commsguymatt · 3 years
Loved working on this Online Pilgrimage project with Diocese of Llandaff, Church in Wales.
We used Google Earth to create an Easter Stations of the Cross visiting some of Wales' most beautiful churches along the way.
The Digital Pilgrimage project - Matt Batten https://www.premierdigital.info/?wix-vod-video-id=3dc0b4ffa5fc4cf88c9c666784e06558&wix-vod-comp-id=comp-knabd0q2
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xgenesisrei · 4 years
Transporting the church to the digital sphere in an instant opened up a Pandora’s box of questions, concerns, and fears. Can spiritual rituals really be executed digitally and still retain their sacramentality or feeling of the sacred? If so, which ones? Are not God’s people being reduced to consumers of spiritual goodies now competing with each other via social media? 
But here’s a fundamental issue that lies of the heart of much of these concerns: What is real in the virtual? Much of the perplexity surrounding this question is rooted in confusion of what the word ‘virtual’ means. Many people understand it in the sense of being not real (or almost real but still not quite). Seeing faces on a screen, no matter how fun, still falls short of the glorious capacity to actually put arms around someone or to breathe the same air in a closed room. Oftentimes, this comparison has to do with the digital not being an actual experience of being with one another... READ more. HIT the link.
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ecstadelicnet · 4 years
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"Self-simulated reality transpires as self-evident when a phenomenal mind, which is a web of patterns, conceives a novel pattern and [simultaneously] perceives it." - Alex M. Vikoulov, Theology of Digital Physics: Phenomenal Consciousness, The Cosmic Self & The Pantheistic Interpretation of Our Holographic Reality https://www.amazon.com/dp/B081DN7W1K #DigitalTheology #TheologyofDigitalPhysics #DigitalPhysics #SelfSimulation #phenomenology #consciousness #pantheism https://www.instagram.com/p/CGsXCQTAxcy/?igshid=bhogmt209tei
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commsguymatt · 3 years
🤳 What can Paul's letter to the Ephesians teach us about our social media presence?
📝 My latest blog for Premier Digital
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commsguymatt · 3 years
"There are people online who are hungry for spiritual nourishment."
Social media tips and techniques for churches based on a session I delivered to St Padarn's Institute.
➡️ https://youtu.be/spCwQvHPwd4
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commsguymatt · 4 years
Tim Hughes: How Covid-19 is changing the way we worship
"I think that there’s a real encouragement that needs to happen around: “Don’t just sit back and watch.” Y’know, you’re not watching Downton Abbey! This isn’t a chance just to consume. "
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commsguymatt · 4 years
"Digital culture flips a lot of our tradition conceptions of what it means to be the body of Christ "
Super interview with theologian Stephen Garner and Dr Matthew Tan.
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commsguymatt · 4 years
Church of England’s Instagram filter for Ash Wednesday caused a bit of a stir! I loved it... Here’s blog from Revd Dr Pete Phillips, from Premier Digital, talking about Ash Wednesday
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commsguymatt · 4 years
"24/7 discipleship online means that you can see how others are performing their faith, living out their faith, authenticating their faith by their prayers, actions, witness."
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commsguymatt · 4 years
I wrote this last year when churches reopened for private prayer after the first Covid-19 lockdown.
Still valid. Churches need to teach people how to pray. Many people don't know where to start.
"As churches begin their health and safety risk assessments, I hope they create a Spiritual Health Assessment and add “Help People Discover Christ Through Prayer” to the list of things to do before reopening. New and life-long Christians alike will benefit from understanding the basics of private prayer."
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commsguymatt · 4 years
Douglas Estes argues that online church is still church. “...it’s a reminder of how much bigger God’s vision is than our own human plans and human systems.”
I love this quote from Estes, “Different takes are not different faiths.”
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commsguymatt · 4 years
Social media managers share their predictions for 2021 | The Drum
✅ Useful for online church.
"Video will also be a key method of connecting with your audience – but this year ‘going live’ will be crucial."
⚠️ But it'll only be crucial if you make it an engaging and memorable event. If your content is weak people will go elsewhere.
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commsguymatt · 4 years
Digital Religion Reading List – Giulia Evolvi
Very useful reading list for those interested in Digital Religion. 👍
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ecstadelicnet · 5 years
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Theological implications of recent discoveries in the field of Digital Physics are synthesized in the new book Theology of Digital Physics by Alex M. Vikoulov https://www.ecstadelic.net/top-stories/phenomenal-consciousness-the-cosmic-self-and-the-pantheistic-interpretation-of-our-holographic-reality #DigitalPhysics #theology #DigitalTheology #UniversalMind #consciousness #phenomenonology #PhenomenalConsciousness #CosmicSelf #TranscendentSelf #SelfTranscendence #DigitalPantheism #pantheism #HolographicPrinciple #HolographicReality #SimulationHypothesis #OuroborosCode #SyntellectHypothesis https://www.instagram.com/p/B43ESzqpRZD/?igshid=gveb8djxf8pi
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ecstadelicnet · 5 years
What is information? See it on YouTube: https://youtu.be/a-j9NVlpFXw #information #consciousness #mind #intersubjectivity #InformationTheory #DigitalPhysics #DigitalPhilosophy #DigitalTheology #UniversalMind https://www.instagram.com/p/B39XDzqgd_-/?igshid=hxo5u3be86r0
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ecstadelicnet · 5 years
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What if our reality experience is the product of a code? Could such a code provide a subjective experience? What are the characteristics of such a code? A must read for scientific spiritualists and spiritual scientists, this masterpiece of digital theosophy delivers to you a host of complex concepts and abstract ideas as an enthralling conceptual journey into the heart of digital alchemy, this coveted bridge between advanced science and transcendental metaphysics! https://www.ecstadelic.net/e_news/the-ouroboros-code-realitys-digital-alchemy-self-simulation-bridging-science-and-spirituality-press-release #OuroborosCode #SelfSimulation #PrimaMateria #consciousness #HardProblem #ArtificialIntelligence #nanotechnology #transhumanism #TechnologicalSingularity #InformationTechnology #simulation #SubjectiveExperience #spirituality #metaphysics #eschatology #neotranscendentalism #DigitalPhysics #DigitalPhilosophy #DigitalTheology https://www.instagram.com/p/B3f3F1OHkLk/?igshid=16wzp7ooqejyr
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