazing.
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harrypotterprops · 7 years
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Diagon Alley’s map. 
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Lost! Help!
Harry goes to Diagon Alley and buys a box of broken doorways that lead into expanded spaces via runework. He's going to play around with them, fix/alter the rune work. He has an expanded trunk that he stays in too. He sets his trunk up by the road at one point, near a field or forest.
Also what is the fic where Harry creates a ritual/spell to pull lost money from Digon Alley and gets Gringots drafts too?!?!? This is also Auror's Boys... woops...
Or that fic where Moody raises Sirius, Remus and Harry after going through this witness protection thing with the unspeakables, where they get de aged. I FOUND THIS ONE!!! It's The Auror's Boys by lindajenner. (part of a great series)
Another where Harry's staying in the back room of the Leaky Cauldron, works as a cook? Gets work in the alley. GOT IT!!! Realizations by wishweaver on ff.net. don't know their name on ao3 but know it's there too!
What's the one where Ginny is cheating on Harry with Dean when they're married, and she kills him, only for him to go back in time? Found this one!!! The only sound is the overflow by cartonsofcartoons.
The one where he misses a year because of pirates is Venom Peddler.
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slygirl666 · 4 years
lack of self control pt. 1 (F.W)
A/N my first Fred x reader, technically a Slytherin reader agin but they are adults in this. Fred lives after  the war in this, because he shouldn't have died. 100% inspired by the song strawberry lipstick by YUNGBLUD was suposed to be a one shot but now it’s split into like 2 parts sorry
warnings: language really that should be it for this part, Smut in the next part can be a one shot
word count: 3,383
Fred and George spent the day interviewing witches and wizards to work at the shop. George was going to be on his honeymoon soon, him and Angielina planned on spending two months in Italy. The boys had been meaning to hire help for a while so it just made sense.  
George sat back with a sigh looking at the clock above Fred’s head. “Angie’s gonna kill me if i'm not back for dinner, can you take the last one on your own?” “Of course mate,” Fred smiled tiredly at George who packed up and left. It had only been two years since the war but to Fred, who nearly died it was like yesterday. His life felt like it's hardly moved since then, George would be getting married in two weeks, Ron was already married, Ginny was engaged. Maybe He’d be like Charlie and grow up alone doing what he loved.
Or not the man yearn for something new and exciting.
There was a knock on his office door, and that when you walked into his life...again
* * *
It was Fred's sixth year when he had first noticed you. You were just outside of Honeydukes with a group of giggling girls by your side. Someone had handed you a bright red lolli. He watched carefully as your face twisted into one of complete innocence before placing it on your tongue and pulling it into your mouth, then pulled it out of your puckered lips with an exaggerated ‘pop.’ after that he entered the store as you drowned in a fit of giggles handing the candy off to the girl next to you.
At that point Fred hadn't even known your name. What he did know was that you were enticing and he wanted to see more of you.
* * *
“Hello, Y/N Y/L/N.” you stuck out a hand.
“I remember we went to Hogwarts together.” Fred Gladly took your hand shaking it.
“I’m surprised the famous Fred Weasley remembers me. “ you  let out a laugh as she said his name.
“How could I not? I was a part of that little stunt you had pulled on Umbridge,” he laughed watching your face go red. “Although that was just as much as a surprise to me.”
  You hid behind your hand embarrassed. “Merlin, I can’t believe you remember that, I was so Bold back then.”
“No i think you really just wanted her to shut up.” he let out a laugh.
* * *
The First time Fred spoke to you was in detention, with Dolores Umbridge. You had been sitting at a desk writing your lines when she pulled the lanky ginger boy in by the ear. She had started him on his lines before she was called away for another ‘emergency.’
He remembered you from that Hogsmeade trip last year. “What are you in for?”
You took a second before turning to him, “she said my uniform was against regulations.”
He took her in noticing the silver and green tie around her neck. “There's nothing wrong with it.”
“Exactly.” you rolled your eyes annoyed. “I told her it’s not my fault I'm a little shapely, then she screamed out ‘detention’. And the last time I wore my pants to class, she said it wasn’t ladylike to wear trousers.”
Fred laughed, “I’m Fred Weasley by the way.”
“Y/N Y/L/N,” you shook his hand.
It took another week before he saw you again, he was entering his DADA class as sixth years exited. Umbridge was calmly talking to you about how a young lady shouldn’t paint her face like a tart and she didn't want to see that in her class.
“You have no right to say that to a student,” your voice was scary and even. “You do not know me.”
“Maybe not miss Y/L/N,” she giggled. “But I do know of your reputation with the boys.”
Fred was a little concerned he went to put a hand on your shoulder fully intending to drag you out of that horrid women's classroom. You looked at him, eyes glimmering with mischief as you bit your lip.
“Right,” you nodded, voice turning sweet. “And my reputation says everything about me.”
Without a moment's hesitation you had pulled Fred by the tie for a fiery kiss. Fred couldn’t tell if it had been ten second or ten minutes when you pulled away. You licked your lips dragging the pad of your thumb across him bottom lip. “I got some of my lipstick on you.”
You pulled your thumb into your mouth walking away from a shouting Umbridge, laughing class and a dazed Fred.
* * *
You had gotten through the interview quickly. “Well Y/N, I’ll be talking with George tomorrow, if you get the job expect an owl in the next week or so.”
“Thank you,” you had gotten up going for another hand shake. “It was good to see you again Fred, hopefully it won't be the last time.”
Fred watched as you walked down the stairs to the front door, he mentally scolded himself feeling like a sixteen year old boy again. You hadn’t changed one bit. You still held yourself as though you knew you were desirable and you wanted to show it.
Fred mentally scolded himself, as far as he knew you were married or in a serious relationship. He sighed, closing up the shop.
It had taken two days for you to get an owl saying you got the job. You were ecstatic, you found a job, it didn’t hurt that you were working for the man of your school girl dreams as well.
You were called to the joke shop the day after for training, the twins were going to show you how to handle products and where everything went.
You had spent all day in the back room memorizing most of the products, when the crowd died down George had led you to the front of the shop where he showed you how to work the displays and demonstrations. It had been a long day and worse for the twins because they spent the day between you and their customers.
“I say you join us for a drink at the pub.” George smiled at her, “my Fiancé is meeting us there tonight.”
“George she just spent the entire day here i dont think she wan-”
“That would be lovely, I have no reason to be home so soon.” you raised your eyebrows at fred, “i could really use a drink too.”
“We’ll lead the way,” George smiled at her. The three of them went down the stairs where George locked the doors. He walked ahead of you and Fred, leading you to the exit of Digon Alley.
“Is it a muggle pub?” you whispered up to Fred who nodded at you.
“Muggle London is awfully busy on weekends.” he offered his arm. You linked your hesitantly through him. “We go here every few weeks for a few drinks, some of our family will most likely be joining us.”
You nodded at him, slightly intimidated by the idea of meeting a family full of famous people. By the time you three got to the pub there was already a rather large table with a generous amount of redheads.
They greeted Fred and George before noticing you.
“I never knew you had a girlfriend, Fred,” a thick French accent cut through the silence. Fred shook his head at her.
“Sweetheart, i think that's their new employee.” A man she recognized as Bill Weasley, give or take a few years since the last time she saw him, wrapped his arm around the pretty french woman.
“That is correct, im Y/N Y/L/N.” you waved rather awkwardly.
“Bloody hell aren’t you the girl who shagged someone on Umbridge’s desk before dropping out?” Ron went slack jawed as Hermione slapped his arm crying ‘Ronald.’
You snorted the Slytherin in you coming out, “is that really what they said? I just snogged your brother in front of the entire seventh year before entering private lessons.”
Ron’s jaw dropped. Angelina laughed, “Merlin, I remember that, we made fun of Freddie boy here for a whole month.”
“Yeah,” you laughed, then turned to Fred. “did I ever apologise for that?”
“No need to,” George chuckled. “Freddie thought about that day for years.”
“Then i'm not sorry,” you smirked at the amused crowd. Who started talking among themselves. They asked you questions about the time you spent out of Hogwarts and the brief time you were in the healer program.
You got along with the weasley family just fine. They eventually moved on to talking about family affairs. You got up feeling a bit awkward now. “I should get going.” some of the family playfully booed. “Sorry someone has to feed the cats at home.”
Fred got up letting you slide out of your seat, “see you tomorrow, Y/L/N.”
You nodded going to the bathroom to apparate out.
* * *
It was another week that went by fairly uneventfully, the Twins had given you a simple uniform guideline, of a pencil skirt or slacks, a plum button up and a dusty orange bowtie, colores both of them seemed to favor.
You were in the shop ringing up the last customer of the day when you heard laughter and yelling.
“George this isn’t funny,” you walked up the stairs curiously. “Mum s’ gone mad I swear. I’ve told her so many times, she doesn't have to set me up. I'm a grown man.”
“Fred, George,” you knocked softly on the door before opening it. “We're done downstairs, I wanted to be sure you two were fine.”
“Why don't you just bring Y/N.” George’s face lit up. “It would shut mum up.”
“George, don’t drag her into-”
“Into what?” you looked at the twins amused.
“Mum wants to set Fred up with her friend's daughter for my wedding,” George laughed. “Lovely girl, but exceptionally clingy and loud.”
“I’ve been ‘set up’ with her for most family events,” Fred groaned, “would you go?”
“Sure your family is lovely.” you shrugged. George laughed, “now I’m going home now, George just send me the details.”
You winked at the boys and walked out of the store.
“Freddy you’re drooling,” George let out another laugh.
“Maybe we shouldn’t have made the skirt an option.” Fred grumbled to his brother.
“Well look at the bright side, you have a date with one of the prettiest witches you know.”
Fred shoved his brother diving into paper work to distract his thoughts of you.
But you made sure to make that difficult for him wearing that skirt every day you could, it was hard not to notice his stare that traced every curve of your body when he thought you weren’t looking.
The wedding was tomorrow meaning the shop would be closed for the rest of the weekend. George being busy ment you and Fred were stuck at the shop alone. You sat on the counter cross legged as you and Fred looked at the store layout next to you, you two were preparing for the back to school rush that was sure to happen.
“Well if the Pygmy puff sells a lot with the female crowd, what if we put a love potion display across from it. You know just a little push.” you leaned closer to the paper then looked to Fred.
“That is a wicked idea.” he looked up at you, “where have you been! Georgie and i always wonder where to put the love potions this time of the year.”
“You boys just needed a womens’ touch.” you giggled catching a red painted lip between your teeth.
Fred looked up at you, you were only inches away from each other, he audibly swallowed eyes moving from your lips to eyes. “Yeah I think we found it.” he got close, you could feel his breath on you before muttering a “to hell with it.”
Just then he kissed you. It was a soft gentle kiss so you would have the s[ace to move away, but you didn’t want to. Bringing your arms up to his neck pulling him closer. He tasted like sweet coffee.
Eventually you needed air. The separation seemed  to bring the two of you back to reality. You giggled at him, his eyes were half lidded, lips smeared with the vivid red you had on your own. You took your thumb whipping it across his lips, showing him the red. “I got some of my lipstick on you.”
He laughed, “it wouldn't be the first time.”
“Uh yes,” You smiled at him getting off the counter. “I should get going, I'll see you tomorrow Fred.”
You walked out realizing that tomorrow would be a very interesting day.
* * *
You paced in your apartment in muggle London. You were dressed in a pale green sundress, you looked in the mirror adjusting it, the dress fell just above your knees but the neckline was rather daring considering your chest size was generous. You had given your hair a light curl making sure it covered your back to hide your battle scars. With some shimmery eye makeup and that same red lipstick you wore when you wanted to feel confident you were ready for George’s wedding. That you were going to, with Fred. Your boss, who you kissed last night.
“Merlin,” you muttered, going for a shot of firewhiskey to calm your nerves. There was a rhythmic knock at your door.
Fred was at your doorstep ready to escort you to the Burrow for the wedding, you agreed to go early so his mother believed he had a date. Plus he was the best man he needed to be there early.  
“You look rather dashing,” you gave him a once over he was wearing a button down, rolled up to his elbow and a black vest and bowtie.
“And you look exceptionally pretty today,” he smiled at you. Holding a hand out for you. You didn't hesitate to grab it, he pulled you close. He took his wand out then there was a familiar nauseous pull in your stomach.
You and Fred  landed outside of the tallest most spectacular building you’ve ever seen. “It’s not much but it's home.” he smirked at the look of awe on your face.
Not letting go of your hand he guided you inside.
A plump redhead woman with grey streaks in her hair excitedly walked towards you. “You must be Freddies date.” she pulled you in for a hug.
“yes , Ma’am, Y/N Y/L/N.” you went a bit rigged at the sudden hug.
“Oh, none of that. Call me Molly,” she let you go eyes searching every inch of you. “You’re a pretty thing aren’t you. I almost thought Georgie was lying when he said Fred had a plus one.”
She laughed, you stifled a giggle as Fred whined at his mother. The woman turned to fuss over him, it was funny he was a giant compared to her, yet he still managed to look like a disgruntled five year old as his mother fixed his tie.
The ceremony was short and sweet, something you were thankful for, it took all of thirty minutes for the bride and groom to say ‘I do.’ the thing you weren't expecting was to sit at the family table. They served appetizers as guests mingled. You looked in awe as all the weasleys talked and laughed together all around you.
“They are really something else, aren’t they,” Harry potter sat next to you looking amused. “I had that same look on my face the first time I came here, about ten years ago.”
“They're all so close,” you smiled fondly. “Im Y/N Y/L/N, by the way. It's nice to officially meet you.” He smiled, shaking your hand.
Soon Fred was called to give as Speech as dinner was being served, “Hello, I am Fred Weasley the handsomer of the Weasley twins. But we aren't here to discuss that were here to congratulate Angelina and George. So George has known Angelina since first year and was completely in love with her by fourth year, not that he'd admit it. So i tried to push him during our school days, i even asked her on a date at some point, which caused a row but he was to dence to say anything.” Fred took a deep breath, “it only took ‘round twelve years but were here now, and that's what matters.”
People clapped, Fred held up a hand, “by the way we switched suits before the wedding, Angelina you are now legally Mrs. Fred Weasley.”
“He’s missing an ear you dumbass,” Angelina laughed, the crowd of people joining her.
You were amused when you had talked to your own family; they were rather cold, always talking about how the marriage will bring a long line of great purebloods to come. This was about family though. It was rather charming.
The rest of the wedding went on with warmth and adoration soon everyone was joining the newlyweds on the makeshift dance floor. Fred held a hand out for you, taking a large gulp of wine, you gladly took it to join the rest.
“So, are you enjoying yourself?” Fred playfully spun you around before pulling you back to him to resume swaying dramatically.
“yeah , everyone is lovely,” you smiled up at him. You couldn't help but laugh at his exaggerated movements.
The two of you playfully danced to a song you had never heard before, Fred continued hid goofy slow dancing. Eventually he dipped you causing another fit of laughter. When the song ended he led you to a table. “I’ll go get you another drink.” he winked and walked towards were they served the drinks.
Ginny Weasley sat at the table, her heels in front of her on the table as she looked you up and down. “So, a girl can finally keep up with Freddie,” she smirked as your face heated up.
“Were just friends,” you protested.
“Sure, sure.” She shook her head as Harry came and sat next to her.
“Gin, stop teasing,” he rubbed her shoulders affectionately.
“You can’t tell me what to do harry,” she gave him a playful look. “Plus he deserves it. Do you know how many years he gave me grief about you.”
Fred returned with two glasses of wine. “Hope they aren’t giving you a hard time.”
“I told you no need to worry,” you rolled your eyes. “Seriously, your family is absolutely lovely.”
The rest of the night went by with a few more glasses of wine, and more silly dances. By the end of the night you were a bit more than tipsy.
“We have extra room here, Freddie,” Molly smiled at her son as he talked about flueing you home.
“Mum, we’re going to go,” Fred groaned at her. “Comon, we’ll flu to my flat then get you home.”
Fred led you to the fireplace.
You got to his flat above the Joke shop, he didn’t want you apperateing drunk.
“You can take the bed, I think I have some sweats or something you could borrow.” he scratched his head walking over to the dresser.
“It’s fine Fred I can take the couch,” he handed you a pair of sweats and a plain shirt. You put the sweats on, they hugged your hips a bit because Merlin, this man is skinny. You struggled reaching for the zipper. “Can you help with the dress?”
You heard his footsteps get closer to you. He gently pushed your hair over your shoulder, slowly trailing the zipper down. His eyes followed the skin that was exposed. You could feel them on the large gash scar across your back.
“I got it during the battle,” his hand traced it. “That was the day I was officially deemed a blood traitor.”
You turned to look at him,  his eyes met yours, hands finding his way to your hips, turning you to face him. “I have my fair share of scars from it too, want to see?”
He licked his lips, eyes shining as you nodded at him. That's when he broke pulling you in for a searing kiss.
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Preference: You Buy a New Dress
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As a new event the Headmaster, and also Lockhart, had decided to hold a one-time Valentine's dance in the school. It was only with the students of Hogwarts and each house was going to get some sort of special treatment that would fit each of the house's standards. First, the special treatment will happen in the house's common rooms and then a little while after dinner the dance will begin. Thankfully you don't have to participate in the event as you are a teacher at the school. You only had to supervise the dance. Unfortunately for you, you had never packed any kind of formal clothing, so you had to head out to London on the weekend before and go buy something fitting. The Headmaster lets you use his flow powder to travel to the city.
Since you only needed some nice clothes you didn't even bother going into a magic store as it was just clothing you needed on this trip. Soon enough after walking through the streets of the busy city, you saw a building that had some very nice dresses and suits in the windows so you walked in hoping to find something fitting for the event. As I moved through the isles I saw a bunch of red and pink dresses that would fit the dance. I couldn't pick something too sexy as it is an event meant for students so I went with one that was formal enough and still screamed valentine's day.
After I grabbed the dress I found some pink flats that would fit really well with the dress. Soon I paid for my things and decided to go to a cafe in digon alley to get a nice latte before heading back to the ministry to flow powder back to Hogwarts.
It was the night of the dance and I had just finished my last class early. I put away my papers and cleaned the classroom before heading back to my quarters and started to get ready. I quickly had a shower before dinner and put my hair up in a braid so then my hair will be wavy for the dance. After that, I headed back down to the great hall and quietly ate dinner as the students chatted and seem genuinely happy for what the night might bring them. I was happy too because all the other teaches had chilled out a bit and were having really nice conversations with each other. Truly though I only felt that way towards Severus. He seemed a lot more at ease and wasn't staring at the students in a grumpy and bitter state. I did have a bit of an attraction to him as he is the perfect example of dark and mysterious, so you can't blame me. I also kind of hoped that he would notice during the dance so my dress will hopefully make that happen tonight.
After Dumbledore made his announcement and let everyone leave to get ready for the dance I went back to my quarters and got ready. I throw on my dress and started doing my makeup. I went with just a nice slight pink eyebrow and blush along with a light red lip gloss. As soon as I was done with that I took my hair out of the braid and curled the last bit of it with my hair curler. I decided to pull out a small amount of my hair from behind the hair that I could make into bangs and tied it back leaving those pieces of hair hanging beside my face. I looked a bit like a young teenager trying to be cute, but it did compliant my cheekbones and jawline making it look a bit sexier. I felt content with my looks and started making my way to the great hall that was now decorated with pink and red decor.
I walked through the doors looking around at the place and admiring it. All the teachers were already there and about a quarter of the students as well. I walked up to the group of chatting professors and greeted them kindly. Within like 30 seconds they all had complimented me on my dress and I thanked them greatly. I knew they would as it was their job, yet some of them seemed shocked by my looks for tonight. It was a little informal, but still, I was one of the youngest professors here so it did make sense that I wanted something more fitting for the era we were in. I stayed around them listening and joining in their conversation at times until Lockhart started talking in the centre of the hall surrounded by students. Surprisingly enough the speech Lockhart had planned wasn't too bad and I wasn't annoyed by him at the moment. That was until he started walking over with his eyes locked on me. I quickly started to walk around some of the students to lose him, but after a minute he caught up to me and started talking his normal crap.
"May I say, Miss, you do look very nice tonight." He smiled while placing his hands into his pockets.
"Thank you, Lockhart." I tried to look like I was preoccupied, but it didn't seem to work. Thankfully the only thing that he went on about was how happy he was with the decorations and the vibe of the event he planned. I tried not to pay any attention to what he was saying and nodded every now and then until I spotted Severus who had just walked into the hall. I smiled lightly and said my goodbye to Lockhart before I started walking over to him. He did seem like he wasn't happy to be there, but I knew talking to someone might make him feel better. I made my way through the students and finally saw a clear path towards him right before Dumbledore placed a hand on my shoulder and started talking to me and ended up walking me over to the food and drink tables. I sighed to myself glancing back at him when Albus wasn't looking.
I did enjoy talking to the Headmaster though so it wasn't as boring or tedious as talking to Lockhart, so I did seem to lose track of time and found out that the teachers had planned for us all to go to the shrunken heads to get some drinks afterwards. I thanked him for the invite and glanced around to see if I could find Severus. I did find him pretty easily as many people weren't wearing much black. I noticed right away that he was already looking at me before I saw him. He seemed like he was very locked onto me so I smiled at him and waved lightly breaking him out of the trance he seemed to be in while watching me. I finished my conversation with Dumbledore and headed over to him not letting anyone stop me this time. I ended up making it over to him and started to have a nice conversation with him that wasn't about being angry at students or work. During the time we were talking to seemed a bit distracted or rather that he was trying to not look at me too much. I smirked slightly when I noticed this and decided to ask him to the next slow dance. He blushed a bit in the weird way that he does and soon he placed his hand in mine and slowly walked us over the dance floor.
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antonindoloxv · 4 years
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( @worldly-diversity​ wrote: "In the end, it hurts all the same.” || Barty )
It’s a long past time you let him go, Barty.” It had been many years since the dark lord fell and by now they had all integrated themselves pretty well. They were able to wander even in digon alley at certain times, either when nobody was around or when the street was the busiest without people paying them much attention. In knock turn alley nobody cared about anything but this day there was something that was desperately needed on the busy street.
What he hadn’t counted on was the fact that one Barty Crouch senior was out and about as well and father and son had come face to face with one another for the first time in years. Only for the older to step away without a word or even the acknowledgment of his own child. It was more than time for Barty to let his father go, even let all that hatred he held for him go and just forget about him. That way, nothing the man did or didn’t do, would hurt him anymore.
“It won’t hurt if you are not attached.” Antonin wasn’t exactly the best with emotions, but he was there and he tried. He wasn’t exactly a fan of having his things broken or his partners upset over something that could be so easily avoided. That didn’t mean that Antonin didn’t feel like pulling his youngest lover’s father into a back alley and break his neck for upsetting Barty like that. because he very much wanted to, but the arm he had placed around his lower back and anchored at his hip grounded him just enough not to pull stupid stunts like that.
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happy-littleblog · 5 years
Hi! I was wondering if it would be alright to ask for a Fred x reader where the reader is from Australia? She's also shy, stubborn and a little sarcastic. It's all good if you can't but I love you work! Thanks.❤️
Hi hun, it’s not exactly what you wanted but I wanted to get this done quick so I could spend the day with my family so I hope you enjoy.
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⚠️spelling mistakes, not edited, crappy writing⚠️
🛑request are open🛑
After years of schooling Y/n made the decision to move from her cozy village in Australia to Digon Alley in England to open a little flower shop.
Y/n was happy in her little shop surrounded by her followers and plants, herbology was her favorite class at school.
Like always it was quite and she spent her time watering her plants when two red headed twins came in talking about their mums birthday and what type of flowers she would like.
She put down her watering can and went behind the counter to greet them.
“Hi can I help you with anything?” She asked sweetly.
“We’re just looking for something for our mum.” The twin with only one ear said before turning back to the flower display.
Y/n nodded and went back to watering to flowers assuming the boys would take a little bit to find the perfect ones.
“Is your shop new? I don’t think I’ve seen it before.” A voice said making her jump in shock also spilling her water.
Y/n turned around to see one of the twins standing behind her with a smirk on his face.
“No, I’ve been here for about two years now.” She said fixing her hair nervously.
She couldn’t take her eyes away from him, she would be lying is she said she didn’t think he was handsome.
“Really? I think I would have noticed a pretty girl like you.” He said leaning against one of the displays.
She laughed a little bit feeling her face turn as red as his hair.
“No one really noticed me.” She said going back to her plants.
“Well I noticed you, I’m Fred Weasley.” He said holding out his hand for her to shack.
She shook his ha d and smiled sweetly” Y/n, nice to meet you Fred. So what’s the brings you to my shop.”
“It’s our mums birthday and George though we should send get her some flowers.”
“You aren’t helping him?”
“No, as much as I love my mum I would much rather be doing anything else.”
Y/n nodded along and put down her watering can and started to walk back to the front counter.
“You’re accent is nice, where are you from?” He asked leaning against the counter.
“Really I’ve never been their before. Maybe you could show me sometime.” He winked at her making her blush harder.
“You’re cute when he blush.”
“Thank you.” She said shyly fixing her hair out of nervousness.
“You like to fix your hair a lot don’t ya.” He laughed fixing his own.
“It’s a nervous habit, a long with a few other things.”
“I make you nervous?” He smirked
“Kind of, not many guys flirt with me. Every man that comes in her is looking for flowers you that partners so I don’t really mate guys that are interested in me.” She said looking at her feet.
“Well I’m interested in you.”
“Cause you seem interesting, not everyday you meet an Australian florist who doesn’t punch you when you call them cute.” She giggled and went to fix h hair again.
“How about I take you on a date sometime?” He asked hopefully. Y/n nodded and smiled.
“I would like that. It would be nice to get away from the shop for a little while.”
“Great how about, Saturday. I’m an amazing cook.”
“Don’t believe a word that come out of his mouth, he can’t cook.” His brother said placing the bouquet on the counter.
“If anything I’ll cook it and he’ll pass it off as his own.” George added causing his brother to punch him in the arm.
“Beside the fact that George is gonna cook dinner, what do you say?”
“I would love to.” After she rang them up and they left Y/n let out a squeal and smiled.
“Oh my I have a date!”
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kbrown78 · 6 years
Top 5 Wednesday
Topic: Fictional Places You'd Take a Date On
Man, I really do struggle with romance topics. Part of this is probably due to my lack of experience with dates, but aside from the usual coffee or movie dates, I personally tend to gravitate toward bookstores, which isn't everyone idea of a good date spot. I do really like this topic, but I had a hard time thinking of places that I would want to go to with someone where we could both potentially have a good time. That being said I was able to find settings that I feel sure I would enjoy, would still make good date ideas, but would also be good places to have casual dates with a group of friends.
The Night Circus from The Night Circus: Anyone who has read this book should have this location on this list. It has just about everything you should possibly want for a date. It's absolutely atmospheric, suddenly appearing at night then gone without a trace. The wonder only continues in the tents, with each tent containing displays or activities that can be light hearted or serious but always beautiful. It's actually kind of hard to describe how wonderful the Night Circus is but if it did exist it would be one of those things that everyone should visit at least once in their life time. It even has it's own fan club in the story, which speaks to how amazing it is. If you want magic and mystery, or a place to share a tender moment with a loved one, this would be the place to go.    
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2. Diagon Alley from Harry Potter: I almost considered putting Hogsmeade on this list, which I'm sure will pop up on a few other people's list, but when I remembered Diagon Alley, I felt that it would be a much better spot for a date the Hogsmeade. Granted Hogsmeade is right by Hogwarts, which is enough of a reason to have a date their, but I just prefer Digon Alley. There's a lot of nostalgia attached to it, since it was Harry's first step in the wizarding world, and where all students went to purchase their beginning supplies, usually a meeting place for Harry and his friends, and where Fred and George opened their joke shop. Nostalgia aside, how great would to be to spend some time just looking through various wizard shops, and there honestly seems to be something for everyone in this area.
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3. The Candy Kingdom from Beneath the Sugar Sky: I admit, this place is on this list just for the candy. While reading this I could feel myself getting sick from all the sugar and sweets. The descriptions of this location were really good, it's like candy land had come to life. In fact that could be a fun date idea, a live action candy land quest. At the same time it feels appropriate, with all the chocolate's and candies exchanged on Valentines Day. Granted the nonsensical logic might lead to a headache, but it's worth it for this unique experience.  
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4. Raverra from the Swords and Fire series: What I like about this place is that it's supposed to be inspired by the Venetian Republic, so I'm sure it's a very beautiful city. And what better way to see the sites than by going on a gondola ride. Seems pretty romantic. There may be a small part of me that put this location on this list just because I want to take every chance I can to gush about this series, but for a fantasy series, I would say it's one of the few fantasy settings that is relatively safe.  
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5. Port Coriol from the Wayfarers series: Can I just put down Becky Chamber's entire universe? While there are many cool spots in Chamber's universe, Port Coriol is probably the most inclusive. On the edge of society, it's a place that everyone can stop at with relative safety, so beings from all species and walks of life reside here. It's a nice place it visit or take a pit stop, like the Wayfarer crew does in The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet, but is also a good place to live and open your own shop, like the protagonists do in A Closed and Common Orbit. It just feels like the perfect place to have a nice day and is my favorite location of the whole series, but it's out in space, so I would first need to get over my fear of flying.
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Thank You Everyone
Keep Calm and Keep Reading
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Can I get a George x female threader where the boys have their shop and she has a cute innocent little cafe with books and innocent potions
this made me giggle, imagine this takes place somewhere between the end of order of the phoenix and before fred dies in deathly hallows, this is that weird time where tensions were high and war was on edge.
reader insert: “cafe and bad jokes”
George Weasley x Hufflepuff!reader:
101 Diagon Alley aha here it is. You thought to yourself.
You smiled to yourself. What you worked so hard for, granite it wasn’t the best time to try and start up a business but when shops became available in the alley you jump on that.
Apothecafe was the name of your little spot, sort of like a pick-me-up while you’re in Digon Alley, it was a play on the word Apothecary. The shop was a book exchange, cafe, and little potions shop. That’s what you excelled the most in at Hogwarts potions and Herbology, those to make healing brews.
  “I’ll be there in a sec-” 
The over doorbell dinged. You looked up from tying your apron and smiled. 
   “So this is what you did after school?” asked a familiar voice. 
   “Yeah, I guess we all have our callings, nice to see you too Weasley.” 
   “Just Weasley? You wound me you swear I wasn’t the best potions partner,” he started. 
   “George you weren’t I literally saved your butt so many times.” you stared.
George shrugged and began looking around. 
    “And for the record, you have no room to talk  I recognized your sign anywhere.” you countered. 
He threw his hands up in mock surrender and bowed biding you a good day and perhaps he’ll troll back around in due time. He was such a nerd. But you smiled to yourself, you were hoping he came back around. 
George shoved his hands into his pockets and made his wave over to the shop. Fred was just getting ready to open up when George waltzed in. Smile evident on his on his features. Fred sat down on the ladder he was using and cast his gaze on George. 
   “Oi! Georgie boy grab a box. Whip that stupid smile off your face. You’ll scare away our consumers.” 
George grabbed a box but the smile was still there on his face. (Y/n), he wasn’t expecting to see you this soon after departing from Hogwarts. Had you always looked like that? Probably it was just hard to call while wearing identical uniforms the only distinguishing factor being your house colors. Though he could tell within your shop decor and subtleties what house you were apart of. Hufflepuff. 
   “George ready?” Fred called. 
   “Uh yeah.” he replied breaking his trance, “Hey remember (y/n) from Hufflepuff house? Yeah, she owns a shop not too far down from here it’s called Apothecafe. It’s a pun on Apothecary.” George explained. 
   “Yeah, I figured.” Fred replied unamused. 
George willed himself to work with the promise to go and see you before he went home for the night. He felt himself smile and his stomach get nervous in a good way. 
He was true to his own promise and once the shop was closed her waltzed over to your shop. Through the window, he saw you smiling and working with a customer his stomach gave a leap. He beamed and pushed through your door. The bell chimed again and you looked up. You smiled and waved the other customer away. 
    “Hello, George, to what do I owe a double visit?” you asked from your sport at the counter. 
He took note to the smudge of ink on your cheek. It was blue and s stark contrast on your otherwise fair and even skin. 
   “You got something on your, here let me.” George smiled reaching over and whipping the ink away. 
When his hand touched your cheek you felt a little prick, you stopped breathing for a minuet. And George took note of that too. He noticed the proximity of you guys. 
    “Hey, would you like to go out sometime?” he asked, “Like catch up?” 
    “Yes.” you replied. 
this turned out longer than i originally planned and didn’t even go in the direction i wanted.. uh sorry? 
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dmbower95 · 6 years
Chapter 1: Eesten in Flames
“I just ran right between his legs and was gone before he even knew what happened. The look on his face when he realized I was going to get away was priceless,” Netta said, slapping her knee and laughing deeply.
“So not only did you steal an entire tray of pastries, but you also embarrassed the captain of the guard and got away with it,” Gnyx summarized. “That’s pretty impressive.”
“Gnyx, you are a cleric of Digon. You are supposed to be a shining beacon and lead by example,” the paladin said, exasperated.
The gnome and the halfling shared a look before laughing.
Origen stormed off and hurried up to Eldingar. “How much longer until we get to Eesten?”
“Not long. Probably a few hours. We’ll get there a little after sunset,” the dragonborn explained.
“That’s fine. Then you’ll get paid and I never have to see that woman again.”
“She’s not so bad once you get used to her. Plus, she is great to have in a fight. I have seen her melt a man’s face off from over twenty yards away,” Eldingar said.
Origen sighed and rubbed his neck awkwardly. “I’m sorry. She is very frustrating though. I think she is doing it on purpose.” Eldingar looked at the paladin like he was surprised he was just figuring it out now. “…Right.”
 Eldingar was right about the time of their arrival. However, as they crested the final hill and the town came into view, they were greeted by a terrible sight. Buildings were burning, painting the night sky with oranges and reds. “…Digon protects us,” Gnyx whispered, horror spreading across her face.
“We have to help them!” Netta said taking a step forward.
Just then an ear-splitting roar echoed through the valley as a giant blue dragon descended on the town from the inky black sky. Lightning crackled as a beam of pure energy shot out and cut a deep trench in the road.
“A relative of yours?” the halfling said, looking over her shoulder at her companion.
“I don’t think so,” Eldingar deadpanned.
Origen spun to face the warriors beside him. “I know we only hired you to take us here, but there are people who need our help. I can’t promise you anything, but still, I ask. Will you stand with us?”
Eldingar hefted his battleax onto his shoulder and settled his shield securely on his arm. “Wouldn’t miss it.”
Netta held up her hands, fire sparking to life between them. “Just because we aren’t paladins doesn’t mean we are going to turn our backs on people who need us.”
Gnyx smiled and patted Sterling on the head. “Couldn’t have said it better.”
“Well then, we better get going.” Origen pulled his longswords out and started making his way down the hill. The others falling in step behind him.
The closer the party got to Eesten the more screaming they could hear. They also could hear orders being shouted and the pounding of boots carrying them out.
“Gather everything!”
“Leave no stone unturned!”
As the party reached the edge of the town, the sound of fighting spilled out from an alleyway. A broad-shouldered man limping heavily and bleeding from his side, came running out. Being dragged behind him were two young children.
The man led the children across the street, his eyes wide with fear and terror. When he got to the other side, he looked back over his shoulder. “Christine!”
At the mouth of the alley, a dark-haired woman bravely stood her ground, naked sword in hand. Her night clothes were covered in blood and as she stared down the approaching robed figures, it was hard to tell whose blood it was.
Springing into action the party raced forward to intercept the figures. Gnyx stopped by the woman for a moment. “Get back, we’ll handle this!”
The first of the charging enemies threw himself at Eldingar, his sword held high. Murder and death in his eyes. “For the Queen!”
The sound of metal on metal screeched as the dragonborn brought up his shield to deflect the blow. Before the man could recover, the fighter took his battleax and buried it deep in the man’s side. The man howled out in pain, but before he could retaliate, soft golden flames erupted from his body. Looking back Eldingar threw a thank you back at the gnome. Gnyx smiled back as her eyes faded back to their normal green.
Origen was locked in a pitched battle with two of the robed figures, his two swords flashing out in quick deft movements. Both blades were coated in blood, but when another cultist joined the fight, he was forced back a step.
“Watch out paladin!”
Without thinking, Origen ducked as a burst of fire shot over his head and began eating away at one of his attackers. Netta cackled as she turned to the other enemies. “You’re next!”
Eldingar buried his battleax in the back of one of them and turned to smile at the last one standing. The bandit took a moment to take in the warriors in front of him, before turning and running away. He only got a few steps before the heavy body of Sterling slammed into him, forcing him to the ground. The man cried out and tried to get away, but he was no match for the young dragon.
Sterling jumped off the man when she was sure he was dead, prancing over to her mother. “Good girl,” Gnyx cooed. She pulled out a rag and quickly wiped the blood from the gleaming silver scales.
Origen picked himself up off the ground and stomped over to Netta. “You could have killed me! Are you crazy?”
“I told you to duck, didn’t I?” Netta said, rolling her eyes.
“Guys, I think we have more pressing matters,” Eldingar said, crossing his arms and motioning toward Christine. The woman was making her way to them.
“Thank you! I thought I was done for.”
Gnyx smiled. “Not while I’m around. Are you hurt?”
“No, but my husband, Corrin, he was attacked. Please, you have to help him.” Christine ushered the party across the street and behind a tall building. The broad-shouldered man was sitting in the grass, wheezing and clutching his side. The woman dropped to her knees and brushed his hair from his face. “You stupid fool. I told you to get back.”
Corrin grinned weakly. “I couldn’t let you have all the glory.”
“Let me help,” the gnome said. She began pulling bandages from her pack. As she moved forward, Sterling moved as well, drawing the attention of the children. Both gasped and ducked behind their father.
Sterling let out a sad trill and lowered her head. Gnyx shook her head. “Don’t worry. She won’t hurt you. She is a good dragon. She is going to help protect your home.”
The older of the two children, a young girl, searched the cleric’s face. She must have found what she was looking for because she took a hesitant step forward. She slowly brought up her hand and placed it on Sterling’s head. The dragon bumped against her and licked her fingers. The little girl laughed and called out to her brother. “Gavin, she’s so cold.” Gavin, emboldened by his sister’s bravery, also reached out to touch the dragon.
“You should be more afraid of Netta,” Eldingar joked.
Netta glared at her friend and slapped his heavily armored leg. She winced in pain and shook her hand. “Shut up, Eldingar.”
Origen rolled his eyes and turned to face Christine. “We are from the Dragonwing Sanctuary. We were sent to investigate rumors of a group calling themselves the Dark Dragon Cult. Can you tell us what happened here?”
“I don’t know much. We were getting ready for bed when they showed up. At first, we thought a fire had started, but then the dragon attacked. We were on our way to the keep when we were attacked. Corrin jumped in front and they cut him down. We’ve been running since. If you hadn’t intervened…” Christine trailed off, tears welling up in her eyes.
“We are here now. We will escort you to the keep. Is that where Lord Glin will be?”
“He should be. Someone sounded the horns calling us inside. He would the one to give that order.”
Eldingar stuck his head out of the alley and cursed under his breath. “We need to move. There are more those robed men coming.”
Gnyx helped Corrin to his feet, his color already looking better. Christine gathered her children and lent her shoulder to her husband. “Lead the way.”
Origen and Eldingar took the lead with Gnyx and Netta behind them. “Keep your heads down and stay as quiet as possible.”
They made slow progress through Eesten, following Christine’s directions and trying to stay out of view of the bandits running around. It was readily obvious that they were severally outnumbered. Dozens of the robed cultists littered the streets, but they weren’t alone. Small scaled kobolds and doglike lizards followed them around.
While they were moving between buildings, the sound of crying caught Netta’s attention. “Wait! I hear something.”
“What is it?” Origen said, his pointed ears perking up slightly.
“Someone is crying.” Netta closed her eyes, focusing on blocking out the sound of fighting. “This way!” She took off without waiting, Eldingar right on her heels.
Origen threw up his hands and motioned for Gnyx to go. He turned to look at Christine. “Stay here. We’ll be right back. Scream if you need us.”
The sound of crying was coming from a building that was partially on fire. The front door was wide open, barely hanging onto its hinges. Netta poked her head inside. “Hello?”
The crying was immediately cut off an eerie silence descended inside. Netta took another step inside, fully ignoring Origen’s frantic head shaking. “We aren’t here to hurt you. We’re here to help you. We’re going to the keep, to see Lord Glin. You’ll be safe with us.”
Slowly an elderly man stepped forward a long branch tight in his hand. “Who are you?”
Origen pushed forward, his bright armor flashing in the dim firelight. “We are followers of Digon. We’ve already rescued some of your friends, but we are not safe here. We have to keep moving.”
The old man studied the paladin’s face before nodding. “Okay.” He turned and motioned behind him. Several figures stepped forward, eight in total. There was a young mother, clutching her baby to her chest.
“We need to move quickly. Before anyone notices us.”
“Too late,” Gnyx said readying her mace. Sterling let out a low growl and dropped down into a crouch.
Kobolds came bounding into the space in front of the building, cackling, and yipping. “They have shines! Get the shines!” One of the large drakes stepped out of the shadows behind them.
Eldingar turned and in one fluid motion threw one of his hand axes, sending one of the kobolds falling end over end in the grass before it laid still. Another burst into flames as Netta joined the fight.
“Get the ones at the back, girl!” Gnyx ordered before racing toward the closest of the kobolds.
Origen pulled out his blades and rushed the drake. His first blade scattered harmlessly across the creatures scaled hide, but his second sword sunk deep into its shoulder. The drake hissed out in pain before striking forward and snapping down on the paladin’s arm.
With a grunt of pain, Origen ripped his arm free and brought the sword down once more. This one also found purchase on the beast’s side, but it stayed standing. It turned to follow the half-elf’s movements, turning it’s back to the combat around it.
It turned out to the beast’s downfall. With a loud scream, Gnyx came seemingly out of nowhere and smashed her mace down on the back of the drake’s head. It crumpled to the ground and didn’t get back up.
She smiled at her friend, but when she saw the blood running down his arm she panicked. “How bad is it?” Her hands started to glow slightly, but Origen pulled away from her.
“I’m fine. You need to preserve your energy, there may be others who need it more.” He closed his eyes for a second, his hands flashing brightly for a moment. “Besides, I can help myself a little bit.”
“Come on! We need to move!” Eldingar shouted, cutting the last kobold clean in two.
They raced back to Christine with the new group following behind them. After a brief greeting, they started on their way once more.
 By the time they reached the bottom of the hill the keep sat on, their group of villagers had grown to over twenty. They were close to the keep, but everyone was starting to feel the drain. They had fought off several patrols, but the enemies seemed endless.
The keep loomed above them, but as they peeked out from behind the last set of buildings, they all sighed. They would have to cross open space and standing at the bottom of the hill was a small group of robed bandits. They were arguing and trying to pull a large chest behind them. Each of them also had a large sack filled to the brim with valuables.
Origen sighed and rolled his shoulders, his arm was still throbbing, but he pushed the pain aside. “Ideas?”
Gnyx looked at the ragtag group and knew they were pushing to the ends of their strength. They needed an edge. Something to make this fight easy. That’s when a crazy idea jumped into her head. “I’ve got it. I can distract them and then we can get the jump on them. They won’t know what hit them.”
When no one spoke up, Origen nodded. “Okay. Get into place. Leave one of them alive though. We need some answers.”
Once they were in position, Gnyx muttered some arcane words under breath and pointed at the group of cultists. The sound of falling coins echoed in the night. They all turned, fear clear in their eyes. “Don’t drop any! Hulan Doth will kill us!”
While they were distracted by looking for the coins the party descended on them. It was over before it began. Eldingar pulled out some rope and tied up the lone survivor before throwing him over his shoulder. “I got him.”
The villagers joined them and together they pushed up the hill. When they got to the top, their stomachs dropped. Dozens of robed figures, kobolds, and drakes stood between them and the keep.
They all turned at the sound of the approaching group. Horrid grins spreading across their faces. “Get them!”
Before the two groups could clash volleys of arrows came shooting over the wall. Most of the gathered force dying instantly. Those that survived the initial attack were caught off guard as a large force came pouring out from the keep. Armed men and women launched themselves at the invading force.
One of the guards broke off and made their way to Origen. “Follow me!”
The guards fell in step behind the group, creating a wall of force, stopping any that tried to follow. Another volley of arrows rained down on the enemies sending them scattering. Once everyone was inside, the large wooden doors were shut once more.
A tall man came running up to them. “Who are you? What are you doing here?”
“You’re welcome for saving your people,” Netta said, staring the man down.
“I apologize. Thank you, but who are you?”
Origen glared at Netta before answering. “My name is Origen Greycastle. We were sent to investigate. Are you Lord Glin?”
“Yes. I wasn’t expecting you for a few more weeks. Thank Digon for your speed. I hate to ask you to do more, but as you can see, we are in desperate need.”
“Of course.”
“For money of course,” Eldingar cut in. When the two holy warriors looked at him, he shrugged. “What? I still have to eat.”
When Lord Glin saw the unconscious cultist, he jumped. “You caught one. I’ve been trying to get one all night, but they are wily, and we have been pinned down in the keep for most of the invasion. Come with me, I know where we can keep him.”
As the party followed behind the Lord, a young man came rushing up to them. He handed each of them a small vial filled with thick red liquid. “Take these. You’ll need them more than I will.”
“Thank you.”
When they entered the interior of the keep, a red-bearded dwarf came running up to them. “Lord Glin! The great hall has been converted to an infirmary. The healers are doing all they can.”
“Good job, Caspin. We need to get to the holding cells. The paladins from the Dragonwing Sanctuary are here. They have one of the cultists with them.”
Caspin nodded and pulled out a large ring of keys before racing toward a large metal door. The door swung open with a loud screech. “This way.” He grabbed a torch from the wall and made his way down the steep stone stairs.
The holding cells were empty, except for a small cot and a bucket in the corner of the room. Eldingar dropped the body to the ground, smiling when the man let out a pained wheeze. Origen took a step forward, but Netta held up her hand.
“Allow me.”
When Origen opened his mouth to argue, Eldingar put a hand on his shoulder. “Just watch.”
Lord Glin stepped out of the way and let the halfling into the cell. The cultist was just coming to consciousness. His eyes darting around the room, when they landed on Netta he laughed. “This is the best you got?”
Without warning, Netta grabbed the man’s arm and burned it. The man howled out pain and struggled to get away. He made it a few feet before his back it the wall and he realized he was truly trapped. “You’re crazy.”
“Let’s get something straight. I would rather just kill you in some horrific way, burn your face to ash, melt you into goo…maybe even take your balls and let you live.”
Origen took a step forward, but Eldingar stopped him. The dragonborn then cleared his throat, snapping Netta out of her tirade.
“But, lucky for you. You have some information we need. Now, I want you to tell me everything. Who you work for, what you are doing here, and why.”
“I’m not tellin’ you anything,” the man said, trying to stop his body from trembling.
Netta shook her head, her eyes burning. “Wrong answer.”
She took a few steps forward and held her hand up. Thick purple and green liquid burst forward and covered the cowering man. He screamed out in pain, struggling to get his robe off.
Origen pulled out of Eldingar’s grip and dropped by the man’s side. Together they got the robe off, with minimal damage to the man. “Netta, go sit down. I think you’ve done enough.”
Netta shrugged and stood over by the blue dragonborn, who reached down and gave her a high five.
“I’m sorry about her, we just met. I didn’t know she would hurt you. What is your name?” Origen asked.
“My name is Phil,” the man said. His voice thick with pain and tears.
“Phil, listen. I don’t want to hurt you, but she was right. You have information we need. Please, tell us what you know and then we’ll leave you alone. You’ll be safe here in this cell and you’ll never have to see the woman again.”
“How hot do you think fire has to be for there to be nothing left? Do you think I could get it that hot?”
Phil began to cry tears and snot pouring down his face. “I’ll tell you anything you want to know. Just keep her away from me. None of this was worth it. Please.”
“I promise,” Origen said. “Now tell me, who do you work for?”
“They call themselves the Cult of the Dark Dragon. They talk about some queen they want to find, but I never really cared. They offered us booze and gold to cause a little bit of mayhem. It was easy work, but then it got worse.”
“How so?”
“They wanted us to hit bigger and bigger targets. Cause more damage and kill more people. I didn’t want to, but if we tried to leave, we were killed. The blue dragon woman…she killed so many of them.”
“Dragon woman?”
“There were two of them a blue one, Drosa they called her, and a black one, Sitar. Sitar is in charge, but Drosa she carries out the orders with an iron fist. There is one more person in charge, Hulan Doth.”
“Are there here?”
“Drosa and Hulan are, but Sitar. She is back at the camp. It is a few miles south of here. Don’t tell them I told you this. They’ll kill me.”
Origen placed a calming hand on the young man’s shoulder. “I won’t. Can you describe the camp to me?”
“It’s in a basin of sorts. Tall walls of stone surround three sides of it. There are tents in the center and watchtowers that overlook everything. The generals, they stay at the back of the camp, by the cave.”
“What’s in the cave?”
The man closed his mouth, staring up at the half-elf with fear. “I’m scared.”
“Your generals aren’t here right now and I am. Now answer the paladin’s questions or I will come back in there and I will—”
Eldingar grabbed Netta and pulled her back a few feet.
Origen sighed. “I hate to say this, but she is right. I need to know.”
“Black dragon eggs…three of them.”
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cadaver0usly · 12 years
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